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"Asertywno: Jak radzi sobie z krytyk"
"Kurs ten dedykuj kademu, kto chce poczu si lepiej w wiecie penym krytyki...Podczas tego kursu rozwiniesz swoje umiejtnoci radzenia sobie z sytuacjami, kiedy kto `Ciebie krytykuje, zarwno publicznie, jak i w cztery oczy. Nauczysz sireagowa na obraliwe uwagi, wymiewanie, niepochlebne komentarze pod Twoi adresem. Staniesz si spokojniejszy w sytuacji krytyki."
Price: 124.99

"Da zero a PrestaShop 1.7 - Diventa Store Manager"
"Come promesso per il mese precedente, il 50% dei ricavi stato donato alla fondazione movember, qui la ricevuta della donazione ( https://bit[dot]ly/2sG7fFg ), grazie a tutti gli studenti che hanno acquistato il corso a Novembre!L'unico corso completo online che ti permette di diventare store manager e di conoscere la piattaforma PrestaShop in tutti i suoi aspetti. Inoltre vedrai come lavorare e sviluppare il proprio sito sul proprio pc e come pubblicarlo online. Durante il corso ci saranno sempre spunti per suggerimenti e consigli. Dopo averlo seguito, PrestaShop non avr pi segreti per te!"
Price: 69.99

"Roman Yazmak steyenler in Ayrntl Bir Yol Haritas"
"Roman yazmak isteyenler! Romannzn atmosferi, diyaloglar ve karakterleri ile ilgili ayrntl bir yol haritas aryorsanz ite size hayallerinizi kitabevi raflarna tayacak harika bir rehber.Derslerde;Yazmaya balamadan nce cevaplamanz gereken sorulara,Romannz ile ilgili almanz gereken kararlara,Art yk, yan yk ve atmosfere,Eril-Diil diyaloglara,Gereki - gerek diyaloglara,Uygun diyaloglara,Kfr ve argo kullanmna,Diyaloglar iin etiket kullanmna gz atyoruz.Teslim-Yayn ve Pazarlama aamasnda nelere dikkat etmeniz gerektiine ve karlaacanz muhtemel konulara deiniyoruz.We will examine the following topics in this workshop;The topics you need to answer before you start writing your novel, Decisions you need to make for your novel (narrator, period, time, place, beginning, ending)Story (atmosphere, art story, side story, fiction)Dialogue (Realistic-Appropriate, Slang, Singing, Curse, Masculine Dialogue-Feminine Dialogue, Adding Motion to Dialogues, Dialogue Labels)Character (Protagonist-Antagonist, Main Characters-Side Characters, Clich Characters Freud, Erikson, Jung, Adler, Mitsel Male Hero, Modern Female Hero,What you need to do for Delivery-MarketingSome tricks I think you might useWith this workshop that will carry your dreams to the shelves of bookstores, you will learn the ways of depth layering."
Price: 199.99

"Complete WordPress mastery course beginner to pro"
"Description With Wordpress powering more than 25% of all websites in the world, there's never been a better time to build an income and a business around it. You will be learning wordpress web designing by making different kind of multiple websites from scratch, we will be using premium and free themes making simple blog, portfolio, and services websites and then we will be moving to the advance level where we will covering advance topics in e-commerce by making ecommerce websites and multi-vendor platforms. Then we will be moving to our next phase where i will be showing you how you can sell any kind of products on your website. In next phase we will be moving to get educate ourselves for the marketing and registering websites with Google, Facebook marketing, seo and much more... This is one of the best Word Press courses you will find on any online educational platform. I designed each lesson very well so that anyone can learn and get benefit from this course. You do not need to purchase or study about wordpress anywhere else because i am making this course the biggest course of udemy on wordpress. you will not only learn to design websites or customize a theme but you will also learn Marketing, SEO, E-commerce, selling your own product on your store or affiliate products or even you will learn how to dropship any product from Aliexpress and sell that on your website. You will learn woo-commerce from scratch. We are going to build a multi-vendor platform where you will hold many stores on your single web site and much more to be covered. The lessons are very easy to comprehend and engaging. No better time than now, and only increasing You're here because you want to Learn and master WordPress and thats a good idea and fortunately you're in the right place. And, you can do it without learning any programming or coding. While WordPress is open source, and because of that has thousands of developers building resources for it, it still takes quite a bit of learning to become a master at building and managing websites with it. It's not just learning the WordPress CMS platform, there's a small amount of graphic design knowledge needed, hosting and server management, troubleshooting broken sites or problems by hacking into the back end and server setup, and properly staging development environments around new sites or when performing updates and changes on existing sites. Why am I qualified to teach you? Through this course, I'll teach you everything I've learned and mastered in more than 3 years of building, managing, migrating, and hosting WordPress websites. My business lets me work on my own schedule, manage my home workspace without a boss or a manager you can say i am a boss of my own, and gives me an unlimited ceiling for profit and income and time freedom no, burden of hurry or fear of losing my job. Without learning to code or programming anything, I'm able to leverage what's already been done with WordPress to create modern, responsive, robust and fully functional websites for clients of all types. I'm hoping you'll get the same results. Let this course give you the head start you need to increase your income fast by making your own web design company or finding a web designer job easly. During this course, you'll learn everything you need to know to start or improve your own WordPress website business."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Completo de WordPress Crie Sites Profissionais do Zero"
"Voc quer aprender acriar sites ou blogs profissionais de verdade,sem a necessidade de saber nada deprogramao?Ento este o curso perfeito para voc!Voc noprecisa saber nada deprogramaoNo precisa terexperincia no assunto.Aprenda como criarsites profissionaispasso a passo do zeroBasta apenas um computador com conexo a internetO objetivo deste curso entregar algo rpido e de fcil entendimento para seu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoalnessa rea, neste cursovou te pegar pela moemostrar passo a passo como criar um site profissional e responsivo em Wordpressdo absoluto zero.Vamos construir juntos um site institucional voltado para tecnologia e criao de Sites e Aplicativos, e depois disso voc estar apto para criar quantos sites voc quiser.A partir de agora voc no ir mais precisar contratar um programadorpara criar um site profissional para sua empresa ou uso pessoal, vou te explicar tudoemdetalhes, para que voc possa construir o seu site Wordpresse publicar na webem poucos dias.No gaste mais dinheiro contratandoum programador, agora voc mesmopoderfacilmente criar seus prprios sites e blogs sozinho(a).Este curso para iniciantes, se voc um especialista em Wordpress este curso no para voc.Ao final docurso voc ter um site extremamente profissional criado epublicado na internet, e tudo isto em algumas horas."" Lembre-se! Adeciso certa torna-se errada quando tomada tarde de mais! ""Voc est preparadopara comear a criar seu site ainda hoje?Ento vamos l...Nos vemos dentro do curso!"
Price: 99.99

"Photoshop Visualisation for Architects"
"Architectural Representation is key to a good architectural project understanding. Today, there are tons of 3d render engines that can make your project renders in less than a second, but we all know it can sometimes get very technical and confusing. Although it is important to learn all these programs we also need to know what other options we have. That is where Photoshop comes in. Some of you have probably heard that you can do anything in Photoshop! and its true. Well, you can do architectural renders using only photoshop, and here you are going to learn how this is done.By using only a line image from our sketchup model, we are going to learn and see how to make an architectural image.*Adjusting your 3d Model*Mood Board* Sketch Reference*Exporting to Photoshop* Downloading your Textuers*Foreground Textures*Background Textures*Building Textures*Adding Trees*Light and Shadows*Final AdjustmentsIf you are looking to take your skills to a whole new level, this course is for you. See you in class!"
Price: 34.99

"Understanding and Investing in Bonds"
"I spent a decade as a financial advisor, working with high net worth families as they tried to make sense of their finances and investments. That meant I spent a lot of years helping clients understand the bonds in their portfolios.The goal of this course is to give you the foundational tools needed to understand bonds and develop your own bond strategy. If you are looking to understand the bond side of your portfolio just as well as you understand the stock side, this course is for you.Note that nothing in this course represents investment, tax, or legal advice. This is all educational only!"
Price: 24.99

"Illustrator para iniciantes: logotipo"
"Aprenda a criar um logotipo cheio de efeitos do zero! Curso voltado para quem nunca usou o programa! Voc vai aprender de modo fcil e com linguagem simples e descomplicada a criar uma arte cheia de efeitos! Ainda temos o suporte via whatsapp incluso durante 5 meses!Vc tambm vai aprender a instalar o programa, baixar artes do site freepik e a como instalar uma fonte com sucesso! Vrias dicas preciosas que vo te fazer dar os primeiros e fundamentais passos neste programa to incrvel!"
Price: 159.99

"The technique of SQ3R Approach.Students who you use this approach have never been found to fail exams for they retain up to 80% of information studied.Students discover that longtimeafter if you are called to recite what you have studied you will still be able to remember.Students time are consume and also demanded but it pays good dividend if applied."
Price: 24.99

"Empieza a ganar dinero con Bitcoin y otras Criptomonedas"
"Bienvenido!Si quieres aprender a ganar dinero con Bitcoin y otras Criptomonedas ests en el lugar indicado. Somos Adri y Biel, dosentusiastas del mundo de las Criptomonedas y de los mercados financieros. En nuestros inicios nos sentimos muy perdidos a la hora de encontrar informacin sobre cmo empezar a comprar Criptomonedas, por ese motivo,hemos decidido crear este curso.En l,aprenderscmo iniciarte en este mundo, que puede resultar muy complicado, pero que guiado por nosotros te resultar muy fcil. Teensearemos desde cmo comprar tus primeros Bitcoins y cambiarlos a otras Criptomonedas de forma segura, hasta cmo usar las diferentes plataformas que existen para hacer trading y cmo guardar tus Criptomonedas para inversiones a largo plazo.Es decir, te ensearemos todo lo que necesitas saber para iniciarte en este mundo lleno de oportunidades tal y como nos hubiera gustado a nosotros. Suena bien verdad? Pues nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 29.99

"ZugZwang Chess 101 - Perfect for Beginners"
"This course is ideally suited for anyone looking to learn by doing. By completing the exercises in parallel to the lectures, your learning will be effective & efficient. I've covered all the topics needed for your to play a friendly game of chess and be able to do chess puzzles. I strongly recommend using websites like chesskid, chess dotcom and LiChess if you like to further your learning after this course.Chess has wonderful benefits that help cognitive development, especially in children. Working on chess puzzles can help develop critical thinking, problem solving and logical reasoning abilities."
Price: 19.99

"ASP.NET MVC le Web Programlama Kursu"
"MVC deseni, gnmz internet tabanl uygulama gelitirme platformlarnda olduka yaygn biimde kullanlmaktadr. zellikle byk lekli projelerin ynetiminin kolaylamas ve yaynlanmalarnn ardndan basit ve doru ekilde gncellenmelerinin yaplmas iin kullanlmas gereken desenlerden birisidir. Bu kurs kapsamnda da .NET teknolojisine uyarlanm MVC dizayn mimarisini greceiz. Ders anlatmnn samimi bir slupla yapldn dnyorum. Kurs takibi esnasnda aklnza gelen sorularnz bana iletmekiin; alperentuzun@(gmail,hotmail,yahoo).com e-posta adreslerini kullanabilirsiniz. Kursun faydal olmasn temenni ediyorum ve herkese baarlar diliyorum."
Price: 49.99

"Aprenda mais e melhor em at 50% do tempo"
"Voc vai aprender habilidades fundamentais para otimizar o seu tempo, absorver mais informaes, ter um melhor rendimento, ser mais produtivo e organizado.J deixou de fazer algum treinamento on-line interessante por achar que no conseguiria aprender da mesma forma que em um curso presencial? Claro, para fazer um curso on-line preciso foco, disciplina e planejamento, assim como em vrias outras atividades que fazemos normalmente.Portanto, adquirir essas habilidades no vai apenas te deixar pronto para aprender com materiais on-line, mas ir tambm te auxiliar em vrios aspectos da sua vida pessoal e profissional. Alm de tambm te ajudar a otimizar seu tempo em material off-line, como livros e apostilas."
Price: 39.99

"Painting Watercolors From Photographs The Easy Way"
"My Class is designed to help you turn your uninspiringphotographs into paintingsto be proud of. I will demonstrate techniques that help you plan your painting to get maximumlight and colour from dull photographs.This workshop is for beginners and intermediate painters, I encourage you to ask questions at any time throughout the lesson to enable you to get the most from this course.Together we willproducea value sketch which will help you plot the shadows and create the values necessary to establish the feelinglight in your work.We then move onto the painting itself. A reference image is provided as a download for you to work from. We thenpaint step by stepbreaking the painting down into eight parts. This enables you to grasp every stage before moving onto the next lesson. If you are unable to understand any part of the instruction I encourage you to contact me. This gives me theopportunity to help you and clarify parts of the painting you mayfindchallenging.What Will You LearnHow to turn a dull scene into a painting full of lightHow to paint loosely and confidently in watercolorYou will learn how to simplify shapesHow to use a simplifiedpalette of colors to achievecolorful resultsHow to mix colors, keeping them fresh and brightHow to create a value sketch prior to painting"
Price: 34.99

"Java to Develop Programming Skills"
"Step by Step explanation of each topics in Java with easy realistic approach examples .This Java course is aimed at complete beginners and intermediate programmers. No previous programming experience is required. Explanation of Java program in Flowchart to clear the concept and then implementation of program in Java to better understand . Unique and easy methodsto develop programming skills in Java and to understand the Basic concepts of Java topics . Theoretical explanation of OOPS with examples and than implementation of characteristics of OOPS in Java Programs , first each program is explained diagrammatically after that implemented in Java. Easy approach to understand each topics of Java."
Price: 99.99

"Comienza en Instagram: Triunfa en Instagram Desde Cero"
"En este curso muy potente te ensear a aplicar estrategias para crecer en Instagram, pues a pesar de que son bsicas he visto multitudes de cuentas que no las aplican y es la razn de su fracaso al intentar ganar seguidores y visitas en sus publicaciones.Si las usas con persistencia, triunfars. Si dudas de ellas y las dejas de lado, fracasars.El xito o fracaso de tu cuenta est en tus manos, yo te ensear a tener xito con esa cuenta y a convertirla en un perfil optimizado."
Price: 19.99

"Personal Finance: Mastering Credit"
"This course is all about having a great credit score! You will start by exploring your relationship with credit and setting yourself a credit limit using the Debt to Income Ratio. Next you will learn how your credit score is calculated and how to greatly improve your score by using tactics like having a good credit utilization ratio. Last, I walk you through getting a copy of your free credit report and disputing any false information.This course is all about action.By participating in the activities and utilizing the resources you will increase your credit score!"
Price: 49.99

"Oramento de Obras com Project e Excel + Aplicativo Bnus"
"Nesse curso voc aprender como elaborar oramentos no MS-PROJECTa partir dos preos e custos de refernciadas planilhas EXCEL pblicas e constantemente atualizadas pela CAIXA e pelo IGBE doSistema Nacional de Pesquisa de Custos e ndices da Construo Civil (SINAPI).Tambm veremos como utilizar outras bases de dados disponveis na Internet que gerem planilhas Excel de servios e preos.Para aprender de forma muito prtica usaremos uma obra real, que similar a milhares de obras financiadas pela CAIXA no Brasil e que usa portanto como base os preos do SINAPIAlm disso, nesse curso, voc recebe como SUPERBNUS o aplicativo de automao que eu mesmo desenvolvi para buscar os dados nas planilhas SINAPI e calcular o oramento da obra, facilitando o processo, aumentando a sua produtividade e de sua equipe tcnica, como tambmsimular o oramento com preosbaseados em datas e locais diferentes.E ISSO UM BNUS DO CURSO (voc no paga nada mais por esse grande benefcio)Na aula 13 vou te pedir pra me mandar um e-mail que eu te retorno com o aplicativo Bnus, mas se quiser receber logo, envia um e-mail com o ttulo:APLICATIVO SINAPIparagerenciamento.obras.msproject@gmail.comEsse aplicativo no Ms Project no est amarrado s planilhas do SINAPI, voc pode usar outras bases pblicas de preoe us-las nos oramentos das obras.No curso iremos: - utilizar o projeto de uma obra real e similar a milhares de outras no Brasil - Estruturar o plano de contas deservios no Ms-Project conforme o oramento da planilha CAIXA do caso real - Analisar se estamos relacionando corretamente os servios do oramento/projeto com as composies do SINAPI - Identificar os erros mais comuns durantea elaborao da planilhade um oramento - Calcular o oramento daobra a partir de outra base pblica de preos(usando como exemplo a Prefeitura de So Paulo) - Desenvolver o Cronograma Fsico no Ms-Project, e - Desenvolver o Cronograma Fsico-Financeiro no ExcelContedo focado no oramento de obras quevoc no ir encontrar em cursos presenciais ou mesmo em outros cursos on line!!!Se voc estudante ou profissional de engenharia civil, construo de edifcios ou edificaes, esse o curso que vai abrir novas oportunidades em sua carreira!!!"
Price: 579.99

"Desenvolvimento de Aplicaes Ms Project VBA Excel"
"Nesse curso voc aprender um conhecimento extremamente valorizado pelas empresas! E como ganhar MUITO dinheiro e reconhecimentocom isso!Todas asempresa valorizamseu colaborador ou consultor que consegue:- Reduzir prazos e custos nos trabalhos de planejamento e controle de seus projetos!- Aumentar a produtividade da equipe!- Realizar estudos de cenriosmais eficientes!- Otimizar a produo!- Desenvolver anlises de desempenho relevantes para a tomada de deciso!Tanto como gerente de projetos, gerentes de rea, gestor de planejamento, gerente de obras, consultor, etc. com esse curso poder desenvolver diversas solues exclusivas para se diferenciar como profissional, ou como empresa de consultoria, perante o mercado.Alcance um novo e MUITO mais elevado nvel de valor percebido pelos seus clientes!Para atingir esse objetivo, criei esse curso comum conceito INOVADOR!Voc poder participar dele propondo situaes e necessidades especficas da sua empresa ou de seus clientes, e eu poderei ainda te auxiliar das seguintes formas:- Desenvolver a soluo e inclu-la no conjunto das aulas, citando sua participao para valoriz-lo como profissional de Desenvolvimento de Solues;- Desenvolver a soluo e enviar-lhe em particular se for uma soluo que exija sigilo para a empresa, e- Desenvolver em parceria com voc uma soluo mais complexa para seus clientes em parceria (sua empresa e a PLENA)e assim potencializarmos grandes ganhos adicionais para vocPor tudo isso eu disse que esse curso INOVADOR!Mande tambmsuas ideias e sugestes de casos reais!!!"
Price: 99.99

"Planejamento de Obras com Ms PROJECT"
"Seja bem vindo(a), estudante da rea de construo civil.Esse curso vai aumentar exponencialmente suas oportunidades de estgio em obra ou no setor tcnico da construtora.As construtoras buscam estagirios que saibam utilizaro Ms-Project de forma prtica, aplicada realidade das obras.Mostre nas entrevistas de estgio do que voc capaz! Que pode colaborar com a gerncia da obra planejandoo avano dos servios!Leve para a entrevista alguns dos exerccios que voc far nesse curso para provar sua capacidade!Se voc j tem um estgio, com esse curso poder pegar o cronograma (muito simples e provavelmente em Excel) ecriar um cronograma com qualidade muito maior! Imagine o destaque que voc vai ter na empresa.E como um bnus adicionalna faculdade / universidade poder apresentar os melhorestrabalhos das disciplinas relacionadas ao planejamento de obras.E MAIS...MANDE UM E-MAIL E RECEBA MAIS CONTEDOS (artigos de TCC)E ARQUIVOS DE OBRAS REAISEnvie o e-mail para:gerenciamento.obras.msproject@gmail.comCom o assunto:MAIS CONTEDO PARA ESTUDANTE DE ENGENHARIA CIVILSucesso e PazAlex AmarantePLENA"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Guide on Impromptu Speaking and Presentation"
"Not many people realize that they face impromptu speaking situations in their life more than the need to do a prepared speech. Many public speaking courses have well documented the methods to tackle a prepared speech such as a TedX talk or a sales presentation. However, most of us are clueless when it comes to the techniques to ""think on your feet"" and ""speak off the cuff"".What if you are being asked to speak without any preparation.What if you are being asked to deliver a wedding speech for your best friend on the spot.What if you are being asked a tough question by your customer that isnot on your preparationlist.In this course, we will show you step-by-step on how to conquer impromptu speaking and presentation. We will first explore the techniques to think quickly under pressure. Next, I will show you fiveeasy-to-remember frameworks for you to build a memorable impromptu speech. Then, we will touch on delivery skills, focusing on the difference between prepared speech and impromptu speech. Lastly, I will provide you with six effectiveexercises that you can practice in the long run to hone your impromptu speaking skills.After this course, you will possess the ability to speak confidently in front of the public, even without preparation."
Price: 34.99

"Humor Mastery: How to be a Funny Person Instantly"
"Laughter is the best medicine. But if you are laughing without reason, then you need medicine. Many research have acknowledged the importance of humor in our daily life. Laughter truly is the best medicine when it comes to keeping us feeling physically and mentally healthy. Humor communication also builds the emotional connection that will bring people closer together. Have you ever wondered why most successful people seem to possess a great sense of humor? Being funny is not something that you are born with. It is a skillset that you can acquire and learn. Different from other courses, this workshop goes straight to the tools that you need to exercise humor without the need to go through complicated theories understanding. First, we will learn the do and donts of humor. Next, we will learn the art of roasting, which serves as the fundamental to build a joke. Then, I will show you the 8 easy-to-remember tools (SHIN CHZE theory) that I use to construct a humorous speech or a funny conversation. Then, we will touch on improving humor delivery to ensure that our jokes do not fall flat. As a bonus, I will include video examples and exercises that best illustrate whatever you have learned in this course. Most importantly, all the techniques that I teach in this course do not require any prior experience or knowledge. In less than 2 hours, you will be able to take this SHIN CHZE theory everywhere you go and will never be the same boring person again."
Price: 34.99

"Teach English in Korea"
"Are you looking for a change?Do you dream of having the financial freedom to travel, save money, or pay off your debt?Are you prepared to challenge yourself and embrace a new culture?Teaching English as a second language in South Korea can provide you with all of these things. Korea is home to more than 40 million people and has one of the fastest growing economies in Asia. An emphasis on learning English ensures plenty of job opportunities for people looking to spend time abroad and explore a new culture. It's also perfectly located as a base to travel neighbouring countries in the East.Packing up your life can be a daunting task. This course is designed to make the process easier for you. I will give you all theinformation you need in order to get a job. I will discuss what to expect when you get here. Finally, I've included materials that are invaluable in helping you transition to life in South Korea.Feel free to join the Teach English in Korea Facebook page if you have any further questions."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering Cypress PSoC-An Embedded System Design perspective"
"It is the beginningcourse in ""Mastering Cypress PSoC"" series & It is on Embedded System Design perspective. It teaches you developing embedded applications on an unconventional processing element PSoC. It gives an experience of working on PSoC Creator, an IDE platform. It teaches you configuring and programming Analog,Digital peripherals & Initiatingcommunicationwith CPU. It teaches to set up serial communication between two devices. Overall, By the end of this course one can customize the chip toa system that acts as you wish."
Price: 3200.00

"Easy Sewing Projects for Beginners"
"You will need to be familiar with your sewing machine and have some basic sewing skills to sign up for this class.In this course you will learn how to make a mini cinch bag and a travel tissue pouch. These are simple projects you can make in no time. The cinch bag can be used for so many things as I share in the video. The tissue pouch sure comes in handy tucked in your purse.My goal is for you to leave inspired to make other simple items on your own and to build confidence in trying more advanced projects in the future."
Price: 19.99

"How to Punch Needle for Beginners"
"I think it'sfascinating that you can take a regular ball of yarn and turn it into a work of art.In this class, I'll show you how to punch needle using different needles and fibers. I'll also share what you can do with your finished punch needle artwork. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get punching!"
Price: 24.99

"Bible Art Journaling"
"In this course, you'll learn what Bible Art Journaling is and how great of a tool it can be to share your faith. You'll learn some of myfavorite supplies, tips andtechniques. I'll share some resources that you can use todive deeper into the word and further your creativity. I'll teach you 3 techniques that you can use again and again. (carbon copy, napkin, watercolor) I'll also show you things you can do with Washi tape and how to make Bible markers. And I've thrown in a bonus for you at the end!Everyone's art and personal relationship with God looks different. You'll be inspired to be YOU. My prayer for each student is to be encouraged to be in the Word more and use this as an addition to Bible Studyand attending Church. I'd love for you to join me and be creative in The Word together."
Price: 24.99

"How to Sew a Patchwork Scrap Zipper Bag"
"In this course, you'll be inspired to make a fun patchwork zipper bag. I'll teach youhow tochoosefabrics, cutyourfabrics,quiltyourfabric, add a zipper and add ribbon tags. Whew!That'a a lotof information. Trust me, you will love the results. I'll share with you what kinds of supplies you need and where you can purchase it. I'm also available for questions. I don't want you doing this solo.So what's keeping you from signing up? Won't youJoin me!"
Price: 24.99

"How to turn a graphic t-shirt into a cosmetic bag"
"In this class, you'll learn how to take a graphict-shirt and make it into a zipper bag.The bag can be used to store cosmetics, markers, any loose items you'd like to keep contained.It makes an adorable one of a kind gift. I love giving oneas a graduation gift using school colors. T-shirts are so comfortable and have become such a staple in closets. It seems like every eventoffers a t-shirt. So now, you don't have to donate your unworn t-shirts because they don't fit or have because they geta stain. Just make a bag out of them!"
Price: 24.99

"Hand-lettering for beginners"
"In this class, you will learn the basic strokes you need forhand-lettering. You'll learn theupstroke anddownstroke that are the basics for hand-lettering but also many more strokes along the way. Anyone can learn how to hand-letterwhen thinkingof shapes instead ofletters. You'll be inspired to take your hand-lettering to the next level at the end of the lesson. Come join the fun!"
Price: 34.99