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"Sentence Writing Simplified - Level One...Getting Started!"
"""There are so many resources for improving writing. But the way of teaching Mike contains, you won't find anywhere else. Definitely recommended to anyone who wants to improve or learn English writing from scratch. Desperately waiting for level two and Mike's other courses.""  Abdul Rehman - Udemy StudentMany students have not had the opportunity to develop basic sentence writing skills and as a result do not have confidence in their writing abilities.This course provides the opportunity for students to develop basic skills and confidence allowing them to start writing without fear of failure at school or college, in the workplace, or in their personal lives. It can also serve as a beginning foundation course for other writing courses.Is this a complete sentence? Is my sentence clear? Is it correct? Is it too long? Is it too short? Why did my instructor not understand my written answer on the test? Why did my manager not understand my email?Have you asked yourself any of these questions in the past? If yes, then this course is for you!This course can teach you the basics of sentence writing. It starts with What makes a sentence complete? and ends with you confidently using the skills learned to combine a variety of basic sentence types to write a short writing passage.Why this course? Because in this course you can:become engaged in classroom style instruction with an Ontario Certified Teacher who has over thirty  years of classroom experience;watch short video tutorials that that allow you to fit learning into your busy schedule and find parts you want to review quickly;understand why you are learning specific skills and how they will make you a better writer;develop sentence writing skills using everyday, familiar words so you can focus on sentence building and not unfamiliar words;work with familiar themes such as food, family, school and college, and the workplace;learn content that has been simplified to the most important key parts and that is presented using a step by step approach;check your level of knowledge quickly at the end of tutorials using Quick Quiz videos;print out PDF exercises and a booklet of summary notes for each of the three course sections."
Price: 179.99

"Sentence Writing Simplified - Level Two...Move Ahead!"
"""There are so many resources for improving writing. But the way of teaching Mike contains, you won't find anywhere else. Definitely recommended to anyone who wants to improve or learn English writing from scratch. Desperately waiting for level two and Mike's other courses.""  Abdul Rehman - Udemy StudentMany people have not had the opportunity to develop sentence writing skills where two ideas or thoughts are joined together to form a clear and complete message. As a result, they do not have confidence in their writing skills and feel their ability to express themselves is limited.This course provides the opportunity for students to learn how to join two thoughts together in what is called a complex sentence. You will develop an understanding of the structure of a complex sentence. You will learn what a subordinating conjunction is and how it is used to join ideas together in a complex sentence. You will be provided with a list of ten important subordinating conjunctions and instruction showing you how each one can be used. A second list of fifteen conjunctions, again with instruction on when to use each one, will also be provided for students who want to increase the number of conjunctions available for them to use.  Developing the ability to select and use the the correct conjunction when joining ideas together to create an effective complex sentence allows the writer to write with greater ease and confidence at school or college, in the workplace, or in his or her personal life. How can I join two ideas together in a sentence so that the message is clear?  What joining words would best work in this sentence? How do I use commas when I join sentences together? When should I not join ideas together? What is a complex sentence and how do I write one? What is a subordinating conjunction and where can I find a list of good ones to use?""Have you asked yourself any of these questions in the past? If yes, then this course is for you!This course can teach you, step by step, not only what complex sentences are and how to write them, but which subordinate conjunctions work best to join your thoughts together. You will learn how to write this type of sentence and also how to use it with simpler sentences that you use now. This course will provide you with the opportunity to practice writing more meaningful passages that combine a variety of sentence types to express what you really think, feel, and need!Why this course? Because in this course you can:benefit from being taught by a Ontario certified teacher who has over thirty years of classroom experience;become engaged in classroom style instruction where the teacher stands in front of you, speaks clearly, and uses a white board;understand why you are learning specific skills and how they will make you a better writer;watch short video tutorials that that allow you to fit learning into your busy schedule and find parts you want to review quickly;develop sentence writing skills using everyday, familiar words so you can focus on sentence building and not unfamiliar words;work with familiar themes such as food, family, school and college, and the workplace; learn content that has been simplified to the most important key parts and that is presented using a step by step approach;check your level of knowledge quickly at the end of tutorials using Quick Recap, Quick Check, and Quick Quiz;download PDF exercises and a booklet of summary notes for each of the course sections."
Price: 179.99

"Cmo hacer Screenshots para tus Apps de manera fcil"
"En este curso vamos a mejorar los Screenshots o capturas de pantallade nuestras appspara mejorar la visibilidad en las tiendas de aplicaciones, tanto de la Google Play Store como la App Store.Las tiendas siguen creciendo exponencialmente y cada vez son ms competitivas, por lo que lograr una buena visibilidad en las tiendas se ha convertido en el mayor reto para desarrolladores y vendedores.Vamos a crearimgenes optimas para vuestras aplicaciones, de manera que estas nos hagan conseguir un mayor posicionamiento en el mercado. Indicado para personas que se ven sin recursos a la hora de realizar estetipo de trabajos y quieren hacerlo de manera fcil y sin complicaciones. Y para ello vamos a utilizar variasherramientas gratuitas."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo crear los mejores Screenshots para tus Aplicaciones"
"Los screenshots o capturas de pantalla tienen un gran impacto en la tasa de conversin y en las descargas, que es una parte muy importante del ASO (App Store Optimization). Para impulsar, es decir, para hacer crecer el nmero de instalaciones una de las cosas que podemos hacer es mejorar-optimizar los screenshots o capturas de pantalla.Cmo?Con las herramientas que vamos a ver en este curso.En la App Store las consultas de bsquedas representan ms del 60% de las descargas. Y en esa bsqueda los screenshots o pantallazos son importantsimos, porque es un punto clave en la decisin del usuario, para ver si se instala la aplicacin o no. Es el elemento ms visible para el usuario (hay un estudio de Splitmetrics de que los screenshots aumentan la probabilidad de que el usuario se la descargue en ms de un 30%).Los screenshots tienen que llamar la atencin de los usuarios y convencerles de que se descarguen la aplicacin o juego, y ver que contiene para dar el paso definitivo e instalrsela.He seleccionado varias herramientas para hacer screenshots o capturas de pantalla, lo mejor que puedes hacer es utilizarlas todas, probarlas, y luego siempre elige la que mejor se adapte a ti y la que mejor te funcione para tus videojuegos o apps."
Price: 49.99

"Azure Site Recovery"
"This course is about Azure Site Recovery which is a cloud based disaster recovery solution provided by Microsoft. We will go over on what is Azure Site Recovery, Requirements and the features & pricing modelof Site Recovery. Also we will work on a real lab scenario of migrating and failover of a VM from on premises to Azure."
Price: 19.99

"La mningite bactrienne"
"La mningite cest un processus inflammatoire dorigine infectieuse atteignant les mninges et induit des modifications des constantes biologiques des LCR. Elle frappe tous les ges et particulirement les nourrissons, les enfants, les jeunes et elle peut tuer durant quelques heures. Un nombre non ngligeable de survivant de cette maladie garde des squelles permanentes importantes tel que la surdit, lpilepsie, la paralysie crbraleou retard mental. L'apparition de ncroses tissulaires irrversibles peut galement entraner l'amputation d'un ou de plusieurs membres.Il y a plusieurs formes des mningites mais les formes bactriennes est les plus dangereuses et les plus grave cause de plusieurs germes, particulirement Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae et Haemophilus influenzae de type b. Ds 2010 plus de 90% des cas sont causs par ces trois dernires formes.Mot cl: Mningite, LCR, cerveau, mninge, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b, Neisseria meningitidis, purpura."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende y Gana con Bitcoin"
"Vas a conocer todo el proceso relacionado con Bitcoin, desde los conceptos, el manejo de la Red bitcoin,consejos antes de empezar a minar o invertir en CriptomonedasyTendrs acceso de por vida al curso para repasar las lecciones que quieras las veces que quieras. A la medida queagregue nuevas lecciones y materiales seguirs teniendo acceso a toda esta informacin de forma gratuita y sin pagar un nadams de por vida. Como extra tendrs la oportunidad de participar en nuestro grupo cerrado en facebookes exclusivo de trading (Anlisis, Ideas de Trading e Inversin), nos enfocaremos en las criptodivisas aunque el mtodo sirve para cualquier mercado."
Price: 19.99

"Apache Kylin : Implementing OLAP on the Hadoop platform"
"A Comprehensive Course for Learning How to Build and Query Big Data OLAP Cubes Using Apache Kylin.Apache Kylin is an Apache top-level project that bring OLAP to Big data. This simply means that we can now write complex aggregation queries with different levels of aggregation and expect to get a second or micro-seconds response to our query.Online analytical processing (OLAP) has been a common word in traditional business intelligence for years but has not been easy with hadoop platform that has become a data lake solution for many. These data lake often have hundreds of millions and even billions of records that organizations want to slice and dice for insights. However, the high latency of query execution in SQL on Hadoop technologies like Apache Hive or Apache Drill often meant that data architect opted to transfer their data back to traditional systems that allow for real time response to query.Kylin solves all of this.With Apache Kylin, anyone with the skills can now build OLAP, ROLAP or MOLAP structures using a web UI, deploy it and expect to query these structure with second of response time in mind. Also, one can connect their applications or favorite visualization tools to Kylin to integrate data either for system processing or for visualization.In this course, we are going to reviewWhat Kylin isHow it worksHow to build OLAP cubes in batch and streaming modelHow to deploy the cubesHow to query cubesHow to connect external tools and applications to Kylin.. and many moreWhat is the target audience?Big Data Engineers/DevelopersData ArchitectsData Analysts.Anyone who wishes to be able to write simple to complex aggregation queries of large dataset and wants a low latency response time.What are the requirements?You need access to a Big Data Sandbox like Cloudera quickstart VM, Hortonworks HDP sandbox or a cloud-based Hadoop environment with a least 10GB of Ram.You should have some familiarity SQL and be able to use ODBC or JDBC based tools.Some familiarity with Linux will be helpfulWhat do I need to know to get the best out of this course?Because Kylin uses other hadoop projects to achieve its design a fair understanding of projects like Apache Hive, Apache Kafka, Apache HBase, MapReduce is great for this course. However, one can still use Kylin without any knowledge of these technologies.It is also worth knowing that no prior knowledge of any big data technology is required to query Kylin or use data integration in running report or data visualizations."
Price: 19.99

"SQL, NoSQL, Big Data and Hadoop"
"A comprehensive look at the wide landscape of database systems and how to make a good choice in your next projectThe first time we ask or answer any question regarding databases is when building an application. The next is either when our choice of database becomes a bottleneck or when we need to do large-scale data analytics.This course covers almost all classes of databases or data storage platform there are and when to consider using them. It is a great journey through databases that will be great for software developers, big data engineers,data analysts as well as decision makers. It is not an in-depth look into each of the databases but promises to get you up and running with your first project for each class.In this course, we are going to coverRelational Database Systems, their features, use cases and limitationsWhy NoSQL?CAP TheoremKey-Value store and their use casesDocument-oriented databases and their use casesWide-columnar store and their use casesTime-series databases and their use casesSearch Engines and their use casesGraph databases and their use casesDistributed Logs and real time streaming systemsHadoop and its use casesSQL-on-Hadoop tools and their use casesHow to make informed decisions in building a good data storage platformWhat is the target audience?Chief data officersApplication developerData analystData architectsData engineersStudentsAnyone who wants to understand Hadoop from a database perspective.What this course does not cover?This course does not access any of the databases from the administrative perspective. So we don't cover administrative tasks like security, backup, recovery, migration and the likes.Very in-depth features in the specific databases in discussion. An example is that we will not go into the different database engines for MySQL or how to write a stored procedures.What are the requirements?The lab for this course can be carried out in any machine (Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OX).However, the training on HBase or Hadoop will require you to have a hadoop environment. The suggestion for this will be to to use a pre-installed sandbox, a cloud offering or install your own custom sandbox.What do I need to know to get the best out of this course?This course does not assume any knowledge of NoSQL or data engineering.However a little knowledge of RDBMS (even Microsoft Access) is enough to get you into the best position for this course."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Rpido e Completo de Ingls para Brasileiros"
"Ol, eu sou a Fernanda.Estou aqui para te apresentar o Curso Rpido e Completo de Ingls para Brasileiros da English Studio.Entregaremos a voc tudo o que precisa para falar ingls fluentemente. Nosso material bem simples, divertido e de fcil compreenso isso mesmo, no guardamos nenhum segredo na manga!Com mais de 15 anos de experincia no ensino do ingls sei exatamente os desafios que os brasileiros enfrentam para assimilhar as estruturas de uma nova lngua.Por isso, reunias dicas nesse curso feito para a sua liberdade e autonomiaSe voc quer ganhar tempo, aprender rpido e tambm se divertir muito,est no curso certo.Te passamos todo o conhecimento necessrio para voc dominar as estruturas da lngua inglesa. Voc aprender a dizer e a escrever qualquercoisa que quiser com o conhecimento que entregaremos a voc. Alm disso, fixaremos todo o contedo dos vdeos atravs de exerccios orais e escritos, para que voc pratique bastante. Isso mesmo, alm dos vdeos, cada aula possui tambm um PDFcom exerccios e suas respostas no final. Algumas aulas contam ainda com um udio mp3 para voc ouvir onde e como quiser. Naquela viagem, a caminho do trabalho, na hora do almoo. pra vocque criamos este curso. S depende de voc.Fale ingls em um flash, com a English Studio."
Price: 99.99

"American Accent Made Easy - Mastering the American Accent"
"COURSE GOALS:To give you a perfect Standard American accent that you can apply in all fields to improve your communication with others, make you clearly understood and allow you to pass as an American as opposed to a foreign speaker.HOW TO GET A PERFECT ACCENT FAST:My philosophy with teaching the American Accent is to remove all the useless and redundant exercises taught by many accent coaches and teach you only what you actually need to know!Accent work shouldn't be intellectual, so I come from a philosophy of teaching you a set of drills and technical knowledge that will get the accent out of your head and allow you to speak naturally and effortlessly without needing to think about it. When using your accent, you should be focusing on what you're saying in your speech, or presentation, or meeting, or audition, NOT how you're sounding.This course will give you the tools to finally be confident with your American accent so you can focus on the tasks at hand and not worrying about how you sound.WHO THIS COURSE IS FOR:This course is for anyone who wants to perfect an American accent, regardless of your field of work. The teachings apply to everyone from those who work in IT and business, to those who need the accent for presentations, meetings, phone conversations, to actors, hosts and voice over artists.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:You will a set of full-proof Drills to hone and harness your Accent for everyday use. You will also learn a series of Technical aspects that will elevate your accent and make you indistinguishable from a natural American speaker. We will also cover Advanced Technique to ensure your accent holds perfect in any situation.CLIENT TESTIMONIALS:""My lack of understanding of the US accent was preventing me from booking work. Ashwin has a wonderful, effective and easy to learn approach to his teaching that wasn't just about the sound, but also rhythm and tone. After only a few lessons I had more much confidence for auditions and within only a few weeks had book an American job!""- Keisha Castle-Hughes (Oscar nominated actress in Game of Thrones, Whale Rider, Roadies)""Meticulous, thorough and practical. Ashwin Gore's accent coaching means walking in the room feeling prepared and on-point with the American accent.""- Deobia Operai (actor in Independence Day 2, Dumbo, Emerald City)""Ashwin has helped me get the perfect American accent. His methods are easy to learn, easy to practice and fun to do. Not only did he help me with the accent, he also taught me to use my voice in the best possible way.""- Tyler Atkins (actor in Outlaw Chronicles, Puberty Blues)"
Price: 49.99

"Sales Management - Beginner to Advance in Hindi"
"Doyou know how easy Sales management is? Do you want to make your career in sales but don't know where to start?Are you a just passed out graduate or postgraduate and wants to make a career in sales ?Are you Entrepreneur, Trader or Manufacturer, SME and want to give your team understanding of sales? Are you a marketer and want to understand how sales happens in India ?Are you from Human resource team of your companyand looking totrainyour sales team then this coursewill tell them about exact basic tools and techniques of how FMCG,Telecom and products sales management can be done at marketthen This Sales Management - Beginner to advance course is just for youI am Aniruddha Athawale & I have more than 2 decades of sales experience. I have seen many people who fear sales career but from my experience i can tell you is its one of the most rewarding and fulfilling career. I have worked any various geographies, and managed large and various team and was instrumental in launching establishing many bestselling products. My passion for teaching sales management has helped me in starting my own teaching course.In this Basic to advanced course which is in HINDI language i will be taking you through the basic sales system pertaining to Indian markets. You will gain practical knowledge which you can apply on many areas such as what is PJP & Beat planning? What is importance of planning? Complete sales call cycle? Importance of data & how to use effectively? Importance of Review & how to increase your sales continuously?You will be able to make Beat plan & PJP, Also by usingDaily sales report & monthly sales report,make robust plan for achieve your sales targets, also with the help of 5 minute selling techniquemake a great productive call.This course will make you confident in your sales management skills and perform your role in a effective and better way."
Price: 6400.00

"Sculpt a Brand New You in 90 Days with NewVo!"
"Sculpt a Brand New You with NewVo is a dance inspired fitness program that is founded on dance styles from around the world, with the enhancement of traditional Middle Eastern and Folkloric dance moves. It's A Multi-Cultural Inspired Fitness Class. A pumped-up cardio workout that gets every body feeling super-charged and super-fit! NewVo fuses traditional dance moves from around the world with popular aerobic moves, mixing exercise and dance with a cultural flair! This exciting fitness program brings together an inspired and eclectic collection of driving beats and hypnotic rhythms and my distinct dance moves, to represent the music of the Middle East, Africa, Australia, Brazil, India, Hawaii, Spain, and MORE! NewVo begins with an innovative stretching series, quickly moves into an easy-to-follow total body workout, and ends with another great stretch and cool down...all to the sounds of the world! This fantastic workout program is challenging for people at all aerobic levels but designed not to cause strains or injuries. NewVo can be easily adapted to any fitness level or accommodate special needs with slight adjustments to the movements. Students always leave NewVo classes feeling full of energy and addicted to the tunes and rhythms that keep them in a dance trance for the entire session! By mixing the innovative with the known, NewVo provides both novelty AND familiarity to students and is sure to keep them coming back for more!Sculpt a Brand New You with NewVo Movement course presents a comprehensive and research-based program to the NewVo fitness enthusiast. Organized for easy reference, adding the techniques that fitness and exercise enthusiasts need to know at their fingertips will get you started in learning a fun approach to NewVo with results."
Price: 24.99

"Learn how to multiply two digit number"
"here, we will learn how to multiply two digit number(Multiplicand) with a single number(Multiplier). Generally, many students face an issue with multiplication. Many times it is observed that students don't understand the teaching of an instructor. In this video, you may learn how to catch a student mentality and obtain a great success."
Price: 1280.00

"Complete IOS AWS Developer [Swift4]"
"AWS Mobile gives you the tools to rapidly configure and integrate the cloud backend your mobile app needs.I had trouble finding all the information needed for one particular platform for my apps. I have seen many courses discussing different technologies and platforms. But when we make an app we probably don't want to go through the issues of different platforms and might want to stick with one good platform.This course will helps you to choose world's most popular cloud service AWS as backend for your app. Almost all the features needed for your app will be discussed here. If you need any other feature, feel free to send me a message.In this course we will learn building IOS apps withAnalytics - User Sign-in - Push Notification - NoSQL Database - User Data Storage - Cloud Logic - Messaging - Conversational Bots - Hosting and Streaming etc.At the end of this course you will have the necessary skill to develop IOSapps with AWS platform.This course focuses on practical implementation of the apps along with a summary of most common issues and techniques to handle them.I will be adding more contents to this course soon !!!"
Price: 39.99

"El universo de las carnes"
"Curso dirigido a conocer las distintas familias animales para carne, valores y requerimientosnutricionales,tipologas, sus cortes, despieces,normativa de rendimiento, y caractersticas organolepticas, ascomo los principales mtodos de conservacin, y tendencias culinarias tradicionales y modernas.El objetivo del cursoes queel alumno comprenda los procesos post-mortem que llevan a la conversin de msculo a carne. Asimismo, que describa los diversos mecanismos de conservacin y transformacin del tejido muscular de animales. Procedencia y piezas con denominacin propia. As como nuevos usos aplicados a la tcnica."
Price: 24.99

"Excel VBA Exercises and Real-World Projects"
"What am I going to learn from this course?The purpose of this course is to learn practical skills and knowledge in using Excel VBA.By the end of this course you will be able to create intermediate to advanced level Excel VBA real-world projects from scratch. You will be able to manipulate raw data in Excel with ease by designing Excel tools which save time, increase productivity and minimize the risk of making mistakes.What is the target audience for this course?This training program is for Excel users with no or little knowledge in Excel VBA programming.What is the course structure organized?This course consists of 6 sections.The first section is called Introduction to VBA - well have to get familiar with the basic concepts of VBA before we dive into the more advanced stuff.The second section is called Speed, Logic and VBA Exercises well get familiar with using Excel worksheet and VBA functions, declaring variables, using loops, if-then statements, and also many different data manipulation techniques such as sorting data, removing blank rows, removing case sensitivity, applying borders or colors to a range of cells, etc. There will be many Excel exercises and examples in this section.Sections 3 to 6 including are all about using Excel VBA to create real-world projects from scratch: Creating dynamic report of sales / payments in different currencies Data matching project (by multiple criteria) Sending emails project (using MS Outlook) Creating a case tracking system (using MS Form Controls)What do I need in order to enroll in this course?You need a Microsoft Excel version installed on your device. I have used Excel 2016 for this course, but the examples in it should run on earlier versions of Excel as well. The newer version you have, the better.I am using Excel for Mac. Will this make any difference?There are certain differences between Excel for Windows and Excel for Mac, so some of the codes may not work properly on Mac.Do I need to have advanced level of using Excel before learning VBA?No, it's not necessary."
Price: 124.99

"Creating Progress Bars with Excel VBA"
"What am I going to learn from this course? This course is all about using Excel VBA to design and implement progress bars and charts within your Excel projects in order to create better user experience for the users of your Excel tools. What do I need in order to enroll in this course? You need to have Microsoft Excel installed on your device, preferably a version after Excel 2013 including. I am using Excel on Mac. Will this make any difference? There are certain differences between Excel for Windows and Excel for Mac, so some of the codes may not work properly on Mac. Do I need to have advanced level of Excel? It will probably help, but its not necessary. If you know what cells, rows, columns, worksheets are, etc., then you can enroll in this course."
Price: 29.99

"Python -"
"Anaconda DistributionPython1,000AnacondaWindows/MacOS/LinuxJupyter NotebookSpyderAnacondaIDE"
Price: 99.99

"Instagram Growth Masterclass...For Personal Brands"
"If you have a Personal Brand or would like to start one. This Instagram growth course is just for you.Here is what will be covered: Instagram Growth ExplainedSetting Your Instagram Account Up For SuccessHashtag Strategy EXPLAINEDViral Content Part 1Viral Content Part 2Viral Content Part 3Viral Content Part 4 (NO LONGER RELEVANT SINCE ALGORITHM CHANGE. PLEASE USE INSTAGRAM ADS VIDEO FOR GROWTH)Converting Followers Into CustomersHow To Gain LOTS Of Followers Cheaply With AdsStrategies To Make $100/day From Your Instagram Profile"
Price: 19.99

"YouTube Growth Masterclass...For Personal Brands"
"If you have a Personal Brand or would like to start one. ThisYoutube growth course is just for you.Here is what will be covered:How To Structure Your Channel For SUCCESSHow To Easily Create Content & Never Run Out Of IdeasYouTube Algorithm Secrets EXPLAINEDHow To Create ThumbnailsEngaging With Your Niche = Growth!How To Utilise End Screens & CardsWhyWe Want To Use YouTube AdsAdsPart 1: CreationAdsPart 2: TargetingAds Part 3: Optimization"
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Group Growth Masterclass...For Personal Brands"
"If you have a Personal Brand or would like to start one. ThisFacebook Group growth course is just for you.Here is what will be covered:Setting up a Facebook GroupThe Importance Of Growing A Facebook Group FB Group Set Up - AVOID Making These Mistakes!How To Develop Your Voice & Brand For Your FB Group!The 5 Ways To Explode Your Group With GrowthHow To Create Content Every Day For Your GroupHow To Create Engaging Content So You Build Loyal FansUsing Live Video To Hack Engagement & ReachHow To Leverage Your Facebook Group For More Subscribers/Group Members/Email List/Messenger ListHow To Convert Members Into Customers"
Price: 19.99

"Sketchup 3D dbutant intermdiaire bases et entranements"
"SketchUp est un puissant outil de modlisation 3D dot de fonctionnalits robustes qui permet aux concepteurs dexplorer et de communiquer des projets, dimporter et dexporter divers formats de fichiers et de crer des prsentations interactives.Cest un logiciel largement utilis dans le monde, notamment par les architectes, les paysagistes mais galement pour la prsentation dvnements, la conception d'objets 3D...Les modles SketchUp sont composs de lignes et de faces.Un logiciel de modlisation 3D non paramtrique. Dans SketchUp,vous ntes pas limit la cration de murs, de dalles, de toituresVous dessinez des artes qui, lorsquelles se touchent aux extrmits en un contour ferm et lorsquelles sont situes dans le mme plan, crent automatiquement une face. Les avantages de Sketchup- SketchUp est un logiciel simple, rapide et intuitif par rapport aux autres logiciels de modlisation 3D.- Vous pouvez dj raliser des modles simples aprs seulement quelques heures dapprentissage.- SketchUp permet de produire des modles constitus de peu de faces et donc trs lgers.- Du fait de son principe de modlisation non-paramtrique, SketchUp est adapt de trs nombreux usages.- Il dispose dun vaste collection de composants gratuits avec la 3D Warehouse - La version gratuite propose dj un grand nombre de possibilits- Il existe un grand nombre de plugins, dont plusieurs sont gratuits comme Twilight rendering pour crer des rendus ralistesVous voulez travailler dans l'architecture, dans l'amnagement paysager? Vous voulez crer des rendus 3D? Vous voulez simplement dessinez votre future maison? Ce cours est fait pour vous et vous permettra d'atteindre vos objectifs.Dcouvrez ce cours complet qui vous permettrad'apprendre Sketchup. Vous apprendrez d'abord utiliser les diffrents outils de travail un un. Ensuite vous apprendrez crer un projet de maison du dbut jusqu' la fin, c'est dire du plan jusqu' la fin de la modlisation 3D, ce qui permettra de voir l'ensemble des possibilits de Sketchup."
Price: 39.99

"Savoir maitriser photoshop"
"Vous voulez commencer apprendre Photoshop mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre, vous ne savez pas par o commencer? Pas de panique, l'interface de Photoshop est effectivement complexe au premier abord, c'est pour cela que vous avez l'opportunit d'obtenir l'aide que vous avez besoin travers ce cours.Vous voulez utiliser Photoshop des fins professionnelles ou personnelles? Ce cours est destin pour tout les dbutants au niveau intermdiaire. Je vous prsenterai dans un premier temps l'utilisation de l'interface, les outils et les calques pour se familiariser avec l'espace de travail.Ensuite on travaillera sur des projets de base, en apprenant retoucher les couleurs sur une photo, et on continueraen crantun montage simple additionnant plusieurs lments de diffrentes photos. On fera ensuiteun cours sur la retouche d'un visage, et enfin je vous montrerai comment crer des clairs et un effet 3D sur vos photos.A la fin de ce cours vous serez capable de travailler sur Photoshop par vous mme.Pourquoi choisir mon cours? Car je m'efforce de prendre mon temps pour expliquer et de me positionner dans la peau du participant pour savoir comment procder et expliquer. Le cours suit un ordre d'apprentissage logique. Vous vous amliorerez donc aprs chaque point tudi."
Price: 39.99

"Illustrator dbutant intermdiaire, bases et entranements"
"Le logiciel Adobe IllustratorAdobe Illustrator est un puissant logiciel de dessin propos par Adobe. N'importe qui matrisant ce logiciel peut utiliser Illustrator pour dessiner des formes et des lignes, crer du texte ou importer des graphiques et des images, crer des logos etc... Vous pouvez aussi utiliser Illustrator pour faire une mise en page pour un livre, crer une page Web, crer un design de brochure, et bien videmment raliser des dessins sur ordinateur. Le format vectoriel d'IllustratorL'une des caractristiques les plus importantes d'Adobe Illustrator est que la qualit des illustrations cres car elles sont indpendantes de la rsolution laquelle elles sont affiches. Cela signifie qu'une image cre dans Illustrator peut tre agrandie ou rduite changer la qualit de l'image. C'est ce que l'on appelle le format vectoriel. Ce format utilise des relations mathmatiques en utilisant un ensemble de polygones qui composent l'image, eux-mmes composs de vecteurs. Chaque vecteur passe par un emplacement appel nud ou point de contrle. En comparaison, les photographies dites l'aide d'outils tels que Adobe Photoshop dpendent de la rsolution et la qualit de l'image diminue quand une image est agrandie. C'est pour cette raison que l'on utilise Illustrator pour crer des documents comme des cartes de visite, des logos et des dessins, car avec ce format ils ne perdront jamais en qualit. La formation Vous dsirez dmarrer dans Illustrator pour crer vos visuels mais vous ne savez pas comment faire ou vous avez des difficults dmarrer. Ce cours va vous permettre de matriser toutes les bases du logiciel. Vous pourrez ainsi ensuite travailler sereinement sur vos projets personnels. Il s'adresse toutes les personnes qui veulent apprendre le logiciel, professionnel ou particulier. Je vais donc vous montrer comment apprendre Illustrator en partant de rien, vous allez apprendre utiliser les diffrents outils, connaitre l'interface de travail, appliquer des effets, vectoriser une image... L'ensemble de ces lments, nous allons galement les voir dans des entranements spcifiques comme dessiner des formes, crer un logo ou encore une carte de visite."
Price: 39.99

"InDesign dbutant intermdiaire, bases et entranements"
"InDesign InDesign est un logiciel de publication assiste par ordinateur permettant de crer des mises en page, des brochures, des magazines, des journaux et des livres. Il est galement possible de crer des cartes de visites, des flyers, des montages photos, des cartes d'invitation et donc une grande varit de documents graphiques. Les projets crs avec InDesign peuvent tre partags en formats numrique et l'impression. Si vous devez crer une mise en page combinant du texte, des images et des couleurs, avec des colonnes, des titres, des paragraphes, In Design est le logiciel idal. Bien que le logiciel soit polyvalent, il se concentre essentiellement sur la mise en page, c'est dire sur la qualit de votre texte et de votre typographie, et pouvoir matriser au maximum la conception et le contenu. Il est aussi possible d'utiliser les repres et grilles pour positionner des lments avec prcision et crer des mises en page impeccables. Les options de formatage sont infinies et vous pouvez galement contrler le contenu l'aide d'lments tels que les fonctions de vrification orthographique et de notes de bas de page.Les avantages- Crer des documents comportant plusieurs pages- Edition de la typographie optimise- Plusieurs fichiers d'exportation- Large gamme de possibilits de cration- Une rfrence pour des crations professionnellesLa formationDans cette formation vous allez apprendre InDesign en partant de rien. Par une approche logique vous serez capable la fin de la formation de crer l'ensemble de vos documents graphiques. Vous verrez ainsi les lments de base pour comprendre l'interface. Vous allez ensuite apprendre les outils pas pas car c'est la base  d'une conception russie. Vous verrez galement la gestion des couleurs, l'ajout de texte, l'dition de la typographie, l'ajout d'image. Vous verrez galement les mises en page avec le principe de fonctionnement, les pages doubles ou l'ajout de page. Enfin vous pourrez mettre en application l'ensemble des connaissances travers des entranements varis."
Price: 39.99

"Crer un site web lgant avec Adobe Muse"
"Bienvenue sur Adobe MuseAdobe Muse est un logiciel graphique permettant de crer des sites web responsives sans avoir coder. En effet l'aspect premier de Adobe Muse est le design des pages. C'est une excellente alternative pour programmer des sites de manires intuitives. Vous pouvez crer des sites vitrines mais galement des sites plus complexes sur Adobe Muse.Dans ce cours, je vais vous apprendre toutes les bases de Adobe Muse, dans le but que vous soyez capable de dtenir toutes les cls de conception qui vous permettront ensuite de crer votre propre site. Le cours est abord de faon logique en commenant par les outils de base connaitre, le fonctionnement de l'espace de travail, des modes de conception... Pour ensuite s'entrainer sur la cration de page, et comprendre ainsi comment rendre sa page responsive.Au programme de ce cours :Comprendre les gabaritsIntgrer des formes et des blocsIntgrer une image dans un blocLes effets sur les blocsInsrer du texteInsrer un menuInsrer un formulaire de contacteInsrer un diaporamaRendre son texte responsiveCration d'une page d'accueil webRendre sa page d'accueil responsiveExporter le site au format htmlPublier le site"
Price: 19.99

"WordPress le cours complet pour la cration de site web"
"WordPressWordPress est un CMS qui permet de crer puis grer de faon ergonomique un blog ou un site web. Il faut simplement choisir un hbergeur et trouver un nom de domaine pour dmarrer un site web avec WordPress. Il n'y a ainsi pas besoin de savoir coder mme si des notions en codage permettent d'amliorer le site. Les thmes disponibles se comptent par centaines et nombreux sont ceux que lon peut utiliser gratuitement. Ainsi, suivant le type de site que vous dsirez crer, il est possible de slectionner un thme adapt qui vous donnera satisfaction. Les thmes sont personnalisables, il est ainsi possible de modifier les couleurs, l'arrire plan, les widgets ou encore le menu. Il peut tre trs rapidement configur et son ergonomie est particulirement intuitive. La gestion des pages  se fait quant elle de faon trs fluide et simplifie. Vous pourrez ainsi crer vos articles, vos pages et crer le site web que vous dsirez titre professionnel ou personnel. Les avantages - Une vaste choix de thme- Un systme de cration de pages et d'articles grce une gestion de bloc ergonomique- Un nombre norme d'extensions permettant d'amliorer le site et d'ajouter des fonctionnalits- Une plateforme optimise pour le rfrencement- Affichage du site responsive sur l'ensemble des crans- Des mises jour rgulires- Un investissement moindre cotLa formationDans cette formation vous allez apprendre comment utiliser WordPress pour crer votre propre site web. Vous verrez l'ensemble des fonctionnalits qui vous permettront de crer un blog ou un site en fonction de vos attentes. Vous verrez ainsi comment dmarrer avec les hbergeurs et le nom de domaine. Vous comprendrez l'interface de travail et la gestion du tableau de bord. Vous allez apprendre comment crer des pages et des articles en comprenant l'ensemble des blocs de mise en page. Vous verrez comment grer un thme, crer un menu, classer les articles, ajouter des widgets et bien plus. Des extensions seront galement prsentes pour amliorer votre site et crer des sauvegardes. Un entrainement permettra de crer un site web depuis l'installation du thme jusqu' la publication."
Price: 39.99

"Sketchup 3D beginner to intermediate, basics and training"
"SketchUp is a powerful 3D modeling tool with robust features that allows designers to explore and communicate projects, import and export various file formats and create interactive presentations. This is a widely used software in the world, especially by architects, landscape architects but also for the presentation of events, the design of 3D objects ...SketchUp models are composed of lines and faces. Non parametric 3D modeling software. In SketchUp, you are not limited to creating walls, slabs, roofs ... You draw edges that, when they touch the ends in a closed outline and when they are in the same plane, create automatically a face.The advantages of Sketchup- SketchUp is a simple, fast and intuitive software compared to other 3D modeling software.- You can already make simple models after only a few hours of learning.- SketchUp makes it possible to produce models made of few faces and therefore very light.- Because of its non-parametric modeling principle, SketchUp is suitable for many uses.- It has an extensive collection of free components with the 3D Warehouse- The free version already offers a large number of possibilities- There are a lot of plugins, many of which are free like Twilight rendering to create realistic renderingsDo you want to work in architecture, in landscaping? Want to create 3D renderings? Do you just want to draw your future home? This course is for you and will help you achieve your goals.Check out this comprehensive course that will help you learn Sketchup. You will first learn how to use the different tools one by one. Then you will learn how to create a house project from the beginning to the end, that is to say the plan until the end of the 3D modeling, which will allow to see all the possibilities of Sketchup."
Price: 39.99

"Photoshop beginner to intermediate, basics and training"
"Photoshop general training to master all the basics of the softwareWelcome to this training to learn all the Photoshop software. photo editing and photo editing. The possibilities of Photoshop are extremely large and the software is extremely versatile. By knowing how to master the techniques and tools, you will be able to work on any design project. Photoshop is a professional graphics software that offers almost endless possibilities. This software is used by a large number of professionals: architects, designers, illustrators, cartographers, designers, photographers. It allows to rework the photo, to make editing but also graphic marketing documents. However, it is a complex software, abrupt at first glance, which is not simple and intuitive. It is complex software that requires a good understanding of its tools and capabilities.Who is the course for?This course is for anyone who wants to learn Photoshop from the beginning and have a structured course that will allow them to master the software. You are a graphic design student, you are an amateur or professional photographer, you are an entrepreneur or you just want to learn Photoshop for personal purposes, so this course is for you.In the training program- Know the interface of Photoshop- Understand all layers and masks- Knowing how to cut with different tools- Master retouching tools- Master the transformation tools- Add color- Add images and create montages- Manage the text- Understand the guides and the grid- Use basic filters- Work on improving a photo- Create montages and add effects"
Price: 39.99