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"Sports injuries"
"This is a general course designed to help you identify different common sports injuries and decide on the level of injury.  It will help you determine if injuries can be played with or should have further medical assessment done.  It will also cover some basic initial first aid advice.  Topics covered include sprains, strains, contusions, fractures, dislocations, overuse injury, and skin injuries."
Price: 24.99

"Word Esencial 2016"
"Word 2016: Software de Ofimtica para Edicin y Creacin de textos de calidad con amplia variedad de herramientas comandos para toda clase de Documentos digitales mediante Uso de Tabuladores , Listas con vietas, cuadro de Informes con Tablas uso de frmulas ,Sangras especiales, Imgenes, Encabezados de Pgina, Seguridad a Documentos, Correspondencias de cartas, Formularios Digitales, Plantillas con macros."
Price: 19.99

"Legal Research 101: Primary Authorities"
"Few things terrify people more than having to walk into a law library andstart their ownlegal research project. I know becauseas aLaw LibrarianIhave worked with countless of people (lawyers and people who are involved in lawsuits). Most do not know where or how to start a legal research project.The purpose of this class is to help participantsbecome familiar with what ""primary"" legal resources are and how to find them using print resources.Why ""print"" resources?"" Simply because print resources arethe basis for online resources. When you understand how print resources are organized (and how to use them),you are better able to use online materials and know what to look for. Concepts covered in this class include how to find state and federalstatutes, how to read a case citation and find case law using headnote topics and key numbers under the American Digest System,how to find state and federal regulations. Finally, you will learn (and this one is particularlyimportant) the stepsto Shepardize any state or federalstatute, case law, orregulation.Confused? Well, that's how a lot of people feel about thenature of law and legal things. As you go through this program (and those that follow), you will gain greater understanding of how law and legal thingswork. And the more you do, the better you will get. I Promise."
Price: 49.99

"Instalacin de cmaras de seguridad"
"Un curso que ensea los principios de las cmaras de seguridad y cmo instalar y configurar correctamente un sistema de grabacin y monitoreo de pequeo y mediano tamao. El curso es para personas que ya instalan cmaras o para los que no tienen ninguna experiencia con instalacin. Aprendiendo el contenido de ese curso los estudiantes podrn convertirse en instaladores de cmaras de vigilancia con conocimiento especializado que impresionar a cualquier cliente."
Price: 99.99

"SystemVerilog Beginner: Write Your First Design &TB Modules"
"This is a basic level course teaching the Systemverilog HDL from beginning. This will cover only the basics of SV and designed for absolute beginners in it. This is suitable for those who plan to learn Verilog HDL as well, as both languages are almost same in beginner level.If you are an expert, or someone who is already coding in Systemverilog, this course is NOT for you.This coversbelow topics in a concisefrom so that you can quickly start with coding in Verilog or Systemverilog.Writing Verilog and Systemverilog ""Hello World"" kind of programs'Module' constructin these languages and its general structureWriting first moduleWhat is design and test-bench coding in an HDLEssential Language constructs of Verilog and Systemverilog to jump to programmingData types in Verilog and its additions in SystemverilogModelling same circuit in different styles: Transistor level, Gate level and Behavioral ModellingBasics ofAssignment in Verilog and SV:Continuous AssignmentProcedural Assignment blocks and their usageFlow control statementsA Case study showing same circuit implemented in different waysConcepts of Simulation and SynthesisUsing the free online simulators from scratchGenerating clock and reset in the test-benchDesign and test bench programs for some basic circuits like, adder, alu, multiplexer & counterLearning Systemverilog"
Price: 89.99

Price: 11400.00

"The Captivating Actor - A Complete & Comprehensive Guide"
"Multiple award-winning motivational speaker, actor and YouTube star Rick Segall (OUR STUPID REACTIONS), takes you on an unforgettable, hilariousand honestjourney through the ins and outs of what it takes to be a successful actor in today's world.Covering everything from technique to social media & headshots to representation, you'll also discover the hidden realities about the entertainment industry.This one-of-a-kind series will not only improve your chances of success in your craft and your career, but also give you powerful and proven step-by-step tools."
Price: 199.99

"Impresin 3D - Impresoras 3D, para comenzar y continuar"
"Te has dado cuenta que tienes, quieres, y deseas una impresora 3D pero no tienes idea de como hacerla funcionar ni por donde comenzar?En este curso te llevamos desde el reconocimiento de las partes de tu impresora yel mantenimiento, hasta el uso de varios software y recursos que te harn la vida ms interesante con tus impresiones en 3D,donde la nica limitacin ser tu imaginacin."
Price: 19.99

"Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Practicing"
"Change Your Brain to Increase Your Mood, Memory, Focus, Emotional Intelligence while decreasing your stress and anxiety.This is a 13 week series thatteaches you how to become organicallymindful (making mindfulness a habit in your daily life).Each week you will be introduced to a new exercise you can do for as little as 60 seconds a day. It's a very practical look at Mindfulness and how to make it a part of your everyday life. You don't have to sit in a dark room by yourself chanting OM. You can practice Mindfulness when you walk, talk, listen, eat, drive to work, etc. Mindfulness is simply ""paying attention on purpose"" and when we learn to do this in our daily life, it becomes a game changer for your success and happiness!But, you have to learn how to practice on a daily basis. This course will show you 13+ ways to do that as you go about your normal, daily routines.You will learn...What mindfulness is...why it's it will positively effect your life.A few benefits of practicing mindfulness include...Increased...Memory, Focus, Cognitive Flexibility, Mood and overall Well-Being.Decreased...Stress/Anxiety and Physical PainIn short...Life is better when you practice mindfulness!"
Price: 99.99

"A Complete Life Management + Productivity System"
"This is a complete productivity and transformationalsystem designed to takeyou from where you areto where you want to be!Only 8% of people who set goals for themselves achieve themthat means 92% fail! This ProductivitySystem is designed to help you become a part of the exclusive 8% of people who accomplishes what they set out to do! As an entrepreneur and Performance Coach Im giving away the secret to my success. What began as a simple college lined notebook that I used to plan my goals has turned into my mission to helping as many people as possible find their TRUE PATH and to startliving the life theyve always wanted by being more productive, healthier and happier! The system is ""TRUE PATH""a 13-week all-in-one goal setting guide that is designed to give you Direction, Structure, and Accountability. It does this by assessing what you really want in life (Goals), and then developing, defining and breaking those goals down into manageable monthly, weekly, and daily action steps.Setting 13 week goals gives you the ability to see the finish line.Goals are like staircasesyou dont get to a staircase, take one step, and you are at the top. You need to take one step at atime, and before you know it, you are at the topsame with goals.Breaking your goals down and having that 13 week mark allows you to see the top clearly. This also allows each step (daily/weekly) to have more impact on your journey giving you more motivation to keep climbing. This 13-week system was designed using neuroscience principles which allows you to get the most out of your day, week, month and life through learning about yourself, how habits are developed and changed, as well as learning to strengthen your brain through mindfulness practice which increases your mood, memory, focus, emotional intelligence and immune system while decreasing stress and anxiety.When you complete the 13-weeks of TRUE PATH, you will have a new perspective, not just on your goals, and what you want in life, but a better understanding of yourself and how YOU work from day to day."
Price: 99.99

"Fotografa Cristiana"
"Crea tu idea fotogrfica desde una perspectiva bblica. Aprende los fundamentos importantes de una construccin fotogrfica conceptual. Factores importantes como el proceso creativo y el proceso fotogrfico son imperativos para el anlisis de cualquier pieza de arte. Haz de tu talento una bendicin para otros y manda un mensaje apropiado, coherente y sobre todo bblico. La importancia de preparar la fotografa antes de hacer click a la cmara no tiene precio, pero el ignorarlo es normalmente muy caro"
Price: 29.99

"general Aptitude"
"time and work : classifications and formula related are discussedmen days hours and work: basic formula and theorycalendars ; classification of years ,odd day calculation,odd days tables for a week and for yearsclocks : description about clock and formula concernedpipes and cisterns : various formula and related theorytime and distance and efficiencyprofit and loss and discountages,averagesall above topics discussion with suitable examples and assignment questions on all topics with key,pdf key downloadable"
Price: 19.99

"control systems"
"dealing with mainbasics of control systemsdiscussion about the stability and types of systemsdiscussion of allstability analysis methods with procedure and suitable example andeach plot is drawn and explained in detailmethods in discussion area)RH criteria-discussed along with special casesb)ROOT locusc)polar plotd)nyquist plote)bode plot- bothphase and magnitude plot are under discussionadvantages and drawbacks of each and every stability analysis method is discusseddiscussion aboutstability determination of a systemby time response analysis andall related terms andcalculation of steady state error for various input signalobtaining an expression for output of system in termsof magnitude and phase when the input and gain of system for a given inputfrequencystandard mathematical representation of system bystate space analysis(state space representations) an discussion of basic terms involveddefining terms and procedure for determining thecontrollability ,observability of systems"
Price: 19.99

"Make Money With High Ticket Sales (Even If You're A Newbie)"
"Work smart, not hard -that's our mentality when it comes to building an online (or offline) business. There are so many techniques out there to qualify, close a sale and create a lifelong relationship with high paying clients, and this course will show you how it's done. Doesn't matter if you're a newbie - experience is not required for this course!Big Ticket Clients are those who are willing to pay you more for your time.In other words, they are not just your average customers, they are willing to pay double,triple or even 50 times more than what you would earn from average customersat the same amount of time invested. It is a great time saver. In other words, it protects your time.Finding the right clients for your business is the biggest challenge for business owners and entrepreneurs. For most of them, it's not the lack of effort, but lack of knowledge and proper training. If this sounds familiar, this course is designed especially for you.Get all the high paying clients you need with this step-by-step, six-module course.Establish instant authority and credibility.No trial and error with Facebook Ads - learn exactly how to target your audience, and turn every campaign into success.Learn how to overcome sales objections and close as many sales as possible.No cold calling!This system has been proven to attract and close sales, which means that if you implement what you learn in this course you'll never have to stress about where your next client is coming from. And as we all know, your clients build your business - without them, there is no business.Content OverviewThe course consists of six modules:Mindset training - learn the mindset of high paying clients, and how you can use that in your advantage.High Ticket training -learn how and where to use high ticketproducts.Webinars -when done properly, webinars arethe ultimate way to sell high ticket products. Learn how to automate your webinars and how to make them as high converting as possible.Traffic training-the dreaded 'T' word is no longer a problem. Learn how to target your customers and convert them into sales.Strategy Session training -learn how to overcome sales objections, how to close a sale and how to follow up properly.Client Care training -now that you know how to find your clients and make a sale, learn how to grow your high ticket business.This course is designed with newbies in mind, but anyone who's currently running their own business can benefit from it!"
Price: 104.99

"Productivity Mastery Hacks - Work Less, Do More"
"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.What would you do withone, two, three or maybe evenfive hoursa day?Would you finish that course you started? the project you've been working on? work on that idea you just can't get out of your head? or maybe it's not about the time, maybe you're just so easily distracted that you can't seem to focus on any of these for long periods of time?The sad truth is that most of us don't lack knowledge. You don't need another shiny program, because it's NOT about what you KNOW.It's all about WHAT you DO every day, and HOW you do it.'Productivy Mastery Hacks' will teach you sixteen productivity hacks you can use and how to implement them in your daily life to help you achieve better, faster results. These hacks are tested and provenand can help you improve your focus, make the right decisions for you and your business and and do more with the time you have.You will learn:What are the things you need to GIVE UP on to in order to get things done...How to save your precious time...The 'blogger jounraling' method to keep track of your projects and ideas...How to develop success habits...And much, much more!This unique course contains 16 videos, audio training, an eBook AND a checklist -all in one!"
Price: 104.99

"Passive Income Mastery: Supercharge Your Online Profits"
"PLEASE NOTE: THIS COURSE IS NOT A 'BUY TODAY GET RICH TOMORROW' PRODUCT. THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE. EVEN CREATING PASSIVE INCOME STREAMS TAKES TIME.""If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."" -Warren BuffettWe live in exciting times. These days, thanks to technology, anyone can start making ""passive income"" online - or in other words, make money while they sleep, travel or work on other projects.In the past, passive income was reserved for the wealthy, the ""elite""... but now? thanks to the internet, passive income can be achieved by anyone, anywhere.But how?In this comperhensive course, I'm going to show you several ways to make passive income online.This is a full ledge training course where I will betransferring all my exclusive methods to you that are proven to be effective. You can literally copy & paste my methods and apply toyour business! Along with the video course, you will get instant access to resources that will help you implement these methods.You will learn...Different types of passive (continous) income, and how to make money with each one of them.10 free and paid ways to generate traffic (no traffic = no sales, as anyone will tell you).How to make money without the technical terms that prevent you from making it.And much, much more.BUT LISTEN.While this course is comperhensive and will teach you proven methods to make passive income, this is not a ""get rich quick"" scheme. You CANNOT get rich overnight (unless you win the lottery). Moreover, I'd recommend staying away from anything and anyone that can guarantee overnight wealth. Consider this a slow-and-steady path to making money online. And of course... if you don't implement these methods and stick with them, nothing is going to change!Are you ready to supercharge your profits?"
Price: 199.99

"Affiliate Marketing Domination: Become A Super Affiliate"
"""Affiliate marketing has made businesses millions and ordinary people millionaires.""If you've ever wanted to make money online, I'm sure you came across the term affiliate marketing. Maybe you even purchased eBooks and video trainings, joined affiliate networks such as Clickbank and JVZoo and thought the sales would start rolling in. Because whenpeopel think about affiliate marketing, they think about the 'fantasy' they've been told - the Easy Button.You start to get the idea that you can quit your day job, push the Easy Button, and live happily ever after after. But then, when you follow that, they seem to make money... but you don't. Sounds familiar?We've all been there. But today, it's going to change.Is affiliate marketing is aseasy as youve heard?it's not a 'push-a-button-and-be-rich' business, but it's not rocket science either. You just need a strong foundation and to keep building up your business from there. And that's exactly what this course is for.You see, you wouldnt build a house without a strong foundation. And neither should you build an affiliate business without first snapping some very important pieces into place. Skip these beginning steps, and your affiliate business will be about as a strong as a house of cards.You will learn...How to approach affiliate marketing differently and truly understand your business.How to avoid common mistakes that are ruining your business.How top affiliates- also known as super affiliates think, and what it takes to become a super affiliate.How to drive traffic to your offers.1How to approach social media marketing the right way, and what are the pros and cons of every major social media network!And much more...BUT LISTEN.While this course is comperhensive and will teach you proven methods to make passive income, this is not a ""get rich quick"" course. I'm not going to say things like ""buy this today and make money tomorrow"" or ""people have made money an hour after purchasing this!"".You CANNOT get rich overnight(unless you win the lottery). Moreover, I'd recommendstaying away from anything and anyonethat can guarantee overnight wealth.Consider this a slow-and-steady path to making money online. And of course... if you don't implement these methods and stick with them, nothing is going to change!But if you're serious about becoming an affiliate marketer, this is for you. Ready to get started?"
Price: 199.99

"Entrepreneurship 101 - From Idea to Launch (And Beyond)"
"Starting your own business is terrifying.There are so many questions entrepreneurs ask themselves...How do I know my idea is worth it?How do I come up with a great idea?Will people really buy my service / product or will I just waste my time?How do I start a business while on a budget?How do I grow my business on a budget?How do I make myself stand out?How do I convince customers to choose me over my competition?And the list goes on and on.There's no place, degree, or university that can teach you how to become a successful entrepreneur. But it doesn't mean that 'some people have it' and some people don't. It doesn't mean that you can't learn how to become a successful entrepreneur.In this course, we're going to answer all of your questions.You're going to learn how to find out your ideas are worth it, how to come up with a great idea and find the difference between an idea and a business opportunity. You're going to learn how to budget your business and scale it even if you're on a tight budget. You're going to learn how to brand your business and how to make it stand out.This course is a practical, step-by-step course that will help you take your entrepreneurial ideas and turn them into profitable businesses.It's everything you need to get started."
Price: 199.99

"Modern Responsive Website with CSS3 Flexbox and ES6"
"This course is a part of upcoming collection of courses called Become a Guru, which has a goals of turning students into professional developers, no matter how much of previous experience they have.In this course:- You will learn how to code websites from scratch- You will learn most advanced HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript principles- You will learn CSS3Flexbox- We will make our website look amazing by using Javascript for interaction- You will learn how to turn your code into Beautiful websites- We'll explore free stock image websites- We'll be using fonts for our icons in order to make or icons more flexible- You will learn how to find modern fontsAfter this course you will have all skills you need in order to create modern website.If you are a beginner, this course will turn you into professional.And if you already have some coding skills, this course will make you even better developer.Welcome!"
Price: 199.99

"Declutter: A Complete Guide To Organising Your Home"
"THE ONLY COURSE ON UDEMY TELLING YOU HOW TO DECLUTTERSTEP BY STEPAll encompassing coursecovering all aspects of declutteringDesigned for beginners to get straight into it and expertsto apply new techniques18 CONTENT PACKED LECTURES,MAKING IT SIMPLE AND FUN TO DECLUTTER2 Downloadable checklists available to use again and again every time you declutter!No Prior knowledge required on how to delcutterRECEIVE ALIFETIMEACCESS ON ALL MATERIALON THIS COURSEGet an Unconditional 30-day Money Back Guarantee - You don't want any regrets having not tried to rid your home of clutterAny futureupdates and add-ons will always be completely FREE of chargeNo special equipment required to apply any techniques found on this course -You only having to be willing and ready to make a changeDO YOU FIND YOUR HOME GETTING INCREASINGLY UNTIDY TO THE POINT WHERE YOU CAN'T FUNCTION PROPERLY?Is this mess spiralling into other parts of your life?Is thiscausing you to be late, demotivated and generally unorganised?Do you find yourself not having the energy to declutter?Are you finding it difficult to decide what items you need to throw out?If any of these questions soundlike something you would ask yourself then you've come to the right place.WHAT YOU GET IN THIS COURSE:I go through a complete step by step guide to declutter your home. The courseincludesidentifyingif you have a clutter issue right through to decluttering in a proven systematic way.I don't just stop there but help you to ensure the clutter doesn't return through specific methods and techniques to help youkeep on top of things so your decluttering doesn't become a one off activity.All of this is conveyed through my own experiences with tried and tested methods to give you every chance to maximise your efforts.Through this course I will give youan insight onexpert techniques you might not have come across as well as aroom by room guide on the most effective ways todeclutter.The courseis packed with useful tips and methods giving you multiple ways on going about your task, catering for all nomatter your background on decluttering.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE YOU'LL LEARN:A system you can use time and time again to DECLUTTER all parts of your homeMethods on making itfun while declutteringHow to check if you have a problem with clutterHow to determine what type of clutter you have in your homeClever little hacks you can easily use that you won't have come across anywhere elseBecome much more confident when begging to declutter and not quitting half way throughHow to organise your time better when declutteringHOW TO ENSURE CLUTTER DOESN'T RETURN BACK INTO YOUR HOMEHow you can apply this knowledge to situations outside your homeBecome to become more active and energetic in your home through decluttering..and much moreINTERESTED? SEE BELOW FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATIONThis discountedcourse price will only be available for the next few days as the price will be going up shortly. Take advantage of this course while you can and have UNLIMITED ACCESS AT NO EXTRA COST!After taking this course please feel free to ask any questions you have on the contentand I'll be more than happy to answer.I've packed as much content on this course as I canensuring it doesn't become too long, please let me know through feedback if you would like any additional help and tips on decluttering and I will update my course accordingly.All updates will be included and you pay NO extra cost.All that remains is toclick on Take This Coursebutton on the top right corner and start your decluttering journey!"
Price: 19.99

"Google Analytics: Secrets Revealed To Increase Conversions"
"Google Analytics is the no.1 web analytics tool available for data analysis. It is the most effective web analytics tool available allowing you to easily track your website audience, gain meaningful data and ultimately lead to more clicks and profit. This course teaches you how to quickly and easily set up Google Analytics, read the reports, interpret the data and crucially identify the data that leads to improved conversion rates and revenue. So don't get left behind by your competitors and learn how to expertly navigate your way around Google Analytics.All encompassing coursecovering crucial aspects of Google Analytics focusing on all online site types.Designed forbeginnersto get straight into it andexpertsto apply new techniques28 CONTENT PACKED LECTURES,MAKING IT SIMPLE AND INSIGHTFULLEARNING TO USE GOOGLEANALYTICSNoPriorknowledge required on how to use this web analytics toolRECEIVE ALIFETIMEACCESS ON ALL MATERIALON THIS COURSEGet an Unconditional 30-day Money Back Guarantee -You don't want any regrets leaving no stone un-turned in order to have a successfulonline storeAny futureupdates and add-ons will always be completelyFREEof chargeOnly Google Analytics is required togo through this course which is 100% FREE to use WHAT IS COVERED IN THIS COURSE: I show you anin-depthmethod on howto use Google Analytics expertly. In thiscourseIidentifythe reporting sections within Google Analytics which have the greatest impact on your store performance. I walk through the steps required to get to the relevant data, analyse the data and even exporting this data outside Google Analytics to investigate further. All of this is done is a proven systematic way.I don't just stop there but show you the type of data you should be looking for on a well performing store and the type of data to avoid through variousinsightfulmethods and techniques.All of this is conveyed through my own experiences withtried and testedmethods showing data on a test store, through this I show what indicators to look for which have the potential to transform your store and improve performance.Through this course I alsogive youaninsightonexpert techniques you might not have come across if you are already familiar with Google Analytics.The courseis packed withuseful tipsand methods giving you multiple ways to improve online store performance through Google Analytics, catering for all nomatter yourskill level.AFTER TAKING THIS COURSE YOU'LL LEARN 10 KEY POINTS:1. A system you can use time and time again toANALYSE KEY DATAon your online store traffic2. Methods on making itfun while looking for gold nuggets of data on your traffic3. Learn how to check if E-commerce products have potential or if the data suggests you stop any ads on them4. Determine which locations and devicesyou should be targeting on specific ads5. Pick up clever little tricks you can employ to drill down on data and release LASER FOCUSED ADS6. Become much more confident when analysing the data on your website traffic7. Learn how to focus your time on the E-commerce products with the potential for greater return.8. ENSURE YOUR NOT THROWING MONEY ON ADS WITH LITTLE RETURN BY NOT ANALYSING DATA ON YOUR TRAFFIC EFFECTIVELY9. Learn how you can apply this knowledge to all aspects of your online store data10. Become moreproactivein improving your website especially if its anE-commerce store,INTERESTED? SEE BELOW FOR IMPORTANT INFORMATION Thisdiscountedcourse price will only be available for the next few days as the price will be going up shortly.Take advantage of this course while you can and have UNLIMITED ACCESS AT NO EXTRA COST!After taking this course pleasefeel free to ask any questionsyou have on the contentand I'll be more than happy to answer.I've packed as much content on this course as I canensuring it doesn't become too long, please let me know through feedback if you would like any additional help and tips on Google Analyticsand I willupdatemy course accordingly.All updates will be included and you pay NO extra cost.Join the 1200+ Students that are currently enrolled into this Google Analytics: Secrets Revealed To Increase Conversions course. All that remains is toclick onTake This Coursebutton on the top right corner and start your Google Analyticsjourney!"
Price: 199.99

"Learning English with storytelling"
"It's fundamental for students to be exposed to the language as much as possible and storytelling is a fantastic field to be explored.Each story is divided into chunks andconsists of three parts. In the first part you get information aboutthe name of the character andthe place to live. The second part is aboutencountering with the world. The third part tells what happens with this encounter and what the world says. Taking this course up, you will be able to understand listening by using pictures and go to another level."
Price: 19.99

"How to attract a steady flow of happy, wellness clients"
"Testimonials""This course saved my business, I am having to turn clients away now."" - Margo B.""I had just started my business, and didn't know where to start, now I am thriving, thank you!"" -Aurora L.""My retreats are full, Ican't thank you enoughfor this course! Ilove my repeat customers too"" - Shellie C.""Inever knew I could be so successful with meal prep, thanks for helping me realize my potential!"" -Amy D.AboutWellness is now a three trillion dollar industry and there isno shortage of opportunity to bring higher levels of wellbeing into the world.Whether you are working with clients, customers, students or patients, this course teaches youhow tomaintainthe quicksuccess of yourwellness business by ensuring a steady flow of happy, soulfulwellness customers. We will dive deep into three phases of success through: ideal client identification, client attraction and marketing, and customer satisfaction and retention. These three areas are crucial to your continued growth asyou reach the success you deserve for sharing your vision of wellbeing with the world.What you will learn:This course is a six-module step-by-step self study that walks you through:1. Creating client profile examples for all of your potential dream clients so that you know exactly know who wants your product, services, or events.2. Building a set of inspiring brand standards that speak directly from your heart - compelling your dream clients to work with you.3. Developing a client attraction strategy that you can re-use day-after-day to keep more clients coming4. Mastering the art of the client journey, or client nurturing process, on the way to your dream client's decision to work with you5. Developing a customer service and client benefits program that will ensure you can continue to share your wellbeing with your new clients year-after-year"
Price: 19.99

"React/Redux ReduxReact/ReduxReact/ReduxTodoReact/ReduxReact/ReduxAPIAPIReact/Reduxversiontestlint"
Price: 4800.00

"Build a blockchain!"
"This course will get you to build a blockchain and cryptocurrency from scratch.The blockchain is a revolutionary technologythat allows for the secure, distributed, decentralized storage of information.Over the past few years, the blockchain has taken the engineering landscape by storm. Many people in the industry predict that the blockchain will disrupt the ways we interact with technology on the same way the Internet did in the early 2000s.The blockchain is the main technology behind Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the other prominent cryptocurrencies that we read about in the news today.By leveraging the blockchain, cryptocurrencies create a system of trustlessness. This cuts the need for middle men like banks and traders in economic systems.Do you want to enter this young market, and become a highly sought-afterblockchain engineer?The industry is starving for people who understand, and even better, can build blockchains. The supply is low, but the demand is high. So having a blockchain project under your belt will open doors and jobs for you.For engineers, coders, and software developers, the best way to truly understand the revolutionary technologies of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, is to build a blockchain and cryptocurrency yourself.Therefore, this course will take you through implementing a blockchain and cryptocurrency - discovering the underlying techniques and concepts.The course is designed into sections that introduce the main concepts of the blockchain one-by-one. By the end of the course, you will have a respectable blockchain project in your repertoire.Some of the main course highlights:Build a Blockchain in the object-oriented programming style.Generate hashes for blocks in the chain.Unit Test Components of the Blockchain.Create an API around the Blockchain.Create a real-time connected peer-to-peer server.Implement a proof-of-work algorithm.Sign Transactions with cryptography and digital signature.Create a Transaction Pool for a real-time list of incoming data.Include transactions in core blocks of the chain.Well use NodeJS to implement this project. Dont worry if youre not familiar with JavaScript. This course explains the purpose behind every line and keyword. So, while JS experience will help, its not an absolute requirement.Written summaries supplement each tutorial.That way, you can move along at your own pace, either watching the more thorough filmed tutorial, or reading thesummary.Ultimately, knowledge of the Blockchain will set you up for success in the future, as an engineer in a blockchain-dominated world. So what are you waiting for? Lets get started building a blockchain!***02/2018: Note that this course has been pre-released. Get the majority of the course that is already out early on. Expect an update for the final section will come out this month in February.What are the requirements?Familiarity with using a code editor and the command line.Some JavaScript experience will help, but every line is explained. This is not a course on advanced JS, but uses JS to build the concepts. By focusing on the concepts, the JS will become clear.What am I going to get from this course?Discuss the implementation of Blockchain and cryptocurrencies.Understand main blockchain concepts like Proof-of-Work, mining, peer-to-peer connections, etc.Build their own blockchain and cryptocurrency.Create a NodeJS application with real-time websocket connections.Build an API with NodeJS and Express.What is the target audience?The Blockchain engineers of the future.Anyone wanting to understand how cryptocurrencies are built.Cryptocurrency holders, so that way they can understand the underlying system.Anyone who wants to build a huge project in NodeJS, and it to their repertoire."
Price: 24.99

"Online Business Development Resources"
"How to Use a Search Engine to Market your Organization CollectionProject proposal, Financial Technology, Accounting, Outsourcing, Law & Litigation, Private Ventures, Digital Assets.This course is designed to teach best practices. Note: All lessons are accessible after purchase.What is the best way to use a Search Engine in 2019?A flagship course is best for leaders who want to produce a definitive and often high ticket resource for their audience. Flagship courses are typically bundled with bonuses like other courses (SEO in 2019) and extra services (ClandestineBrain a website Metrics Report). They can have multiple price points and comprehensive brands all to themselves. These are both free included with purchase!Students for this course have likely seen other, smaller knowledge products (e.g. mini-courses, ebooks, blog posts, podcasts) and are committing to a larger, more intense educational experience because they trust the expertise from the preview thereafter and are looking for a transformation in their organization.Other reasons why you might take course:You want to become the go-to expert in your fieldYou want to run a certification program that requires a lot of dedication on the student's partYou run a longer evergreen or timely program and drip content over timeYour subject of promo demands a large, in-depth course to cover it properlyYou're ready to turn your other knowledge products into a well known valuable knowledge productLearn more about creating a platform clandestinebrainWhat is included in this Course?This course includes three chapters with lessonsProject ProposalFinancial TechnologyAccountingOutsourcingLaw &LitigationPrivate VenturesDigital Assets Intro A description of the included chapters and lessons:Welcome to the course! - Chapter - Chapters contain lessons and are sometimes called modules or sections.How to use this course - Video Lessons - This video was made by the Clandestine team to help get acquainted with the course learning environment. This video is unbranded and teaches students how to successfully use the Thinkific Course Player.A message from the instructor - Video Lesson - This lesson is a placeholder for a short video, the instructor will leave a short (< 2 min) message here thanking the student for enrolling in the course and/or previewing upcoming content to build excitement.Before we begin... - Each chapter in this course will contain three lessons that help a student accomplish a major milestone. A milestone is a clear and measurable achievement students hit along the way, ultimately achieving course completion.Accomplishing the milestone per chapter will involve:Why someone should accomplish a milestone (a problem, its consequences, and the benefit of fixing it)What they need to accomplish a milestone (the prerequisite knowledge/skills/tools for solving a problem)How to accomplish a milestone (a demonstration of solving a problem)High-levellesson - Video Lesson 1 - In this lesson, explaining how to achieve Perfect SEO across the webpage (1-12) tasks and within multimedia uploads. The whyas well as the what behind reaching the next milestone.Need some help? Get in touch with us!Enroll Now, see you on the other side!!"
Price: 199.99

"Communication skills - University Professor"
"JADA eLearning new course.Course Introduction and Description of Lecture PlanAs the table above indicates, the course contents are distributed over twelve modules.Each module consists a minimum of one to a maximum of five lectures, and in total, thetwelve modules amount to forty lectures. The focus of this course is on communicationskills, which cover the four major language skills, namely, reading, writing, listening,and speaking. In Module I, I talk about Introduction to Communication and the Need for Effective Communication. In the following module, Module II, I talk about Barriers toCommunication and Overcoming Measures to these Barriers to Communication. Youwill come to know of those barriers and obstacles, which actually cause impediments toeffective communication. In Module III, after introducing you to the operative principlescommunication, its effectiveness, and then various associated concepts on overcomingthe barriers to communication, I will be focusing on Non-Verbal Communication withdetailed descriptions of Body Language. This module highlights the soft skills relevantfor performing well in professional activities like group discussion and interviews.Module IV deals with Listening Skills and answers in detail the following questions: Whydo we need listening skills? How to enhance our listening skills? How to be a betterlistener? How to be an active listener?The video resources in this course is based on the free online courseware of ""Communication Skills"" (available at NPTEL website with course id: 109104031) by NPTEL which is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available under the License Notes section in the NPTEL webpage."
Price: 199.99

"Affiliate Marketing Masterclass - 25 course in 1"
"What You'll Learn:AMAZON adsINSTAGRAM adsTWITTER ads YOUTUBEFACEBOOK and remarketingSEOEMAIL SALESSALES FUNNELCOPYRIGHTDIGITAL LIFESTYLEWORDPRESSBLOGWEBINARSAND MUCH MUCH MORE!!JADA eLearning Team is Updating this Course Every month!!!!!Enjoy, and take Notes!!!You can go to forbes magazine and read about John Crestani to learn about how true is that you can make a living with digital marketing.Ready?Lets get started!#affiliatemarketing #affiliate #clickbank #amazon #dropshipping"
Price: 199.99

"Preparing to Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA) Exam"
"Welcome to Preparing to Certified OpenStack Administrator Exam Course!The Course provides great introduction to OpenStack and covers all topics listed in current COA Exam (Stein Version) Requirements. However, the Course is based on previous COA Exam Version (2018).For best experience set-up learning OpenStack Environment, as instructed in Section 12, which includes a guide to set up OpenStack Pike Release Lab.By end of this Course you will proficiently execute routine OpenStack Administration tasks, like creating Project Networks & Routers, Launching Virtual Server Instances, managing Block and Object Storage in OpenStack Cloud.In this Course you get not only a detailed and deep understanding of OpenStack, but most important you get a Training Lab to develop practical skills. This Lab is delivered as a Virtual Appliance to install on a laptop or a desktop. It is based on Community Version of OpenStack, so no Vendor bias in the Course.You will be able to exercise OpenStack tasks day and night, using the Horizon Graphical User Interface as well as Command Line, to get the highest proficiency.The Course comes with 18 Lab Sessions with  more than 120 Objectives to complete. These are practical Exercises, like Create a Volume and Attach it to Virtual Server Instance, then Snapshot the Volume, or Launch the Orchestration Stack with multiple Virtual Resources.If you are a System Administrator and you want to gain highly paid Cloud Proficiency, this is the Course for you.Free Preview available for Lecture 17 in Section 5 and for Lecture 37 in Section 9. Enjoy!"
Price: 199.99

"OpenStack Installation and Deployment"
"OpenStack is a great Open Source Cloud Management software. In this Course You will learn how to successfully Install & Deploy OpenStack .OpenStack Supports a wide range of Compute, Network and Storage Virtualization Technologies and has a lot of Configuration Options.We start the Course with a Detailed Overview of OpenStack Installation Process and perform Manual Installation. Once we get basic OpenStack Services installed in Virtual Machines and on Physical Servers, we move on to Automated Deployment of OpenStack with Kolla-Ansible.You need to have intermediate Linux Administration Skills to take full advantage of this Course. We use a Wide Array of Tools here:AnsibleDocker CEVirtualBoxVagrantShell ScriptsGitHubGoogle Cloud PlatformWe Install and Deploy OpenStack with Broad Selection of Infrastructure Technologies:Linux Bridges and Open vSwitchKVM and QEMUCeph and LVMMariaDB and GaleraRabbitMQHAProxyetc.During the Course you can see OpenStack Installation and Deployment in small All-in-One Machine, as well as in a Multi-node Environment with Controller High Availability and Ceph for Storage Pool.The Course focuses on Community Version of OpenStack and Community Driven Installation & Deployment Tools."
Price: 179.99