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"Amliorer sa navigation sur Internet avec Google Chrome !"
"Dans ce cours sur le navigateur de Google ""Chrome"" vous apprendrez toutes notions essentielles pour naviguer de faon efficace, sre et sereine sur le Web. Vous apprendrez notamment les notions essentielles sur Internet afin de mieux orienter vos navigations, et cela, de faon scurise.Nous verrons galement comment faire des recherches plus pertinentes par l'intermdiaire du moteur de recherche de Google et ainsi optimiser sa navigation sur Internet.Au fil des sections vous amliorerez ainsi votre matrise de Chrome et du Web, ce qui vous permettra alorsde gagner du temps sur ce qui compte vraiment. savoir vos navigations !*Formation mise jour rgulirement selon les volutions du navigateur."
Price: 19.99

"Exploiter pleinement la messagerie Gmail"
"Dans cette formation sur la clbre messagerie de Google, vous apprendrezmatriser pleinementles diffrents aspects de Gmail.Alors si vous dbutez et que vous souhaitez apprendre efficacement vous servir dune messagerie, ou encore si vous tes confirm sur lusage de Gmail, mais que vous souhaitez tre sr de tout connatre de la messagerie, alors cette formation est faite pour vous !En effet, nous verrons en dtail toutes les fonctionnalits et les paramtrages qui sont proposs avec cette puissante messagerie. De plus, lors de cette formation, vous apprendrez galement comment mettre en place un systme de traitement des mails qui doit vous permettre de gagner en efficacit et srnit. Cela par l'intermdiaire de nombreux conseils et recommandation des plus grands experts en organisation, productivit et plus prcisment sur le sujet qui nous intresse ici la messagerie.Avec cette formation, vous aurez ainsi toutes les connaissances pour matriser pleinement Gmail et galement adapter et configurer la messagerie en fonction de vos propres besoins.Vous souhaitez matriser pleinement une messagerie,gagner du temps etamliorer votre productivit ?Alors, rejoignez cette formation afin deprofiterpleinement du systme de messagerie lectronique le plus puissant et le plus populaire au monde !"
Price: 74.99

"Facebook AD Essentials for Real Estate"
"Are you tired of paying money to Zillow or Boomtown for leads that go nowhere? Learn the basics of Facebook Advertising for Real Estate and you can run your own ads and generate you own exclusive Real Estate leads! We will go over all of the Facebook AD types that work for Real Estate and give you several Bonuses that will help you with your business."
Price: 199.99

"Shear Over Comb Consulting-Barber Instructor Education"
"Learn valuable tips on how to become a great educator andinstructor in the barber and cosmetology field.This course was designed by Daniel J. Brown of Shear Over Comb Consulting. With his over 10 years of teaching experience, he has been a pioneer in the barbering industry as an instructor, shop owner and published author. This course will help all who are in the education field that strive to reach the hearts and minds of all students of various learning styles."
Price: 39.99

"Dominando Youtube Para Negcios Online 2.0"
"Voc tem ou quer ter um negcio online, ento voc precisa usar os vdeos como estratgia de negcios. Ol, eu sou Ronaldo Alves Fundador do Blog Dominando Marketing Online e Empreendedor Digital.E o meu objetivo instruir voc para construir um canal de muito sucesso no Youtube.Voc sabia que em 2019, cerca de 80% de todo o trfego da internet vai vir dos vdeos.Voc sabia que o Youtube hoje o 2 maior site de busca no mundo.Perdendo apenas para o Google e tem mais, j ultrapassou a marca de 1 Bilho de usurios inscritos.Com isso, o Youtube se Torna um excelente portal para gerao de negcios.Alm de possibilitar uma grande oportunidade de construo de autoridade em um nicho especfico, atraindo compradores para seus produtos ou servios.Mas espera a.Voc no tem um produto para vender?Ento, o curso Dominando Youtube Para Negcios Online o seu melhor investimento.Neste curso voc vai aprender:Identificar um nicho de mercado lucrativo com alta demanda.Alm disso, vou te ensinar escolher o melhor produto para vender e ganhar comisses de at 70% utilizando o marketing de afiliados.Isso mesmo, vou te ensinar o que eu fao no marketing de afiliados para gerar uma receita crescente no youtube.E voc, j parou para pensar o quanto voc pode faturar por ms com isso?Agora, se voc j tem um assunto que voc um Expert.Exemplo:Vamos imaginar que voc sabe cozinhar, ou voc sabe fazer artesanato, ou seja, sevoc sabe fazer alguma coisa que voc possa ensinar outras pessoas atravs dos vdeos.Este curso para voc.Ento a primeira coisa que voc precisa fazer garantir a sua inscrio agora mesmo e ter acesso ao passo a passo para criar o seu negcio online atravs dos vdeos.E tem mais, ao concluir este curso voc vai estar Dominando Youtube para Negcios OnlineConstruindo uma Renda Passiva Altamente lucrativa a cada vdeo que voc criar para o seu canal.O Curso composto por 8 mdulos passo a passo.Mdulo 1 Mentalidade Empreendedor.Mdulo 2 Escolhendo o Nicho de Mercado.Mdulo 3 Como Gerar Receita com Meu Canal.Mdulo 4 Criando e Configurando o Canal.Mdulo 5 Materiais para Gravao de Vdeos.Mdulo 6 Modelos de Vdeos e Ferramentas de Gravao.Mdulo 7 Criando Contedo Para o Canal.Mdulo 8 SEO - Otimizando os Vdeos.Mas, eu preciso te contar uma coisa, se voc tem preguia de trabalhar, ou quer ganhar dinheiro fcil.Sinto muito, este curso no para voc.Por que eu to falando isso para voc? bem Simples.Este curso vai te colocar para trabalhar.Mas, se voc do tipo de pessoa que encara os desafios da vida eest disposto a sair da zona de conforto.Voc precisa fazer a sua inscrio agora mesmo para aproveitar o preo promocional Ento, clique agora mesmo e faa a sua inscrio que eu estou te esperando na rea de membros do curso.Tudo o que eu podia fazer para ajudar voc criar um negcio online atravs dos vdeos,esta incluso neste curso.S depende de voc.Se deu certo pra mim, que no sabia nada de marketing digitalPode dar certo para voc tambm.Agora com Voc.Um Grande Abrao e Sucesso."
Price: 489.99

"Learn To Day Trade Crypto Like a Pro (+Bonuses)"
"UPDATE: The Course will continuously have videos and contents added as time goes on!We invest money into fitness, food, our kids, vacations (that set people in debt most of the time), ect. Sure there is value in all of the above, but what pays for that valuenow? How nice would it be to make a trade sunbathing on a beach while getting a notification that something big is about to happen in the market?And it's about to make you profit.Who wouldn't want this?Most educational programs offer the foundation for success, butyou are still working for someone else.What you will learn is financial freedomto be your own boss, againwho wouldn't want that?This doesn't require thousands of dollars or going in debt to bring you that success or dream - just waking up with a smile on your face knowing those bills are paid! You don't even need to leave your home, and again...Who wouldn't want that?Are you looking for financial freedom? Thousands have had this same itch that are now working for themselves by trading stocks and cryptocurrency. People are tired of the corporate limbo, just putting money into the CEO's pocket and taking home the scraps.This course is designed to create that success you want in life, by teaching you how to trade, how to measure your trades on risk to reward ratio, and giving you tools to give you peace of mind.This Course will show you..-Building your own strategy that works on a risk reward ratio-Introductory to the basic tools used in trading-Learning how different exchanges work-Profits and Mindset Lessons-Building a portfolio and how to your track profits on different platforms-Design a perfect trading system that fits around your abilitiesINCLUDED BONUSES:-You will gain access to our indicator vault. You will learn more about indicators and why they are so vital to trading.-You will gain access to a peer to peer network to converse with other students and mentors.-You will gain lifetime membership. That's right folks, no more silly membership fees.-You will gain alert notifications for trades we are entering in as well as new updates."
Price: 39.99

"CORE - A safe exercise routine for a healthier spine"
"John Sammartano has been in the fitness industry since 2006. Working with personal training clients and teaching group classes, John has used the core exercises in this routine to help reduce back pain, combat osteoporosis and increase flexibility and endurance for many. Through research and application this workout has been proven to be safe and effective for people who have various spinal ailments. People with osteoporosis, spinal stenosis and scoliosis are guided safely through this 40 minute workout. Designed for the individual as well as other fitness professionals, this one time cost to you will lead to years of added value towards your health and the health of your clients!"
Price: 24.99

"Imagem e estilo pessoal"
"Voc est feliz com o que v no espelho? Consegue expressar sua personalidade na hora de se vestir, ou voc coloca uma roupa e sente que aquilo que est vendo no voc? Tem dificuldades de escolher suas roupas?Se suas respostas no te agradaram ou te geraram alguma insatisfao, talvezvoc ainda no tenha um estilo bem definido epor isso esse curso indicado para voc!Seguiremos aqui uma jornada de autoconhecimento.Vou te ajudar com que se conhea melhor e sobretudo queencontre respostas satisfatrias para essas perguntas.Anica coisa que precisa fazer comear o curso "" Imagem e estilo pessoal, - curso bsico para a descoberta do seu estilo""! Neste curso voc ir aprender o que moda e estilo, comunicao no verbal, estilos universais, tiposfsicos, dicas e vantagens de ter um estilo definido e o melhor: informaes poderosas para melhorar a autoestima!Voc tambm ter vrias atividades e dinmicasque lhe auxiliarona sua descoberta."
Price: 69.99

"Hypnose gegen Depression - gefhrte Hypnose"
"Depressionen sind tatschlich eine hufige Folgeerkrankung von Angststrungen - Hypnose ist, bei der Behandlung von ngsten und Depressionen hoch effektiv - 100% ohne Medikamente und damit ohne Nebenwirkungen.Hypnose kann Psychopharmaka nicht ersetzen und Medikamente knnen in schlimmen Fllen natrlich sehr hilfreich sein aber sie sind keine dauerhafte Lsung.Durch die 5Audiodatei die du hier bekommstkann dir geholfen werden, ein Grundgefhl von Vollkommenheit und inneren Frieden zu finden.Dateien abwechselnd jeden Abend hren eine Woche lang. Solange bis man merkt, es ist besser geworden.Die Wirksamkeit der Hypnosetherapie ist wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen und belegt."
Price: 19.99

"Develop Your Lower Dan Tian BEC 101"
"This course - Develop Your Lower Dan BEC 101 is designed for all those who are interested in developing the Body's Energy Centers. Information using in this course sources from ""Soul Mind Body Medicine - A Complete Soul Healing System for Optimum Health & Vitality"" byDr ZhiGang Sha - Author of Power Healing."
Price: 129.99

"How to make your own Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Trading Exchange"
"Bitcoin & Cryptocurrency Real Trading Exchange Portal is a fully responsive completed trading exchange website with real time buy-sell trading their coins/currency in this exchange site, but not limited to templates.Considering the growing interest of public towards the crypto currencies and their rising popularity, this has got all the chances to become a successful internet enterprise for cryptocurrency real time buy-sell trading exchange.Cryptocurrencies are gaining more and more popularity nowadays and every day people show a lot of interest to this subject. That is why, it is important to have a real time buy-sell trading exchange website that will allow your customers to buy and sell their cryptocurrencies real time in this exchange site.It can also be used for binary option and stock trading websites.Features:- Home- Trading hall menu- Initial coin offering ( ICO )- Crowdfunding subscription center- User center- Help center and guides- Latest news and official announcement- Market center- Download center- Risk warning- Market dynamic and trend- USD / virtual digital cryptocurrency coins- My account details- User account registration and personal information verification- Login password, transaction password- Online and offline customer support- Contact details and working days & hours- Currency available balance and freeze balance- Deposit transaction history and financial log- Cumulative turnover , professional safety and security notice- Brand awareness promotion and affiliate links- Invite friends and rewards system- System message- Virtual currency wallet download and its official website- Browser download- Online application for new virtual cryptocurrency to be listed on website for digital developer- Buy / sell real time- Virtual currency trading buy-sell exchange (example: YBB/CNY, BTC/CNY, DOGE/CNY, etc) (*Currency coins add and change by your own)- Virtual currency time-line trend- Buy order, sell order- Latest buy-sell transaction for overall market transactions and my transaction- Charged transaction fee for buy-sell trading- Easy to customize and edit the website with no limitation- Clean & simple design- Fully responsive layout- Well documented- Front end friendly user experience- Back end admin login and website customization- Completed real time exchange website portal"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) for Managers"
"Do youwantto learn Artificial Intelligencetechnology quickly?Are you a manager, director, or VP who needs to understand how AI works at a technical level?This fast-paced course explains the core concepts of Artificial Intelligence through engaging animations. In less than 2 hours you will be able to:- Identify opportunities for using AI in your business- Evaluate technical solutions- Manage AI development projects- Estimate resource requirements for your AI project- Reuse pre-trained libraries to save cost... and lead your AI project to success.PrerequisitesYou must be adept with 10th grade level high-school Math. This course describes AI algorithms at a technical level. You need to be able to understand step-by-step descriptions of algorithms.Though this is a non-coding introduction, some knowledge of programming will make it easier to understand the algorithms presented.Technology Explained in Simple TermsYou will be able to apply these algorithms in your own projects: kNN, Stochastic Gradient Descent, Regularization, Support Vector Machines, Random Forests, Classification with Sigmoids, Multi-Layer Neural Nets, Deep Learning with Convolutional Neural Networks and Recurrent Nets, and Natural Language Processing with Word-Embeddings. Real-world project:You will build an AI system that detects cancer. The code is explained clearly line-by-line. No prior programming knowledge is required. This project is developed on Python with the Scikit-Learn library.Experience:The material in this course is built upon 15 years of my experience developing machine learning systems for industry projects. Enroll today & accelerate your career with AI."
Price: 29.99

"Fitness for Dancers"
"This course is designed for dancers of all levels, whether you are starting out or have had many years of experience. Fitness is relevant at all stages of a dancer's career, however many general workout programs are not relevant to dancer's training needs.This course comes with 20+ different workouts to target all areas of the body (arms, back, thighs, calves, glutes, core) while addressing the dance elements of balance, flexibility, coordination, and technique.At the end of this course you will have a set of workouts you can do almost anywhere/anytime that you can utilize to strengthen yourself for dance class or keep your body in shape during your off-season."
Price: 49.99

"The beginners guide to using Logic Pro X like a professional"
"In this course we will be covering the basics when it comes to using Logic ProX with the purpose of producing beats.Iwill be going over how Iusually make music and the cover basics in regards toworkflow I have picked up and developedover the years!"
Price: 19.99

"Finanzas personales e inversiones para novatos, jugando"
"Has tenido la sensacin de...Que estas atrapado en tu empleoQue no te alcanza el tiempo y el dinero Que haces y haces y no tienes los resultados que esperas Te ha pasado...Que todo lo que ganas es para pagar deudasQue quieres salir con tu familia pero no puedes por falta de dineroQue tienes un dinero extra y no sabes que hacer con lAlguna vez te has preguntado...Cmo Transformar las creencias que te limitan?Cmo llevar tu Estilo de vida sin preocuparte por el dinero?Cmo Aprender manejar el dinero sin riesgo a que se te esfume?Si quieres mejorar en alguno de los casos anteriores, ste programa es para ti!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Los temas iniciales tienen como objetivo redirigir la mente hacia el cambio de creencias frente al dinero, que son la raz de los bloqueos financieros.En la segunda parte, tienes a tu disposicin herramientas poderosas que te permiten desarrollar habilidades para la gestin de tus finanzas.Al final, hacemos una simulacin por medio del juego, donde interiorizas conceptos claves, oportunidades y diferentes perspectivas frente a las inversiones.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Este curso est Constantemente Actualizado con material y contenido adicional. Disfruta de las clases en formato de vdeo donde se incluye material descargable para que tu entrenamiento sea efectivo!Sigue escalando en tu nivel financiero!!!#Regstrate Ahora para que tengas nuestro Soporte De Por Vida."
Price: 54.99

"Bitcoin ile Para Kazanma Rehberi - Gnlk Maksimum Kazan"
"5 yllk blockchain borsa tecrbem dorultusunda day-trading in pf noktalarn ve nemli noktalarn gstereceim.Blockchain piyasasnda en iyi para kazanma yntemi olan gnlk al-veri ilemlerini A' dan Z ye anlatyorum.En bandan en sonuna kadar detayl bir anlatm olaca iin ekstra bir tecrbeye sahip olmanza gerek bulunmamaktadr.Kursu bitirdiiniz zaman,gnlk ilemlerinizde hangi coinleri seeceinizi, ne zaman alp ne zaman satmanz gerektiini, riski minimize etmek iin yapmanz gerekenleri ve dier birok kilit bilgiye sahip bir ekilde ticaret yapmaya hazr olacaksnz.Tecrbelerim dorultusunda sizlere yapmanz ve yapmamanz gereken kritik admlar anlatyorum ve sebeplerini aklyorum.Kendi uyguladm yntemleri uygulayarak video ierisinde Ethereum ile 220-260 dolar aras bir kazanc 3 saat gibi bir srede kazanyorum ve bunucanlekilde sizlerle paylayorum.Ek olarak belli aralklarla yaptm coin analiz videolarn ekleyeceim.imdiden bol kazanlar dilerim."
Price: 24.99

"How to Paint: From Beginner to Master Is designed to teach anyone from beginner to moderate, all of the fundamentals of oil painting youll ever need, in one, easy to manage course. Watch me demonstrate every lesson, step by step as I go into incredible detail of every aspect of creating a painting from start to finish! From explaining exactly how to mix every color down to the percentage of paint- to what direction to apply brushstrokes while painting a subject. Youll get a first hand-close up view that you could never get in a classroom!(The techniques you learn can be can be applied to acrylic paints as well)!"
Price: 179.99

"The Elephant Tree - Beginner Oil Painting Lesson"
"Hello!Thank you for your interest in this class! I talk to people all the time who want to start painting in oils, but are too intimidated or overwhelmed to start. This lesson is designed as a perfect introduction to oil painting. Here you will learn what supplies you need, how to mix paint, how to paint with both thin and thick layers, how to transfer a drawing to canvas, and even how to clean up when you are done!We will be painting in layers, so expect 4 to 5 thirty minute to an hour painting sessions over the course of 4 to 5 days. It can also be done in acrylics if you choose. You could potentially finish this painting in a day if you use acrylics.You will see the entire painting done in real time. You will see every stroke of the brush with no painting cut out or sped up. When you complete this lesson you will have a beautiful painting to hang on your wall!"
Price: 19.99

"Sunrises - An Oil Painting Lesson"
"Hello!Thank you for your interest in this class! Sunrises and Sunsets are one of the most popular subjects for landscape paintings. Here you will learn the skills you need to create a beautiful sunrise! This is a complete course, you will learn the best colors to use, the brushstrokes (there are only 4!), and how to make best use of a reference photo. Then we will move onto the actual painting.You will see the entire painting done in real time. You will see every stroke of the brush with no painting cut out or sped up. When you complete this lesson you will have a beautiful painting to hang on your wall!We will be painting in layers, so expect3 to 4one hour painting sessions over the course of 3 to 4days."
Price: 19.99

"Power BI Mster en poco tiempo - Desktop, Mvil y en la Nube"
"Quieres analizar informacin de una o de mltiples fuentes? Quieres transformar tus resultados en grficos hermosos y visualizaciones fciles de hacer?Power BI es una de las herramientas ms robustas de Business Intelligence en el mercado, pero tambin es una de las ms econmicas! Cualquier puede empezar a crear sus visualizaciones gratis desde este momento. Por esto y ms, las herramientas de Power BI son perfectas para ti! Imagina poder estructurar tu informacin rpidamente, realizar clculos fcilmente y poder crear y publicar grficos hermosos en slo unos minutos. Todo esto y ms es posible gracias a esta herramienta. Este curso te llevar de la mano a travs de todo el proceso para hacer tu primer dashboard en Power BI. Y al final del curso vas a tener las habilidades de crear visualizaciones usando tu propia informacin y as agregar valor y conocimiento a tu empresa. As como la habilidad de compartir y colaborar en Dashboards. Compartindolos ya sea en la web o por medio de smartphones.Esto es lo que vas a aprender: Conoce las diferentes herramientas del universo de Power BI y aprende a usarlas Comprende lo que es Power BI Desktop, Power BI Service y Power BI MobileAprende a usar el Query Editor para conectar diferentes fuentes de datos Cmo crear columnas y medidas y tablas calculadas Crear relaciones entre las diferentes tablas y fuentes Pero, el curso es el correcto para m? Este curso est dirigido a Personas que nunca han trabajado con Power BI y a quien quiera entender cmo usar estas herramientas Cualquiera que est interesado en aprender a conectar las diferentes herramientas de Power BI entre ellas Personas que estn interesadas en crear grficos y visualizaciones personalizadas"
Price: 1995.00

"Strategy - MBA Short Course: Innovation"
"This is an 30+minlesson about How do you develop and grow a disruptive innovation next to your core businessThis is a hot topic among CEOs and their executive teams. They all realize that they have to innovate, disrupt and cant be left behind. However developing and growing a disruptive innovation is more difficult than people think.In this lesson, I will offer in this talk 6 evidence based tips on how leaders should think about those challenges. The stories is based on research, and uses several great examples to make this story sparkle. This are the cases of Post-It (3M), Kodak, Nespresso, Medtronic and British Airways.This story is particularly relevant for senior executives, mid level professionals in a wide variety of industries. But particularly so in traditional industries where there is a plenty of disruption going on. For example the Financial Services industry, it therefore is important to understand how to grow and develop disruptive innovations.In short, its a veryinteresting lesson with good examples with several key take aways .and lessons that can be directly applied to your company"
Price: 24.99

"Facebook - The Ultimate Intro to Facebook Marketing Course"
"Attention all Struggling Business Owners and Digital Marketers: Here is your complete guide on how to use Facebook for your business to achieve your goals efficiently and effectively! Ready to grow your business? Do you want to make meaningful connections with people? Have you been trying endlessly to reach your potential customers, but haven't had any luck? Stop searching now and welcome to Digital Marketing - The Ultimate Facebook Marketing course. It must have taken you a while to get hear, but believe me that you are at the right place. Social Media or Digital Media is one of the most effective communication and advertising channels. But cutting through the noise can be challenging, and often, you must use paid social or digital marketing strategies to amplify your message in digital platforms. Facebook is the top social network on the web. It's a thriving beast of a social networking site on the web with about 2 billion monthly active users and more than one billion that log on daily. Millions of businesses, big and small, use Facebook's pages, groups, apps and services to connect with real people on any device. I SHOW YOU EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO GET STARTED AND SUCCEED! Learn how to use Facebook marketing tools to phenomenally grow your business. This Digital Marketing - The Ultimate Facebook Marketing course is a comprehensive course that teaches you all you need to know to become a successful Digital Marketer using Facebook. KEY COURSE TOPICS 6Discover how Facebook helps you to market and enhance your business reach Find out how to set up effective Facebook business page and Facebook group Run highly converting targeted ads, to reach exactly the people who care about your content Learn how to use Facebook Business Manager for effective management Discover several most helpful and useful Apps to enhance your Facebook page Understand new and advanced Facebook features such as Facebook Live, Facebook Watch, Buying and Selling through Facebook, Jobs Via Facebook and more I SHARE WITH YOU EVERY INSIGHT I KNOW TO HELP YOU TO SUCCEED WITH DIGITAL MARKETING USING FACEBOOK! Learn the best practices of using Facebook for business and digital marketing through well designed set of lectures. Learn the skills you need to move your business forward I am sure that by the end of this course, you will able to for optimize your Facebook page, group, ads increased conversions and decreased costs and you will be able to use Facebook Business Manager to keep you focused and manage your business-related assets effectively. This course can help anyone market more effectively on Facebook, from small businesses to agencies, all you need to get started is a Facebook account. Freelancers, Entrepreneurs, Business Owners, Digital Marketers, Bloggers, Students or Individuals who want to be an expert in digital marketing using Facebook can take this course. Absolutely NO prior knowledge or experience required to take this course, even if you are a beginner you can take this course and become a master. The self-paced online course helps you to learn digital marketing with Facebook at your convenient time and speed. This course comes with the lifetime access and that means you will have access to any future updates to this course at NO extra cost. TAKE A STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION WITH YOUR LIFE AND LEARN HOW FACEBOOK MARKETING AND DIGITAL MARKETING WILL TAKE YOUR BRAND, PRODUCT OR SERVICE TO THE NEXT LEVEL! ENROLL NOW! Thanks for your interest in Digital Marketing - The Ultimate Facebook Marketing course I hope youre as excited as I am! If youre ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Buy now button to enrol inside the course, or take a test drive by using the Free Preview feature. Don't forget that Udemy offers a 30 Day 100% money back guarantee so there is no reason to hesitate or delay. All the Best and see you inside the course"
Price: 19.99

"Automated Software Testing with Puppeteer"
"Welcome to Automated Software Testing with Puppeteer in this course we will discuss an complete working/understanding and hands on testing of applications using Google's Puppeteer along with Mocha, Chai, Jest, Cucumber and Jest-Image-SnapshotWe start from the very basics of Puppeteer and slowly move to the advanced real world stuff and examples.2 Live projects from scratch included!!You will learn:UI automation testing for Web based applicationsDesign and development of Test Automation FrameworkHow to use Page Objects Model with PuppeteerImplement Visual Regression Testing using jest-image-snapshot libraryAdvanced Puppeteer concepts and methodsTips and Tricks for various real world use casesInterview Questions and AnswersSo Let's Start!"
Price: 49.99

"The Ultimate Superpower: Mindfulness for Children"
"In order to obtain superpowers in our favorite video games, we often need to insert a few codes. When we do, we gain benefits like speed, time extensions, and maximum health. Wouldn't it be awesome to get superpowers like these in real life? Well we can. This course will teach children (ages 9+) three simple codes to unlock life's greatest superpower: Mindfulness.Over 25 years of scientific research shows that mindfulness reduces stress and boosts resilience. Thats why this course combines mindful best practices with creativity so children can lead happier and more fulfilling lives.""This course made me feel relaxed, focus, and listenmore. Thank you!"" - Charlie S.,StudentLearning Goals:Whether children are new to mindfulness or have past experience with it, they will learn fun, step-by-step tools to start or maintain this life-changing practice.Explore The Benefits of Mindfulness for Children, Including:Positive behavior changeFocus, attention span, and memory boostsEnhanced ability to learn and higher grades.Resilience and stress-reductionDecreased test anxietyAcceptance of emotionsImprovements in sports and extracurricular abilitiesPraise for The Ultimate Superpower:I thoroughly enjoyed your course! I have already shared it with my colleagues...I love how mystudents learned other ways to practice mindfulness, like mindfullistening to music. - Camille G., EducatorLearn how to maintain the superpower in fun, accessible ways. This includes understanding mindfulness as a superpower, gamification, design thinking, and consistent maintenance techniques.Lifes ultimate superpower is only threecodes away. So, what are you waiting for? Lets get started!""Delivered with soul, humor, and expertise, these delivery and learning supports are second to none. -Mary Lisa H., Learning Strategist, mindSpark LearningOne-on-one coaching and aCertificate of Completion are available upon request."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Lgica de Programao para Aprender a Programar"
"O Curso de Lgica de Programao para Aprender a Programar vai lhe ensinar os conceitos bsicos de algoritmos e lgica de programao. Voc far vrios exerccios prticos com a linguagem Portugol para consolidar o seu aprendizado. Os laboratrios aplicados daro base slida para voc iniciar sua carreira em desenvolvimento de sistemas nas diversas linguagens de programao.Por que Voc Deve Fazer este Curso?O curso lgica de programao essencial para a formao de um programador;Voc vai aprender os fundamentos presentes em qualquer linguagem de programao com muita prtica;O curso lgica de programao o primeiro passo para quem quer entrar no mundo da programao;Voc aprender a montar algoritmos e a desenvolver seu raciocnio lgico ao longo do curso;Neste curso voc aprender fazendo, ou seja, far vrios exemplos, demonstraes e prticas para ampliar seu aprendizado.Embarque no mercado do desenvolvimento fazendo o curso online de lgica de programao!"
Price: 294.99

"Delphi Panel Basics"
"This course provides a general overview of a widely used systematic consensus building technique commonly called a ""Delphi""panel or process. This method is great to gather, vote on, and rank opinions of experts without holding a physical focus group. We will cover several Delphi basics and use a real world example of a study published by the teacher of this course using this Delphi technique."
Price: 29.99

"Cmo Analizar las Finanzas de una Empresa [paso por paso]"
"En este curso te voy a explicar paso por paso cmo analizar las finanzas de cualquier empresa. Te dar definiciones y conceptos bsicos sobre finanzas, tcnicas de anlisis de cuentas y de rentabilidad financiera, y mucho ms!Con ejemplos, casos reales y contenido directo, te voy a ensear mi estrategia en detalle.Si quieres llevar tus conocimientos de finanzas al siguiente nivel y aprender a analizar una empresa, te veo dentro del curso!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso Google Ads do Bsico ao Extremo + Bnus Curso Facebook"
""" O Google Adwords agora se chama Google Ads e esse curso j est totalmente atualizado com a nova verso. ""Aprenda nesse curso do nvel bsico ao avanado a criar campanhas de alta performance no Google Adwords, atravs da Rede de Pesquisa, Rede de Display , Anncios de vdeos no Youtube e Campanhas de Remarketing e Campanhas no Goolge Shopping. Esse curso dar a garantia que voc ir conseguir fazer suas prprias campanhas no Google Adwords completamente do zero e a posicionar o site do seu negcio de qualquer nicho na primeira pgina do Google . Voc aprender ainda a posicionar os vdeos do seu negcio nas primeiras posies do Youtube e aprender os conceitos bsicos e definies sobre Marketing e Marketing Digital que iro aumentar seus horizontes no mundo digital.Aprenda nesse curso:- Configurar Campanhas de Alta Performance na Rede de Pesquisa do Google.- Configurar Campanhas de Alta Performance na Rede de Display do Google.- Planejar corretamente suas Campanhas no Google Ads.- Configurar Campanhas de Alta Performance no Youtube.- Criar Campanhas de Remarketing no Google Ads.- Fazer Campanhas incrveis no Google Shopping essencial para Lojas Virtuais.BNUS 1: Aprenda a Trabalhar com o formulrios Google e Maximize seus Resultados.BNUS 2: Facebook Ads P/ loja Virtual. BNUS 3: Facebook Ads p/ gerao de Trfego em Sites.BNUS 4: Postagens Otimizadas no Facebook.BNUS 5: Consultoria gratuita. Se voc tem uma empresa basta entrar em contato por e-mail ou WhatsApp e relatar seu negcio que ajudarei voc a definir o melhor tipo de campanha e anncios pra voc.Garantia de Aprendizado e Suporte permanente para que voc tenha sucesso no Google Ads. Por dia recebo vrios WhatsApp no nmero de suporte onde tiro as dvidas em tempo real interagindo com alunos de todo o Mundo e pra mim um prazer contribuir com o crescimento de centenas de profissionais!"
Price: 294.99

"Da procrastinao mxima produtividade"
"Voc j? Se distraiu com coisas fteis enquanto tinha algo importante para fazer? E depois sentiu aquela mistura dedesespero, angustia e arrependimento?O que no tem contam... que para ter sucesso voc precisa de controle emocional. Ou seja, voc precisaentender como a procrastinao funciona e administrar ela.E exatamente isto que voc aprender neste curso:Aprender a administrar o monstroa procrastinaoDesenvolver estratgias para produtividadeImagine como ser sua vida depois que fazer este curso. Voc simplesmenteProduzir muitomais em menos tempoTer mais tempo para fazer outras coisasConcluir suas tarefas de modo excelenteDesenvolver umaorganizao produtivaEntender como funciona a procrastinaoConquistar mais controle emocionalPORTANTO, NO PROCRASTINE AGORA ECLIQUE EM""INSCREVER-ME AGORA""> O mtodo infalvel, mais rpido e mais fcil com Ferramentas de Coachingtestadas e aprovadas.[Bnus] 1 Sesso de 1 hora por vdeo chamada com Silas Neves com 50% de descontoPara resgatar seu bnus voc precisa enviar um e-mail para"
Price: 189.99

"Keys to Career Success"
"Don't settle for a job you hate! TheKeys to Career Success trainingcourse will empower you to make the most informed career decisions and guide you on how to transition into your ideal job or career while avoiding the common pitfalls that prevent many people from achieving their full potential."
Price: 34.99