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Price: 19.99

"Build Minecraft Mod using JAVA - for Kids and Beginners"
"Students will learn how to create a Minecraft Mod using JAVAprogramming techniques,and design graphics using GIMP Editor. The course provides you all theinstallers in easy installation packages, and provide you several coding and graphic templates. The course consists of more than 60 lectures of learning content.Thelectures are clearly explained tohelp kids (7 or above), or any beginnersto start their journey in to software development. If you have any errors or problems, you can ask us a question on Udemy.I will get back to you as soon as possible."
Price: 34.99

"Write a Short Story Using Tarot Cards"
"If you've ever wanted to write a short story, now's your chance. Even if you've written hundreds of short stories, this course can be a lot of fun. Break out the tarot cards and learn how to plot, develop characters, pick settings and more. This course is a combination of lecturesand exercises using tarot cards or playing cards to write a short story."
Price: 49.99

"So You Want to Be a Horror Writer?"
"Have you been thinking about breaking into the horror business but weren't sure where to begin?The horror genre and its players is constantly changing and can be daunting but I'll help you get started on your path to success.This course runs through the basics of building a horror writing career from picking a genre to writing the book and then getting the book into the hands of readers.This course will help you take that next step from hobby writer to professional horror author. Topics include What is Horror, How to Get an Agent, Should You Self-Publish? and more. Learn about the tropes and subgenres of horror through the ages and pick one that interests you. Determine which monsters you're going to put into your story! Discover your own voice for telling a scary story.A combination of video lectures and worksheets will guide you on your journey towards writing and publishing a horror novel in today's modern market."
Price: 49.99

"O Segredo est na Cozinha - Emagrea de Forma Saudvel"
"O curso ""O segredo est na Cozinha""te ensinar a receita definitiva para voc perder aquela gordura que tanto te incomoda de forma fcil e descomplicada!Com esse curso voc aprender como seu corpo funciona e como seu corpo utiliza a gordura e o carboidrato para suprir suas necessidades energticas; como acontece o acmulo de gordura no seu corpo e como evit-la; voc tambm aprender qual a estratgia correta para eliminar de vez aquela gordura que tanto te incomoda, sem passar fome; e como ter uma alimentao adequada que se alinhe com seus objetivos para o resto da sua vida. Muitas pessoas querem sempre o caminho mais curto para atingirem os seus objetivos. Esse curso te mostrar a verdade nua e crua: no existe atalho! Diferentemente de boa parte dos cursos que querem te entregar uma suposta receita pronta para emagrecer, este curso vai te mostrar o caminho, mas quem ter que segui-lo voc. Cada pessoa possui um corpo diferente, com necessidades diferentes. por isso que dietas prontas s podem ser passadas por um profissional que te acompanhar de forma individual. Nesse curso, te darei conhecimentos que voc vai usar no por um, dois ou trs meses, mas para toda sua vida. Voc saber o que pode ou no comer para atingir seus objetivos, e mesmo naqueles momentos em que voc exagerar (porque ningum de ferro, n!), voc saber como contornar essa situao de forma bastante simples. ""O Segredo est na Cozinha"" um curso dividido em dez mdulos com mais de 40 videoaulas, inteiramente online, com o qual voc vai obter: Maior conhecimento a respeito do funcionamento do seu corpo e do acmulo de gordura. Melhor entendimento do erro cometido pela maioria das pessoas que querem emagrecer. A estratgia para a perda de gordura que realmente funciona. O conhecimento necessrio para que voc pare de comer e comece a se alimentar. Esclarecimento a respeito dos alimentos que constituem uma alimentao adequada para a perda de gordura. A desmitificao de diversos mitos sobre a alimentao tidos como verdadeiros pela maioria das pessoas. Sugestes prticas de refeies que podem ser implementadas em sua alimentao. O entendimento da importncia dos alimentos termognicos, bem como dos suplementos, para sua alimentao. O conhecimento sobre uma estratgia poderosa para a perda de gordura: o jejum intermitente. E por ltimo, e mais importante, a autonomia para escolher com inteligncia o que comer e o que no comer de acordo com seu objetivo. Muitos dos conhecimentos adquiridos nesse curso te acompanharo diariamente para o resto da sua vida. No te darei uma dieta pronta, pois isso algo individual. O que te ofereo um conhecimento que ser essencial para voc entender como sua alimentao afeta o seu corpo, e como coloc-lo em prtica para comear a perder gordura hoje mesmo! Se imagine comendo tudo aquilo que gosta sem sentir aquele peso na conscincia. Ou indo praia com os amigos sem sentir vergonha do seu corpo. Ou ainda usando aquela roupa que no te servia h anos! Isso muito bom, no ? E O Segredo est na Cozinha vai te ajudar nessa sua jornada at seu objetivo."
Price: 189.99

"How to launch your agency in 30 days"
"Have you always wanted to own your own home care agency? Well it's time to take part of this billion dollar industry! No experience required! Now you can start and operate your own agency with this step by step approach. We have made it simple to learn all you need to get your business running!"
Price: 194.99

"BUSINESS BRANDING TOOLKIT Customer Attraction & Retention"
"Many businesses (both in the products and services category) areignored or forgotten in possible usage situationsbecause theyareeither unknown or simply perceived as weak brands. The owners of thesebusinesses have not put enough effort into how their prospects will think oftheir brand, when they would think of it, where they would think of it, and howoften they would think of it.And since the extent to which a business is remembered andpatronized by customers is often determined by how well it is known, perceivedand trusted as a brand, I decided to create this course. The Business Branding Toolkit course willhelp you asanentrepreneur, business leaderormanagerto understandthe concept of branding as it applies to business growth and profitability,howyoucan use branding to properly positionyourbusinessto be able to attract the right customers, and howyoucan sustain the resulting goodwill.As a seasoned brand visibility specialist and expert in brandstrategy development, advertising, idea generation, creative writing(copywriting and content development), business strategy development andmarketing (offline and online), I have put together this course from a backdropof my experience working with top brands.Ive worked on different international brands likeKelloggs, Pringles, Wrigley, Johnnie Walker,Lipton, Infinix, MTN, and some national brands like Sterling Bank, Interswitch,Globe Motors, Konga, Wakanow, Bayelsa State, Quickteller, Minimee Chinchin,Roycoand others."
Price: 99.99

"Important Tips: How to Self Study English Without A Teacher"
"You can self study without having a teacher or without taking any courses from a school. You need to know how to study first and you need to have right material for yourself then start practicing. Pay attention to my suggestions and recommendations and keep practicing every single day. You need to be patient and should have some goals to reach and step by step you will achieve your target."
Price: 19.99

"How to double your sales using psychology! backed by science"
"Welcome to this chance to increase and doubleyour sales using psychology and science. Quick question: What will you make extra in profit if you'd double your sales? In a month? In a year? It would be a lot right? I can help you with that, or rather, psychology and research can help you with that.Increase your salesIll teach you easy to apply principles from psychology that helpyou influence people way better and increase your sales! You can apply themin your sales pitch, (online) marketing for your business whether its services or products. I promise you it will have a dramatic effect.""Well you don't seem super rich, so why should I believe what you're saying?"" True, i'm a teacher, so i'm not a millionaire haha. But that's why I put an emphasize on psychology andresearch. So you'll know for a fact what you'll learn will work.What's in this course?- You will learn 10 principles to influence your customer better based onpsychology. You can apply,combine and use this to double your sales.- Ill even give easy to relate to examples and practice questions so you know you get it. You don't have to figure anything out for yourself, just follow the research :) - Practice questions with examples of every principle explained about increasing your sales- If you still have questions, you can ask them in the Q&A area. - If for any chance you don't like the course you can get your money back guaranteed- You will get discounts for my future coursesAction part1:Good luck with the learning I'd love to know how you will apply the knowledge (please let me know! also feedback is always appreciated)Action part2: Invest in your salesknowledge now! click on the button somewhere on the screen (must be somewhere, right? I just wrote that down :D)Teacher info:This is my first course here (so I really hope you like it, but i'm also still learning in the digital department haha) but I have been a teacher for many years. Before that I was in marketing and sales and I really liked the psychology part of it, but I also wanted to do something more socially involved, so I started teaching. Nowadays I teach all kinds of students (ranging from secondary vocational education to university students) and teachers most of the week, but recently I also founded my part-time company where I apply the research I did (I graduated suma cum laude / with special honours with research onhow to help students study more effectively)to train students in how to ace their study :)Action part3:Enough about me, it's all about you (if you saw the introvideo, you're reading double stuff anyway)the more interesting stuff is in the course ;)"
Price: 99.99

"Sap2000: Calculo y diseo de estructuras en steel framing."
"Con este curso aprendersde forma adecuadael proceso en el que se puede llevar acabo el calculo y diseode la estructura en steel framingde una vivienda dedos plantas en SAP2000 Por medio del softwarey nuestro criterio podremos obtener todo lo referente al calculo estructural como reacciones internas y externas y diseos de perfilera ptimos y tambin teniendo en cuenta cargas ssmicas y de viento."
Price: 69.99

"Understanding Chakras"
"Understanding Chakras, learn about the energy flow and how it can affect your health both mentally and physically. We have added in a meditation for clearing your chakras. Learn how becoming more conscious of yourself, your well-being can improve your life, your relationships and ultimately change the way your live your life by finding more contentment, understanding and peace from within."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Hypnotherapy"
"Thisis a workshop on the theory of the mind and how we can work with the conscious and subconscious mind. How Hypnotherapy can access memories from our childhood and connect to our root cause issues. This workshop will cover the Limbic system, fight and flight and briefly explain the theory of the mind and how Hypnotherapy can help to release the emotions that are connected to our memories which have an emotional triggering effect on our behaviors."
Price: 19.99

"Understanding the Vicious Circle"
"Understanding our behavior and our triggers from our childhood development is imperative to begin to change our patterns of behavior. In order to change our patterns we must understand why we stay in the vicious circle and continue to bring the same people, things, careers into our lives. If we want to change we must begin to change our habits."
Price: 19.99

"WordPress Gutenberg Blocks for Beginners."
"This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to build Gutenberg blocks from scratch. Are you a WordPress theme developer? Are you a WordPress plugin developer? Do you build WordPress websites? Then you really need to check this course out.In the not so distant future WordPress is going to be releasing a new editor codenamed Gutenberg. This new editor will replace the existing TinyMCE wysiwyg editor with the goal of making it easy to create rich page and post layouts.What the heck is a Gutenberg block? Great question! These new rich page and post layouts will be built using a collection of blocks. A Gutenberg block is then just a piece of a website. A block could be as simple as a button. Or a button with different customization options. Or a button with a form to subscribe to a newsletter. Or a header with a customizable background image. Get it?!In this course we walk you through every step of creating a block, from setting up your local development environment to installing WordPress, building your first block in development, and finally preparing your your block plugin for production with lots of opportunities to get really comfortable with the command line and other modern javascript dependencies such as webpack and the Node.js package manager NPM.We teach you everything you need, and nothing you don't."
Price: 79.99

"Create a successful film business online!"
"Iwanted to share my filmmaking training & experiences with everyone who wants to learn how to create their own film production company.In this course I've built acustom educational platform from the ground up showing you the steps that I've taken to become a full time independent filmmaker.Stop working that job you hate, and start a career in film production!Its online film school for everyone, everywhere!"
Price: 19.99

"Contabilidad Fcil de Aprender"
"[2018] Contabilidad Fcil de AprenderTe cuesta comprenderlos conceptosy operacionescontables? En este curso encontrars una manera fcil de aprender y colocar a prueba todas tus capacidadesen el desempeo de actividadescontables como: registros yasientos contables, estados financieros, entre otros aspectos fundamentales para el funcionamiento correcto de una empresa.La contabilidad va ms all de sumas y restas. Es el buen registro de todas aquellas actividades diarias que se realizan comercialmente en una organizacin y que son susceptibles al comportamiento financiero del ente econmico del que esta hace parte.Ques esperas para tomarlo?"
Price: 19.99

"Hayatnda Duygusal ve Sosyal Zeka"
"Zamanmzn byk bir ksmn alarak i ortamndageiyoruz. Bizlerinmutlu ve olumlu duygu durumlar hissettiimiz kadar fke, sinir krizleri, anlalamama, empati eksiklii, anlayszlk, hogr eksiklii gibi problemler ile sklkla karlayoruz. Olas deiimlerekarlk tutarl bir davran sergileyerek evremiz ile olumlu bir iletiim kurabilir, ortak vizyon gelitirebiliriz.alma hayatndabaarnn temeli olan ynetim becerisi, kiinin kendisi ile ilikisiylebalar.Kii kendini, kendi duygu ve dncelerini kontrol altna alabildii takdirde bakalarn olumlu ynde etkisi altna alabilir, etkiledii kiileri ise ynetebilme becerisine sahip olabilir. alma hayatnda baar iin duygularn ynetebilen, zorluklar karsnda kendini gl klabilen bir kii olabilmek, hedeflerinize ulamanzda size fayda salayacaktr.Duygu ve dncelerimizin doru tanmlanabilmesi ve doru ynetilebilmesi iin kendi iimize ynelerek gelitirebilme frsatlarn deerlendirmek, i hayatnda almas zor bilinen zorluklar kolaylkla gememize yardmc olacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"5-Minute Memory & Brain Training Origami for Business Trip"
"The 5-Minute Origami Memory & Brain Training course is specially designed for people who work for example in business or travel a lot, have a tight schedule and are modern-day go getters. Faster Thinking, Better Concentration and Creative Problem-solving skills affects every area of our lives among other thingssuch aswork, success, motivation, learning andself-confidence. Practicing Origami is easy way to train and improve your Creativity skills, Focus and Concentration. Around the world, origami is growing in popularity. Ancient Origami folding technique is now also applied to the field of space, science, architecture, car factory in addition to math, art and design. Start with easy steps and models - test different versions and sizes. Daily practice keep your brain sharp and active. Origami can be folded anywhere, anytime. It only takes 5-Minutes and only what you need is a piece of paper.How folding an Origami Benefit You:Practicing origami activates both hemispheres of your brainHelp to improve your creativity skillsHelp to keep your brain sharp and activeHelp to improve your ability with problem solvingHelp to improve eye-hand co-ordinationFolding Origami Improve your memoryEnhances the ability to be aware of what is in the momentHelp to improve mathematical reasoningHelp to improve concentration & relivestress Learning A New Skill Is Good Way To Keep Your Memory & Brain Active. Start Now!"
Price: 24.99

"Huvitavad Origamid laste loovuse arendamiseks"
"Origami meisterdamisetehnika aitab kaasa muuhulgasloovuse arendamiseleArendab matemaatilist ja loogilist mtlemist. Tnapeval onOrigami meisterdamise tehnikaid kasutuselniteksinsenerikoolituses ja kosmoseteaduses.Treenib mlu ja parandab aju eri osade koostd.Stimuleerib uute ideede sndimistja nende teostamist.Aitab arendada keskendumisvimet,silma-ktekordinatsiooni japeenmotoorikat.Viimasel onsuur positiivne mju kognitiivsetevimetearengule.Pshholoogid toovad ra veel meisterdamisega liituvadkasuteguridnagu revuse vhenemine,rahunemineja teadveloleku-seisundi saavutamine. PI.ARENE.AVASTA.Kodus, reisil, klas, loodusesKoos sbragaIga ilmaga, igal poolProovi, katseta, leiutaMitmeklgne ja arendavhobi kogu eluks"
Price: 19.99

"Improve Your Concentration with 5-Minute Origami Training"
"Learning A New Skill Is Good Way To Keep Your Memory & Brain Active!The 5-Minute Memory and Brain Training Origami course is designed for people who are interested improving themselves in everyday life. Not only at home but also in coffeeshops or with company of a friend. Just like your body, your brain needs to exercise as well. It only takes 5-Minutes and only what you need is a piece of paper. While there are many different kinds of brain exercises, it is even better if you choose a brain exercise that is also fun, exciting, and productive! Expert studies conclude that brain exercises cause significant improvement also to a persons memory. Origami Benefits & How folding an Origami Can Benefit You?Practising origami activates both hemispheres of your brainHelp to improve your creativity skillsHelp to keep your brain sharp and activeHelp to improve your ability with problem solvingHelp to improve eye-hand coordinationImprove your memoryEnhances the ability to be aware in the momentHelp to improve mathematical reasoningHelp to improve concentration & relivestress StartNow!CREATIVITY. INTELLIGENCE. INSPIRATION."
Price: 24.99

"Improve Children's Creativity and Focus With Easy Origami"
"Online Origami Training for Adults gives the skills and a way to improve Childrens Creativity.The course is a great mind and motor exercise for children and it is also a perfect opportunity for parent-child bonding! It is even more fun as children can learn how to make origami toys that they can play with while improving their creativity and their fine motor skills!The course includes 9 differentmodules to wake up inspiration the new way. After thecourse you can teach and make Origami with kids.Benefits of Folding skillsInspires Children's CreativityTrain Memory and BrainworkBetter Motivation, UpliftsMoodImprove Childrens Self-ConfidenceOrigami is excellent creativity improvement technique for all ages from kids to older adults. Figures can be fold in all shapes and sizes and has been known to helpbrain function and development, as well as improving memory and other cognitive functions.Start Now and Enjoy the Course!LEARN. EXPLORE. GROW."
Price: 19.99

"Improve Your Creativity with Exciting Origami"
"Creativity and Logical reasoning affects every area of our lives among other things our learning, work, success, motivation, self-confidence. Ancient Origami folding technique is now also applied to the field of space, science, architecture, medicine in addition to math, art and design. This course is specially designed for students who want to improve creativity skills, mathematical and logical reasoning. Origami Benefits & How folding an Origami Benefit You?Practicing origami activates both hemispheres of your brainHelp to improve your creativity skillsHelp to keep your brain sharp and activeHelp to improve your ability with problem solvingHelp to improve eye-hand co-ordinationImprove your memoryEnhances the ability to be aware of what is in the momentHelp to improve mathematical reasoningHelp to improve concentration & relivestress Variety of mentally challenging tasks strengthen our brain, challenge our mind and abilities.Folding origami is excellent memory improvement technique for all ages from children to older adults. Learning A New Skill Is Good Way To Keep Your Memory & Brain Active. Start Today!"
Price: 24.99

"Good Health Book"
"My courses will educate you to use your food as your medicine. One can derive good benefits from just eating healthy food, but what about eating food to cure a disease and become healthy again ! Yes, that's what my lectures will teach you. Once you have gone through my complete course, you will be able to identify vegetables and other food products as per their medicinal values. In my lectures I will also be telling you, how to prepare or use a vegetable to cure a particular disease. So guys, Get - Set & GO!!"
Price: 2560.00

"Master Your Productivity With Qigong"
"Qigong is a 4000+ year old practicethat brings aboutoneness of body, mind and spirit. Though it hasorigins in China, techniques that used Qi (life-force energy) were practiced inIndia, Japan and other Asian countries as well. Over the years, these proven methods that use meditation, mindfulness, andmovement, have come to be replaced by technology, medicine and religious dogmas. But since human consciousness has remained unchanged at the root, these techniques and practices are just as relevant today- if not more in this age of increased stress and detachment from nature.Qigong results in enhanced productivity of the individual and increased harmony in teams. The habit of working with Qi puts the individual in partnership with the ""universal energy"" that surrounds us all. Which in turnmanifests as higher efficiency and effectiveness. Since the physical level is the most tangible one we operate on, the effects of Qigong practice can be seen in one's health almost immediately. Ailments, whether commonplaceor chronic, can be overcome with the use of energy.A greater sense of calm and peacefulnessabides at the mental level. And relationships improve through the understanding of energy interplay.In this course, Sandeep Nath givesparticipants a deep dive into the fundamentals so that they are able to connect different ""energy fads"" to tread a usable pathway contextualized for them. He also provides a Qigong workout that anyone can do every day. Coming from a corporate background himself, Sandeep speaks about""workplace issues"" and ""productivity"" as an insider. Since he has had the benefit of learning from masters from across India, China, Tibet and Japan, he brings into this course an unmatchedblend of foundational knowledgeand practical application. Check out the videos to be surefor yourself."
Price: 199.99

"50.000 Fs no Facebook: Como Crescer Sua Pgina Fcilmente"
"Muita gente no sabe exatamente como criar uma audincia pra valer no Facebook. A maioria, sofre uma batalha constante pra conseguir atrair novos fs qualificados e interessados no seu contedo. Todos os meses a mesma dificuldade. Tentam de um jeito, experimentam de outro, mas nada parece funcionar de verdade. E todos os meses se esforam para postarem contedo interessante que pouca gente acaba vendo.Resolva esse problema de uma vez por todas!Em um dos meus primeiros projetos online, eu estava atraindo mais de 1.400 novos fs POR DIA no Facebook. Eu estava crescendo minha pgina num ritmo absurdo mesmo. E isso s no estava custando o olho da cara, porque em um curto espao de tempo, eu consegui fazer ajustes nos anncios e reduzir meu custo por f em 85%! Entenda o poder essa reduo de custo nos anncios, eu estava atraindo quase 7 vezes mais fs com o MESMO INVESTIMENTO!"
Price: 219.99

"Commas and Quotation Marks"
"This is a basic course on the appropriate use of commas & quotation marks in the written English language for the emerging learners, primary/ elementary pupils, matured non-English speaking adults who would like to get a firmer grasp of the written word for daily communication. It begins with a motivational clip on how a pair of listless horses can be transformed into racing horses within seconds!"
Price: 29.99

"Fractals in Mandelbulb 3D: Generation and Rendering"
"Have you ever wonderedabout the complex, organic shapes in nature?Do you want tocreateandexploreincredible,breathtaking designsthat surpass the limits of conventional software by addinginfinityandalgorithmsto the mixture?Welcome to the world of fractals!With this course, you will understand the keyfeatures ofMandelbulb 3D, a free software for generating fractals.It is important to mention thatthis course doesn't require a mathematical background.It isfocused on the visual sideof fractals, and there areexamples for allthe topics. The course is based on video lectures, some of them with additional downloadable materials for you to practice. There are also quizzes for you to review what you learned.What is a fractal?A fractal is a geometrical object that presents characteristics as branching and self-similarity. These objects are used among mathematicians to study and model natural &irregular shapes such as trees and snowflakes. Fractals have also been used by artists and visual designersin the last century to generate abstract and unique designs that surpass the limits ofimagination.So, what can youdo with them?With all what you'll learn from this course, you will be able to use them to create:Artistic, breathtaking digital artwork in no timeObjects and scenarios for videogames and animationsModels for 3D printingSpecial effects for movies (there are popular movies that use them!)Infinite virtualworldsIf you're new to fractals,you willfind all what you need to generate amazing fractal images, 3D modelsand even animations!If you have experience,you'll get a chance to refresh and update your knowledge and learn new things.I invite you to join the amazing adventure of fractals. I assure you that you will be amazed when you navigate your creations."
Price: 99.99

"Ganando con las CriptoMonedas y el Bitcoin como un Experto"
"Descripcin del cursoGanando con las CriptoMonedas y el Bitcoin como un ExpertoAprende cmo comprar Bitcoin y otras CriptoMonedas y usarlasde forma rpida, segura y eficiente!Este curso es para ti si:Ests interesado en comprar y vender criptomonedas.Quieres saber cmo comprar y vender bitcoins y otras CriptoMonedas.Te gustara saber hacer Trading en los mejores Exchange, aun sin tener ningn conocimiento.Necesitas que alguien te explique y te lleve de la mano para que puedas ""invertir"" exitosamente en CriptoMonedas y Bitcoin.Te interesa aprender las formas de para generar ganancias con las CriptoMonedas.Quieres tener a tu disposicin toda la formacin e informacin para ""invertir"" exitosamente en CriptoDivisas.Si tus respuestas son un s, entonces ests delante del curso ideal para ti.En este curso tanto Javier como yo:Jess, vamos a mostrarte todos nuestros conocimientos, estrategias y consejos. Ambos, hemos formado y ayudado a miles de personas a ganar dinero con las CriptoMonedas, muchos de ellos, sin ningn tipo de experiencia o habilidades en el trading.Descubrirslos temas ms relevantes sobre Bitcoin y criptomonedas:Qu es Bitcoin?Dnde comprar y vender bitcoins?La historia de Bitcoin y datos interesantes.Cmo recibir y enviar bitcoinsCmo comprar y vender bitcoinsQu son criptomonedas?Dnde comprar y vender CriptoMonedas?Cmo hacer Trading: desde el principioLos mejores sitios de minera online.Cmo encontrar las mejores ICO.Cmo hacer un anlisis tcnicoCmo hacer un anlisis fundamental.Cmo ""invertir"" con criptomonedas a largo plazo y en cuales.Cmo configurar los Exchange ms conocidos.Todo esto y mucho ms!Este vdeocurso te ayudar a conocer el Bitcoin y las CriptoMonedas en detalle. Si quieres aprender a generar ganancias con ellas y descubrir todo su potencial, no encontrars un curso ms idneo.Para quin est pensado?Para cualquier estudiante que quiera aprender los conceptos bsicos de Bitcoin y de lasCriptoMonedas y para cualquier persona que quiera profundizar en aspectos ms avanzados como el Trading, la ""inversin"" en ICO, la minera online, etc. Si lo que buscas es generar ganancias con las criptomonedas en general, este va a ser tu curso ideal.Toda aquella persona que quiera conocer el mundo de las criptomonedas y entender cmo pueden beneficiarse de esta nueva revolucin tecnolgica."
Price: 19.99

"Anlise Tcnica: Curso para Day Trade e Anlise Grfica"
"Voc esta pensando em iniciar no mercado de aes oucriptomoedas? Esse curso para vocqueesta iniciando no mercado e queriniciar como Trader nesse universo.No Curso para DayTrade e Analise Tcnicavamos lhe ensinar as fazer anlise grfica tcnica utilizando uma ferramenta gratuita de anlise grfica.No se preocupe, no so necessrios conhecimentos bsicos iniciais.Voc receber dicas fundamentais em um ambiente muito descontrado.O Curso para DayTrade e Analise Tcnica extremamente objetivo e ir lhe mostrar as principais dicas em anlise tcnica e tambm apresentar excelentes estratgias de trade, sem perda de tempo e indo direto ao ponto nos ensinamentos."
Price: 159.99

"Amazing Photo Effects in Photoshop"
"The course is designed for beginners in the field of photo effects. I'll be using the version of the program - Photoshop CC 2017. This lessons about learning deeply photo effects, creating photo effects with effective and quick method with ready contents, also in this course you will learn how to make correct the tone and color correction of images, you will easily make a montage of any complexity."
Price: 194.99