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"How to develop HRM in your Org.-"
": . . ."
Price: 19.99

"Just the Basics of Product Management"
"Lesson Concepts :1. Why does any company need a Product Manager?2. What is Product Management? Who is a Product Manager?3. What is Product Development Life Cycle? Introduction toProduct Strategy & Roadmap. 4. A Day in the life of a Product Manager.5. Traits of a Delightful Product Manager vs. Mediocre Product Manager. 6. Using Agile & Scrum in your daily life as a Product Owner.7. Artifacts & Tools required as a PM.8. ITJob Search & Preparation for an Interview."
Price: 24.99

"EFT Tapping For Personal Peace"
"Remove emotional blocks and subconscious negativity using EFT Tapping! This course will teach you how to do EFT Tapping, and most importantly, will teach you how to use this powerful healing tool in an organized and methodical way. The Personal Peace Procedure is a systematic approach to use EFT to effectively release negativity from your life for good. You will learn three different processes that will help you organize events in your life that have been contributing to negative emotions and a negative state of being. These processes will then help you work through these events and experiences in an efficient and effective way, leading you to emotional freedom, joy and happiness. It will put the power of self healing into your own hands (literally!). Over 100 published studies have proven the effectiveness of EFT Tapping to help release emotional blocks, limiting beliefs and negative emotions. A link for these studies will be provided in the course content along with other links, resources and downloadable content and worksheets."
Price: 19.99

"Contemporary Tools for Wellbeing & Performance"
"This course will present an insightful Model of the Mind, considering the functions of the conscious mind, that part we are aware of, as well as the deeper subconscious functions that guide and influence our behaviour, decisions and performance, based on the information that we have perceived, filtered and stored. While the purpose of these automatised functions is to make things flow more easily for us, as well as to provide a rapid protective response when we need it, sometimes we respond to outdated, unhelpful or negative information that we have gathered over the years. This course will help you to become more aware of when these unhelpful processes are at play, and to utilise your understanding to guide your own internal resources in the direction that is best for you now.At the end of the course you will be provided with contemporary therapeutic tools from Goal Setting, Self-Hypnosis and Thought Field Therapy, evidence-based psychological approaches, to help you make positive developmental changes across all areas of your life."
Price: 19.99

"Angular + NodeJS + PostgreSQL + Sequelize"
"El curso cuenta con 31 vdeos explicados al detalle que le dan un total aproximado de ms de 10 horas de duracin.El curso est dividido en dos grandes secciones:Primera parteDesarrollaremos una aplicacin back-end desde cero con NodeJS, PostgreSQL y Sequelize.Iniciaremos con la creacin del servidor con NodeJS.Instalaremos todas las dependencias necesarias.Instalacin de Sequelize, configuracin y generacin de la estructura base.Crearemos cada uno de los modelos necesarios comenzando con el Login para la creacin y envo de un Token de acceso.Crearemos uno a uno los servicios necesarios y el acceso a los mismos.Le daremos seguridad a cada servicio creado mediante JWT.Utilizaremos los verbos ms comunes en la realizacin de nuestros servicios GET, POST, PUT.Crearemos un mtodo para subir imgenes al servidor.Probaremos cada uno de los servicios en POSTMAN.Segunda ParteDesarrollaremos una aplicacin front-end con Angular.Instalaremos las dependencias necesarias.Crearemos nuestra aplicacin base con Angular/CLI.Crearemos cada uno de los componentes necesarios tanto pblicos como privados y las rutas de acceso respectivas.Mediante servicios enviaremos peticiones http a nuestra aplicacin back-end para la obtencin y persistencia de datos.Maquetaremos cada una de las vistas generadas y les daremos movimiento utilizando animaciones propias de Angular.Crearemos una seccin de administracin con acceso mediante usuario y contrasea para poder administrar los datos de nuestra aplicacin.Utilizaremos los componentes de Angular Material en toda la aplicacin para un diseo mucho ms profesional."
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop : effet dispersion, incrustation, animation & 3D"
"Ce logiciel est si vaste qu'il convient la plupart des graphistes. Il est aussi bien utilis par des professionnels que par des dbutants, ce qui en fait l'outil le plus clbre et le plus abordable.Dans ce cours, nous aborderons diffrents outils tel que la slection, le mode animation, le dtourage de personnage et nous crerons ensemble un effet tendance et graphique : l'effet dispersion.Avec ces exercices pratiques, vous apprendrez votre rythme, les techniques de professionnels pour raliser vos propres visuels.Ainsi votre crativit pourra s'exprimer."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Lgica de Programao - direto ao ponto"
"O curso de Lgica de Programao utiliza algoritmos e fluxogramas para propiciar ao aluno iniciante o aprendizado dos conceitos programao concentrando-se na lgica, sem ter que lidar com os detalhes de uma linguagem especfica. Voc vai aprender a programar utilizando elementos grficos e testando seu algoritmo usando um software simples e divertido. Uma vez aprendida a lgica fica fcil aprender qualquer linguagem de programao."
Price: 189.99

"English Grammar: Verb Tenses and Parts of Speech"
"Do you want to communicate better? Do you want your words to have more meaning?Whether you are learning English for the first time, a student who needs some additional support, or you just want to improve your understanding of it so that you can write and communicatebetter, it is best to start with the basics. Verb tenses and parts of speech are the building blocks for sentence structure and order of events. Understanding verb tenses and the parts of speech will give you a better understanding of how words work together to form sentences and meaning."
Price: 19.99

"Gua psicoteraputica para Padres y Madres Solter@s"
"Para qu ser madres o padres?Para aprender a amar de otra manera, sin reciprocidad, con desigualdad, desbalanceo, asimtrico, es amar incondicionalmente.El amor de los hijos es ambivalente y es algo que se debe asumir por los padres madres. Construirse como padres es nunca generar deudas con los hijos. La decisin de ser madre o padre soltero tiene que ver con aprender a amar de una manera distinta. Soluciones para ser una madre o padre solter@."
Price: 720.00

"Playing Harmonium for Devotional Chanting"
"Devotional chanting is a profound and joyful way to support your spiritual growth, and the harmonium is an ideal instrument to use to accompany oneself or to play with others. Learn to play and sing spiritual, non-denominational chants in the tradition of Paramhansa Yogananda. Includes everything you need to play 7 chantsincluding both melody and chordsas well as discussion of the spiritual use of music."
Price: 79.99

"Gua completa de ELK Stack: Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana"
"ELK Stack se ha hecho hueco entre las soluciones de gestin de logs BigData ms populares aprovechando todos los beneficios de las bases de datos no relacionales. Con ms de diez aos a sus espaldas, siendo un proyecto libre y gratuito (OpenSource) y aprovechando su gran flexibilidad, es utilizado hoy da desde pequeos proyectos startups hasta clster de cientos de nodos en algunas de las compaas ms grandes y punteras a nivel global.Ningn conocimiento previo de ELK o herramientas similares es necesario para afrontar este curso ya que se ver todo desde lo ms bsico hasta configuraciones ms avanzadas que nos ayuden a poder utilizar ELK como herramienta de gestin de logs y monitorizacin para cualquier caso de uso que se nos ocurra. El enfoque del mismo es puramente prctico acompaado siempre que sea necesario de unas diapositivas previas para poner en contexto y entender qu es lo que se va a realizar en el laboratorio.Adems de ver, entender y configurar cada uno de los componentes en sus correspondientes mdulos, no se perder de vista siempre la integracin entre ellos montando pequeas prcticas donde se podr ver cmo todos funcionan al unsono realizando cada uno de ellos sus correspondientes tareas.Enfocado tanto a personas que quieran iniciarse en estas tecnologas como perfiles ms avanzados, el curso buscar resolver la mayor cantidad de problemas posibles en la explotacin de datos de distintas fuentes y tipos, dndole un significado a miles de logs que nos permitan entender qu est ocurriendo y aprovechar esta informacin para tener una correcta monitorizacin de aplicaciones o sistemas y poder mejorar la capacidad de deteccin y respuesta ante distintos problemas.Comenzaremos por los conceptos ms bsicos y abordaremos cada uno de los componentes del Stack ELK: Beats, Logstash, ElasticSearch y Kibana sin olvidarnos de puntos tan importantes como el uso de la API y las consultas con DSL, finalizando con los mdulos de X-pack (funcionalidades extras bajo licencia) y paso a produccin donde se aprovechar la escalabilidad de la herramienta montando un clster de nodos y consiguiendo alta disponibilidad y tolerancia a fallos en el flujo de informacin y datos."
Price: 119.99

"Imbalanced Learning (Unbalanced Data) - The Complete Guide"
"This is a niche topic for students interested in data science and machine learning fields. The classical data imbalance problem is recognized as one of the major problems in the field of data mining and machine learning. Imbalanced learning focuses on how an intelligent system can learn when it is provided with unbalanced data.There is an unprecedented amount of data available. This has caused knowledge discovery to garner attention in recent years. However, many real-world datasets are imbalanced. Learning from unbalanced data poses major challenges and is recognized as needing significant attention. The problem with unbalanced data is the performance of learning algorithms in the presence of underrepresented data and severely skewed class distributions. Models trained on imbalanced datasets strongly favor the majority class and largely ignore the minority class. Several approaches introduced to date present both data-based and algorithmic solutions. The specific goals of this course are: Help the students understand the underline causes of unbalanced data problem. Go over the major state-of-the-art methods and techniques that you can use to deal with imbalanced learning. Explain the advantages and drawback of different approaches and methods .Discuss the major assessment metrics for imbalanced learning to help you correctly evaluate the effectiveness of your solution."
Price: 119.99

"Growing Microgreens for Business and Pleasure"
"Welcome to the Micro green Toolkit.This is a how-to guide for growing microgreens on a shoestring, for health-conscious growers and budding entrepreneurs.Ill pass on the lessons Ive learned from years of growing and selling microgreens from my urban farm in England so you can get started on a low budget and avoid making rookie mistakes.Unlock your potential by growing an abundance of nutritious and profitable produce. Whether youre in a city basement or out in the countryside, Ill show you vertical-farming techniques to get the most from your growing space.In this crash-course youll learn about:Basic equipment for indoor and outdoor productionGrowing methods using both soil and hydroponicsAdapting to your local climate and situationMarketing and selling your produceThis step-by-step tutorial will empower you to get growing, no matter what your budget or where you live. So come and join the international microgreen revolution!"
Price: 49.99

"Basics of Soil Science"
"This course teaches the fundamental concepts of soil science. It includes 8 major topics - soil chemistry, soil mineralogy, soil organic matter, soil physics, soil biology, soil fertility, soil nutrient management, soil genesis & classification. This course will provide a basic understanding of all the key concepts and terminologies of every aspect of soil."
Price: 24.99

"Visualizing Data Structures and Algorithms in Java"
"Want to land a software engineering job in the IT industry? This course is here to help. The course walks you through multiple Java algorithms, data structures problems and their solutions with step by step visualizations, so that you are actually learning instead of blindly memorizing solutions. The course covers in and outs of Data Structures and Algorithms in Java. Java is used as the programming language in the course. Students familiar with Javascript, Python, C#, C++, C etc will also get to learn concepts without any difficulty. The implementation of various Algorithms and Data Structures have been demonstrated and implemented through animated slides. It covers most of the interview room questions on Algorithms and Data Structures. The questions and solutions are demonstrated by - 1. Animated slide. (To make visualization of algorithms faster)2. Coding algorithm on IDE.3. Source code The course covers topics such as - 1. Arrays2. Matrix3. Singly Linked List4. Doubly Linked List5. Circular Singly Linked List6. Stacks7. Queues8. Binary Tree9. Binary Search Tree10. Graphs11. Priority Queues and Heaps12. Recursion13. Searching14. Strings15. Trie Data Structure16. Dynamic Programmingand many more ..."
Price: 12480.00

"Nesse curso voc ir aprender de maneira simples como fazer massas, recheios, montar o seu bolo para que ele no seja apenas gostoso mais bonito. Sabemos que o bolo no pode ser apenas gostoso para que voc consiga vender no mesmo? Voc vai aprender todo o passo a passo, com minhas receitas testadas no vai correr o risco de pegar qualquer receita da internet para fazer e depois descobrir que faltou ""o pulo do gato""Eu sou como voc, dona de casa e quando comecei a fazer bolos, queria aumentar a renda familiar e dar o melhor para os meus filhos. Mas, cometi muitos erros, perdi vrias receitas...que copiava da internet e tentava fazer...Hoje tenho meu atelier de bolos e dou cursos presenciais e online para alunas brasileiras e angolanas.Meu curso de acordo com a realidade da dona de casa...sem receitas com ingredientes carssimos que ficam lindas nas fotos, mas so difceis de vender."
Price: 69.99

"50 Informatica Interview Scenarios - Solved"
"These are 50 Informatica ETLScenario based solution which will help learners to enhance and be more confident on this technology. Professionals can implement these on their laptops and understand the logic written which will help them to grow technically and also enhance broader vision when a problem statement comes in front of them.Informatica ETLTool is widely used in many MNCsand having a sound knowledge in ETLTool will help them to be on top of their toes in industry."
Price: 1280.00

"Loxone Smart Home - Die Basics"
"Dieser Kurs ist fr alle gedacht, die neu in die Loxone Welt einsteigen.In diesem Kurs erlernst du alle notwendigen Basics um dein Smart Home mittels Loxone zu programmieren. Hierzu gengt lediglich ein Miniserver. Ob du den groen Miniserver besitzt, oder den Miniserver Go - das spielt keine Rolle.Wir fixieren uns auf die Programmierung und die verschiedenen Programmierbausteine in Loxone. Anhand von praktischen Beispielen, wie der Heizungssteuerung oder den Push-Benachrichtigungen, verstehst und erlernst du die Programmierung somit spielend leicht und kannst somit knftig alle notwendigen nderungen selbst durchfhren.+ Und als BONUS erklre ich dir noch die vollstndige Anbindung an FHEM, um so auch die unterschiedlichsten Hersteller mit in dein Loxone Smart Home einzubinden! + Als weitere BONUS Lektion, installieren wir gemeinsam die Alexa Sprachsteuerung auf einemRaspberry Pi!"
Price: 34.99

"UX Design and Innovation Secret Ideas, Entrepreneur Mindset!"
"Product with The Right User Experience Strategy deliver better results, outperformed the industry average. Demand for User Experience Strategist has increased tremendously in the past few years. UX Strategy focuses on improving the usability and functionality of the product, meanwhile multiply the result in all other areas of the business. In this course, we will learn together how to do design and innovation like an entrepreneur, with the right spirit and mindset! Think Innovation, Take Risks, and Embrace Opportunities.The entire chapters is vital to create the whole experience for your customers. You will gain a thorough understanding of the various Creative Design and Innovation Strategies that come together to create an optimal experience of using a product or service.User Experience Secret Strategies course is a comprehensive, evidence-based content while ensuring that the learning curve is growing. All participants will have the chance to share ideas and do the practical project to ensure success.In This UX Secret Strategy with Entrepreneurial Mindset Course, You Will Learn:The Five Principles of the User Experience. In order to turn more leads into customers, you have to understand the path taken by visitors to your platform. Well break down each of the 5 principles of this UX strategies, and show you 1 way you can connect each of them.Communication Skills - How to communicate effectively with Cross-Functional Team.The Art of Innovation - How to think differently, take calculated risks, and embrace opportunities.What is User Experience Design Your #1 business asset in digital era is your customers. Convert more visitors into leads and you instantly boost your business. Well explain what is design sprints and how you can use it to grow your business to the next level.How to Ask The Right Questions. Getting them to aware of your product is just the beginning. Three main questions to help you validate your ideas. Asking the right question during your job interview, communicate with clients and finding out user needs.The Right Thinking Process. Understanding User, Currency, Product & Market Fit. How to influence people In your business.Measure Product/Market Fit. It will significantly impact how you operate your business. Product/market fit means creating a product that can satisfy that market.Make Smarter Design Decisions. Not just any decision, you need to be able to make smarter decision to differentiate yourself from the rest. Simplifying the complex problems that are too complicated or unknown.Grow Your Business to The Next Level, A/B Testing and Get Results! Creating user-friendly interface with responsive and adaptive content to help your customers.How to Choose The Right Careers and Build Your Life Plan - You will learn how to generate the highest results by solving complex problems in the emerging marketMastery Journey and Effectuation in Taking Risk - How to build Long-term Vision and Mission to enhance your success to the next level in the entrepreneurship journey for building creative ideas!Keep Yourself On Top of The Game to Boost Your Results! Whether you are growing your own business or working in a company, you will learn how to continuously learning and practicing the right UX Strategy thinking mindset.Bonus: Invitation to a Facebook Mastermind Group. You share ideas, post questions, brainstorming, and many more. (worth 100x)Bonus: Updated Regularly. Whether You're A Team/Individual, Learn The Examples of Successful Techniques regularly. Enjoy your learning journey :)"
Price: 19.99

"SQL . SELECT . , . , . SQL - c , - , . SQL - . . . PostgreSQL. , PostgreSQL. . SQL . - !"
Price: 19.99

"Eficincia Energtica"
"Neste curso inicialmente voc vai aprender sobre os conceitos bsicos de eletricidade e alguns clculos para ento estar preparado para: Aprender a calcular o consumo de energia dos equipamentos eltricos; Saber o que potncia ativa, reativa e aparente e como interfere na eficincia energtica de sua empresa; Vai ter conhecimentos e ferramentas para fazer levantamento de consumo de energia de todos os equipamentos, classificando o consumo por equipamento, setor, rea, etc. e utilizao utilizando o grfico de curva ABC; Calcular se realmente necessrio utilizar um gerador no horrio de ponta e quais os seus custos; Aprender o que demanda, como calcular e como pode obter vantagens para reduo de gastos; Conseguir entender perfeitamente todos os dados de leituras que constam na sua fatura de energia; Estudar sobre os fatores que contribuem para o desperdcio ou para a eficincia quanto ao consumo de energia eltrica, estudando separadamente cada grupo de equipamentos, por exemplo, iluminao, motores, transformadores, fornos, sistemas de bombeamento etc. Vai saber como pode reduzir o consumo de energia, fazendo pequenas alteraes nas instalaes ou no processo ou mesmo simplesmente eliminando alguns vcios das pessoas e utilizando os equipamentos de forma correta. Alm de tudo isso, ter acesso a exemplos de planilhas, apps dentre outras ferramentas que facilitam todo esse trabalho, bem como outros temas e dicas importantes. Saberemos como calcular a economia, viabilidade, retorno do investimento Calculo VPN (Valor presente lquido) para no sair fazendo coisas sem ter retorno adequado e lucro."
Price: 99.99

"Must-Know Marketing Fundamentals For Business Success"
"The Ultimate and Most Comprehensive Marketing Course on UdemyWhat would it mean to you if were able to grow a very successful, profitable business? What about if you were able to boost your current career by becoming a more valuable employee through your impressive understanding of marketing? This course is the key to building a solid marketing foundation which will help you reach your goals.Most marketing courses simply skim over a few marketing topics without really relating them to everyday examples and giving you a practical application. They don't give you a clear understanding of marketing strategy from beginning to end. I've surfed through a lot of the marketing materials out there, and it seems like most of the time you have to gather your knowledge from here and there, instead of having it together in one comprehensive guide. Do you want a course that gets right to the heart of matters and teaches you the marketing fundamentals you need to know?My name is Roli Edema, and this is the super guide to Must-Know Marketing Fundamentals For Business Success.In this course Iwill show you how to:- Know how individuals think and behave, and how to motivate them to buy your product or service - Leverage key marketing fundamentals to build success as a business owner or employee - Build an appreciation for the role of marketing in venture success- Understand how to make smart business decisions that generate revenue long-termWhat will you be learning here?Section 1 is an introduction to the course and gives you a brief understanding of why marketing is so important. Section 2 is where the course starts, it's like a Marketing 101 and it teaches you the basics of the basics including who we market to, what we market and how marketing has evolved. Section 3 is about Consumer Behaviour. We see the various factors that influence consumer purchases and the 5-step process that consumers go through when making a purchase. Section 4 is about the Marketing Environment and how external forces affect how marketers operate. We also look at Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning approaches to marketing. Understanding the marketing environment is key to understanding marketing strategy and the forces that influence major companies.Section 5 is a Mini-Guide to Market Research, we look at the key steps you take when researching about new business ideas and the best practices to keep in mind. Section 6 uncovers what's really behind products and services and how marketers use them to create customer value.Section 7 is about branding: the different types of brands, what we can learn from top brands, and how to go about developing a brand name. Section 8 is about the new product life cycle and how every product moves through stages from birth to death. We also learn how we can stop products from losing appeal with consumers. We'll learn how a smart marketing strategy helps us re-use and recycle.Section 9 is about pricing and we consider four pricing approaches that marketers use to attract customers. Section 10 is about marketing communications. There are many tools you will want to use to reach your customers and we dive deep into advantages and disadvantages of each. Section 11 is about customer relationship management. We can't talk about marketing fundamentals without covering this central topic. Once you get customers who love your product and buy from you, you'll want to keep them. This lecture show you how. Section 12 is a review of the course. Now it's left to you to apply and generate revenue!Learning marketing fundamentals opens a world of opportunities - once you've learned the basics you can go on to develop marketing strategy and apply what you've learned to the real world. There's a lot of interesting things to discover in this marketing training course. The best way to get ahead is to get started. Join the course now now."
Price: 99.99

"Meaningful Retirement"
"This course gives the assurance that vibrant living does not stop when you retire. It gives you the conceptual tools to tackle this phase of life with a renewed perspective by discovering: what really makes you tick, the real you (not the you that everyone else expects you to be) how to free yourself from all that ties you to the past, such as regrets how to let the real you be and have the courage to show up in life its never too late! options galore of what you can do various activities and outlets where ideas for your third tri-cycle of life may germinate and flourishThis is a journey of exploration and discovery. At this stage of life we dont need to get bogged down by an over-riding sense of limitation or feel marginalized. Its up to you to take advantage of the freedom that emerges from becoming the boss of your time. When the restrictions of former work schedules fall away, its time to redesign your life where your potential can continue to expand. I share the whys, the hows, and wherefores to assist you in achieving this. You can still make a difference and you can still have fun. Everything evolves."
Price: 450.00

"Form Follows Function"
"The 'FFF' course covers:How to identify and fix the actual dysfunction(s) causing you pain.How to potentially avoid injections, multiple doctor visits and even surgery using simple and easy to do Static and Dynamic Movements.Learn more about the body and its Structure and Function (Learn 'why' our body moves the way it does.)Whether or not you should be wearing supportive braces.How to edit your Before and After photos to track your improved body's position.Tests to determine if there are dysfunctions in both Load and NonLoad-Bearing Joints.A Framework of Corrective Movements to use for the rest of your life to help you (and those you want to help)."
Price: 199.99

"ComPTIA A+ 220-901 Premire partie"
"Ce cours est la premire partie du cours de prparation l'examen de certification CompTIA A+ 220-901.Dans ce cours vous allez dcouvrir le nouveau type de BIOS qui est UEFI ainsi que ses avantage sur le Legacy BIOS.Vous allez aussi connaitre les diffrents type de carte mre ainsi que ses diffrents composants et leur rle."
Price: 19.99

"PLC : Programmare con CoDeSys V3.5.x da zero"
"Impara ad utilizzare l'ambiente di sviluppo PLCsu base IEC-61131-3 pi diffuso fra i vari costruttori di hardware. Il corso far una panoramica delle conoscenze base del mondo dei PLC per poi introdurre le varie tipologie di variabili, i principali operatori ed i linguaggi di programmazione Ladder (LD) e Testo Strutturato (ST). Prosegui poi con la scrittura del tuo primo programma, l'utilizzo del Help in linea ed il Debug del programma. Il tutto si riconduce al concetto di PlcOpen"
Price: 29.99

". 5000 , , , 3000 2000 .   , - . , ."
Price: 19.99

"Massagem Relaxante para Gestante"
"A Massagem Relaxante para a Gestante (ou massagem pr-natal, como tambm conhecida) difere de outros tipos de massagem; importante conhecer as diferenas.Desde o inicio do curso o aluno aprender o melhor momento durante a gravidez para iniciar a massagem pr-natal e como ela pode ajudar de diferentes maneiras durante os trs trimestres da gravidez, envolvendo a aplicaes de tcnicas e manobras de massagem que ajudam na remoo dos desconfortos associados com a gravidez. Este curso tambm abranger tcnicas de alongamento isoladas, posicionamento adequado para essa cliente.Alm disso, voc pode garantir que a segurana de sua cliente no ser negligenciada, aprendendo tudo sobre contraindicaes, complicaes, alteraes posturais e anatomia bsica da pelve."
Price: 249.99

"Curso Gana Online - Como Ganar Dinero Por Internet"
"Lo que aprendersGanar Dinero Por Internet Actualmente existen muchas formas de ganar dinero por internet, por esa razn en este curso te ensear las 3 mejores formas para lograrlo.Crear Tu Propio NegocioCon ayuda del marketing digital podrs crear tu propio negocio sin siquiera tener productos propios.Ganar CriptomonedasAdems de ganar dinero en las divisas conocidas, en este grandioso curso podrs obtener beneficios de estas novedosas monedas electrnicas. Tambin conocers a fondo sus funcionamientos.Encuestas PagadasPor si no fuera poco, hay una excelente forma de obtener beneficios monetarios respondiendo preguntas sencillas desde cualquier dispositivo que se conecte a internet. En este curso aprenders como realizar este mtodo de la manera ms fcil e intuitiva."
Price: 199.99

"Connected Conversations: Improve Your Communication"
"Have you ever felt that you're just not getting through to someone, no matter what you say or how hard you try? Most of us have been in that situation. This course introduces you to tools and techniques, as well as real-life examples that can be used to immediately improve the quality of your personal and professional relationships. Drawing from concepts in Non-Violent Communication among other modalities, we give you tested frameworks that have shown to be successful in a variety of situations for improving communication, collaboration, and understanding."
Price: 19.99