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"How To Get 50 Customers A Day With Local SEO!"
"On average this course gets the students 250 more qualified, local, targeted leads visiting their website, calling their store and ultimately turning into customers... all for free!Course Updated:16th of October, 2015Objectives Of The Course:This course is a guide to getting your business on the front page of Google using Google+ Local so that you can impact local search results and get more customers on your website and through your door.What You Will Learn:This course will teach you the exact steps on how to leverage Google and get thousands of people on your website and through your door each year.The Five StepsStep 1 - Introduction to Local SEOLocal SEO is the most powerful change in small business history but not many people know about it. Learn why local SEO is incredible and the results you can expect when you harness it yourselves.Step 2 - Getting on the Front PageThis section is all about how to create your Google+ page for your business and optimize so it's ready for the front page. This section will clearly outline every step you need to make to change your page from a Google zero to a Google hero.Step 3 - Content MarketingThis section is all about learning how to content market. Content marketing is the most powerful way to get your message across the internet and most people think it's hard. In this step you learn how to almost automate your content marketing so you can spread your message and still have plenty of time doing what you love.Step 4 - Search Engine Ranking FactorsThese are the factors that Google (and people) take into account when they decide who gets front page and who doesn't. Keeping these in mind as you do any work online will ensure that your website becomes and stays front page material.Step 5 - Bonus!These bonus tools cover the most common mistake most companies make when trying to optimize their site. Make sure you're not following the crowed (who aren't on the front page) and learn from the few websites that are!Do What Google Wants You To Do:Knowing how to do all the things Google wants you to do gives you an advantage.Local search is now appearing above organic search!Creating a strong local SEO (search engine optimisation) strategy is key and this course will guide you through how Google+ can be a part in that process.Course Format:The course is presented in a really simple format that anyone can understand and all terms are clearly explained throughout the course.Who Is This Course For:If you are a business owner, that serves a local area or a website owner that wants to get more customers in their local region, then this course contains essential information.It is also useful if you are running a marketing business as it will give you very specific SEO training on how Google+ can help your clients impact their position in search, which will deepen the strength of your service offerings.The Guarantee:So sign up for the course and learn what has taken us over 12 months to learn about Google+ and local SEO.It comes with a full 30 day money back guarantee, backed by Udemy, if you are not happy with it for any reason, just get a refund! It's as easy as that.This course includes everything you need to know about local SEO and leveraging Google for thousands of free, qualified, local customers each year."
Price: 19.99

"Empreendedorismo Digital para Professores e Educadores"
"Voc, assim como eu, tambm adora ensinar? Ento, transforme seu conhecimento e sua paixo pelo ensino em fonte de renda: aprenda a ensinar e a monetizar seu conhecimento! Voc quer transformar seu conhecimento em fonte (real!) de renda? Voc quer impactar vida de milhares de pessoas, ensinar sem fronteiras e levar um pouco dos seus conhecimentos aos quatro cantos do mundo? Voc quer fazer seu conhecimento alcanar pessoas e gerar renda para voc e sua famlia 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, mesmo enquanto voc est dormindo, viajando e at na sua sala de aula presencial? Voc quer exercer a sua profisso com dignidade, recebendo o respeito, a considerao e a remunerao equivalente aos seus esforos? Voc quer romper as barreiras da sua sala de aula, das instituies formais e colaborar na democratizao do conhecimento? Voc quer fazer do mundo a sua sala de aula? Ento, voc precisa aprender e empreender online! O curso online Empreendedorismo Digital para Professores e Educadores foi especialmente elaborado para voc que apaixonado pelo ensino e quer transformar sua paixo em um negcio rentvel. Neste curso voc vai: Compreender a dinmica do Empreendedorismo Digital, ou seja, voc vai saber como ganhar dinheiro online Conhecer os diferentes modelos de negcio online; Descobrir qual modelo se adapta aos seus projetos, seus conhecimentos, valores e estilo de vida; Desenhar o SEU modelo de negcios; E colocar a mo na massa criando a estrutura do seu negcio e a sua presena online: seu blog, suas redes sociais, seus produtos digitaisVoc vai se tornar um professor do sculo XXI: um professor que ensina e gera renda com seu conhecimento atravs da internet! * Eu confesso que comprei o curso com certo ceticismo porque aprendi muita coisa anteriormente por outros meios, e muitos ""gurus"" da internet oferecem suas informaes e ""frmulas mgicas"" por preos que muitas vezes no cabem no oramento dos professores.Imagine quais foram as minhas surpresas quando adquiri o curso da professora Leila por um preo bem acessvel e com tantas informaes objetivas e prticas? Foram de surpresa, alegria e admirao por receber tanto contedo e de qualidade. Para concluir, a minha filosofia de vida est em sintonia com a dela, enquanto educador. Parabns, professora Leila! Anderson Dino (Professor de Qumica) Voc quer encantar o mundo com seu conhecimento? Ento, entre a nossa rede de professores empreendedores e voc no estar sozinho(a) nessa jornada! Ao se inscrever neste curso voc:contar com o apoio, o conhecimento e a experincia de uma professora com mais de 20 anos de experincia na educao, 14 cursos online publicados aqui na Udemy e com alunos em mais de 70 pasester acesso vitalcio ao contedo do curso, s atualizaes, tutoria e tambm o contato direto comigoacesso comunidade exclusiva para os alunos deste cursoaulas gratuitas e ao vivo para que voc possa tirar todas as suas dvidas diretamente comigo**Excelente curso! Acho imprescindvel para quem quer comear a se planejar para atuar com educao online. A professora Leila muito didtica e explica muito bem os tpicos propostos. A parte que mais me chamou ateno foram as aulas sobre os modelos de negcios online, nunca tinha visto nada parecido em vrios cursos que j fiz, te da uma viso muito interessante de como comear. Apesar de eu ser da rea de informtica e muito dos contedos eu j ter visto, gostei muito do que foi abordado e para quem professor vai ser um prato cheio. Continue este trabalho, valeu muito a pena ter conhecido este curso. Recomendadssimo e sem mimimi e puxao de saco, vale o investimento.Everton Roberto Que tal? Assista as aulas disponveis para visualizao gratuita e para todas as suas dvidas, comentrios e sugestes, basta me contatar! Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy.***Primeiro curso da Leila concludo, um divisor de guas na vida de qualquer pessoa interessada! Igor Malagutti (outros comentrios e depoimentos dos alunos, voc encontra no final desta pgina)"
Price: 79.99

"Apresentaes de Impacto"
"Saber criar apresentaes que impactam positivamente, envolvem e encantam o seu pblico a melhor maneira de garantir o sucesso dos seus projetos.Muitas vezes o que determina o sucesso ou o fracasso de um projeto, de um trabalho cientfico, uma palestra ou um seminrio de vendas simplesmente a forma como ele apresentado.Um bom orador deve impactar, envolver e encantar o seu pblico no somente com belas palavras, mas em todos os sentidos, inclusive a viso. Saber criar apresentaes que impactam positivamente, envolvem e encantam o seu pblico a melhor maneira de garantir o sucesso dos seus projetos. E como fazer? O passo a passo para a criao de apresentaes de alto impacto voc vai aprender aqui neste curso!"
Price: 39.99

"Vdeos Sem Mistrios com o Windows Movie Maker"
"O curso online Vdeos Sem Mistrios foi desenvolvido especialmente para ensinarvoc acriar vdeos de forma rpida e eficiente, com poucos recursos e sem temer a timidez!*O Curso Perfeito, a Leila tem uma didtica envolvente, excelente professora. Realmente os vdeos dela chamam a ateno. Quero criar vdeos iguais aos dela! :) *** timas dicas e sugestes. Aulas bem claras, com conceitos importantes e sem rodeios. Apresentao de ferramentas teis para quem pretende criar vdeos bem feitos.***** Aulas muito instrutivas e de fcil entendimento. Com o ""upgrade"" realizado, h mais possibilidades de comparao e de adaptao ao ""seu jeito de fazer negcios"" e como voc quer ser lembrado por seus videos. Me ajudou bastante e me permitiu melhorar minha comunicao com meus clientes e parceiros de projetos.***(muitos outros depoimentos dos alunos voc encontra no final desta pgina)Voc tambm no sabe se comportar na frente da cmera?No tem equipamentos sofisticados: equipamentos de vdeo, udio, iluminao, um estdio para gravao, mas sabe da importncia dos vdeos na comunicao com seus alunos, futuros alunos e clientes? Ento, eu vou ensinar para voc como criar vdeos explicativos e engajadores, videoaulas, tutorias instrutivos e eficientes, vdeos promocionais que envolvem, engajam e conquistam novos clientes de forma rpida e descomplicada usando apenas 3 ferramentas gratuitas! Sem que voc precise passar horas procurando a melhor iluminao, esperando por um momento de silncio para poder gravar, comprando equipamentos caros e muito menos se preocupando em vencer a timidez para se mostrar na frente das cmeras! No importa se voc quer criar videoaulas ou se o seu intuito alcanar novos clientes atravs de vdeos demonstrativos ou de vendas: o que realmente importa o contedo e a qualidade do seu vdeo! E tenha certeza de uma coisa: o que as pessoas realmente querem no saber se voc tem talento para o cinema ou a televiso, o que as pessoas realmente querem saber se voc sabe ou no do que est falando! Ento, pare de adiar a criao de vdeos, voc no precisa ser uma estrela de cinema para encantar o mundo! Neste curso ns iremos criar seu vdeo JUNTOS: escrever um roteiro envolvente e engajador;criar slides criativos e que ilustrem perfeitamente suas ideias;gravar e editar o udio em alta qualidade sem que voc precise montrar um estdio de gravao, comprar microfones caros nem esperar o momento mais silencioso do dia para poder gravar seu udio;montrar e editar seu vdeo para que ele transmita suas ideias e represente perfeitamente seu profissionalismo;divulg-lo para que seu talento, trabalho, seu conhecimento, servios e produtos encantem as redes sociais e conquistem novos alunos e clientes.E voc no estar sozinho! A cada mdulo deste curso, voc ter atividades a serem desenvolvidas. Cada uma delas ser um novo passo na construo do seu vdeo. Voc poder compartilhar cada uma delas conosco (ou especificamente comigo) para que possamos colaborar no aprendizado e no desenvolvimento uns dos outros. Voc tambm poder""ir alm""!Depois de aprender a criar seus vdeos com essas ferramentas voc ter a possibilidade de ir alm, a conhecer outras ferramentas, criar os mais variados tipos de vdeos e, quando voc se sentir preparado, vai poder perder o medo da cmera! E tudo isso, contando minha ajuda em tudo o que voc precisar nesta jornada!Ao final do curso, com seu vdeo em mos, voc convidado a subt-lo a avalio do grupo: os feedbacks enviados por mim e por seus colegas sero de grande importncia! As sugestes, comentrios e elogios vo deix-lo (a) ainda mais confiante para divulgar seus vdeos! Confira o programa completo e para todas as suas dvidas, no hesite em me contatar! Todos os meus contatos esto aqui na pgina do instrutor e voc poder facilmente me encontrar nas redes sociais e por e-mail!"
Price: 39.99

"Canva: design grfico fcil e prtico."
"Crie como os profissionais: imagens para as redes sociais, blogs, slides e apresentaes criativas, infogrficos incrveis, eBooks e muito mais com o Canva: ferramenta online e gratuita que facilita a criao de designs profissionais, mesmo que voc no tenha nenhum conhecimento na rea.Foi muito alm do que eu esperava. Essa professora incrvel. Sabe aquelas pessoas que voc pode confiar de olhos fechados? A Leila e seus cursos so assim. Perfeitos. Contedo totalmente aplicvel em qualquer mbito, pessoal, profissional, acadmico. (Natlia Pereira da Silva aluna do curso*)Com o Canva voc poder criar todo o material grfico necessrio para informar, encantar e engajar sua audincia.No curso online Canva: design grfico fcil e profissional para todos! voc vai aprender a criar materiais didticos, informativos e divulgao do seu trabalho de uma forma simples e descomplicada.Voc vai aprender a criar designs grficos profissionais para impactar, conquistar e fidelizar seu pblico.Juntos ns vamos desenvolver diferentes projetos grficos com exemplos prticos e aplicveis no seu dia a dia como empreendor/a, professor/a, instrutor/a de cursos online, blogueiro/a, instagramer e tambm voc que quer exercer a sua criatividade.O verdadeiro diferencial do Curso foram os exemplos de ebook, elaborao de anncios e as dicas de elaborao de infogrficos. Superou as expectativas!! Vielen Dank, Leila!(Adir Pinto, aluno do curso*)Suas vantagens ao se inscrever neste curso: Voc no precisar comprar nem instalar programa algum; Voc no precisa ter conhecimentos prvios de design; Voc no precisa de grandes conhecimentos em informtica; Voc conhecer o passo a passo para utilizao da ferramenta, com uma linguagem simples e objetiva para que voc entenda perfeitamente como criar seus designs; Voc no corre riscos: este curso tem garantia TOTAL de satisfao de 30 dias; Acesso vitalcio ao curso, ou seja, voc tem liberdade completa para comear e terminar o curso quando voc quiser e ainda poder acessar todas as atualizaes! Acesso gratuito ao meu grupo exclusivo de alunos onde voc poder continuar aprendendo comigo e com o grupo todos os dias; Suas perguntas so respondidas e no mximo 48 horas por mim mesma.Por que voc deve aprender a trabalhar tambm com imagens? Mais de 80% das pessoas no leem textos completos, eles simplesmente passam os olhos. Nas redes sociais, as imagens recebem mais curtidas e compartilhamentos do que os posts sem imagem; Uma imagem vale mais do que MIL palavras: nosso crebro l as imagens mais facilmente; Google, assim como os outros sites de pesquisa na internet, identificam e classificam tambm as imagens.E por que aprender a criar seus designs com o Canva?Primeiro porque o Canva uma ferramenta completa, online e gratuita;Contudo, as razes para aprender a usar o Canva para a criao dos seus designs so muitas: fcil de usar e voc poder criar quantos designs precisar; Voc encontrar diversos modelos de design prontos para usar, modificar, copiar e compartilhar; Voc tambm poder criar seus prprios designs; Voc tem at mesmo a possibilidade de trabalhar em grupo na criao de seus designs; Voc pode editar textos e imagens;O que voc est esperando? Inscreva-se no curso e comece agora mesmo!O curso SENSACIONAL!! Pensei que conhecia pelo menos o bsico do Canva, mas fui surpreendida e aprendi muito!!! Gratido mais uma vez Prof. Leila!!!!(Marcia Ap. de Lacerda aluna do curso*)*Comentrios e avalies postados publicamente por alunos desse curso. Esses e muitos outros comentrios, voc encontrar aqui mesmo na pgina de inscrio, logo abaixo.IMPORTANTE: antes de se inscrever nesse curso, consulte o programa, assista as aulas para visualizao gratuita e para todas as suas dvidas, fale diretamente comigo. Todos os meus contatos voc encontra aqui no meu perfil de instrutora Udemy.Abrao e boas aulas,Leila Adriano OstoykeProfessora Empreendedora e Mentora de Negcios Digitais"
Price: 129.99

"Crisis Resolution - Finding Purpose, Direction & Fulfillment"
"If you're facing some kind of personal crisis, this course will lead you through you with the specific lessons you need to learn to completely turn things around. No matter what your age, you can suddenly find yourself facing a period of significant, internal conflict that may have you either frozen with uncertainty or firing off in all kinds of random directions in a desperate attempt to find a life worth living.Call it an identity crisis, a midlife crisis, or a quarter-life crisis; such times are likely leave you questioning not only what on earth you're supposed to do next, but even who you really are.Ros, said ""VERY effective! Incredibly simple and very powerful. Awesome!""On this course you will discover the 7 Steps to Ending your Mid Life Crisis or Identity Crisis:Diagnose exactly what's going on in your situationGet clear on the unique PURPOSE of your life Identify the driving NEEDS that steer your every decisionReveal the HIDDEN BELIEFS keeping you trapped Discover the THREE pillars of your unique personal IDENTITY Define your true GENIUSThe course provides you with Nearly 2 hours of easy to follow video instructionPrintable worksheetsPrefer to stay shallow?A new sports car, new relationship (with someone much younger, of course) or quitting it all for a life on a tropical island will not address the the key issue: YOU. You see, you can't pour a ton of PLEASURE into a hole that demands PURPOSE and expects things to get better any more than you can satisfy a need for OXYGEN by eating more food. So, invest in something that will enable you to unearth what really matters - the root issues that you can no longer ignore.------See what others have said about Pad's coaching:Ultimately, Pad's [personal coaching] program gave me a clear direction of where I would take my career and I was able to up my market value, role and pay. If I had not done the coaching, I'd still be unhappy in a role that didn't suit my skills and I would never have realised how to use my strengths in the business world."" Jennifer C. San Francisco""Pad's a very good speaker; animated, enthusiastic. He connects well with peoplea nice, relaxed pace so you could follow easily. He has lots of penetrating insights. Now I have the tools to know what to do and as opposed to before when I was just floundering.""Martin D General Practitioner. UK""Before I was frequently feeling quite overwhelmed and the feeling of empowerment and confidence that has given me I can't fully put into words.""You've unearthed some core issues that have been negatively affecting my life and have brought me to a totally new place. I can feel the change in my mind and body. I literally feel like a new man I feel whole in a way I haven't felt for...well, ages!"" Hardy S - Corporate Manager"
Price: 54.99

"My Backpack is My Home - All about packing for backpackers"
"My Bag is My Home, is not a clich. When going backpacking, you take with you everything you can possibly need and carry it with you on your back while still manage to have fun! During my backpacking, I saw a lot of travelers who just don't know how to use their backpack correctly or they over loaded the backpack, making it impossible to travel without back pains. If this scenario sounds familiar or you are about to set off to your first backpacking trip, this course is for you! Even if you don't plan to hike a lot, you would find a lot of useful information in this course that will improve your travelling skills! Any traveler could discover new information for backpacking in this course. You will learn a few things about backpacks:How to choose the right backpack for your needsGet to know the different backpacks available todayHow to fit it to your bodyWhat to take with you for a backpacking tripReceive The Ultimate Modular-Packing List that will ensure you won't forget anything behind and will help you keep track of your packing progress!By the end of this course you will be able to pack your backpack with all you need, efficiently and easily! and at the same time, learn a thing or two about backpacks....The course in build from videos presentation and includes some other resources that will help you be a successful backpacker! It is presented with a fun, light atmosphere that address all people! Ready to start packing?"
Price: 24.99

"Struggling with Physics? Learn how to improve your grades"
"This course will highlight the reasons that make most of the students struggle with Physics and propose specific ways to improve everyone's grades. My target audience may not be students only but also parents and teachers. The content is variable and has to do with methods and tools used in order to overcome any difficuties on understanding Physics. I use mainly Powerpoint slides, along with simulations, online tests, work sheets and many more. Everyone who will take this course will have the benefit of understanding the typical mistakes that guide to misconseptions and difficulties when studying Physics. The course will be completed in less than a month."
Price: 19.99

"Math Fractions - add, subtract, multiply, divide fractions"
"**** FREE BONUS OFFER! ****Buy now and get my book 'How to get an A in math'* - absolutely FREE!How to get an A in math* is definitely not another 'this is how to add fractions, calculate an angle or solve algebra' mathguide. Based on 14 years tutoring experience, this ebook is practical and straightforward:where to start with mathlook for the 'tells'draw the questiontry not to underlinethree calculation methods you absolutely need to know for mathtop tips for working with math fractions simply and easily.. and many more**** FREE WITH MATHFRACTIONS - ADDING, SUBTRACTING, MULTIPLYING, DIVIDING. ***** Amazon Bestseller RRP 2.99 ($5) value!Course Information:Math can sometimes be a little tricky as there just seems so much to learn. In high school there are around 60 topics, from trigonometry to cumulative frequency and back again to quadratic formulas - that's a whole range of subjects that you need to know to be successful in your studies!The good news is that there are common threads.. and a great understanding of math fractions, will help you to feel confident about working through some of the more challenging questions. Questions that involve math fractions - adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing are very popular in exam papers. Whether you're studying GCSE, or SAT a great understanding of math fractions can really make a difference in your grade score. If math was always about ""arithmetic"" you might not need this course. When you have been given an addition or multiplication mathquestion it's usually fairly straightforward. The difficulty is when math is presented as a ""word problem""and you need to work through to a final answer. This course will help you to spend time understanding the wording, without worrying about the calculation. Math fractions - adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing - is a crash course in helping you to get the very best from your mathstudies:the two key skills you need, to work with math fractionshow to use 'equivalence' for easy fraction calculation methodsget rid of lots of big numbers that take too much time to work throughfind ways of really understanding the question... without worrying about the numbersMath fractions - adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing - is ideal for all high school students wanting to improve their grade, parents helping with mathhomework, career changers or anyone wishing to gain a deeper understanding of math.Each short lecture is easy to understand and presented using actual exam questions. There's a little bit of humour, a lot of whiteboard and a logical development through all of the topics:adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing math fractionseasy to solve 'word problems' by using equivalent math fractionsratio, percentages and people selling raffle ticketssome really hard stuff at the end - introducing 'algebraic math fractions' (a great way to really impress your kids)* In the UK 'maths'"
Price: 19.99

"The creative writing course - write a newsletter or a book."
"Course DescriptionCreative writing can be challenging and, like any other skill, its useful to gain an overview of the main topics. How to improve your written English for fun, profit and enjoyment creative writing by using templates, simple sentences and effectively structuring your work.write with more confidence and precision - using words to get your message across simply and clearlyThis short course has been designed to give you an effective starting point with your creative writing. The course is fast moving, colourful and deliberately designed to encourage you to appreciate how to become an effective creative writer. Ive used lots pictures - after all they paint a 1000 words - we just need to get those words out on paper!You might be someone who enjoys the challenge of creative writing perhaps youd like to start a blog, contribute to a newsletter, write a book or just write because you want to. Whatever your motivation, this course is an ideal opportunity to get some of the fundamental principles of creative writing - each lecture is complete, theres plenty of practice and Ill always feedback if you post a discussion.There are many benefits to being a creative writer. A precise message is an excellent asset, particularly when there is so many internet, work and family distractions for the reader. Although it could be argued that communication has evolved and that using 'creative writing is no longer required in our fast moving 24 x 7, instant access lifestyles. But Id argue the complete opposite. Reading a well written creative writing piece can be an excellent escape and allow your mind to wander to a whole new world. From The Hobbit to Black Beauty, creative writers have opened doors and allowed us to be involved in soaring adventures.Contents and overviewThis course contains over 18 lectures and one hour of content. However, much more than that, its a community of like minded individuals. As we develop and encourage each other youll get invaluable, and specific, feedback from your fellow students. By the end of this course youll have valuable skills that will help you quickly focus on the main components of creative writing. Youll hear what others think of your work and Ill always try to respond - perhaps a comment, maybe a new lecture.What are the requirements?An open mind, willingness to learn, plenty of practice!What am I going to get from this course?Over 18 lectures and an hour of content but thats evolvingYoull enjoy a boost in creativity Youll know where to startYoull think about writing in a new wayYoull be an important part of a like minded communityWho are the target audience?Bloggers, article writers, school students, aspiring authors and hobbyists!"
Price: 19.99

"Information Security Primer"
"In this course you will learn to secure a network, weather it's Enterprise or SOHO.The course in based on over my 20 years hands on experience in IT, as a security analyst and network engineer. Learn the 12 most important steps in securing you network, making sure you cover all the basics, but not wasting time on activities that contribute little.Step 1- Write a Security PolicyStep 2 - Educate End Users & IT StaffStep 3 - Implement Physical SecurityStep 4 - Implement Perimeter Security Step 5 - Use Good Password Management Step 6 - Eliminate Unnecessary Services Step 7 - Implement Good Patch ManagementStep 8 - Implement AntiVirus Measures Step 9 - Implement Access ControlStep 10 - Secure Data in Transit Step 11 - IDS & IPS Step 12 - Backup Your DataFollowing a lecture on each of the steps, I provide 10 Live Demos to reinforce the lectures"
Price: 24.99

"Trademarks in Plain English. Trademark Law for startups."
"Discover the secrets of protecting your brand through trademarking in this presentation by Andrei Mincov, an intellectual property lawyer with 20 years of experience, the best-selling author of The Ultimate Insider's Guide to Intellectual Property, and the founder of the Trademark Factory.Learn:What trademarks are and why we need themThe difference between trademarks and trade names (company names)What cannot be protected as a trademarkThe limits of trademark protectionThe difference between unregistered () and registered () trademarks7 benefits of trademark registrationWhen you should register trademarksThe trademark registration processTrademark Tips & TricksThe entire course will take you just over an hour. As a result, you will know exactly what, when, why and how to protect your brand. If you have a brand you are interested in protecting, don't forget to order your free comprehensive trademark search from Trademark Factory."
Price: 29.99

"Entrepreneurship: How To Launch A Lean Startup You Love"
"Being able to launch a lean startup you are truly passionate about and that helps others is a superpower. Period. Learn how to start your own business that creates a positive impact and completely changes the trajectory of your life vs. things remaining exactly how they are... Most people are too scared to start their own social venture. They dream about making a difference, having control of their own future, but don't take the simple steps necessary to make it a reality. :( What if I told you that starting your own business wasn't scary? Wasn't hard? And was something that you could do in the next 30 days without quitting your day job? Good news - This is the truth! This course provides the roadmap for you to follow so that you can overcome your fears, start your own social venture and begin taking control of your future. The roadmap and all of the tactics, scripts and techniques are the product of years of testing and rely heavily on principles successful entrepreneurs have been using for years. I have personally used the strategies in this course to launch 5 successful social ventures - all securing their first paying customers within 30 days. But don't just listen to me. Here's what other people have said: Kevin helped me clarify the problem I was solving for my customers, test my assumptions and validate demand. I'd recommend his course to anyone planning on investing time in a new venture." - Daniel Lafferty - Principal at Yesco BC A few of the things you'll learn in this courseWhat you can do each day to increase your likelihood of success and happinessHow to brainstorm pains you are truly passionate about solvingTactics for picking the best pains to begin solving todayStrategies for brainstorming solutions that your customers will loveScripts to secure your first paying customersHow to continue to run a successful lean social venture Trust me, this is just a small sample of what you'll learn and by the end of this course you'll have the ingredients to develop the superpower of being a social entrepreneur. No matter who you are, I guarantee you'll learn at least one thing from this class (see the testimonials above for proof). I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material so there's no worry if you're not sure how to take all of the information and apply it to your life. So sign up now! Talk soon,Kevin Starke"
Price: 24.99

"How to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Business Like a Pro"
"This course is more than you expect !! You will learn more than you expect. I promise you thatFor next 7 Days you will get urgent education about Pinterest. Everything from A to Z about marketing your business on PinterestYou will learn how to start your business on Pinterest and what you have to know to run your business on Pinterest successfullyUnique tips, tricks and ideas to grow a number of your followers and your email listHow to create Powerful Pins that convert Group boards A to Z., how to join it Pinterest Marketing Strategies that use by marketing gurus Melanie Duncan, Cynthia Sanchez, Vincent King Chung Ng and even Nick Unsworth (Life on Fire) How to drive more traffic to your website or sale page and how to take your business to the next level using Pinterest. How to Pin. What time is the best time to pin, and how many pins you should to pin.**** NOTE: This unique training was created based on people' qustions, struggles, and frustrations. I used my personal experience together with marketing strategies and knowledge that I learned from the top marketing experts and implement all of it into this training. PINTEREST: 7 Day Challenge training program for you if: You are a business owner or blogger or an entreprener that look for exploar your options with Pinterest You work very hard but don't see any results on PinterestYou want to grow your followers and build your business on Pinterest but you don't know where to start and what to doYou need personal help and step-by-step instructions that you cannot find nowhere ~~~~~~ Yes! I am here for you! ~~~~~~~~BONUS: 1. You will get access to all my Power Point notes, download files, frequently asking questions, and even to a list of the most powerful hashtags for Pinterest 2. If you still will have questions about Pinterest, you will get access to my PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP where you can learn about Pinterest promotions and Facebook Ads. 3. Personal Coaching. You will get my personal help 24/7 during this training"
Price: 29.99

"How To Get Overflowing Subscribers With Social Media"
"Are you struggle with social medial platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, and Periscope? You not sure how people use those platforms to grow their online business and create a stable income? Then, this training is for you! In the training I teach you how to use each social media platform for your business. I share my personal marketing strategy for each platform that I use to grow my list, build my audience, and find new clients... However, if you are newbie to online world but want to learn more about the power of the online world, my course will be helpful for you too. In the course I also cover all basic information why you need social media in your life and I share my secrets on how to make your first income with it. For beginners and expert this course can play a role of the ultimate guide into all of the social media websites.This course is for you if you would love to learn more about: Introduction to Social MediaMarketing Strategies for: FacebookInstagramPinterestTwitterPeriscopeTake this course if you want to change your life and stop working on someone else."
Price: 24.99

"Creating Exciting Videos Using PowerPoint Slides"
"In this course, you will learn how to take PowerPoint slides and turn them into exciting videos, complete with narration.The course starts by discussing the hardware and software you need. Then, it covers everything you need to know to create PowerPoint slides that work well for video. Then, it covers how to record and edit your narration in a free software package called Audacity. Finally, it shows you how to pull it together into a video using Camtasia.In the advanced section, you learn how to...Add transitions between slidesAdd a musical background to your narrationCreate an exciting title sequenceMake your bullet and numbered lists appear one-at-a-timeAdd moving pointers to your videosShow one video inside another videoAdd closed captioningThe course is a series of about 30 short videos, all created using the techniques in this course. Completing the full course will take about 2.5 hours."
Price: 49.99

"Gain 4 Hours per Week: Learn 75 Practical Keyboard Shortcuts"
"Highlights:10 Concise, Easy-to-Follow Lessons Verifiable Certificate of CompletionDownloadable Course Guide and List of Keyboard Shortcuts75 Bonus Tips & Tricks24/7 Access to Instructor via Course Discussion & Udemy MessageResponsive Course Updates Community of 64,000+ Students in all of our CoursesActive Student Discussions & Growing Course Knowledge BaseUdemy 30-Day Money Back Guarantee-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course DescriptionAre you a Microsoft Windows user? How many hours per week do you spend on the computer?Stop wasting time.Learn to save 4 hours a week by slightly tweaking your workflow. Discover 75+ ways to work more efficiently on any Windows machine.In this course, you'll learn how to:Seamlessly launch applications without ever touching your mouseFlip between tabs (and browsers) without missing a beatCycle between programs- forwards, backwards, right, and leftSnap windows so that you instantly have two applications side-by-sideInstantly zoom in and out of application windowsRename folders with the click of a buttonQuickly find files, folder, and documents with one-touch searchesCustomize the Quick Access Toolbar and use the Access keys50+ other tips, tricks, and keyboard shortcutsSoBecome the go-to keyboard savant in your office. Impress your bossGet more done each dayUse the hours you save to make more money or just have some fun!The choice is yours.Click Take This Course"" now, and become MORE PRODUCTIVE today!See you in on the other side. Cheers,Tolan Co-Founder of ProductivityMe"
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Excel Keyboard Shortcuts: A Comprehensive Guide"
"A Brief Introduction to the Course Come. Watch. Learn. Conquer. Excel. One Simple Lesson at a Time.Hi and welcome! Hi and welcome! My name is Tolan, and I am the co-founder of ProductivityMe. Id like to welcome you to Excel Keyboard Shortcuts, where through a series of awesome tips, tricks, and keyboard shortcuts youll learn to Master Microsoft Excel, one simple lesson at a time. Through a comprehensive set of unique, fun, easy-to-follow video tutorials, you can learn to become a Microsoft Excel Power User in less than a week! What is Included in This Course?250+ individual lessonsRegular course updatesA dynamic, response Excel file listing all 233 keyboard shortcuts used in the courseA colored PDF reference guide of those 233 keyboard shortcutsInstant access to course instructor What is the Purpose of This Course? Excel has become the industry standard for organizing, analyzing, manipulating, a storing both data and information in tabular form. Thus, this course is designed to get you up and running as a highly-proficient Excel user by being able to use hundreds Excel's most common actions and functions in seconds. By the end of this course, youll be able to use and deploy more than 230 keyboard shortcuts that will make you AWESOME at Microsoft Excel. For example, youll learn shortcuts like: Shift + F11 Inserting a New Worksheet (Lesson 04.01)Ctrl + Shift + ""="" Inserting Rows or Columns (Lesson 05.02 or Lesson 05.03)Shift + Spacebar Selecting an Entire Row (Lesson 07.01)Ctrl + Spacebar Selecting an Entire Column (Lesson 07.02)Ctrl + Enter Entering the Same Data in Multiple Cells (Lesson 11.06)Ctrl + Alt + V Displaying the Paste Special Dialog Box (Lesson 14.10)Ctrl + Shift + ~ Applying General Format (Lesson 17.01)Alt + = Autosumming Selected Cells (Lesson 18.04)Ctrl + ` Toggling Formulas On and Off (Lesson 18.05)F11 Creating a Chart in New Worksheet (Lesson 19.10)Alt + F8 Opening the Macro Dialog Box (Lesson 20.06)More generally, you'll be able to apply keyboard shortcuts for actions such as:Autosumming cell values & instantly changing their formattingAdding, formatting, and removing cell borders in a flashHiding, grouping, adding, deleting columns and rowsMoving to the next cell, worksheet, or workbookCopying, moving, or deleting a cell, a selection, or a worksheet in ExcelExpanding or reducing your active selection by one or more cells, columns, or rowsInstantly creating new tables, filters, charts, and PivotTablesLaunching macros & the VBA Editor with two simple clicksAnd much, much more In every lesson, we to follow the same logical structure.Consistent Lesson Structure: First, we'll provide an introduction to what well cover in the lessonThen we'll show you the keyboard shortcutNext we'll show you how to achieve the same result without using the specific shortcutThen. we'll review what we covered in the lessonAnd lastly, we'll discuss what is coming up in the next lesson Final Thoughts: ALRIGHT! The quality of our content speaks for itself. Come and check it out today!See you in a few. Cheers, Tolan & RyanCourse Instructors & ProductivityMe Co-Founders"
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Excel: 10 Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Beginners"
"Hi and welcome! My name is Tolan and I'm the Co-Founder of ProductivityMe. Microsoft Excel is an amazing application. Over the last 30 years, it has become the industry standard for manipulating, organizing, storing, and analyzing data in a tabular form. Whether you work in a non-profits, a start-up, a fortune 500 firm, or even government, youre bound to come across needing to know Microsoft Excel, at least a little bit, a some point in your career. Working in the consulting industry, Ive come to acknowledge the importance of Microsoft Excel. For many of us, becoming better at Microsoft Excel isnt a choice its a NECESSITY! Learning how to use the program as efficiently and effectively as possible, can save you minutes, even hours per task! What would you do with another 10, 20, 50 hours per month? In this short, easy-to-follow course, well cover ten of Excels most relevant, job-related shortcuts. These shortcuts may be simple, but they are super useful! Then, in section three of the course, well apply all ten Excel keyboard shortcuts to a real-world example. So with that, lets get started! Click the green Take This Course button today, and stop wasting your time in Microsoft Excel. Cheers, Tolan & Ryan The ProductivityMe Co-Founders"
Price: 39.99

"Microsoft Excel Beginner & Intermediate Training w/ Projects"
"Course Highlights: 80+ Individual, Bite-Sized Lessons9 Real-World Mini-ProjectsCourse PDF & Road MapVerifiable Certificate of CompletionDownloadable Excel Files & Corresponding Project FilesInstant Access to Instructor and the ProductivityMe CommunityRegular Course Updates and Bonus Materials ProvidedA Bit More Information:Hi there, And welcome to our course page! You must be interested in Microsoft Excel, or learning it. YAY! Ryan and I are super excited to have you here, were honored that youve taken a minute out of your day to read this far. Microsoft Excel is an amazing application. You can do fun and important things with Excel. Whether youre working in finance, consulting, non-profits, or even still in school, Microsoft Excel is the industry standard for organizing, analyzing, manipulating, and storing data in tabular form. Why Learn Excel? Microsoft Excel is the worlds most popular spreadsheet program. Learning it can be frustrating (or at least it was for me). Maybe you have a small business, and you need to learn Excel for tracking your sales. Maybe you want to work at a startup, boutique marketing firm, or investment bank... Maybe you're a recent graduate apply for an analyst job at a Fortune 500,,,, Or maybe you're like me and you want to be able to do more in less time, perhaps get a raise or job promotion. Knowing how to use Excel to solve real-world problems can be an awesome tool to help differentiate you from the competition! In this Course: Learning Excel takes time, particularly if you try to do it without any structure! In this course, we'll talk you through the basics from how to create a spreadsheet, to how to sort and filter your data in tables, even create charts and use awesome tools like Sparklines and Flash Fill! In this training course, weve broken down Microsoft Excel into ten main sections: Getting Started with Excel Entering DataFormulas and FunctionsFormatting & Presenting DataDatabase FeaturesUsing TablesCharts & GraphsModifying & Adjusting DataUsing Special View Features within WorkbooksManaging Worksheets within a WorkbookAbout our approach: We want you to succeed! Ryan and I have worked hard to create awesome and amazing content, but, perhaps more importantly, to create and cultivate a vibrant community around sharing and improving that content (i.e., content on how to best learn Microsoft Excel). Maybe you like doing things on your own. Watch a video, and then go off and tinker with your own workbooks. Maybe you like following along. Open up your spreadsheet, and move through each lesson step-by-step with us. Maybe you just want to learn about the sorting feature within Tables, well then jump right to lecture 64! Theres no right way to learn Excel, well, except for well, actually starting In each section, we walk you through thecore componentsof the skills and techniques that you need to use Microsoft Excel in the real-world. Each lesson will cover one single topic, delivered in a shortbite-sized video. At the end of each section well do a smallproject, in which you can apply the core skills that youve learned in the section. We've made it easy to follow along with the course, by providing acourse PDF, and for those of you interested- feel free to download thecourse Exercise and Project files. So... If you have questions, comments, ideas, wed love to hear from you. Email or message us any time. Cheers,Tolan & Ryan ProductivityMe Co-Founders Udemy Instructors & All-Around Good Guys"
Price: 99.99

"How to Lose Weight in 1 Month"
"This course is geared towards holistic and healthy weight loss. Learn the tools to help you feel better, look better, have a better quality of life, and achieve your goals. The course is set up to review over the course of a month plus introduction sections to the 30 days, spending ten or less minutes per day. There are several attachments that are optional and in Microsoft Word and Excel formats and some websites are referenced. A number of stories are used to paint a picture on different points.Each day has a different focus and strategy: motivation, tools, swaps, enrichment, healthy foods, and then preparing for success and resting."
Price: 19.99

"Personal Finance: Improve Cash Flow and Mindset in 1 Month"
"Learn basic concepts to improve your financial situation. Let's work together to increase the value of your monthly cash flow statement!Build a strong financial base and mindset that you can build upon.Initiate positive, calm, goal-oriented thinkingDiscover creative outletsReduce and automate your expenses Find purpose while increasing your incomeReduce time and money wastersAlign your budgeting, spending, mindset, and daily action steps towards your purpose and goals.Take a value-based approach at money that you can apply the rest of your life.By aligning your thoughts and actions towards value, you can cut the bad, add the good and move in a positive direction financially and in your purpose. It is a skill you can build upon so you can make decisions to get the most of your time and what money can provide you.Ever wonder what people that don't make much more than you seem to have access to more money? In this one month course, with under ten minutes of instruction per day, we will learn skills to get out of scarcity and into this place of abundance.Value your time and personal finance with this course balancing mindset, action steps, and support elements needed to naturally make progress. Included is a financial and tracking worksheet to track this progress along the way. Know what it important in your life and build your life and money-management around these values."
Price: 19.99

"Blogging For Profits"
"Blogging for Profits is about learning the platforms to blog online, what to do for promotion and training of how to get targeted buyers for profits. You will want to know these tools and resources that makes your blog successful in converting visitors to buyers. The training is in video and will show you pdf resources that will show you exactly how to be successful in blogging for profits. You can watch the entire training less than 2 hours and be ready to start blogging to create your online presence within the next hour. Reach out for personal questions or guidance to your focus and passion in blogging for profits."
Price: 39.99

"SAP HANA Introduction"
"'SAP HANA For Beginners' is a course to provide quick overview on database and its evolution. It provides complete understanding of what SAP HANA is and how was it made possible. It's unique features, architecture and use cases are discussed in detail.This helps students to plan their career in various roles of SAP HANA.This course is an introduction to SAP HANA for those who are absolute beginners as well as those who are familiar with other database technologies."
Price: 24.99

"Noodles Mastery Course"
"Welcome to my Asian Noodles Mastery Course!This course is for you if you love eating or cooking noodles, or love someone who loves noodles! You'll learn to cook authentic, delicious, signature noodle dishes from Asia and become a Noodle Star!What you'll be getting:Delicious noodle recipes from AsiaAuthenticity - the true taste of Asia cooked by you!Learn the secrets of using the correct ingredients and their substitutes when cooking30 years of Asian cooking experience condensed into one course Advice on how to turn every recipe into a vegetarian, vegan and gluten free one.I've divided the course into 4 levels, allowing you to progress comfortably at your own speed.Level 1 - Basic Noodler3 Quick and Easy Fried NoodlesChow MeinMee Goreng MamakChar Kway TeowLevel 2 - Rising Noodler!Pad Thai, Thailand's most famous export You'll learn to: make the authentic Pad Thai Sauce cook Pad Thai serve Pad Thai beautifullyLevel 3 - Noodle Master!Miso Soup with Prawns and Udon Noodles You'll learn to make: homemade dashi (Japanese stock) the soup base using the dashi Miso Soup with Prawns and Udon NoodlesLevel 4 - Noodle Star!Laksa - the most challenging of our recipes - that will reward you deliciously!You'll learn to: make the Laksa paste from scratch cook the Laksa gravy prepare the condimentsserve Laksa authentically - the way it's eaten in Singapore and MalaysiaEvery dish is accompanied by a detailed, step-by-step written recipe that you can download in Microsoft Word or Adobe pdf format.So get your apron on and I'll see you in your kitchen!"
Price: 29.99

"Cooking Italian for Beginners"
"Welcome to my Cooking Italian for Beginners Course!Have you always wanted to cook Italian in your own kitchen?And more importantly cook Italian the way the Italians cook it?Look no further!What you'll be getting:Traditional, authentic recipes from ItalyItalian recipes made from scratch20 years of Italian cooking experience condensed into one coursean insider's knowledge on how to cook ItalianWe will be going back to basics and keeping it real, you will learn how to cook and present the following confidently like a native:Antipasto plattersInsalata CapreseFresh PastaRavioli PestoBologneseSpaghetti alla CarbonaraPizza of course!Every dish is accompanied by a detailed, step-by-step written recipe that you can download in Microsoft Word or Adobe pdf format.So get your apron on and I'll see you in your kitchen!"
Price: 29.99

"5 Quick and Easy Weeknight Curry Course"
"Welcome to my 5 Quick and Easy Weeknight Curries Course!This course is designed and structured for easy understanding and use.My purpose in putting together this course is to help you create delicious, nutritious, quick and easy meals on those days when time is precious!I'll show you just how easy it is to cook these 5 delicious, quick and easy curries from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Singapore.We'll be learning to cook:Chicken Karahi from PakistanFish Sothi from Sri LankaPepper Chicken from IndiaSayur Lemak from Singapore and MalaysiaSmoked Salmon Curry, South Indian but with my own signature twist.Each course as mentioned, is broken down for ease of use.You get 3 lectures for each recipe:1. Intro2. Ingredients3. The actual cooking of the recipeAlong the way, as always, I'll share with you hints and suggestions for the recipes and you'll also get some background information on each dish.Every dish is accompanied by a detailed, step-by-step written recipe that you can download in Microsoft Word or Adobe pdf format.Get your aprons on!"
Price: 29.99

"How to Make a Professional 2D Animation for a Promo Video"
"In this course I will take you step by step along the process of creating an animated promo for a project in a real world scenario for a client from scratch. If you are interested in learn how to create a professional, good looking and fluid animation for a promotional video for a client request or maybe your own portfolio, or even if you are planing to increase your animation skills based on a real life project then this course is for you!This course will be detailed and it will cover lots of techniques to create the final piece. I won't hide you nothing from the real work behind the whole process, you will see and understand the entire process to follow along! We will begin from scratch to teach you how:Analize the provided script to create transitions from itTransform the script into sketchesThinking in transitions for the animationSet a color palette and how to use it inside AECreate a Common media folder to organize assets (ninja tip)Vectorize Assets using illustrator (not an illustrator course, but an overview)Prepare your assets for animationsImporting and organizing assets into After EffectsUsing cinema 4D to create cartoon sketch styleIntegrating Cinema 4D with AE using Cineware to mix 3D and 2DAnimating in sync with the voice over and more!"
Price: 19.99

"Consulting Start-Up: How to Start a Consulting Business Fast"
"The consulting industry is growing as more and more people are looking for experts to solve their problems, do you want to be a part of that growth? Do you want to learn exactly how to start a consulting business? You are in the right place because this online course by Louise Anne Maurice of Fearless Entrepreneur Academy was created for you. Consulting Start-Up: How to Start a Consulting Business Fast is for you if: You currently work for a consulting firm and want to start your own business.You are an expert in a field and want to start your own consulting company.You are looking at changing careers and want to know what it would take to start your own consulting business plus you need to learn how to start your business FAST.Why take Consulting Start-Up: How to Start a Consulting Business Fast?Take the guess-work out and learn how to start a consulting business from nothing.Today you will feel more confident about your business skills.Tomorrow you will get into action because the course gives you an incentive for applying what you learned.Next week things start to happen because you have a plan in the right order that guides you step-by-step.What is covered in Consulting Start-Up: How to Start a Consulting Business Fast?Learn the 5different phases and 90 steps required to start a consulting business which saves you from making costly time and money mistakes.Become a confident entrepreneur who owns and runs a successful consulting business that provides incredible service.Discover the Fearless Entrepreneur Academy step-by-step process for selling your consulting business services as well as setting yourself up as the only consulting solution people need for your area of expertise.Walk away with the know-how to create a professional consulting image for both online and offline so that your business is seen as professional and on trend.Create a consulting business operations checklist as well as the insight into how to choose a consulting business name that commands high fees.No more guess-work! Know the exact steps needed to develop a full marketing plan to market your consulting business as well as a consulting business plan.How will Consulting Start-Up: How to Start a Consulting Business FastBenefit You?I know you are busy and I have meticulously created this course with your success in mind. This training is no-fluff essential information you need to succeed easily and quickly.Let me show you exactly how to start a consulting business in less time and spending less money.You get insights and step-by-step instruction that show you how to create a consulting business from the ground-up.You get the inside track on what you need to do to become a successful business owner plus the exact plan to make it happen in the right order.If that's something you would like to achieve, you have selected the right course to take. If you complete this entire course and implement everything you learn you will have a good solid foundation to start a consulting business quickly and easily.Remember, it doesn't matter if you are new to business or already in full swing, I've been there and I can show you how to make it happen.When Can You Take Consulting Start-Up: How to Start a Consulting Business Fast?What are you waiting for? If youre looking for a course to learn what it takes to start a consulting business, then look no further.Start learning right now or take the course when it is convenient for you! The course can be accessed 24-7 from most devices with an internet connection.Once a member of the course, you receive lecture updatesand access to the Q &A forumfor life; NO EXTRA COST TO YOU.Click on the ""Buy Now"" button and start learning instantly"
Price: 94.99

"Certification1 Business Coaching Business Branding FECBC"
"Why take the Certification to Become a Business Branding Business Coach FECBC Fearless Entrepreneur Certified Business Coach course?What will a Business Branding Certificate and Accreditation + Credentials + Business Branding Business Coach Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a business coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Business Branding Business Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive business coaching world. This can be overwhelming if you dont feel like you have done enough, know enough or have enough current skills to coach people starting or building a business. How can you compete?FACT: Personally, you need to be confident, resilient and resourceful to adapt to this ever-demanding competitive world. This can be a challenge if self-doubt, insecurities and fears block you. How can you rise above these obstacles?BUSINESS BRANDING BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE GOALThese facts dont have to be your future! We developed this comprehensive Business Branding Business Coach Certification course as part of our 11 Part FECBC Business Coaching Certification Program. Now we offer it as a stand-alone Business Coach Certification Program so you can niche in this high-demand area and become a Business Branding Business Coach.BUSINESS BRANDING BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE SELF-ASSESSMENTWHAT IS YOUR GOAL?There are usually 3 different goals among the students who join this Fearless Business Coaching Program. Which one describes you?GOAL #1 - You dont care about receiving a certificate of completion or being fully certified as a Business Coach through accreditation. You want to be coached so that you can achieve your business goals. If this describes you, then enjoy the course as it fits with your schedule. INCLUDED with the one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion if you ever need one. You also have access to Level 1 and Level 2 accreditation at no additional cost should your goal change. READ COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOT.GOAL #2 You are already a business coaching professional. You dont care to be fully certified through accreditation or that the certificate of completion comes from Udemy. What you do care about is saving time and saving money. You want to be able to niche into a specific business area without having to develop the process yourself. You want to legally use our proprietary step-by-step and timed-out accredited business coaching session guides to coach your clients WITHOUT PAYING our $995 right of use fee (details below). If this describes you, then enjoy the Level 1 program as it fits with your schedule knowing that your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy gives you access to Level 2 accreditation should your goal change. READ LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.GOAL #3 You are completely new to business coaching and want guidance. You may have taken other coaching courses but do not feel prepared to coach business clients or you simply want to be listed in this niche business coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy WITHOUT PAYING the private fee of $1791 (details below). Your goal is to learn our step-by-step business coaching process and then be able to practice through fieldwork that is assessed for competency. You want a separate certificate of completion that is not from Udemy but from our Accredited Business Coaching Academy. You want your name listed in this niche specific coaching directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy so that prospective clients or employers can verify your Business Coaching Certification and confirm that you have Graduated from this accredited Business Coaching Training Program. If this describes you, enjoy the Level 2 program that is included with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy. READ LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION BENEFITS.BUSINESS BRANDING BUSINESS COACHING CERTIFICATION COURSE CONTENT SNAP-SHOTYou can keep scrolling to view the comprehensive course content and also to watch some of the free video lectures available but here is a quick outline of what is covered:Business Branding Business Coaching Psychology: Do you know exactly what stops people in this area? You are walked-through our proprietary framework for assesses their underlying blocks and obstacles.Business Branding Business Coaching People: Who will be your business coaching clients? You discover the inside track so that you can understand people starting and growing a business better than they understand themselves.Business Branding Business Coaching Process: Do you have an exact Business Coaching process in this area of specialization that is proven to get results? Differentiate yourself by using our proprietary Business Coaching session guides that are timed-out and step-by-step easy to follow and adjust as needed.Business Branding Business Coaching Phrasing: Do you know exactly what to say in any situation? Being stumped in a Business Coaching Session makes you look unprofessional. We give you the exact phrasing and questions to use so that you feel confident and prepared in every business coaching session.Business Branding Business Coaching Procedures: Do you know the Business Coaching procedures that will make an impact for your clients? In this course, we give you the exact techniques, tools and strategies so that you dont have to do the research or create the resources yourself.Business Branding Business Coaching Practicum: Have you ever coached real clients before? You will benefit from the simple system we provide that makes business coaching practice fun and doable. This is truly what differentiates our Business Coaching course from others.Business Branding Business Coaching Pricing and Promotion: Do you know what to charge business coaching clients? Do you know how to find business coaching clients? No more guessing what to do and how to do it. We have mapped out your success plan so that you feel confident and secure in this area.Business Branding Business Coaching Professional Community: We want you to be successful! Once you join this course, you have access to a full range of ongoing business coaching community support that will keep you focused and engaged.LEVEL 1 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIncluded with your one-time low-cost enrollment fee on Udemy is life-time access to the course content and features on Udemy; including a Udemy generated certificate of completion.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.PLEASE NOTE: A right-of-use fee is not a licensing fee. We own the copyright to the accredited session guides including the processes and material. You do not have permission to re-sell it or develop training, workshops, speaking or books based on our proprietary program.1) Watch 100% of the coursework lectures as fast or as slow as you want.2) Download all of the accredited resources including the session guides.3) Download your Udemy generated certificate of completion when you have completed 100% of the coursework.LEVEL 2 ACCREDITATION COST-SAVING BENEFITSIn addition to the cost-saving benefits and features of Level One, when you remain enrolled in the program past 35 days, you have access to LEVEL 2 benefits; a total of $1791 U.S.D in fees that we cover when you join this course on Udemy and graduate Level 2.WE COVER THE $995 U.S.D. RIGHT OF USE FEE: When you join this course on Udemy and stay enrolled (no refund), you have permission to use our Proprietary Accredited Business Coaching Session Guides to coach clients.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. ACCREDITATION FEE: Level 2 requires that you complete a mandatory Business Coaching Practicum which assesses your competency using our accredited proprietary session guides with real clients. We call this hands-on coaching fieldwork. We make this step-by-step easy to complete but submission is mandatory for Level 2 Graduation. This is what differentiates our program and sets our Graduates above the rest. While a quickie diploma or certification from having just simply watched videos is appealing and what some coaching courses on Udemy use as a marketing tool to get you to buy, this is not the solution to long-term success. If that is your goal and expectation, this professional coaching program is not for you.WE COVER THE $99 U.S.D. CERTIFICATION FEE: This is a one-time fee to create one individualized certificate of completion from Fearless Entrepreneur Academy that displays your certification designation verifying your completion of accreditation.WE COVER THE $199 U.S.D. COACH DIRECTORY LISTING FEE: This is a one-time listing one-time fee to add your first and last name to this niche specific career coach directory on Fearless Entrepreneur Academy.WE COVER THE $299 U.S.D ASSOCIATION FEE: This is an annual membership fee to keep your certification current and valid.WE COVER $1791 U.S.D IN FEES WHEN YOU JOIN US ON UDEMY AND GRADUATE LEVEL 2Now you might be thinking this sounds too good to be true; whats the catch? or you might be saying Business Coaching Training like this should cost 5 thousand or more; why would such a valuable program be available on Udemy for such a low price of only $199 U.S.D.? There is no catch just a vision, a purpose and a mission inspired by our Founder and your Instructor. Keep reading to meet her!WHY OUR LEVEL 2 GRADUATES EXCELJoining this course and completing Level 2 of the program requires effort but you can do this! We want you to stand-out and excel as a business coach but only you can do the work. We cant guarantee your success or that you will make money as a business coach. Only you are responsible for the effort you put in and the success you achieve. What we can guarantee is that we make it as simple and easy regardless of your current skill level and we are there to guide you every step of the way; however long that takes. We want you to be satisfied and if you are not, you can request a refund from Udemy within 30 days of purchase. Be sure to read Udemys terms for details.THE POWER OF BELIEFBut when you commit and stay enrolled in the course (no refund), you put into motion the power of belief. When you buy the course on Udemy, it is a one-time low-cost investment of $199 U.S.D. that will continue to pay dividends in countless ways for years to come. Level 2 is simple: in addition to staying enrolled in the course for longer than 35 days, you complete 100% of the coursework, complete 100% of the coaching practicum fieldwork and submit it for approval and we cover the $1791 U.S.D. fees that we normally charge on our website for Level 2 Graduation.Why do we do this? When you meet Louise, you will understand the purpose-driven passion that propels our mission! You may have already seen this before but it is worth a second, third or fourth read.MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR LOUISE ANNE MAURICEIf you have never met me before, my name is Louise Anne Maurice; Louise for short. When being interviewed, I am always asked the question what have been the most important aspects of your 30+ year career; your university and specialized education, the impressive skills you developed working for companies and educational institutions or boot-strapping it to build your company from the ground-up? My response is always ALL OF IT because every experience has shaped who I am, my purpose and the reason I am a Coaching Training and Development Specialist today.LOUISE TALKS OVERCOMING CHALLENGESYou see, I was not handed life on a silver platter! I worked hard to achieve what I have; overcoming many challenges along the way. How did I do this? I developed, what I later termed, my Empowered Coach Approach; a revolutionary framework founded on empowerment, integrity and respect that leverages my DE Effect to accelerate and strengthen transformation. Using this approach, I was able to power-past blocks and obstacles so I could achieve my goals and experience my limitless potential. The thousands and thousands of people I have either coached, trained, consulted or taught over the past 30+ years have also benefited from my Empowered Coach Approach.LOUISE ANNE MAURICES MISSIONBut that is just scratching the surface! I see a world where everyone is overcoming their challenges and living their full potential. Can you imagine the positive impact? But I cant do it alone! My mission is to train millions of coaches world-wide to coach millions of people world-wide to live their full potential. How will I do this? I have teamed up with the Udemy E-Learning Platform to make my proprietary coaching training programs easily accessible to a global audience at an affordable price. As Director of Coaching Training and Coaching Courses Development for Fearless Entrepreneur Academy, I use my Empowered Coach Approach to develop purposeful, comprehensive and streamlined curriculum that shortens the learning curve for you to become a Professional World-Class Coach.WHAT IS YOUR MISSION?Purpose is powerful! Yes, you might be fired-up at the cost-savings bonus that I have made exclusively available on Udemy. Who doesnt love a deal! More importantly though, I hope youre fired-up at the prospect of being a part of making a positive difference in the world; I know I am! Are you ready to do something more meaningful with your life; something that makes an impact and leaves a lasting legacy with your name written all over it? Whatever your mission, you will find a community that is here to support your purpose.ARE YOU READY TO START MAKING A DIFFERENCE?I invite you to join and start living your purpose today! Simply click on the Buy now button to enroll in one course or click on the Add to cart button to enroll in all 11 courses of the Masters FECBC Business Coaching Program.I will see you in the first lecture. Copyright Louise Anne Maurice of Fearless Entrepreneur Academy"
Price: 199.99