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"Corso completo per sviluppatori web 2.0"
"Questo corso ""The Complete Web Developer Course 2.0"" di Rob Percival, Doppiato in italiano e con supporto in italiano. il doppiaggio non perfetto come da studio o da un madre lingua ma sufficientemente chiaroe comprensibile.Sono cubano e vivo in Italia da 15 anni e avete garantito il supporto in italiano e il supporto tecnico su tutte le materie del corso, che veramente il mio valore aggiunto al corso!Sei qui perch seiprontoper iniziare a costruire siti webprofessionali che diano una spinta alla tua carriera.O forse sai gi programmare un po' e vuoi passareal livello successivo?Sono qui perch sono il creatore del corso di programmazionebest-seller epi quotato diUdemy e mi piace condividere i miei segreti con te.Benvenuti a Corso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0Sulla base del feedback da oltre 25.000 recensioni 5 stelle, ho creato IlCorso completo per Sviluppatore Web2.0, il sequel del mio corso con gran successo globale : Costruire 14 siti web.E' il mio corso di programmazione pi recente,approfondito ed entusiasmante fin'ora.Disegnato proprio per te-non importa a che punto sei nel tuoviaggio nel mondo della programmazione web -Questo corso di ultima generazione, pieno di contenuti freschi estracolmo di tutorialdi alta qualit. E soprattutto, con le ultimeversioni disoftware di ultima tecnologia.E' la corsia preferenziale per avere dei risultati solidi nel mondo della programmazione.Non abbiamo lasciato nulla al caso.Ti garantisco che questo il corso pi completo, pi aggiornato e focalizzato disponibile sul mercato. Se non cos, puoi avere il rimborso completo del corso!Che tu sia un imprenditore, un innovatore o il prossimo Mark Zuckerberg,qui troveraitutto il necessario per cominciare in modo veloce.Il tutto in un'unica soluzione onlineperfettamente confezionata e superconveniente.""E 'difficile trovare un corso completo l fuori che siacome questo. Sono stupito dal valore del contenuto e lo consiglierei senza dubbio a tutti coloro che cercano un corso completo di sviluppo web. ""-Daniel LimDa zero a massimavelocit in sole sei settimane.Che altro rende il mio corso diverso? Ti porter daprincipianteaesperto in sole sei settimane (oal proprio ritmo, se preferisci).""Sono daprincipiante totale fino ad ottenere il mio primo cliente pagante, prima ancora di aver finito il corso. Quasi incredibile! ""Priti Palmer.Non lasciarti sfuggire l'occasione e rimanere indietro!Inizia oggi e uniscitia milioni dei miei studenti soddisfatti, molti dei quali hanno cambiato carriera, hanno creato un redditoaggiuntivoo hanno acquisito nuove competenze fondamentali per il mondo del lavoro.Oh, avevo gi accennato che avrai hosting gratis ed illimitato per un anno?Iscriviti alCorso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0oggi e rivoluzionail tuo modo d'imparare. Acquisisci le basi fondamentali senza sforzo. Aggiorna le tue competenze. Approfondisci ora le conoscenze web pi chemai. Iniziaoggia costruireapp potenti e siti web che ti fanno guadagnare, e approfittadi maggiori opportunit.""Eccellente corso.Ti d tutto quello che dovete sapere per fare siti web impressionante!"" - Steven De JessSeProntoad aprire nuove porte e diventare unosviluppatore webintelligente e richiesto dal mercato?Ecco cosa otterrai con Il Corso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0Avrai accesso a dodici capitoli che vannoin profondit nei temifondamentali dello sviluppo di siti web di successo.Ogni capitolo supportato da oltre 30 ore di videolezionichiare ed esaustive e di sfide pratiche di sviluppo di siti web.Tutto questo alla portata delle tue ditaadesso!:Il corso inizia con le basi fondamentali. Ti mostrer consigli utili per lavorare in modo rapido ed efficiente con tecnologie web come HTML5, CSS3 e Python.Una volta che hai sbloccato quel livello, ti mostrer come costruiresiti web responsiveutilizzando tecniche pi avanzate come ad esempio PHP JQuery 7, MySQL5 e Twitter Bootstrap.A questopunto sarai capace di sviluppare blog e siti di eCommerce con Wordpress, edimparare modi intelligenti per aggiungere contenuti dinamici, utilizzando APIper connettersi a siti come Google Maps e Facebook.Come tutti sappiamo, il modo migliore per imparare facendo, cos potrai completare divertenti sfide di siti web ad ogni turno. Inoltre, man mano che seguirai ilcorso, potrai utilizzare le tue abilit per completareun sito web. La sfida finale quella di sviluppareun clone completodi Twitter .""Molto facile da seguire grazie al modo in cuiil corso stato suddiviso in piccoli argomenti. Le pagine di riepilogo, al termine di ogni argomento, sono molto utili per fare un ripasso dopouna pausa dal corso, il checonsente di riprendere da dove si era interrotto. ""- Andrea Price-LaceConOltre 12 capitoli imparerai:Come funziona il web?Configurare un hosting web(gratuito) HTMLCSSJavascriptjQueryCMS e WordPressresponsive designProgrammare inPHP database MySQLMettere tutto insieme: Fare un clone diTwitterSezione bonus: Come fare $ 10.000 imparando a programmareChe altro si ottiene?Una comunit accogliente, informale che ti aiuter durante il percorsoContatto personale con l'insegnante del corsoUnEbook (in inglese)che ti mostrer come iniziare a guadagnare ancor prima di aver finitoAccesso a vita al materiale didatticoEsercizi per fissare e non dimenticare tutto quello che impareraiUna conoscenza esaustiva su come programmare, progettare e sviluppare siti web potentiHosting Webgratis ed illimitatoPER UN ANNO (dal valore di $ 199)""Ci sono tonnellate di libri, corsi costosi e video scadenti on-line dove potresti perdere delleore. NON FARLO. Prendiquesto corso eVedrai. ""T. HendersonNon sprecare un altro minuto del tuo tempo conlibri datati, corsi on-line goffi e costosi e video suYouTube che ti fanno sbadigliare!Con ilCorso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0 tutto pronto per partire, in una comoda piattaforma dove tutto semplificatoInoltre, avrai sempreunsupporto amichevole e veloce via e-mail, Twitter e nelforum del corso suUdemy."" CorsoFantastico !!! Facile da seguire e d grande supporto, se necessario! Sia l'istruttore che gli altri studentisono pronti a dare una mano. ""- Malin SingletonDi un'occhiata allamia biografia qui sotto, per vedere come ho mollatola mia carriera di successo per insegnare adaltri a programmare part-time. Dal momento in cui ho presoquesta decisione, la mia vita cambiata senza paragoni.Ti garantisco che chiunque pu trarre beneficio da questo corso,sia che si tratti di guadagnare qualche soldo in pi o cambiare la tuacarriera o tutti e due.Allora, cosa stai aspettando? Trasforma il tuo mondo e iscriviti adesso per ottenere una copia gratuita del mio esclusivo ebookda pagine 'Come fare $ 10.000 imparando a programmare'.""Ho imparato di pi nei primi tutorial HTML di quello che ho imparato conil 70% del corso su codeacademy."" - Louis ElliottInsegnato da:Ciao! Sono Rob. Ho una laurea in Matematica presso l'Universit di Cambridge e mi puoi chiamare un geek della programmazioneDopo aver costruitositi web per amici e parentiper divertimento, ho imparato presto che lo sviluppo web unascelta di carriera molto redditizia. Ho lasciatoil mio lavoro di successo (e, a volte stressante) come insegnante per lavorare part-time e non ne potrei essere pi contento!Mi piace moltoinsegnare i bambini a programmare di modoche ogni estate vado di corsa nella bella citt di Cambridge. Gestisco anche il popolareEco Web Hosting dove mi occupo di web hosting e servizi di disegno web, ilche mi lascia tempo libero percondividere i miei segreti con persone come te.Non crederesti alla libert che offreessere uno sviluppatore web . Iscriviti e scopriraida soloperch cos tante persone stanno prendendo e raccomandandoquesto corso. Io sinceramente credo che sia ilmigliore sul mercato, e se non sei d'accordo, ti rimborser felicemente i tuoisoldi.""Se seialla ricerca di un corso veramente efficace che ti prepara a costruire siti web professionali e pulitiche le persone vorranno acquistare, tigarantisco personalmente chequesto l'unico corso per te."" Rob PercivalIscriviti al Corso completo per Sviluppatore Web 2.0 e partecipaa questa straordinaria avventura con me oggi.""Il corso eccellente. Non ho completato nemmeno la met del corso, ma non vedevo l'ora di condividere la mia recensione sulla base della miaesperienza fin'ora. Questa la solaricetta perfetta per gli studenti che hanno poca o nessuna conoscenza delle tecnologie necessarie per sviluppare siti web. (Aiuta anche gli studenti che leconoscono). L'unica cosa che mi ha colpito molto stato il motto - imparare facendo. Ho conosciuto personalmente queste tecnologie perch le ho studiate all'universit, ma leho davvero imparate seguendoquesto corso !! Eccola differenza. La parte pratica nell'apprendimento davvero utile. Complimenti! continua cosi :) con il buonlavoro "". -Veeresh Kamble"
Price: 199.99

"PHP 7: La guida completa per sviluppatori web"
"CORSO AGGIORNATO FINO ALL'ULTIMA VERSIONE DI PHP: php 7.4Oggi  82,5 % dei siti web sono sviluppati con php e CMS come wordpress, joomla, drupal e ECOMMERCE come MAGENTO, PRESTASHOP, sono sviluppati con php.In questo corso imparerai passo a passo, e con degli esempi pratici, le fondamenta di php7 per sviluppare siti web dinamici, performanti e sicuri. Sono Certificato  PHP ZEND CERTIFIED ENGINEER e ho pi di 15 anni di esperienza con php e lavoro in uno dei progetti php pi grossi di Europa. Con questo corso ho voluto condividere la mia esperienza di ogni giorno nello sviluppo di php. Ti insegner da zero la sintassi di php, l'uso corretto di ogni tipo di variabili come boolean, string, number, array object, come utIlizzare i cicli e le funzioni native per processare stringhe e array.Imparerai a definire e usare le classi e i concetti base di PROGRAMMAZIONE ORIENTATA AGLI OGGETTI, che ti serviranno non solo per php ma per qualunque altro linguaggio.Creerai due progetti da zero: User Management System Con Login e Autenticazione e Un Blogging System fatto in MVC, utilizzare composer, autoloadingImparerai :La sintassi di phpgli operatori matematici, logici, bit ecctI tipi di variabili di php come string, boolean, number, array, object, null, resourceLe strutture di controllo come if, else e switchI costrutti del linguaggio e le funzioniLe funzioni, i suoi parametri, funzioni anonime, tipo e ritornoOOP  con INTERFACE, CLASS, ABSTRACT,TRAITSnamespaceAprire, leggere e scrivere su fileProcessare file e dati in xmlProcessare jsonConsumare APICollegamento ai database come mysql, oracleprocessare form htmlSessioni, cookieGestione degli erroriEccezioniDesign patterns: SINGLETON, FACTORY, MVC, DEPENDENCY INJECTIONCome progetto costruiremo un sito web dinamico dove vedremo come processare dati di un form, inserire questi dati in un database mysql, modificarli e mostrarli a video.Costruiremo un User Management System da zero con sistema di login e gestione di ruoliCostruiremo da zero una piattaforma di blogging in MVC.Faremo la deploy dei progetti onlineAvrai a disposizione tutto il codice sorgente con gli esempi ed esercizi. Potrai guardare le lezioni sia online che offline con tablet e telefonino.Se vuoi diventare un web developer, impararea programmare, costruire siti dinamici, sviluppare moduli e plugin per wordpress, joomla ed altri CMS, QUESTO E' L'UNICO CORSO DI CUI AVRAI BISOGNO!"
Price: 194.99

"Student as a Job Business Preparation Program"
"This course is about transforming the traditional student into a new level of engagement and relevance to prepare for business jobs.Students of all ages will benefit from this thinking. This is not age specific as individuals developskills and gainexperience at varying levels. The key is explore this self-learning approach at your own pace.The approach is unique with text to introduce ideas, discuss concepts and engage thinking activities to further explore this course.The course itself is several hours but as the student experience lasts from k-12 and higher education. This thinking and engagement in learning will continue for your life time.The structure of this course is very unique as it talks to you through text to allow you to pace yourself, think about the concepts and the many activities to explore this course further. This can be self-taught at all ages and will be enhanced with group discussion, teacher input and parent input.Everyone is a student in their life and everyone will work in a job. This course will help you become a better student to help you prepare for success with other jobs you evolve into."
Price: 24.99

"Ultimate WordPress Plugin Course"
"If your phone were WordPress then Wordpress Plugins are the apps! And of course, we all know that it's really the apps that make our phones great. Basically, if you take this course you'll become a WordPress app developer!This course takes you from plugin idea to the final product. By the end of the course you will have a working email list building plugin (like MailChimp) and the skills to create, customize and sell your WordPress plugins online!NOTE: During this course I teach you how to dramatically speed up development by leveraging two popular WordPress plugins: Custom Post Types UI and Advanced Custom Fields. However, your completed plugin DOES NOT REQUIRE THESE PLUGINS TO BE INSTALLED in order to work and I teach this in the course. Custom Post Types UI is a shortcut to generating the PHP code for WordPress's built in register_post_type() function. Later in the course we include this PHP in our own file and no longer need CPTUI. Advanced Custom Fields is a library of functions that makes it easier to create custom fields and save post meta data. This course also covers creating custom fields from scratch without the aid of the Advance Custom Fields plugin."
Price: 99.99

"Stop the Struggle and Soar"
"Learn not just how to understand why youve been spinning your wheels, but what you need to do (and how to do it!) so you can build the life you want to live.Master the Strategies That Will Set You FreeIdentify which are the wrong goalsCreate your larger Vision so that you know what you want to do and who you are yearning to beDevelop and implement a strategic plan of action to get you from where you are to where you want to goA Powerful Blend of Theory and PracticeThe personal development industry has exploded over the past several years. People are no longer satisfied with just getting by and want more out of life. Unfortunately, all too often, the so-called solutions are merely feel-good fluff or lists of things to do without any strategic depth that will help you to create real change in your actual life.This course takes over three decades of psychological study that give you a solid understanding of why you feel stuck, and combines it with hands-on, practical exercises and strategies so you can start really moving forward.Content and overviewThe comprehensive nature of the program approaches the problem of how to create lasting change from a multitude of angles. The vast majority of the lectures include video presentations of the material, each one focusing on a different aspect of why, what, and/or how to make a specific shift in your life. The Resources section is full of worksheets, examples, and links to additional information to help you implement what you learn in real-life situations.After a general overview, youre going to learn how to identify and release those dreams and goals that youve picked up along the way but arent really yours to pursue. After all, what is the point of working really hard if it doesnt take you where you want to go?Next, you will develop your own larger Vision, a deeper sense of the type of life you desire which will act as your guidance when deciding your best next actions.Once you know where you want to go, youll then learn how to set up a robust and solid, yet flexible plan of action that will get you moving in the right direction.Finally, youll learn several different techniques to help evolve your skills, keep you on track, and continuously deepen your experience and satisfaction with your life. The final lecture shows how you can utilize what youve learned by combining the various strategies to synergistically support each other and create the life of your dreams."
Price: 24.99

"Learn How To Budget - Personal budgeting made easy"
"The Learn How To Budget course gives you everything you need to KNOW and everything you need to DO to master the most fundamental of all financial skills setting up and sticking to a monthly budget.After just four weeks of preparation (which you can take at your own pace) you will know exactly how to budget, how to overcome some hurdles, and will be off and running on your way to financial success.The fact is you will never be rich unless you consistently spend less than you earn (unless you win the lottery or inherit from a long lost aunt). Are you ready to commit to your own future? This course will arm you with all the tools and techniques to do so."
Price: 24.99

"Startups : Turning an Idea into a Business"
"This course is perfect for anyone who wishes to become an entrepreneur. The course explains the process whereby you can turn an idea into a profitable startup business. The course will take you through the process of developing your idea, creating a business strategy and then pitching for money.Consider this course a mini business degree.You willlearn to talk about your idea/business in appropriate terminology (early adopter, minimum viable product, variable costs, fixed cost, unique value proposition etc.)The course includes lectures that require you to do some writing and practicing of your pitch. Additionally, there are power point resources, supplemental readings and videos."
Price: 19.99

"Master Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory"
"Are you struggling with the basic mathematical skill you need as a computer scientist?Are you unhappy with your instructor's ability to teach the fundamental skills you need to do well in your math courses?Master Discrete Mathematics: Set Theory is perfect for you. I cover all of the important topics thoroughly at a university level with lecture videos, example videos, additional problems, and sample exams with unique and challenging questions that will help you identify your weak points and master the material.Each video will cover all the relevant information you need to know in under 15 minutes. I will make things simple, but still tackle the tricky questions that might seem confusing.I encourage you to preview the example videos and problem set I have available for free below. You will succeed in Discrete Math."
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Linguistics"
"In this course, we look at the five major pillars of analytic linguistics. These five pillars tell us about the general properties of language and help us talk about the similarities and differences in languages.The primary focus of the course will be teaching you the tools in our language toolbox using English. However, we will also look at different languages, such as Japanese, Marshalese, Khmer, Tagalog, and a few others.The course primarily consists of videos, but I've included a couple practice exams that you can use to demonstrate your mastery of the course.Even if you're not interested in demonstrating mastery, the content provided is incredibly interesting for those who wish to learn languages in the future. The tools you learn here will help you understand that not all languages have the same sets of rules and features, and that you can use that knowledge to help you learn other languages even faster! We discusshow you make sounds, how you put sounds together, word orders, conjugation, and more!"
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to Podcast Technology"
"What Podcasting 'Gurus' Don't Tell You(But you absolutely must know before starting a podcast...)One podcasting authority suggests ""Technology isn't important."" Another sums up the entire podcast creation process in a four-minute video. A third insists you can podcast without money, gear, or experience. None of them take the time to explain what the buttons, dials and lights all mean. They leave you to figure out the ""techie stuff"" on your own.Introduction to Podcast Technology is different. It acknowledges that technology is not the most important aspect of podcasting. But instead of trying to convince you everything is easy, the courseguides you through each stage of the podcast creation process in detail and offers precise, step-by-step instructions on the essential tools and techniques you need to record, produce, and launch a podcast.Here are just a few of the topics covered in Introduction to Podcast Technology:How to instantly tell the difference between a good recording room and a bad one (and how to avoid wasting a ton of time and money trying to make a bad room sound better.) Two types of microphones commonly used in podcasting (and which typehelps you avoid 80% of the most-common recording problems.)How spending money upgrading your recording gear can actually result in lower quality recordings (strange but true!) Two ways to get pro-quality audio data into your computer (and which to choose if you're on a tight budget.) Five must-have recording accessories...including one that can make the biggest, instant improvement in the quality of your recordings. (Youll be surprised how cheap this one is.) Four distracting mouth noises you'll hear when you record your voice (including which ones you should ignore, and how to fix the ones you shouldn't ignore.) Five Digital Audio Workstation software options (including 3 you can download and use today absolutely free.) The two most critical audio filters (and why you should apply both to every podcast you ever record.) The *secret* production technique that ensures listeners can hear your podcast clearly in any listening environment. (Professional audio engineers use this to produce vocals on hit records!) How to perform two simple (but critical) techniques that solve 90% of the audio editing problems you'll ever encounter.A collection of 30 audio plugins you can download and use to produce your podcast absolutely free. (All 30 are fully-functional with no nag screens and no strings attached!) A process that ensures your final ""master"" podcast recordings sound consistent, polished, and professional from beginning to end (Ignore this and your show can sound like acollection of different segments held together with duct tape.) A free software tool for converting podcast recordings into the highest-quality MP3s. (There's a good chance it's already installed on your computer!) MP3 encoder settings that produce the best possible balance between size and quality. (Use these settings to save money on hosting AND reduce your subscribers' mobile data charges. It's a win-win.) The importance of ""meta data"" and how to embed it in your MP3 files (Plus, theFREE software that makes tagging child's-play-easy!) What to look for (and look out for) when choosing a media host (including the one option a newbie podcaster should never consider!) How to determine the size of the hosting plan you need. (Even a 5th grader can calculate it with this simple formula.) The most effective method to get your show listed in the iTunes podcast directory. (Follow this step-by-step process to avoid approval delays, rejections, and re-submissions!)Look over the instructor's shoulder as he breaks down complex podcasting topics including: equalization, compression, MP3 encoding, navigating a media host's dashboard, and much more.Whether you're an aspiring podcaster whos intimidated or overwhelmed by technology, or an experienced professional looking for new production techniques, Introduction to Podcast Technology offers exactly what you need.Don't let technology stand in the way of sharing your knowledge, passion and voice with the world. Click the Buy Now button and enroll inIntroduction to Podcast Technology today!"
Price: 49.99

"Christian Weight Loss: Weight Loss Strategies for Believers"
"Stress in our lives has created a global explosion of obesity and serious health risks. Every new nutritional supplement or slickly packaged mind-body system preys on the hope and despair of thousands of us who have lived through the repeated failures of stress reduction and weight loss programs. We are constantly bombarded by a social media which insists that WE are the God of our own universe and can change our health and bodies by the sheer power of our mind. Christian Believers reject that idea because we have a radically different worldview. Yet we still struggle with our emotional stress and weight problems, with equally painful defeats. Enroll in this course to learn cutting-edge health science research results and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practices, coupled with a clear Scriptural connection to God's Plan for our Peace and Safety. You CAN learn how to stop the BIOLOGICAL SABOTAGE of chronic stress, live a healthier life, and strengthen your relationship with our Savior."
Price: 19.99

"Guitarra Acstica en Siete Das"
"Con este curso aprenders a tocar la guitarra conociendo rpidamente y sin rodeos sus notas, ritmos musicales, como desarrollar tu odo musical y trucos para dominarla de forma fcil y sencilla.Est hecho para personas como t que por sus ocupaciones no poseen mucho tiempopara dedicrselo a este maravilloso instrumento, pero algo que si tienen son las Ganas de Aprender.El curso cuenta con 7 secciones, las cuales tienen 37 vdeos, adicional hay un cuestionario donde se pone a prueba tus conocimientos tericos, de igual forma si tienes alguna duda puedes hacrmela saber, estoy para ayudarte en el camino."
Price: 19.99

"Tarot Reading Read Tarot Cards for Fun and Success"
"Course DescriptionBy the end of this course you will feel fully confident reading the tarot fast! Whether for pleasure or for profit.Just imagine, one month from now you will be captivating your friends, revealing insights that will amaze them. You'll be developing your own self-reliance because you'll always have access to new perspectives, whenever you have a life-choice or a big decision to make.And, yes, you can choose to make a home-base career reading the tarot, on-line or as personal consultations working as much as you want, when you want. And it's a great way to make new online friends around the globe.A fun way to learnI believe there are two ways to learn new life-skills the hard way and the fun way. This is the fun way, making it so easy to remember the meanings of the cards and their significance together. Traditional ways of training tarot reading are incredibly complex and confusing. Not my way.And, remember, should you have any problems or queries, I'm always available to help and guide you. I love to help.Master the Meanings of the TarotSymbolism as a cultural construct.The elements of the Tarot.The story of the Fool's JourneyThe Major ArcanaThe Minor ArcanaCard SpreadsContents and Overview The course contains 35 lectures and over 4.5 hours of content. It is aimed at anyone wanting to achieve a greater understanding of the tarot. There are downloadable memory joggers to help you remember the keywords for the cards and to use a tool to recall the cards. The course also includes a pdf images of all the cards so you will not require a deck of cards to progress through the course. This will give you your own images to look at if you do not own a deck of Rider-Waite tarot cards. With all this content you will be well on your way to establishing you own tarot reading business at the end of the course. You will receive bonus material and updates to the course as they become available. What are the requirements?There are no prerequisites for this course.An open mind and a willingness to learn will be required.What am I going to get from this course?30+ lectures and over 3 hours of content!By the end of the course you will be able to do tarot cards readings for fun or profit.You will be able to interpret symbolism in the tarot a well as in everyday life.You will understand the Fool's Journey as metaphor or life.Who is the target audience?Beginners to the tarotPeople who which to expand their knowledge of the tarotPeople who which to understand the archetypes as represented by the tarot cards"
Price: 94.99

"New SAT Writing 800: Guaranteed Results"
"In this course, you will learn how to master Writing & Language section of the SAT. This course is for you if you usually pick an answer based on ""what sounds right.""Learn how to pick an answer based onConnected meaning - pick an answer that connects with the sentences around it.Grammar - learn the main grammar rules that are tested.Style - discover what the College Board considers to be 'good' style.After taking this course, you should practice these skills with the Official SAT Study guide to see results."
Price: 34.99

"New SAT Reading 800: Guaranteed Results"
"This is a comprehensive course that will teach you how to score perfectly on the reading section. You will learn how to connect the passage, questions, and answers in order to pick the right answer every time. I have helped students who have tried expensive prep courses but been unable to improve on their reading - even some of my 9th grade students have scored perfectly on the SAT.All you need to complete this course is a determination to succeed and a copy of the official practice tests from the College Board website. Nothing gives me greater pleasure than helping my students achieve their goals. Let me help you achieve yours!"
Price: 34.99

"Fundamentals of Spacecraft Engineering & Orbital Mechanics"
"ONEOFTHE MOST COMPREHENSIVE,DETAILED AND APPROACHABLEONLINE COURSES ON SPACE SCIENCE ANDENGINEERING!Space vehicles are central to our modern world: they are thekey to understanding our universe, spreading our race throughout the stars and provideways of communication and observation that would never have been dreamed of in the past. This course offers the opportunity to learn andunderstand:-The True Importance of Space Programs and the Space Industry.- TheSpace Environment.- The Engineering and Operational Purpose Behind all Spacecraft's Systems.- The Science and Engineering Behind Rockets and Launch Vehicles.- TheAmazing Physics BehindOrbits and How We Harness Them.I will thoroughly detail andwalk you througheach of these subjects andexplain down to their fundamental principles, all concepts and subject-specific vocabulary. This course is theideal beginneror intermediatelearning platform forSpace and the engineering around it. Whatever your background,whether you are a student, awriter, a sci-fi addict, acomputer scientist, an engineer,a business orsports person with an interest in Space, you will understand the fundamentals behind its technologies!If you have any questions, please don't hesitate, I always aim at answering within the next 24hrs.If this sounds like it might interest you, for your personal growth, career or academic endeavours, I strongly encourage you to join! You won'tregret it!"
Price: 29.99

"Informatica Tutorial - Informatica Online Training"
"Informatica Tutorial - Informatica PowerCenter Online TrainingIf you want to become expert in world's most commonly used ETL tool, you have come to right place. With this tutorial you will know everything you need to know and able to work as Informatica Developer. Start earning minimum $80,000 per year by learning Informatica.All topics are covered with real time project examples which will give you full confidence to stand as ETL developer.Course summary -Real World DW Project ExampleWhat is ETL?Various ETL Tools In marketInformatica Components ListInformatica Client-Server ArchitectureRole of Informatica Admin & DevelopersInstallation & ConfigurationMapping, Session and Workflow CreationSession PropertiesLink Condition Between SessionsMultiple Target and Target Load PlanTransformationsExpression transformationFilter transformationRouter transformationLookup transformationUnion transformationSorter transformationAggregator transformationRank transformationSequence generator transformationStored procedure transformation& many more...Advance topics -Task, Session & Workflow propertiesReusability - Worklet & MapletScheduling WorkflowImport - Export of ObjectsIndirect File LoadIntegrity Constraint Load OrderingSession Parameters and VariablesTarget Load Order PlanPost Learning Guidance-Important Interview Questions for Informatica ETLInformatica Developer ResumesStop your search here and start learning now. Best for any user who is looking for -Informatica tutorialInformatica trainingInformatica online trainingInformatica power center ETL developerInformatica power center for beginners"
Price: 19.99

"Python Tutorial - Learn Python Programming with Examples"
"WHAT IS THIS COURSE ABOUT?This course start with basics of Python programming language and takes you up to Intermidiate level.It will make you self sufficient in programming so that not only you become Expert Python but also give you insights to learn any language quickly and easily.Lot of examples in each chapter with explanations.WHAT IS GOING TO BE COVERED IN THIS COURSE?Main topics to be introduced in this course as follows:Start coding with PythonVariables And Identifiers In PythonIntroduction To Standard Types In PythonBasic Operations In PythonMaking Decisions if-elif-elseLoopsFunctionsClasses - Object Oriented ProgrammingGetting Input from userCreating Your Own FunctionsHandling Text and Binary FilesDatabase ActivitiesUsing LibrariesError HandlingGeneratorsSerializationSetsWHY TAKE THIS COURSE?Very importantly, this course aims to cover the basics of Python to teach coding to everybody. You don't need to be developer to take this course. It gives you complete exposure of Python with examples to understand it thoroughly.The use of Python will make your scripting or computations or the development of the tools which you need to implement quite fast and easy.Lot of Lab Exercises and Solutions in every chapters with explanations which helps you to understand each concept thoroughly."
Price: 19.99

"Shell Script Tutorial - Bash Scripting for Linux/Unix/Bash"
"This course will take you from basics of shell scripting which includes how to write or save shell scripts, changing permissions fro execution, taking input from user, loop concepts etc. And will take you slowly to advance concepts like pipes, filters, processes, linux utilities like cut, paste, join etc.Every concept has been explained with lot of examples so you would know when to apply it and how to apply them in real time world. At the end of course you will find full downloadable ebook containing all concepts and related examples.You will become a shell programming expert with comprehensive knowledge of shell programmingYou will learn with more than 60+ programming & real world examplesYou will know How to make use of Mathematical, String and Logical operators in shell script to make decisionsHow to Create functions in shell scripts and improve reusabilityYou will learn How to make use of Exit values to determine shell script output statusHow to Accept input from a user and then make decisions on that input.You will know How to make use of Expressions in shell scripts Dealing with command line arguments and use of it with examplesYou will learn How to make use of Pipe & Process concepts while creating shell scriptsUse of utilities like cut, paste, join, tr in shell scripts with examplesPractice exercises with solutions so you can start using what you learn right away.Real-world examples of shell scripts, how it is used in corporate world.Last but not least, you will get downloadable material containing the scripts and topics contents Thank you!"
Price: 19.99

"PL/SQL Interview Questions with Examples"
"Now days it is very common that you will be asked Oracle PLSQL and performance tunning questions at any Interviews for ETL developer or Database Developer or any other positions related to ETL jobs. You can take this course weather you want to learn PLSQL quickly but practical way or you preparing for Interviews. This course covers all PLSQL topics along with examples using real time development tools like SQL Developer. I have created all these important topics very carefully and after several years of experience in Database field which will bring you lot of confidence.This course mainly includes various questions asked during Interview for Oracle SQL and PL SQL related positions.Each session explains the concept by providing explanation and examples.Course includes all questions with explanation using real world practical examples.Also it includes explanation for inbuilt Oracle supplied packages and the subprograms provided by them. You can get the good understanding of topics which are explained with number of examples.Also Course includes some performance tuning concepts like EXPLAIN_PLAN, Oracle hints etc.Topics Covered -Basic Interview Questions: This will present 18 most frequently asked questions will answers and examples.These questions covers most of the main topics in SQL and PLSQL.DBMS_JOB: This presents the main subprograms provided by package DBMS_JOB with examples.DBMS_RANDOM: This presents the main subprograms provided by package DBMS_RANDOM with examples.DBMS_OUTPUT: This presents the main subprograms provided by package DBMS_RANDOM with examples.UTL_FILE: This presents the main subprograms provided by package DBMS_RANDOM with examples.DBMS_SQL: It will provide you with basic understanding of Dynamic SQL and describe some of the subprograms with examples.DBMS_PIPE: DBMS_UTILITYDBMS_LOBCURSORS: Thisdetails on the use of cursors, types with examplesBULKOPERATIONS: Thisis majorly an important topic if you are preparing for an interview. You mayfind detailed explanation with examples in tutorial. MATERIALISED VIEWS AUTONOMOUS TRANSACIONS: Thisis a good topic frequently asked during interviews. You can understand it wellwhile going through tutorialTRIGGERS: Thisdetails on the use of Trigger, its types with examplesPerformance Tuning: Last but not least, we will cover -DBMS_PROFILER, EXPLAINPLAN & ORACLEHINTS"
Price: 19.99

"Project Scope Management"
"In order for the project to be defined, planned, executed, monitored and controlled, the project scope or the definition of the stakeholder's needs must be collected and understand; in order for the project to have a clear direction, works is defined; tasks and activities are sequenced and scheduled, cost estimated and quality and performance are being measured and controlled.Scope refers to all the work involved in creating the products of the project, and scope management refers to the processes used to define, controlling and creating them. A project scope is breaking down into manageable chunks; we called it deliverables of the project, such as a component of the software product, project charter, or meeting minutes.In this course, we will examine why good project scope management is paramount to the project success. Describe the process for developing a project scope statement using the project charter and preliminary scope statement; highlight different techniques to collect user requirements for the products; discuss methodologies involved in constructing a work breakdown structure; explain the importance of scope verification and how it relates to stakeholder's requirement; understand the difference between scope change and scope creep. Synchronize all these scope management processes allowing the project team to better understand the stakeholder requirements; and equipping the project manager the roadmap to steer the project team to success.The bottomline - This course show you how to turn concepts into actions, and helping you to reach your full potential."
Price: 19.99

"Finally Conquer Fractions"
"Back to School Special: FREE for a limited time only!!Do fractions frighten you? Do you feel ""bad at math"" and wonder why others seem to understand it so easily? Are you afraid you won't be able to successfully teach your own children or help them with their homework?If so, this is the course for you.In a pressure-free environment, I'll talk you through the basics of working with fractions: What is a fraction, and why can't we just use decimals and our calculators?How do we multiply and divide fractions?How can we simplify a fraction?How can we find a common denominator among several fractions?How are fractions added to, and subtracted from, one another?What is a mixed numeral?This course is geared specifically toward adults because that is my professional background, but it would also be appropriate for school-aged children. I will explain concepts using a visual approach that works particularly well for students who want to know why something works the way that it does.It's time to finally conquer your fear."
Price: 19.99

"Teach Math Without Tears - Yours or Theirs"
"Homeschool parents are often overwhelmed at the thought of being responsible for academically preparing their children for adulthood (especially if their children are wanting to attend college). One area of particular concern is upper-level math. While teaching the basics in elementary school may come easily, the thought of teaching algebra and beyond is enough to cause some homeschool parents to at least consider giving up homeschooling altogether.I want to be part of the solution to this problem.As a college math instructor for 14 years, I've seen the attitudes and levels of preparedness with which students enter the classroom. I have experienced first-hand the negative effects of teachers who lacked both the confidence and the motivation for teaching math effectively. Those bad attitudes were contagious, and they spread quickly and widely.I believe that a better understanding of the way students learn is critical for teachers at any level who want to teach in a way that their students will understand. I do not have a degree in education, so this course does not use a lot of educational jargon. It is based on my own experiences in the classroom as well as in teaching my own children at home.The course is short and to-the-point. It is not intended as a full coverage of the field of math education. My goal is to give teachers (and homeschool moms, in particular) information that can be easily applied and have a clear and positive impact on the way they approach teaching math.Like all Udemy courses, this one comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you enroll in the course and don't find it to be at all useful, Udemy will refund your money without hesitation. You have nothing to lose but confidence to gain."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Marketing: Save More by Selling Your House Online"
"Do you need to sell your home in order to take a new job? Are you wanting to move to a larger place but afraid you will lose too much money selling your current place? Is there a dream you're wanting to pursue but a hefty mortgage payment is holding you back?Then I have information that you need!In a typical real estate transaction involving an agent for the seller and an agent for the buyer, the total commission paid to the agencies is 6%. While it may appear that only the seller is paying this fee, both parties are shouldering it because the price has been raised to accommodate the commission amount. The buyer ends up paying too much, and the seller ends up making too little.The obvious solution is to cut out the real estate agents and sell the house By Owner. But how can that be done? Maybe people are just simply afraid to tackle the process on their own, thinking that it must be very complicated and expensive.It's not.In this course, I will show you how my husband and I were able to sell our home through the power of social media - Facebook, in particular. Instead of paying $9000 in commission, we paid only $750. Our total cost of advertising (including everything down to the printer ink) was less than $100, so altogether we paid less than $900 selling our house - a savings of over $8000.Obviously, I can't guarantee that you will have the same results. Every market is different, and every home is different. But isn't it worth a try to potentially save thousands of dollars? What could you do with that extra money?Want to know what we did and how you, too, can successfully sell your house yourself? Enroll today!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn Algebra in 10 Minutes a Day"
"Are you trying to learn Algebra at your school or college but struggling to understand your textbook or the teacher?Are you a parent who is having trouble helping your child with his or her schoolwork?Do you need someone to explain Algebra to you in a simple way that is easy to understand?Do you benefit from seeing problems worked and hearing explanations?Are you needing some help but don't have all day to spend on Algebra?If so, then you have come to the right place. This course offers bite-sized lessons that fit into your busy schedule. You can watch one per day or as many as you like. You can pick and choose the topics that are causing you the most difficulty. You can also access resources containing practice problems to make sure you understand the material.I have been a college math teacher for 14 years, and other than Calculus, Algebra is my most favorite topic in math. (Yes, I said it: I love algebra!) Because I'm super-comfortable with the topic, I know how to explain it in ways that students understand. I've taught the content many, many times, so I can anticipate areas that tend to give students trouble and make sure that you don't trip over those same spots.So, if you're needing some help in your Algebra class, wanting to learn Algebra on your own, or wanting to help others better understand Algebra, I would be honored if you would join me by clicking ""Enroll Now.""See you inside!"
Price: 49.99

"Dibujando manos paso a paso."
"LA MANO. DIBUJANDO DESDE ADENTRO 1. Mtodo y estructura. Aprenders una serie de medidas completamente basadas en los huesos de la mano. Manejars una estructura simple que durante el curso nombraremos como el esqueleto de alambre"".Esta estructura adems de ayudarte a construir la mano con proporciones correctas, es tambin un excelente recurso para hacer bocetos con ajustes o modificaciones supremamente rpido.2. Objetomodelado y visualizacin. Por trabajar a partir de fotos nuestro cerebro est acostumbrado a copiar lo que ve y pasarlo al papel. Adems de aprender mtodos de geometrizacin con volmenes simples, vamos a realizar ejercicios enfocados en ensearle al cerebro a visualizar la mano como elemento volumtrico para luego pasar a dibujar el volumen.3. La luz, volumen-atmsfera. Para poder representar el volumen, es indispensable comprender los comportamientos de la luz y la forma en que esta incide sobre los objetos.Vers aspectos bsicos de la luz y la forma en que estos afectan a los volmenes simples que usamos para construir la mano. 4. Anatoma, naturalidad credibilidad. Con mis aos de experiencia como profesor e ilustrador, he podido constatar que la gran mayora de los errores que se cometen al dibujar figura humana, estn concentrados en malas proporciones y posturas incorrectas o imposibles anatmicamente hablando.Para aprender a dibujar manos ms reales y expresivas, es importante conocer algunos aspectos bsicos que afectan fundamentalmente la apariencia externa y el movimiento de la mano. No es anatoma mdica.Adicional a los videos del curso, hay un bono de regalo con explicaciones -paso a paso- y ejercicios adicionales. IMPORTANTE: A dibujar se aprende dibujando. Es fundamental y definitivo que de tu parte exista el compromiso para realizar todos los ejercicios con la mayor frecuencia e intensidad posibles."
Price: 74.99

"SoulScripting: How to Craft The Story of the Life You Crave"
"The Soulscripting(TM) course helps people change their lives. Ever wonder where you took a wrong turn? Want to get back to who you were born to be?This course narrows the gap between where you are and where you wish to go by offering a four part practical technique. It addresses everything from inhibitory shadow beliefs to innate gifts and will empower you to take charge of your life story. Soulscripting(TM) dives deep into your core and frees the soulful aspirations that reside there. You have to uncover your truth before you can live it and this method does just that. The course consists of twelve lectures which include a 44 page workbook containing several exercises that will guide you in this powerful journey. The suggested time to cover the material is four weeks in order to experience the full impact. Soulscripting is straightforward and applicable to real-life. Though it is a soulful journey, this is not a "woo-woo" presentation packed with fluff that sounds nice. This course will provide a meaningful exploration to get you aligned with your deepest desires and provide tools you can use long after the course is complete."
Price: 34.99

"Trading Trends in ANY Market"
"Sunday, April 16, 2017 Update: Added a video into section 2 on using Bar Charts VSTick Charts2016 November 23Update: Added a 22 page workbook to go along with the course material. This will act as a study guide, and a reference as you progress.Join me, Bruce Banks, if you want to get a clear understanding of your trading. It doesn't matter if you are new to trading or a seasoned professional.I break down how to identify trends and how that will improve your trading. The important points of resistance and support in the market outlined and labeled. This is years of information condensed down into this course. The best way for you to fast track your trading is to use time tested methods. You don't need any indicators for this. Just a drawing tool to outline trends in any market.We won't be spending any time on power points. You are going to be looking over my shoulder as I analyze markets. Describing exactly what goes through a professional trader's mind as I look for strength, weakness, and opportunities in the market. This is what every trader, no matter how you trade, should have in their arsenal of mental tools for the market.You will learn how to break down the patterns, look for opportunities, and lower your risk. On top of all of that, I will be here to answer ANY TRADING QUESTION you may have. This is a course where you can ask questions, share ideas, and get detailed answers from me. I am devoted to your understanding of the market.Risk Disclosure: Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Hypothetical Performance Disclaimer. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results."
Price: 29.99

"Trading Mindset, and Three Steps To Profitable Trading"
"Have you had both good and bad months trading? Have you yet to place your first trade? This course will break down the steps professional traders use to not only react to ever evolving markets but thrive.You will start following the best possible practices available to any trader who wants to stay in the game, pulling money from the markets.Have you ever felt that sting when a position starts to go against you? We cut the emotion from trading with the 3 step method. It acclimates you to trading real money, and doubles your potential each month.With a full money back guarantee for 30 days there is zero risk to you as a student. You will expand your knowledge, and be a better trader. Trading isn't about how much time you spend on it. It is about trading smart. Smart traders limit their risk, and the time they have to put into the market for their return.Join me, Bruce Banks, and enjoy trading.Risk Disclosure: Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment. Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones financial security or life style. Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. Hypothetical Performance Disclaimer. Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. no representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown; in fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk of actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all which can adversely affect trading results."
Price: 19.99

"Create Simple GUI Applications with Python and Qt"
"Welcome to Create Simple GUI Applications where we're going to use Python and Qt to do just that.If you want to learn to build GUI applications with Python the learning curve is pretty steep. There is a lot you need to know just to get something to work.Many tutorials offer only screen casts and miss the simple concepts that actually matter. Like writing any code, successfully programming PyQt GUI applications is all about thinking in the right way. In this course I give you the real useful basics that you need to get building PyQt applications as quickly as possible. I include explanations, diagrams, walk-throughs and code to make sure you know what you're doing every step of the way.By the end of the first 8 minute lesson you will have a running Qt application - ready to customise as you like. So, lets get started!"
Price: 34.99