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"Learn iOS 9 and Swift 2 From Scratch - Build Real World Apps"
"Course Updated7July 2016Why are 50,804students wanting me to mentor them in42Udemycourses?50,804students have started learning from me since August 7th 2015. Shouldn't you find out why?You are about to embark on the wonderful adventure of creating applications and games with iOS9 and Swift 2.You will learn to create real world applications that have real power! Iwork with some of the top companies and top individuals in the world, just check out my profile to get an idea as to the caliber of people Iwork with.You will discover how to install Xcode and then get setup to work with Swift 2 and iOS9. You will be introduced to Playgrounds, where you will start learning how to write your very first code!Discover the world of constants, variables and other data types. You will be working with optionals.Learn how to use dictionaries and arrays effectively. You will also learn how to build a number of launch screens.In addition, you will be building a number of real world applications. These applications could be used for small or even big businesses. The potential is amazing to generate thousands of dollars for yourself and for your potential clients.Get started today and start building your first Swift 2 and iOS 9 applications"
Price: 194.99

"PHP Fundamentals - Start Earning What You Deserve"
"Course Updated7July 2016Why are 50,804students wanting me to mentor them in42Udemycourses?50,804students have started learning from me since August 7th 2015. Shouldn't you find out why?You are about to embark into the world of PHP. Once you understand PHP, you will be able to build your own web applications, content management systems and websites!You will be given an overview to PHP(even if you are brand new, this section will be easy to understand). All lessons are in crystal clear English and taught by me personally.You will learn how to install PHPon your local machine. Then you will be introduced to some basic syntax and commenting in PHP. You will discover PHPvariables and you will be introduced to PHPvariable scope.Once you take this course, you will learn about global and static keywords and when to use them and how to use them effectively.There is a ton of material in this course, including detailed examples of how to use what you learn.We will cover PHPdata types, how to manipulate strings, PHPconstants and operators and much, much more!Take this course today - you are covered by a full 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 194.99

"Build a 2D Unity Game With Unity 3D - Get A High Paid Job"
"Course Updated7July 2016Why are 50,804students wanting me to mentor them in42Udemycourses?50,804students have started learning from me since August 7th 2015. Shouldn't you find out why?You are about to learn how to build a 2DPlatform game from Scratch in Unity 3DYou will learn how to create your first Unity project, even if you have no experience! Follow along and learn step by step how to create your very first 2Dplatform game.You will discover how to use the Unity Camera effectively, and get a great grasp of GroundCheck and CeilingCheck.You will be introduced to Unity Layers so you can create a truly amazing game!You will be shown how to add platforms, add characters, add enemies, add collision detection, add levels, add coins and objects to collect, add backgrounds and so much more!Follow along and build your very first (or your next!)2DPlatform game in Unity 3D"
Price: 194.99

"Perl Building Blocks - An Introduction to Perl"
"You are about to learn about the Perl Programming language. Perl is being used to automate a number of ITrelated tasks including those used for ethical hacking.In this course you will learn and understand the Perl programming language and you will get an understanding of the basics of Perl programming.You will see practical examples of Perl functions and also you will learn how to work with arrays.You will be shown examples of conditions in Perl and also get an overview of Switch statements and If statements in Perl.You will also be introduced to loops in Perl and learn how effective they are to automate ITtype tasks.Take this course today - you are covered with a full 30 day money back guarantee"
Price: 194.99

"Introduction To Python For Ethical Hacking"
"Updated 27 July 2016Just AddedBrute Force Cracking with PythonThis course is strictly for information use only. The course lessons havebeen designed within a closed network. None of these techniques should be used on public networks as there are serious consequences if you are caught.Lets get started and learn how to use Python for Ethical Hacking.You will learn the basics of Python andlearn how to install Python on Kali Linux.You will also discover the world of PyCharm and its basic functionality. You will also learn how to install modules including Nmap.You will be introduced to indentation and other basic functions in Python.After taking this course, you will know some of the basiccommands in Python, conditional statements, lists, arraysanddictionaries.You will also be introduced to strings and how to manipulate strings. Learn how to manage, read and manipulate files and functionsin Python.By the end of this course, you will be able to build your very own Nmap network scanner and your very own brute force password crackerto perform ethical hacking with.Get started today, this course comes with a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee."
Price: 194.99

"How Hackers Create Malware and Infiltrate Victim Machines"
"This course will teach you how hackers create malware and trojans. You will learn how to install the tools that hackers use to create malware. You will discover how to use additional addon programs that hackers will use to create malware.This course will take you on a journey of learning what malware is, how to create malware, how to upload malware to a server, and how a victim will install this malware on their machine and how you can get control over a victim's computer.This course is for educational purposes only and to show you how hackers use freely available tools to create nasty malware that is very difficult for the average user to detect.Once you are able to understand how hackers think, you will be able to use your new skills to continue your learning in ethical hacking and penetration testing.This courses comes with a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee so start learning about malware today"
Price: 194.99

"How Hackers Create Undetectable Malware and Viruses"
"You are about to learn how hackers create undetectable malware.Skilled hackers are not using of the shelf products to create malware. They are using sophisticated methods to create malware and viruses that are undetectable my most popular antivirus solutions.You will learm how to install Python and Pip as well as how to install the Veil Framework.You will also learn how to install Metasploit and add the final touches to the Veil Framework.Finally you will be able to create your very own payload with Veil and learn how to encrypt the payload.You will be shown how the payload can be installed on a Windows 10 machine and how it will evade detection by the latest antivirus software.See how hackers can potentially steal files, control webcams, grab screenshots, upload files and even modify and manipulate files.Take this course today. It comes with a 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 194.99

"Android Studio e Java - Curso Para Iniciantes"
"Estprecisando de um aplicativo para sua ideia de um milho de dlares?Sabemos que programao pode parecer algo difcil e complicado, mas com essas aulas voc vai aprender rapidinho, de uma forma engraada, rpidae divertida.Esse curso sobre Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Nativos para Android utilizando o Android Studio. Ao se cadastrar voc receber uma apostila com mais de 100 pginas de contedo sobre o curso.*Caso queira testar o curso, as 10 primeiras aulas esto disponveis gratuitamente*O curso dividido em sees de acordo com os temas, ao final de cada seo h um Quizz para reforar seus conhecimentos.O mercado de trabalho est sendo afetado pela crise, a previso que no Brasil em 2022 existam mais de 400 mil vagas de TI abertas, saber programar para dispositivos mveis pode ser um grande diferencial ao buscar uma vaga de emprego ou criar sua prpria Startup!ContedoInstalando e configurando o Android Studio no Windows e no MACComo fazer operaes aritmticas, e imprim-las na tela.Como fazer comentrios nos cdigos.Como resolver os erros e bugs no cdigo.Condicionais para comparar valores.Criando novas telas.Trabalhando com Strings.Adicionando funes aos botes.Mudando o cone do aplicativo.Como fazer o debug USB das suas aplicaes.Alertando mensagens na tela.Criando Funes com Parmetros e Condicionais. *BnusComo instalar um emulador mais rpido.Como criar animaes nas imagens.Como usar fontes prprias.Quais so as exigncias?No necessrio conhecimentos prvios de programao, voc aprender do zero.Um PC ou MAC com conexo com Internet.Nenhum software pago necessrio.Qual o pblico alvo?Para quem esse curso?Qualquer pessoa que queira aprender de forma prtica, rpida e divertida.Pessoas que queiram criar seus prprios apps."
Price: 39.99

"Wordpress - Crie um Site Profissional em Um Dia"
"Estprecisando de um site para sua Empresa ou Startup? Talvez um Blog ou Portfolio?Sabemos que programao pode parecer algo difcil e complicado, mas com essas aulas voc vai aprender rapidinho, de uma formaengraada,rpidaedivertida.Esse curso sobreDesenvolvimento de Sitesutilizando o Wordpress. Aps criar seu primeiro site, vai ser fcil adaptar ele e at mesmo ganhar dinheiro criando sites para outras pessoas!*Caso queira testar o curso, as 5 primeiras aulas esto disponveis gratuitamente*O curso bem direto ao ponto para que voc consiga concluir ele em UMDIA.O mercado de trabalho est sendo afetado pela crise, a previso queno Brasil em 2022 existam mais de 400 mil vagas de TI abertas, sabercriar sites pode ser um grande diferencial ao buscar umavaga de empregoou criar sua prpriaStartup!"
Price: 39.99

"VisuALG (Portugol) - Lgica de Programao do ZERO"
"Nesse curso voc ir aprender desde a instalao do programa inicial (VisuALG) at a criao de jogos como Jogo da Velha, Jogo da Forca, Batalha Naval e at mesmo um RPG como o clssico ZORK.Vou te ensinar passo a passoo que uma varivel, para que serve, como fazer Operaes Matemticas, Ler Dados inseridos pelo Usurio, Escrever mensagens na tela, Gerar Nmeros Aleatrios e tudo mais at criarmos nossos primeiros programas!Voc vai conhecer os Laos de Repetio e as Condicionais, as melhores formas de usar cada um deles, alm de trabalhar com Vetores e Matrizes que so tipos diferentes de variveis, extremamente usadas no mundo profissional.Ao criar Funes e Procedimentos, seu cdigo ficar mais limpo e conciso, economizando vrias linhas, pois agora voc ir poder reutilizar os blocos j criados :DE o melhor de tudo que no final do curso, voc ir produzir projetos de jogos reais, aprendendo da forma mais divertida e podendo fixar todos os contedos vistos at o momento, de formas diferentes e pensando na experincia do usurio!No final do curso voc ainda pode fazer aulas de Introduo a programao em C e C++, para comear a criar programas que rodam em qualquer computador, os executveis!EXTRA: Temos uma sesso que possui mais exerccios resolvidos para voc poder praticar ainda mais.Eu tenho certeza de que voc vai gostar, ento vem comigo!"
Price: 579.99

"Keep up with everything: learn how to get everything done."
"Icongratulate you, if you are reading this, then you have made possible thefirst step to increase your personal productivity.Knowing frompersonal experience, if engaged in optimization, this process is essentiallyinfinite. More precisely, it is a process that develops in a spiral, higher andhigher. Ask why do you need all this, I answer you using proverb: ""Manmust reach for the fact that he cannot get it, otherwise why do we need theheavens?""For sure,you're tired and just looking for a way out or your own way. I congratulate you,our course just an ideal platform for the launch! You will learn about thebasics of effective life, how to keep up everything and get enormous pleasurefrom it.Yes, in thiscourse there will be a number of basic principles, but be assured that allinformation provided in this course tested on the author of this course (me)and another few thousand people around us. We have checked all the options andoptimize time yourself and selected for you only the best!You do nothave to spend time exploring the mountains of literature, watching a largenumber of videos and do a lot of tasks. All you need - this is time 30 minutesto view our video, and 1-2 minutes to make your first steps into a better life!Do you want to be aneffective Employee or a Businessman? To have time for yourself and your hobby? Andat the same time stay cheerfulto the end of the day?Exploreour course and quickly get access to the best techniques to improve the living.Wewant to see in our world a much happier and healthy people, that they bringmuch more benefit themselves and people around them.I'm sure youwant your loved ones be happy, and your loved ones want you be happy! Learningour course, you can please yourself and your loved ones by your success intime-management.The course ""How to keepup with everything"" - this is a simple clear and, most importantly,practical course that gives you phenomenal results easily and quickly! Notheory, only practice, based on onlyexperience and result.The most important of theproductive planning time: short, clear and understandable!Surroundingpeople will enviously look at you and wonder when you still have time and whatyou are an energetic person. They will want to know your personal secret!"
Price: 34.99

"How to inject Botox- a course for Nurses, Doctors & Dentists"
"How to inject Botox is a course for nurses, Doctors, dentists and allied health professionals who want to learn how to perform Botox injections. The course contains videos explaining how Botox works, facial anatomy and a provides a safe and effective system for injecting. Learn how to treat the three main cosmetic areas of the face - crows feet, forehead lines and frown lines with patient demonstrations.To sign up for the course you must be legally allowed to perform Botox injections in your state and country. Remember that you may be able to claim the cost of the course in your tax return as an educational item so enrol today!Dr Jonathan Brown is a Cosmetic Physician in Melbourne and is Director of Cityskin Cosmetic Clinic."
Price: 189.99

"Establish an Online Business Using Domain Parking"
"Welcome to the ""Make Money From Domain Parking"" Course! This Course is TO THE POINT. I don't want to Waste Time of my Students. I've tried my Best to Guide You About Each and Every Thing of Domain Parking in SHORT TIME!What is Domain Parking?Parking a domain (otherwise known as domain parking) means you have your domain name point to a placeholder web page which tells visitors that this domain has already been taken.Earn money with Domain Parking: Take advantage of Domain Parking! You can earn money with your unused domains. Domain Parking is completely free of charge! The Content & Objectives of this Course:How to Earn from Zero Rank Domain?How to find a Good Domain Name?Choose a Best Domain RegistrarHow to Buy Cheap Domains?How to Choose the Best Domain Parking Company?How to Set up Domain Parking account?How to Point your Domain to Domain Parking Account?How to Drive Traffic without SEO and AdvertisementHow To Get Traffic From Social Networks?How to Withdraw your Money to your Paypal or Bank Account?"
Price: 74.99

"Aprende a dibujar Zentagle"
"Con este curso aprenders a dibujar Zentangle! Es una increble tcnica que esta muy de moda en muchos diseos, pero no necesitas ser experto. Podrs crear tus propios diseos y explotar tu creatividad! Lo mas importante es que podrs aprender todo esto sin tener que saber dibujar. Solo necesitaras lpiz y papel. El curso es divertido y sencillo. Ser un gran pasatiempo y te dar una enorme habilidad para crear y dibujar como nunca lo habas imaginado antes.Al hacer este curso podrs crear desde decoraciones hasta obras de arte!No esperes mas! Comienza a aprender Zentangle ahora!"
Price: 29.99

"Git Essentials: Learn Git with Bitbucket and Sourcetree"
"Become apart of the Git train, it's mandatory if you want to work with any stable company, or even a start up company! Note:This course is not meant to be looked at as comprehensive on the topics of Git, Bitbucket, and Sourcetree. This course is meant to be treated as an introduction to the topics of Git, Bitbucket, and Sourcetree. Once you complete the course, you will be able to dive deeper into the topics introduced.Let me tell you a little bit about the course:We start off the course by defining Version Control and Git.We then go over the Git Glossary, which are the practical terms used for Git.After we know the basics of git, we are going to practice it in the command line:We will first install Git.We will go over the basics of the command line like navigating through directories, etc.Then we will practice git, and go through the process of executing git commands, anything and everything from staging, committing, viewing the history of commits, etc.Once we feel comfortable with executing Git commands, we are going to be introduced to Sourcetree:We will install Sourcetree.We will mimic our example from the command line and do it in Sourcetree.Once we have done things locally, we will move to Bitbucket.We will learn everything from cloning a repository, all the way to pushing up local commits.After all is finished there will be a challenge that I encourage you to attempt on your own. After your attempt, there is a solution video that will walk you through the challenge.Git is mandatory if you want to be a developer, so it's not a matter of if you should learn it, it's a matter of when you should, and you should now!"
Price: 199.99

"Millennial Marketing 101: The Ultimate Marketer Training!"
"Learn & Experience ""New Age Marketing"" through the eyes of a Millennial! In this course, I focus on teaching powerful lessons like: Hidden Resources, Value Propositions, Leveraging Value, Social Media, Taking a Company to the Next Level and so much more...! I don't just teach these lessons, I provide enough examples to create an experience you can learn from! These lessons are taught face to face, in a quick, aggressive way (with examples played in separate lectures). I made this course for a very specific reason: to give marketers/storytellers the knowledge it takes to build a powerful brand. If every company applied these lessons to their unique story, they would make big things happen, daily. I made this course for: Anyone with character and self awareness Marketers who want to dive deeper into marketing Anyone who has a story to tell Anyone wanting to fuse business with their unique vision I genuinely admire people who work hard for what they want. Character and Self Awareness always seem to be the main ingredients for long-lasting success. What you will need: Willingness to learn (an open mind) Willingness to act Willingness to work hard and learn concepts (not as easy as you may think) I have dedicated my life to making the world a better place. This course is the first installment in a long line of online products I am creating. All products have a purpose and were created to disrupt the market. I will never create a course that I felt you could buy from someone else. I'm here for value. I'll see you inside! Your proud instructor, Nik Koyama"
Price: 19.99

"Learn AngularJS Step By Step"
"i want to teach intermediate angular JS to developers who have basic knowledgeapplication development and want to be able to use Angular javascript at client side effectively in business applications. This course is covering some of the important Angular JS concepts with practical codes and most of useful directives and services are covered in this. We have also covered Angular JS routing with Single Page Application in last section of this series.I have used Visual Studio 2013 in this Course because it support full intellisense but when learners wants to do this they can use any tool they are comfortable and i am sure all codes will work as it is.This course is specially designed in such a format that someone can understand it easily and i have taken care that this will be in a simple indian english so that everyone can understand.As this is my first video series on Angular JS this is starting form basic and we will come soon with more advance things in same.Happy Learning"
Price: 19.99

"Single Page Application of MVC 5 Using AngularJS"
"I want to teach intermediate angular JS to developers who have basic knowledge in application development and want to be able to use Angular javascript at client side effectively in business applications.This course is having step by step code creation of Single Page Application[SPA] of Angular JS framework with ASP NET MVC 5 Business Application. Based on my Experience i learned that most of the time people get confused when they want to merge ASP Net MVC with AngularJS MVW architecture with SPA, or they do some mistakes without knowing proper way of doing this. This course will surely solve this issue and make developers understand that how to implement this in real line of business application. In this course i am using number important features of MVC and Angular which are as follows.Asp Net MVC architectureWeb API 2AngularJS MVW ArchitectureDependency Injection of AngularJS AngularJS RoutingAngulatJS ResourceDirectives like ng-show, ng-pattern, ng-model, ng-repeat, ng-view, ng-disable, ng-click etc.Services like $http, $scope, $resource, $routeProvider, $location, $error, $dirty, $invalid, etcBootStrap CSS for responsive UIThe best thing of this course is we have combined multiple modules, controllers, services, factory of angularJS everything at one place in a small POC [proof of concept] kind of project so that after this developers can directly follow same for their projects. And things will be much clear when they do this with hands on step by step. I make double sure that all the videos have proper steps and codes which should match with snippet and code source."
Price: 19.99

"Learn ASP NET MVC 5 step by step"
"i want to teach intermediate MVC 5 to developers who have basic knowledge of ASP Net application development and want to be able to use MVC architecture of want to migrate existing application in MVC 5 based application.This course is covering some of the important MVC 5 concepts with practical codes and most of useful Terms and Concepts are covered in this. We have also covered I have used Visual Studio 2013 ultimate in this Course because it support MVC 5 project templates but when learners wants to do this they can use any version of Visual studio 2013 which they are comfortable and i am sure all codes will work as it is.This course is specially designed in such a format that someone can understand it easily and i have taken care that this will be in a simple indian english so that everyone can understand.As this is my first video series on MVC this is starting form basic and those who wants to learn some advanced things we have some other courses too in same MVC architecture. Feel free to contact me in such cases.Happy Learning"
Price: 19.99

"Angular 2 - Superheroic Framework"
"If you are not familiar with Angular Frameworkand if you have question in your mind that -From Where i should start learning Angular 2 ?- Do i need to Choose JavaScript or TypeScript with Angular application ?- How can i learn Angular 2 as quickas possible?Then this Course is answer of these questions.I am dealing with AngularJSProjects and Providing training on this fromCouple of years and i know most students get confused with different terms of Angular and they need easy and cool way to understand some complex concepts. After great success of some angularJS courses on Udemy i decided to put this course on Angular 2 for my Students.This is just beginning as i will keep adding new videos on this because Angular 2 isEndless.It is perfect for those who has Knowledge of JavaScript, HTML and CSS, Knowledge of object oriented programming is optional but will be helpful if you know."
Price: 19.99

"C# Design patterns"
"If you are not familiar with C# programming language basics and wants to become master of that or if you know basics of Design patterns and following questions disturb you like-What is Design Patterns?-How can i answer design patterns questions in interview?- How Many design patterns are there and where can i use it?- How can i compare one design pattern with other so that i can use it in my project requirement?Then this Course is answer of these questions plus lot more.In my career i have given number of interviews and also conducted many interviews and i know that Design pattern is a nightmare for the novice developers and even for the experienced people they struggle to understand about the actual architecture of the patterns and how to implement it in projects.This is the basic reason i am publishing this course on UDEMY. I am sure my students will like this course and this course will be helpful for them for their professional career."
Price: 19.99

"Raising Capital for Your Business"
"Welcome to private money prep school where you will learn the secrets of successfully raising private money for you business or real estate deal.My name is Professor Richard Odessey, and I'll be leading you through the course. I am an entrepreneur that started my own business and successfully raised capital and I am also an investor in businesses and real estate. So, I've been where you are and I've been where your investors are.When it came to funding my deals, I had a very expensive education in the school of hard knocks, before I figured out the secrets of raising capital from private investors.Over the course of the last few years I've worked on over 100 private money deals. And now, I help business owners in a wide variety of industries from renewable energy to real estate to raise the capital they need. And I know I can help you too.I've designed this course specifically for business owners, real estate entrepreneurs, and those wishing to start a business, and need capital to reach their goals.At the end of this course you will understand the little known secrets of how private money works, and you will be able to structure your funding by offering private investors what they want, provide the information that will get their attention, and avoid the pitfalls that will turn them away. I will walk you through this process step by step. And through the tools and checklists you will be provided in the course, you will be able to create a blueprint for raising private money that is specific to your particular business or project.I look forward to seeing you in class and working with you to get the financing you need."
Price: 49.99

"Social Media Marketing For Startups: Get FREE Press NOW"
"Come with me on a journey to early traction & FREE press for your startup or SMB. Let me tell you a quick story. Last year I created a startup called FiveOH and got press coverage in major news outlets like Dallas Morning News and Dallas Business Journal. (All this for FREE) In this course you will learn how I spy on relevant news journalists for FREE press coverage using social media marketing channels. This course will help you create a simple and effective social media marketing strategy to get early traction and startup PR. You will see some real life examples in this course. Specifically you will learn......How to create an effective social media marketing strategy that helps you identify your ideal target audience and social media channelsHow to create your first social media content plan (what to post and when to post)3 types of MUST have social media tools. You will see live DEMO of tools like Pablo, Feedly and HootsuiteHow to find relevant news Journalists and then build relationship with themHow to manage your social media marketing channels in 20min a day How to pitch to news Journalists and get free PR for your startup There are 100s or social media courses out there and some are very good. But they mostly focus on either the strategy or the tools. This course is not just about the strategy. I will show you the tools you need to know and then how to effectively use these tools to build relationships.I have also added several home work assignments (exercises) in this course. I would strongly encourage you to PAUSE the course and complete these along the way. These exercises are very simple and will not take more than 15 or 20min each. These assignments will help you understand the overall big picture.After completing this course you will have a clear understanding ofWho your ideal targeting audience isWhat social media channels you need to focus on (HINT: You don't have to be on all the social media networks)What social media tools you need to have on your computer & mobile phoneHow you can find Journalists who cover your industryHow to manage your social media marketing effectively (20min a day)Enroll Now and lets begin this journey together!"
Price: 154.99

"Lead Generation System For Businesses"
"Come with me on a journey to generating 1000s of leads from social media marketing.This course is about lead generation, nurturing and sales optimization. New leads are bread and butter for any business (online & offline). I will show you a step by step process that you can use to generate 1000s of new email leads for your business. I run a marketing agency called iSocialYOU and I have managed 100s of lead generation campaigns for my clients including Chevy, Lexmark, Papa Murphy and many small medium businesses.In this course you will learn things like..How to generate new email leads for your businessHow to make sales after proper lead nurturingHow create your lead generation landing pages in less than 10minWhat tools, processes and systems you need for successful lead generation campaignsI will share why most businesses fail at generation leads and sales and how you can avoid those failures. This course includesOver 25 video lecturesReal life examples and case studiesDemo of tools I used to generate 1,031 email leads for my clientDemo of specific Facebook Ads you should be using to promote your campaign Enroll now and I will see you on the inside!"
Price: 94.99

"Blogging For Business: 3x Traffic Without Ads"
"Come with me on a journey to increasing your blog traffic without AdvertisingAre you blogging and not getting enough organic traffic?Are you producing consistent content and feel like no one is reading your content?Do you want to increase your blog's organic traffic by 153% or more ?If you answered YES to any of the above question, this course is for you. May be you are blogging for money or blogging for business, this course will teach you the strategies I have used to increase website traffic for 100s of clients. I have covered specific tools and processes I have used in last 10 years. This course covers these main areasA) Producing compelling blog contentHow to find popular topics in your niche and write what your readers want to read What tools you can use to optimize your content for readers and Google (SEO) B) How to promote your blog using strategies like Social media marketing Email outreach and marketing Content repurposing Content curation Communities websitesC) How to measure your efforts & increase blog trafficUse google analytics to find hidden opportunities How to identify whats already popular with your blog readers After taking this course you will know exactly how to increase your blog traffic by 153% or more. I have used these steps to produce results for several clients and I will share the real life case studies (and examples) with youEnroll now and lets start this journey together!"
Price: 194.99

"Facebook Power Editor 2016: Create 100s of Ads Quickly"
"UPDATEDNovember 2016:Come with me on a journey to become a Facebook Ads Pro by Learning the Power Editor tool!According to Kissmetrics, ""Using Facebook Ads Manager is fine if you're just starting to advertise on Facebook, but soon you'll want to graduate to a more effective, advanced way to manage your ads the Facebook Power Editor""In this course I will show you a step by step process that I use to create 100s of Facebook Ads using the Power Editor. I have included a real life project in this course (267 Facebook Ads campaign for General Electric)Using Power Editor for Facebook Ads, I have created over 3500 Facebook Ad campaigns for brands like GEChevyPapa MurphyMayTagWhirlpoolThis course is RIGHT for you if you want to Graduate form basic a Facebook marketer to Facebook Ads proUnderstand the difference between Facebook Ads manager and the Power Editor Create 100s of Facebook Ads in matter of minutes (Power Editor bulk import method)There is NO RISK for you since Udemy offers a 30 day money back guarantee. Enroll right now and I will see you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99

"Facebook Marketing: Grow Your Page Without Facebook Ads"
"Come with me on a journey to Facebook marketing without paying for any Ads.Are you sick of people telling you that Facebook is a pay to play platform? and there is no way to grow page likes without spending money on Facebook Ads. In this course, I will show you examples of Facebook pages that I have grown without any advertising and share over 25 tactics you can start using today. I have grown my own business pages & my client's Facebook pages organically (no money spent on Ads)After completing this course, you will be well on your way to first 1000+ Facebook organic fans. You will be able to..Start growing your Facebook page likes without spending any money on Facebook AdsImprove the search ranking of your Facebook business pageMaster Facebook marketing, find and share VIRAL contentDrive massive amount of traffic to your Facebook page and start getting organic likesThis course is structured in a very modular format and you will seeReal life case studies & examplesFacebook marketing tactics that I have used over the yearsHomework assignments to get your started on your Facebook marketing growthThis course comes with 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. Click on ""Take This Course"" and I will see you on the inside."
Price: 94.99

"Hashtags Marketing: Increase Your Lead Generation & Business"
"Come with me on a journey to Hashtag Marketing on social media marketing channels.Do you want to master the hashtags in social media marketing?Do you want to increase the reach and engagement of your marketing content?AND do you want to get your social media posts seen by 1000s of people so you can generate more leads and sales?Do you want to grow your business using the right + relevant hashtags?If you answered YES to any of the above questions, then this is the RIGHT course for you.I will show you how to find the most popular hashtags in your industry. Also how to use them on all of social media marketing platforms for maximum impact.Hashtags are important part of social media marketing channels. After completing the course, this is what you will accomplish Become a hashtag marketing expert for all social media channelsIn less than 10min find top trending hashtags in your industryLearn about the top 10+ hashtag marketing tools that will save you hours of workIncrease the social media content reach & engagement on all marketing channelsThis course comes with 30day money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose. Click on ""Take This Course"" on the top right hand side and lets make you a hashtag marketing expert."
Price: 94.99

"Facebook Marketing: Fans to Sales"
"Come with me on a journey to Facebook Marketing and let's convert your fans into paying customers.Do people ever tell you that....It's impossible to generate sales from Facebook marketing?Facebook fans will never buy your product or service?Well, I have a surprise for you. I have worked with 100s of brands including Chevy, Lexmark, AA, Papa murphy, and many small-medium businesses and helped them generate SALES from Facebook marketing. I will teach you the exact system that I use to grow a Facebook business page and generate sales. This is what you will learn from this courseFacebook fan growth: How to get more relevant fans for your business pageLead generation: How to convert your Facebook page likes into email leadsLead nurturing: Start converting your cold leads into HOT leads who are ready to buySales: How to convert your HOT leads into paying customersHow to use Facebook Ads to get more likes and convert them into leads & paying customers Take this course if you want to master Facebook marketing and start converting your Facebook page likes into sales. This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. Click on the TAKE THIS COURSE button on the top and I will see you on the inside."
Price: 94.99

"Productivity Systems For Social Media Managers"
"Come with me on a journey to Productivity Hacks for social media management. Start saving hours on your marketingefforts.Did you know that we waste 6hours and 48min weekly on social media management ? We do this because we don't have the RIGHT tools, systems or processes in place.This course will help you become more productive and efficient on social media marketing activities. You will be able to create, curate, schedule and post content in matter of minutes.This is what you will learn in this course Understand the time spent on social media management and importance of productivity Productivity hacks for social media content creation, curation and scheduling Over 20 tools that I have tested and use on daily basis How to create a social media report in minutes Crazy social media automation tools to save you hours of time My social media management system as a template By using the same tools and systems, I have created a social media marketing agency and we have worked with 100+ clients. I will show you the exact tools and processes that I have tested and mastered. If you use social media channels for personal or business use, this is the course for you. This course also comes with a 30day money back guarantee so there is nothing to lose. Enroll now and I will see you on the inside!"
Price: 94.99