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"Intro to Investment Banking, M&A, IPO, Modeling + Free Book"
"**Chris is the author ofthe #1 best selling business course on Udemycalled ""An Entire MBA in 1 Course.""**** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education."" **Do you want an amazing and easy to understand introduction to investment banking, M&A, valuation and modeling skills? In this course, you will learn how an initial public offering (IPO) works as the award winning MBA Professor worked on IPOs at Goldman Sachs. You will also learn real life case studies on why Facebook bought Instagram and What'sApp! A free 130 page downloadable book of the ENTIRE course and much more is included!This course is taught by an award winning MBA professor with significant real world experience working at Goldman Sachs as well as in the venture capital, hedge fund and consulting industries (he has founded several companies and sits on several boards). Many business concepts are simply common sense. This course will focus on business concepts that you need to know that might not be common sense. This course makes the general business, accounting and finance process very easy to understand! The professor of this course is also the author of ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School,"" which Forbes magazine recently called ""1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now.""The contents of this course are all based on my work experience at several firms, including Goldman Sachs, the consulting industry at Accenture, a few companies I have started, the hedge fund industry where I worked at Citadel and most recently based on my experience at a prominent San Francisco based venture capital firm. I included helpful practical accounting concepts I learned while I did an MBA at Columbia University and a Bachelor of Commerce degree at McGill University. Think of this course as a great introduction to accounting based on my undergraduate business degree, work experience in consulting, equities, hedge funds, venture capital and starting my own companies.I have minimized boring complicated concepts in this course in order to keep it as close to reality and as simple as possible. The concepts of this course have been taught by me in many classes at several universities, where the student feedback has been universally and incredibly positive (please see my LinkedIn profile for student reviews / feedback on my teaching style/effectiveness - thank you. Also please see reviews of my books in Amazon and here in Udemy on my teaching - particularly in my Udemy course on ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School,"")."
Price: 59.99

"50 Career & Self Development Tips: Welcome to the New You!"
"**Chris is the author ofthe #1 best selling business course on Udemycalled ""An Entire MBA in 1 Course.""**This course wasprofiled in Business Insider who said thatProfessor Chris Haroun's online course, called ""50 Career & Self Development Tips,"" provides insightful guidance for problems many professionals will face over the course of their careers like feeling burned out or struggling to secure that sought-after promotion but you'll also learn basic skills you can apply to your personal life, such as how to overcome criticism and stress.You will be a different person by the time you finish this course. This course will help you to focus on what are the most important goals for you to achieve in life. There are no limits in life, except for the limits that we place on ourselves; ""whether or not you think you can achieve something, you're right"" : ) This course contains the best career and non-career advice I have compiled in my life, including the wisdom of the Dalai Lama and many successful businesspeople that ALSO had a very successful personal and family life. Again, you will be a different person by the time you finish this course. Thank you."
Price: 49.99

"Intro to Business Law for Entrepreneurs (+Free Book!)"
"#1 Best Selling Business Law Course on Udemy!**Chris is the author ofthe #1 best selling business course on Udemycalled ""An Entire MBA in 1 Course.""**** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education."" ** What kind of legal company registration should I set up so that I protect my family and assets if my company gets sued? How do I protect my brand and products and make sure that nobody can copy them? What red flags and issues should I watch out for so that my investors can't take a larger percent of my company if my company has issues? This course will answer all of the aforementioned questions and many more. We will go through the life cycle of a company from founding to a stock market listing (initial public offering) to restructuring and or declaring bankruptcy if needed (there are significant benefits to doing this in many situations). The course is taught by an award winning business school professor who has started several companies and sits on many boards. He has dealt with many legal issues over the years and he will share a lot of his legal knowledge with you to ensure that you and your family have protection; please also hire a lawyer when starting a company and when dealing with contracts (don't ever do it yourself). Professor Chris Haroun is currently a venture capitalist in the San Francisco Bay Area during the day and a professor at several Bay Area graduate business schools during the evenings."
Price: 49.99

"MBA Completo en 1 Curso: Profesor de Negocios Premiado"
"**APRENDERS EN 11 HORAS LO MS RELEVANTE DE UN MBA ENLAS MEJORES UNIVERSIDADES DEL MUNDO!**** DE ACUERDO CON Business Insider: ""Obtener tu MBA nunca ha sido ms fcil. Haroun es uno de los profesores mejor calificados en Udemy, por lo que estars en buenas manos durante el curso."" ** MAS DE 180,000 ESTUDIANTES ESTE AO **Ests listo para llevar tu carrera al siguientenivel? En este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas saber sobre negociosdesde el lanzamiento de una empresa hasta convertirla en pblica. Este cursocubre todos los temas importantes que aprenderas en un MBA de las mejoresescuelas de negocios del mundo + conceptos prcticos que te ayudarn a ser msexitoso!Este curso es enseado por un profesor con MBAvarias veces premiado con importante experiencia en el mundo real trabajando enGoldman Sachs, as como en las industrias de Capital de Riesgo, Fondos deCobertura y Consultora (l ha financiado varias empresas y participado en losconsejos de administracin de otras ms). Muchos conceptos de negocios sonsimples y de sentido comn. Este curso se enfocar en conceptos que necesitas saber y que quizs note hagan tanto sentido comn por ahora. Este curso te ayudar a entenderfcilmente los procesos financieros, contables y de negocios! El profesor deeste curso es tambin autor del libro 101 Lecciones Cruciales que no teensean en la Escuela de Negocios, del cual la revista Forbes recientemente lonombr como 1 de los 6 libros que todo emprendedor debe leer ya mismo.El contenido de este curso est basado en suexperiencia en varias firmas, incluyendo Goldman Sachs, la consultoraAccenture, algunas empresas que l ha creado, el fondo de cobertura dondetrabaj en Citadel y tambin en el sector de Capital de Riesgo (la firma que lha fundado tiene inversiones en Facebook). Chris ha incluido conceptos prcticosde negocios muy tiles que aprendi mientras estudiaba su MBA en la Universidadde Columbia y su Carrera Profesional en Comercio en la Universidad de McGill.Chris considera a este curso como uno de sus ms grandes xitos que resumelas notas de su MBA, Carrera Profesional e importante experiencia enconsultora, activos, fondos de cobertura, capital de riesgo y creando suspropias empresas.En este curso Chris ha simplificado lo que puedenser conceptos tericos aburridos, de tal manera que sean divertidos y fcilesde entender, sin perder de vista el que sean prcticos y aplicables al mundoreal. Lostemas abarcadosen este curso han sido enseado por Chris enmuchas clases de varias universidades, donde la retroalimentacin de losestudiantes ha sido increblemente positiva (puedes consultar el perfil deChris Haroun en Linkedin para ver comentarios de los estudiantes sobre suestilo y efectividad en la enseanza. Tambin puedes ver los comentarios sobresus libros en Amazon y aqu, en Udemy, particularmente en el curso 101Lecciones Cruciales que no te ensearan en la Escuela de Negocios). ---------------------------------------------------------------------Testimonios deAlumnos hantomado el curso eningls: Solo quisieraenviarte un rpido mensaje para hacerte saber que realmente estoy disfrutandoeste curso de MBA en Udemy. Realmente me gusta que est dirigido a los practicantesen lugar de solo teora. Tambin quiero sinceramente agradecerte porque tucurso fue la diferencia para obtener fondos la semana pasada Chris Backofen,CEO de CastCloudCurso Cautivador!Presentacin clara de conceptos que estn explicados de una forma prctica yrelevante, entregados en partes de fcil digestin. - Michael JordanHe estado ennegocios por 20 aos y este curso es una excelente actualizacin para recordartede cosas que quizs ya sepas y cosas que olvidaste a lo largo del camino. Laura Caraccioli Estructura,presentaciones y charlas muy claros. Cubre los fundamentos del emprendimientode negocios e inversiones. Jeffrey KouryAcabo determinar este curso, y lo recomiendo ampliamente. Dira que el video de introduccinda una buena gua de lo que puedes esperar. No te decepcionar! Ronald DeerenbergGran induccin, ojal la universidad fuera as de excitante, me hara considerar seriamente mi educacin. Christian Baffour-AkotoTermin mi MBA en 2011 y esto fue una gran actualizacin. Tambin tuve increbles ideas sobre cmo seguir mi pasin y amar lo que hago. Ali-AshrafEl mejor curso que he tomado. Recomiendo ampliamente este curso. Aminata BahCurso brillante. He aprendido tanto y no puedo esperar para implementar lo que he aprendido en futuros emprendimientos. Ben JudhEste esdefinitivamente el mejor curso que he tomado en mi vida entera. Est repleto dehechos, verdades de la vida real acerca del Sector Financiero, con un enfoqueprctico. El El enfoque del profesor Haroun de hacer a un lado la jerga tericay mejor proveer de un rico contenido prctico hace de este curso un deber absolutopara estudiantes, ejecutivos jvenes y maduros, dueos de negocios pequeos ograndes empresas. El profesor Haroun es un excelente orador y vigoroso conferencistacuya pasin es fervientemente contagiosa. Como dueo de negocios por 25 aos,deseo haberme cruzado con el conocimiento e inspiradora actitud del profesorHaroun muchos aos atrs. El material del curso es exhaustivo, fcil de entendery con el sentido del humor que tiene el profesor Haroun y la inclusin devideoclips en sus materiales del curso descargables agregan sabor a laexperiencia completa. Estar por siempre agradecido por haberme topado con sucurso en Udemy! Ha sido una experiencia que ha cambiado mi vida. Antionette Cronie----------------------------------------------------------------------------Sobre el profesorArmando Gaona:Me siento muy contento por tener la oportunidad decolaborar con el muy reconocido emprendedor, ejecutivo, dueo de negocios, consultor yprofesor Chris Haroun en este increble proyecto, que tiene como fin extendersu profundo conocimiento y gran experiencia de negocios para todos losestudiantes, emprendedores y ejecutivos de habla hispana. Sin limitar los mltiplesbeneficios que tendrn al tomar este curso, lo veo especialmente til paraaquellos que tienen un proyecto para emprender en serio y a gran escala y que estnbuscando una gua clara, paso a paso y segura para hacerlo. Tambin paraejecutivos de negocios que quieren llevar su carrera profesional y sus empresasa otro nivel, aumentando su conocimiento con conceptos y ejemplos sencillos,pero de gran impacto y 100% prcticos sobre cmo funcionan las mejores empresasdel mundo. Para quienes desean estudiar un MBA en el futuro prximo, este cursoles servir como preparacin previa para facilitar el entendimiento de nuevosconceptos, destacar como estudiantes y enriquecer su experiencia educativa. Paralos que ya estudiaron un MBA o alguna maestra semejante, les dar una visin fresca,breve e integradora desde el punto de vista de un experto que ha vivido todoslos procesos de negocio a gran escala desde las trincheras de algunas de lasempresas y escuelas de negocios ms importantes del mundo.ESTUDIOS1. Licenciatura en Informtica Administrativa(graduado con honores, mejor promedio).2. Maestra en Administracin de Empresas conespecialidad en organizaciones que hacen uso intensivo de tecnologa: Telecomunicaciones,TICs, redes, desarrollo de software, etc., en el Tecnolgico de Monterrey(graduado con honores, mejor promedio).3. Posgrado en Planeacin Estratgica, en elTecnolgico de Monterrey (mejor promedio).4. Posgrado en Direccin Financiera, en el Tecnolgico de Monterrey.5. Certificado como Auditor Calidad en la norma ISO9000 por el Instituto Mexicano de Normalizacin y Certificacin (15 aosexperiencia).6. Ms de 50 cursos y actualizacin constante entemas contables-financieros-administrativos-calidad-emprendimiento-tecnologa-sistemas-estretegia-liderazgo.EXPERIENCIA LABORAL1. Trabaj durante 3 aos en Grupo FinancieroBancomer (Casa de Bolsa y Banca Patrimonial) donde se desempe como Lder deProyectos para el rea de Sistemas de Informacin para transacciones en laBolsa Mexicana de Valores, as como otros sistemasFinanciero-Contable-Administrativos.2.Tiene 17 aos de experiencia, laborandodentro de la Direccin de Finanzas y Administracin de una de las ms grandes eimportantes empresas de Telecomunicaciones de Latinoamrica.EXPERIENCIA EN CAPACITACIN Y ASESORA1. Ha capacitado a ms de 30 organizacionessociales que no tienen fines de lucro, en temas calidad, planeacinestratgica, finanzas y mercadotecnia.2. Ha asesorado y capacitado a organizacionesprivadas y gubernamentales tales como: CANACINTRA, SAGARPA, LICONSA, KOMATSU,Secretara de Economa de Veracruz, entre otras 22 organizaciones ms.3. Miembro por 3 aos de la Mesa de Asesores deGRAPATEL, con sede en Chicago, que capacita en temas financieros a ms de 1,500empresas de telecomunicaciones de todo el mundo.4. Mentor para nuevos inversionistas en la BolsaMexicana de Valores desde hace 3 aos.Agradezco mucho al profesor Haroun su voto de confianzapara que yo pueda atender, en lenguaje espaol, todas las dudas y preguntas que tengan sobrelos temas que l presentaen este curso. Estoy en constante comunicacin con el profesor Harouncon el fin de transmitir a todos ustedes el enfoque correcto y lograr la excelenteatencin que el profesor Haroun quiere darles a todos ustedes.""El video de promocin del curso donde el profesor Haround nos explica el contenido del curso est en ingls con subttulos en espaol. Durante el curso se vana incluir algunos videos cortos con tips impresionantes que nos compartirel profesor Haround en ingls con subttulos en espaol, pero el resto de los videos y materiales estn 100% en espaol y son presentados por el profesor Armando Gaona.""----------------------------------------------------------------------------Los estudiantes de este curso disfrutarn aprendiendo todo lo que necesitan sobre negocios desdela creacinde unaempresa hasta su oferta pblica mientras aprenden los temas ms importantesenseados en los mejores MBA del mundo. Eleva tu carrera al siguiente nivel!"
Price: 199.99

"Hedge and Mutual Fund Careers: The Complete Guide"
"#1 Best Selling Hedge Fund Course on Udemy! ** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education."" ** He is the author of the best selling business course on Udemy this year called'An Entire MBA in 1 Course'There are100 lessons in this course tohelp you understand how to pick stocks like professional investors do at mutual funds and hedge funds (even if you have no stock picking,accounting or finance experience)! Also, if you want to work or be successful at a hedge fund or at a mutual fund, this course will tell youhow to get a job, get promoted and how to excel at mutual funds and hedge funds.Professor Chris Haroun has been profiled in Forbes Magazine and Business Insider and has raised and managed over $1bn in his finance career.He lovesteaching students about real world practical concepts with no theory.Professor Haroun has more than20 years of finance analyst experience in several different finance sectors, including 5 years at Goldman Sachs, 8 years in the hedge fund industry at firms that include hedge fund giant Citadel and his own firm, 7 years in the venture capital industry (a venture firm he started had a private investment years ago in Facebook) and 4 years in the finance/tech industry at Accenture where he worked on the merger of Bank of America and Nations Bank as well as setting up an offshore bank for the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. His finance work experience has been all over the worldin countries that include the United States, England, Scotland, Canada, Japan, China, India and France. He has taught students in more that 160 countries and heis a well known business author of many books. His popularbusiness book:'101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School'was written up in Forbes Magazine as""1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs need to read right now.""Professor Haroun also has an MBA from Columbia University where he majored in Finance.After taking this course, students should be able to understand how to pick stocks like a professional investor at a mutual fund or hedge fund as well as how to get a job, get promoted and how to excel at mutual funds and hedge funds."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Finance, Accounting, Modeling and Valuation"
"#1 Best Selling Accounting Course on Udemy (Learn Finance and Accounting the Easy Way)! ** ACCORDING TO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Haroun is one of the highest rated professors on Udemy, so you can expect to be in good hands through the course of your education."" ** He is the author of the best selling business course on Udemy this year called'An Entire MBA in 1 Course'This course will help you understand accounting, finance, financial modeling and valuation from scratch (no prior accounting, finance, modeling or valuation experience is required).After taking this course you will understand how to create, analyze and forecast anincome statement, balance sheet andcash flow statement.By the end of his course you will also know how to value companies using several different valuation methodologies that I have used during my Wall Street career so you can come up with target prices for the companies that you are analyzing.By the end of this course you will alsoknow how to analyze financial statements using many different financial ratios/formulas that I have used in my hedge fund, Goldman Sachs and venture capital career.Lastly, I am teaching this course in a much more visual and entertaining way;I hope youenjoy the course as I always use an 'edutainment' and visualization teaching approachto make complex topics simple/easy to understand.Please note that if you already signed up for my course called ""Hedge and Mutual Fund Careers: The Complete Guide,"" some of the accounting and finance topics in this course were already covered in the Hedgeand Mutual Fund Careers: The Complete Guide course.Thanks"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Job, Interview, Resume/LinkedIn & Network Guide"
"#1 Best Selling Career Development Course on Udemy! This 12 hour complete career courseis 3 courses in one (interviewIng skills + resume/linkedin skills + networking skills!).Welcome toThe COMPLETE Job, Interview, Resume/LinkedIn & Network Guideby the author of the best selling business courseon Udemy,an award winning professor, TEDx Talk speaker,author & entrepreneur.I guarantee that this is THEmost thorough jobcourse available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back.This is the #1 best selling career development course on Udemy.Are you ready to take your career to the next level and get your dream job? This comprehensive complete career course is 12 hours, contains more than 250 lectures, 67 easy to complete exercises and 29 templates/other downloads tohelp you: Get any job you want,Build the perfect resume (using a format I have successfully used for more than 20 years), Interview better than anyone else(you will be able to answer ANY interview question and turn your weaknesses into strengths),Build the perfect LinkedIn profile (learn how to get more recruiters & employers to find you),Network better than anyone else so you can get your dream job (or even get customers etc),and much more...I want to help you get your dream job as my passion has always been helping others reach their full potential. I have conducted over 1000 interviews (1 per week for more than 20 years) and I have successfully interviewed and switched careers many times (from working atGoldman Sachs to the tech industry to consulting to hedge funds to venture capital, etc.). I want you to learn from my mistakes and accomplishmentsand reach your full potential. *Since this is a very comprehensive career course, there are 4 ways totake thiscourse as follows: You can chose totake onlythe Interview portion of the course, which is Part 1 (sections 1 23).You can chose totake onlythe Resume/LinkedIn/and Optional Career Goal Setting Workshopportion of the course, which is Part 2 (sections 24 41).You can chose totake onlythe Networking portion of the course, which is Part 3 (sections 42 50).*My recommendation is to take the entire course in order (sections 1-50).* I humbly recommend taking the entire course in order as I have reverse engineered and analyzed the process of getting a job over the past 20+ years and I know that if you go through Part 1 first, which is my interview boot camp, then in Part 2 you will know exactly how to improve your resume/LinkedIn profile based on how you completed the interview exercises in Part 1 of the course (very easy process to follow). Then you will be able to network like a rock star in Part 3!I have mentored many people using the concepts in this course and they have all achieved incredible success in life (I am passionate about helping people reach their full potential). This course will help you get the job of your dreams and is for every age, every industry, every career and everyone. There are no limits; you can get any job you want and together we will make this happen. Are you ready to take your career to the next level? 30 day money back guarantee. Lets begin! Thanks, Chris : )"
Price: 199.99

"Interview Better than Anyone: by An Award Winning MBA Prof."
"Are you ready to take your career to the next level and get your dream job by interviewing better than anyone else can?Thiscomprehensive interviewcourse, contains more than 150lectures over 5 hours, 22easy to complete exercises, an 85 pageInterview Success Journal for you to complete during the courseand many templates/other downloads tohelp you interview better than anyone else can (I am a veryhumble guy but Iamvery confident that you will interview better than anyone else after taking this course); by the end of this courseyou will be able to answer ANY interview question and turn your weaknesses into strengths.I have conducted more than 1000 interviews and I have interviewed at andworked at Goldman Sachs, the top hedge funds, venture capital, consulting and other firms. I also interview MBAcandidates for the admissions departmentof my alma mater, which isColumbia University MBAschool.I won't teach you any theory in this course....I willonly teach you the bestinterview concepts to help you get the job and literally interview better than anyone else has ever interviewed at the company you will be interviewing at.30 day money back guarantee. Please note that this course overlaps with Part 1 of 3 ofmy Complete Job, Interview, Resume/LinkedIn and Network Career course.I want to help you get your dream job as my passion has always been helping others reach their full potential. I also want you to learn from my mistakes and accomplishmentsand reach your full potential.I have mentored many people using the concepts in this course and they have all achieved incredible success in life (not just my employees, interns and friends, but also my in class students).This course will help you interview toget the job of your dreams and is for every age, every industry, every career and everyone. There are no limits; you can get any job you want and together we will make this happen. Are you ready to take your career to the next level?Lets begin! Thanks, Chris : )Professor Chris Haroun, Founder and PartnerHaroun Education Ventures"
Price: 99.99

"Build the Best Resume+Linkedin Profile:by Award Winning Prof"
"Are you ready to take your career to the next level and get your dream job by creating an incredible resume and LinkedIn profile from scratch? Thiscomprehensive resume and LinkedIn course, contains many exercises, downloads, lectures and a 67-pageResume and LinkedIn Success Journal for you to complete during the course tocreate an incredible resume and LinkedIn profile. There is also an optional goal setting workshop at the end of the course (so you can create what your resume will look like in 10 years). We use the Harvard Business School resume format as this is the format that has helped me to switch careers many times (from the consulting industry, to the venture capital industry, to the hedge fund industry, the the tech industry, to working at Goldman Sachs etc.). This course will help you to create an incredible resume and LinkedIn profile and help youget the job of your dreams and is for every age, every industry, every career and everyone. We also cover more advanced LinkedIn topics like SEO (search engine optimization), publishing professional quality articles on LinkedIn, etc. Learn tips/tricks/hacks/secrets to how recruiters and human resources professionals search for you via LinkedIn. 30-day money back guarantee. Please note that this course overlaps with Part 2 of 3 ofmy Complete Job, Interview, Resume/LinkedIn and Network Career course. I want to help you get your dream job as my passion has always been helping others reach their full potential.I also want you to learn from my mistakes and accomplishmentsand reach your full potential. I have mentored many people using the concepts in this course and they have all achieved incredible success in life (not just my employees, interns and friends, but also my in-class students at the MBA and undergraduate universities that I teach at). There are no limits;you canget any job you want andtogether we will make this happen. Are you ready to take your career to the next level? Lets begin! Thanks, Chris : ) Professor Chris Haroun, Founder and Partner Haroun Education Ventures"
Price: 99.99

"MBA Completo em 1 Curso: Prof Premiado de Escola de Negcios"
"** A VERSO INGLESA DESTE CURSO O #1 CURSO DE NEGCIOS MAIS VENDIDO NA UDEMY! **MAIS DE 160,000 ALUNOS**** DE ACORDO COM A REVISTA BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Obter o seu MBA nunca foi to fcil. Haroun um dos professores mais bem cotados na Udemy, ento pelo que se pode esperar que estar em boas mos ao longo do curso da sua educao."" **Voc est pronto para levar a sua carreira para o prximo nvel? Neste curso, voc ir aprender tudo o que precisa de saber sobre negcios....desde comear uma empresa at lev-la ao mercado pblico. Este curso cobre todos os tpicos importantes que voc ir aprender ao obter um MBA numa escola de topo + conceitos de negcios reais e prticos que faro com que tenha ainda mais sucesso!Por Favor Note: Este Curso Contm Legendas em Portugus.Este curso ministrado por um professor de MBA premiado, com significative experincia, resultando do seu trabalho na Goldman Sachs, bem como em indstrias de capital de risco, fundo de cobertura, e consultoria (fundou ainda vrias empresas e tem lugar em vrios conselhos de administrao). Muitos conceitos de negcios so simplesmente senso comum. Este curso ir focar conceitos de negcio que voc precisa de saber que podem no ser senso comum. Este curso faz com que os processos gerais de negcios, contabilidade e finanas, sejam bastante fceis de compreender! O professor deste curso tambm o autor do ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School"" (101 Lies Cruciais que No Ensinam a Voc na Escola de Negcios), um livro que a revista Forbes recentemente classificou como ""1 de 6 livros que todos os empreendedores precisam de ler j"".O contedo deste curso e baseado na minha experincia de trabalho em diversas empresas, incluindo a Goldman Sachs, a indstria de consultoria na Accenture, algumas empresas que fundei, a indstria de fundos de cobertura onde trabalhei na Citadel, e tambm o setor do capital do risco (a empresa que fundei tinha um investimento de capital de risco no Facebook). Eu inclu conceitos de negcios prticos e teis que aprendi quando fiz o meu MBA na Universidade Columbia, bem como um Bacharelado em Comrcio na Universidade McGill. Pense neste curso como os ""maiores sucessos"" de sumrios de negcios resultantes do meu MBA, do meu bacharelado, da minha experincia de trabalho em consultoria, como acionista, fundos de cobertura, capital de risco e da fundao das minhas prprias empresas. Eu minimizei os ""conceitos tericos entediantes"" neste curso, para manter o mesmo to prximo da realidade quanto possvel. Os conceitos deste curso foram ministrados por mim em muitas aulas, em diversas universidades, onde o feedback dos alunos foi universalmente e incrivelmente positivo (por favor, veja o meu perfil no LinkedIn para avaliaes/feedbacks de alunos sobre o meu estilo de ensino/eficcia - obrigado. Alm disso, por favor, veja avaliaes dos meus livros na Amazon e aqui na Udemy sobre o meu ensino - particularmente no meu curso Udemy intitulado ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School"").---------------------------------------------------------------------Testemunhos de Clientes: ""Gostaria apenas de deixar-lhe uma mensagem rpida, para saber que gostei muito do seu curso MBA na Udemy. Em particular, gosto do fato de estar direcionado prtica em vez de somente teoria. Eu tambm gostaria de apresentar os meus sinceros agradecimentos, porque o seu curso foi a diferena que me fez conseguir obter fundos nesta passada semana."" - Chris Backofen, CEO do CastCloud""Curso Envolvente! Apresentao compreensiva de conceitos-chave que so bem explicados de uma maneira prtica e relevante, ao mesmo tempo que entregues em partes facilmente digerveis.""- Michael Jordan""J estou em negcios mais de 20 anos e este curso uma excelente atualizao, para lhe relembrar de coisas que pode j saber e de coisas que pode ter-se esquecido pelo caminho. "" - Laura Caraccioli""Estruturado, apresentado, bem como falado de forma muito clara. Cobre as bases do empreendedorismo, dos negcios e dos investimentos."" - Jeffrey Koury""Eu acabei de terminar este curso e altamente o recomendo. Acho que o vdeo de introduo d uma boa indicao do que esperar. Voc no ficar desapontado!"" - Ronald Deerenberg""Excelente induo, quem me dera se a universidade fosse assim to excitante, isso faria definitivamente com que considerasse tomar a dvida com que a educao vem."" - Christian Baffour - Akoto""Eu completei o meu MBA em 2011 e esta foi uma tima atualizao. Eu tambm obtive algumas ideias excelentes neste curso sobre como seguir a minha paixo e amar o que fao. Definitivamente, recomendaria estas lies a outras pessoas.""-Ali Ashraf""O melhor curso de sempre. Recomendo altamente este curso.""- Aminata Bah""Um curso brilhante. Aprendi muito e mal posso esperar por implementar o que aprendi em futuros empreendimentos.""- Ben Judh""Este definitivamente o melhor curso que j frequentei na minha vida inteira. Est recheado de fatos, verdades sobre o Setor Financeiro, o seu funcionamento interno, e uma abordagem real. A abordagem do professor Haroun, ao preferir um contedo rico e prtico em detrimento do jargo terico, torna este curso OBRIGATRIO para estudantes, executivos jovens ou maduros, bem como proprietrios de negcios em pequenas ou grandes empresas. O professor Haroun um excelente orador, um palestrante revigorante, cuja paixo contagiosa. Enquanto dona de um negcio h 25 anos, eu gostaria de ter tido acesso ao conhecimento e atitude inspiradora do professor Haroun h muitos anos. O material do curso compreensivo, fcil de perceber, e o sentido de humor do professor Haroun, a par da sua incluso de vdeo clips nos seus materiais do curso descarregveis melhoram toda a experincia. Eu estou eternamente grata por ter encontrado este curso no Udemy! Foi uma experincia passvel de mudar a vida.""- Antionette Cronje ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Os alunos deste curso iro gostar de aprender tudo o que precisam de saber sobre comear uma empresa at torn-la pblica, enquanto aprendem os tpicos mais importantes nas escolas MBA de topo em todo o mundo. Leve a sua carreira ao prximo nvel!"
Price: 199.99

"** Udemy**** BUSINESSINSIDERMAGAZINEMBAHarounUdemy** 4**IPOMBA MBAForbes61101CitadelFacebookMBAMBA LinkedinAmazonUdemy101---------------------------------------------------------------------UdemyMBACastcloudCEOChris BackofenMichael Jordan20- Laura Caraccioli- Jeffrey Koury - Ronald Deerenberg - Christian Baffour-Akoto2011MBA- Ali Ashraf- Aminata Bah- Ben Judh25Udemy - Antionette Cronje ----------------------------------------------------------------------------MBA"
Price: 199.99

"Un Intero MBA in 1 Corso: Premiato Prof. di Economia"
"** LA VERSIONE IN INGLESE DI QUESTO CORSO IL CORSO DI BUSINESS # 1 PI ACQUISTATO SU UDEMY CON OLTRE 140.000 STUDENTI IN 196PAESI! ** ** SECONDO BUSINESS INSIDER: ""Ottenere la vostra Laurea in Economia Aziendale non mai stato pi facile. Haroun uno dei professori pi quotati su Udemy, quindi potete aspettarvi di essere in buone mani nel corso della vostra formazione"" ** Sei pronto a portare la tua carriera al livello successivo? In questo corso, imparerai tutto il necessario sul business dall'avvio di una societ alla suo debutto. Questo corso ricopre tutte le nozioni pi importanti che apprenderesti dai migliori MBA + applicazione pratica di concetti business per aiutarti ad essere pi di successo!Si prega di notare che questo corso contiene sottotitoli in italiano.Sei pronto a far progredire la tua carriera? In questo corso, imparerai tutto quello che c' da sapere sugli affari ... .dall'avvio di un'azienda fino alla quotazione in borsa. Questo corso copre tutti gli argomenti importanti che imparerai ottenendo una laurea in Economia Aziendale nelle facolt migliori + concetti di business pratici di vita reale che ti aiuteranno ad avere pi successo!Il corso tenuto da un premiato professore di Economia Aziendale con una significativa esperienza pratica lavorando alla Goldman Sachs, cos come nel venture capital, negli hedge fund e nel settore della consulenza (ha fondato diverse aziende e fa parte di diversi CdA). Molti concetti di business sono semplicemente di buon senso. Il corso si concentrer sui concetti di business che occorre sapere e che potrebbero non essere solo di buon senso. Questo corso rende il processo di business, contabile e finanziario in generale molto facile da capire! Il professore di questo corso anche l'autore di ""101 Lezioni Fondamentali Che Non Vi insegnano Alla Facolt di Economia"", che la rivista Forbes ha recentemente definito ""1 dei 6 libri che tutti gli imprenditori devono leggere in questo momento.""I contenuti di questo corso sono tutti basati sulla mia esperienza di lavoro in diverse aziende, tra cui in Goldman Sachs, nel settore della consulenza in Accenture, in alcune aziende che ho lanciato, nel settore degli hedge funds in cui ho lavorato a Cittadel e quindi nel settore del venture capital (l'azienda che ho fondato ha effettuato un investimento di venture capital in Facebook). Ho incluso concetti utili pratici di business che ho imparato mentre studiavo per la mia Laurea in Economia Aziendale alla Columbia University e una Laurea in Commercio di primo livello presso la McGill University. Pensate a questo corso come un ""Greatest Hits di riassunti d'economia dalla mia laurea magistrale in Economia Aziendale, dalla laurea in economia di primo livello, dall'esperienza di lavoro nella consulenza, in partecipazioni azionarie, fondi speculativi, venture capital e nell'avviare le mie aziende.Ho ridotto al minimo i ""concetti teorici noiosi"" in questo corso al fine di mantenerlo il pi vicino possibile alla realt. I concetti di questo corso sono stati insegnati da me in molti corsi tenuti in diverse universit, in cui il feedback degli studenti stato universalmente e incredibilmente positivo (si prega di vedere il mio profilo LinkedIn per le recensioni degli studenti / il feedback sul mio stile di insegnamento / l'efficacia - grazie. Si prega anche di vedere le recensioni dei miei libri su Amazon e qui in Udemy sul mio insegnamento - in particolare nel mio corso su Udemy ""101 lezioni Fodanemntali Che Non Insegnano alla Facolt di Economia"").Testimonianze di clienti:Volevo mandarle un breve messaggio per farle sapere che sto davvero apprezzando il corso di MBA su Udemy. Mi piace molto che sia pensato per professionisti, piuttosto che concepito solo come teoria. Volevo anche ringraziarla sinceramente perch il suo corso stata la differenza che mi ha permesso di ottenere finanziamenti questa scorsa settimana. "" - Chris Backofen, Amministratore Delegato di CastCloud""Il corso coinvolgente! Le presentazioni complete dei concetti chiave sono ben spiegate in modo pratico e rilevante, e sono allo stesso tempo suddivise in sezioni facilmente assimilabili."" - Michael Jordan""Sono stata in affari per oltre 20 anni e questo corso un eccellente aggiornamento per ricordarsi di cose che si pu gi sapere e di cose che si pu aver dimenticato lungo la strada."" - Laura CaraccioliStrutturato, presentato e spiegato molto chiaramente. Tratta dei concetti base di imprenditorialit, commercio ed investimento."" - Jeffrey Koury""Ho appena finito questo corso, e lo consiglio vivamente. Direi che il video introduttivo fornisca una buona indicazione di cosa aspettarsi. Non rimarrete delusi!"" - Ronald Deerenberg""Ottimo orientamento, vorrei che l'Universit fosse cos entusiasmante, ci mi avrebbe fatto considerare di assumere il dipartimento da cui l'istruzione proviene"" - Christian-Baffour Akoto""Ho completato il mio MBA nel 2011 e questo stato un ottimo aggiornamento. Ho anche ricevuto degli splendidi insegnamenti da questo corso su come seguire la mia passione e amare quello che faccio. Consiglio vivamente questa lezione ad altri."" Ali Ashraf""Il miglior corso che abbia mai fatto. Lo consiglio vivamente."" - Aminata Bah""Un corso brillante. Ho imparato cos tanto e non vedo l'ora di attuare quello che ho imparato in imprese future"" - Ben Judh""Questo sicuramente il miglior corso che abbia frequentato in tutta la mia vita. stracolmo di fatti, di verit pratiche circa il settore finanziario, il suo funzionamento interno e ha un approccio pragmatico. L'approccio del professor Haroun di eliminare il gergo teorico e fornire invece un ricco contenuto pratico rende questo corso un corso da non perdere in assoluto per studenti, dirigenti giovani e stagionati, imprenditori di aziende di piccole o grandi dimensioni. il professor Haroun un oratore eccellente, un docente corroborante la cui passione intensamente contagiosa. Come imprenditrice venticinquenne, vorrei essermi imbattuta nella conoscenza e nell'atteggiamento motivante del professor Haroun molti anni fa. Il materiale del corso completo, facile da capire e il senso dell'umorismo del professor Haroun e l'inclusione di video clip pratici nel suo materiale didattico scaricabile aggiunge sapore a tutta l'esperienza. Sono per sempre riconoscente per essermi imbattuta nel suo corso su Udemy! stata un'esperienza che mi ha cambiato la vita. "" - Antionette Cronje ---------------------------------------Gli studenti di questo corso potranno divertirsi imparando tutto quello che c' da sapere sul commercio ... .da come avviare una societ fino a quotarla in borsa, imparando allo stesso tempo gli argomenti pi importanti insegnati presso le pi importanti facolt di Economia Aziedale nel mondo. Porta la tua carriera al livello successivo!"
Price: 199.99

"MBA :"
"** 196 140,000 ! **** : ""MBA . ."" ** . ? . MBA ! , ( ) MBA . . . , ! "" 6 1 "" "" 101 "" . , , , ( ) . MBA . MBA, , , , , "" "" . "" "" . , ( / / - . - "" 101 "" ).--------------------------------------------------------------------- :"" MBA . . ."" - Chris Backofen, CastCloud CEO"" ! ."" - Michael Jordan"" 20 , ."" - Laura Caraccioli"" . , ."" - Jeffrey Koury"" . . ."" - Ronald Deerenberg"" . . ."" - Christian Baffour-Akoto""2011 MBA , . . ."" Ali Ashraf"" , ""- Aminata Bah"" . , ""- Ben Judh"" . , . , , . . 25 . , , . . . "" - Antionette Cronje---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... MBA ."
Price: 199.99

"140,000 196 ... . + ( ). . ! 101 "" () "" ( ) () () ( ). . "" """
Price: 199.99

"Un Programme MBA en un Cours avec un Professeur Reconnu"
"* LA VERSION ANGLAISE DE CE COURS EST LE COURS DE BUSINESS #1 LE PLUS ACHET SUR UDEMY! *PLUS DE 140,000 TUDIANTS** D'APRS BUSINESS INSIDER MAGAZINE: ""Obtenir votre MBA n'a jamais t aussi simple. Haroun est l'un des professeurs les mieux nots sur Udemy, vous tes donc entre de bonnes mains tout le long de ce cours."" *tes-vous prt passer au niveau suprieur ? Dans ce cours, vous apprendrez tout ce que vous devez savoir sur le business... crer votre entreprise jusqu' la coter en bourse. Ce cours couvre tous les sujets importants qui vous seront enseign dans une grande cole de MBA + Des concepts pratiques de la vie d'un business man qui vous aidera russirCe cours est enseign par un professeur de MBA reconnu ayant travaill Goldman Sachs ou encore dans le capital-risque, la gestion alternative et les entreprises de consultation (il a cr plusieurs entreprises dans de nombreux secteurs et prend part divers conseils d'administration). Beaucoup des concepts commerciaux ne sont que du bon sens. Ce cours rend aussi la comptabilit et les processus de finance trs facile comprendre! Le professeur de ce cours est aussi l'auteur de ""101 Importantes leons qu'ils ne vous apprennent pas en cole de commerce,"" ce que Forbes Magazine appelle ""1 des 6 livres que tous les entrepreneurs ont besoin de lire.""Le contenu de ce cours est bas sur mon exprience de travail pour de nombreuses entreprises, incluant Goldman Sachs, l'industrie de la consultation chez Accenture, quelques entreprises que j'ai cr, l'industrie des investissements de fonds o j'avais travaill pour Citadel et aussi dans le secteur du capital-risque (l'entreprise que j'ai fond avait fait un investissement capital-risque dans Facebook). J'ai rajout des concepts pragmatiques que j'ai appris durant mon MBA de l'universit Columbia et lors de ma license de commerce l'universti de McGill. Voyez ce cours comme le ""plus grand hit"" rsumant mon MBA, mon diplme de premier cycle, mon exprience de travail dans la consultation, les actions, les fonds d'investissements, le capital-risque et la cration de mes propres entreprises. J'ai minimis ""les concepts thoriques ennuyeux"" dans ce cours de faon le garder le plus raliste possible. J'ai enseign moi-mme les concepts de ce cours dans plusieurs classes de plusieurs universits, o l'avis des lves tait majoritairement trs positifs (Voir les avis des lves sur mon profil LinkedIn / retours sur ma faon d'enseigner/ efficacit - merci. Voir aussi les avis de mes livres sur Amazon et Udemy - particulirement mon cours sur ""101 Importantes leons qu'ils ne vous apprennent pas en cole de commerce"").---------------------------------------------------------------------Avis des clients: ""Je voulais juste laisser un cours message pour vous dire que j'apprcie vraiment ce cours de MBA sur Udemy. J'aime beaucoup la faon dont laquelle le cours est plus bas sur la pratique que la thorie. Je voulais aussi vous remercier sincrement car votre cours m'a aid obtenir un financement la semaine passe."" -Chris Backofen, PDG de CastCloud""Cours engageant! Prsentation comprhensive de concepts cls bien expliqus, d'une manire pratique & pertinente facile comprendre."" -Michael Jordan""J'ai fait 20 ans de business et ce cours est un trs bon rappel des choses que vous pouvez dj savoir et de celles que vous auriez oubli."" -Laura Caraccioli""Structures prsentes trs clairement et trs bien dites. Couvre les fondations de l'entreprenariat, l'entreprise et les investissements."" -Jeffrey Koury""Je viens de finir ce cours, et je le recommande fortement. La vido d'introduction nous dit quoi s'attendre. Vous ne serez pas dus."" -Ronald Deerenberg""Bonne introduction, si seulement l'universit tait aussi intressante, cela m'aurait fait prendre le cursus scolaire qui va avec."" -Christian Baffour-Akoto""J'ai termin mon MBA en 2011 et ce cours fut un bon rappel. Ce cours m'a aussi aid pouvoir suivre mes passions et aimer ce que je fais. Je recommande dfinitivement cette lecture aux autres."" Ali Ashraf""Trs bon cours, je le recommande fortement."" -Aminata Bah""Brilliant course. Have learned so much and looking forward to implementing what i've learned into future endeavours"" - Ben Judh""C'est probablement le meilleur cours auquel j'ai assist de toute ma vie. Ce cours est bond de faits et de vrits sur le secteur financier, son fonctionnement interne avec une approche constructive. La mthode du professeur Haroun oublie le jargon hypothtique et se concentre plutt sur du contenu pratique, ce qui fait de ce cours un MUST pour les lves, pour les cadres jeunes et expriements, ainsi que les propritaires de grandes ou petites entreprises. Haroun est un trs bon orateur, un confrencier vivifiant dont la passion est contagieuse. Un propritaire d'entreprise l'ge de 25 ans, j'aurais aim pouvoir profit de son savoir bien plus tt. Le cours est matriel et facile comprendre, et le sense d'humour du professeur Haroun et ses clips vidos inclus dans le contenu tlchargeable rajoute encore plus l'exprience. Je me remercie d'avoir trouv ce cours sur Udemy! Cette exprience a chang ma vie."" -Antionette Cronje ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Les tudiants de ce cours peuvent apprendre tout ce qu'il y a savoir sur les affaires... crer une entreprise jusqu' la rendre publique tout en apprenant les sujets les plus importants enseigns dans les meilleures coles de MBA du monde. Passez au niveau suprieur!"
Price: 199.99

"1 MBA:"
"** #1 ! ** 140,000 **** : ""MBA , , "" ? , . MBA + ! MBA , ( ) , ! ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School"" , ""6 1 "" , , , ( ) MBA MBA, , , , "" "" "" "" , ( / / - , Udemy ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School"" ) --------------------------------------------------------------------- : "" MBA - "" - , CastCloud "" ! - "" - "" 20 "" - "" , , "" - "" - , !""- "" , "" - -"" MBA 2011 "" - - "" "" - "" , , , , , , 25 , , ! - "" - "" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- , !"
Price: 199.99

"**UDEMY1!****MBAUdemy**160,000**MBA+ MBAGoldman SachsMBA1016Goldman SachsCitadel FacebookMBAMBA LinkedIn// Udemy Udemy101--------------------------------------------------------------------- UdemyMBA- Chris BackofenCastCloud - Michael Jordan20 - Laura Caraccioli- Jeffrey Koury- Ronald Deerenberg- Christian Baffour-Akoto2011MBA Ali Ashraf- Aminata Bah Ben JudhHarounHaroun25HarounUdemy - Antionette Cronje ----------------------------------------------------------------------------......MBA"
Price: 199.99

"Umfassender MBA Kurs: Preisgekrnter Professor aus USA"
"** Die ENGLISCHE VERSION DIESES KURS IST DER # 1 MEISTVERKAUFTE UNTERNEHMENSKURSAUF UDEMY!** ber 140.000 Teilnehmer **** BUSINESSINSIDERDEUTSCHLAND:""Ein frherer Investment-Banker bietet einen Online-Kurs an, der einen ganzen MBA ersetzt. [...]Wenn ihr euer Finanz-Wissen verbessern wollt, hat Udemy den perfekten Online-Kurs fr euch. Der Wirtschafts-Professor ChrisHaroun hat an der kanadischen McGill University und der Columbia University in New York gelehrt und arbeitete fr die US-Bank Goldman Sachs.""**Sind Sie bereit, Ihre Karriere auf die nchste Stufe zu bringen? In diesem Kurs lernen Sie alles, was Sie ber Unternehmen wissen mssen, von der Grndung eines Unternehmens, bis zum Brsengang. Dieser Kurs deckt alle wichtigen Themen ab, die Sie von einem MBA einer Top-Universitterwarten wrden. Sie lernen praxisnahe Business-Konzepte, die Ihnen helfen, erfolgreich zu werden!Dieser Kurs wird von einempreisgekrnten MBA-Professor mit jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung bei Goldman Sachs sowie in der Venture Capital-, Hedge Fonds- und Consulting-Industrie gelehrt. Chris Haroun hat mehrere Unternehmen gegrndet und ist Board-Mitglied einiger Unternehmen. Viele Business-Konzepte sind einfach gesunder Menschenverstand. Dieser Kurs konzentriert sich auf Business-Konzepte, die Sie wissen mssen, die mglicherweise nicht mit gesundem Menschenverstand zu erkennen sind. Dieser Kurs macht den allgemeinen Geschfts-, Buchhaltungs- und Finanzprozess sehr verstndlich! Chris Haroun istauch der Autor von ""101 Wichtigen Lektionen, die Sie nicht in der Business School lernen"", das Buch, das Forbes Magazin""1 von 6 Bchern, die alle Unternehmer jetzt lesen mssen."" nannte.""Der Inhalt dieses Kurses basiert Erfahrungen, die auf meiner Arbeitserfahrung bei mehreren Firmen, darunter Goldman Sachs, der Beratungsindustrie (Accenture), einiger Unternehmen, die ich gegrndet habe, die Hedgefonds-Branche, in der ich arbeitete (Citadel) und der Venture-Capital-Branche (die Firma, die ich grndete, hatte eine Venture-Kapital-Investition in Facebook) .Der Kurs enthlt ntzliche praktische Geschftskonzepte, die ich whrend meines MBAs an der Columbia University und eines Bachelors of Commerce an der McGill University lernte. Nehmen Sie diesen Kurs als ""Greatest Hits"" von Business-Zusammenfassungen aus meinem MBA, Undergraduate-Business-Abschluss, meiner Berufserfahrung in Beratung, Aktien, Hedge-Fonds, Venture Capital und der Grndungmeiner eigenen Unternehmen. Ich habe ""theoretische Konzepte"" minimiert, um es so realittsnah wie mglich zu halten. Die Konzepte dieses Kurses wurden von mir in vielen Kursen an mehreren Universitten gelehrt, wo das Feedback der Studenten universell und unglaublich positiv war (siehe mein LinkedIn Profil fr Studenten Rezensionen / Feedback zu meinem Lehrstil / Wirksamkeit). Beachten SIe bitte auch die Rezensionen meiner Bcher auf Amazon und hier beiUdemy ber meinen Unterricht - besonders in meinem Udemy-Kurs ""101 entscheidende Lektionen, die sie Sie nicht in der Business School lernen"").""---------------------------------------------------------------------Kundenempfehlungen: ""Ich wollte dir nur kurz mitteilen, dass ich deinen MBA-Kurs auf Udemy wirklich geniee, und ich mag es, dass es nicht nur Theorie ist, sondern auf Praxis ausgerichtet ist. Ich wollte dir auch dafr danken, dass dein Kurs behilflich war, Investitionskapitalzu erhalten. "" - Chris Backofen, CEO von CastCloud""Ansprechender Kurs! Umfassende Darstellung der wichtigsten Konzepte, die gut erklrt werden, in einer praktischen & relevanten Weise, whrend Alles in leicht verdaulichen Stcken geliefert wird."" - Michael Jordan""Ich bin seit ber 20 Jahren im Geschft und dieser Kurs ist eine ausgezeichnete Erfrischung, um Sie an Dinge zu erinnern, die Sie bereits kennen und Dinge, die Sie auf dem Weg vergessen haben knnten."" - Laura Caraccioli""Sehr klar strukturiert, prsentiert und gesprochen, um die Grundlagen von Unternehmertum, Wirtschaft und Investitionen zu entdecken."" - Jeffrey Koury""Ich habe gerade diesen Kurs beendet, und ich kann es sehr empfehlen. Ich wrde sagen, dass das Einfhrungsvideo einen guten Hinweis darauf gibt, was Sie erwartet. Sie werden nicht enttuscht sein!"" - Ronald Deerenberg""Groartige Einfhrung, ich wnschte Universitten wren so aufregend, sodass ich es in Betracht ziehen wrde, die Tiefe einer solchen Ausbildung in Angriff zu nehmen."" - Christian Baffour-Akoto""Ich absolvierte meinen MBA im Jahr 2011 und dies war eine tolle Auffrischung. Ich habe auch einige wunderbare Informationen aus diesem Kurs mitgenommen, etwa wie ich meiner Leidenschaft folgen kann und lieben lerne, was ich tue. Diese Vorlesung war definitiv zu empfehlen."" Ali Ashraf""Der beste Kurs aller Zeiten. Ich empfehle diesen Kurs"" - Aminata Bah""Brillanter Kurs. Ich habe so viel gelernt und freue mich auf die Umsetzung von dem, was ich gelernt habe"" - Ben Judh""Das ist definitiv der beste Kurs, den ich in meinem ganzen Leben besucht habe: Erist vollgepacktmit Tatsachen, Wahrheiten ber den Finanzsektor, dessen innere Wirkungsweisen und viel Praxis."" Professor Haroun's Ansatz der Beseitigung des theoretischen Jargons, ersetzt durch reiche, praktische Inhalte macht diesen Kurs einem absoluten MUSS fr Studenten, junge und ausgereifte Fhrungskrfte, Unternehmer von kleinen oder groen Unternehmen. Professor Haroun ist ein ausgezeichneter Sprecher, ein belebender Dozent, dessen Leidenschaft ansteckend ist. Ich wnsche mir, dass ich als Geschftsinhaber von 25 Jahren das Wissen und die inspirierende Haltung von Professor Haroun schon vor vielen Jahren kennengelernt htte, denn das Kursmaterial ist umfassend, leicht verstndlich und der Sinn fr Humor von Professor Haroun und seine Aufnahme von anwendbaren Videoclips in seinem ist einmalig. Ich bin fr immer dankbar, dass ich ber seinen Kurs auf Udemy gestolpert bin! Es war eine Leben-ndernde Erfahrung. "" - Antionette Cronje ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Die Kursteilnehmer dieses Kurses lernen alles, wassie ber Unternehmen wissen mssen. Von der Unternehmensgrndung bis zum Brsengang.Lernen Sie die wichtigsten Themen, die an den besten Business-Schools dieser Weltunterrichtet werden. Starten Sie Ihre Karriere durch!"
Price: 199.99

"30 Day Challenge to a More Productive and Much Happier You!"
"This course will teach you howto significantly increase your productivity, focus, success and happiness in 30 days with 30 exercisesso that you can achieve anythingthat you set your mind to and live your life on your terms!These 30 life improving lessons are based on my meetings with incredibly successful business people. I asked them what makes them more productive, more focused, more successful and much happier. The results of my research are in this course and we will practice all 30 of these lessons together.I conducted my research on productivity, focus, success and happiness in my career while Iworked at several great companies including Goldman Sachs and in several industries, including the consulting, hedge fund, tech and venture capital industries.I have had the pleasure of meeting with, partnering with, working for and investing in some of the most successful and happy business people. We will learn from them in this course and create a roadmap to make our lives more productive, balanced, focused and happier.I know in my heart that after completing all 30 short exercises in 30 days, youll find many ways to materially enrich your life so you can be much more productive, focused, successful and happy.Thanksa lot foryour support and commitment to this journey thatwe will take together! Lets begin the 30 day challenge today so you can live life on your terms!Chris"
Price: 199.99

"Networking Growth Hacks: Take Your Career to the Next Level"
"Do you sometimes feel like the lack of networking skills prevents you from living up to your true potential? Theability to connect with people can completely change your life.Your ability to connect with people whether its in business or inyour social life is askill that you can learn and master.This is precisely what we will teach you in this comprehensive course.The 3 of uscollectively have480,000 Udemy students. We come from completely different backgrounds; what we have in common is our unique ways of networking.You are about to learn proven strategies and techniques for becoming a master communicator and instantly connectwith people.We will talk about networking holistically so after taking this course you will be equipped with knowledge that will help you not only in business, but also your social life.So who are we?Chris is a bestselling business author, the founder of asuccessful venture capital companyandan award winning MBAprofessor who frequentlylectures at several San Francisco Bay Area universities, including Stanford andBerkeley. Chris is also the author of the book ""101 Crucial Lessons They Don't Teach You in Business School,"" which Business Insider wrote is ""the most popular book of 2016 according to Business Insider readers."" In 2015 Forbes called this book ""1 of 6 books that all entrepreneurs must read right now.""He also has work experience at Goldman Sachs, Accenture, hedge fund giantCitadel and several companies he has founded.He has raised/managed over $1bn in his career. He is also theproud father of 3 sons.Dragos isa successfulInternet entrepreneur with a background in both the Management Consulting & Telecommunications industries. The skills from his years of workingin the management consulting and tech start up marketshave unleashed his passion to teach entrepreneurs to be more successful.Dragos quit his job at Accenture 2 years ago in order to pursue his true passion. Now, he is running a successful online business teaching over 20,000 people about Productivity, Excel, PowerPoint & Social Media. He is an expert in several different social networking skills and has used his skills to connect with high-level entrepreneurs across various industries.Jimmy is an award winning Udemy instructor who has traveled to 72countries while running his online business. His work has been featured in Entrepreneur and Business Insider. Several of Jimmy's courses have beenfeatured as bestsellers and in 2015 he won the first Udemy Innovation Award for his innovative and high qualityapproach to online teaching and mentoring students.He helps his clients in the fields of Business Skills, Social Dynamics &Online Business Strategy and taking that big step to a completely different lifestyle. Jimmy is a great example that it is possible to live like a multi-millionaire without spending huge amounts of money. The key is to take the time to carefully design a dream lifestyle and implement it using proven strategies andhacks. Prior to starting his media and consulting companies, Jimmy worked at Goldman Sachs."
Price: 149.99

"A Landing Page and I Want It Now"
"You need a landing page but forgot to learn HTML? This course is about making your own Landing Page. At the end of this course you will have a responsive, great looking, professional landing page based on Bootstrap template. All the files are included in this course. It takes around 90 minutes to complete this course. The course consists of short video lessons and a couple of overview videos meant to clarify basics for beginners. If you take this course you will not only learn basics of editing HTML pages but also will have a customised and great looking Landing Page."
Price: 19.99

"(Halloween Special) After Effects and Basic Animation"
"This course is about learning the basics of After Effects and animation techniques. This course is for you if you are interested in After Effects, Animation,turning still images to videos and creating promo videos. This course includes all PSD files and audio files we need. It takes 2 hours to complete the course. The course goes step by step in teaching you basic tools and effects used to animate your picture. Take this course and you will learn how to animate all your hand out materials such as flyers, posters and other designs. After watching this course you will know bacsics of animation and video editing."
Price: 19.99

"Create HTML Email from scratch in just 2 hours"
"HTML Email from scratch is a course about creating HTML emails.From this course you will learn how to create an email and an html page(with alike design), you will learn how to upload this email to your Gmail account as a template, you will create a GIF animated picture as a replacement for video inside your HTML Email. This course includes all the files mentioned in videos including html files and pictures along with PSDs. The course takes about 2 hours to complete, it is not long, each video gets to the point and has only actual info. The course is meant to be viewed from the first video to the last one in consecutive order. Take this course to save time and money, learn how to create an HTML Email manually and become more independent from email campaign services."
Price: 19.99

"Sales or how to find clients"
"This course is about techniques and methods I use in sales.In this course I collected tricks and approaches which I learned on my personla experience while saling my product. Do more sales, find new clients, learn client types and avoid sale mistakes after watching this course. This course consist of short lectures on sales,in each lecture I share with you one thing I learned whali doing sales as entrepreneur.Watch lectures in consecutive order or in any order you like. Take this course to save your time to find more clients and avoid beginner mistakes if you are only in the beginning of your sale career."
Price: 19.99

"Create a video commercial with 3D graphics"
"This course is about creating video commercial with 3D graphics. You will learn how to work with green screen, how to create 3D objects and how to create textures, you will learn animation and working with colors and audio in your promo videos. This course explains how to work in such applications as Adobe After Effects, Adobe Photoshop, Element 3d and Google Sketchup. Ifyou are a beginner you will learn suchtechniques as animation, photo shooting, photo editing, video edit, This course takes 3 hours. Each lecture is approximatly 10 minutes and it is better to go from one lecture to another in order. Take this course if you want to learn how to create a video commercial for your product or for someone else. Watch this course and you ill learn how to create and work with 3D objects, video editing software and many other tricks andtechniques."
Price: 19.99

"Music Artists Playbook ( The M.A.P Course)"
"This online course takes you on a simplified step by step journey on how to establish and exceed as a recording artist in today's climate. Taught by an artist who did it with the same principles and is Grammy & Dove nominated. This course will give you insights and tools that will help you with Branding yourself as an artist, identifying your audience, making the product, selling the product, and building a fan base that will support your music career for the long ride. Are you ready?! Let's put you on the M.A.P!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn To Tell Jokes In English And Improve Your Speaking"
"This course is for students and teachers of English who want to improve their language skills, boost their confidence and have FUN! And if you feel your English studies have become too boring this is a great way to help you enjoy your lessons again.The course explains the structure of the different types of English jokes and how they work.The videos give a full explanation of all the vocabulary used in the jokes with the help of lots of pictures and text.We practise telling jokes with the help of different materials including videos, downloadable PDFs and MP3 audio files.For teachers of English this is a fantastic resource to help you make your own lessons more fun. To go through all the material in the course will take you about 2 or 3 hours, but you should keep practising your joketelling for 15 minutes a day to get the most benefit from this course."
Price: 34.99

"Public Speaking Skills for Non-native English Speakers"
"Are you nervous about speaking in English?Are you nervous about speaking in public?Then this course is for you!By following the3 Golden Rules you will learnhow to quickly write, practise and deliver short, effectivepresentations in English. You will also discover a stress-free way to continuously improve your speaking skills without a teacher. Using the One-minute Presentation Template, by the end of this course you will be amazed at how easy it is to prepare and deliver a short presentation in English.No complicated explanationsNo difficult grammarNo Powerpoint skills neededAll you need is a pen and paper and, if you want to improve more quickly, a (phone) camera to film yourself speaking."
Price: 119.99

"YOUTUBE 2018 - Rank Multiple Keyword Multiple Video 1st Page"
"Do you know Youtube is the number 2 largest search engine in the world beside Google. Imagine what you can do if you are able to rank any video you desire to the 1st page of youtube search engine?Course UpdateAugust 2017You can even see me rank a competitive video with keywords ""lose weight"" in the 1st page of youtube. See this is lecture 6This course is a complete blueprint to master YouTube as a marketing platform to promote any offer you want. You can promote CPA, Affiliate or just driving traffic to your website. It is up to your imagination. I have successfully done all this.I show you a couple of my youtube channel. I have many more channel as you may have guess. I show you my Maxbounty CPA earning from just 1 youtube channel. I show you my udemy affiliate earning.I walk the talk and setup a case study and show you how to rank the selected keyword to the 1st page of youtube.You see me rank a video from start to finish. From nowhere in the search engine and I come out first.Case study show that I am nowhere in search engine on the 5th October 2015. 30 mins into uploading I am rank 1st page on youtube for multiple keywords, not 1 not 2 but multiple keywordsWatch it live how I rank multiple keyword on 1st page of youtube in 1 hours. I am not talking about long tail keyword but short and searchable keywords.""Thailand property agent, Thailand property agency, Thailand real estate agent, Thailand real estate agency, cheap Thailand property agent, good Thailand property agent, affordable Thailand property agent, budget Thailand property agent, etc I am not able to list all the keyword, there is too many""I am ranking also for a competitive keywords ""1970s let it be"" and I am ranked 1st on 1st page of youtube. You will see this in the courseI will let you look over my shoulder on how I setup everything in order to be profitable on YouTube.Join me now and I will see you on the inside."
Price: 149.99

"CPA Affiliate Amazon Marketing on Steroids - Without Website"
"Course Updated 2016In this new era of the century. You need to think smart to make money.Making $50 a day is not impossible. Watch my update video in Section 2Give what people want and what people is hungry for. Information, knowledge, hot breaking news is what people want. Setting up a website is hard? You don't need a websiteI don't have a mailing list? You don't need a mailing list, you don't need to send out email.How can we make money without a website. No PAID advertising, you don't need to advertise. Leverage on authority website and tap on them. I will show you how to share other people content. You don't have to recreate the content. You don't have to copy the content. You don't need a website. You only need to know how to share and where to share and how to put in your offer.Share great content without creating a single words. You just need to put in your CPA offer or affiliate link and off you go.Start sharing in 5 mins and start make your 1st dollar today"
Price: 149.99