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"From 0 to 1 : Spark for Data Science with Python"
"Taught bya 4 person team including 2Stanford-educated, ex-Googlers and 2 ex-Flipkart Lead Analysts. This team has decades of practical experience in working with Java and with billions of rows of data.Get your data to fly using Sparkfor analytics, machine learning and data scienceLets parse that.What's Spark?If you are an analyst or a data scientist, you'reused to having multiple systems for working with data. SQL, Python, R, Java, etc. With Spark, you have a single engine where you can explore and play with large amounts of data, run machine learning algorithms and then use the same system to productionize your code.Analytics:Using Spark and Python you can analyze and explore your data in an interactive environment with fast feedback. The course will show how to leverage the power of RDDs and Dataframes to manipulate data with ease.Machine Learning and Data Science:Spark's core functionality and built-in libraries make it easy to implement complex algorithms like Recommendations with very few lines of code. We'll cover a variety of datasets and algorithms includingPageRank, MapReduceand Graph datasets.What's Covered:Lot's of cool stuff ..Music Recommendations using Alternating Least Squares and the Audioscrobbler datasetDataframes and Spark SQL to work with Twitter dataUsingthe PageRank algorithm with Google web graph datasetUsing Spark Streaming for stream processingWorking with graph data using theMarvel Social network dataset.. and of course all the Spark basic and advanced features:Resilient Distributed Datasets, Transformations (map, filter, flatMap), Actions (reduce, aggregate)Pair RDDs , reduceByKey, combineByKeyBroadcast and Accumulator variablesSpark for MapReduceThe Java API for SparkSpark SQL, Spark Streaming, MLlib and GraphFrames (GraphX for Python)"
Price: 99.99

"Pig For Wrangling Big Data"
"Prerequisites:Working with Pig requires some basic knowledge of the SQL query language, a brief understanding of theHadoop eco-system andMapReduceTaught byateam which includes 2Stanford-educated, ex-Googlers and 2 ex-Flipkart Lead Analysts. This team has decades of practical experience in working with large-scaledata processing jobs.Pig is aptly named, it is omnivorous,will consume any data that you throw at it and bringhome the bacon!Let's parse thatomnivorous:Pig works with unstructured data. It has many operations which are very SQL-like but Pig can perform these operationson data sets which have no fixed schema. Pig is great at wrestling data into a form which is clean and can be stored in a data warehouse for reporting and analysis.bring home the bacon:Pig allows you to transform data in a way that makes is structured, predictable and useful,ready for consumption.What's Covered:Pig Basics:Scalar and Complex data types (Bags, Maps, Tuples), basic transformations such asFilter, Foreach, Load, Dump, Store, Distinct, Limit, Order by and other built-in functions.Advanced Data Transformations and Optimizations:The mind-bending Nested Foreach, Joins and their optimizations using ""parallel"", ""merge"", ""replicated"" and other keywords, Co-groups and Semi-joins, debugging using Explain and Illustrate commandsReal-world example:Clean up server logs using Pig"
Price: 99.99

"Learn by Example : HBase - The Hadoop Database"
"Prerequisites:Working with HBase requiresknowledge of JavaTaught byateam which includes 2Stanford-educated, ex-Googlers and 2 ex-Flipkart Lead Analysts. This team has decades of practical experience in working with large-scaledata processing jobs.Relational Databases are so stuffy and old!Welcome toHBase - adatabase solution for a new age.HBase: Do you feel like your relational database is not giving you the flexibility you need anymore?Column oriented storage, no fixed schemaand low latency make HBase a great choice for thedynamically changing needs of yourapplications.What's Covered:25 solved examplescovering all aspects of working with data in HBaseCRUD operations in the shell and with the Java API, Filters, Counters, MapReduceImplement your own notification service for a social network using HBaseHBase and its role in the Hadoop ecosystem, HBase architecture and what makes HBase different from RDBMS and other Hadoop technologies like Hive."
Price: 99.99

"Scalable programming with Scala and Spark"
"Taught bya 4 person team including 2Stanford-educated, ex-Googlers and 2 ex-Flipkart Lead Analysts. This team has decades of practical experience in working with Java and with billions of rows of data.Get your data to fly using Spark and Scalafor analytics, machine learning and data scienceLets parse that.What's Spark?If you are an analyst or a data scientist, you'reused to having multiple systems for working with data. SQL, Python, R, Java, etc. With Spark, you have a single engine where you can explore and play with large amounts of data, run machine learning algorithms and then use the same system to productionize your code.Scala:Scala is a general purposeprogramming language - like Java or C++. It's functional programming nature and the availability of a REPLenvironment make it particularly suited for a distributed computing framework like Spark.Analytics:Using Spark and Scala you can analyze and explore your data in an interactive environment with fast feedback. The course will show how to leverage the power of RDDs and Dataframes to manipulate data with ease.Machine Learning and Data Science:Spark's core functionality and built-in libraries make it easy to implement complex algorithms like Recommendations with very few lines of code. We'll cover a variety of datasets and algorithms includingPageRank, MapReduceand Graph datasets.What's Covered:Scala Programming Constructs: Classes, Traits, First Class Functions, Closures, Currying, Case ClassesLot's of cool stuff ..Music Recommendations using Alternating Least Squares and the Audioscrobbler datasetDataframes and Spark SQL to work with Twitter dataUsingthe PageRank algorithm with Google web graph datasetUsing Spark Streaming for stream processingWorking with graph data using theMarvel Social network dataset.. and of course all the Spark basic and advanced features:Resilient Distributed Datasets, Transformations (map, filter, flatMap), Actions (reduce, aggregate)Pair RDDs , reduceByKey, combineByKeyBroadcast and Accumulator variablesSpark for MapReduceThe Java API for SparkSpark SQL, Spark Streaming, MLlib and GraphX"
Price: 99.99

"From 0 to 1: The Cassandra Distributed Database"
"Taught byateam which includes 2Stanford-educated, ex-Googlers and 2 ex-Flipkart Lead Analysts. This team has decades of practical experience in working with large-scaledata processing.Has your data gotten huge, unwieldy and hard to manage with atraditional database? Is your data unstructured with anexpanding list of attributes? Do you want to ensure your data is always available even withserver crashes? Look beyond Hadoop - the Cassandra distributed database is the solution to your problems.Let's parse that.Huge, unwieldy data:This course helps your set up a cluster with multiple nodes to distribute data across machinesUnstructured:Cassandra is a columnar store. There are no empty cells or space wasted when you store data with variable and expanding attributesAlways available:Cassandra uses partitioning and replication to ensure that your data is available even when nodes in a cluster go downWhat's included in this course:The Cassandra Cluster Manager (CCM) to set up and manage your clusterThe Cassandra Query Language (CQL) to create keyspaces, column families, perform CRUD operations on column families and other administrative tasksDesigning primarykeys and secondary indexes, partitioning and clustering keysRestrictions on queries based on primary and secondary key designTunable consistency using quorum and local quorum.Read and write consistency in a nodeArchitecture andStorage components: Commit Log, MemTable, SSTables, Bloom Filters, Index File, Summary File and Data FileA real world project: A Miniature Catalog Management System using the Cassandra Java driver"
Price: 99.99

"Flume and Sqoop for Ingesting Big Data"
"Taught bya team which includes2Stanford-educated, ex-Googlers. This team has decades of practical experience in working with Java and with billions of rows of data.Use Flume and Sqoop to import data to HDFS, HBase and Hive from a variety of sources, including Twitter and MySQLLets parse that.Import data :Flume and Sqoopplay a special role in the Hadoop ecosystem. They transport data fromsources like local file systems, HTTP, MySQLand Twitter which hold/produce data to data stores like HDFS, HBase and Hive. Both tools come with built-in functionality and abstract away users from the complexity of transporting data between these systems.Flume:Flume Agents can transport data produced by a streaming application to data stores like HDFS and HBase.Sqoop:Use Sqoop to bulk import data from traditional RDBMSto Hadoop storage architectures like HDFSor Hive.What's Covered:Practical implementations for a variety of sources and data stores..Sources:Twitter, MySQL, Spooling Directory, HTTPSinks :HDFS, HBase, Hive.. Flume features :Flume Agents, Flume Events, Event bucketing, Channel selectors, Interceptors.. Sqoopfeatures :Sqoop import from MySQL, Incremental imports using Sqoop Jobs"
Price: 99.99

"Web Security: Common Vulnerabilities And Their Mitigation"
"Coat your website with armor, protect yourself against the most common threats and vulnerabilities.Understand, with examples, how common security attacks work and how to mitigate them. Learn secure practices to keep your website users safe.Let's parse that.How do common security attacks work?:This course walks you through an entire range of web application security attacks, XSS, XSRF, Session Hijacking, Direct Object Reference and a whole lot more.How do we mitigate them?:Mitigating security risks is a web developer's core job. Learn by example how you can prevent script injection, use secure tokens to mitigate XSRF, manage sessions and cookies, sanitize andvalidate input, manage credentials safely using hashing andencryption etc.What secure practices to follow?: See what modern browsers have to offer for protection and risk mitigation, how youcan limit the surface area you expose in your site.What's included in this course:Security attacks such asCross Site Scripting, Session Hijacking, Credential Management, Cross Site Request Forgery, SQL Injection, Direct Object Reference, Social EngineeringRisk mitigation using the Content Security Policy Header, user input validation and sanitization, secure token validation, sandboxediframes, secure sessions and expiry, password recoveryWebsecurity basics: Two factor authentication, Open Web Application Security Project,"
Price: 99.99

"Learn By Example: Scala"
"These 65 examples will make this cool-new-kid-on-the-block your steady, reliable friendLet's parse that.Scala is coolbecause its all the rage for big data applications, and because it manages to be more sophisticated and elegant than Java.That said, Java is a steady, reliable friend - a language you can depend upon, and in which you can express yourself.These 65 examples will help you trust Scala the way you trust Java. Each is self-contained, has its source code attached, and gets across a specific Scalause-case.Each example is simple, but not simplistic.What's Included:The Big Ideas:Before we get to the how, we better understand the why - this course will help clarify why we even need Scala whenJava serves us so wellThe Little Details That Matter: Pattern Matching, If Expressions, For Loops & Yield:Java has if-statements, while Scala has if-expressions. Differences like these matter, this course will cover them.First Class Functionsare perhaps the most dramatically new feature of Scala - the foundation of functional programming support.Collections - Lists, Options, the Details of fold/reduce/shiftin Scala are yet another bit of the language that differs significantly from other traditional object-oriented languages. We will spend a lot of time on these topics too.Classes, Companion Objects, Traits, Self Types and Dependency Injectionare Scala's way of providing Object Oriented support. Some of these concepts are similar to Java - those we will skim over. Othersare quite different - we will be sure to cover these in detail."
Price: 99.99

"Learn By Example: Angular JS"
"NOTE: This course uses Angular version 1.5.8 and is not compatible with Angular 2Angular JS is a complete re-imagination of how web applications should be built. It takes best practices, learnt the hard way, and makes them super simple for everyone to use. Learn by example, in small easy-to-digest bits.Let's parse that.A complete re-imagination:Angular introduces a whole bunch of new concepts, which seem daunting butyou'llsoonfind that they are essential building blocks,your applications *just work*,are long-lived and easy to maintainBest practices made super simple:The model-view-controller design pattern, dependency injection, view-agnostic code, testability -Angular sets up structures which ensure that developers writecode the right wayIn this course, we willlearn by example.Each example is self-contained, has its source code attached, and gets across a specific Angular use-case.Each example is simple by itself, but theycometogether as building blocks to build complex use cases.What's included in this course:Installing and setting up a basic webserver with Angular librariesAngular basics:Templates, controllers, directives, scopes, services, filters, expressionsand data bindingAngular in-depth: Custom directives fortemplate expansion and DOM manipulation, scope inheritance and isolated scopes, custom filters and comparators, forms and validation, routing and single page applicationsAngular behind the scenes: The $watch list, $apply function and the $digest loop, dependency injection and service recipe types"
Price: 99.99

"Learn By Example: jQuery"
"NOTE: This course uses jQuery 3.1.0 and jQuery UI 1.12.1jQuery takes the most common operations that you would want to perform on your website and allows you to accomplish it in one line of code. Learn jQuery by example: from basic building blocks to developing your own custom plugins!Let's parse that.Accomplish stuff with one line of code:jQuery makes common stuff super simple. Selectall paragraphs on a page? One line of code. Style all headers under the container <div> with a yellow highlight? One line of code. Animate all the ball widgets such that they bounce and move around the screen? One line of codeBasic building blocks to custom plugins:The course startswithbasic principles which form the backbone of jQuery. Selectors, working with events, applying styles and animations, DOM manipulations, Ajax requests, using custom plugins etc. The later part of the course shows you can roll your own stateless and stateful plugins using the $.fn object and the widget factory.In this course, we willlearn by example.Each example is self-contained, has its source code attached, and gets across a specific jQuery use-case.Each example is simple by itself, but theycometogether as building blocks to build complex use cases.What's included in this course:Installing and setting up a basic webserver with jQuery and jQuery UI librariesjQuery basics:Selectors, selector functions, mouse and key event handlers,CSS animations and styles,the animate() function, appending and editing DOM elements, Ajax requestsjQuery in-depth: Advanced selectors, event propagation, event capture and bubble phases,how animations work, custom animation queues and bypassing the queues, performance tips and tricksjQuery plugins: Using custom plugins, developing a stateless plugin using the$.fn object, stateful plugins using the Widget Factory, jQuery UI components and the jQuery UItheme roller"
Price: 99.99

"That Stranger In The Mirror: Neuroscience For Everyone"
"This is a practical applied course in Neuroscience and Psychology, that's about knowing yourself, knowing others, and knowing stuff.Let's parse that.Knowing Yourself: The course presents different parts of our brains - such as the prefrontal cortex, the limbic system, basal ganglia - and how these brain systems drive our behaviour and motivation.Knowing Others: We will examine one set of personality traits, known as the OCEAN traits or Big-Five traits, and examine 32 different personality types that follow from these.Knowing Stuff:How memories are formed, how this process is influenced by sleep, and how different learning styles interact with memory and understanding.Here's what this course includes:Basics of Neuroscience: Different brain systems - the prefrontal cortex as center of our attention; the limbic system which governs our towards/away responses; basal ganglia that manage autopilot routines and habits; the anterior cingulate which craves novelty; the ventrolateral prefrontal which manages the most difficult function of conscious thought - saying No.Free Will and Free Won't:Conscious thought consists of 5 primary functions: inhibiting, deciding, recalling, understanding and memorising. See why inhibiting is so hard, why decision fatigue makes us procrastinate, and why we should talk in bullets, think in trees, and decide in pairsMotivations:Our brain has surprisingly complex urges - including cravings for independence, fairness, curiosity, loyalty and vengeance. These motivations make us behave the way we do. We look at the 16 Primary Urges, Maslow's Hierarchy, and the Autonomy-Mastery-Purpose framework of what drives us.Seeking Flow:Perhaps the most important concept in this course, flow refers to a state of intense focus, of oneness with one's work. This state sounds almost magical - and it is, but its also real, and backed by hard science. People who get addicted to this state experience a neurochemical high, and what's more, are more successful than those who work for rewards such as money.The Big Five Personality Traits:Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism. Collectively, these OCEAN traits can be used to classify personalities into 32 types, and give us real insights into how people are likely to think and behave.Memory: Every experience, every sensation triggers a pattern of neuron firings in our brain - this pattern is unique and is a memory. See how this pattern is reconstructive, and associative.Sleep:Sleep is essential for creativity, memory consolidation, and also just for staying happy. Understand why not getting enough sleep makes us grumpy (it has to do with our limbic alertness to threats being greater than that to rewards!)Learning:Our brains are wired to very efficiently process spatial stimuli (maps, trees), visual stimuli(images) and auditory stimuli (songs). THink about how much information is packed into a song - tune, beat, lyrics, and these days, visuals. We are not quite so good with numbers or blocks of text - and this is a big part of information overload these days."
Price: 99.99

"Learn by Example : Selenium for Automated Web Testing"
"Selenium is a specialized, easy-to-use framework for automating interactions with web browsers, whether its to test the functionality of web apps that youve developed or to automate boring and repetitive tasks or to perform activities like scraping websites.In this course, well be working withSeleniums Java APIto test browser functionality and automate tasks using nearly 45 solved examples of use cases you might encounter on a regular basis. Well look at scenarios like1)scraping websitesfor specific elements identified byHTML tags, CSS selectors2)Testing User interactionsof all kinds as click, entering text, drag and drop, selecting from dropdowns3)Automating Browser Navigation and Handling cookies4)Switching betweenyour main browser window andpop-upalerts,embeddediframes5) Interacting withHTML5 based elements like video players6) and Parallelly running tests across multiple browsers and platforms from your local machine using Selenium GridSelenium makes automating all the tasks weve mentioned very straightforward but as your tasks get more and more sophisticated youll want to use best practices to structure your code. Well talk about thePage Object Modeldesign pattern and how you can use it to design testing scripts that are easy to maintain."
Price: 99.99

"Learn by Example : ReactJS"
"NOTE: This course uses React 15.3.2React JSre-imagines the web user interface by breaking complex UI down into granular, reusable components. Learn ReactJS by example: frombasic building blocks to animations and routing using React add-onsLet's parse that.Re-imagines the web user interface:React is not a framework, it is alibrary focused on building web UI which iscompact, robust, maintainable and reactive to user and server updates.Breaking complex UI down into granular, reusable components:Each component in React is self-sufficient and knows how to handle its own state and behavior. Components come together in the form of a tree hierarchy to build complex components with many moving partsIn this course, we willlearn by example.Each example is self-contained, has its source code attached, and gets across a specific React use-case.Each example is simple by itself, but theycometogether as building blocks to build complex use cases.What's included in this course:Installing and setting up a basic developmentwebserver with React, JSX for HTML specification and the Babel compilerReact basics:React nodes, fragments and components, performance optimizations using the virtual DOM, the Babel compiler for JSX transformation, passing data to components usingstate and props, the spread operator, synthetic eventsReact in-depth: The React component lifecycle, the componentmounting, updating and unmounting phases, mixins, ES6 classes to specify React components, controlled components, forms and validation, accessing native DOM elements, the React context, DOM reconciliationReact in production environments: npm,Webpack, Babel 6 and JSX to build React code in a production environment, animations using transition groups and CSS transition groups, single page applications and routing"
Price: 99.99

"Tools zur Recherche fr Content Marketing, SEO & Social"
"Der Kurs zeigt die wichtigsten, meist sogar kostenfreien, Onlinetools fr die Themenrecherche fr Content Marketing, Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) oder Social Media. Er erklrt ausfhrlich die Nutzung der einzelnen Tools, indem diese Live im Browser im Detail vorgestellt werden. Ziel ist es, Ihnen mit diesen Tools viel (Arbeits-)Zeit zu sparen und dennoch bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen sowie aufzuzeigen, wie man sich mit Tools Anregungen fr vielfltigere Themenideen generieren kann.Denn kreative Themenfindung ist nicht, mit einem weien Blatt vor sich, pltzlich tolle Ideen ""aus dem Nichts"" zu bekommen (das kann fast niemand). Aber wenn man die richtigen Tools kennt, wird die Themenfindung viel einfacher, schneller und besser (kreativer).Fr was interessieren sich Ihre Websitebesucher und Kunden wirklich? Welche Themen sollten Sie in Content Marketing angehen und welche lohnen die Mhe erst gar nicht? Und zu welchen Themen und Keywords sollten Sie Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) betreiben, um in Google immer fter gefunden zu werden? Auch gute Themen fr Social Media Posts knnen so ermittelt werden. Alle diese Fragen knnen mit Hilfe der vorgestellten Onlinetools leicht beantwortet werden.Aufbau des KursesDer Kurs besteht aus verschiedensten Kapiteln, die jede fr sich ein Tool zur Themenfindung ausfhrlich im Video vorstellen. Die Kapitel sind jeweils zwischen 5 und 15 Minuten lang und zeigen die konkrete Bedienung und alle Features des jeweiligen Tools.Alle Kapitel sind unabhngig voneinander und knnen vllig eigenstndig angesehen werde. Oft ist auch schon die Kenntnis des vorgestellten Tools sehr wertvoll fr die eigene Arbeit.Allerdings bauen die Kapitel insofern aufeinander auf, als zu Beginn allgemein Tools zur Keywordrecherche gezeigt werden, whrend in spteren Kapiteln Keywords und Themen besser qualifiziert werden. So ergibt sich eine logische Reihenfolge fr die vorgestellten Tools hin zu immer besseren Ergebnissen.Jetzt kaufen - spter ohne Mehrkosten noch mehr Tools erhaltenAktuell besteht der Kurs aus 4 Kapiteln, die jeweils ein Onlinetool vorstellen. Kaufen Sie jetzt den Kurs fr nur 25,- und erhalten Sie zuknftige Kapitel mit weiteren, neuen Tools & Methoden vllig kostenfrei dazu (mindestens 5 - 8 weitere Kapitel sind bereits in Planung, die Sie alle kostenfrei erhalten).Sptere Kufer zahlen einen deutlich hheren Preis von  40,- fr exakt die gleichen Inhalte, die Sie (schrittweise mit der Zeit, OHNE Aufpreis) in exakt gleichem Umfang erhalten."
Price: 39.99

"Servant Leadership"
"Leadership is a widely known topic that has been researched an debated for years. We will take a look at a leadership style that is becoming more popular and that companies are realizing is a successful type of leadership. Master the elements of Servant Leadership in order to become a better leader in your personal and professional settings. Become a better leader by putting others first. You will see the difference you can make in other people's life while becoming a successful leader. This course is structured in a self-pace learning style. You are able to watch each lecture at your own pace and even re-watch lectures as needed. There are also activities throughout the course to help you evaluate your strengths and areas of opportunity as a leader. After taking this course you will be able to:1) Explain what Servant Leadership is2) Explain the history of Servant Leadership3) Understand the Principles of Servant Leadership which include, People First, Character/Doing The Right Thing, Leading with Humility, Leading with Effective Listening and Empathy, and the Commitment to the Growth of Others. 4) Understand how moral purpose is needed in Servant Leadership Approach this course with the readiness to understand the concepts and be able to start applying them in your everyday life."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Office Time-Saving Techniques"
"We've all wished for more time to accomplish more during our busy days. What we really need is to learn how to cutback on the time we spend doing routine tasks. For example, the average office worker spends 25% of their work week managing their Outlook inbox. Use the Microsoft Office Applications to their full potentialMicrosoft Word Styles to create consistent formatting and automate a Table of ContentsCreate Excel Macros to automate your workUse PowerPoint Master Slides to create eye catching presentationsOrganize your Outlook inbox with CategoriesSpend less time doing routine tasksIf you've ever thought there must be an easier more efficient way of doing something in Microsoft Office, then this course is for you.During this course I will introduce you to some of the time-saving techniques and tools that each of the Office applications provide. By implementing the tools that I'll walk you through, you will cutback on the time it takes to complete a task, getting back that 25%, and create more dynamic and efficient documents.Lecture TopicsYou will gain an understanding of how to work with and become more efficient with large sets of data in Excel (Excel Lists/Tables). Create dynamic reports with Excel PivotTables Get Excel to work for you by automating tasks with MacrosTake a quiz at the end of the section to test what you've learnedYou will learn to streamline your efforts in creating and maintaining Microsoft Word documents. Use Word styles to create consistency throughout the formatting of your documents Take advantage of Microsoft Words built in Tables of Contents toolTake a quiz at the end of the section to test what you've learnedYou will be immersed into the time-saving techniques of creating efficient PowerPoint presentations. Use Master Slides to eliminate slide by slide formatting Use Custom Shows within the same presentation fileTake a quiz at the end of the section to test what you've learnedYou will break the shackles that tie you to Microsoft Outlook, ultimately getting that time back to be more productive with your day. Use Outlook categories, making searching an organizing a breeze Automate routine Outlook tasks by using ""Quick Steps""Take a quiz at the end of the section to test what you've learnedEach section has a quiz where you can test your knowledge on the topics discussed throughout the videos.At completion of this course you will be amazed at all the extra time you have during your workday."
Price: 39.99

"PowerPoint - Impactful Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations"
"* Topics covered work in PowerPoint 2007, PowerPoint 2010, PowerPoint 2013 and PowerPoint 2016Join us and learn how to not only create, but deliver a presentation that will knock the socks off your audience members.But Beware, enrolling in this course will forever change the way that you look at PowerPoint presentations. This course will walk you through the various techniques of creating and delivering an engaging, dynamic presentation with PowerPoint as your tool. But PowerPoint is only one part of creating an effective presentation. This course will also focus on you. The presenter. The facilitator. The subject matter expert. You will learn how to take command of the room and deliver a presentation that will not soon be forgotten.This is course is broken into two main sections, each with relative, supporting sub-topics. (With plenty of exercises on each topic)Creating an Impactful PowerPointPresentationPresenting an Impactful PowerPoint PresentationSo, what are you waiting for? Join us now to forever change the way you approach creating and delivering a PowerPoint presentation. Oh, and don't forget to hold onto your socks, they just might get blown off."
Price: 44.99

"Ultimate Microsoft Office Productivity Tips"
"Join this course to learn some of the best quick tips that the Microsoft Office Suite has to offer. **********************************************************************************************************Due to the popularity of this course, I have added 6 additional tips on how you can boost your productivity in the Microsoft Office suite. These additional tips have come from requests made by students of this course. Tools that these students are interested in learning more about and ultimately boosting their own productivity. So keep an eye out for the bonus lectures beyond the 8 original lectures.**********************************************************************************************************With each new release of Microsoft Office, Microsoft adds more tools to streamline your work and help you become more productive. During this course I will introduce you to 14 of the best, quick tips that the Microsoft Office Suite has to offer in Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Outlook (+ bonus tips).Each of the video lectures contained in this course are short, 2-3 minute clips, and impactfulLectures and simple to understand and applyTake the tips learned and immediately begin to use them everydayExercise files are provided to immediately practice the material for each lectureQuick, enroll now and learn the hottest features of Microsoft Office that will propel your Microsoft Office skills to new heights."
Price: 39.99

"Master Microsoft Excel Macros and Excel VBA"
"Course Material Works in MicrosoftExcel 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 Join me in this course and take control of Microsoft Excel and master the process of automating routine tasks through the use of ExcelMacros and Excel VBA.During this course you will build a foundation of working with Excel Macros and VBA. This foundation will be built as you engage and participate inproject basedExcel Macro/VBA exercises, detailed throughout the lectures within this course. Each of theprojects will build upon one another, introducing a new concept each time, starting with the basic building blocks of automating any task within Excel and ending with a fully customized Excel VBA project that will automate a series of Excel tasks.As you engage and participate in this course, you will be introduced to the wonders of creating simple Macros through the Macro Recorder and then quickly take you into the world of Excel VBA where you will experience building a more dynamic, robust experience for yourself and your peers. Each project contains exercise files that you can download and use to complete the assigned Excel Macro/VBA projects. The course also contains detailed instructions through the video lectures as well as a series of PDF documents that you can reference as you complete the projects.Below are a few samples of the projects you will complete by enrolling and participating in this course.Automate placing and formatting a title on a worksheetInteract with the users of your Macros through Input and Message boxes in order to receive input on how a Macros should workCleaning up multiple Excel Worksheets and prepare the data to be reported onCreate a report based on multiple sets of data found within multiple Excel Worksheets, copying data from one Worksheet into the Master Report WorksheetAutomate the creation of Excel Formulas to SUM data up in your ReportWorking with Excel VBAUser FormsImporting Data from External Text FilesEach of these projects will direct you through key Excel VBA programming concepts and direct you to identify and use best practices in creating Excel Macros.So, dont lose another moment performing Excel tasks manually. Enroll now and learn how you can get Microsoft Excel to your work for you."
Price: 49.99

"Excel with Microsoft Excel VBA User Forms"
"Customize Your Excel Interactions with Excel VBAUserFormsMicrosoft Excel is a very powerful tool, but doesn't always provide the most accessible approach to working with your data. Through the use of Excel VBA and Excel VBAUserForms, you'llbe able to create a more accessible and efficient environment to work with your specialized data.By participating in this course on Microsoft Excel VBA UserForms you will journey through a step by step, project based learning experience. Each project you will be introduced to will build upon the previous project. While completing each project from start to completion, you'll build an Excel experience you'll want to re-create for each of your Microsoft Excel projects.Learn key VBA concepts that relate to building Excel VBAUserForm interafcesStreamline yours and your users experience working with large Excel data setsCreate intuitive Excel interfaces to create reports and provide summarized data based on Excel tables.Join me in this course and become and Excel VBAUserForm champion! See you in the course."
Price: 74.99

"Learn Maya - Intro to 3D Box Modeling Techniques with Maya"
"POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS IN 3D3D modeling is part of a huge industry that includes; movies, television, product design, video games and many more. As a 3D modeler it is your job to take a conceptual design (pencil and paper) and build it in 3D space within the computer (Maya). The magic that you will feel and master as your model begins to take life is something that you will want to experience many times over.BEGIN WITH THE BASICSThis course will quickly introduce you to the basics that you will use to build your career upon. The basics aren't something that you will learn and then forget, but they will stick with you from day one throughout the rest of your career. You will learn to master 3D space and working with primitive shapes that will take a on a life of their own as you breathe life into them pulling, pushing and twisting the geometry wherever your imagination takes you.Some of the topics you will master during this course will include:Basic 3D ConceptsWorking with Basic Primitive Shapes (Cubes)Accessing Sub-Component Modes of Your Shapes to Build Complex ModelCommon 3D Modeling Tools Found in Mayaand more...After mastering the basics you will then move on to creating a portfolio ready model. Through the step-by-step instruction you will take the knowledge you are mastering and create this model from scratch, starting with nothing more then a 3D cylinder.Join this course and begin your journey from novice 3D modeler to paid professional. the journey maybe long at times but well worth the time invested!"
Price: 29.99

"SharePoint 2013 Complete Training"
"Get Organized with SharePoint 2013Are you looking to become more efficient working with a SharePoint site? Or, maybe you're brand new to SharePoint. In either case, this course is for you.I Feel Your PainSharePoint allows you to build a central location for all relevant data. Imagine removing all the pain points that we allexperience working with an unorganized shared drive, sending documents through email, following up on tasks, updating an Excel document that everyone else in the office needs to update at the same time. At times, work can become very inefficient!Don't Waste More Time, Join MeAs you participate in this course you will learn not only the basics of working with a SharePoint site, but unlock the full potential of SharePoint. Most people think of SharePoint as a place to store documents, but it is so much more than storage.During this course you will learn to:Build and Maintain an Effective SharePoint SiteWork with SharePoint Document LibrariesCustomize SharePoint to Fit Your Team's NeedsAutomate Routine Office Tasks by Using SharePoint WorkflowsBuild Simple Interfaces to Facilitate Finding Data Quicklyand much, much moreTake learning SharePoint a step at a time. I've been teaching SharePoint since the 2003 version, to people just like you, wanting to learn how to become more productive in collaborating with others. Over the years SharePoint has progressed by leaps and bounds. Allow me to guide you through the becoming a SharePoint champion and guru. You will be amazed with all that you can do with SharePoint and eliminate many of your pains in office collaboration.Enroll now andyou'll learn how SharePoint will become your new best friend and you'll even thank me for it."
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft Excel - Excel from Beginner to Advanced"
"Microsoft Excel all in One PackageThis Microsoft Excel course combines 4 different courses.Microsoft Excel 101 - An Introduction to ExcelMicrosoft Excel 102 - Intermediate Level ExcelMicrosoft Excel 103 - Advanced Level ExcelMaster Microsoft Excel Macros and VBA in 6 Simple ProjectsMaterial recorded with Excel 2013 but works in 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 (Office 365)***** Recent Student Review ********** ""You sir are a life saver. Not everyone has the ability to teach. Thank you so much for taking the time to put together an amazing course bro. If anyone doubts buying this course, don't doubt it, buy it. I've learned so much in this course. Hope more courses are on the way because I'd buy every single one of them. Thanks again bro. God bless you and your family.""***** ""Happy to say that I now ""know"" excel. I realize there is so much more to learn, but it's a start! Thank you for being such a great instructor... now on to the next class.""***** ""Thanks for a well made course. The progression of topics is well structured and the part about Macro and VBA was new for me. Excel is a really powerful tool and it is worth know all of its aspects. Kyle did a good job at explaining them.""Enroll now to go through a deep dive of the most popular spreadsheet tool on the market, Microsoft Excel. As your instructor I will use my 15+ years of Excel training to guide you step by step through the beginner to advanced level and beyond.As you participate in each of the 4 courses you will master Excel tools that will clear away the pain of stumbling through your daily tasks. You will start with the basics, building a solid foundation that will give you further knowledge as you progress into intermediate and advanced level topics.At completion of this course you will have mastered the most popular Excel tools and come out with confidence to complete any Excel tasks with efficiency and grace. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master:Creating effective spreadsheetsManaging large sets of dataMastering the use of some of Excel's most popular and highly sought after functions (SUM, VLOOKUP, IF, AVERAGE, INDEX/MATCH and many more...)Create dynamic report with Excel PivotTablesUnlock the power and versatility of Microsoft Excel's AddIn, PowerPivotAudit Excel Worksheet formulas to ensure clean formulasAutomate your day to day Excel tasks by mastering the power of Macros and VBASo, what are you waiting for, enroll now and take the next step in mastering Excel and go from Excel Newb to Excel Guru!"
Price: 149.99

"Excel with Top Microsoft Excel Hacks"
"Unleash the Full Power of Microsoft ExcelWow! How did you do that? This is something you're going to hear over and over again from your boss and co-workers as you apply the features you'll master as you participate in this course.Microsoft Excel users use only a small percentage of what the application is really capable of. But, hidden within Excel are loads of lesser known Excel Productivity Hacks that will make your Excel experience more efficient and fun. I've been teaching Microsoft Excel since the '97 version of the Microsoft Office Suite. Join me in this course and I will share with you some of the tips and tricks that I have picked up along the way as I have helped others become Excel Guru's.I have kept each video lecture short and to the point, about 2-3 minutes each.I created this course back in Feb. 2016. Over the next several months I have updated the course with more quick tips on working with Excel. Keep an eye on the course as I will continue to add more Excel hacks throughout the lifetime of the course.The course is recorded using Excel 2016, but Excel 2007, 2010, 2013 or 2016 will work in order to follow along.Towards the beginning of the video lectures is an exercise file that you can download and use to practice the concepts taught during each video lecture. Also, jump into the course discussion board and participate by asking questions or commenting on how awesome this course is. I will also be participating in the discussion board offering more Excel resources and answering any questions you may have.Enroll now and start learning the secrets of Microsoft Excel and begin to WOW your boss and co-workers today."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Access Complete Beginner to Advanced"
"Microsoft Access all in One PackageThis Microsoft Access course combines 4 different courses.Microsoft Access 101 - An Introduction to Access and Table DesignMicrosoft Access 102 - Access QueriesMicrosoft Access 103 - Form and ReportsAutomate Microsoft Access Tasks with Macros and VBAEach Section, (Intro/Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports and Macros/VBA), will start at the basic level and progress to an advanced level with the section.Material recorded with Access 2016 but works in 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016Enroll now to go through a deep dive of the popular end-user relational database tool, Microsoft Access. As your instructor I will use my 15+ years of Access training to guide you step by step through the beginner to advanced level and beyond.As you participate in each of the 4 courses you will master Access tools that will clear away the pain of stumbling through your daily tasks. You will start with the basics, building a solid foundation that will give you further knowledge as you progress into intermediate and advanced level topics.At completion of this course you will have mastered the most popular Access tools and come out with confidence to complete any Access tasks with efficiency and grace. Below are just a few of the topics that you will master:Creating Effective Database TablesUnderstanding Table RelationshipsBuilding Dynamic User Data FormsEffectively Retrieve Data Using Access QueriesBuild Effective ReportsAutomate Access Database Tasks with Macros and VBASo, what are you waiting for, enroll now and take the next step in mastering Access and go from Access Newb to Access Guru!"
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Access VBA Introduction for the Complete VBA Newb"
"Working with Access and VBAMicrosoft Access has a lot of moving parts. Tables to store your data, Queries to retrieve data, Forms to work with data and Reports to report on your data. Each of these Access Objects are important all by themselves, but, the real power of Microsoft Access comes when you bring all these objects together.Automate with Access VBAJoin me in this course on Microsoft Access VBA and learn how to create an intuitive, accessible Access application by automating yours and your users experience working with data in Access.Access VBA, or Visual Basic for Applications, will provide the means to streamline your efforts in working with Access. Through VBAyou will learn to automate routine Access tasks as well as tasks that would normally take a large portion of your day to complete.Course StructureI have structures this course for those that are brand new to developing within VBA. Starting with the basics of working within the VBE (Visual Basic Editor) Window, your coding development environment, all the way through more advanced topics such as working with VBAvariables and creating loops to repeat tasks, blocks of code.Enroll NowEnroll now and participate in the course by taking advantage of not only the step by step video demonstrations, test your understanding with sectionquizzes,but also download the exercise file that I will be using throughout the videos and follow along.Allow me to be your guide on the amazing journey of learning to program with the Microsoft Access with VBA."
Price: 59.99

"Meditation - An Inner Vision Journey"
"The main goal of this course is to establish a meaningful Meditation practice designed to:BE Empowered to establish the practice that is right for YOUConnect with your Core Essential Self Practice Being Still, Quiet and Empty of DistractionsOpen to New Perspectives and PossibilitiesGrow or Balance Your Self-WorthRelease Worn-out Thought-forms and BeliefsShift into Greater Joy, Love and CompassionUltimately students will: Be More Aware of thoughts, words and actions Know Yourself in deeper ways Focus on Qualities you would like to develop in yourself Develop Concentration Skills to expand your heart/mind Contemplate for extended periods of time Meditate still the mind to allow new perceptions to arise Live in Synthesis as an integrated Soul/PersonalityInexplicable KINDNESS AND COMPASSION may result!Meditation remains the tool, the vehicle and the way of knowing ourselves, others and the world in which we live. We are reminded that the inner journey leads us to a more refined frequency where our true purpose reveals itself. As we lift and expand our alignment, we become increasingly aware and insightful, enabling us to consciously create our world in ways we may never have imagined.The course is designed to empower the participants to go at a pace that is comfortable for them. Exercises leading to Seven Gateposts can be practiced as many times and as often as desired. Because this practice of focussing, then silencing the mind becomes a habit that brings huge rewards, students are encouraged to view the lessons, follow along with the guidebook and listen to the guided meditations as often as they like.The best way to become more comfortable and proficient at Meditation is to get started now with this course."
Price: 24.99

"Training dog parkour (TreT-Style). Step by step lessons!"
"Welcome to our training course! :) My name is Elchaninov Eugene - I'm a dog owner named the TreT, who has already become famous in the Internet for his unbelievable tricks! It you just saw in the video :) I along with TreT will help you to train your dog all tricks which TreT can do and everything what you have seen on the video! I will share out with you my unique technique of the training TreT. With the help of this training technique you will be able to teach your dog unbelievable things! Of course, personally I and TreT will not be able to come to you. That is why I decided to present my vast experience of TreTs training in the format of tutorial video course, so that people from all over the world can practice an interesting science of dogs parkour with their pets, which was named by me and by people holding the same views as ""TreT-Style"" in TreTs honour , can be considered to be the founder of the present discipline :) During the whole year I have been planning, preparing and shooting the necessary material in order to explain you my own method of TreTs training in an affordable, interesting and spectacular way. The following tutorial video course is a result of our hard work with TreT. The following tutorial video course will open all secrets of the training of TreT and will prepare your dog to perform difficult tricks of dogs parkour as perfectly as TreT does! If you keep practising systematically on this tutorial video course with your own dog, you will be able to open the hidden potential (and fantastic), about which neither you no your dog. Now let us forget about all Your objections and imagine the following: Your dog is able to do impossible (for dogs) things!Your dog is able to overpass different kinds of obstacles!Your dog is able to jump over high fences!Your dog is able to climp the stairs!Your dog is able to climb the tree!Your dog is able to jump very high and far!Your dog is able to walk on very narrow surfaces!Your dog is not afraid of altitude at all!Your dog is a real acrobat as well as rock climber!Your dog is able to climb craggy rocks!Your dog is able to demonstrate unbelievable tricks of parkour!Your dog is able to choose on his own the optimal (the fastest and the easiest) way of overcoming different kinds of obstacles!Your dog is able to do things which other dogs cannot do!Your dog is able not only to repeat your commands he heads his own thoughts in the correct direction (most dogs are not able to do this)!Your dog is able to jump much higher comparing to other dogs!Your dog is able to run much faster comparing to other dogs!Your dog is much tough comparing to other dogs!Your dog is much stronger physically comparing to other dogs!Your dog is much braver comparing to other dogs!Your dog is always in a good fit!Your dog is always has a very good appetite!Your dog is always has a very good mood!Your dog is always has a very good state of health and he gets sick very seldom!Your dog follows you for a walk always with a pleasure as it is a big holiday!Your dog treats you as a real friend, but not like a master!Your dog does not live a boring life. It is rather full value, very interesting and varicolored life, comparing to other dogs that usually go for a walk with their owners just to go to the toilet!Etc... I want as many people as possible to get their dogs involved into a wonderful world of TreT-Style! I would like TreT to have worthy followers and I will be very happy if exactly YOUR Dog will become the next hero of dogs parkour! The information in the course if presented in a very conservative form! There is no ""water"" in the course! Despite the small size of the video (~1,5 hour), there is a great amount of useful material in it! You will not have to spend a lot of time for mastering the video-course you will be able to learn all the material and to start doing practical classes just afterward, which is very important! Besides it is very interesting to watch the course because it has a plenty of wonderful tricks in TreT performance! You will not get bored! You will bring colors not only to the life of your pet but at the same time your own life will be much improved as well! Starting from now walks with your dog will not be a boring and routine activity. They will become interesting adventure which will bring happiness and joy not only to you and your dog but for the rest of people too!* All you need to do is to learn the material of the following course very attentively and to master all lessons during your practice (with the dog)!"
Price: 49.99

"PHP Graphic Techniques: CAPTCHA/ Create a verification code"
"You will learn how to create a verification program and how to install and use it."
Price: 19.99

"BlackBelt PHP and MySQL Skills for Creating Dynamic Website"
"The aim of this course is to help you master web development in the most efficient way.The content design of thiscourse is inspired by the Jiu Jitsu ranking system.The whole course includesseven levels:yellow, orange,green, blue, purple, brown and black.In yellow, orange and greencourse, considering you just started your PHP study, the learning curve is keptat a rather smooth level.You will learn the mostfundamental coding concepts and simple operations. In blue belt, things start tochange. The learning curve starts to get steep and you will need to combineskills learnt at different times together. After purple belt, you will start to build programs that can be used in real-life situation. This means you will need to take into consideration safety and efficiency.We know that everybodyforgets. We also know that you have other things going on with your life andyour study will be constantly interrupted. Therefore, every time previousknowledge is needed, we will give you a timely review. We believe this can makeyour study easier and more efficient. Starting from purple belt,you will learn how to build program that can survive in real life. This meansyou need to learn more than just coding skills. You will learn program designand safety and efficiency knowledge."
Price: 149.99