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"Entrepreneurship Simplified: Your Idea to Launch Checklist!"
"The purpose of this course is to teach you how to start your own business and do it in record time! From brick and Mordor (lord of the rings, my attempt at humor) to technology and everything in between, I will provide you with real life application based tools on how to succeed in the business world today!This course shows you how to take an idea and turn it into a revenue generating machine. There are certain principles apply to all forms of business, and those are the gems that I will be sharing. The format of this course is simple. There is no easier way then to check off what you have to do to take the next step. I created the content in this course to be easy to follow just for you! I call it an ""application-based"" checklist because I have included the best applications, articles, and links that will help you check off the boxes to launch your venture. The content was meticulously created with your valuable time in mind. There is no fluff and it is a checklist which is sure to deliver results every time. I have spent hundreds of hours putting my years of business into this easy to follow course and I'm sure that you will appreciate my conciseness. If you are someone that is looking to make a change, stop the 9 to 5 grind, and make something for yourself or even the world, then this is a course is right up your alley. We all have to make hard decisions, but this shouldn't be one of them. I urge you, if you want to be different and live the dreams that you have everyday, then this course is something that you need to hear. This journey is not going to be an easy one, but with my help you will get through it and I can guarantee you that this is a decision that you will never regret."
Price: 19.99

"Finance for Non-Finance: Learn Quick and Easy"
"Do you want to master finance concepts without spending alot of your time on books, web search and long-hour boring courses?Are you anon-financial manager who wants a raise,better job or toopen a new business?Or maybeyou are asmall business ownerwho wants to measure andimprove yourbusiness performance?You have come to theright place!It will take only 4-5 hours to complete the course30 lectures and 2.5 hours of high quality animatedvideo contentPractical exercises with explanations and quizzesDiscover and analyze financials ofApple, Facebook and FordFull and responsive supportHandouts ofall course materials that make it easy to study and remember30-day money back guaranteeJump in to this course now and I guaranteethat your learning will beinformative,dynamic andfun.FREEpreview of lectures 1, 2, 3, 6, 21 and 23.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Invest your time in financial education. It will be fun, interesting and very useful.This course is easy to understand and it's designed in explainer video format to convey financial fundamentals in a way that makes everything clear andunderstandable. You will receivedetailed explanations, practical cases and quizzes.Within 4-5 hoursyoull obtain all theessentials of basicfinance and budgeting. Itwill boost yourbusiness and financial literacy, resulting in well-informed economic decisions.The coursestarts by introducingaccounting basics and thenteaches you to understandfinancial statements.Then you willlearn about financial reports including theBalance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow. These are the things you must know to succeed in a new business or make your current business more profitable.We will even have fun analyzing the financial statements of corporate giants like Apple, Facebook, and Ford.Along the way, you will learn how to make your own financial statements, create a great budget, and how to run your business. We'll even get a bitadvanced and explore Zero-Based-Budgeting and Cost Management."
Price: 19.99

"Como falar bem em pblico e fazer boas apresentaes"
"Este curso foi feito para voc que deseja falar melhor em pblico ou possui algum receio ou medo e sabe que esta uma habilidade que pode ser um diferencial competitivo importante na sua carreira ou vida pessoal!O curso vai desde o auto conhecimento, onde voc vai saber o que so e como so os perfis comportamentais, como cada um dos perfis influencia a pessoa ao falar em pblico, como voc pode explorar seus pontos fortes e melhorar seus pontos a desenvolver, passa por tcnicas de empatia para conhecer melhor seu pblico e falar de acordo com a expectativa deles, explica sobre como estruturar apresentaes mais adequadas e amplia o conhecimento sobre tcnicas de apresentao que vo desde a roupa que voc deve utilizar at a sua entonao de voz para garantir a ateno da sua platia. o curso mais completo do mercado em contedo e interao com o assunto."
Price: 264.99

"Gesto Financeira Para Pequenas e Mdias Empresas"
"Este curso foi desenhado levando em considerao as maiores dificuldades encontradas por mim em centenas de empresrios dos mais diversos ramos que tive a oportunidade de conhecer pessoalmente ou atravs de pesquisas para projetos de consultorias.Apesar do nome Gesto Financeira, neste curso voc vai encontrar mais do que finanas para empresas, este curso aborda de maneira prtica cada um dos conceitos e faz com que qualquer pessoa saiba como coloca-los em prtica para conseguir melhores resultados nas suas empresas.Nele sero abordados aspectos como:- O que gesto- Quais os passos para fazer uma boa gesto- Conceitos financeiros e como aplica-los: regimes financeiros, custos, despesas etc.- Como calcular o pro labore dos scios- Fluxo de caixa, DRE e Balano patrimonial, como montar cada um deles e como explorar os indicadores para tomada de decises mais assertivas- Como a gesto de vendas pode ajudar a melhorar a gesto financeira - Formao de preos e muito mais...Alm de contar com uma srie de exerccios e leituras extras para enriquecer seu conhecimento!"
Price: 324.99

"Como investir em uma franquia sem entrar em ciladas"
"Este curso foi desenhado para voc que deseja investir em uma franquia ou deseja conhecer melhor como funciona este modelo de negcios que mais cresce no Brasil.O curso vai abordar aspectos bsicos e relevantes sobre o tema franquia, desde o que significa este modelo, quais as vantagens para a franqueadora e franqueados, quem est apto ou no a investir em uma franquia at dicas fundamentais para que voc no caia em nenhuma cilada e possa tomar uma deciso muito mais assertiva."
Price: 159.99

"Wordpress: crie seu site profissional rpido e barato!"
"Ol aluno(a) que deseja ter um site profissional com qualidade excelentee ser encontrado na internet pelos seus clientes! Voc chegou ao curso certo!Vou ensin-lo a como montar um site com qualidade profissional no Wordpressem poucas horas ecom um custo muitobaixo, seguindo um passo a passo simples e didtico, sem voc precisar entender de cdigos ou programao! MODOFAA VOCMESMO!!!Ao terminar este curso, voc ter aprendido econstrudo seu prprio site com as seguintes lies:Qual a importncia da presena da sua empresa na internet;Como escolher o seu domnio e economizar dinheiro$ na escolha;Definir a melhor plataforma de hospedagem para seu site;Conhecer e entender quais as diferenas entre hospedagens gratuitas e pagas e como isso afeta o desempenho do seu site na internet;Como montar um site, pensar na estrutura e facilidades para seus clientes;Configurar uma conta de hospedagem para hospedar o seu site Wordpress;Aprender passo a passo como instalar o Wordpress;Como configurar o Wordpress para ter um bomdesempenho;Instalar um tema Grtis no seu site;Como personalizar e customizar o Tema e pginas noWordpress;Como criar Posts no Wordpress;Como criar pginas no Wordpress;Como instalar plugins no Wordpress;Escolher os melhores plugins para seu site;Montar uma loja virtual para vender seus produtos ou servios a custo zero!;Como aumentar a sua exposio no Google;Criar uma conta de e-mail profissional com seunome@seudomnio;Aumentar o trfego de interessados no seus produtos ouservios;Construir o seu site juntos passo a passo acada detalhe!Vamos juntos nessa empreitada!!Conte comigo"
Price: 204.99

"Formao Inicial em Design Thinking"
"Este curso foi desenhado para voc que gosta de inovao e quer aprender mais sobre esse conceito.Atualmente o Design Thinking tem sido muito procurado e desejado pelas grandes e mdias empresas.Pessoas que usam essa abordagem como uma maneira de pensar e agir de forma diferente tm uma grande vantagem competitiva no mercado.Portanto, se voc j ouviu e est curioso para saber como um processo de design pensando do incio ao fim, sendo usado para a resoluo de problemas ou processo de inovao, mas nunca teve contato este o caminho certo para voc!Neste curso voc vai mergulhar no que essencial para pensar de forma inivadora, saber o que o pensamento de design, quais so seus valores centrais para que isso acontea, ir atender cada uma das etapas de um processo completo e ter acesso a vrias ferramentas que voc pode us-las no seu dia a dia, seja como um uso profissional ou pessoal.Como treinamento inicial voc ter acesso a alguns exemplos de casos prticos que tm sido bem sucedidos em usar a abordagem de Design Thinking.No recomendado para aqueles que j conhecem ou usam esta abordagem no seu dia-a-dia, porque um curso inicial."
Price: 159.99

"Como Escolher a Carreira Ideal"
"Este curso uma parte rpida do processo completo de Coaching de Carreira, onde voc ter a oportunidade de conhecer algumas ferramentas j testadas e aplicadas em clientes que desejavam definir com mais segurana qual profisso seguir ou ento estavam em dvida qual a melhor escolha para mudar de carreira.Ao final do curso voc ter conhecido as ferramentas, poder fazer o download e aplica-la na sua vida para poder escolher sua carreira com mais assertividade e segurana.Se voc est indeciso por qual carreira seguir ou est infeliz em sua carreira atual e deseja obter ajuda profissional para poder tomar uma deciso mais acertada este curso para voc!O curso estruturado com valiosas aulas com reflexes, exerccios e muita prtica para que voc se sinta mais confortvel ao optar por uma determinada carreira.O acesso ao contedo vitalcio, ao longo do tempo novos contedos sero inseridos."
Price: 99.99

"Kick & bass mixing in electronic music"
"Kick&bass is a basis of ANY electronic dance track. Need more reasons to learn how to make it professionally? Powerful kick&bass will make 50% of your track. Bad kick&bass will ruin any track, doesn't matter how cool is the melody and design... In this course you will learn all major skills for mixing kick&bass sounds for your dance track. All professionals use them on every track, so you should do that to achieve pro-sound. You think, you know how to make kick&bass? Do you tune your kick to the tone of the track? Can you provide transparent and powerful kick&bass sound in a club, on home sound system and in headphones? Can you find the best kick&bass length for particular BPM?If you are confusing with this questions try this course. You will have better sound: more powerful, loud, clean and groovy.Why you should look for this video:Kick & Bass is a basis of any dance trackI give you direct experience as a music producer & trainer You will have modern information on the topicHow much time you need to have results:This is 110 min course. Spend 3-5 hours on practice and you will learn all professional skills for mixing kick&bass. Sure this techniques will be growing with you and it needs time for full understanding. But I can confidently say that right after you will start to use this tricks, your sound will become much better!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Frontend Web Development For Beginners"
"Programming is the process of writing a set of instructions known as code for the computer to perform a task or series of task.Learning to program is a useful and enjoyable skill to have. Programming allows you to solve various types of problems. There are several programming languages that can be used to write computer programs.In this beginners course we will start with the basic front end languages which are HTML CSS and JAVASCRIPT. These three languages are collectively referred to as front end programming languages used to for web development and programming.If you are thinking of becoming a web developer or just curious about how to build websites HTML is thelanguage you will need to start with. Every website on the planet has been built structurally using HTML.A website is built using a variety of technologies such as HTML which is used to create the structure ;then you haveCSS or cascading style sheets which is used to style or make the website presentable;The third language you need is known as JavaScript which is responsible for the interactivity( This means the actions a visitor performs on a website e.g clicking on a button or completing a form) on the website .What You will Learn:How to create HTML document structureHow to create ListsHow to create paragraphsHow to create HeadingsHow to add images to webpageHow to add video and sound to webpageHow to write css syntaxHow to use various selectors for stylingHow to use css padding and marginsHow to use fontsHow to write javascript functionsHow to create variablesHow to create ArraysHow to create functionsHow to use conditional statementI look forward to seeing you on the course.Thank you"
Price: 144.99

"SQL Hands-on Essential Training for Beginners"
"There is so much information around today and there has to be efficient mechanism in place to manage tthe huge volume of data. This is where relational database management systems -RDBMS comes in handy. An RDBMS is used to manage databases. What is a database? This is where information or data is stored. Databases actually stored information or data inside tables which in turn consists of columns and rows just like an excel spreadsheet. The columns represents the data fields for example LastName while the rows represents individual records like Anderson. Database administrators or data analyst need to interact with the data from the database from time to time and the way they do that is by using SQL.What is SQL - It stands for structural query language. It is an internationally used lanaguage used to manipulate databases. With SQL you can do the following and much more:Create a databaseCreate a tablecreate a viewUpdate a recordDelete a record Add a recordRead data from a tableAutomate tasksThis course is a basic introductory course to SQL that will teach you the basic functions it is used for on a database such as Create Read Update and Delete collectively referred to as C.R.U.D. Over 85 percent of what you will do on a database will be CRUD related.If you want to become a database administrator or developer this course will be a good starting point.What you learn on the course include:Basic database conceptsHow to create a TableHow to create a viewHow to update data in a tableHow to add data into a tableHow to delete records in a tableHow to use AliasesI look forward to you signing up to the course."
Price: 144.99

"Decision Science"
"This course offers a systemetic method of decison making. Decison making process invloves formulation of decison alternatives, states of nature and payoffs. These elements are explained in this course in detail.Decison making under uncertainty where you have idea of various states of nature and you are not in position to provide probability estimate, this course will tell you about various criterion by which you can make decison.Decison making under risk where you are you are not only aware about the various states of nature but also you have probability estimates for these states of nature. In this situation how you can make decison using expected monetary value approach.This course also talk about decison tree. It's non-technical."
Price: 144.99

"ANOVA using MS Excel"
"Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) course offers a complete package on ANOVA using MS Excel. The course includes:What is the concept of ANOVAHow to do one-way ANOVA using ExcelWhat is two-way or N-way ANOVAHow to conduct test of Two-way or N-way ANOVA without interactions(replications) using excelHow to conduct test of two-way or n-way ANOVA with replications using excel with examples. You will get more than 40 minutes video lectures and review excercise for further practice. Excel data files you can download for one-way and two anova for practice in MS Excel."
Price: 94.99

"Introductory Probability and Statistics"
"This is an introductory course in probability and statistics. This course helps to serve as foundation for higher levels of statistics course particularly inferential statistics.This course provides 82 video lectures and it also teaches you how to estimate probability and do statistical analysis using spreadsheets. The course is structured in four sections:What is Statistics- Nature & ScopeDescriptive Statistics- Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Dispersion and Measures of ShapeProbabilityRandom Variable and Probability distribution- Binomial, Poisson, Normal DistributionSampling DistributionInferential Statistics - Estimation & Hypothesis TestingANOVACorrelation & RegressionThis course will teach you statistics in real sense and help you to remove your all doubts relating to statistics and probability. If you want really learn probability and statistics in simple way, you must enroll for this course."
Price: 149.99

"Hypothesis Testing using MS Excel"
"Hypothesis testing using MS Excel course will help you to understand the concept of hypothesis testing. The course includes:What is the concept of hypothesis testing?Concept of two-tail and one-tail testthe procedure of hypothesis testingHypothesis test of population mean in case of large sampleHypothesis test of population mean in case of small sampleHypothesis test of Population varianceHypothesis test of two population mean using T testPaired t testF testHypothesis tests using MS ExcelYou will 17 lectures which includes 1hour 18 minutes of video lectures. You will also get review excercises for further practice. You will also find excel data files useful for hypothesis testing using MS excel."
Price: 94.99

"8 Things Everyone Should Know About Social Entrepreneurship"
"Have you ever wanted to change the world and design your own career path? Social entrepreneurship harnesses the power and potential of business, startups and entrepreneurship with the mission and soul of social impact.But, what is and isnt social entrepreneurship? What are examples? And how can you create social impact through your career, startup, and purchasing decisions?These are just a few of the questions we answer in this power hourintroductory course, 8 Things Everyone Should Know About Social Entrepreneurship. Join Neetal Parekh, Founder and CEO of Innov8social and Author of 51 Questions on Social Entrepreneurship as she shares her story in the space and what she has learned through her years of blogging, researching, interviewing thought leaders, and being part of multiple social impact-driven Silicon Valley startup companies.By the end of the class you will be able to:Articulate what social entrepreneurship is and isntSpeak to some of the urgent global problems that make social entrepreneurship matter Take steps within your career and role to engage in social impactSpeak to unique business models and legal structures for social enterprise startupsFind and apply to social innovation fellowship programs related to your interest in the spaceSee that social entrepreneurship is emerging and evolving differently around the globeLearn about dynamic resources to further and deepen your engagement in the social impact space.Get in the know, so you can #goanddo!"
Price: 19.99

"Resume Development for Tech Professionals"
"Resume writing is difficult in every profession, but technology professionals face a unique set of challenges. This course helps anyone in the tech industry from -- Software, Web, Design, IT or any other technology careers. The course will help tech professionals develop and write an awesome resume, one that will catch the attention of hiring managers.As a former recruiter that worked for a leading tech firm, I will show you what hiring managers look for in a resume that can help you land that job.Technology recruiters go over numerous resumes every day and will usually make a judgment within moments of review. As a result, technology recruiters look for key points to tell them the overall story of each candidate.In this course I will help you develop a resume that will make your resume standout to these hiring managers. No matter what type of technology job youre looking for or your IT career level -- entry, midlevel or experienced, this course will take your resume to the next level."
Price: 19.99

"Como ter motivao para vencer na crise"
"Seja bem vindo(a) ao novo lanamento de Leila Navarro! Este curso ensinar a moldar o seu estado mental para uma vida consideravelmente mais bem-sucedida. Independentemente de idade, sexo, condio social ou financeira, o curso Como ter motivao para vencer a crise direcionado para quem deseja influenciar positivamente a sua vida profissional, sua produtividade; seus relacionamentos; o seu propsito e muitas outras reas da sua vida. Quando voc entende e percebe - atravs de um mergulho interior - quais so seus talentos e habilidades e deixa de se submeter a situaes que minam sua autoestima no trabalho, nos negcios, nos relacionamentos com amigos e familiares est literalmente pronto para fazer acontecer e viver poderosamente feliz."
Price: 49.99

"Become a Product Manager Learn the Skills & Get the Job"
"**Updated January 2020: Over 1,020 students who have taken this course have gotten jobs as Product Managers! Students now work at companies like Google, Zynga, Airbnb, Wal-Mart, Dell, Booking. com, Jet. com, Vodafone, HomeAway, Boeing, Freelancer. com, Wayfair, & more!**The most updated and complete Product Management course on Udemy! You'll learn the skills that make up the entire Product Management job and process: from ideation to market research, to UX wireframing to prototyping, technology, metrics, and finally to building the product with user stories, project management, scoping, and leadership. We even have interviews with real life PMs, Q&A sessions with students, and a comprehensive guide to preparing and interviewing for a Product Management job. Right now, there are over 3,000+ job listings worldwide that are looking for Product Managers, that pay on average $100,000 / year. The demand for Product Management is increasing at an insane rate. More and more companies are finally figuring out how important this discipline and this role is to their success. But how exactly do you get into the field? There aren't any degrees in Product Management & there are no certifications. Most Product Managers get into the field through luck or connections. That ends here - we'll get you up to date on ALL the skills you need to learn Product Management AND have the best chance at getting the job you want. There's no more ambiguity to it. We'll show you what you need to know and what you have to do - all taught from a Product Management insider.Students aren't required to know anything beforehand - we'll teach you the fundamentals, how to apply them, how to develop into an advanced product manager, and finally how to maximize your chances to get a job as a Product Manager.Your instructors:Cole Mercer has been a Senior Product Manager at Soundcloud, Bonobos, Mass Relevance, and has taught the Product Management course at General Assembly in Manhattan, NYC.Evan Kimbrell is a Top rated Udemy instructor with 11 courses on everything Entrepreneurship. His courses have over 35,000 students, 1,000+ 5 star reviews, and an average rating of 4.9 / 5.0."
Price: 194.99

"Thrive with Gut Mobility"
"Im excited to share a new cutting edge thought process when it comes to health that I think all of you can relate to. Thrive is a collaboration of movement and nutrition, and was created to help educate people on the idea that you cant heal nutrition without movement and you cant heal movement without addressing nutrition. If you have experienced chronic low back pain, or have stretched and mobilized but cant seem to get more mobility in your joints, there maybe more this equation then you may realize. Or maybe youve cleaned up your diet but still cant seem to lose the weight that you want? Or your digestion is still fighting you and making you feel uncomfortable? Did you know that part of your general health and most of your immunity starts in your gut? And that things like poor diet, breathing, sleep, stress & disease can cause your gut to not function properly? As a physical therapist, I have interacted with a variety of patients from Moms, Dads to high level athletes and regardless of your lifestyle, this information can potentially change the way you feel every single day. The best part about this? Im going to teach you how to get your guts moving in the comfort of your own home. Brief videos will introduce you to why you need to have mobile guts, how to get your guts moving better and ways to limit irritation to your gut. I have also added in resources to help you learn and further your learning in areas that may be out of my scope of practice as a physical therapist. My hope is that you finish this course with the knowledge and application to take your life to the next level. And share with the people you love!"
Price: 19.99

"How to trade Forex & invest in an additional income"
"Soon to become Trader,Before jumping straight into trading any of the markets you should learn completely what kindof business you are getting into, so you dont get swallowed up and burnt.Learn to walk before you try to run.The Fundamental and Understanding course will give you an in depth understanding of howthe Forex market works. You will be given information from both ends of the stick, Senior FXBroker and Professional Trading knowledge.At the end of the course you will be able to understand what a chart is telling you, which type ofcharting you want to use, the 3 main trends, how to calculate everything in Forex from tradesizes to Risk Management and finally everything you need to know to get you set up and startedin making your first trade.The main question is what are you waiting for?After you have completed this course and you decide to pursue your trading career. OurAdvance course will give you FX Pro Dans trading strategy where you will be able take it awayand make it your own.Look forward to seeing you on the other side and investing in yourself.Happy PippingFX Pro DanFounder PipMastersFX"
Price: 49.99

"Emprender con Negocios Online"
"No es un secreto que las compras por Internet, aprender de forma online, los sitios de membresa y todos los negocios online aumentan cada da y es inimaginable el alcance que tendrn en los prximos aos. No dejes pasar ms tiempo para saber las posibilidades que tienes en esta nueva Economa. En este cursode Introduccin a la creacin de negocios online, pretendo mostrarte de forma simple, clara y profesional cmo introducirte en el mundo de los negocios online, tanto para complementar una tienda o servicio que ya das o para comenzar a emprender desde hoy con un negocio 100% Online. Cmo lo haremos? Te Explico: Lo primero es comprender qu significa ser emprendedor o emprendedora, sacarnos cualquier paradigma limitante y ver las cosas desde una perspectiva real para luego poder ser capaces de detectar las ideas de negocios online reales que podemos realizar mediante anlisis de las correspondientes factibilidades. Despus pasaremos a analizar qu haremos en lo que al desarrollo web* se refiere y las mejores opciones para ste, como, por ejemplo; a quien contratar, opciones para hacerla nosotros mismos o mismas, etc. como una pgina web o tienda virtual no implica que llegue a las personas por s sola, aprenderemos las distintas estrategias de marketing que puedes utilizar y analizar la que mejor se adapta a cada proyecto. Hablaremos sobre productividad y cmo conseguirla dejando de lado las tareas pequeas y centrndolos en las tareas importantes de esta forma nuestra eficiencia crecer de manera progresiva y por ende nuestros negocios online. En la Seccin ltima utilizaremos lo anteriormente aprendido y seguirs aprendiendo an ms, pero como su nombre lo indica en la accin, para esto simularemos que queremos realizar una tienda virtual de accesorios de mascotas y pasaremos por los pasos anteriores para ver que tal funcionara la idea. *No es un curso de desarrollo web, por lo mismo aqu no aprenders a crear una tienda virtual."
Price: 124.99

"Aprende Excel como un experto"
"Curso orientado a ser una formacin significativa en MS Excel 2013 por medio de un camino prctico y eficiente para conseguir de forma rpida el aprendizaje se trata de un grupo de funciones para aprender, es una estructura slida que paso a paso y sin darte cuenta dominars esta herramienta en un tiempo rcord.""Aprenders de manera simple las herramientas de Excel que son necesarias para transformarte de principiante a experto de la Hoja de Clculo, mejorando tus competencias y habilidades laborales"".TEMASUnidad I: IntroduccinClase 1: Qu es y para qu sirve Excel?Introduccin a la Hoja de Clculo de Microsoft y sus enormes beneficios.Clase 2: Conoce la Interfaz de ExcelBase fundamental para el correcto desarrollo del aprendizaje del curso.Clase 3: Dentro de la Hoja de clculoTus primeros grandes pasos para el dominio de esta herramienta.Clase 4: Fuentes y Alineacin Mediante el desarrollo de un ejercicio aprenders a utilizar comandosUnidad II: Gestionando la Hoja de ClculoClase 5: Personaliza tu ExcelAprende a cambiar la configuracin de tu Libro para tus propias necesidades, crea distintos libros con configuraciones personalizadas.Clase 6: Conectando Libros Aprende a vincular libros por medio de la creacin de un Flujo de Caja que conectars a otro para ofrecer solo una parte de la informacin.Clase 7: Comparte y Protege tu LibroTrabaja en Equipo con tu archivo en Excel, comprtelo para que puedan trabajar ms personas y aprende a protegerlo de manera eficaz.Unidad III: Trabajando con EficienciaClase 8: Edita tu Libro de ExcelYa ests en condiciones de manejar fcilmente informacin en tu libro cambiando lo que necesites para realizar tu trabajo.Clase 9: Trabajando con las Vistas de Libro. Aprende a visualizar tu archivo dependiendo de lo que necesites realizar en un momento determinado.Clase 10: Trabajas con Mucha Informacin?No te asustes, Excel est hecho justamente para trabajar con gran cantidad de informacin, toma al toro por las astas.Clase 11: Agrupando DatosAprende a Esquematizar la Informacin como un experto.Clase 12: ReferenciasConecta y vincula celdas para gestiones ms ptimas.Unidad IV: Manejando DatosClase 13: Validando DatosAprende a crear Listas Desplegables para mantener intacta la integridad de los Datos.Clase 14: Ordenar y FiltrarUtiliza herramientas para ordenar automticamente y visualizar solamente lo que necesites sin la necesidad de ocultar filas ni columnas.Clase 15: Fecha y HoraAumenta das y obtn la fecha exacta, calcula aos, meses, das y horas de manera entretenida.Clase 16: Conoce y Aplica Funciones para Texto.Porque no solamente introduces nmeros, maneja estas herramientas que sern de un apoyo increble.Clase 17: Bsqueda y ReferenciaSorprndete con Funciones que no imaginabas que existieran.Clase 18: Funciones Lgicas y de InformacinAprende a utilizar Funciones que te harn llegar al segundo nivel.Clase 19: Asignando Nombres a RangosAsigna Nombres a un grupo de datos para trabajar con ellos de forma rpida y segura.Clase 20: Creando tus Primeras MacrosHabilita la pestaa Desarrollador y crea tus primeras actividades automticas.Unidad V: Analizando DatosClase 21: Usando Funciones MatemticasAlguna vez te costaron las matemticas? Mira que simple que es con Excel.Clase 22: Caractersticas de DatosAprende a obtener informacin rpida de una gran cantidad de Datos.Clase 23: Crea Tablas DinmicasNecesitas informacin clara y precisa de forma rpida y profesional? Entonces necesitas utilizar Tablas Dinmicas.Clase 24: Auditando las FrmulasSers capaz de ver de dnde proviene una frmula, qu celdas estn involucradas, verlas en pantalla y corregir las desviaciones si las hubiera.Clase 25: Anlisis de HiptesisQuieres saber distintos resultados solamente cambiando las variables? Esta es la Funcin que necesitas.Unidad VI: Presentacin del LibroClase 26: Presentacin del Libro IFinaliza con un libro 100% Ejecutivo.Clase 27: Presentacin del Libro IIProfundiza el trabajo con grficos en la presentacin de tu Libro de Excel."
Price: 109.99

"Emprender: Tu Plan de Negocios paso a paso en tiempo rcord"
"El emprendedor o emprendedora antes de implementar una idea debe reducir al mximo los posibles errores, para esto existe una herramienta fundamental que es el ""plan de Negocio"", el cual debe ser realista, aqu no sirven los sueos de liderazgo mundial, tampoco debe ser necesariamente una tesis doctoral, nada de eso, este curso te ensear de forma simple y muy profesional el cmo ir avanzando hasta que comprendas cmo podrs pasar desde una idea a un Pan de Negocio Efectivo, simple y claro.Qu sers capaz de responder cuando termines el curso?Qu es ser Emprendedor?Cmo puedo detectar ideas de negocios?Qu es un Plan de Negocio Efectivo?Cmo defino mi proyecto empresarial?Qu es el entorno de una empresa y cmo me afecta?Qu es y cmo se realiza un Anlisis FODA?Qu es y cmo se realiza una Investigacin de Mercado?Cmo hago un plan de mrketing?Cmo hago un Plan de Inversiones?Cmo hacer un Plan de Operaciones?Qu es el Plan de Recursos Humanos?Para qu necesito y cmo realizo un Plan financiero?Cmo expongo mi Plan Financiero-Econmico?Qu debo exponer en el Plan Legal?Qu es la Evaluacin de Proyectos?Cmo debo presentar mi proyecto una vez terminados todos los planes anteriores?Junto a lo anterior tendrs acceso a un ejemplo de plan ya redactado y un libro de Excel para calcular fcilmente el VAN y la TIR Qu es esto? Herramientas para evaluar si tu plan cumple con los requisitos necesarios en temas financieros."
Price: 109.99

"PNL: Teora y Tcnicas para Alcanzar tus Metas y Objetivos."
"Si aprendes Programacin Neuro Lingstica y la aplicas a tu vida diaria podrs conseguir todos los cambios necesarios y largo plazo para el logro de tus objetivos y metas, ya que comprenders qu creencias, recuerdos, valores y criterios pueden estar boicoteando tu xito.Aprenders tcnicas efectivas para mejorar tu comunicacin interna y externa transformando de esta manera tus experiencias personales y por ende obtener un crecimiento personal y laboral.Por medio de este curso sers capaz de comprender los patrones internos que te hacen actuar de determinada manera y poder manejarlos y cambiarlos para obtener los mejores resultados en tu vida."
Price: 109.99

"SAP EDI Training - Practical Guide to SAP EDI Implementation"
"Almost every SAP implementation implements EDI. Yet, most consultants are blissfully unaware of how EDI works. Needless to say, there is always a good demand for consultants with good knowledge of EDI implementation. This is exactly the gap this course will fill. Course Overview This course teaches you the basics of how to implement EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) in SAP. It will help you understand the fundamental concepts at a much deeper level by relating them to simple business scenarios. At the same time, it will not skimp on the configuration details like Partner Profiles, Ports, Segments etc. After you finish this course you will be able to create an IDOC and process it successfully from scratch in any SAP IDES system.Why take this course ?Ever had a situation where you could not apply for a job because the requirements asked for EDI ? Ever heard words like IDocs, segments, port, partner profile tossed around in a meeting and did not know how to react ? It's all going to change with this course. Take this course and I promise you will understand everything you need to know about EDI - at least to a point where you will not feel alien to the most commonly used scenarios. What are the Requirements ?Experience at least in a technical or functional module is preferred. But at least familiarity with SAP is OK. You don't need access to an IDES system, but if you have one, it is going to help you tremendously in the hands-on. We do NOT provide access to SAP as part of this course. Target AudienceThis course assumes that you have some level of exposure to SAP. You could be aABAP ConsultantFunctional ConsultantBasis ConsultantEDI Sub-system consultantWhat you get from this course ?Section 1 - Gives you an overview of the course.Section 2 - Cover the basics of EDI, the architecture and use cases. Section 3 - Get deeper into the IDoc, the fundamental data structure in SAP used to represent EDI dataSection 4 - Shows you the configuration required in SAP for EDI.Section 5 - Gives you a hands-on on Outbound IDOC ProcessingSection 6 - Gives you a hands-on on Inbound IDOC ProcessingSection 7 - Gets deeper into Application Link Enable ( ALE )How to make the best of this course ?I strongly recommend that you practice what is being taught in the course. Starting from section 3, we talk about configuration, perform transactions and do different kinds of customization in SAP. The best way to really understand and retain what is being taught here is to make sure you practice those transactions in SAP as much as you can."
Price: 34.99

"Document your thoughts like a genius - Mind mapping & Xmind"
"Document your thoughts like a genius. So why the title? Well, take a close look at people we regard as genius characters over the centuries. The way they documented their thoughts, took notes, drew and sketched for inspiration and the format they chose when putting pen to paper had a remarkable similarity to what we now call mind mapping. Doodles, sketches, linking-lines, pictures, images, groupings, relationships; big picture and fine detail. There was less color than the classic modern day mind map, but crayons and felt tip pens were hard to come by, so the humble quill had to sufice. This course is about mind mapping - a slightly more formalised and researched form of note taking, that has huge benefits over traditional note taking or thought documenting techniques. Mind mapping is being adopted in schools and universities by thousands of students who find this method of note-taking to be amazingly easy and beneficial. These same students take mind mapping into their professional lives to organize, memorize, manage and communicate. Mind mapping is extremely fast , very intuitive and amazingly easy to re-visit and understand. Mind mapping can be used by anyone who, at any point in their daily lives, needs to make a plan, take clear and readable notes, or explain concepts or projects to others - everyone including C level executives, management consultants, project managers, engineers, writers, poets, students, designers, teachers, stay at home moms or dads. The uses for mind maps are only limited by imagination itself. Imagine documenting one of Shakespeare's plays - the plots, sub plots, characters, major and minor - the relationship between the characters within the play and even with characters in other of the bards plays. Maybe the relevance of the storyline to a particular time in the life of Shakespeare. To document all this information in a word document for example, might end up as a book in itself. Imagine having all this information on a single sheet, radiating out from a single central topic (i.e the name of the play) - all the information at a glance - imagine using this as the tool to explain every facet of the play to a class of students for example. Mind maps have awesome power to map, distill and convey information, and explain relationships and ideas in a way the written word cannot. We are visual beings, and a good mindmap gives us an instant picture which is far easier to understand and remember than any other method. This course covers the theory and principles of mind mapping and then gives you an in depth look into the fantastic market leading mind mapping software XMind. The course consists of five hours of video tutorial and supplementary materials and the occasional quiz. Depending on your time commitments, the course can be completed anywhere between a day and a few weeks."
Price: 34.99

"Udemy course production at speed with dashboards -Unofficial"
"This course is not sponsored or affiliated with Udemy, Inc. .This course is about saving time, frustration and heartache when producing a Udemy course. Foe anyone who has already created a course on Udemy, you know what I'm talking about.The key is to be organised, to understand all the different facets of producing a course, the planning the course structure, what to include and almost more importantly what to exclude. Then you need to decide on the presentation formats - is it all talking head, maybe screen capture, white board animation or a mixture of all of these. Once the decision is made, what hardware and software is needed.Then there are the files. Every course generates many many files and many are pretty bloated.So how can a mind map help? Well when it comes to a visual representation of lots and lots of information - with a single access point - then mind mapping is king.What is also very cool is that students will not only learn how to mind map but will also get a crash course in an awesome piece of free software. The crash course could be a Udemy course on it's own but here it's bundled into the complete dashboard course.Whilst the course is geared around creating a dashboard for the creation of a Udemy course (because it fits so well) but actually the dashboard can be used for any video production or a production of any kind where you need all the information at your fingertips.Students will be amazed by how amazing mind mapping can be for organisation and productivity... no more searching for the elusive file you created last week - or that great web link that you forgot to bookmark.The course is short and sharp ... back to back it could be completed in a few hours. I would suggest you take it a little slower and try out on your own copy of Xmind each of the stages of the course.You will need no prerequisite skills, just a computer or device to do the course, a bit of imagination and a yearning for learning.Enjoy..."
Price: 19.99

"BPMN for business analysts"
"Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN 2.0) isthe new de facto standard for modeling processes. It canbe used when you need to documentyour processes as a part of the project or when you needto automate them, so learning it will help your career.Maybe you've alreadyspent some time trying to learn BPMN from the specification and from theinternet but still do not feel confidentabout this notation? I often see that evenpeople with years of modeling experience really struggle when it comes to BPMNdiagrams.Or are you mapping the workflow processes with flowcharts, but don't feel your process maps really improve the communication? BPMN can help here if used properly!You will learn from this course what are the most useful elements of BPMN and how to create easy tounderstand and maintain process diagrams.The course consistsof several sections with video lectures, quizzes and real life mini-projectsthat will help you start using BPMN in no time. I know that at firstBPMN can be confusing and you may have some questions after you start using itin practice. The course is constantly updated with new content on a basis ofyour feedback and I will answer all your questions regarding the best ways touse BPMN.Wondering if this course is for you? Take a look at the reviews from my students:""Excellent course, pitched at an extremely useful level. This explains the parts of BPMN that are most useful, without diving into unnecessary complexity. It has a great mixture of videos, ""take-away"" summaries, and exercises. Highly recommended!""- Adrian""Efficient and effective BPM overview of the essential items you need to understand and master when using such notation. I used it as a refresher as I need to work with people using BPMN on a new project.""- Franois"
Price: 89.99

"How to Juggle 3 Balls -- From Start To Star!"
"I have traveled the world teaching juggling for more than 10 years and have personally taught more than 100,000 people how to juggle. If you have always wanted to juggle and never had the courage to try or have tried in the past and was unable to figure it out this course is for you! I specifically put together this video series to provide a step-by-step approach which will bring you quickly to your juggling goals. Expect to practice as there is no ""trick"" to juggling. Hard work, time and dedication is required if true juggling progress is to be found. Additionally if you stick with it and do your best and truly want to learn how to juggle the rewards are life long and the skills you develop are well worth the effort.Come join me inside the course and I promise if you put in the effort will be able to juggle!"
Price: 24.99