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"Full Introduction to Programming Course"
"This introduction to programming course will teach you as much as is necessary about programming.    If youve ever felt like learning programming, this is a good course for you to start with . Watch this course before you embark on a journey to learn any new programming language as a beginner.     You will notice that I created this course with non- Computer Science students in mind. Nonetheless, new CS students should feel very free to join this course.     This course will equip you with the necessary skills and tools to go out and learn any new programming language.     This intro to programming is intended for those who want to learn basic programming concepts. Concepts that are applicable in most programming languages used today.Update :I've added a new section for you to learn Kotlin as a beginner.  As a complete beginner in the Kotlin programming language, you will learn the basics of the Kotlin Programming language in the Kotlin section.   Join   this Introduction to programming course."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Javascript from Scratch - JS Tutorial for beginners"
"**This is a Brand New courseThis is a beginner's Javascript course . I will continue adding videos to this course. Until it grows to be a very large course. If you are new to Javascript get started right away.Start learning JS . JS is currently one of the most popular programming languages. It is not only used in the Web anymore. You can use it for building Mobile Apps among many other non web related use cases..Learn Javascript from Scratch - This is a JavaScript Tutorial for beginners . Join it today.What you'll learnYou will learn thehistory and basic syntax of JavaScript.You will learn concepts and inbuilt constructs that are normally available in all programming languages. And how they differ and are used in JS.You'll learn how scripts are used within theHtml of a page.After all these you'll be equipped to learn any Framework of your choice.The idea is to help you grow your skills from zero. First you need to understand the language. And then it will be much easier for you to pick any frameworks you'll be interested in.Understanding Js and how to write and use it, will make it much easier for you to become generally good in most Frameworks you'll decide to learn.This JavaScript course is very important to you if you are interested in learning major frameworks in future.Go ahead and join this course. And I will help you understand JavaScript. I will also continue adding videos to this course. At any point in the course if you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to let me know through the discussions / Q&A .Join the course now.**This is a Brand New course"
Price: 199.99

"Gesunde Smoothies - Inkl. meiner 7 Tage Smoothie Challenge"
"KursbeschreibungBeschftigen Sie sich schon lnger mit dem Thema Smoothies? Trauen Sie dem Ganzen trotzdem noch nicht so recht ber den Weg? Oder mchten Sie sich einfach mit leckeren Smoothies gesund ernhren?In diesem Kurs teile ich meine Erfahrungen mit Smoothies mit Ihnen. Ich zeige Ihnen meine 7- Tage-Smoothie-Challenge und was diese Smoothies in nur einer Woche mit mir gemacht haben.Auerdem erfahren Sie:welches Arbeitsgert notwendig ist, um einfache, leckere Smoothies herzustellen.welche Bcher ber Smoothies ich wirklich gut finde und wie man seine Smoothies aufwerten und verschnern kann.Als Bonus bekommen Sie in diesem Kurs Rezepte, mit denen Sie Suppen innerhalb von 3 Minuten sowie Eiscreme und Mandelmilch mit einem Hochleistungs-Mixer zubereiten knnen. Auch die Zubereitung von frischen Sften und die Herstellung von Tofu von Anfang an sehen Sie in diesem Kurs.Und das Beste kommt zum Schluss: Dieser Smoothie-Kurs wird stndig mit neuen Rezepten erweitert. Und Sie bekommen einen lebenslangen Zugang zum Kurs. Hier bekommen Sie also nicht einfach nur ein paarSmoothie-Rezepte und fertig, sondern Sie erhalten auch danach noch weitere Rezepte. Wenn ich eine richtig leckere Kreation finde, lade ich sie in den Kurs hoch und Sie knnen diese dann ebenfalls ausprobieren.Bei aufkommenden Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gern zur Verfgung.Und nun wnsche ich Ihnen viel Spa und gesunden Genuss mit diesem Smoothie-Kurs."
Price: 19.99

"Das perfekte Men - Kulinarische Hochgensse fr Zuhause"
"Kennst Du das Gefhl, wenn deine Freunde und Verwandten dich besuchen kommen und erwarten, dass sie bei dir nicht nur Spa haben, sondern auch kulinarisch von dir verwhnt werden? Unangenehm, oder? Denn genau das ist doch der Punkt, der deine Freude an diesen Besuchen beeintrchtigt: Es ist einfach schwer fr dich, wie fr viele Andere auch, von jetzt auf gleich eine Idee zu haben, wie du einfache, leckere Rezepte in Nullkommanix zaubern kannst, mit denen du echt Eindruck machst. Oder mchtest du dein Date vorher erst mal mit geschmacklichen Offenbarungen verfhren? Oder bist du jemand, der am liebsten aus wenigen Zutaten Gerichte zaubern mchte, die Freunde ins Staunen versetzen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. In diesem kleinen Online-Kochkurs zeige ich Dir insgesamt 12 Gerichte, die nicht nur absolut lecker sondern mit meiner Anleitung auch schnell nachzukochen sind. Mein Ziel ist es, dir Rezepte zu prsentieren, die zu Hause leicht machbar sind und auch funktionieren. Ich zeige dir in den Videos Schritt fr Schritt, wie die Rezepte zubereitet werden und wie du sie appetitlich auf dem Teller anrichtest. Denn das Auge isst ja bekanntlich mit und ein berladener Teller sieht bei weitem nicht so lecker aus wie einer, auf dem die Speisen in angenehmen Portionen ansprechend arrangiert sind. Du erfhrst auerdem, welche Kchengerte wirklich ntig sind und wo du sie in guter Qualitt preiswert bekommst, wenn sie dir noch fehlen."
Price: 19.99

"Basis Kochen - Selber kochen statt Fastfood"
"Kchenbasics komplett:Sie lernen die 15 verschiedenen Garmethoden kennen, denn diese bilden das Fundament beim Kochen. Sie lernen schnell und knnen anhand der Anleitungen sowohl einfache Rezepte wie auch komplizierte Gerichte problemlos nachkochen.Geheime exklusive Facebook Gruppe:In unserer geheimen Facebook-Gruppe knnen Sie die Fragen stellen, die sich eventuell noch ergeben. Wir werden diese beantworten und wenn ntig zustzlich mit Videos oder Bildern erlutern sozusagen Life Support.Einkaufslisten:Sie bekommen Einkaufslisten in PDF-Form und als Audio-Einkaufslisten, um bequem beim Einkaufen nicht mehr lesen zu mssen, sondern einfach zu hren, was fr das jeweilige Gericht an Zutaten notwendig ist.Rezepte anschaulich per Videos:Kochen kann so einfach sein. Vor allem wenn man Schritt fr Schritt erklrt bekommt, wie es geht und gleichzeitig das Ergebnis sieht und regelrecht sein Ergebnis riechen und schmecken kann. Beim Anschauen der Videos luft Ihnen garantiert das Wasser im Munde zusammen. Weiter zeigen wir Ihnen Kchen-Tipps und -Tricks, die sonst nur in Insider-kreisen bekannt sind. Die Rezepte funktionieren nicht nur in einer Profikche, sondern vor allem zu Hause. Smtliche Rezepte sind praxiserprobt.Bilder:Bilder zum Unterstreichen und besseren Veranschaulichen runden den Kochkurs ab. Fangen Sie jetzt sofort an, gesunde und leckere Gerichte zu kochen!Und das (noch) zum genialen Einsteigerpreis. (Auch hier gilt: Wer zu spt kommt)"
Price: 44.99

"""Use The Force, Luke"" - Attaining Mastery Over Stress"
"Prepare to have fun, tostep out of the box and transform the way you see the world.Learn how to tap intosomething wonderful and transforming, combining cutting edge discoveries inbrain science with ancient practices used for centuries by enlightened masters.Youll learn no-nonsensetime efficient tools designed to move you from a place of anxiety and stress toone of greater ease and peace of mind and heart.Come immerse yourself in anew world of understanding in how the mind helps to create the reality thatyoure living and how you can immediately change that reality by engaging invery simple but very powerful time tested principles and exercises.Come experience how energyworks and learn how you can utilize the energy that is both within and all aroundyou."
Price: 84.99

"How To Build A Real Estate Cash Buyers List"
"How To Build A Real Estate Cash Buyers ListI talk to a lot of people who are struggling with their Real Estate businesses. The frustrating part is that there is a common theme that tends to repeat itself over and over in these conversations.""I've got house deals, but I just can't get the deals successfully closed"".... or perhaps ...""I'm scared to make offers because what if I don't have a Buyer lined up"".The reason most people struggle to close Real Estate deals, ESPECIALLY wholesale deals, is because they don't have a strong list of cash buyers. simple as that.Now, there are people that think they have a strong buyers list, but I've found that people often confuse SIZE with QUALITY. You see, you need both to really make things happen.You can have a tiny list of capable buyers... and still struggle.You can have a HUGE list of garbage buyers... and still struggle.The magic happens when you have a MONSTER list of SERIOUS buyers. Is that you? Do you have a rock star buyers list? If not, then I'm positive that you can benefit greatly from my course. Let me tell you a little bit more about it...Learn from an active investor who is closing 10+ deals a month.The methods for growing your buyers list are tested and proven.There's no prior experience required for you to benefit from the course.The course is delivered in a series of short, to-the-point, instructional videos.Even when the course is completed, you can refer back as a handy resource.Both experienced and new investors alike will benefit from the course.Build your list using both automatic and manual methods of adding buyers.Discover unique methods of finding the most serious buyers in your market.Everything you need for building and growing your buyers list is right here.The course is largely build around the tried-and-true methods that I utilize in my own Real Estate wholesaling business. Every method can be implemented in any market.Making easy money by flipping deals to your buyers list is easy - but the benefits of having a KILLER buyers list goes even deeper than that! The opportunities that will come your way by connecting with the serious players in your market are vast and unknown - but some of the best deals I've been a part of have come about through the connections I've made through building my buyer database.My buyers list is easily the most valuable asset that I have in my Real Estate investing business. The quality and value of a strong Buyer List is priceless.For anyone interested in quickly and effectively building out a SERIOUS buyers list - this is the course for you."
Price: 49.99

"How To Build A Craigslist Real Estate Lead Generating System"
"Here's the trouble with Craigslist: 97% of the Real Estate listings are GARBAGE.If you've ever tried to find a good deal on Craigslist then you already know what I mean.With that being said, there are still amazing Real Estate deals to be had. However, you need a systematic way of sifting out the overwhelming JUNK in order to reveal the few opportunities that are real GEMS.It's that unique and valuable ability that my simple system will provide you with.As Real Estate Entrepreneurs, our businesses are entirely dependent on a steady stream of quality of incoming leads. Without leads - our business dies. Still, there is a very important factor that most people miss out on:There's a balance between QUALITY and QUANTITY that effects your results dramatically.Here's what I mean -HIGH Volume of LOW Quality Leads = Bad. Inefficient. Dangerous. A Trap.LOW Volume of HIGH Quality Leads = Good. Efficient. Profitable. Freedom.You see, it's very beneficial to focus on a smaller pool of leads that will provide you with greater opportunity to profit. As a result, you make MORE money with LESS effort.I can show you how to build a simple system that will give you a steady supply of HIGH-QUALITY leads from Craigslist, with full-automation, and FREE to maintain.Using the power of Craigslist and a few other (little known) unique tools, I can show you how to build a simple system that will screen out all the junk, and provide you with top-notch Real Estate leads from the most motivated sellers.Once your system is built, you can sit back and enjoy a supply of deals that consist of of only the very best available in your market. This course will save you time, make you money, and allow you to focus on only the very best leads in your area.*** This is the KEY that unlocks your ability to produce quality leads from Craigslist.Here's why you'll benefit from building your own Craigslist Lead-Generating System:It will screen out all the bogus leads - AUTOMATICALLYIt will increase your total count of QUALITY incoming leads for your businessIt will DRASTICALLY improve your efficiency of processing Craigslist Real Estate leadsIt will provide you with ONLY the most highly-qualified, motivated seller leadsIt will help to AUTOMATE and SYSTEMATIZE your Real Estate investing businessIt will give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE against your local competitorsIt will save you money by effectively leveraging a NEVER-ENDING source of leadsIT WILL ALLOW YOU TO CLOSE MORE REAL ESTATE DEALSThis course is delivered in short, bite-sized video lessons. I will personally guide you through the creation, implementation, and tuning of your automatic lead-generating system.There are no ongoing costs or memberships involved with my course. All of the required components are free and publicly available. Aside from your enrollment fee, everything else required is 100% free in every way!The system is simple, elegant, effective, and valuable. You'll be amazed and pleased."
Price: 49.99

"Wholesale Real Estate Contracts: Flip Houses Risk Free"
"Wholesale Real Estate ContractsGain immediate access to 7 Wholesale Real Estate contracts that I've developed overthe last decade to turn houses into money.This contract package will give you the ability to control Real Estate deals all the way to the closing table while also keeping you safe and risk-free.Are your current Real Estate contracts up to snuff?Do you worry about losing your Earnest Money deposits?Can you EFFECTIVELY control deals with both Buyers AND Sellers?Are you scared of making offers for fear of making BIG mistakes?These are just a few of the concerns and problems that can be alleviated by owning a purpose-built set of Real Estate contracts.Now, having the contracts themselves is just half of the battle...Do you know how a contract actually works?Do you understand the verbiage, and more importantly, WHY it's there?Within my course, I will slowly walk you through each and contract, line by line. This way you will truly understand why each line is there, why it's important, and what it can do for you.You see, everything is there for a reason. Whether it's to help you get offers accepted, to control the deals, or to protect you from liability - everything has a purpose, and you'll be a far more effective Investor by knowing the ins-and-outs of each contract.You just don't get this kind of hand-holding anywhere else. Where else are you going to get a full set of contracts that are proven, effective, and used DAILY to turn houses into money.The answer is NOWHERE ELSE. This is the place.Get the course now. Simply sign up, enroll, and you'll gain instant access to all of the course material. If that's not enough, you can take full advantage of a 30-day money-back guarantee.ENROLL NOW.PS: Here's a quick story... When I first started off, it took me over a year and a half to even get my first house under contract. Yeah - it's embarrassing to admit. Why did it take me so long? FEAR. I was scared of making a mistake that would result in a lawsuit. Simple as that. I conquered my fear by gaining an understanding in how contracts can protect me from liability. Once I realized that, and had contracts that I could use to control houses RISK FREE, I was off to the races and I've gone on to close more than 400 houses! I hope you can benefit from understanding Real Estate contracts as much as I did."
Price: 49.99

"Sniffing Out The Deals With Real Estate Birddogs"
"In this course, I'll teach you how to systematically attract, recruit, train, and manage a vast number of birddogs who will find you the Real Estate deals you are looking for.There's no better way to duplicated your acquisitions efforts than to train people who can go out and find deals on houses for you.It takes time, skill, and perseverance to build a successful RealEstate business, and there's no better way to grow your business than to enlist the help of others.Truth of the matter is that there are thousands of people right now, in your market, who would love the opportunity to make some extra money by searching out house deals for you. The trick is how to go about finding those people, and training them up so that they can work effectively.It takes a system to build an army of birddogs - and I'd like to show you how to build the same system that I use to grow my business like never before.Once your system is built, all you have to do is focus on the front and and the back end -On the front end, you have to keep the doors open so that your prospective birddogs can find you and enroll in your educational system. It's easy, and I'll show you exactly how.On the back and, you have to keep thedeals headed towards the closing table. Once your birddogs and trained and bringing you solid deals, the closings will occur naturally. You'll see.So, enroll in the course. The cost is low, the material is delivered in step-by-step fashion, and you can literally be recruiting your army of birddogs by this time tomorrow.ENROLLNOW."
Price: 49.99

"Barriers & Breakthroughs Of Real Estate Wholesaling"
"This course is for anyone who is struggling to reach the next level in their RealEstate wholesaling business.Over the last decadeI've had the privilege tocoach an increasingnumber of students. During this time, I've recognizeda distinct trend...While each student's struggleisunique, there are common barriersthat tend to hold back a verylarge number of people. Depending on the student, these challenges canlimit, or evenSTOP, theprogress the student can make toward their goals.This courseBreaks Down The Barriers that can bedevastating to a Real Estate investors progressand growth.I find that most people are usually just a step or 2 away from unlocking true success - but they are often held back by something... often some kind of self-created barrier. It's time to break down the barriers. It's time to reach the next level.What's your biggest barrier? For me, Iwas ABSOLUTELYPARALYZED by thefear of being sued.This irrational fear held me back from making any worthwhile progress for a period of over 9 months early on in my career. Nobody is immune to fear, struggles, and challenges in Real Estate - but these problems must be addressed before you can move forward with confidence.Don't be held back any longer.The course material is delivered to you via a series of high quality, easy-to-implementvideos. It'sjust me talking to you exactly like I would be if we were in a 1-on-1 mentoring session.Whether your barriers to success areconcerning money, contracts, people, resources, or just plain old fear - you and I will get to the bottom of the issue.Break Through Your Barriers... Enroll now."
Price: 19.99

"Attract Your Ideal Dating Life: For All Lifestyles/Genders"
"In this course, Dating Coach and Certified NLP Practitioner, Erin Tillman, The Dating Advice Girl, gives male and female adult students of all ages, in all lifestyles and sexual orientations, tips for attracting the dating/relationship life of their dreams. In a world where singles date by default, Erin provides students with dating tips for entering into relationships consciously. This course is ideal for anyone who feels lost, fearful, skeptical, or exhausted in the dating process and for those who are looking for guidance and encouragement for attracting like-minded partners who have similar dating/relationship goals and objectives. This course includes easy-to-follow lectures on the following:Setting Reasonable Dating Goals & ObjectivesManaging Dating ExpectationsCommunication Tips (online and in-person)Online Dating & Dating App Tips (including profile tips and messaging tips)First Date TipsAvoiding the 'Friendzone'Managing Fear & Feeling More Confident in the Dating Process and moreThis course also includes exercises, downloadable worksheets, and will take just under an hour to complete.The course is based on Miss Tillman's in-person workshops and her book, 'The Dating Guidebook: Tips For Living a Happy and Healthy Single Life Without Losing Yourself in the Dating Process.' If you'd like to feel more empowered in the dating process, this course is for you!"
Price: 29.99

"Creating Apple TV Apps (TVOS) With No Programming"
"Thousands of people have quick their lives and become their own boss by becoming an app developer. Unfortunately, with hundreds of thousands of apps on the Apple App store, it's no longer as easy as it used to be to get noticed. Great apps are missed everyday. The Apple TV is still brand new--a few thousand apps exist, but that's tiny when compared to other app stores. What that means is it's easier to get noticed.If you are interested in app development and aren't sure where to stare, then this class is for you. It's a very beginners course. Best of all: there's absolute no coding at all! Of course, if you want to create the next Angry Birds, you'll need to learn how to code; but you need to start somewhere, and this class is the perfect place."
Price: 19.99

"Beyond English: IELTS Academic Writing Task 1"
"This is one in a series of courses based on test preparation for theIELTS Academic exam. This part focuses on WRITING TASK 1. In this course you will find:2hours of lectures aboutWriting Task 1Over 20 PDFpages of Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises, and Practice Exam questions with tips and answers.Tuition from an experienced IELTS teacher from the UKA copy of the Band Descriptions for Writing Task 1that the examiners usesto grade your paperModal answers with explanationsGeneral advice on how to describe numbers, charts, diagrams and maps in EnglishThe course is broken into several sections:An introduction tothe IELTS exam and Writing Task 1Advice on how to skillfully write about numbers, percentages, trends, comparisons and size.Line graphs and StructureOther visuals with numbers: Bar Charts, Pie Charts and TablesDiagrams and ProcessesMapsThis course does not onlygive you advice and tell you what to do. We will also take exam questions, answer them with you and show you what the examiner is looking for. Take this course to improve your English Writing ability, prepare yourself for Writing Task 1 in the exam and get the score that you require to change your life."
Price: 19.99

"Beyond English: IELTS Writing Task 2"
"This is one in a series of courses based on test preparation for the IELTS Academic exam. This part focuses on WRITING TASK 2. In this course you will find:- Around 2 hours of lectures about Writing Task 2- Over 57 PDF pages of Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises, and Practice Exam questions with tips and answers.- Tuition from an experienced IELTS teacher from the UK- A copy of the Band Descriptions for Writing Task 2 that the examiners uses to grade your paper- Modal answers with explanations- General advice on how to write organised answers and the Grammar and Language that the examiner is looking for.WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT FROM OTHER COURSES? - As you many have noticed, we have carefully made 57 extra pages of written Exercises and Tips. These documents fit in with the video lectures andcontainmore written answers and show you how and why we made them!This course does not only give you advice and tell you what to do. We will also take exam questions, answer them with you and show you what the examiner is looking for. Take this course to improve your English Writing ability, prepare yourself for Writing Task 2 in the exam and get the score that you require to change your life."
Price: 19.99

"Tableau for Beginners: Get CA Certified, Grow Your Career"
"Tableau is the solution that thousands of companies use today as they struggle with their big data issues. This course prepares you for the Tableau Qualified Associate Certification exam, and features two Full-Length Certified Associate Practice Exams with Solution Guide. Are you looking to find a way to increase your salary and enjoy your work more? Why not turn to Tableau? Getting certified as a Tableau Qualified Associate can be the first step to achieving this goal. Tableau is not only great fun, it can be really lucrative. Imagine what your life would be like with a $100k salary!Get Started Today!Working with Tableau isn't just lucrative - it's fun! And unlike most data analysis tools, Tableau uses a drag-and-drop interface, so you don't need to be a programmer to learn Tableau. If you can learn Excel then you can learn Tableau.Learn and Apply Fundamental SkillsGet a step-by-step walk-through of the fundamentals of data visualization and data discovery with Tableau. You'll learn how to:Sort, filter, and group your dataCreate tables, bar charts, line chartsShow location using geographic mapsAggregate with sum, average, min, max, and countsCreate new fields using calculationsCombine data using joins, blends, and unionsBut just watching the videos won't make you an expert. For mastery, you need to go hands-on by answering questions that reinforce the skills from the videos. To go hands-on, you'll install the Public version of the Tableau software, which is available for free and easy to install on Mac or Windows. Then you'll download the sample data set included with the course, and Tableau to answer questions about this sample data.Prepare for the Certified Associate Certification ExamAfter completing the units on fundamental Tableau skills, solidify your knowledge by answer questions similar to those on the Tableau Qualified Associate certification exam. If you get stuck on a question, you can watch a video presenting the solution.Course includes access to two full-length Tableau Certified Associate Certification. The Certified Associate Exam was previously called the Qualified Associate exam, but was recently renamed.Final ProjectThe final part of the course is the final project where you use Tableau to create a unique visualization on a topic of your choosing using publicly available data. Save your project to the Tableau Public website and you'll have a project you can show potential employers."
Price: 39.99

"Guide to Starting and Running a Creative Business from Home"
"In this course you will learn how to duplicate a business that has created the wealth & income I could only dream about years ago. I created this business in 2012 and since, earned a steady six figure income. Most months I make between $10,000 and $15,000. I no longer look for ways to make money online or from home because I have a solid and stable evergreen business and earn a substantial income, from home, on my own watch! Audio and presentations will teach you step by step how to make a ton of money in this business and finally work from home. You can make more than $10k a month, beginning your first month in this business. This amazing work from home business opportunity will create a lifetime of secure financial independance.This course is straight to the point and can be completed in just a day or 2. If you want to quit your day job and create financial freedom, then you have found the perfect course. I commend you for taking the next step in creating a substantial six figure income! You must have a special degree or experience, just the will and motivation to make money and enjoy life!"
Price: 49.99

"Learn to Launch Your Startup Idea Without Writing Code"
"Have an idea for a startup, but no technical skills to build it?Did you know that some of the world's greatest tech startups were in fact launched with very little technology?These are companies that were acquired for $50-$540 million, or IPO'd.How did they do it?Almost no one realizes that there are TONS of online tools you can put together to create a product without writing any code. In this course I will show you how these tools can be used to build your idea and get your first customers.""I created my 'startup' in a couple of hours thanks to this class. I can't believe that i read all of those books first... glad I decided to take this class. thanks."" - Jenifer Daniels You will learn:Seven code-free tools that you can combine like LEGO pieces to build your productFour types of Wordpress plugins that might save you months of development.How to accept payments online the most professional way possible - in under 10 minutes.How to appear like you hired a full-time graphic designer and built everything in-house.The most powerful technology in the world.... and why you already know how to use it.""I learned so much about services that can get me started right away! I was hitting roadblocks and getting discouraged by having to learn all these program languages. I felt like I was never going to launch if I had to teach myself how to do everything. This course has me excited to begin!"" - Paris Jackson This course includes:Stories of a successful startups that used each method successfully.Techniques for defining your product to get your first customers ASAPLinks to specific services that I have tested and compared, many of which have free plans.This class is for entrepreneurs who:Have a clear idea of what they want to buildHave zero technical knowledge, but comfortable with softwareAre willing to work hard to launch their company""If you know nothing, you will know a lot after listening to Tal' advice. He knows his stuff and is clear and informative. I think this is a great class at a great price."" - Jody Myers ""Thanks Tal for this wonderful course. It is worth every penny, I have so much fun working on my project right now, and with all your tips the start has become really easy. During the course you learn how to build e-commerce shops, social networks, blog-websites and more. Tal enables and challenges you to build a fully functioning prototype of your project and share it with others. It's really fun to see your start-up grow day by day. And you never feel lost, since he does not introduce complicate concepts and technical terms. This course focuses on giving you just the necessary tools to build your own online start-up."" - Max Breitsprecher Did you know that being non-technical can actually be a huge advantage? Here's why:When you know how to code (or have a technical cofounder), you can spend days, months, and years chugging away at something no one wants. (Confession: I've done this...twice). It's so easy to just keeping building instead of launching and selling.However, when you're non-technical, you don't have that option! Instead, you have to figure out how to serve your customers right away.This course will give you the tools to start serving customers now.After completing this course:You will have a working product you can use to start getting customers right away.Recruiting investors, partners, and technical talent will be MUCH easier - because you'll have a real product and real revenue.You'll obtain lifetime skills to quickly prototype and test all your future ideas as well.I have taught this course to over 1,500 students worldwide both live and online, with a 96% approval rating (). I'm excited to bring this course to the Udemy community.Tal RavivP.S. I personally respond to any questions students have, so there's no worry about being stuck or not knowing how to work a particular tool. Here are some kind words from my previous students:""The best class I have ever taken. He really made my goals feel possible. It all feels super attainable. I could have watched another hour!"" - Denise Hamilton""Just feels empowering that you can get started on your own."" - Fran H.""I am so happy that I found someone who does not hide under code and the fancy prancy technocrats trying to complicate the lives of practical people seeking the truth about the market."" - Joanna Recine""Being a non-technical entrepreneur, and launching my first tech startup right now, by far the best course Ive founded in the web. Thanks!"" - Roberto Bolanos""There is so much that non-technical entrepreneurs can do - if they only knew about the resources out there and how to use them. It's not even that hard - just a few tools and permission to think differently. I can't think of a better guide than Tal.""Gabe Weinberg, Founder & CEO of DuckDuckGo""It's about time somebody compiled this information. Tal skips the self-help cr*p to give non-technical founders practical directions to literally launch products.""Matt Mickiewicz, Founder of 99Designs and Hired""This is the complete toolset that every non-technical co-founder needs to know about. No one has ever organized it so clearly or thoroughly.""Anton Bernstein, Founder & CEO of Lookingo ""Tal is one of the most resourceful startup founders I have met. His journey from being non-technical to building Ecquire make him perfect for teaching this much-needed course.""Michael Tippett, Founder of NowPublic"
Price: 19.99

"Hands-on Learning For Essential Oils & Aromatherapy"
"You will learn the basic concepts and safety guidelines for aromatherapy and essential oils and also, I will teach you step-by-step to elaborate your own aromatherapy products, such as: relax massage oil, detox bath salts, creativity aroma mist, cold and flu diffuser blend and cellulite cosmetic massage oil, and many others. All the information about the essential oils you will use to elaborate your products and the recipes are included in a document so you can print them and refer to them later.The first part of the course consists in teaching you about the main concepts for aromatherapy and essential oils and how to use them safely. The second part is to get down to work and make different types of aromatherapy products (massage oils, diffuser blends, aromatic mists, bath salts and cosmetics) while I teach you why we are using the choosen essential oil so you can understand why we add it to the recipe. This way, you will learn the properties of different essential oils.This course is intended for persons with no previous knowledge about aromatherapy. You can complete this course in just 30 minutes...but it's up to you! :)"
Price: 19.99

"How To Do The Master Cleanse (Lemonade Diet)"
"This course on How To Do The Master Cleanse (otherwise known as the Lemonade Diet) provides complete instructions for understanding and successfully performing the popular cleansing/detoxification regimen called the Master Cleanse. It provides complete instruction via video lessons, with some supplementary text-based information. It is ideal for those wanting to learn how to detoxify and cleanse thoroughly. It covers all the details you need to know to transition into, sustain, and transition off of the Master Cleanse, such as:the Master Cleanse drink recipeingredientssuppliesmethodstipshow to know when to end the Master Cleansemyths and falsehoods about the Master Cleansehow to maximize the benefits you get from the Master Cleanse"
Price: 24.99

"Start Your English Teaching Business Abroad"
"This course is for people who are people teaching English abroad who want to increase their income and stop struggling financially or for people who are considering teaching English abroad and want to set themselves up for success by learning to be a top-earning English teacher before they make the trip. The course consists of 10 learning modules with over 40 video lectures where I teach the exact strategies and techniques I used to become a top-earning English teacher in several different countries. There are also supplementary exercises with the lectures. If you are teaching English abroad but aren't earning as much money as you know you are capable of earning, then this course is for you. If you want to stop worrying about money and start really enjoying your adventurous life abroad as an English teacher, this course is for you. If you are thinking of going abroad to teach English but want to avoid making all the mistakes I made along the way, then this course is for you. Enroll now and let's get you on the path to becoming a top-earning English teacher."
Price: 144.99

"Law of Attraction and Self Hypnosis Effortless Manifestation"
"At last, an EFFORTLESS breakthrough system that eliminates your toxic thinking and ATTRACTS your Magical lifeNOW                              The wait is over! Now you can fulfill your dreams such as increased prosperity, vibrant health and loving relationships.                                          Its guaranteed or your money back!!!             Hi, my name is Chris and I am a Bestselling Author. My courses are also Bestseller's and have been taken by over 21,000 happy students from 161 countries. Here is what my wonderful students are saying about this course.""Hello, I myself am an instructor on Udemy. I taught more than 50,000 students on Udemy alone and I bought countless courses on the platform. This course is by far, the single most important course on this platform. It is absolutely mind blowing. Your subconscious brain is powerful, 95 to 99% of our thoughts actions and habits on a daily basis are driven and governed by our subconscious brain, and being able to rewire and change your subconscious beliefs will help you change and transform your life. Great job Chris, you did an amazing course right here!""Bestseller Instructor Udemy. Noah Merriby""The BEST!!!!!!! -- Definitely the best course of LOA -- Excellently well explained and simple -- Very well designed with specific themes -- Scientific support of the LOA -- PDF of each lesson to facilitate the translation to other languages (Google Traslator) -- Excellent teacher -- Definitely 100 rating -- The teacher answers the questions that same day Very good person and human quality, is a teacher who is there for you. Thank you very much Chris for your passion to help others improve their lives!""Erika Kings""As a Master Hypnotherapist and LOA Expert; I have learned a great deal from Chris and this course. I am always a student in this world, and was guided to this course for a reason, just like everyone reading this review. You are here for a reason. The true value of this course could not be put into numbers; just to say that it has been designed to change lives all over the world, for those ready to take that leap. I HIGHLY recommend this course for anyone! It is easier to direct my clients here, and then work with them on building the new foundation, and healing/clearing whatever stands in the way of it.""Joshua Weightman""Thank you, Chris, for this course. This is easily one of the best courses in Law of Attraction I have ever taken. I have been following Abraham Hicks for years and I find that this course puts everything so clearly. For me, the Guided Self Hypnosis/Changing Limited Beliefs is a game changer. I have never been able to visualise so clearly before. As Abraham puts it, I now feel like a Deliberate Creator!""Michelle Louw                           +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Dear Friend,   Have you ever wondered why most of the self-improvement programs or books on the market or even on your bookshelf never work?    Have you noticed that there are some tools that might seem to work for a few people but not for you?   Have you watched the movies What the Bleep Do We Know?, The Secret, studied the Law of Attraction? Have you attended numerous seminars on self-help and positive thinking? Yet, have you been able to achieve permanent & radical transformation in your life?    The Self-Development field is a multi-billion dollar industry and bookshelves are loaded with self-help books. Then why is it that there are millions of people struggling with health problems, financial insecurity, unfulfilled relationships, etc?    Breakthrough your struggle!   Have you wondered why you have worked so hard to make your life work, and strive so hard to make more money to pay your bills, to make your relationships more harmonious, and to gain better health, but you just cant make that breakthrough?    Is there always something missing?   You wonder why, but never find the answer!    Let me make something very clear for you right now: Here is why  The majority of popular books or programs on self-improvement only touch the surface of your challenges or frustrations, NOT the subconscious toxic beliefs that cause the problem to begin with!    For example, if you have financial problems, you will be advised to take the expensive wealth building seminars that teach you a bunch of money making strategies. BUT, the fact of the matter is that your financial problems are not solved by tools or techniques to make money, but by something deeper and more fundamental.   If you have relationship problems, people will advise you to go to relationship experts who can give you tons of tips and strategies to improve your relationship. BUT you will find that the fulfilling loving relationship that you have dreamed of is still out of your reach.   Thats because your relationship problems are only symptoms, not the fundamental causes.   Spread your wings and fly . Effortlessly   When those fundamental issues are resolved, EVERYTHING CHANGES!   Your financial situation starts to change; you start attracting money and abundance into your life.   Things that youve always wanted start to show up in your life EFFORTLESSLY.   You start to feel true joy from your work.    You start to attract the right and fulfilling relationships.   You find yourself more energetic, passionate, and enthusiastic.   Life will seem so easy and effortless; everything will flow naturally.   If you wonder how you can align yourself to live an amazing life, you have come to the right place.   Make magic happen!   This program is the result of over 30 years studying mind science and consciousness-expanding practices. You will learn how to finally identify the dis-empowering subconscious beliefs that are running your current life by default and start designing your exciting life; the life you dream of having where anything is possible.  Join me on this journey of exploration and manifestation by hitting the ""Buy now"" button above to start creating the life of your dreams and Ill see you in the course.More reviews from my wonderful students....I reviewed my statement/affirmation at the end of the year. I am reminded how much has manifested since I completed my personalized affirmations. I am in a loving relationship. We have purchased a home together. I am no longer working full time which has given me much freedom to pursue the things I want to do. I highly recommend working with Chris.Michelle""From the science to the practicality of application, this course develops an inner-mind shift quickly to develop a positive only inner voice. I am thrilled to be learning so much and am in awe of what I am already doing. Chris does such a phenomenal job of explaining such an abstract concept while teaching easy to implement application strategies. The universe wants us to have our deepest desires, and I am so blessed to have found this path!""Kristen Mannta""One of the best course I found on Udemy. This course really has all you need, both theory and practical demonstration of self hypnosis. The more you put your heart into this course, the more you will notice that your life starts changing. I even gave up some bad habits once I stared Yoga Nidra mentioned.""Avinash Sahel""This course is a great blend of spirituality, science, and practical experience. At its heart is the law of attraction.... Chris has enriched our experience of the law of attraction by bringing self-hypnosis into the mix. This practice allows us to create affirmations at a very deep level and manifest our desires much more easily. He gives us effective tools that we can use in our daily lives.....""Sonja Kaleski""Excellent course with the best exercise I have ever done to clarify my personal power affirmation. I am using Chris's guided audio which for me has been like a very deep meditation. The instructor is very kind and thoughtful. He responds to questions almost immediately. Highly recommended.""Susan Hara""Chris, thank you for creating this course and sharing it with us! There are so many hyped up LOA courses charging in the tunes of $1000's which probably doesn't deliver a fraction of what you teach in this course. I am looking forward to applying what you teach in my daily life and open to receiving the delicious goodies the universe has in store for me!"" Belle D"
Price: 199.99

"Law of Attraction Success System"
"Have you been struggling to manifest your hearts dreams and desires with the Law of Attraction?Are you tired of relentlessly trying to change your thinking and getting no results?Did you know that the # 1 obstacle to creating whatever you desire with the Law of Attraction is your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts?You might have read ""The Secret"", or seen the movie but it didnt explain that your habits of thought and limiting beliefs are held deep within your subconscious mind, where they become long held automatic patterns of thought. These thoughts have a certain momentum to them which is hard to overcome when they have been part of your subconscious mind for so long. Your subconscious limiting beliefs are the # 1 obstacle to creating whatever you desire. No matter how hard you try with your conscious mind, those limiting subconscious beliefs wont budge.This course will help you replace your limiting beliefs, and negative thoughts which you continue to think over and over, with new positive beliefs and thoughts safely and easily.The key to changing your limiting beliefs is the powerful mind tool called hypnosis and specifically self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis enables you to connect with your subconscious mind, where you can place new positive, empowering thoughts and beliefs. It has been scientifically proven that self-hypnosis is one of the most effective tools in changing your subconscious limiting beliefs and improving your life. You dont need to find the cause of your limiting beliefs or work at fixing your negative thinking you just need to replace them with new positive thoughts and beliefs. This is exactly what self-hypnosis and this course can do for you.The course will make the Law of Attraction work for you rather than against you and change struggle into ease by:Teaching you how to confidently use self-hypnosis to replace your limiting beliefs and thoughts with positive empowering beliefs and thoughts, thereby changing what you attract into your life. The self-hypnosis technique taught within this course can also be used as a meditation, allowing you to train your mind into a deep meditative state quickly and easily, reducing harmful stress and allowing you to feel more calm and relaxed.Offering a deeper understanding of how the Law of Attraction works in your life. This will enable you to live the life you choose with more financial freedom, the relationships you seek, and vibrant health.It will also show you to appreciate your feelings by understanding how important they are in knowing what you will be attracting and how important feeling good is if you wish to become magnetic to your hearts desire and attain a happiness mindset.This course offers video lectures and audio guided meditation that will take you step-by-step through the process. Ive taught these strategies for years, and Ive made it extremely easy to learn to create whatever you want. The course is an introductory course to my more extensive course ""Law of Attraction and Self Hypnosis: Changing Limiting Beliefs"" and if used correctly and practised diligently it does contain everything you need to be able to get the law of attraction to work for you rather than against you. If youre ready to acquire this powerful mindset changing tool and take your life to the next level, then its time to get started with the Law of Attraction. Join me on this journey of exploration and manifestation by hitting the ""Buy now"" button above to start creating the life of your dreams and Ill see you in the course.What students have been saying about this course.""Great course and very powerful It is a liberating experience doing this course I am now in the path of mastery of the law of attraction To manifest my hearts desire Thank you so much! :D""Enzo Coloso""Absolutely fantastic thought provoking, informative, easy to understand, self motivating - thank you and we'll done for doing this and sharing with others"" Carol Jenkin""This was a great course. It inspired me to purchase the full course. I've learned a lot and have deeply benefited from the guided hypnosis meditations. Definitely worth taking this course if you're interested in the Law of Attraction"". Timna Gonzalez""Perfect introductory course on the Law of Attraction. Very well explained with only the necessary information presented. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is unfamiliar with LOA or wishes an excellent refresher course on the subject. Thank you Chris! You are a fantastic instructor!"" Jim Seibel""This short course was excellent. I took this course as an introduction to the law of attraction and hypnosis. It was mostly due to my curiosity to know more about the subject. I enjoyed this course, as it was very well put together, and Chris' voice alone is mesmerizing :)"" Ali AlarafatAn informative and well-paced course. Enjoyed it. Easy to follow and understand. Will buy other courses from the Instructor. Thank you, great course.NinaThis is by far the best course I have taken on this site and the fact that it was free was incredible. Thank you so much.Emma Jayne"
Price: 19.99

"Lgica proposicional bsica"
"Un esbozo del contenido del curso es el siguiente:1. Proposiciones: En este tpico se definir qu es una proposicin, como operan los conectores y los valores de verdad que pueden tomar las proposiciones. 2. Equivalencias lgicas y reglas de inferencia: en este tpico se analizarn las principales equivalencias lgicas y algunas reglas de inferencia que nos permitirn desarrollar deducciones acertadas o correctas. Apoyndonos en lo anterior mostraremos una primera forma de demostrar, la deduccin; es decir, a partir de unas hiptesis deducir una consecuencia lgica.3. Propiedades bsicas del clculo de predicados: En esta seccin se analizarn los diferentes tipos de cuantificadores: el existencial, el universal y el existencial nico. Se examinar cada uno con cierto detalle; se mostrar como se da la negacin de estos y cmo se comportan a la hora de combinar varios de ellos.Adems, analizaremos cmo se mezclan el clculo proposicional y los cuantificadores, para formar una teora un poco ms general: el clculo de predicados. Solo se trataran las principales propiedades.4. Demostraciones: En esta seccin se analizarn los mtodos ms comunes de demostracin como lo son la deduccin, el contrarrecproco, reduccin al absurdo, la disyuncin de casos y la induccin matemtica."
Price: 24.99

"Ejercicios resueltos de geometra plana"
"En este curso se pretende que una persona que conoce la teora bsica de la geometra plana o Euclidiana pueda encontrar ejemplos donde aplicar la teora y cmo debe hacerse correctamente.La estructura de este curso es bsica, en l encuentras ejercicios conceptuales, que aclaran los conceptos principales de la materia; ejercicios operativos que ayudan a afianzar el proceso de calcular en esta rea y el uso de los teoremas bsicos; y ejercicios demostrativos en donde se muestra el uso de los teoremas y los mtodos de demostracin para demostrar nuevos resultados.El curso cuenta con 39 ejercicios con un total de tiempo de unas dos horas y sera til que las personas que cursan un primer curso de geometra en la universidad y aquellos que aun estando en el bachillerato pero quieren ahondar en esta rea lo tomen, ya que por medio de de estos ejercicios pueden aclarar sus dudas con respecto a los postulados y teoremas principales del rea."
Price: 24.99

"Variable compleja: Nmeros complejos y lmites"
"En este curso trataremos las nociones iniciales para un curso de funciones de variable compleja, un curso de gran utilidad para ingenieros y cientficos en general por sus grandes aplicaciones en la mayora de reas matemticas, desde la geometra hasta las ecuaciones diferenciales.En derrotero del curso es el siguiente: 1) Nmeros complejos y sus propiedades: En este primer mdulo se definirn los nmeros complejos y sus operaciones usuales de suma y multiplicacin, adems de las definiciones se mencionarn las propiedades principales, no se harn muchas pruebas en esta primera parte ya que son bastante intuitivas y no muy relevantes en el contenido siguiente como s lo son las propiedades en s.Tambin en este mdulo mostraremos la concepcin geometrica de los nmeros complejos, su forma polar y exponencial, asi tendremos claridad en las tres maneras en que se consideraran los nmeros complejos en el curso.Para terminar esta unidad mostraremos el clculo de raices y potencias de nmeros complejos ilustrando con ejemplos.2) Regiones del plano complejo (Topologa en C): En esta seccin mostraremos conceptos escenciales de la topoloa en C, concepos como conjuntos cerrado, abierto, conexo son definidos en esta unidad, y cada uno de estos conceptos van acompaados de ejemplos.3) Funciones complejas: En este mdulo definiremos que es una funcin de variable compleja y mostraremos ejemplos. Tambin mostraremos cmo una funcin compleja se puede definir por medio de dos funciones reales llamadas parte real e imaginaria de la funcin, de esto mostraremos ejemplos.4) Lmites: Esta seccin la dedicaremos concepto de lmite complejo y sus propiedades. Definiremos lmite formalmente, mostraremos su unicidad, y veremos las principales propiedades. Todo se aclarar por medio de ejemplos.5) Continuidad: Por ltimo analizaremos el concepto de continuidad, mostraremos sus principales propiedades y mediante ejemplos clarificaremos la parte terica."
Price: 24.99

"Diet to Eat More, Weigh Less!"
"Do you struggle with your Weight?Do you really want to lose weight in 2016?Dont you wish you could eat MORE to weigh Less?Well Now You Can! And I can show you how!Yes, you read that right! The fact is, most people who struggle to lose excess weight and keep it off are actually not eating enough food, not too much. In this Course you will:Learn how to eat more of the foods youre already eating at the best times and intervals for YOUR body to boost your metabolism and optimize digestion.Discover what healthier foods are best for YOU at this time and how to include MORE of these healthier foods in your diet as a LIFESTYLE HABIT that you enjoy.Also learn how certain processed foods and their ingredients could be contributing to your weight gain and how to easily make the switch to better choices.Watch that stubborn weight come off and stay off. It's easier than you think when you empower yourself with practical knowledge, proven skills and strategies from me a former junk-food junkie turned nutrition and health coach.What you eat and how much are just two of the MANY FACTORS that may be causing you to have trouble gaining or losing excess weight. No two people are alike. Thats why 10 people can go on the same weight-loss program and some will reach their goals quickly and easily, while others wont shed a pound, or not enough or heaven forbid actually GAIN weight following the exact same program!When it comes to overall health and weight issues, what I know for sure is, different people need different things at different times and that can change. So in addition to what to eat, how much and when, learn the specific factors and that might be keeping you from achieving your health and weight loss goals.Some will only have to make small changes to their current dietary lifestyle, while others will have to do more. Either way, youll get started on the road to completely transforming your relationship with food, and get your eating habits working FOR YOU so you can find your natural weight and restore or maintain your health and energy.Dont forget Udemys 100% Money Back Guarantee! So all you have to lose is that excess weight!This course contains 90+ minutes of instructional videos along with a variety of supplemental materials, including articles and book recommendations. Because it's jam-packed with lots of valuable info and practical tips, it's something you can return to again and again to continually upgrade your eating lifestyle, as well as help you get back on track when you go astray.So, take the decision to make a change today and get started Eating More to Weigh Less!Take This Course Today - See you insideBest regardsKelly and John"
Price: 19.99

"GRE Prep: Crack the Quantitative Reasoning Section"
"The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test created and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) since 1949. The GRE test score has a major contribution in your applications to universities in the United States and Europe. The GRE exam is a computer based test which aims to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and critical thinking skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not related to any specific field of study.The Quantitative Reasoning section in GRE constitutes to 50% of the total score. Unlike other competitive examinations, the GRE Quant section comprises of basic mathematics. At an academic level, the scope of the questions appearing is limited to the mathematical concepts learnt up to tenth grade. Thus, this section has become a goldmine which necessarily has to be targeted to ensure a high score.To excel in the Quantitative Reasoning section, the rule of thumb used by toppers has been to focus on understanding concepts thoroughly and maintaining high speed and precision while solving. This course has been designed to comprehensively prepare an aspirant in these two aspects. In this online GRE course, each individual topic is explained right from the grassroots level. Ability to solve problems becomes an automatic progress if you understand all concepts across topics with high clarity. Next, problem solving skills have to be perfected by enhancing speed as well as the accuracy of answers. This can be achieved by practicing the numerous solved example problems and answering GRE practice tests that have been provided. Problem solving tips, shortcuts and easy hacks mentioned in the course will help you work on enhancing your speed. Self-assessment at each step will ensure continuous progress and will stand you in good stead on the day of the exam.In summary, the salient features of this GRE Quants tutorial are:In depth explanations of concepts across topics in the GRE syllabus, along with unique insights.Several solved example problems provided after each section, aimed at helping you grasp the implementation of concepts.Comprehensive GRE practice tests at the end of each section to give you a clear picture about the difficulty and range of questions which could appear in the GRE exam.Tips, tricks and shortcuts to enhance speed and accuracy.Acing the Quantitative Reasoning section in the GRE is a must for every serious aspirant. Focus Academy for Career Enhancement, Indias largest employability skill development company, has designed this Quants course with various insights gained over the years by teaching aptitude to over a million students. Diligently following instructions given in the course and working hard will guarantee an excellent GRE Quants score."
Price: 69.99

"The Art of Bernini"
"This course will teach you the art of the great Gian Lorenzo Bernini. I believe it is very important for your own creativity to submerge yourself in the art of one of the great artists of all time. Bernini's art is closely linked to the city of Rome. In this course you will see all the great artworks Bernini created and get to know more about these works. You will learn something about Bernini himself and the time he lived in. And last but not least, you will get to know the city of Rome a bit better, through the art of this amazing Italian artist.You don't need to know anything about history or art when you follow this course. Just enjoy looking at these amazing artworks and be inspired!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprender a programar en C# Sharp .NET"
"Este curso te permitir aprender a programar iniciando desde cero, podrs aprender como usar el lenguage de programacin mas usado por programadores Microsoft que es C# .Net y tener una idea concreta de lo fcil que es programar. Lograras aprender a programar en C# .Net con facilidad. Con el curso llegaras a:Entender en que consiste la programacin.Construir un programa bsico usando .NetComprender las estructuras bsicas de programacin.Si quieres iniciar a programar o si vienes de programar en otro lenguaje este es el curso perfecto para ti. Este curso te permitir comprender las bases de programacin .Net que son tiles para usarlas en cualquier plataforma como web, app y otras.El curso esta explicado de forma sencilla como si estuvieras junto al instructor en una clase personalizada."
Price: 19.99