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"Simulation of Chemical engineering processes using COCO."
"Course description This course introduces you to chemical engineering and shows you how common industrial processes such as Steam Methane Reforming, Steam power plants, Cracking of Ethane, Purification of ethanol and several other processes can be simulated using a process simulation software. Process simulation is a much needed skill in the Oil & Gas, Chemical, Petrochemical and Energy industry. Build Industrial Chemical Processes right there on your computer and see what effect a change in some of the Process Conditions would have on the yield of the process. This is a fully hands on course. How the course is set This course is designed for anyone with a little knowledge of Chemistry and an interest in Simulation of Industrial Chemical Processes. Each section has lectures dedicated to covering the required theoretical background to the course and also has screen videos to show how the process of interest is simulated using the COCO process simulator software. We would not just discuss chemical processes, you would actually build these processes by yourself. External resources such as video animations, YouTube videos and Wikipedia pages which would make the concepts taught easier to understand are also included in the external resources section. Since this course is designed to give you a practical skill which you can use in the workplace, there are lots of quizzes which gauge your ability to use the software. The first section teaches some of the basic concepts you would need to be able to model chemical processes such as an Introduction to Chemical engineering, Unit operations and the Concept behind process simulation. The lecture which covers thermodynamics would be coming soon. The second section shows you how to get your PC set up for this course. The remaining sections of the course focuses on using the process simulation software COCO to model various chemical processes in a hands on manner."
Price: 39.99

"Creacion de una web desde cero con WordPress sin requisitos"
"Curso de WordPressEste curso te permitir, sin conocimientos previos, crear una web, (y en desarrollo un foro o una tienda online) con WordPress para tu organizacin o para ti. Esto lo hago con una metodologa paso a paso para que puedas hacerlo todo a la vez que yo.El curso est en constante crecimiento, con nuevos vdeos y nuevas secciones. Por lo que si algo cambia o se aade a WordPress en el futuro, pretendo seguir manteniendo el curso al da.Qu es lo que vas a aprender en este curso?Configuracin inicial. Nivel bsicoRegistro de un dominio y un hosting explicando paso a paso todo el proceso.Instalacin desde cero de WordPress paso a paso.Modificacin del aspecto y configuracin inicial.Puesta a punto de plugins fundamentales. (en desarrollo)Duracin del cursoEl curso est en constante crecimiento, por lo que cada vez durar ms, pero por ahora en tan slo 3 horas, con acceso de por vida a los vdeos y con garanta de devolucin sers capaz de comprender y ejecutar la creacin de una web e iniciarte en el mundo del desarrollo web.El curso ensea con un lenguaje cercano cmo crear una web desde la eleccin del nombre de la web hasta su publicacin en internet sin necesidad de conocimientos previos.""Creacion de una web desde cero con WordPress!"" te dar una visin clara sobre cmo funciona la creacin de una web. Despus de haber completado el curso, tendrs los conocimientos que te permitirn ser capaz de crear tus propias pginas con WordPress, el CMS utilizado en el 23,4% de los sitios webs de internet (datos de diciembre de 2015)."
Price: 19.99

"Lograr la armona en mis relaciones, adis conflictos!"
"Este es un programa muy poderoso para reprogramar tu mente en 30 das, integra tcnicas diferentes para influir en diferentes partes de tu consciencia.A travs de reflexiones crears nuevos conceptos.Las afirmaciones trabajarn a nivel consciente e inconsciente programando esa parte de tu consciencia que se enfoca en hacer realidad tus pensamientos y creencias predominantes.La relajacin progresiva es benfica para tu mente y tu cuerpo.Y por ltimo las meditaciones guiadas trabajan con tus emociones y con el archivo de imgenes en tu mente."
Price: 19.99

"Mejora tu Auto-concepto: Cambia tu vida!"
"A lo largo de este programa hablaremos de lo que es la autoestima y entenders por qu es tan importante para tu desarrollo.Encontrars tambin varios segmentos de reflexiones compartidas desde una visin experta en el tema, as como poderosas afirmaciones, que puedes repetir mental o audiblemente, ejercicios que te permitirn darle una nueva interpretacin a tu vida y el entrenamiento para que incorpores la relajacin y meditacin guiada a tu vida como un recurso de autoconocimiento.En este programa encontraras un plan de estudio con ms de 20 clases dinmicas e interactivas con el propsito de que tu aprendizaje sea disfrutable, sencillo, y con resultados inmediatos.Adems ""Bono extra: un programa completo descargable de 60 minutos de audio para que lo escuches en tu tiempo libre y fortalezcas tu nuevo aprendizaje""Para lograr cambios reales en tus pensamientos habituales, querrs participar activamente en todo el programa, siguiendo las indicaciones. Te recomendamos que la uses dos veces al da por al menos, 30 das seguidos. Cada vez que la uses le restars fuerza a las creencias que estn deteniendo tu desarrollo. Cada vez que la oigas ser para ti una experiencia nueva y diferente"
Price: 19.99

"Recupera tu poder personal: S el dueo de tu vida"
"Un programa diseado para ayudarte arecobrar todo tu poder, a reconocer que t tienes el derecho de tomar tuspropias decisiones y a relacionarte con otros ms sanamente.Cada segmento de nuestros programas ha sido cuidadosamente diseado para llegar directo a tu subconsciente, los cambios se darn a nivel fisiolgico, mientras t disfrutas de cada uno de los ejercicios. Los cambios importantes se dan desde el interior y se transmiten hacia lo que te rodea, si logras llenar tu mente de creencias positivas y promueves una actitud creativa y abierta, se presentar ante ti un infinito de posibilidades. Est comprobado que la repeticin es la clave del aprendizaje y que tu mente necesita un periodo mnimo para adquirir nuevos conceptos, por lo que te recomendamos que utilices este programa al menos 30 das seguidos. Convncete de que t puedes tomar las riendas de tu destino, es tu vida y nadie puede decirte como vivirla."
Price: 19.99

"Consigue el amor que mereces y s feliz"
"Hola!Me da mucho gusto poder compartir contigo este programa. Ya sea que quieras encontrar una relacin para ti, que quieras mejorar la relacin que ya tienes, o bien, si la relacin que tenas termin, con este programa logrars llenarte de creencias positivas acerca de tus relaciones y tendrs la seguridad de que mereces amar y ser amado, que hay suficiente amor para todos. El amor y nuestras relaciones son dos de los aspectos ms importantes de nuestra existencia. Yo creo que en los ltimos momentos de nuestra vida, no vamos a recordar los das que pasamos en la oficina, ni la lista de nuestros pendientes, ms bien, vamos a pensar en los momentos en que pasamos con nuestros seres queridos y en esos momentos en que nos sentimos realmente amados o cuando fuimos capaces de amar plenamente. El amor es uno de los ingredientes de una vida completa, plena y feliz.Puedes lograr mucho ms en una hora trabajando en cambiar tus creencias que en meses de esfuerzos, luchando en contra de ellas. Te recomendamos que utilices tu programa dos veces al da por al menos 30 das seguidos. Este lapso es ideal para nutrir tu mente con nuevos conocimientos. Es m deseo sincero que este programa te ayude a obtener lo que deseas, que logres llenar tu vida de armona y que la disfrutes plenamente. Esta vida es tu nica oportunidad, aprovchala!."
Price: 19.99

"Abre la puerta a la Prosperidad"
"Con este programa, cambiar tu actitud mental de, una que busca alejarte de deudas y escasez; a otra, que te acercar a la abundancia y que te pondr al pendiente de las oportunidades para abrirle la puerta a la prosperidad.Te recomendamos, leer primero el ebook y despus escuchar esta programa. Tu participacin a lo largo del programa es indispensable para obtener los mejores resultados. En nuestra experiencia sabemos que el lapso ideal para que tu mente se nutra de nuevos aprendizajes, es de un mnimo de dos veces al da durante 30 das seguidos. La programacin neurolingustica, nos ensea que tenemos dos formas de motivarnos: Una, es acercarnos hacia lo que queremos obtener y la otra, alejarnos de lo que queremos evitar.La vida quiere darte todo lo que deseas y necesitas. Slo es cuestin de que creas que es posible obtenerlo y que lo mereces. Deseamos sinceramente que aproveches este programa que preparamos especialmente para ti."
Price: 19.99

"Complete IT Monitoring: Installing Nagios on Ubuntu Linux"
"After finishing of this course, you will be Able to Monitor your Network, Servers and allITInfrastructure using one ofthe best monitoring tool:Nagios. You will also learn how tofast and easy install theUbuntu Linux Server and theOpen Monitoring Distribution (OMD). I will start with teaching you from scratch (a bare metal machine) with all the necessary steps and software to get everything working. From that point it's only about you to keep an eye on the performance graphs or SLA (Service Level Agreement)Reportsand find ways to improve your network in every areas: speed, cost, budget, and so on."
Price: 19.99

"Strategies for Saving Your Organization"
"All leaders find themselves at a point in their leadership where they need help. It could be a circumstance that needs immediate attention, or a decision that has paralyzed our leadership. Many times, church leaders face the daunting task of leading their organization into a new world full of change and challenges. This training is meant to serve as a tool for you, the leader, and your team. My desire is to help you build the best organization that is sustainable regardless of the challenging and changing times in which we live. Use the videos for yourself and your team, work through the material at your own pace, and feel free to disagree and change the ideas and theories that best suit your leadership and organization. The two things that I ask are that you allow yourself to be stretched, and allow the Lord to push and pull you toward new ideas and concepts. Show no fear. By adapting many of these theories, ideas and tools into your organization it will truly be a new day for your leadership and organization."
Price: 49.99

"Selenium, C# and Everything in Between"
"This course is for all of you who likes to become experts of Automation Testing (both beginners and advanced). This course is built as a complete end to end project with real world solution structure and development patterns, with special attention to real world problems and how to fix/solve/bypass them. Learn how to create logic layers and use development patterns to bring automation to the next level.This course is different because on top of teaching how to use and implement the selenium web driver, it also teaches how to use it in the real world by building a complete testing solution with dynamic testing, schedule runs, reporting and branching.Here you will find all the tricks and secrets which you will not find by searching on the internet. Thousands of experience hours were fined into one course.Mastering this course will give you huge advantage when looking for Web Automation Developer job. You learn how to deal with the most complicated web automation problems out there.This course is not about Selenium rather it is about how to use selenium with an enterprise level solution and how to create a powerful framework and API's which can be consumed by other developers. You will find here lectures suitable for all development levels, starting with how to create utilities and tool box for beginners ending with state of the art architectures for advanced developers who wish to move their skills to higher levelNo more ""How to do..."" it is time for ""This is how it's done!""."
Price: 19.99

"Gravity API - Automation as a Service (Selenium Web Driver)"
"This course will teach you everything you need to know about GravityAPI. Gravity API is a new automation concept which delivering automation infrastructures (such as Selenium, Appium, Coded UI, etc.) as a service, which means YOUDONOTNEED to deal with automationinfrastructure - only with the automation tools or scenarios you would like to create.Gravity API can automate browsers,desktop and mobileapplications (not on the BETA release) and evenserver side HTTPrequests.Gravity APIcan be hosted on WCFHost, IIS, OWIN, Service Fabric, Windows Service, Windows Process, .NETCore (when Selenium support will be available), Cloud Service, etc, and can be interact over HTTP - you can also use it's objects directly in your code with any language and send it over HTTP (client libraries)The powerful extraction capabilities makes Gravity API the ultimate crawler/spider - it can extract any data including JS Generated data or bypass UI blocks like ""Click Here"" or any client side blockage."
Price: 19.99

"Digital Marketing Strategies for Business Owners"
"Are you ready to get more sales using a Sales Funnel, Social Media Marketing, and Affiliate Marketing Strategies?Are you ready to build a sales funnel? connections with customers on social media? and affliate marketers to sell your products?Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest, Periscope, Blab, and Google+ all have thousands of customers waiting for you.Those customers will be lead to your website, that will be setup with a sales funnel, which means customers will be spending more money with you.And, you'll have affiliate marketers selling your products and sales funnels.This course is the ultimate beginners guide into sales funnels, social media marketing, and affiliate marketing.What does this course give you?Social Funnel StrategiesSocial Media Strategy and Best PracticesFacebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, Periscope, BlabSocial Media AutomationWorking with Affiliate MarketersThe key is to create a brand that is consistent across all channels.Click the""Take This Course""button straight away at the top right of this page because every second you delay is costing you money."
Price: 99.99

"Social Media Marketing Strategies for Business Owners"
"Looking to grow your own brand through social media?Having trouble gaining followers who like, comment, and share your content?Not really sure how to increase your presence on social media?Whatever your motivation to start and increase your brand on social media, youve come to the right place.This is aComprehensive Guide to Social Media Marketing StrategiesAre you ready to get more business leads using Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Google+, and Live Streaming?Are you ready to build connections with customers via social media?You'll learn how to drive sales, attract new customers and master social media (the right way).Social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest, Periscope, Blab, and Google+ all have thousands of customers waiting for you.The objective is to be everywhere. Create a unified front and gain followers across all social media channels.What does this course give you?Introduction to social media marketing strategies before diving into specific platforms.Facebook marketing strategiesTwitter marketing strategiesInstagram marketing strategiesPinterest marketing strategiesReddit marketing strategiesDiscover the power of business brandingDiscover the power of customer engagementThe key is to create a brand that is consistent across all channels.Click the""BUY NOW""button straight away at the top right of this page because every second you delay is costing you money."
Price: 99.99

"Selling on Amazon: Build a Successful Dropshipping Business"
"Introducing thecourseSelling on AmazonLearn a simple & effective strategy for selling on Amazon.Learn from someone who is doing what they are teaching!This is not theory, everything you will learn in this course I have done and continue to do so you can be assured it works.See how I make moneyselling on Amazonand then duplicate the same steps to create a successful Amazonbusiness.Based on mysuccesses, I let you look over my shoulder as I explore my own Amazon account, showing you precisely what I do.So different than other courses- Unlike other courses about this same subject, I have walked the walk. I have done and continue to do what I am teaching. This is not some rehashed cookie cutter content.You willWATCH OVER MY SHOULDERas I show youSTEP BY STEPhow to create a thriving business selling on Amazon JUST LIKE I HAVE DONE!ThisSelling on Amazoncourse is not just boring lectures with no substance. You will gain access to a completeSTEP BY STEP guideto starting and building a successful side Amazon business.Every step is shown right on the screen!"
Price: 49.99

"Land Your First Business Analyst Position"
"LANDING YOUR FIRST BUSINESS ANALYST POSITION ISNT AS FAR OFF AS YOU THINKUse my 5 simple step system to learn how to utilize the skills you already have to craft the perfect Business Analyst resume, find the job you really want, impress your interviewers, and negotiate the salary you deserve.After over 10 years working as a Business Analyst and 7 years hiring, training, and managing them, Ive learned everything there is to know about what it takes to land your first Business Analyst position.Now I want to help you leverage that information by giving you the 5-step process that Ive developed over the years, so you know exactly what you need to do to start your career in Business Analysis.Whats included in this course:The BA Guides Business Analyst Skills Assessment that will help you learn how the skills you already have will fit into the Business Analysis world and discover what roles youre best suited for.The common mistakes other candidates make in their Business Analyst resumes so you can avoid them - as well as how to ensure yours is compelling enough to get you noticed and then get you the job.Insider info from a veteran Business Analyst hiring manager on what impresses interviewers, so you can ace every interview you get.Plus, my surprising tip that wont take you long to do but will keep you top of mind long after the interview and ensure you remain their number one candidate.BONUS! In addition to my 5-step system for landing your first Business Analyst position, this course also includes a bonus section where I use my industry experience to teach you how to negotiate for a more competitive salary without scaring off or upsetting potential employers.Course enrollment grants you lifetime access, with no expiration, to all the course lectures, activities, handouts, and quizzes. In addition, youll also receive 1-on-1 support for any questions or uncertainties that come up. And this all comes with a money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.Just ask the students whove already taken this course: Excellent course with in-depth knowledge on how to get your foot in the door. Jeremy is very knowledgeable []. Great job !! Vik Jeremy has a way to make you really feel like he is for you and your development. Good information that is actionable. If you have an interview make sure you do this course. Garfield I Loved the way Jeremy explained everything. I learned alot. It gave me confidence to ace my performance for giving interview for the position of Business Analyst. GauravWhat ELSE is included in this course?After assessing your existing relevant skills, the BA Guides Business Analyst Skills Assessment provides you with a roadmap for further skills thatll increase your chances of landing your first BA role.The interview section doesnt just cover what impresses interviewers it also contains the most common Business Analyst interview questions, along with a breakdown of the best way to answer them mostly pulled directly from my personal interview documents that Ive compiled over 7 years as a Business Analyst hiring manager.A foot into the industry by way of an industry expert Im not just the instructor who wrote this course, I will also act as both a resource and a mentor to guide you to a long and rewarding career in Business Analysis! Found this course to be very helpful. Jeremy's extensive experience in the field was the major reason I decided to take the course. Chinonso Thanks for letting me know about landing a Business Analyst role, I was so self-doubt and not sure how to start, but this video definitely give me clue and I am gonna work on my resume right away. IrisStill feeling a little hesitant?I understand youre a Business Analyst at heart and you like to have all the information at hand before making a decision so heres my promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, Ill give you a refund no questions asked!So, whether youre feeling overwhelmed by all the varied and often contradictory information out there, and dont know how youd even begin to find a Business Analyst positionOr youve done the research and are ready to get started but youre missing a comprehensive plan of actionTrust an industry expert and BA hiring veteran to show you five simple steps to landing your first Business Analyst position!So, if youre ready to take the first step towards your new career, enroll today!"
Price: 64.99

"Business Analysis Fundamentals"
"THE ULTIMATE FOUNDATIONAL COURSE LEARN THE CORE BUSINESS ANALYSIS KNOWLEDGE YOU CAN BUILD UPON AND START YOUR BUSINESS ANALYST CAREER THE RIGHT WAY.Set yourself up for success and learn the key concepts youll need to thrive in your Business Analyst career!With over 10 years working as, hiring, and managing Business Analysts, Ive gained a lot of valuable experience and knowledge. And today, I want to share that information with you. Ill help you take the first step in a long and productive career in business analysis.In this course, I have condensed everything Ive learned in all my years working in the industry into a comprehensive guide to the basic elements that make up the most important tool in any Business Analysts career your foundational knowledge.Building a successful future without a strong foundation is an impossible taskBut when you have one in place, itll give your career the strongest possible start, and put you in a position to take the fullest advantage of the opportunities and experiences that come your way and achieve the success youre dreaming of!So, whether youre an aspiring Business Analyst or one thats new to the role let this course be the first step of a lucrative and satisfying career.Course enrollment grants you lifetime access, with no expiration, to all the course lectures, activities, handouts, and quizzes. In addition, youll also receive 1-on-1 support for any questions or uncertainties that come up. And this all comes with a money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.Just ask the students whove already taken this course: ""The pace is perfect for those who are actively engaged, and there is a lot of value in the lectures, activities, and additional resources provided. I wholeheartedly recommend this course."" Kenni The course is just awesome! Tbh [to be honest], I did not expect much from the online course and was really surprised when it turned out to be sooo interesting. The information is well-structured and divided into sections which makes it really easy to understand and grasp the important points. I enjoyed the way Jeremy conducts the lectures and truly hope to enroll into some more of his courses in future! Thanks a ton - Nataliia Great quality work. I like how Jeremy breaks everything down, so it's understandable even if you don't have any background in the business analysis. Awesome courses!!! - OlegWhy be a Business Analyst in the first place?1. Potential Earnings Lets be honest its the main reason we work in the first place. So, youll be happy to hear that a typical Business Analyst (BA) earns over $78,000 per year. And that is only the average. Work hard, continue to increase the value you provide, and just imagine how much you could end up making!2. Market Growth The Business Analysis job market is expected to grow at a rate of 19% over the next 10 years, so get in now and take advantage of an industry thats on the rise. In fact, per the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, American employers will need 876,000 business analysis related professionals in 2020. It is a great time to be versed in business analysis!3. Career Springboard The skills you learn as a Business Analyst are crucial to a host of many other professions, everything from IT to Business. This career path isnt just a job, its an investment in your future.4. Use Existing Industry Knowledge Similarly, the skills youve learned outside of the business analysis world are highly valued in the industry so rather than starting anew, you can be put your experience to good use.5. Its Never Boring With new projects always on the horizon, and different challenges to tackle each day, the role of a Business Analyst never grows stale.So if youre looking for a challenging and rewarding career, I highly encourage you to take a serious look into business analysis!What exactly is included in this course?- Business Analysis basics learn what a Business Analyst is, what they do, and how they do it- A breakdown of six project methodologies including traditional Waterfall and Agile frameworks- Learn how to properly initiate a project by learning how to create a business case that aligns with a business objectives- Understand the basics of project requirements and six of the popular techniques used to elicit those details from your stakeholders- Gain an overview of various modeling diagrams to help you recognize and understand project documentation- Conduct requirement specification - including categorizing, deriving (breaking apart), prioritizing, and validatingIn addition to all the tools youll need to start planning the project, youll also get a foot into the field by way of an industry expertIm not just the instructor who wrote this course, I will also act as both a resource and a mentor to guide you to a long and rewarding career in Business Analysis!This is what my students had to say about the content of this course: ""The course is awesome, didn't see similar before. Like how Jeremy explains, how he highlight key points and how he provide us by different types of a very useful templates, which we can use in our daily job. Really, excellent course, and will wait with a big impatience for another ones. Highly recommended for everybody who wants to become an experienced business analyst. Jeremy and his courses will definitely help you to achieve your goal!"" - Aykhan If I had to rate this [] I would give 10 out of five!! this is one of the great lectures I have ever had. Extremely satisfied and learnt a lot!! Thanks Jeremy!! Swati Great inside knowledge from Jeremy, clear and concise. Explains Business Analysis concepts in a way that is easy to understand and gives a solid base of the fundamentals. - GermanStill Unsure?I understand youre a Business Analyst at heart and you like to have all the information at hand before making a decision so heres a list of extra bonuses that are included, as part of your enrollment to the course:- Access to a searchable Business Analyst Glossary Never again will you feel lost in a sea of complex terms and acronyms. This searchable glossary is an essential tool that makes it easy to recall and understand all the Business Analysis Speak you come across (on and off the job!)- A Business Requirements Document (BRD) Example Template so you can utilize your newly learned requirement documentation skills. Documenting requirements into a template like a BRD will play an integral part of your day-to-day as a Business Analyst.- A Business Case Template Organize your thoughts and sell the value of your project by using our intuitive and easy to follow templateAnd if youre still not sure heres my promise to you:This course comes with a money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, Ill give you a refund no questions asked!By the end of the course, youll have the knowledge and the means to apply that knowledge, to not only become a Business Analyst but to excel at it.So, if you have any interest at all in making your career as a Business Analyst a successful one, enroll today, and get started learning the fundamentals of the job today!"
Price: 199.99

"Business Analyst: Project Management Techniques and Tools"
"Course enrollment includes activities, handouts, quizzes, 1-on-1 expert support, LIFETIME access, and a 100% money-back guarantee! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::This course will teach you how tosuccessfully manage projects as a Business Analyst!The fact is, not every project can have a dedicated Project Manager.Sometimes the project is simplytoo small, or doesn't provide enough value to warrant the overhead costs of another dedicated team member.As a Business Analyst, having the necessary skills and techniques to successfully manage your own projects dramatically increases your value to the company, thus putting you in a great position for future promotional opportunities.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Hear What Our Students Are Saying: ""Great course, very clear. easy concepts."" -Gerardo A. ""Very eloquent in explanation of concepts for beginner level consumption."" -Jenna H. ""I find this to be an excellent course. I have already learned some techniques that I plan to implement in my current contract role, in hopes that it may lead to a full time offer in the near future. I am also taking this instructor's Business Analyst Fundamentals course. I find them both to be very good, and there is some overlap of the material. I enjoy Jeremy's personality, and I can tell that he really enjoys helping others learn and giving them the tools to help them progress in their careers."" -Samantha B. ""Excellent....just what I need!""-Syed::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Why should I enroll? Project Management is an extremely deepand wide ranging topic. Many colleges today havefour year degrees strictly focusing on managing projects. This course is designed to take the important aspects of all those classes and alignthem into one bite sized course. You will learn how to successfully playboth the Business Analyst and Project Manager roles.Icut out all of the fluffand unnecessary stepstofocus your learning on what is important.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::What bonuses are included?You receive aStakeholder Map template! This template will allow you to be effective and efficient in creating Stakeholder Maps.Also included isaRACI Matrix template! This template will enable to you accurately assign and document stakeholder responsibilities for your projects. Outside of the templates, you also gainaccess to to an industry expert! I am not just the instructor of this course, I am alsoa resource and a mentorto give you guidance and tips to begin oradvance your career.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Still not convinced? ""Really enjoying course. I'm doing this after the BA Fundamentals course and it is piecing a lot of the Project stuff together for me. Very helpful.""-Bede J. ""I am getting to learn more than I expected,interesting!! I got what I was exactly looking for,especially the gaps that I had to fill in. Since I am a person from different country & have migrated to a different country & though certain principles as a PM/BA don't change but some do, & the same made me to take this course to fill in those gaps. I am confident that this is really creating hope & confidence in everyone like me who is aspiring to be a PM/BA.Thanks Jeremy"" -John S.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::You have nothing to lose!This course comes with a30 day money back guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you'll be givena refund. No questions asked!Invest in your future.Enroll today!"
Price: 109.99

"Business Analyst: Software Testing Processes & Techniques"
"FILL THE INCREASING DEMAND ORGANIZATIONS HAVE FOR BUSINESS ANALYSTS WHO CAN EFFICIENTLY AND ACCURATELY RUN SOFTWARE TESTSBolster your resume and increase your chances of getting hired by learning how to create test cases, track defects, reduce bugs, and fill your software testing knowledge gap.An increasing amount of organizations are expecting more from their Business Analysts.Nowadays its not enough that a Business Analyst can elicit and document requirements companies also need someone whos going to be able to assist with (or even run on their own) efficient and accurate testing.This course will teach you the fundamental, repeatable, testing processes and techniques (using real-world examples) that organizations are now asking you to know and understand.Course enrollment grants you lifetime access, with no expiration, to all the course lectures, activities, handouts, and quizzes. In addition, youll also receive 1-on-1 support for any questions or uncertainties that come up. And this all comes with a money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain.What does the course cover?This course will give you practical, hands-on knowledge that you can utilize immediately to make your projects more successful by showing you the proper way to test software. It will cover the following sections in detail:Software Testing Basics This section will summarize exactly what software testing is and why you utilize it.Testing Documentation How to create documents that can track what needs to be tested, be used as a guide to complete that testing, and can document issues as theyre identified.Defect Tracking Learn how to go about logging identified bugs, issues, and defects so you can track and manage them - as well as ensure they get completed and fixed.8 Steps to Successful Testing This part of the course will give you a repeatable step-by-step process and a hands-on practical application of how to ensure your software testing is successful.Final Testing Activity Here well tie together everything youve learned in the course and put your newfound skills and knowledge to use.Whats included in the course?High-Quality Video Lectures explain the complex terms and confusing jargon to ensure you get a concrete understanding of the concepts being discussed.Downloadable Handouts enhance your understanding of the topics further.Quizzes and activities validate your learning and increase information retention as well as understanding.1-on-1 Instructor Support means that any confusion or questions you have can be addressed and cleared up easily (no more frantically googling trying to figure out what your course instructor means).Lifetime Access with NO Expiration so you can learn at your own pace and come back at any time you feel unsure or are in need of a refresher.The BA Guides TEACH, SHOW, DO techniqueThis course makes use of The BA Guides TEACH, SHOW, DO technique a method Ive developed over my years of experience in the industry training and managing Business Analysts. This technique will help ensure you with total comprehension of the topic at hand and maximum information retention long after the course is finished.TEACH You first learn the concept, in detail, from the ground up. But I wont simply teach you the concept in isolation youll learn HOW and WHEN to use it too.SHOW Once you fully understand the concept, we enhance that by walking you step-by-step through real-world examples so you can see exactly how the concept would pan out if you were to apply it in the real world.DO Firmly cement everything youve learned so far and put your new knowledge to the test by completing the included activities and quizzes. Validate youve fully understood the concept and greatly increase your ability to retain the information youve learned.Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn Benjamin FranklinJust ask the students whove already taken this course: "" Easy to understand chunks of material and super helpful templates. I'm delving into creating more organized test plans and documentation and this is the perfect jumping off point. - Suzann The course is perfect for a beginner. Osarugue I've been a software tester for several years and wish I would have had this course offered to me a long time ago. I'm going to recommend this course to all other testers on my project who have not already taken it. JohnWhat bonuses are included?And of course, anyone who has studied one of my courses before will know, it simply wouldnt be a course by The BA Guide if I didnt include some value-packed bonus material!A Test Workbook Template so you can effectively and efficiently create and execute test cases and test scenarios, long after youve completed the course.A step-by-step guide to creating a custom defect tracker in SharePoint.In addition to all the tools youll need to gain a deeper understanding of process flowchart mapping, youll also get a foot into the industry by way of an industry expertIm not just the instructor who wrote this course, I will also act as both a resource and a mentor to guide you to a long and rewarding career in Business Analysis!Why should I enroll?If youre an aspiring Business Analyst these skills will give your resume a huge boost as well as provide you with the knowledge to confidently answer any related interview questions.For current Business Analysts, these skills will result in more successful projects as youll be able to reduce bugs and assist and run your own software tests showing your organizations just how much value they are getting out of you.Finally, I believe in respecting my students time and I want to teach you what you need to know to successfully utilize these models without bogging you down in unnecessary details or theory. Thats why the software testing processes taught in this course are taught with no fluff added.Still not convinced? ""An educative and enlightening course, the instructor's explanation of each process was clear, precise and well understood. - Fredrick Very good step by step tutorial! I able to implement it at work straight away! LydiaAnd if youre still not sure heres my promise to you:This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee! That means, if you arent completely satisfied with your purchase, Ill give you a refund no questions asked!By the end of this course, youll be able to use the skills and techniques youve learned to run your own tests processes accurately and efficiently.So, if youre ready to become the kind of multi-skilled Business Analyst that organizations are increasingly looking for, then enroll today and start learning the fundamental software testing processes and techniques you need."
Price: 119.99

"Teacher Wellbeing Made Easy"
"What if you woke up each morning energised and recharged?What if you went to bed happy, relaxed & satisfied?What if being happy & well was the most important lesson you could teach?What if you were a shining example of vibrant health & positivity in your classroom?What if your being well, meant your students would learn with ease?Our mission is to help you not just survive teaching but thrive and flourish, so you can create the life youd love. Being a teacher is the best job in the world! And it also a highly pressured and (potentially) emotionally draining role. If you don't manage your stressors, you could easily burn out or worse!Student wellbeing and stress management is becoming a more recognised intervention for students - and this is great! But what about the teachers? We are passionate about supporting teachers to be their best selves, so students are inspired to mirror you.Kathryn says: I remind teachers they are AMAZING! I show Teachers how to feel AMAZING!I help Teachers sustain their AMAZINGNESS!!! (forgive the grammar...)Kathryn Lovewell, speaker, trainer and best selling author of Every Teacher Matters : Inspiring Wellbeing through Mindfulness, has created this introductory wellbeing programme for you. Teacher Wellbeing Made Easy has been designed especially for you.Kathryn qualified as a secondary school teacher in the 1990s and has been training teachers and students in emotional health and wellbeing tools since 2007. She experienced physical burn out after just one year of teaching (read page 57 of her book for the full story) and ended up in hospital; missing the long awaited summer holidays and months after rehabilitating. Whilst this experience was incredibly demanding on her body, which is still not 100%, her spirit and love of teaching remains strong. This is not the case with many teachers who she has trained over the years. Her hope is that she every teacher is happy and healthy for life.Join Kathryn today as she guides you through Teacher Wellbeing Made Easy. What if prioritising your health and wellbeing was easy? Take the first step today and say yes to being the best you, you can be!"
Price: 29.99

"Elevator Pitch 2.0: How To Sell Anything Effortlessly!"
"News on 27.2.Two new lessons have been added:* Gathering Experience and * How to work best with this courseAt the moment we are preparing three additional lessons about How to build Rapport to your target audience. We will pulish as soon as it will be readyNews on 27.12.I have reached a first goal for the course: over 1000 students in 2015. Now I am preparing some more lessons and will publish them in January. I hope you will enjoy.Intro Many large and small companies torment themselves with customers, they already have while never winning their dream customer. The Elevator Pitch 2.0 - technology allows you to get in touch with those people and companies, you always dreamed about. Rather than hoping that your dream customer (your dream employer) will eventually get back to you, you now have the possibility to get active. The Elevator Pitch 2.0 Technology shows you in easy steps, understandable for everyone, how to approach a customer, test his interest and, therefore, you will be much more successful in reaching those customers, you always wanted. With the Elevator Pitch 2.0 can I win every customer? No, the Elevator Pitch 2.0 - Technology is not magic. It gives you the means to assess quickly and efficiently which of your customers are worth your time and which are not. Its application increases your chances to get your dream customers attention, wake his interest and win him over as a loyal customer. Content In an introduction to the Elevator Pitch, I teach you the theoretical foundations We deal with the target audience - what fits, what does not fit Develop a specific USP And create an Elevator Pitch from it In the evaluation of the results we are implementing the AIDA method Finally, you will learn how to position an elevator pitch as part of the sales process and how to successfully follow up. This course is constantly growing. I am happy to take your feedback into account and based on your questions I will develop more course modules, which you, as an enrolled student can benefit from. Since the author is not native to the English language, the course will be spoken by a professional speaker. The answers to your questions and feedback will be carried out directly by the author. Proceeding The course Elevator Pitch 2.0 is not just about knowledge. Our aim is to empower and encourage you to develop your own, precisely tailored Elevator Pitch and put it forward. Buy it now If you are striving to be more successful in your career, sell your potential customers your products and services or want to convince your supervisor about your ideas, then the Elevator Pitch 2.0 course is just the thing for you. Enroll now! With the growing interest, the price will rise. However, if you enroll now, you will benefit from all current and future contents at this competitive price!Money Back GuaranteeAnd there's an unrestricted 30 day, no questions asked, full money back guarantee from the great people at Udemy."
Price: 24.99

"Interkulturelle Kompetenz erlangen in 50 Minuten"
"Dieser Kurs vermittelt Ihnen in krzester Zeit ein Grundverstndnis interkultureller Kompetenz - einer der Schlsselkompetenzen in unserer globalisierten Welt. Ob auf Geschftsreisen oder mit internationalen Kollegen: das richtige Verhalten ist fr Ihren Erfolg entscheidend! Auch auf privaten Reisen ins Ausland ist interkulturelle Kompetenz gefragt, um nicht im Kulturschock zu versinken oder Gastgeber/innen unwissentlich zu verletzen oder zu brskieren. Uta Guse lebte und arbeitete selbst lange Zeit im Ausland. Die Fhrungskrfte-Trainerin und Beraterin fhrt Sie mit anschaulichen Beispielen durch die drei Bereiche interkultureller Kompetenz und hilft Ihnen, den nchsten ""Kulturschock"" nicht nur zu verstehen, sondern auch schnell zu berwinden. Am Ende dieses Kurses werden Sie sich umso mehr auf den nchsten Austausch mit Menschen anderer Kulturen freuen."
Price: 19.99

"Moderation von Gruppen & Teams mit Hilfe des Flipcharts"
"In diesem Moderationskurs lernen Sie in krzester Zeit verschiedene Methoden kennen, Gruppen und Teams zielfhrend zu moderieren und dabei ein Flipchart gezielt einzusetzen. Den Fokus legt Ihr Moderationstrainer Gert Schilling dabei auf Arbeits- und Lerngruppen, die zentrale Frage ist: ""Wie schaffen Sie es als Trainer oder Coach so zu moderieren, dass Ihre Teilnehmer ergebnisorientiert zusammenarbeiten, praktische Lsungen finden und am Ende optimale Lernerfolge stehen?"" Ein Flipchart fr Prsentationen und Moderationen zu nutzen klingt einfach um es wirkungsvoll einsetzen zu knnen, mssen Sie dennoch einige Regeln kennen und beachten. Bettina Hafner zeigt Ihnen, worauf es ankommt, wenn Sie Flips einsetzen wollen. Ob in Konferenzen, Meetings, Seminaren, Trainings oder Workshops: Erfahren Sie, wann und wozu sich der Flipchart-Einsatz besonders lohnt und wie Sie mit einfachen und schnellen Mitteln aus diesem Tool das Beste herausholen."
Price: 24.99

"Souvern reagieren lernen in 50 Minuten"
"Ob anstrengende Teilnehmende, technische Pannen oder eine schlechte Seminarvorbereitung es gibt viele Hrden zu meistern, um ein erfolgreiches Training zu geben und die Seminarziele zu erreichen.Jrgen Schulze-Seeger zeigt Ihnen in 50 Minuten wie Sie schwierige Teilnehmer bndigen und ungeplante Seminarsituationen souvern meistern knnen, statt jeden Kampf aufzunehmen undsich durch bertriebeneSchlagfertigkeit Feinde zu machen. Auerdem gibt er Ihnen wichtige Tipps zur Vorbereitung und zur Prvention solch schwieriger Seminarsituationen."
Price: 19.99

"Visualisieren und zeichnen lernen in 50 Minuten"
"Visualisieren und zeichnen am Flicphart ist leicht, wenn Sie einige Tipps und Kniffe kennen. Der Trainerausbilder und Moderator Axel Rachow zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie mit einfachen und schnell erlernten Mitteln groe Effekte erzielen und mehr aus Ihren Flipcharts und Prsentationen herausholen: Von der Auswahl des richtigen Handwerkszeugs, der Einteilung des Flipcharts ber das Arbeiten mit Schatten, Farben und Rahmen bis hin zum Zeichnen von einfachen Figuren, Symbolen und Banderolen - in diesem Kurs lernen Sie, wie Ihre Inhalte und Flipchart-Prsentationen im Gedchtnis bleiben. Schnappen Sie sich jetzt Stift und Papier und zeichnen Sie sofort mit!"
Price: 19.99

"Moderne Lehrmethoden: Suggestopdie, Spiele und Storytelling"
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie moderne und anschaulicheLehrmethoden kennen, die Sie anschlieenddirekt einsetzen knnen, um Inhalte zu vermitteln und nachhaltigzu verankern. Der richtige Mix dermerk-wrdigen Lehrmethoden ist der Schlssel zu maximaler Lernleistung.Trainer-AusbilderinBarbara Messer stellt Ihnen anschaulich und mit einem Augenzwinkern diefnf Elemente moderner Suggestopdie vor. Durch denEinsatz werden Ihre Inhaltegarantiert im Gedchtnis bleiben.Spiele und aktivierende Methoden erfllen in Trainings, Seminaren und im Unterricht gleich mehrere Funktionen: Sie knnen als Metapher dienen und so Inhalte einfhren, sie knnen zur Transfersicherung dienen, indem Inhalte verankert werden. Aber auch Erfahrungen transportieren, fr Aufmerksamkeit und Konzentration sorgen oder die Situation auflockern. Trainerin und ModeratorinAmelie Funcke zeigt Ihnen in diesem Kursteilden gekonnten Einsatz verschiedener Arten von Seminarspielen. Sie gibt Ihnen konkrete Spieletipps an die Hand und liefert dazuAnleitungen, wie Sie die Teilnehmenden ganz leicht dazu bekommen, gerne zu spielen.Storytelling wird als Lehrmethodeimmer beliebter. Mit gutenGeschichten machen SieInhalte anschaulich, stellenZusammenhnge her und bleiben durch die emotionale Ansprache im Gedchtnis Ihres Publikums. Unternehmensberaterin Sigrid Hauer zeigt Ihnen, wie Sie Ihr Publikum mit Geschichtenfr sich und frIhre Inhaltegewinnen."
Price: 34.99

"Train-the-Trainer: Seminareinstieg & Pinnwand-Moderation"
"Die Pinnwand ist eines der hufigsten Moderationswerkzeuge frTrainer, Coaches und Weiterbildner. Die Profi-TrainerinnenInge Bellund Bettina Hafner zeigen Ihnen, worauf es beim Einsatz der Pinnwand ankommt. Von der Auswahl der richtigen Hilfsmittel ber gelungeneVisualisierungen bis zukreativenMethoden lernen Sie alles, was Siefr eine gewinnbringendeModeration oderPrsentation an der Pinnwand brauchen.Fr jedegelungene Veranstaltung, sei es einSeminar, ein Training oder ein Workshop, ist die Vorbereitung elementar. Genauso wichtig ist der optimaleEinstieg in die Veranstaltung von der eigenenVorstellung bis zur Auswahl der Methoden zu Beginn. Ingo Fromm zeigt Ihnen, worauf sie achten mssen, um Ihre Teilnehmenden zu begeistern und frs Thema zu ffnen."
Price: 24.99

"Amazon Optimierung - mehr Sichtbarkeit = mehr Umsatz"
"Amazon ist mittlerweile viel mehr als nur ein riesiger Marktplatz mit hunderten Millionen Kunden und ber 4 Milliarden verkauften Artikeln (Stand 2014). Amazon ist zu einer der wichtigsten Anlaufstellen fr Online-Einkufe weltweit geworden und hat sich mittlerweile zu DER Produktsuchmaschine fr potentielle Kufer entwickelt. Viele Kunden starten Ihren Einkauf direkt mit einer gezielten Suche nach bestimmten Artikeln und immer mehr von Ihnen nutzen dafr ohne Umwege Amazon. Was viele Hndler nicht wissen: man kann mit relativ einfachen Mitteln und ohne viel Zeitaufwand seine Produkte fr die Suchmaschine von Amazon optimieren und damit sehr schnell viel weiter oben in den Suchergebnissen landen. Wer es mit seinen Produkten unter die ersten drei Suchtreffer schafft, kann seinen Umsatz erheblich steigern, manchmal sogar um ein Vielfaches. In diesem Videokurs erklre ich dir, welche Mittel und Wege es bei einer professionellen Amazon Optimierung gibt und wie die Ranking-Faktoren funktionieren. Schritt fr Schritt mit vielen praxisnahen Beispiele zeige ich, worauf man bei der Optimierung achten muss und welche Fehler unbedingt zu vermeiden sind. Sowohl vor der Kamera als auch mit vielen Screencast-Videos mache ich dich in 3,5 Stunden selbst zum Amazon-Profi ob du nun als Hndler aktiv bist (oder noch werden willst) oder selbst als SEO arbeiten mchtest: dieser Videokurs ist die perfekte Grundlage. Vom Google Keyword-Planer, PPC-Kampagne und wichtigen Einstellung in der Seller Central: hier lernst du wie es geht und mit welch einfachen aber effektiven Mitteln du auf Amazon erfolgreicher verkaufen kannst. Special: in einem ausfhrlichen Tutorial erklre dich dir auerdem, wie du mit wenig Budget und geringem Zeitaufwand hochwertige Produktfotos fr deine Artikel erzeugen kannst. Von der Kamera, ber Licht bis hin zur Bildbearbeitung lernst du in drei Schritten, wie man gut konvertierende Bilder erschafft. Auerdem erfhrst du, wie das Amazon-Partnerprogramm funktioniert und wie du als Affiliate nicht nur mehr Geld verdienen, sondern auch deine Produkte auf dem Marktplatz pushen kannst."
Price: 49.99

"Rank Videos On The First Page Of Google And YouTube 2017!"
"THIS COURSE IS STILL CURRENT AND UPTO DATE FOR 2017!Update April 2017! The course still is current today and works a treat.""I went from struggling online, to building my own Video SEO agency which is now helping local business get more leads and sales"" Throughout this course you will see ""over the shoulder"" training and how I am able to rank video's in Google web in minutes. I show a live example doing it in just 18 minutes. During the course I will walk you through the exact steps I took to building a video SEO agency, therefore helping local business generate more clients with the power of video. Come along with me and let me show you how to build an online business by helping people in business. Back in 2014 I was trying every way I could to build a successful online business so that I could work from home or travel anywhere in the world. I tried many different ways to build the perfect online business but always had a passion for video. I learnt and understood the power of video, especially with YouTube being one of the biggest social platforms today with over a billion views a day, I knew there was a business to be created and built. The course itself is set out in video format with me on each video explaining how we build your new business, (no boring slide shows) it will be me walking you through all the steps, anover the shoulder training course so you can really get to grips on how I do it day by day in my business. We have put this course together for you to dominate your area in business, whether it is online or offline this will work for you! If you are a business owner and want to create more leads and wish to increase your sales then this course will show you how you can become more competitive. Becoming one of my students you will have access to communicate directly with me under the headingcourse comments. I am here to help you succeed in your new venture of Video SEO, so feel free to reach out to me and together lets make this happen."
Price: 149.99

"YouTube Affiliate Marketing Using YouTube Videos - Jvzoo"
"""I went from struggling online,to building my own Video SEO agencywhich is nowhelping local business get more leads and sales, and building affiliatevideos to make sales on autopilot""Throughoutthiscourse, you will see""over the shoulder""trainingandhow I am able to rank video's inGoogleweb inminutes.During the course I will walk you through the exact steps I took to building a video affiliatenetwork and make sales on autopilotand also building a list of hungry buyers.Back in2014,I was trying every way I could to build a successful online business so that I could work from home or travel anywhere in the world.I tried many different ways to build the perfect online business but always had a passion for video.I learnt and understood the power of video, especially with YouTube being one of the biggest social platforms today with over a billion views a day, I knew there was a business to be created and built.If you are new to affiliatemarketing or CPA and are not sure how you make sales via affiliatelinks then this course is perfect for you,it will show you how to build a video empire and make sales whatever niche you are in.The course itself is set out in video format with me on each video explaining how we build your new business, (no boring slide shows) it will be me walking you through all the steps, overthe shoulder training course so you can really get to grips on how I do it day by day in my business. Becoming one of my students you will have access to communicate directly with me under theheading coursecomments.I am here tohelpyou succeed in your new venture of VideoSEO,sofeel free to reach out to me andtogetherletsmake this happen.There are new products being launched everydayon JVzoo and Clickbank, you can become anaffiliate marketerand work from anywhere in the world promoting products from JVzoo and any other affiliatenetwork. YouTube is one of the most powerful ways today to do affiliatemarketing as it grows day to day. Understanding JVzoo and how video marketing works you can turn your hand to many differentangles for multiplestreams of income using video and YouTube, Check out my other courses on other ways you can use video to build a good online business."
Price: 49.99

"Cover Letter Mastery Writing to Get the Job You Want"
"THEONLYCOVERLETTERWRITINGCOURSEONUDEMYTHATCOMESWITHAFREEREVIEWOFYOURDRAFTLETTER.Not getting job interviews? Write a great cover letter that gets you the job you want! Badly written job cover letters eliminate 90% of job applicants. Most applicants are not competing against other applicants for scarce jobs they are competing against themselves!Take this university-level course, taught by an experienced business communication professor, that outlines the secrets behind every step in writing effective cover letters.Give yourself the best chance to get the job you want by making a great first impression with an effective cover letter. Write a cover letter in just over one hour as you follow detailed lessons that outline the main problems found in real cover letters produced by actual job applicants.The course presents a logical process that works through the 3 parts of a job cover letter: the header, the body, and the footer.In this comprehensive course, I help you:deconstruct the advertisement to engage with the job's requirements;avoid the typical mistakes in the header;write clearly and edit for perfection;format the letter to create a pleasing page design;make a great first impression with the opening paragraph;remove vague, empty statements about your work experience;go beyond static statements about ""holding positions"";place your valuable skills in context;includefactual evidence and short stories of success; and,conclude in a straightforward way that avoids flattery.Udemy offers a 30-day guarantee: if this course doesn't satisfy your needs, you can get a refund -- there's no risk to you!"
Price: 104.99