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"Unity3D Made Simple: Master Fundamentals Quickly"
"Free Trial: If you are unsure whether or not to get the course, feel free to try it out! All lectures that are free to try should have a ""Preview"" button next to them. Check it out!Note: This course was made using Unity 5.2. Any version of Unity 5 is compatible with this course. Also, all scripting is 100% done from scratch.What is the course about?This course is all about learning game development using the Unity3D Game Engine. We will be covering topics that go all the way from installing the engine, to making a character move in world, to creating very simple AI.C# experience is recommended, but not required as I explain absolutely everything about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. Although this course is mostly programming, I also take the time to go through the interface, set up basic animations in Mecanim (Unity's animation system), and use most of the commonly used windows within the interface. There are always multiple ways to do things in game development. Because I want you to keep an open mind as to the possibilities Unity brings you, when I'm doing something that may feel repetitive, I always go about it a different way. This way you will end up getting more familiar with the engine.Although this course is the perfect foundation to start as a Unity Developer, all learning levels should benefit from this course one way or another because of the different ways in which I approach situations. That being said, this course is meant for beginner level students.What's included in the course?30 Lectures, 29 videos and 6 hours of contentAll art/sound assetsThe finalized version of the Unity Project we are going to be creatingHow is the course structured?This course is divided into 3 sections. The first section is all about learning your way through the engine. In this section, I show you where to go to install the engine, go through the commonly used windows in the interface, and talk about terminology Unity Developers use on a day-to-day basis.The second section is about creating the player's and all the enemies' behaviors in game. There are a total of 3 enemies (robots, laser fences, and security cameras).The third section is about finalizing the environment by adding sounds and a few other things that bring the environment to life. In this section, we'll also be making a build of the application for use by the end user.What should you expect by the end of the course?By the end of the course, you will be armed with the knowledge necessary to feel confident/comfortable when using the engine for your own projects. Learning new things within the engine should be very easy at this point.If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me and I'll be happy to reply as soon as possible.Note: All videos where recorded in 1080p. In order to take advantage of this level of quality, make sure you have 1080p as the selected quality in the video player"
Price: 19.99

"Die Produktivittsformel-verdoppele deine Freizeit."
"Erfolg und Zeitdruck fhren bei vielen Menschen zur Erschpfung und andere negativen Folgen.Dieser Kurs wir ihnen einfache Methoden zeigen, wie sie ihre Produktivitt steigern und gleichzeitig entspannter Ihre Aufgaben erledigen.Lernen sie Zeit zu sparen mit bewhrten Methoden.Mind Maps zum ausdrucken.Arbeitsbltter im PDF Format.Gewinnen sie Energie und automatisieren Arbeitsprozesse.Zeit wird als Ressource immer wertvoller. Vertane Zeit ist fr immer unwiederbringlich verschwunden.Simple Methoden die leicht erlernbar und umsetzbar sind, werden ihren Alltag nachhaltig verbessern.Am Abend mehr Energie fr Freizeitaktivitten zu besitzen ist von unschtzbarem Wert.Die hier vorgestellten Methoden sind in der Praxis erprobt und sind von vielen erfolgreichen Menschen Bestandteil ihres tglichen Handelns.Haben auch sie Spa beim experimentieren mit neuen Vorgehensweisen und erleben sie, wie nach kurzer Zeit Dinge in Fluss kommen die vorher nur stockend voran gingen.Der Kurs beinhaltet 20 Lektionen plus Bonusmaterial.Er ist fr Menschen entwickelt, die ihre Arbeit schneller und flssiger erledigen und dabei Zeit gewinnen mchten.Am Ende des Kurses verfgen sie ber Methoden und Werkzeuge stressfreier leben und arbeiten zu knnen.Sie werden das Wissen besitzen wie sie ihr Energielevel mglichst lange hochhalten knnen.Der Aufschieberitis endlich ein Ende bereiten knnen.Wie sie einen guten Start in den Tag legen knnen."
Price: 199.99

"Programao C# para Iniciantes [+ eBook]"
"C# uma poderosa linguagem de programao desenvolvida pela Microsoft, criada para o desenvolvimento de diversos tipos de aplicaes que executam sobre o .NET Framework.C# uma das linguagens de programao mais utilizadas no mundo. uma linguagem simples, orientada a objetos que permite que programadores desenvolvam suas ideias de forma clara e de fcil manuteno.O curso ser ministrado atravs de vdeo aulas. Alm dos vdeo, material complementar e exerccios sero deixados disposio dos alunos. Sero utilizados exerccios prticos para validar o contedo ministrado."
Price: 39.99

"C# e Windows Forms Application [+ eBook]"
"Neste curso ser realizada a apresentao das principais caractersticas da tecnologia Windows Forms, dando ao aluno noes sobre desenvolvimento de aplicaes em .Net focado no desenvolvimento para Windows.No decorrer das aulas voc ir aprender como manipular alguns dos principais componentes do Windows Forms Application utilizando a linguagem de programao C# e realizar a conexo com Banco de Dados MySQL para realizar manipulao de dados. Ao final deste curso voc ser capaz de desenvolver aplicaes bsicas em WFA com qualidade e tima aparncia."
Price: 579.99

"Realidade Aumentada: Crie aplicaes com Unity3D e Vuforia"
"A Realidade Aumentada vem se mostrando como uma tecnologia que ganhar cada vez mais adeptos, gerando uma alta demanda por profissionais que dominem este tipo desenvolvimento.Neste curso o aluno vai aprender a criar aplicaes em Realidade Aumentada usando o Unity3D, integrando a ferramenta de AR mais popular no mundo, o Vuforia SDK da empresa QualcommOs alunos no precisam ter nenhum conhecimento preliminar de programao bastando apenas conhecimentos bsicos sobre a utilizao do Unity3D. As instrues so dadas passo a passo em vdeos e os exemplos so fornecidos para download junto as aulas.O aluno tambm poder contar com a ajuda do professor e tirar suas dvidas no frum."
Price: 189.99

"Linguagem C para Iniciantes no Code::Blocks para Windows"
"Este o curso ideal para quem quer iniciar seu aprendizado em programao e pretende comear pela linguagem C, ou ainda no tem tempo para fazer um curso presencial ou est distante dos grandes centros.No curso so abordadas tcnicas para projeto de algoritmos estruturados, comandos para implementao de algoritmos em C, tipos de dados, variveis, constantes, expresses aritmticas, estrutura de decises, operadores lgicos, arquivo de cabealho, estruturas de repetio, arrays, strings, structs, funes e manipulao de arquivos texto.Ao trmino do curso, o aluno ter uma base slida sobre os fundamentos da Linguagem C.Todos os contedos so explicado em vdeos, de forma objetiva e com diversos exemplos e exerccios para que o aluno pratique o contedo proposto nas aulas.Voc est pronto para comear?"
Price: 129.99

"The Basics of Coaching"
"The last decade or so has seen the phenomenon of coachingburst onto the professional and personal development scene with individualsand companies hiring the services of life coaches and executive coaches on aregular basis. If you are currentlylooking at this crash course with regards tothe basics ofcoaching you areno doubt interested in coaching and desireto know more.In this course, I will touch on what I see as the basic and essential elementsof coaching. My aim during this course will be to give you a firm gripon whatcoaching is about what the essential skills are and how you are able to startpracticing them. The lecture are a combinationof video teachings, articles and reference to some great resources.The course will cover the following:What is coaching?The two cores of coaching.Authentic relationship.The heart of the coach.Authenticity.Unconditional positive regard.Congruence.Powerful conversationsEmpathetic listening.Asking relevant questions.Setting achievable goals.If you desire to see change in your own life as well as inthe lives thosearound you, you should definitely considerthis course.Learning how to coach, people will transform your understanding about people and open your eyes to the incredible potential which lies within each one."
Price: 300.00

"Introduction to Health Financing"
"Why Health Financing?Health financing is a key building block of a health system. In their efforts to reach universal health coverage, governments across the globe are introducing various health financing reforms, shifting from pure tax based or insurance-based mechanism to a more mixed form of financing. In this current scenario, competency in health financing is an important asset for both professionals and policy makers. Unfortunately, one of the major challenges faced by low and middle income countries is the lack of human resource with the required expertise in health financing. It is to bridge this gap, skills and competence in health financing is needed.Objectives of the courseHealth financing aims to build the competency of participants in describing, implementing and analyzing a health financing system or scheme. At the end of this course, the participants will be able to describe a health financing scheme in a structured manner, implement a scheme in their region and will be able to analyse the performance of a scheme and suggest corrections. About the InstructorThis course is organized and taught by Dr. N. Devadasan, an expert on health financing with experience from the grass root level to policy level in this subject. He is a visiting faculty in many universities and is also a member of various committees on health financing.Recommended BackgroundThe course is beneficial for all those interested in health financing, health insurance, Universal Health coverage, Public health professionalsetc. Course structure and durationThis course is divided into three sections with about 3-4 classrooms in each section. To effectively complete the course, you will need about 5 hours."
Price: 199.99

"Buchfhrung lernen leicht gemacht"
"In meinem Kurs erklre ich dirlockerflockigdieBuchfhrungvon Grund auf. Ich wei wirbeide werden viel Spa zusammen haben und du wirstviel zu lachen haben.Der Kurs beinhaltet ein50seitiges eBook mit allen Aufgaben und Musterlsungen des Kurses im DIN A4 Format. Natrlich ist auch smtliches Kontenpapier bereits darin enthalten. Ich mchte es dir so einfach wie mglich machen, damit du hier den maximalen Lernerfolg in mglichst kurzer Zeit erreichst und keine Zeit mit dem Abschreiben von Aufgaben und Konten verschwenden musst. Einfach ausdrucken und loslegen!Dieses Arbeitsheft ist ideal fr alle, die den Kurs von vorne bis hinten am Stck durcharbeiten mchten. Falls du zur Klausur- oder Prfungsvorbereitung nur bestimmte Themen lernen mchtest, so ist das natrlich auch kein Problem. Alle Aufgaben und Lsungen aus dem eBook stehen nochmal in dendazugehrigen Abschnitten des Kurses zum Download bereit.Zustzlich gibt es nach den einzelnen Abschnitten noch kurzeQuizze mit Multiple-Choice-Fragen, wo du gleich ausprobieren kannst, ob du auch alles verstanden hast. Solltest du einige Fragen nicht richtig beantworten, so wird dir bei der Zusammenfassung der Ergebnisse angezeigt, welche Lektionen du dir nochmal anschauen solltest. Dann klickst du einfach auf den angezeigten Link und schaust dirdas Video nochmalan.Auerdem gibt es eine geschlossene Gruppe auf Facebook, nur fr Teilnehmer dieses Kurses. Da kannst du dann Fragen stellen und dich mit mir und natrlich auch den anderen Teilnehmern dieses Kurses austauschen. Oftmalsist so eine Frage ja nicht nur fr dich interessant, sondern auch fr andereKursteilnehmer. Wenn das so ist, dann erstelle ich einfachnoch ein Video dazuin dem ich die Aufgabe vorrechne underklre. Kein Problem!Und weit du was noch cooler ist? VonUdemygibt esjetzt auch noch neAppfrdein Smartphone oder Tablet. Natrlich gratis. Da kannst du dir die Videos auch auf deinemSmartphone anschauen und die Aufgaben parallel auf dem Arbeitsblatt mitmachenund brauchst nicht extra dafr deinen Rechner anzuschmeien.Das Schne daran ist, dass die Quizze natrlich auch in der Udemy App funktionieren.Nachdem du alles durchgearbeitet hast, bekommst du zur Belohnung ein Zertifikat von mir mit deinem Namen darauf. Das kannst du dann deiner nchsten Bewerbung beilegen, damit jeder sehen kann, wie engagiert du bist.Du siehst du kannst gar nichts falsch machen, denn schlielich hast du ja noch die30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie, in der du den Kurs jederzeit wieder zurckgeben kannst und natrlich dein Geld zurck erhltst. Du gehst alsokein Risikoein. Dannmachs gutbis gleich im Kursbereich."
Price: 39.99

"Kostenrechnung lernen leicht gemacht"
"In meinem Kurs erklre ich dir locker flockig die Kostenrechnung von Grund auf. Ich wei wir beide werden viel Spa zusammen haben und du wirst viel zu lachen haben.Wenn du also Schler oder Student bist und eine Prfung oder Klausur in Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung hast, dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich. Mchtest du aber Kostenrechnung in der PRAXISeinsetzen, dann ist dieser Kurs leider GAR NICHTS fr dich.Wir beginnen zusammen mit der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung und der Ergebnistabelle und arbeiten uns dann ber den Betriebsabrechnungsbogen und alle mglichen Kalkulationsarten und Schemata bis hin zur Deckungsbeitragsrechnung hin. Alles das erarbeiten wir uns an einer Aufgabe, die parallel immer mitluft. Das hat den Vorteil, dass alles aufeinander aufbaut und du die Zusammenhnge super gut siehst und auch verstehst. Der Kurs beinhaltet ein42seitiges eBookmitallenAufgaben und Musterlsungendes Kurses imDIN A4 Format. Natrlich sind alle Tabellenbereits darinenthalten. Ich mchte es dir so einfach wie mglich machen, damit du hier denmaximalen Lernerfolginmglichst kurzer Zeiterreichst und keine Zeit mit dem Abschreiben von Aufgaben und Tabellenverschwenden musst. Einfach ausdrucken und loslegen!Dieses Arbeitsheft ist ideal fr alle, die den Kurs von vorne bis hinten am Stck durcharbeiten mchten. Falls du zur Klausur- oder Prfungsvorbereitung nur bestimmte Themen lernen mchtest, so ist das natrlich auch kein Problem.Alle AufgabenundLsungenaus demeBookstehennochmalin dendazugehrigen Abschnitten des Kurseszum Downloadbereit.Auerdem gibt es einegeschlossene Gruppe auf Facebook, nur fr Teilnehmer dieses Kurses. Da kannst du dannFragen stellenund dich mit mir und natrlich auch den anderen Teilnehmern dieses Kurses austauschen. Oftmals ist so eine Frage ja nicht nur fr dich interessant, sondern auch fr andere Kursteilnehmer. Wenn das so ist, dann erstelle ich einfachnoch ein Video dazuin dem ich die Aufgabe vorrechne und erklre. Kein Problem!Wenn z. B.IHK AbschlussprfungenoderUniprfungenanstehen, dann betrifft das ja oft mehrere Personen, da knnen wir dann gerne einWebinarveranstalten, natrlichkostenlos, wo du nochmal live Fragen stellen kannst. Dann kannst du am nchsten Tag ganzlocker in deine Prfung gehen.Und weit du was noch cooler ist? VonUdemygibt es jetzt auch noch neAppfr dein Smartphone oder Tablet. Natrlich gratis. Da kannst du dir dieVideosauch auf deinemSmartphone anschauenund die Aufgaben parallel auf dem Arbeitsblatt mitmachen und brauchst nicht extra dafr deinen Rechner anzuschmeien.Nachdem du alles durchgearbeitet hast, bekommst du zurBelohnungeinZertifikatvon mirmit deinem Namendarauf. Das kannst du dann deiner nchsten Bewerbung beilegen, damit jeder sehen kann, wie engagiert du bist.Du siehst du kannst gar nichts falsch machen, denn schlielich hast du ja noch die 30 Tage Geld zurck Garantie, in der du den Kurs jederzeit wieder zurckgeben kannst und natrlich dein Geld zurck erhltst. Du gehst also kein Risiko ein.Das einzige was du jetzt machen musst ist, dich zu diesemKurs anzumelden. Dann machs gutbis gleich im Kursbereich."
Price: 39.99

"12 Steps to Interview Success: Interview training"
"Learn what it takes to be successful at interviewingInterviewing is not something that we do everyday and when we do, we are up against other people that have all passedthe same criteria. So what is it that will make you shine above the rest?As a communication skills expert I am often invited to sit on interview panels and it has been from this experience and through my research and training on how humans connect and make decisions, I, working with professionals from one of the largest recruitment companies in the world have developed this course for you.INTERVIEW TRAINING:This course steps you through the whole process from: Warning: What can trip you upResponding to the company Planing & preparation Pre-interview checklistCreating a great 1st impressionBeing present in the interview Reading the room and knowing how to respond appropriatelySelling yourself the right wayLasting impressions - How to finish the interviewNext step - follow-upRespond to the results of your interviewTips - What will give you the edgeIn this course the 12 Steps to Interview Success we look at what you need to know to walk in with confidence and a changed mindset. Awareness and focus so that you make less mistakes and a presence about you that will tip the scales on your side.Plus you will learn, enjoy and have a skill to use outside of interviewing..."
Price: 34.99

"Learn to Knit It: Complete 7 Simple Projects"
"Learn the popular craft of knitting, step by step, through detailed tutorials and interesting projects.Develop your skills by making actual knitted items, designed to be flexible and newbie friendly.Learn the 4 most common, patterned stitches and how to invent your own.Master techniques like increasing and decreasing through accessible projects, designed exclusively for this course.Delight your friends and family with 7 personalised, handmade knits.Understand how to read knitting patterns and even create your own patterned charts.Ever been frustrated by picture knitting tutorials that seem to have huge gaps between steps? Or felt overwhelmed by hundreds of knitting terms and techniques, but not known where to start?This course takes you from absolutely never knitted and guides you gently through your first steps. Each project has been designed with a beginner in mind. They slowly increase in complexity the more you learn, so you are never left behind or bored.Learning to knit is a useful skill that will stick with you for life. Not only is it a rewarding and creative craft, it has been shown to improve your memory and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. The regular rhythms of knitting are scientifically proven to act as stress relief, as a form of meditation and mindfulness.Content and OverviewStarting with a quick overview of tools and materials you can find in a knitting shop, you'll go straight in and learn the two most important knitted stitches: knit and purl. To cement these techniques, you'll immediately get to use them in a project and knit a multicoloured scarf.With these two fundamental stitches under your belt, we'll go on to learn how different combinations can create a whole range of different patterns. First you'll learn how to knit in stocking/stockinette stitch and make a teddy bear.Then you'll discover rib stitch (that stretchy bit at the bottom of most jumpers). The first project, a phone pouch, recaps stocking stitch and let's you have a go at rib stitch. Then you'll use rib stitch, increasing and decreasing, to make a pair of fingerless gloves.Patterned stitch number four is moss/seed stitch, but the beanie hat you'll make uses rib and stocking stitch too. You can even learn to make a PomPom for the top! Finally, the course will reveal how to knit any picture or pattern you like, using a clever pattern chart. You'll put together everything you've learnt to make a cushion cover and blanket.What Will I Get?Students who have completed this course will be able to approach knitting patterns with confidence and have the knowledge to create unique knitted items. You'll also receive:Complete knitting pattern for each projectUseful guides such as yarn weights, needle size and abbreviations9.5 hours of lectures including 'Knit-a-longs' so you are NEVER left alone with a cryptic knitting pattern."
Price: 44.99

"Creative Coaching"
"This fun, interactive Creative Coaching and Mentoring course will transform mindsets, deal with Limiting Beliefs and enable you to set clear goals. This short course teaches you some new techniques to be creative in your coaching, especially those working with kids and teens. There are practical sessions that show you what to do followed by a short debrief of the main points. If your Q & A Coaching style doesn't have the desired effect then it is time to get creative in your sessions."
Price: 44.99

"Create Game UI in 3 different styles"
"In this course, I`ll show you how to create several amazing game user interfaces. You will learn how to start your design with simple rough sketches and get an outstanding result in the end.Here you will find simple and clear instructions and you will see that the process of creating game interface is much easier than you thought! I`ll show you how to create a design your clients will love and I will share the most common and useful technics every game artist should know. We will create 3 different sets of a game user interface including buttons in a normal and pressed state, loading bars, scroll bars and of course beautiful game screens."
Price: 19.99

"Launch Your Startup Entrepreneur Business"
"In this course, you will learn a lot of necessary things about business and entrepreneurship. I will guide you through the process of planning your business. Once you have a business plan, it will help you to go to your next step. It will ease start your business and plan how to make some decisions in the future. Let follow the every steps in the lectures and apply into your own business strategies. This course is very practical and easy to be applied. Sales strategy, day-to-day operations, financial forecasting, and staffing will be discussed. So, you should enrol this course because when you learn and apply these strategies, you will gain many benefits for your business."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentos de Ethical Hacking: curso prtico"
"***Curso entre os mais bem avaliados da Udemy***Voc um estudante ou profissional da rea de Tecnologia da Informao que quer iniciar ou aprimorar seu aprendizado sobre tcnicas de Ethical Hacking? Voc tem curiosidade em saber como fazer um PenTest (teste de invaso)? Voc quer aprender de uma vez por todas com um mestre em Sistemas de Informao e autor de 9 livros no Brasil sobre Segurana Digital?Se respondeu sim a uma destas perguntas este curso foi feito pra voc. Aqui voc ir aprender: Tcnicas de anlise de vulnerabilidades em redes Sistemas operacionais e aplicativos web Abordagem do que um profissional Hacker tico Preparao do ambiente de testes Conceituao e as fases de um Penetration Test (teste de invaso) Como relatar a seu cliente todos os problemas e vulnerabilidades encontrados durante os testes e muito mais.O treinamento foi organizado para ter um vis prtico, no qual o aluno ir realmente seguir os passos dos vdeos para colocar a mo na passa e fazer todas as prticas propostas. Os mais de 170 vdeos demonstram prticas envolvendo diferentes tipos de tcnicas, como: SQL Injection, CMD Injection, SSLStrip+, CSRF, XSS, Buffer overflows, Man in the middle, Parameter tampering e muito mais.Os materiais complementares tambm so parte importante do processo, ajudando a reforar os fundamentos tericos necessrios para entender melhor as aes realizadas durante as aulas prticas.Estarei disponvel no decorrer do curso para qualquer eventual dvida na sesso de alunos e voc ter acesso vitalcio a este curso com certificado.Te espero nas aulas!"
Price: 234.99

"UX c :"
":"" ! ) !)"""", , ."""" , !"" ! , - UXMAN. 90% 10 . UX , - . , , . , . , UX- . 4 , . , , , , . , !P.S.! . , ! :)"
Price: 194.99

"Building Static Websites With Jekyll and Hugo"
"Welcome to this 2 in 1 course where you will learn how to create static websites with Jekyll and Hugo. Both are awesome static website generators.In this course, we'll start by walking through how Jekyll works, installing Jekyll and then we'll build a fully functioning site with content. We'll then get into Hugo where you'll learn how to install Hugo and have a website up and running. With Jekyll or Hugo you can build a blog, a portfolio, or any website, without having to depend on a database or content management system. That's because these two static site generators do not require setting up a complex application on a web server like WordPress. With Jekyll or Hugo static site generators you can help you build a simple website fast without any plugins or advanced programming. In fact, you can build a website muchcheaper, faster and more secure than those built with platforms such as WordPress. With this course you'll learn how to get up and running with either Jekyll or Hugo. You'll learn how to choose templates, add pages and posts, and build your site. By the end, you'll know how to create a static website with the platform you choose, with either Jekyll or Hugo."
Price: 19.99

"Sony Vegas Pro Masterclass: The Complete Sony Vegas Course"
"Have you ever wanted to be a video editor, butjust couldnt find the time, or skills needed to do it? With this course, wewill cover a complete comprehensive instruction of all of the features of SonyVegas Pro 13, so you can be on your way to editing videos in just 3 hours! Withthis course, you could potentially make $1000s as a freelance video editor,and in all just 3 hours of learning. So, if you want to become a professional videoeditor, without the excess learning time, enroll now!With this course, you will firstly learn:Firstly, you will learn about all of the different windows and features of the software, and how to get around the software. General information and shortcuts will be taught, such as hotkeys, the different windows of Sony Vegas, and how to use its many functions and features.Next, you will learn about Video and Audio Tracks. These are a very integral part of the Sony Vegas experience and knowing how to use them can make your video much more professional. I will teach you the many features of the tracks and how to use them to your advantage.Next, we will learn about Effects. These are probably one of the most important parts of Sony Vegas. There is a wide variety of effects in Sony Vegas, and I will teach you what they do, how to use them, and how to properly use them to your advantage to make your video look better.Next, we will learn about Media Generators. These are Sony Vegas pre-built plugins that add many different mediums for you such as text, and colours. These are huge time savers and learning how to use them in detail could save you lots of time.After that, we will learn about Transitions. Theses are also pre-built by Sony Vegas, and are made extremely easy to use. I will teach you about the variety of transitions you can use and how to use them effectively in your video. Transitions are an integral part of making a professional video.Next, you will learn about some basic animation. Animation is not the main feature of Sony Vegas, but it is important to know to make your videos interactive and enjoyable for your viewers. We will teach the concept behind animation and masking in Sony Vegas, and how to use animation effectively in Sony Vegas.Next, we will learn Audio Editing. Audio is the other 50% of video editing, so learning how to use, import, and edit audio effectively is extremely important to making a good video. I will teach you all of the important parts you need to know about audio editing, so you can go off on your own and experiment with all of the different audio editing features in Sony Vegas.Finally, we will learn about rendering. Rendering is the final stage of editing, where you export your video to a file format which is readable by websites and media players. Rendering is the most important part of video editing, as if you do not choose the right settings for you, you might end up with a low-quality or even broken video. I will teach you how to properly equip your render settings to match your PCand how to render your videos in the best quality possible.So, are you ready to become a great YouTuber?"
Price: 194.99

"(NEW) Coding for non-programmers in Julia"
"This Julia beginner programming course is specifically designed for beginners to programming. In this course, you will not only learn a powerful programming language taught in MIT and Stanford, but also internalize practical programming techniques and habits. This will help you become a good programmer and problem-solver, aiding you to learn other languages. By the end of this course, you will have the basics of Julia and be capable and confident to continue learning programming on your own.We will be using the Julia programming language to achieve our aim. Julia is a new language developed in MIT, and taught in major universities such as Stanford, Cornell University, Purdue University, and so on. It gathers the best practices from interpreted languages like Python, Ruby, Javascript, and the best from compiled languages like C/C++ and FORTRAN. It is easy to learn, yet very practical to do real development work. Some examples of what I have done on Julia include data processing, quick scripting of repetitive office tasks like mail merge, creating high-performance time-critical components like financial and cryptographic algorithms, writing interactive web applications, and the list goes on.Everything in this course, from the way we present concepts in the lectures to make them easy to absorb; and the tricky questions in the quizzes that reveal your weakness in the content so we can work on it further; to the intellectual exchange we foster in the lecture discussions; everything is exquisitely crafted to maximise your learning potential with us.There is not a need to take my word for it. There is a 30-day money back guarantee! Let the content do the talking for us.See you in the course!NOTE: This is an Early Access CourseGreat discount for new courseGet instant access and start learning from existing content. Our course fee is priced on the current content, and so will rise accordingly when more is added. This means that you get the full course at a great discounted price by signing up now!Get involved with the course as it developsIs there any part of the course that you would like to change? Is the video too fast? Do I talk too slowly? Content too dry? Too simple? Too dense? Feedback to us, tell us the change you want and the reason to do so. We listen to what you would like to tell us, and will shape the course according to all feedback we received. Come, let's build this course together."
Price: 24.99

"Write a Hit Novel or Script Using The Secrets of SUSPENSE!"
"Writers: learn the keys to breaking your story into scenes that grip your audience's attention irresistibly.Learn The Secrets to Hooking Your AudienceLearn what plot is, and how to create it. (It's not what most people think it is.)Learn what suspense is, and how to build it into your story.Master act structureBeat the dreaded ""Second Act Slog""Discover how to build your plot and suspense into scenes that hook your audienceUse the same methods that made my show EARLY EDITION a hit prime-time CBS TV series seen in 73 countries around the worldMaster Story-BreakingAll writers need to break a story into scenes that maintain plot and suspense. In Hollywood, this is called ""Story-Breaking"". Mastering story-breaking is a cornerstone of success in all forms of fiction writing including novels, screenplays, tv episodes, stage plays, and YouTube videos.I have discovered secrets of story-breaking over many years of hard work. They enabled me to create the hit CBS TV series EARLY EDITION. While they took years to discover, I can teach them to you in a matter of hours. Examples are very important. This course is packed with many examples from perfectly structured films.Break Your Own StoryIncluded worksheets walk you through applying everything you learn in this class to breaking your own story. The worksheets are in special Adobe Acrobat files that you download for free. You can click and type right on the worksheet. No need to print them out and fill them in by hand. Open them with the free version of Adobe Acrobat for Windows or Mac."
Price: 49.99

"FIELD PHOTOGRAPHY MAGIC - Long Exposure & Composition"
"Course DescriptionFor many landscape and field photographers, mastery of long exposure photography, particularly in daytime conditions, is an essential skill. For all photographers, mastery of composition and design is what distinguishes the good from the great. In this course, you will learn the same tools and techniques used by the pros to take jaw-dropping long exposure images in the field and then polish them even further using industry standard software. You will be able to use simple, powerful compositional devices and design principles that famous photographers and artists have been employing successfully for decades.Master Long Exposure Photography, Composition and Post-production Techniques in Order to Take Your Skills to the Next LevelFinding and using the right cameras, lenses, tripods and filters for long exposure photographyMaster exposure and depth of field through the three pillars of light and the exposure triangleLearn the principles of art and design, so that you can use them effectively to create stunning photographic compositionUnderstand the elements of art and employ them as powerful allies in the image-making processBegin the photographic journey out in the field and then go into the studio to learn first-hand the magic of post-production techniques using industry standard software such as Photoshop and LightroomMaster Key Skills That Pros Use to Create Award-winning Landscape Photographs If youve ever wondered how professional landscape photographers consistently create those knock-your-socks-off gorgeous images that get into magazines and hung on gallery walls, then this course is for you. If you love long exposure photography, but have struggled with it during daylight conditions, then this course is here to help. The benefits of knowing how both the principles and elements of art can aid you in crafting truly amazing photographic composition cannot be underestimated. You dont have to spend several years and countless thousands of dollars studying to get a design degree in order to learn and use these as a photographer. This course has distilled the most important concepts I have used over the years teaching design and packaged them into easy lessons you can apply immediately in the field. Many of the most famous artists and photographers of all time have used these same principles and techniques. Now you can too.Contents and OverviewWell begin by comparing long exposure photography during both low and full daylight conditions to see how they each affect the image making process. Ill use plenty of my own work as examples along the way, so that you can understand my thinking and process more effectively.Then well cover photographic gear essentials and what youll need to create long exposure photos anytime, but especially during the more challenging daylight hours. Ill give you suggestions for a range of budgets and specs, so that you can find the right combination of gear for your own unique situation. You will learn about filters and the most powerful tool in my arsenal for making photos with extended shutter speeds. I make it all easy and fun.Using the Three Pillars of Light and the Exposure Triangle, Ill explain how to manipulate your camera settings for correct exposure, depth of field and image sharpness under virtually any condition.The section on Composition will take you through a step-by-step mini-course on the Principles and Elements of Design, so that you can begin using them right away in your photography. You will progress far beyond the basic Rule of Thirds to become a master of compositional design. In a stand-alone section, well deconstruct many of my own photographs to see what worked, what didnt and why.Finally, well go out together for three case studies that will take us from the field to the studio for some post-processing magic. Youll learn how to make good photos great and great photos exceptional with an easy to follow workflow in Adobe Lightroom and/or Photoshop. I will share with you my techniques for painting light, color, saturation, clarity and contrast back into your images. By the end youll be a master of the histogram, able to fix crooked horizons, replace skies and remove unwanted elements from your images.Youll also receive bonus material that will help you choose the right gear for your budget and needs. Youll get suggestions and links for plug-ins that can save you time and make the post-production process more efficient.RequirementsA DSLR, Mirrorless or other camera with the ability to change lenses and manually control shutter speed, aperture and ISOAccess to, basic skills with Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom, GIMP, or similar would be very beneficial, but not strictly necessaryWhat Am I Going to Get From this Course?Over 36 lectures and more than 3 hours of video contentLearn to take long exposure photos in challenging conditions such as full daylightAdvanced composition and design principles the pros use to create stunning landscape and other types of photographsSuitable for photographers of all levelsVisual training method that includes examples, animations, illustrations and assignments for easy, fun to use learning and skills retention. Applied case studies where we begin in the field and then progress all the way to post-production image finishing in the studio using various software tools and techniques"
Price: 39.99

"Create a Killer Online Portfolio To Get Your Dream Job"
"Course DescriptionWhat do the most successful creative professionals do to get to the top of their field, achieve their career goals and secure their dream jobs or clients? A powerful, compelling portfolio built from a sound strategic approach using proven tools and techniques is the single most important ally you can have. Award-winning Creative Director and Trainer Dale Cody, pulls back the curtain and shares all the secrets he has learned from more than 16 years hiring and working with some of the most successful creatives and companies on the planet. In addition to more than 20 video modules outlining strategy and tactics, Dale will walk you through a step-by-step mini-course for building a complete WordPress portfolio site. Youll hear first-hand from top recruiters what theyre looking for in successful candidates and their portfolios. Youll learn what works and why. Master Proven Strategies, Secrets and Techniques to Not Only Build a Killer Portfolio, but Totally Crush the Interview Process and Build Your Professional Brand Find out what Creative Directors and Hiring Managers are really looking for when they source and hire candidates. Learn all those behind the scenes secrets.Master strategies for presenting your portfolio, establishing credibility and building a professional brand throughout your careerLearn how the principles of narrative storytelling, brand-building and case studies can be applied in ways that powerfully connect with Hiring Managers, companies and clientsUnderstand how the skills and experience you already have can solve problems in ways that make you irresistible to Hiring ManagersBegin the journey with strategies and techniques that you can apply immediately and throughout your career. Using these simple, effective methods, youll begin seeing results right away Master Key Skills That Pros Use to Secure the Best Jobs and Clients If youve ever wondered how so many successful creative professionals just seem to have stratospheric career trajectories even though their work may not be any better than the competition, then this course is for you. Even if youre experienced professional with strong samples, there are still loads of things you can do to strengthen your portfolio and improve presentation, gain competitive advantage and propel your career skyward like a rocket. The hard truth for those just out of school is that your newly minted diploma and work samples are only the first step on the path to your dream job. To a Hiring Manager, they only act as an initial filter. In order to get their attention and distinguish yourself in a very competitive job market, you need a lot more. You need to understand how these people think, what theyre looking for and then convince them that you are the very best person to solve their problems. You need to convince them that you speak their language and are invaluable to their own success. This course will give you the skills to create a show-stopping killer portfolio and secure your dream job or clients. Contents and Overview Well begin by examining your target audience and by that, I mean those individuals who make real hiring decisions for the roles you want. Ill pull back the curtain and share all the secrets, tips and techniques Ive seen used over the years by the most successful creative professionals out there. Even if youre not in a field where having a portfolio is common practice, youll find career gold here. Youll learn how techniques taught in Business School such as SWOT Analysis can help you excel in the competitive career marketplace. Ill show you how to think of, and present yourself as a cohesive brand in order to differentiate yourself from everyone else and dominate your own career niche. Through a powerful portfolio and market savvy approach, youll be able to craft a professional presence that top companies and Hiring Managers will practically trip over themselves to engage with. Ill show you what content to include, what not to include, and how to display your work in the most effective ways and places possible. You will know how to find the perfect intersection that combines the kind of work youre most passionate about with the unique skills and gifts that make you a superstar, along with the lucrative market opportunities that will pay you best. You will learn how narrative storytelling structure can combine with proven business techniques such as SAR and Case Studies to shine the golden light of ability, accomplishment and proof all over you. Ill introduce you to your new best friends and collaborators in finding and using that proof too. By the end of Section 5, you have a complete playbook for building your killer portfolio site including web hosting, site architecture, navigation and a precise script for which samples to include in what order. Finally, you will learn how to build a complete WordPress portfolio website step-by-step and end-to-end. It doesnt matter whether youre a complete newbie or a seasoned veteran. This is basically a full course within a course and by the end; youll be able to confidently build your own site. Youll get tons of additional bonus material for helping you understand and refine your brand as well as resource links and assignments to assist in cementing concepts. Requirements Anyone in a career where showing visual, written, audio, or multimedia samples of your work will help get you the job. Traditionally, these have been in well-known fields such as graphic design illustration and photography, but increasingly they have been extremely effective differentiators in other areas such as Landscape Architect, Interior Designer, Copywriter, Social Media Marketer, Furniture Designer, Web Developer and many others. Access to a computer and the Internet are really all youll need, but some image editing (i.e. Photoshop, Gimp or Illustrator etc.) and front-end web coding skills would be a big benefit. What Am I Going to Get From this Course? Over 40 lectures with hours of video content including examples, animations, explanations, diagrams and assignmentsYou will learn how to create a professional portfolio that gets the attention of Hiring Managers at those companies or clients you most want to work with. I am going to help you get and keep your dream job!Understand and employ powerful techniques such as SAR, SWOT, Narrative Storytelling, Testimonials, Case Studies and many moreFollow me step-by-step as I show you how to build a portfolio website using the industry standard platform WordPress and powerful plug-ins. I will totally deconstruct and demystify the process, so it doesnt matter whether youve never even touched HTML, or are a code wizard. Theres something for everyone in this complete course within a courseYou will be able to employ the same brand strategies and techniques that have worked successfully for some of the most visible brands and successful professionals on the planet Bonus video interview with top placement agency recruiters working in one of the hottest job markets in the country. Theyll share what works and why as well as those qualities that make for a standout portfolio"
Price: 54.99

"Instalacin, reparacin y mantenimiento de Windows"
"El curso contiene 30 clases en video de como reparar, limpiar y dar mantenimiento a la computadora. Los estudiantes aprendern a: instalar programas, instalar un sistema operativo, formatear la computadora, actualizar la computadora, ingresar a su computadora en el caso de haber olvidado la contrasea, crear copias de seguridad, etc.Todas las personas que tienen o manejan computadoras deben tomar este curso, ya que todas las computadoras con el pasar del tiempo comienzan a ponerse lentas y a ser afectadas por virus, esto provoca que la computadora se dae. Con este curso usted podr reparar su propia computadora y ya no necesitara a un ingeniero o tcnico para que lo haga por usted.Al finalizar este curso los estudiantes sern capaces de solucionar cualquier problema que tengan con su computadora."
Price: 74.99

"Installation, repair and maintenance of full Windows"
"The course contains 30 lessons on video as repair, clean an maintain the computer. Students will learn to install programs, install an operating system, format the computer, update your computer, access your computer in case you forget your password, create backups, etc.All the people who have or manage computers should take this course, since all computers with the passing of time begin to be slow and to be affected by a virus, this causes the computer is damaged. With this course you can repair your own computer and no longer need to an engineer or technician to do it for you.At the end of the course students will be able to solve any problem with their computer."
Price: 119.99

"Aprende a Dibujar en Microsoft PowerPoint"
"Este curso contiene 10 clases en video que te ensearan de manera fcil y practica a disear como un profesional en Microsoft PowerPoint. Saber disear en Microsoft PowerPoint es fundamental para la realizacin de presentaciones en diapositivas, presentaciones que se utilizan siempre en empresas, negocios, universidades, institutos, etc. Todas las personas hemos realizado presentaciones en el colegio o en la escuela, sin embargo, en la vida profesional ests presentaciones o exposiciones deben ser ms desarrolladas es decir profesionales, es ah donde saber dibujar en Microsoft PowerPoint se convierte en algo fundamental. En este curso aprenders a dibujar como un profesional desde cero, el nico requisito es tener instalado el programa Microsoft PowerPoint el cual viene en el paquete de Microsoft Office que ya viene instalado en nuestra computadora cuando la compramos. Este curso lo pueden tomar todas las personas que les guste el dibujo, ya que no se requiere grandes conocimientos para poder dibujar como un profesional de hecho cualquier persona podr hacerlodespus de ver este curso.No deben seguir este curso las personas que quieren aprender fotomontaje ya que son cosas muy diferentes."
Price: 19.99

"SQL Wall Street CHEAT SHEET, to get HIRED FAST! 2020"
"I produced the highest rated SQL training video with over 301,000 views and 2800 likes. If you have any doubts, scroll down and read the comments on my SQL videos! Just ranked in the top group of instructors!This is an SQL course for job seeking beginners or people who are out of practice, that is designed to guarantee that you pass most SQL tech interviews. This is NOT for Database Administrators. This is for trading support applicants or business folks who might need to use the database for research. If you are trying to learn SQL, then my more advanced courses are awesome for that. This class is a very good video cliff note. Nothing more.I highly recommend this course for people looking for jobs with other (other than SQL) priorities. For example a job that says ""Required: FIX Protocol. Plus: SQL"". That is the ideal candidate for this course. I'll tell you exactly what the interviewers will be looking for as far as SQL.I have years working for companies like investment banks and FinTech venders, so I know what software they have and what you need to know. This course gets you right to the information you need faster than anything else. This frees up your time for other pursuits and getting you to that 6 figure job fast!Don't take MY word for it, take a look at what some of the 301,000 people who have enjoyed my SQL videos have said:[From my FIXProtocol Channel]""Didou Reznov2the delivery and presentation is just genius , he got me hooked from sec 1""""Flynn Davieshaha love the video man, the enthusiasm kept my ADHD infused brain entertained and helped me learn this. thanks so much and keep em up!""Dirovame1FIXProtocol, you are a true hero.My Database professor has been spewing googlypoop for the last 4 months and I aced my final from just watching this video. ""ricochet08definitely the most entertaining sql video i've seen :D will be watching more of your videos!""""Al Johnson5+FIXProtocol Very interesting, informative and passionate video about the subject scary for many people. You like to teach, and you know stuff you're talking about!""""Richard Cooper4Great video love your enthusiasm! I am a sql developer who is looking to expand his skill set. Keep it up I like it! :-)""""TrollAndPlay1You sir, are an amzing teacher ! Thank you so much !""""Thomas Rnnberg2A charismatic teacher and very clear teaching methods""""Mark Ganusthanks heaps man. I'm on a race to learn SQL as quickly as and have been scouring youtube for useful videos and yours have been of great help. again thanks a bunch""""Siddy Kay1I did a course on cyber-security this summer. You explain things well. i understand things better now haha, even though I'm a CS major. Wished my professors were as good in explaining as you lol"""
Price: 29.99

"How to Launch and Maintain a Successful YouTube Channel"
"[February 14th 2016 UPDATE: FREE channel consultation NOW available for first 100 students to complete course THIS WEEK! 25 spots left@19:36 EST]--I earn while I sleep & you can too! It will take HARD work & dedication but I can guide you & you WILL see results--What could you do with an extra $14,000 considering the money you make now is probably enough to cover all your expenses? Go to Italy or Hawaii? A down payment on a new house or your dream car? Well you can make this money and possibly much more and I can show you how! I made $14,000 in my SPARE time while working a demanding high level corporate job. What could YOU do in your spare time?I run over 15 YouTube channels and have been on YouTube for over 10 years. What started as a hobby, turned into a source of real cash that a lot of people could really use. I've made over $2400 on just ONE video that took me about 4 hours total time to make. I have many videos that ranked #1 in search and with views from 300,000-700,000 on single videos. Over 14 MILLION people have watched my videos.This course is the result of not just me simply being on YouTube for 10 years but hours and hours of extensive research and analysis. I've analyzed many channels and many things about YouTube. I've shoot videos at YouTube's studios. I've also been part of Google product research efforts. I will show you all the good, bad and ugly about YouTube. I'll cover things like:How I rank high in searchHow I get a quarter of a million in views on my videosHow I outranked a major global automotive company who likely spends millions in advertisingI'll show you test cases and reveal the secret to how some channels experienced explosive growth in short orderHow to get brand deals where you can get checks from $50-$5000 or MUCH more just for mentioning or reviewing a productHow to get subscribers fastHow to get noticedHow to cross promoteHow to avoid scary pitfalls like getting your channel deleted over night with no warningI'll also reveal YouTube's dark secrets and trust me, it's soap opera level drama and you need to be aware of it. It's not all flowers and everything nice on YouTube11. How to get free trips and other perksIn my course I will be showing you the real data that nobody will show you, like exactly how much I make. I'll also show you how much other YouTubers are making and dispel popular myths about pay. We will be looking at a lot of stats."
Price: 19.99

"Guide to Building Your First YouTube Channel Efficiently"
"I've made over $14,000 on YouTube and I have a lot of years of experience and I'm sharing that with you to save you time and hassle of figuring out things yourself. YouTube can be a very fun and exciting place to be and can open up doors that you never imagined, but ONLY if you do it right. I learned things the hard way and now you can benefit from my experience and learn things you won't hear anywhere else.I'm going to walk you through the process from beginning to end. We will create a YouTube account, then a channel. Then I'll show you how to make your channel look good. We will also add links to your social media right on your channel page so you can promote your social media from your YouTube channel and then promote YouTube from your social media.Let's get started!Bullets:Creating a YouTube accountPicking a topicCreating a YouTube ChannelGetting subscribersGrowing your channel"
Price: 19.99

"This is an BEGINNERSQL course for people who find other courses to be boring or hard to understand. My format is very energetic and I simplify things so that anybody can understand it. I feel your pain with trying to learn new things, and I design my courses to make it the best possible experience possible.If you are new to SQL, thisbeginner class is just for you. I have years working for companies like investment banks and FinTech vendors, so I know what software they have and what you need to know. This course is not just for financial jobs though. You can use this for any industry.This course covers:Introduction to SQLSQL ComponentsGetting your data. How to use SQL to pull data from database.Table Armageddon: How to join multiple tablesTable Genesis: Where tables are bornThings look GREAT from here! Let's talk about views!You are GOD...or just an administrator! Let's talk about privilegesOnly TRUE nerds pass here! Time to get advanced!Don't take MY word for it, take a look at what some of the 540,000 people who have enjoyed my SQL videos have said:[From my FIXProtocol Channel]""Didou Reznov2the delivery and presentation is just genius , he got me hooked from sec 1""""Flynn Davieshaha love the video man, the enthusiasm kept my ADHD infused brain entertained and helped me learn this. thanks so much and keep em up!""""ricochet08definitely the most entertaining sql video i've seen :D will be watching more of your videos!""""Al Johnson5+FIXProtocol Very interesting, informative and passionate video about the subject scary for many people. You like to teach, and you know stuff you're talking about!""""Richard Cooper4Great video love your enthusiasm! I am a sql developer who is looking to expand his skill set. Keep it up I like it! :-)""""TrollAndPlay1You sir, are an amzing teacher ! Thank you so much !""""Thomas Rnnberg2A charismatic teacher and very clear teaching methods""""Mark Ganusthanks heaps man. I'm on a race to learn SQL as quickly as and have been scouring youtube for useful videos and yours have been of great help. again thanks a bunch""""Siddy Kay1I did a course on cyber-security this summer. You explain things well. i understand things better now haha, even though I'm a CS major. Wished my professors were as good in explaining as you lol"""
Price: 74.99