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"Pentatonics and Blues Guitar Solo Mastery"
"Course Updated April 4st,2016Do you feel like your guitar playing has reached a plateau?Do you feel lost everytime you have to play a guitarsolo?Have you tried to learn from theory books and CDs, but found that they left you even more confused?Do you want the definite tips to solo guitar in any situation?How about having assurance that you can look down at your fretboard and being able to soloany way you want? What would that be worth to you?Today, you get to find out first-hand what it's like to know your guitar inside and out; by enrolling in this course, you get all this and more, including:Natural scalesPentatonic ScalesBlues ScalesThe ModesSoloing over each of the blues progressionsTechnique advice for improving your guitar solosWhat are you waiting for? Enroll today to learn these secrets right now!"
Price: 44.99

"Guitar Chords: Learn to Play Any Guitar Chord"
"If you've ever wanted to learn everything you need to know about playing any and all guitar chords, anywhere, any time, this is the program for you!This course will teach you the ins-and-outs on playing all the relevant chords for an aspiring guitarist, including:MajorMinor7th and Dominant 7th6thSus4 and Sus2AugmentedDiminishedHalf-DiminishedExtended (9th, 11th, 13th)Slash ChordsAltered ChordsIf you're interested in understanding all of the most important guitar chords, all in a fun way, click the 'Take This Course' button now and start learning."
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Entrenamiento en Suspension para Aerix o TRX"
"Hola.El presente curso esta dirigido para cualquier tipo de persona que desee mejorar su cuerpo y aprender ejercicios de entrenamiento en suspensin.El curso esta diseado para que cualquier entusiasta del deporte que cuente con un equipo en suspensin (como TRX o Aerix), aprenda ms de 100 ejercicios distintos, que podr utilizar para desarrollar sus propios programas de entrenamiento.La rutina, contempla en uso de : 1 Manual sobre el uso de la Rutina Aerix7 DVDs con la rutina Aerix1 DVD introductorio1 DVD de rutinas extrasPlan de nutricinCalendario de TrabajoHojas de trabajo MAS DE 4 HORAS DE VIDEO GRABADO PROFESIONALMENTE Y EN ALTA DEFINICION!"
Price: 34.99

"Revolve: Dieta Retroevolutiva / Ayuno Intermitente / Toxemia"
"Revolve: Dieta Retroevolutiva, es un curso que compila los principios de la Toxemia, la Combinacin de Alimentos y los Ayunos Intermitentes, llegando as a un dieta que es totalmente autosustentable y apta a ser llevada de por vida.Esta dieta tiene por objeto mantenerte sano, sin estar contando caloras o estar preparando comidas interminables. Es una dieta adaptable a nuestro estilo de vida.Este curso es perfecto para la gente que se preocupa por su salud, sin importar si es deportista o no, y quiere ver resultados rpidos, aumentando su energa, perdiendo grasa, estando saludables, sin enfermedades ... es bsicamente comer como la naturaleza nos diseo."
Price: 29.99

"Erlerne Cinema 4D Schritt fr Schritt #2"
"Teil 2 der Grundlagen von Cinema 4D. Wir schlieen die fundamentalsten Grundlagen ab und widmen und einigen ersten und leicht verstndlichen 3D Objekten und Szenen und lernen dadurch viele neue Tools kennen.Der Kurs ist gegliedert wie folgt:Abschnitt 1: ""Ein paar letzte Grundlagen zu Cinema 4D"" ""NURBS/SPLINES erklrt"" ""Extrudieren?"" ""2D Bilder in 3D erstellen"" (Teil 1 und 2) ""Kamera in Cinema 4D""Abschnitt 2: ""Tutorials zu tollen 3D Objekten und Szenen einfach zu verstehen"" ""Tolles Lichtstudio zum Ausstellen erstellen"" ""Kissen erstellen"" ""Sofa erstellen"" ""Cinema 4D Maxon Logo in 3D erstellen"" ""UFO erstellen"" ""Pokball erstellen""Ich bin seit mehreren Jahren als 3D Artist ttig und gebe auch auf Youtube Tutorials.Da ich gerne viele Menschen erreichen mchte, habe ich mich entschlossen dies auch auf mglichst vielen Plattformen zu tun."
Price: 34.99

"Erlerne Cinema 4D Schritt fr Schritt #1"
"In diesem Kurs werden ich die Grundlagen von Cinema 4D vorstellen. Sie werden fhig sein die fundamentalsten Funktionen von Cinema 4D zu beherrschen und auch anderer 3D Programme.Ich bin beruflich seit 3 Jahren 3D Artist und habe einen Youtubekanal mit ber 4.000 Abonnenten.Diese Videoreihe ist noch aus den Anfngen um etwas vertrauter mit Udemy zu werden.Bentigte Materialien: Cinema 4D (ab Version r12)Struktur wie folgt:-Erste Schritte-Rendern-Material-Global Ilumination-Liberty Content Browser"
Price: 29.99

"8 Stunden professionelles Cinema 4D Training"
"Erlerne Schritt fr Schritt wie man professionelle 3D Modelle und Szenen erstelle kann.Mehrere Stunden prall gefllt mit spannenden und ntzlichen Tutorials wie Lichtschwerter, Pokeblle, Mbel, komplette 3D Szenen und vieles mehr. Alles ist leicht verstndlich erklrt und daher egal ob Anfnger oder Fortgeschrittener.Bentigt werden Cinema 4D (ab R12) und Gimp, welches man sich kostenlos herunterladen kann.Jeder, der nicht nur trocken irgendwelche Funktionen lernen will, sondern diese direkt in interessanten Projekten umsetzen will, sollte sich diesen Kurs sichern.Ganz neue Anfnger, die noch nie in Cinema 4D oder mit anderen 3D Softwares gearbeitet habe, sollten sich ggf meine anderen Kurse vorher anschauen."
Price: 49.99

"After Effects - Alles rund um das Tracking"
"Kleine After Effects Tutorialreihe, die die Grundlagen der Software nher bringt sowie das Tracken von bestimmten Effekten in ein bewegliches Video hinein, sodass es realistisch aussieht.Der Kurs ist so einfach wie mglich gehalten und richtet sich daher besonders an Einsteiger.Bentigt wird eine Version von After Effects CS 5,5 oder hher. Dies kann sowohl die Vollversion als auch die kostenlose 30 Tage Testversion sein.In dieser Reihe zeige ich erst die grundlegenden Techniken und dann gehe ich spezifischer auf einzelne Dinge drauf ein.Wenn Sie also noch vlliger Anfnger sind und gerne etwas zu After Effects wissen wollen, dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige."
Price: 19.99

"Journalism Skills for Beginners"
"All you need to report and write a feature story and get it publishedDo you want to interview the Dalai Lama, report on a local issue in your community, write up a good story for your blog or website, or break into journalism as a possible career? Journalism for Beginners is a fast track course infused with practical advice on how to report and write a feature story with the aim to get it published. Journalism for Beginners in a total of over 80 lectures and 3 hours of videos - includes an overview of the whole reporting and writing process, and then is split into three main sections Reporting, Writing, and Getting Published. The emphasis of this course is on reporting, writing and selling your story making an income from the sale of your story. That is the goal medium to long term, deriving income from the sale of your stories. But it also includes some of the tactics needed to build up a portfolio of stories some of which may be published for free in order to demonstrate to prospective editors that you can report and write, and know your subject. KEEP YOUR EDITOR HAPPY: In addition, the course includes secret tips on how to deal with editors. These tips are entitled: Keep Your Editor Happy. And with good reason! If you are going to get your story published, you need to keep your editor happy in other words, communicate with them in the right way and provide them with a story they are happy to publish. If you are looking for a good introduction to how to report and write stories and get them published, this is it. The aim is to produce a real story and send it to a newspaper, magazine or news service for publication. In other words and this is important the focus is on getting published, not just going through the motions. What matters is getting published and seeing your name online or in print."
Price: 24.99

"Start here if you're brand-new to screenwriting"
"With your imagination and our technical tips, this course gets you writing straight away. These are not long, technical lectures; they're short, very powerful brainstorm and writing exercises which have been carefully designed to teach you the craft of screenwriting in a hands-on way. Begin with a couple of brain-storming exercises around character development, then learn how to download free screenwriting software and format your screenplay correctly. Learn how to speak like a professional screenwriter then think up a great title for your movie. Get back to a brainstorming and writing exercises around genre, expertise and central relationships before writing your very first short film script.Learn three-act screenplay structure to shape your story in a way cinema audiences will find satisfying.FULL TRANSCRIPTS of all videos included.Each brainstorm is 1 - 2 minutes long."
Price: 19.99

"Hermeneutics: Principles of Interpreting the Bible"
"Do you desire to have a better understanding of the Bible? Would you like to be able to handle God's word withconfidence?If so, this course is for you!Hermeneutics is the branch of Christian theology that deals with how we interpret the Bible. This course takes you through the important principles that must be followed in order to interpret and understand God's word correctly. You will be equipped to better understand the Bible and to handle it with confidence. Pastors and ministerswill also be better equipped to preach / teach from the Bible with greater accuracy.This course covers:What the Bible isWhy there are so many translationsPre-requisites of biblical interpretationThe importance of context, historical setting, and a passage's geographyFigures of speech and features of biblical poetryDrawing out the intended meaning of a passage (exegesis) vs reading into a passage a meaning that is not there (eisegesis)Understanding why a particular book in the Bible was written, and how this informs interpretationComparing your understanding of a passage with what the rest of the Bible teachesThis course also includes anelectronic copy of my book, 'Making Sense of theBible'."
Price: 19.99

"Systematic Theology: Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible"
"""Knowing the Doctrines of the Bible (Systematic Theology)"" explains what the Bible teaches about God (Theology), Jesus (Christology), the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), Humanity (Anthropology), Salvation (Soteriology), Grace vs Law, the Church (Ecclesiology), Church Leadership, the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Healing, Angels (Angelology), the Enemy (Demonology), Christian Morals (Moral Theology), Prayer, Worship, Death (Thanatology), and the Second Coming (Eschatology)This course is based on the instructor's book, ""Firm Foundations"" (ISBN 978-0993006586) and is aimed at all Christians, including new believers, pastors, teachers, cell-group leaders, and youth workers etc. In each video lecture, Dr. Pattico gives an overview of what the Bible states about each area of doctrine, referring to relevant biblical passages.By taking this course, you will increase your understanding and knowledge of God's Word, and you will have a firm foundation upon which to build your life and ministry. The understanding gained will also help you to be more confident in explaining your faith to others."
Price: 39.99

"Prophetic Ministry and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit"
"Do you desire to hear Gods voice and move in the prophetic? Do you want to learn about the gifts of the Holy Spirit? If so, this course is for you! This Bible-based training program is aimed at all Christians. This course equips you to move effectively and accurately in the prophetic. You will learn what prophecy is, why we should prophesy, that we can all prophesy, how to prophesy, what the different prophetic expressions are, and how to test prophetic words. You will also learn about the other gifts of the Holy Spirit.You will also be equipped to see visions, hear Gods voice, and also understand what prophetic praise, prophetic prayer, prophetic actions, and prophetic parables are.Also included with this course is the instructor's eBook: Moving in the Prophetic!"
Price: 19.99

"Conquer Addiction"
"Conquer Addictionwill help you understand addiction and the ""addict mind"" in a whole new way. Whether adding to your existing recovery program or searching for an alternative method. Recovery In The Now will help. Taught in easy to understand language and understood personally. Recovery In The Now will give you a whole new way to look at addiction and recover.With over ten years of clinical experience and a lifetime of personal experience Warren Broad can help you get to that next level or assist someone you love."
Price: 24.99

"Conquer Anxiety"
"The Conquer Anxiety program is designed to help you better understand what makes your mind anxious and how it moves from one thought to the next. Created and developed by Warren Broad, author speaker and therapist. You will learn how to monitor your thoughts, record them and break down the sequence in order to lower and interrupt the patterns your brain has created that lead to anxiety and panic.An introduction to meditation, visualization, and thought vibration is included. Students are given the tools to help manage and be as aware as possible in dealing with anxiety. You will also be given audio, visual, and PDF documents to assist in your learning process. A full guided meditation is provided to help begin to develop your meditation and visualization techniques.The course is structured into digestible video lectures that build on each other. Great attention is paid to keeping lectures limited, in order to avoid overwhelm."
Price: 24.99

"Understanding Color & How to Mix It"
"* How often do you mix muddy colors without intending to?* How often can you match what you are seeing with confidence?* Do you really understand your colors and what you are capable of having them do?In this self-paced course you will learn color theory (it's pretty simple), why colors work the way they do, and how your colors can play with the other colors on your palette (and stay best friends).Who Should Take This Course* If you are a beginner, this course will put you MILES ahead of others because at the end you will have an excellent understanding of how color works, how to match colors, and even more fundamental, where to start with colors!* And if you are a working artist you also will get a tremendous value from taking this course because it will clear up misconceptions about color, teach you how colors work and therefore completely speed up your mixing process.* If you have been looking for that 'perfect' primary red, primary blue, and primary yellow, this will absolutely demystify this dilemma.* If you mixed that perfect color but can't remember how you did it, this class will teach you which 3 questions to ask yourself so that you can not only mix 'that' color, but match it, over and over again.* If you want to introduce other colors to your palette but don't know if it will be a good fit, this class will teach you how to analyze a tube of paint and what all that information is telling you.* Do you have a drawer full of colors but none are quite right? By the end of this course you will know which ones are redundant, which ones might be really helpful, and which ones you might want to use more of.WHAT YOU WILL LEARN:* Whether you work in Oil, Acrylic, or Watercolor, you will learn to break colors down and then rebuild them so that you will understand each color on your palette.* You will learn how well your colors will play with the other colors on your palette, and how to choose colors you might want to add or take away from your palette.* You will be able to choose the paints you need to get the broadest range. In other words, you will learn about the colors you choose and then have total control over your palette.WHAT YOU WILL GET:* In addition to all the class lectures and videos, you will have my email address so that if you have ANY questions about what you are learning I will answer them very quickly.* Plus, if it's something that will take more than just a simple answer by email we can arrange to speak by phone or Skype. I want you to succeed.AT THE END OF THIS COURSE YOU WILL COME AWAY WITH:A Thorough Understanding of ColorHow to Choose Your ColorsWhich Way a Color Leans and How That Affects Color MixesWhat a Color Can and Can't DoHow to Match ANY Color Easily and EfficientlyHow To Read a Paint Tube and Why This is ImportantHow to Better Use a Color WheelComplete Control Over Your Painting Palette"
Price: 34.99

"Using Notan and Rebatement in Composition and Design"
"The subject of Composition and Design is broad and there are a variety of compositional tools that have been used over time to emphasize ideas, stories, and religious thought.In this course we will focus primarily on two areas: Notan, which deals with light and dark and the visual structure, andthe very flexible tool of Rebatement,which works with theunderlying architecturalstructure.Using images from master artists,as well as some of my work, we will analyze why a painting works and whattools were used tocreatevivid images.Finally, you will learn how to use both Notan and Rebatement to create strong visual images that will read across a room.In addition, I will teach you how to make your own viewfinders that you can usein your studio and in the field.This class is useful for any visual artist as well as for any lover of the arts."
Price: 34.99

"Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for Self Defense - Beginners & Advanced"
"THE WAIT IS FINALLY OVER!For the first time in history, one of Mestre Sylvio Behrings awarded professors has created his own interpretation to the Progressive System for the world to see! Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a martial art that teaches the smaller, weaker individual to defend themselves against larger, stronger opponents. Through the teaching methodology of the Progressive System you will build a strong foundation for the principles and techniques of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. The BJJ Progressive System was developed and created by Mestre Sylvio Behring. Mestre Behring created the progressive system as a teaching tool to help develop the foundations of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Self-defence for the beginner to the most advanced. The Progressive System is a world-wide awakening to this one of a kind teaching methodology. Two of the greatest minds in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu today, both Mestre Sylvio Behring and Professor Shah Franco have passed their knowledge onto one of their top students and teachers, Professor Jesse Richardson. Professor Jesse Richardson, co-founder of Matador Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has now taken this invaluable knowledge of the Progressive System and has evolved it once again to a new level of understanding and teaching methodology. This teaching methodology of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu can be used with the traditional gi, no-gi or with normal street clothes. Featured in this course are basic modifications and variations that you can apply to almost every situation in self defense or sport Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu."
Price: 49.99

"Learn SQL and MySQL in 3 Hours"
"Master SQL in less than 3 Hours :Do You Want to Become a professional Software / Web Application Developer and increase your income Exponentially ?Are you a Marketing Professional Who wants to use SQL for making Better Marketing Decisions ?Are you a University Student Working Towards a Computer Science or Information Technology Degree ?Then look no further as you have come to the right place. I have been working with SQL for more than 7 Years now and am currently working as an Application developer. This in-depth course on SQL taught by me covers everything from the very basic definitions to very complex concepts of RELATIONAL DATABASES , FOREIGN KEYS and JOINS so that by the time this course ends, You will have an excellent understanding of all the important concepts of SQL to get things rolling for you. SQL can be used in almost all fields in today's technology driven world whether you are into your own business or into marketing or into development of Web / Mobile applications. You can use SQL to Analyze tons and tons of data within milliseconds and use the results of analysis to make better fact and data based decision thereby increasing the chances of arriving at a correct decision. I can assure you that you will enjoy this course and hope that you would make the most of the knowledge you would have gained by the end of this course. Thanks and hope to see you in Lectures."
Price: 19.99

"AJAX using Javascript and JQuery + 2 Projects"
"Learn AJAXusing Javascript &Jquery in 2 Hours + 2 ProjectsAre you a Front - End / Back - End Developer who wants to learn how to Make Interactive Web Pages using AJAX?Do you want to learn How to Load Data Asynchronously ?Do you want to make you Websites / Mobile Application more Appealing ?If answer to any of the above questions is Yes, then look no further. This isthe right course for you. Ihave been working with AJAXfor around 7 Years nowand have used it on numerous projects and using all those years of experience, Ihave designed this course carefully to help students understand AJAXeasily and without any hassle of going through tons and tons of books. When Istarted my AJAXJourney,Iwent through a lot of booksand ultimately found out that the only way to master AJAXis by doing so in this lecture series, we will not only understand AJAXusing slides but also Implement it by coding it ourselves from Scratch. and to top it all, we will work on two projects towards the end.Project #1: Planet Finder ProjectThe project will find out details about a certain planet from user Input using AJAX.Project #2 : GROUPCHATApplicationWe will Implement a group chat application wherein Multiple Users will be able to chat with each other. Needless to say it will be done using AJAXConcept.I can assure you that you will enjoy this course and Iam also confident that you will be able to use it for any projects by theend of this lecture series. so come and join me in this amazing journey through the world of AJAX.Thank you for your timeand hope to see you in Lectures."
Price: 19.99

"Wearable Technology Marketing & Product Strategy Integration"
"As marketers and entrepreneurs, staying current on emerging technologies is often pushed to the bottom of your to-do list. Navigating unchartered channels can be tricky, especially if you don't always know what they are or why youd want to use them. But what if you could use them could stand out from the crowd? Wearable technologies, Virtual and Augmented reality are becoming more and more important for both marketers and product developers. This course aims to demystify wearable technologies, so you can begin utilizing them now, as part of your product or marketing strategy. Wearable technology is widely forecast to be one of the most disruptive technology developments since the smartphone. Juniper Research forecasts the wearable market to grow from $1.4 billion in 2014 to $19 billion by 2018. Can you really risk not considering this rapidly growing opportunity?Why this course?Versastyle Consulting has extensive expertise in digital marketing strategy, product management, eLearning, animation, web/app development and wearable technologies. This diverse experience provides insights from different angles, which dramatically benefits your learning process. After completing this course you will hold a competitive advantage over others and will be able to add tremendous value to your clients by integrating wearables into your strategy.What will I learn?This course comprised of over 3 hours of content including 30 lecture videos that will provide you with meaningful tools and inspirational case studies, which will allow you to confidently begin exploring wearable technologies.What am I going to get from this course? An in-depth understanding of what wearables are, who is wearing them, where are they being worn and why it's emerging as an important new marketing channel Gain the background knowledge to have a holistic view of their market growth potential and future integration with the Internet of things Understanding of the breadth of opportunity afforded by virtual/augmented reality towards the breaking down of barriers between online and physical worlds Important considerations to successfully integrate wearables into your product or marketing strategy and how to measure success Knowledge of tactics to not only to advertise through wearables but use them to gain market intelligence, extend your brand's experience, create innovative marketing campaigns and gain sentiment through reducing friction Have a clear sense of the design best practices and limitations of each device to inform your creative decisions 30 Lectures of quality, fully animated videos with tons of useful examples, case studies and interviews with marketing and wearable technology professionals Be inspired by real world case studies showcasing industry leaders to gain the confidence to implement wearable technologies into your strategies now!"
Price: 19.99

"Youtube: How I got 4,000,000 views on my Youtube Channel"
"For those looking to increase traffic and growth on their Youtube channel, this is the course for you! Anyone can benefit from this course, from beginners to seasoned Youtubers. I've been on Youtube for 5 years and have stumbled many times along the way but have learned many valuable lessons. This course focuses on how to generate lots of views on both current and future videos. You will also learn how to earn passive income on Youtube through your video views. I will teach you what equipment you need to record your first video and what type of content your viewers want to see. I will also share with you my secrets to success on my channel and how I was able to amass almost 4 million views and over 16,000 subscribers on my Youtube channel. If you're looking to increase traffic on your page or you're just starting your Youtube channel and want to see immediate success, then this is the course for you!"
Price: 34.99

"Sustainable living made simple"
"Sustainable living made simple: Basics of permaculture design provides a general outline to living off the land. This course presents dozens of strategies for how we can be responsible custodians of earth.In two and a half hours of content, participants may gain a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of sustainable living.This course follows a book, The Permaville Handbook: Strategies of Permaculture Design and is based on the certified Permaculture Design Course (PDC). Learn design strategies from real life examples from sustainable projects around the world.COURSEUPDATEMARCH2019:New Material Added!Quick startup farm strategies added in the last three sections. COURSEUPDATE FEBRUARY2018:Raps about sustainable living added in the downloadable materials.COURSEPOSTEDFEBRUARY2016:Course originally posted on Udemy, including links to ThePermaville Handbook.Some reviews of this best-selling course:The best permaculture course I have so far visited online out of four...Ahmed AlalawiHe gets it what's going on in our world today and is presenting a master plan solution...Bill HalfordVery simple and non-threatening superb, relevant, usable and jam-packed... Clarence GarayBrian may have the most comprehensive view on permaculture. ....Paul KimI really enjoy your outlook - I don't find it as utopian as I was expecting. Rather I feel it to actually be a realistic outlook. ...Peter Stuart TurnerI have Permaculture One. This is a better discussion point stimulator. ....Joseph Van WyckPerfect for preparing to attend an in-person Permaculture Design Course ...Patrick KnieslerEinfach gut geklrt (Simply well clarified) ...Petra Panglisch-BreuerIn this course you may learn how to: Build with natural materialsFilter waterMake compostGrow plantsRaise fish, insects and animals Quick steps to start a farmLearn how to live off the land with strategies of permaculture design.Who is the target audience for this course?This course is for people interested in learning the basics of sustainable living. No experience required. Does the Permaville Course count as a Permaculture Design Course certificate?This course meets requirements for a certified Permaculture Design Course (PDC) and may help prepare for an in-person workshop.SyllabusOverview What is permaculture Story of permacultureStory of humans The cloudGeneral goalsPrinciples and Ethics Strategies Site analysis Site mapsZones and sectorsClimates and microclimatesPatterns in natureUrban designEarth and structuresEarthworks Natural buildingPaths and accessWater and soil WaterSoilCompostMicroorganisms fungi and wormsPlants and creatures NurseryGardenTreesFishInsects and animalsHome KitchenSanitationAppropriate technologyEconomicsField (NEWMATERIALADDEDMARCH2019)GreenhouseCompost teaHydroponics Field prepField map and field logCrops (NEWMATERIALADDEDMARCH2019)Spring and summer cropsFall and winter cropsSeed logFarm (NEWMATERIALADDEDMARCH2019)Post-harvestSales and harvest log"
Price: 39.99

"Non Verbal Toolkit - Master Body Language In 7 Days"
"Make every moment valuable - Learn the essential tools to transform the way you interact with others, attract new relationships, build leadership, influence, career growth and networking skills now.Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have more success, make more friends and always seem to have opportunities presented to them.In this course Anthony will teach you the key non verbal skills to ensure you present yourself in the best possible way, relationships will be easier to establish, existing friendships will become more valuable and you will start to notice opportunities that may of otherwise passed you by, which will lead to more success. Anthony will also teach you how to read other people in every day situations, so you will know what to look for and how to tell if an interaction is going well. and when its not going so well!Anthony will also teach you his 5-step formula to reading people in real time, weve all heard that around 70% of all communication is non-verbal, but be honest with yourself - do you really know how to read it? Does this mean youre missing 70% of the conversation? Anthonys 5-step formula is the simplest way to read this 70% accurately.By the end of this course you will have a comprehensive understanding of the people you are surrounded by, it will be like you suddenly have a second language presented to you.So if you're ready to get a better understanding of those you are surrounded by enrol now and receive bonus ebook and self evaluation exercises"
Price: 39.99

"COBIT5 Introduction - 30mins ONLY!"
"COBIT5 Introduction course is a fast way how to get familiar with the basics of COBIT5.Whether you need to understand what people talk about when they mention COBIT or you wish to be able to judge whether it may help you to fix problems and improve your IT this is the right course for you.IT is also extremely useful if you would like to obtain an official internationally recognized COBIT5 Foundation certificate as it explains the possible ways and provides key resources for getting certified. The course doesn't provide the certification itself but it gives you all you need to obtain it. Start your journey with COBIT5 here and discover whole new world of possibilities for your IT.Important!!!! Please be aware that this is very short (only 30mins long) course which doesn't teach you COBIT5 content, it will just tell you what COBIT5 is, whether it can be useful for youandhow and where to study it (it includes resources for self-study)."
Price: 29.99

"Figuren zeichnen - die Anatomie des menschlichen Krpers"
"Tauche in die Anatomie des menschlichen Krpers ein.Du wolltest schon immer einmal eine kleine Geschichte auf Papier zeichnen ? oder mittels Deiner Fantasie einen Charackter kreieren ?""ich kann nicht einmal ein Strichmnnchen zeichnen"" - dieser Satz zhlt ab jetzt nicht mehr ! Dieser Kurs bietet dir die Mglichkeit, die Darstellung von Figuren in allen Lebenslagen zeichnerisch umzusetzen und macht dich zugleich zum Zeichen Profi - egal ob du Anfnger bist, wieder einsteigst, oder bereits fortgeschrittenener Zeichner bist.Dieser Kurs enthlt 45 Lektionen, unzhlige bungen, ausgewhlte Beispiele - der einfachste Weg, wenn du Frau oder Mann, gro oder klein, auf Papier bringen mchtest. Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse bentigt, der ""komplette Zeichenkurs - ganz einfach Zeichnen lernen"" bietet jedoch eine solide Basis.Zuerst ein kleiner Ausblick, was dir dieser Kurs alles bietet:Verstehe die grundlegende Herangehensweise des Zeichnens von FigurenVersteheden Aufbau des menschlichen KrpersEntwickle deinen eigenen ZeichenstilLeichtes ben durch Wiederholen:Umfangreiche AnwendungsbeispieleWerde Kreativ ! wiederhole eine bungung - nur anders - erzhle eine neue Geschichte Diverse Praxisbeispiele:Perspektive verstehen durch verschiedene BlickwinkelWir werden viele Figuren zeichnenHnde, Kopf, Fe,.. wir werden alles gesondert im Detail durchgehenwir werden Variation hineinbringen und somit kreativUnd viel mehr...Dieser Kurs enthlt diverse Praxisbeispiele. Du lernst nicht wie du einen Mann oder eine Frau zeichnest, sondern du lernst anhand verschiedener Techniken, verschiedenste Figuren zu zeichnen - egal ob dick, dnn, klein, gro, jung oder alt.Beherrscht du erst einmal die Grundtechniken, wirst du in der Lage sein, diese auf die verschiedensten Posen oder Bewegungen zu bertragen und anwenden zu knnen. Ich mchte dir nicht erklren ""wie zeichne ich einen Mensch der steht"" - und dann kannst du nur diesen zeichnen. Nein !Hast du die Herangehensweise und den Aufbau eines menschlichen Skeletts verstanden, wirst du auch einen sitzenden, liegenden, springenden, oder einen laufenden Menschen zeichnen knnen. Diese Techniken lassen sich dann auf die verschiedenen Geschlechter oder Altersgruppen bertragen.Dazu schauen wir uns im Kurs diverse, extrem wichtige Techniken an:wo sitzen die Gelenke und wie arbeiten Diese ?wiezeichne ich Muskeln um das Skelett herum ?wie fange ich an ?was sind die wichtigen Merkmale zur Unterscheidung von Mann zu Frau ?Mein Ziel ist, dass du nach Abschluss dieses Kurses deine zeichnerischen Fhigkeiten weiterentwickelt hast. Egal fr welchen Zweck du das Zeichnen verwendest, ob im Job oder als Hobby, es soll Spa machen ! Du wirst in der Lage sein, deiner Kreativitt freien Lauf zu lassen und hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen.Richy"
Price: 149.99

"Tiere Zeichnen - Der praxisorientierte Komplettkurs"
"Tauche in die wundervolle Welt der Tiere ein.Du mchtest eine Zeichnung als Geschenk fr Jemanden entwerfen ? oder dein Haustier auf Papier verewigen ?Dieser Kurs bietet dir die Mglichkeit, die Darstellung deines Lieblingstieres zeichnerisch umzusetzen und macht dich zugleich zum Zeichen Profi - egal ob du Anfnger bist, wieder einsteigst, oder bereits fortgeschrittenener Zeichner bist.Dieser Kurs enthlt ber 50 Lektionen, unzhlige bungen, ausgewhlte Beispiele - der einfachste Weg, wenn du ein tierisches Motiv auf Papier bringen mchtest. Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse bentigt, der ""komplette Zeichenkurs - ganz einfach Zeichnen lernen"" bietet jedoch eine solide Basis.Zuerst ein kleiner Ausblick, was dir dieser Kurs alles bietet:Verstehe die grundlegende Herangehensweise des Zeichnens von TierenVersteheden Licht & SchatteneinfallEntwickle deinen eigenen ZeichenstilLeichtes ben durch Wiederholen:Umfangreiche AnwendungsbeispieleWerde Kreativ ! wiederhole eine bungung - nur andersDiverse Praxisbeispiele:Verschattung am Beispiel eines FischesWir werden ein Hundeportrait zeichnenEs wird bunt ! Ein kleiner Bonus in FarbeUnd viel mehr...Dieser Kurs enthlt diverse Praxisbeispiele. Du lernst nicht wie du DEN EINEN Hund zeichnest, sondern du lernst anhand verschiedener Techniken, verschiedenste Hundearten zu zeichnen.Beherrscht du erst einmal die Grundtechniken, wirst du in der Lage sein, diese auf die verschiedensten Motive zu bertragen und anwenden zu knnen. Ich mchte dir nicht erklren ""wie zeichne ich einen Labrador"" - und dann kannst du nur diesen zeichnen. Nein !Hast du die Herangehensweise und die Darstellung verschiedener Fellstrukturen verstanden, wirst du auch einen Terrier, Pudel oder einen Schferhund zeichnen knnen. Letztendlich ist dann der Sprung zu weiteren Tierarten auch kein Hexenwerk mehr, denn dieselben Techniken tauchen bei Katzen, Hasen, Pferden, etc. wieder auf !Dazu schauen wir uns im Kurs diverse, extrem wichtige Techniken an:wie werden verschiedene Fellarten dargestellt ?wiezeichne ich weitere Oberflchenstrukturen wie Haut, Schuppen oder Chitin ?wie fange ich an ?wie werden Verhltnisse richtig abgeschtzt ?welchen Stift verwende ich fr was ?Mein Ziel ist, dass du nach Abschluss dieses Kurses deine zeichnerischen Fhigkeiten weiterentwickelt hast. Egal fr welchen Zweck du das Zeichnen verwendest, ob im Job oder als Hobby, es soll Spa machen ! Du wirst in der Lage sein, deiner Kreativitt freien Lauf zu lassen und hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen.Richy"
Price: 149.99

"Realistisch Zeichnen - Die praxisorientierte Masterclass"
"Werde Master des realistischen Zeichnens.Du mchtest tiefer in das (foto)realistische Zeichnen einsteigen ? Deinen Zeichnungen mehr Ausdruck verleihen und das Portraitzeichnen perfektionieren ? - berrasche Freunde und Familie mit einem Portrait deiner Liebsten !!Dieser Kurs bietet dir die Mglichkeit, die Darstellung von Augen verschiedenster Ausdrcke umzusetzen und macht dich zugleich zum Zeichen Profi - egal ob du Anfnger bist, wieder einsteigst, oder bereits fortgeschrittenener Zeichner bist.Dieser Kurs enthlt ber 30 Lektionen, unzhlige bungen, ausgewhlte Beispiele - der einfachste Weg, wenn du smtliche Arten von Augen auf Papier bringen mchtest. Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse bentigt, der ""komplette Zeichenkurs - ganz einfach Zeichnen lernen"" bietet jedoch eine solide Basis.Zuerst ein kleiner Ausblick, was dir dieser Kurs alles bietet:Verstehe die grundlegende Herangehensweise des Zeichnens von AugenWie entstehen Gesichtsausdrcke ?erkenne den Unterschied zw. Mann und FrauVersteheden Licht & SchatteneinfallLerne anhand von Regeln, ein Auge zu konstruierenEntwickle deinen eigenen ZeichenstilLeichtes ben durch Wiederholen:Umfangreiche AnwendungsbeispieleWerde Kreativ ! wiederhole eine bungung - nur andersDiverse Praxisbeispiele:Wann und Warum ein Auge evtl. NICHT gut aussiehtWir werden viele Augen zeichnenwir werden Ausdrcke wie ""traurig, bse, lachend, etc."" verstehen und umsetzenTipps fr Verhltnisse, Abstnde und das Geheimnis der SymmetrieUnd viel mehr...Dieser Kurs enthlt diverse Praxisbeispiele. Du lernst nicht wie du EIN AUGE zeichnest, sondern du lernst anhand verschiedener Techniken, verschiedenste Arten von Stimmungen und Geschlechter zeichnerisch darzustellen. Beherrscht du erst einmal die Grundtechniken, wirst du in der Lage sein, diese auf die verschiedensten Motive zu bertragen und anwenden zu knnen. Ich mchte dir nicht erklren ""wie zeichne ich ein Auge"" - und dann kannst du nur dieses zeichnen. Nein !Hast du die Herangehensweise und die Darstellung verschiedener Ausdrcke so wie Geschlechtsspezifischer Merkmale verstanden, wirst du Personen jeglicher Stimmung und Geschlechts zeichnen knnen. Letztendlich ist dann der Sprung zu weiteren Elementen des Portraits nicht mehr weit entfernt, denn dieselben Techniken tauchen bei Nase, Mund, Ohren, etc. wieder auf. Die Augen sind jedoch DIE Elemente, welche die Zeichnung lebendig erscheinen lassen !Dazu schauen wir uns im Kurs diverse, extrem wichtige Techniken an:wie werden verschiedene Augenarten dargestellt ?wiezeichne ich Wimpern, Augenbraue, Augenlid, Iris ?wie fange ich an ?wie kann ein Auge konstruiert werden ?wie werden Verhltnisse richtig abgeschtzt ?welchen Stift verwende ich fr was ?Mein Ziel ist, dass du nach Abschluss dieses Kurses deine zeichnerischen Fhigkeiten weiterentwickelt hast. Egal fr welchen Zweck du das Zeichnen verwendest, ob im Job oder als Hobby, es soll Spa machen ! Du wirst in der Lage sein, deiner Kreativitt freien Lauf zu lassen und hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen.Richy"
Price: 149.99

"Der komplette Zeichenkurs - ganz einfach Zeichnen lernen"
"Tauche in die wundervolle Welt des Zeichnens ein.Du wolltest schon immer einmal ein cooles Motiv zeichnen ? oder vielleicht nach langer Zeit dieses Hobby neu entdecken ?Dieser Kurs bietet dir die Mglichkeit, mithilfe einfacher und praxisorientierten bungen wundervolle Werke zu kreiren und macht dich zugleich zum Zeichen Profi - egal ob du Anfnger bist, wieder einsteigst, oder bereits fortgeschrittenener Zeichner bist. Dieser Kurs deckt smtliche wichtigen Bereiche des Zeichnens ab: von einfachen Objekten bis zu Figuren, von der Landschaft bis zur Architektur und zuletzt zum Portrait - all diese Bereiche sind umfangreich enthalten und werden Dir die Vielseitigkeit des Zeichnens nahelegen.Dieser Kurs enthlt ber 50 Lektionen, unzhlige bungen, ausgewhlte Beispiele - der einfachste Weg, wenn deine Lieblingsmotive, zeichnerisch auf Papier bringen mchtest. Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse bentigt, wir beginnen ganz von vorne!!Zuerst ein kleiner Ausblick, was dir dieser Kurs alles bietet:Lerne die wenigen, notwendigen Materialien kennen und wie Du sie anwendestVerstehe die grundlegende Herangehensweise des Zeichnenslerne Verhltnisse richtig abzuschtzenVerstehe wie Licht und Schatten funktioniertEntwickle deinen eigenen ZeichenstilLeichtes ben durch Wiederholen:Umfangreiche AnwendungsbeispieleWerde Kreativ ! wiederhole eine bungung - nur anders.Diverse Praxisbeispiele:Perspektive verstehen, wir entwerfen Huser und RumeWir werden Figuren zeichnenwir zeichnen eine idyllische Landschaftwir werden Objekte zeichnenwir zeichnen ein weibliches Portraitwir werden Variation hineinbringen und somit kreativUnd viel mehr...Dieser Kurs enthlt diverse Praxisbeispiele. Du lernst nicht wie du ein Glas oder eine bestimmte Person zeichnest, sondern du lernst anhand verschiedener Techniken, verschiedenste Motive, eigenstndig auf Papier zu bringen.Beherrscht du erst einmal die Grundtechniken, wirst du in der Lage sein, selbststndig und ohne Anleitung zu zeichnen. Ich mchte dir nicht erklren ""wie zeichne ich dieses Haus oder dieses Gesicht"" - und dann kannst du nur dies zeichnen. Nein !Hast du die Herangehensweise und den Aufbau eines zeichnerischen Motivs verstanden, wirst du auch Andere, bzw.Deine Lieblingsmotive zeichnen knnen. Die Techniken lassen sich nach ein wenig bung, ganz einfach bertragen.Dazu schauen wir uns im Kurs diverse, extrem wichtige Techniken an:was kann mein Stift ?wie stelle ich Licht und Schatten dar ?wie fange ich an ?wie werde ich locker ?die richtige Betrachtung ist entscheidend - wie schule ich mein Auge ?Mein Ziel ist, dass Du nach Abschluss dieses Kurses deine zeichnerischen Fhigkeiten weiterentwickelt hast. Egal fr welchen Zweck du das Zeichnen verwendest, ob im Job oder als Hobby, es soll Spa machen ! Du wirst in der Lage sein, deiner Kreativitt freien Lauf zu lassen und hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen."
Price: 199.99

"Amazon FBA: How to Start Your Business from Scratch"
"COURSEFULLYUPDATED 1ST MARCH 2017This course teaches you how to setup your own Amazon Trading Business and earn $20-25k per month of passive income.The course is structured in an easy to follow, modular step-by-step style, and the course follows a proven methodology that the instructor has used for success many times in setting up Amazon businesses, it consists of a series of 50 video lectures you can view, divided into five clear modules. There are also downloadable content on specialist topics.The key advantage of this course is that it helps you identify and exploit profitable niches, so that you can avoid the heavy competition that new traders can encounter on Amazon. It reduces the risk for you and it makes the process so much easier, avoiding all the potential pitfalls and headaches, that many other courses do not cover and makes the learning process so much easier.The course will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful Amazon trading business using Amazon FBA (Fulfilment By Amazon). It takes between 7-16 hours to complete, however you are encouraged to take it at your own pace.You should be familiar with the internet and the Amazon website and have a reliable internet connection that you can use on a daily basis, except for that no prior knowledge is required. Get your Amazon knowledge to the highest level and get started earning money today!"
Price: 49.99