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"Aprenda Programao de CLP do zero"
"Bem vindo ao curso ""Aprenda programao de CLP do zero"".Este um curso de nvel iniciante, onde vou mostrar desde o que um CLP, quando ele surgiu, por que ele surgiu, at a programao do CLP em s.Vamos desenvolver lgicas utilizando a linguagem Ladder, que uma das linguagens mais utilizadas para a programao de CLP. Criar projetos e solues para problemas reais, demandas que existem hoje no mercado. Vamos trabalhar todas as etapas de criao de um projeto, desde a descrio do problema, descrio de um passo-a-passo do programa at a simulao das lgicas no ambiente de desenvolvimento.Neste curso vamos utilizar o MasterTool IEC, que um software de programao da Altus, que voc pode baixar gratuitamente, um ferramenta de programao baseada no codesys, que serve como base para frandes fabricantes como schneider electric, beckhoff e SEW.Alm de todas estas caractersticas que j comentei, a escolha do Mastertool IEC foi tambm por ser leve,o arquivo de instalao tem aproximadamente 20Mb, facilitando o processo de baixar e instalar, possibilitando deixar nosso foco na linguagem e na lgica de programao.Mesmo o curso sendo baseado na ferramenta da Altus, muitos conceitos que voc ver neste curso facilmente aproveitado com clps de outros fabricantes tambm, como rockwell, schneider entre outros.A rea de automao uma rea que est em grande crescimento e espero que este curso sirva de ponta p inicial para sua entrada no mercado de trabalho servindo como um diferencial.Ao concluir este curso voc saber entre outras coisas:O que um CLPComo funciona o CLPO que so Entradas, sadas e memriasLgica de programaoDesenvolver lgicas na linguagem LadderInterpretar programas feitos na linguagem LadderDesenvolver projetos de software clp de pequeno e mdio porteDesenvolver e simular programas no Matertool IEC (Ferramenta baseada no CodeSYS)"
Price: 69.99

"Visual Basic .NET na PRTICA + 1 Curso Bnus (POO)"
"Visual Basic .NET na PRTICA + 1 Curso Bnus (Programao Orientada a Objetos)Visual Basic uma das principais linguagens de programao da Microsoftpara a construo de aplicaes web, mveis e de desktop. Visual Basic foi derivado do BASIC e permite o desenvolvimento rpido de aplicaes (RAD)cominterface grfica parausurio (GUI).Por que Visual Basic.NET?Ele compartilha os mesmos princpios de outras linguagens de programao . fcil e rpido para desenvolverpequenos programas.Ele mantidopela Microsoft. uma linguagempoderosa quando integradacom o Excel e Word.A IDE (que a sigla em ingls para ambiente de desenvolvimento integrado)da Microsfot gratuita.O Curso separado em 3mdulos. No primeiro mdulo voc instalar e conhecer o que o Visual Studio da Microsoft e o passo a passo para a construo de uma aplicao super simples.No mdulo 2 ser apresentado o bsico da linguagem de programao, o Visual Basic.NET.No mdulo 3 ser apresentadp na prtica as principais necesidades e recursos utilizados na maioria das aplicaes. Este mdulo como se fosse um livro de receitas.Curso BNUS(Programao Orientada a Objetos)Programao Orientada a Objetos com VBCompreender a programao orientada a objetoCompreender o que uma Classe e um ObjetoCompreender o que HeranaCompreender o que emcapsulamentoCompreender o que polimorfismoConhecer um pouco sobre as Certificaes Microsoft"
Price: 69.99

"Photoshop: Criando um E-mail Marketing Animado do Zero"
"Crie layouts de e-mail marketing personalizados atravs do Adobe Photoshop.Aqui voc vai aprender a criar um E-mail Marketing Animado do Zero. Vou te mostrar como criar um e-mail com animao em GIF, para que ele chame a ateno dos seus contatos e se destaque entre as dezenas de e-mails que eles recebem todos os dias. Alguns assuntos que voc vai aprender neste curso so: Como criar um e-mail marketing no Photoshop com um .GIF animado Como criar layouts diferenciados no Photoshop, com um visual diferente. Como inserir TAGS HTML que ajudam a minimizar erros no seu e-mailO curso est estruturado em 4 mdulos, sendo eles:Mdulo 1: Introduo ao cursoMdulo 2: Introduo ao PhotoshopMdulo 3: Projeto FinalMdulo 4: Finalizando o nosso E-mail MarketingAo completar o curso, voc poder solicitar o Certificado de concluso.Desejo a voc bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"English Grammar 20/20"
"Welcome to English 20/20! The guide to master grammar in 20 days @20 minutes/day! This course is designed to help students master English grammar - Fast! Contents - The course includes ~4.5 hours of video instructions spread across more than 35 lectures and more than 20 quizzes. The course explains concepts in a step by step process, uses many examples to explain the concepts and colorful animation to walk through the process one step at a time for maximum retention. The course starts with introduction, explains the unique methodology, plans out the entire roadmap from beginning to the end of course. It also has a stage gate review at the end of each lecture to ensure the students are able to validate their knowledge and know exactly where they stand in the journey to master English grammar at any point during the course! Audience - The course is specifically optimized and tailored for students who are learning English as a second or third (or even fourth!) language. However, others may find it beneficial as well to revise their knowledge. There is an initial assessment test which will help the students decide if this course will benefit them and if it is right for them before they sign up for the course.If you are unsure about correct use of grammar (tenses, helping verbs, form of verbs etc.) and would like to learn these concepts in a simple step by step process quickly then you may consider this course. Wishing you the best in language skills!"
Price: 19.99

"How to modify your cool 4x4 truck!"
"A lifted4x4is COOL!You can do exciting things with a fully modified4x4 trucksitting on BIG tires and ready for action.Your ownlifted 4x4 is a statement of who you are. For us offroaders it is waymore than a status symbol - it's a way of LIFE and gives us amazingFREEDOM!If you want to go lift your truck you better have a clear picture in your mind of your finished dream truck and all the step-by-step tasks you need for your project.In this courseI'llshow you thestep-by-step processof how to get your 4x4 truck ready for action in the most extreme trails and terrain.So let's dive in..."
Price: 19.99

"Conoce los elementos bsicos del diseo para crear Moda"
"En este curso aprenders las caractersticas de cada uno de los elementos bsicos del diseo de modas mas utilizados en la creacion de prendas.Podrs descubrir temas de inspiracion para disear ropa de manera exitosa!Los elementos que conoceras son parte integral de todo tipo de diseo incluyendo prendas y textiles.Los elementos que vers en el curso son:LneaSiluetaColorFormaTexturaTambien conocers el Proceso Creativode Diseo para ir paso a paso y lograr buenas propuestas.Conocers como se disea un Moodboard o Tabla de Inspiracin para disear.Veras en cada uno de ellos ejemplos en estampados, ropa y accesorios. Si te gusta la Moda este curso podra inspirarte a crear diseos innovadores!"
Price: 24.99

"Start a Fitness Personal Trainer Business - Plan & Documents"
"If you have wanted to start a Fitness / Personal Training business and are looking to create a business plan andfinancial projections to get all your thoughts together, thenthe documents in this course and lectures that explain the documents are for you.The course is under 1 hour and students are guaranteed to finish with a fully completed business plan (Word document), financial model (Excel document) and other operating documents for starting a Fitness / Personal training business.This course will not teach you how to become a personal trainer or help you with certification. What the course will do, is allow a personal fitnesstrainer or those interested in becoming a personal fitness trainer todefineobjectives, keys to success, financial budgets, calculatehow many clients you must have and how much to charge them in order to break even, turn a profit etc.,marketing strategiesfor getting clients and more. You will have a professional written road map you can follow for success.With this course, the student receives high quality business planning documents, including an extensive business plan template and detailed instructions on how to use them and customize them for their specific business. Students will quickly obtain a working knowledge of what goes intostarting a Fitness / Personal training business.The Health and Fitness industry continues to show solid growth. With very little capital individuals can enter the industry as a Fitness / Personal trainer and develop a rewarding and profitable business."
Price: 19.99

"House Real Estate Flipping Business Plan Template & Example"
"This course allows students to create a full Business Plan, Financial Projection and Pitch Deck for starting a Real Estate Flipping & Investment Company utilizing a high quality business plan template package.Using a set of high quality hybrid business planning document, which are between a template and sample; students will learn to customize each document for their own House Flipping & Real Estate Investing Business. When complete, the documents can be used to raise money to fund the acquisition of real estate and run the business.Lectures take students through each page of a Microsoft WordBusiness Plan, Excel Financial ProjectionWorkbook and PowerPoint Pitch Deck; showing them the areas highlighted and how to make changes so the documents suit the students specific Real Estate Venture.Students are guaranteed to have afull written narrative Business Plan and learn about the Industry, Due Diligence Strategies, Marketing Strategies etc. for starting and running a Real Estate Investment business.Start-up costs, Income, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, and all Cash Flow figures are discussed in the course. A detailed Excel financial model will be built.A Pitch Deck, for making a quick but still professional presentation of the business and its investment opportunities will be created using the model template provided."
Price: 49.99

"Mobile App Business Plan and Start-up Documents"
"This course will supply students with a Mobile App CompanyBusiness Plan template in Word, Mobile AppExcel Financial workbook and Mobile AppPowerPoint Pitch Deck. Lectures teach students how to customize the sample content so they have a business plan and start-up documents for their own Mobile App Company.Using a set of high quality hybrid business planning document, which are between a template and sample; students will learn to customize each document for their own Mobile App Company. When complete, the documents can be used to raise money and operate and launch a Mobile App Company.Students are guaranteed to have afull written Business Plan and learn about the Marketing Strategies etc. for starting and running a Mobile App business.Start-up costs, Income, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, and all Cash Flow figures are discussed in the course. A detailed Excel financial model will be built.This course does not teach you how to develop a mobile app. This course provides an extensive set of documents for helping launch an app from a business perspective.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for starting a Mobile App. The document covers goals, keys to success, marketing strategies you can use to get downloads for your app, how to use freelancers and outsource work to them, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. A 18 tab Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with lectures on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your company. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your App business. You will learn how to customize this for your specific company."
Price: 64.99

"Start a Juice Bar - Business Plan and Start-up Documents"
"This course will supply students with a Juice Bar Business Plan template in Word, Juice Bar Excel Financial workbook and Juice BarPowerPoint Pitch Deck. Lectures teach students how to customize the sample content so they have a business plan and start-up documents for their own Juice Bar.Using a set of high quality hybrid business planning document, which are between a template and sample; students will learn to customize each document for their own Juice Bar. When complete, the documents can be used to raise money and operate a Juice Bar / Smoothie Shop.Students are guaranteed to have afull written Business Plan and learn about the Industry, Marketing Strategies etc. for starting and running a Juice Bar.Start-up costs, Income, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, and all Cash Flow figures are discussed in the course. A detailed Excel financial model will be built.This course provides an extensive set of documents for starting a Juice Bar.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for aJuice Bar. The document covers objectives, keys to success, marketing strategies you can use to get customers,what equipment you will need and how much it will cost, etc. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. A 18 tab Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with lectures on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your company. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your online Juice Bar.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your company."
Price: 64.99

"Fitness Center Gym Business Plan Template with Example"
"This is for someone who wants to start a Fitness Center / Gym, expand their existing Fitness / Gym and/or have a written business plan for operating a Fitness Center Gym. This course allows students to create a full Business Plan andFinancial Projection for a Gym / Fitness Center.Using a set of high quality hybrid business planning documents, which are between a template and sample with example writing; students will learn to customize the template document for their own Fitness Center Gym. When complete, the documents can be used to start a Gym Fitness Center,raise money and run the business.Lectures take students through each section of a Microsoft WordBusiness Plan, showing them the areas highlighted and how to make changes so the documents suit the students specific business venture.Students are guaranteed to have afull written narrative Business Plan and learn about the Market, Marketing Strategies, Competitive Edgeetc. for starting and running a Fitness Gym business.This course provides an extensive set of documents for starting and running Gym Fitness Center.What you get in this course:1.) A full business plan template for a Fitness Center Gym. The document covers executive summary, marketing strategies you can use to get customers, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. An Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included so you can have a budget and financial projection for your Fitness Center Gym business. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Fitness Center Gym business.When you finish the course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your company to operate and obtain a loan or investment if needed."
Price: 64.99

"Start a Yoga Studio - Business Plan and Document Package"
"This course allows students to create a full Business Plan andFinancial Projection for starting a Yoga Studio.Using a set of high quality hybrid business planning documents, which are between a template and sample with example writing; students will learn to customize each document for their own Yoga Studio. When complete, the documents can be used to start a Yoga Studio,raise money and run the business.Lectures take students through each page of a Microsoft WordBusiness Plan andExcel Financial ProjectionWorkbook; showing them the areas highlighted and how to make changes so the documents suit the students specific Yoga Studio venture.Students are guaranteed to have afull written narrative Business Plan and learn about the Industry, Marketing Strategies, Competitive Edgeetc. for starting and running a Yoga Studio business.Start-up costs, Income, Expenses, Assets, Liabilities, and all Cash Flow figures are discussed in the course. A detailed Excel financial model will be built.This course does not teach you Yoga or how to be a Yogi. This course provides an extensive set of documents for starting a Yoga Studio.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for a Yoga Studio. The document covers goals, keys to success, marketing strategies you can use to get students, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. A 18 tab Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with lectures on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your company. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your Yoga Studio.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your company, a professional presentation you can use to show to partners, investors, lenders etc. and a full working financial model projection."
Price: 64.99

"Start a Digital Marketing Agency - Business Plan & Documents"
"This course does not teach you how to do online marketing. This course provides an extensive set of documents for starting an Online Marketing Agency. You will need to know or learn online marketing skills such as SEO, SMM etc. on your own, or outsource them. The documents and coursecover how you can contract freelancers on sites such as Fiverr andUpworkto provide services to clients you may not know how to do, or do not want to spend the time doing.What you get in this course are:1.) A full business plan template for an Online Marketing Agency. The document covers goals, keys to success, marketing strategies you can use to get clients, how to use freelancers and outsource work to them, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company.2.) A complete financial model. A 18 tab Excel workbook, that covers everything from start-up costs, income, expenses, assets, and more is included along with lectures on how to insert your own numbers so you can have a budget and financial projection for your company. Sample numbers are included to help you along the way.3.) A Pitch Deck. A slide presentation template, that allows you to make a professional presentation of your online Marketing Agency to potential clients. You will learn how to customize this for your specific company, to include what services you want to offer and show clients why they should use you and your business for Online Marketing services. When complete you can use this to send out tobidon projects and makepresentations.4.) A sample SEOcontract that you can use to sign clients up for SEOservices. Lectures go through each page of the contract and explain where to insert specifics for your company and your client.5.) A sample SMM (Social Media Marketing) contract that you can use to sign clients up for SMMservices.Lectures go through each page of the contract and explain where to insert specifics for your company and your client.6.) A Service Agreement that you can use to sign up clients for services such as PPC (Pay per Click), Email marketing, etc.This is a services agreement thatis broad in scope and can cover many services.When you finishthe course and customize the documents, you will have a professional business plan that you can use for your company, a professional presentation you can use to solicit clients and documents to sign clients up for services."
Price: 64.99

"Budsjett og regnskap med MS Excel"
"I dette kurset lrer du bruke Microsoft Excel, samtidig som du lrer konomistyring .Jeg bruker et eksempel med konomistyring i lag og foreninger. Frst fr du en introduksjon til konomistyring. S viser jeg deg hvordan du kan bygge budsjetter og regnskap ved hjelp av Excel. Deretter viser jeg hvordan MS Excel kan brukes i forbindelse med rsplanlegging og budsjettering samt oppflging via regnskap og avviksanalyse,Dermed fr du ferdigheter i bruke MS Excel som gjr at du kan tilpasse budsjettet og regnskapet til dine spesielle behov. Du kan n ogs bruke MS Excel til andre oppgaver.Regnskapet og budsjettet som jeg bygger i lpet av kurset vil du kunne laste ned og tilpasse til dine behov slik at du kan bruke det i ditt lag.Fordelen med bruke MS Excel til konomistyringen er at du fr et fleksibelt verkty som kan skreddersys til dine spesielle behov.Fordelen med ta dette kurset er at du fr bde generell kunnskap om bruk av Excel samtidig som du fr et verkty til konomistyring som du kan ta i bruk umiddelbart."
Price: 44.99

"The Sound Kitchen - Great sound made easy"
"The Sound Kitchen is a sound engineering course aimed at anyone who is passionate about sound and wants to learn the how-to's of great sound. The course uses lots of music and it is both inspirationaland technical; but make no mistake, you will have more than your moneys worth of technical insight and input.The instruction is music based. Therefore there are always audio examples (there is also a lesson that will help you develop your hearing skills with audio clips you can download). We use a Digital Audio Workstation so that you can immediately put into practice the concepts expressed in some of the lessons, ending up making music (better) rather than just hearing someone talk about it. Furthermore, if you wanted to, you will be able to use the DAW (within the licensed time period) to exercise some sound engineering routines by yourself independently from the course.The course is very practical and the terminology is not overly technical (again do not assume that this is a shortfall, as often seasoned engineers have learned a great deal from the course approach and teachings). At the end of the course you will be able to plan a sound production, choose well suited equipment, set up a PA, and with practice, mix a production / song (live or in your home studio).""Ears before gear"": is a sentence I coined to embody the idea that the most important piece of equipment to achieve great sound is the engineer. Ultimately great gear will sound poorly if the engineer cannot use it well. The opposite is also true that average gear in the right hands will sound great. This mindset is thematic across the entire course.The numbersAt total of almost 14 hours of video tuition 60 video clips 9 sections9 section-overview audio notes9 quizzes (to help you review each section)89 audio clips (to download) used for hearing training 2 DAW program available (PC and MAC) each with a tailor-made sessionMulti-track songs performed by top South African musicians, recorded in a high end studio in Cape Town, South AfricaPlenty of brain-stretching and ear developing DAW exercises I am confident that you will learn a great deal and will enjoy doing so. I look forward to seeing you among my new students. Ciao. Tim"
Price: 24.99

"Direito Bancrio - Relaes de consumo tarifas e produtos"
"Se voc atua no segmento bancrio ou se quer atuar, seja defendendo o consumidor ou a instituio financeira, este curso trar os elementos essenciais para melhorar o seu desempenho profissional. Todo o contedo transmitido na forma de vdeo-aulas, acompanhado de material de apoio e lista de normativos. As transparncias tambm esto disponveis. Ateno: O tema Crdito NO faz parte deste curso. No sero discutidas abusividades de taxas e temas conexos, que sero contedo de outro curso."
Price: 279.99

"Personal Branding Techniques For Networking Success"
"Are you looking to build your personal brand and increase your sphere of influence? Personal Branding Techniques for Networking Success is a business and personal development resource tool that will teach you the wise strategies you need to know to build a solid foundation to network. With this course you will easily enhance your networking skill set by learning the following:How to admit, control and release your networking fearsHow to invest your time, utilizing networking as a business modelKeys to building your personal influenceWays to become a reputable solid resource and solution to othersEasy ways to protect, manage and build your brand (reputation) on and off lineProper etiquette for Social Media, Text and EmailHow to tell your personal networking branding storyBody language strategies for successEffective VS Ineffective networking activities"
Price: 19.99

"How to Guarantee Charity Auction or Benefit Success"
"If executed correctly charity, and silent auctions can offer a huge benefit in your organization's bottom line.Raising funds can be toughbecause there are so many variables. Charity auctions can be one ofthe most enjoyable forms of fundraising that generate millions of dollarsfor charitable organizations throughout the nation eachyear. It is not as easy as it appears; believe it or not, there is ascience to it.This course provides effective, simple and quick information to help you raise funds based on our years of successful and diverse event planning experience. It is time to finally make MONEY by utilizing the following 5 strategies as you plan your next charity auction, so you can see a dramatic increase in your bottom line.Learn how to manage the eventexpectations of yourguest, donors,volunteers and event staff.Where you may be missing opportunities to make more money in your event.The 20 things youneed to take into consideration as it relates to your bottomline.The people that will make a difference, toyour invitation list The fewitems that reallymake money at auctionsANDMORE!"
Price: 19.99

"Networking Divas Certification Course"
"Networking Divas... What We Do that You Don't is a Networking Sparks Certification Course: Series #7 lesson to help (BUSY) women connect, better and more effectively. By the end of this course you should feel confident and empowered to build your network and become a person with influence. You can become the resource to be reckoned with. If you are a professional, entrepreneurial minded woman seeking to build a network to increase your net worth will learn: How to become a Networking Diva How & where to form your network How to build successful relationships The power of being connected & why your network determines net-worth The true definition of being P.O.O.R"
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate Guide To Trading Engulfing Candlestick Strategy"
"Ultimate Guide To Trading Engulfing Candlestick Strategy"" is designed for traders who are interested in learning how to enter trade setups after the trend has started. This course is made up of simple rules that will provide you with a complete strategy on how to trade engulfing candlestick. The strategy you will learn in this course uses ONLY 2 indicators to identify trade setups that have high probability of continuing in your trade direction. It is used for both bearish and bullish engulfing candlestick positions. It works in any financial market, timeframe and direction. This strategy was designed to be used by Retail Traders, Institutional Investor and Hedge Fund Managers using simple methods with focus on price movements in the Stock, Forex, Cryptocurrency, Index, ETF, Emini & Commodity markets. You will learn how to avoid outside noise. The entire course has over 24 lectures compiling over 2.5 hours of videos. It contains charting examples of precise rules used in trading the Engulfing Candlestick Strategy. The course is structured with each lecture focusing on a particular technique with a summary of all the methods in 4 lectures at the end. The course also includes an introduction to a free Charting Platform that provides you with real time price movement in the Stock, Forex, Cryptocurrency, Index, ETF, Emini & Commodity markets. On the Charting Platform you will able to trade live and demo account. Within this charting platform you will also get access to an indicator that I coded to make it easier for you to identify Engulfing Candlestick Strategy trade setups. In 2015 the Engulfing Candlestick Strategy generated a return on investment of over 200%. The result comprised of standard exit of 11,184 pips and market deciding price exit of 16,312 pips. If you're interested in being on the road of consistent profit in your trades then click TAKE THIS COURSE. We look forward to seeing you inside."
Price: 199.99

"Trade Pullback Candlestick Strategy - Make Consistent Pips"
"The Pullback Candlestick Strategy is a technique that uses only 2 indicators, comprises 5 simple rules , great for both short and long term moves in the Market that works in any timeframe, Stock, Forex, Cryptocurrency, Index, ETF, Emini & Commodity markets and any direction. This is a perfect strategy for brand-new and experienced traders who are not yet in the five percent of profitable traders. This strategy is designed to create consistent profitability for the Retail Traders, Institutional Investor and Hedge Fund Managers using simple methods. It gives you a high probability on the direction majority of traders have taken in the market. This strategy focuses on price movements in the market activity and avoids any outside noise.The entire course has over 23 lecture compiling over 3 hours of video. It contains charting examples of precise rules used in trading the Pullback Candlestick Strategy. The course is structured with each lecture focusing on a particular technique with a combination of all the methods in 5 lectures at the end. The course also includes an introduction to a free Charting platform that provides you with real time price movement in the market and gives you the ability to paper trade.If you're interested in becoming a professional trader earning consistent profit then you need to purchase this course."
Price: 199.99

"How to Make a WordPress Website 2019"
"Here's what some students are saying about this course:""Really the best course for the money! I'm just about done building my website, and I'm very happy with how it's all coming together."" - Sam McLaurin""Excellent course! Saad pulls no punches. He dives right in and starts building a great website. I don't think that I need to elaborate on how amazing the end result website looks, but the clear, step by step approach and the high definition resolution are things I wish were standard for all other Udemy courses"". - Alex Fisher""Saad, this is an excellent course and I am using it to get my own website designed and then up and running once I finish all the copy for the pages"". - Mike Hulme___________________________________________________________________________________________________This course teaches you how to build a professional website, using the popular WordPress platform. The website you'll be building incorporates design elements that are inspired by websites belonging to some multi-Billion dollar companies, such as Apple, Uber, AirBnB, and other big companies.Just start this course, and in about 3 hours you will be able to create the same awesome website we are going to be creating together. Everything is FREE, except for the domain name and the hosting plan, which are needed by every website, but they are also fairly inexpensive. The website will cost less than $12.96 to start, and this price includes the domain registration for an entire year, as well as the first month of hosting. After that, there will be a recurring monthly fee for hosting. And depending on your plan, the monthly hosting fee starts at around $5/month).Take advantage of what I think is one of the best WordPrss courses on Udemy. This website will be built using the most up to date (2017) versions of popular plugins, and it will use one of the most popular themes on WordPress. In this course, you will not only build an amazing website, but you will optimize it even before it is launched, so that by the time the site is ready to go live, your site will be off to a great launch. The course consists of 7 sections, containing over 33 lectures. Lectures are easy to follow and the screen-cast was conducted using a high definition resolution.You should take this course if you want to create an awesome website for yourself or your business, but also if you want to get started with search engine optimization, since building the website is only half the battle. By the time you get done, you will have a website that rivals those of well respected companies.This course will be updated regularly to make sure that every bit of information remains relevant, because the digital world is fast moving."
Price: 199.99

"Technology Savvy: How to become Tech Savvy"
"I have created this course for all those students, business and tech geeks out there who wants to take the time to figure out how to use technology to their benefit or at least obtain sufficient knowledge to be able to effectively interpret any tech they come across. This is an ultimate guide on becoming Tech Savvy in all aspects of life, In order not to be left behind or at the mercy of those who know more, it is essential that we all work to become more tech savvy.At the end of this course, you will be able to optimise yourself in your career, business, and entrepreneurial skills.I have made this course as CLEAR and CONCISE as possible to SAVE YOU TIME.The course is split into a few sections:First, we go over the basicsSecond, we focus on essential, core, critical skills & personal developmentThird, we focus on career, entrepreneurship & business strategyIn this course, you will find all the tools/ methods easy to understand, and you will be doing it confidently without any hesitation to reach your goals.Join this course to get everything you need to start and grow your tech savviness in this modern world.This course does come with a 30-day money back guarantee. So what do you have to lose?Take this course NOW and I will see you on the inside."
Price: 19.99

"MS Word 2016 ! Intermediate to Expert"
"This course is about MS word 2016 and we know Ms word 2016 has lots of advance features. Course includes topics on how to make a comprehensive use of Smart Art Graphs, Tables, Equations and Ready made Templates in MS Word 2016 . Working with mouse is good but use of Short Cuts save your time and speed up your jobs. In this tutorial Basics and some Advance features like Smart Art, Equations and Mail-merge and use of common Short Cut keys will also explained. Course is structured in a way to teach both intermediate and advance features in MS word 2016 .Students can improve their Word processing skills to do their jobs professionally and save time."
Price: 19.99

"YouTube 1st Page Google Video Rankings"
"In this course, youre going to be able to look over my shoulder as I show you the steps I take to get my YouTube videos ranked on the 1st page of Google.Not only will I show you how I achieve these results, I will show you proof of videos getting ranked while I get them ranked.I will also show you proof of how it's possible to get multiple videos ranked on the 1st page of Google. When I say ""multiple"" I mean when you type in a keyword phrase into Google and you see your videos ranked several times so that you have more chances of getting the click thru from the end user who is searching for your keyword phrase. Imagine taking up 1 to 5 of the first 10 spots on Google. I like to profit from video rankings and I am sure you do as well. I will take you through the various ways I use video rankings to make money on the internet.Don't worry if you don't know how to create a video, Ill show you how I do it and Im definitely no video creation guru.Not all keywords are created equal... for those really competitive keyword phrases I will be sharing some advanced tactics I use to get the harder to rank videos onto the 1st page of Google.In this course on how to rank YouTube videos on Google, I will also be covering topics such as:Building your YouTube channel authorityHow to create a YouTube playlistDemonstration of software that makes instant videos rankings possibleSEO resources that I use for targeting tougher keyword phrasesThe website that I use to find local niche marketing clients100 local niche marketing ideas to get you startedI have also included 20 scripts you can use for creating videos that will also come in handy if you are struggling with where to start and what niches would be profitable to go after."
Price: 44.99

"How to Build Self-Discipline"
"How to Develop Self-Discipline, Resist Temptations and Reach Your Long-Terms GoalsIf you want to make positive changes in your life and achieve your long-term goals, I cant think of a better way to do it than to learn how to become more self-disciplined. Science has figured out a lot of interesting aspects of self-discipline and willpower, but most of this knowledge is buried deep inside long and boring scientific papers.If youd like to benefit from these studies without actually reading them, this course is for you. Ive done the job for you and researched the most useful and viable scientific findings that will help you improve your self-discipline. Here are just a couple of things you will learn from the course:- what a bank robber with lemon juice on his face can teach you about self-control. The story will make you laugh out loud, but its implications will make you think twice about your ability to control your urges. - how $50 chocolate bars can motivate you to keep going when faced with an overwhelming temptation to give in. - why President Obama wears only gray and blue suits and what it has to do with self-control (its also a possible reason why the poor stay poor). - why the popular way of visualization can actually prevent you from reaching your goals and destroy your self-control (and what to do instead). - what dopamine is and why its crucial to understand its role to break your bad habits and form good ones. - practical ways to train your self-discipline. Discover some of the most important techniques to increase your self-control and become better at resisting instant gratification. - why the status quo bias will threaten your goals and what to do to reduce its effect on your resolutions. - why extreme diets help people achieve long-term results, and how to apply these findings in your own life. - why and when indulging yourself can actually help you build your self-discipline. Yes, you can stuff yourself (from time to time) and still lose weight. Instead of sharing with you the detailed ""why"" (with confusing and boring descriptions of studies), I will share with you the ""how"" advice that will change your life if you decide to follow it. You too can master the art of self-discipline and learn how to resist temptations. Your long term goals are worth it."
Price: 24.99

"Build Grit"
"Tempted to Give Up? Heres How to Keep GoingIf you browse through the interviews with some of the most successful people on Earth, youll find one common piece of advice shared by virtually all of them:They never give up on their big goals.Research shows that grit is a better predictor for success than any other factor. The ability to keep going despite setbacks is more important than your IQ, character or other external factors like your upbringing or surroundings.But what does it really mean to never give up? What exactly is grit? How do you persevere when faced with larger than life difficulties? How do you keep going when youre at the brink of exhaustion and all your hard work hasnt been rewarded yet?I created this course to explore the subject of persistence from a more scientific point of view than clich self-help sayings. I want to share with you how exactly to stick to your goals according to peak performers and science not vague motivational advice that assumes we have unlimited strength once were motivated enough.Here are just a couple of things you will learn from the course: - A crucial piece of advice you can learn from the first people who reached the South Pole. If you make the wrong choice, youll burn out guaranteed.- What famous American comic Jerry Seinfeld did in his early days of career to keep going. Its a simple trick that provides huge results.- What a study on top musicians, athletes, actors and chess players can teach you about achieving results and persistence. The elite performers practice much fewer hours than you believe.- The most common ways you lead yourself to self-sabotage. Usually, youre not even aware of how many of your efforts go for naught simply because of the things you'll discover in the course.- According to studies, this one trait is strongly associated with grit and persistence. Learn what it is and how to develop it in five different ways. - Five focusing questions to keep going. Asking yourself these questions will help you boost your motivation when youre at the brink of giving up.- How listening to others whining makes a part of your brain shrink and affects your ability to persevere when faced with setbacks.Theres no reason why you should give up if youre working on the right goal. Learn how to make sure youll reach your objectives."
Price: 24.99

"Project Management: Capex & Opex acctn'g rules for PMs"
"Hello there! Do you struggle with Identifying Capex and Opex costs when managing an IT project?Do youwant to be able to better forecast project expenses?Software capitalization rulescan be a pain to Project Managers when forecasting, budgeting and managing their actuals. I am here on Udemy to break down the Software Capitalization accounting rule in simple terms so you are able to know what costs are eligible for capitalization and what costs should be expensed. I am a Certified Public Accountant(inactive)that works for a fortune 500 Company in USA. I work with project managers on a day to day basis and train them on the software capitalization accounting rules and Company policy around capitalization. I perform in-house training on the topic of Software Capitalization and also provide 1-1 software capitalization consulting on specific projects. This course will dive deep into the accounting rule for internally developed software and equip you with the knowledge of what coststo expense and what tocapitalize."
Price: 79.99

"You Can Have Vocal Confidence Now"
"Great speakers and singers know the value of continuous vocal coaching. It is an art to develop your vocal instrument to its fullest potential, because it is an extension of your personality! We strive to look our best; however; sounding our best will also leave a lasting impression. Our texting and e-mailing world, has contributed to our inability in to really know how to communicate effectively. Ultimately, you will be encountering people face to face, and brushing up on your vocal skills will make you stand out from the others!From this course you will learn how to sound your best for any vocal presentation or performance.This course is for anyone who would like to sound their best as they speak as a presenter or sing to the masses. You can have vocal confidence now as you learn the following:How to Breathe ProperlyMaintaining Proper Vocal SpeedHow to Articulate & Enunciate as You SpeakHow to Project Your Voice ConfidentlyThis course is complete with exercises and practice techniques to sound your best"
Price: 24.99

"Jump Start Your Photography"
"This course covers the basics of composition, camera functions and lighting:Composition: You will instantly and dramatically improve your photographs by learning the first 3 rules of composition. Applying these techniques will make your photos stand out.Camera Functions: Manny explains in easy to understand terms what all the pros know about camera settings. Put your camera on ""Manual"" and take control of the exposure.Lighting: Proper use of lighting is the single thing that turns an OK photo in to a great photograph and enables you to capture photos with incredible detail and clarity."
Price: 49.99