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"How To Run Your First Year of Freelancing :An Ultimate Guide"
"Freelancing is always popular among professionals, but the knowledge and the level of patience, doesnt come out as a natural inherited quality in you. If you plan to do it, you must be prepared for the challenges ahead.Let me help you  on How To Run Your First Year of Freelancing with this course, I will be discussing some spots and you should concentrate on it. Ill walk through the steps needed to Run Your First Year of Freelancing and provide examples of how to put them into action. Lets get going.This course will cover all the how to's on- - Planning A Schedule- Develop A Budget And Reduce Expenses- Improve Your Networking Skills- Plan Ahead For Taxes- Live Your LifeThe aim of the course is to give you the idea of some actionable steps you can take for running an outstanding career as a freelancer. I would suggest, please, follow each and every steps that i am going to discuss in the course. I am, sure by following it you can run Your First Year of Freelancing Smoothly And Without Any Hassle. You should apply your learnings to get the most out of it as you go along. Believe me taking action is the key to success. So i strongly encourage you to take action as you proceed with the course.Questions might occur as you go along. Just know that i am your back, just ask me questions if you have any. I will be there to answer all of your questions. Please just check in the question thread if the question is answered before. If not, Why not go ahead and ask your question?It is my sincere hope that you will get a lot out from this course, Please take action as you proceed with the course. So Again, DO NOT PROCRASTINATE, Taking action is the key to success, lets dive into the course and I look forward to seeing you inside.."
Price: 149.99

"Crez des sites & thmes WordPress avec Elementor sans coder"
"Crer un site internet avec WordPress est aujourd'hui la port de tout le monde. Ou presque.Mais il y a une diffrence fondamentale entre un bon site WordPress et un mauvaise site WordPress. L'un est utile et l'autre est contre-productif. quoi juge t-on un bon site WordPress?Un bon site met en valeur son contenu. Chaque site internet a ses objectifs propres, et le votre galement.On ne met pas en valeur le contenu d'un site en utilisant un thme WordPress pas pertinent ou construit pour un autre site. Pour que les sites WordPress que vous crez soient efficaces, il faut que le thme utilis serve le contenu.Mais comme le contenu diffre d'un site un autre, trouver un thme pertinent devient vite mission impossible.Une seule solutionPour faire les choses correctement, il vous faut dvelopper votre propre thme WordPress. Si vous n'avez pas les comptences ncessaires, si vous ne savez pas coder ou si (tout simplement), vous n'avez pas le temps, une solution s'offre vous : Elementor.Ce fantastique 'page builder' va vous permettre de crer d'incroyables pages, toutes plus design et jolies les unes que les autres. Mais pas seulement ; il va vous permettre galement de crer des en-ttes et des pieds de pages, des popups et des sections personnalises.En un mot, il va vous permettre de vous crer votre propre thme WordPress.La solution pour sublimer votre contenu et avoir un site efficace et pertinent est belle est bien l : nous allons crer ensemble des sites WordPress entirement personnaliss avec Elementor.Tout vient point qui sait apprendrevidemment, comme tout outil, il ne rvle pas sa puissance facilement : il faut savoir l'utiliser.L'objet de cette formation est de vous donner toutes les clefs pour utiliser Elementor rapidement et efficacement. Ensemble, nous allons dcouvrir comment l'apprivoiser, comment le paramtrer et l'utiliser bon escient : en suivant cette formation, vous gagnerez en comptence, en temps et en productivit. Ensemble, nous tudierons notamment :Installation d'Elementor & Elementor Pro,Installation d'un site de test en local,Cration d'une page Elementor,Principe des colonnes et des sections,Comment crer des pages responsive (qui s'adapte au mobile),Comment crer des popups pertinentes et jolies,Comment faire des effets parallaxes,Comment animer des lments, tellement plus !C'est en forgeant qu'on devient forgeronIl faut de la thorie pour comprendre.Mais c'est en pratiquant, c'est en se confrontant la difficult qu'on la surmonte et qu'on acquiert de l'exprience, du savoir.Les TP (travaux pratiques) sont l pour a.Durant le premier TP par exemple, nous allons recrer la page d'accueil du site d'Uber. Oui, oui, vous avez bien lu : en moins de 30 minutes, vous pourrez re-crer une page web d'une trs grosse entreprise sans installer de thme WordPress et sans crire des centaines de lignes de code.Sky is the limitVous allez rapidement comprendre en quoi Elementor est un outil gnial : votre crativit n'aura aucune limite.Le plus dur ne sera pas de dvelopper votre thme WordPress avec Elementor, mais d'tre cratif et de trouver de bonnes ides pour mettre en valeur votre contenu.Elementor est au service de votre crativit ; le page builder ne vient pas vous brider, bien au contraire !Enseign par...Etienne, l'un des tous premiers formateurs Franais sur Udemy, l'auteur de dj 6 formations dont 3 lies WordPress. Mais je suis galement un entrepreneur et le fondateur de l'agence de communication AD/sum, une structure qui propose entre autres ses clients la cration de sites internet, la conception de maquettes, de logos, etc.Commencez ds maintenant crer des thmes WordPress fantastiques avec Elementor en commenant la formation !"
Price: 199.99

"Master Color Change in Photoshop CC 2019"
"Hi My name is Soli Art During this amazing Course you will learn the most important tools to select and change Any colors in Photoshop with new and amazing step by step guide methodProject 1- you will learn How to Pop Out Colors in Your PhotosProject 2- How to Color Match Any Products with any colorsProject 3- How to Change Eye ColorProject 4- How to Whiten Teeth ColorProject 5- you will learn How to Change Car ColorProject 6- how to Change Seasons in photoshop from Sprint to Fall to WinterProject 7- How to Change any Background ColorProject 8- How to Change any Dress Color for you online shopProject 9- How to Change Hair ColorProject 10- How to Change Shoes Color with textureBy the end of this course you will be able to use the photoshop to select and change any colors for any Products, Artworks, and Personal Photos and to Pop out Colors from any image with ease. You'll feel totally in control to do any projects. So lets Get started today on your Photoshop journey!"
Price: 39.99

"ReactJS - Aprendendo rpido"
"Aprenda a configurar um ambiente do zero assim como conceitos e features ba'sicas do ecossistema React para se tornar de fato um dev ReactJS.Aqui voc ira conhecer rapidamente cada ferramenta, seja ela para ganho de produtividade ou de ambiente assim como os principais conceitos que giram em torno da lib."
Price: 39.99

"Como Atrair Mulheres Sem Ter de Decorar Material Enlatado"
"Queres saber porque no tens causado atrao nas mulheres?Queres saber o que as mulheres procuram num homem?Queres saber o que tens de fazer passo-a-passo para as mulheres gostarem de ti?Queres ser mais confiante na hora de abordar mulheres?Neste curso o nosso instrutor Edward Ross fala precisamente disso, de como funciona a atrao e do que tens de fazer passo-a-passo.NOTA 1: Para teres resultados no curso (mais mulheres :)) tens de fazer os exercicios prticos. No basta assistir s aulas.NOTA 2: Tambm falado neste curso de como desenvolver a conversa quando falado o conceito de ""Qualificao"". No entanto este curso no trata em detalhe da parte da conversa, convidar para sair, etc (escalar a interao). Para isso v depois no outro curso mais extenso em detalhe."
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Excel with Tips and Tricks"
"New Videos:How to hide cells valueUsing double negative signWelcome Excelers to Excel Tips and Tricks :Allow me to re-introduce you toMicrosoft Excel,which's over 32 years old, and its the most widely used spreadsheet software in the market.And through out those years, it has been packing tons of features with every new release. And in this course I'll be showing you all those uncommon features that most people don't know about or which can help them save ton of time and work more efficiently.So, A warm welcome to all Excel user'swho want to learn these tips and tricks and standout fromthe crowd.And Don't worry the course is just starting ?Enjoy the course :)"
Price: 34.99

"LinkedIn Marketing : le guide complet pour russir !"
"Le cours sur LinkedIn et le marketing le plus complet disponible sur udemy France : Comment russir votre marketing et votre communication sur LinkedIn.EXCLUSIF: SATISFAITOUREMBOURS durant 30jours !Ce cours a t construit afin de vous donnerles moyens et la mthodologie pour construire rapidement votre stratgie marketingafin d'augmenter vos ventes, d'attirer de nouveaux clients et de matriser LinkedIn.Sans bla-bla ni termes techniques oupublicitaires, comment apprhender, comprendre, dfinir sa stratgie et mettre en place des actions simples pour obtenir des rsultats.Au programme :Introduction au Web et aux Rseaux Sociaux : pour comprendre comment ils ont t crs et pourquoi ils sont aussi importantsComplter et publier son CVSe connecter d'autres professionnels, socits et groupesOffres d'emploiGestion des pages entreprises (crer, configurer, obtenir des statistiques et bien plus !Gestionnaire de publicits (crer une campagne publicitaire de A Z !)Internet regorgent de futurs clients et depersonnes qui s'intressent ce que vous faites, dcouvrez comment vous connecter avec et comment passer d'utilisateurs inconnus des clients qui promeuvent votre marque ! la fin de ce cours, si vous le suivez en entier et russissez l'ensemble des quizz :obtenez votre certification lectronique insrer dans vos CVet profilLinkedIn."
Price: 119.99

"FL Studio 20 Ultimate Music Production Course"
"""I wanna create music using but I don't know how""""I end up being confused whenever I open up FL Studio 20""If you think making music using FL Studio 20 is hard. Well, Think Again!This course is designed for those who want to make music without having any prior musical skills.Key Features of the course -1. Made for Everyone (Beginners can learn from scratch, Pros can brush up their skills).2. Well Structured (Includes basic skills and Complex techniques).3. More Than Seven Hours of Video Tutorials That Cover Most Topics.4. All Important Topics Are Covered     - Taking a brief look on all major FL Studio 20 plugins and features.    - Sound designing using 3xosc, Fruity DX10 etc.    - Basic music theory.    - Mixing and Mastering to basic side-chain.    - Making and finishing full-length tracks.This course is structure in a beginner friendly way, it provides all the detail from scratch.The following describes the course in a better way -INTRODUCTIONStudents start by doing nothing but some minor changes in the looks of the Digital Audio Workstation. This gives students a brief intro and does not feed them too much information by not introducing them to any tough tasks in the beginning of the course.THE BASICSStudents learn about the things which are must to start producing music. They also learn about the significant changes that have been made in FL Studio 20. This section covers some basic techniques which include :Using Channel RackUsing The BrowserUsing The MixerUsing The Piano RollRecordingAutomation ClipsMaking Your First TrackThis section also includes some lectures on how to use everything to create a finished track.ADVANCE TECHNIQUESThis section covers up everything you need to know to take your production level to the next level. This section includes these techniques -Side-chainingSamplingSound DesigningAdvance Mixing& more.The structure of this course might seem a bit off, but it has been arranged in a way, that gives students the best learning experience."
Price: 189.99

"Transformational Leadership and Governance"
"In todays rapidly changing world, learning to lead and design our communities and organizations to ride the turbulence creatively is critical to our ability to make a positive impact. This course covers the subject of evolutionary change, and the implications for us as individual leaders, as well as for our organizational cultures and structures. It combines intellectual rigor with personal challenge, collaboration with creative expression. Students engage with integrative maps of organizational and leadership development, as well as instantly applicable practices for becoming more effective and dynamic as individuals and collectives.This course has over 10 hours of professionally produced educational video, a wealth of learning resources including pdfs of all the slides used in the presentations and comprehensive multiple choice quizzes to help you test your progress and integrate your knowledge. This course is also available for academic credit with Ubiquity University - contact and see can also engage with others in the Facebook group for this course. Search for transformationalleadershippetermerry on Facebook and request to join the group!The main subjects covered include:Transformation and ChangeThe Learning OrganizationLevels of Leadership DevelopmentPractices for Transformational LeadershipPersonal Effectiveness and ResilienceOrganizational CultureTools for CollaborationLevels of Organizational DevelopmentCreating an Agile OrganizationPractices from the Future"
Price: 74.99

"Gesto do Tempo para Alta Performance"
"Como voc se sentiria se a sua produtividade pudesse no mnimo dobrar, sem que voc tenha que necessariamente trabalhar mais?Isso perfeitamente possvel, se voc combinar algumas tcnicas bem simples que ns iremos demonstrar nesse curso. Nele voc conhecer as novas descobertas em Neurocincias que esto sendo usadas por profissionais no mundo inteiro para aumentar substancialmente sua produtividade.Esse curso resultado de mais de 10 anos de pesquisas sobre o comportamento humano e alta performance. Ele foi escrito e produzido por Marcos Barros, autor do best seller ""Pequenos Hbitos, Grandes Resultados"". Nele voc vai aprender os segredos da metologia usada por formadores de campees como Bob Bowman, que transformou Michael Phelps no maior atleta olmpico de todos os tempos. E tambm James Clear, autor de Atomic Habits, que ainda no est disponvel em Portugus, mas est sendo considerado uma das melhores obras nesse gnero, e vrios outros. Voc vai conhecer maneiras de ajustar a sua mentalidade, planejar e executar com a eficincia dos mestres. um curso essencialmente prtico, recheado com vrios exemplos de aplicao das tcnicas que ns ensinaremos.Ele j foi ensinado com grande sucesso em bancos e grandes organizaes, e pela primeira vez est sendo oferecido como um curso online."
Price: 489.99

"Pequenos Hbitos, Grandes Resultados"
"Esse um programa de TRANSFORMAO PESSOAL que voc pode usar para mudar qualquer hbito em sua vida. Seja no seu estilo de vida, alimentao, exerccios, finanas ou relacionamentos. Nesse programa caminhamos com voc o passo-a-passo de como criar ou mudar rotinas pessoais que ficam para sempre. Os princpios que voc vai aprender aqui funcionam, e queremos te dar 3 razes porque voc pode confiar que vo funcionar para voc:PRIMEIRO, porque so fundamentados em pesquisas cientficas, especialmente nas reas de neurocincias e cincias do comportamento humano. Eles j foram testadas e aprovadas no mundo inteiro. SEGUNDO, no vamos apresentar nada aqui que ns no tenhamos testado na nossa prpria vida. Fazem aproximadamente 15 anos que ns pesquisamos e testamos ferramentas para mudanas que ficam para sempre, e assim temos selecionado o que h de melhor nessa rea.E TERCEIRO, o que estamos ensinando aqui, ns j temos usado por anos para ajudar outras pessoas, muitas pessoas, a tambm mudarem. Portanto esse processo j foi refinado e aperfeioado, e o que voc est recebendo o supra-sumo, o que h de melhor entre as metodologias de transformao pessoal.Um grande diferencial desse programa, que antes de te ensinar as melhores tcnicas para mudanas de hbitos, ns vamos focar em ajustes no seu emocional e no seu senso de identidade. A razo para isso, que todas as nossas decises so fortemente influenciadas pelo que sentimos, e pela maneira como nos vemos. Esses reajustes so o fundamento para as mudanas que vamos implementar, e so eles que vo permitir que os seus hbitos se tornem um estilo de vida, e para o resto da vida."
Price: 534.99

"How to Stop Using Amphetamines (Meth, Uppers, Speed, etc.)"
"Fight addiction to amphetamines TODAY.Are you struggling to stop using drugs such as meth, adderall, ritalin, speed, crystal or other uppers?Have you tried quitting cold turkey but it's just not worked out for you?Students from around the world have enrolled in Live Rehab courses to take back their lives, get rid of their addictions and finally live the life they always wanted.*************************************************************************************************************Methamphetamines and amphetamines are notoriously hard to quit and with that in mind, we've built an incredible course that is designed to help you specifically fight back against the addiction disease.This course is specifically organized in a way that takes you from your current situation and addiction level all the way to sobriety and beyond.Topics covered include:Stages of changeHealth risks of amphetaminesPreparing to quitThe physical body (detox, nutrition, fitness, sleep and more...)Psychological factors (mental, spiritual and intentional living)Social support systemsTriggers + relapseQuitting a methamphetamine addiction is complex and requires a professional, successful approach.You can't do this on your own but you can do this with the support of a course, teacher and community there with you at every step of the way.*************************************************************************************************************FAQWill this work for me?We've built more than 10 courses designed to specifically tackle all kinds of addictions. Our students are healthy, happy and vibrant. Do I have to purchase anything?Everything you need is included with this course. You will need to be prepared to stock healthy food items, entertainment for detox and be ready to give up your addiction after completing this course.How can I get additional support during this program?As part of the course you get access to a community forum and exclusive access to our private Facebook Group where we provide additional support to those who need it at no extra charge!Once you enroll you will be invited to join our closed Facebook group. Is this course only for people who struggle with addiction?While this course was primarily written for people who struggle with addiction other people can benefit from taking this course such as family members who are worried about a love one or substance abuse counselors who want more knowledge and insight on addiction and recoveryHow is it possible to recover from an addiction online? Don't I need a 12-step program or in-patient rehab?12 step programs are outdated and their success rates are shockingly low. Not everyone is cut out for rehab and can just leave their family, friends, kids, pets, work, school, etc. The material in this course will give you the tools you need to be successful in fighting an addiction, however, you will need to find the motivation within so you can apply the concepts you will learn."
Price: 59.99

"E-Commerce Marketing Strategy For Beginners"
"Do you have a product that is not selling? Your web site is not getting traffic? Are you a freelancer trying to create an online presence and sell products online? and want to create a successful eCommerce marketing strategy to boost sales?Do you need to increase your eCommerce online store sales? If so, then this is the right course for you!Welcome to E-Commerce Marketing Strategy For Beginners course. Learn from industry professionals!In this course you will learn:Digital Marketing effectiveness and strategyHow bigger brands use an effective strategy to sell their products onlineLearn how to effectively use email marketing to boost your product salesUse email marketing strategy to reach customers and build solid relationshipsBring free and paid traffic to your web site and learn how to convert them into paying customersUnderstand up-sell and cross-sellCustomer retention is key. Learn how to retain customers by giving them superior customer service and experienceWork with sales copy, and influencer marketing using YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, TwitterCreate a WordPress site and use to place your own productsLearn how effectively conduct market research, niche marketing, Facebook and Google ads, and much more...See what our students say It is such solid and to the point course with practical growth strategies,and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone.- Jennifer SmithThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderfullearning experience! Stacy Mir.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Why take this course to learn digital marketing?Learn the latest eCommerce strategies in boosting your product sales. As a digital marketing consultant at ClayDesk and a programmer, my experience with creating online store and promoting while using various growth strategies, I am able to give you proven strategies and framework to grow your online eCommerce store. Enroll now inE-Commerce Marketing Strategy For Beginners course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of learning new skills - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!SyedTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Word 2019-2016-2013 Course Bundle: 3 In 1"
"Are you looking to increase office productivity, grow you career, get that promotion or gain valuable new skills, tips and techniques - Enroll now in Microsoft Word 2019-2016-2013 Course Bundle: 3 In 1 and learn hands-on from experienced industry professionals, providing real world learning.You will best of both worlds! Microsoft Word 2019-2016-2013 Course Bundle: 3 In 1!Welcome to The Complete Microsoft Word 2019-2016-2013 Course Bundle . Learn from industry professionals!In this course you will learn:Work with NEW Math toolInserting 3D object in your Word documentLearn how to insert and work with equations within your documentUnderstand NEW Word learning tools and work with translate optionsHow to manage and share documentsPreparing documents & set tracking optionsAdvanced editing featuresProtecting and designing advanced documentsApplying advanced formatting and stylesLearn shortcuts, tips, and techniques along with several quizzes to fully prepare you from not only the examination point of view, but acquire skills, giving you a competitive edge, and much more.... See what our students say It is such solid and to the point course with new tips and techniques, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Carlos StanosThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience!  Gina Holmes.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Why take this course to learn Microsoft Word 2019-2016-2013 Course Bundle: 3 In 1?Technology is changing at a rapid pace, so you need to keep up to date with the new changes to enhance your productivity and learn valuable new skills. You will also get a certificate from Udemy and ClayDesk E-Campus after successful course completion.  Enroll now in Microsoft Word 2019-2016-2013 Course Bundle: 3 In 1 today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of learning new skills - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!SyedTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99

"Implementing DevOps: Transforming Company Culture"
"As an organization, your goal is to increase profitability, boost productivity, implement efficient systems, increase operational efficiency, automate workflows and grow! DevOps is the combination of cultural philosophies, practices, and tools that increases an organizations ability to deliver applications and services at high velocity: evolving and improving products at a faster pace than organizations using traditional software development and infrastructure management processes. This speed enables organizations to better serve their customers and compete more effectively in the market.Welcome to Implementing DevOps: Transforming Company Culture course. Hands-on learning, and quizzes - Learn from industry professionals!In this course you will learn:Why DevOps? What is DevOps, and how it is impacting enterprise organizationsLearn about the relationship of DevOps and company cultureDevOps principles and methodology: People - Process - TechnologyUnderstand the basic software development life cycleLearn DevOps transformation and implementation challenges and how to effectively deal with themSee DevOps in action, and role of Agile and LeanLearn about integration with DevOps and other frameworksDevOps and digital transformationAutoDevops basics, Micro-services architecture, and much more...See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important concepts and hand-on application with this Implementing DevOps: Transforming Company Culture course, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Prakash MehraThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience!  Jonas Miles.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!Why take this course?Learn the latest new framework of DevOps and how it impacts company culture and its management practices. As an Enterprise architect and involved with enterprise DevOps implementation strategies and change management, my experience with these frameworks has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students.  Enroll now in Implementing DevOps: Transforming Company Culture course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of learning new skills - and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!SyedTeam ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99

"Aprende Lenguaje de Programacin DART al crear una Web App"
"Nota: las lecciones en este curso se presentan con la intencin de ser tomadas en un orden, ya que cada leccin va construyendo sobre el conocimiento, y puede mencionar algunas ideas/conceptos importantes no mencionados de forma explcita en el ttulo de la clase. Saltarse lecciones podr hacer parecer que ciertas piezas del cdigo no estn explicadas. Nota 2: Este curso tiene instruccin en ingls pero subttulos en espaol.El propsito de este curso es ensearte el lenguaje de programacin DART. Mientras que muchos otros cursos le ensean a los estudiantes los conceptos de programacin a travs del uso de la consola, llegu a la conclusin de que el aprendizaje sera ms envolvente, divertido, y efectivo, si creamos una pequea app. Tambin no quise complicar el entendimiento de DART al hacerte aprender una framework mayor como Angular. Existen otros cursos que te ensearn las frameworks mayores. Mi enfoque al aprendizaje es de arriba hacia abajo. Primero quiero que entiendas cmo luce la estructura amplia, sin entrar en demasiado detalle acerca de un concepto especfico. Luego entraremos de manera lenta a los detalles de cada concepto, y los detalles de implementacin. No quiero que te confundas con los detalles de implementacin al inicio. En cambio, quiero que aprecies la estructura/sistema general primero, antes de que llenemos los detalles. Por favor revisa el curriculum (debajo) para detalles de lo que est cubierto en el curso."
Price: 270.00

"Child Psychology; Neuroscience and Development for Parents"
"Welcome!It is not possible to have a true understanding of children and their behavior without understanding child development and neuroscience. Development is simply the understanding that we go through different stages after we are born, and each of these stages influences how we perceive the world, learn, encode things in memory, and so forth. Neuroscience focuses on studying the brain from the functional organization of cerebral systems and understanding neuro-chemical processes in the brain. I discuss memory, perception, learning, the prefrontal cortex, dopamine, and other neuroscience concepts that helps you understand why children behave the way they do.The goal of the course is to cover the most important concepts, themes, and theories in psychology, and show how an understanding of neuroscience and the understanding of development, informs us about behavior. The course is useful for anyone interested in child development and how neuroscience influences behavior but also for parents who want to have a better relationship with their child, as understanding the factors that influence behavior is helpful as a starting point for conversation and relationship building.Each lesson leaves you with an overall message, tips, advice, so you can utilize the concept/theme/theory covered. You will appreciate how culture, hormones, developmental stage, parenting styles, reinforcement, and other factors impact your child's development and behavior.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: If you have any doubts about your mental health, please see a psychiatrist or psychologist in your local community where you can get an in-depth assessment. This course is meant for informational purposes only. Do not attempt to diagnose yourself or your child based on the content here. Ermin is a former Graduate student in Educational Psychology. Educational Psychology is a clinical specialization in psychology that attempts to apply psychological principles to answer education related questions (ie does my child have a learning disability?) and addresses mental health concerns in an educational context. (ie addressing anxiety, when it originates/impacts school). Ermin also has some clinical experience, and has taken a combined 50+ psychology courses at the undergrad and graduate level in Psychology."
Price: 199.99

"Wie man in R codiert; R Sprachtraining fr Data Science"
"Herzlich willkommen! Dies ist eine sanfte Einfhrung in die R-Programmierung fr Data Science. Dies ist ein Anfngerkurs und wurde speziell fr Personen mit geringen Programmiererfahrungen entwickelt.Der Kurs wurde speziell entwickelt, um dir den Umgang mit der Programmiersprache R fr die Datenwissenschaft zu vermitteln. Ich gehe sehr logisch vor, sodass du zunchst lernst, wie man Daten importiert, wie man sie ordentlich macht (du wirst alles darber erfahren, was ordentliche Daten bedeuten), du wirst die Daten transformieren (z.B. lernen, wie man Beobachtungen filtert, neue Variablen erstellt, etc.) und schlielich kannst du deine Daten visualisieren. Du wirst auch in der Lage sein, dein Wissen durch Aufgaben und Quizfragen zu testen. Ich bin auch fr dich da, wenn du festsitzt. Die rechtzeitige Beantwortung von Fragen hat fr mich hchste Prioritt.Wenn du Datenwissenschaftler werden willst und eine bereits beliebte und aufstrebende Programmiersprache lernen willst, melde dich noch heute fr meinen Kurs an! Ein Abschlusszeugnis liegt vor, wenn du alle Elemente ausfllst!Wir sehen uns dann!"
Price: 19.99

"Psicologa Infantil: Neurociencia y Desarrollo Para Padres"
"Nota importante: El instructor es angloparlante, de Canad, como resultado, el curso tiene subttulos en espaol y no habla espaol. Sin embargo, todo el contenido del curso est traducido al espaol, y puede hacer preguntas y obtener un traductor.Bienvenido!No es posible tener una verdadera comprensin de los nios y su comportamiento sin comprender el desarrollo infantil y la neurociencia. La neurociencia nos permite comprender el cerebro del nio. El desarrollo es simplemente la comprensin de que pasamos por diferentes etapas despus de nacer, y cada una de estas etapas influye en cmo percibimos el mundo, aprendemos, ecodeamos cosas en la memoria, etc. La neurociencia se centra en estudiar el cerebro desde la organizacin funcional de los sistemas cerebrales y comprender los procesos neuroqumicos en el cerebro. Analizo la memoria, la percepcin, el aprendizaje, la corteza prefrontal, la dopamina y otros conceptos de neurociencia que lo ayudan a comprender por qu los nios se comportan de la manera en que lo hacen.El objetivo del curso es cubrir los conceptos, temas y teoras ms importantes de la psicologa, y mostrar cmo la comprensin de la neurociencia y la comprensin del desarrollo nos informa sobre el comportamiento.Cada leccin te deja con un mensaje general, consejos, consejos, para que puedas utilizar el concepto / tema / teora cubierto. Apreciar cmo la cultura, las hormonas, la etapa de desarrollo, los estilos de crianza, el refuerzo y otros factores afectan el desarrollo y el comportamiento de su hijo.-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------Nota: Si tiene dudas sobre su salud mental, consulte a un psiquiatra o psiclogo en su comunidad local donde pueda obtener una evaluacin en profundidad. Este curso es solo para fines informativos. No intente diagnosticarse a s mismo ni a su hijo en funcin del contenido aqu.Ermin es un ex estudiante de posgrado en psicologa educativa. La Psicologa Educativa es una especializacin clnica en psicologa que intenta aplicar principios psicolgicos para responder preguntas relacionadas con la educacin (es decir, mi hijo tiene una discapacidad de aprendizaje?) Y aborda los problemas de salud mental en un contexto educativo. (es decir, abordar la ansiedad, cuando se origina / impacta en la escuela). Ermin tambin tiene algo de experiencia clnica y ha tomado ms de 50 cursos combinados de psicologa a nivel de pregrado y posgrado en Psicologa."
Price: 194.99

"RxSwift/RxCocoa: Programacin reactiva y funcional en iOS"
"Si te encuentras en alguno de los siguientes casos, haz encontrado el curso adecuado para comenzar:En la compaa en donde actualmente laboras utilizan RxSwift/RxCocoa en los proyectos.Quieres utilizar para tus proyectos independientes una herramienta limpia y ptima para implementar cdigo reactivo y funcional.Necesitas optimizar una aplicacin legacy con mejores tcnicas para manejar los procesos asincrnicos.Quieres actualizar tu aplicaciones con tcnicas avanzadas usando programacin funcional y reactiva.Slo quieres incrementar tu conocimiento y adquirir todo el poder que Reactive proporciona a las APPs.Sobre el cdigo fuente de los ejemplosEl cdigo fuente de las prcticas realizadas estn disponibles en cada seccin para ser descargados."
Price: 24.99

"Kotlin in Action - Kotlin programming for Android developers"
"[NOTE: this course is constantly getting updated.]If you have ever wondered how computer programs work, how machine understand the code we write or if you already know that but you want to become more advanced programmer and Kotlin developer? This course is for you! In this course we will start from scratch, assuming you have no prior knowledge at all, then we will learn basic concepts of programming and deep dive into the Kotlin world! The main goal of this course is to teach you how to program computers using kotlin programming language. You will become a programmer as well as an advanced Kotlin developer by the end of this course. Kotlin is new programming language  sponsored by JetBrains and Google through the Kotlin Foundation. Kotlin is general purpose programming language know for its conciseness, safety and interoperability with other programming languages such as Java. You will discover the power of Modern Programming in Kotlin and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as an Android developer and programmer. You will master the Android's number one programming language (Kotlin is Googles preferred language for Android app development).My name is Morteza Kordi, senior mobile app developer and Udemy instructor with over 50,000 satisfied students, and Ive designed The Complete Programming + Kotlin Developer Course for android developers with one thing in mind: you should learn by practicing your skills and building apps. Ill personally be answering any questions you might have and Ill be happy to provide links, resources and any help I can offer to help you master  programming and Kotlin development. All of your questions will be answered in no time!"
Price: 199.99

"Primeiros passos com Ionic 4"
"Aprenda a trabalhar com Ionic 4 com esse curso bsico com a construo de uma aplicao de gerenciamento de finanas pessoal. Voc vai aprender a utilizar o sistema de rotas, criar pginas, servios e persistir registros de forma local com o Storage do Ionic. Aprenda a trilhar no novo mundo do Ionic 4 que chega com muitas novidades para o desenvolvimento web e mobile."
Price: 39.99

"Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru"
"Learn how to develop Spring Boot Microservices and deploy them with Spring Cloud!Traditionally, large enterprise class applications were developed as large monolithic applications. The Spring Framework started as an alternative to J2EE (now JEE) for building these large monolithic enterprise applications. However, the industry has evolved to favor Microservices. There are a number of benefits to using microservices. In side this course, you will learn about the benefits driving companies to adopt microservices.As the industry has evolved, so has the Spring Framework. Spring Boot and Spring Cloud are tools specifically for the development of microservices. Java continues to be the most popular programming language used by companies. Spring is the most popular framework for building microservices. Spring Boot itself brings tools to help you quickly create microservices. You will learn industry best practices to rapidly develop enterprise grade microservices. Microservices are much more than just having a set of RESTFul APIs. Microservices frequently use asynchronous messaging systems, which is fully covered.Also in this course, you will learn about the unique challenges you face when using a microservice based architecture. After covering fundamental information about microservice architectures in cloud based environments, you will be presented a traditional monolithic application. You are then led through a series of exercises to deconstruct the example monolith into a set of microservices. Is it okay for microservices to share databases? How do you coordinate business logic across a series of microservices?How do you manage transactions across serval microservices with different databases?All of these questions are answered as you are guided through the deconstruction of a traditional monolithic application into a microservice architecture.You will see things we take for granted within a monolithic application. In a distributed architecture, tasks such as transactions pose significant challenges.The deconstruction of a monolith is a major exercise in the course. It is very common for companies to de-construct their monolithic architectures into microservices. This exercise provides you a real world example to work through.   The deconstruction exercise also allows you to see how to leverage Spring Boot to its fullest potential. You will also see how to use Project Lombok and MapStruct to maximize your productivity.Clearly the development of microservices is one set of challenges. Deploying microservices in a cloud based environment is a whole different set of challenges!Spring Cloud are the tools you use to deploy and manage Spring Boot microservices in cloud environments.Did you know Netflix accounts for one third of the internet traffic in the US at night?Did you also know many of the tools in Spring Cloud are open source donations from Netflix?After you learn how to build Spring Boot microservices, you will learn about using Spring Cloud to deploy your microservices. In this course you will learn:Develop RESTful Services using Spring MVCConsume RESTFul Services with Spring RestTemplateHow to use Project LombokHow to use MapStructSpring Data JPAConfiguration of Spring Boot for MySQLHow to use and configure Jackson for processing JSON with Spring BootDocumentation and testing of Spring Boot microservices using Spring RESTdocsStandardizing dependencies using Apache MavenSpring Application EventsUsing JMS Messaging for asynchronous messaging between servicesHow to use Spring State Machine for coordinating SagasUse Docker to create images for your Spring Boot applicationManage configuration with Spring CloudCreate an API GatewayAnd much much more!Course Extra - IntelliJ IDEA UltimateStudents enrolling in the course can receive a free 4 month trial license to IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate! Get hands on experience using the Java IDE preferred by Spring Framework professionals! Course Extra - Access to a Private Slack CommunityYou're not just enrolling in a course --> You are joining a community learning Spring.With your enrollment to the course, you can access an exclusive Slack community. Get help from the instructor and other Spring Framework Gurus from around the world - in real time! This community is only available to students enrolled in this course. This is a very active Slack community with hundreds Spring Framework Gurus!When you enroll in this course, you can join this community of awesome gurus!MVP RELEASEMVP - Minimum Viable Product ReleaseCurrently, the course has over 20 hrs of great content about the construction of microservices. Please note the Spring Cloud content is currently under development. This is expected to be completed by the end of March 2020."
Price: 199.99

"TIBCO Spotfire, The ultimate course"
"Spotfire is an extremely powerful enterprise-grade analytical platform for deriving valuable business insights. It is smart, secure, flexible and scalable tool that provides data visualization, discovery, wrangling and predictive analytics capabilities.This course is a practical guide that will help you to understand the process of creating data visualization in spotfire. In this course you will learn:How to connect to DataHow to prepare your data using ""Data Canvas""How to Visualize your dataHow to explore by search."
Price: 99.99

"- Tableau"
"12OCT2019: .  Tableau Certified Associate Exam : ( ) Tableau Certified Associate *: Tableau Desktop 2019.2"
Price: 99.99

"Emotional Intelligence for Leadership"
"You will learn a practical yet truly transformational model of leadership based on decades of experience and a unique blend of theories: Emotional Intelligence (EQ), Family Systems theory, Dr. John Wallen's interpersonal communication model, Dr. Daryl Conner's change management theory, and others. The course is an engaging blend of videos and quizzes. The instructor has been an Organization Development professional since 1984. He knows his stuff. You will be able to immediately apply your learning to having the effect you want at work and in your personal relationships. Boost your EQ and Leadership Quickly Using: Dr. Edwin Freidman's Self-Differentiated LeadershipDr. John Wallen's Interpersonal Gap and Four Behavioral skillsThe implications of neuroscience for EQGoal Alignment and other practical Organization Development methodsYoumust be the change you want to see in the worldThose are Gandhi's words, and he knew what he was talking about. To transform your organization you must first start with yourself. People respond to leaders who have the humility to work on themselves throughout their lives, and if you sincerely do so with quality guidance you will enhance your strengths and smooth your edges. There are many places to start, such as working on a balance of taking clear concise stands with tuning in and effectively connecting with others. By doing so you will more effectively get business results.There are many additional benefits to increasing your emotional intelligence. Dr. Daniel Goleman has documented a long list, ranging from increased earnings, to satisfaction in personal life, to effectiveness in job performance. You can take a step down that same path through the information and advice offered in this course.           Contents and Overview      This course is challenging but relatively quick, containing 10 lectures and approximately 100 minutes of video content. There are short quizzes after each segment to drive learning home. It's designed for anyone, regardless of experience level, who is in or wishes to be in a leadership position in an organization, with the added benefit of skills that also apply to improving personal relationships."
Price: 24.99

"Google SEO Guide Using a custom SEO Process for MAC & Win"
"I will teach you white hat and black hat SEO services. You will learn how Google, Yahoo, and Bing rank web pages. Create the natural progression of a website backlink profile using tools and other services along with some tips & tricks on how to reproduce the process as the search engines see's your site. Watch as your ranks improve in as little as 7 days. Includes all the software and service you will need to be !100% successful, direct trade secrets from a refined process of SEO."
Price: 19.99

"Certified Stress Management Professional Diploma (Level 3)"
"This is level 3 in a three level diploma course in becoming a certified stress management consultant.Stress in the modern workplaceFactors for increase in workplace stressWhat stresses you about your work?Identification of variablesOrganisational structureStress in your own organisationMeasures of organisational effectivenessMonitoring effectivenessJob satisfactionIdentifying stress build-upEffective stress management componentsStress manager - Can you cope?BurnoutApproaching organisationsPractical application of skillsHow is the course structured?The course is divided into modules and short lectures. This level of the stress management course focuses on the tools and techniques needed for you to work as a stress management consultant. Specific emphases is given to working within organisations though all of the materials are also appropriate to private work. All the lectures are available to download in audio form for listening on the go. A printable workbook can also be downloaded.What if I complete this level?If you complete this level you will be eligible for certification at level 3 of the Diploma certificationIf you have completed all three levels you will be eligible for a diploma as a Stress Management Consultant."
Price: 129.99

"Email Marketing con Mailer Lite"
"Hola!, bienvenidos a un nuevo curso, en esta ocasinte presento el Curso de Email Marketing con Mailer Lite.Mailer Lite es una herramienta de email marketing que te enamorar por su facilidad de uso, por su excelente relacin calidad-precio (gratis hasta 1000 suscriptores con todas sus funcionalidades activas) y por sus continuas actualizaciones que la hacen cada da mejor y mucho ms potente.Sin duda, MailerLite es la herramienta que te recomiendo tanto si ests comenzando como si ya llevas tiempo realizando email marketing. Te lo digo desde la experiencia de haber trabajado y probado a fondo con otras herramientas como MailChimp o Mailrelay.Este fantstico y muy bien explicado curso deMailer Liteest diseadopara todas laspersonas que se desenvuelven en el rea digital,marketing ygestores de contenidos que estn buscando perfeccionar sus campaas de email marketing para direccionar los esfuerzos en llegar a una audiencia especfica de mejor manera.Te invito a que sigas conmigoeste curso de Email Marketing con Mailer Lite.**********************************************Qu vas a aprender en este curso?Aprenders a utilizar la interfaz de MailerLiteCrears una campaa de email marketing efectivaGestionars tus listas de suscriptoresIntegrars formularios de email marketing con tu sitio webCrears acciones automatizadas en tus campaas**********************************************Estoy ansioso por comenzar. Nos vemos en el curso...Un abrazo!!David Ibiza 2019"
Price: 19.99

"Hola!!, Te presento mi nuevo y definitivo Curso para construir pginas web Modernas y Profesionales con ELEMENTOR.Este completo curso deElementor est orientado para todas las personas que ya tienen un sitio web o estn por construir uno y estn deseando saber qu mtodo es el mejor para que su sitio tenga una apariencia completamente profesional y 100% moderna. Bueno, en este curso en particular te ensear la que yo creo que es la mejor de todas las ofertas del mercado y esa es el constructor visual (visual builder) llamado Elementor. Este maravilloso constructor que en realidad es un plugin, tiene tanto una versin gratuita como una de pago. Y lo mejor de todo, es que ambas son igual de completas. Crearemos juntos nuestra pgina web y le daremos la nueva apariencia que se merece. Te invito a que sigas conmigoeste curso de Elementor.**********************************************Qu vas a aprender en este curso?- Podrs crear pginas web modernas y profesionales gracias a Elementor.- Entenders cmo funciona Elementor y cmo instalarlo en WordPress.- Aprenders absolutamente todos sus widgets y funcionalidades.- Personalizars todos los ajustes necesarios para que tu pgina web sea 100% responsiva.- Aprenders tambin a utilizar la versin PRO de Elementor y entender de forma definitiva cules son sus beneficios con la versin gratuita.- Utilizaremos extensiones gratuitas que aumentarn las funcionalidades de Elementor.- Conocers todos los secretos y tips para usar de forma correcta el mejor constructor visual del mercado actual.**********************************************Beneficios:- Ahorra tiempo en leer tutoriales y cursos. Aqu est todo en un mismo lugar.- Web atractiva y moderna adaptada a dispositivos mviles que genere confianza a tus clientes y lectores y te pueda reportar beneficios.**********************************************Este curso NOes para ti si:- Crees que hacer una web no lleva tiempo y trabajo- No crees en tu proyecto y no ests comprometido de verdad con la web que quieres crear para tu proyecto online. Espero que te guste. Nos vemos en el curso...Saludos !!"
Price: 29.99