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"JSP and Servlets Bootcamp: Web Applications for Beginners"
"Welcome to JSP and Servlets Bootcamp: Web Applications for Beginners Course.JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology provides a simplified, fast way to create dynamic web content. JSP technology enables rapid development of web-based applications that are server and platform independent.A servlet is a Java programming language class used to extend the capabilities of servers that host applications accessed by means of a request response programming model.This course focuses on the key concepts, technologies, syntaxes, and best-practices required when building dynamic driven web application.This course starts with the basics, covering the fundamentals of servlets then moves on to JSP, reviewing fundamental concepts.The course is designed and developed by Industry Expert having extensive knowledge of the subject.At the end of the course you will be able to Write dynamic web applications usingJSPs and Servlets.30 DAYSMONEY-BACKGUARANTEEGet Lifetime access and 30 Days Money Back Guarantee by Purchasing this course now. Taking action and buying this course now is better than doing nothing!Join in, As for learning JSP and Servlets,this course is the authority and equally important you will get a certification of completion that validates your skills.Feel forward to have a look at course description and demo videos and we look forward to see you inside."
Price: 199.99

"DIP using MATLAB: Digital Image Processing for Beginners"
"DIP (Digital image processing) is the use of computer algorithms to create, process, communicate anddisplaydigital images. As MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical computing with powerful commands and syntax, it is widely used for the DIP. The main purpose of Digital Image processing(DIP) is that the result is more fit than the initial image for a particular use.Digital image processing methods provide a number of choices for improving the visual quality of images (e.g. image enhancement, images segmentation, images registration).Suitable selection of such methods is considerably controlled by the imaging modality, job at hand and viewing conditions.Digital image processing algorithms can be used to:Transform signals from an image sensor into digital imagesIncrease clarity, and eliminate noise and other artifactsObtain the size, scale, or number of objects in a picturePrepare images for display or printingCompress images for transfer across a networkBy the end of the course, you will be able toPerform Digital Image Processing using MATLABLearn M Function programmingPerform Intensity TransformationsSpatial FilteringFrequency domain processingImage Restoration and Reconstruction and Geometric transformationsColor image processingWaveletsMorphological image processingImage segmentationDIP using MATLAB Certification is included in the course which will be the proof of the new skills you own.30 DAYSMONEY-BACKGUARANTEE This Course comes with Lifetime access so you can enjoy the updates to this course without paying anything extra. You will also get a 30 Days Money Back Guarantee by Purchasing this course now. You are eligible for a full refund on this training within 30 days from purchase.All this great value at the most genuine price! Taking action and buying this course now is better than doing nothing."
Price: 194.99

"LESS CSS- Ms trabajo con menos cdigo y en menos tiempo"
"Conoces CSS y no sabes que es un pre procesador? te suena la palabra LESS?Si tu respuesta es no, esta claro que necesitas aprender LESS.Que porque deberas aprender LESS?Si solo utilizas CSS esta claro que repites muchas veces el mismo cdigo.Con LESS puedes reducir tu cdigo CSS hasta en un 80% en muchos casos, y lo mejor de todo es que es como escribir CSS, apenas notars la diferencia, en conclusin, si sigues trabajando a pelo con CSS esta claro que ests muy anticuado y gastas demasiado tiempo escribiendo CSS.Si de verdad utilizas CSS y quieres hacerlo en menos tiempo, con menos trabajo y de una manera ms limpia y eficaz, ni te lo pienses, una vez lo conozcas nunca ms trabajars sin el."
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript para principiantes - Empezando a programar"
"Una vez dominados html y css ya puedes comenzar con un lenguaje de programacin como es JavaScript.Este curso te dar unos conocimientos slidos para programar en JavaScript, asi como establecer los conceptos bsicos de cualquier lenguaje de programacin.Aprenders de manera prcticalos fundamentos de JavaScript en una plataforma especialmente diseada para el curso, con su propio editor y unas prcticas guiadas en tiempo real, evitando tener que estar pausando o retrocediendo vdeos mientras programas, todo para que el aprendizaje sea ms fcil y rpido de aprender.Que no te engae el tiempo de este curso, ya que las prcticas no estn en vdeo, con lo que prcticamente puedes doblar el tiempo en esas prcticas adems de hacer vdeos concisos y no desperdiciar tiempo en otras cosas innecesarias.Con todo lo aprendido en este curso, ya podrs empezar a implementar recursos interactivos a tus proyectos o aplicacionesweb, asi como asentar las bases de la programacin, lo que te servir para aprender ms rpido otros lenguajes de programacin."
Price: 24.99

"PHP y SQL para principiantes - Programacin en el servidor"
"Si acabas de aprender html y css este podra ser tu siguiente paso, aqu es donde comienzas a programar de verdad ya que html y css son lenguajes, pero no de programacin.Este curso te mostrar todos los elementos bsicos necesarios para aprender ytrabajar con php, desde lo ms simple como pueden ser las variables, datos, operadores y sus tipos, as como cosas de un nivel ms intermedio como puede ser recoger datos de un formulario o crear sesiones de usuarios, tan utilizadas en Internet para la gestin de usuarios en los sitios web a travs de usuario y contrasea.Te mostrar ejemplos de cdigos ya hechos y te los ir leyendo, para que aprendas a leer el propio cdigo php y as tener ms soltura a la hora de trabajar con este lenguaje tan extendido como es php.Hay un momento en el que tu sitios o aplicaciones deben recoger datos de usuarios para poder gestionar la manera como esos usuarios interactuan con tu aplicacin, en este punto debes conocer varias cosas.Una, necesitas saber manejar alguna aplicacin para crear y gestionar tus bases de datos, y dos debes conocer algn lenguaje para gestionar esas bases de datos a travs de algn lenguaje como puede ser sql.Este curso te ensea a moverte por esa aplicacin que es phpMyAdmin, con el que podras crear, eliminar, actualizar, etc, una gran cantidad de datos.Adems de lo bsico para hacer todas esas cosas que te acabo de comentara travs de un lenguaje para bases de datos como sql.Se vern las dos maneras de hacer una misma cosa pero de formas diferentes, una a travs de un menu intuitivo, y la otra utilizando el lenguaje de bases de datos sql."
Price: 39.99

"Como subir una pagina web a Internet"
"Una vez Aprendes a crear tus primeros sitios o aplicaciones web, necesitas publicarla en Internet si quieres hacerla pblica.Este suele ser un paso difcil ya que muchas veces por desconocimiento no se sabe ni por donde empezar, es por eso que he hecho este curso, para orientar y despejar un poco las dudas sobre el tema de publicar y posteriormente aadir un sitio web al buscador de Google para que una vez subida al servidor pueda mostrarse en los resultados de bsqueda de Google.SE ADVIERTE QUE LOS EJEMPLOS ESTN HECHOS EN UN SERVICIO DEHOST DE PAGO."
Price: 19.99

"JavaScript, jQuery y jQuery-UI en 150 prcticas"
"Una vez dominados html y css ya puedes comenzar con un lenguaje de programacin como es JavaScript.Este curso te dar unos conocimientos slidos para programar en JavaScript, asi como establecer los conceptos bsicos de cualquier lenguaje de programacin.Aprenders de manera prcticalos fundamentos de JavaScript en una plataforma especialmente diseada para el curso, con su propio editor y unas prcticas guiadas en tiempo real, evitando tener que estar pausando o retrocediendo vdeos mientras programas, todo para que el aprendizaje sea ms fcil y rpido de aprender.Adems aprenders a utilizar JQuery y JQuery UIa travs del conocimiento de una gran parte deselectores, mtodos,eventos y interacciones con JQuery UI,que te otorgarn la informacin necesaria para dar una mayor interactividad a tus aplicaciones o sitios web.Que no te engae el tiempo de este curso, ya que las 150prcticas no estn en vdeo, sino en una plataforma especializada para ello, con lo que prcticamente puedes doblar el tiempo en esas prcticas adems de hacer vdeos concisos y no desperdiciar tiempo en otras cosas innecesarias.Con todo lo aprendido en este curso, ya podrs empezar a implementar recursos interactivos a tus proyectos o aplicacionesweb, asi como asentar las bases de la programacin, lo que te servir para aprender ms rpido otros lenguajes de programacin.Si deseas tener o crearsitios ms dinmicos e interactivos, este es el curso que ests buscando, ya que combina la teora con muchissimas prcticas que te darn una visin ms amplia de lo que es JavaScript yJQuery."
Price: 59.99

"phpMyAdmin y SQL para principiantes - Bases de datos"
"Hay un momento en el que tu sitios o aplicaciones deben recoger datos de usuarios para poder gestionar la manera como esos usuarios interactuan con tu aplicacin, en este punto debes conocer varias cosas.Una, necesitas saber manejar alguna aplicacin para crear y gestionar tus bases de datos, y dos debes conocer algn lenguaje para gestionar esas bases de datos a travs de algn lenguaje como puede ser sql.Este curso te ensea a moverte por esa aplicacin que es phpMyAdmin, con el que podras crear, eliminar, actualizar, etc, una gran cantidad de datos.Adems de lo bsico para hacer todas esas cosas que te acabo de comentara travs de un lenguaje para bases de datos como sql.Se vern las dos maneras de hacer una misma cosa pero de formas diferentes, una a travs de un menu intuitivo, y la otra utilizando el lenguaje de bases de datos sql."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende C# desde Unity"
"Te a picado alguna vez el gusanillo de crear un videojuego?Cuando empezamos a buscar informacin sobre como crear un videojuego, la palabra que mas suena es Unity.Empiezas a trastear por las ventanas de Unity, creas unos cuantos objetos, algunas luces y cuatro cosas aqui y all, al final quedas abrumado de tantas cosas por aprender, es por eso que comienzo este curso de programacin en C# desde unity, para que partas con ventaja cuando empieces en serio a programar videojuegos, ya que sin saber C# es muy probable que no puedas hacer gran cosa.Este curso te adentra en el mundo de C# y es el primer paso antes de empezar a programar con las clases de Unity Engine, sin estas es practicamente imposible hacer algo decente en Unity, es por eso que antes de poder adentrarte en La programacin con las clases de Unity, tengas que pasar obligatoriamente por el lenguaje C#, por lo tanto este es un buen primer paso para empezar a programar en Unity.Debes saber que este curso es solo el inicio, es a partir de que finalices el curso cuando estars preparado para abordar las clases de Unity Engine, aqui tienes el primer mdulo de regalo.Clase MonoBehaviour de UnityUnity tiene una librera inmensa con la que se desarrolla la mayora de mecnicas de juego, cuando aprendes Unity suele ser un tema olvidado o no tocado a fondo, pero sin conocer el funcionamiento de su librera es muy difcl hacer algo medianamente decente, es por eso que empiezo este curso dedicado exclusivamente al estudio de eventos, propiedades y mtodos de la clase mas importante de Unity, la clase MonoBehaviour.Este curso toca en detalle la gran mayora de mtodos y eventos de la clase MonoBehaviour.Los principales eventos que se tocan en el curso son:Eventos principales.Awake, Start, Update, Fixed Update, LateUpdate.Eventos de objeto.OnEnable, OnDisable, OnDestroy.Eventos de ratnOnMouseEnter, OnMouseOver, OnMouseExit.OnMouseDown, OnMouseStay, OnMouseUp, OnMouseUpAsButton.Eventos de colisin.OnCollisionEnter, OnCollisionStay, OnCollisionExit.Eventos de disparador.OnTriggerEnter, OnTriggerStay, OnTriggerExit.Los principales mtodos que se tocan en el curso son:Mtodos de invocacinInvoke, InvokeRepeating, CancelInvoke.Todos los eventos y mtodos son explicados por separado con una serie de ejemplos prcticos dentro de cada mdulo."
Price: 39.99

"PACK de Desarrollo Web Front-End [HTML,CSS,LESS,JS,JQ,VUE]"
"Este curso se compone de una compilacin de cursos escojidos para convertirte en un buen desarrollador web front end.Los cursos de este curso son:Un curso sobre el lenguaje de marcas HTML.Un curso sobre como crear y aplicar estilos a tu web con el lenguaje en cascadaCSS.Un Curso sobre como subir tus proyectos a internet y mostrarlos en Google.Un curso para ser mas eficiente con CSS a travs de LESS.Un Curso sobre el lenguaje de programacin JavaScript.Un curso sobre la librera mas famosa de JavaScript como es JQuery.Un curso para mejorar an ms JQuery a travs de JQuery-UI para interfaces de usuario.Un curso introductorio sobre VUE.js el framework que mas crece en 2018.Cuando acabes el curso estars preparado para crear sitios y aplicaciones web totalmente interactivas, tendrs unas bases solidas de todos los lenguajes o aplicaciones que aparecen en estos cursos, podrs trabajar en proyectos solo o en grupo ms complejos que solo una simple pgina web y mejoraras mucho lalgica de programacin a travs de muchos ejercicios.Si siempre has querido ser un buen desarrollador web, este es un buen principio para encaminarte hacia tu propsito ya que los cursos estn en el orden en el que debes aprender a programar para la web, lo cual te ahorrar tiempo y dejars de estar perdido en el mundo de la programacin web."
Price: 74.99

"PACK de Desarrollo Web Completo [HTML,CSS,JS,JQ,PHP,SQL]"
"Este curso se compone de una compilacin de cursos escojidos para convertirte en un buen desarrollador web tanto en el cliente como el servidor.Los cursos de este curso son:Un curso sobre el lenguaje de marcas HTML.Un curso sobre como crear y aplicar estilos a tu web con el lenguaje en cascadaCSS.Un Curso sobre como subir tus proyectos a internet y mostrarlos en Google.Un curso para ser mas eficiente con CSS a travs de LESS.Un Curso sobre el lenguaje de programacin JavaScript.Un curso sobre la librera mas famosa de JavaScript como es JQuery.Un curso para mejorar an ms JQuery a travs de JQuery-UI para interfaces de usuario.Un Curso sobre el lenguaje de programacin PHP.Un curso sobre PhpMyAdmin y la sintaxis de SQL.Cuando acabes el curso estars preparado para crear sitios y aplicaciones web totalmente interactivas, tendrs unas bases solidas de todos los lenguajes o aplicaciones que aparecen en estos cursos, podrs trabajar en proyectos solo o en grupo ms complejos que solo una simple pgina web y mejoraras mucho lalgica de programacin a travs de muchos ejercicios.Si siempre has querido ser un buen desarrollador web, este es un buen principio para encaminarte hacia tu propsito ya que los cursos estn en el orden en el que debes aprender a programar para la web, lo cual te ahorrar tiempo y dejars de estar perdido en el mundo de la programacin web.Si quieres ser un desarrollador web freelance este es tu curso!"
Price: 104.99

"VUE JS 2 - Una Introduccin a las Web Apps"
"Bienvenido a este curso de introduccin a vue js 2.Podemos definir Vue como un framework progresivo , empieza siendo una librera muy sencilla con la cual podias hacer cosas que hacas anteriomente con JQuery pero de una manera mucho mas elegante y con un cdigo mucho mas sencillo y fcil de entender.Simplemente aadiendo esta librera y con conocimiento de JavaScript, puedes crear aplicaciones sencillas de manera rapida y eficaz,ya que vue es una mezcla de varios frameworks, podriamos decir que toma un poco de cada uno.Ademas dispone de lo que se denomina, ciclo de vida, el cual nos da aun mas control sobre que hacer y en que momento hacerlo,y por si fuera poco, la manera de ordenar su propiedades mtodos y datos son muy elegantes y se muestran de una manera muy ordenada, ya que cada uno de estos va encapsulado podriamos decir en una seccion propia denominada por su nombre.Por ejemplo todos los datos van dentro de la propiedad data, los mtodos en en methods y assuccesivamente, y como no, su arquitectura se basa en componentes, eso nos permite dividir nuestra aplicacin en pequeos componentes, que podemos ir ampliando conforme avanzamos en nuestro proyecto.A todo esto sumaque la manera en que se integra con el propio cdigo html es realmente maravilloso, a travs de directivas que nos harn la vida mas fcil y su propio sistema de templates, con el cual podremos crear nuestras propias etiquetas html con toda la lgica que deseemos en una sola etiqueta. y esto solo es la punta del iceberg.Sinceramente, si quieres dar un salto hacia el siguiente nivel en la programacin web, no dejes de aprender este fantstico framework que sin duda no te dejara indiferente."
Price: 44.99

"Tutorial CRUD API RESTful com: Node + Express + MongoDb"
"Venha aprender nesse tutorial direto e muito conciso em como criar uma API CRUDRestFul comNode.JsExpress.JsMongoDbAqui voc aprender os conceitos bsicos para poder dar o seu ponta p em desenvolvimento e criao de API's com a linguagem que mais ganha adeptos no mercado de trabalho:Node.Js. Durante o curso, voc desenvolver uma aplicao CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE e DELETE), os padres de criao de uma determinada api e como fazer conexo via Cloud, usando o MLab."
Price: 39.99

"Learn Secure Database Administration: MS SQL Server Security"
"Database management is so essential and critical for the enterprises but making it secure is more crucial than that. MS SQL Server is one of the most popular commercial RDBMSs recently.In this course, MS SQL database management conceptswill be explained withsecurity in mindAll crucial securitymeasureswill be explained throughout the course and will be implemented during thehands-on practice labs.With a hands-on style, we'll cover topics such asPreparing a windows server for secure installation,MS SQL server configurationSurface area reduction with sp_configure,Extended protection against luring attacks and spoofing attacks,Static and dynamic port configurations,Channel and service binding techniques,Hiding SQL instancePolicy based management and preventative policy examplesPatching and complianceAnd many more best practices in this domain.We will also have 2 lab assignments about creating a table name policy and a powershell proxy job on MS SQL Server, which we will solve the problems together.Bythe end of the course, you'll know how to install and manage secure MS SQLserver with confidence, which gives you the skills to prevent data leakageseven if the cyber attacks can bypass other security mechanisms in place."
Price: 94.99

"Powerful Marketing Strategies for Restaurant Owners"
"Complete Master class to take your restaurant business onlineIf you are restaurant owners or work as a restaurant marketing consultant, this is an highly recommend course for you. The course covers online and offline marketing strategies to secure more customers. Lot of restaurants fail in their first year due to lack of sales and profit. This course covers complete online and offline restaurant marketing strategies which you can use to grow your restaurant business. You will learn many simple online marketing tools which are completely free to use and you can pay for this tools only when you make money. Bonuses When you sign up with this course, you will get a special discount on many tools to try it for free along with special pricing, Advertising Templates, Signages to increase customer engagement to increase customers footfall. You will also get a copy of RESTAURANT MARKETING CHECKIST that you can use to start promoting your restaurant. Second, you'll receive a copy of ourRestaurant Survival Checklistthat can be used to audit your restaurant. It looks at every aspect of delivering a great experience to the customer, allowing you to turn them into repeat diners. Learn Today The course come with 30 day money back guarantee as I believe in 100 % Satisfaction. Try it today and share you feedback."
Price: 19.99

"Start your event ticketing portal or Sell tickets for events"
"Who should join this course?Entrepreneurs looking tostart their own businessAnyone looking towork from home and earnEvent management companies who like to SAVEon ticketing feesAnyone who like tostart their own ticketing portalWhat will you learn ?Opportunitiesin online ticketing spaceHow much areTop Ticketing Companies are ValuedSuccess StoriesResearchingabout your local ticketing landscapeBusiness modelsin Ticketing SpaceHow event ticketing works with a workingFREEDemoAccess toBuzzMyEventwhite label special offer"
Price: 19.99

"Profit or Save by having your own food ordering portal"
"This course have been designed to help you undertand different Business Models and strategies which you can apply in order to grow your Restaurant Business without any upfrontcost.You will have complete insights on how the latest technology solutions are able to empower restaurant business without any cost . Back in days the same technology will cost you thousands of $$The trainer have In-Dept knowledge and expereince about restaurant industry and this training will surely help you scale your restaurant business and save thousands of $$ in fees.We have also covered on how you can profit and earn a passive income if you want to start your own food ordering portal in your country."
Price: 19.99

"Top Mobile Photo Editing Apps for Social Media Marketing"
"Learn to use top mobile photo editing apps available to you to make extra money from the comfortability of your home as a social media marketer.What youll getQuality smartphone applications at your disposalHow to easily access and make use of mobile applicationsExtra tips on the effective use of the applicationsHave you ever wondered what people do when they say they work from home? Or how might they do what they do without leaving their comfort zones and yet they can enrich themselves? Well, working smart is sinking into you. All you have to do next is to know the various things available to you and which of these jobs you can venture into. The truth is it all boils down to an individuals level of creativity, determination, and willingness to learn new things. The new age of innovations now comes with various kinds of opportunities and some of us is taking to these opportunities faster than others.For those of you who are thinking smart and will work smart, social media marketing is a very useful means of doing that.Please note that I do not teach social media marketing what I have done in this course is to pick out top-notch photo editing mobile applications like available at your disposal, and that is useful for social media marketing and familiarize you with them. This way you can figure out how you can arm yourself with the tool we have enlightened you about.In this video course, I went further to provide important advice and tips that will help you as an individual to get started with your social media marketing business.Some of you may wonder why I have chosen these mobile photo editing applications. Now, the fact is, that picture patronage is an integral part of todays youth in every part of the world. People want to post beautiful pictures, quotes, and updates for their followers and friends to see. This is a very useful means for advertising your business or working as an advertiser for companies that will like to improve coverage and visibility. We often buy the services of social media on platforms like (fiver, freelancers, and up work) The more you can post pictures over the internet and long-term campaigns, the more your chances of popularity.At the end of this course, you will know what app to use and how to use them to render advertising services for your potential clients, and you can earn some cash from home."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Solar Energy Masterclass For Electrical Engineering"
"Hello Students !!! Welcome to my own course ""Complete Solar Energy Course for Electrical Engineering"" Here are some of the content which you will Learn in this Incredible Course !!! In this course we will discuss the construction of the PV(Photovoltaic) Cells , the connection of PV Cells including series and parallel and when to use each of them, we will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of PV Cells.We will learn about Sun Tracking to get max output power from PV Cells also we will discuss some of the Techniques of MPPT (Maximum power point Tracking) to get max power from PV Cells .We will learn about the effect of Insolation ,Temperature and Load Resistance on Power.You will also understand the Grid Tied system, its components, advantages and disadvantages, understand the off Grid system , its components, advantages and disadvantages and learn about the hybrid Solar system , its components ,advantages and disadvantages.You will Learn about the different Types of Solar-Photo-voltaic Cells and their Efficiency, the Junction box and how to wire it.We will learn how to determine the PV Max voltage and Power consumption demands.We will have an overview to DC-DC Converters including the Buck Converter, the Boost converter and Buck-Boost Converter to Step up and Step down the DC Voltage of PV Cells.Lastly the most important part which is the solar PV System design , we will Size the PV Modules,inverter ,Battery, Solar charge controller and MPPT Charge controller and more in this course.Requested by student : I added new section : ""Protection of PV System""You will learn about protection of PV system,how to select fuses to protect strings and learn the protection of arrays.You will understand difference between 3 busbars and 5 busbars and how to select the AC busbar and DC busbar.You will understand the protection devices for transformer, the inverter protection and the surge protection device.Finally you will learn the grounding of PV system and solar kit.You will learn everything you need in Solar Energy , waiting for you in my course .Updated Content and added lectures on 2/3/2019 !On grid system design by hand calculations.On grid system design by PVsyst program.Off grid system design extra example.Off grid system design by using PVsyst program.PV system construction.Construction of PV Cells.Advantages and Disadvantages Of PV Cells.Solar Cells Modules and Arrays.Parallel and Series connection in PV System.Effect of Temperature and Insolation on V-I Curve.Construction And Types Of Batteries.Charging of Lead acid batteries and hydrometer.Maintenance of Batteries and Methods of charging.Cycle of Batteries.Importance of Charge controller.Selection and Datasheet of the Panel.Inverter Selection.PV Energy according to Area.Shading and Tilt angle.Updated Content and added lectures on 13/9/2019 !How to Get Free License from Autodesk and Activate Autocad ?Starting Autocad and Changing Background.Drawing a Line in Autocad.Drawing a Rectangle in Autocad.Drawing a Circle in Autocad.Drawing a Polygon in Autocad.Drawing an Arc in Autocad.Drawing a PolyLine in Autocad.Multiple Lines using the Offset feature.Adding Text to Autocad.Extending Lines in Autocad.Selection in Autocad.F-shortcuts in Autocad.Dimensions in Autocad.Multi Spiral Line and MLD in Autocad.Block and Explode Commands in Autocad.Move and Scale Commands in Autocad.Rotate ,Mirror and Fillet Commands in Autocad.Area Calculation and Adding Layer in Autocad.Saving your File and Autosave Feature.Drawing Fluorescent Symbol Using Autocad.Autocad Classic Mode and Workspace.Single Line Diagram Of PV System And Selection Of Fuses And Breakers.Simulation Of PV Cell In MATLAB And Obtaining V-I Characteristics.Design Of Off Grid PV System Using Excel Sheet.Wish you a Happy Learning ."
Price: 199.99

"Ransomware Survival Guide"
"Ransomware came roaring back with a vengeance in 2017 and promises attacks on consumer electronics in 2018. This type of malware gets its name from the payment it demands after locking away victims files has quickly become one of the top types of cyber-attacks.Only 4 in 10 companies have a strategy in place to deal with Ransomware, and of those 4, 1 would go bankrupt and close their doors forever. With the raise of the price of bitcoin, it could cost 10s of thousands of dollars to get your data back if you get hit and thats besides business disruption, remediation costs, and a diminished brand. Ransomware is out of control right now and technology is having a very difficult time trying to stop it. This means it's all up to us, the human firewall to prevent it.This tutorial will guide you on what to do Before, During and After a Ransomware Attack. Be sure to check out my blog at TerryCutler[dot]Com for more educational videos."
Price: 194.99

"Complete English Grammar Tests Part 1"
"This course is designed for English learners who want to have their understandingof English grammar thoroughly checked and evaluated, then improve any weakareas of their grammar. Complete EnglishGrammar Tests aim to provide valid and reliable grammar tests on all majorareas of English grammar and successfully teach you grammar rules in theareas that you feel confused or less confident.Complete EnglishGrammar Tests consist of two parts of two separate, independent courses. Thiscourse is Part 1 which tests your understanding of S-V agreement, nouns,pronouns, tenses, modals, gerunds and infinitives. Each section of this course is in three stages. In stage 1, you will takea test on a particular grammar area. After taking this first test, you willcheck the answers and figure out what specific grammar rules you need to study.In stage 2, you will have lectures that explain grammar rules and structures. Thisstage will ensure that you have learned all major grammar rules. The last stagewill present another set of 20 questions. This stage will help you to review therules and confirm that you have mastered all target grammar rules andstructures.This course will give you an opportunity to polish your grammar andbecome more confident about communicating in English. Take this course and become capable of using English grammar easily andaccurately."
Price: 99.99

"Complete English Grammar Tests Part 2"
"This course is designed for English learners who want to have their understandingof English grammar thoroughly checked and evaluated, then improve any weakareas of their grammar. Complete EnglishGrammar Tests aim to provide valid and reliable grammar tests on all majorareas of English grammar and successfully teach you grammar rules in theareas that you feel confused or less confident.Complete EnglishGrammar Tests consist of two parts of two separate, independent courses. Thiscourse is Part2 which tests your understanding of thepassive, relative clauses, conditionals, conjunctions, noun phrases &clauses, comparatives and superlatives. Each section of this course is in three stages. In stage 1, you will takea test on a particular grammar area. After taking this first test, you willcheck the answers and figure out what specific grammar rules you need to study.In stage 2, you will have lectures that explain grammar rules and structures. Thisstage will ensure that you have learned all major grammar rules. The last stagewill present another set of 20 questions. This stage will help you to review therules and confirm that you have mastered all target grammar rules andstructures.This course will give you an opportunity to polish your grammar andbecome more confident about communicating in English. Take this course and become capable of using English grammar accurately."
Price: 99.99

"Piano SPEED LEARNING: Play Your Favorite Song in 1 HOUR!"
"Piano SPEED LEARNING: Play Your Favorite Song in 1 HOUR!====================================================What if you could learn to play the piano...IN 1 HOUR!? Sounds impossible, right? Not with SPEED LEARNING!In this short 1 HOUR course, we focus on the ESSENTIALS of piano music through SPEED LEARNING. By the end of this course, you will have the skills & knowledge to play your favorite songs on piano! In this course you will:Learn Your NotesLearn Your ChordsLearn Chord InversionsPlay Chord ChartsPlay Sheet MusicPlay MusicallyBEST-SELLING & HIGHEST-RATED COURSE INSTRUCTOR#1 AMAZON BEST-SELLING AUTHORFOUNDER OF SCREEN MUSIC ACADEMYMUSIC COMPOSER FOR FILM, TV, VIDEO GAMES, & PODCASTSOVER 14,000+ STUDENTS ENROLLED IN COURSESWelcome, Im Steven Melin and Im a leading music composer for the screen based in Atlanta, GA. Im most known for my epic music on over 30 television shows and ad campaigns across FOX, NBC, CBS, Tru TV, BBC, & Sony Pictures Television networks.I also enjoy scoring dramatic films, crafting authentic 16-bit video game soundtracks, and creating new soundscapes for fantasy podcast series. In a nutshell, I love telling stories through sound. After all, my love for storytelling is what led me here.#1 MENTOR FOR COMPOSERSOver the last decade, Ive had quite the journey in the music education space. Out of my love for music business, I founded the Screen Music Academy community, where like-minded composers encourage one another to reach their music business goals.Im humbled to be the #1 Amazon Best-Selling Author of ""Family-First Composer"" and a Best-Selling course instructor here on Udemy. I also host a YouTube channel, ""The Steven Melin Audio Experience"" podcast, and write blog articles to provide valuable free resources to composers who desire to grow.PROFESSIONAL PIANISTI've been a piano performer for over 20 years and have taught over 8,000 private piano lessons in the last few years! I have 2 degrees in music including a B.M. in Piano Performance. I've taught students of all ages & skill levels, so I've seen it all. I know what it takes to become a great pianist. I know where the pitfalls and common mistakes occur. I've seen first-hand countless students waste years of their lives ""practicing piano"", but never improving due to poor habits and missing the fundamentals. I created this course to start you off correctly to save you hundreds of hours. DISCLAIMER: This course will NOT replace good practice or a private instructor. Rather, this course is intended to be a quick start to your piano journey. Let's be honest - the majority of people just want to play a handful of their favorite songs on piano, not become professional concert pianists. You will achieve this by following the steps in this course! As outlined within the course, I always recommend pianists find a private instructor to improve technique & musicality. My hope is that this course will inspire you to start playing the instrument of your dreams!"
Price: 199.99

"Python Crashkurs fr (Quer) Einsteiger"
"Python ist eine der momentan am weitesten verbreiten Programmiersprachen auf dem Markt. Sie zeichnet sich durch eine gute Lesbarkeit, einfache Erlernbarkeit, bersichtlichkeit und Effektivitt aus.Dieser Crashkurs gibt dir in sechs Stunden einen kompakten Einblick in die Kernelemente der Sprache. Wir werden uns nach der Installation die Basics anschauen, was insbesondere grundlegende Strukturen in imperativen Programmiersprachen wie Verzweigungen, Schleifen, Funktionen oder Variablen einschliet. Mit diesem Wissen im Gepck steigern wir das Level und werfen einen Blick in die objektorientierte und funktionale Programmierung. Die fortgeschrittenen Themen orientieren sich an der umfangreichen Standardbibliothek und decken die Arbeit mit Zeitangaben, JSON und regulren Ausdrcken ab. Abgerundet wird der Kurs mit einem Exkurs in die Welt der Unittests.Ich achte beim Kurs darauf, dass wir nah an der Dokumentation arbeiten, da der Kurs als Sprungbrett fr die eigenstndige Erforschung der Sprache dienen soll.Die Zielgruppe sind Programmierein- und Umsteiger. Neben dem grundstzlichen Wissen im Umgang mit Computern sind keine weiteren Vorkenntnisse erforderlich.Wenn du den perfekten Einstiegskurs fr Python 3 suchst, bist du an dieser Stelle richtig!Wichtiger Hinweis: Aus- und Abschnitte des Kurses, insbesondere die Python Basics, kommen ebenfalls in anderen Kursen wie z.B. dem Django-Kurs vor. Aber auch als Teilnehmer solcher Kurse kannst du in den fortgeschrittenen Themen in diesem Kurs noch einiges lernen!"
Price: 49.99

"Das eigene Wiki fr Dokumentation, etc. mit DokuWiki"
"Wikipedia, die freie Enzyklopdie, hat nachhaltig die Art und Weise der Wissensverbreitung verndert. Grundlage und Erfolgsfaktor ist das Wiki-Prinzip, das eine Kollaboration mehrerer Nutzer an einer Seite ermglicht.Doch wie knnen Sie dieses fr Ihr Projekt, Ihre Dokumentation oder Ihr Unternehmen einsetzen? Das zeige ich in diesem Kurs!Denn heutzutage ist die Software fr Wikis so weit entwickelt, das sich schnell ein solches aufsetzen und einrichten lsst.Im Kurs stelle DokuWiki, eine bekannte und nutzerfreundliche Software fr ein Wiki vor. Wir werden die Software installieren einrichten und gemeinsam die ersten Schritte wagen. Tipps zur Administration und Organisation runden den Kurs ab.Fr den Kurs ist je nach Anforderung ein eigener Webspace oder lediglich ein Windows-Computer erforderlich."
Price: 49.99

"Create an entire Internet Of Things Project in 60 Minutes"
"Internet of things is an area in computer sciences that isliterally changing the world.This course will teach you how to build an IoT project from A to Zall in less than one hour. You will be able to build an Android App(And a web app) that lets you control the color of a light source (Could beyour room, street light, campus light, anything) no matter how faryou are. And as a result youll gain the necessary skill-set tobuild any type of IoT system no matter how complex it is.Arduino is the most popular IoT board ever created , so we'll use it to build the hardware."
Price: 199.99

"How to Successfully Organise Your Finances"
"Mark brings you his amazingFinancial tips to help you save, spend wisely, invest in your future and do so with the least possible effort and without stopping living your life as you want to.This course covers various topics of financial education to help you sort out your situation and push towards new financial targets. The lectures are a culmination of years of academic, business and personal development work guided and supported by financial expertise of gurus, teachers, mentors and academics. All of this is now easily accessible in a comfortable format to save time and money (financial education costs thousands and thousands of pounds).How can you organise yourself to have the best financial habits? Is your salary lasting for as long as it should do?Maybe you think you spend your money efficiently, but could you do some more cost-cutting?Do you know about the method, 'automation' to stop you wasting money?Prioritise your spending after learning here what a smart investment is vs a wasteful investment, or a liability.Patience is also needed on the journey of delayed gratification - are you ready to wait before spending?Debt and credit can be friends or foes, depending on your financial techniques.These points and more comprise this unique new course of mine about financial education: How to Successfully Organise Your FinancesStart taking control of your wallet and bank today to reach your objectives once and for all!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS EMR and Spark 2 using Scala"
"Learn AWS EMR and Spark 2 using Scala as programming languageSpark is in memory distributed computing framework in Big Data eco systemand Scala is programming language. It is one of the hottest technologies in Big Data as of today.Spark 2 have changed drastically from Spark 1. SparkSQL and DataFrames have become core module on which other modules like Structured Streaming and Machine Learning Pipe lines.As part of this course, there will be lot of emphasis on lower level APIs calledtransformations and actionsof Spark along with core moduleSpark SQLand DataFramesEMR brings cloud capabilities to Big Data. EMR provides different options which include Spark 2 as well as one of the service on the cluster.As part of this course, you will learnBasics of Amazon Web ServicesSecurity using IAMSetting up EMR clustersBasics of programming using ScalaSpark 2 - Core Transformations and ActionsSpark 2 - Spark SQLand Data FramesSpark 2 - Streaming and Structured StreamingDifferent File Formats and Compression algorithmsSubmitting Spark 2 jobs on EMR using step executionand many moreWe will start with understanding basics of AWS, setting up EMR cluster with Spark and then jump into Spark 2 using Scala as programming language."
Price: 99.99

"Apprendre utiliser Git"
"Il vous arrive de vouloirrestaurer la version de vos codes sources du mois dernier? Ou de collaborer avec d'autres dveloppeurs ? Et mme de dsirersavoir qui a modifi une ligne de code, et quand ? Ces besoins sont essentiels lorsque l'on fait du dveloppement web ou logiciel etGit a t conu pour y rpondre.Mais Git peut parfois tre difficile prendre en main etvous n'avez ni le temps, ni l'envie de ttonner,ou de prendre le risque de perdre vos sources cause d'une mauvaise manipulation.Ce cours a t cr exactement pour cette raison : il vous apprendra utiliser Git dans vos projets au quotidien, sans vous prendre la tte. Je me suis concentr surl'utilisation de Git du point de vue du dveloppeur, et uniquement ce qui intresse le dveloppeur. En le suivant,vous gagnerez en srnit et en efficacit,et deviendrez un meilleur gestionnaire pour l'ensemble de vos projets.Le rsultat :un cours qui va l'essentiel et qui reste accessible tous les programmeurs.Peu importe votre niveau, peu importe les langages de programmation sur lesquels vous travaillez; vous comprendrez comment utiliser Git et vous adorerez l'utiliser dans tous vos projets :)"
Price: 29.99

"Music Production in Ableton Live 10 - The Complete Course!"
"Start Producing Your Own Music in Ableton Live 10This course is all about Ableton Live 10, which is a software for music sequencing and is a digital audio workstation for OS X and Windows.Ableton Live is used across professional studios, bedroom studios and also as a performance tool for live performance. Learning how to use your DAW correctly will dramatically improve the quality of your music and the speed you create it.NOTE: This course is for Ableton Live Suite 10 and above. Some of the features I discuss in this course will only be available for Ableton Live Suite 10 and above.BROUGHT TO BY MUSIC PRODUCTION INSTRUCTOR TOMAS GEORGEIf you are looking for a course that will show you how you can Create, Record and Edit Your Own Music in Ableton Live 10 then this is the course for you!What makes me qualified to teach you?My name is Tomas and I have a MMus Masters Degree in Music Production and a BA(Hons) Degree in Music Composition. Im also the creator of some of the world's most popular music production courses - with over 100,000 studentsQuick efficient, to the point. Solid information fed fast. Good work! - Mark ChaudharyA great way to get started with a solid foundation of learning the principles of Ableton. I found Tomas George to be a great lecturer because he was easy to understand and showed good examples of the work. It was well worth the price for easy access and being able to keep available for future and further reference. - Daniel OrtizVery clear and concise, exactly what I was looking for. I also appreciate that I can watch things being done while they're being explained. - Nikki GlennMy Promise to YouI'm a full-time Music Producer and Educator. If you have any questions about the content or composing or producing in general, I will always be responsive to questions and direct messages. What is this Ableton Live 10 Course all about?In this course you will gain a deep understanding of Ableton Live 10 and how to learn the tools and processes to create, record and edit your own music.. You'll learn the beauty and the power of this software that's used by professional producers today. This course will cover such topics as :  Understanding the Basics of Ableton Live 10 Recording and Editing MIDI Recording and Editing Audio Creating your own Beats Quantising Warping Sampling  Drums Racks and Instrument Racks Synths, Simpler and Sampler Sidechaining MIDI Effects such as the Arpeggiator  Audio Effects such Compression and EQ  and Much More.What you'll learn in this course will make you a better music producer, music editor and electronic composer. This course will also improve your song-writing abilities in Ableton Live 10 and all other Digital Audio Workstations!Learn to love Ableton Live 10 and make music with it. Go ahead and click the enroll button, and I'll see you in lesson 1!Cheers,Tomas."
Price: 194.99