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"Apprendre et Maitriser POWER POINT 2019 - Guide complet"
"PowerPoint est un programme de prsentation visuelle, ralis par Microsoft. Dans PowerPoint, les textes, images, vidos et autres objets sont positionns sur des pages individuelles nommes les ""slides"", ou diapositives. Elles peuvent tre animes, enrichies par des contenus multimdias.Il vous servira l'cole (au lyce ou en tudes suprieures) mais aussi dans le monde de l'entreprise. Il vous permettra par exemple de crer et/ou d'illustrer :un exposune soutenance de mmoireun oral de groupeun prsentation de projetun bilanun plan organisCe logiciel fait partie du Pack Office dvelopp par Microsoft, qui comprend notamment dautres logiciels comme Excel, Word ou Access.Pourquoi se former Power Point ?Power Point est l'Incontournable logiciel de bureautique, et possde de nombreuses fonctionnalits en plus de celles connues du grand public. Diapositives, masques, cration de prsentation, fonctions avances...PowerPoint est le logiciel de prsentation le plus connu et utilis au monde (devant Pages pour Mac), cependant beaucoup ne connaissent que les fonctionnalits dites vitrine, soit de manire superficielle et non approfondies. Or, le logiciel regorge de dtails connatre pour parfaire sa prsentation et y apporter une touche plus personnelle."
Price: 199.99

"Domine a programao de banco de dados com SQL Server 2017."
"Venha conhecer o poder da programao de banco de dados em T-SQL utilizando o SQL Server 2017.Voc que deseja se tornar um profissional da rea da tecnologia de informao, sabia que a rea de Dados a que tem a maior ascenso os ltimo anos e se consolida como a mais rentvel nos prximo anos?O ano de 2019 se destacou com as profisses de Engenheiro de Dados, Cientistas de dados, Analista de Big Data e Programador de IoT, nos prximos anos elas ganharo mais fora e expanso com novas tecnologias, gerando valorizao a curto e mdio prazo.Ento, o que voc est esperando que entrar no mundo da programao em banco dedos? Venha conhecer nosso treinamento, veja o contedo abaixo e assista as aulas grtis agora mesmo!  So 2 horas de contedo grtis sem precisar adquirir o curso!Neste treinamento, vamos aprender :Como criar e gerar um script a partir do objetos do banco;Conceitos de elementos bsicos como comentrios, apresentar mensagem e execuo em lote;Como trabalhar com variveis, definir os tipos de dados e como operar elas com as instrues DML;Vamos conhecer os comandos de controle de fluxo como:IF/ELSE, WHILE, BEGIN/END, TRY/CATCH, BREAK, CONTINUE, RETURN;Conhecer transaes, conceitos e propriedades;Os principais comandos de controle de transao como:BEGIN  TRANSACTION, COMMIT, ROLLBACK;Como montar transaes aninhadas e realizar seu controle;Identificar e resolver o bloqueios e deadlocks;Como montar cdigos com tratamento de erro, forar uma exceo, capturar o erro e realizar o seu tratamento e armazenamento;Conhecer as tabelas temporrias e variveis tabelas para armazenar dados temporrios durante execuo do cdigo;Isso tudo que vimos at agora para comearmos a aprender a montar:Stored ProceduresMotivos para usar Stored Procedure;Como realizar o design e execuo de uma Stored Procedure;Retornando um DataSet;Retornando um status de execuo;Definindo e utilizando os parmetros de Entrada e Sada;Incluindo controle de fluxo de dados;Detectando erros de execuo, fazendo a captura e realizando o tratamento como retorno de cdigo o armazenando e uma tabela de Log;Incluindo a transao de dados, realizando o controle e confirmando o processo em caso de sucesso. Em caso de erro, desfazer a transao dentro do tratamento de erro;Demonstrao da segurana de dados promovida pelo uso de Procedure;Como montar o aninhamento de procedures (executar uma procedure dentro de outra procedure) e realizar o controle de execuo, capturando o retorno de status de cada uma delas;Implementando criptografia de uma procedure e demostrar se vale ou no a usar esse tcnica;ViewMotivos para utilizar View;Definindo o design da View e sua utilizao;Utilizando opes SCHEMABINDING  e CHECK OPTION;Como criar views que podem ser atualizadas com comandos INSERT, UPDATE e DELETE;Utilizando views indexadas para melhor o desempenho do acesso ao dados;Apresentar as restries e erros comuns na utilizao de views;Desde que Frank Cood definiu os conceitos dos bancos de dados relacionais em 1970 e com o surgindo poucos anos depois da linguagem SQL, ela se tornou o padro para todos os bancos de dados relacionais. Por um simples motivo: ela uma linguagem estvel e muito aderante as demais linguagem de programao.O Desenvolvedor que trabalha com um linguagem de programao em um ambiente comercial para lojas, instituies financeira, empresa entre outras, sempre ter a necessidade de tratar com um quantidade de dados e de alguma forma manipular em um banco de dados. Atualmente o mercado de gerenciadores de banco de dados possui diversos sistemas, entre os quais, os banco de dados relacionais so os mais utilizados.Com a evoluo da linguagem SQL, a sua padronizao foi gerenciada pela ANSI e aplicada de forma idntica em todos os gerenciadores de banco de dados relacionais como SQL Server, Oracle, Mysql, DB2, PostgreSQL e outros.   Mas cada fornecedor desses gerenciadores de banco de dados colocaram as chamadas extenses da linguagem, dado a ela um caracterstica ou nova funcionalidade exclusiva.Entre as extenses, foi implementado comandos de linguagem de programao como controle de fluxos de dados, variveis, objetos de programao e outros componentes que permite desenvolver cdigos e executar estruturados.No caso do SQL Server, ele possui o dialeto da linguagem SQL com o nome de de Transact-SQL ou simplesmente T-SQL que segue o padro ANSI, mas com as exclusividades do banco de dados da Microsoft.Tenha um timo treinamento.Wolney"
Price: 459.99

"Cloud Control Panel From Scratch using Python/Django"
"You want to learn something new today, something off the edge rather than regular social network/ecom websites, something fresh as Cloud Control Panel.Technology has made our life simpler since its inception but with the advent of cloud it has touched the human technological existence in many ways. From our IM, email or simple games/apps, whatever we use has some or the other connection with cloud. Either for the need of online storage or for Oauth authentication. In this course we are going to customize a panel which will give us the power to take control over our cloud server/apps.This is a course for anyone willing to extend their present skills/knowledge to cloud.Python is being the most evolving language at this time and many support libraries have already been developed to support steadfast development of pythonapplications (business/consumer). Here, we are going to hit the ground with some Python basics for the non-programmer ornew Python user, who will probably bethe next Py-Geek. This course is not a so-called ""Zero to Hero"" course but it will definitely give you an overall idea and a kickstart to start playinga ""Hero"".We will startStep-By-Step From Scratch and finally get it done. The course has been designed in such a way that you will not feel somewhere lost in the middle of the course. You will get comfortable with using1)Python 2)Bootstrap 3)Django 4)CSS 5)AJAX 6)JSON 7)Cloud App Control.You will be deeply benefited from this course:1)If you have already planned a develop a website for your own.2)If you have planned to move any application oncloud and want control over it.3)If you have planned to build a Game Control Panel for yourcloud hostedgame servers(Counter Strike,Minecraft,etc,etc)4)If you are a system engineer/ QA professional and have planned to bring inquick backend automation to your existing system flow.5)If you are a University Geek, planning to do something out-of-the-box.6)If you are a person with Absolutely No Programming skills but very zealous to learn the NEW."
Price: 94.99

"Introduction to Statistics: Hypothesis Testing"
"Learn all about Hypothesis Testings: Examine whether a claim should be rejected or not. We will focus on one sample testing, then 2 samples testing using P-value method, critical value method, or confidence interval method. Each section will have an introduction on how to use TI 83/84 commands step by step."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Course: Artificial Intelligence From Scratch"
"Do you like to learn how to forecast economic time series like stock price or indexes with high accuracy?Do you like to know how to predict weather data like temperature and wind speed with a few lines of codes?Do you like to classify Handwritten digits more accurately ?If you say Yes so read more ...In computer science, Artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. In this you are going to learn essential concepts of AI using Python:Neural NetworksClassification MethodsRegression AnalysisOptimization Methods_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________in the First, Second,Third sections you will learn Neural NetworksYou will learn how to make Recurrent Neural Networks using Keras and LSTMs: you'll learn how to use python andKerasto forecast google stock price . you'll know how to use python andKerasto predict NASDAQ Index precisely. you'll learn how to use python andKerasto forecast New York temperature with low error. you'll know how to use python andKerasto predict New York Wind speed accurately.In the next section you learn how to use python and sklearn MLPclassifier to forecast output of different datasets likeLogic GatesVehicles DatasetsGenerated DatasetsIn the third section you can forecast output of different datasets using Keras library likeRandom datasetsForecast International Airline passengersLos Angeles temperature forecasting_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Next you will learn how to classify well known datasets into with high accuracy using k-Nearest Neighbors, Bayes, Support Vector Machine and Logistic Regression.In the 4th section you learn how to use python and k-Nearest Neighbors to estimate output of your system. In this section you can classify: Python DatasetIRIS FlowersMake your own k Nearest Neighbors AlgorithmIn the 5th section you learn how to use Bayes and python to classifyoutput of your system with nonlinear structure.In this section you can classify:IRIS FlowersPima Indians Diabetes DatabaseMake your own Naive Bayes AlgorithmYou can also learn how to classify datasets by bySupportVector Machinesto find the correct class for data and reduce error.Next you go furtherYou will learn how to classify output of model by usingLogistic RegressionIn the 6th section you learn how to use python to estimate output of your system. In this section you can estimate output of: Random datasetIRIS FlowersHandwritten DigitsIn the 7th section you learn how to use python to classifyoutput of your system with nonlinear structure.In this section you can estimate output of:BlobsIRIS FlowersHandwritten Digits _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________After it we are going to learn regression methods like Linear, Multi-Linear and Polynomial Regression.In the 8th section you learn how to use Linear Regression and python to estimate output of your system. In this section you can estimate output of:Random NumberDiabetesBoston House PriceBuilt in DatasetIn the 9th section you learn how to use python and Multi Linear Regression to estimate output of your system with multivariable inputs.In this section you can estimate output of:Global TempratureTotal Sales of Advertising CampaignBuilt in DatasetIn the 10th section you learn how to use python Polynomial Regression to estimate output of your system. In this section you can estimate output of:Nonlinear Sine FunctionPython DatasetTemperature and CO2_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Finally I want to learn you theory behind bio inspired algorithms like Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization Method. You'll learn basic genetic operators like mutation crossover and selection and how they are work. You'll learn basic concepts of Particle Swarm and how they are work.In the 11th section you will learn how to use python and deap library to solve optimization problem and find Min/Max points for your desired functions using Genetic Algorithm. you'll learn theory of Genetic Algorithm Optimization Method you'll know how to use python anddeap to optimize simple function precisely. you'll learn how to use python anddeap to find optimum point of complicated Trigonometric function. you'll know how to use python anddeap to solve Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) accurately.In the 12th section we go further you will learn how to use python and deap library to solve optimization problem using Particle Swarm Optimizationyou'll learn theory of Particle Swarm Optimization Method you'll know how to use python anddeap to optimize simple function precisely. you'll learn how to use python anddeap to find optimum point of complicated Trigonometric function. you'll know how to use python anddeap to solve Rastrigin standard function accurately.___________________________________________________________________________Important information before you enroll:In case you find the course useless for your career, don't forget you are covered by a30 day money back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!Once enrolled, you haveunlimited, lifetime access to the course!You will haveinstant and free access to any updatesI'll add to the course.You will give youmy full supportregarding any issues or suggestions related to the course.Check out the curriculum andFREE PREVIEWlecturesfor a quick insight.___________________________________________________________________________Music from Jukedeck - create your own at jukedeck com___________________________________________________________________________It's time to takeAction!Click the ""Take This Course"" button at the top right now!...Don't waste time! Every second of every day is valuable...I can't wait to see youin the course!Best Regrads,Sobhan"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Lightroom CC+Classic: Masterclass de Edicin de Fotos"
"2CURSOS EN 1 - Lightroom Classic CC + Lightroom CC!Quieres que tus fotos se vean bien... o increbles?Quieres aprender a dominar la aplicacin de edicin de imgenes ms poderosa y eficiente del mundo, utilizada por los fotgrafos profesionales?Si es as, ests en el lugar indicado, y yo estoy muy feliz de que ests aqu!Comienza a editar fotos con AdobeLightroom Classic CC(Antes slo Lightroom CC)hoy mismo, y la nueva aplicacin basada en la nube Lightroom CC!Puede que seas un fotgrafo amateur que an no ha editado fotos, o que ya ha dado algunos pasos en la edicin de fotos, o que tengas bastante experiencia en ello. De cualquier manera, hemos diseado este curso para que puedas hacer que tus imgenes importen.Temas claves que abordamos en este curso:Navegacin en las aplicaciones AdobeLightroom Classic CC& Lightroom CCImportar y organizar fotosCorreccin de balance de blancos, recorte y exposicinTono, saturacin y ajustes de iluminacinNitidez y reduccin de ruidoVietas, textura y filtrosUso y creacin de preajustesCorrectores de lentesEliminacin de espinillas y porosAjustes gradual, radial y de pincelMejorar retratos y fotos de personasExportar fotos y agregar marcas de aguaCmo hacer todo lo anterior... tambin en Lightroom CC!Y mucho ms!Haz que tus fotos se vean mejores con Adobe Lightroom- corrigiendo algunas cosas bsicas como exposicin, balance de blancos, recorte y rotacin.Lleva tus fotos al siguiente nivel con Adobe Lightroom- ajustes localizados, incremento de nitidez y eliminacin de ruido, efectos, vietas y ms.Hemos incluido ms de una docena de sesiones de edicin completas, donde puedes presenciar el proceso completo de la edicin de fotografas. Estas lecciones son ideales para aprender todas las habilidades que un editor profesional usara para hacer que sus fotos se vean perfectas.Qu obtendrs en este curso de Adobe Lightroom?Tutoriales muy fciles de entender y seguirProyectos descargables en archivos para seguir en vivo las leccionesSoporte Premium de instructores preocupados por tu aprendizajePara quin es este curso?Ya sea que uses Lightroom Classic CC o una versin previa de Lightroom, o la nueva versin basada en la nube Lightroom CC, este curso te ensear cmo usar tu programa a su mximo potencial. Este curso fue creado para fotgrafos principiantes que quieren comenzar a editar sus fotos, y para fotgrafos avanzados que quieren perfeccionar sus habilidades.Nuestra promesa para t!Estaremos aqu para darte apoyo en cualquier punto del camino. Si tienes alguna pregunta hacerca del contenido del curso, o sobre cualquier tema relacionado a Lightroom, siempre podrs publicar una pregunta o enviarnos un mensaje directo.Queremos hacer que este sea el mejor curso sobre cmo usar Adobe Lightroom. As que si tienes una opinin sobre cmo mejorar este curso, slo haz que lo sepamos y haremos que suceda!Con nuestra garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero dentro de los 30 das, no hay nada que te impida sumergirte de lleno ahora mismo y comenzar a aprender antes de lo que esperas.Adelante, haz clic en el botn de inscripcin y te esperamos en la leccin 1Saludos,Phil y Fede"
Price: 29.99

"Complete Audio Production Course: Record & Mix Better Audio"
"You want better audio right?Whether you're a video creator, podcaster, online course creator, YouTuber, musician or anyone else recording & editing audio, this is the perfect course for you. Our promise is that by the end of this course you will have better-sounding audio if you put into practice the techniques we teach.Sounds great, right?!What will you learn?Understand the equipment needed to record great audio on any budgetKnow how to use microphones, audio interfaces, and accessoriesDecrease background noise and echo with room treatment, including cheap DIYmethods that actually workRecord and sync audio from multiple cameras or sourcesEdit audio in a free application called Pro Tools FirstMix audio to make it sound professional with effects like Gain, Noise Gate, De-Essing, EQ, Compression, Limiting and moreExport high quality audio for any purposeUse the techniques learned in Pro Tools First in any other editing application of your choiceWhat do you get when you enroll?4+ hours of premium video trainingLifetime access to course updatesHelpful support from instructors who truly careDownloadable guidesAn in-demand skillWho are your instructors?Tomas George is a music producer, composer and audio engineer who has become a best-seller on Udemy teaching audio & music production. He's incredible at what he does and loves to share his passion & expertise with you.Phil Ebiner is a video producer, podcaster and YouTuber who has taught over 1,000,000 students around the world. He's excited to share real-world examples of how he improves his audio using the tips & techniques in this course.This Complete Audio Production Course is a fast and effective way to improve your audio. Start by learning all of the equipment you need. You'll learn about several types of microphones, including shotgun, lavalier and studio/podcasting microphones. You'll learn about the accessories we recommend to improve audio like windscreens. You'll learn about audio interfaces and how they work to record better audio. Phil shows you his entire setup for creating high-quality videos for online courses & YouTube so that you can see everything in action.You'll learn the importance of monitoring audio with headphones, so that you are certain that your audio sounds great.Next, you'll learn about travel and location recording, including the equipment we use and recommend. You'll learn tips for recording audio with two separate cameras or audio recorders that will be synced in post-production. Then you'll learn how to manually and automatically sync sound while editing.Then, a major part of this course is audio editing and mixing. This is the part where you can do things like reduce background noise and make someone's voice sound like it's a professional voice recording. With effects like gain, noise gate, de-essing, EQ (equalization), compression, loudness and limiting, and automation, your audio will sound beautiful! And of course you'll learn how to export your audio so it sounds great for anyone watching or listening.Our Happiness GuaranteeYou have a 30-day 100% moneyback guarantee. So there's no risk in enrolling in this course right now. You can try it out, and if it's not for you get a refund. We want to make sure you are happy with your purchase.If there is anything we can do to make this course better, we are always here to listen and hear your feedback.Ready to record and mix better audio?See you in class!Phil + Tomas"
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Masterclass - La Gua Completa de Youtube"
"Ests aqu porque quieres crear un popular canal de YouTube, verdad?Tal vez eres nuevo en YouTube, o quizs tienes algo de experiencia pero necesitas ayuda para hacer crecer tu canal ya existente.YouTube es el lugar perfecto para hacer crecer tu propia marca, atraer trfico a tu sitio web y ganar dinero con los anuncios de YouTube y sus promociones de productos y servicios. Este es el curso perfecto para que comiences tu canal de YouTube.Por qu estoy calificado para ensearte?Mi nombre es Phil y soy el creador de algunos de los cursos online ms populares del mundo, con ms de 150,000 estudiantes y miles de reseas de 5 estrellas como esta:- Me encanta el hecho de que todos en el equipo sean muy abiertos y transparentes sobre lo que nosotros, como estudiantes, podemos esperar! - Mike Repluk- Hasta ahora parece realmente profundo, pero dividido y lo suficientemente bueno como para aprender fcilmente, ya que se compone de lecciones cortas. Me gusta que te den actividades para hacer de vez en cuando, ya que mantiene mi impulso activo y evita que solo mire pasivamente y luego me olvide de todo. Buen trabajo con este excelente curso! - Alexander Straker- Siempre recibo buena informacin de los cursos de Phil Ebiner. Lo considero un gran tutor. - Azeez Salu- El equipo de instructores es muy profundo y los consejos y la cobertura de cmo funciona el software es increble. Se lo recomendara a quienes desean comenzar a ganar dinero con YouTube. - Jonathan ScottTe hago una promesaSoy un instructor en lnea a tiempo completo. Estar para ti en cada paso del camino. Si tienes alguna pregunta sobre el contenido del curso o algo relacionado con este tema, siempre puedes publicar una pregunta en el curso o enviarme un mensaje directo.Quiero que este sea el mejor curso sobre cmo construir tu canal de YouTube. Entonces, si hay alguna manera de mejorar este curso, solo dmela y har que suceda.Si ests buscando hacer crecer tu propia marca, OBTENER MS VISITAS Y SUSCRIPTORES, o comenzando un canal desde cero, este es el curso perfecto para ti!Sea cual sea tu motivacin para comenzar un canal de YouTube, has venido al lugar correcto.La Masterclass de YouTube es el curso ms completo, consistente, comprensible, y lleno de accin que encontrars en Internet o te devolveremos tu dinero.Es el nico lugar que tiene todo lo que necesitas para comenzar a crear videos profesionales que obtendrn miles de visitas y suscriptores, y que finalmente te harn ganar dinero!La Masterclass de YouTube es un curso intensivo y eficaz que te llevar desde tener cero habilidades a crear un canal completo de YouTube con videos de alta calidad, vistas y suscriptores.Si bien hay muchos cursos de YouTube que se centran en aspectos especficos de la construccin de un canal de YouTube, es difcil encontrar un curso integral como este, que sea para principiantes completos y para cualquier persona que necesite aumentar rpidamente su audiencia de YouTube.Este curso est diseado para todo aquel que haga videos (o que quiera hacer videos) y quiera hacer crecer su marca con un canal de YouTube. Entonces, si eres un novato completo o ya tienes tu canal y necesitas ayuda, ests en el lugar correcto.Qu podrs hacer despus de tomar este curso?Iniciar un canal desde ceroObtener vistas sin suscriptoresConvertir espectadores en suscriptoresCrear videos en base a un presupuestoNavega por la plataforma de YouTubeConvirtete en un socio de YouTubePublicar y optimizar tus videos con ttulos geniales, descripciones significativas, etiquetas y miniaturas atractivasHacer crecer tu marca a travs de los videos de YouTubeMejorar tu canal mediante el uso de analyticsGanar dinero con tus videos de YouTube: con anuncios, productos y servicios, patrocinadores y financiacin colectiva.Utilizar las mejores prcticas para crear y hacer crecer un canal de YouTube.Mejora tu canal de YouTube, obtn ms visitas y suscriptores y gana ms dineroIndependientemente de cul sea tu nivel de experiencia o qu tipo de cmara utilizas, este curso est diseado en profundidad para brindarte todo lo que necesitas para lanzar un canal de YouTube exitoso.Ya sea que desees crear un canal para promocionar tu negocio, ensear una habilidad, o simplemente compartir tu historia de vida a travs de vlogs, al comprender qu es lo que hace que un canal de YouTube sea exitoso, puedes replicar y obtener ms visitas, ms suscriptores y ganar dinero con tu propio canal. Este curso te muestra exactamente cmo hacerlo.Contenido y Visin GeneralEste curso est dirigido a ensear a los nuevos usuarios de YouTube lo que se necesita para crear excelentes videos y ganar dinero con ellos. La mayora de las lecciones son tutoriales breves y prcticos donde te explicamos no solo lo que se necesita para tener xito, sino tambin dnde te mostramos exactamente cmo hacerlo.Comenzars con lo bsico: las mejores prcticas para todos los usuarios de YouTube. Estos consejos te colocarn dentro de la mentalidad de un YouTuber.Aprenders cmo usar la plataforma de YouTube. Te registrars para obtener una cuenta, te validars como socio de YouTube y sabrs cmo navegar por el Creator Studio.Luego, aprenders a hacer excelentes videos con equipo profesional y econmico. Aprender cmo grabar un gran video con cualquier cmara, cmo grabar un gran audio, cmo iluminar videos con una configuracin de domstica y barata y cmo editar videos de manera eficiente.Despus de aprender a crear videos asombrosos, aprenders a publicarlos en tu canal de YouTube con excelentes ttulos, descripciones y etiquetas que son compatibles con los criterios de los motores de bsqueda, y te ofrecern la mayor cantidad de visitas posible. Incluso aprenders a disear y cargar una miniatura personalizada que aumente tus vistas. Aprenders muchas otras estrategias de optimizacin para obtener la mayor cantidad de visitas y suscriptores.Al aprender a usar analytics, sabrs qu videos funcionan y cules no. Esto te ayudar a hacer crecer rpidamente tu canal de YouTube con la creacin de videos inteligentes, haciendo solo videos que sepas que funcionarn.Por ltimo, aprenders a ganar dinero con YouTube. Existen varias formas en las que aprenders cmo ganar dinero con tus videos de YouTube, incluidos los anuncios, los productos de YouTube Red, digitales y fsicos, el patrocinio y el financiamiento colectivo.Al final de este curso, tendrs un canal de YouTube del que estars orgulloso. Estars haciendo videos de alta calidad que tu audiencia amar. Obtendr cada vez ms suscriptores para aumentar la fortaleza de tu marca. Y estars ganando dinero con tu canal de YouTube.Acerca de los instructores:Phil Ebiner comenz a ofrecer cursos en lnea en 2012, y hoy cuenta con ms de 110,000 estudiantes en Udemy que aprenden todo tipo de habilidades, desde fotografa hasta la realizacin de videos. Phil comenz su canal de YouTube en 2013 como una forma de hacer crecer su propia marca y est feliz de compartir su conocimiento para ayudarte a tener xito.Mike y Lauren Moyer son YouTubers exitosos que se ganan la vida publicando videos sobre finanzas personales, jubilacin anticipada y tutoriales de ""hazlo tu mismo"". Han crecido rpidamente en su canal de YouTube y reciben miles de visitas cada da. Mike y Lauren son el ejemplo perfecto de un canal exitoso de YouTube, y esperan poder ayudarte a comenzar tu propio canal.Con nuestra garanta de devolucin del 100% del dinero de 30 das, no hay nada que te impida ingresar ya mismo y probar el curso.Adelante, haz clic en el botn de inscripcin y te ver en la leccin 1!Saludos,Phil"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Dynatrace Setup & Full-Stack Monitoring with Demos"
"This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for Dynatrace Full-Stack Monitoring! If you want to learn about Dynatrace Full-Stack Monitoring in a shorter span of time,  then this course is for you. I have designed this course considering students working in different job roles. This course will have a take away for people working in DevOps, Operations, QA, Development and Management. With over 30 lectures  this comprehensive course covers all topics. This course includes animated presentation, demos and supplemental ResourcesThis course will help you to learn Dynatrace Monitoring in a practical manner, with every Chapter having at least one demo lecture. More than fifty percent of this course is focused on delivering demos, which helps you to learn Dynatrace in practical way and you will be ready to work on Dynatrace on completing this course. Below are returns you get by investing your time and money on this course:1.You are getting access to a course which covers most of the topics in Dynatrace2. Practical demos on both setup and monitoring, which help you to quickly and effectively absorb course content3. You will gain confidence and knowledge to work on Dynatrace4. You will get exposure to advanced monitoring tools and analyzers in dynatrace This course is structured in following way:Part1  - IntroductionPart2  - Understanding Dynatrace and its usagePart3  - Dynatrace Setup and host MonitoringPart4  - Synthetic Monitors in DynatracePart5  - Log files Monitoring in DynatracePart6  - Application, Services and Database monitoring in DynatracePart7  - Network and user Sessions monitoring in DynatracePart8  - Detecting your application flow and technology used in your application Part9  - Anomaly detection and Email/Slack IntegrationPart10 - AWS infrastructure Monitoring and Diagnostic toolsPart11 - Reports and Dashboards in Dynatrace"
Price: 19.99

"Beinci Seviye Beyaz apkal Hacker(Etik) Kursu Uygulamal"
"Beinci Seviye Beyaz apkal Hacker(Etik) Kursu Uygulamal Sayesinde Sosyal Medya Hesaplarna ve Kablosuz Alara Ynelik lemler Gerekletirebileceksiniz. Tm Konular Uygulamal Olarak Anlatlmtr. Kali Linux letim Sistemi Kullanlarak Anlatm Yaplmtr. Kursu Almadan nce Sisteminizde Gncel Kali Linux Kurulu Olmas Gerektiini Unutmayn.Beinci Seviye Beyaz apkal Hacker(Etik) Kursu Uygulamal, nceki Seviyeler Bitirildikten Sonra Alnmas Daha Faydal Olacaktr."
Price: 199.99

"Uygulamal Bayrak Kapma Yar(CTF) Eitimi - Birinci Seviye"
"Uygulamal Bayrak Kapma Yar(CTF) Eitimi - Birinci Seviye Kursuyla Bayrak Kapma Yarlarna Hazrlanabilirsiniz. Gerek Bir CTF Platformunda Uygulamal Olarak CTF Eitimi Greceksiniz. Zaafiyetlerin Nerelerde Olabileceini Grp, Bayraklar Tek Tek Toplayacaksnz. Toplamda 15 Uygulama Bu Eitimde Sizleri Bekliyor. En Ak ve Anlalr ekilde Anlatlmtr.Uygulama Platformu TantmUygulama Balang 1-1Uygulama Micro-CMS v1 1-4Uygulama Micro-CMS v1 2-4Uygulama Micro-CMS v1 3-4Uygulama Micro-CMS v1 4-4Uygulama Postbook 1-7Uygulama Postbook 2-7Uygulama Postbook 3-7Uygulama Postbook 4-7Uygulama Postbook 5-7Uygulama Postbook 6-7Uygulama Postbook 7-7Uygulama Petshop Pro 1-3Uygulama Petshop Pro 2-3Uygulama Petshop Pro 3-3Hata ve dl Programyla irketlerden Para KazanmakKapan ve Bilgilendirme"
Price: 399.99

"Beyaz Hacker - CEH Eitimi Lab almalar"
"Siber Gvenlikle Hobi Olarak veya Profesyonel Olarak lgilenen Herkes in Hazrlanmtr. CEH Snavna Hazrlananlar inde Bir ok Kategoride Bilgiler ermektedir. Bu Eitimin Tamam Uygulamaldr. Kali Linux letim Sistemi Kullanlarak Hazrlanmtr. Srekli Olarak Yeni erikler Eklenmektedir.Hedef Hakknda Bilgi ToplamaKablosuz AlarWeb Uygulama GvenliiDDos SaldrlarExploit altrma ve Metasploit KullanmFirewall/IPS/erik Filtreleme AtlatmaParola Krma Saldrlar"
Price: 399.99

"Daily Magic"
"Bring magic and intention into your everyday routine in order to transform your life. Find out how you can infuse your day with witchcraft in ways that can be custom-tailored to any situation.Learn How to Turn Mundane and Routine Tasks into an Easy to Implement Witchcraft Practice.Build a strong foundation to grow fromUncover blocks and resistance keeping you from seeing resultsLearn how to create spells on the spotDiscover which words hold the most power for youDitch the overwhelm that can come with larger ritualsFollow along with a house clearing and blessing recordingFind out how simple can actually equal more powerful and more effective!This course was born out of a need to reduce my own overwhelm. As I began to dive deeper into the world of all things magic and witchcraft, I became overwhelmed at how many topics there are to learn. There are sabbats, phases of the moon, days of the week, different color correspondences, and so many other topics that my head felt like it would explode with any more information! Im not sure about you, but when Im overwhelmed, I dont know where to begin and I usually end up doing nothing. I found myself filled with knowledge, but unsure of where to begin so I started incorporating small magical moments into my day. After doing this for a while, it became so much easier to work with the phases of the moon, celebrate the sabbats, and focus on other larger themes within the scope of witchcraft.Within the course, youll learn how to approach magic from a more relaxed place. Well go over why words matter, how you can come up with spells on the spot, and how you can apply my teachings on turning mundane into magical to your own life. Ill walk you through a house clearing and blessing so your environment is primed and ready to go for you. Well also cover how you can make tweaks to your morning and evening routines to make them more magical, along with printables to remind you. Ive included a list of the little things I do every day, as well as a long list of ideas to inspire you. From start to finish, this course will help you build a magical practice from the ground up. As an added bonus, Ive created a kitchen magic printable you can hang up to remind you of the magical properties of different herbs and spices, giving you an opportunity to whip up magic while cooking.I designed this course to be a next step for magic makers to tie in knowledge This course wont cover basic magical properties of items, but it will show you how to apply what you know to your everyday life so you can begin reaping the benefits of the magic inside of you."
Price: 44.99

"Shadow Work Through Your Sun and Moon Signs"
"Astrology is a millennia old study of celestial bodies and how they affect humans. Studying astrology unlocks a map to one of the most coveted treasures out there: self-understanding. The sun and moon are two of the most commonly known facets of astrology.Master Your Personal Growth by Knowing Your Sun and Moon SignsLearn how each of the Zodiac signs affect the sun and moonDiscover what your sun and moon signs areFind out what a Void of Course Moon isUncover the reason why general horoscopes dont always seem accurate (especially with sun signs!)Discover my favorite apps for tracking the moonWork through twelve sun-oriented journal prompts, paired with coloring pages, that will help you work through your ego (the ego isnt the bad guy!)Work through twelve moon-oriented journal prompts, paired with coloring pages, that will help you further your inner workGet to know yourself on a deeper level through astrology.While every part of our universe is important and necessary, I think its safe to say that the sun is one of the most influential aspects of our solar system. Were constantly making new discoveries about space and we know that the sun isnt the largest object out there, but its what our planet is pulled towards and orbits around. Its what heats our planet and helps sustain life. This makes it have a large influence on us both physically and astrologically.A sign that fewer people are aware of, but one that is equally important to know, is your moon sign.Where your sun sign speaks of how others see you, your moon sign provides insight into how you see yourself and the parts you usually keep hidden from others. Knowing both of these signs can help you have a greater understanding of yourself.My hope for this course is that it helps you cultivate greater compassion for yourself through having a deeper understanding of why you operate the way you do."
Price: 44.99

"Drawing in Abundance"
"Abundance is all around us and knowing how to tap into that flow can radically change your life. Through meditations, worksheets, and powerful tools Ive discovered over the years, an existence of abundance is waiting for you.Learn How to Uncover Blocks, Gain Clarity, and Rise into a State of Abundance.Recognize what is holding you backLearn how to create a lasting gratitude practiceDiscover unconventional manifestation tipsLearn how to reframe your words for lasting mindset shiftsWork through powerful journaling exercises to uncover blocks - this is like a personal coaching session that you can return to again and againGain clarity about your money situationFigure out how to live the life of your dreams within your meansResolve blocks through a powerful meditationLearn how to connect to the flow state through a short, practical meditationDiscover tools to draw in abundance and bring it right into your reach so you can experience life without lack holding you back.Abundance is defined as the plentifulness of the good things of life. Abundance can refer to money, to love, to happiness, to prosperity in all forms - anything you find good in life. For many, abundance seems out of reach, like a dream that can never be attained. The purpose of this class is to give you the tools to draw in abundance and bring it right into your reach so you can experience life without lack holding you back. Together, we can work on what is holding you back from experiencing abundance in all areas of your life.Complete with meditations and worksheets, I designed this course to be as comprehensive as possible. While its comprehensive, its also to the point and contains practical, easy-to-apply suggestions and exercises. I honor your time and want you to be able to get the most value for your time.Well start out the course learning the benefits of gratitude, as well as how to create a gratitude practice thats easy to stick to. This section is followed by an in-depth look at how language is a reflection of our mindset and why that even matters. While positivity is great, this class isnt a forced or fake positivity space. Ill share some of my favorite language shifts to create lasting changes that dont feel fake or forced.Ill help you gain clarity for your financial situation as well as walk you through creating your ideal day. Well figure out how you can start living the life you want as soon as possible.Youll walk away from this course with greater clarity about your current situation, a plan for how to live the life you want starting now, and the tools to draw in abundance in all areas of your life."
Price: 44.99

"Immobilienfinanzierung Meisterklasse"
"Das Thema Finanzierung ist nicht delegierbar und muss von dir als Investor unbedingt in den Grundzgen beherrscht werden. Diese langlaufenden Vertrge sind zu wichtig und entscheiden nicht selten darber, ob du mit dem Investment berhaupt Geld verdienst. Wenn dir hier Fehler unterlaufen, kann es richtig teuer werden. Dabei ist das Thema vielfltig und hat enormes Potential. Mein Ziel und meine Motivation ist es, dir die Grundlagen einer Immobilienfinanzierung zu vermitteln, damit du Potentiale erkennen kannst, die deinen Immobilienerfolg sichern. Nach diesem Kurs bist du in der Lage, Banker und andere Dienstleister einzuschtzen, ob sie ihren Job gut machen und weit, welche Konzepte und Strategien ein erfolgreicher Immobilieninvestor bentigt.Ich freue mich sehr, wenn ich dich in diesem Kurs begren darf."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Go Programming From Scratch && Crack Golang Interviews"
"Welcome to the course: ""Learn Go Programming From Scratch && Crack Golang Interviews""This course is from a software engineer who has managed to crack interviews in around 16 software companies.Sometimes, life gives us no time to prepare, There are emergency times where in we have to buck up our guts and start bringing the situations under our control rather then being in the control of the situation. At the end of the day, All leave this earth empty handed. But given a situation, we should live up or fight up in such a way that the whole action sequence should make us proud and be giving us goosebumps when we think about it right after 10 years.This course is designed for beginners who want to learn go programming language.This course is designed for Intermediate and Experienced Developers who want to kick start learning go programming language.Be it freshers, Intermediate or Experienced Developers, anybody who is preparing for go language programming interviews can take this course.This course is a complete hands on, where in each and every go language concept is explored with coding examples. We have a lot of programs which adds up to the course explaining the concepts. The way this course is dealt is, we type each and every program literally like a fresher and solve any issue arising out of that program like an expert.Right from simple to complex issues, each and every part of the issue is explained well in detail.You can download the programs once you are part of the course. The course lives up to the expectations of the candidates who take up this course.This course will be constantly updated with programs and further sessions.As per Udemy policy you can have a refund if you feel, this course is not for you.Well, Hop in and Let's start"
Price: 19.99

"SketchUp pour la Dcoration Intrieur"
"SketchUppour ladcoration Intrieurest une formation conue pour vous plonger dans un projet d'agencement.SketchUpest sans doute la solution la plus simple et intuitive pour prsenter des projets d'interior design. De plus avec le logiciel gratuit Twilight Render SketchUp permet de raliser des visuels trs vendeurs.Votreformateur Frdric Lamy spcialis dans les mtiers de la dcorationet de l'architecture d'intrieur, vous propose de profiter de son exprience pouracqurir des rflexes ""pro"".Au programme de cetteformation :Cration d'un plan d'existant partir d'un relev de cotesInstallation de 2 extensions gratuites : Jhs PowerBar (pour dplacer facilement vos objets) et Twilight Render (rendu photoMise en page l'chelle grce LayoutModlisation du plan existanttude des revtements muraux et sol (peinture, parquet etc.)Cration d'objets (rideaux, brisesvue, luminaire, tableaux, meubles)Agencement de l'existantCration de vues et exportation pour le clientCration de coupes et exportAutocadGestion des rendus type ""dessin la main""Rendu photo ralisteTout au long de la formation les principaux raccourcis Mac et Pc sont mis en avant.Lesfichiers utiliss dans la formation sont fournis.Il est important d'avoir suivi une initiation au logiciel SketchUp afin d'tre plus l'aise avec les manipulations ralises dans ce cours."
Price: 59.99

"Enscape pour SketchUp"
"Enscape est une belle solution intgre SketchUp pour tous les utilisateurs cherchant une solution simple et trs efficace pour partager un projet ralis dans le logiciel SketchUp.Enscape s'adapte SketchUp mais galement Revit, Rhinocros et Archicad. Il intressera particulirement les architectes, les dcorateurs intrieurs, les paysagistes, les urbanistes.Au programme de ce tuto Enscape pour SketchUpDans cette formation en vido vous apprendrez installer, configurer et utiliser Enscape travers des manipulations pour naviguer dans l'espace 3D, rgler la qualit des lumires mais galement des textures.Ce cours vous permettra de dcouvrir ce plugin mais galement de raliser 2 exercices pour mettre en application les lumires artificielles et la cration d'une prsentation vido.Il est recommand de connatre les bases de SketchUp pour suivre ce cours.Attention : Enscape est uniquement disponible sous Windows.Si vous tes sur Mac, vous pouvez installer windows via Bootcamp pour suivre le cours."
Price: 34.99

"vray pour sketchup"
"Voici une formation complte ddie VRay pour SketchUp. VRay est la rfrence dans le domaine du rendu photo-raliste, il fait ses preuves avec la plupart des modeleurs 3d du march (3d Studio Max, Maya, Cinema 4D, Rhino ...)Dans cette formation vous apprendrez l'utiliser avec SketchUp qui l'intgre sous forme de barres d'outils simples utiliser.Le rendu interactif vous permettra de naviguer dans votre projet avec un aperu photo temps rel.VRay vous propose 500 textures en stock pour habiller vos volumes, de quoi disposer d'un arsenal de matriaux de base (parquet, bton, tissu, liquides). VRay pour SketchUp le est complment idal pour les cratifs cherchant un rendu proche de la ralit avec des matires.Cette formation est dispense sur Windows 10 et SketchUp 2017 et une version 3.4 de VRay.Une connaissance des bases de SketchUp est requise pour bien suivre la formation.Vous pouvez galement faire la formation sur Mac car VRay existe sur cet OS."
Price: 54.99

"LUA Programming Course: A Path to your career in LUA"
"Lua is an open source language built on top of C programming language. Lua has its value across multiple platforms ranging from large server systems to small mobile applications. This course covers various topics ranging from the basics of Lua to its scope in various applications. This course is designed for all those who are looking for a starting point to learn Lua. It has topics suitable for both beginners as well as advanced users. It is a self-contained course and you should be able to grasp the concepts easily even if you are a total beginner. However it would help if you have a basic understanding of working with a simple text editor and command line."
Price: 199.99

"Talend : ETL Data Integration Guide with Talend Open Studio"
"Talend is an open source data integration platform. It provides various software and services for data integration, data management, enterprise application integration, data quality, cloud storage and Big Data. Talend first came into the market in 2005 as the first commercial open source software vendor of data integration software. In October 2006, Talend launched its very first product Talend Open Studio which is currently known as Talend Open Studio for Data Integration. Since then, it has released a wide range of products which are used quite favorably in the market.This course helps you to learn all the topics related to Talend tool ranging from fundamentals to advanced one to data integration and big data with examples.Before proceeding with this course, you should be familiar with basic Data warehousing concepts as well as fundamentals of ETL (Extract, Transform, Load). If you are a beginner to any of these concepts, we suggest you to go through concepts based on these concepts first to gain a solid understanding of Talend."
Price: 199.99

"Efectos con Photoshop - Aprende a crear efectos fotogrficos"
"Este curso en lnea te ensear a usar Adobe Photoshop para crear proyectos prcticos del mundo real para tus fotografas e ilustraciones.Aprenders a crear desde cero, tus propios efectos especiales para mejorar tus fotografas, y llevars las fotos simples y aburridas a otro nivel.Se lo frustrante que puede ser ver a otras personas publicar magnficas imgenes y efectos especiales en la Web, y preguntarse cmo lo hicieron.Has invertido tiempo y energa en tutoriales de Photoshop en Internet? Entonces, ya sabrs que los tutoriales nunca cubren exactamente lo que necesitas. Puedes pasar horas o incluso das, tratando de encontrar el tutorial adecuado para recrear un efecto especial. Y encargarle el trabajo a otra persona puede ser muy costoso, y nunca obtendrs exactamente lo que ests buscando.Por eso cre este curso: Para ensear a personas como t, a comenzar fcilmente con Photoshop.A lo largo del curso, aprenders a realizar desde cero los siguientes proyectos:Efecto toques de color sobre una imagen que simula ser en blanco y negro (puedes ver esta leccin gratuitamente sin obligacin de compra).Efecto Nashville (filtro de Instagram muy utilizado).Efecto dramtico, potencia para tus fotos.Efecto de foto antigua.Efecto doble exposicin, muy utilizado inclusive en series televisivas.He estado utilizando Adobe Photoshop durante aos y he desarrollado un sistema que te permite aprender slo lo que necesita saber, y slo cuando lo precisas.Te divertirs mientras aprendes haciendo proyectos prcticos!Este curso te guiar a travs de diferentes proyectos para crear estos hermosos efectos de Photoshop. Sigue las clases y practica mientras aprendes!Las imgenes para llevar a cabo los proyectos las tendrs disponibles para su descarga, y facilitarn tu seguimiento de las clases y prctica.La mejor parte de un curso como este, es que no perders tiempo aprendiendo herramientas y funciones dentro de Photoshop que nunca usars. La mayora de los cursos te informarn sobre cada pequea parte del programa, lo que es desalentador para gran parte de las personas. Efectos con Photoshop - Aprende a crear efectos fotogrficos te ensear las herramientas necesarias a medida que las vayas aplicando.Ya sea que desees mejorar tus habilidades con Photoshop, o que tengas un proyecto especfico que necesites realizar ahora mismo, este curso es ideal para ti. Te guiar en cada paso del camino y siempre estar disponible para responder a cualquier mensaje, discusin, pregunta o comentario que tengas.Adems, obtendrs un certificado de finalizacin al terminar el curso!Divirtete aprendiendo a elaborar estos bellos efectos con Photoshop."
Price: 89.99

"Experto en Adobe Photoshop CC: De principiante a profesional"
"Este curso en lnea te guiar paso a paso por las diferentes herramientas y opciones de Photoshop, desde sus conceptos bsicos hasta un nivel avanzado para que te conviertas en todo un profesional de la imagen digital.Al finalizar el curso podrs manejarte con soltura y confianza con Photoshop utilizando selecciones, capas y mscaras, y sers capaz de realizar tareas fundamentales tales como transformaciones, correcciones tonales, borrado de objetos, fondos y personas, retoques, eliminacin de imperfecciones de la piel, realizacin de efectos, aplicacin de filtros, fotomontajes, etc.El abordaje utilizado en el curso es a travs de ejemplos prcticos, por lo que incluye las imgenes de ejemplo para que puedas descargarlas, seguir las clases paso a paso y realizar los trabajos prcticos.No estars solo, yo estar para ayudarte y para responder tus dudas.Por tratarse de un curso de Photoshop online, podrs acceder a l desde cualquier dispositivo (pc, Mac, tablet, celular, TV, etc.) con conexin a Internet... donde y cuando te resulte ms cmodo.Importante: Si ya has tomado mis cursos ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Edicin de imgenes digitales"", ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Retoques y manipulaciones"" y ""Adobe Photoshop CC - Esencial: Colores, luces y sombras"", no necesitars tomar este curso pues est conformado por el contenido de esos 3 cursos ms una seccin extra de modos de fusin de capas."
Price: 199.99

"Leap bridge : AASHTO LRFD Bridge modeling & design Examples"
"This course will work on the practical examples of design bridges by the Leap bridge program, this course came after the fundamentals course of bridge loading and modeling Fundamentals of Bridge Design: Concept , modeling and design which explained the main types of loads and how loads are transferred from the till the foundations.This course is presenting how to design bridge by the design software of Leap bridge in specific and easy steps, here is the following steps:1- bridge information.2- bridge layout.3- design of super structure.4- design of sub structure.5- creating calculation reports .6- creating quantities reports.7- create drawings.8- simulation of construction.After finishing this course you will be able to model bridge from start to end and check all bridge elements and apply different types of loading DL, LL, WL ,EQ , CE and how to manage Load combinations between all loads.You can simulate the construction sequences in order to check the project status at any time.You will be able to create customized calculation report by your company will be able to calculate quantities for all structural elements and can produce drawings from the same model of bridge.*** course lectures will be added and updated each week."
Price: 24.99

"Withholding Tax (TDS) on Payments to Non-resident"
"This course analyses the relevant withholding tax provisions and procedures which would assist CA's and Industry expert in withholding tax compliance and certification.Section 195 - Payment covered u/s 195 - Interest payments to non-resident and Any other Sum Chargeable to tax (Other than salary)2. Payments to non-resident not covered under section 1953. Payments to non residents taxable on gross basis4. Payments to non residents taxable on net basis5. Person responsible to withhold tax on payments to non-resident6. Who is liable to withhold tax u/s 195 ?7. Liability of resident to withhold tax u/s 195 ?8. Liability of resident to withhold tax u/s 195 - Royalty/ FTS9. Liability of non-resident to withhold tax u/s 195 - Royalty/ FTS10. Time of deduction of withholding tax u/s 19511. Rate of deduction of withholding tax for payment to non-resident12. Selection of withholding tax rate depends on existence of DTAA13.Higher Withholding tax rate on non-furnishing of pan by Non-resident - Section 206AA14. Non-applicability of section 206AA on payments to non-resident Rule 37BC15.Non-applicability of section 206AA on interest payment16.When section 206AA is applicable ?17. Whether surcharge and Cess would be levied on withholding tax rates ?18. Determination of WHT AO Certificate19. Certificate u/s Section 195(2) applied by payor20. Certificate of Nil withholding tax u/s SECTION 195(3) applied by NR payee21. Certificate for deduction of tax at a lower rate - Section 197 applied by NR payee22. Validity period of certificate for non deduction of WHT Section 195(4)23. Format of Lower withholding tax certificate given by AO24. Reporting of foreign remittance in Form 15CA and Form 15CB Section 195(6)25. Refund of TDS u/s 195 to the payer26. Process of claiming refund of TDS u/s 19527. FORM 15CB AND FORM 15CA - Relation28. Who can issue form 15CB ?29. Documents to be examined by Chartered Accountant for issuing form 15CB30. Sample copy of form 10F31. Whether to apply DTAA rate or rate of Income tax act ?32. Payments to non-resident for which no form 15CA / Form 15CB to be filed33. Negative list of payment for which no form 15CA / 15CB required34. When to file Form 15CB ?35. How to fill form 15CB ?36. Reporting under Form 15CA37. Step-by-step procedure to fill form Part C of form 15CA38. Liability to withhold tax u/s 195 ?39. Withholding tax rates under Income tax act for payments to non-resident40. Due date for payment of TDS deducted from payment to non-resident41. Step-by-step procedure to file form 15CB42.Step-by-step procedure to Prepare and submit form 15CA online43. Revision / withdrawal of Form 15CA / 15CB in case of error"
Price: 1280.00

"Mastering English Punctuation"
"We all know how much time writers spend everyday to write English well.Lots of writers forget using correct English punctuation.For that reason,their message may have never been perceived well.Anyone needs to know how to punctuate well.It's crucial to know how to use English punctuation with rules,and examples to follow. I've made this course to help you understand the usage of the following:Capital letters Full stop (period.) ELLIPSES ...Hyphens - Parentheses ()Commas ,EM Dash --Quotation Mark """" Exclamation Mark ! Semicolon ; Colons :Apostrophe 'Question mark ?And of course there are some bonus videos after you finish the course."
Price: 44.99

"Talk Like An Egyptian"
"Since I am a native Egyptian speaker(from Egypt), I've made this short course to help you communicate with Egyptians in the streets, and in common places; I'm also going to help you read the Arabic alphabets and make simple words and phrases. One of the advantages of learning Egyptian Arabic is that you will be understood while talking to any Arabic person in Egypt or anywhere in the world. Arabs understand Egyptian Arabic. I use English letters to help you understand our Arabic while speaking."
Price: 44.99

"How to build your first Wordpress Blog"
"Learn how to build a blog using Wordpress and host it for free. In this course you will learn how to set up a free Wordpress account, choose a wordpress Theme and customize it. You will learn how to :Create the site Logo using Adobe Ilustrator Set up the site identityUpload photosChange fontsCreate menusLink your blog to social mediaInsert tags and categoriesCreate an About us pageWrite a post using Wordpress BlocksCreate Tags and CategoriesWork with Widgets"
Price: 19.99

"Um despertar da Misso de Alma."
"Este curso ir abordar a temtica de carreira a partir de sua busca pela vocao, Misso de Alma. Seja voc estudante a optar pela sua rea de carreira ou profissional em fase de transio. O objetivo trazer insights para a sua Jornada rumo ao ser interno, trazendo temas como autoconhecimento, autocuidado, autorresponsabilidade bem como desafios a serem enfrentados ao longo da caminhada como medos, incertezas e necessidade de aprovao. Instrutora: ANA VALRIA WILGESCoach de Vida e Carreira certificada pela SBC como Personal & Professional, Graduada em Comunicao Social, Ps Graduada (MBA) em Marketing e Certificada como Analista de Inteligncia Emocional HRT-iE pela Ativar Pessoas/Projetos. Utiliza a Astrologia como ferramenta de auto-conhecimento. Palestrante, Facilitadora de Treinamentos de Desenvolvimento Humano e Escritora. Recentemente lanou o seu 1 ebook Vocao, Chamado da Alma. Aqui no Portal da Udemy, tambm Instrutora do Curso Mudar de Carreira. Por onde comear.Contedo do curso Vdeo-aulasTextos para reforar o contedo apresentado em vdeoExerccio prticoDicas de vdeo e leitura para inspirar a sua busca por si mesmo nesta transio de carreiraAcesso ao curso por tempo indeterminadoO curso est estruturado em 4 sees:1. Jornada rumo ao despertar.2. Conectando com a sua verdade.3. Sobre sentir e inspirar.4. Fortalea sua alma."" provvel que nada ajude mais uma pessoa a resolver ou suportar os problemas do que a conscincia de ter uma Misso na Vida."" Viktor Frankl * A imagem da Capa do Curso da Free-Photos por Pixabay."
Price: 129.99