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"Informtica do Zero - O Curso Completo"
"Como Aprender Informtica de Forma Completa para o Mercado de Trabalho e Dia-a-Dia em Pouco Tempo?Se Esse o Seu Problema, quero te dizer que Voc acabou de Encontrar a Soluo!Existe muito contedo na internet sobre informtica, vrios tutoriais, vrios treinamentos, mas a verdade que so poucos que realmente iro te ensinar TUDO em apenas um Pacote de Treinamento.As informaes esto espalhadas, embaralhadas, e eu tenho que concordar, chega d um desnimo s de pensar em comear a aprender sobre informtica.Mas o seguinte, tenho algo que literalmente vai poupar seu tempo, dinheiro e pacincia.Eu separei um material exclusivo e completo com exatamente tudo o que voc precisa aprender de informtica para usar no Mercado de Trabalho e no seu dia-a-dia.Vou te preparar para qualquer situao!Literalmente o contedo que voc est prestes a ter acesso Completo.Alm do Pacote Office, Windows e outras ferramentas comuns, eu falo sobre Libre Office, Google Suite, Linux, e muito mais.Benefcios Exclusivos!Ento, eis o momento de virada na sua jornada de aprendizagem, adquirindo o treinamento exatamente agora voc ir ter acesso uma srie de benefcios exclusivos, alm de se juntar a mais de 2 milhes de alunos aqui na Udemy.Veja a srie de benefcios:Certificado de Concluso para colocar no currculo, comprovar carga horria e provar que voc est capacitado para lidar com a informtica.Suporte 24/7 da equipe e instrutor do treinamento.Atualizaes do curso.Mdulos Exclusivos com Contedo Extra.Sesso de Tira Dvidas em Vdeo.Caso Voc Realmente Queira, Ainda Hoje, adquirir o treinamento mais completo da Internet sobre Informtica, e ainda receber uma srie de benefcios exclusivos, bem simples...Basta Clicar no Boto de Matrcula ao lado e fazer parte aos milhares de alunos aqui na Udemy!"
Price: 579.99

"Pginas de Vendas com Elementor Wordpress - O Curso Completo"
"Como criar pginas de vendas que realmente convertem sem ser um programador?Bom, bem simples e eu vou te contar como.Em 2019 com o crescimento do Marketing Digital, o surgimento de novas ferramentas que facilitem a vida do usurio se tornou mais frequente.E exatamente agora, eu vou te mostrar como voc vai criar uma pgina de vendas do zero, mesmo no sabendo nada de webdesign ou programao.So passos simples que qualquer pessoa pode aprender e aplicar.A ferramenta se chama Elementor.O Elementor um plugin do Wordpress que serve para criar pginas, sites e etc, sem precisar digitar uma linha de cdigo.Apenas o arrastar e soltar!Vrios profissionais do marketing digital utilizam essa ferramenta, aprend-la tambm muito simples, porm existe muito contedo disperso e isso vai atrapalha voc no momento da busca de informaes.Pensando nisso, eu e minha equipe separamos todo o passo a passo para usar o Elementor, alm de hacks para poupar tempo e dinheiro quando for escolher um domnio e servio de hospedagem caso ainda no possua.O Curso dividido em 3 fases:A fase terica onde voc ir aprender alguns conceitos importantes e dicas para poupar tempo e dinheiro.A fase prtica onde eu vou te mostrar todo o passo a passo para criar uma pgina que realmente converte pegando praticamente na sua mo.A fase final, onde irei te ensinar alguns conceitos e prticas finais de criao.Ainda tem mais...No final do curso eu vou te entregar um Presente!Um contedo 100% aplicvel de Copywriting para voc montar as suas copys e estruturar o seu projeto e pginas de vendas.Se matriculando hoje voc ir ter acesso benefcios exclusivos:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e material disponibilizado.Mini-Curso de Copywriting AplicvelContedo do Curso de Criao de Pginas de VendasMaterial de Apoio com Swipe Files de Copy + Presentes ExclusivosSuporte 24/7 do Instrutor e Equipe do TreinamentoAtualizaes do Curso de forma VitalciaCaso voc realmente esteja interessado em ir para o prximo nvel no marketing digital, e criar pginas de vendas que realmente convertem, alm de ter acesso a todos os bnus exclusivos ainda hoje, basta fazer uma nica coisa!CLICAR NO BOTO DE MATRCULA!Se juntar a mais de 2 milhes de alunos aqui na Udemy no tem preo!"
Price: 204.99

"Windows 10 do Bsico ao Avanado - O Curso Completo"
"Voc sabia que grande parte das empresas utilizam o Windows 10? Isso mesmo, o nmero de profissionais devidamente aptos usar o Sistema ainda muito pouco. Veja s, irei lhe fazer uma pergunta e dependendo da sua resposta irei lhe ajudar. Em quais dos nveis voc acha que est?  Sei pouco sobre o Windows 10Sei o suficiente para o que eu faoNo sei nada e quero aprender como usarCreio que se encaixou em uma das trs, mas como prometido irei lhe ajudar de qualquer forma Atingir a Sua META de aprender o Windows 10!Eu separei um material exclusivo com contedos prticos que realmente lhe sero teis no dia-a-dia, seja no trabalho ou no.Ento no perca tempo e venha se juntar milhares de alunos aqui na Udemy.E s avisando a voc, no sei at quando as matrculas iro ficar disponveis, mas em breve sero fechadas...Mas calma que no acabou ainda no, comprando hoje voc ter benefcios exclusivos:Acesso vitalcio ao curso e todas as suas atualizaesMeu suporte personalizado e respostas as suas dvidasCertificado de concluso E porque esperar? Lembre-se, aquele que investe tempo em conhecimento o ser humano mais sbio!"
Price: 114.99

"Copywriting do Bsico ao Avanado - O Curso Completo"
"Como aprender Copywriting e alavancar as vendas com a Arte de Escrever de forma Prtica e Replicvel!Se Voc procura por isso, tenho certeza que posso te ajudar!Vou ser bem direto, no irei tentar lhe persuadir para se matricular neste curso, voc sabe que precisa aprender, sabe que precisa colocar em prtica, sabe que precisa de resultados.E eu estou disposto a te ajudar, te ajudar a conseguir o que busca aprendendo copywriting, e tambm em seu projeto, em projetos de terceiros, no importa onde, o que importa que voc vai vender qualquer coisa, em qualquer lugar.Eu separei um contedo onde vou te ensinar a sair do zero, e comear a esboar seus resultados com a Arte do Copywriting.Mesmo que voc seja iniciante, isso realmente no importa, basta fora de vontade, tendo isso voc tira de letra todo o processo e faz valer o meu tempo investindo em voc.Isso mesmo, eu estou investindo em voc!Adquirindo agora esse treinamento, voc ir ter acesso uma srie de benefcios, alm de algo muito especial, algo novo, que talvez mude seu game, pode ter certeza, Muito Valor a Custo ZERO!Veja os benefcios logo abaixo:Acesso s atualizaes que iro ocorrer durante o treinamento devido a testes feitos pelo instrutor, testes esses que sero desmontados para voc, voc vai aprender a ter resultados com quem tem resultado.Suporte 24/7 da Equipe e Instrutor.Acesso Vitalcio ao curso e Atualizaes.Tira Dvidas Exclusivo para Membros.Pacote de Material Exclusivo para Estudo.Como te falei no quero te influenciar a comprar, voc sabe o que precisa fazer, e eu quero te ajudar, acho que deixei bem claro nas linhas acima.Se voc realmente quer ter resultados e aprender a essncia dessa arte, basta clicar no boto logo ao lado de Matrcula e se Juntar a mais de 2 Milhes de Alunos aqui na Udemy.Pular para o Prximo Nvel quando o assunto Resultados com Copywriting custa menos do que Voc Pensa!"
Price: 579.99

"Laravel ile n Muhasebe ve Finans Uygulamas"
"PHP Frameworku olanLARAVELprogramlamaybu kurs ierisinde bulabilirsiniz.LARAVEL ile sfrdan kurulum yapp gnmzde ska kullanlan Finans ve n Muhasebe zerine script gelitiriyoruz.Script ierisinde fatura oluturma , mteri oluturma , deme ve Tahsilat gibi birok ileme deiniyoruz.LARAVEL zerinde ska kullanlan baz paketleri yklyoruz ve kullanyoruz.LARAVEL ile datatable kullanm yapyoruz.Kendimize gre kolay ve heryerde kullanabileceimiz resim ykleme snf (LARAVEL intervention) yazyoruz.LARAVEL zerine neredeyse tm ilemleri uyguladmz kursa sizde katlmak istemezmisiniz ?"
Price: 409.99

"PHP Laravel ile Kullanc Sistemi ve Soru Cevap Uygulamas"
"PHP Frameworku olanLARAVELprogramlamaybu kurs ierisinde bulabilirsiniz.LARAVEL ile sfrdan kurulum yapp gnmzde ska kullanlan Soru Cevap zerine script gelitiriyoruz.Script ierisinde Soru sorma , cevap yazma , yorumlar dzenleme , kategoriler , kullanc etkileimi gibi birok ileme deiniyoruz.LARAVEL zerinde ska kullanlan baz paketleri yklyoruz ve kullanyoruz.Kendimize gre kolay ve heryerde kullanabileceimiz resim ykleme snf (LARAVEL intervention) yazyoruz.LARAVEL zerine neredeyse tm ilemleri uyguladmz kursa sizde katlmak istemezmisiniz ?"
Price: 409.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviyeye MySQL Eitim Seti"
"Her Projede muhakkak veritabanna ihtiya vardr.Veritaban Verileri depoladmz yerlerdir.Mysql de bu veritabanlarndan bir tanesidir ve Sql ile yazm yaplr.Bizde bu kurs ierisinde veritaban kullanmna ilikin bilgileri inceliyeceiz.Yine Bu kurs ierisinde sfrdan veritaban oluturarak birok farkl yntemleri uygulamal olarak sizlere anlatacam.Ska karlalan ve zorlanlan konularn aslnda ne kadar basit olduunu bu kurs sayesinde sizlerde reneceksiniz."
Price: 409.99

"PHP MVC ile SOCKET IO Kullanm ve Gerek Zamanl Projeler"
"Sfrdan Autoload , Template Engine , ORM , Middleware ,Rotasyon gibi birok konular ele alarak oluturduumuz MVC yaps ile alt yapmz hazrlyoruz.Projemize SocketIO kurulumunu gerekletiriyoruz ve websocket zerinden node js ve socket kullanarak Gerek Zamanl ( REAL TIME) uygulamalar yapyoruz.rnekleri inceledikten sonra Kullanclan birbiri ile zel ve anlk olarak chat yapmalarn ve bildirim gndermelerini salyoruz.Kurs ierisinde Omegle , Tinder gibi kullanc elemesinin olduu yapnn nasl yaplabileceini uygulamalamal bir ekilde gsteriyoruz."
Price: 399.99

"Laravel ile oklu Dil Destekli CMS Yapm"
"PHP Frameworku olanLARAVELprogramlamaybu kurs ierisinde bulabilirsiniz.LARAVEL ile sfrdan kurulum yapp gnmzde ska kullanlan erik Ynetim Sistemleri ( CMS) zerine script gelitiriyoruz.Script ierisinde Kurumsal bir sitenin sahip olmas gereken tm zellikleri ynetim panelinden hazrlyoruz.Bu hazrlklarmz oklu dil yapsna uygun olarak oluturuyoruz.LARAVEL zerinde ska kullanlan baz paketleri yklyoruz ve kullanyoruz.Kendimize gre kolay ve heryerde kullanabileceimiz resim ykleme snf (LARAVEL intervention) yazyoruz.nternetten elde ettiimiz Websitemizin n yz temasn ynetim panelimize sfrdan balayarak entegre ediyoruz.LARAVEL zerine neredeyse tm ilemleri uyguladmz kursa sizde katlmak istemez misiniz ?"
Price: 409.99

"Criao de Arte para Games e Apps"
"Nesse Curso demonstro e explico o processo de criao de um Sprite (uma ilustrao para jogo) em 3 estilos diferentes: Cell-Shaded/Visual de Vetor: um estilo que d nfase nas linhas, cores e sombreamento chapado. HD / Visual de Pintura: quele visual de pintura (painterly) muito utilizado em jogos da Blizzard, Valve e Ilustraes Digitais. Pixel-Art: o mtodo mais antigo e tradicional de criao de Sprites que voltou com fora total nos jogos da Appstore / Google Play Store. Tambm apresento uma ferramenta inovadora para animao 2D: a Spine da Esoteric Software. Ensino o workflow bsico e fao um loop de animao para mostrar como esse sistema de movimento por Bones (ossos) funciona na prtica. Alm do passo-a-passo na criao dos Sprites, sempre que um novo conceito ou idia abordada (Teoria de Cores, por exemplo), fao uma demonstrao de como aplicar a teoria. Enfim. Compilei em um workshop direto-ao-ponto o que sei sobre criao de arte para games. Do Rascunho Animao, usando uma linguagem simples e sem foco algum em software especfico. E claro. Tudo isso em Portugus. Do Brasil. :) Se voc j desenha ou pinta no computador esse Curso vai servir como uma excelente referncia de como a produo de arte pra games feita hoje em dia. E se voc est comeando a se interessar pela rea s agora ou um Desenvolvedor que precisa conhecer todas etapas no processo de criao, esse Curso vai ser til da mesma forma. Espero -realmente- que gostem do curso. Acompanhe os vdeos. Replique as idias e Faa seus prprios Sprites... ""Conhecimento s cristaliza com Prtica."" Vamos l ? - Dado"
Price: 579.99

"Logic Pro X: Produo Musical e Gravao de Msicas"
"Este curso til tanto para usurios iniciantes quanto usurios experientes que querem conhecer o Logic Pro X e/ou aprender sobre pr-produo, produo musical, gravao, mixagem e masterizao. Os conceitos de gravao servem para qualquer programa como ProTools, Ableton, etc. Os melhores recursos do Logic Pro X so explorados - sua gama de instrumentos, plugins internos e externos."
Price: 69.99

"Learning to use the Arduino IoT Cloud to build IoT Projects"
"In this course you will learn about the NEW Arduino IoT Cloud Platform that allows you to easily build Internet of Things (IoT) applications and projects that connect to the Cloud. Go from Zero to Hero and learn how to quickly build secure Internet of Things (IoT) apps and dashboards using Arduino that connect to the Cloud.What you will LearnIn this course, you will learn:A basic understanding of what is the Internet of ThingsIoT TerminologyWhat is the Arduino IoT Cloud PlatformHow to setup your Arduino MKR boards to connect to the Arduino IoT CloudHow to use the Arduino Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud Platform to build IoT apps with minimal codeHow to build dashboards to monitor your Internet of Things (IoT) projects , peripherals and sensorsHow to incorporate Webhooks in your Internet of Things (IoT)  ApplicationsHow to use the If This Then That (IFTTT) to integrate services into your IoT ApplicationsHow to use Arduino MKR Boards to prototype Internet of Things (IoT)  ProjectsSecurely connecting your Internet of Things (IoT) device to the CloudThe ins and outs of the Arduino Web EditorWhat you will BuildWe will start with basics by building simple Internet of Things (IoT)  Cloud projects such as:Controlling an LED from the CloudTaking Analog ReadingsDetecting events from IoT devices like a button push in the CloudWe will progress to advanced projects such as:Creating a motion sensor alarm circuit that calls your cell phone when motion is detectedCreating a self-regulating temperature controlled systemYou will also learn how to build Internet of Things (IoT) dashboards with little to no code to monitor your Things and Properties from the Cloud!Who this course is for:StudentsInternet of Things (IoT)  HobbyistsElectronics HobbyistsElectrical EngineersMakersTinkerersWhat previous knowledge should I have:A basic understanding of ArduinoA basic understanding of Programming (C preferred)Be willing to learnWhy is the Arduino Internet of Things (IoT) Cloud Platform important?We all know and love Arduino Platform for tinkering and building prototypes. But when it comes to building IoT projects that connect to the internet, using Arduino by itself gets messy.Here are some of the challenges with Building IoT Apps with simple flavors of Arduino Boards :You need to use an Arduino board that has Wifi built-in or use additional modules like the ESP8266 or ESP32 to enable internet connectivityYou have to worry about how to secure connections to the internet from IoT devices to prevent hackers from intercepting your IoT dataConnecting to the Cloud is also challenging as you have to write custom code to handle integrationsBuilding Dashboards to monitor and control your IoT apps requires writing additional custom code and programming and this can get messy very quicklyThe Arduino IoT Cloud was created to solve these issues.The Arduino IoT Cloud allows you to:Easily, Securely and Seamlessly build Arduino Internet of Things (IoT) projects that connect directly with the CloudQuickly allow Arduino MKR Boards to connect securely connect to the CloudCreate WebHooks to easily connect backend APIs and Services to your Internet of Things (IoT) ProjectsMonitor your projects in real-time by creating dashboards and widget with a few mouse clicksJoin the Arduino IoT Cloud Bootcamp Course today and learn to build Arduino Internet of Things (IoT)  apps that connect to the Cloud the easy way!Check out the free preview lectures and I will see you in the course!"
Price: 99.99

": AI"
"RNNLSTMPythonword2vecRNNSeq2SeqAIbotNatural Language ProcessingNLPPython word2vec RNN RNNLSTM RNNLSTM Seq2Seq Python"
Price: 15000.00

"1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6."
Price: 10200.00

"PHP 7 ile Sfrdan MVC Proje Oluturma PDO MySQL Uygulamal"
"Merhaba Sevgili renci;Bu kursa kim, neden kayt olmal sorularn ve giri derslerini kursun giri videolarnda cretsiz olarak paylatm. Mutlaka bu cretsiz dersleri izlemeni neriyorum.Kaptan Garantisirencilerim bana genelde Kaptan Der;Bugne kadar Udemy ve Youtube zerinde on binlerce rencim oldu. Tanynca seninde eitimlerimi seveceinden hi phem yok. Eer Sabr, Dikkat ve Merak lsn sen garanti ediyorsan bende sana bu eitimde Uygulamal olarak retmeyi garanti ediyorum.Kurs erisinde Yer Alan Balca Blmler ve Derslerrencilerimin ProjeleriKurslarma kaytl rencilerimin rendikleriyle yaptklar projeleri grmek istersen internet sitemde rencilerim/Projeleri menlerini izleyebilirsin. Sadece ders anlatan biri deil reten bir eitmenim ve sizde retmek iin sabrszlanyorum.PHP MVC Yapsn OluturmaProje Kk Dizin Yapsnn OluturulmasKlasr Yapsnn Oluturulmas.htaccess Ayarlar ve Get Deerlerini AlmaRoute iin Path ve Method TespitiRoute Oluturma ve GET/POST Methodu Yakalama FonksiyonlarRoute Elemanlarn Ayrma ve Deikenlere AktarmaRoute Modl ve Method Dorulama KontrolAnasayfa Tespiti ve alacak Modl ve Methodlarn BelirlenmesiDorulanm Route Modlnn altrlmas ve Sayfann arlmasController Dosyas Varlk Kontrol ve Dahil EtmeController Snfn Oluturma ve Varlk KontrolMethod Oluturma ve Varlk KontrolMethodun altrlmas ve Parametrelerin GnderimiGeici Route 404 Bilgilendirmesi Oluturma.MainController ve MainView Dosyalarn Aktif EtmeLayout Yapsn Oluturmazel Css Dosyalar ile almakzel JS Dosyalar ile almakResim Dosyalar ile almakMVC Yapmza Bootstrap'i Dahil EtmekModl inde Yeni Bir Sayfa OluturmaSayfalara Giri Kontrol Gvenlii SalamaForm POST Gnderimi ve YakalamaPDO Veritaban lemleri Snfmz Projeye Dahil Etme ve Balant AyarlarModel Dosyalarn Oluturma ve read() Methodu le lk Veri ekme lemiParametre Gndererek Veri ekmeMVC Klasr Yapmz Temizleme ve Projeye Hazr Hale GetirmeOOP ile Gelitirdiimiz Ynetim Panelini MVC ile YazyoruzKodlayacamz Admin Paneli nceleme ve HazrlamaYnetim Paneli in Yeni Bir Modl Oluturma lemleriYnetim Paneli Layout Tasarm Yapsn OluturmaLogin Sayfasnn Oluturulmas ve Tasarm lemleriAdminsLogin() Methodu Kullanm ve Kullanc Giri Kontrol ilemleriGvenli Sayfalar Aktif Etme ve Logout k Modl lemleriBeni Hatrla zelliinin Aktif Edilmesi ve KontrolleriVeritaban lemleri Hata/Sonu Gsterim Fonksiyon lemleriYnetim Paneli Admin Bilgilerini ekme ve Tasarmsal DzenlemelerAyarlar Sayfasn Oluturma ve Tablo TasarmAyarlar Ayar Tipine Gre ListelemeAyar Dzenleme Form Tasarm ve Ayarlar ekmeAyar Dzenleme Formu Eleman Tiplerini AyarlamaAyar Formu POST lemleri ve Dzenleme KaydYneticiler Sayfasn Oluturma ve Listeleme lemleriYneticiler Sayfasnda Sortable Sralama AJAX lemleriYneticiler Sayfasnda Sortable Sralama UPDATE lemleriYnetici Dzenleme Form Tasarm Ynetici Dzenleme UPDATE lemleriYnetici Silme DELETE lemleriYnetici Ekleme INSERT lemleriSlider ListelemeSlider Ekleme INSERT lemleriSlider Silme DELETE lemleriSlider Sortable Sralama lemleriBlog ListelemeBlog Ekleme INSERT lemleriBlog Dzenleme UPDATE lemleriBlog Silme DELETE lemleriBlog Sortable Sralama lemleriSeri ekilde Kurumsal Sayfalar Listeleme, Ekleme, Dzenleme ve SralamaSortable Sralama Cursor aretini AyarlamaMVC ile Gelitirdiimiz Ynetim Paneline rnek Tema EntegrasyonuGiydirilecek Template nceleme - Ek'te Template Dosyalar Mevcut ndirinTema Paralama ve Layout EntegrasyonuAyarlarn Site Geneline EntegrasyonuINC modl oluturma Slider lemleriBloglarn Anasayfada ListelenmesiBlog Modl ve Harici Blog Listeleme SayfasBlog Detay Sayfas OluturmaKurumsal Sayfalar Listeleme"
Price: 49.99

"Implementando APIs com Apigee + Node.js + Docker + Heroku"
"Vamos implementar 4 microsservios, que so as nossas 4 APIs, continuando o que foi feito no curso ""Aprenda a Criar Especificaes de APIs com Swagger e OpenAPI"". Esse o segundo curso da srie que estamos construindo sobre Planejamento, Construo e Gerenciamento de APIs, para que alunos possam migrar sua carreira para Desenvolvedores de APIs usando as tcnicas e tecnologias mais recentes no mercado. Tudo que remete a conhecimentos para implementar, testar, expor e fazer deploy em cloud de APIs os alunos aprendero nesse curso. No um curso sobre linguagem de programao, frameworks ou sobre ferramentas, mas tudo que necessrio para alcanar a nossa meta, vai ser explicado e demonstrado nas aulas. Neste curso hands on, os alunos aprendero: Os conceitos de Gerenciamento de APIsOs conceitos da arquitetura de MicrosserviosUtilizar a ferramenta de gerenciamento de APIs ApigeePlanejar a implementao de APIsImplementar APIs usando a especificao OpenAPICriar variveis, colees e testes automatizados de APIs no PostmanCriar microsservios em containers usando DockerImplementar APIs usando Node JS + Framework Express + MongooseFazer deploy de APIs na PaaS Heroku, usando containersFazer exposio e segurana de APIs usando o Apigee um curso totalmente prtico para que no fim, vocs realmente possam ter resultados profissionais e financeiros positivos no uso das tcnicas e tecnologias aqui aprendidas."
Price: 249.99

"Forex Trading Strategy Part 2 - Advanced ALM-TCS Progression"
"What do you need to be a profitable trader?Support and Resistance, Trend lines, Moving Average, Fibonacci retracements, Bollinger Bands, MACD, Parabolic SAR,Stochastic Oscillator, RSI, Ichimoku, Heikin Ashi... what if I told you that you don't need any ofthem and that you can be a profitable trader with a simple system based on a mathematical concept?Welcome toForex Trading Strategy Part 2 - Advanced ALM-TCS Progression.This is the second part of the bestseller course that introduces the ALM system: ""Forex Trading Strategy: A Complete System with Live Examples"".I'm very proud of the results of the first part:- More than 3,000 students enrolled;- Bestseller in Financial Trading and Forex;- More than 90% of 5-star reviews;In addition, what makes me really proud, is to see many students already applying the system to make money trading the Forex market.My promise for this course is that you will take the system to the next level, applying a well-detailed risk model that will allow you to maximize your chances to beat the market even in periods in which the system is not performing at the best.You will study the mathematical model of progressions and see how we can turn a simple trade into a series of more trades, in order to take advantage of the long period edge and maximize our chances to win the trade. You will learn to master two risk management models, one in Excel and one with a fantastic software that a developer has built for this course.You will have one of the most detailed live trading sections you have ever seen! I went the extra mile for this course and I recorded entire trading weeks with the system (don't worry Iedited the videos, so they will be 20-30 minutes each!).The most important thing is that, by the end of this course, you will be ready to apply the system successfully.What else in this course?You will learn from my11+ years of experience.You haveunlimited lifetime access at no extra costs.You can join ourfacebook groupand share your opinion with the instructor and thousands of other students. This is a huge opportunity to accelerate your learning curve!New lectures will be addedto the course constantly at no extra cost to you!You can always ask for help, my support is well known in Udemy.30-day money back guaranteeno questions asked.I really put 100% of myself in this course. I developed the risk model studying for 9 months with a math professor until I was completely satisfied by the results. Ipaid for expert programmers and mathematicians to prepare top quality material that you can download for free in the course. Itested the system with past charts and also took some time to test it with a real money live trading account that I have created only to verify the results for the current market conditions.I hope you will like the course and see you at the top :)"
Price: 199.99

Price: 199.99

"Angielski w biegu B1. Swka angielskie w 5 minut dziennie."
"Zwiksz swoj swobod komunikacji, skuteczno przekazu i pewno siebie poprzez zwikszenie zakresu i poprawnoci Twojego sownictwa angielskiego!W kadej z omiu lekcji poznasz jeden obszar tematyczny sownictwa. Nauczysz si 7 nowych angielskich swek, zazwyczaj dorzucam jeszcze kilka swek bonusowych :). A to wszystko w 5 minut! Obszary tematyczne:1. Wygld. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: wsy, ysina, wochata klata.2. Charakter. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: rzetelny, wraliwy, hojny.3. Ubrania. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: wena, jedwab, luny fason.4. Jedzenie: potrawy. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: woowina, wieprzowina, kalafior.5. Jedzenie: smaki. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: kwane, pikantne, mde.6. Zdrowie. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: katar, grypa, pryszcze.7. Czynnoci. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: kicha, kasa, rzyga.8. Media. Nowe swka to midzy innymi: tygodnik, krzywka, ploteczki o gwiazdach."
Price: 69.99

"Build Cross Platform Apps with Xamarin Forms and Azure"
"Welcome to the Real World App Development course with Xamarin Forms .I'mAsfend Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) as well as the FirstXamarin University Most Valuable Professionalat Udemyand in this course I'll explain you every single aspect of Microsoft Azure Mobile App with Xamarin Forms. Along with the Azure Mobile App we''ll create a Notes Application for IOS and Android Platforms viaXamarinForms. This courses teaches you how to code using Xamarin FormsandbuildbeautifulAndroid and iOSapps by using Xamarin Forms and Azure Mobile AppService.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I'malways happyto answer student questions.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:How to build a Azure Mobile App inside the VisualStudio.Implement GET , POST , PATCH , DELETE in Azure Mobile App.Deploy Azure Mobile App to Microsoft Azure Portal.Integrate Azure SDK in XamarinForms.Create a Complete Cross Platform Application in Xamarin Forms From Scratch to End (No Copy paste code I'll explain you each and every single line of code so that you cancreate a complete Project in Xamarin Forms happily)How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.Implement Online - Offline Synchronization in XamarinForms Application... Remember...After this course you'll get all the Xamarin Forms Application Source Code and along with this I'll also share a Complete Backend Code for the Azure Mobile App Service with you. In this course I've used my personal Azure Account and I'll not give the access to the Azure Account. However if you want to test the api's then you'll need your own Microsoft Azure Account. Also inside this course I'll show you how you can publish your web api's to Microsoft Azure and preview your data inside Microsoft Azure.I'm so confident that you'll love this course thatwe're offering a FULL money back guarantee for30 days! So it's completely risk free, sign up today with ZEROrisk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for?Click the buy now button and join the world's First XamarinForms and Azure Mobile App Service Course."
Price: 199.99

"Asp.Net Core : The Complete Guide To Build RESTful Api's"
"Welcome to the Complete Rest Api's course with Asp.Net Core and C#.Are you tired of boringoutdated and incomplete courses , then let's dive in to this course.Well I'mAsfend Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) as well as the FirstXamarin University Most Valuable Professionalat Udemyand in this course I'll explain you every single aspect of rest ful web api's with core and c#. Yeah I know there're lot of courses over internet but there's never a single guide that teaches you how to create a complete web api's in core. And the purpose of this course is to train you to build your own Restful web api's in core.The main focus of this course is on theRestful Web Api via Asp.NET Core andC#. So if you're familiar with C# , Asp.Net and Entity Framework Or if you want to create the Restful web api's inAsp.Netthen this is the right course for you.If you don't have any idea about Rest Api then don't worry because in this course we'll cover all the Rest Api concepts.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I'malways happyto make the helpful content for the students.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:How to create a Rest Api via Entity Framework Code First Approach with all the advanced functions.Implement Status CodesAdding Migrations inWeb Api'sAdding Content Negotiation Implement Validation in Web Api'sHow to add the Routing and Custom MethodsImplement Sorting , Paging & SearchingImplement Authentication and Authorization and secure your Api with JWTSetup Auth0Adding Caching inside the Rest Api'sCreate SQL Database on Microsoft AzureDeploy Web ApionMicrosoft AzureCreate A Real World Coffee Shop Api From Scratch to End (No Copy paste code I'll explain you each and every single line of code so that you cancreate a complete Real World Apis in Asp.Net Core happily)Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos courses. Or instructors whoyou can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Yourtime is precious. In this course you'll get a bestinstructorswith carefully crafted content, beautiful outline and proper structured materialand learning by doing.I'll explain you each and every single line of code.I've been in your shoes and every time copy and paste is not a solution and that's why I've tried to create everything in front of you so that you can learn how to solve the errors. We'll learn every thing from scratch.And before this course you don't need my other courses. If you're a C# developer then you shouldgo ahead with this course.After this course you'll be very much familiar with Asp.Net Core Web Api's and you'll be able to create any kind of real world web api's in quite easily as well as efficiently.Sign up today, and look forward to:Over 4hours of HD 720p video contentBuilding a RealWorldfully-fledged Web Api's including ones thatuse Rest Api Architecture , Access Token , Authentication , Authorization, Caching and much more.All the knowledge you need to start building any api you wantRemember...After this course you'll get all the Source Code and along with this I'll also share the links and helping material for the Rest Api's with you but you need your personal Azure Portal where you can launch your web api. I'm so confident that you'll love this course thatwe're offering a FULL money back guarantee for30 days! So it's completely risk free, sign up today with ZEROrisk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for?Click the buy now button and join the world's First Complete Rest Api's Course with Asp.Net Core and C#."
Price: 199.99

"Build Real World App with Xamarin Forms Part 4"
"Welcome to the Real World App Development course with Xamarin Forms.I'm Asfend Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) as well as the First Xamarin University Most Valuable Professional at Udemy and in this course I'll explain you every single aspect of real world application in Xamarin Forms. Yeah I know there're lot of courses over internet but there's never a single guide that teaches you how to create a real world application. And the purpose of this course is to train you to build your own Real world Application in Xamarin Forms. This courses teaches you how to code using Xamarin Forms and build beautiful Android and iOS apps by using Xamarin Forms. By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I'm always happy to answer student questions.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:How to build a real world application with xamarin forms.Consume Restful Api's.Consume third party controls in xamarin forms.Create a Complete Real World Application in Xamarin Forms From Scratch to End (No Copy paste code I'll explain you each and every single line of code so that you can create a complete Real World Project in Xamarin Forms happily) How to make asynchronous API calls, store and retrieve data from the cloud, and use the JSON format for server communication.Make application user friendly.Remember...After this course you'll get all the Xamarin Real World Application Source Code and along with this I'll also share a Complete Backend Code for the Rest Api's with you. In this course I've used my personal Azure Account and I'll not give the access to the Azure Account. However if you want to test the api's then you'll need your own Microsoft Azure Account. Also inside this course I'll show you how you can publish your web api's to Microsoft Azure and preview your data inside Microsoft Azure.I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it's completely risk free, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the Complete Real World App Development Course with Xamarin Forms."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Fresh MVVM with Xamarin Forms"
"Welcome to the World's First Fresh MVVM based course , the only course you need to become an expert in Fresh MVVM.If you're tired of boring outdated and incomplete courses , then let's dive in to this course.Well I'm Asfend Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) as well as the First Xamarin University Most Valuable Professional at Udemy and in this course I'll explain you every single aspect of MVVM and Fresh MVVM with real world application in Xamarin Forms. Yeah I know there're lot of courses over internet but there's never a single guide that teaches you how to implement the MVVM and Fresh MVVM in xamarin forms applications from scratch. And the purpose of this course is to train you to build your own apps and implement the MVVM pattern in your xamarin forms applications.This courses teaches you how to implement MVVM using Xamarin Forms and build beautiful Android and iOS apps by using Xamarin Forms. By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. And I'm always happy to answer student questions.So by the end of the course, you'll completely understand:How MVVM WorksThe Complete Fundamentals of MVVM like Commanding , INotifyPropertyChanged , Navigation's , Alerts etc.Page Model(view Model) to Page Model(view Model) NavigationsImplement Dependency Injection inside xamarin forms application via IOC container.Create Quotes Application with Fresh MVVM.Implement Fresh MVVM inside Xamarin Forms applications.Implement Dependency Injection and IOC principle along with Fresh MVVM.Implement Fresh MVVM Raise Property Changed , Navigations & Listview Selection.Dont waste your timeDon't waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos courses. Or instructors who you can't understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. In this course you'll get a best instructors with carefully crafted content, beautiful outline and proper structured material and learning by doing. I'll explain you each and every single line of code. I've been in your shoes and every time copy and paste is not a solution and that's why I've tried to create everything in front of you so that you can learn how to solve the errors. We'll learn every thing from scratch. And before this course you don't need my other courses. If you're a good C#  and xamarin forms developer and you think you can easily pick the Xamarin Forms MVVM concepts easily then you should go ahead with this course.After this course you'll be very much familiar with Xamarin Forms MVVM and Fresh MVVM and you'll be able to create any kind of MVVM based application in xamarin forms quite easily as well as efficiently.Sign up today, and look forward to:Upto 3 hours of HD 720p video contentBuilding a MVVM Based xamarin forms fully-fledged application including ones that use Rest Api's , Commanding , Navigation's , Dependency Injection , IOC , IOC Container , Fresh MVVM and much more.All the knowledge you need to start building any app you wantRemember...After this course you'll get all the Xamarin Forms Application Source Code and along with this I'll also share a Complete Backend Code for the Rest Api's with you but you need your personal Azure Portal or any other hosting service  where you can launch your web api and test it in Xamarin Forms Application.I'm so confident that you'll love this course that we're offering a FULL money back guarantee for 30 days! So it's completely risk free, sign up today with ZERO risk and EVERYTHING to gain.So what are you waiting for? Click the buy now button and join the world's First  MVVM and Fresh MVVM Course with Xamarin Forms."
Price: 199.99

"Beach Day: Acrylic Painting"
"The ocean is a symbol of beauty, relaxation, and wonder. Not only does the beach calm and rejuvenate us, but it also is a place where we have so many fond memories. Painting the ocean is something artists want to do, yet capturing the mood and details of the sea can be a little confusing if youre not sure where to start.In this acrylic painting class, you'll learn how to create:WavesReflectionsHorizonsSea foamSandA simple, yet dynamic skyNo prior painting experience is required. Youll learn color mixing, how to work with the proper brushes, what paint is best, and how to troubleshoot if you goof up. Ive seen new students make beautiful pieces because we go through the process step by step. So take a creative vacation with me and Ill see you inside the class!"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de ruso para hispanohablantes Matryoshka 3"
"En latn, el sustantivo, el adjetivo y el pronombre adoptan diversas formas de acuerdo con su funcin sintctica en la oracin, formas conocidas como casos gramaticales. En ruso hay 6 casos (en espaol usamos muchas preposiciones para expresar los casos rusos). El orden bsico de las palabras tanto en la conversacin como en el lenguaje escrito es sujeto-verbo-objeto. Sin embargo, debido a que las relaciones estn marcadas por la inflexin, existe un gran margen de maniobra para alterar este orden y se permite el uso de todas las versiones. En otras palabras, el orden de las palabras dentro de una oracin rusa es LIBRE. No hay lugar rigurosamente fijado para cada palabra-miembro (todo eso gracias al sistema de la declinacin rusa). Estas preparad@ para conocerla?"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda a Desenvolver Jogos com Unity 2019"
"Comece a dar vida para suas ideias. A plataforma de desenvolvimento 3D em tempo real do Unity fornece tudo o que preciso para criar, operar e monetizar.Aprenda a desenvolver seus prprios jogos, tire aquela ideia do papel e coloque a mo na massa na produo de seus games. Para isso a melhor forma aprender na prtica, e foi pensando nisso que o curso Desenvolva Jogos com Unity 2019 - Top Mecnicas, esse um curso focado em ""colocar a mo na massa"" aprendendo ou se aperfeioando descobrindo como foram feitas mecnicas de jogos conhecidos no mercado.  Esse curso foi feito tanto para voc que est comeando a dar os primeiros passos como desenvolvedor como tambm para voc que deseja aprender ainda mais, para estar apto a desenvolver qualquer tipo de jogo."
Price: 249.99

"Negoziare e Vendere in trattativa. La Bibbia del Commerciale"
"In questo corso studieremo ogni fase della trattativa. A partire da ci che avviene prima della negoziazione vera e propria, passando per la caratterizzazione psicologica del potenziale cliente, fino ad arrivare alle fasi di chiusura della vendita.Ogni fase della trattativa sar corredata da esempi concreti ed aneddoti realmente accaduti.verranno presi in considerazione anche aspetti minimi che nell'insieme della trattativa possono fare la differenza."
Price: 39.99

"AutoCAD , 3DS Max, Revit and Interior Design Test Series"
"The test series is designed to check your knowledge on AutoCAD, Revit, 3ds Max and Interior Design. Interior, Architecture and Civil student looking for interior designing job or working professionals trying to be freelancer will be benefited a lot as the test series will test your knowledge on various aspects of interior designing. Test series is divided into 4 setsSet 1- Interior Design: This set is designed to test your domain knowledge itself. There are 206 questions based on material, textures, seating arrangement and other important topics.Set 2- 3DS Max : This set is based on 3DS Max software and has 136 questions. Questions are based on shortcuts, rendering , mateial, camera, lights and regarding settings. Set 3- AutoCAD : This set is based on AutoCAD software and has 135 questions. Questions are related to layout, dimensioning, shortcuts, layers and other commands.Set 4- Revit: This set is based on Revit Software and has 75 questions. Questions are based on commands working, shortcuts, basic and advance settingsWe have plans to add two more sets covering software such as sketchup and vray. Also we are working on adding more questions in existing sets and take the number to 1500 (right now there are 552 questions)"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced IELTS 9 Bands Essay Writing"
"This course is divided into 2 sections.  In the first section you will learn how to write an effective introduction, main body paragraphs and conclusion. The section section is all about practice. You will see is writing 9 bands essay on different topics.As of now, we are teaching only task 2, but we will include  task 1 ( academic and general) in the future."
Price: 19.99

"Manufacturing Process - Becoming an Injection Molding Pro"
"This course will teach you the Injection Molding process. Although bascis such as applications, advantages & disadvanatges, materials are taught but main focus is on industrial process, cad considerations and defects. This course is specifically for those who are new to molding process. To make sure that you feel like live class is going on. We have also included interview questionnare so that you are able to answer questions related to injection molding process."
Price: 19.99