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"Apache NiFi Complete Master Course - HDP - Automation ETL"
"Apache Nifi is next generation framework to create data pipeline and integrate with almost all popular systems in the enterprise. It has more than 250 processors and more than 70 controllers. This course covers all all basic to advanced concepts available in Apache Nifi likeFlowfileControllersProcessorsConnectionsProcess GroupFunnelData ProvenanceProcessor relationshipsInput and Output PortsThis course also covers on the Apache Nifi Subprojects like Nifi RegistryMiniFiAs part of production maintenance, user may have to take cautious decision to improve the performance and handle the errors efficiently. To facilitate the same, Demo also covers on Handling Throughput and LatencyHandling Back Pressure and YieldError handlingFailure RetryMonitoring BulletinData ProvenanceTo have seamless experience with data, handling of data latency and throughput and prioritizing the data is important. Its controlled with relationship, yield and back pressure.Various processors and controllers to process various type of data is demonstrated.Processors which are used in production scenarios like HTTP, RDBMS, NoSQL S3, CSV, JSON, Hive, etc., are covered in detail along with controllers like SSL, ConnectionPool, etc., with demo.All these concepts are covered with demo and real time implementation is provided.For easy practical purpose, all the demonstrated flowfile template is uploaded as part of the course.Demo on creating and using KeyStore, Trust Store for SSL communication.Using Maven and Eclipse EE for custom processor and deploying nar file to Nifi libraries."
Price: 199.99

"SonarQube SonarCloud - Continuous Inspection and Code Review"
"SonarQube Continuous Inspection tool for Code Quality. This course provides details on installation, usage, Integration with other build tools, Configuration and administration of SonarQube as well as the hosted version SonarCloudYou will learn the following concepts Installation of SonarQubeConfigure and connect Sonar ScannerIntegrate Sonar Scanner with other build tools like Ant, Maven, Gradle, etc.,Collaboration with other continuous delivery tools like JenkinsConfiguration of SonarQubeProject AdministrationBugs, Vulnerabilities, Code Smells, Debt, Code Coverage, Unit test statistics monitoringLearn to read and understand Complexity (Cyclomatic Complexity and Cognitive complexity)Identifying Duplicate lines, duplicate files and duplicate blocks within and across projectsDocumentation RatingsQuality Gates and Quality ProfilesRules and Rule TemplateMaintainability, Reliability and Security RatingsHandling identified issues.Integration with real time code analysis plugins like Sonar Lint with IDEs like EclipseManaging rules and creating custom rules with templatesUser management - Users, Groups, Permissions and Permission Template"
Price: 199.99

"Spring Cloud Data Flow - Cloud Native Data Stream Processing"
"Understand the technical architecture along with installation and configuration of Spring Cloud Data Flow Applications.Create basic to advanced Streaming applications like time logger to TensorFlow Image Detection Stream Flow.You will learn the following as part of this course.Architecture of Spring Cloud Data FlowComponents of Spring Cloud Data Flow like Skipper Server, Spring Cloud Data Flow Server, Data Flow ShellUsing Data Flow Shell and Domain Specific Language (DSL)Configuring and usage of message brokers like RabbitMQ, KafkaInstallation and configuration of Spring Cloud Data Flow Ecosystem in Amazon Web Service (AWS) EC2 InstancesConfiguring Grafana Dashboard for Stream visualizationConfiguration of Source, Sink and ProcessorCreating custom Source, Sink and Processor applicationCoding using Spring Tool Suite (STS) for custom code developmentWorking with Spring Data Flow WebUI and analyzing logs on runtimesThis course is designed to cover all aspects of Spring Cloud Data Flow from basic installation to configuration in Docker as well as creating all type of Streaming applications like ETL, import/export, Predictive Analytics, Streaming Event processing etc.,Few working examples/usecases are covered to have better understanding like Data extracting and interaction with JDBC databaseExtracting Twitter Data (Tweets) from TwitterSentiment analysis, Language Analysis and HashTag Analysis on Tweets from TwitterObject Detection/Prediction using TensorFlow processorPose Prediction using TensorFlow Processor"
Price: 199.99

"Grafana Master Course - Time Series Data Visualization"
"Covers the functionalities as administrators, Devops Engineer, developers etcInstallation of Grafana in Linux, Windows as well as using DockerSetting up various Data Sources within Grafana Detailed discussion on Dashboards, Panels and building blocks of GrafanaAdding and Editing of Graphs and PanelsDetailed discussion on Panels like Graph, Singlestat, Table, Heatmap, Alert List Dashboard ListAdvanced discussion on Variables, Annotations, Folders, Playlist, Search, Sharing, Time Range, Export & Import, Scripted Dashboards, Dashboard Version HistoryConfiguring various data sources like Graphite, Prometheus, InfluxDB, Elasticsearch, AWS Cloudwatch, MySQL, OpenTSDB, TestData etcAdvanced discussion on alert settings and notificationCollaborate IoT, Infrastructure and DevOps data and Visualize with very intuitive UI using Grafana"
Price: 199.99

"Checkstyle - Java Code Static Analysis DevOps Quality Tool"
"Checkstyle - Java Code Static Analysis Automation Tool course covers The usage of Checkstyle to do Java Static code analysis and Review against a set of rules. Checkstyle helps software engineers, Analysts, Devops team to make sure, the code is meeting the organization's standards at any point in time. Installation and usage of Checkstyle as a jar file.Integrating Checkstyle with Eclipse and do the audit during the development phase.Integrating Checkstyle with Apache Ant, Apache Maven, and Gradle during the build phase.Customizing and configuring Checkstyle checks and framing rules with Modules.Checkstyle Integration with Jenkins.Visualize report using Warning Next Generation pluginIntegrates with Devops workflow as code quality ensuring tool."
Price: 199.99

"QU ES EL MINDFULNESS (CONSCIENCIA Y ATENCIN PLENA)?Mindfulness,significa prestar atencin de manera consciente a la experiencia del momento presente con inters, curiosidad y aceptacin.Este tipo de atencin nos permite aprender a relacionarnos de forma directa con aquello que est ocurriendo en nuestra vida, aqu y ahora, en el presente. Es una forma de tomar conciencia de nuestra realidad, dndonos la oportunidad de trabajar conscientemente con nuestro estrs, dolor, enfermedad, prdidas o con los desafos de nuestra vida. En contraposicin, una vida en la que no prestamos atencin (Estar en piloto automtico), en la que nos encontramos ms preocupados por lo que ocurri o por lo que an no ha ocurrido, nos conduce al descuido, el olvido y al aislamiento, reaccionando de manera automtica y poco adaptativa.La atencin plena nos ayuda a recuperar nuestro equilibrio interno, atendiendo de forma integral a los aspectos de la persona: cuerpo, mente y espritu. La prctica de esta atencin abre la puerta hacia nuevas posibilidades, nos trae al aqu y al ahora, nos invita a vivir una vida de manera plena y en el presente.OTRAS DEFINICIONES:El Mindfulness es distinguir la consciencia de la actividad mental, es aprender a ser consciente de nuestros estados mentales sin quedar atrapados en ellos. Jack Kornfield.La consciencia que aparece al prestar atencin deliberadamente y sin juzgar al momento presente, a cmo se despliega la experiencia momento a momento. Jon Kabat ZinnEl Mindfulness es una cualidad humana bsica, es una manera de aprender a prestar atencin a lo que est sucediendo en nuestras vidas permitindonos una mayor conexin con nuestro interior y exterior. La atencin plena tambin es una prctica, un mtodo que nos ayuda a cultivar la claridad, introspeccin y entendimiento. En el contexto de la salud el Mindfulness es una manera de aprender a travs de la experiencia a cuidarse mejor a si mismo explorando y entendiendo la relacin existente entre la mente y el cuerpo, y movilizando nuestros propios recursos para adaptarnos, crecer y sanar. Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society.Definir el Mindfulness no es fcil, a fin de cuentas, es algo que tenemos que practicar y experimentar para realmente entenderlo.QU ES EL PROGRAMA MBSR?.El Programa MBSR fue introducido en 1979 por Jon Kabat-Zinn y sus colaboradores del Center for Mindfulness University of Massachusetts (Boston, USA), con el objetivo de apoyar a personas en la reduccin del estrs asociado con su condicin mdica.Desde entonces su aplicacin se ha extendido a mltiples escenarios, ayudando a miles de personas a incorporar prcticas y actitudes que les permiten desarrollar una respuesta diferente ante el estrs y experimentar una mayor sensacin de tranquilidad, bienestar y equilibrio.El Mindfulness es algo que todos los seres humanos tenemos pero que a lo largo de la vida descuidamos y vamos perdiendo. Es un profundo recurso interno disponible, y que espera ser despertado, y usado como un medio de aprendizaje, crecimiento y sanacin. A pesar de que ests prcticas han sido tomadas y adaptadas a parir del Budismo , el MBSR es un programa secular, y con evidencia cientfica que opera en armona con cualquier sistema de creencias, cultura, gnero, o religin.CULES SON LOS BENEFICIOS DEL PROGRAMA MBSR?Ms de 20 aos de investigacin y publicaciones sobre los beneficios de la prctica del Mindfulness muestran que la mayora de personas que completan el programa reportan los siguientes beneficios:Aprender a gestionar el estrs de forma efectiva. El mindfulnessaporta calma y serenidad interior, y disminuye nuestra reactividad frente al estrs y el sufrimiento, lo que mejora la salud fsica y emocional. Adems, reduce la presin arterial y los niveles de cortisol (la hormona del estrs) y otras hormonas y sustancias inflamatorias.Actualmente los programas MBSR cuentan con evidencia en el tratamiento y prevencin de enfermedades como la Hipertensin arterial, el infarto, la obesidad, la diabetes, el dolor crnico, el cncer y otros (Como complemento al tratamiento mdico).Disminucin en la severidad del dolor fsico (En personas con dolor crnico) y mayor capacidad de adaptacin a este.Potenciar habilidades emocionales: autoconciencia, gestin emocional, empata.El MBSR cada vez es ms utilizado como complemento en el tratamiento y la prevencin de la depresin, la ansiedad, el insomnio, las adicciones, el trastorno por dficit de atencin (Con o sin hiperactividad) y otros.Desarrollar y mejorar habilidades cognitivas: atencin, concentracin, claridad mental, foco, gestin de la incertidumbre y el cambio. Varios estudios demuestran que el mindfulnessayuda a reducir las distracciones y centrar la atencin en una sola tarea. Algo que vers reflejado en tu trabajo (y en tu equipo de trabajo) y en todos tus quehaceres diarios. Adicionalmente la prctica de la atencin plena cultiva la creatividad y originalidad.A travs de estas prcticas se consigue aumentar la lucidez mental y abrir la puerta a la creatividad. Tambin ayuda a pensar de forma diferente ante problemas cotidianos. Como dijo Albert Einstein: No podemos resolver los problemas pensando de la misma manera que cuando los creamos. Por esto no es de sorprender que cada vez ms deportistas de alto rendimiento, y algunas de las empresas ms innovadoras (Ejemplo: Apple, Google, Nike, Procter & Gamble, eBay, Twitter, AstraZeneca, AOL, General Mills, entre otras) entrenen a sus directivos y empleados con este tipo de programas. Incluso el parlamento de Inglaterra ha manifestado su inters en el Mindfulness, y en que este sea introducido en los sistemas educativo, judicial, y en el ambiente laboral de su pas (The Mindfulness Initiative).Aprender a disfrutar del momento presente y ser conscientes de nuestras emociones y pensamientos alivia en los procesos de duelo y ayuda a resolver los rencores y conflictos no resueltos.La prctica de la Atencin Plena desarrolla regiones del cerebro que tienen que ver con la empata y la compasin, con lo que te costar menos conectar con los dems.Una mayor apreciacin de la vida. Esta prctica aporta herramientas para sentirte ms feliz, para apreciar los pequeos detalles y momentos que suelen pasar desapercibidos por nuestro ritmo frentico de vida.Podemos observar los pensamientos como solo pensamientos sin alimentarlos ni combatirlos. Cuntas veces en la vida despus de pensar que alguna situacin es grave, o que no hay salida o solucin, al poco tiempo nos damos cuenta que nuestros pensamientos eran rroneos?Podemos observar la naturaleza temporal de las sensaciones, sentimientos y pensamientos lo que nos ayuda a mantener la calma, y a no tomar decisiones apresuradas (Algunas veces guiadas por emociones intensas como la tristeza, ansiedad o rabia)METODOLOGIAEste programa se basa en el Programa de Reduccin de Estrs Basado en Mindfulness (MBSR) de 8 semanas de Jon Kabat-Zinn y del Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Helth Care and Society (Boston, USA). El programan consta de 9 sesiones. Una primera sesin de Introduccin al Mindfulness (45 minutos), luego son 8 sesiones (En promedio 1 hora y 15 minutos cadas sesin). Es importante hacer una sesin por semana (no apresurarse a hacer ms, o no dejar pasar ms tiempo entre sesin y sesin) y mantener los ejercicios y prcticas recomendadas a lo largo de las 8 semanas (y ojal de por vida).Los participantes podrn, durante el programa, conocer las prcticas del Mindfulness y experimentar sus efectos y beneficios en su vida diaria incorporando herramientas y tcnicas tiles en su trabajo, su vida privada y sus relaciones. No se requiere experiencia previa.Es un programa altamente experiencial en el que se aprenden prcticas formales e informales de Atencin Plena. Se realizan ejercicios prcticos de atencin y relajacin, meditacin, ejercicios de movimiento consciente.Est estructurado para facilitar que los participantes logren integrar y mantener las diversas prcticas y el cultivo del Mindfulness en su vida cotidiana.Estos son algunos de los temas que se abordaran durante las sesiones.Qu es Mindfulness o Consciencia PlenaLa percepcin de la realidadEl poder de las emocionesLa reaccin al estrsRespondiendo al estrs y cultivando resilienciaEstilos de comunicacin (Comunicacin atenta y asertiva)Auto cuidado y gestin ms consciente del tiempoIntegrando Mindfulnessen la vida cotidianaMATERIAL QUE ENCONTRARS EN CADA SESIN:1. Video semana: Es el video principal de la sesin. Es importante que estos videos los veas en un espacio tranquilo, sin distracciones y sin interrupciones hasta el final del video. Despus de ver el video correspondiente a cada semana es importante ver el material escrito contenido en el manual del participante, donde encontraras las recomendaciones, y prcticas que se deben hacer a lo largo del programa. De aqu en adelante es importante ver un video por semana (no adelantarse, ni dejar pasar mucho tiempo entre semana y semana para no perder la continuidad del programa). 2. Manual del Participante programa de reduccin de estrs basado en atencin plena. Este manual lo encontras en el material de SEMANA 1, y contiene el material escrito que se utilizar a lo largo de las 8 semanas, con un captulo para cada semana. 3. Audios de meditacin. Son las meditaciones guiadas que se utilizaran a lo largo de las siguientes 8 semanas. Se encuentran en el material de SEMANA 1 4. Lectura complementarias: En el material de cada semana encontraras lecturas complementarias para profundizar aspectos del mindfulness."
Price: 24.99

"Ingls para brasileiros : Turbinar seu ingls para avanado"
"Quer crescer na vida?Quer entender as novas tecnologias e novidades na sua rea?Quer ser promovido no seu emprego atual ou quer um emprego novo e melhor? Precisa de ingls!!!Estatsticas mostram que brasileiros fluentes em ingls chegam a ganhar at 70% a mais dos que no falam em ingls.Sim, meus amigos, uma das realidades da vidaSe voc quer aprender ingls, quais so as suas opes?Ir para uma escola de lnguas...algumas so boas, mas poucas, e a maioria quer te prender com cursos caros, aulas cheias de alunos, no horrio deles, o professor nem sequer nativo e muitas vezes voc acaba gravando os erros na pronncia delesAinda assim muitas vezes voc tem que passar mais uma hora no trnsito s para chegar l. Outro dia uma amiga minha me contou que a filha dela queria estudar em uma escolaMinha amiga perguntou: Por que voc quer jogar seu dinheiro no lixo e desperdiar o seu tempo e energia??Ou como outra estudante minha falou, Eu no posso fazer cursinho para daqui a ha 6 anos comear a falarOutra opo estudar em casa, provavelmente com algum livro de gramtica...que to confuso quanto chato com pginas em branco e preto que te deixam mais com vontade de dormir que qualquer coisa, ou livros com historinhas infantis e exemplos de frases absurdasAi eu te pergunto... se tivesse outro caminhoMeu nome Terry, sou professor nativo de ingls fluente em 4 idiomas e especialista em ajudar brasileiros bater os recordes em aprender ingls.Meu objetivo te fazer aprender o mais rpido possvel e deixar voc comear a viver a vida que merece!Se voc j tem uma base bsica no ingls e finalmente voc quer chegar no avanado ento esse curso para voc !Se voc est cansado de professores que enrolam e no chegam ao ponto nunca, esse curso para voc!Esse curso vai te ajudar a sentir novos nveis de confiana no seu ingls,Sentir pronto para aparecer nas entrevistas de emprego sorridente e confiante,Vai aprender mais em apenas algumas horas comigo do que meses ou talvez anos em uma escola !Eu tenho dedicado os ltimos 15 anos da minha vida para aperfeioar meus mtodos de ensino para que VOC possa aproveitar do meu conhecimento !Chega de confuso e frustrao de aprender ingls sozinho !Voc vai ter a ajuda de um professor nativo, especializado em ajudar brasileiros por uma fraco do que iria te custar uma escola ou aulas particulares, e o melhor de tudo que voc vai estudar onde e quando VOC quiser, no no horrio de outra escola ou de outra pessoa.O meu curso a soluo que voc procurava para turbinar o seu ingls para avanadoImagine, no ter mais confuso dos tempos verbais, e entender de vez o que se est querendo dizer!Voc no vai mais ficar boiando tentando entender conceitos difceis como o presente perfect ou as condicionais, vou te mostrar passo a passo como dominar o ingls e alcanar os seus sonhos!Eu sei o que voc est pensando...voc j ouviu tantas promessas de outros charlates, e no culpo voc por ser cticoA diferena que eu cumpro minhas promessas, no tem mgica, ou voodoo aqui , s aulas didticas, simplrias e diretas ao que interessa!Como funciona o curso voc se pergunta?O mtodo simples, como tudo deve ser!Primeiro vou te esclarecer alguns pontos gramaticais, mostrando lado a lado o portugus e o ingls de uma maneira super simples.Depois temos as partes de prtica, onde eu vou passar uma frase em portugus para voc traduzir, isso serve no s para testar e gravar o ponto gramatical mas crucialmente desenvolver a sua capacidade de formar frases completas, o qual essencial para montar frases e ter conversas!Depois eu vou passar a frase traduzida para voc ver onde acertou, mas mais importante ainda, escutar a pronncia de um nativo para voc turbinar seu sotaque. aqui que voc treina falando sozinho, treinando passo a passo o seu ingls falado.Esse mtodo simples te ajuda a formar frases e falar com a pronncia correta.Essas partes da prtica recriam o que acontece no mundo real, Voc vai aprender a transformar pensamentos em frases!Sabe esse momento de vergonha em ingls quando voc fica uhhhhh tentando montar a frase?Essa sensao horrvel de tentar falar a frase em frente de outra pessoa e no conseguindo ??Com meu curso voc vai poder preparar para entrevistas de emprego e as reunies sozinho em casa, sem estresse, sem presso, fazendo com que a sua confiana aumente cada vez mais!Mais de 15 mil brasileiros j esto usando meus cursos para treinar o ingls deles e fazer os sonhos deles uma realidade.Agora pense na sua rea de trabalho...em 5 anos quem na sua rea vai crescer, pegar os melhores postos e ter os melhores salrios?Os que tem ingls fluente! E voc ? Vai deixar essa oportunidade escapar das suas mos?Se voc trabalha na rea de TI por exemplo, eu no preciso te falar que a tecnologia avana mega rpido, e est tudo em ingls, no adianta colocar tudo no google tradutor, voc precisa ser capaz de entender o ingls diretoSem ingls voc vai ficar de fora, sempre vai ter desvantagem...mas no precisa ser assimInscreva no curso agora e comece a fazer dos seus sonhos uma realidade!!Veja aqui o que outros alunos satisfeitos esto falando sobre meu mtodo!""A didtica do professor para mim foi fantstica. Tive um timo aproveitamento.""""Tem sido incrvel, verdadeiramente satisfeito no s com o excelente professor, mas tambm a metodologia."" ""Excelente curso e a metodologia de ensino do teacher sensacional . Eu tinha muita dificuldade em formar frases, este curso me ajudou a quebrar essa barreira.""""Curso incrvel me ajudou muiiito a entender o Ingls, antes desse curso no sabia como e quando usar as palavras certas mas esse curso me levou a um nvel de ingls que eu nunca tinha chegado antes OBRIGADOO PROFESSOR !!!""""Eu adorei o curso, senti que progredi muito no ingls, mais do que nos 2 anos de curso presencial que fiz. O professor por ser nativo, ajuda muito na pronncia das palavras. Aprovo o mtodo usado durante o curso, de usar muitos exemplos durante as aulas e falar sobre o que no devemos esquecer! Parabns."""
Price: 199.99

"Water Mixable Oil Painting Course For Beginners"
"Water Mixable Oil Paints Offer The Best Of Traditional Oils & AcrylicsIt's true ... Water Mixable Oil Paints offer the best of both traditional oil paints and acrylic paints.After months of experimenting with Water Mixable Oil Paints, and using them to prepare for an up coming solo exhibition, I am now convinced that they are an ideal alternative for both beginner to intermediate artists alike.Traditional oils have always been my favourite medium.They are luscious and buttery out of the tube, and break down into a smooth easy to manipulate paint. When you know how to use traditional oil paints you can produce some amazing results which is why they have been used for decades by some of the greatest artists of all time.BUT ... traditional oil paints have a huge downside. The solvents tend to be highly toxic and dangerous for your health, they stink the house out, and they are messy to clean up with :(For those reasons I switched to Acrylic paints.The great thing about acrylic paints is they are less toxic and much easier to clean up.BUT ... lots of our students at the Learn To Paint Academy struggle with acrylic paints because they dry way to fast to allow for blending, and they dry darker than when applied which makes them challenging to work back into.Enter Water Mixable Oil Paints The Ideal Solution?Now if you know me then you know I am always trying new things and experimenting.So because I was frustrated with both traditional oils and acrylics I decided to give Water Mixable Oil Paints a go. And for the last few months that is pretty much all I have painted with. I am currently preparing for a solo exhibition and most of the paintings are going to be using Water Mixable Oil Paints.At first though I struggled with them.There were a few key things I needed to learn to get the best results. Things like how much water to use and when, how to work wet into wet for alla prima painting and more.Having now done a large number of paintings with them I am convinced that they are the ideal medium for those who want the benefits of both traditional oils and acrylics without the downside.That's why I am certain you will want to join me for the new course ...Join Me Now In The New Course Water Mixable Oil Paints IntroductionIf you are as excited by the possibilities of Water Mixable Oil Paints as I am then you will want to join me in the brand new course.The new course will be split into two modules.In Module One I will explain to you everything you need to know about Water Mixable Oil Paints including:* The advantages of using Water Mixable Oil Paints over traditional oil paints* How to thin them down using just water and getting the consistency right* Applying initial washes of colour and getting the paint to flow onto the canvas* How to work thick over thin with your layers for best effect <<< Important for working Alla Prima* Blending made easy* The important thing you need to know about colour mixing with Water Mixable Oil Paints* Avoiding creating muddy colours* Using Water Mixable Oil Paints with the Moore Method of Painting* The basic and expanded colour palette we recommend* Drying times and understanding the two stage drying process <<< Unique to Water Mixable Oil Paints* How to clean up easily* Working back into your painting when the paint is tacky* And which mediums are available and which should you useIn Module Two we will then do a couple of simple landscapes to demonstrate the working process.With these demos we will focus on the working method of using thin washes of colour to block in, and then applying thicker paint in layers over the top. When you learn to work in this manner you can transform your work and create some dramatic effects.These demonstration paintings will also look at one of the big advantages of oils in creating atmosphere and soft lost edges in a painting.Then in Module Three we will do a larger complete painting project.In this complete painting project you will get the reference photos to work from so you can paint along with me.This is where you will see everything come together and it will all fall into place for you.So are you ready to join in the fun?"
Price: 69.99

"Water Mixable Oil Painting Projects"
"Water Mixable Oil Painting - 3 Great New Full Length Painting Projects To TryAre you a traditional oil painter who is sick of the smell of the fumes, or the toxic nature of the solvents even though you love the medium?Maybe you are an acrylic painter who is frustrated with not being able to blend before it dries?If so then Water Mixable Oil Paints may be perfect for you.Water Mixable Oil Paints offer the best of both worlds ... they have all the benefits of traditional oil paints and all the benefits of acrylic paints. Since starting to paint with Water Mixable Oil Paints I have loved using them and they are now my preferred medium.These three great painting projects using the Moore Method of Painting are easy enough for beginners, yet still have enough of a challenge in them for intermediate artists. They are taught in a simple easy to follow manner using three camera shots so you never miss a thing. These are the full length versions of these projects.If you are learning to use Water Mixable Oil Paints then trying these three projects will help you become a better artist.Painting Project 1 - Oxley River ReflectionsIn the first painting project you are about to get access to you will learn how to paint a simple landscape scene of a river in the country. The main focus of this painting is creating realistic reflections in the water.You will be taken step by step through the process of creating a great looking landscape painting using water mixable oil paints.Painting Project 2 - Cows In A FieldIn the second painting project we try adding in some simple objects into the landscape.This painting is of a basic landscape scene with the addition of farmhouses and cows in the field.When you complete this painting you will have a much better understanding of how to use water mixable oil paints and how to master the consistency of the paint and apply it in layers to produce a great finished painting.Painting Project 3 - Boats on Noosa RiverIn the third painting project we will take a complicated photo and reduce it down to the key elements to make a great looking painting.This painting is of a bend in the river in Noosa and features 2 lovely boats anchored by the shore. We will focus in on getting realistic looking shapes and reflections on the boats without having to be a master painter.Again you will really master the correct approach to water mixable oil paints when you complete this painting.Water Mixable Oil Paints are ideal for both beginners to intermediate artists because:* They look and feel like regular oil paints* They are thick and buttery and great to paint with* They mix easily* They can be thinned down with just water or with mediums * They are less toxic than traditional oils* They have almost no smell at all so they are more sociable if you have family :)* They wash up easily in water <<< major bonus* Like traditional oils they stay wet longer than acrylics so you can easily work back into them* They are perfect for blending unlike acrylicsWater mixable oil paints are ideal for beginner to intermediate artists and if you are ready to try something new then you will learn how to get started with these three great new painting projects.Register today and lets get busy painting"
Price: 99.99

"Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning (Including Sass)"
"This course is for both beginners and seasoned developers that want to learn how to build responsive websites and user interfaces with modern HTML5 and CSS3+ technologies like Flexbox and CSS Grid as well as the Sass pre-compiler. This course includes hours of both learning & studying sections along with real life projects. Stop having to rely on frameworks like Bootstrap for your user interface and learn how to create your own layouts and utility classes to build custom responsive websites and app UIs.The first few sections are tailored for beginners so even if you have never built anything before, you will learn all of the basics. If you already have experience with basic HTML & CSS, just move to section 3 or 4 and get started.Things We CoverHow Websites WorkVisual StudioCode Setup, Shortcuts, Live Server &EmmetHTML5 Semantic LayoutCSS FundamentalsResponsive Design With Media QueriesCSS Units - rem, em, vh, vw, etcFlexboxCSSGridAnimation with Keyframes & TransitionsCSSVariablesSass Pre-compiler with portfolio projectFull Projects & Mini ProjectsWebsite Deployment to Shared Hosting & Netlify With GitMuch MoreSections onSass will be being added very shortly!"
Price: 149.99

"React Front To Back"
"In this course you will learn to master React 16.8+ concepts including how to create a Flux pattern using the Context API with the useContext and useReducer hooks. We will also build a full stack MERN application with a custom Express backend API that uses JWT (JSON Web Token) for authentication. In addition, we will also create a project that uses Redux.Here are some of the things you will learn in this course:React Fundamentals (Components, props, state, etc)React Hooks (useState, useEffect, useContext, useReducer, useRef) in real projectsContext API & App Level StateMERN - MongoDB, Express React, NodeBuild a Custom API With JWT AuthenticationRedux - Reducers, Actions, etcBasic AnimationMuch More..."
Price: 119.99

"Hacker Lab: Criando um ambiente c/ GNS3, Virtualbox e VMWare"
"O curso trs uma viso geral sobre o que virtualizao, e como utilizar softwares como o Virtualbox, Vmware e GNS3 para criar topologias de redes com o objetivo de efetuar testes de invaso (Ethical Hacking) de maneira segura e controlada. Para voc que est iniciando seus estudos em ethical hacking importante praticar. E para tal, voc precisar criar ambientes que condizem com a realidade das redes utilizadas mundo a fora, com firewalls, sistemas operacionais diferentes e variados, switches, roreadores e etc.De tal forma preciso criar esse tipo de ambiente, e para isso o curso Hacker Lab existe. De maneira simples vou te explicar como fazer e como no perder muito tempo na parte da criao dos labs, focando no que realmente voc precisa.Alguns dos tpicos que voc vai aprender ao decorrer do curso so:Entender o que virtualizaoComo Instalar e configurar o virtualboxComo instalar e configurar mquinas virtuais com VMwareComo instalar e configurar o GNS3Integrando o GNS3 com o virtualbox e com o VMwareMontar uma topologia completa utilizando firewalls, roteadores, mquinas e switchesInstalar o Kali Linux, Windows 7, Firewall IPFire"
Price: 129.99

"Hacking do bsico ao avanado c/ Kali, Nmap e Metasploit"
"Se voc est buscando um curso de Ethical hacking totalmente prtico focado em te levar do zero a um nvel avanado (que seja possvel testar a segurana de sistemas e redes) pode parar de ler por aqui mesmo e ir direto no boto de comprar.Meu objetivo aqui te apresentar a maneira como eu aprendi a efetuar testes de invaso e iniciar minha carreira como hacker, para evitar que voc perca tempo com conhecimentos desnecessrios e consiga chegar no objetivo principal (Invadir sistemas) mais rapidamente.Alm de te apresentar a parte terica de maneira didtica e bem clara vou te mostrar na prtica como efetuar cada ataque que ser explicado, alm de (e aqui est a grande sacada do curso) te propor alguns desafios que vo explorar o conhecimento que voc adquiriu e desenvolver sua criatividade, resoluo de problemas e mentalidade hacker.O que voc vai encontrar aqui no um modelo pronto de como utilizar as ferramentas, e sim, entender como utiliz-las da melhor maneira, da sua maneira, para a sua necessidade. SE INVADIR SISTEMAS ALGO QUE VOC REALMENTE DESEJA, CONFERE ALGUMAS DAS COISAS QUE VOC VAI APRENDER NO CURSO:Instalar o Kali Linux, configurar o sistema, buscar ferramentas e dominar completamente o sistema.Montar ambientes virtuais utilizando o VirtualboxInstalar o Metasploitable (Sistema com diversas falhas, criado para ser invadido)Conhecer o Nmap, aprender a utilizar as principais tcnicas de scanning e efetuar invases com seus scriptsConhecer o processo de Pentest, suas fases e algumas das metodologias mais utilizadas.Aprender sobre redes de computadores, protocolos de redes (DNS, FTP, HTTP, IP, TCP, UDP e etc...)Aprender de uma vez por todas Linux, conhecer e utilizar o terminal para diversas tarefas.Buscar por exploits na internet e explorar falhas que sero descobertas na fase de scanUtilizar o Metasploit Framework para explorar falhas e conseguir acesso ao sistema com seus exploits, payloads e mdulos auxiliarese muito mais...E tem mais... se voc comprar e achar que o curso no pra voc. Tudo bem, s solicitar o reembolso e pegar seu dinheiro de volta. Continuaremos amigos e vida que segue!Um abrao e te espero do outro lado.PS: Esse preo promocional muda o tempo todo, aproveita e garante o curso com esse desconto bacana."
Price: 219.99

"LIGHTROOM CLASSIQUE C.C - Sublimer vos Noir et Blanc"
"Ce formateur est un passionn de la fabrication de photo NOIR et BLANC avec l'aide de son logiciel favoris , le trs connu ADOBE LIGHTROOM Classique Creative Cloud 2019 , il vous propose un cours trs simple et incroyablement efficace. Vous souhaitez comprendre et savoir mieux utiliser les PRESETS ( paramtre prdefinis) , faire des VIRAGE SEPIA , donner des AMBIANCES CHAUDES et FROIDES vos photos Noir et Blanc , les Exporter avec une Signature ... !? C'est clair , vous souhaitez comprendre les boutons essentiels du module de DVELOPPEMENT de votre tout nouveau logiciel LIGHTROOM et exploiter tout son potentiel pour sublimer les photos au format RAW ou bien JPEG, vous souhaitez imprimer vos oeuvres d'art Noir et Balnc de manire sereine et maitriser les processus de qualibrage des profile d'imprimante .... Au fait , les profiles .ICC vous connaissez pas ? alors , essayez cette formation faite pour dbutant , amateur passionn, et mme pour vous le futur Professionnel de la photo ..!"
Price: 69.99

"Rock Instagram - The Beginners Guide for Photographers"
"With more than 130 million monthly users Instagram is the fastest growing social media platform for sharing your photos. Almost every band and brand is there which makes Instagram your Number 1 channel to promote your work as a Photographer.I am a concert/music photographer, but this course is suitable for every photographer who wants to get more followers, more likes and grow her/his brand. Your Profile page and your Instagram feed are crucial to WOW new visitors. I'll show you exactly how to set them up up for success.Ill show you how to build followers on Instagram by posting photos, videos and stories and making the most of hashtags. With my methods, you can grow a following even if youre jus starting out.My proven and easy-to-follow-strategies and tactics that will get you more likes and more recognition as a concert photographer.The top tools to skyrocket your engagement on Instagram without wasting time sitting in front of your smartphone. My Nr.1 tool is for free!"
Price: 39.99

"Back pain - Physiotherapy, Yoga and a Full understanding"
"Almost all adults will experience back pain at some point in their lives.Back pain is the #1 cause of job-related disability, and plays a big role in missed work days. Either you, or somebody you know has probably suffered from back pain. This could be while playing/taking care of your children, at work, household chores, or even getting up in the morning. Back pain can seriously hinder your ability to function, and severely lower your quality of life. Don't take your health for granted. Even if you have not yet experience back pain, it's extremely important to strengthen your core, and keep your body ready for whatever life throws at you.We have prepared a complete course to help you understand some of the most common causes of back pain, as well as create a solid plain to deal with it. This course is not instead of going to visit a doctor, and we will talk about the situations that need an immediate doctors visit. However unspecific back pain, which is the most common type, should be dealt with when it starts in order to prevent progression. There are a number of ways to treat initially, including physiotherapy, yoga, positional therapy, stretches, as well as medication. We always put medication as a last resort, and feel that properly strengthening your body to deal with the pain is far more effective in the long-term than using medication to quiet down the symptoms. There are many situations where appropriate steps taken immediately can save lives, prevent future complications, prevent bad situations from getting worse, and make sure that the healing process starts effectively and immediately.This course will include:Explanations of common types of back painSome tricks and tips to differentiate between different types of back painSigns and symptoms to watch out for (red flags), which will signal that you need to seek medical attention immediatelyOver 20 stretches, exercises and yoga sequences that you can use to help alleviate your back pain and strengthen your coreIf you follow our recommendations, there is a very good chance you will be able to successfully deal with your back pain in a way that ensures that it doesn't come back to you in the long-term. Don't believe anyone who promises to do magic, or promises quick fixes. There are no shortcuts when it comes to your body. Follow our plan, and within a few weeks you will be feeling amazing. Back pain should never be ignored or taken lightly, your body is trying to tell you that it needs strengthening in a specific way.Back pain can be successfully dealt with, if you have the proper plan, motivation and knowledge. That's what we're here to give you."
Price: 199.99

"Knee pain - Physiotherapy, Yoga and a full understanding"
"Knee pain is one of the most common type of pain in active individuals.Knee pain can has a serious effect on quality of life, especially for those who enjoy walking, being active and outdoor activities.Either you, or somebody you know has probably suffered from knee pain. This could be while playing/taking care of your children, at work, household chores, or even getting up in the morning. Back pain can seriously hinder your ability to function, and severely lower your quality of life. Don't take your health for granted. Even if you have not yet experience knee pain, it's extremely important to strengthen your legs, core, and muscles you may not think about so often, and keep your body ready for whatever life throws at you.We have prepared a complete course to help you understand some of the most common causes of knee pain, as well as create a solid plain to deal with it. This course is not instead of going to visit a doctor, and we will talk about the situations that need an immediate doctors visit. However knee pain can be dealt with conservatively with the right knowledge in most cases, and this will prevent the pain from getting worse, and even improve it in most cases. There are a number of ways to treat initially, including physiotherapy, yoga, stretches. This should always be tried first before taking medication, or referring for operations. We always put medication as a last resort, and feel that properly strengthening your body to deal with the pain is far more effective in the long-term than using medication to quiet down the symptoms. There are many situations where appropriate steps taken immediately can save lives, prevent future complications, prevent bad situations from getting worse, and make sure that the healing process starts effectively and immediately.This course will include:Explanations of common types of knee painSome tricks and tips to differentiate between different types of knee painKnowing about dangerous types of knee pain which need immediate medical attentionMany different stretches, exercises and yoga sequences that you can use to help alleviate your knee pain and strengthen main leg and core musclesIf you follow our recommendations, there is a very good chance you will be able to successfully deal with your knee pain in a way that ensures that it doesn't come back to you in the long-term. Don't believe anyone who promises to do magic, or promises quick fixes. There are no shortcuts when it comes to your body. Follow our plan, and within a few weeks you will be feeling amazing. Knee pain should never be ignored or taken lightly, your body is trying to tell you that it needs strengthening in a specific way.Knee pain can be successfully dealt with, if you have the proper plan, motivation and knowledge. That's what we're here to give you."
Price: 199.99

"Create the Best Year Ever Set and Achieve your Goals!"
"Welcome to this class that has the potential to change your year!Have you ever struggled with accomplishing your New Years Eve resolutions?Your answer is probably, yes. Its easy to go through a bunch of wishes in our heads that we lightly expect will come true. But in reality, they never do. Especially, because we dont commit ourselves to it.In this class, youre going to learnhow to set proper goals, that are highly effective and motivational. Those goals wont accomplish themselves alone, becausethey need your attention.Youre going to learnhow to make progress every single dayto guarantee you will achieve your ambitious goals this year!Theres no better feeling than making progress every day to accomplish our most meaningful goals and desires! By the end of this class, you will be feeling fulfilled and ready to take your year to the next level!Make this year, the year you become the best version of yourself! This requires work, discipline, and habits, but this is the way to reach your goals. Your success, whatever it means for you, is built every day. The small victories each day, add up to huge gains, that will make you achieve the goals you set for yourself!And dont forget that having a great year is not only about achieving goals. Its about feeling more positive emotions and being around people who make you feel good! But, you are responsible for making others feel good and for spreading positivity and energy to those around you! When you face lifes struggles and challenges with gratitude, things start to happen, and suddenly you feel happy all the time. Its not easy to smile when things are not going very well, but its the best way to make them go well again!Let's go!"
Price: 29.99

"Trading Basics: Cryptocurrency Technical Analysis"
"Would you like to learn thethe easiest and most fundamental indicators and chart patterns for performing cryptocurrency technical analysis?If so, you willlovethis Udemy Course!This course will teach you how to set up a FREETrading View account. You will learn how to familiarize yourself with the platform and understand how to use this very power professional platform.You will learn how to set up the most popular indicators such as Moving Averages, Fibonaccis, and more. You will also learn how to identify certain patterns using Japanese Candlesticks, Horizontal Support &Resistance, Zones, &Diagonals.Additionally, you will be able to download presentations in the form of PDFs to follow along or use as a reference after the course.By the end of this course, you will be well positioned to trade cryptocurrency and become better suited to read the information the charts display, helping you to successfully profit from the trades you decide to make. Don't delay, the boat is starting to sail!Course Instructor: Amol Gharte"
Price: 24.99

"Build feature rich Windows forms applications using VB.NET."
"Guys this is a course which will give you well structured insights and practical lessons on VB. I will be dealing with designing feature rich Windows forms applications with .net. After doing this course you will be able to:Clear your doubts on the visual studio IDEdesign controls in Windows formsBuild real life applications in VB using visual studioLearn some essential tricks of VB forms.Build robust database applications from scratchand much more...The course will have ample examples and assignments for you too!See you and just enjoy the course and be Future ready!"
Price: 34.99

Price: 19.99

"Canon lens course. The best lenses for your Canon DSLR"
"The best value course about Canon DSLR lenses available now.Check out the free videos from the course below!Do you own a Canon DSLR camera? Are you thinking of buying a new lens? Are you unsure about what lens to get next? Do you just want some straight answers, not more jargon?This course on lenses for Canon DSLR cameras is designed for you !Created for beginners, hobbyists and enthusiasts, this course on Canon DSLR lenses is the perfect course for anyone who wants to know more about the lenses available for Canon DSLR cameras, or is looking to buy a new lens, but is unsure where to get clear, balanced information. It doesn't matter whether you own a full frame Canon camera or a crop frame Canon camera. This course covers options for both!Beginning with a lecture about what lenses actually do, and working through Focal Length and Aperture to MTF charts, lens distortions and lens code abbreviations, this course explains everything you need to know in a straight-forward way, so that you can research your new lenses with confidence.In this course you will see great examples of the kinds of pictures each lens type can take, look at specific lenses in detail, understand depth of field and hyperfocal distance, find out about filters and extenders and much, much more.The author, Jeremy Bayston, has been a picture editor for national newspapers in the UK for over 25 years and brings a wealth of experience to the course. He has produced over 4 hours of specially made lectures, which go into greater detail on Prime and Zoom lenses, Specialist lenses, Third party lenses, Best lenses for each photographic style, What to watch out for when you buy a lens, and much more.  This lecture course: Has 15 exclusive videos (18 in total - over 4 hours) with written resources.Helps you to understand how lenses work, so that you can make better decisions about your lens purchases.Shows you what Wide angle, Standard and Telephoto lenses can do - their strengths and weaknesses.This course teaches you about the lenses available for your Canon DSLR camera in an accessible way, with minimum jargon. Each full lecture has resource notes with suggestions and, of course, if you have any questions, you can contact Jeremy through the Udemy dashboard.You probably bought a DSLR camera for its interchangeable lens options. This course gives you the knowledge to get the right lens for the type of photography you want to do!"
Price: 34.99

"Getting Started with SQL Server 2017 and .NET Core"
"Get Started with SQLServer 2017 and Build .NETCore Applications that interact with relational data!Are you a student or professional in the field of softwareengineering or maybe contemplating an educational orcareer move to the software engineeringworld? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with SQLServer 2017 and don't want to go through an overwhelming amountof material just to get your environment setup and ready for building yourown apps that interact with data?Don't worry asTHIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for SQLServer 2017 and help you to build your first set of apps that store and retrieve data quickly and through a step-by-step guided approach. I will be showing you all the necessary installation and setup needed for SQLServer 2017, SQL Server Management Studio, .NET Core, Visual Studio, and Dapper.Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towardsthe rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NETtechnologies!"
Price: 39.99

"Getting Started with .NET Core Clean Architecture"
"Get Started with .NETCore Clean Architecture!Are you a student or professional in the field of softwareengineering or maybe contemplating an educational orcareer move to the software engineeringworld? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with .NETCore coupled with Clean Architecture and don't want to go through an overwhelming amountof material just to get your environment setup and ready for building yourown apps that interact with data?Don't worry asTHIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU!In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for .NET Core MVC, SQL Server 2017, DependencyInjection, MediatR, AutoMapper and help you to build your first set of apps that apply a Clean Architecture design pattern through a step-by-step guided approach. Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towardsthe rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NETtechnologies!"
Price: 54.99

"Getting Started .NET Core Microservices RabbitMQ"
"Get Started with .NET Core Microservices using RabbitMQ!Are you a student or professional in the field of software engineering or maybe contemplating an educational or career move to the software engineering world? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with .NET Core coupled with Microservices using RabbitMQ messaging and don't want to go through an overwhelming amount of material just to get your environment setup and ready for building your own apps that interact with data? Don't worry as THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU! In my course, I will teach you how to get your environment setup for .NET Core Microservices utilizing RabbitMQ messaging, and help you to build your first set of apps that apply a Microservice Architecture design pattern through a step-by-step guided approach.  Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towards the rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NET technologies!"
Price: 99.99

"C# Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers"
"Get Started with C# Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers!Are you a student or professional in the field of engineering, physics, mathematics, or science or maybe contemplating an educational or career move to the software engineering world? Have you been looking for a quick and easy way to get up and running with .NET Numerical Methods coupled with C# Programming and don't want to go through an overwhelming amount of material just to get your environment setup and ready for building your own algorithm libraries? Don't worry as THIS IS THE COURSE FOR YOU! In my course, I will teach you how to apply and utilize C# programming to solve engineering and scientific problems using numerical methods through a step-by-step guided approach.  Take this course and feel proud of the fact that you will be one step closer towards the rewarding field of Software Engineering using .NET technologies!"
Price: 19.99

"Laravel Yeni Balayanlar in Temel Eitim"
"Bu kursta PHPdilininen popler yaps (framework)diyebileceimiz Laravel'in kurulumdan aamasndanyaynlamaya aamasna kadar olan admlarn eksiksiz ve anlalr bir ekilde anlatmaya alacam. Laravel birok sistemi iinde hazr bulunduran gelimi bir yapdr. Ruby yazlm dilinin internet uygulamar iin kullann ROR(Ruby on Rails) ile ok fazla benzerlik gstermektedir.Kursu hazrlarken en son stabil srm olan 5.4 versiyonunu kullanacam. Bu yzden sizlerinde 5.4 srm ykleyerek videolar takip etmeniz neriyorum.Umarm amacna ulaan ve bilgiyi aktarabileceim bir kurs olacak.Her trl sorunuz iin bana ulaabilirsiniz."
Price: 99.99

"Create a translator app using MIT App Inventor 2"
"If you ever wanted to know how you can create your own translator app then, you are at the right place. There are so many tutorials available on the internet that demonstrate about creating a translator app but, this course is different from those videos because here, you will learn to create a translator very easily and that too with very few blocks.Moreover, you can translate the text to more than 80 languagesThis course is only 1.5 hours in duration and is also suitable for beginners***Create your own translator app within 1.5 hours by enrolling in this course***"
Price: 19.99

"De Da a Noche en DaVinci Resolve : Color 102"
"SOBRE LA CLASELa correccin y graduacin de color es los productos audiovisuales nos ayudan a contar la historia. Este curso te llevar por este complejo mundo del Color. Como excusa para introducirnos al DaVinci Resolve 14 vamos a trabajar la temtica de convertir tomas garbada en el da a noches. Es una prctica ms comn de lo que uno se imagina en el cine. QU INCLUYE ESTE CURSO?Introduccin al DaVinci Resolve software profesional de colorizado y Gratuito en su versin lite. -GUI de DaVinci y cmo funciona-Importar media al DaVinci-Colorizado mediante nodos seriales, paralelos y tipo layer.-Manejo de mscaras, tracking y qualifier-Colorizado en DaVinci-Exportado de video finalQU PROYECTO VAS A REALIZAR?Colorizar una secuencia de tomas grabadas en el da y convertirlas a noche.QU VAS A LOGRAR CON ESTE CURSO?Adquirirs la habilidad para trabajar en uno de los softwares de correccin de color ms importantes de la industria del cine y la televisin. Entenders el flujo de trabajo y cmo funcionan la correccin de color por nodos."
Price: 59.99

"VideoLyric en After Effects"
"El Videolyrics, es un estilo de animacin que incorpora dos tcnicas de animacin complejas y atractivas, el Kinetic Typography y el Motion Graphics. La primera es la tcnica por la cual damos vida a letras y textos, mediante el uso de tipografas. La segunda es una tcnica como su nombre lo dice est basada en el movimiento de grficos, que pueden ser fotos, imgenes vectoriales o cualquier pieza grfica que podamos imaginaros. El Videolyrics est inundando el internet, te invito a realizar el curso y ser parte de la comunidad de artistas digitales. QU INCLUYE ESTE CURSO?De todo un poco, empezamos con lo ms bsico en After Effects y finalizamos llevando nuestro proyecto a un nivel avanzado.- Funciones bsicas del After Effects- Creacin de keyframes y animacin- Kinetic Typography (en espacio 2D y 3D)- Diferentes tcnicas de Motion Graphics- Motion Lettering- Graph Editor (bsico)- Expresiones (bsico)- Y mucho msQU PROYECTO VAS A REALIZAR?El proyecto que realizars ser un video de una duracin no menos a 45 segundos, en la cual debers elegir una cancin, una paleta de color, tipografas y texturas; con las cuales crears un VideoLyrics.No olvides que primero debers hacer un guion del proyecto.QU VAS A LOGRAR CON ESTE CURSO?Potenciar tus habilidades como animador en After Effects y crear un producto audiovisual que te permitir demostrar tus grandes habilidades como artista digital.El curso se encuentra en desarrollo, cada 15 das se publicar una nueva seccin hasta completar las 6 secciones."
Price: 199.99