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"Contenerizacin de Aplicaciones .NET Core utilizando Docker"
"Este curso te enseara a Instalar & Configurar Docker (Imgenes, Contenedores, Volmenes, Redes, etc.) para el despliegue de aplicaciones .NET Core en Contenedores (Proceso de Contenerizacin de Aplicaciones .NET Core).Todo el material necesario en este curso es brindado con enlaces de descarga.El curso est estructurado en secciones con evaluaciones finales.Debes realizar este curso si deseas aprender a:Instalar, Configurar & Administrar la Plataforma Docker.Contenerizar Aplicaciones .NET Core utilizando Docker."
Price: 29.99

"Master English Speaking 3"
"Master and learn hundreds of most common English phrases for everyday life You can speak English easily, and powerfully for business, travel, or fun.  You just need to change your learning methodMany English students are tired of using the same methods in learning english .. But this course is something different ..Would you like to understand the formal and Informal Language well ? Many students have trouble Using English in formal and Informal situations .. But in this course we would help you understand these differences and explain How , where and why to use them ... This course includes 22 great lessons , But we will update it later and add more lessons Every lesson in this course is separated into 4 parts Master 10 most common english phrases Practice these phrases in real situations Practice phrases in movies and different films and see how native speakers pronounce them Practice and check yourself and see if you can still understand the whole content This way , Im sure you will never forget them .. but Remember Practice is the best way to Improve ..In this course we Have tried to choose the most common topics people use in their Conversations Such as : Phrases for Avoiding Answering a QuestionPhrases for Compliments......Phrases for Facial Expressions.....Phrases for Talking about the Future......Phrases for Talking about StatisticsPhrases for Estimating & GuessingPhrases for making decisions Phrases for Bad Travel Experiences ..... and many so on ...Included in this course : Most common Topics you need to master  English Conversation You will find 10 Phrase in each Lesson Clear Definitions and Examples given for each Lesson and phrases are used in real life situation Hundreds of  short movies and films to help you see how native speakers use these phrases PDF for you to download contains all of the lessons and Phrases "
Price: 39.99

"A crash course on essentials of Human Resource Management"
"This course has been designed for all students who are new to the subject of Human Resource Management. It introduces students about basic Human Resource Management. It is highly suitable for students preparing for O level or AS level business. This course is also useful for all the students preparing for subjects like introduction to Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management fundamentals, Human Resource Management principles etc.Panjtan paak ki barakaatAshaab e Kahaf kitmeer, Yamli ha, Muksul Mina, Kashf uttaalKi barakaat"
Price: 44.99

"Curso de decoracin con Globos: Globo Aerosttico"
"Tanto si quieres IMPRESIONAR A FAMILIARES Y AMIGOS en tus fiestas o EMPEZAR UN NUEVO Y LUCRATIVO NEGOCIO decorando con globos de manera profesional, ste es un curso que necesitas. En este curso aprenders a elaborar de manera PROFESIONAL, fcil y clara, un hermoso Centro de Mesa Infantil en forma de globo aerosttico, utilizando globos de diferentes formas y tamaos.Conocers desde las herramientas y materiales imprescindibles, hasta las tcnicas ms avanzadas. Te ensear y te guiar a travs de lecciones sencillas y amenas PASO A PASO, explicadas de manera muy exhaustiva en vdeo, que te llevarn a poder realizar esta figura que tanto te gusta, en muy poco tiempo, y sin necesidad de tener conocimientos previos de decoracin con globos."
Price: 24.99

"Particles in Maya -1"
Price: 64.99

"Aprenda Linguagem STL do CLP da Siemens - Parte 2"
"O objetivo do curso descomplicar as lgicas mais elaboradas em STL. Nesse curso so apresentadas funes avanadas em linguagem STL. O curso dividido em 12 captulos:- Word Logic Operation- Conversion Operation- SHIFT and ROTATE- Math Functions- Additional Instructions (IMC e DRUM)- CLOCK Functions- Table Functions- Program Alarm- Interrupes- String- PID (cascata e ratio)- Profibus (Introduo e mapeamento)"
Price: 54.99

"Webpack for Beginners"
"Webpack is a highly famed module bundler for JavaScript applications. Since Webpack is an open-source, this makes it free of cost. Although it is a bundler suited for JavaScript, it can also transform front-end assets such as CSS, HTML, and images if required plugins are available.Webpack allows you to create your code in modules and it compiles all packages into one or multiple bundles or modules. With Webpack, you can use the modules without thinking too much about support. It is an extremely powerful piece of technology that can do impressive things with loaders and plugins.It uses the dependency graph to analyze all your modules for the application and then bundles all of them into a smaller number of bundles. It essentially means that Webpack begins from a single module and processes all its dependencies, be it direct or indirect, to give shape to the dependency graph on which it will bundle all the needed modules.Why you should learn Webpack?Beneficial for building complex front-end applicationsElimination of dead assetsSplitting code made easierControlling how assets are processedStable production deploysExcellent speeds when used accuratelyWhy you should take this course?If you have no prior experience in Webpack, this course is perfect for you. Through this course, youll be able to master the basics of Webpack. It has already gained momentum in terms of popularity and its evident from the list of companies that are ardent users of it. These include names such as Pinterest, Airbnb, Instagram, 9GAG, Pandora and many others. Also, the course is taught by a well-versed expert who is proficient in the subject. So, this will ensure that you learn the subject thoroughly.This course includes:Overview- Introduction, JavaScript Modules, JavaScript-Bundling-LoadingWebpack- Introduction, its Importance, CompetitorsJavaScript Optimization (Part 1)- Introduction, Basics, ES6, Minification, Scope, Hoisting-ItselfJavaScript Optimization (Part 1)- JavaScript Engines, Optimize-js, Prepack, Code-GenerationOther Optimization- HTML, HTML-Minification, CSS-Webpack, CSS-Optimization, CSS-ToolsWebpack Odds & EndsBegin with this online course on Webpack today to become proficient in all the essential concepts in no time!"
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Office Outlook 2016"
"Cuanto ms tiempo invierta en Outlook, su ahorro de tiempo ser mayor despus de esta capacitacin. Primero, conocer las funciones bsicas de Outlook, como enviar y recibir correos electrnicos. Descubra herramientas particularmente tiles, como la organizacin basada en directorios, el formato condicional, la gestin de contactos, el uso del calendario y ms. Aprender, entre otras cosas, a entender el uso de Outlook en un equipo. Adems, descubrir cmo puede ahorrar mucho tiempo a travs de procesos automatizados. Conozca los beneficios de la mensajera automatizada, las respuestas automticas y la funcin de delegados.El correo electrnico se ha convertido en uno de los mtodos de comunicacin ms utilizados, ya sea para comunicaciones personales o de negocios. Algunos invierten hasta el 60% de su da en el correo electrnico. Domina la herramienta para ahorrar tiempo cuando quieras! Este curso de Microsoft Office Outlook 2016 le proporcionar las habilidades que necesita para administrar sus comunicaciones de correo electrnico, informacin de contacto, eventos del calendario, tareas y notas. Personalizar los conjuntos de comandos, configurar las cuentas de correo, configurar las opciones globales, realizar bsquedas avanzadas, aplicar filtros para interceptar el correo, trabajar con calendarios y contactos, administrar tareas y proteger y archivar datos, as como compartir y delegar el acceso a sus reas de trabajo."
Price: 19.99

"Power BI - Analyze and Interactively Visualize Business Data"
"In today's data processing of large and complex amounts of data, so-called big data are being processed more and more frequently, which can no longer be handled with conventional methods. Power BI provides a solution to this challenge. With this Power BI training you learn how to present meaningful data analysis in tables and graphs, how to create high-quality visualizations and interactive reports in addition to tools which allow you to effortlessly share your reports with others. Power BI is a powerful tool for analyzing data from a variety of data sources. With Power BI, you can analyze large amounts of data by extracting valuable information that can easily otherwise be lost."
Price: 49.99

"Get Things Done in Less Time - Full Productivity Blueprint"
"Do you often feel overwhelmed by the number of things you need to do? Do you feel like there is not enough time and you would like to be in 10 different places at once?The truth is that this happens to everyone, including myself. So... what's the solution? simply work more? NO. There is a massive difference between being busy for the sake of being busy and actually being productive. You see... you could get yourself busy handling all the small tasks that YOU THINK are important, but in reality wasting time avoiding what is truly critical to your business and personal life.Typical time management approach is broken. In this course we will delve deep into the topic of productivity and look at things holistically. We will be addressing a variety of topics to help you to get more IMPORTANT things done. I will share with you the most powerful productivity tools I've learnt and used while exploring 76 countries, running various business ventures and having a great time in the process. There is no golden pill, BUT - learning how to adopt a true productivity mindset will certainly help you to get more things done and get closer to your professional and personal goals. If you are up for a challenge and transformational experience, I'll see you on the other side.Let's stop the madness of ""being busy for the sake of being busy"". Let's stop overworking ourselves to death doing things that don't really matter. Let's get more productive and get the IMPORTANT things done to have more free time for our friends and families."
Price: 99.99

"Comunicacin Avanzada: Escucha Activa, Empata y Asertividad"
"Tanta importancia tiene la comunicacin en la vida de una persona que hace falta que exista un curso completo dedicado a ella?La respuesta es que s. La vida en general es una cuestin de comunicacin. Pasamos la mayor parte de nuestro tiempo comunicndonos. Todos los das y a toda hora nos encontramos transmitiendo y recibiendo informacin. Hoy en da son escasas las personas que para su sustento se dedican a tareas tales como labrar la tierra, la pesca o la caza.Necesito aprender sobre comunicacin y escucha activa si s hablar y escuchar bien?Definitivamente s. En esta poca (la Era de la Informacin) la mayora de las personas transmiten informacin. An en los casos en los cuales la comunicacin no es la habilidad principal de su trabajo, s lo es de su vida, ya que todos nos comunicamos de alguna manera durante cada da de nuestra existencia.En qu momentos voy a utilizar lo que aprenda en este curso?En todo momento. Una persona saluda a su cnyuge por la maana antes de salir, en el kiosco dialoga con el vendedor de peridicos, en el trabajo habla con sus colegas, a la noche lee un cuento a su hijo. Todo el da, a toda hora y con todos los que nos rodean nos comunicamos. Somos seres comunicacionales y eso vuelve a la comunicacin, la habilidad ms importante del hombre.Por qu este curso est enfocado en la escucha activa, la empata y la asertividad?Porque ms importante que saber hablar es saber escuchar. La escucha activa es una de las habilidades ms difciles y a la vez ms importantes para una comunicacin efectiva. Si no aprendemos a escuchar, ser prcticamente imposible comunicarnos eficazmente debido a que para llegar al alma de las personas debemos primero ponernos en su lugar, entenderlas e interpretar sus necesidades para luego utilizar las herramientas comunicacionales ms adecuadas.La comunicacin en general y la escucha activa en particular son las habilidades ms importantes de la actualidad, no solo en el mundo laboral sino tambin en el mbito personal."
Price: 39.99

"Um curso perfeito para quem quer iniciar um negcio agora mesmo e no sabe como, com todos os princpios bsicos e habilidades que devem ser desenvolvidas para se tornar um empresrio. Voc vai aprender passo a passo todo o processo para comear a empreender, por exemplo: como voc deve se motivar, se acostumar com o fracasso, abrir uma empresa lean e etc."
Price: 199.99

"Crie sites profissionais com Wordpress 2020 - 6 Projetos"
"Ol muito bem vindo ao curso completo de criao de sites!! voc quer criar sites, mas no quer aprender a escrever um monte de cdigos? se voc respondeu sim, esse o curso certo para voc!Eu sou o Jamilton Damasceno, e eu j ensinei mais de 170 mil alunos em meus cursos.E te digo que possvel criar sites utilizando mais ou menos a mesma lgica que voc usa para fazer uma postagem no facebook ou criar uma conta no Instagram?O Wordpress uma ferramenta gratuita que permite a criao de sites de maneira muito fcil e sem utilizar nada de cdigos, voc cria os sites utilizando uma interface visual, apenas arrastando e soltando contedos.E voc deve estar se perguntando, mas o que vou aprender no curso? O curso comea do zero e voc no precisa ter nenhum conhecimento prvio, voc vai fazer tudo passo a passo junto comigo, alm de conseguir fazer o curso inteiro sem precisar gastar nada, tudo que utilizado no curso gratuito.E tudo isso criando projetos reais, veja abaixo alguns dos sites que sero criados no curso com o Wordpress:1) 10 minutos exerccios - Crie seu primeiro projeto profissional com o Wordpress, com uma pgina inicial cheia de efeitos interessantes, galeria de imagens, mapas e muito mais.2) Blog de finanas - Aprenda como criar um formulrio de contato, fazer envio de e-mails e muitos outros conhecimentos.3) Portal de notcias - Aprenda como configurar cores, menus, redes sociais, vdeos e muito mais, adicione reas de novidades, galeria de notcias utilizando fotos, sees de esportes, moda, negcios e muitos outros recursos.4) Site de modas - Aprenda como criar um site com rolagem automtica para os contedos ao clicar nos menus.5) Site de restaurante - Aprenda como fazer configurao de rodap, utilizao de postagens do Instagram dentro do site, galeria de imagens, reservas online e muito mais.6) Loja virtual completa - Aprenda como criar reas de destaque, cadastro de produtos no painel de gerenciamento da loja, configuraes de filtros para que os clientes consigam localizar facilmente os produtos, configurar clculo de frete pelo correios, como gerar cupons de descontos, administrar os pedidos da loja, alm de ver como utilizar o Pagseguro e Paypal para receber dos clientes via carto de crdito, transferncia bancria e boleto.Voc vai aprender ainda algumas tcnicas para otimizao do seu site e como fazer envio de e-mail marketing para manter sua audincia fidelizada, ao final eu tambm irei mostrar como deixar o seu site disponvel em um domnio profissional como por exemplo ""sua empresa ponto com"", mas nesse caso existe um valor a ser pago e durante o curso vou mostrar as melhores opes.Ahhh e o acesso ao curso vitalcio, voc no tem um perodo para terminar o curso, voc pode fazer quando puder.Com todos esses contedos e benefcios o melhor mesmo se matricular no curso agora mesmo, e venha comigo nessa fantstica aventura no desenvolvimento de sites."
Price: 399.99

"C and C++ Programming - ++"
". > ++ - - . ."
Price: 19.99

"Logstash Fundamentals Masterclass (elasticsearch, filebeat)"
"THE BEST DEDICATED LOGSTASH FUNDAMENTALS COURSEThe primary objective of this course is to help students learn the basic fundamentals of Logstash and how to process events.Logstash is a log aggregator that collects data from various input sources, executes different transformations and enhancements and then ships the data to various supported output destinations.If you want to learn how to process such a variety of data with easy json like a configuration file, you are in the right place.This Logstash Fundamental course is all you need to take your skills to the next level and position yourself for a pay-raise.The course is for beginners with a basic understanding of JSON and web technologies. Additionally, it will be helpful for students to be familiar with Logging Techniques and Regex patterns.As the title suggests this course aims to provide you enough knowledge about Logstash so that you can run and operate your own data ingestion pipelines using ELK. But specifically:You will get familiar with the features and benefits offered by Logstash.Since this course provides detailed demos of installation and configuration of Logstash, it will equip you well for future use of this technology.Working with data typesData aggregationParching logs demonstrationsOverview of different beats (Filebeat, Metricbeat, Packetbeat etc.)How to work with pluginsPractical exercises for you to try out your Logstash skillsMuch more...In this course, we will cover two practical activities. One of them deals with structured data in a CSV file and the other deals with semi-structured Apache web server logs.The course is a step-by-step introduction on Logstash, ELK, and configuration of logstash pipeline to read the csv file and apache logs. In this course you will learn about different types of plugins and use cases.This course will give you a solid theoretical understanding of Logstash programming, as well as the practical skills of Logstash.WHAT IS LOGSTASH & ELK?Logstash is a technology to collect logs then manipulate the input data and finally put into destination source like Elasticsearch. Logstash is a log aggregator that collects data from various input sources, executes different transformations and enhancements and then ships the data to various supported output destinations.In recent years the term BigData has been gaining popularity. And there has been a paradigm shift in the volume of information and the ways in which it can be extracted from this data.ELK is one of the few new-age frameworks which is capable of handling Big Data demands and scale. Over the years the ELK stack has become quite popular. And for a good reason. It is a very robust, mature and feature-rich framework. Logstash is the Heart of the ELK.TOP 3 BENEFITS OF LOGSTASH1: Get a job The demand for ELK experts increases every day and Logstash is the heart of ELK.2: A usable skill Knowing Logstash programming makes you a better and more well-rounded programmer. You will be able to complete many tasks, that your colleagues will not know how to do. 3: Further your career. Software companies all around the world are actively seeking out, competent Logstash experts. There are not a lot of them, so the pay is good. If you become a Logstash programmer, it will open up many new options in your career going forwardFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSAny paid software is required to learn this course?No paid software is required to learn this course. Logstash is an open-source project.How is this course different from other ELK courses? Along with hands-on Logstash demonstrations and exercises, you also get in-depth theoretical knowledge focused on the heart of ELK - Logstash.Other courses, may only briefly touch on Logstash and focus more on eg. Kibana.After completing this course you will learn the basic concept of Logstash, like what is ELK, how to configure Logstash, how to create a Logstash pipeline to read logs and ingestion into Elasticsearch etc. You will also learn about different types of plugins like input, filter, output plugins, and their use cases.GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it's not for you, please get a refund. We only want happy students. ARE YOU READY TO LEARN LOGSTASH PROGRAMMING?Please press the ""Take This Course"" button and start learning 2 minutes from now!"
Price: 189.99

"Gesto de Pagamentos Online"
"O curso de Gesto de Pagamentos Online com PHP7 e Mysqli possui 69 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a usar as apis do Pagseguro, Mercado Pago e Paypal para configurar pagamentos no seu site ou sistema, configuramos tambm as notificaes para poder receber as notificaes com o status do pagamento e liberar acesso ao cliente de forma automtica aps confirmado o pagamento, fizemos antes deste outros cinco cursos do portal, onde criamos o front-end e o banco de dados, outro de PHP Avanado, outro para sites gerenciveis e um para fruns e avaliaes, caso tenha interesse em montar o portal de cursos sugerimos que acompanhe antes os demais mdulos."
Price: 534.99

"Gesto de Emails Portal de Cursos EAD"
"O curso de Gesto de Emails com PHP7 e Mysqli possui 79 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a fazer o envio de emails necessrios para um portal de cursos que o projeto no qual est sendo desenvolvido, serve tambm para outros tipos de sites como lojas virtuais, so gerados automticamente emails ao cadastrar, recuperao de senhas, alertas para o Administrador, informaes de vendas e matriculas, fizemos antes deste outros seis cursos do portal, onde criamos o front-end e o banco de dados, outro de PHP Avanado, outro para sites gerenciveis, outro para fruns e avaliaes e o ultimo que foi para gesto de pagamentos, caso tenha interesse em montar o portal de cursos sugerimos que acompanhe antes os demais mdulos."
Price: 579.99

"Amacmz anlamaya gerekten ihtiyacmz var.Gayesiz oradan oraya srklenen pek ok insandan farkl olarak neden yaadmz kendimize sormalyz.Ne yaptmz bilmeli ve bir yol haritasna sahip olmalyz.Aksi takdirde depresyona ve daha bir ok soruna mahkum olmamz kanlmaz.Eer gemimizi gtrecek yerimiz yoksa hi bir rzgar elverili olmaz.''Belirlenmi bir amac olmayan ruh kendini yitirir ''derken Montaigne bunu kastediyordu.Bu kurs size bu konuyla ilgili sorularn cevaplarn vermeyi amalyor."
Price: 49.99

"Kortta elli yla yakn zaman geirdikten sonra ,beslenmenin bir sporcunun performansn dorudan etkileyen en nemli faktr olduunu rahatlkla syleyebilirim.Ayni ey gnlk hayatta da geerli.Bu kursta,katlmclara beslenmeyle ilgili pratik ve yararl bilgiler veriliyor.Bylece bu yaamsal konuda daha baarl olabilir ve daha salkl ve formda olabilmek iin gerekli admlar atacak duruma gelebilirler."
Price: 49.99

"Uzun yllar boyunca bir oyuncu ve antrenr olarak srekli kendimi gelitirmeye altm ve bir lde bunu baardma inanyorum.Yaklak yarm asr sresince edindiim tecrbeleri ve rendiklerimi burada sizlerle paylayorum.Bu kursta sadece uzun sre denenmi ve ie yarad kantlanm yntemlere yer verdim.Eer zaman ayrr ve kendi hayatnzda denemeye karar verirseniz burada reneceklerinizin sizin de hayatnzda deiim yaratma potansiyeli var."
Price: 49.99

"Farkndalk kendinizi ynetmek iin kullanabileceiniz en gvenilir aralardan biridir.stelik sizi mutlu etme potansiyeli de olduka yksek.Tenis arenasnda oyuncu, antrenr ve ynetici olarak geirdiim yarm asr boyunca, karlatm en zor durumlarda bavurduum bir numaral yntemim olmutur her zaman.Bu kadar gl bir yol farkndalk.Bu kursta tenis yaamm boyunca bu konuda rendiklerimi sizlerle paylayorum.Bize katln ve birlikte neler yaplabileceine bir bakalm.Umarm siz de sever ve yararlanrsnz."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Photoshop: Falling Down the Rabbit Hole"
"In this course, we'll create some Alice in Wonderland-inspired fantasy artwork. We'll start by masking out multiple photographs we'll use as the basis of our image. From there, we'll learn how to paint back some detail in the hair to give a sense of motion. By the end of this course, you'll have a solid understanding of the techniques used to create this fantasy piece of artwork. More importantly, you'll get a peek at a production-proven workflow that you can start using in your own creative projects."
Price: 19.99

"Selbst-Management mit Personal Kanban"
"Was Sie erwartetIn diesem Kurs lernen Sie Personal Kanban kennen, welches Ihnen hilft, sich selbst zu managen, Stress zu vermeiden, sich auf ihre aktuelle Arbeit zu fokussieren, nachhaltig hohe Qualitt zu liefern und sich kontinuierlich zu verbessern.Am Ende dieses Kurses werden Sie wissen was Personal Kanban ist erkennen, dass Personal Kanban in der persnlichen Arbeitsorganisation helfen kann Personal Kanban anwenden knnenSie mchten sich privat und / oder beruflich besser organisieren, produktiver arbeiten und zufriedener bei der Erledigung Ihrer zahlreichen, tglichen Aufgaben sein? Dann sind Sie in diesem Kurs richtig. Der Kurs richtet sich an Einsteiger, die bislang mit Kanban nicht in Berhrung gekommen sind. Vorkenntnisse sind nicht notwendig."
Price: 19.99

"Learn How to Nurture Your Spirit For Ultimate Freedom"
"You may be familiar with the term Fruit of the Spirit. Typically, this is a phrase used in conjunction with religion. Christians hold onto the passage from Galatians that lists nine behaviors as being fruits of the spirit.These behaviors are the fruit of a healthy spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Yet, you dont have to be religious to recognize the value of these fruits. Nor do you need religion to value and nurture your spiritual health.For you to bear fruit, you need to eradicate those unhealthy habits and stressful events and situations that are fueling an unhealthy spirit. How can your spirit work in your life if you are stifling it? It just cant.Your old self, the one that lacks spirit health, has to be put aside in order to truly nurture your well  being and freedom.There are several ways to do this, which I will address in this course. So, stay with me and lets enjoy this journey of spiritual discovery together."
Price: 69.99

"MERN Stack Web Development with Ultimate Authentication"
"MERN Stack (MongoDB Express React Node) FullStack Project from Scratch to Live Server with production ready AuthenticationMERN STACKLearn MERN stack web development by building production ready login register system with account activation, forgot password, reset password, login with facebook, login with google as well as ACL by implementing private and protected routes for authenticated user and users with the role of admin. As a bonus, I have also included profile update and deployment to digital ocean cloud servers. If you are looking to go FullStack with React Node Express and MongoDB or better known as MERN Stack then this should be your first go to  course. Because here you will learn to build an Ultimate boilerplate project which can also be used for any future MERN Stack projects you will build for yourself, for your clients or at your job.New Lectures AddedAdding a domain nameCloudflare CDN and Free SSLForce HTTP to HTTPSRedirect all www to non-wwwUpdating Google and Facebook login redirect to production domainRedirect Digital Ocean IP to actual domain nameThe key concepts covered in this courseBuilding Ultimate MERN (Mongo Express React Node) Stack ProjectBuilding Production Ready Authentication SystemBuilding Login Register System using Email PasswordImplementing Social Login System with Google and FacebookACL - Access ControlMERN Stack Web DevelopmentAPI Development with Node JsFrontend Web Development with ReactCreate your own base project for all your future React Node FullStack ProjectsLearn FullStack Deployment to Digital Ocean Cloud Servers including MongoDB SetupAccount Activation before saving user to databaseLogin with GoogleLogin with FacebookPrivate RoutingAdmin RoutingPage Layout with ReactWorking with LocalStorageWorking with CookiesWorking with JWT (JSON web token)Role based redirectsProfile UpdateAuth MiddlewareAdmin MiddlewareProtecting RoutesHandling JWT expiryError handlingToast NotificationsForgot PasswordReset PasswordPushing projects to GithubPulling projects from Github to Digital OceanDigital Ocean Server ConfigurationDeploying both backend/frontend to single Digital Ocean DropletCommitting changes after pushing project to live serversBy the end of this course, you will have your own Production Ready MERN Stack Project running live in Digital Ocean Cloud Servers.Have a look at the promo video to get a better understanding of what this course is all about and how it can change your life for good :)Web Development is not only about coding, It's also about deploying, dealing with domains, hosting, CDN, www/non-www, http/https, redirects, SEO, pushing new features and more. Get all that knowledge plus the production ready Authentication system, admin routes, page layouts with solid project architecture. This course's project is the beginning of something big :)Let's go Full Stack. Let's go MERN Stack.<code continue />"
Price: 19.99

"Freelancer - Dobre seu Valor"
"Dobre, Triplique ou at multiplique por 10 o que voc pode cobrar do seu cliente.Conhea:A tcnica de Scrates para questionar e entender o que o cliente realmente quer. Ningum faz isso.Como se posicionar de forma nova e nica no mercado, de forma que voc se torna a NICA opo vivel para seu cliente;Como se tornar um INVESTIMENTO e no um CUSTO aos olhos do clienteComo ANCORAR seu preo para que mesmo que seu valor seja 10x maior do que qualquer outro freelancer, seu cliente ainda ache baratoComo juntar tudo isso em uma proposta IRRESISTVEL"
Price: 39.99

"Sorgularla Adm Adm SQL Veri Taban Programlama"
"Hangi platformda alrsanz aln (mobil, masa st, web ve dierleri) mutlaka karnza veri taban kavram kacaktr. Bu kursta amacm rencilerime veri taban kavramn en iyi ekilde uygulamal sorgular zerinden anlatarak onlarn veri taban kavramna hakim olmalar ve kullanacaklar ya da oluturacaklar veri taban sistemlerini ynetebilmelidir. Hi bilmeyen birinin bilgi dzeyine gre anlatm yaptmz kursumuzda rencilerimin renecei konu balklar unlardr;Veri Taban ve Tablo KavramTemel Veri TrleriDDL KomutlarDML (Select Insert Update Delete) Komutlarartl SorgulamalarOperatrlerAritmetik FonksiyonlarAlfabetik FonksiyonlarProsedlerTetikleyicilerlikili TablolarBirletirme lemleriView KullanmlarAlt SorgularGruplandrmalarNorthwind DB KullanmSQL zerinde Hazrlanan Bir Veri tabannn C# Programlama Dili zerinden Ynetimi"
Price: 409.99

"Drawing and Painting in Adobe Fresco"
"Adobe Fresco is an app for the iPad and some Windows touch enabled tablets that lets you draw and paint on the go harnessing the power of thousands of unique Photoshop brushes and some new super cool live media brushes that imitate real life water color and oil paints.I believe its best to learn through examples. here is what we will be doing in this course:We will be going over the toolsAfter going over the tools we will be using them to draw to reinforce how they workThe drawing sessions are simple and easy to follow, anyone can do themOne project goes over how we can use the vector brushes to make cartoons and comics.Another project uses layers and the water color brushes to create unique illustrationsThe third project uses the oil brushes to blend paint and then layer masks to do some hand lettering and effects over it.The Final project takes all the skills we've used up to this point and put them all together in one final complex illustration.Why Fresco? It's a simple and intuitive painting app and because of its access to so many pre existing Photoshop brushes makes it incredibly powerful too.Who is this for:People who want to learn to draw but dont know where to startIllustrators looking to learn everything about FrescoAnyone who want to learn new techniques and take their drawing to the next level."
Price: 19.99

"PHOTOSHOP: Drawing a movie poster with a comicbook style"
"In this course, you are going to learn many tips to use Photoshop to transform a movie poster into a comicbook style. This is a course that requires some drawing skills, even basics ones, and a graphic tablet. You will learn all the steps to create a drawing based on the real poster. We are going to use layers, color, and many other tools to create a full comicbook style illustration."
Price: 44.99

"4 1, 2 3.    , , , , , , , , , , , , , ."
Price: 39.99