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"PHP bilmeden ve kod yazmadan gl web uygulamalar gelitir"
"""Ben Filemaker Server'e kucak dolusu para vermeyim, bunun yerine mySQL veri tabann kullanaym, uygulamay Filemaker ile ynetirken PHP ile de insanlar uygulamama erisin fakat bu arada SQL komutlarn, PHP kodlarn da renmek zorunda kalmaym"" diyorsanz bu kurs tam da size gre.Bu kurs sonunda Filemaker, PHP ve mySQL lsn kullanarak kod yazmadan dinamik ve gl web uygulamalar tasarlayabileceksiniz."
Price: 209.99

"Sass Tutorial For Beginners : CSS with Superpowers"
"Sass is an easy-to-use styling language that helps reduce a lot of the repetition and maintainability challenges of traditional CSS. Learning Sass will not only let you scale styles when working on big web development projects, it will also make it much faster and more efficient to write reusable styles from scratch for smaller projects."
Price: 179.99

"JavaScript for Beginners - Learn with 6 main projects!"
"Hello fellow developer! Welcome to JavaScript for Beginners! Here's a little information about me, what's in this course, what you'll learn in this course, and some social proof from the other courses I've taught on Udemy. I've been teaching JavaScript for over 8 years, and I've been using JavaScript since the late '90s. I've helped over 45,000 students learn this fun and fantastic programming language, JavaScript!Are you looking for a thorough course to learn JavaScript?Welp.. that's this course! Over 8 hours of videoOver 55 lessons5 mini projects3 mid-sized projects 1 final project Is this course for you?If you're new to JavaScript this is the perfect course for you! If you have some prior JavaScript experience, this course is still for you due to how thorough it is.Plus the projects that come with this course are very practical and really help you use what you've learned. Here's what you'll be learning in this courseIn this JavaScript for Beginners course you will learn everything you need to become a confident JavaScript developer. Some courses only teach you the programming side of JavaScript, and other courses only show you the interactive side of JavaScript. But the truth is: JavaScript is an interactive programming language and you need to know both sides of JavaScript. JavaScript fundamentals - You'll learn how to write JavaScript, where it's applied, and how to execute it. We'll be looking at JavaScript syntax (the funny looking curly brackets). We'll also look at ways to easily debug your JavaScript code so you aren't wasting your valuable time staring at broken code. Variables - A variable is a tiny piece of memory that's allocated in your computer. It's used for storing a tiny piece of data, like your name, a number, or several lines of code it should execute.Web page interactivity - The #1 reason why JavaScript is so popular is because of its ability to interact with a web page. You'll learn how to accept user input, change what your page looks like, and take an action based on the users action. This is what make websites truly interactive.Data types & data structures - Unlike other courses, in this JavaScript for Beginners course you'll learn the different data types and how to use them. You'll learn about numbers, strings, floats, functions, objects, undefined, null and more... and why they are important to know. Conditional statements - These are the little checkpoints in a program that make a computer actually do something. For example, if you're 18 or older you're allowed to vote. This is a real life ""conditional statement"". It reads like this: if age > 18: do something. This is exactly how computers know what to do and you'll learn how to write these.Functions - When you write enough code you'll eventually end up copying and pasting the exact same code over and over again. A function lets you write a piece of code one time and use it over and over. You'll learn about regular functions, immediately invoked functioned, anonymous functions and arrow functions!Loops - One of the most powerful concepts in computer science is the idea of a ""loop"". Basically it lets you do one action over and over again until it's told to stop. You'll learn about for loop, foreach loops and while loops!JavaScript quirks - JavaScript has some strange functionality that other programming languages don't have. We'll cover several ""quirks"" together in this course and you'll learn about things like hoisting, closures, promises, and block scoping. Objects, Classes and OOP - In JavaScript there's a special data type called an object. It lets you store named data points for easy access along with functions. In modern JavaScript we can write a class, much like other languages such as Python. Classes are a nicer way to write JavaScript objects. You can extend them, over write pieces of them, and re-use entire chunks of code they're like functions but much bigger. And you'll learn all about these!API's and Ajax requests - API's are inevitable in web development. It's important to know how they theoretically work, and how to work with them. You'll get hands on experience with a real life API and an Ajax request. Are you ready to start writing JavaScript?If not.. consider this: I have two other JavaScript courses with over 45,000 students and over 2,000 reviews! Here are a few real reviews from my other JavaScript courses: I've been trying to lean Javascript for a few months now. This course is helping everything fall into place. I really like and appreciate this tutor for his way of explaining. Fantastic! Not completed the course just yet, but from the lessons so far I have found Kalob's explanations to be clear and succinct. He explains exactly what he is doing and why. The pace is spot on and I never felt the explanations were verbose. I've never had the most confidence with Js so I decided to buy this course. I feel the lessons are helping and I am slowly gaining in confidence by the day. Great for beginners. Its amazing, the explanation is so simple, I wish I had gone through this course earlier. Yes, so far its been very easy and has a great start. IT'S A GREAT JS BEGINNER COURSEI've been teaching JavaScript for several years, helped thousands of people learn to read, write and understand JavaScript and I've put 3x more effort into developing this course than all my previous JavaScript courses. I promise you will enjoy it! See you inside! :) "
Price: 199.99

"Echtes Selbstbewusstsein fr introvertierte Mnner und Jungs"
"Du bist ein stiller Junge oder Mann? Menschen in deinem Umfeld bezeichnen dich als reserviert oder zurckhaltend? Kennst du das Gefhl, dass du dir oft selbst im Weg stehst. Egal ob auf der Arbeit in der Liebe oder in der Schule oft fllt es dir schwer die passenden Worte zu finden? Wrdest du dich selbst als stilles Wasser bezeichnen?Hast du die Schnauze voll davon, dich selbst als merkwrdig und sozial inkompatibel zu sehen? Hast du dir eventuell Gedanken darber gemacht, dass du ein introvertierter Kerl bist? Sagt dir das Konzept der Introversion vielleicht schon Etwas?Ob du es nun weit oder nicht, dieser Kurs soll allen introvertierten Jungs und Mnnern helfen mehr Selbstbewusstsein zu erhalten. Wir werden gemeinsam erarbeiten, was es bedeutet introvertiert zu sein.Wir werden ber ngste sprechen, die uns introvertierte Menschen oft im Alltag begleiten. Und wir sprechen ber Strategien, wie wir diese ngste berwinden knnen. Deine Introversion ist keine Behinderung, sondern ein Geschenk fr die Gesellschaft. Ich bringe dir Tricks bei, die dir sofort dabei helfen einen Selbstwertschub zu bekommen. Du kannst ein echt selbstbewusster Junge oder Mann werden mit den richtigen Strategien.Ich bringe dir bei wie du ein authentischer, selbstbewusster, introvertierter Mann werden kannst.Wir werden auch gemeinsam Lsungen finden, um soziale Situationen besser zu meistern auch wenn wir lieber Zeit alleine genieen. Die Tipps, Tricks und Methoden in diesem Kurs sind wirklich immens hilfreich und einfach in deinem Alltag umzusetzen. Du brauchst weder viel Geld noch Zeit, um endlich selbstbewusster zu werden.Du hast wenig zu verlieren und extrem viel zu gewinnen. Selbst wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt, gibt es eine Geld-Zurck-Garantie seitens Udemy!Also wenn du kein Bock mehr darauf hast, dass dich alle nur als schchternen Jungen oder Mann bezeichnen, dann schreib dich jetzt ein.Wir sehen uns auf der anderen Seite."
Price: 44.99

"Authentic confidence for male introverts!"
"You're a quiet boy or man? People around you describe you as reserved or still? Do you know the feeling that you often stand in your own way? Whether at work, in love or at school it is often difficult for you to find the right words? Would you describe yourself as a quiet guy?Are you fed up with seeing yourself as strange and socially incompatible? Have you ever thought about being an introvert? Does the concept of introversion mean anything to you?Whether you know it or not, this course is designed to help all introverted guys and men to gain more self-confidence. Together we will work out what it means to be introverted.We will talk about fears that often accompany introverted people in their everyday lives. And we will talk about strategies for overcoming these fears. Your introversion is not a handicap, but a gift for society. I'll teach you tricks that will immediately help you to get a boost in self-esteem. You can become a real self-confident boy or man with the right strategies.I will teach you how to become an authentic, self-confident, introverted man.We will also work together to find solutions to better master social situations, even if we prefer to enjoy time alone. The tips, tricks, and methods in this course are really immensely helpful and easy to implement in your everyday life. You don't need much money or time to finally become more self-confident.You have little to lose and a lot to gain. So if you don't want everyone to call you a shy boy or man anymore, sign up now.See you on the other side."
Price: 44.99

"SMM: Corso Avanzato del primo Social Media Manager in 3 mesi"
"Il Corso Advanced per il Social Media Marketing la seconda parte del Corso Social Media managers in 3 mesi che trovi in vendita sempre su Udemy.In questo corso ho cercato davvero di dare tanti strumenti e feedback su di essi per poterli utilizzare subito a livello professionale.Ho incluso anche una parte sui Chatbot che un approccio utilissimo per un tool che sta cambiando le regole del gioco.Sono a tua disposizione per spiegazioni e domande"
Price: 49.99

"Kotlin Tutorial for Beginners"
"This Kotlin tutorial is intended for complete beginners. You will learn basic programming concepts in Kotlin.This Kotlin tutorial is not geared towards Android ,Web or Desktop Application development. However, this tutorial is a general concept tutorial to help you learn how to use the Kotlin programming language concepts.Start watching it today."
Price: 19.99

"self defense for beginer christians"
"This course covers many martial arts and self defense arts combined to form the basics in self defense in my art called the way of a human being this is the beginners course after this you need to do the advance course after this is the pro course NOW ALSO in many kung fu arts they take animal moves and form there art i stress the point that is OK for animals that move that way naturally but for humans we move differently on 2 feet and to learn the animal ways can take a life time of practice for humans but the human way is all natural you still need to learn it a long time but far less then animal moves the actual techniques are commonly the same or similar from many upon many arts but it is the human mind intelligence behind it that makes the art so different and easier and much faster in learning i stress the point to obey trust rely in GOD THE TRINITY CREATOR OF LIFE in anything in life and to use the human way of thinking to your daily practice OK"
Price: 19.99

"Selenium WebDriverJava & SauceLabs for Complete Beginners"
"What is the course about? 1. There are a number of Selenium-based books published, and a plenty of Selenium training courses have become available recently. Most of the books and training materials focus on how to develop Selenium scripts. 2. This course teaches how to implement cross-browser test automation using Selenium WebDriver-Java and SauceLabs - 3rd party Remote Browser/Platform Provider by utilising a combination of Selenium technologies including Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium Grid. 3. By investing less than 2 hours, you will learn how to save test execution time by using Selenium WebDriver test automation along with SauceLabs. COURSE OUTLINES 1. WHY AUTOMATED CROSS BROWSER TESTING MATTERS 2. INSTALLING FIREFOX 3. INSTALLING SELENIUM IDE 4. SETTING UP THE JAVA ENVIRONMENT 5. INSTALLING ECLIPSE 6. WRITING FIRST SELENIUM IDE SCRIPT AND CONVERTING IT TO SELENIUM WEBDRIVER SCRIPT 7. RUNNING THE FIRST WEBDRIVER SCRIPT IN ECLIPSE 8. CREATING A SAUCELABS ACCOUNT 9. CROSS-BROWSER TEST EXECUTION SEQUENTIAL RUN 10. CROSS-BROWSER TEST EXECUTION PARALLEL RUN 11. IMPLICATIONS FOR INTERESTED PARTIES"
Price: 19.99

"Raise Your Vibration: Your Guide To Higher Consciousness"
"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration. - Nikola TeslaEach, and everyone of us, is vibrating at a certain frequency, and has a unique frequency signature.In order to move beyond disabling trapped emotions such as depression, guilt, shame, resentment, self-doubt, confusion etc. we need to raise our vibration.When we raise our vibration, trapped emotions begin to move, and we begin to release our energy that has been trapped by holding on to the past.Then we can begin to increase the frequency of our energy field, and begin to gain consistent access to higher, and more expansive states of consciousness, such a love, joy, contentment, peace, ecstasy, bliss.In this revolutionary course, I will share with you all the most powerful tools that I have used over the years on my journey into raising my vibration.I have a lot of experience, as following a spiritual awakening in 2003, I, Mark Keane, have been on an accelerated journey. I am an experienced teacher of Kundalini Yoga, Kundalini Dance, and Meditation, to name but a few. I also hold huge, consciousness expanding events called Kundalini Clubbing, and currently have 10,000 students in our community, awakening with me on Udemy.I feel honoured and grateful to be given this opportunity to share these extraordinarily techniques with you on this platform. Some of them might be familiar to you, but many will not be, and some will make you look again at things you thought you knew.""We live at a crossroads, there's no doubt. We all feel it, we all know it"" - Graham Hancock. Yes, friends, this is the time for us, the people to rise up, and fully reclaim our power.Now is the time for you to feel good, and live the life that you were destined to of colour, light and magic.This is the first time I have made a course like this, or even seen a course like this...a course that is designed to expand your consciousness, and open you up to the higher dimensions of life.We cover the secrets to an awakened diet, to open your body to higher frequencies.Powerful technique called 'gazing', to merge your consciousness with different things, like the sun!Explore ways to meditate, and work consciously with the mind, and its mental stream, to expand your potential.Work with sound vibration to get your body and mind to resonate at higher frequencies.Body work, including Kundalini  Yoga, Kundalini Dance, and Shaking!Learn about how using Sacred Geometry can bring your mind and body into harmony with higher frequencies.Learn how the Law of Attraction really works, and how you can make it work for you, to bring the things into your life which are for your highest good.Learn how to work with the power of seven from someone who has been working with the seven chakras since 2003!Learn to work with transformational energy of fire, ritual and the 8 points of the ancient calendar, which is synchronised with the cycles of nature.Crystals, Angel Cards, Laughter Yoga...and much, much more!Are you ready to ""Raise Your Vibration'?If so, what are you waiting for...ENROL NOW!"
Price: 124.99

"Aromatherapy For Massage Therapists Certificate Course"
"As a massage therapist , wouldn't you love to know how to apply aromatherapy essential oils to help your massage clients get better more quickly both emotionally and physically?Well in this Aromatherapy for Massage Therapists course you will learn this and so much more.. Learn from best selling instructor Mark Perren-Jones who is a Certified Aromatherapist in Aromatherapy and Essential oils, is a massage therapist  and has over 30 years in the massage industry.This is not your normal  aromatherapy massage course where you will learn a few essential oils and learn how to just give your massage clients a nice relaxation aromatherapy massage and then that is it. I want you to learn how you can make enormous changes not only to the lives of your massages clients by using aromatherapy essential oils but it will also transform your business in getting better results and increasing your income at the same time!That's right-it is a WIN-WIN situation! Happier healthier massage clients and a thriving aromatherapy essential oils massage business.Learn How To Make and sell to your clients:Cellulite Oil and Massage Oil BlendsAcute Sprains and Strains Aromatherapy Roller Bottle OilMuscle and Joint Massage BalmCold and Flus Chest Massage RubsAllergy Relief Aromatherapy Inhaler BlendsAnxiety Calming Inhaler 5 Stock Massage Oil Aromatherapy Essential Oil Blends For Every OccasionCold and Flu Inhaler and Aromatherapy Diffuser BlendsCramps and Spasms Muscle Lotion and Massage BlendMore than 50 Aromatherapy Diffuser BlendsMenopausal Lotion and Massage Oil BlendHeadache Relief Inhaler and Aromatherapy essential oil Roller Bottle BlendsThe Best Insomnia Diffuser BlendMuscular Pain and Tension Massage BlendNausea Relief  InhalersLymphatic Drainage Edema and Swelling Massage OilBlends and LotionsBruises and Bumps Oiland so much more!You are going to learn how to use the best aromatherapy essential oil blends on your massage clients and then , recommend your aromatherapy products for them to use outside of your massage room that they can use between your massage sessions!Now, based on your recommendations, they buy your aromatherapy diffuser blends for home or work that you have made, or your essential oil pain relieving lotion that they can massage onto their sore areas between massage sessions with you , or an aromatherapy personal inhaler to help with their anxiety levels or insomnia. And so much more!I have been doing massage for more than 25 years, I have used aromatherapy essential oils on literally thousands of massage clients around the World from Elite athletes to Presidents of countries and I will show you everything that you need to know from my experience to take your aromatherapy massage to a completely new level!When you complete this aromatherapy essential oils course you will know:How to apply the correct aromatherapy essential oils for your massage clients for muscle and joint pain and emotional problems.How to make a muscle easing pain balm and chest rub for coughs and colds to sell to your massage and reflexology clientsHow to make personal inhaler blends for allergies, nausea, concentration and relaxation that you can recommend to help them You will learn dozens of aromatherapy blends for every circumstance and be able to sell them for them to use at home or work Essential oil diffuser blends that you can recommend that you made for them with your essential oils.Your massage and reflexology clients will be able to buy your roller ball blends to use between treatments so they get better quicker.Learn aromatherapy safety and dilution ratesKnow how to use aromatherapy essential oils for muscle and joints pains, overuse injuries, make a bruise oil that you can sell and a first aid sprain and strain oil.This aromatherapy course for massage and reflexology therapists will transform the way that you treat your clients and I personally cannot wait to share with you my 25 years of knowledge and experience.I look forward to seeing you in class!All of Mark's Course are accredited with the CTAA (Complementary Therapists Accredited Association). On completion of this course, you will have access to join the CTAA if you please. As a member of the CTAA you will receive these benefits:A Professional Certificate showing that you have full membership with CTAA as a Practitioner.Access to discounted Therapist Practitioner Insurance with your membership (subject to their Insurance Partners)Access to their CTAA Logo to place on your Website/Social Media/EmailFree CTAA Directory Listing Have the opportunity to write a blog/article within the complementary therapy field that you work, that will be shared on their Website and Social Media to enable you to reach a larger audience and have exposure to yourself and your website."
Price: 194.99

"Aumenta tu Productividad y Alcanza tus Metas"
"Quieres ser una persona ms productiva? La productividad es un concepto comnmente mal entendido.La mayora de la gente piensa que, para ser productivo, tiene que trabajar ms duro y por ms tiempo.Y estn completamente equivocados.Adems, la productividad no consiste en cumplir ms objetivos, sino en invertir tu tiempo y atencin de una forma ms estratgica y as aadir ms valor a tu vida, tus relaciones y tu trabajo profesional.PeroPor qu parece que no logras terminar nada?Puede que sientas que no eres todo lo productivo que quieres. Esto puede deberse a diversos factores:- Demasiadas distracciones que impiden concentrarse en el trabajo que debe hacerse.- Tener una mentalidad equivocada y no practicar un dilogo interno positivo de manera consistente.- No tener objetivos claramente definidos y un plan para alcanzarlos.- No crear listas de tareas que sean sensatas e inteligentes.- No delegar tareas que alguien ms estara mejor equipado para completar.- No desarrollar los hbitos correctos para ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos.- No tener las habilidades de gestin del tiempo para mantenerte productivo.- No dormir lo suficiente y no cuidar tu salud mental y fsica.Quieres ser una persona altamente productiva?He preparado este curso que te mostrar cmo mejorar su productividad mientras trabajas menos y construyes mejores hbitos para alcanzar tus objetivos.Esto es lo que aprenders dentro de este curso:- Descubre las tcnicas para poner fin a tu hbito de procrastinacin.- Aprende a planificar y definir tus objetivos para que puedas hacer ms en menos tiempo.- Descubre la forma eficaz de crear listas de tareas y mejorar tu productividad dramticamente.- Conoce cmo eliminar las distracciones- Aprende a decir ""no"" y a preservar tiempo y energa para lo que realmente importa.- Domina el arte de dividir, priorizar y delegar tus tareas.- Conoce qu hbitos correctos desarrollar para ser ms productivo.- Mejora Tus habilidades de gestin del tiempoY mucho ms!Inscrbete ahora y transforma tu productividad!"
Price: 99.99

"SAS Programming by Orangetree Global"
"The following topics will be covered as part of this series. Each topic is described in detail with hands-on exercises done on SAS Studio to help students learn with ease. We will cover all the nitty-gritty that you need to know to get started with SAS along with the data manipulation, extraction, merging, sql and macros. The topics that we will cover in this course are as follows:Introduction to SAS The Procedure step in SAS Subsetting in SAS Sorting and finding the unique values in SAS Table creation in SAS Descriptive statistics in SAS Exporting and Importing datafiles in SAS Formats and Functions in SAS Appending and Merging of data sets in SAS Arrays and reading raw files in SAS Structured Query Language (SQL) in SAS using Proc SQL Data Manipulation and Joining using Proc SQL SAS Macros"
Price: 12800.00

"Pilates Props: The Foam Roller"
"Props can transform Pilates Mat exercises.  In this course we explore the many uses of the foam roller to modify, progress and add variety to the Pilates practice.  The extra benefits of the foam roller is myofascial release which will promote healthy soft tissue by improving flexibility and mobility.  You can also use it to aid balance during standing leg work.The course is made up of workshops so that you can learn the variations and become confident and competent before attempting the two master classes.  The choices included on this course are functional, safe and highly useable so that you can include them in your personal practice or teachers will have new ideas to take into class immediately."
Price: 24.99

"Shopify Tutorial for Beginners"
"This Shopify Tutorial will show you how to use the Shopify platform as a complete beginner.By the end of this full course you will have the confidence necessary to build online stores for yourself or for others.If you have products and are ready to learn Shopify, go ahead and start learning. This course will help you save costs by showing you how to build your own store. You will also have the skills to help you maintain your store.Go ahead and start learning right now."
Price: 44.99

"Magische Tipps fr Microsoft Outlook-Nutzer! Teil 1 E-Mails"
"Mchten Sie mit Microsoft Outlook in Zukunft professionell und schnell arbeiten? Dann sind Sie hier richtig! In diesem Kurs zeige ich Ihnen alles, was Sie brauchen, um mit dem E-Mail-Bereich von Microsoft Outlook durchzustarten und in der Zukunft professionell und schnell mit dem Programm zu arbeiten.Hinweis: Die Bereiche Kontakte und Kalender von Microsoft Outlook werden in einem separaten Kurs vorgestellt. In diesem Kurs geht es um die Verwaltung von E-Mails mit Microsoft Outlook.Sie werden viele, meist dem breiten Publikum unbekannte, Funktionen zur problemlosen Nutzung von E-Mails erlernen.Der Aufbau passender Regeln gehrt genauso zum Lerninhalt wie die Erluterung von zeitversetztem E-Mail-Versand und die Pflege des Servers bei IMAP-Konten.Die Suche nach bestimmten E-Mails wird fr Sie nach dem Kurs zum Kinderspiel und die optische Gestaltung von E-Mails wird Ihre E-Mails von der Masse der E-Mails mit weiem Hintergrund abheben - wenn Sie es denn mchten.Um alle Tipps nachzuvollziehen bentigen Sie lediglich ein installiertes Outlook-Programm ab der Version 2013 - es fallen keine zustzlichen Kosten oder Investitionen an.Hinweis: Sie knnen das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurckerhalten, wenn Ihnen der Kurs nicht gefllt.Dies ist Ihre Chance! Es ist Zeit, Ihre Microsoft-Outlook-Knste auf das nchste Level zu heben!  Vielen Dank fr Ihr Interesse."
Price: 59.99

"Invade Your Classroom with Digital Robot Teachers"
"Get ready to provide professional training using computer avatars that directly interact and engage with users. The impact of avatars on education is simply incredible. Avatar-guided programs allow teachers like you to train in a virtual classroom.What's having an avatar all about?An avatar is a figure or character that can be created and customized using cloud based tools,. Avatars can be used for teacher training. Instructional coaches use a virtual classroom to train teachers by helping them master strategies such as questioning at a higher level or managing behaviour. Avatars imitate different types of students to help teachers practice classroom management and relate to their students. The trainee teachers stand in front of a projection screen on which they see avatars that are being controlled, or acted out, by actual students trained to behave a certain way. Avatar-guided programs allow teachers to train before real students in a virtual classroom without the risk of making mistakes. Also, creating 3D trainer avatar characters across a school has initial start-up costs as well as fixed and variable costs that can be reduced as the software program is used over time. This mind-blowing course teaches you some tools - even apps to create avatars in 2D or 3D for educational or instructional use in your classroom. We will also glance at a real-time 3D animation tool to speed up the animation process to create faster avatar animation - without any technical skills required from your end. Did you know?Impact on student learning studies conducted by the top universities in the world found that instructor applicants have changed the way they work in the classroom following four 10-minute sessions using avatar-powered platforms like VOKI. Look at the first lecture to understand how to use the VOKI platform.Students feel more engaged and enthusiastic by imitating the layout of campus and classrooms, even if they learn independently at home. This concept of immersive environments applies not only to universities, but also to all kinds of online learning; it allows students to be part of a particular environment rather than feel like they are learning in isolation.Avatars increase confidence in information sources, according to a Stanford study, and research shows that when characters guide interactions, people trust the information more than in identical, character-free interactions.So, enrol now, there is a lot more to discover here in this course about Robot Teachers or what we call as Avatars.What are you waiting for? There is no time to waste.There are no technical skills required to learn this course. Nevertheless, the use of cloud based animation tools and software taught in the course that meet your requirements may be procured by you (if you need) for specific purposes of your choice.Let's get busy and start changing your teaching or animation career and life, one step at a time.What you'll get: Lifetime access to this course Practical tips that will bring you results Friendly support in the Q&A section Udemy certificate of completion"
Price: 1600.00

"Como Declarar seus Investimentos no Imposto de Renda em 2020"
"No caia na malha fina! Este curso um guia rpido, completo e prtico para declarar seus investimentos no Imposto de Renda da forma correta. Independente se voc possui investimentos em Renda Fixa, Renda Varivel, Previdncia Privada, Poupana, todos eles precisam ser declarados no IRPF, mesmo os investimentos isentos de imposto. O formato do curso Como Declarar seus Investimentos no Imposto de Renda em mini tutoriais, em vdeo, mostrando como declarar os investimentos diretamente no programa oficial do IRPF da Receita Federal.Alm disso, h uma seo dedicada aos investimentos em renda varivel. Trata-se de um guia completo do Imposto de Renda na Bolsa de Valores. Nesta seo voc ir aprender como realizar o controle mensal das suas negociaes de aes, como calcular e gerar a DARF mensal para pagar o IR e, por fim, como reunir todos estes dados para declarar suas aes e ativos de renda varivel no Imposto de Renda.O curso ideal para quem deseja:Realizar a declarao anual de Imposto de Renda do jeito certo e no cair na malha-fina;Fazer a declarao por conta prpria, sem pagar um contador;Entender como funciona o Imposto de Renda na Bolsa de Valores;Pagar os impostos da maneira correta, e ficar em dia com a Receita Federal;Declarar corretamente os pagamentos e recebimentos em PGBL para abater o IR.O curso no recomendado para quem deseja aprender a declarar outros bens que no sejam investimentos financeiros.OBS: O curso est com as informaes do programa IRPF 2019 pois a Receita Federal ainda no liberou as informaes e link de download da verso 2020. Assim que isso ocorrer, irei atualizar as aulas com as informaes de 2020.  Apesar disso, o passo-a-passo para declarar os investimentos, informaes necessrias, e o guia para gerao e pagamento da DAS para negociao de aes continua o mesmo."
Price: 54.99

"How To Make A Website With Wordpress - Divi Theme"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsLearn how to use the #1 Best selling WordPress Theme In The WorldMaster WordPress and the Divi Theme. Complete Beginners GuideGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 500,000 Monthly Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveUnlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern, Beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Create Pages With the Divi theme and WordPressCreate Pre-Made layouts for clientsMaster The Divi Theme and even start your own business!Master The #1 FREE Page Builder - Divi ThemeLEARN HOW TO USE THE DRAG AND DROP MODULES + VISUAL BUILDER. EASY!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?MASTER WORDPRESSCreate Your Own Website From ScratchCreate MODERN Style 2019 WebsitesMASTER The Divi ThemeWhat is the target audience?Anyone. This Course is for anyone with a desire to learnAnyone Who Wants To Start Their Own WebsiteAnyone Who Wants To MASTER WordPress And Elementor Page BuilderWhat youll learnCreate Websites From ScratchStart Their Own Web Design BusinessCreate Modern Style Websites In Under An HourAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Just an Internet Connection And A Computer!No Experience Required, Beginners Welcome!Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn how to make a website step by stepAnyone who wants to create their own business"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make a Booking Website With WordPress"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsLearn How To Make a Booking Website with WordPressGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 6,000 Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveI Have served over 100,000 Students With 5,200 Reviews with an average of 4.6/5.0!Unlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!START BOOKING Clients Simply and EasilyMaster WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?Create A Booking Website With WordPress! FROM SCRATCH!Create A Modern And Beautiful Website. Fully Control and Manage Your Booking WebsiteWhat are the requirements?You Don't Need To Have Any ExperienceComputer And An Internet ConnectionWhat is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Create a Professional And Modern Looking Website!Anyone. This Course is for anyone with a desire to learnAnyone Who Wants To Start Their Own Online Booking Website"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make A Digital Download Website With WordPress"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsLearn How To Make a Digital Download Website with WordPressGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 6,000 Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveI Have served over 100,000 Students With 5,200 Reviews with an average of 4.6/5.0!Unlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?Create A Digital Download Website With WordPress! FROM SCRATCH!Create A Modern And Beautiful Website.Fully Control and Manage Your WebsiteLearn how to sell digital products online!What are the requirements?You Don't Need To Have Any ExperienceComputer And An Internet ConnectionWhat is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Create a Professional And Modern Looking Website!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make A Membership Website With WordPress"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsLearn How To Make a Membership Website with WordPressGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 6,000 Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveI Have served over 100,000 Students With 5,200 Reviews with an average of 4.6/5.0!Unlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?Create A Membership Website With WordPress! FROM SCRATCH!Create A Modern And Beautiful Website.Fully Control and Manage Your Membership WebsiteWhat are the requirements?You Don't Need To Have Any ExperienceComputer And An Internet ConnectionWhat is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Create a Professional And Modern Looking Website!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make A Social Media Website With WordPress"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsLearn How To Make a Social Media Website with WordPressGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 6,000 Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveI Have served over 100,000 Students With 5,200 Reviews with an average of 4.6/5.0!Unlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?Create A Social Media Website With WordPress! FROM SCRATCH!Create A Modern And Beautiful Website.Fully Control and Manage Your Social Media WebsiteWhat are the requirements?You Don't Need To Have Any ExperienceComputer And An Internet ConnectionWhat is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Create a Professional And Modern Looking Website!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make A Real Estate Website With WordPress"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsLearn How To Make a Real Estate Website with WordPressGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 6,000 Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveI Have served over 100,000 Students With 5,200 Reviews with an average of 4.6/5.0!Unlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?Create A Real Estate Website With WordPress! FROM SCRATCH!Create A Modern And Beautiful Website.Fully Control and Manage Your Real Estate WebsiteWhat are the requirements?You Don't Need To Have Any ExperienceComputer And An Internet ConnectionWhat is the target audience?Anyone Who Wants To Create a Professional And Modern Looking Website!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make A Wordpress Website - For Beginners!"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsLearn how to use the #1 Best selling WordPress Theme In The WorldMaster WORDPRESS and the Brizy Page Builder. Complete Beginners GuideGet a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 500,000 Monthly Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveUnlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner. What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern, Beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Create Pages With the Brizy Page Builder and WordPressCreate Pre-Made layouts for clientsMaster The Brizy Page Builderand even start your own business!Master The #1 FREE Page Builder - BrizyLEARN HOW TO USE THE DRAG AND DROP MODULES + VISUAL BUILDER. EASY!Master WordPress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.What are the requirements?No Experience Required. Complete Beginners Welcome!What am I going to get from this course?MASTER WORDPRESSCreate Your Own Website From ScratchCreate MODERN Style 2019 WebsitesMASTER The Brizy Page BuilderWhat is the target audience?Anyone. This Course is for anyone with a desire to learnAnyone Who Wants To Start Their Own WebsiteAnyone Who Wants To MASTER WordPress And the Brizy Page BuilderWhat youll learnCreate Websites From ScratchStart Their Own Web Design BusinessCreate Modern Style Websites In Under An HourAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Just an Internet Connection And A Computer!No Experience Required, Beginners Welcome!Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn how to make a website step by stepAnyone who wants to create their own business"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make A T-Shirt Business Online [STEP BY STEP]"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For Wordpress LessonsUse The #1 Selling Theme for WordPress On The PLANET.I Have Helped Teach And Create Over 500 WordPress Websites!Get a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 6,000 Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveUnlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner.What youll learnCreate WordPress Websites From ScratchStart Their Own Web Design BusinessCreate Your Own T-Shirt Business OnlineAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Nothing! Just a PC and An Internet ConnectionWho this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn how to create a website from scratch!Anyone who wants to learn DESIGN and create something thats modern and professional"
Price: 19.99

"Complete WooCommerce Tutorial 2019-2020"
"Welcome To The Complete WooCommerce Tutorial 2017. This is a complete wordpress ecommerce tutorial for your wordpress website! In this step by step woocommerce tutorial, i show you how all the features for woocommerce and show you how simple it is to setup products, tax, shipping, and other options like coupon codes for woocommerce.Here is a list of things you can learn from this woocommerce plugin tutorialCreating Products:Simple productVariable ProductGrouped ProductAffiliate ProductVirtual ProductsDownloadable Products:What is a cross sell and up sell?WooCommerce SettingsExtra WooCommerce Product ExtensionsWOOCOMMERCE TAXESWOOCOMMERCE SHIPPINGWOOCOMMERCE COUPONS AND OTHER SETTINGSgood luck!What youll learnFully Master eCommerce And Sell Online by Mastering Woocommerce PluginAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?No Experience Required!Learn How To Sell On Your Wordpress Website With WooCommerceLearn How To Use The WooCommerce Plugin For Wordpress From Start To FinishLearn How To Setup Products, Taxes, And Shipping With The WooCommerce Plugin For WordpressWho this course is for:If You Want To Master WooCommerce, This Tutorial Is For YouAnyone who wants to create an online storeAnyone who wants to sell online"
Price: 19.99

"How To Use The Revolution Slider Plugin 6.0 - FULL TUTORIAL"
"The slider revolution plugin for wordpress allows you to create some really amazing sliders for your wordpress website. IT has more than 200+ templates to help get you started and after watching this tutorial you can expect to learn how to create your own wordpress slider with the slider revolution pluginAlso, if there was something i missed in this slider revolution tutorial, feel free to let me know in the comments below and if there was something i missed, go ahead and let me know! I really hoped you enjoyed this tutorial and have a great day!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Yoast Seo Tutorial (BEST SETTINGS)"
"Learn how to use the amazing yoast plugin! The yoast plugin helps optimize your wordpress website for search engines like google and bing. You can change the way your website appears in the search engines. It can really increase the organic growth of your website as well. In this yoast seo tutorial, i will cover all the things you need to know about the yoast SEO plugin!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make an eCommerce Website With Wordpress + Elementor"
"Why Take This AMAZING Course?Highest Rated Instructor Here On Udemy For WordPress LessonsMaster WORDPRESS and Elementor Page Builder. Complete Beginners GuideUse and MASTER The Elementor Page Builder for FREEI Am A TOP RATED INSTRUCTOR on Udemy. Find out Why!!Get a Modern And Amazing Look For Your Website That Will Impress!Learn From A Professional Who Creates Websites For a Living with over 30,000 Monthly Visits!THE MOST UPDATE AND MODERN TUTORIAL. Don't Settle For Outdated Content!Get A fully Responsive Website And Mobile ResponsiveUnlike Other Lectures. I Cover Everything. Don't be left in the dark with other lectures that are only one hour long. I help my students and make sure they are 100% informed on all WordPress features. This lecture is very detailed and will make you fully understand how you can create your WordPress website from scratch as a beginner.What Will I Learn From This Course?Setting up your domain and hostingCreate Modern,beautiful, and STUNNING Websites!Create Pages With Elementor and WordPressCreate Pre-Made layouts for clientsMaster The Elementor Page Builder and even start your own business!Master The #1 FREE Page Builder - ElementorLEARN HOW TO USE THE DRAG AND DROP MODULES + VISUAL BUILDER. EASY!Master Wordpress. Create Your Own Website Simply And Easily.Who this course is for:Anyone. This Course is for anyone with a desire to learnAnyone Who Wants To Start Their Own WebsiteAnyone Who Wants To MASTER WordPress And Elementor Page Builder"
Price: 19.99