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"La apertura espaola 1"
"La apertura espaola es una de las aperturas ms antiguas que existen. El nombre de esta apertura se debe a que fue estudiada en el siglo XVI por el clrigo espaol Ruy Lpez de Segura, y por eso tambin se llama apertura Ruy Lpez.Es una de las mejores aperturas que existen y est considerada por los Grandes Maestros como la mejor entre las aperturas abiertas, ya que es la apertura que mejor permite a las blancas conservar la iniciativa.La apertura espaola se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes para uno y otro bando. Se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas y desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura espaola, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas. No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99

"La apertura espaola 4"
"La apertura espaola es una de las aperturas ms antiguas que existen. El nombre de esta apertura se debe a que fue estudiada en el siglo XVI por el clrigo espaol Ruy Lpez de Segura, y por eso tambin se llama apertura Ruy Lpez.Es una de las mejores aperturas que existen y est considerada por los Grandes Maestros como la mejor entre las aperturas abiertas, ya que es la apertura que mejor permite a las blancas conservar la iniciativa.La apertura espaola se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes para uno y otro bando. Se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas y desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura espaola, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas. No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99

"La apertura espaola 5"
"La apertura espaola es una de las aperturas ms antiguas que existen. El nombre de esta apertura se debe a que fue estudiada en el siglo XVI por el clrigo espaol Ruy Lpez de Segura, y por eso tambin se llama apertura Ruy Lpez.Es una de las mejores aperturas que existen y est considerada por los Grandes Maestros como la mejor entre las aperturas abiertas, ya que es la apertura que mejor permite a las blancas conservar la iniciativa.La apertura espaola se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes para uno y otro bando. Se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas y desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura espaola, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas. No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99

"La apertura espaola 6"
"La apertura espaola es una de las aperturas ms antiguas que existen. El nombre de esta apertura se debe a que fue estudiada en el siglo XVI por el clrigo espaol Ruy Lpez de Segura, y por eso tambin se llama apertura Ruy Lpez.Es una de las mejores aperturas que existen y est considerada por los Grandes Maestros como la mejor entre las aperturas abiertas, ya que es la apertura que mejor permite a las blancas conservar la iniciativa.La apertura espaola se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes para uno y otro bando. Se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas y desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura espaola, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas. No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99

"La apertura espaola 7"
"La apertura espaola es una de las aperturas ms antiguas que existen. El nombre de esta apertura se debe a que fue estudiada en el siglo XVI por el clrigo espaol Ruy Lpez de Segura, y por eso tambin se llama apertura Ruy Lpez.Es una de las mejores aperturas que existen y est considerada por los Grandes Maestros como la mejor entre las aperturas abiertas, ya que es la apertura que mejor permite a las blancas conservar la iniciativa.La apertura espaola se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes para uno y otro bando. Se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas y desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura espaola, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas. No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99

"La apertura espaola 8"
"La apertura espaola es una de las aperturas ms antiguas que existen. El nombre de esta apertura se debe a que fue estudiada en el siglo XVI por el clrigo espaol Ruy Lpez de Segura, y por eso tambin se llama apertura Ruy Lpez.Es una de las mejores aperturas que existen y est considerada por los Grandes Maestros como la mejor entre las aperturas abiertas, ya que es la apertura que mejor permite a las blancas conservar la iniciativa.La apertura espaola se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes para uno y otro bando. Se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas y desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura espaola, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas. No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99

"La apertura espaola 9"
"La apertura espaola es una de las aperturas ms antiguas que existen. El nombre de esta apertura se debe a que fue estudiada en el siglo XVI por el clrigo espaol Ruy Lpez de Segura, y por eso tambin se llama apertura Ruy Lpez.Es una de las mejores aperturas que existen y est considerada por los Grandes Maestros como la mejor entre las aperturas abiertas, ya que es la apertura que mejor permite a las blancas conservar la iniciativa.La apertura espaola se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes para uno y otro bando. Se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas y desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura espaola, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas. No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99

"La apertura espaola 10"
"La apertura espaola es una de las aperturas ms antiguas que existen. El nombre de esta apertura se debe a que fue estudiada en el siglo XVI por el clrigo espaol Ruy Lpez de Segura, y por eso tambin se llama apertura Ruy Lpez.Es una de las mejores aperturas que existen y est considerada por los Grandes Maestros como la mejor entre las aperturas abiertas, ya que es la apertura que mejor permite a las blancas conservar la iniciativa.La apertura espaola se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes para uno y otro bando. Se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas y desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura espaola, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas. No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99

"La apertura espaola 11"
"La apertura espaola es una de las aperturas ms antiguas que existen. El nombre de esta apertura se debe a que fue estudiada en el siglo XVI por el clrigo espaol Ruy Lpez de Segura, y por eso tambin se llama apertura Ruy Lpez.Es una de las mejores aperturas que existen y est considerada por los Grandes Maestros como la mejor entre las aperturas abiertas, ya que es la apertura que mejor permite a las blancas conservar la iniciativa.La apertura espaola se caracteriza por su lgica y gran cantidad de variantes para uno y otro bando. Se trata de una apertura muy rica en ideas tcticas y estratgicas y desde los primeros movimientos los dos jugadores buscan controlar el centro y dominar el juego en los dos flancos.En este curso se estudian las ideas fundamentales de la apertura espaola, celadas, trucos tcticos, planes y maniobras tpicas. No solamente aprenders aperturas, sino que tambin aprenders estrategia, mejorars tu visin tctica y combinativa y desarrollars tu tcnica en general, ya que te familiarizars con los esquemas y planes tpicos del medio juego que surgen a partir de esta apertura tan interesante.Tienes ante ti un curso muy completo, con numerosos ejercicios prcticos e ilustrativas partidas magistrales completamente comentadas para que puedas llegar a dominar esta apertura llena de posibilidades.Si realmente quieres mejorar tu juego, este es tu curso."
Price: 24.99

"Sistema de Vendas Online"
"Infeliz com o que voc ganha no seu trabalho e a sua falta de tempo?Voc est cansado de trabalhar oito horas por dia, sem ter tempo para passar com a sua famlia e ainda no conseguir pagar as contas no final do ms?No importa se voc um funcionrio ou tem seu prprio negcio, voc ter que lidar sempre com grandes volumes de trabalhos e isso significa menos tempo para voc e mesmo que voc ganhe dinheiro, no ter tempo para gast-lo.E se voc est desempregado ou lutando para manter seu negcio, saiba que voc no est sozinho, j so milhes de pessoas na mesma situao, sem previso de melhoriasFATO: Algumas Profisses Sero Substitudas Por Inteligncia ArtificialE isso no algo que inventamos ... no nossa prpria pesquisa.Isso direto do site da UOL. isso mesmo ... de acordo com a matria, algumas profisses sero extintas.Ento, se temos milhes de pessoas desempregadas, imagine quando a Inteligncia Artificial tomar o lugar das pessoas Sero mais alguns milhes de desempregados.Agora voc entende por que precisa de um novo meio de ganhar dinheiro?E isso um processo!!Voc no fez nada de errado ...Estamos na quarta revoluo industrial, no na primeira. Essa transformao do trabalho vem acontecendo desde a primeira...Vai depender de ns, empresas, governos, academia, preparar o ser humano para o que vem pela frente. Parar eu acho que a gente no vai conseguir. (Paula Bellizia, presidente da Microsoft Brasil)Agora se voc quer acompanhar o processo de revoluo e no ser substitudo por Inteligncia Artificial, vai precisar de conhecimento.(Mas no se preocupe ... como voc ver em breve, no precisa de muito, apenas seguir um sistema, se seguir corretamente, poder Ganhar mais dinheiro e tempo para voc do que quando era funcionrio ou quando tinha um negcio.)Ento, como voc acompanha essas mudanas?Existe um sistema que te ajudar a ganhar dinheiro na internet?Existe, e exatamente isso que esta pgina vai te mostrarO SISTEMA DE VENDAS ONLINENs tambm temos um negcio, ns prestamos servios de Marketing Digital, e quando percebemos que o futuro est incerto, com cada vez mais ferramentas de automao, sabamos que tnhamos que encontrar uma soluo.Ento, ao invs de pnico, ns comeamos a trabalhar ...Alm de executar centenas de nossos prprios testes, tambm adquirimos cursos online de especialistas no assunto para criar o sistema ideal para maximizar nossos resultados com vendas de produtos como afiliados (Um Afiliado algum que deseja receber comisses para indicar/promover produtos de outras pessoas.) e tambm nossos prprios produtos de informao.Quando terminamos, ficamos com um simples Sistema de Vendas, fcil de seguir, que incorporou todas as nossas melhores prticas.Veja uma amostra do que abordado neste plano ...Como encontrar um bom produto para promover como afiliado e ganhar timas comisses.O que fazer para vender vrias vezes para o mesmo comprador.Como criar um sistema de vendas que rode automaticamente.Como construir listas de compradores ultra-responsivos preparados e prontos para comprar o que voc est vendendoComo maximizar os seus ganhos na internet.Como saber se o produto que voc escolher vai vender e quanto provavelmente voc ir ganhar com ele...e muito mais.Particularmente, se pudesse voltar no tempo eu no tentaria vender como afiliado ou produtor sem ter um guia passo a passo, e ficaria ainda mais alerta se estivesse investindo dinheiro do meu prprio bolso.Quero dizerNo promova um nico produto at acessar o sistemaNa Agncia de Resultado, j fizemos todo o trabalho pesado, cometemos todos os erros e descobrimos o que funciona (e o que no funciona). E acredite em mim, ns cometemos alguns erros algumas vezes ao longo do caminho ... E ns fazemos isso para viver !! por isso que temos o cuidado de documentar em estratgias simples e fceis de seguir, para que todos os membros da equipe da Agncia de Resultado possam duplicar esses resultados em todos os nossos sites de clientes e em nossos negcios.No passado, essas estratgias eram exclusivamente nossa, mas agora estamos disponibilizando algumas, selecionadas para um pblico especfico. (Voc vai ver porque mais a frente.)Ento agora voc no precisa fazer sozinho!Normalmente, essas estratgias so vendidas por R$ 97 a R$ 197, mas, por um perodo muito limitado, permitiremos que voc tenha acesso instantneo a essa estratgia Gratuitamente.Sim Gratuito.Ganhe dinheiro extra (executando algo que voc no est fazendo atualmente)Economize tempo (por no ter que aprender)Evitando erros embaraososTornar-se o homem ou a mulher que ganha dinheiro enquanto viaja com a famlia ...Criar um Sistema de Vendas que trabalhe para voc Evitar erros de novatos (incluindo alguns que a maioria dos afiliados ensinam no Youtube)Passar de 8 horas de trabalho por dia para 4 horas por semanaMultiplicar ou at mesmo Triplicar seu salrio sem sair da sua casa A escolha suaPerguntas frequentes:O que o Sistema de Vendas Online?No bem um curso e definitivamente no apenas um guia comum ... um mtodo prtico que vai te mostrar como Montar Passo a Passo Seu Sistema!Veja como isso funciona:Nos ltimos 12 meses, minha equipe e eu:Investimos muito (do nosso prprio dinheiro) em testes de marketingGeramos visitantes nicosEnviamos centenas de e-mails eExecutamos vrios testes de nichos diferentes de mercado Atravs de nossos prprios negcios internos.E ao longo do caminho, aperfeioamos um grande nmero de estratgias e tticas. Mais importante, como qualquer bom cientista, ns documentamos cada estratgia, para que nossas melhores ideias possam ser repetidas e implementadas em todos os nossos diferentes negcios.Eles so todos direto ao ponto. Se voc quiser histria e teoria, v ler um post no blog de algum marketeiro. As estratgias tm como foco ao e obteno de resultados com a maior rapidez e facilidade possvel.Por que Gratuito?Se voc est pensando ""gratuito?"" ... qual a pegadinha?"", aqui esto as razes que devem tranquiliz-lo:- Gratuito coloca essa informao ao alcance de todos ... de empreendedores individuais a startups. (E gratuito, voc no precisa fazer contas para saber se vai fazer falta no seu oramento mensal.) - Acreditamos tambm que, depois de experimentar este sistema de vendas, voc desejar mais e talvez ... apenas talvez ... volte, e compre nosso prximo produto.Mas issoSem letras midas ... sem planos ocultos sem pegadinhas. Apenas as informaes que voc precisa e os resultados desejados."
Price: 39.99

"CFA - Level 1 Corporate Finance - Cost of Capital"
"Welcome to this ""CFA - Level 1 Corporate Finance - Cost of Capital"" courseThis course is structured in a way to enable you to prepare for CFA - Level 1 - Corporate Finance Exam.By taking this course, you will be able to practice case studies in Cost of Capital topic. You will get exposure on - Computation of Cost of Preferred Stock - Dividend discount model approach- Computation of Market value of the company- Capital structure- Computation of Cost of retained earnings By taking this course you will gain absolute confidence and authority in Cost of Capital chapter. Please note, this course covers only the case studies to enable u to practice more. Remember - practice makes man perfect and this course will help you to achieve that perfection. This course is structured in self-paced learning style. You can listen course lectures any number of times as the course comes with life time access.For effective listening, please use your headset. While watching lectures, please have a notepad and pen alongside, so that you can take notes of important points.See you inside the course."
Price: 99.99

"Oracle Java Certification - Pass The Java 11 SE 1Z0-815 Exam"
"Why Get Java Certified?Getting Java certified is a great way to increase your career options.The reality is that employers value Java certification, and programmers who are certified are much more likely to get jobs and/or contract opportunities and get paid more compared to those who are not certified.Simply put, if you want to increase your career options, and earn more, you need to obtain Java certification.What does 1Z0-815 mean?Oracle has a code they use for each of their exams.  This one denotes the Java SE 11 Programmer I exam, the code they use for this exam.  Specifically, this one is for the latest certification offered by Oracle for Java - this time for Java 11.  Previously the certification code was 1Z0-808 for Java 8.   If you are unsure why to get certified in Java 11, there is a section below that explains why Java 11 is the version you need to get certified in.Why This Course?There really is only one Java certification program that has any industry recognition, and that's Oracle's Java certification.  Oracle is, of course, the owner of the Java brand and their exams have a reputation of being difficult and tricky to pass.That's where this course comes in.  Its sole purpose is to help you pass Oracles 1Z0-815, Java 11 certification exam.Oracle helpfully publish a document that outlines the topics that will be in the exam, and this course covers 100% of that material in detail.  Yes 100%Through a combination of videos, slides, and quizzes, you will obtain the necessary skills to pass the exam in style.Not only does the course cover the basic ""must-know"" Java information, but it also covers the tricky stuff that can trip up even the most experienced developer.  For example, did you know there are 20+ valid declarations of the main executable method in Java?  Who would have thought that ""public static void main"" had so many variations?How about the Java interpreter added in Java 11 that allows you to execute a .java source file without compiling it (no .class file needed).  Can you name the feature? And can you answer under what circumstances it will not work?What about the new garbage collectors added since Java 8?  Can you list them?  Which ones are deprecated and can you list which ones are best for particular purposes?Are you confident you understand modules, first introduced in Java 9?  You'll need to be because there are questions in the 1Z0-815 about modules.The answers to all of the above questions and much more are in this course.Why Get Certified in Java 11, aren't there newer versions available?Java 11 is designated as the LTS or Long Term Support version of Java - it's going to be supported by Oracle and JDK vendors until at least 2026, unlike Java 9, Java 10, and Java 12, all of which are no longer supported by Oracle.  Even Java 13's support will cease in March 2020.Large companies have large codebases, and it takes them a long time to upgrade that code to new versions of Java - for years Java 8 was the main version used by companies and with the release of Java 11, and Oracle's commitment to supporting it for many years as well as them designating it as the long term support version, this means that the majority of the industry will be moving, or already have moved to Java 11.  Particularly now that Java 8 support is ending soon.Oracle does not have a certification program for Java 9, 10, 12, or Java 13.  This is by design. Because Java 11 is Oracle's long term supported version of Java.  For this reason, Java 11 its the version of Java you need to become certified in. And this course will help you achieve that.Who is this course suitable for?If you have been through at least some of my Java Masterclass on Udemy, or another Java course and/or have some professional programming experience in Java or another programming language then this course is for you.  It's designed to give you the exact information and skills you need to pass Oracle's Java 11 1Z0-815 exam.If you already have Java 7 or Java 8 certification and want to upgrade your skills to Java 11, this is for you.The great thing about the course is that it's relatively short (at least compared to me almost 80 hour Java Masterclass), so it's great if you need to cram before taking the exam.Will the course teach me Java?While the course will teach you a lot about Java, including a lot of tricky syntax you probably aren't aware of, it's not designed to teach you Java from scratch - If you have no experience or want a refresher, you may want to consider my Java Masterclass which assumes no programming experience in any language.This course assumes you know the basics, and focuses on giving you what you need to pass the exam.  There is no fluff in this course, I know your time is valuable, and for this reason, you won't see me typing code into the IDE, almost all code used in the course is pasted in, and the necessary information you need explained.The course only covers topics that you are likely to see questions for in the exam, no more and no less.What this course is not.This course is not a  ""rebadged"" Java 8 Certification course - the 1Z0-815, Java 11 certification is a lot different from the 1Z0-808 (Java 8) exam (for starters it covers many features not included in Java 8, a few of which are listed above).If you only have Java 8 experience it's going to be pretty hard for you to pass the Java 11 exam.  You need to be up to speed with Java 11 features (as well as the older stuff) and that's what you will learn in this course.I created this course, in scratch, in Java 11 to give you the tools you need to pass Oracle's 1Z0-815 exam.  Who is this course suitable for?If you have been through at least some of my Java Masterclass on Udemy, or another Java course or have some professional programming experience in Java or another programming language then this course is for you.It's designed to give you the exact information and skills you need to pass the Oracles Java 11 1Z0-815 exam.If you have Java 7 or Java 8 certification and want to upgrade your skills to Java 11, this is for you.Is the course in progress or complete?The course is 100% complete, covering all topics that will appear as exam questions in the exam - all videos, slides, and quizzes are ready for immediate access.Who Am I?My name is Tim Buchalka, a professional software developer with over 35 years of experience, starting out with Java way back in the 1990s.  I am the creator of the biggest and most comprehensive Java course on Udemy, the Java Masterclass which has been a best seller for many years and has close to 400,000 students and literally tens of thousands of glowing reviews.You can be assured that the quality of the course is second to none and that the information contained in it will help you pass the 1Z0-815.Hand-edited subtitles included.I've got your back with subtitles.  Most courses on Udemy have computer-generated subtitles which are better than no subtitles at all.  But not much better.  The subtitles in this course are all individually hand-edited to ensure what I say in a video is reflected in the subtitle shown on screen.  In other words the subtitles are 100% readable and make sense."
Price: 149.99

"Curso pico Fcil"
"O curso pico Fcil foi criado no intuito de ajudar diversas pessoas que fazem uso do template pico e que esto com dificuldades em configurar o mesmo.Nesse treinamento voc aprender a configurar do mais bsico at o avanado desse tema, e consequentemente deixar o seu projeto com um tom muito mais profissional.O curso composto por 3 mdulos que buscam te ajudar ao mximo na configurao desse template.No primeiro mdulo eu darei uma pequena introduo acerca do curso e do contedo que ser ministrado.No segundo mdulo aprenderemos a instalar e configurar de forma bsica o template.No mdulo 03 partiremos para as configuraes avanadas do tema.O curso pequeno, porm, funcional para aqueles que esto com dificuldades com esse template.Caso j possua o template, basta apenas clicar em ""comprar"" nessa pgina. Garanto que voc no vai se arrepender.Bom demais n?Ento no perca tempo e venha fazer parte da nossa comunidade e aprender de vez a configurar esse magnifico template."
Price: 39.99

"Curso Thrive Architect Descomplicado"
"O curso thrive architect descomplicado foi criado justamente para facilitar a vida dos utilizadores desse magnifico plugin para WordPress.Com esse curso, voc poder configurar o plugin facilmente e assim aproveitar o seu poder para criar pginas totalmente customizadas e com uma facilidade sem igual no mercado.Portanto, para dar continuidade no curso, preciso ter adquirido o plugin e j estar com o mesmo instalado em seu blog ou site. Como o curso est dividido?O curso est dividido em 06 mdulos totalmente intuitivos e prticos.Mdulo 01 - Introduo ao Thrive ArchitectMdulo 02 - Fundamentos e opes bsicasMdulo 03 - Modelos de templatesMdulo 04 - Configuraes avanadasMdulo 05 - Criando um funil de vendasMdulo 06 - Aulas adicionaisNeste treinamento voc vai aprender a manusear todas as funcionalidades do plugin, bem como aprender a criar pginas customizadas e um funil de vendas completo.Para garantir seu acesso ao nosso curso, basta clicar no boto mais abaixo dessa pgina e se inscrever de forma totalmente prtica e rpida.T esperando o qu?Venha garantir sua participao nesse magnifico treinamento e assim fazer parte de um seleto grupo de pessoas que j esto se tornando verdadeiros experts no uso do plugin Thrive Architect!"
Price: 99.99

"Curso Autoresponder Gratuito 2.0"
"O curso Autoresponder gratuito vai te proporcionar o entendimento no s do e-mail marketing em si, mas tambm vai te mostrar diversas ferramentas gratuitas que podem ser utilizadas em substituio da maioria das ferramentas pagas existentes atualmente.Nesse treinamento aprenderemos a configurar todas as ferramentas apresentadas, deixando-as de igual para igual com as ferramentas pagas.O curso se encontra na verso 2.0 e conta com 5 mdulos totalmente prticos que visam te auxiliar o mximo possvel no seu objetivo.No primeiro mdulo irei falar um pouco do que e-mail marketing e sua importncia no mercado digital.No segundo mdulo irei apresentar a ferramenta Mymail e como configura-la da melhor forma possvel.No mdulo 03 apresento o conceito de servidor de SMTP e os principais servidores existentes atualmente na internet. E o melhor que a maioria deles gratuito.No mdulo 04 apresento a plataforma Sendinblue e ensino como configurar e trabalhar com esta plataforma.E no mdulo 05 apresento a ferramenta online MailRelay.Como voc pode observar, temos a faca e o queijo na mo, cabe a voc estudar, colocar em prtica e realmente atingir seu objetivo, que ter uma ferramenta profissional de e-mail marketing sem precisar gastar nenhum centavo por ms.T bom demais pra ser verdade n?Ento no perca tempo e venha fazer parte da nossa comunidade e aprender de vez a criar o seu prprio autoresponder totalmente grtis e funcional."
Price: 99.99

"Affiliate Marketing and Organic SEO in 2020 - The Fast Track"
"Affiliate marketing is one of the largest, most time-tested and proven business models on the Internet. It is also the most misunderstood. LEARN THE PROPER SKILLS necessary to build an affiliate marketing business from scratch, from your computer!This course is a solid, step-by-step system with clear, easily to follow instructions. We fast track you from knowing nothing to knowing the fundamentals of affiliate marketing and Organic SEO in JUST ONE AFTERNOON!Companies need traffic. They need customers, they need sales and they need growth. It doesnt matter how big a company is, they cant do everything themselves. Even Amazon needs help.This is where you come in, as an affiliate. You act as a commissioned salesperson who drives traffic to the business you have a relationship with. The only thing youre responsible for is finding the traffic and then converting that traffic to sales.My name is Chris Molnar, part of the OMC team with Tim Godfrey and Aidan Booth, and I have been building affiliate websites since 2005. Over several hundred sites in dozens of niches, I have witnessed all the Google changes through the years, but one thing has always remained constant ... the need to offer valuable content to solve people's problems. That is all affiliate marketing is.I have dabbled in black hat and white hat SEO, and if there's one piece of advice I can give to new students ... if you want a stable business with sustainable results ... do not cheat and take short cuts! In this course, I lay the solid foundations of a real business for the long term. After following this course and following the instructions, you can have an income stream that can last for years with little maintenance ... true, passive, automated income.Each Module follows logically in order, helping you build your first website in an easy, step-by-step manner. The course materials includes:MODULE 1 - AFFILIATE MARKETING FUNDAMENTALSThe foundations of what affiliate marketing is, and how it compares to other online business modelsFree traffic vs. paid traffic. This course only teaches about FREE TRAFFICDoes Google even like affiliate websites? How to provide value to your visitorMODULE 2 - NICHE MARKET RESEARCHLearn what a niche is, and how to choose a proper nicheExtensive training on keyword researchYour ""perfect"" customer avatar, and how YOU will solve their problem and buy what you are offeringHow to emulate your competitionMODULE 3 - AFFILIATE PROGRAMSWhat affiliate programs are, and how they workWalkthrough of Amazon Associates, CJ Affiliate and ClickbankHow affiliate links work, and how you get paidMODULE 4 - WEBSITE FUNDAMENTALS: Learn the fundamentals of registering your first domain nameBuying inexpensive web hostingInstalling your first websiteCustomizing and optimizing your Wordpress websiteMonetizing your website while keeping the user experience and Google in mindMODULE 5 - CONTENT MARKETING: Learn the fundamentals of copywriting, and how to evoke an emotional response that will trigger interest in your viewersWhat type of content to write and publish, and how to format that content so your visitors will love what they readTrust pages, product pages and supporting pagesThe optimal navigational structure of your websiteHow to outsource the writing of your contentContent syndication for more trafficMODULE 6 - FREE TRAFFIC THROUGH ORGANIC SEO: In this monster section, you will learn the fundamentals of organic, ""white hat"" SEO ... that is, SEO that doesn't cheat the system and risk Google banning you. This module includes:A thorough overview of organic SEO, and how Google ranks content, and what makes websites powerful authoritiesThe E-A-T and YMYL principles of SEOON-PAGE SEO - The metrics of your website, user engagement and contentOFF-PAGE SEO - Your linkbuilding strategy, author profile, and link profileSetting up Google AnalyticsSetting up Website Search ConsoleA week-by-week linkbuilding planEvaluating your competition so you know what goals you need to reach10+ effective ""white hat"" linkbuilding strategies to gain powerful backlinks to your website, including Youtube SEOHow to stay ranking at the top for the long term MODULE 7 - SCALING AND EXPANSIONIdeas on scaling your businessExpanding your knowledge with industry eventsSelling your website for maximum valueNo filler. No BS. All solid content presented to fast track your success!Here are 5 reasons why you should purchase this course today:1. You will have exclusive access to a complete, PROVEN system, laid out in an easy to follow roadmap to get you set up and running quickly.2. All stages of setting up your affiliate business is covered here - from setting up your domain name to registering for an affiliate program, to niche research, evaluating your competition, and a huge section on organic SEO3. Even if you choose not to create an affiliate business, just learning about organic SEO will give you the skills and open up doors and opportunities for other online businesses and services, such as becoming a Search Engine Marketer or building your own agency!4. I include helpful worksheets, linking plans, spreadsheets and links to resources to save you time and help you faster.5. I personally answer all questions. Simply reach out and ask me anything!I can't wait to teach you this business model! Enroll today to learn how to be an affiliate marketer and tap into massive free traffic!"
Price: 119.99

"Ultimate Photoshop: Creative Professional Masterclass"
"*All project files included!*Here's what you'll learn from this course:Introduction to PhotoshopThis course includes over 14 hours of training designed to teach you all the basics you need to know before starting the advanced Photoshop courses. You'll learn how to navigate Photoshop's interface, what the different file types are you'll encounter in Photoshop (and when to use different types), the most common and fundamental tools in Photoshop and so much more. No matter what challenges you'll come across in Photoshop, this course will teach you the features, tools and operations you'll need to know so you can conquer whatever projects come your way.Understanding Frequency Separation in PhotoshopFrequency separation is a common technique used by professional portrait photographers and retouchers around the world. In this course, you'll learn what frequency separation is, why it's helpful, how to set it up in Photoshop and even how to save time by building an action we can use to set up frequency separation in any of our other projects.Advanced Photoshop: Woman in the MoonIn this course, you'll learn how build a creative image using a portrait photograph. You'll learn how to extract someone from the background while retaining details like their hair. You'll also learn how to draw shapes, add textures, building realistic glow and blending workflows.Advanced Photoshop: Forced PerspectiveIn this course, you'll learn how to combine two photographs to make someone look smaller than they are using a forced perspective technique. Along with advanced masking and painting techniques, you'll learn how to manipulate images, add lighting and even more advanced blending workflows.Advanced Photoshop: Falling Down the Rabbit HoleIn this course, you'll learn how to combine numerous photographs together for an Alice in Wonderland inspired piece of fantasy art. You'll also learn painting techniques, advanced masking workflows and how to add the illusion of motion to images.NEW IN 2020!!Advanced Photoshop: Creative Maternity PhotographyEveryone's seen the typical maternity photos. Make your work stand out as you'll learn the step-by-step process of building a creative maternity photograph. Who this course is for:Beginners. This includes courses that will take you from the first time you open Photoshop to becoming a Photoshop masterProfessionals. With the wide range of tools and projects you can use Photoshop for, this course is a great way to refresh your memory on those things you don't use that often.You. No matter your skill level, this course includes content that will help you boost your creativity in Photoshop."
Price: 199.99

"SAS Certified Specialist (Base) Readiness Exam"
"Note: Please read the full welcome message before starting to make sure you have the best experience :)Need to test your preparedness for the latest SAS Base Certification Exam? Need to get more practice with SAS programming? Well then, this course is for YOU.Our course 'SAS Programming Complete; Learn SAS and Become a Data Ninja' is not mandatory but highly recommended before attempting this practice exam.SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Readiness Exam was designed with the recently released Base SAS Certification Practice Questions in mind. We created our own data-sets and changed the questions while still testing the same concepts.We know this will help you pass the new SAS Base certification exam, titled 'SAS Certified Specialist: Base Programming Using SAS 9.4' The exam is performance based. For example, coding challenges will be presented, and you will need to write and execute SAS code to determine the correct answers to a series of questions.Our exam is meant to be a realistic gauge of this new SAS Base Certification Exam, allowing you to decipher your readiness to take the SAS Base Programming exam."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a crear ropas y tejidos en 3d paso a paso"
"Bienvenidos/as a un nuevo curso! En esta ocasin aprenders como funcionan Clo 3d, Marvelous Designer y otros softwares, como crear desde 0 ropas y tejidos virtuales, como crear los patrones , coserlos, aadirles detalles y adornos como botones y cremalleras, crear tus maniqus virtuales, posarlos y/o animarlos; crear tus estampados en Photoshop  y muchas cosas ms.AVISO IMPORTANTE : El curso se ir actualizando de forma gratuita de vez en cuando con nuevos avances en las herramientas o enseando ms proyectos"
Price: 29.99

"Quickbooks for Freelancers Basic to Advance Training Course"
"Quickbooks for Freelancers Real Projects covers all popular versions of QuickbooksThis Quickbooks course will train you to use QuickBooks and manage your business's finances. The expert knowledge will show you important features from how to create accounts to organizing customer, vendor, and item records. In our Quickbook course, you will discover every possible aspect of its features. At present, This QuickBooks Course is updated to help existing and new students.This Course offers students the latest look and feel of QuickBooks.This quickbooks course will walk you through the company creation process and how to enter the opening balance to get started with the software , this covers all the information you need to transfer your business from manual accounting to computerized accounting software.The main Topics covered in this course arehow to create a company using quickbookshow to define company chart of accountshow to edit information on chart of accountsEntering Opening balancesEntering Customers and VendorsManage to Edit Customers InformationManage Inventory Details and more"
Price: 114.99

"EPANET y PYTHON para simular Redes de agua: PARTE 2"
"Amigos Les presento la 2da PARTE del Curso ""EPANET y PYTHON para simular Redes de distribucin de agua"", en este Curso aprenders a resolver problemas reales de redes hidrulicas usando tus propios cdigos en Python.Disear o calibrar una Red puede llegar a ser una labor extremedamente complicada y tediosa si lo haces manualmente.TE ANIMO a que te inscribas en este Curso ahora mismo. El contenido est enfocado en el Diseo, Calibracin y Operacin de redes de agua usando la ltima tecnologa en modelacin computacional. VAMOS INSCRIBETE Las clases son muy prcticas y estn basadas en aprender haciendo, es decir, creando tus propios cdigos en PYTHON que es el lenguaje de Programacin mas usado a nivel mundial.Las clases te ayudarn a automatizar muchas de las tareas que hoy en da se hacen manualmente y te hacenperder mucho tiempo (DISEAR Y CALIBRAR REDES) ,  as que INSCRIBETE.Puedes CONSULTARME cualquier duda y en seguida te responder. Ya sabes que es muy dficil conseguir este tipode cursos en otraa plataformas educativas, por eso quiero compartir contigo mi experiencia como programador Python.Sino sabes nada de EPANET te dejo el material GRATIS para que aprendas a manejar lo bsico.Las primeras video clases son de repaso y el resto son totalmente Prcticas aplicadas a solucionar ejemplos de redesde agua que te servirn para cualquiera de tus proyectos. Te recomiendo cursar el primer nivel antes de apuntarte a este curso (Es SOLO UNA RECOMENDACION), sin embargo,si te gusta programar y conoces algo de EPANET puedes tomar este curso sin problemas.Tendrs acceso a todos los cdigos tanto de Diseo de redes como de Calibracin, adems de programas parasimular niveles en embalses (enfocado a la operacin) y al control de Vlvulas, entre otros casos de estudio.BIENVENIDO AL CURSO,Luis"
Price: 34.99

"Stepping Into Your Light"
"You cant change whats going on around you until you change whats going on within you. This fully accredited course is designed to help you do just that as it teaches you how to tap into and activate your bodys innate intelligence to bring about healing on every level of your existence. You will learn energy healing techniques that take you beyond the ego and help you tap into the field of pure intention and from this place of light, you can then access your body's innate intelligence. Working from this place of pure potential, you will then learn how to transmute and harmonise the energy of your meridians, your chakras, your molecules and cells and clear and heal your links with Mother Earth. This course takes you on a journey of self-mastery. This conscious and transformational soul work helps you bring spirit into matter. From this place of unity, you learn to heal your genetic, ancestral, karmic, soul group and past life links with Mother Earth. Doing so frees your soul from the binds of the past. You are then free to live peacefully in the power of the now.Course LayoutThis course is delivered in eight sections.Section 1: Introduces you to energy and the science behind the techniques taught in this course.Section 2: Teaches you the basic technique for Stepping Into Your Light.Section 3: Teaches you how to clear blockages in your Meridians, balance and harmonise your Chakras, energetically heal on a cellular level throughout the Systems of your body and heal your connections with Mother Earth.Section 4: Helps raise your energy vibration through the healing power of Symbols.Section 5: Supports your healing.Section 6: Teaches you the importance of repetition and provides you with a daily meditation in mp3 format.Section 7: Frequently Asked Questions.Section 8: My 'thank you' gift to you.Course AimsThis course aims to teach you simple tools and techniques that enable you to process your emotions and feelings regardless of any chaos going on in your everyday life.Course ObjectivesThrough this course you will:Gain an understanding of Energy and how it impacts us.Learn how to work with the power of intention.Discover what science and neuroscience have to say about Energy.Access your light within and your own stream of consciousness.Direct your subconscious mind to heal and release.Enhance your breathing and learn how to direct your breath as a healing tool.See first-hand how others experienced these techniques.Apply these techniques to your everyday life.Develop a daily practice to help reprogramme your subconscious mind.Outcomes:You will be able to safely release the past and remain more present in the now."
Price: 179.99

"Environmental Engineering & Artificial Intelligence: Part 1"
"This incredible course titled ""Environmental Engineering & Artificial Intelligence: Part 1"" created by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"" and Narmadha.M deals with the introduction to environmental engineering with a touch of Artificial Intelligence. Environmental Engineering is a professional engineering discipline that takes advantage of specific scientific topics such as chemistry, biology, geography, geology, hydraulics, hydrology, microbiology, and mathematics to create solutions that will preserve and also improve the health of living organisms and increase environmental quality. Environmental engineering is a civil engineering, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering sub-discipline. Environmental engineers research the environmental impact of technological advances, tackling local and global environmental issues such as acid rain, global warming, ozone depletion, water pollution, and air pollution from vehicle exhausts and industrial sources.Environmental engineers ' job prospects are outstanding. Between 2018 to 2022, the sector is expected to grow by 25 percent, faster than the average for all occupations. Some development will be fuelled, especially in Western states, by the need for water reclamation projects that increase water resources.In this amazing course, we will learn the following:Heavy Metal Removal From Industrial WasteWater using Low Cost Absorbents.  This includes the topic of heavy metals, environmental impact of heavy metals, conventional methods etc.Sources of Heavy Metals and Introduction to Adsorption, Sources of heavy metals and their cycling system in the soil-water-air organism ecosystem etc.Types of Adsorption and Outline to Low Cost Adsorbents - Insights on Physical Adsorption, Chemical Adsorption, Low Cost Adsorbents etc.Role of Artificial Intelligence to detect water leaks and much more.We will also look at a very real and practical example of an environmental atlas - an interactive map to track environmental changes across the globe that will tend to make the course fun, engaging and interesting - at the same time.Enroll Now and let's start booming.Let's get busy and start learning this with utmost zeal:What you'll get: Lifetime access to this course Practical tips that will bring you results Friendly support in the Q&A section Udemy certificate of completion"
Price: 1280.00

"Memory Mastery: Improve Your Everyday Memory"
"DOES YOUR MEMORY HOLD YOU BACK?You hate that feeling when someone meets you and they remember your name and youve completely forgotten theirs. Imagine if you could learn that language youve always wanted to speak, give talks without notes or simply remember more names. For many people, they feel they have a bad memory because there was never a class called memory at school. NO ENJOYS FORGETTINGWe have all experienced the embarrassment of walking into a room and forgetting why you walked into the room in the first place.It will feel great when you have a good memory and people constantly ask you how do you remember so much?. By the end of the course, you will be known amongst your friends, colleagues and family as the person who never forgets things.THING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT MEMORYMost people dont realise you can improve your memory.Many of us believe we either have a good or bad memory.The truth is there is no such thing as a bad memory- just an untrained memory.Higher demands are placed on professionals and students to learn faster.You want to be the person who never forgets anyones names, knows multiple languages and give flawless talks but you believe you have a bad memory and thats holding you back, however, with the right training that can change.MEMORY MASTERY COURSEThis course will help you improve your memory by teaching you useful strategies to comprehend more when reading and real-world applications.Whether youre trying to remember what you just read, birthdays, to-dos and passwords this course will provide you with the best strategies for improving your everyday memory.Dont struggle through life with a bad memory learn how to harness this incredible power!24/7 access to me and the Facebook Private Mastermind! Daily content on speed reading, learning strategies, memory training and much more to help you learn anything faster.Lifetime access. Which includes online applications and book recommendations.Certified Memory Certificate. You can add this to your CV and LinkedIn.BEYOND BEING A MEMORY EXPERTYour average day wont be the same as you will look to become 1% better each day, constantly looking to hack new skills and finish tasks faster than those around you.Once you become a memory expert people will not understand how you manage to do so much with your time.And what I encourage you to do is share your new skill with those around you as you will become a source of inspiration.Something once taught is twice learned.ABOUT THE INSTRUCTORJordan Harry - TEDx Speaker (1.4M+Views) Mixed Martial Artist Public SpeakerI am a memory and speed reading coach who has given a TEDx talk that has been viewed by 1.4 million people and taught over 15,000 people from 147 countries speed reading and memory.When I was 10, I had a speech impediment which left me struggling with speaking in public and reading.I now read seven times faster than the average reader (1,500 words per minute), the CEO at StudyFast and an international public speaker.My mission is to make speed reading and memory training accessible to all.Featured in the BBC, TED, Virgin StartUp, LBC Radio and Metro.The average time taken to read this: 27 seconds100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE You are fully protected by my 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. If you don't improve your everyday memory afteR completing the course just let me know and I'll send you a prompt refund.HOW LONG DOES THE COURSE TAKE?Only 15 minutes per day!It wont be easy - but if you put the work, you are guaranteed to succeed.WHAT YOU'LL GET INSIDEDebunk Memory MythsWhy we ForgetDifferent Types of MemoryHow to Remember More NamesLearning a new Language FasterTechniques to Recall Book NotesMastering a Martial ArtSecrets to Learning a ScriptRemembering NumbersIf you have a visual or learning disability don't feel like speed reading is impossible... it isn't!Please contact me before enrolling in the course, so I can work with you to ensure your utmost success.I hope you get everything you expect, and more, from the course.- Jordan HarryP.S.: This isn't your normal online course: expect humour, clear and concise content that is far from boring!"
Price: 19.99

"Electronic Music Producer 2020"
"Except the potential money and glory, music production is mainly a lot of fun!In the Electronic Music Producer course, you will learn how to create a track - from idea to done.The Course is best for beginner producers.Developing your inspiration sources, creating good sounding beats and bass grooves, mixing your track so it is balanced and sounds great and ready to rock.We will learn complex topics in a simple and fun way. We'll learn the techniques used by big-name producers in an easy way so you can use it with your laptop.This is a complete Electronic Music Production course - not only an Ableton course.Although I'm using Ableton to convey the messages, and show the tools and techniques on Ableton, it is NOT only an Ableton course. Think of it like a ""learn to draw"" course, rather than a ""photoshop"" course, where i teach you to draw using photoshop. During the course, you will see that the concepts are relevant to every production software you choose.Extras and AssistanceDuring your training, I am answering questions and giving feedback on your tracks and creation. Let's begin your Music Production journey!PSI'm sure you'll enjoy the course. 100% positive. And you can always get your money back within 30 days based on Udemy's Terms. So you have nothing to lose basically."
Price: 194.99

"Artes para Youtube: crie e anime no After Effects"
"Esse curso pra voc que quer aprender em poucas horas como criar artes e animaes para os seus vdeos. Voc no precisa aprender um software para cada coisa: nesse curso voc ver como fazer tudo utilizando apenas um, o After Effects.O curso comea do bsico, com um guia inicial do programa e suas ferramentas, e depois segue para a criao de elementos grficos como tarjas com texto, miniaturas e logos. O mdulo seguinte aborda animao 2D desde o bsico, seguindo da animao dos elementos criados no mdulo anterior."
Price: 84.99

"Shred Guitar Improvisation"
"This course was designed to help players whove just started improvising or been caught in a rut for a while and need some help to get fresh approaches and ideas.Each section is devoted to an important aspect of improvisation, whether it be targeting chord tones, addressing the Roman numeral chord number systems, some different approach to phrasing and heaps of other great tools to help out guitarists on their improvising journey. I will be providing tips, tricks, common hacks as well as extensive video explanations, coupled with guitar pro files, PDFs and backing tracks."
Price: 24.99

"Mastering QuickBooks Pro 2020 for Lawyers Training Tutorial"
"Using QuickBooks in a law firm comes with unique challenges. From setting up and maintaining a legal company file to managing trust accounts, QuickBooks includes several powerful features for law professionals. This QuickBooks training course includes training specific to the practice of law. You will learn how to create and effectively manage a legal company file as well as use QuickBooks for trust accounting. Mastering QuickBooks Made Easy for Lawyers features 212 video lessons with 8.5 hours of instruction for QuickBooks Pro version 2020. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of printable classroom instruction manual, additional images and practice exercises."
Price: 19.99

"Conosci la Contabilit! 1 - Corso Intermedio."
"Il Corso la naturale continuazione del corso precedente Contabilit Generale. Le Solide Basi per Capirla a Fondo. Infatti dopo avere analizzato approfonditamente il funzionamento della Contabilit Generale e la logica che ne sta alla base ora il momento di conoscere in modo pi approfondito e completo le registrazioni delle principali operazioni aziendali, richieste da ogni azienda e da ogni indirizzo scolastico commerciale.Mentre il Corso precedente, dopo avere illustrato il funzionamento di base della contabilit, ti ha presentato le registrazioni, analizzandone il procedimento soprattutto attraverso collegamenti con la teoria di base, questo Corso compie un deciso passo avanti, illustrando le principali registrazioni in modo pi concreto, analizzandone il procedimento attraverso collegamenti alla pratica e alla realt lavorativa di ogni giorno.Attenzione quindi che tutto quello che stato presentato nel Corso di base dato per scontato e per conosciuto. Quindi questo Corso sconsigliato a chi non ha le conoscenze di base. In questo caso rimando al Corso La Contabilit Generale. Le Solide Basi per Capirla a Fondo.Per un apprendimento solido e completo anche vivamente consigliabile conoscere il significato e il funzionamento delle operazioni di assestamento che sono state presentante con il secondo Corso Le Scritture di Assestamento. Un Approccio Semplice.Il Corso presenta quindi, nell'ottica sopra evidenziata, un approfondimento sulle scritture contabili pi frequenti nelle aziende, quali l'acquisto, la vendita, i regolamenti attraverso la banca o altri canali, le principali operazioni con le immobilizzazioni, la realizzazione delle plusvalenze e delle minusvalenze, i costi di impianto e di ampliamento, i costi accessori, gli oneri bancari aggiuntivi alle operazioni, i regolamenti cambiari; e ancora la gestione dei regolamenti con acconti, vista sia dalla parte del cliente che dalla parte del fornitore, gli sconti, gli arrotondamenti, gli abbuoni e tanto altro.Queste scritture sono particolarmente approfondite in quanto costituiscono ""il cuore"" delle registrazioni principali di ogni azienda e rappresentano di conseguenza un ""minimo di conoscenza imprescindibile"", sia per chi desidera lavorare in questo ambito, sia per chi preferisce poi proseguire e approfondire ulteriormente le sue conoscenze e competenze. Il raggiungimento di questo ""minimo di conoscenza"" proprio lo scopo di questo Corso: darti cio una padronanza contabile immediatamente applicabile presso ogni realt aziendale.Ma la presentazione delle operazioni aziendali non si limiter solamente agli aspetti strettamente contabili,  sar infatti accompagnata, ogni qualvolta che la situazione lo richiede, anche da spiegazioni di carattere generale che ti daranno quel minimo di cultura specifica che render pi solida e completa la tua preparazione. Saranno infatti presentati il concetto di ciclo attivo e di ciclo passivo e la loro gestione, il trattamento IVA dei rimborsi spese, la modalit e le fasi di fatturazione nei casi particolari come i regolamenti in acconto, le caratteristiche e le differenze delle tipologie di assegni (bancari e circolari), le forme e le funzioni della cambiale (''tratta'' e ''pagher''), ecc.Lo scopo finale del Corso quindi quello di darti una preparazione sufficientemente approfondita e completa sulla gestione e sulla contabilizzazione delle principali operazioni aziendali, che costituisca un primo livello di conoscenza e preparazione non strettamente didattico e basilare, ma professionale e spendibile in ogni realt lavorativa che richieda la conoscenza della Contabilit Generale."
Price: 149.99

"Fundamentals of Data Science with Python"
"Python has grown into a key language that can be used to develop solutions for a variety of data science challenges. This course will teach you the fundamentals of data science using Python and its growing collection of libraries that focus on particular elements of data science.In this course, we will get hands-on with a variety of data science tasks. After a quick primer on Python, you will start with a quick task: sourcing, processing, and cleaning a dataset. Then, you will use Python to mine data from its source and analyze available data via statistical and probability analysis techniques by using NumPy and pandas. You will also look at modeling data in order to perform Artificial Intelligence prediction by using the SciPy, scikit-learn, and statsmodels libraries. The course also covers visualization methods using the Matplotlib library to display this analysis and visually demonstrate patterns in the data.By the end of this course, you will be able to work on data science tasks in a practical way with different Python libraries and achieve your goals.About the AuthorNicolas Rangeon is a freelance data scientist. He has spent the last 2 years teaching data science, emphasizing how to store, retrieve, and analyze data from any kind of database. He developed a feel for teaching both technical skills and mathematical concepts; both are required if you want to be a proficient data analyst.After having graduated with a Masters degree in Computer Science, Nicolas worked as a freelance data scientist and data engineer for several small businesses where he deployed, managed, and mined databases in order to get value from their stored data.When it comes to deploying and managing a relational database, his first choice is always PostgreSQL, due to its robustness and its ability to handle large amounts of data efficiently."
Price: 124.99