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"Anima un torrente sanguneo en 3D con Cinema 4D"
"Curso 3D Animacin del  Torrente Sanguneo De qu va este cursoEl mundo del 3d es muy amplio y hoy en da se aplica en multitud de campos: Ilustracin, animacin, videojuegos, cine, publicidad.En el campo de la medicina tambin tiene sus aplicaciones, pues manejando un software 3d podemos animar, ilustrar y en definitiva mostrar conceptos que de otra forma sera mucho ms complicado mostrarEn este curso de cinema 4d nos centraremos en crear una animacin e imagen sobre un torrente sanguneo. En este trabajo se mostraran glbulos blancos, rojos y virus, navegando a travs de una arteria o vena.Qu aprenderemosEn este curso aprenderemos a modelar un sistema circulatorio, con glbulos rojos, blancos y virus. Para estos modelados usaremos cinema 4d y herramientas de modelado. Asimismo, aprenderemos el uso de los clonadores y la vinculacin de objetos clonados a recorridos creados con splines. Tambin veremos la creacin de materiales para dotar a la escena de color, teniendo en cuenta el equilibrio entre calidad y optimizacin del render.Aprenders en definitiva,  bastantes conceptos que te permitirn, en apenas hora y media, generar una animacin que bien podra ser usada en publicidad o medicina."
Price: 19.99

"AI and Machine Learning Software Tools used by Developers"
"With self-driving cars, smart robots, to even your coffee machines, AI has become a prominent technology that cannot be overlooked. The integration of Artificial Intelligence is growing and businesses from multiple sectors are now looking to build technologies including AI to empower their strategies. This has increased the demands of AI & ML skilled experts. Considering this, we have curated this course that revolve around all the essential tools that are required by developers to build real-world AI & ML models.Why you should take this course?With machine learning as the future of technology, getting your hands on this type of development is crucial. However, it isnt easy. This is why we have designed this course that covers a variety of different machine learning tools used by developer around the world. It includes in-depth information on libraries like Pandas, Matplotlib, Scipy and so much more.This course includes :How to get started with Anacondas and JupyterBrief introduction to Tensorflow and KerasData ExplorationDecision making algorithmsClustering TechniquesNeural NetworksPractical projects and much more!So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now into this course and well see you on the other side!"
Price: 49.99

"Sales Forecasting in R with Time Series Models"
"As of now, from big companies to the start-up, the majority of the business leaders are looking for skilled Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning experts who have the ability to create accurate Forecasting Sales Models for their companies. Despite all the demand and implementation of these models, there are many companies that get sales forecasting wrong. To curb this issue, we have created this exclusive online AI & ML based course that focuses entirely on the Forecasting Sales Model. It will be based on Time Series Models and Stochastic Gradient Boosting by using the R programming language.Why you should learn to build a Forecasting Sales Model?Important for various companiesUseful for budgetingGood for setting expectations for the C-SuiteHighly used for planning the financial growthAn essential aspect for marketersWhy you should take this course?This online course was created with the goal to inform you about the importance of sales forecasting and different tools required to build a machine learning model using R programming for Forecasting Sales. It will tell you how to implement the model along with measuring its accuracy and its improvement. This online tutorial unfolds with the basic concepts and then gives you insights into data analysis, time series forecasting, gradient boosting model and so much more.This course includes:Intro To Data AnalyticsExploratory Data AnalysisTime Series ForecastingGradient Boosting ModelingEvaluating the ModelsSummary & so much more.Get started with this course to build a real-time model on Forecasting Sales using R programming Time Series Models and Stochastic Gradient Boosting!"
Price: 29.99

"Data Cleaning Techniques in Data Science & Machine Learning"
"One of the most essential aspects of Data Science or Machine Learning is Data Cleaning. In order to get the most out of the data, your data must be clean as uncleaned data can make it harder for you to train ML models. In regard to ML & Data Science, data cleaning generally filters & modifies your data making it easier for you to explore, understand and model.A good statistician or a researcher must spend at least 90% of his/her time on collecting or cleaning data for developing a hypothesis and remaining 10% on the actual manipulation of the data for analyzing or deriving the results. Despite these facts, data cleaning is not commonly discussed or taught in detail in most of the data science or ML courses. With the rise of big data & ML, now data cleaning has also become equally important.Why should you learn Data Cleaning?Improve decision makingImprove the efficiencyIncrease productivityRemove the errors and inconsistencies from the datasetIdentifying missing valuesRemove duplicationWhy should you take this course?Data Cleaning is an essential part of Data Science & AI, and it has become an equally important skill for a programmer. Its true that you will find hundreds of online tutorials on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence but only a few of them cover data cleaning or just give the basic overview. This online guide for data cleaning includes numerous sections having over 5 hours of video which are enough to teach anyone about all its concepts from the very beginning. Enroll in this course now to learn all the concepts of Data Cleaning. This course teaches you everything including the basics of Data Cleaning, Data Reading, merging or splitting datasets, different visualization tools, locate or handling missing/absurd values and hands-on sessions where youll be introduced to the dataset for ensuring complete learning of Data Cleaning.Enroll in this course now to learn about data cleaning concepts and techniques in detail!"
Price: 39.99

"Submarine Interior Game Environment Creation in Blender"
"Instructor InfoEmiel Sleegers always had love for video games and when he was young, he started using Unity3D for programming but he found himself gravitating more towards the art of making games. Now he is currently working as an environment artist in Ubisoft. He contributed to creating AAA games such as Forza Horizon 3 and The Division 2. His all time favorite game is The Last of Us and that video game is what inspired him to want to work in the game industry. His advice for beginner artists is to focus on one aspect of gaming that they are passionate about, stick to it and get better at it. His hobbies include anything related to games or films, whether it be working on personal projects, freelance work or going out for movies.Course InfoIn this exciting tutorial, you will learn the professional way of creating a game-ready submarine corridor from start to finish using Blender, the Substance suite and unreal engine 4.We will go over in detail on how to model modular walls that can be used to construct our corridor.After that we will start modeling modular pipes using the high to low poly modeling technique and use that to construct all the piping networks that are in our scene.Finally, we will model some smaller assets like a metal door, some signs and a fuse box to dress up our scene.Once modeling is done we will move into Substance Designer where we will be creating a tileable painted metal texture that we can use on our walls and other assets.Then we will move our high poly and low poly assets into Marmoset toolbag where we will be baking the assets and generating our texture maps. At which point we will bring everything into substance painter and start texturing our assets.We will also generate special masks which along with a custom shader in unreal engine 4 we can use to dynamically change the color and dirt amount on our assets.Finally, when everything is done and ready to go we will import everything inside Unreal Engine 4 and start building our level, create our lighting and post effects and some final polish to really make the level shine.I am excited to show you all these techniques that you can use so you can become a better environment artist. Turn up the heat and ignite your skills. Keep adding new knowledge, new workflow, new tactics to grow and expand. Life is about growing and reaching your fullest potential.Take action and start committing to your success today. Join me in this amazing course and lets get started."
Price: 54.99

"iOS 9 Swift 2, Basics to Pro, 25 Projects, 20 Apps, 7 Games"
"iOS 9 Swift 2.0 - Basic to Pro course is a complete iOS swift language course. The course has been designed on a step-by-step approach starting with the basics reaching to the professional level. There will be total 20 real applications developed in this course after going through the basics, out of which 7 are complete games. Course Update :Course contents have been updated to Apple's latest XCode version 7.0 and Swift 2.0 programming language. 100% contents of the course have been re-recorded in iOS9 and XCode 7.0.A special focus has been put to demonstrate each app as a fully working app. Each App contains lot of graphics used in the project for you to download.Student Queries100% response to student queries along with a dedicated section (last section of the course) including practical demonstration of the projects on student queries. If you are Totally new to programming, Have already worked on Objective-C and want to learn iOS 8 Swift, Already know iOS programming, Objective-C and Swift Language and want to enhance your skills, Want to make your own iOS applications, Want to make your own iOS games, This course will take you to the next level. Sign Up and Start Making Your Own Apps and Games in iOS 9 Swift."
Price: 149.99

"Advanced Technical Analysis & Indicators Of Trading Central"
"Every Retail Trader Always Dreams OF Becoming a Successful trader,and ofcourse every trader has a unique different personality,what i mean to say here is that some traders like Scalping,some traders like intraday trading while some others like Swing trading as well.                                                                     I am Back With One Of My Best course, to be honest i really love this course because of its power and profits also. The name of this Course is "" Advanced Technical Analysis & Indicators Of Trading Central."". Yes its a complete system because here we are going to get everything in full details like proper buy Entry,with stop loss and take profit also similarly in sell entry also which we are going to see in this course in full details also.                                                                      My Students success in trading is my 1st preference , and therefore i always try my best to upload best content here for my students than can help .so lets see what we are expecting from our this strategy  Full Explanation Of This Trading Central SystemComplete Access To Personal Area Of Trading CentralOpening Account On BrokerSimple To The Point StrategyVery Easy Set Up Of TradingEasy To UnderstandProper Buy Entry With Proper stop loss an take profitProper Sell Entry with Proper Stop Loss and Take Profit stop loss and take profitLow Risk High RewardWorks On All Time FramesGet Alerts Proper  with full Explanation how to take buy sell entrySignals Alerts                                 The Trading Central MT4 Analysis Indicator is a plug-in that offers:The latest information from an industry leader in investment analysisMultilingual support on an easy-to-install and easy-to-use interface. Information can be viewed in English, Chinese, Arabic, Russian, Indonesian and 20 other languages)Automatic support, commentary and analytic forecasts from Trading CentralCoordination with the following currency pairs: EUR/USD, USD/CHF, AUD/USD, USD/CAD, EUR/GBP, EUR/JPY, DOW JONES,GOLD, CRUDE OIL, GBP/USD24/5 information and support for better investment decision-makingThe ability to fill orders based on Trading Central levels"
Price: 199.99

"Google Shopping: Gewinn steigern, Werbekosten senken"
"In nur 1 Stunde wirst du deine erste Google Shopping Kampagne umsetzen knnen. Genau das ist mein Versprechen.""Dieser Kurs ist das Anschaulichste und gleichzeitig Unterhaltsamste, was du je bei Udemy gesehen hast.Denn: Ich zeige, dir Klick fr Klick am Beispiel des Online-Shops www .dogtor-d. de wie du eine Google Shopping Kampagne aufsetzt. Um Shopping-Anzeigen zu schalten, musst du EXAKT 3 Dinge umsetzen:1. Ein Merchant Center Konto erstellen2. Einen Shopping Feed erstellen3. Eine Google Shopping Kampagne in Google Ads aufsetzenWenn du von allen 3 Dingen noch NULL Ahnung hast. Kein Problem, denn:genau diese 3 Dinge werden wir in 3 Praxisteilen umsetzen:Praxisteil 1: Wir werden gemeinsam ein kostenloses Google Merchant Konto fr dich erstellen, damit du deine Produktdaten verwalten kannst.Dazu zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt, wie du dein Merchant Konto bei Google verifizierst ohne technisches Know-How.Praxisteil 2: Wir werden deinen ersten Google Shopping Feed aufsetzen, damit du 100% automatisiert all deine Produkte ber Shopping Anzeigen bewerben kannst.Ich zeige dir Klick fr Klick, wie ich fr www. dogtor-d .de einen Shopping Feed aufgesetzt haben. Du kannst das einfach fr dich nachklicken.Praxisteil 3: Wir werden deine erste Google Shopping Kampagne starten und du wirst sofort mit deinen Artikeln ganz oben bei Google gelistet werden.Ich fhre dich Klick fr Klick durch alle Optionen im Google Ads Konto. Du wirst all deine Mglichkeiten kennen und lieben lernen.Du wirst also nicht nur Google Ads und insbesondere Shopping Ads in der Theorie lernen, sondern es hautnah an unserem Shop www. dogtor-d .de miterleben und sofort in den 3 Praxisteilen fr dich umsetzen knnen.Du wirst die Theorie in mundgerechten Stcken auf dem Silbertablett prsentiert bekommen und dann mir ber die Schulter schauen, wie ich es umsetze.Anschaulicher geht es nicht.Am Ende des Shopping Schnellstarter weit du: Wie Du Schritt fr Schritt eine profitable Shopping-Anzeige in Google Ads (AdWords) aufsetzt Wie Du schnell + einfach einen Shopping-Feed fr deinen Shop erstellst Wie Du das Merchant Center einrichtest, verifizierst und fr deinen Shop nutzt Welche Einstellungen der Shopping-Kampagnen du am besten fr dein Fallbeispiel nutzen solltest BONUS: Wie du deinen Shopping-Feed optimierst, um deine Reichweite zu maximieren bei gleichzeitig minimalen Kosten.Das bekommst Du mit dem Shopping Schnellstarter:2 Stunden VideokursSchritt fr Schritt Anleitung, wie Dr. Sebastian Decker fr den Shop www. dogtor-d. de eine Shopping Kampagne aufsetzt3 teilige Checkliste zur FeedoptimierungZugang zu einer exklusiven Facebook-Gruppe zum Austausch mit anderen UnternehmernUnbeschrnkten und sofortigen Zugriff zum Kurs von Ihrem PC, Tablet oder SmartphoneInkl. 30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie Bonusinhalte:3 teilige Checkliste zur FeedoptimierungStatement von deinem Dozenten Sebastian Decker:""Mein Ziel ist es Wissen weiterzugeben und Shop-Betreiber, die andere durch ihre Produkte glcklich machen, zu mehr Kunden zu verhelfen.Viele Shop-Betreiben machen grandiose Arbeit, haben ein groartiges Produkt, aber erreichen damit viel zu wenige Menschen. Damit Unternehmer gleich richtig starten und einen Gegenpol zu den groen Playern, wie Amazon darstellen knnen, habe ich diesen Kurs entwickelt.Ich mchte damit Menschen zu Gewinnern machen, die andere mit Ihren Produkten zu Gewinnern machen. Damit haben wir einen groen Hebel gigantisches zu bewegen.Das ist die Vision von Marketing fr Gewinner.Dein DozentDr. Sebastian DeckerTrainer der Google ZukunftswerkstattInhaber von Marketing fr GewinnerDoktor Shop"
Price: 199.99

"Forex Algorithmic Trading Course: Code a Forex Robot!"
"In this course you will learn how to completely automate a Forex Trading Robot from scratch using the MQL4 Programming language.You do not need any programming knowledge as we will learn all the basic programming concepts in the beginning of the course. The great thing about this course is that we view these programming concepts as they relate to trading, keeping the content extremely engaging.We proceed by learning the ins and out of the MQL4 programming language. We see how to get live price updates, use most technical indicators in code, send and modify orders automatically and much much more.We do all of this in a highly engaging manner as we code everything as we cover it. We also give you many assignments along the way making this an extremely practical and interactive course.Once we have covered all the concepts necessary, we proceed by creating our fully automated trading robot. We backtest it to make sure its consistently profitable and see how to run it on a demo or live account.All the codes created in the course are available to you."
Price: 199.99

"Iniciacin a Real Flow en Cinema 4D"
"De qu va este curso Este curso va sobre la creacin de fluidos con el plugin Real flow en un entorno 3d como Cinema 4d Real flow es un software de simulacin de fluidos potentisimo, usado por la industria en multitud de ocasiones, para pelculas como ""El Seor de los Anillos"" o ""Watchmen"".En el curso veremos el funcionamiento bsico de este plugin, haremos una pequea introduccin, luego veremos los emisores, los fluidos, los daemon y distintas opciones de simulacin.Finalmente a travs de 3 ejercicios haremos unas prcticas de todo lo aprendido durante el cursoQue vamos a desarrollar Aprenderemos las nociones bsicas del plugin de simulacin de fluidos , Real flow. Trabajaremos con opciones bsicas como los emisores, los daemons, la calidad del fluido... Se realizarn 3 sencillos ejercicios de introduccin, una simulacin de liquido bajando por unas escaleras con obstculos, un liquido viscoso cayendo sobre un helado y un ejercicio ms abstracto donde dar rienda suelta al pluginAprenders. La interfaz de Real Flow Nociones bsicas de los emisores Nociones bsicas de los daemonsOptimizar los lquidos a travs del panel Mesher y el panel de fluidos.Simular lquidos y viscosos NecesitarsCinema 4dReal Flow plugin"
Price: 19.99

"Data Visualisation and Neural Networks Tutorial"
"In this digital age, where Artificial Intelligence & Data Science has become one of the most needed technological advancements in businesses across several domains. Today, with so much data available, the majority of the business leaders are constantly looking for data scientists with the apt knowledge of Artificial Intelligence to draw insights from the data that will help in making precise strategic decisions.Considering this, we have created this exclusive course on Data Visualization & Neural Network wherein an industry-expert will help you in learning all the essential concepts in detail.Why should you learn Neural Networks & data Visualization?Important aspects of Data ScienceEssential for drawing useful insightsPopular AI AlgorithmGood for Analyzing Non-Linear & Complex RelationshipWhy should you take this course?This course will be a perfect fit for you if you are someone who is looking to up your existing data science skills or to learn data visualization from scratch along with Neural Networks. It begins with the basic introduction of both the concepts and the help you setting up your environment. Later, there are many lectures that will revolve around Data Visualization that is followed by reviewing algorithms. Apart from this, you will also get an extensive knowledge regarding Neural Networks for understanding it as a whole.This course includes:IntroductionThe SetupVisualizationsAlgorithms ReviewNeural NetworksConclusionBegin with this online course on Data Visualization and Neural Networks today to become proficient in no time!"
Price: 29.99

"*NEW* AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate 2020"
"Welcome! - Want to pass the *NEW* SAA-C02 AWS Solutions Architect Associate Exam? Look no further. I'm here to help you prepare and PASS the newest AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate examNote: Our course material, like the AWS certification exams, are continually evolving. We have released a new version 2020 course, with a stronger and deeper focus on architectures in general, high availability, and the services you do need to know in greater depth.If you are a beginners Great! Welcome: You do not need to know anything about AWS! Everything is provided in this course.According to salaries reported by LinkedIn members who work at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States: ""The average salary for the role of Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States is $142,000. This salary is based on 122 salaries submitted by LinkedIn members with the title Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services (AWS) in United States"" AWS Certified Solutions Architect certification course is geared for people who want to enhance their skills in AWS to help organisations design and migrate their architecture to the cloud. This is the next step after obtaining your Cloud Practitioners Certification. This course will develop your skills your learned from the Cloud Practitioners Course in further detail. We cover a broad range of topics with a specific concentration on High Availability, EC2, VPC, Storage and Overall Management of the AWS Console.Getting this certification will enable an IT professional to significantly boost their employability portfolio. AWS is the leading cloud services organisation in the world and they have massive expansion planned for 2019. Organisations are actively looking for professionals who have knowledge of the AWS platform in order to advise them on moving towards the cloud.See what our students say It is such a comprehensive course that I dont need to take any other course but this one to learn all important concepts and hand-on application with this AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate course, and I would without a doubt recommend it to everyone. - Mariana JonesThis is such an awesome course. Clear instruction, and I loved every bit of it Wonderful learning experience!  Carlos Nvara.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experience!---------------------------------This course also comes with: Lifetime access to all future updates A responsive instructor in the Q&A Section Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for Download A 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee! FREE AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Exam FREE E-Book on AWS Cost OptimizationWhy take this course?As AWS, Microsoft, and Cisco Certified,  a senior Enterprise Architect & Project Manager managing and deploying enterprise level IT projects,  my experience with AWS has been phenomenally great! I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students.  Enroll now in AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate course today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of certification and AWS architectures- and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities.See you in class!Syed Team ClayDesk"
Price: 199.99

"Build A Dental Website With Python and Django"
"In this course you'll learn to build websites with Python and Django by building out a cool and professional Dentist website! Why a Dental website?  Many coders want to become freelance web developers, and what better way to get gigs than by building websites for all the Dentists in your area! In this course you'll learn to build websites fast using free HTML templates.  We'll download a dental template for free and then customize it to suit our needs.  You'll learn to...Install PythonInstall The Sublime Text Editor and Git Bash TerminalSet Up A Virtual EnvironmentInstall Django and Start Our ProjectRun the Django ServerStart a New Django AppUrls .pyBuild our First WebpageDownload the Dental TemplateCreate Static DIRSInstall the Dental TemplateAdd Static Tags to The TemplateTweak Our Static Tags (part 1)Tweak Our Static Tags (part 2)Tweak Our Static Tags (part 3)Building Django LinksTweak The HTML TemplateAdd Custom ImagesAdd A VideoContact PageChange The Contact Page MapBuild The Contact FormBuild The Contact Form (part 2)Send Email With DjangoSend Email With Django (part 2)Send Email With The Development Sendmail ServerCreate an Email Response PageVersion Control With GitGithub . comIntro To Heroku For WebhostingInstall The Heroku ToolbeltInstall Modules For HerokuSettings .py Heroku ChangesPush Our Code To HerokuAdd A Domain NameThis is a really fun course with a cool project! When we're finished you'll have a nice website to add to your portfolio!See you inside!-John Elder"
Price: 199.99

"Learn & Apply the P.E.S.T.L.E Business Analysis Tool"
"The P.E.S.T.L.E is an important and widely used Business Analysis Tool. The course will develop these perspectives in additon to the PESTLE fondamentals and concepts. It will thus enable you to study your business from the six perspectives of: Political, Economic, Socio-economic, Tehnical, Legal and Environmental. Where appropriate, Case Studies and examples are used to illustrate each of the perspectives.Your success will be attributed to assessing your business (or that of your client) from different perspectives and lead you to making decisions quickly, objectively, effectively and efficiently in a logical, structured manner: you will be taught here the PESTLE Analysis tool to do just that!The PESTLE which you will learn in this course is a Strategic Tool and an Analytic Method that is often used by Professionals such as Consultants and Analysts - who are welcome to join the Course to consolidate their skills. However, the step-by-step approach adopted here makes the Course accessible to ALL and easy to use by EACH and everyone.You need to complete all the lectures to develop the inherent Analytical Skills. But, you do not need any prior knowledge of this Business Analysis application.Reach over Now, click the button and ""Take the Course"". You will master this powerful Business Analysis Model, its Framework and its application as aTool & Method which harnesses fundamental skills that will accompany you for life: a first class investment, no doubt!"
Price: 39.99

"Learn & Apply the Multi-Criteria Business Analysis Tool"
"Students will learn the Multi-Criteria Analysis and relevant tools such as Ishikawa, and learn how these will help them make objective decisions. The student who will come to the course with an open mind and a drive to learn and apply a powerful analysis tool to make objective decision making. Techniques, methods and relevant tools are used throughout the Multi-Criteria analysis to reach decisive conclusions, through examples and case studies.Your success will be attributed to solving problems in your business (or in that of your client) and lead you to making decisions quickly, objectively, effectively and efficiently in a logical, structured manner: you will be taught here the Multi Criteria Analysis tool to do just that!The Multi Criteria Analysis which you will learn in this course is a powerful Tool that is often used by Professionals such as Consultants, Analysts, Decision Makers, etc. The step-by-step approach adopted here makes the Course accessible to ALL and easy to use by EACH and everyone.You need to complete all the lectures to develop the inherent Problem Solving Skills. But, you do not need any prior knowledge of this Multi Criteria Analysis model.Reach over Now, click the button and ""Take the Course"". You will master this powerful Business Analysis & Problem Solving Model, its Framework and its application as a Tool which harnesses fundamental skills that will accompany you for life: a first class investment, no doubt!"
Price: 39.99

"A Guide on Finding A Job On LinkedIn:"
"The course is created by a recruiter to help my potential candidates to get noticed on LinkedIn and increase their chances of being hired through this social network. The course offers particular case studies and examples obtained from the real life experience of finding and engaging the candidates through LinkedIn. I have helped to land a job to dozens and dozens of people and at least 40% of those were engaged by me through LinkedIn. I am going to share my observations and give some practical pieces of advice. I hope that this course will help you to land a great job."
Price: 19.99

"How To Create Professional Videos With Your Smartphone"
"Are you interested in advertising your business, but are not sure what the most effective approach is or even where to begin? Do you have a limited budget or perhaps a limited amount of time you can devote to your business promotions? Most businesses have a website, but many are finding that it has become increasingly difficult to attract online traffic through traditional methods such as website content marketing and paid advertising. There has been a shift in visitor preferences recently. Many website visitors now prefer to consume podcast style audio content, and video content from social media platforms through their mobile video devices. Even search engines are showing their preference for video content through the fact that they allocate prime screen real estate on the front and secondary page search results to video content and through the fact that they boost website rankings of sites which contain videos. So how does someone with limited time, budget and resources use video to promote their business? No problem. A mobile phone is a complete media production machine that can be used to create outstanding professional videos for any purpose, and is very good for professional use as well. In this course, we will discuss how to use a smartphone to make great videos. We will cover the main concepts of planning, preparing the smartphone, lighting, audio recording and sharing the video online.Notes: 1/ This course does not have any downloadable resources or project files. 2/ This course provides a high level overview of key production concepts useful for beginners. 3/ The video presentation is in the form of powerpoint/keynote style slides with narration."
Price: 24.99

"Music Promotion and Secure Professional Website Development"
"New 2020 tacticsLearn how to create a professional website.Understand the steps to promote your music online.Gain an understanding on building a huge musician-based web presence with SEO (Search Engine Optimization).Acquire secrets to gaining new fans and more with a very small budget and so much moreStep by Step Secure and Professional Website creation and development with WordPress WordPress Site Preparation Recommended WordPress Theme, Plugin, WYSIWYG Page creation, Page Builder and site combination for MusiciansBasic and Responsive Theme CustomizationRecommended Plugins to prevent mail/site spam prevention and allow enhanced securityTroubleshooting common problems like mixed content and Internal Server errorsMusic Store and Social Media displayDigital file Folder creation and backupFolder files neededVideo Software suggestionsMedia filesMusic file conversionAlbum Cover CreationHigh Resolution Photo CreationPhoto EditingPhotoshop effectGreenroom effectImage background modification and enhancementGet access to over 100,000 music based templates to use for advertisingSee a suggested Album cover template that can be used for music store distributionElectronic Press Kit requirementsPress release submit strategySong tracks neededVideo creation with lyricsSample Music Biography formatSuggested Video editing softwareMusic Video strategyCopyrighting stepsRoyalty informationMusic Distribution site recommendations Social Media Music promotion and marketing strategiesLogo creationSelling Band merchandise from your websiteDomain Email address logistics for privacy purposes, WordPress Add-ons for best functionalityFull Navigation of a sample secure and professional website"
Price: 199.99

"Dog Care Dog Training Dog Parenting: 12 Fundamentals"
"Dogs are a fundamental part of our life. They have their unique needs: feeding, sleeping, grooming, walking, and enrichment, among others. We want to meet all of our dog's need for, ultimately, dog care is our mission. But we also need help, for sometimes we may struggle in figuring out what is the right thing to do. In this course, we discuss 12 main questions emerging in the field of dog training and dog care:Can a dog live in an apartment? (18.10)Can my dog sleep in my bed? (16.40)Magic Blanket-Carpet with your dog? How to use it + Dog Training Tips (15.10)Bath 1: How Often should I bathe my dog? (15.50)Bath 2: What we need? (14.00)Crate: good or bad? + Dog Training Tips (13.10)Collar and/or harness? + Dog Training Tips (16.30)Prong-Choke-Electric Collars for your dog? (15.40)Leash and walking? + Dog Training Tips (18.20)Muzzle 1: Is my dog Hannibal? (13.20)Muzzle 2: Dog Training Tips (8.50)Guarding: My dog would protect me? + Dog Training Tips (17.50)Who is the Alpha? (21.30)How to raise a happy puppy and a stable dog while being a reliable family member and dog leader? (16.50)Those are foundational question for every dog parent (dog owner). I am sure you have been wondering on one or more of these question, being it related to dog care in general, or dog grooming (we spend a considerable time talking about bathing the dog), dog training, dog enrichment and so on. And if you are going to adopt a dog soon or you just adopted one, you may be wondering about all of these questions. One way or the other, you will find great value in the contents of this course:- you can find answers to some questions of being supported in reasoning about them- you can get some new inputs on dog gadgets, tools and how to use them- you can learn new perspective on dog care-taking- you can discover new tricks of dog training and dog care (and grooming, particularly related to bathing the dog)- you can improve your relationship with your dog and also that of other family membersWhile the material provides valuable information with all of these points, we also stretch on other consideration about dog behaviour and training and dedicate space to specific slides where dog training tips are presented. We also discuss and debunk some common and misleading beliefs about dogs. Dogs are wonderful animals and they literally fill our life. Dogs are our companions and family members.Therefore:- If you have a dog and you are never tired to learn more about dogs- If you are going to adopt a dog or if you are wondering on one of those core aspects - If you love dogs and want to learn more about dog training and dog care- If you simply want to improve some aspects of dog training and dog care... then this course is absolutely for you! Just enrol now, you will not regret, and your dog either. I see you on the inside!Marco, dogs and wolves.What people say of my courses: Marco Adda has done a great job being clear and informative on ways to best take full advantage of the course material and different ways to achieve optimal learning. Eleonora Clemente Calmamente estou a aprender coisas novas sobre estes nossos amigos... muito bom! Isabel Foguete What a wonderful course, rich with essential information and critical points to consider regarding a truly holistic approach to dog behavior and our interrelationships with dogs and all animals. Thank you, Marco, for providing such an engaging overview of a much-needed perspective. I look forward to Holistic Dog Behavior Part II!!! Cathirose Petrone As a Certified dog trainer and holistic Dog Behaviorist and canine trauma expert, I congratulate Marco Adda for this excellent overview. He was able to package the holistic approach into an interesting, Informative and exciting lecture with real-life examples and case studies. Great presentation!!! I see it as a milestone in the dog industry to have this holistic dog training overview available for the public. High recommended! Amazing work. Roman Gottfried"
Price: 199.99

"La magntostatique dans le vide"
"Bienvenu(e)s dans l'un des cours d'lectromagntisme les plus bien expliqu sur le web ! Je fait ce cours depuis 2013, c'est le fruit d'un travail profond en pdagogie, o chaque petit dtail est expliqu en profondeur. Je n'ajouterai aucun mot sauf : inscrivez vous et voyez par vous mme. Ensemble on va voir les points suivants: Le champ magntique cr par une spire circulaireLe champ magntique cr par une bobine plateLe champ magntique cr par un solnode de longueur LLe champ magntique cr par un solnode infiniLe thorme d'AmpreApplication du thorme d'Ampre : Solnode infiniApplication du thorme d'Ampre : Bobine toriqueApplication du thorme d'Ampre : Cble coaxialLe potentiel VecteurLa force de LaplaceFlux propre-Flux mutuelLe thorme de MaxwellIntroduction l'lectromagntisme Bon cours !"
Price: 79.99

"Color Grading and Video Editing with Davinci Resolve 16"
"DaVinci Resolve 16  Beginners Course DaVinci Resolve 16 is a free professional video editing application used by professionals and amateurs. Its easy and simple to use. It provides you with simple to use yet powerful tools to edit your videos and achieve high quality production.This course is for beginners. You do not need any previous knowledge in DaVinci Resolve 16 or video editing experience.You will dive straightaway into creating your first video and add music, graphics, text and couple of transitions. No time is wasted with unnecessary concepts. You will be up and running in DaVinci Resolve in less than an half hour.Ill teach you everything you need to know about video editing, visual effects, motion graphics, color correction & grading and audio editing to create professionally looking videos.We will make a video together from start to finish, step by step. You will start right at the beginning from how to import your video clips all the way through to Color Correction and Grading.You can even come up with your own awesome and original video using the same footage. Its open to your imagination and what you want to create.What will you learn in this DaVinci Resolve 16 Course?Start by understanding the workflow in DaVinci Resolve.Efficiently import and organize your media from Bins to Power BinsDive in and create your first short video Just to get started.Discover multiple ways to assemble your video from inserts to swapsFine edit your clips a frame at a timeLots fun re-timing your clips with speed graphs Slow Motion and Fast MotionYou will Master Transitions and create your ownAdd Graphics, Lower Thirds and Titles, we will even create an Intro and OutroWork in the more advanced Fusion TextApply and customize Effects from ResolveFXAchieve Perfect Color Correction including Log footageUse Power Windows, Cloud and Point Trackers to bring up features in your clips.Understand (in detail) and work with advanced tools such as Curves, Qualifiers, Keys.Start Color Grading like a colorist (at least a beginner one) and produce awesome videos.So, if youre looking to:Edit your Videos for your YouTube channel with a free professional and extensive application or Create exciting and well edited videos for your family album, Edit a marketing video for your website, Create a Music Video, Edit Documentaries, Start your Career as a Video Editor, Create your first Demo-Reel Then you will find this course ideal for your needs, as you work with an instructor who really cares about your success as individual.Enroll now and start Video Editing right away. See you in the first lecture.Wishes,Adeep"
Price: 54.99

"1- : 2- : 3- : 4- :"
Price: 19.99

"Google Sheets - Beginner"
"This course is designed to teach the student the fundamentals of Google Sheets. Students will learn how to create, save, enter data, and print spreadsheets in addition to learning how to create formulas and use functions to calculate in Sheets. Additionally, students will learn how to format spreadsheets, manipulate columns and rows, prepare a spreadsheet for printing. Students will also learn how to create and format charts, and insert graphics and images.This IAAP-certified counts for 0.25 recertification points for the CAP certification under the Technology and Information Distribution content area. Email with proof of completion of the course to obtain your certificate."
Price: 29.99

"Google Drive - A Complete Guide"
"This course is designed to teach students about Google Drive. Google Drive is a cloud-based storage warehouse allowing users to save and access files on the go from any device with an Internet connection. Students will get familiar with Google Drive, open and save files, work with version history, and delete and sync files."
Price: 39.99

"3ds max Iray + 1.1 - 1.2 Upgrade"
"3ds max Iray + 1.1 - 1.2 Upgrade. Volume 4Argomenti: il docente di questo corso, Beta Tester Privato per Iray + vi illustra l'analisi dettagliata delle nuove funzioni e tools inseriti in iray + 1.1 e 1.2, inerenti il rendering, illuminazione, fotocamere e materiali.Allegate alle lezioni sono disponibili i file di esercizio 3ds max 2016 Versione Iray + 1.1 e 1.2 Nota: i file di esercizio di Iray + 1.1 sono allegati alla lezione: 120_Iray Pi_Nuovo Men IrayNota: i file di esercizio di Iray + 1.2 sono allegati alla lezione: 132_Iray Pi_Camera Sferica"
Price: 99.99

"90+ Saatlik Aranan Web Gelitiricisi Olma Kamp Kursu2020"
"Srekli gncel kalan kurs modeli. Yeni ierikler ekleniyor. Sradaki erikler JQuery,VUEX, ASP.NET CORE 3.1 & API, PHPWeb Programlama, yazlm gelitirmenin sektrde en ok aranan alandr. Fakat web gelitirme teknolojilerinin srekli gncellenmesi, alternatiflerinin olmas adaylar bir hayli zorlamaktadr.Bu kurs sektrde gncel olarak kullanlan tm teknolojileri barndrmay hedeflemektedir.Herhangi bir programlama bilgisi olmadan bile bu kursa balayabilirsiniz. Denenmi ve %95 olumlu dn alm ""Programlamaya Giri"" blmyle balyoruz.Bir ok konuyu barndran bu eitim modelinde tm konular detayl ele alnmtr. Blm ierikleri tek bana bir kurs olabilecek detaylama modeliyle hazrlanmtr.Tm teknolojilerde uzmanlamak genellikle mmkn deildir. Fakat programlamann mantalitesini yakaladktan sonra dierine gemeniz hi de zor olmayacaktr.te bu kurs tm bu teknolojilerin aslnda benzer amalara hizmet ettiini sadece syntax(yazm ekli) olarak deitiini ispat eder niteliktedir.Bu teknolojilerin yapsal farkllklarn da net bir ekilde reneceksiniz. rnein Vue renirken daha nce rendiiniz React ile karlatrmal reneceksiniz. Vue'ya geiinizin 1 gn bile almadn greceksiniz.Kursumuzun hedef sresi 90+ saattir. Kursumuzda aadaki tm ana balklar sfrdan reneceksiniz.Programlamaya GiriHTML 5CSS 3Bootstrap 4ReactReact-ReduxTypeScript - AngularVueVuexASP.NET Core 3 BlazorASP.NET Core 3 MVCASP.NET Core 3 WEB APIPHP & Laravel FrameworkSQL ve Veritaban Tasarm"
Price: 409.99

"Masterclass Completa de C#"
"Alguna vez has tenido una idea para crear un programa, una aplicacin o un juego?Alguna vez quisiste trabajar como desarrollador? Entonces ests en el lugar correcto. En este curso, descubrirs cmo convertirte en un desarrollador de C#, uno de los mejores lenguajes de programacin del mundo!C# es uno de los pocos lenguajes de programacin que te permite crear increbles aplicaciones mviles, juegos y programas para PC multiplataforma.Dar vida a una idea es uno de los mejores sentimientos que uno puede tener, pero el camino para llegar a menudo est lleno de desafos. Por eso he creado un curso que hace que este camino sea lo ms fcil posible para ti, para ayudarte a que te conviertas en un desarrollador experto de c#!Comienza aprendiendo lo bsico de C# y los conceptos de programacin de C# en generalvariablesmtodosarraysdeclaraciones ifloopsLuego aprende los tres pilares de la Programacin Orientada a Objetos (OOP)Clases y ObjetosHerenciaPolimorfismoPara llegar a ser realmente bueno en la programacin de C#, debes programarte a ti mismo, por lo que he creado un montn de ejercicios (y cuestionarios) para que practiques tu mismo la programacin de C# y tambin para que aprendas a pensar como un programador, y no solamente a copiar cdigo. Por supuesto, en el camino aprenders las mejores prcticas de programacin.Equipado con esas habilidades, crears interesantes interfaces de usuario con WPF: un framework que hace que crear GUI (Graphical User Interfaces) sea pan comido. A partir de ese momento, puedes crear tus propios programas complejos.S que aprender a codificar a veces puede ser difcil, y a veces te quedars atascado. Pero no te preocupes, estamos a tu disposicin. Respondemos a cada pregunta lo ms rpido posible y nos aseguramos de que logres tu objetivo de convertirte en desarrollador.PARA QUIN ES ESTE CURSO?El curso es para cualquier persona que quiera aprender C# y quiera ser profesionalmente bueno en la programacin de C#. No se requiere experiencia alguna. Est diseado para que cualquiera que pueda manejar un mouse y un teclado lo termine exitosamente. El nico requisito real es el deseo de aprender.GARANTA DE DEVOLUCIN COMPLETA DEL DINERO EN 30 DASEste curso viene con una garanta de devolucin completa en 30 das. Tome el curso, mira cada clase y haz los ejercicios, y si crees que este curso no es para ti, solicita un reembolso completo dentro de los 30 das. Te devolvemos todo tu dinero, sin hacer preguntas. ACERCA DE TU INSTRUCTORMi nombre es Federico Garay, y quizs ya conozcas mis cursos ms exitosos, como Anlisis de Datos con Pandas y Python, o el Best-Seller Masterclass de Excel y Programacin de Macros con VBA. Hoy junto a Denis Panjuta traemos este completo y ""todo en uno"" curso masivo de C# para Principiantes. Denis, en sus cursos he enseado a ms de 50,000 estudiantes a codificar. Tiene una Licenciatura en Ingeniera en la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Constance (Alemania). A ambos nos encanta ensear y crear cursos de alta calidad. Nuestra misin es ensear programacin a ms de 100.000 personas!Como puede ver, este es el nico curso de C# que necesitars!Aprenders todos los fundamentos de C#, todos los conceptos bsicos de C# y todo lo que necesitas saber para tener xito en la programacin de C# y en la construccin de tus propios videojuegos geniales!As que no pierdas ms tiempo y comienza a hacer realidad tus sueos e ideas tomando este curso ahora."
Price: 199.99

"Supply Chain Management"
"The  course on Supply Chain Management is part of the Operations Management Training Program which includes a number of eight sections also presented as individual courses for your convenience.The overall performance of a business can be determined by the effectiveness of its supply chain management. This is an integral part of operations management. It involves the coordination of multiple areas of business within a company in order to serve the market in the best possible manner. Supply chain management includes procurement, production operations the actual production of goods and logistics.There are several methods to illustrate supply chains that are related to services and products in an organization. These methods differ from organization to organization, as well as between manufacturing and service industries.There are four areas of supply chain management that this course covers: basics of supply chain management, supply chains in service organizations, supply chain strategies, and performance measurement of the supply chain.In the first topic, you'll learn about the basics of supply chain management. The five major components of a supply chain are the suppliers, factory, warehouse, store, and consumer. In the second topic, you'll learn about supply chains in service organizations. These supply chains must take into account factors such as variations in output, the human factor, and efficiency.In the third topic, you'll learn about supply chain strategies. Lean production is one common supply chain strategy. Another is agile and mass customization. In the fourth topic, you'll learn about performance measurement. Performance is measured in four main areas: planning, operations, delivery, and post delivery.Having an effective supply chain in place is essential for both manufacturing and service companies. Once they have a supply chain strategy in place, companies must take the time to monitor its effectiveness continuously and improve it as necessary. This course will explore how to manage supply chains in manufacturing and service companies.Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 49.99

"Instagram Business Marketing Success in 2020 & Beyond"
"Are you ready to turbocharge your marketing results with Instagram today?When It Comes To Actual Daily Usage, Instagram Leaves Other Larger Platforms In The Dust.People Not Only Use It Every Single Day, But They Keep Coming Back. In Fact, A Lot Of People Check Their Instagram Feed Every Few Hours.As Long As A Niche Is Photo Or Video-friendly Or Graphically Intensive, There Is An Audience On Instagram For That Niche.Instagram presents a massive traffic opportunity for marketers.If you are selling any kind of merchandise, Instagram should be part of your marketing strategy. There are no two ways about it. You are leaving a lot of money on the table if you skip Instagram.Well, here's the problem:Most people who try Marketing on Instagram flat out fail.It's easy to get excited about Instagram's reach, user consumption patterns, and overall traffic volume.But the problem is, most people who try marketing on Instagram fail to get the results they are looking for.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My AdviceYou Are Going To Understand Instagram Marketing.You Will Learn To Identify The Most Common Ways People Slip Up On Instagram.You Will Understand Influence Marketing.You Are Going To Learn Exactly How To Build Up Your Own Credibility Within Your Niche.To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done.Heres Just A Quick Preview Of What Youll Discover Inside:10 Key Reasons Most Marketers Fail on InstagramWhy You Don't Have to FailThe Key To Instagram Success is All About PersonaFind Your Competitors on Instagram and Reverse Engineer ThemCurate Top Notch Content and Mix in Your Reverse Engineered ContentAdopt a Content-First Sales FunnelUse Facebook's Ad Retargeting System to Pull Instagram Users Deeper Into Your FunnelPay and Interact with Niche-Specific Instagram InfluencersContinuously Optimize All Parts of Your FunnelInstagram Marketing Best PracticesPlus, a whole lot more...Do You Need This Step-By-Step Guide?IF YOU ANSWER YES TO ANY OF THE BELOW, YOU NEED THIS:You want to create a community around your content.You want to stand out from your competitors.You know that you don't have to spend a lot to achieve decent results.You want to to increase your chances of success dramatically.You want to learn how to build a solid Instagram brand persona.There are a lot of people that claim to offer a solution on how to start building a real following on Instagram, so its understandable if youre a little skeptical. I can keep telling you just how great my course is, but you really need to go through it and see for yourself what its all about to know if its for you. Click the enrol button now to get instant access!"
Price: 199.99

"Todo lo que debes saber sobre los Sandbox Regulatorios"
"Cada vez estn teniendo ms relevancia los espacios de pruebas / caja de arena / areneras / Sandbox Regulatorios en el mundo empresarial - tecnolgico y en el emprendimiento.Con este curso aprenders todo lo necesario sobre los Sandbox Regulatorios: concepto, caractersitcas, regulacin, acceso al mercado, requisitos, la evolucin experimentada, las diferencias entre los diferentes pases, la existencia de Sandbox conjuntos as como mltiples casos de xito de empresas tecnolgicas del sector fintech y regtech, pero tambin de otros mbitos que han logrado experimentar dentro de una caja de arena."
Price: 19.99