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"Upwork Client Psychology I - How Freelance Clients Think"
"Ever wondered how Upwork clients think and why they make the choices they do? Why do they hire other freelancers when you're more qualified? How do they search for solutions for problems, and what solutions do they really need? What about industry expectations, and how can you avoid upsetting clients without changing who you are?In Upwork Client Psychology 1 we'll try to answer all of those questions for you. In this course I've done my best to share useful insights from my experience as a freelancer, psychology graduate student and professional personality profiler.The goal of this course is not to make you an expert in psychoanalysis, nor is it to improve your Upwork proposal process. Instead, we'll focus on how clients think, decide and act. This is about getting inside their heads so you better understand how to engage, interact and communicate with each client for better results.Consider this course the pre-cursor to Advanced Upwork Proposals II (coming soon). By learning a bit of client psychology you will have what you need to improve your proposal process, get more responses faster, and have better experiences overall. Why learn basic client psychology? By learning some of the fundamentals of how clients think, you can tailor your solutions for their needs and deliver your services in the most effective ways possible. You do this because it's smarter than shooting at shadows in a room without light. What will I learn?The client problem-solving process and how they find and choose solutionsThe 3 types of solutions and where you fit inWhy clients turn to freelance platforms and what they need to feel to hire youClient expectations based on the industry they're inThe 7 most common client personality styles and how they think and act4 other client personality styles and which ones to avoidIf you're looking to improve your Upwork or freelance processes, then this is a good place to start. Learn how clients think, decide and act. Learn industry expectations and personality styles. Learn how each client likes to communicate so you can tailor your solutions for their style and needs.This course isn't a deep psychology course, but it does offer insights that have helped me grow multiple freelance businesses from scratch. If that's what you need, I'd love to have you join us inside. Scroll up and enroll when you're ready to learn Upwork Client Psychology!F.A.Q.Q - I'm new to freelancing, will this course help me get more proposal responses?A - While the focus isn't on proposal writing, knowing a little bit of client psychology is helpful to get better results.Q - What is the biggest benefit of this course?A - The more you know your client, the easier it is to influence them toward better outcomes!Q - How much psychology background do I need to understand this course?A - Very little. We don't dive deep into traditional historical psychology models or jargon. Instead, I've tried to distill useful psychological insights in a casual format that anyone should be able to understand.If any of that is what you need, scroll up and join us today!"
Price: 199.99

"CICD (DevOPs Tools) for Automation Testers (Selenium)"
"If you learned about Selenium or any other automation tool, having basic / good knowledge of that, but Automation is not that all about, You should know about various tools used in Continuous Integration process. You should know how to do continuous integration infact.This course is for you then, Learn about various DevOPs tool which are required from Automation Testers point of view.In this course you will learn about End to end test automation process."
Price: 19.99

"UNIX for Testers-Automate UNIX in Test Automation (Selenium)"
"Unix Knowledge required for Software Testers - Manual and Automate the various UNIX / LINUX processes, So that you can achieve end to end test automation (If you have any Unix processes in your application).This course will teach you (To very absolute beginner to Unix / Linux) All about various Unix / Linux commands, processes, scripts along with Unix architecture. Also this course mainly covers about automation of various Unix processes like executing shell scripts / sending or receiving files to / from  Unix or Linux server, so that you can incorporate this in your test automation framework and achieve end to end test automation."
Price: 19.99

"AutoCAD 2019 ile Sfrdan Uygulamal izim Eitimi"
"Bu AutoCAD eitimi ile sfrdan AutoCAD renebilecek ve tm komutlar uygulamal olarak deneyebileceksiniz. Kurs bitiminde siz de artk AutoCAD'e hakim olacak ve izimlerinizi rahatlkla yapabileceksiniz. Makina Paralarndan Mimari Projeye kadar birok konuda AutoCAD programna hakim olacaksnz. Bu eitimin sizlere imdiden baar getirmesini dilerim. Tm dersleri dikkatli dinleyerek, uygulamalar yapmay unutmayn. imdiden iyi eitimler..."
Price: 49.99

"Blog do Zero"
"Esse curso ensina voc a criar e configurar o seu blog a partir do zero alem de tratar de outros assuntos do marketing digital, essa uma oportunidade barata para voc aprender a criar o seu blog, o blog uma forma de voc~e ganhar dinheiro ou divulgar as suas idias."
Price: 84.99

"Yeni Balayanlar in spanyolca Dersleri"
"Bu kurs, spanyolca renmek isteyen herkes iin hazrlanmtr. spanyolca renmek isteyenlerin yaad en byk problem internette yeterince Trke kaynak olmamas maalesef. renirken ben de benzer zorluklar yaadm iin spanyolca Kursu ieriine ihtiyacnz olan her eyi koymaya altm. Yeterli zveriyi gsterip eklediim devleri yapmanz halinde spanyolca seviyenizde ciddi geliim olacana inanyorum. Kursun son derslerini ise etimoloji bal altnda topladm. Alakasz gibi grnen bu derslerin, size kelimelerin kkeni hakknda bilgiler vererek yeni bir dil renmeye motive edecei kanaatindeyim. stelik frsat bulduka yeni videolar, yeni konular ve yeni altrmalar da ekleyeceim. Gnlk hayatn iinden konulara yer vermeye alacam daha ok. Eksik grdnz yerleri ya da tavsiyelerinizi bana bildirmekten ltfen ekinmeyin. Hazrladm spanyolca kursunu daha iyi hale getirmek iin geri bildirimlerinize ihtiyacm var. Herkese keyifli dersler diliyorum. Kafanza taklan her trl soruyu ekinmeden soru cevap ksmnda bana sorabilirsiniz."
Price: 69.99

"The WebdriverIO Bootcamp"
"Get a very deep understanding of how to write WebdriverIO TestsThis course will teach you all the fundamentals about WebdriverIO 5, a Javascript framework for Automated Browser Testing.Specifically you will learn:how to install WebdriverIO 5how to use Page Object Patternhow to to use Reporters/Reportershow to build your own Reporters/Serviceshow to use CI/CD like Travis, Circle CIhow to use REPL Interfacehow to create commandshow to use Cloud Services like Sauce, BrowserStackhow to use Visual Regression"
Price: 19.99

"SEDUCCIN: Errores que tienes que evitar al conquistar."
"En este curso aprenders a ser consciente de los molestos errores que casi todos cometen a la hora de iniciar interacciones de seduccin. Sabrs cmo evitar los errores ms tpicos, sabrs qu seberas hacer para reemplazarlos y as convertirte en una gran persona en cualquier mbito de seduccin.Quedars listo para ser un experto, sin tener que aprender frases predefinidas, ni leerte manuales gigantes. Con este curso estars listo para nunca ms cometer errores de los cuales ms adelante te arrepientas."
Price: 19.99

"De la SEDUCCIN a una RELACIN estable."
"En este curso aprenders a enfocar todos tus esfuerzos de conquista y seduccin, en una relacin estable. Desarrollando un respeto y una confianza mutua, que es la base de todo el amor.El curso va dirigido a cualquier persona que quiera desarrollarse por completo junto a alguien ms, y sobretodo, si ese alguien es la persona por la cual demostraste tu valor y sedujiste desde un principio para alcanzar un nivel ms alto de interaccin."
Price: 19.99

"SEDUCCIN: Lectura del Rostro para conquistar."
"Este curso te ensear a observar a detalle el rostro de la otra persona a fin de darte cuenta de sus caractersticas, as tendrs ms xito en la futura interaccin y seduccin.El anlisis del rostro es muy importante y es un mtodo rpido y discreto que se sumar a tus estrategias de seduccin."
Price: 19.99

"SEDUCCIN: 10 Tips para triunfar como SEDUCTOR."
"Este curso te resumir los mejores consejos o Tips para que seas un triunfador en el mundo de la seduccin. Quedars listo para salir a generar interacciones con propsito y pasin para que te diviertas, diviertas al resto y te desarrolles como persona de la mejor manera.Aprenders a controlar la ansiedad y a desarrollar la prudencia, que muchas veces es ms que importante en estos aspectos."
Price: 19.99

"En este curso aprenders a conocer los secretos que se esconden en los pequeos gestos o movimientos que una persona nos puede demostrar a la hora de la interaccin social y por supuesto en mbitos de seduccin.Conoce la teora de esta gran dimensin y aplcala como un experto, as logrars alcanzar cualquier objetivo que te propongas de antemano."
Price: 19.99

Price: 7800.00

"Flutter 30"
"iThome 11iT<>Flutter Google Dart (Framework) AndroidiOS APP Web WindowsmacOSLinux Fuchsia 120FPS UI Native Flutter Google Flutter Dart Flutter Flutter Flutter Flutter Flutter HKT ()"
Price: 7800.00

"Dart Google Flutter (Framework) AndroidiOS APP Web WindowsmacOSLinux Fuchsia 120FPS UI Native Google AdWords Dart Flutter Dart KT Flutter Dart KT Dart Dart Dart Dart Dart Dart Dart HKT ()"
Price: 7800.00

"Open RefineA...13B...410C...1113D...14ACBCBA"
Price: 10800.00

"Creative Writing: Art, Business, & Craft of Young Adult Lit"
"The Young Adult genre is a relative newcomer to fiction, and has certain requirements and expectations from readers, agents, and publishers. This course will help you make sure that the novel you're writing is in fact YA; how to prepare query letters to literary agents; a few things to never do; and great resources to help you on your way once you've finished the class."
Price: 19.99

"Un curso simple de 30 minutos con los elementos bsicos de la agricultura como un medio auto suficiente de alimentacin con mtodos de apoyo mutuo entre los diferentes agentes que componen un huerto ya sea rural como urbano asi coo su aplicacin a elementos mas simples como el macetohuerto y de la misma forma hacia un sistema mas complejo ligado a la permacultura"
Price: 19.99

"CISCO VPN en espaol"
"Curso de configuracin de vpn para ingenieros Latinoamericanos, enfocado a estudiantes con las ganas de especializarse en seguridad de redes y obtener el conocimiento de las vpn ademas de seguir desarrollando su conocimiento para ser mas exitoso en el campo laboral y cumplir sus metas profesionales en corto plazo.Inscribete y genera mas posibilidades de ser uno de los ingenieros mas cotizados del mercado, para el 2020 se van a necesitar 3 veces mas de los ingenieros de seguridad de los que van a existir."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Pessoal: Como projetar uma imagem poderosa"
"O Marketing Pessoal uma das ferramentas mais poderosas para abrir portas e criar oportunidades profissionais. triste ver timos profissionais, formados em boas escolas escondidos atrs de uma imagem ruim.Infelizmente profissionais assim perdem oportunidades para pessoas que tem uma estratgia definida de comunicao e controle da imagem que projetam e como gostariam de ser percebidos pelas pessoas. uma grande erro cometido por muitos profissionais que acreditam que Marketing Pessoal s imagem, na verdade vai muito alm disso, neste mini curso gratuito quero dar a possibilidade para que as pessoas possam ter melhores condies de elaborar uma estratgia correta de comunicao e Marketing Pessoal."
Price: 174.99

"Liderana Poderosa - Equipes que do resultados"
"O curso vo mostrar os passos exatos para que um lder crie equipes de alto rendimento.Tambm vai detalhar os cinco modelos de liderana de equipes e como utilizar cada um deles para levar uma equipes ao alto rendimento.O aluno conhecer os 4 estgios que uma equipe precisa passar para chegar ao alto rendimento."
Price: 174.99

"Inteligencia Emocional: 5 Pilares para sucesso profissional"
"Vivemos em um mundo profissional que nos cobra resultados, a presso  grande e aumenta, pois o mercado est cada dia mais competitivo, nossas emoes so levadas ao limite para equilibrar de forma satisfatria nossa vida pessoal e carreira.Saber lidar com nossas emoes de forma equilibrada e com as emoes da pessoas com quem nos relacionamos determinante para o sucesso de nossa vida pessoal e profissional, infelizmente muitos bons profissionais perdem oportunidades por no saberem lidar com suas prprias emoes.Especialistas de RH costumam dizer que muitos profissionais so admitidos por suas capacidades tcnicas e demitidos na maior parte das vezes por suas dificuldades de lidar com suas prprias emoes e se relacionar com as equipes que participam.Este curso uma oportunidade para que o aluno compreenda rapidamente os 5 pilares da Inteligncia  Emocional e comece imediatamente a aplic-los em suas vida."
Price: 129.99

"Mestres da Persuaso: O poder e a arte de convencer pessoas"
"Por que se tornar um Mestre da Persuaso? bem simples de perceber quando se analisa o mercado como ser um bom negociador, dominar estratgias e tticas de persuaso passou a ser uma habilidade muito valorizada pelas empresas, o poder de convencer algum faz diferena em todas as reas de nossa vida.Alinhar uma estratgia de negociao e comunicao a forma como o crebro reage e toma decises aumenta significativamente a possibilidade de convencer algum a comprar um produto, aceitar uma ideia ou tomar uma atitude e realizar uma ao.     O objetivo deste curso possibilitar aos participantes o acesso as mais novas estratgias de negociao e persuaso, condessando o que essencial em uma linguagem objetiva, pois diante de tanta informao disponvel tarefa rdua saber o que realmente precioso, relevante e que se aplicado e far diferena na vida pessoal e profissional carreira.Qualquer conhecimento s pode fazer diferena para algum diante de duas premissas: ser aprendido e depois praticado e isso s possvel com absoluto comprometimento e dedicao, afinal a primeira grande negociao sempre ser feita com nossos desejos e vontade de realmente evoluir e melhorar."
Price: 249.99

"Como vencer a Timidez"
"Ningum nasce timido, ao longo da vida por situaes diversas vamos desenvolvendo este comportamento.H nveis diferentes de timidez, mas quando ela chega a afetar a evoluo profissional e limitar o convvio social, torna um problema srio.Medo exagerado do que as pessoas iro pensar ou dizer, isolamento do convvio social e verdadeiro pnico de exposio, mesmo que seja em uma reunio de trabalho ou encontro de famlia.No curso veremos estratgias e tticas para que voc no deixe a timidez limitar sua vida."
Price: 144.99

"E-Plan Electric P8"
"E-Plan PLC , Electric, 2D, 3D"
Price: 104.99

"Learn To Sew A Tote Sewing For People Who Can't Sew"
"Learn To Sew A Tote Sewing For People Who Can't Sew.I know that your desire is to learn how to sew to make your bags unique as well as comfortable. You think you can't sew. Learn To Sew A Tote Sewing For People Who Can't Sew is tailor made for your interests. All you have to do now is learn to turn the sewing needle into your personal magic wand and unleash your creative power. Learn to master your sewing machine and use your skills to pair fabric and design, for amazing results. Get good by learning how to sew your own bag. The possibilities are endless once you learn how to sew."
Price: 54.99

"How To Learn Instagram Marketing For Absolute Beginners 2019"
"Instagram is a fast-growing platform and Instagram has over 800 million active monthly users. Instagram is one of the only free social media where you can drive great amount of traffic to your business. Having an Instagram marketing strategy is a must-have in todays world. I teach you how to use instagram to grow your business and make your account stand out.  To stay relevant to your audience, youll need to invest the resources required to post regularly."
Price: 84.99

"Pinterest Masterclass More Traffic To Your Website"
"In this class, I teachWhy Pinterest is great for driving traffic to your small service-based business and learning how to Create The Right Pin Designs for Pinterest. Research shows that people like to research products on Pinterest before buying. Learn How To Set Up A Business Account on Pinterest. And how to create a plan to drive traffic from Pinterest. Free Viral Traffic to Your website, blog & landing page all organically. A lot of people have been tapping into Pinterest viral marketing in order to drive traffic to their websites, generate leads, boost brand awareness and of course, increase their sales and with little or no paid ads."
Price: 89.99

"Fiverr Success Start Your Virtual Assistant Home Business"
"Tired of the 9-5? Wanna start your work from anywhere business? Wanna be a work at home mom and have the freedom to look after your children? Wanna be a digital nomad work and travel the world?What is a Virtual Assistant? This is a qustin yu'v prbably askd yurslf if yu hav hard f th titl ""Virtual Assistant."" A Virtual Assistant (VA) is an indpndnt cntractr and a hm-basd entrepreneur wh uss th ntrnt, phn, fax, mail, and thr technology to cmmunicat with his or hr clients. It is a great entry-level business to start as an absolute beginner! As you can be up and running full time in a few weeks.Virtual Assistants prvid administrative support and/r spcializd businss srvics. Many Virtual Assistants wr mst ftn Administrativ r xcutiv Assistants in traditinal wrk nvirnmnts bfr launching thir Virtual Assistanc Practics. Mst Virtual Assistants wrk frm thir hm ffic and, with th hlp f tchnlgy, thr virtual lcatins. Tchnlgy has nabld Virtual Assistants t hav a glbal clint bas.In this course, I teach you how to freelance on Fiverr and earn a fulltime income online as a Virtual Assistant or Social Media Manager."
Price: 64.99

"Weight Loss Magic: Weight Loss to Get Your Dream Body Easily"
"I welcome you to this Course Weight Loss Magic: Weight Loss to Get Your Dream Body Easily from the bottom of my heart and really want to tell you that its not just another course about weight loss but its something very close to my heart as this is all the research I made to lose all my extra weight and yes I did wit with motivation and making small changes in my lifestyle. I will tell you how to make one change that will transform your Life and your daily diet and also will expose why planning is such a vitally important step on your weight loss journey. My course is really different from any other weight loss course because weight loss, or gain, is never just about the food we eat. The information included will help you to see that weight loss is more about the way we think about ourselves and the food we eat and how easy it is to change that thinking to achieve your target and ideal weight.Its for anyone who has ever been overwhelmed with diet information and would just like some simple steps and techniques to follow to lose their extra weight. For anyone who is worried about changing their eating habits and is fed up with a barrage of different, contradictory diet information. This course will make your weight loss journey and your food choices, simpler and easier.By the end of my course, you'll have everything you need to know about losing weight and gaining muscles in your body. You will learn exactly how to lose your extra weight and keep it off forever. You will be able to melt all of that stubborn body fat you have been hanging onto for years. I willtake youthrough each of the steps involved in setting up and following through with your diet.This is why I wanted to create avideo course that not only exposes the most common weight loss myths but alsoteaches everything you need to know to lose weight so that you can get your dream body andlive a healthier and happier life. So, now lets start with the course. You can contact me anytime if you find any difficulty in any lecture or understanding any technique. Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 19.99