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"Curso WordPress Ninja"
"Aprenda nesse curso como montar, personalizar e administrar um site utilizando-se do maior administrador de contedo (CMS) do mundo, o Wordpress. Aulas expositivas e prticas para voc sair do curso com 100% de autonomia nessa to utilizada plataforma.Oque voc ir aprender nesse curso:Mdulo 1 - Conhecendo o Wordpress Aulas: Conhecendo e Baixando o WordPress Conhecendo os arquivos do WordPress Upando (Subindo) o WordPress na Hospedagem Instalao e Configurao do WordPress Recursos mais utilizados no WordPress Como o WordPress pode te ajudar a ganhar dinheiro OnlineMdulo 2 - Detonando o Wordpress Aulas: Conhecendo o Painel do WordPress O Post no WordPress Todos os Posts no WordPress Categorias de Posts no WordPress Tags do Post no WordPress Mdias no WordPress Mdia - Imagens no WordPress Mdia - Vdeos no WordPress Mdias - udios no WordPress Pginas no WordPress Comentrios no WordPress Temas no WordPress Widgets no WordPress Menus no WordPress Plugins no WordPress Usurios no WordPress Ferramentas no WordPress Configuraes no WordPressMdulo 3 - Temas no Wordpress Aulas: Instalando um Tema Como encontrar um Tema para seu WordPress Configurando e Instalando os dados de um Tema Traduzindo um Tema Removendo propagandas de um Tema Especiais do Tema Demonstrao do nosso TemaMdulo 4 - SEO no Wordpress Aulas: Dicas de Logotipo Planejador de palavras Chaves (Keyword Planner) O Plugin WordPress-SEO Robots.txt Sitemaps Ferramenta Webmasters Tools Texto ancora no Post Configurao de Links Permanentes Redirecionamento 301 Google Analytics Otimizao de Imagens Cloudflare Melhorando o desempenho do WordPress Compartilhamento SocialMdulo 5 - Segurana Aulas: Estrutura, Backup e atualizaes Plugin All In One WP Security & Firewall Identificando e resolvendo Bugs Migrao no WordPress Redirecionando um novo domnio Diretrio e Subdomnio Arquivos para Download no site com seguranaMdulo Bnus - Mini-cursos Aulas: Plugin Jetpack Plugin OptimizePress Plugin Profit Builder Plugin InstaBuilder 2.0Mdulo Especial - Dicas Aulas: Multi-sites no WordPress Tipos de Keywords Sites concorrentes Ferramenta SEM Rush Ferramenta Keyword Planner Ferramenta Keyword Tool A Escolha do Domnio Tipos de Domnio Domnio expirado e leilo Erros Comuns no WordPress Recursos Mnimos da Hospedagem cPanel DNS Gerenciadores de Arquivos Ferramenta para Chat & Suporte"
Price: 39.99

"Cisco ASA Clientless VPN"
"In this course you will learn how to setup and configure the clientless SSL VPN solution within the Cisco ASA firewall. With the clientless SSL solution in the Cisco ASA firewall you will have a good complent to the client based VPN solutions such as the IPSec client and AnyConnect Client.The best thing with the clientless SSL VPN is that you run it all in the browser. Over a secure connection protected with SSL you can reach internal resources such as file shares and FTP-server but also unencrypted http web-servers. Furthemore you will be able to reach any inside TCP port with the built in port forwarding application access solution, with just the browser as a proxy.In this course you will learn how to setup this solution in various ways, how to customize access and how to controll authentication and authorization (who should have access to what) from Active Directory using LDAP.Remember! 30 days money-back guarantee with no questions asked. I want you to be satisfied with my course. No Happy - No Pay!Also, please take advantage of the free previews to see what you will get.See you inside!"
Price: 29.99

"Linux command line for beginners"
"In this course you will get an introduction to the Linux command shell. You will learn how to navigate in the file system, how file rights works and how to modify file permissions. You will also learn how to setup remote ssh login access and how to use the sudo and su commands. Furthermore You will also learn the power of redirections and pipelining that makes it possible for you to combine several commands to achieve the desired result.Remember! 30 days money-back guarantee with no questions asked. I want you to be satisfied with my course. No Happy - No Pay!Also, please take advantage of the free previews to see what you will get.After finishing this course you will feel confident and have a base knowledge of the Linux command shell."
Price: 29.99

"Supply Chain: Planning of Resources & Detailed Scheduling"
"If you're looking to take your supply chain skills to the next level, this video course is your starting point. You will learn beyond the basics of supply chain management, gain in depth knowledge to become a Master of Supply Chain. Achieivng supply chain excellence is essential for businesses to be successful in today's global economy. Having knowledgeable supply chain professionsals are key and with this course you can continue your journey to becoming a sought after Supply Chain professional. f your goal is APICS certification, this course covers Master Planning of Resources and Detailed Scheduling and Planning which can assist your preparation for CPIM Part 2.You will gain an in depth understanding of the Manufacturing, Planning and Control (MPC) Hierarchy. MPC deals with planning and controlling manufacturing, managing the materials, scheduling the machines, organizing the workers, dealing with your suppliers and coordinating with your customers. Having an effective MPC system is key for any manufacturing company to be successful."
Price: 69.99

"Learn to Draw From Your Imagination - Step by Step"
"Join over 400,000 learning student and start gaining the drawing skills you've always wanted.The Ultimate Guide to Drawing From Your Imagination will show you how to create advanced art that will stand up as original professional work. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of drawing - or your money back!The course is your track to obtaining drawing skills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or ones you work on for others.This course will take you from having little knowledge in drawing to creating advanced art and having a deep understanding of how to draw form your imagination.So what else is in it for you?Youll gain instant access to all 5 sections of the course!The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of developing and drawing your ideas. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning designs and illustration! Now you will be able to draw ideas from your imagination so the world can see!Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the 5 sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of drawing from your imagination. The course is supported with over 9 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.All at your fingers tips instantly.The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of the fundamentals for drawing from your imagination and how to develop your ideas. Next youll learn how thumbnails work and how to use them to create amazing compositions. Once youve drawn your thumbnails you will move onto concept sketches. Here you will learn how to add immense detail to your drawings.Once you have mastered concept sketches you will draw your final drawing and If you choose so you can add some color to it. I will teach you how to choose your color schemes and how to apply color to your drawing. You will also learn some very practical skills such as: Proper drawing formUsing reference Drawing from your head without referenceTransferring drawings onto paper Keeping you're drawings from smudgingShading and creating realistic lightingDrawing formOvercoming creative blockWhat else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Fully responsive support throughout the course- Join my Artist Inner Family Facebook Group- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how professional art is drawing from your imagination- Quizzes and exercise work sheetsThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for you every step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your art world today!"
Price: 149.99

"Top PHP and Laravel Interview Questions and Answers 2019"
"We have collected for you questions that you will meet on your interview for the position of PHP developer. The course contains questions on various topics such as variables, arrays, functions, various questions on the language, and much more. Examine in detail the questions presented here and you'll wake up with all your weapons in front of your interview and successfully pass it."
Price: 19.99

"Master Angular 4 by Example - Build 7 Awesome Apps!"
"Learn Angular 4 by building 7interesting applications.In thiscoursewecovermanyimportantandadvancedAngular features that you can use right away in your own applications.For each example app, we will download a simpleboilerplate and thenjump right in and start coding our apps. This course is suitable for anyone who already understands the basics of putting together Angular 2+ applications.About the Apps:1. Simple CRUD- You will learn:To use our Boilerplate codeHow to perform CRUDoperations on a list of productsBasic Angular concepts such as ngFor and ngIfHow to build components, services and modules...2. Pokedek- You will learnCRUDusing the in-memory-APIHow to useObservablesWorking with Template driven formsAdd aModal and Tooltips...3. TVWatcher- You will learn:Howto separate your code by feature into their own ModulesRouting to muliple parametersHow to pass data to unrelated componentsHow to send multiple HTTP requests using forkJoinHandle errors and display loadersUse the TVMaze API to search and display shows...4. Weather App- You will learn about:Observables including advanced concepts like debounceTime and switchMapHow to perform CRUD operations to add and remove new Weather itemsUsing Reactive formsInput and OutputCommunicating with the OpenWeather API...5. Socket Chat- You will learn:Howto connect Angular to a Node.js backendUse Socket-IO to connect client with serverSend messages in real-time across unlimited connected clients...6. Twitter Streaming- You will learn:Howto connect Angular to Node.jsHow to use the Twit npm module to connect to the Twitter APITo search tweets by keywordTo display tweets in real-timeusing Socket-IO.Createpagination using ng2-bootstrap...7. Geonames App- You will learn:Howto sort and filter dataHow to route to aninner pageUse the Geonames API...More to come! You can expect at least 1more appto be added to this course. Enroll now to take full advantage of the limitless possibilities when using Angular to develop your applications!"
Price: 194.99

"Curso de Excel Bsico - Super Didtico"
"Nesse curso, voc vai aprender todos os requisitos bsicos para se tornar um bom usurio de excel. Comeando com o uso da ferramenta em si chegando at algumas das frmulas e funes mais comuns e teis! Minhas aulas so didticas e bem dividas em sees e lies, assim voc pode ir direto pro contedo que mais lhe interessa no momento."
Price: 159.99

"Curso Avanado de Grficos em Excel 2016 - Super Didtico"
"Nesse curso, voc vai aprender a utilizar todos os recursos possveis do excel na criao de grficos bonitos, expressivos e que ajudam de fato na tomada de deciso.Em cada uma das sees, voc vai receber uma planilha de estudo para seguir o curso praticamente e uma segunda planilha de exerccios complementares!"
Price: 219.99

"Curso de Dashboard em Excel 2016 - Super Didtico"
"O curso de Dashboards em Excel 2016 ensina o passo a passo de construo de painis de controle, passando pela escolha dos principais indicadores que sero utilizados, o desenho do rascunho, sua estrutura, frmulas e tabelas auxiliares at chegar na construo do dashboard propriamente dito. Voc aprender como implementar esse passo a passo da construo dos dashboards na prtica, vendo o exemplo de 7 dashboards com estrutura e funcionalidades diferentes."
Price: 249.99

"Curso de VBA para Excel"
"O curso de VBA em Excel 2016 ensina o passo a passo para voc comear a escrever as suas prprias linhas de cdigo. Durante o curso voc aprender vendo na prtica o uso dos elementos essenciais da programao em VBA, passando pela criao das suas prprias macros e controle do fluxo de execuo do seu cdigo, at o uso de estruturas de repetio, uso de eventos do Excel e interao com usurios usando formulrios."
Price: 219.99

"Curso de Fluxo de Caixa em Excel"
"Esse um curso que une dois mundos: os mtodos de gesto financeira e conhecimento em Excel. Nele, voc vai aprender as principais teorias e ferramentas de gesto financeira como registro de lanamentos, uso de planos de contas, criao de centros de custos e anlises em regime de caixa e competncia. No entanto, essa aprendizado no fica restrito teoria. Utilizando a principal ferramenta de gesto do mundo, o Excel, voc tambm vai aprender a fazer os nmeros funcionarem na prtica e vai conseguir manipular melhor a planilha que possui ou at mesmo montar a sua prpria planilha!"
Price: 219.99

"Improve Visual Content ROI on Social Media Using MavSocial"
"As visual content becomes the new buzzword in the content marketing world, therere also a lot of debates around its effectiveness. Just think about it, youre putting a great deal of time, money and resources into creating share-worthy content, you should know what you get back in return. Is it worth it, right?Lets stop the guess work, and bring your social media marketing to the next high level using MavSocial to manage and measure your efforts."
Price: 19.99

"R Programming from Scratch for Data Science- Step by Step"
"R (R Programming) is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modelling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, ) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible.In this course you will get an introduction to the main tools and ideas in the data scientist's toolbox. The course gives an overview of the data, questions, and tools that data analysts and data scientists work with.This course is truly step-by-step. In every new tutorial we build on what had already learned and move one extra step forward.In this course, you will learn:R IntroductionR Variables and OperatorsData StructureFunctionsFlow ControlR PackagesImport DataExploring Data With RSoftwares used in CourseR StudioOn course completion, You will be Mastered in R Languageand can implement Successfully it in your work place or willsurelyland on High Paying Job."
Price: 194.99

"5 Steps To Identifying Your Mission and Purpose"
"This course will really help you figure out what you want from life.If you are not sure, then this course is for you. They say the two most important days in a persons life are:-1. When you are born AND2. When you figure out whyThis course will help you really understand why you exist."
Price: 19.99

"How to find and create exceptional images for presentations"
"Not all of us are sketch artists or skilled at creating images or photos, but this course will show you its much easier than you may have thought. Its easy and quick to learnand will save you hours in the long run.I want you to be more successful at what you do, by helping you stand out in the crowd and be remembered. And you can do this by simply makingthe visuals you need to convey your messageto bemore effective at being remembered, whether it'sfor a presentation, website or document.The internet is loaded with resources, if you just know where to look, but you can even shorten your search andmake whatever you find perfectin less time.In this course, I will show and teach you how toeasily modify any photograph or image to suit your needs and look fantastic by just focusing on colour aspects, even when justusing MS Word, PowerPoint or Excel.I will also sharemy favourite source of free stock images andfree photo editing software that I use daily in my career as engineer to prepare presentations for training and sales pitches.During the course you will also be provided with test images that you can constantlyexperiment with to test your newly learnt skills and furthercement them into your skill set.By the end of this course you will be empowered to take any image off the internet or photograph from your camera and enhance or change itscolour to look it's best or totally different. You will no longer be restricted to use what isavailable, but be able to create your own unique versions to fit your messageand style.Still not sure if this course is for you? Follow thelink in the resources section of the introduction lecture to a specially crafted quiz to evaluate whether or not you will learn something useful.Take your presentations to the next level and make an impact that will drive your success."
Price: 19.99

"Colour fundamentals for photo editing"
"In this course you will learn the fundamentals of colour that underpins digital photo editing, from how colour is formed and defined to how to measure and manipulate it effectively to save time making drastic improvements easily, using free or professional software.In this course freely available photo editing software will be provided for practical purposesin case you do not have access to software such as Photoshop, Paintshop Pro etc., although the fundamentals are not linked to any particularsoftware.You will be surprised how many otherwise useless digital images can be rescued or given a second life if you understand how to readcolour channel information off a histogram and identify what information is still usable of the image to repair,modify or improveit.I will also share my favourite free stock photo and image sources on the internet and provide ample practical examples to experiment with in each lecture to ensure you get hands on experience to cement in your newly acquired knowledge."
Price: 19.99

"Ingestion of Big Data Using Apache Sqoop & Apache Flume"
"This courseprovides basic and advanced concepts of Sqoop. This course is designed for beginners and professionals.Sqoop is an open source framework provided by Apache. It is a command-line interface application for transferring data between relational databases and Hadoop.This courseincludes all topics of Apache Sqoop with Sqoop features, Sqoop Installation, Starting Sqoop, Sqoop Import, Sqoop where clause, Sqoop Export, Sqoop Integration with Hadoop ecosystem etc.Flume is a standard, simple, robust, flexible, and extensible tool for data ingestion from various data producers (webservers) into Hadoop. In this course, we will be using simple and illustrative example to explain the basics of Apache Flume and how to use it in practice.This wonderful online course on Sqoop Training is a detailed course which will help you understand all the important concepts and topics of Sqoop Training.Through this Sqoop Training, you will learn that Sqoop permits quick and rapid import as well as export of data from data stores which are structured such as relational databases, NoSQL systems and enterprise data warehouse."
Price: 199.99

"1 Ayda iOS Uygulamanz Olsun! - iOS10 ve Swift 3"
"Bu kurs hi yazlm bilmeyenlerin dahi anlayabilecei ekilde tasarlanmtr.-Tm yazlmlar iOS 10 ve Swift 3 kullanlarakyazlmtr.- Derslerde anlatlan yazlmlar indirilebilir.- Tm dersler Trke olarak anlatlmtr.- Bu kurs ile hem iPhone hem de iPad iin program gelitirebilirsiniz.- Bu kursun sonunda tasarm verilen Yemek Tarifi uygulamasn ve buna benzer bir ok uygulamay yapabileceksiniz.- Tm yazlmlar adm adm anlatlm ve rencinin kafasnda soru iareti kalmayacak ekilde tm olas senaryolar stnde durulmutur.- Kursun sonunda rencinin kendini gelitirebilmesi iin kaynak websiteler hakknda bilgi verilmitir."
Price: 49.99

"Python Programming: An Expert Guide on Python"
"The objective of the course is to introduce learners with Python Version 3.x programming utilizing hands on guideline. It will demonstrate to introduce Python and utilize the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for writing and debugging programs.Python has been one of the premier, adaptable, and intense open-source programming language that is anything but difficult to learn, simple to utilize, and has capable libraries for analysis of data and then processing it.For over 10 years, Python has been utilized as a part of scientific calculations and quantitative areas, for example, finance, oil and gas.This course will cover both fundamental and advanced concepts of Python."
Price: 199.99

"Beginner Resin Art - Acrylic, Ink & Mixed Media Zen Painting"
"Alcohol Ink & Mixed Media Painting with Resin: Create Zen ArtBeginner Resin Course:I like to call them ZEN DISKS: Your piece will be your own experience,chooseyour favorite colors and watch your creativity open and express yourself.Once you create one of your own you may find yourselfstarringat it for hours.Please know that people may experience a tiny bit of wallenvy when they see your finished ZENDisk!In this courseStudentswill learn to Mix Resin and play with other mixed media to create a one of a kind resinArt piece. We will learnabout mixing resin and adding pigments such as inks, acrylics, and more.Mix and choose your own color combinations.Instructor Kellie Chasse will walk you through the process from beginning to end.Step by stepinREALTIMEto createaterrificone of a kind, unique Art.********************************************************************************************Watch the video above for sneak peeks at the beautiful ZENARTyou'll create during this course, then be sure toENROLL NOWto lock in this low rate. You'll never pay more, even when I add new practice sessions or infoto the class!********************************************************************************************This is an Beginner toIntermediatecourse for those of you that want to have fun, be creative, and get the basics on how to work with Resin.Learn all my quick easy tricks and steps to makeyour own ZEN ART for yourself, or to give as agift!I'll show you how create with Resin and Other Mixed Mediaand give you the skills and materialstodevelop your own unique Art Piece.I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process and give you some ideas on different mediums to work with. All you need is an open mind and bepatiencewith yourself, and open your creativity.In this coursewill cover:Materials neededStep by step process in real time demo's.Create anArt Disk and Tileusing different techniques and materials.We will cover working with Resin, Flow paints, Alcohol Ink, and India Inks.Learn to finish off your art with a Cork backing and hanger.Over 1000 happy studentsare already creating some lovely pieces of Art withmy Liveclasses. So come getcreative with me andenjoy all thecompliments to comeon your ownspecial art you will soon be hanging!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own stunning art!Disclaimer: As an Artist I show you how I create my own work, yourresults and products used may bedifferent. While this video is being produced I am not affiliated with any manufacturers or suppliers mentioned, and the products I use are my own personal preference. Safety Note -When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer.********************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get started making beautiful ZENArt Disk today!********************************************************************************************Here are some recent reviews from ARTSTUDENTS:""EASYTOFOLLOW""I have been a Bob Ross certified instructor for 26 years and I have taught in various venues. Kelly is very clear in her instructions and she makes it easy to follow what she is doing. The class is simple enough for beginners and yet she gives the student plenty of room for creating a little on their own. The instruction on the supplies was also clear and easy to follow.~Cherly M.""ENJOYED""""I enjoyed doing this this painting. I am new to watercolor. Was able to follow, having to go back occasionally. Will probably do this painting several times just for the practice. I contacted the Kellie Chasse sight because of interest in alcohol oil painting. So will be an active student for awhile to come. Thank you for a great beginning!!"" ~Kathleen F.""BIGHELP""""Because everything was explained so simply, and Kellie's painting in real time was a very big help. I intend to take more of her courses in the future.""~Jill B.Please note that Udemy may ask for you to review the course at any point. If you have not yet completed the course you may simplyskip the review process until the end. :) Please make sure to use the Q&A Section for questions along the way. The course may be slowed down or the video quality changed if you are having connection or play back issues.Please understand that technical or account issues are not in my control. For Video playback, Technical or Account issues, please click on the Udemy Help or Support Link they will be happy to help.IMPORTANT - Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it anywherethatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. You can use#kcfacourseto post your work on social media so we can all see you work!Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. I would love to see your final paintings posted there. You can use #kcfacourse to post your work on social media so we can all see you work!Happy Painting!Kellie"
Price: 49.99

"Watercolor Painting - Easy Beginner Beach Roses Step by Step"
"Step by Step Easy for Beginners -CoastalBeach Fence with Rosa RugosaWatercolorPaintingCreate and have fun!In this course you will learn simple watercolor and gouache techniques andhow I use themstep by stepinREALTIMEto createthis beautiful CoastalScene.********************************************************************************************Watch the video above for sneak peeks at the beautiful paintingyou'll create during this course, then be sure toENROLL NOWto lock in this low rate. You'll never pay more, even when I add new practice sessions or infoto the class!********************************************************************************************This is an Beginner toIntermediatecourse for those of you that want to develop your skills with Watercolor. I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process to create this Scene.In this coursewill cover:Materials needed - Free PreviewPractice SessionsLearn to prepare your watercolorpaper.Create a wet in wet background technique to create a soft flowing clouds.How tolayer the watercolorsand placement of shadows usinga brushfor a details.How to create the appearance of roses.Plus BONUSFraming SectionPaintingis a lifetime skill that anyone can learn and enjoy.Over 1000 happy studentsare already creating some lovely masterpiecestaking my Live and online classes using watercolors and Alcohol Inks! So come be creative with me andenjoy all thecompliments to comeon your ownspecial artcreations you will soon be hanging!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own stunning artpieces!********************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get started making beautiful watercolor paintingtoday!********************************************************************************************Your reviews are very important to me.Ihope you find this course a 5 STARREVIEW, and if not please let me know what I can do to improve to make it a better course.Please note that Udemy may ask for you to review the course at any point. If you have not yet completed the course you may simplyskip the review process until the end. :) Please make sure to use the Q&A Section for questions along the way. The course may be slowed down or the video quality changed if you are having connection or play back issues.Please understand that technical or account issues are not in my control. For Video playback, Technical or Account issues, please click on the Udemy Help or Support Link they will be happy to help.IMPORTANT - Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it anywhere thatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. You can use#kcfacourseto post your work on social media so we can all see you work!Happy Painting!KellieSafety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer."
Price: 44.99

"Jewelry Making For Beginners: Art Resin Pendant and Earrings"
"Jewelry Making for Beginners- step by stepResin Pendants and EarringsPlease know that after you take the course, people may experience a tiny bit of jewelryenvy when they see you wearing your pendants or earrings!Welcome toour Step by Step Beginner Resin Jewelry Course.Resinis anamazingartmedium that is so much fun to play with!In this course you will learn how to correctly mix and tint your resin andcreate beautiful wearable art pieces. We will use a number of options to tint including Acrylic paints, Ink, andpowered pigments. You will seethe processstep by stepinREALTIMEandcreatesome terrificone of a kind, uniquejewelry pendants and earrings to either wear or create to sell in your ownbusiness.*********************************************************************************Watch the PREVIEWvideo'sfor sneak peeks at the beautiful pendants and earringsyou'll create during this course, then be sure toENROLL NOWto lock in this low rate. You'll never pay more, even when I add new practice sessions or infoto the class!*********************************************************************************This is an Beginner toIntermediatecourse for those of you that want to have fun, be creative, and get the basics on how to create these artsypendants and earrings. Learn all my quick easy tricks and steps to create your own jewelry to wear orgift!I'll take all the scariness away from Resin andshow you how mix andcreate Resin art pendants and give you the skills and materialstodevelop your unique jewelry pieces.I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process and give you some ideas on to work with a fewdifferent mediums and options.In this coursewill cover:Materials neededCreatingbeautiful and unique pendant and earringart to wear.Create pendants using different techniques and materials.We will cover working with Resin and how to tint your resin by using Acrylics,Ink and powdered pigments.I'll evenshare my suppliersecrets.Over 1000 happy studentsare already creating some lovely pieces of Art withmy Liveclasses. So come getcreative with me andenjoy all thecompliments to comeon your ownspecial art pendants youwill soon be wearing!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own stunning art necklace pendants and earrings!********************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get started making somebeautiful ResinArt pendants and earringstoday! I hope to see you inside the course!********************************************************************************************Disclaimer: As an Artist I show you how I create my own work, yourresults and products used may bedifferent. While this video is being produced I am not affiliated with any manufacturers or suppliers mentioned, and the products I use are my own personal preference. Safety Note -When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer.Here are some recent reviews from ARTSTUDENTS:""EASYTOFOLLOW""I have been a Bob Ross certified instructor for 26 years and I have taught in various venues. Kelly is very clear in her instructions and she makes it easy to follow what she is doing. The class is simple enough for beginners and yet she gives the student plenty of room for creating a little on their own. The instruction on the supplies was also clear and easy to follow.~Cherly M.""ENJOYED""""I enjoyed doing this this painting. I am new to watercolor. Was able to follow, having to go back occasionally. Will probably do this painting several times just for the practice. I contacted the Kellie Chasse sight because of interest in alcohol oil painting. So will be an active student for awhile to come. Thank you for a great beginning!!"" ~Kathleen F.""BIGHELP""""Because everything was explained so simply, and Kellie's painting in real time was a very big help. I intend to take more of her courses in the future.""~Jill B.Please note that Udemy may ask for you to review the course at any point. If you have not yet completed the course you may simplyskip the review process until the end. :) Please make sure to use the Q&A Section for questions along the way. The course may be slowed down or the video quality changed if you are having connection or play back issues.Please understand that technical or account issues are not in my control. For Video playback, Technical or Account issues, please click on the Udemy Help or Support Link they will be happy to help.IMPORTANT - Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it anywhere or sell it thatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. You can use #kcfacourse to post your work on social media so we can all see you work!Happy Painting!Kellie"
Price: 49.99

"Alcohol Ink Learn to paint a Sea Turtle Easy Beginner Steps"
"Underwater SeaTurtlePainting-Alcohol Inkon YupoAlcohol Inkis anamazingartmedium that is just now beginning to be noticed! In this course you will learn what Alcohol Inks are and how I use themstep by stepinREALTIMEto createthis lovely Sea Turtle swimming under water.********************************************************************************************Watch the video above for sneak peeks at the beautiful paintingyou'll create during this course, then be sure toENROLL NOWto lock in this low rate. You'll never pay more, even when I add new practice sessions or infoto the class!********************************************************************************************This is an Beginner toIntermediatecourse for those of you that want to develop your skills with Alcohol Ink. I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process to create this Sea Turtle.In this coursewill cover:Materials needed - Free PreviewLearn to prepare your Yupo paper.Practice SessionsSketching out the Sea Turtle on YupoCreate a wet in wet background technique to create a lovely underwater look for thebackground.How tolayer the inks and placement of shadows usinga brushfor a details.How to pull out paint to layer inksHow to use a gel pens for highlights and details.How to seal the paintings.Plus 2BONUSSectionsDisplays options for tilesHow to professionally frame your paintings.Paintingis a lifetime skill that anyone can learn and enjoy.Over Thousands ofhappy studentsare already creating some lovely masterpiecestaking my Live and online classes using watercolors and Alcohol Inks! So come be creative with me andenjoy all thecompliments to comeon your ownspecial artcreations you will soon be hanging!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own stunning artpieces!********************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get started making beautiful Alcohol Ink Arttoday!********************************************************************************************Here are some recent reviews from ARTSTUDENTS:""EASYTOFOLLOW""I have been a Bob Ross certified instructor for 26 years and I have taught in various venues. Kelly is very clear in her instructions and she makes it easy to follow what she is doing. The class is simple enough for beginners and yet she gives the student plenty of room for creating a little on their own. The instruction on the supplies was also clear and easy to follow.~Cherly M.""ENJOYED""""I enjoyed doing this this painting. I am new to watercolor. Was able to follow, having to go back occasionally. Will probably do this painting several times just for the practice. I contacted the Kellie Chasse sight because of interest in alcohol oil painting. So will be an active student for awhile to come. Thank you for a great beginning!!"" ~Kathleen F.""BIGHELP""""Because everything was explained so simply, and Kellie's painting in real time was a very big help. I intend to take more of her courses in the future.""~Jill B.Please feel free to use the Q&A section of the course if you have questions. I will try my bestto respond within24 hours.Please keep in mind that I video all the lectures myself and I am NOTa professional videographer by any means. I use Udemy as my Platform. If you have technical, account, or video playback issues, please contact Udemy's Help Link, and they will be happy to answer any questions for you.I sincerely hope you find mycourse a 5 STARREVIEW and it's perfect for you. Please let me know if you feel any changes should be made to make it a better experience. Please keep in mind you are rating me and my teaching style, not Udemy's Platform.These are LIFETIME Courses, which means that even after you have finished the course and you have questions later on, I'm here for you.Please note that Udemy may ask for you to review the course at any point. If you have not yet completed the course you may simplyskip the review process until the end. :) The course may be slowed down or the video quality changed if you are having connection or play back issues.Please understand that technical or account issues are not in my control. For Video playback, Technical or Account issues, please click on the Udemy Help or Support Link they will be happy to help.IMPORTANT - Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it anywherethatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. You can use#kcfacourse or kelliechasse_Finearton Instagramto post your work on social media so we can all see you work!Happy Painting!KellieSafety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer."
Price: 29.99

"Beginner Watercolor Painting - Birch Tree Easy Art Steps"
"Step by Step Easy for Beginners and more intermediatepainters that are looking to enjoy some creative time- I'llcover my easy steps to create this Summer Birch TreeWatercolorPainting with you.Create and have fun!In this course you will learn simple watercolor and gouache techniques andhow I use themstep by stepinREALTIMEto createthis beautiful Summer Birch TreeScene.********************************************************************************************Watch the video above for sneak peeks at the beautiful paintingyou'll create during this course, then be sure toENROLL NOWto lock in this low rate. You'll never pay more, even when I add new practice sessions or infoto the class!********************************************************************************************This is an Beginner toIntermediatecourse for those of you that want to develop your skills with Watercolor. I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process to create this Scene.In this coursewill cover:Materials needed - Free PreviewPractice SessionsLearn to prepare your watercolorpaper.Create a wet in wet background technique to create a soft flowing clouds.How tolayer the watercolorsand placement of shadows usinga brushfor a details.How to create the appearance of texture and the illusion of flowers.Paintingis a lifetime skill that anyone can learn and enjoy.Over 1000's of happy students are already creating some lovely masterpiecestaking my Live and Online classes using watercolors,Alcohol Inks, Resin, and Jewelry! So come be creative with me andenjoy all thecompliments to comeon your ownspecial artcreations you will soon be hanging!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own stunning artpieces!********************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get started making beautiful watercolor paintingtoday!********************************************************************************************Your reviews are very important to me.Ihope you find this course a 5 STARREVIEW, and if not please let me know what I can do to improve to make it a better course.Please note that Udemy may ask for you to review the course at any point. If you have not yet completed the course you may simplyskip the review process until the end. :) Please make sure to use the Q&A Section for questions along the way. The course may be slowed down or the video quality changed if you are having connection or play back issues.Please understand that technical or account issues are not in my control. For Video playback, Technical or Account issues, please click on the Udemy Help or Support Link they will be happy to help.IMPORTANT - Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it anywhere thatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. You can use#kcfacourseto post your work on social media so we can all see you work!Happy Painting!KellieSafety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer."
Price: 39.99

"Alcohol Ink Abstract Play and Loosen Up Your Art with Air"
"This course is all about PLAY, andis less structured than my other step byclasses. Alcohol Ink isalso a great medium to help more detailed artists loosen up.I'll show you some really easy ways, we'll play with Airto create a fun,exciting,andcolorful abstractpainting. Each and every piece you create will be different than mine.This is a personal journey to create , andyour pieces will have your stamp on itoryour own Art Expression.In this course we will loosen up our ideal self and learn to go wherethe paints take us.I'll be showing you how to work with a straw, canned air and lastly andmy personalfavorite,using asmall miniair brush to blow the paints around using justair. Of course you can use other Air compressors. But the key is to play and test things out without fear. You'll notice I just go with the flow when creating these. Let go of your perfectionism in this class and say I CAN do this!********************************************************************************************This is an Beginner toIntermediatecourse for those of you that are new to Alcohol Inks or want to loosen up and have some play time with your art.This course isa great introduction to using Alcohol Inks. It is for those of you that may not feel like you can draw, or just want to express yourself using colors.I also found Inks to be a wonderful way to explore my abstract side and they helped me become less controlled with my Watercolors.WHATYOUWILLDISCOVERINTHISCOURSE:What alcohol inks are and theMaterials needed.Discoverhow to use a straw, canned air anda small Air Compressor to move the inks.In this course I will explain my process andwill cover 6simple/quick demo paintings each approximately 8-11 minutes long.2 Demolectures will be on using a Straw 1 on Tile and one on Yupo.1 Demo lectureon a tile using canned Air,3 Demos lectures on Yupo creating anAbstract, Sunset abstract, and aSeascape Abstract,using aCompactAir Brush.The course is best used to discover abstracts byplaying being loosewith colors and movement of the inks.An open mind is all you will need discover that Inkscanbe very self growth,therapeutic, and creative process.BONUS VIDEOSI""ve also included andadded BONUSa few of my Student Online Facebook group videos in here and a few oldies from past courses that I think will be helpful.I'll cover how to attach yupo to canvas and seal with Art ResinAnother demo onsealing a Tile with Art Resin.How to Mat andFrame Your paintingsPaintingis a lifetime skill that anyone can learn and enjoy.Over 1000's of happy studentsare already creating some lovely masterpiecestaking myLiveand Online classesusing watercolors,Alcohol Inks, Resin, and Jewelry! So come be creative with me andenjoy all thecompliments to comeon your ownspecial artcreations you will soon be hanging!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own stunning artpieces!********************************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get started making beautiful watercolor paintingtoday!********************************************************************************************Your reviews are very important to me.Ihope you find this course a5 STARREVIEW, and if not please let me know what I can do to improve to make it a better course.Please note that Udemy may ask for you to review the course at any point. If you have not yet completed the course you may simplyskip the review process until the end. :) Please make sure to use the Q&A Section for questions along the way. The course may be slowed down or the video quality changed if you are having connection or play back issues.Please understand that technical or account issues are not in my control. For Video playback, Technical or Account issues, please click on the Udemy Help or Support Link they will be happy to help.IMPORTANT - Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it anywhere thatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Feel free to find my social media platforms in the profile section. Please Post your works in progressand finished pieces for review if you likein the Closed privateFacebook group for mystudents. You can also post it anywhere on social using #kcfacourse or on any socialmedia such as Instagram@kelliechasse_fineart .I'm looking forward to seeing it!!Playing =Happy Painting!!KellieSafety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer. Contact your Doctor if you are concerned about medical conditions."
Price: 29.99

"How to paint with Alcohol inks - Birch Tree and Flowers"
"ALCOHOLINKON YUPO Birch Tree + EXTRA Alcohol Ink Flower Mini Course.Step by Step Easy for Beginners and more intermediatepainters that are looking to enjoy some creative time- I'llcover myeasy stepsto create thisAlcohol Ink Birch TreePainting with you plus I've added aEXTRA Mini course on the newAlcohol Ink Flowers.Create and have fun!In this course you will learn simple alcohol ink techniques andhow I use themstep by stepinREALTIMEto createthis beautiful Summer Birch TreeScene.******************************************************************************Watch the video above for sneak peeks at the beautiful paintingyou'll create during this course, then be sure toENROLL NOWto lock in this low rate. You'll never pay more, even when I add new practice sessions or infoto the class!******************************************************************************This is an Beginner toIntermediatecourse for those of you that want to develop your skills with Alcohol Inks. I'll take you through the entire video of my steps and process to create this Scene.In this coursewill cover:Materials needed - Free PreviewHow to use a pallet knife to create textureCreate a wet in wet background technique to create a soft flowing sky.How tolayer the alcohol ink to create grass and add value.How to create the appearance of leaves using texture.We'll cover masking fluidLearn when, how, and why to use a Blender Pen with Alcohol Inks.PLUSthe 5 additional EXTRACOURSEoh how to create the easiest alcohol ink flowers ever.Paintingis a lifetime skill that anyone can learn and enjoy.Over 1000's of happy studentsare already creating some lovely masterpiecestaking my LiveandOnline classes using watercolors,Alcohol Inks, Resin, and Jewelry! So come be creative with me andenjoy all thecompliments to comeon your ownspecial artcreations you will soon be hanging!With the right instruction and a little bit of practice, you too will soon be able to make your own stunning artpieces!******************************************************************************REGISTER NOW and get started making beautiful alcohol paintingtoday!******************************************************************************Your reviews are very important to me.IMPORTANT- Not all artist allow this so please check and follow all copy writelaws.As an artist,I personallynever mind when someone copies my work to practice their techniques. I just ask that if you post it on Instagram , Facebook or other social media sites, thatyou givecredit to either my courses or my links as theartist that created the image.Happy Painting!KellieSafety Note: When using paints and chemicals please adhere to any and all manufacturer safety guidelines with these products.If you have specific safety questions or concerns please contact the product's manufacturer or your doctor before using."
Price: 29.99

"Learn 6 easy rock watercolor techniques"
"Short PROJECT BASED COURSE : Learn 6 easy rock techniques that you can incorporate into your own paintings.Learn how to paint some fun and easy rocks using watercolor? Try my simple easy tips and tricks to creating some attractive yet simplistic rocks that you can use in your watercolor paintings. In this course I'll show you how to explore rocks creating 6 separate, yet simple styles, to bring your landscape or seascapes to life. Course is a total of 40 minutes long with 6 separate lectures and styles of rock. We will not complete a full scene in this course. It is to be used as a guide on how to create different textures and simple types of rock to use in your own scenes. Do you get frustrated with watercolor and all those details? Can't seem to figure out how to create something that looks like a rock and not a blob of color? Join me in this new course ""How to Paint Rocks Using Watercolor"" and I'll show you some very easy tips and tricks to creating some very easy rock formations using watercolors.In this class we'll go over six different ways to create simple and interesting layers with watercolor. The first concept I'll show you some wet in wet techniques and then we'll move onto smooth and round boulders, a rocky Island scene, a granite style rock, and then some dry brush techniques that I use in my daily art. This class is for new painters or those of you that get overwhelmed or are unsure where to start.  You will create rocks using simple techniques and tips very quickly and with out a lot of frustrations, I'll show you how.Get your watercolors out ... and let's start having fun with some quick little rock demos!WHAT YOU WILL DISCOVER IN THIS COURSE:How to create 6 different styles of rocksWe'll cover a wet in wet style, learning how to easily blend your watercolorLearn to create a granite look with a splatter technique.Create rocks by using a dry brush style plus other tips!Please don't forget to post your projects below, I can't wait to see them! Have fun  - can't wait to see them!Kellie Chasse Fine Art "
Price: 19.99

"Winter 3 Watercolor Scenes For Beginners - Cardinal"
"Great for turning into Cards!This class is all about taking your watercolors practice to the next level. Create 3 quick and simple projects in this course. First we'll start with the simpler Winter Tree scene with snow and a second class on creating Holly Berries. Last will will go a little more advanced creating a red cardinal. These classeswill teach youhow to create layers, incorporategouacheinto your watercolors, and utilize color in ways to effectively create layers to adddepth.We will create three quick and easy scenes one of winter trees with a snow blanket and beautiful Holly Berries in a 2 short and easy mini watercolor classes and the more advanced Red Cardinal learning to paint feathers and a few more layered details. These 3 projects make for great warm up paintings for anyone plus a fantastic way to create multiple cards for a quick but rewarding image to gift.Get your watercolors out ... and let's start having fun with some quick paintings full of textures and wintery goodness."
Price: 19.99

"Yaam iyiletirmenin bilinen ve kabul grm en iyi yollarndan biri hedefler belirlemek.Bu sayede ortalama bir yaam srmektenve sradan biri olmaktan kurtulmak mmkn.Bir yere gelmi insanlarn yaamlarn incelediinizde istisnasz hepsinin bu gerei bildiini ve bu kursta anlatlanyntemleri uyguladn grrsnz.Amazaten yaamnza yeni bir soluk getirmek.Gnmz insan nedenini bilmeden hep ayn dngnniinde yayor ve ac ekiyor.oumuz isteklerimizin ulalmaz olduu yanlgs iindeyiz.Oysa bu doru deil ve naslyaplacan bilen herkes amalarna ulama ansna sahip.stelik bu,sanldndan ok daha kolay olabilir.Bize katln ve bu denenmi ve saysz insann hayallerini gerekletirmesini salam yntemi renmeye biraz zamanayrn.Kendinize yaptnz en iyi yatrmlardan biri olacak."
Price: 19.99