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"Crer un tunnel qui CARTONNE avec ClickFunnels et Aliexpress"
"Un tunnel de vente est une succession de pages qui amne naturellement le visiteur vers lachat dun ou plusieurs produits ou services. Cest une mcanique trs puissante qui permet, partir de quelques pages, de convaincre le visiteur quil a besoin du ou des produits proposs.Bien sr, il existe diffrents types de tunnels qui ont chacun leurs spcificits. Dans cette formation je me focalise sur la cration dun tunnel de vente adapt la vente de produit en Dropshipping depuis Aliexpress. Pour cela, jutilise lapplication ClickFunnels. Je pense quil est indispensable de savoir utiliser cette vritable machine de guerre quest ClickFunnels. Les avantages lutiliser sont nombreux, comme par exemple: Dnicher les bestsellers Aliexpress en testant une multitude de produits Facilement et Rapidement Exploiter Ces bons produits avec cette vritable machine de guerre pour Exploser votre CA.Le but premier de cette formation est de vous dlivrer un plan dactions prcises et tape par tape pour mettre en place votre tunnel avec vos produits trs facilement.Pour exploser vos rsultats il nest pas utile de connatre toutes les subtilits de ClickFunnels. Il suffit de matriser ce qui apporte une relle valeur ajoute. La perte de temps chercher des informations inutiles peut coter cher Avec ce cours, vous accdez un tunnel de vente optimis et personnalisable en fonction de vos produits. Tous les aspects techniques ne seront plus un problme et vous pourrez utiliser votre tunnel trs rapidement sans perte de temps. Le deuxime but de cette formation est de vous faire gagner un temps prcieux! En effet, vous pourrez tester des niches totalement diffrentes, sans tre oblig de crer chaque fois une nouvelle boutique Shopify. Pour mettre en vente un nouveau produit/niche, il vous suffira de cloner le tunnel de vente (cest fait en 1 clic) et de le personnaliser avec votre nouveau produit. Concrtement, ce processus peut tre fait en 1 heure. Je vous explique clairement tout cela. Et enfin, le troisime but est dexploiter les meilleures mthodes de ventes actuellement utilises sur le march. Lutilisation de lUPSELL (achat dun produit supplmentaire), du DOWNSELL et des ventes croises sera un jeu denfant pour vous. Ces mthodes peuvent elles seules doubler votre chiffre daffaire. Leur utilisation dans une boutique normale peut savrer quelque peu complexe. Avec ClickFunnels, cela sera que du plaisir mettre en place. Pour rsum, en achetant ce cours vous accdez: Un tunnel de vente optimis (UPSELL, DOWNSELL, VENTE CROISEE) pour vendre des produits en dropshipping. Il comprend 4 pages entirement pr-rdiges pour vous. (Vritable machine de guerre pour vendre) Une conomie importante de temps de recherches dinformations Vous navez que lessentiel sous les yeux. Un plan daction prcis, mettre en place ds aujourdhui, pour tester tous vos produits. Toutes les tapes sont dtailles au maximum. Une stratgie de vente extrmement efficace qui vous permet de trouver et dexploiter les meilleurs produits Aliexpress en Dropshipping. Un abonnement ClickFunnels un tarif trs spcial ......Avec cette formation, ce soir votre/vos tunnel(s) de ventes est/sont en place et vos premiers rsultats arriveront trs vite.Pour commencer tout de suite, il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton ""Acheter maintenant"" et je vous retrouve dans la premire vido. Je vous attends ! Lionel"
Price: 99.99

"5 jours pour trouver le produit Gagnant avec ClickFunnels"
"But de la formationTrouver le bon produit gagnant. Le but de cette formation est de trouver le produit GAGNANT, cest dire celui qui cre le plus dinteractions auprs de laudience choisie.Description :ClickFunnels est un logiciel en ligne trs puissant proposant de nombreux outils pour optimiser ses ventes sur Internet. Son utilisation est simple mais les bnfices quil est possible den tirer sont trs importants.Dans cette formation jutilise ClickFunnels pour trouver le plus rapidement possible UN produit gagnant.La formation se droule en 5 grandes tapes.La premire est de mettre en place un systme combinant 3 tunnels de vente. En suivant mon plan daction, cette tape est relativement simple et ne vous demandera pas beaucoup de temps. Dans cette premire phase, le but est de monter votre systme de test afin de dterminer un produit gagnant. Pour cela, vous utiliserez mon nouveau tunnel de vente que je partage avec vous au sein de la formation.La deuxime tape concerne la slection dune audience de base. Je vous prsente une stratgie trs simple et rapide pour viter de perdre du temps dans cette slection. Cest fini les heures de recherches parce que la page Facebook que vous souhaitez cibler napparat pas dans Audience Insights !La troisime tape est la recherche de contenu pour vos publicits Facebook. Ici, je vous propose une approche base sur un format de publicit unique qui est la vido. Grce un outil trs efficace, vous ferez vos vidos de ventes en un clin doeil. Et cela mme si vous navez jamais fait de montage vido ;)Le but du jeu est dobtenir un maximum de trafic vers vos tunnels de vente. Je vous montre comment arriver vos fins avec des vidos qui donnent envie de cliquer sur vos publicits.A titre dexemple, vous verrez au travers des vidos, comment jobtiens plus de 230 clics sur le lien de ma publicit avec environ 16 de budget, soit environ 7 centimes par clic.La quatrime tape est la mise en place de vos publicits et leur lancement. En suivant ma stratgie, vous pourrez analyser vos futurs rsultats trs facilement.La cinquime tape est lanalyse de vos rsultats, loptimisation et la slection du produit Gagnant.Je filme intgralement mon cran chaque tape. Il ne vous reste plus qu COPIER COLLER et obtenir vos premiers rsultats dans 5 jours.Prt vous lancer ?Il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton ""Acheter maintenant"" et je vous retrouve dans la premire vido. Je vous attends !"
Price: 99.99

"Dropshipping : Les Apps Shopify Indispensables en 2018"
"Le but de cette formation est de vous prsenter les meilleures applications Shopify 2018.Une boutique Shopify est une machine trs puissante pour vendre vos produits sur Internet. Lun des gros avantages utiliser cette plateforme est quil existe des milliers dapplications pour optimiser sa boutique trs facilement. Et pas besoin de savoir coder, ou tre un pro de linformatique Avec quelques bonnes pratiques et les bonnes applications, vous pouvez faire passer une boutique peu rentable une vraie machine cash.Cest exactement pour cela que jai cr cette formation. Je vous prsente ici les meilleures applications actuellement disponibles, afin que vous passiez au niveau suprieur avec votre boutique Shopify.Comme dhabitude, je vous filme lintgralit de mon cran et je vous montre de A Z comment installer chaque applications et en tirer profit au maximum.De limportation des produits jusquau passage des commandes en passant le retargeting, la mise en place dun sentiment durgence, lutilisation de la preuve sociale, le suivi des livraisons, et jen passe, vous serez absolument tout :)Prt vous lancer ?>> Il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton ""Acheter maintenant"" et je vous retrouve dans la premire vido. Je vous attends !"
Price: 99.99

"LaTeXFormate Seus Textos de Forma Eficiente e Profissional!"
"===== Descrio =====Seja bem-vindo(a) ao cursoFormate Seus Textos de Forma Eficiente e Profissional com LaTeX!Voc alguma vez j criou algum documento no Word ou Google Docs e sentiu dificuldade para deix-locom uma aparnciaprofissional?Gostaria de criar seus textos sem perder tempo se preocupando com formatao?Ento voc est no cursocerto! Aqui voc aprender a utilizar LaTeX para formatartextos de forma eficiente e profissional!LaTeX uma incrvelferramenta que possu diversas vantagens, dentre elas:Com LaTeX voc consegue gerenciar figuras, tabelas, equaes, referncias, sees, etc. de maneira muito mais eficiente;Voc no precisa se preocupar com o layout do documento. Foque no contedo que LaTeX faz o trabalho difcil deixando seu documento muito bonito; totalmente gratuta e sem limitaes!No necessrio ter conhecimentos prvios de LaTeX! Te ensinaremos desde o mais bsico!Teve alguma dvida durante a aula? Voc ter um frumtotalmente exclusivopara fazer qualquer pergunta relacionada ao curso, que responderemos com o maior prazer!Inscreva-se j e crietextos incrveis!"
Price: 99.99

"Criao de Mundos, Mapas e Levels para Jogos 2D com Tiled"
"Seja bem-vindo(a) ao curso deCriao de Mundos, Mapas e Levels para Jogos 2D comTiled.Caso voc no conhea oTiled, segue uma breve descrio:""Tiled um editor de levels 2D que te ajuda a desenvolver o contedo do seu game. Sua funo principal editar mapas de tiles de vrias formas, mas tambm suporta colocao livrede imagens,alm de formaspoderosas de descrever e parametrizarseu level paraque sua engine de games possa ler de forma fcil.""Neste curso, voc aprender a utilizar o Tiled para criar Mundos, Mapas e Levelspara seus Jogos 2D.Comearemos aprendendo como fazer a configurao do Tiled, e em seguida,faremosum tour por cada ferramenta, mostrando na prtica para qu ela serve e como utiliz-la! E como bnus, ainda mostrarei como importar os mapas criados na Godot Engine de forma inteligente!Se voc sonha em criar um game 2D, este curso definitivamente te ajudar no processo! Ento no perca tempo, inscreva-se j!Ateno: Este no um curso de desenho! um curso que ensinaa utilizar Tilesets para criar Tilemaps!"
Price: 99.99

"Basic Modern Standard Arabic Part 2!"
"In this course, we will be moving on from the first course I gave. We will be learning key verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs to facilitate speaking. Towards the end of the course, we will begin saying sentences and practicing our new found vocabulary. By the end, you will be able to speak basic sentences on a variety of topics!"
Price: 24.99

"Projektvision - Motivation & Richtung fr Ihr Team"
"Ich erlebe in der Projektarbeit immer wieder eine Reihe von wiederkehrenden Problemen: Alle Anforderungen sind gleich wichtig - der Auftraggeber und / oder der Projektleiter ist nicht in der Lage, die Anforderungen zu priorisieren.Die Stakeholder des Projektes verndern im Monatsrhythmus den Scope des Projektes - eine verlssliche Planung und Abarbeitung ist nicht mglich.Der Projektleiter verfllt ins Micromanagement seine eigentlichen Aufgaben bleiben auf der Strecke.Die Mitglieder des Projektteams scheinen in vllig unterschiedliche Richtungen zu laufen - die einzelnen Teile des Projektes passen nicht zusammen.Die Mitglieder des Projektteams machen business as usual - obwohl es an der Zeit fr die Extrameile wre.Kennen Sie ebenfalls diese Probleme? Sie lassen sich recht einfach mit einer Projektvision in den Griff bekommen. Nachdem Sie diesen Kurs absolviert haben... wissen Sie, warum eine Projektvision sinnvoll ist Wissen Sie, was eine gute Projektvision ausmacht Knnen Sie eine Projektvision erstellen Knnen Sie berprfen, ob Ihre Projektvision geteilt wird Sind Sie bereit, das Gelernte direkt in Ihrem Projekt umzusetzen, um Ihr Team zu motivieren und auf ein gemeinsames Ziel einzuschwren Investieren Sie jetzt in Ihre berufliche Qualifikation! Investieren Sie jetzt in Ihren Marktwert! Investieren Sie jetzt in Ihren Spa im Projekt! Investieren Sie jetzt in den Erfolg Ihres Projektes!"
Price: 99.99

"Como ser pago para viajar e fazer dinheiro online"
"Gostaria de ser pago para viajar no mundo e fazerdinheiro online?Viajar ao redor do mundo geralmente custa muito dinheiro. A menos que voc saiba como fazer com que as pessoas lhe dem coisas grtis e lhe paguem viagens para ter umestilo de vida desonho...Nos ltimos anos, ajudamos mais de 3000 amantes de viajema atingir seus sonhos. Conhecemos vriosalunos deste cursodurante asnossas aventuras e continuamos aseguir assuas aventuras de viagem atravs do seus incrveisInstagrams! sua vez de aprender a ser pago para viajar pelo mundo e fazer dinheiro online e na estradaEnto comofazer isso?Ns descobrimos uma maneira de cultivar uma marca e presena on-line e abordar as empresas e as agncias de viagens de forma que eles nos querem dar osseus servios GRATUITAMENTE!Alm de obter coisas gratuitas e viagens patrocinadas, tambm trabalhamos on-line e fazemos uma renda a tempo inteiro dosnossos negcios on-line e, depois desse curso, voc entender que pode fazer o mesmo.Ao longo dos ltimos anos, passamos centenas de horas experimentando e otimizando para criar esse conceito nico ...Reunimos tudo o que aprendemos ao longo desse caminho, incluindo um sistema comprovado para se aproximar de patrocinadores e empresas para obter o que voc quer de graa para que voc possa viajar a tempo inteiro.Ns viajamos a tempo inteiro nos ltimos 5 anos e com o poder das redes sociais e as nossas habilidades, somos capazes de rentabilizar e pagar nossas viagens ou obter patrocinadores para pagar tudo por ns.De hotis de cinco estrelas, vos, restaurantes elegantes para viagens de imprensa. Voc escolhe!Tudo possvel com a mentalidade correta e as ferramentas que oferecemos neste curso.Tambm forneceremos uma compreenso bsica das prticas de redes social mais efectivas que sejam aplicveis em qualquer plataforma e como us-las em seu benefcio.Clique no boto ""compre agora""na parte superior direita desta pgina para desbloquear o poder de viajar o mundo de graa."
Price: 99.99

"How To Create Engaging Presentations in 2019"
"Discover How to Create Impressive Prezi Presentations For Your Business Starting Today!This video course was designed to help you design your own Prezi Presentation from scratch through tips, tricks, and comprehensive yet easy-to-follow lessons. Do you feel intimidated by the thought of creating your own professional presentation? Have you run out of ideas on how to make creative presentations? Are you looking for ways to make your presentation more interactive? The answer to your prayers is here! Create professional-looking, creative, fun, and interactive presentations using Prezi. But what exactly is Prezi? How does it work? Is it easy to use? What is the step-by-step process of building a presentation on it from scratch? How can you make your presentation stand out? If youre looking for an easy-to-follow course on how to build your own professional and creative presentation, youve come to the right place. In this video course, you will get the most up-to-date lessons on general functions as well as in-depth Prezi customization options. Find out the tips and tricks the pros use to make their presentations come to life! We have broken down the lessons into several easy steps, so even if youre completely new to Prezi, you will be able to confidently create your own Prezi presentation by the end of this video course. Introducing: How To Create Engaging Presentations in 2018 Video #1: Introduction Before we dig deeper into the Prezi tutorial, you will be given a quick overview of each of the video topics. This will help you to understand exactly what is in store for you and how you can better prepare to build your own professional, creative, and interactive Prezi presentation. Video #2: Prezi Made Easy There are a lot of tutorials out there on how to create a great Prezi presentation, but unfortunately many are outdated and some are overly technical. In this video, you will be given up-to-date information on the features and a holistic view of Prezi. As you will learn later on, Prezi is all about first looking at the bigger picture before going into each detail. Video #3: How to Start Your Prezi Presentation Speaking of the bigger picture, this video will teach you techniques for planning your Prezi outline, layout, design, and much more. Video #4: The Prezi Site Overview Now that you have your design, layout, and outline ready, lets visit the Prezi site. Its important to learn how to navigate the site before you really get to work. In this video, you will be given a tour of the Prezi site so that you know where to find the different built-in tools and options. Video #5: Start A New Prezi Demo In order to give you a better understanding of how to go about creating your own Prezi presentation, this video will provide you with a step-by-step demo of building a presentation from scratch. Video #6: Editing and Customization Now weve come to the part that can quickly become too technical for some peoplebut dont worry. This video will give you easy-to-follow instructions on how to edit and customize your Prezi presentation to give it a sleeker, more professional look. Video #7: Shortcut Keys Theres no need to go into different navigation panes. Nothing makes life easier and faster than making use of handy keyboard shortcut keys. In this video, you will learn keyboard shortcuts for the most commonly used steps of the editing process. Video #8: Adding Voiceovers and Background Sound Recording your own voice or adding background sound can turn your Prezi into a stunning hybrid video presentation. In this video, you will learn how to incorporate your own voice or background sounds into your Prezi presentation. Video #9: Collaborating Via Prezi If you have partners, associates, or anyone else that you would like to share your presentation with, you can easily do so through Prezi. Collaborating is going to be a breeze with this video tutorial. Are you ready to start creating impressive Prezi presentations for your business? Grab this video series today and be on your way to becoming a pro in designing professional interactive presentations! This training course was designed to help you build your own professional-looking, creative, and interactive Prezi presentation from scratch, and is broken down into 9 easy-to-follow lessons. Sign Up Now! I am here for all your support along the way!"
Price: 19.99

"Ethics for CFA Level I"
"This course has an end-to-end coverage of all the 5readings that arepart of 2018curriculum for CFALevel I. Not only are the basics covered from the very scratch, to help a beginner get good grasp of the concepts,the course also hassome of the advanced topics. While developing thiscourse, a working professionalwas kept in mind who is expected tohave very less time at his / herdisposal and would love to have an engaging session. The candidate needs utmost flexibility to manage all the commitmentsthat he / she have.Attempt has been made to come out as natural as possible, to get that 'classroom'feeling. Its best done by taking a print out of the slides used by the trainer. Candidates are encouraged to make scribbles / notes/marking on that print out to make it their own.FINSTUDYCLUB is a member ofApproved Prep Provider Program of the CFAInstitute.The focus of this course is on Standard for Professional Conduct as per the PCP program of the CFAInstitute, USA applicable to CFA members and candidates."
Price: 24.99

"Alternative Investments for CFA Level I"
"This course provides an overview of the more widely used alternative investments, including hedge funds, private equity, real estate, commodities, and infrastructure investment.FINSTUDYCLUB is a member ofApproved Prep Provider Program of the CFAInstitute.This course has an end-to-end coverage of the 1 readingthat ispart of 2018 curriculum for CFALevel I. Not only are the basics covered from the very scratch, to help a beginner get good grasp of the concepts,the course also hassome of the advanced topics. While developing thiscourse, a working professionalhas beenkept in mind who is expected tohave very less time at his / herdisposal and would love to have an engaging session. The candidate needs utmost flexibility to manage all the commitmentsthat he / she have.Attempt has been made to come out as natural as possible, to get that 'classroom'feeling."
Price: 24.99

"Quantitative Methods for CFA Level I"
"This course has an end-to-end coverage of all the readings that arepart of 2018curriculum for CFALevel I. Not only are the basics covered from the very scratch, to help a beginner get good grasp of the concepts,the course also hassome of the advanced topics. While developing thiscourse, a working professionalwas kept in mind who is expected tohave very less time at his / herdisposal and would love to have an engaging session. The candidate needs utmost flexibility to manage all the commitmentsthat he / she have.Attempt has been made to come out as natural as possible, to get that 'classroom'feeling.FINSTUDYCLUB is a member ofApproved Prep Provider Program of the CFAInstitute."
Price: 24.99

"Equity Valuation for CFA Level II"
"This course has an end-to-end coverage of2019curriculum for CFALevel II. Not only are the basics covered from the very scratch, to help a beginner get good grasp of the concepts,the course also hassome of the advanced topics. While developing thiscourse, a working professionalwas kept in mind who is expected tohave very less time at his / herdisposal and would love to have an engaging session. The candidate needs utmost flexibility to manage all the commitmentsthat he / she have.Attempt has been made to come out as natural as possible, to get that 'classroom'feeling. Its best done by taking a print out of the slides used by the trainer. Candidates are encouraged to make scribbles / notes/marking on that print out to make it their own.FINSTUDYCLUB is a member ofApproved Prep Provider Program of the CFAInstitute.The course covers"
Price: 24.99

"Equity Portfolio Management for CFA Level III"
"This course has an end-to-end coverage of the reading that is part of 2019curriculum for CFALevel III. Not only are the basics covered from the very scratch, to help a beginner get good grasp of the concepts,the course also hassome of the advanced topics. While developing thiscourse, a working professionalwas kept in mind who is expected tohave very less time at his / herdisposal and would love to have an engaging session. The candidate needs utmost flexibility to manage all the commitmentsthat he / she have.Attempt has been made to come out as natural as possible, to get that 'classroom'feeling.FINSTUDYCLUB is a member ofApproved Prep Provider Program of the CFAInstitute."
Price: 24.99

"5 Schritte fr die Ordnung im Computer"
"Wir entrmpeln Deinen Computer in 5 Schritten:1. Struktur aufbauen2. Befllen3. Ausmisten4. Umbenennen5. Digitalisieren von Papierunterlagen & sonstige Speichermedien""Es ist so wunderbar, endlich zu wissen, was man alles auf dem Rechnet hat. Wenn ich heute einen USB-Stick mit Daten in meiner Wohnung finde, kann ich diesen innerhalb von ein paar Minuten ""leeren"", weil ich genau wei, was davon ich habe und was und vor allem wohinich esnoch abspeichern muss."""
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Windows 10"
"Let's get started with Windows 10! In this course you will learn how to personalize Windows 10, use built-in programs and utilities, understand how to navigate the control panel, file and folder management, advanced personalization, media files, and make sure you are secure from the bad guys. Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Six Sigma White Belt (Dutch BKO Accredited)"
"Why enroll in theSix Sigma White Belt certification course?Do you want to advance your career, or give it a strong start after graduation? Six Sigma White Belt certification keeps popping up in job vacancies, especially in supply chain consultancy, IT, manufacturing, health care and general services . It doesnt matter which industry we are looking at, Lean Six Sigma is used throughout all industries. At its core, Lean Six Sigma is a methodology to improve business processes regardless of the industry. Companies that use Lean Six Sigma include most Fortune 500 companies. Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification gives you a helicopter view of the Lean Six Sigma methodology. Research has shown that practitioners of Lean Six Sigma earn 20-30% more than their peers who do not master this methodology. Just type in Lean Six Sigma White Belt in any kind of job vacancy database and you will find out why. There is a lot of demand for Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification. Six Sigma proficiency is categorized in belt colors. Six Sigma White Belt holders are assumed to have a helicopter view of the core Lean Six Sigma techniques and are a valuable asset to organizations that strive to increase profits, reduce costs and offer consistent, customer-centered service. After this course, you may proceed to improve your knowledge by enrolling in our Lean Management and Manufacturing certification course or our Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification course. What will you learn in the Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification course? Master The Application Of Lean Six Sigma Principles To Skyrocket Efficiency. Understand the DMAIC sequence at the core of Lean Six Sigma. Understand how a real Six Sigma project unfolds whilst earning your Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification. Understand basic Six Sigma jargon whilst studying for your Lean Six Sigma White Belt certificate. Course Content Lean Six Sigma is a sequence of activities that together make up a Six Sigma project. This sequence consists of phases which are: Define, measure, analyze, improve and control phase. These are often abbreviated as DMAIC, which is the core of Lean Six Sigma projects. After a brief introduction, the student is introduced to various tools that belong to each of the aforementioned phase. At the end of this course, you will master Lean Six Sigma White Belt skills and will receive your Lean Six Sigma White Belt certificate of completion. The whole course is designed and taught by experienced lecturers/Master Six sigma Black Belts who teach at universities in the Netherlands. The teaching style is designed to be clear and easy to understand, whilstprovidingyou with the experience of private tutoring. What sets this Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification course apart from the rest is that we make a threefold promise: We use clear examples from the Lean Six Sigma practice. We cut away the academic nonsense and focus on practical Lean Six Sigma knowledge that you can apply right away. This keeps this Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification course efficient. We do our best to keep things fun. This is not supposed to be an ordeal, but a fun Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification course. Thank you for your interest and we hope to welcome you to our Lean Six Sigma White Belt certification course."
Price: 49.99

"Hypnosis - Hypnotic Inductions Mastery"
"This course is designed to help you master the art of hypnosis by becoming anexpert of the hypnotic induction process and deeply understanding the psychological principlesthat underpinthe subject. This course is vastly more than just a training on 'how to do a hypnotic induction';it is a comprehensive hypnosis training that will provide deep insights into the nature of suggestible states, how to create them and how they can be utilisedfor a variety of different reasons. It is also an exploration into hypnotic language and how it can be used with precision to amplify and magnify the responses you get.This online learning experience comes packed with exercises, mp3's and scripts to help aid your learning.There will also be multiple demonstrations with a real, live client and de-constructions afterwards.Throughout the course you will learn:How to dispel the myths and misconceptions of hypnosis.How to 'prime' a client so that the hypnotic induction process goes smoothly and effectively.The History of this fascinating subject.How to create the mosteffective relationship between you and the person being hypnotised.The purpose and true nature of hypnotic trance.The core concepts and methodologies that underpin hypnosis.Progressive, rapid& instant inductions.Multiple ways to deepen the experience of hypnosis.How to create hypnotic effects - such as amnesia, arm catalepsy, arm lifts, time distortion, and more.Massively amplify suggestibility through the power of convincers.How to use the power of hypnotic language to pull people into trances.How to artfully use the power of hypnotic language to weave intricatecomplexes and seed profound suggestions.You will be led through thecourse by Steven Burns, co-owner of the largest NLP & Hypnosis training centres in Scotland and one ofthe largest in the U.K.He will leading you through the material, step-by-step, drawing from his experience with close to a thousand one-to-one clients and the many Hypnosis & NLP training courses he has delivered. Steven's experience of the subject spans 19 years."
Price: 199.99

"Coaching Skills Mastery (NLP Life Coaching)"
"This comprehensivecourse has beendesigned by two of the UK's leading LifeCoaches and NLP trainers, Steven Burns & Brian Costello. It'spurposeisto help you become masterful at NLP Life Coaching. The models and techniques discussed can also be easily transferred to different coaching disciplines. Whether you want to do NLP life coaching, corporate coaching,business coaching, relationshipcoaching orperformance coaching, this trainingwill become an essential resource for you. Youwill learn how to do anentire NLP Life Coaching Processfrom start tofinish and witness multipledemonstrations along the way. Thecourse will be taught with humour,intelligence anddepth inmind,to help you become amasterful NLP LifeCoach. Steven & Brian, between them, have helped over a thousand clients and co-train together in oneofthe largest NLP &Personal DevelopmentTraining companies in the UK.This online learning experience will be packed full of exercises to help you become masterful at NLP based Life Coaching - and beyond.There will also be multiple demonstrations with real, live clients.By enrolling, and taking part in Coaching Skills Mastery (NLP Life coaching), you will learn:NLP based Life Coachingfrom Beginner Level to Advanced.An Overall NLP LifeCoaching Modelthat can be used to help a client identify what they want and progress towards it.How to do aseries of NLP Life Coaching sessions from start to finish..The Fundamentals of NLP (Neurolinguistic programming).How to use NLP as aLife Coach.How to use NLP in the context of other types of coaching. E.G. Corporate, performance & business coaching.Learn how to Create the ideal Coaching Dynamic.The Fundamental attitudes a masterful Coach.The Differences between Coaching, Mentoring, Teaching & Awakening.The Secrets of building a trusting relationship and how to naturally incorporate this into your Life Coaching sessions.How to build honest and lasting rapport with your clients.An NLP Life Coaching 'style' approach to setting highly specific outcomes.How to set powerful directions.How to elicit a client's values and use them to create outcomes.Understand to different layers of human subjective experience.Powerful NLP-style life coaching techniques to help you create change and transform your clients.Techniques to help with your own development.Techniques to help your client transform their relationships.How to trigger your client's motivation.How to create motivational propulsion systems.How to Future pace and integrate the changes that you make with your clients.This Coaching skills course - along with practice -will help youbecome a masterful coach.Enrol today and join Steve & Brian for an amazing journey onCoaching SkillsMastery (NLP Life Coaching)"
Price: 199.99

"NLP Personal Transformation (NLP for Personal Development)"
"This Transformational course has been designed and delivered by one the UK's leading coaches, hypnotherapists, and NLP Trainers, Steven Burns. It's purpose is to help you learn and use the power of NLP (Neuro-linguistic-Programming) to significantly enhance your own personal development andcreate sustainable inner and outer change.By enrolling, and taking part, in this course, you will learn:How Human Experience Works.How to Take Charge of your own Psychology to Create inner and outer change.How to Manage your Emotions.How to Release Negative Emotions.How the Human Mind works in Layers.How to make Subtle but Transformational shifts at the level of 'Meaning'.How use the Power of Dissociation to Learn from our Experiences and move on.How to master your own personal development.Who You are at Your Very Best.How to Bring Your Best-Self more to the Foreground of your Experience.Enrol today and join Steve on a magical, transformational journey into the awesome power of NLP."
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Access Basics"
"This course will focus on how to create a powerful and effective Microsoft Access database from a basic Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The course starts withlearning how to convert a MicrosoftExcel spreadsheet into an Access database and the advantages of doing so, how to customize a Microsoft Access table, how to create queries, macros, execution forms, and reports. The make-up of the database are these 6 areas and this course focuses on utilizing these areas to properly analyze data. To conclude the course, students will be ableto implement the material learned in this course by creating their own database."
Price: 199.99

"How to Perform an Express Migration from Exchange to O365"
"Using third-party tools to perform Exchange-to-O365 migrations can be extremely costly, especially for small businesses with very little IT budget available. Using the FREE native tools that Microsoft provides vastly reduces hard costs,but using themcan be confusing.As such, I've authored this outstanding course on performing an Express Migration from an on-prem Exchange environment to Office 365 by leveraging a Minimal Hybrid solution.In this course, the student will learn how to prepare for (and perform)an Express Migrationfrom an on-premises Microsoft Exchange 2013server to Office 365 / Exchange Online using a Minimal Hybrid approach.Topics covered include:Adding andVerifying Domains in O365Preparing Active Directoryfor the MigrationPreparing the On-Premises Exchange Organization for MigrationDeploying and Running the Hybrid Migration WizardDeploying and Configuring Azure AD ConnectMigrating Mailboxes to O365 via the NativeEACPerforming the Cutover to O365Re-Routing Email to Office 365Assigning Licenses to O365 UsersPost-Migration Tasks & CleanupUpon completion of this course, the student will be able to successfully plan, prepare for, andperform an Express Migrationfrom Exchange 2013to Office 365 using a Minimal Hybrid approach."
Price: 49.99

"Creating and Managing Azure Virtual Machines with PowerShell"
"Azure virtual machines provide a fully configurable and flexible computing environment. This course will teach you how to perform the most common day-to-day tasks in Azure PowerShell, including:Installing and Configuring PowerShellGetInstalling and Configuring the AzureRM PowerShell ModuleConnecting to Azure with PowerShellCreating Resource Groups with PowerShellDeploying Virtual Machines Using PowerShellConnecting to Virtual Machines Using PowerShellCreating and Attaching Data Disks with PowerShellLocating New VMImages with PowerShellDeploying VMs from Alternate Images Using PowerShellWorking with Marketplace PublishersResizinga Virtual Machine via PowerShellViewing and Modifying VM States with PowerShellManaging Virtual Machines with PowerShellDeleting VMs and Resource Groups with PowerShellBy the end of this course, you will have learned how to perform many day-to-day VM management tasks using PowerShell exclusively. The skills you learn in this course will set you apart from many other ITprofessionals - since most ITprofessionals avoid PowerShell like the plague."
Price: 24.99

"How To Trade With Heiken Ashi Candlesticks Patterns"
"There are three types of charts which are used in technical analysis.These are Line charts, Bar Charts, and The Most Widely Used and important also Candlesticks Charts Also.Candlesticks charts are very important because they are easy to understand.In this course we are going to study Modified version Of Candlesticks which are are called as Heiken Ashi.Heiken are an off-shoot to Japnese Candlesticks.The values of Heiken Ashi are not 100% accurate,so their might be a difference from the normal Japanese Candlesticks.I have tried my best to explain Heiken Ashi In a simple way ,so that you should understand it in a better way and apply it on your real trading.All the importantmethods which we can use to trade with Heiken Ashi are explained here with full details.How to take entries and exit are fully explained here.Heiken Ashi Removes noise from Market and it makes you able to understand it in a betterway.It gives Perfect Picture of Trend as compared to other charts.All the important advantages of Heikan Ashi are fully described here in my course.I am sure it will boost your accuracy and profit ratio in your trading.Thank You So Much."
Price: 189.99

"Estude o pacote Libre Office(Writer, Calc, Impress e Base)"
"Ao iniciar o cursoEstude o pacote Libre Office(Writer, Calc, Impress e Base), o aluno aprender a trabalhar com o pacote Libre Office.Pois tratam-se de aplicativos para se trabalhar em escritrio, que so o Writer(Editor de Texto), Calc(Planilha), Impress(Slide) e Base(Banco de Dados). E o pacote Libre Office, multiplataforma, pois funciona tanto em ambiente Linux quanto em Windows. Pois o usurio no precisa instalar Linux em sua mquina."
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda Windows, Office 2016 e Internet"
"Ao ministrar o curso Aprenda Windows, Office 2016 e Internet, o aluno ser capaz de realizar qualquer tipo de trabalho escolar, assim como ter capacidade, tambm, de trabalhar com qualquer tipo de programa de escritrio. Nesse curso, abordo, tambm, os conceitos iniciais de hardware, de software, de sistemas operacionais e de aplicativos, alm de abordar outros conceitos vistos no decorrer do curso que so muito importantes."
Price: 204.99

"Curso bsico de Delphi"
"O Curso bsico de Delphi um curso voltado para a rea de desenvolvimento de pequenas programas. Nele, tambm, ensino vrios conceitos como, por exemplo: conhecendo o ambiente Delphi, manipulao de projetos, variveis, comandos de condio, comandos de repetio, procedures e functionse outros assuntos bem importantes para a aprendizagem do aluno."
Price: 39.99

"Matemtica para stimo ano de ensino fundamental"
"O curso, matemtica para stimo ano de ensino fundamental, um curso voltado para os alunos que desejam melhorar seus desempenhos nas notas escolares. O curso contm 60 aulas e uma durao de quatro horas e meia. No curso, abordo os seguintes temas:Nmeros naturais, fraes e nmeros decimais e outros assuntos bem interessantes..."
Price: 99.99

"Estude lgica de programao com Portugol"
"O Curso, Estude lgica de programao com Portugol, um curso voltado para rea de Cincias da Computao e reas afins. Com esse curso desejo, de alguma forma, estar contribuindo com o sucesso dos estudantes e, tambm, com o dos programadores iniciantes. No decorrer do curso, passo conceitos como tipos de dados, variveis, comandos de entrada e sada e outros. No perca o seu tempo!!! Venha fazer esse curso para enriquecer o seu currculo e o seu conhecimento!!!Te espero e um grande abrao"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda Portugol com fluxograma"
"O curso, Aprenda Portugol com fluxograma, um curso voltado para qualquer estudante de cincias da computao e reas afins. Assim como, pode ser assistido por qualquer iniciante na rea de programao ou qualquer pessoa que se interesse por desenvolvimento de software. Nesse curso, desejo estar auxiliando a todos, seja em trabalhos escolares ou na empresa."
Price: 39.99