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"Google #1 Backlinks & Generating Huge SEO Friendly Traffic"
"Most of the courses claim they let you know how to create HighAuthority Backlink but most of that links are not even a Backlink.Over100+ High Authority Backlinks sites,Don't Miss Create More Relevant Backlinks Easily all tested & all have High PageRank TooWith This Course You Will be able toKnow How to Generate High Authority Backlinks as well as also Teach you,Howto search More High Authority will not only limited to backlink which we provide but if you want to know is it really high authority backlink or Not you will be able to distinguish easily.With This Course You can Generate High SEO Trafficto your Website,Your youtube channel ,your blog & anywhere you like to generate traffic to.With this course You are easily able to learn how to utilize free traffic &drive huge organic traffic to your site With High QualityBacklink generator site. This course provides you best Backlink techniques which only few Website Developers knowsabout and Use those techniques To generate huge organic traffic and Rank Their Site #1 Easily.Generating Huge Website Traffic Which BoostYour Website Alexa Ranking Like Rocket & All The Traffic Search Engine Optimised (SEO)With Lots of more benefit for your site to Accelerate Quickly & Effectively.Organic SEO boost Your Website Organic Search & help you to optimize your website Ranking More Effectively.In this Course You Will Learn:If you looking to generate huge traffic to your website,youtube channel this course is absolutely for you.Build BackLinks From High SEO Visibility SitesHow to Trackevery post/page on your site so that Google sees your content ashigh-quality, authoritative and informative& help your site to get Adsense Approved FastMassively Boost Click Through Rate With Most Effective TechniqueMake your siteSEO-friendlyPut your links and site onthe 1st page of Google or other Search Engineevery timeWith Just Single Click orUse Most effective Technique Manually to Do So QuicklyIncrease Time Spend By Visitor To Your Site & Lower Bounce Rate EffectivelyGenerate Huge SEO Friendly Traffic To Your Site EveryDayIncrease Impression for Your Website,page or Post Every Time Visitor Search for your siteor Related KeywordsGet Many Popular Search Engine Know About Your Website With Just Single ClickIn this course I am going to let you know aboutHow you can Submit your website to 40+ all popular search engines For Free with just a single click like Google,Bing,Bing,Yandex,AOL,Ask,Baidu,Chachaetc.... As this techniques is super powerful as well as super important to really want to see your website in these popular search engine otherwise you may lose highly interested audience in your website content.In this course you learn about how to generate huge free traffic to your website and any web page. As sometime free traffic is barrier for any website has approved adsense so with this course you will learn about how to avoid penalise from google adsense penalise & still generate huge traffic to your website everyday.I'll personallyanswering any questions you have and I'll be happy to provide links, resources andany help I can offer youin improving your site's Alexarankings.You are not limited to ask about courses material stuff but also if you like to know more about it and related problem whether you did this rightor whether what you did help your site increase it's search engine ranking or not .Feel Free To ask and Highly recommended to be curious to ask more question because that's the most easy way to rank your website much higher than your competitor.I'll alsoupdating the course every Week based on Your Curiousness and Questionswith new tactics and approaches to SEO so that you'realways up-to-date.Take This Course Now & Generate Huge SEO Optimised Traffic To Your Site Which Help your Site ToGain More Organic Visitor When They Search ForRelated Keyword in Google,Yahoo,Bing etc.Don't Waste More Time & Gain Highly Targeted Organic Traffic To Your Site .Take This Course Now!Your Curiousness & This Courses Make You an Real SEO Expert & Grab the Fruitful bonus to enhance your website ranking"
Price: 49.99

"SEO - search engine optimization for beginners"
"The course offers an in-depth insights of the search engine optimization and goes into details on how to implement various SEO techniques in order to optimize your website. In the curriculum you can find step by step guidelines, that can be followed and implemented practically.The learning curve is good enough to serve as a starting point for beginners as well as advanced SEO's and marketers. Included video presentations provides valuable in-depth information aboutvarious Google updates, and how to avoid them.Students of the course will acquire high-level understanding ofSEO that can apply directly to their projects.Update: Lectures also focus on the various aspects of the Facebook and Adwords ads systems."
Price: 99.99

"Windows 10 for beginners"
"In order toimprove andintroducenew features to Windows 10 in areas of security, desktop interactions and built-in applicationsMicrosoft developers push regular updates. We created this course because It isnot easy to keep up with all this new information.The course will guide you through the practical usage of Windows 10, in order to become more comfortable using the new operating system.You will learn how to install and update your system, as well as how to optimize it using third party tools, how to personalize your desktop, run native Linux applications on Windows, do basic administrative tasks and be familiar withmany other practical tips and tricks.You will also experience storing and retrieving files from the cloud via OneDrive. Last but not least you will learn how to launch new virtual machine using the integrated Hyper-V hypervisor.Let's begin exploring!"
Price: 159.99

"Star Rating with PHP, MySql and JavaScript"
"With simple design and programming techniques the step by step videos of this course will show you how to create optimized star rating system with the help of PHP, MySQL and JavaScript languages, style it using CSS and implement in your website with no-to-basic previous knowledge required.The server side of the rating script also features votes registration fromunique IP addresses, thus making it harder for malicious users to fake the votes.In the end you will gain solid knowledge onthe overall real-life web developing process, so good luck on programming with JavaScript"
Price: 129.99

"Carousel Slider with JavaScript and HTML"
"Taking this course, you'll get acquainted with JavaScript programming techniques and how to apply them in practice in order to make your own carousel/slider images effect. Working files are provided as a reference for you to look up and compare with the video explanation.Apart from the current project, you'll learn very useful coding tricks which later can be applied to interesting projects.We will also add navigation, play and stop buttons !Update: with the additional few lines of CSS the slider is now responsive - Enjoy!I am wishing you good luck with this coding journey!"
Price: 124.99

"Angular for Beginners"
"I prepared this ""Angular for beginners"" course for people with initial JavaScript knowledge, who want to learn the essentials for creating web projects using the Angular platform. The main goal this course is trying to accomplish is to save you time, because learning the basics of any framework, can take lots of time and at certain point most of the people give up. The lectures are structured using Angular version 6, this way you can learn to use the latest platform changes. The code is full of explanations on each and every step, leaving you not wandering on how and why the things happen.What to expect to learn how to :structure an Angular application using best practicescreate, use and style components, services and work with templatesbuild image upload service with the help of NodeJS and expressuse the Visual Studio codeWe will develop 2 projects:click button componentprofiles with image upload functionalityThe course is also good to quickly compare if you would like to continue working with the Angular or switch to another framework. After you finish with the course, you can browse for other courses, in order to expand your knowledge.The course starts with installation of the Angular platform using NodeJS, setting up environment using Visual Studio Code and its TypeScript specific plugins. Our first project is just for warm up to get you comfortable using Angular with TypeScript. Then with the help of node package manager will install JSONserver for storing user textual data, and express server for the image upload data. You will be able to learn how to configure them both. During the course we will be using Angular command line interface (CLI) to easily create components and services. We will also take a look on how to use routing to load up specific components and make server queries based on route parameters. Later we will reveal a way to pass through the cross-origin browser CORSrestrictions and be able to run Angular application and servers on same development machine. Wishing you happy learning !"
Price: 179.99

"Angular with PHP and JSON web tokens (JWT)"
"Update: The whole Angular part of the course has been updated to use Observables, Subjects and Angular Material.This course will lead you through the step by step creation of an Angular application, which uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) and gives an opportunity to login and logout users. You will also understand how to integrate client-side Angular with server-side PHP for a complete application development.It is suitable for beginner to intermediate students who would like to create practical applications and prefer hands-on approach of teaching. During the course you will learn how to use in practice:template driven model formscommon user models and bindings using ngModel and interfacesdependency injection of services and external librariesJWT (JSON Web Tokens) in order to create and use for authentication service, both in PHP and Angularguards to protect url routesHttpClient module for interaction with get and post requestsObservables and Behaviour subjectAngular Material Snackbar for displaying flash messagesYou can follow along and try the examples alongside.Update: The course project files are updated in order to properly unsubscribe from the services to avoid potential memory leaks."
Price: 119.99

"Angular Material in action"
"This course will be of a benefit to anyone who is keen on Angular, would like to create simple applications, and make them beautiful and functional using the Angular Material components.Just because the workspace setup for Unix/Linux distributions is pretty straightforward we will initially learn how to install: Visual Studio Code, NodeJS, JSON web server and the Angular framework. Then we will start explaining basic concepts by creating simple application for fetching and posting data to a server using the Angular framework. This kind of warmup is to get you familiar with the Angular way of doing things. For the back-end we will be using self-hosted JSON web server. In the meantime we will also learn how to add a basic routing to our components. In the second part of the course we will start exploring the functionality of the Angular Material library. We will go ahead and with the help of Angular Material components will create dialogs, menus, style forms and use its scaffolding features.The course is suitable for beginner to intermediate students who would like to create practical applications and prefer hands-on approach of teaching. During the course you will learn how to use in practice:Angular material dialog, menus, forms, scaffolding, snackbar, table, spinnertemplate driven model formscommon user models and bindings using ngModel and interfacesdependency injection of servicesHttpClient module for interaction with get and post requestsObservablesdo lazy loading of modulesYou can follow along and try the examples alongside, so go ahead and try !"
Price: 159.99

"Time Management Tool Box"
"If you are struggling to manage yourself to make the best use of your time then you need to sort yourself out.Effective management of your time or Time Management is your key to being Professional, Reliable and Efficent.The Time Management Tool Box offers you a very simple system that works. This system is so obvious and so simple that we can't see it when people are using it right in front of us us. Because we struggle with Time management we assume that the only solution needs to be quite challenging and complex but it's not. It's very simple.To be a success you have to work hard to deliver but what will hold you back is not having the time in your day to focus on your priorities for you success. We put them on our 'to do list' but they don't turn into actions. You don't need a complicated and expensive system to change this. You just need a diary and you need to use it effectively.WithThe Time Management Tool Boxyou will learn why managing your time is crucial for successThe simple process that you can follow that will deliver successHow to deal with all the things that hold you back from managing yourself to make the best use of your time.The Time Management Tool Boxdelivers to you the real foundations for success. Probably the one key skill that will lead to you delivering on your personal and professional goals and objectives."
Price: 59.99

"Stop self-sabotaging your own professional success!"
"You have all the necessary abilities, you make a lot of efforts - but still you are not successful? Could it be that you sabotage your own success? In this course you will learn to understand and overcome this inner battle. So that you will be able to bundle your energies and achieve your goals. Many people have an inner split between the wish to be successful and the bizarre wish not to be successful. The self-sabotage itself does not have an evil intention but serves hidden purposes. We will explore the reasons and roots. Some come from present life, some come from the past, from your childhood and from your family of origin. You may find hidden gifts in barriers you hated till now. And you will transform self-sabotage into a positive power towards success!"
Price: 39.99

"End the suffering in your love relationship!"
"This course teaches you ways to finish the perpetual inner and outer quarrels with your beloved one. If you understand the deeper roots of your emotions, then your actual emotional reactions change by themselves.It is simple - but not easy. A lot of suffering in a relationship is caused by old wounds. We all try to avoid and to escape them. But when you allow somebody to come closer to your heart it is inevitable that your old hurts come up. Because they want to be seen and recognized. You need to distinguish the actual reality from the negative energy of the past. So the art is to separate past and presence. Sure, they will be situations with your beloved where you feel frustrated, angry or hurt. But, if you discover the distinction, you are no more overwhelmed and you can react in an adequate way. As a grown up! You show your boundaries and engage yourself for what you want. You meet the other as a powerful and loving adult not as a helpless child. This course contains essential insights of my seminars of the last 25 years. Two basic exercises show you how to realize these insights. Try and see! The following lessons will give you deep understanding of your relationship and of your own personality. So you will nourish yourself and your love!"
Price: 34.99

"Hr auf mit dem fruchtlosen Leiden in der Liebe!"
"Du rgerst dich immer wieder in deiner Beziehung? Bist enttuscht oder verletzt?Dieser Kurs zeigt dir Wege, nutzlose Qulereien in deiner Liebesbeziehung hinter dir zu lassen. In zwei Basisbungen lernst du, wie du die Gegenwart von der Vergangenheit unterscheidest. Ein groer Teil deines Leidens wird durch alte Verletzungen aus der Kindheit, verursacht. Wenn du sie nicht wahrhaben willst (und das tun wir erst einmal alle), dann kommen sie in der aktuellen Beziehung hoch - und in manch anderen Situationen. Erst wenn du die Wurzeln deiner gegenwrtigen Gefhle verstehst, findest du zu angemessenen Reaktionen in deiner jetzigen Partnerschaft. Natrlich werden weiter Situationen in der Liebe auftauchen, wo du dich frustriert, rgerlich oder verletzt fhlst. Wenn du aber zu unterscheiden gelernt hast, berwltigen dich deine Gefhle nicht mehr, sondern du kannst angemessen reagieren. Du setzt Grenzen, wo ntig, und engagierst dich konstruktiv fr das Gelingen der Beziehung.Begegne deinem Partner oder deiner Partnerin als starker und liebevoller Erwachsner nicht als hilfloses Kind! Damit nhrst du dich selbst und deine Liebe."
Price: 34.99

"Sich klar und gut von einer frheren Liebe trennen"
"Eine Liebe ist vorbei, aber Du fhlst Dich noch ein Stck weit gebunden. Erinnerungen und Sehnsucht qulen Dich oder auch Eifersucht und Wut. Du wrst gerne frei, weil ein Teil in Dir wei, dass es vorbei ist, aber ein anderer Teil hlt Dich innerlich fest. Dieser Kurs zeigt dir die Schritte, um jemand auf eine gute Art und Weise loszulassen. Nicht angespannt und verhrtet, sondern mit Dir und der Vergangenheit wieder in Frieden. Viele Lektionen leiten Dich praktisch dahin, fnf notwendige Schritte zu gehen, um zu einem guten Ende zu finden. Diese Schritte sind wirksam. Das haben mir meine Erfahrungen der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte gezeigt, in denen ich in Seminaren mit diesen Themen gearbeitet habe. Sei Dir selbst darber klar: Eine Zeit der Trauer nach der Beendigung einer Beziehung ist normal. Aber wenn Du trotz einer eindeutigen Trennung immer noch festhngst, dann ist es Zeit fr einen neuen Anfang."
Price: 34.99

"Mit NLP all Deine Kraftquellen ausschpfen und nutzen!"
"Wenn Du gestresst bist oder Dich unter Druck fhlst, hast Du in diesem Moment den Zugang zu Deinen Ressourcen verloren. Deine Kraftquellen sind zwar in Deinem Inneren weiter da, aber Du hast sie vergessen. Dieser Kurs bringt Dich unmittelbar in Kontakt mit Deinen Strken und Deiner Lebenskraft. Dabei musst Du nichts ben oder trainieren viele praktische Lektionen fhren Dich sofort zurck zu Deiner eigenen Kraft, Freude und Entspannung. Die Wirkung erfhrst Du unmittelbar am eigenen Leib. In vielen Lektionen lernst Du Deine eigenen Ressourcen zielgerichtet zu wecken. Du erfhrst konkret, wie Du in einer aktuellen, Dich berfordernden Situation Deine eigene Power aktivieren kannst. Auch als Tankstelle, die in Zukunft immer fr Dich geffnet ist, eignet sich der Kurs. All diese bungen habe ich im NLP kennen und schtzen gelernt. Um Probleme zu lsen, brauchst du den Zugang zu deiner Kraft! Schpfe Deine Kraftquellen aus und nimm aktiv Dein Leben in die Hand!"
Price: 44.99

"Prfungsangst bewltigen"
"Angst vor einer Prfung kann zur Qual und totalen Blockade werden. Dieser Kurs will dir helfen, deine ngste in den Griff zu bekommen, um sicher in deine Prfung zu gehen.Damit dir das Gelernte ohne Einschrnkung zur Verfgung steht!Deine ngste entstehen aus deinen Gedanken. Entweder richten sie sich auf die Zukunft oder sie kommen aus der Vergangenheit. Manchmal mischen sie sich auch. Auf einer tieferen Ebene macht deine Angst immer einen Sinn. Wenn du die Grnde verstehst, kannst du sie auflsen oder besser damit umgehen. Im Kurs lernst du elementare Ursachen von Prfungsangst kennen. In neun praktischen bungen findest du heraus, was fr dich persnlich dabei wesentlich ist und entwickelst deine eigenen Strategien, um gestrkt, selbstsicher und furchtlos in deine Prfung zu gehen."
Price: 59.99

"Mentales Training vor Prfungen"
"Mentales Training ist eine hervorragende Methode, die eigenen Krfte in herausfordernden Situationen zu mobilisieren. Spitzensportler nutzten schon lange diese Form des geistigen Trainings als Vorbereitung fr Hchstleistungen. Dieser Kurs zeigt dir, wie du dich mit Hilfe von Mentalem Training optimal auf deine Prfungen vorzubereitest. Du lernst mentale Strke zu entwickeln und dich geistig auf deine schriftlichen und mndlichen Prfungen vorzubereiten. Gezielt bst du, mit konkreten Schwierigkeiten in beiden Prfungen fertig zu werden. Wenn du deinen Stoff gelernt hast und dieses Trainingsprogramm nutzt, wirst du entspannt und selbstsicher dein ganzes Wissen in den Prfungen zur Verfgung haben!"
Price: 59.99

"How to split off in a good way from a previous love"
"A love relationship ended but you still feel tied. Memories and yearning or also jealousy and rage are torturing you. You would rather be free as an inner part of you knows that this relationship is over. Still, another part is holding you back.This course shows you the steps that will help you to let go in a good way. Do not be tense or hard to yourself. Make peace with yourself and the past. The lessons will guide you through the five necessary steps to come to a good closure. These five steps were validated in my seminars over the last two decades.Be aware: some time of grief and sadness after the end of a relationship is normal and important! But if you eat your heart out it is just the right time to dare a new beginning"
Price: 29.99

"Be free drop your bad conscience and your guilt"
"So many are tortured by their bad conscience! About things they did, they should do or things they did not or they should not do. Sounds familiar to you? Then this course is for you: It will help you to overcome your feelings of guilt!But guilt does not have only one reason, it is not an unity. Sometimes you feel guilty because you act against your inner standards, sometimes you feel guilty because you hurt someone. Sometimes guilt serves as a protection against feeling pain and helplessness, sometimes it shows you the deep connection you have with the misery of other human beings. The solutions for these diverse types are totally different! In this course you will discover and differentiate the most important types of guilt in your life and in the life of others. And with this understanding you can transform your guilt or sometimes - forgive yourself. In order to have a happier and peaceful live!"
Price: 49.99

"Mit NLP innere Konflikte lsen"
"Innere Konflikte sind ein stndiger Unruheherd. Z. B. will ein Teil von dir Karriere und Erfolg, ein anderer Teil Familienleben und Entspannung. Oder ein Teil will aktiv Sport machen und fit sein, ein anderer Teil will vor dem Fernseher abhngen und die neueste Serie sehen. Der Kurs zeigt dir in sieben Schritten einer bewhrten NLP-Technik, wie du deine innere Zerrissenheit hinter dir lassen kannst. Wie zu den Lsungen findest, die dir gut tun. Damit du in Zukunft deine Krfte bndelst statt dich von ihnen wild hin und her zerrren zu lassen! Du lernst dabei, allen deinen Bedrfnissen mehr Rechnung tragen als bisher. Dafr entwickelst du intelligente und kreative Lsungen. So hren die stndigen Schuldgefhlen auf wegen nicht eingehaltener Vorstze und dem Gefhl versagt zu haben. Stattdessen bist du zufriedener mit dir, entspannst dich und erreichst das, was du wirklich willst."
Price: 29.99

"Solve your inner conflicts with NLP!"
"Inner conflicts are a constant source of unrest.So mayone part of you wantimprovement and success in your carrier while another partprefers family life and relaxation. Or one part would like to be fit and do sports while another would rather stay in front of the TV to watch the newest show. This seven step course teaches you an important NLP-technique to deal with your inner conflicts. So you find the solutions that are tailored to your wellbeing. With this, you will be able to focus your energy instead of having it work in opposing directions! Then you manageto better account for all of your needs. You will develop intelligent and creative solutions. Thus, the reoccurring feelings of guilt because you did not meet your own resolutions or goals and because of the feeling of failure will end. Instead, you will be more content with yourself and more relaxed and you reach what you truly desire."
Price: 29.99

"Deine Sexualitt tiefer ergrnden"
"Zu Beginn ist fr jeden die Sexualitt hchst aufregend. Doch oft schleicht sich dann irgendwann Gewhnung ein. Der ursprngliche Thrill ist vorbei!Mit diesem Kurs wirfst du einen frischen Blick auf deine Sexualitt. Du gewinnst berraschende Einblicke in dich selbst und entdeckst Neues, bisher in dir Verstecktes. Es darf wieder aufregender werden! Der Weg dahin fhrt ber deine inneren Bilder, die sich dir zeigen, wenn ich dich in die Entspannung fhre. Diese Bilder sind wie Trume, die dich auf bisher unbewusstes Territorium aufmerksam machen. Drei Symbole fhren dich auf dieser Reise und regen deine Phantasie an. Ausgangspunkt ist eine Landschaft, die deine Sexualitt darstellt mit ihren Kraftpltzen, Ruhepunkte und Geheimnissen. Dann begegnest du deiner Lebenskraft und animalischen Seite ber das Bild eines Tieres. Schlielich fhrt dir das Bild eines Hauses oder einer menschlichen Siedlung bildhaft vor Augen, wie die dich umgebende Kultur deine Sexualitt geformt hat. In einer letzten bung integrierst du die animalische und die kulturell geformte Seite. Auf dass du erfrischt und angeregt weiter deinen Weg gehst!"
Price: 34.99

"Family Constellation: Master Course"
"""Family constellation"" is the method which - faster than any other psychological method before - has spread from Germany throughout the world in the last two decades. This approach is powerful in its healing effects and gives insights in solutions for many conflicts in families and couples - and for conflicts within yourself! In this course you win a deep understanding about the influence of your family on your problems and on your wellbeing. In 25 exercises you will discover the new insights not only theoretically, but also practically. These guided imaginations allow you to heal personal issues. So that the love for yourself, for your family and for life as a whole will flow even more!At the same time you start to see others and their difficulties with new eyes. You understand more how and why we humans act.If you want to become a facilitator of family constellation, this course is a great help!I practice and teach family constellations since more than 25 years in many parts of the world. In eight books I have described the various aspects of this effective method - this course contains the essence."
Price: 119.99

"Orientierung in der Wildnis - Nie wieder verlaufen!"
"Verlaufen? Nicht noch einmal!Der Kurs richtet sich an Menschen, die mehr Sicherheit und Unabhngigkeit im Gelnde und in der Wildnis erlangen mchten. Dass das ntig ist, zeigen regelmig die Schlagzeilen in der Zeitung:""Auf dem Appalachian Trail verlaufen Wanderin nach zwei Jahren tot aufgefunden""Focus, 27.05.2016Deutsches Ehepaar bei Wanderung durch Naturpark ums Leben gekommenTagesspiegel, 14.02.2017Bergtoter am Hohen Gll Nach ersten Einschtzungen der Ermittler drfte er sich in dem unwegsamen Gelnde verirrt habenOVB Online, 16.06.2017Kannst du im Ernstfall zu deiner Familie und deinen Freunden zurckkehren?Was tust du, wenn du dich in der Wildnis verlaufen hast?Kennst du den Grund, warum ein Kompass niemals nach Norden zeigt (auch nicht zum magnetischen Norden)?Weit du, wie du ohne GPS und Smartphone deinen Standort bestimmst?Weit du, warum alle Karten der Erde falsch sind?Kannst du mit einem Kompass sicher umgehen?Kannst du die Himmelrichtungen ohne Kompass bestimmen?Weit du, welches Equipment fr die Orientierung ntig ist?Wenn du zu 2 oder mehr Punkten kein gutes Gefhl hast, bist du bei diesem Video-Selbstlernkurs goldrichtig.Das wirst du lernen:Die Frage Wie komme ich an mein Ziel? knnen Menschen erst seit wenigen Jahren mhelos beantworten dank Satellitennavigation und Smartphone.Davor war es etwas komplizierter: Der Umgang mit Peilkompass, topografischer Karte und Himmelszelt will gelernt sein, ebenso das Wissen um Auffanglinien, Kartenprojektionen oder magnetische Deviation und wer wei heute eigentlich noch, dass die Kompassnadel gar nicht nach Norden zeigt?Ob du alleine oder in einer Gruppe unterwegs bist, ob das eine kleine Wandertour ist, oder ein Trekking, oder sogar eine Notsituation. Du erfhrst, wie du immer und berall deinen Standort, deinen Weg und dein Ziel findest.Ziele der OrientierungOrientierung anhand von Natur, Sonne und HimmelRichtige Benutzung eines KompassesUmgang mit verschiedenen Kompass-ArtenKarten lesen und deutenOrientierung mit dem PeilkompassKreuzpeilung zur StandortbestimmungKompass und Karte zusammen benutzenUmgehung von Hindernissen auf der KurslinieWandern nach MarschkompasszahlEquipment zur OrientierungOrientierung in NotlagenArten von Orientierungslinien"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced JavaScript Topics"
"Advanced Topics picks up where the Getting Started course ended. You should now have some experience with JavaScript and understand the JavaScript language much better. Therefore, you are ready to learn more of the nuances and important patterns that advanced JavaScript developers know and use.In Learn Modern JavaScript:Advanced Topics, we explore the more advanced techniques in JavaScript. You learn advanced concepts for objects and functions,the value of 'this', the power of functions usingclosure and IIFEs.You learn about the namespace and module patterns.You learn JSONand how to load a JSONfile. You will follow along as we apply OOP concepts to aproject. You get very familiar with the prototype, and these are just the maintopics covered in this advanced course. A new bonus section helps you get familiar with functional programming concepts in JavaScript.This course contains 15sections and one bonus section, over 90 different lectures, over 17hours of video, 4quizzes, 9assignments, 1 large project andseveral Think Like a Programmer sections with invaluable information for those intent on making JavaScript a career choice or a major part of their lives.If you want to improve your JavaScript skills,this course is for you!"
Price: 99.99

"Mastering Regular Expressions in JavaScript"
"Regular expressions can help you more easily solve programming problems. They are an important tool in your coding toolbox.If you have dabbled with regular expressions or not even used them before, this course is for you. You will learn the syntax and participate in numerous examples and exercise to help you integrate regular expressions into your JavaScript coding.In Mastering Regular Expressions in JavaScript we focus on two main goals:Helping you learn regular expressions and how to construct them, and teaching you the powerful ways regular expressions can be used in JavaScript. If you work in the JavaScript language, this course will be most useful, but even if you work in another language you can use this course to learn about regular expressions as the syntax applies to many programming languages.This course contains 9sections, 55different lectures, over 5 hours of video tutorials, 5 exercises, 5 quizzes and 10 application lectures that will make sure you have what you need to use regular expressions in your JavaScript coding work.If you are ready to master regular expressions,this course is for you!"
Price: 69.99

"Clear and Simple VMware Certified Associate (VCA-DBT)"
"Are you looking for VMware Certified Associate training? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need toprepare for the VCA-DBT exam?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you anunderstanding of key VMware products and concepts.VMware vSphere is everywhere. Non-virtualized datacenters are a thing of the past, and in order to stay relevant you must understand virtualization and cloud concepts.This course features a few different sections. I have included 28 lessons teaching you the basics of vSphere, because that is the most important VMware product, and is core to understanding NSX, vSAN, and other products. However, understand that much of this vSphere knowledge is not directly applicable to the VCA-DBT exam. Learning it is important to have a strong foundation. Key vSphere topics covered include vCenter, ESXi, Host Clusters, Availability, DRS, Storage, Networking, and Fault Tolerance.After that we take a deep dive into the topics of the VCA-DBT exam. vSAN, NSX, Horizon, and vRealize are key knowledge areas that are covered. You will understand the use cases for all these products, and will learn everything you need to know to pass the VMware Certified Associate - Digital Business Transformation (VCA-DBT) exam."
Price: 24.99

"Clear and Simple VMware vSphere 6.5 Foundations VCP - Part 1"
"Are you looking for VMware vSphereTraining? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need toprepare for the VMware vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you anunderstanding of vSpherefoundation concepts.VMware vSphere is everywhere. Non-virtualized datacenters are a thing of the past, and in order to stay relevant you must understand vSphere. This course builds off my ""Clear and Simple vSphere Certified Associate"" videos, and gives you a deeper understanding of vSphere.You willlearn about vSphere concepts like VMFS and NFS storage, templates, cloning,vCenter andESXi installation,Update Manager, and VSAN.I will also provide live demos of many common tasks that you may need to perform as a vSphere Administrator using the vSphere Web Client."
Price: 29.99

"Clear and Simple VMware vSphere 6.5 Foundations VCP - Part 2"
"Are you looking for VMware vSphereTraining? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you anunderstanding of vSpherefoundation concepts.VMware vSphere is everywhere. Non-virtualized datacenters are a thing of the past, and in order to stay relevant you must understand vSphere. This course builds off my ""Clear and Simple vSphere Certified Associate"" videos, and gives you a deeper understanding of vSphere.You willlearn about vSphere concepts like host clustering, High Availability (HA), vMotion, and Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS).I will also provide live demos of many common tasks that you may need to perform as a vSphere Administrator using the vSphere Web Client.This course will also help you prepare for the VMware vSphere 6.5 Foundations exam. I can also provide Lab Rentals with manuals that you can use as a companion to this course."
Price: 29.99

"Clear and Simple VMware vSphere 6.5 VCP-DCV (VCP 2019)"
"Are you looking for VMware vSphereTraining? Do you want to learn from an experienced trainer who makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need toprepare for the VMware vSphere 6.5 Datacenter Virtualization (DCV) exam?I am a VMware Certified Instructor who has taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you a strongunderstanding of vSphereadministration.VMware vSphere is everywhere. Non-virtualized datacenters are a thing of the past, and in order to stay relevant you must understand vSphere. This course builds off my ""Clear and Simple vSphere 6.5 Foundations"" videos, and gives you a deeper understanding of vSphere.You willlearn about vSphere concepts like vSphere Networking (including a deep look at Distributed Switches), Storage (including VSAN and vVOLs and much more), and vSphere Security.I will also provide many live demos of common tasks that you may need to perform as a vSphere Administrator using the vSphere Web Client.Topics covered in this course include (but are not limited to):NetworkingConfigure vSphere Standard and Distributed SwitchesNIC Teaming and failoverPort MirroringNetwork IO ControlTraffic ShapingPrivate VLANsTCP/IP StacksNetFlowStorageVMFS and NFSiSCSIFC and FCoEvSANVVOLsStorage Multipathing and failoverSecuritySingle Sign-OnHardening VMs and HostsEncrypted vMotionRoles and PermissionsUpdates and UpgradesUpdate ManagerUpgrade VMware Tool and VM HardwareUpgrade ESXiUpgrade vCenterMigrate vCenter Server for Windows to the vCenter Server ApplianceDeploying Virtual Machines and HostsTemplates and CloningAuto Deploy and Host ProfilesContent LibrariesvCenter ConverterWorking with VMX FilesResource ManagementConfiguring DRS ClustersDRS Affinity Rules, Overrides, and advanced settingsShares, Limits, and ReservationsResource PoolsTroubleshootingRestart ESXi Management AgentsCollect Diagnostic DataGenerate Log BundlesBackup and RecoveryvSphere Data ProtectionvSphere ReplicationHigh Availability (HA)Virtual Machine Component Protection (VMCP)"
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to VMware Cloud on AWS"
"Are you looking for clear, concise VMware Cloud on AWSTraining? Do you want to learn from an official VMware Certified Instructorwho makes complex concepts simple and easy to understand? Do you need a course that explains key elements ofAWS and VMware?I have taught thousands of hours of live training directly for VMware.Most lectures in this courseare 5 - 15minutes long. A few deeper topics are slightlylonger.This course gives you anunderstanding of VMware Cloud on AWS concepts.The cloud is coming, and if you are a VMware Administrator now is the time to prepare. This course assumes that you know littleabout AWS.You willlearn the basics, such as pricing, basic architecture, and the how to build your own VMware Cloud SDDC. I have also provided many videos that explain the underlying technologies of the VMware Cloud on AWS, including vSphere, Virtual SAN (VSAN), and VMware NSX."
Price: 19.99