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"Forex Trading - Learn Two Effective Forex Trading Strategy"
"In this course, you will learn two simple yeteffective Forex trading strategy that will significantly improve your trading results.I will show you my step-by-step trading method that I have been using to generateprofits from Forex trading. I have also designed the Forexcourse in a way that it is concise and straight to the point. I assure you that there will be no filler contentsthat you caneasily found online. All the contents in this Forex course are important components building up to become a fully working trading strategy.Unlimited lifetime access at no extra costs.All future additional lectures, bonuses, etc in this course are always free.There's an unconditional, never any questions askedfull 30-day money-back-in-full guarantee.My help is always available to youif you have questions ."
Price: 44.99

"BEC Vantage Exam Preparation Online Course - Reading"
"Exams are stressful !!!One of the best ways to reduce this stress is to be well-prepared, knowing that you've put in all the necessary effort.Your BEC Vantage exam comprises four equal parts, namelyreadingwritinglisteningspeakingThe exam is not cheap. You owe it to yourself to give yourself every chance to succeed and pass this important exam.This online course will focus on each individual part of the BEC Vantage reading test and provide tips and methods for how to approach the parts and how to successfully complete the reading test. The examples used are actual exam questions."
Price: 24.99

"WordPress For Beginners No Coding Required"
"Use code NEWYEAR19 special discount offer for the new year.Who is this course for?This Wordpresscourse is forbeginnerswho are not familiar with the Wordpress content management system. Ittakes you step by step with easy and simple to understandlectures from not having a clue about Wordpress to creating your first functional websitewithin minutes.What's different about this course?It doesn't contain complex information that is difficult to understand by the average Joe, unlike other courses that do that. All of the lectures in this course are based on Wordpressprinciples simplified enough to understand them.To take this course you don't need to be a genius or a computer expert. You only need to know how to use a computer and have passion about learning.Can I try this course risk free?Yes, this course comes with a30-DayMoney Back Guaranteefrom Udemy. If you decide that this course is not the right for you, you can get your money back within 30 days. No questions asked.About the course.This courseexplains how to install Wordpress locally.It alsoprovides free Wordpress web hosting.Explainsalmostevery aspect of the Wordpress CMS.You will be able to create your first website within minutes.Wordpress is the most used CMS on the internet and powers 30% of allwebsites.You will only need to set up Wordpress,which we explain howin the first section of this course.#Warning!If you search for a course with a lot ofunnecessary details thatdoesn't help you to learn then,thisis not the right for you.This course doesn't contain fancy code that is difficult to understand and write. It is an easy course for those who want to see immediate results without wasting their time and money.#"
Price: 39.99

"Algorithms and Data Structures in Java"
"Use code NEWYEAR19 special discount offer for the new year!!!Who is this course for?This course is for those who want to learn how to program correctly by using the proper data structures but also acquire knowledge on how to create applications with graphical user interface. This course is for all levels of students, but lessfor those who have no ""relationship"" with at least one programming language and is targeted mainly at new programmers and students who want to learn programmingcorrectly!What is the difference with the other corresponding courses?The difference with other courses isthat with this course you will learn data structures and algorithms that are taught in universities today with more great examples and without unnecessary words. And the most important difference is that in this course you will learn further how is to createapplications with graphical user interface and essentially you will learn to make integrated applications.Can I try this course risk free?Yes, this course comes with a30-DayMoney Back Guaranteefrom Udemy. If you decide that this course is not the right for you, you can get your money back within 30 days. No questions asked.About the course.In the first section we will seewhat we need to start.In the second section you will learn about search algorithms.In the third section we will see the data structures, how they are made and how we use them.In the fourth section you will see sorting algorithms and you'll learn how they work, how quick theyareand how to use them.For every piece of material exists acorresponding application.Most applications are with GUI.The material shown is the academic material thatmost universities have in thedata structures course.The knowledge of data structures and algorithms lay the foundations to become better programmer."
Price: 154.99

"Fundamentals of the C Programming Language"
"Who is this course for?ThisC programmingcourse is forbeginnerswho are not familiar with the Csyntax. Ittakes you step by step with easy and simple to understandlectures from not having a clue about programmingto creating your first command line applicationwithin minutes.What's different about this course?It doesn't contain complex code that is difficult to understand by the average Joe, unlike other courses that do that. All of the lectures in this course are based on Cprinciples simplified enough to understand them.Plus,this course providesextra 31 exercises with solutionsfor furtherpractice.To take this course you don't need to be a genius or a computer expert. You only need to know how to use a computer and have passion about learning.Can I try this course risk free?Yes, this course comes with a30-DayMoney Back Guaranteefrom Udemy. If you decide that this course is not the right for you, you can get your money back within 30 days. No questions asked.About the course.This courseexplains how to createa basic C program.Explainsalmostevery aspect of the C programming language.You will be able to create your first command line applicationwithin minutes.C is the first programming language to learn and the mother of all programming languages.You will only need to set up an IDE,which we explain howin the first section of this course.The source code of all C programsused in this courseare included in a downloadable .pdf form.This course provides complementary exercises to practice on the material of each section.There isa total of 31 exercises with solutions for extra practice.#Warning!If you search for a course with a lot ofunnecessary details thatdoesn't help you to learn then,thisis not the right for you.This course doesn't contain fancy code that is difficult to understand and write. It is an easy course for those who want to see immediate results without wasting their time and money.#"
Price: 144.99

"WDS Windows Server 2012"
"Servios de Implantao do WindowsO WDS (Servios de Implantao do Windows) permite implantar sistemas operacionais Windows na rede, o que significa que voc no precisa instalar cada sistema operacional diretamente de um CD ou DVD.Benefcios dos Servios de Implantao do WindowsPermitem a instalao baseada em rede dos sistemas operacionais Windows, o que reduz a complexidade e o custo em relao s instalaes manuais.Do suporte implantao de imagens para ambientes mistos, inclusive Windows7 e Windows Server2008R2 por meio de Windows 8.1 e Windows Server 2012 R2.Usam tecnologias padro de Instalao do Windows, incluindo o Windows PE (Ambiente de Pr-instalao do Windows), arquivos .wim e instalao baseada em imagem.Transmitem dados e imagens usando a funcionalidade multicast.Permitem criar imagens de um computador de referncia usando o Assistente de Captura de Imagem, que uma alternativa ferramenta ImageX.Permitem adicionar pacotes de driver ao servidor e configur-los para serem implantados nos computadores cliente junto com a imagem de instalao."
Price: 39.99

"O Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) permite que os administradores de tecnologia da informao implantem as atualizaes mais recentes dos produtos nos computadores que estiverem executando o sistema operacional Windows. Com o WSUS, os administradores podem gerenciar integralmente a distribuio das atualizaes lanadas no Microsoft Update nos computadores da rede.1: Viso Geral e ImplantaoNeste mdulo voc aprender como funciona um ambiente gerenciado pelo WSUS, seus requisitos e instalao.2: Administrando o WSUSEste mdulo aborda o processo de administrao do WSUS.3: Configurando estaesNeste mdulo voc aprender como configurar os computadores clientes a reconhecerem o WSUS como servidor de atualizaes, atravs de diretivas de grupo. Veja tambm como aplicar uma atualizao par...Aprender1: Viso Geral e Implantao2: Administrando o WSUS3: Configurando estaes"
Price: 84.99

"Equity for CFA Level I"
"This course has an end-to-end coverage of all the 6 readings that arepart of 2017 curriculum for CFALevel I. Not only are the basics covered from the very scratch, to help a beginner get good grasp of the concepts,the course also hassome of the advanced topics. While developing thiscourse, a working professionalwas kept in mind who is expected tohave very less time at his / herdisposal and would love to have an engaging session. The candidate needs utmost flexibility to manage all the commitmentsthat he / she have.Attempt has been made to come out as natural as possible, to get that 'classroom'feeling. Its best done by taking a print out of the slides used by the trainer. Candidates are encouraged to make scribbles / notes/marking on that print out to make it their own.FINSTUDYCLUB is a member ofApproved Prep Provider Program of the CFAInstitute.The course covers Overview of Equity Securities,Market Organization, Market Indexes, and Market Efficiency. It also has detailed coverage ofIndustry and Company Analysis and finally concludes with Concepts and Basic Tools."
Price: 24.99

"Comment devenir un FREELANCE SUCCS ?"
"Cette formation s'adresse des travailleurs indpendants qui ont dj dmarr leur activit. Bien entendu ceux qui dbutent peuvent galement la suivre pour tre plus efficace ds le dpart.Dans ce cours je ne vous apprendrais pas comment devenir freelance (comment devenir un travailleur indpendant, les statuts, construire votre offre...) mais plutt COMMENT DEVENIR UN SUPER FREELANCE et faire dcoller votre activit pour gagner suffisamment d'argent ou de libert.Dans cette formation on parlera du cadre de travail, de l'organisation du temps de travail, des meilleures techniques actuelles pour trouver des clients, comment gagner plus et grer sa trsorerie mais aussi comment rest motiv et efficace toute l'anne et enfin une srie de conseils a mettre en place.Je suis Designer depuis plus de 20 ans et je travaille comme freelance depuis un peu plus de 10 ans.Ce qui me passionne dansma vie de tous les jours et dansmon mtier, c'est de transmettre mes connaissances et d'aller la rencontre des autres.C'est pourquoi j'ai cr cette formation pour vous donner des conseils et des techniques pour que vous russissiez votre vie de freelance.A qui s'adresse cette formation :aux freelances qui ont du mal faire dcoller leur activit ou qui veulent faire dcoller leur activit,aux travailleurs indpendants qui veulent gagner plus d'argent ou de libert ou bien les deux,aux freelances dbutants qui veulent connaitre les cls du succs ds le dbut de leur activit, tous ceux qui veulent tre devenir un travailleur indpendant efficace et super motiv : cratifs (les designers, les photographes, les architectes, les rdacteurs...) mais aussi les chefs de projets et les dveloppeurs, tous les marketeux (webmarketing, SEO, SEA, SMO...), pour tous les tudiants qui vont se lancer en freelance et aussi les travailleurs indpendants du net (qui vivent de revenus passifs)...bref tous les travailleurs indpendants ou celles ceux qui veulent devenir un SUPERFREELANCE."
Price: 34.99

"Ordnungskurs Woche 1 -vom Messi zum Minimalist"
"Du bekommst jeden Tag mindestens eine klare Anweisung, was Du fr Deine Ordnung machen kannst.Da ich frher selbst sehr unordentlich war und seit 3 Jahren vielen Menschen zur Ordnung verhelfe, wei ich, wie es ist, dem Chaos Daheim nicht mehr Herr zu werden.Meine besten Techniken zum ordentlich werdenmchte ich Dir in diesem Kurs an die Hand geben.Wenn Du an einem Tag die von mir gestellte Aufgabe nicht schaffst, weil Du zum Beispiel nicht daheim warst, hole sie nach, sobald Du die Mglichkeit dazu hast. Halte den Umfang der Aufgabe klein, aber versuche es auf jeden Fall."
Price: 19.99

"Ordnungskurs Woche 2 -vom Messi zum Minimalist"
"Du bekommst jeden Tag mindestens eine klare Anweisung, mit derDu Stck fr Stck ordentlich wirst.Da ich frher selbst sehr unordentlich war und seit 3 Jahren vielen Menschen zur Ordnung verhelfe, wei ich, wie es ist, dem Chaos Daheim nicht mehr Herr zu werden.Meine besten Techniken zum ordentlich werdenmchte ich Dir in diesem Kurs an die Hand geben.Wenn Du an einem Tag die von mir gestellte Aufgabe nicht schaffst, weil Du zum Beispiel nicht daheim warst, hole sie nach, sobald Du die Mglichkeit dazu hast. Halte den Umfang der Aufgabe klein, aber versuche es auf jeden Fall."
Price: 19.99

"Ordnungskurs Woche 3 -vom Messi zum Minimalis"
"Du bekommst jeden Tag mindestens eine klare Anweisung, was Du fr Deine Ordnung machen kannst.Da ich frher selbst sehr unordentlich war und seit 3 Jahren vielen Menschen zur Ordnung verhelfe, wei ich, wie es ist, dem Chaos Daheim nicht mehr Herr zu werden.Meine besten Techniken zum ordentlich werdenmchte ich Dir in diesem Kurs an die Hand geben.Wenn Du an einem Tag die von mir gestellte Aufgabe nicht schaffst, weil Du zum Beispiel nicht daheim warst, hole sie nach, sobald Du die Mglichkeit dazu hast. Halte den Umfang der Aufgabe klein, aber versuche es auf jeden Fall."
Price: 19.99

"Ordnungskurs Woche 4 -vom Messi zum Minimalis"
"In dieser Woche gehen wir das Badezimmer an. Schublade fr Schublade, Regalfach fr Regalfach sortieren wir.Nach dieser Woche ist unser Ziel, dass...Du hast hauptschlich freie Flchen im Badezimmer.Die Badprodukte werden aktuell genutzt und haben alle ihren festen Platz.Durch Routinen bleibt das Bad ordentlich und sauber.Alle Produkte, die Dir nicht gefallen haben oder die Du nicht genutzt hast, wurden weiter gegeben."
Price: 19.99

"Sachbcher 5x schneller lesen & sich 4x mehr merken"
"Hast Du viele Sachbcher in Deinem Bcherregal stehen, die Du schon lange mal lesen wolltest?Und mchtest Du die Informationen daraus gerne besser und lnger im Gedchtnis behalten?Mit diesem Kurs wird sich Dein Leseverhalten komplett verndern.Teilnehmer aus meinem WhatsApp Kurs sagten:""Wie immer eintoller Kurs, sehr praktisch und spannend erklrt. man ist sofort motiviert sich ein buch vorzuknpfen ;-). vielen dank anett""""Das ist eine ausgezeichnete Hilfe mit pfiffigen Tipps und praktischer Anleitung. Echt super!""""Danke fr Deinen tollen Kurs, bei dem ich sehr viel gelernt und mitgenommen habe. Sehr gute Informationen in sehr kurzer Zeit. Danke.""""Ich schaffe es nun, ein Sachbuch in nicht mal einer Stunde zu lesen. Frher htte ich ber 5 Stunden gebraucht und habe deshalb nie angefangen, es zu lesen.""Ich zeige Dir eine Alternative zum klassischen Lesen.Hierfr habe ich 2 Techniken entworfen, die ich Dir jeweils erklre und Dir zeige, wie ich Bcher mit diesen Techniken lese.Ich zeige Dir anhand dieser Bcher auch, wie Du Dir die Informationen daraus optimal merken kannst und wie Du Aufgaben wirklich erledigst und neue Fhigkeiten wirklich erlernst und es Dir nicht nur vornimmst.Ein paar Tipps zum klassischen ""schneller Lesen"" gibt es natrlich auch."
Price: 39.99

"DifferentialrechnungWie du das meiste aus diesem Kurs herausholstTheorie. Was bedeutet eigentlich Differentialrechnung? Schau dir eine einfache Herleitung an und verstehe wie wichtig die Differentialrechnung fr die praktische Anwendung ist.Grundfunktionen. Jede mathematische Funktion ist eine Zusammensetzung von Grundfunktionen.Polynome. Lerne an den klassischen Einfhrungsbeispielen die Ableitung einer Summe und den Einfluss konstanter Summanden/Faktoren kennen.Wurzeln.Nutze Potenzgesetze, um Wurzeln in eine Grundfunktion umzuformen.Brche.Nutze Potenzgesetze, um Brche in eine Grundfunktion umzuformen.Kettenregel.Lerne verkettete Funktionenabzuleiten. be mit mir diese Rechenregelan einerausgewogenen AuswahlverschiedenerFunktionen.Produktregel.Lerne Produkte von Funktionenabzuleiten. be mit mir diese Rechenregelan einerausgewogenen AuswahlverschiedenerFunktionen.Quotientenregel.Lerne Quotienten von Funktionenabzuleiten. be mit mir diese Rechenregelan einerausgewogenen AuswahlverschiedenerFunktionen.Logarithmisches Ableiten.Lerne Funktionen abzuleiten, die sowohl in der Basis, als auch im Exponenten die Variable enthalten, nach der abgeleitet werden soll. Nutze diese Methode zur Vereinfachung einer Vielzahl an Aufgaben.Ableiten einer Umkehrfunktion.Das Ableiten einer Funktion ist zu schwer? Versuch es mit der Umkehrfunktion.Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichMerkzettelVideoaufgaben (PDF)bungsaufgaben + Lsungen(PDF)Fehlerliste(PDF)"
Price: 79.99

"Funktionen mit mehreren Variablen"
"ThemenbersichtWas dich erwartetGrundbegriffe (am Beispiel)Gradient/HessematrixTotales Differential, Tangentialebene, Richtungsableitung, PartielleElastizittHhenlinienImplizites DifferenzierenExtrema von Funktionen mit 2 Variablen ohne NebenbedingungenExtrema von Funktionen mit 2 Variablen mit ""=""Nebenbedingungen--> LagrangeIn jedem Abschnitt schauen wir uns kurz die wichtigsten Grundlagen zu den einzelnen Themen an und rechnen im Anschluss perfekt ausgewhlte bungsaufgaben, damit du fr deine Prfung jeden Aufgabentyp schon einmal selbst durchgerechnet hast und optimal vorbereitet bist.Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichMerkzettel (PDF)Videoaufgaben (PDF)bungsaufgaben + Lsungen (PDF)Fehlerliste (PDF)"
Price: 79.99

"ThemenbersichtWas dich erwartetExtrema vonFunktionen mit einer VariableExtrema von Funktionen mit 2 Variablen ohne NebenbedingungenExtrema von Funktionen mit 2 Variablen mit ""=""Nebenbedingungen--> LagrangeExtrema von Funktionen mit UngleichungsnebenbedingungenIn jedem Abschnitt schauen wir uns kurz die wichtigsten Grundlagen zu den einzelnen Themen an und rechnen im Anschluss perfekt ausgewhlte bungsaufgaben, damit du fr deine Prfung jeden Aufgabentyp schon einmal selbst durchgerechnet hast und optimal vorbereitet bist.Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichMerkzettel (PDF)Videoaufgaben (PDF)bungsaufgaben + Lsungen (PDF)Fehlerliste (PDF)"
Price: 79.99

"Grenzwerte von Funktionen"
"ThemenbersichtWas dich erwartetGrundlagen (""Was sind Grenzwerte?"" + ""Regel von L'Hospital"")Fall: 0/0, inf/infFall: 0*infFall: 0^0, inf^0, 1^infFall: inf-infIn jedem Abschnitt schauen wir uns kurz die wichtigsten Grundlagen zu den einzelnen Themen an und rechnen im Anschluss perfekt ausgewhlte bungsaufgaben, damit du fr deine Prfung jeden Aufgabentyp schon einmal selbst durchgerechnet hast und optimal vorbereitet bist.Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichMerkzettel (PDF)Videoaufgaben (PDF)bungsaufgaben + Lsungen (PDF)Fehlerliste (PDF)"
Price: 79.99

"ThemenbersichtWas dich erwartetGrundlagenBestimmte IntegraleUneigentliche IntegralePartielle IntegrationSubstitution 1. ArtSubstitution 2. ArtPartialbruchzerlegungMehrfache IntegrationIn jedem Abschnitt schauen wir uns kurz die wichtigsten Grundlagen zu den einzelnen Themen an und rechnen im Anschluss perfekt ausgewhlte bungsaufgaben, damit du fr deine Prfung jeden Aufgabentyp schon einmal selbst durchgerechnet hast und optimal vorbereitet bist.Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichMerkzettel (PDF)Videoaufgaben (PDF)bungsaufgaben + Lsungen (PDF)Fehlerliste (PDF)"
Price: 79.99

"Papierloses Bro mit fileee - Schnell und einfach papierlos!"
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du mit Hilfe der Smartphone App und Web Applikation von fileee, einfach und praktikabel dein papierloses Bro umsetzen kannst.Diese Lsung eignet sich besonders gut fr Personen, welche sich keinen Dokumentenscanner anschaffen knnen oder wollen.fileee ist super mobil und daher berall und an jedem Ort der Welt einsetzbar ( gut geeignet fr Digitale Nomaden ).Ein papierloses Bro schafft nicht nur Platz und Ordnung, nein, es schont ganz nebenbei auch noch unsere Umwelt.In weiteren Kursen zum Thema ""Papierloses Bro"", werde ich dir mit der Zeit auch noch andere Mglichkeiten zur Umsetzung eines solchen nherbringen. Stay Tuned :-)Das sagen Kursteilnehmer unter anderemzu meinen bisherigen Kursen:""Der Kurs ist klasse, es wird alles sehr gut und in einem angenehmen Tempo erklrt. Die Qualitt von Bild und Ton ist ideal, man merkt, dass hier jemand wirklich Erfahrung mit der Tonbearbeitung hat und mit dem was vermittelt wird. Voll zufrieden, sympatischer Sprecher!""""Klasse Kurs. Der Dozent wei wovon er spricht, allein die Tonqualitt sagt schon vieles aus. Dann ist noch alles mgliche im Kurs enthalten, Installationsanleitungen fr Audacity, Designanleitungen fr Canva etc. etc. Empfehlenswert.""""Das Thema ist nicht nur spannend, Flo versorgt einen auch mit allen Infos, sodass man sofort und problemlos starten kann. Flo zeigt alle Mglichkeiten mit diesem Tool auf und tiefer gehende Fragen und Diskussionen finden in der zum Kurs gehrigen Facebook Gruppe Platz. Toll, toll, toll, Flo! Qualitt, Service und Innovation 5 Sterne!.""Wunderbarer Kurs mit super Struktur. Er hat mich richtig motiviert endlich mal meinen Traum vom papierlosen Bro weiter zu verfolgen, ordentlich auszumisten und die wichtigen Dokumente entsprechend zu scannen. Jetzt geht's gleich an die Praxis 3-2-1 :-)"
Price: 124.99

"How to Create awesome Cinema-graph With Adobe Photoshop?"
"How To Create Cinema-graph With Adobe Photoshop.What is Cinema-graph? Cinema-graph is one of the most powerful in the field of marketing. Now a day, most banner ads are using Cinema-graph. It is composing of 2 elements, which is still images and videos. Cinema-graph can attract people attention to view your ads, it is more about 5 times more effective than the still banner ads. You can use cinema-graph for fun. But the main purpose of cinema-graph is to attract people attention. Why Adobe Photoshop is the choice in this course? There are many different ways of creating cinema-graph. You can create cinema-graph using Microsoft Power Point, Adobe Photoshop and some of the video editing Software, but those software has limited features to create cinema-graph. With Adobe Photoshop you can do everything it has a full feature for creating cinema-graph. One of the most important in creating cinema-graph is masking. The good cinema-graph, always have a good masking. What do you need before enrolling in this course?So, if you have Adobe Photoshop installed on Your PC you are ready to go. If you dont have you can download the Free-trial from Adobe Website. Do not worry if you dont know how to use Adobe Photoshop, Ill cover up everything you need to know in this course from the beginning of the course even though you are new to Photoshop.What will you learn fromthis course? In this course I will teach you everything that you need to know about creating cinema-graph using Adobe Photoshop. How to create Cinema-graph using Adobe Photoshop is a project base learning, you will learn by doing some projects, exercise files used in this course is provided for you to downloads, so that you can follow while learning. Mastering Adobe Photoshop is a long course, but in this course you will learn the essential part of Adobe Photoshop in creating Adobe Photoshop. You will start with: Importing video and picture into Adobe Photoshop Layer and masking technique (the most important thing in creating cinema-graph) Creating cinema-graph from video Creating cinema-graph from still photographs The basic concepts of animation in Adobe Photoshop Saving cinema-graph for used purposeAfter you seriously taking this course, you will have a confident and mastering your skill of creating cinema-graph.So, all you have to do is give me your time, no crowded class room, no conflict schedule, you can learn anytime anywhere as you want. I'm hoping that you willbe series in your learning!"
Price: 19.99

"Tecidos realistas para Unreal engine 4"
"Durante o curso eu, Joo, abordo noes de 3d max, Marvelous designer, e unreal engine 4. Dando toda a base para as prximas sesses onde eu ensinarei os procedimentos para criao de tecidos realistas. Na sesso de 3D Max eu ensino a utilizao de modificadores para criao e simulao de panos e cortinas, Tcnicas especificas para otimizao e texturizao dos modelos 3d. Logo depois no mdulo de Unreal4 eu mostro como voc poder importar, criar materiais de tecidos e configurar sua cena."
Price: 84.99

"Brilliant Networker"
"This course will help you to improve your personal brand and build an effective network of contacts, determine your networking goals, manage and analyze your contacts, get rid of contact overload, master the basic networking skills, effectively use time for social networks, learn about the techniques of working with contacts and online promotion"
Price: 19.99

"How To Make A Difference:Inspiring Students To Do Their Best"
"This course is for any teacher who wants to make a difference in their teaching career by inspiring their students to do their best.Teaching is all about relationships. There is no teaching if there is no relationship between a teacher and students. This course will teach you how to build trust, rapport and relationships with your students to inspire them to do their best in your class. At the end of the course, youll be able to: Achieve success in your classroom Use the Know Yourself technique to show you how to prevent your students from pushing your buttons and stressing you out. Once you master this technique, you will go a long way to handling your stress when teaching. Discover the number one activity you can do to promote positive behavior in your class. Get parents on your side and how to use the information they give you to make you a better teacher for your students. And more specifically, heres what youll get from the course: How to prevent inappropriate behaviors before they begin. The 3 questions that will help diffuse classroom problems that you encounter. How to have students achieve success on their very first assignment. The number one activity to do that will help your students be successful every day. Rules, procedures and routines to prevent your class from falling apart.Im going to take you on a journey and show you my tips, tricks and strategies I used in 29 years of teaching so you can become a successful teacher. You will learn how to create a class you will enjoy teaching."
Price: 124.99

"Six Sigma Green Belt (With Excel Application) BKO Accredited"
"Six Sigma (or 6 sigma) is a well-known methodology that has helped organizations throughout the world cut costs and improve service to their consumers by making production efficient and integrating the customers demand in the provided products and services.Six Sigma knowledge is often cited as a prerequisite for applying to many job vacancies in IT, health care, supply chain consultancy, manufacturing, engineering, banking etc. Furthermore, recent surveys have shown that those who have Six Sigma skills, depending on their industry, earn 20-30% more than their peers who do not possess those skills. Six Sigma proficiency is categorized in belt colors. Green belt holders are assumed to master the core Six Sigma techniques and are a valuable asset to organizations that strive to increase profits, reduce costs and offer consistent, customer-centered service. What will you learn? Master The Application Of Lean Principles To Skyrocket Efficiency. Apply Six Sigma statistics in Microsoft Excel (no experience required) Apply Project Planning Tools Use single non-linear regression to quantify complex business relationshipsApply the critical path method Apply SIPOC analysis Be able to formulate concrete problem statements. Apply Project Charter Apply Priority Matrix Understand the VOC (Voice of Customer) Apply Measurement System Analysis Understand measurement scales Understand and apply various sampling techniques Apply various measures of central tendency such as geometric mean Understand various measures of dispersion such as standard deviation Apply techniques for linear association such as correlation and OLS regression Quantify a Sigma score Be able to design a single and two factor experiment (DOE) Course Content Six Sigma is a sequence of activities that together make up a project. This sequence consists of phases which are: Define, measure, analyze, improve and control phase. These are often abbreviated as DMAIC. After a brief introduction, the student is introduced to various tools that belong to each of the aforementioned phase. These have been described in the previous part. At the end of this course, you will master Six Sigma skills at a green belt level. Browse the internet to see how many job vacancies require Six Sigma knowledge as a prerequisite. The whole course is designed and taught by experienced university lecturers who teach in the Netherlands. The teaching style is designed to be clear and easy to understand, whilstprovidingyou with the experience of private tutoring. Thank you for your interest and we hope to welcome you to our course."
Price: 144.99

"Six Sigma Black Belt (With Excel Application) BKO Accredited"
"Six Sigma (or 6 sigma) is a well-known methodology that has helped organizations throughout the world cut costs and improve service to their consumers by making production efficient and integrating the customers demand in the provided products and services.Six Sigma knowledge is often cited as a prerequisite for applying to many job vacancies in supply chain consultancy, IT, health care, manufacturing, engineering, banking etc. Furthermore, recent surveys have shown that those who have Six Sigma skills, depending on their industry, earn 20-30% more than their peers who do not possess those skills. Six Sigma proficiency is categorized in belt colors. Black belt holders are assumed to master the core Six Sigma techniques and are a valuable asset to organizations that strive to increase profits, reduce costs and offer consistent, customer-centered service. What will you learn? Master The Application Of Lean Principles To Skyrocket Efficiency. Apply Six Sigma statistics in Microsoft Excel (no experience required) Apply the Kano model to better understand the customers's needs Use multiple OLS regression to quantify complex business relationshipsDesign complex experiments to optimize products/services (DOE) Calculate confidence intervals Calculate the time value of financial flows Use theory of constraints to optimize production Use visual management to control your business and staffUse innovative audit methods to control your aims Course Content Six Sigma is a sequence of activities that together make up a project. This sequence consists of phases which are: Define, measure, analyze, improve and control phase. These are often abbreviated as DMAIC. After a brief introduction, the student is introduced to various tools that belong to each of the aforementioned phase. These have been described in the previous part. At the end of this course, you will master Six Sigma skills at a black belt level. Browse the internet to see how many job vacancies require Six Sigma knowledge as a prerequisite. The whole course is designed and taught by experienced university lecturers who teach in the Netherlands. The teaching style is designed to be clear and easy to understand, whilstprovidingyou with the experience of private tutoring. Thank you for your interest and we hope to welcome you to our course."
Price: 144.99

"Self Hypnosis Mastery: Hypnosis for Personal Development"
"This Self Hypnosis course has been designed and delivered by one of the UK's leading Hypnotherapists, coaches, and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) trainers, Steven Burns. It has been created to be the most comprehensive course on Self Hypnosis on Udemy. At present, it contains 10 hours plus ofvideo content, 8 selfhypnosis audio processes, recorded in MP3 format, and an extensive number of exercises to aid your learning.Steven is an engaging trainer who creates a warm and friendly environment. In this Self Hypnosis Training he willlead you through his overall model for using self hypnosis step-by-step. The course is also aimed at all levels, from beginner to advanced.Byenrollingin this course, you will learn the following:The Fundamentals of Hypnosis & Trance.How Self Hypnosis differs from 'therapist guided' Hypnosis.How to Induce a State of Self Hypnosis.How to create different types of altered states of consciousness.How to leverage the State of Self Hypnosis to Create Powerful, Profound Change.How to prepare yourself for a Self Hypnosis Session.How to conduct the 'pre-work' properly so that the Self hypnosis Session runs smoothly.A rich variety of Change-work Processes that can be used to access new choices and ways of thinking, feeling and behaving.How to resolve psychological Issues through Self Hypnosis.How to enlist the help of your Unconscious Mind and ask for advice or inspiration.How to make better decisions through Self Hypnosis.Hope to improve the relationship you have with your Unconscious Mind in order to become more self-aligned.How to eliminate negative behavioural patterns using Self Hypnosis.How to Engage fully in your own Innate Creativity.How to Speak Directly to your Unconscious Mind through Idea-Motor Signalling.Hope to use the Power of Metaphor to shift your thinking.And...a lot more...Enrol today and join Steve on a magical, transformational journey into the awesome power ofSelf Hypnosis"
Price: 199.99

"Hypnotic Metaphor Mastery: Transformational Storytelling."
"This Hypnotic Storytelling course has been designed and delivered by one of the UK's leading Hypnotherapists, coaches, and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) trainers, Steven Burns. It has been created to be the most comprehensive course on Hypnotic Metaphorical storytelling on Udemy. Steven is an engaging trainer who creates a warm and friendly environment. In Hypnotic Metaphor Mastery: Transformational Storytelling he willlead you through his overall model for creating and delivering hypnotic stories. So that you can assist clients to create profound, sustainable change. He will also teach some of the more technical and advanced forms of hypnotic metaphorical storytelling. It is useful to have a basic understanding of hypnosis and/or NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) but it will be taught from beginner level to advanced.While the course will focus mostly the use of hypnotic metaphorical storytelling in the context of one-to-one client work - coaching and therapy - the principles can also be applied to group work and presentations. Byenrollingin this course, you will learn the following:What a Hypnotic Metaphor is.The main functions of Hypnotic Metaphorical Storytelling.The fundamentals of creating and delivering Hypnotic Metaphors.How to create and build your own story database that can be used to craft transformational metaphors.Several overall Frameworks for using hypnotic metaphors to create profound and ecological change.How to incorporate 'Isomorphism"" into your storytelling to help create powerful change in others.How to incorporate ""Homomorphism"" into your storytelling to create more emotional impact.How to sprinkle hypnotic suggestions for change into your hypnotic stories.How to use ""quotes"" within your stories to deliver power messages to a person's unconscious mind.Linguistics tricks to make your storytelling more personal and impactful.How to use open loops to create arousal and to encourage ""deep"" learning that contains after the listener hears the story.Advanced forms of Hypnotic Storytelling like ""Stacking Realities.An advanced Framework for Hypnotic Metaphorical Storytelling.Enrol today and join Steve on a magical, transformational journey into the awesome power ofHypnotic Metaphor."
Price: 199.99

"QuickBooks Online and Your Business"
"Students will learn how to use QuickBooks Online to complete accounting tasks similar to those they will perform in a business environment. The course is taught using a real world approach which emphasizes how to use QuickBooks effectively in a modern business environment as well as how to generate and understand the 3 main financial statements (Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Cash Flows). Students are taught how to choose the proper QuickBooks Online subscription, set up a QuickBooks Online portal correctly, customize the chart of accounts, enter business transactions, banking, and generating and analyzing reports. Special emphasis is placed on banking and generating financial statements, which are essential QuickBooks functions."
Price: 199.99

"Analyzing Data with QuickBooks Online and Microsoft Excel"
"In this course, I will show you how to use Microsoft Excel formulas to analyze financial data. QuickBooks Online has the ability to export reports into Microsoft Excel. The course will include a basic discussion on the features of QuickBooks Online and demonstrate how data can be extracted from QuickBooks Online into Microsoft Excel. Once this data is exported into Microsoft Excel, it can be manipulated (analyzed) to assist in the business decision making process. The Excel topics covered in this course will include:Sorting and GroupingAutosumSumif FunctionSumifs FunctionCount FunctionCountifs FunctionConcatenate FunctionPivot TablesV-LookupsConditional FormattingData ValidationCharting (Pie and Bar Charts)This course includes downloads that supplement the lectures. It is best to use these downloads in conjunction with the lectures."
Price: 149.99