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"Create a Regular Savings Portfolio"
"This course if for those who wishes to:Combat Inflation:Inflation rate is about 3%. If your money is not growing by at least 3%,Your money is being eroded away by inflation!Create a Passive Income Stream:Having a passive income stream that covers your expenses = financially free!Plan for Retirement:To maintain current standard of living, most of uswill require $1 million at retirement. Are you able to save this amount?Accumulate Wealth:Learn strategies on how to retain and grow your hard earned money!"
Price: 79.99

"Long Term Share Investing Technique (International Edition)"
"You will be equipped with the skillset to create an investment portfolio that generates a secondary income stream! This is done throughfundamental analysis comprising of Business, Financial Statement, Pricing, Risk, Economic Analysis and Portfolio Management.Through these analyses, you will learn how to differentiate the good companies from the rest and how to know if the share priceis over or under valued. At the same time, you will getguiding principles to when you should buy or sell the shares to generate your investment returns!"
Price: 94.99

"Beginner's Guide to Shares Investing"
"This course is for those who are:New to Investing:With your savings at stake and so many things to understand, it is understandable why investing is so intimidating for beginner investors. With this in mind, we have therefore designed this course for complete beginners who knows nothing about investing.In this course we will be covering:The preparation you need before you can start investing.Common terminologies used in investing.The financial instruments thatavailable for you to invest, such as stocks, bonds,ETFs and REITs.The step by step guide to investing using online platforms.Simple analysis to pick the right investment instrumentsCourse Image Copyright: awrangler / 123RF Stock Photo"
Price: 49.99

"Geld verdienen mit E-Books"
"Du bist Coach oder Experte und willst mit deinem Wissen noch mehr Geld verdienen?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich! Denn hier zeigen wir dir, wie du aus deinem einzigartigen Wissen ein digitales Infoprodukt erstellst, dass du ber Amazon automatisiert verkaufen kannst!Oder bist du Selfpublisher und Autor, und willst mehr Leser erreichen?Auch dann solltest du diesen Kurs belegen! Denn hier zeigen dir erfahrene Amazon-Bestseller-Autoren, mit welchen Methoden sie ihre Bcher erstellen und vermarkten, um noch mehr Leser zu erreichen und alle Mglichkeiten von Amazons Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) auszunutzen!Wir helfen dir:die richtigen Themen zu findenlukrative Bcher zu schreibenonline Geld zu verdienendeine Auenwirkung als Coach und Experte zu schrfenmehr Sichtbarkeit zu bekommenDenn der Siegeszug der E-Books ist nicht mehr aufzuhalten, und immer mehr Menschen konsumieren digitale Infoprodukte! So kannst du dein Publikum gezielt ansprechen und dich und dein Thema umfassend darstellen, und dabei auch noch jeden Monat Geld verdienen!Was du lernen wirst:aus einem ersten Brainstorming ein fertiges Buch macheneffektives Marketing fr mehr Verkufewie du dein Wissen und deine Leidenschaft zu Geld machstwie Amazon dir hilft, zu einem echten Experten zu werdenund noch vieles mehr.Du musst noch nicht einmal ein Buch geschrieben haben!Selbst, wenn du bis jetzt noch nie zuvor etwas geschrieben hast, kannst du mit diesem Kurs zum erfolgreichen Selfpublisher werden! Alles, was du brauchst ist der Wille, online Geld zu verdienen und mit deinem Wissen tausende Leute zu beeinflussen!Hast du das Zeug zum Bestseller?Hier bekommst du kein Blabla und kein unntiges Gequatsche - hier zeigen dir erfolgreiche Selfpublisher Schritt fr Schritt, wie aus einem leeren Word-Dokument ein lukrativer Bestseller werden kann! Starte jetzt dein eigenes Online-Business mit E-Books auf Amazon!Dieser Kurs ist deine Eintrittskarte zu deinem eigenen lukrativen E-Book-Business auf Amazon - also melde dich an und lege noch heute los! So gnstig kommst du nie wieder zu einem eigenen Online-Business!"
Price: 49.99

"Erfolgreich Videos verffentlichen auf Amazon Video Direct"
"Youtuber und Coachesaufgepasst!Du suchst eine Mglichkeit, mit deinen Videos Geld zu verdienen?Du willst noch mehr Zuschauer erreichen?Du willst dein Wissen an mglichst viele Menschen weitergeben?Du willst eine dauerhafte Einnahmequelle schaffen, die dir jeden Monat Einkommen bringt?Dann starte durch mit Amazon Video Direct!Denn die Video-Plattform von Amazon ist nicht nur fr groe Blockbuster mit Jennifer Lawrence oder Ryan Gosling geeignet!Nein, auch du kannst dort deine Videos einstellen und sie einem weltweiten Publikum zugnglich machen. Und das Beste:Du kannst damit Geld verdienen!Ich zeige dir, wie es geht!Seit mittlerweile fast fnf Jahren verdiene ich Geld auf Amazon, mit E-Books, Online-Shops, Werbung - und jetzt auch mit Videos!Ich bringe dir alles bei, was du fr echten Erfolg auf Amazon Video brauchst:mglichst viele Zuschauer erreichendeine Inhalte optimieren und verbreitenGeld mit Videos auf Amazon verdienenDabei ist es egal, ob du bereits eine Schar aus Fans von Youtube hast, oder ob du bei Null startest - hier erfhrst du, wie du Amazon Video Direct fr dich nutzen kannst!Ich zeige dir unter anderem, wie duInhalte richtig erstellst;den Upload-Prozess optimierst;Amazon Video Direct als Multiplikator fr dein Business nutzen kannstund noch vieles mehr!Schreibe dich jetzt einund starte durch auf Amazon Video Direct!"
Price: 49.99

"& with Python --"
"AmazonFrank KanePythonGlassdoor$ 120,000Tech968PythonFrank KaneAmazon(IMDB)9techK/K/TF-IDFA / BApache SparkPythonPythonMicrosoft WindowsPCMacOSLinuxOSPythonPCtech"
Price: 15000.00

"iOS SwiftiPhone"
"iOSiOSSwiftiOSSwiftXcodeARAIiOSiPhoneiPadiPod touchOS10iOS200iOSiOS2017650iOSSNSiOSXcodeMacApp StoreXcodeiOSiPhoneiOS"
Price: 15000.00

Price: 15000.00

"AIAIPythonPython1AIAIAIAI AI AnacondaJupyter NotebookAI"
Price: 10800.00

": PythonAI"
"TensorFlowChainerCNNAI 21Python2-Python Python Python AIAnacondaJupyter Notebook"
Price: 15000.00

"Wireshark Course - Get Wireshark Certification with ebook"
"Hello Learners ,Welcome to Wireshark Course . JOIN THE 8000+ STUDENTS WHO HAVE COMPLETED MY COURSES . This Wireshark Training will immerse the students into an interactive environment where they will be shown how to scan, test, hack and secure their own systems. The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the current essential security systems. **** We are also giving you study material as pdf in our course . you can download it when you enroll in our course **** Students will also learn about Wireshark basic commands as well as Professional Advance Technique.. When a student leaves this intensive class they will have hands on understanding and experience in Wireshark . . Sunil K. Gupta Web Security Specialist"
Price: 194.99

"Web Penetration Testing Hacking Course using Kali linux O.S."
"This Cyber Security Training will immerse the students into an interactive environment where they will be shown how to scan, test, hack and secure their own systems. The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the current essential security systems.Imp notice - ### **** We are also giving you study material as pdf in our course . you can download it when you enroll in our course ****###THIS COURSE IF FULLY PRACTICAL COURSE . VERY LESS THEORY USED . Students will also learn about nmap ,metasploit and other kali linux tools. When a student leaves this intensive class they will have hands on understanding and experience in Ethical Hacking. Sunil K. Gupta Web Security Specialist"
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking Fundamental Course - Learn From Scratch"
"**21000+ Students in our course ** - 12.5+ hours content of ethical hacking This Cyber Security Training will immerse the students into an interactive environment where they will be shown how to scan, test, hack and secure their own systems.The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the current essential security systems.This course is a Complete Course of Ethical Hacking and Pentesting . Social Proofs -Students loved this course 50+ Students have rated this course with 4 or 5 start ratings - 1. Osazeme Usen says The author has depth in the subject he is tutoring. He explained in detail how to get going. Practicals are included using Kali Linux. This is impressive :)2. Rahul Chakrabarty says The lessons are good and to the point.The concepts are clearly understandable and explained well. 3. Hargun Singh saysAwesome content and nice presentation.Students will also learn about nmap ,metasploit and other kali linux tools. When a student leaves this intensive class they will have hands on understanding and experience in Ethical Hacking and Security in Offensive Way . Enroll Now !!!!! Sunil K. Gupta Web Security Specialist"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook , Gmail Account Hacking Course in Ethical way *"
"This Cyber Security Training will immerse the students into an interactive environment where they will be shown how to scan, test, hack and secure their own systems. The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the current essential security systems. Social Proofs -Students loved this course 50+ Students have rated this course with 4 or 5 start ratings - 1. Osazeme Usen says The author has depth in the subject he is tutoring. He explained in detail how to get going. Practicals are included using Kali Linux. This is impressive :)2. Rahul Chakrabarty says The lessons are good and to the point.The concepts are clearly understandable and explained well.3. Ronit Kumar saysAwesome content and nice presentation.THIS COURSE IS FULLY PRACTICAL COURSE . When a student leaves this intensive class they will have hands on understanding FacebookPentesting . Sunil K. Gupta Web Security Specialist"
Price: 19.99

"Kali Linux -: Learn The Complete Hacking Operating System"
"This Cyber Security Training will immerse the students into an interactive environment where they will be shown how to scan, test, hack and secure their own systems. The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the current essential security systems. Social Proofs -Students loved this course 50+ Students have rated this course with 4 or 5 start ratings - 1. Osazeme Usen says The author has depth in the subject he is tutoring. He explained in detail how to get going. Practicals are included using Kali Linux. This is impressive :)2. Rahul Chakrabarty says The lessons are good and to the point.The concepts are clearly understandable and explained well.3. Hargun Singh saysAwesome content and nice presentation.Imp notice - ### **** We are also giving you study material as pdf in our course . you can download it when you enroll in our course **** ###THIS COURSE IS FULLY PRACTICAL COURSE . Students will also learn about kali linux tools. When a student leaves this intensive class they will have hands on understanding and experience in Ethical Hacking and Security in Offensive Way . Sunil K. Gupta Web Security Specialist"
Price: 199.99

"Ethical Hacking and penetration testing Practical Course"
"This Cyber Security Training will immerse the students into an interactive environment where they will be shown how to scan, test, hack and secure their own systems.The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical experience with the current essential security systems. Social Proofs - Students loved this course 50+ Students have rated this course with 4 or 5 start ratings - 1. Osazeme Usen says The author has depth in the subject he is tutoring. He explained in detail how to get going. Practicals are included using Kali Linux. This is impressive :)2. Rahul Chakrabarty says The lessons are good and to the point.The concepts are clearly understandable and explained well.3. Hargun Singh saysAwesome content and nice presentation.This course is a Beginner Course of Ethical Hacking and Pentesting . Students will also learn about nmap ,metasploit and other kali linux tools. When a student leaves this intensive class they will have hands on understanding and experience in Ethical Hacking and Security in Offensive Way . Enroll Now !!!!! Sunil K. Gupta Web Security Specialist"
Price: 19.99

"c Programming for Beginners - From Zero to Hero in c"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to LearnC Programming Language .In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the C programming. We are providing every essential you need to know as an C programmer, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional c programmer as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of C Programming Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDF file is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Software Development . You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course"
Price: 199.99

"c++ Programming for beginners - From Zero to Hero in c++"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to LearnC++ Programming Language .In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the C++ programming. We are providing every essential you need to know as an C++ programmer, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional c++ programmer as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of C++ Programming Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDF file is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Software Development . You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course"
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking and Cyber security Bootcamp for beginners"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts. - Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry? - Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps? - If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical Hacking has a growing demand in future. In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will also learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection. Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on using Kali Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which will make you understand better and have some hands-on experience. We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course, which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required Students loved this course 50+ Students have rated this course with 4 or 5 start ratings 1. Osazeme Usen says The author has depth in the subject he is tutoring. He explained in detail how to get going. Practicals are included using Kali Linux. This is impressive :) 2. Rahul Chakrabarty says The lessons are good and to the point.The concepts are clearly understandable and explained well. 3. Hargun Singh saysAwesome content and nice presentation. Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDF file is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing will opens many doors for your career. There are lot of career opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunities comming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future. Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking essentials today! You have 30 days money back guarantee!!! Thank you , Sunil K. Gupta"
Price: 199.99

"Java 300+ Questions Answers - Crack Java Interviews"
"******** JAVA INTERVIEW QUESTIONS-ANSWERS FIRE ROUND *******-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn java Techniques and Concepts. Do you want to ramp up your career in Java Industry? Do you want to secure your Java Job? If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn core java , advance java , data structure interview questions , Mysql , java swing , oops concepts , multithreading interview Questions - Answers . In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for Java Programming . We are providing every essential you need to know as a Java Programmer, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional Java Programmer as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Java Programming Techniques and Concepts .You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Java Industry.You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning Java Most Important Questions-Answers today! You have 30 days money back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. Enroll Today and Learn . SUNIL GUPTA Web Security Specialist"
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking Course: Introducing Kali linux Hacking Tools"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts. Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry? Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps? If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical Hacking has a growing demand as IoT is tomorrows future. In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will aslo learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection. Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on usinf Kali Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which will make you understand better and have some hands-on exeperience. We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course, which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDFfile is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing willopens many doors for your career. There are lot of career opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunities comming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future. Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking essentials today! You have 30 days money back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking and Cyber security Course : Hacking Approach"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts. Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry? Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps? If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical Hacking has a growing demand as IoT is tomorrows future. In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will aslo learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection. Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on usinf Kali Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which will make you understand better and have some hands-on exeperience. We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course, which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDFfile is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing willopens many doors for your career. There are lot of career opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunities comming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future. Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking essentials today! You have 30 days money back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking , Cyber Security Complete Hacking Course"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts. Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry?? Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps?? If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical Hacking has a growing demand as IoT is tomorrows future. In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will aslo learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection. Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on usinf Kali Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which will make you understand better and have some hands-on exeperience. We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course, which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required. Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDFfile is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing will opens many doors for your career. There are lot of career opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunities comming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future. Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking essentials today!!!! You have 30 days money back guarantee!!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!! SUNIL GUPTA ETHICAL HACKER"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Cyber Security Course to learn Ethical Hacking."
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts. Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry? Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps? If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical Hacking has a growing demand as IoT is tomorrows future. In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will aslo learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection. Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on usinf Kali Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which will make you understand better and have some hands-on exeperience. We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course, which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDFfile is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing willopens many doors for your career. There are lot of career opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunities comming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future. Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking essentials today! You have 30 days money back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. Enroll Today and Learn . SUNIL GUPTA ETHICAL HACKER"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Cyber Security Course For Beginners Using Kali O.S."
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts.Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry? Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps? If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical Hacking has a growing demand as IoT is tomorrows future. In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will also learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection. Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on usinf Kali Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which will make you understand better and have some hands-on experience. We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course, which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDF file is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing willopens many doors for your career. There are lot of career opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunities coming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future. Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking essentials today! You have 30 days money back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. Enroll Today and get benefits . SUNIL GUPTA ETHICAL HACKER"
Price: 19.99

"Python Programming : Learn Python with 100+ Practicals"
"Python Course - Brand New****** .In this amazing Python course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the Python programming. We are providing every essential you need to know as an Python programmer, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional Python programmer as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Python Programming Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDF file is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Software Development . You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Python will opens many doors for your career.There are lot of career opportunities in development Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunitiescomingProgramming Languages will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like thepresent to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning Pythonessentials today . SUNIL GUPTA WEB SECURITY SPECIALIST"
Price: 199.99

"Complete Cyber Security Course using Kali linux : Hacking OS"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts. Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry? Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps? If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical Hacking has a growing demand as IoT is tomorrows future. In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will aslo learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection. Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on usinf Kali Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which will make you understand better and have some hands-on exeperience. We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course, which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDFfile is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing willopens many doors for your career. There are lot of career opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunities comming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future. Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking essentials today! You have 30 days money back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Cyber Security Course: Hacking tools and Practicals"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts. Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry? Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps? If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical Hacking has a growing demand as IoT is tomorrows future. In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will aslo learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection. Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on usinf Kali Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which will make you understand better and have some hands-on exeperience. We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course, which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDFfile is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing willopens many doors for your career. There are lot of career opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunities comming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future. Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking essentials today! You have 30 days money back guarantee .And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. Social Proofs -Students loved this course 50+ Students have rated this course with 4 or 5 start ratings - 1. Osazeme Usen says The author has depth in the subject he is tutoring. He explained in detail how to get going. Practicals are included using Kali Linux. This is impressive :)2. Rahul Chakrabarty says The lessons are good and to the point.The concepts are clearly understandable and explained well. 3. Hargun Singh saysAwesome content and nice presentation.Students will also learn about nmap ,metasploit and other kali linux tools. When a student leaves this intensive class they will have hands on understanding and experience in Ethical Hacking and Security in Offensive Way . Enroll Now !!!!! See you inside the course ."
Price: 19.99

"Cyber Security Course from Beginner to Advance 2018/2019 *"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing Techniques and Concepts. Do you want to ramp up your career in Cyber Security Industry? Do you want to secure your websites or mobile apps? If you have answered YES to above questions, then you are at the right place. Learn Ethical Hacking, Penetration Testing, Wifi Hacking, Kali Linux, Website Hacking, with Complete Hands-on Training. Ethical Hacking has a growing demand as IoT is tomorrows future. In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the ethical hacking and the penetration testing. We are providing every essential you need to know as an ethical hacker, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. This course starts with the introduction, followed by the required software installations. You will learn about network and web scanning, deep scanning, deep scanning phases, hacking systems, different attacks and malwares. You will aslo learn about Hijacking, Hacking Servers, Hacking Websites and SQL Injection. Later in the course we will also discuss about how to use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. You will have different practicals on usinf Kali Linux such as for information gathering, vulnerability analysis, web application analysis, database assessment and password attacks, which will make you understand better and have some hands-on exeperience. We are also providing study material as PDF fileinside the course, which you can download and keep handy to refer as and when required Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional ethical hacker as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDFfile is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Cyber Security Industry You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on Ethical Hacking and Penitration Testing willopens many doors for your career. There are lot of career opportunities in Cyber Security Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunities comming in as IoT is becoming tomorrows future. Learning Ethical Hacking will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like the present to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning ethical hacking essentials today! You have 30 days money back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking go ahead and click on Enroll Now button. See you inside the course!!!!"
Price: 199.99

"C++ and Java Programming Combo Course For Beginners"
"Brand New and Comprehensive Course to Learn C++ , Java Programming Language .In this amazing course, we are excited to share with you,the techniques and the concepts for the C++, Java programming. We are providing every essential you need to know as an C++, Java programmer, insights this course. This course is a complete guide for you. Why I should take this course? Our goal is to have you making professional C++/Java programmer as soon as possible. You will have a complete understanding of C++/Java Programming Techniques and Concepts The lab intensive environment gives each student in-depth knowledge and practical hands-on experience Study material as PDF file is also provided inside the course which you can download it and keep handy to refer as and when required You will be confident to take Job interviews related to Software Development . You have 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course This is the course that could change your life. Learning and getting hands-on on c++ and java will opens many doors for your career.There are lot of career opportunities in development Industry, and there is stunning and amazing opportunitiescoming . Learning Programming Languages will also help you to increase your earnings. An investment in your career is an investment in yourself. Dont procrastinate. There is no time like thepresent to take charge of your career. Take your career to the next level by learning c++ and java essentials today . SUNIL GUPTA WEB SECURITY SPECIALIST"
Price: 24.99