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"Crez votre premire ressource pour un niveau de jeux vido"
"Conu par tapes successives de difficult croissantes cette formation pour objectif de vous faire comprendre le processus de cration ncessaire l'laboration d'objets 3d destins la ralisation d'un niveau de jeu vido.Vous apprendrez, travers un logiciel de dessin passer de la simple bauche au concept-art final.Comprendre et matriser l'ergonomie de Blender pour un travail plus fluide.Comprendre la structure des objets 3d.Matriser les bases de la modlisation polygonale.Paramtrer les options de rendu et finaliser avec le rendu de la scneBon cours tous !"
Price: 104.99

"Apprendre utiliser REBELLE 2 & 3"
"Rebelle 2 est le premier logiciel qui reproduit l'identique les outils de dessin classique.Il s'agit d'un logiciel de peinture numrique qui reproduit fidlement les caractristiques de l'aquarelle, l'acrylique, le papier humide, sec, les grains du papier etc... Le but de ce logiciel est de vous fournir des outils reproduisant le plus fidlement possible les rendus naturels des outils traditionnels.Rebelle 2 est destin aux personnesqui veulent explorer une nouvelle approche de leur Art via des moyens numriques proches de ce qu'ils connaissent dj avec leurs outils habituels. Amateurs ou professionnels, tout le monde peut s'essayer ce logiciel grce ce cours qui simplifie la comprhension de l'interface. Ce cours va vous ouvrir les portes de Rebelle 2 avec un aperu des options disponibles et en vous montrant quelques exemples d'application."
Price: 49.99

"MotionArtist: Crez des Bandes Dessines dynamiques!"
"Vous dessinez et vous voulez rendre vos pages de BD dynamiques?Ou alors vous avez des images sous la main auxquelles vous voudriez donner vie? MotionArtist est l pour a!Ce cours de 1h30 va vous initier ce logiciel qui est vous donne des outils trs simples pour arriver vos fins.Intgrez vos dessins, images, cases de BD dans l'interface de MotionArtist et rajoutez des animations et des mouvements de camra, le tour est jou!Ce cours va vous donner toutes les cls pour bien dbuter, vous expliquer les options et comment les utiliser pour exporter votre travail final en HTML5 ou en vido.Bienvenue dans le monde de la BD anime, vous de jouer !"
Price: 59.99

"Dessiner dans le style BD ""Walking Dead"""
"Vous avez surement entendu parl de la srie tl qui est issue de la bande dessine.Peut-tre lisez-vous la BD plutt que de regarder la srie? Dans tous les cas, si vous aimez dessiner et que vous voulez connaitre ce style de dessin trs efficace, je vous invite suivre mon cours!Nous allons travailler tous les lments important qui font le cot dynamique et sombre de la BD. Des personnages, aux zombies en passant par les dcors et les armes, nous allons essayer de passer tous les principaux lments de la BD en revue pour apprendre les dessiner.Munissez-vous de votre tablette graphique, oude vos stylos, feutres et vous souhaite un bon cours et n'hsitez pas me tenir au courant de vos progrs."
Price: 119.99

"Le pack ""Escape Motions"" avec FlamePainter et Rebelle"
"Vous avez des envies cratives? Vous voulez tester de nouveaux outils simples, rapides, efficaces pour crer des effets de folie en un rien de temps? Voila deux logiciels qui sont fait pour vous: REBELLE et FLAMEPAINTER.REBELLE:Si vous avez la fibre artistique, que vous aimez barbouiller la peinture, ou que vous tes un grand matre des toiles blanches, vous allez adorer Rebelle. Ce logiciel de dessin vous donne un rendu ""peinture"" classique trs raliste ainsi que des effets de toiles. Vous pouvez peindre comme si vous utilisiez de la vraie aquarelle, des vrais feutres etc..FLAME PAINTERCrez rapidement et simplement des illustrations avec des effets de flammes. Ce logiciel vous donnera des outils rapides pour crer de multiples effets lumineux magnifiques afin de complter vos illustrations comme si vous rajoutiez des effets spciaux."
Price: 79.99

"How to draw in the ""Walking Dead"" style"
"Would you like to draw like in the comicbook Walking Dead? Thiscourse is made for you ! I will teach you many tips and techniques to use your graphic tablet and computer creative softwares to create characters, frames and zombies !If you are not using graphic tablet, this course could be followed with paper and pens.Start this course and learn very easy and fast techniques to draw like WalkingDead comics !"
Price: 94.99

"PACK: ""Dessinez le style Walking Dead"" et ""MotionArtist"""
"Dans ce cours, nous allons tout d'abord voir comment crer un style ""Walking Dead"". Si vous connaissez la BD, vous avez surement t sduit par cet aspect ""croquis"" des dessins, ce cot tout en gris qui permet cet univers d'exister. Vous allez voir dans ce cours comment crer ces illustrations, tape par tape.Grce MotionArtist, nous verrons ensuite comment partir d'une illustration pour l'animer. Nous parlons d'animations simples, comme un personnage qui traverse l'cran, des bulles de textes qui apparaissent etc... Ces petites animations peuvent vraiment crer un dynamisme fort vos BD et leur donn vie.Bon cours vous !"
Price: 199.99

"Dessiner dans le style ""SIN CITY"""
"Vous connaissez peut-tre la BD Sin City et son style noir et blanc percutant... Et bien apprenez des techniques et des astuces pour reproduire ce style de dessin!Dans ce cours, je vais vous montrer grce plusieurs exemples comment crer des illustrations dans le style de Sin City.Comme vous pouvez utiliser tout type de logiciels graphiques pour faire ce cours, je vais commencer par un premier rcapitulatif sur les logiciels intressant dans ce domaine.Ensuite, nous verrons comment crer diffrentes illustrations de type ""Sin City"" en se basant sur des photos ou non.Les diffrentes techniques que nous allons voir vous donnerons les cls pour travailler par vous-mmes des illustrations, ou mme des pages de BD reprenant un style de dessin proche de celui de Franck Miller, l'auteur de Sin vous souhaite un bon cours !"
Price: 99.99

"PACK: Dessiner comme dans ""SIN CITY"" ou ""WALKING DEAD"""
"Dans ce pack comprenant la formation ""Dessiner comme Walking Dead"" ou ""Dessiner comme Sin City"", vous allez apprendre de nombreuses techniques pour dessiner comme dans ces bande-dessines.Munissez-vous de votre tablette graphique, ou de vos stylos, et suivez pas pas ces cours pour apprendre la faon d'obtenir la meilleure ressemblance possible avec ces BD.Vous verrez que les techniques de dessin sont assez similaires pour les deux styles, mais que beaucoup de petites astuces sont connaitre pour chacun d'entre eux. Par exemple, Sin City n'a pas de valeurs de gris, alors que Walking Dead en est principalement compos.Lorsque vous aurez parcouru ces deux cours, vous en saurez bien plus sur la cration graphique de BD, et vous serez mme de mieux crer les vtres."
Price: 179.99

"Java Interview Questions and Answers"
"Applying for a Java core concepts related job? or going for a Java Object Oriented programming certification? or Just curious about Java secret stuff? thenThis course is for you! This course tests your Java skill and OOP core concepts . It points out your misunderstanding of topics. Thus, helping you better understand those topics. It helps you learn amazing Java trick by testing your Java knowledge. It teaches you new Java stuff by asking about rare know java Object Oriented Concepts.Applying for a Java core concepts related job? or going for a Java Object Oriented programming certification? do take this course first.It will help you revisejava stuff. It will help you strengthen your Java concepts. It will help you learn about some Java tricks you might not be aware of. It will help you understand why you do certain things that you are used to with out know why. One last thing, this is our first attempt to get our friends and fellow programmers get a better grasp of topic so there are going to few mistake. Please, look out for such instances and let us know so that we can improvise. And based on your reviews,we will be updating the course content.It includes:Basics of javacontrol flow statementsclasses and objectsconstructorsthis keywordsuper keyword in javaInheritancePolymorphismException HandlingThreads in java (Coming soon)File management(Coming soon)Memory Management in java"
Price: 19.99

"Arduino Project: Line Following Robot"
"Arduino Project: Line Following Robot.Having Fun With Arduino? Here is another Project for you to follow!Are you wondering about the bestLine Following Robot ? i.e. One that never Fails to Follow the line! Wonder no more! Here it is!Don't have an Arduino with you right now? No Worries! This course also covers how you can simulate your line following logic!"
Price: 19.99

"Master Your Russian: Part I"
"Welcome to Master Your Russian: Part IRussian language is known to be one of the most difficult languages!Sometimes we talk too fast.We use some strange words that cannot be translated into English.We write words in one way, but pronounce them differently.And this is not the end of the listBut there is also good news. With the help of this course you will be able to:Learn some very frequently used idioms in Russian language.Learn how to translate and use English phrasal verbs in Russian language. By the end you will know about 26 of them.Know how to work with collocations. You will also learn about 26 of them.Practise the pronunciation of ALL the phrases and verbs from this course by me (native speaker). And all this in less than 1 hour!You will find 3 sections in this course:IdiomsPhrasal verbsCollocationsBut that is also not the endYou will get a Student's Book. This book will include all the material from the video lectures. But it will also include something that we won't mention in videos. These are:Comparison of tensesConjugation tablesLet me tell you in a nutshell what are these. Comparison of tenses will help you to undestrand what tense you should or shouldn't use. In English there are 12 tenses. In Russian there are only 3. So this chapter will REALLY help you out.Conjugation tables will help you to conjugate verbs from this course in Russian language in 3 tenses and in imperative mood (125 tables in total!) Moreover, if you have any questions, suggestions or comments about this course - I'm always online to help you."
Price: 19.99

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Software Testing"
"**************************THISCOURSEISRECENTLY UPDATEDwith quick course summary contents in the form of pdf files (In Section 11: Summary) to host Lunch and Learns sessions for your friends or coworkers****************************************The reason behind is, I have received lot of good feedback about this course from different group of peoples. They are really excited to know about how Artificial Intelligence can help in Software Testing. They want to teach their friends or coworkers the importance of Artificial Intelligence in Software Testing. They requested that I can come up with 30-40 min quick presentation from my detail course so they can host lunch and learn session for their friends or coworkers. I liked their idea and thats why I have created quick pdf document called: Learn the Basic Fundamentals of AI in Software Testing in less than 30 minutes.**************************THISCOURSEISRECENTLY UPDATEDwith season 2 course contents. In this season 2, I have added ONE NEW LECTURE CALLED: AI Test Automation Demo using Testim in Innovative AI Test Automation Tools for the Future section of the course*********************************HIGHLIGHTS: The NEW LECTURE shows how to create AI Test Automation project for Web Application using TESTIM tool. If your company's application is web application then you can create automation script using TESTIM which uses AI Machine Learning technique. In that video, you will see how you can create automation scripts. You will also see the difference between Coded UI/Selenium scripts and AI scripts. You will be amazed to see that how AI automation scripts PASSED the test execution even if you change the web element all attributes value. Please periodically check out this course since I am also planning to add new topics (Smart API Test Generator - which uses Artificial Intelligence to convert your Web UI tests into Automated API Tests) including replacing some static slides to animated slides.***********************************************************************************************************************Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Software Testing course is the first ever course on UDemy which talks about future of Automated Testing with AIMachine Learning.I have decided to release this course into two seasons. it requires students to understand basic fundamental of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the need for AI in Software Testing on first season before we jump into next season where we candeep dive into AI test automation and discussed someinnovative tools that we can use for implementing AI in test automation.This course is designed for both testers and developers. Tester who want to develop their testing skills in the test automation with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Developer who want to execute their unit test in automated way usingArtificial Intelligence (AI).This course will teach you how AI-assisted test automation can transform the UI. This course will also teach you Artificial Intelligence (AI) and it'srelationshipwith Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Data Science.After you have completed this course you should be able to build test automation projects for your company's applications using Artificial Intelligence (AI). This course should also help you for your AI test automation job interview."
Price: 19.99

"AWS MasterClass: Networking & Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)"
"Cloud computing is growing at an astounding pace and Amazon web services are at the forefront of this technological revolution. They were the first one to launch a publicly available cloud infrastructure and ever since Amazon has been a clear market leader in this space. Whether you are an experienced AWS user or are just getting started with cloud computing. You know it is quite easy to get your infrastructure components deployed in the AWS cloud.But do you ever wonder what happens behind the scenes:When you deploy a new RDS database?A new EC2 instance?How does AWS manage the complexity of deploying your cloud resources in a secure and isolated environmentHow do the network packets travel within your cloud infrastructure and how can you and your users access those resources?If so, then we know exactly where you're coming from.AWS does provide a very robust and mature network management infrastructure which is ever pervasive in all aspects of the AWS infrastructure. Indeed, it is not necessary to understand the intricate details of these networking details. AWS hides most of these complexities very well. You can simply log in to your AWS management console and start using AWS services. AWS will deploy all the necessary networking components for you in the background automatically. But if you unveil the curtain slightly and take a peek at all sophisticated components that AWS provisions for deploying a secure and robust operating environment you will get a much deeper understanding of the AWS cloud. You will be able to design, architecture and operationalize your cloud application with more efficiency and confidence. The AWS management tools work very hard to hide these details from you. But for a cloud architect or a cloud administrator who is responsible for designing and architecting cloud applications this deeper understanding of the AWS clouds inner working is essential knowledge. To isolate the cloud environment for each of its users, AWS uses a powerful concept called AWS VPC. AWS VPC stands for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud. It is a virtual private network that enables us to launch AWS resources into a virtual network that we've defined. It is one of the core components of networking infrastructure within the AWS cloud which allows us to setup our cloud resources security and privately (isolated from all other AWS cloud users). This course teaches you how to build, configure and manage your own Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). The course will start with basics of Virtual Private cloud and then move deeper into details about AWS VPC like:What exactly is AWSVPCand what are its usesWhat are the different types of VPCs supported by AWSHow to build your own Virtual Private CloudWhat are thevarious Components ofthe AWS VPCWhataresubnets, gateways, route tables, internet gateways etc.What are thesecurity mechanismsin the context of AWS VPCIf you are serious about understanding your AWS based cloud infrastructure then gaining this knowledge about the AWS networking components in conjunction with other tools and frameworks is the only way to go. When any startup or technology company is looking to implement their software solutions in the AWS cloud infrastructure they are willing to pay big money for cloud engineers and consultants to help them manage their cloud infrastructure. In fact, the hourly rates cloud engineers are easily few hundred dollars an hour. And the demand for these skills is just exploding. Wouldnt you want to acquire these skills and be a part of this cloud computing revolution? Be highly sought after and take your career to the next level?That's why today, we are thrilled to be able to share with you our new training program ""AWS MasterClass: Learn all about AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).""Here, you will find real actionable information and education in exchange for your time, willingness to learn and a fraction of the cost you will be able to demand as a cloud engineer or consultants. We can guarantee that you will get your investment back manifold in no time.When you purchase your copy of ""AWS MasterClass: Learn all about AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)"" you won't risk a cent. The course comes with our unconditional 30-day money back guarantee. If you find that the course doesn't meet your needs, all you have to do is just send us a message, and we will refund your money immediately. No questions asked, no hoops to jump through and no hard feelings... Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert cloud engineer and generating a real income for you and your family, you need to take action and get in the game. Imagine getting that promotion in your current role which you have been promised for months of years. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers which companies are desperately seeking to hire. Imagine getting a massive bump in your income as a result of your newly acquired in-demand skills. That's what we want for you, and we know it's what you want for yourself, so grab your copy of AWS MasterClass: Learn all about AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)"" now and let's get you started today! Click the Add to Cart button below this video right now, and we will see you on the other side..."
Price: 194.99

"Machine Learning In The Cloud With Azure Machine Learning"
"The history of data science, machine learning, and artificial Intelligence is long, but its only recently that technology companies - both start-ups and tech giants across the globe have begun to get excited about it Why? Because now it works. With the arrival of cloud computing and multi-core machines - we have enough compute capacity at our disposal to churn large volumes of data and dig out the hidden patterns contained in these mountains of data.This technology comes in handy, especially when handling Big Data. Today, companies collect and accumulate data at massive, unmanageable rates for website clicks, credit card transactions, GPS trails, social media interactions, and so on. And it is becoming a challenge to process all the valuable information and use it in a meaningful way. This is where machine learning algorithms come into the picture. These algorithms use all the collected past data to learn patterns and predict results or insights that help us make better decisions backed by actual analysis.You may have experienced various examples of Machine Learning in your daily life (in some cases without even realizing it). Take for exampleCredit scoring, which helps the banks to decide whether to grant the loans to a particular customer or not - based on their credit history, historical loan applications, customers data and so onOr the latest technological revolution from right from science fiction movies the self-driving cars, which use Computer vision, image processing, and machine learning algorithms to learn from actual drivers behavior.Or Amazon's recommendation engine which recommends products based on buying patterns of millions of consumers.In all these examples, machine learning is used to build models from historical data, to forecast the future events with an acceptable level of reliability. This concept is known as Predictive analytics. To get more accuracy in the analysis, we can also combine machine learning with other techniques such as data mining or statistical modeling.This progress in the field of machine learning is great news for the tech industry and humanity in general.But the downside is that there arent enough data scientists or machine learning engineers who understand these complex topics.Well, what if there was an easy to use a web service in the cloud - which could do most of the heavy lifting for us? What if scaled dynamically based on our data volume and velocity?The answer - is new cloud service from Microsoft called Azure Machine Learning. Azure Machine Learning is a cloud-based data science and machine learning service which is easy to use and is robust and scalable like other Azure cloud services. It provides visual and collaborative tools to create a predictive model which will be ready-to-consume on web services without worrying about the hardware or the VMs which perform the calculations.The advantage of Azure ML is that it provides a UI-based interface and pre-defined algorithms that can be used to create a training model. And it also supports various programming and scripting languages like R and Python.In this course, we will discuss Azure Machine Learning in detail. You will learn what features it provides and how it is used. We will explore how to process some real-world datasets and find some patterns in that dataset.Do you know what it takes to build sophisticated machine learning models in the cloud?How to expose these models in the form of web services?Do you know how you can share your machine learning models with non-technical knowledge workers and hand them the power of data analysis?These are some of the fundamental problems data scientists and engineers struggle with on a daily basis.This course teaches you how to design, deploy, configure and manage your machine learning models with Azure Machine Learning. The course will start with an introduction to the Azure ML toolset and features provided by it and then dive deeper into building some machine learning models based on some real-world problemsIf youre serious about building scalable, flexible and powerful machine learning models in the cloud, then this course is for you.These data science skills are in great demand, but theres no easy way to acquire this knowledge. Rather than rely on hit and trial method, this course will provide you with all the information you need to get started with your machine learning projects.Startups and technology companies pay big bucks for experience and skills in these technologies They demand data science and cloud engineers make sense of their dormant data collected on their servers - and in turn, you can demand top dollar for your abilities.You may be a data science veteran or an enthusiast - if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as a data science engineer or a consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you many-fold in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to build some cool machine learning models in the cloud, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert data engineer and generating a greater income for you and your family, its time to take action.Imagine getting that promotion which youve been promised for the last two presidential terms. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers by companies that are desperately seeking help. We call those good problems to have.Imagine getting a massive bump in your income because of your newly-acquired, in-demand skills.Thats what we want for you. If thats what you want for yourself, click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our Machine Learning In The Cloud With Azure Machine Learning.Lets do this together!"
Price: 149.99

"AWS Master Class: Databases In The Cloud With AWS RDS"
"In the past decade, cloud computing has been gaining popularity at a tremendous rate. Some cloud providers are experiencing a growth rate of 50% year over year which is just astounding. And the reason for this growth is obvious cloud computing enables ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal effort.Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing platform that offers a broad set of global compute, storage, database, analytics, application, and deployment services that help organizations move faster, lower IT costs, and scale applications. Ever since its inception - the relational database management systems have gained tremendous popularity across the world. Recently NoSQL databases like MongoDB has also gained a lot of traction - but still, RDBMS remains the de-facto choice of engineers when it comes to storing structured data. According to some estimates - relational databases are used in more than 90% of the software projects out there. With the advent of cloud computing - solution designers and architects had to deal with some unique challenges while attempting to migrate their relational databases to the cloud. You see, relational databases need high-performance hardware and disks to perform at the peak level. But IaaS cloud computing services provide us with virtual servers - which store their data on network connected disks. So to manage relational data in the cloud - we needed a specialized PaaS (platform as a service) which provided adequate hardware and redundancy to relational databases. Amazon Relational Database Service (or Amazon RDS) is a distributed relational database service by Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS RDS is a web service running ""in the cloud"" designed to simplify the setup, operation, and scaling of a relational database for use in applications. Complex administration processes like patching the database software, backing up databases and enabling point-in-time recovery are managed automatically. Scaling storage and compute resources can be performed by a single API call. Introduction of AWS RDS along with its unique features has made it very simple for us to deploy and grow relational databases to a very large scale in the cloud. What's more - the tight integration that exists between most of the AWS services - makes it seamless to deploy multi-tier complex and scalable applications. This course will give you in-depth knowledge about AWS RDS and demonstrate some key features and guidelines you need to know to get started with it. We will kick things off with an overview of AWS RDS. After covering the basics of AWS RDS - we will dive deep and learn how to setup highly available, scalable and robust relational database clusters which span multiple AWS availability zones. Do you know what it takes to design and deploy sophisticated cloud-based relational databases?How does one go about securing the databases and scaling them for a global audience?How to make for disaster recovery and failovers?How to scale the infrastructure with a simple push of a button or a simple command?These are some of the fundamental problems Cloud engineers, architects and database administrators struggle with on a daily basis. This course teaches you how to design, deploy, configure and manage your AWS RDS relational databases with AWS RDS. If youre serious about building scalable, flexible and robust AWS RDS databases for use in your cloud-based applications, then this course is for you. These database and Cloud Computing skills are in high demand, but theres no easy way to acquire this knowledge. Rather than rely on hit and trial method, this course will provide you with all the information you need to get started with your AWS RDS cloud database projects. Startups and technology companies pay big bucks for experience and skills in these technologies. They demand database and cloud engineers to design, deploy their cloud-based databases - and in turn, you can demand top dollar for your abilities. Do you want the skills and be highly sought after? Do you want your career to touch cloud 9? Did you answer, Absolutely to that question? If so, then our new training program""AWS Master Class: Highly Available Databases In The Cloud with AWS RDS ""is for you.We have been in the software industry for more than two decades. Weve been part of many prestigious projects and startups. Over this span, we have gained great insight into what makes for flexible, scalable and robust software and IT solutions. We are passionate about sharing all our collective knowledge with YOU!!You may be a cloud veteran or an enthusiast - if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as a cloud engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you many-fold in no time. So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to build some cool AWS RDS databases in the cloud, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below. If you're serious about becoming an expert cloud engineer and generating a significant income for you and your family, its time to take action.Imagine getting that promotion which youve been promised for the last two presidential terms. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers by companies that are desperately seeking help. We call those good problems to have"
Price: 199.99

"Azure MasterClass: Manage Azure Cloud with ARM Templates"
"In the past decade, cloud computing has been gaining popularity at a tremendous rate. Some cloud providers are experiencing a growth rate of 50% year over year which is just astounding. And the reason for this growth is obvious cloud computing enables ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal effort.Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that offers a broad set of global compute, storage, database, analytics, application, and deployment services that help organizations move faster, lower IT costs, and scale applications.The Azure Resource Manager, provided by Microsoft Azure, is a versatile service that simplifies how you manage your cloud resources. The Azure Resource Manager can help you define, build and maintain your application in a consistent manner. Within the context of Azure Stack, the Azure Resource Manager is the management layer (API) where you connect to for deploying resources.With Azure Resource Manager (ARM) you can deploy, delete, or update all resources for your solution in a single and coordinated operation by using templates. The templates are in the form of JSON format, and these templates can be used for deployment in different environments such as staging, testing, and production. The Resource Manager helps in providing auditing, security, and tagging features to help you manage your resources post-deployment.Although we have the Azure portal for managing the resources but in cases where you need to maintain and deploy multiple servers, in complex configurations - it might get a cumbersome to handle these deployment and configuration activities via the point and click portal. Moreover remembering every resource category and their respective cost evaluation can become a mammoth task.As companies look forward to automating deployment, scaling, and operations of cloud applications in the Azure cloud (across clusters of hosts), there is a need for providing automated deployment solutions for the cloud infrastructure. With Azure ARM Templates, you can define your infrastructure environment in simple JSON file template. These file templates can be versioned, validated and checked into your source control systems. This is what we call Infrastructure-as-code (IaC).Do you know what it takes to design and deploy sophisticated cloud applications and manage your complex infrastructure via the use of ARM templates?How does one go about automating the configuration of the cloud resources in the Azure cloud environment?How to make the deployment process consistent and repeatable?How to scale the infrastructure with a simple push of a button or a simple command?These are some of the fundamental problems Cloud and DevOps engineers struggle with on a daily basis.This course teaches you how to design, deploy, configure and manage your Azure cloud resources with Azure ARM Templates. The course will start with an introduction to the Azure ARM templates and their core features. Then we will dive deeper into designing and deploying our cloud resources with the use of these templates.If youre serious about building scalable, flexible and robust Azure ARM Templates for deploying your cloud infrastructure, then this course is for you.These DevOps and Cloud Computing skills are in high demand, but theres no easy way to acquire this knowledge. Rather than rely on hit and trial method, this course will provide you with all the information you need to get started with your Azure cloud projects.Startups and technology companies pay big bucks for experience and skills in these technologies. They demand DevOps and cloud engineers to automate the deployment of their cloud resources - and in turn, you can demand top dollar for your abilities.Do you want the skills and be highly sought after? Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question? If so, then our new training program""Azure Masterclass: Manage your Azure Cloud with ARM Templates""is for you.We have been in the software industry for more than two decades. Weve been part of many prestigious projects and startups. Over this span, we have gained great insight into what makes for flexible, scalable and robust software and IT solutions. We are passionate about sharing all our collective knowledge with YOU!!In this course,Azure Masterclass: Manage your Azure Cloud with ARM Templates,you will get an in-depth look at how to utilize Azure ARM Templates for designing and deploying your Azure cloud resources in a consistent and repeatable manner.You may be a cloud veteran or an enthusiast - if you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as a cloud engineer or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you many-fold in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to build some cool ARM Templates in the cloud, click the ""Add to Cart"" button below.Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert cloud engineer and generating a significant income for you and your family, its time to take action.Imagine getting that promotion which youve been promised for the last two presidential terms. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers by companies that are desperately seeking help.We call those good problems to have"
Price: 199.99

"Azure MasterClass: Analyze Data With Azure Stream Analytics"
"As the old adage says:information is powerFor some time now, and with the boom of the Internet and social media, data is playing an increasingly bigger role in all organizations, which are continuously looking for solutions that will enable to capture data from different internet sources and analyze it in an as close to real-time rate as possible. This has caused organizations to invest in building solutions that not only can obtain and review data in depth and in real-time, but also save time in scheduling recurrent tasks and integrate with other systems seamlessly, allowing for scalability and availability while minimizing faults and latency.Having the right information in time is a now a critical aspect to making strategic business decisions.This is where Azure Stream Analytics comes in, to provide an effective solution to this business need. Azure Stream Analytics, or ASA, is an independent, cost-effective, and near real-time processing agent that enables you to view and explore streaming data at a high-performance level. Using this portal, you can set up data streaming computations from devices, sensors, web sites, social media, applications, infrastructure systems, and more with just a few clicks. Do you know what it takes to design and deploy sophisticated data analytics pipelines which can transform data into actionable insights and predictions in near real-time?How does one go about scaling this data analysis infrastructure?How to Easily develop and run massively parallel real-time analytics on multiple IoT or non-IoT streams of data using simple SQL like language.? These are some of the fundamental problems data analysts and data scientists struggle with on a daily basis.This course teaches you how to design, deploy, configure and manage your real time scalable data analytics in the Azure cloud resources with Azure Stream Analytics. The course will start with basics of ASA and query setup, and then moves deeper into details about ASA and its other integrated services so you can make the most out of the functionalities you have available in this tool.If youre serious about building scalable, flexible and robust data analytics With no infrastructure to manage, where you can process data on-demand, scale instantly, and only pay per job, then this course is for you. These data analytics and Cloud Computing skills are in high demand, but theres no easy way to acquire this knowledge. Rather than rely on hit and trial method, this course will provide you with all the information you need to get started with your Azure data analytics projects. Startups and technology companies pay big bucks for experience and skills in these technologies. They demand data engineers to provide them real time actionable analysis - and in turn, you can demand top dollar for your abilities. Do you want the skills and be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9? Did you answer, Absolutely to that question? If so, then our new training program ""Azure Masterclass: Analyze your data with Azure Stream Analytics"" is for you. Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert data engineer and generating a significant income for you and your family, its time to take action. Imagine getting that promotion which youve been promised for the last two presidential terms. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers by companies that are desperately seeking help. We call those good problems to have"
Price: 199.99

"AWS MasterClass: Docker Containers In The Cloud With AWS ECS"
"In the past decade cloud computing has been gaining popularity at a tremendous rate. Some cloud providers are experiencing a growth rate of 50% year over year which is just astounding. And the reasons for this growth is obvious cloud computing enables ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal effort.Amazon Web Services is a cloud computing platform which offers a broad set of global compute, storage, database, analytics, application, and deployment services that help organizations move faster at lower IT costs, and scale their applications. Along with the popularity of cloud platforms - another phenomenon which has been taking over the modern software and IT landscape is containerization. The use of container technology like Docker has grown dramatically within organizations of all sizes.But do you know what happens when you marry these two amazing technologies? The result is a massively scalable, robust and flexible infrastructure solution.Do you know what it takes to make cloud computing and containerization technologies work together seamlessly?How do you deploy your code in containers and host it within the AWS cloud environment?How do you secure and scale these containerized applications?How do you publish the apps supported by these technologies? These are some of the fundamental problems cloud architects struggle with on a daily basis.This course teaches you, how you can use Docker to package your code, deploy your applications in these portable containers and scale them using AWS ECS service in the AWS cloud.In this course:You will learn about AWS ECS and how you can configure the AWS ECS environment and integrate it with other AWS servicesDiscuss AWS ECS core features and functionality - in great depth - like Container Agent, Tasks Definitions, Clusters Understand the tight integration between AWS ECS and other AWS services which makes this a very powerful platform. AWS Services IAM, Auto Scaling, ELB, EC2 container registry all work seamlessly with AWS ECS.Finally, you will also learn how you can integrate AWS ECS with a sophisticated CICD pipeline using Jenkins.if you are serious about architecting, deploying and operating containers and clusters in the AWS cloud then this course is for you.These cloud and DevOps skills are in great demand, but theres no easy way to acquire this knowledge. Rather than rely on hit and trial method, this course will provide you with all the information you need to get started with your interoperability requirements. Startups and technology companies pay big bucks for cloud engineers and contracts with the talent to set up elaborate cloud infrastructure required for today's global audience. They demand knowledge and experience in these cloud technologies. When you become skilled at these technologies - you can demand top dollar for your abilities. Do you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9? Did you answer, Absolutely to that question? If so, then our new training program AWS MasterClass:Run And Manage Containers In Cloud With AWS ECS is for you. Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert cloud engineer and generating a greater income for you and your family, its time to take action. Imagine getting that promotion which youve been promised for the last two presidential terms. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers by companies that are desperately seeking help. We call those good problems to have. :-)Imagine getting a massive bump in your income because of your newly-acquired, in-demand skills. Thats what we want for you. If thats what you want for yourself, click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our AWS MasterClass:Run And Manage Containers In Cloud With AWS ECS. Lets do this together!"
Price: 199.99

"Security: Manage Network Security With pfSense Firewall"
"According to a recent study conducted by a major Cyber Security firm, less than half the online population understands the term ""Firewalls"" - or know if they have one enabled on their PC. Firewalls are even more important in a corporate or work environment. It not only keeps the corporate network safe - but can also optimize traffic routing and provide a whole range of other benefits. If you are connected to the Internet, you are a potential target to an array of cyber threats, such as hackers, keyloggers, and Trojans that attack through unpatched security holes. This means that if you, like most people shop and bank online, are vulnerable to identity theft and other malicious attacks. A firewall works as a barrier, or a shield, between your PC and cyberspace. When you are connected to the Internet, you are continually sending and receiving information in small units called packets. The firewall filters these packets to see if they meet certain criteria set by a series of rules, and after that blocks or allows the data. This way, hackers cannot get inside and steal information such as bank account numbers and passwords from you. Basic firewalls such as the one included in your operating systems, only monitor incoming traffic by default. This may give you a false sense of security. Keep in mind, outgoing traffic, with your credit card information, bank accounts, and social security number is not protected. A good firewall will monitor traffic in both directions. That is, both your incoming data and your outgoing data, keeping your private information safe. In addition to preventing unauthorized access to your PC, it also makes your PC invisible when you're online, helping prevent attempted intrusions in the first place. Firewalls are one of the most critical parts of a network. Its the first line of defense that your system has against attacks or unwanted visitors, and it makes all the difference in ensuring your data is protected. pfSense is a highly versatile, open source routing and firewall software. With thousands of enterprises using pfSense software, it is fast the world's most trusted open source network security solution. pfSense has all of the features you would find in a commercial firewall solution and more, and it is absolutely free! Better yet, you can customize pfSense based on your organizations requirements and create a unique solution that is perfect for you. Do you know what it takes to install and configure a sophisticated firewall?How do you scale your firewall from a small home office to a large corporations network?How do you implement security features like VPN, remote access and corporate web proxy? These are some of the fundamental problems IT engineers struggle with on a daily basis. In this course, youll learn about pfSense, all of its key features, how you can install and deploy it, as well as the different tasks you can perform. Youll learn about pfSense.You will gain an understanding of what pfSense is, its key features and advantages. You will learn how to configure pfSense as a firewall and create and manage firewall rules. pfSense is capable of working with multiple ISP connections and provide you this redundancy. You will learn to configure and test pfSense for failover and load balancing across multiple WAN connections. Besides that, secure remote connectivity is also a critical feature for many businesses and professionals. You will dive into configuring pfSense a free and robust remote connectivity solutions using OpenVPN and IPSec Finally, youll learn how to configure and integrate pfSense as a Squid proxy server. if you are serious about architecting, deploying and operating enterprise grade firewalls then this course is for you. These IT and security skills are in great demand, but theres no easy way to acquire this knowledge. Rather than rely on hit and trial method, this course will provide you with all the information you need to get started with your interoperability requirements. Startups and technology companies pay big bucks for IT engineers and contractors with the talent to secure their infrastructure required for today's ever complex networks. They demand knowledge and experience in these technologies. When you become skilled at these technologies - you can demand top dollar for your abilities. Do you want the skills to be highly sought after?Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question? If so, then our new training program Managing Network Security with pfSense Firewall"" is for you. Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert cloud engineer and generating a greater income for you and your family, its time to take action. Lets do this together!"
Price: 99.99

"Modelagem de Dados UML (Anlise&Projeto Orientado a Objetos)"
"OModelo Conceitual, tambm chamado deModelo de Domnio em nvel de anlise, uma descrio das informaes que o sistema vai gerenciar.Por muitos anos o modelo conceitual tem sido representado pelo modeloEntidade-relacionamento, criado porPeter Chen, que em seguida convertido para o modelo relacional para implementao em banco de dados relacional. Esta abordagem segue o chamadoParadigma Estruturado. uma abordagemconsistente e muito usada ainda nos dias atuais.Entretanto, com a evoluo das plataformas orientadas a objetos e das tcnicas e ferramentas demapeamento objeto-relacional(ORM), tornou-se muito vivel a implementao de modelos de domnio em linguagens orientadas a objetos, de modo a explorar os benefcios doParadigma Orientado a Objetos, paradigma este mais sofisticado que o estruturado, e que permite solues elegantes e flexveispara vrias situaes.Dentro do Paradigma Orientado a Objetos, a ferramenta que se consolidou como padro para desenhar diversos tipos de artefatos aUML- Unified Modeling Language. A UMLpossui diversosdiagramasque servem para representar inmeras coisas, especialmente artefatos de sistemas orientados a objetos.Neste curso, ns vamos aprender a criar modelos conceituais utilizandoo chamadoDiagrama de Classesda UML, a partir de descries em estilo ""Viso geral de sistema"". Vamos aprender a modelarconceitos,atributoseassociaes. Vamos aprender tambm a identificar asmultiplicidadesdospapisem uma associao. Alm disso, vamos aprender vrios recursos de modelagem conceitual com UML tais como:agregaoecomposio,herana,classes de associao,enumeraesetipos primitivos.Ao final do curso, para mostrar comotudo que foi ensinado possui aplicao prtica de mercado, vamos fazer umestudo de casocompleto no qual vamos implementar ummodelo conceitual de significativa complexidade utilizando padro de mercado e boas prticas. Vamos utilizar a plataformaJava, comSpring BooteJPA. Vamos implementar o modelo completo, criar uma instncia do modelo com Java em nosso prprio sistema, e vamos gerar a base de dados relacional automaticamente. Por fim, vamos disponibilizar endpointsRESTpara recuperar e apresentar os dados em formatoJSON.Tenho certeza que este curso vai agregar valiosos conhecimentos sobre modelagem de domnio em nvel de anlise, e tambm te elevar a um grau de compreenso superior sobre esta importante disciplina. No perca mais tempo: comece j este curso."
Price: 189.99

"Java COMPLETO 2020 Programao Orientada a Objetos +Projetos"
"O QUE VOC VAI APRENDER NESTE CURSO?Bem-vindos ao melhor e mais completo curso de Java da Internet, lder absoluto de mercado!Este o nico curso em que voc vai contar no s com vdeo aulas, mas tambm com material de apoio especfico para TODOS captulos, inmeros exerccios resolvidos e tambm exerccios propostos com correo, cobertura de aspectos de design com diagramas UML, e a melhor didtica baseada na associao aula / contedo do material de apoio / verses do Github.O curso constantemente atualizado com novos contedos, e ns garantimos que ele estar sempre atualizado para a ltima verso LTS (Long Term Support) do Java, que atualmente a verso 11 (lembre-se que, embora as verses 12 e 13 j estejam disponveis, estas so verses de curta durao, que sero retiradas de circulao em poucos meses, assim como foi com as verses 9 e 10).Com minha experincia de mais de 18 anos trabalhando e ensinando Java profissionalmente, eu elaborei exatamente o passo a passo para te levar do zero at o nvel avanado de programao em Java! Voc vai aprender tudo sobre programao orientada a objetos utilizando Java,  desde o bsico, com exemplos bem simples e didticos, e da vamos gradualmente avanando, at mergulharmos em tpicos avanados. Os tpicos de programao incluem:Lgica de programao e algoritmosSintaxe da linguagem JavaClasses, atributos e mtodosConstrutores, sobrecarga, encapsulamentoEstruturas de dados: arrays e coleesEnumeraes, composioHerana, polimorfismo, interfacesTratamento de exceesGenericsProgramao funcional e expresses lambda, Stream APIManipulao de arquivosNs tambm vamos aprender as principais ferramentas e frameworks para se trabalhar com Java profissionalmente no mercado, tais como:JDBC para acesso a dados baseado em SQLJavaFX para interface grficaGit / Github para versionamentoSpring Boot - principal framework Java para desenvolvimento comercial em JavaJPA / Hibernate para acesso a dados com mapeamento objeto-relacional (ORM)Maven para gerenciamento de dependncias de projetoSpring Data JPA - framework para acesso a dados ORMSpring Data MongoDB - framework para acesso a dados NoSQL ao banco MongoDBMETODOLOGIAAlm de cobrir a teoria de forma clara e objetiva, o curso possui muito enfoque prtico. Cada seo do curso possui exerccios resolvidos e exerccios propostos para voc treinar. E ns vamos ainda fazer projetos neste curso, os quais vo te permitir colocar tudo que voc aprendeu em prtica, e vai te permitir compreender como os tpicos se unem para a construo de projetos reais.PBLICO ALVOEste curso especialmente indicado para quem deseja adquirir uma base solida, tanto terica quanto pratica, de desenvolvimento orientado a objetos e linguagem Java. O curso tambm super indicado para quem precisa de reforo aos contedos da faculdade, e para quem deseja se preparar de forma definitiva para ingressar e se destacar no mercado como um profissional Java. SEJAM BEM-VINDOS!Assista a aula introdutria e outros vdeos gratuitos para obter mais informaes e constatar nossa qualidade e didtica. Estou muito feliz em te dar boas-vindas a este curso: sua melhor e mais completa referncia para programao orientada a objetos com Java, com qualidade profissional.Eu e minha equipe estamos diariamente disponveis na seo Perguntas e Respostas para responder suas dvidas sobre o curso. Alm disso, como todo curso aqui da Udemy, voc tambm tem os seguintes benefcios:Garantia de satisfao de 30 diasCertificadoNo vejo a hora de comearmos juntos essa jornada. Um grande abrao e te vejo no curso!"
Price: 189.99

"C# training: C# tutorial for beginners with quick C# lessons"
"Hi, this is the 1 hour introductory course to c#. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of c# programming language.Learn C# from scratch in 1 hourNumbersTextConsole If elseWhile, for, foreach loopsSwitch statementTry and catch ListsArrays and matricesFile IOFunctionsEnumsLearn the fundamental concepts of C# from the simple hello world program to creating your first functions.C# is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of c#. You will write your first program that will output the code to the console, you will create your first variables, lists, arrays and matrices and you will write your own functions. All of the lessons have downloadable code with them so you can simply copy the code to your application.Complete beginner course with downloadable files, you'll be able to work alongside the instructor and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion after finishing the course."
Price: 34.99

"Rust training: Rust tutorial for beginner, fast Rust lessons"
"Hi and welcome to your course on Rust Programming Language, which is a powerful yet safe programming language. We will go over the basic concepts of this language in this course.Learn the Basics of Rust Programming LanguageScalar TypesMutability Compound Types Rust Logic Functions Ownership Strings Structs Enums VectorsBeginner Rust Course that will teach you the essentials of Rust LanguageFirst you will learn about the basic scalar and compound types in Rust together with Rust logic. After this we will discuss the strings and ownership in rust. Then, we will cover structs. Lastly, we will go over enums and vectors and how we can combine enums and vectors together.this course is covered in the fast manner with downloadable codes at the end of each lecture"
Price: 39.99

"Quick and Easy Lisp course: The solution for impatient"
"Hi and welcome to your course on Lisp Programming Language. We will go over the basic concepts of this language in this course.Learn the Basics of Lisp Programming LanguageNumbersStringsLisp Logic FunctionsLists Structs VectorsBeginner Lisp Course that will teach you the essentials of Lisp LanguageFirst you will learn about the basic types in Lisp together with Lisp logic and will create your first programs. After this we will discuss lists in Lisp. Then, we will cover structs and vectors.this course is covered in the fast manner with practical examples in each lecture"
Price: 34.99

"JavaScript: Learn Front End Web Development"
"Welcome to ""Learn Front End Web Development With JavaScript"" course!As you probably know JavaScript gives your websites extra functionality that can be executed on the user's computer without re-connecting to the servers. It's the most popular programming language in the world and it's used for creating dynamic action on your websites. Because of this, the user interface becomes much more friendly and much more interactive.If you want to remove, change or add a content to your websites dynamically, you must know JavaScript anyway!Learning JavaScript will allow you to become a full stack web developer. With JavaScript you'll be able to use front end frameworks like React or Angular or any other JavaScript based frameworks. And you also you'll be able to code on back end server side with NodeJS and create databases with MongoDB.Fundamental understanding of JavaScript syntax will also allow you to understand frameworks like jQuery really quickly.JavaScript is absolutely required to understand AJAX which lets you load content on your websites without reloading the whole website.Our JavaScript course is based on the best coding practices for developing clean, easy to read and maintain, well-performing code in JavaScript and it I will take you step by step from theory to building your own real-world JavaScript applications.Upon completion of this course you will know JavaScript perfectly and learning any JavaScript based framework will not be a problem for you anymore!Just start your learning today and join the biggest programming community in the world!"
Price: 119.99

"Configuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement"
"This course willtake you through all the steps and knowledge needed to configureMicrosoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement, including;1. Administrative Settings2. Security3. Email Integration4 Integrating withOffice 3655. Automating system behavior with Workflows, Dialogs and Business Process flowsThis course is ideal for System Administrators, Business Administrators and Consultants wanting to best understand how to configure and manage Dynamics 365for Customer Engagement, and Business Owners who want to empower their organization with Collaboration and Business AutomationThis course will take you through detailed principles and best practices for each topic, along with demonstrations that will be easy to follow and replicate. Will confirm your understanding via quizzes and share best practice for real implementationsThis course will also help in preparation for the configuration topics of Exam MB2-716 MicrosoftDynamics 365Customization and Configurationwhich amounts to 40 - 50% of the exam."
Price: 194.99

"Customizing Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement"
"This course willtake you through all the steps and knowledge needed to customizeMicrosoft Dynamics 365 for Customer Engagement, including;1. Implementing Dynamics 365 entities, entity relationships and fields2. Creating and managing solutions, forms, views and visualizations3. Implementing client side logic through business rules4. Customizing Dynamics 365 to meet specific business requirementsThis course is ideal for System Customizers, Developersand Consultants wanting to best understand how to customizeDynamics 365for Customer EngagementThis course will take you through detailed principles and best practices for each topic, along with demonstrations that will be easy to follow and replicate. Will confirm your understanding via quizzes and share best practice for real implementationsThis course will also help in preparation for the customizationtopics of Exam MB2-716MicrosoftDynamics 365Customization and Configurationwhich amounts to 50 - 60% of the exam."
Price: 194.99

"Angularjs - Front End Developer"
"You don't need any prior knowledge of earlier versions of Angular.As long as you have somebasic familiarity with HTML, CSS and JavaScriptyou can take this course and start learning Angularright now!This tutorial is designed for everyone who want to learn the basics of AngularJS and its programming concepts in simple and easy steps. It describes the components of AngularJS with suitable examples.PrerequisitesYou should have a basic understanding of JavaScript and any text editor. As we are going to develop web-based applications using AngularJS, it will be good if you have an understanding of other web technologies such as HTML, CSS, AJAX.RequirementsBasic knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavascriptHow to use a text editorBasic knowledge of programmingBy the end of watching this course, you'll be able to:Build a CRUD applicationUnderstand AngularCreate a local ServerConnect your application with the local serverConnect your application with a Database"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering VirtualBox and Network Virtualization"
"This course enables the students with Virtualization Skills using Oracle VM VirtualBox, which is an OpenSource Virtualization Software. This course takes you on a journey to master the concepts and components of the VirtualBox.By the end of this course, the student will be able to setup virtual lab environments at HOME or WORK.The course covers:VirtualBox Installation.Create and Manage Virtual Machines.Virtual Machine Snapshots.Virtual Network Environments.Virtual Storage(will be added soon)VirtualBox Command Line(will be added soon)etc.We will also cover the installation of the following operating systems: ** ADDED ** 5/9/2018 **Ubuntu DesktopCentOSFreeBSDFedoraOpenSUSEWindows 10This skill will open doors to various Learning Use Cases to enhance your skills!!What are you waiting for? Enroll & Get Started!!!"
Price: 74.99