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"PACK Cratif Win10: 3D Builder, paint3D & Sketchable"
"Dans ce pack, vous trouvez les trois cours suivant:-Dessiner avec Sketchable, sur windows 10-3D Builder-Paint 3DCes trois logiciels sont des solutions optimales pour dbuter dans le dessin 2D ou la cration 3D. De plus, ils sont dj disponibles dans Windows 10 et donc immdiatement utilisables.Vous allez apprendre dans Sketchable comment crer facilement des illustrations avec les outils trs ralistes du logiciels. Jetez vos ides sur le papier et donnez-leur vie. Avec 3D Builder, vous serez surpris de voir combien la 3D peut tre facile. Crez rapidement des formes, mettez-les en couleur et imprimez-les.-Paint 3D est tout aussi simple. Alors que Paint tait le as-been des logiciels de dessin, il retrouve une premire jeunesse en ayant dsormais une option 3D intgre. Dessinez comme votre habitude, et rajoutez des lements 3D dans vos crations.En bref, ces 3 logiciels vont vous aider faire vos premiers pas dans le milieu cratif du dessin et de la 3D. n'attendez plus et commencez votre aventure ici !"
Price: 124.99

"COMIPO! (manga maker)"
"Vous adorez les BD, et particulirement les Mangas? Vous avez des ides plein la tte mais vous n'avez jamais dessin? Ou alors vous voulez crer votre BD rapidement pour la partager ds que possible? ""COMIPO!"", aussi appel ""Manga Maker"" est un logiciel qui est fait pour vous!Apprenez dans ce cours utiliser COMIPO! et crez rapidement vos Bande-Dessines pour les publier aux formats numriques. Plus besoin de savoir dessiner, l'interface du logiciel vous propose des personnages, des cases et des dcors, ainsi que des effets typiquement Manga que vous pouvez rajouter trs simplement.Rajoutez ensuite les bulles, le texte et le tour est jou! la puissance de ce logiciel est sa simplicit.N'attendez plus pour crer vos Mangas et BD: Apprenez utiliser COMIPO!"
Price: 39.99

"Apprendre dessiner pour des enfants"
"Vous tes un parent, ou quelqu'un qui est en contact rgulier avec des enfants? Ils vous demandent de leur dessiner ceci ou cela? Et bien ce cours est fait pour vous! Ou bien, votre enfant voudrait savoir dessiner mais ne sait pas par quoi commencer. Mettez un terme sa frustration en lui offrant ce cours qui pourra lui donner des bonnes bases de dessin.Dans ce cours, je vous donne une trentaine de dessin trs simples, fait pas pas pour permettre chacun de reproduire les gestes faire pour russir son dessin.Munissez-vous d'une feuille et d'un crayon, et recopiez chaque traits que je vous montre, afin d'arriver un rsultat tonnant.Qu'il s'agisse d'animaux ou de personnages, ces exemples couvrent des choses trs simples. La prochaine fois, que votre enfant vous demandera: ""Dessine moi un cheval"", vous n'aurez plus qu' dgainer votre crayon pour en dessiner un, car vous saurez le faire! En deuxime partie, je vous donnerai quelques conseils pour la couleur.Bien que ce cours soit prsent grce un logiciel de dessin, pour des raisons de clart de la vido, vous pouvez compltement vous exercer avec du matriel classique: feuilles, gomme, crayons, feutres et peinture.A vous de jouer, et devenez un as du dessin!"
Price: 54.99

"Initiation au dessin de COMICS"
"Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, et bien d'autres... Les comics ont envahi le march francophone depuis des dizaines d'annes, et les films sortant en salle rgulirement nous rappellent combien les super hros font dsormais partie intgrante de la culture populaire. Qui ne connait pas Superman ou Batman?Le style ""comics,"" sorti directement des annes 30 et qui a volu jusque nos jours, continue d'enchanter des gnrations et nous fasciner.Vous voulez apprendre les bases pour dessiner des comics? Suivez ce cours! Nous allons parler de l'anatomie des personnages, de l'encrage et de la couleur de vos pages de comics. Apprenez toutes les bases savoir pour bien dbuter en tant que dessinateur de comics!"
Price: 74.99

"Backend Ruby onRails + FrontEnd Angular + Aplicativo Android"
"VERSO 6 DO ANGULAR!.Este um curso extremamente prtico, onde iremos criar 3 projetos:PROJETO 1: Uma API em Rails, utilizando boas prticas, como testes automatizados, versionamento de cdigo e convenes corretas de padres de codificaoPROJETO 2: Um Frontend Web utilizando um dos frameworks mais populares para o desenvolvimento de Single Page Applications (SPA), o to falado Angular 6.PROJETO 3: Um Aplicativo Mvel para Android e iOS utilizando o NativeScript em conjunto com o Angular 6, reaproveitando todo o conhecimento adquirido em Angular 6."
Price: 549.99

"Levantamento de Requisitos de Software com ""User Stories"""
"Eu montei esse curso pensando na forma mais prtica e rpidade lhe mostrar como fazer uma levantamento de requisitos eficiente.Ao longo do curso a gente vai ter vrias aulas, onde cada aula ser um exemplo de uma Histria de Usurio que ser trabalhada.Para desmembrar cada Histria de Usurio, vamos usar uma tcnica chamada Example Mapping.Essa tcnica uma estrutura que nos mostra como identificar os critrios de aceitao e como identificar os exemplos de comportamento do sistema.A tcnica que voc ir aprender, vai lhe dar uma maior segurana para voc fazer estimativas de prazos com maior precisoCom esse processo, voc poder depois implementar testes automatizados, caso queira.Ento se deseja a aprender como levantar requisitos eficientes comHistrias de Usurio e Example Mapping, vamos nessa!"
Price: 549.99

"Angular 7 Avanado: Criando uma Arquitetura Master/Detail"
"Seja bem vindo ao Curso de Angular 7 Avanado.Nesse curso eu ensino, de forma completamente prtica, como criar uma arquitetura Master/Detail padronizada, para voc ter mais produtividade e organizao em seus projetos.Geralmente, nos projetos que eu dou consultoria, eu percebo um problema muito comum com quem utiliza angular: REPETIO DE MUITO CDIGO para a criao de CRUD's (criao, listagem, edio e excluso).So centenas de linhas de cdigos repetidas em reas diferentes do projeto, que poderiam ser facilmente removidas, atravs da simples aplicao de um padro no seu projeto.Aprenda como reduzir ao mximo esse tipo de problema utilizando padronizao de CRUD's, atravs de reaproveitamento de cdigo e componentizao do seu FrontEnd com a arquitetura Master/Detail.Durante o curso, iremos criar um Gerenciador Financeiro Pessoal, aplicando todos os princpios necessrios para se criar uma arquitetura Master/Detail slida, orientada objetos e completamente reaproveitvel.Vamos ver como essa arquitetura poder facilitar a nossa vida na criao de CRUD's em nossos sistemas e como componentizar nosso FrontEnd seguido as melhores prticas para padronizar as nossas interfaces.Se voc se sente um pouco perdido em como trabalhar com Angular, esse curso ir lhe colocar nos trilhos.Faa sua inscrio.ATENO: Esse curso no adequado para quem completamente iniciante em Angular.Caso voc seja completamente iniciante, eu posso lhe indicar materiais gratuitos de estudos, ou posso lhe fornecer um cupom com desconto para o meu curso de Angular para iniciantes."
Price: 549.99

"Learn FreeRTOS from scratch"
"Welcome to this FREE course on FreeRTOS. This Course will help you getting started with FreeRTOS. It includes hands-on practice on STM32. All Software Tools used in this course are freely available. All you need is aSTM32 Board!This course will teach you the bestway to work with FreeRTOS. Using STM32CubeMXdesign interface, we willgenerate basic code for our Application Project. Then we will useSW4STM32 IDE to write, compile and debugour application code. We will also learn how to visualize the trace output.Why this Course?The basic aim of this course was to remove the knowledge-and-practicegap between engineering universitiesand embedded industry by providing interested students with the opportunity to Learn about RTOS and practice it onsome hardware, for FREE!Course Curriculum explainedThe first Section gives you an introduction to the course. Then we will get all required tools, software and hardware in section two and will create and run a Hello World Project to make sure we have everything we need setup.Next four section, Section 3-6, introduces and explains to you different RTOS concepts in context of FreeRTOS. These section introduces different APIs provided by freeRTOS to implement those concepts. These section include a variety of application to work on those APIs explaining how to actually programming them, showing there output and verifying the result by visualizing the trace output.Now that we you have a understanding of different APIs provided by freeRTOS, Its time to move forward and start interacting with hardware. For this purpose, following sections will be included shortly:Section 7: Interfacing Hardware (INCLUDED!!!)Section 8:Serial Communication(coming soon)Section 9: I2C Communication(coming soon)Section 10: SPI Communication(coming soon)Section 11: Using Watchdog timer(coming soon)Now, we have a good knowledge of RTOS concepts in context of FreeRTOS and writing application for freeRTOS. It time for us to look at ""freeRTOS"" itself. Following Section will be included to familiarizeourselves with freeRTOSSection 12: Writing Code, the ""freeRTOS"" Style(coming soon)Section 13: freeRTOSConfig.h(coming soon)Section 14: freeRTOS Scheduling(coming soon)Now, that we have dealt with the basic stuff one-by-one, let rap this course up by creating a Final Project, that will include all that we have previously learned.Section 15: A Practical Problem: Elevator Management System(coming soon)About Course Content:Most of the content i.e.Section1,2, 7-15,of this course is written and produced by me for this course. However,Some of the concepts in Sections 3-6are taken from different sources specially the from book Using the FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel - A Practical Guide - Cortex-M3 Edition by Richard Barry.Hardware Requirements:To follow along this course all you need is a STM32 Board! I am using STM32F103RbT6. You can use any STM32 board you want. When ever changes are required to be made, it's mentioned explicitly, both in lecture videos and code also."
Price: 49.99

"The Python Test: Test your Python Skills!"
"Applying for a Python related job? or going for a Python certification? or Just curious about Python secret stuff? thenThis course is for you!This course tests your Python skill and concepts in details. It points out your misunderstanding of topics. Thus, helping you better understand those topics. It helps you learn amazing Python trick by testing your Python knowledge. It teaches you new Python stuff by asking about rare know Python Power-User stuff.If you are applying for a Python related job,or going for a Python certification? do take this course first.It will help you revisePython stuff. It will help you strengthen your Python concepts. It will help you learn about some Python tricks you might not be aware of. It will help you understand why you do certain things that you are used to with out know why. And above all, It will help you learn new Python stuff.One last thing, this is our first attempt to get our friends and fellow programmers get a better grasp of topic so there are going to few mistake. Please, look out for such instances and let us know so that we can improvise. And based on your reviews,we will be updating the course content.Thanks!"
Price: 29.99

"The Embedded Pre-Interview!"
"This Pre-Interview consists of a total of 6 tests which aim at helping you in self evaluation for entry level jobs in 'Embedded Systems' realm. Each test will aimto evaluate you for different knowledge area. Each knowledge area has further sub-categories.You will be tested in following areas:Basic digital logic conceptsEmbedded Systems general architectureEmbedded Systems memory overviewEmbedded programmingEmbedded OSFPGAsThe distribution of questions in various sections is based on how frequently, these areas appear in job interviewstests.Your performance will be evaluated and at the end you will get an overview of which knowledge areas are your strengths and which ones you still need to work on.So, if you are student who wants to seek a career in Embedded Systems this test will help you evaluate the level of expertise you have currently and what are the things you need to work on. This can also act as a tool to monitor your progress as you master different domains. Fresh graduates seeking jobs in industry will be able their strengths and lackings for an entrant in this field, subsequently improving upon them.Course is timed to be of 90 minutes. So, if you are looking for jobs and need to see where you lack but don't know where to start, this course is a definite for you. It will help you know what is that you need. It can very well be a start of an excellent career in Embedded Systems. Wishing you best of luck."
Price: 29.99

"Git GitGit"
"GitGitGitGitGitGitGitGitHEADGitHubGitGitGitHubGitGitHubGitGitHubGitAtomGit100% (Atom)GitGitGitGitGitHubGitHubGitGitHubGitHub FlowGitGitHubGitGit"
Price: 10800.00

"Finance for Micro-Renewable Energy Professionals/Customers"
"It is probably best to do this course after you've completed the first one on Micro-Renewable Energy for Beginners. However, this is not a must, because this course in a way could apply to ANY FORM OF INVESTMENT. It's just that I've applied these techniques to this topic! This course will teach you how to financially assess any form of micro-renewable energy or investment using techniques derived from capital budgeting and investment. Typically these techniques are used in the stock market. Using these techniques you will build upon the knowledge you gained from the first course. This will allow you to work out if a particular micro-renewable energy system is financially worthwhile, quickly and efficiently. You won't need to learn how to calculate payback times, which are a pointless metric that much of the industry still uses.If you want get the full information on micro-renewable energy this is a definite follow up course you should do."
Price: 24.99

"The Essential Guide to Saving on Airfare"
"I'm going to tell you something and you're going to agree with me - we all love to travel, but the unfortunate reality it Airfare, Hotels, Car Rentals can make our ideal trip into a never-ending struggle. From Jet Lag to Lugage Packing Woes, there seems to be a hurdle every step of the way to our dream destination. Not anymore!In thistravel-hackingcourse, I'll teach you countless tips & tricks I've used to save big on airfare. Not only that, you'll learn the best times and days to booka flight, how to maximize the benefits of travel rewards, how to save using credit cards, which cards to apply for, and other travel hacking tips & tricks that have been a part of my arsenal for years!Start Saving Big on Airfare and Make Your Next Trip Unforgettable!In this course, you'll learn:How to Find Free Paid Lodging in AirportsThe Best Travel Rewards to help you save more!How to Get Free Travel InsuranceSecrets Travel-Hacking Pros Use to Save Money on Air Tickets & Find the Best offersThe Best Sites for Booking Air Tickets OnlineHow to Get Free WiFi Access at AirportsHow to Pack Your Luggage Like a ProHow to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes Made by AmateursHow to Avoid Flight DelaysFactors which Influence Airfare PricingTricks Airlines Use to Sell More Expensive TicketsThe Ultimate Travel Packing ListMost travel-hacking courses are too complicated or over-priced. You'll quickly realize this course isn'tlike the rest. Learn why by enrolling today!"
Price: 44.99

"Essential Vietnamese for Travelers"
"This course is designed for whom intended to travel in Viet Nam.Do Vietnamese people speak English? How little orHow much? In fact, most Vietnamese people speak at least a little bit of English. Therefore, you can communicate in basic English in many cases. However, learning to speak just a few words of Vietnamese you can significantly reduce misunderstandings and frustrations and enhance your experience.I will prepare you with some essential Vietnamese for your trip! Ive compiled many key Vietnamese words and phrases for a variety of situations including: in the restaurant, hotel, ticket booth,... In Vietnamese language, tones are everything. Therefore, I will talk in Vietnamese the entire course with English subtitle so you can get a good exposure of the language.This introductory course includes eight sections covering essential building blocks of the Vietnamese language. In each of the, there will be a set of lecture videos, practice problems, and review questions. Finally, two excited comprehensive assignments help make sure you've mastered the material and help you apply your knowledge and skills to real-life situations."
Price: 194.99

"Become an expert of Qlik Set Analysis"
"Set Analysis is a powerful function of Qlik using which onecan write complex expressions easiest way. Issue is, the syntax of this function is overwhelming and student need to have lot of patience to be a master of it.In this video tutorial, I triedto cover as many as topics of Set Analysis with ample number of video examples, starting from basic to varying level of complexity, Anyone who join and finish this video training, will able to write most complex and scary expressions with ease.This course covers more than 50 videos with 100+examples.There are 50+questions given as quiz/assignments."
Price: 49.99

"Automated Testing using Coded UI with Visual Studio 2015"
"**************************THIS COURSE IS RECENTLY UPDATED by adding new pdf file (In Section 2: Test Automation of Web Application, Lecture 6: Code Against Record/Playback Approach) which shows how to launch the mortgage calculator URL programmatically instead of launching manually********************************The reason behind is, I have received lot of feedback about mortgage calculator URL launching. They did not figure out that they have to launch the URL manually before they start the test so they keep asking that where is the mortgage calculator URL for application to start? By adding detail information inside the pdf file will help them.**************************THISCOURSEISBEINGUPDATEDEVERYSINGLEWEEK with new lectures AND/OR valuable information to Q&A section based on the questions asked byStudents*********************************HIGHLIGHTS:Updated the QA section with good discussion of how to compare expected value from excel sheet against actual value from web element. Also provided sample code to update the excel sheet with the result of comparison. Added new lecture to support Data Driven Execution with Visual Studio 2017.Added new lecture called Interview Questions specific to Coded UI. Discussed different types of data source supported by Coded UI for Data Driven Testing. Discussed launching Chrome browser instead of using default Internet Explorer browser. Installation tips of Selenium Components for Coded UI Cross Browser Testing, Selenium Web Driver, Chrome Web Driver, NUnit test framework, NUGet package etc.Discussed creation and execution of Coded UI Test in Visual Studio 2015 Vs Visual Studio 2017Discussed an excel file format for executing multiple test cases. Added sample code and sample excel files.Discussed various type of automation framework and posted some best practiceautomation frameworkdiagram that you can start implement.Discussedweb performance and load test usingVisual Studio Enterprise using Cloud-based Load Testing.DiscussedLoad Testingofweb performance test usingdata driven approach.***************************************************************************************************************************************This course is designed for both testers and developers. Tester who want to develop their testing skills in the test automation and Developer who want to execute their unit test in automated way.This course will teach you how quickly you can build the test automation of Web Application andDesktop Application (Windows Forms/WPF) using Coded UI with Visual Studio 2015. This course will also give you bonus lecture of Mobile Test Automation using Xamarin with Visual Studio 2015.After you havecompleted this course you should be able to build test automation projects for your company's applications. This course shouldalso help you for your test automation job interview."
Price: 19.99

"Joomla for Beginners - Learn how to build a website with CMS"
"In the last few decades, the web revolution has been taking over every aspect of our life. From ordering groceries to everyday banking to getting our daily news there is hardly anything which is untouched by the latest web technologies.In this day and age every business large or small needs to have a web presence and tell the world about themselves. Even individuals want to express themselves by using an online medium like blogs or personal websites.Ability to build and run these sites has become an essential skill. Of course, we can hire a designer and web developer and pay them top dollar to build our site? Even if can afford them what happens if we need to make inevitable changes to it or refresh the look? Does this necessarily need to become a lifelong expense?NO! modern content management systems make it very easy for anyone with little to no knowledge about technology to build, run and maintain a very attractive and functional website. One such CMS is Joomla it is open source and completely free. And what is more it is very mature and widely used to build thousands of web properties on the internet.As such learning Joomla CMS will also give you added skills which are very valuable in the job market. The median income of a web developer in the US is around $73000 per year.Those are only a few of the reasons why you must enroll in this course and take your career to the next level.By the end of this course you will:Get familiar with the process of building a website based on JoomlaUnderstand core terms and definitions on the components and functionality provided by Joomla CMSBe familiar with the Joomla administration control panel which helps you control every aspect f your siteLearn how to use the features and configure core settings of JoomlaImprove performance and take security precautions while building a Joomla website"
Price: 94.99

"ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana ELK #1 - Learn ElasticSearch"
"In the recent years the term BigData has been gaining popularity as well and there has been a paradigm shift is the volume of information and the ways in which it can be extracted from this data.ELK is one of the few new-age frameworks which is capable of handling Big Data demands and scale.Over the years the ELK stack has become quite popular. And for a good reason. It is a very robust, mature and feature rich framework.ELK is used by large enterprises, government organizations and startups alike. The ELK stack has a very rich and active community behind it. They develop, share and support tons of source code, components, plugins and knowledge about these tools freely and openly.If you ever had to search a database of retail products by description, find similar text in a body of crawled web pages, or search through posts on a blog. You wonder if there was a search tool, which could make such jobs easy.In this course, we will focus on one such enterprise search engine- The ElasticSearch which is one of the core components of the ELK stack. We will look at the overview and explore the technology that goes into this tool.Knowledge and experience about ELK and ElasticSearch could be very valuable for your career. The latest stats and figures show some amazing numbers like jobs requiring these skill sets pay higher than most of the jobs posted on public job boards within the US and annual salaries for professionals could be as high as $100,000. That is the exact reason why you must enroll in this course and take your career to the next level.As the title suggests this course aims to provide you enough knowledge about ELK and ElasticSearch so that you can run and operate your own search cluster using these components together."
Price: 194.99

"ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana ELK #2 - Learn LogStash"
"In the recent years the term BigData has been gaining popularity. And there has been a paradigm shift in the volume of information and the ways in which it can be extracted from this data.ELK is one of the few new-age frameworks which is capable of handling Big Data demands and scale.Over the years the ELK stack has become quite popular. And for a good reason. It is a very robust, mature and feature rich framework.ELK is used by large enterprises, government organizations and startups alike. The ELK stack has a very rich and active community behind it. They develop, share and support tons of source code, components, plugins and knowledge about these tools freely and openly.Imagine a large organization, which has information coming in from varied sources, at varied frequencies, and in various formats. It will be a herculean task to sort and sift through this data and normalize it to use for any comprehensive analysis. We will need a pretty versatile and flexible tool to deal with all these permutations of data streams.In this course, we will focus on one such enterprise data collection and collation tool-The LogStash which is one of the core components of the ELK stack. We will look at the overview and explore the technology that goes behind this tool.Knowledge and experience about ELK and LogStash could be very valuable for your career. The latest stats and figures show some amazing numbers like jobs requiring these skill sets pay higher than most of the jobs posted on public job boards within the US and annual salaries for professionals could be as high as $100,000. That is the exact reason why you must enroll in this course and take your career to the next level.As the title suggests this course aims to provide you enough knowledge about ELK and LogStash so that you can run and operate your own data ingestion pipelines cluster using these components together. But specifically:You will get familiar with the features and benefits offered by LogStash.Since this course provides detailed demos of installation and configuration of LogStash, it will equip you well for future use of this technology.The more equipped you are, the more sought after you will be. And this course will be a right step towards improving your work/ project/ career prospects.So come, join me on this exciting journey of learning ElK stack and in particular the LogStash data ingestion tool."
Price: 194.99

"ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana ELK #3 - Learn Kibana"
"In the recent years the term BigData has been gaining popularity. And there has been a paradigm shift in the volume of information and the ways in which it can be extracted from this data.ElasticSearch, LogStash, Kibana (ELK) is one of the few new-age frameworks which is capable of handling Big Data demands and scale.Over the years the ELK stack has become quite popular. And for a good reason. It is a very robust, mature and feature rich framework. ELK is used by large enterprises, government organizations and startups alike. The ELK stack has a very rich and active community behind it. They develop, share and support tons of source code, components, plugins and knowledge about these tools freely and openly.In organizations large or small there is tons of data produced by various applications running across the enterprise. The decision makers and other business stakeholders require timely access to information in a digestible format so that they can run the organization in a meaningful and efficient way. Kibana provides such functionality out of the box. It integrates seamlessly with ElasticSearch and provides a very easy to use and visually appealing way to explore our data.In this course, we will focus on this enterprise data visualization tool Kibana which is one of the core components of the ELK stack. We will look at the overview and explore the technology that goes behind this tool.Knowledge and experience about ELK and Kibana could be very valuable for your career. The latest stats and figures show some incredible numbers like jobs requiring these skill sets pay higher than most of the jobs posted on public job boards within the US and annual salaries for professionals could be as high as $100,000. That is the exact reason why you must enroll in this course and take your career to the next level.As the title suggests this course aims to provide you enough knowledge about ELK and Kibana so that you can build useful visualizations based on your data using these components together. But specifically:You will get familiar with the features and benefits offered by Kibana.Since this course provides detailed demos of installation and configuration of Kibana; it will equip you well for future use of this technology.The more equipped you are, the more sought after you will be. And this course will be a right step towards improving your work/ project/ career prospects."
Price: 194.99

"AWS MasterClass: Storage & CDN - AWS S3 & AWS CloudFront"
"Did you know cloud computing is one of the leading industries around the world which is experiencing astounding growth year over year?And one of the leading cloud providers is AWS.You maybe a bright start-up, all set to leverage the AWS cloud for your business; or a Fortune 500, looking for the best cloud service available today. The AWS platform can provide you cloud solutions that are extremely flexible, scalable and cost-effective. It has multiple tools and capabilities for you to choose from, depending on your business needs.Easy usage and pay-as-you-go pricing have also increased the popularity of AWS cloud among--start-ups and large enterprises in the recent years.For all these applications, APIs and other systems running in the AWS cloud - data storage needs can vary vastly. AWS offers us different ways to store this data. AWS storage services will be different, depending on the actual physical device, or the higher level features that AWS provides on top of it. Or, it will be different in terms of pricing. So, enterprises and companies interested in AWS storageservices in the cloud have multiple options to choose from. It is not a one size fits all far from it.In this course, we will take a deep dive into various storage services offered by AWS and see them in action.We will learn the different aspects and options provided by these services so that we can choose the right service for the particular business scenario in front of us. This will optimize the experience for our users and also help us incur optimal costs for our cloud usage.Knowledge and expertise in AWS could be very valuable for your career. The latest stats and figures show some amazing numbers like jobs requiring these skill sets pay higher than most of the jobs posted on public job boards within the US and annual salaries for professionals could be as high as $100,000. That is the exact reason why you must enroll in this course and take your career to the next level.As the title suggests this course aims to provide you enough knowledge about AWS Storage services so that you can use these services efficiently. But specifically after taking this course you will be able to:Comprehend the AWS architecture and implement its servicesDistinguish the different AWS storage services, and use them competently for your business needsUtilize S3 and its capabilities to host a static website, and configure and upload files in any formatUse EBS as a persistent storage mechanism for your EC2 instances, with its capabilities likeflexibility and scalability, andEmploy the CloudFront CDN to update, monitor and deliver selective content across the world, based on your requirements."
Price: 194.99

"AWS MasterClass: Monitoring and DevOps with AWS CloudWatch"
"Attention all fellow Software and IT architects, Software and network engineers, IT administrators, CIOs, CTOs or any technology leader looking to utilize cloud computing in their organizations. Question:How can you keep a close eye on AWS infrastructure you are using? The answer is AWS CloudWatch. Do you want to master the skills for monitoring your AWS infrastructure using AWS CloudWatch?Dont know where to start?Well, you are at theRight place. Acquire the skills and be a part of cloud computing revolution and take your career to a new level. Whether you are an experienced AWS user or are just getting started with cloud computing - you know it is quite easy to get your infrastructure components deployed in the AWS cloud. But do you ever wonder how you can keep a close eye on the AWS components you are using? Your EC2 instances, your RDS databases and numerous other AWS services that your applications rely on? In this course, you will learn everything you need to master on various alerting and monitoring services available from AWS using CloudWatch. This course is designed for Software and IT architects, Software and network engineers, IT administrators, CIOs, CTOs or any technology leader looking to utilize cloud computing in their organization. Why I should take this course?With over 4 hours of videos and around 45 lectures, you will get a great understanding of how you can keep a close eye on AWS infrastructure you have using AWS CloudWatch You will have everything you need to master on various alerting and monitoring services available from AWS You will learnabout various AWSservices likeEC2, RDS, EBS, ELBwhichAWS CloudWatch can monitorKnow about how you can use AWS SNS to send notifications You will have a deep understanding about how to monitor your AWS billing and costs You have life-time access to this course and a 30-day satisfaction guaranteed with this course Overview of the Course Contents In this course, ""AWS MasterClass: Monitoring and DevOps with AWS CloudWatch"" you will get an in-depth look at the de facto monitoring and alerting service offered by Amazon AWS called CloudWatch. You will learn how AWS CloudWatch can integrate with various other AWS services like EC2, RDS, EBS, ELB and many others. During this course, you will have a deep dive into many of these services and learn how we can monitor the key metrics available for these services. You will learn how to setup alarms for certain thresholds for these metrics so that you can get real-time alerts from AWS and we can take pro-active measures to make sure that our AWS infrastructure is performing at peak level. This is the course that could change your life.After taking this course, you will be proficiently acquired the skills and be a part of cloud computing revolution and to take your career to a new level. You will have learned everything you need to master on various alerting and monitoring services available from AWS using CloudWatch. Take this course and start learning. There is no good time than today to invest in your career. You have 30 days money back guarantee!!! And remember that once you purchase the course you will have lifetime access to the course and you have a 30 days money back guarantee if you do not like the course because of any reason. So, what are you thinking? Go ahead and click on Enroll Now button."
Price: 194.99

"AWS MasterClass: DevOps w/ AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)"
"Whether you are an experienced AWS user or are just getting started with cloud computing. You know it is quite easy to get your infrastructure components deployed in the AWS cloud.But do you ever wonder how you can orchestrate and manage your AWS resources in an easy and efficient manner? How do you automate the deployment and configuration of your EC2 instances, your IAM users, your elastic load balancers and numerous other AWS components services that your applications rely on?If so, then we know exactly where you're coming from.AWS does provide a very useful web based management console to deploy and manage all these cloud resources. The AWS management console works nicely if you have to occasionally make some changes to your cloud infrastructure which comprises of a few components.But for a cloud architect or a cloud administrator who tend to manage tens or hundreds or even thousands of cloud resources using the AWS management console may be too time-consuming and inefficient.AWS also provides a powerful command line interface which can be used to manage AWS services known as AWS CLI.AWS CLI stands for Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface.It is a comprehensive and essential toolset provided by AWS which helps software engineers, IT and operations teams and DevOps engineers manage their cloud services and resources. It is a command line interface tool which facilitates automation by using scripting to operationalize your AWS resources from the command window or terminal.If you are serious about automating your AWS based cloud infrastructure then using the AWS CLI toolset in conjunction with bash scripting is the only way to go. And when any startup or technology company is looking to implement DevOps practices to automate their cloud infrastructure they are willing to pay big money for cloud engineers and consultants to help them manage their cloud infrastructure. In fact, the hourly rates cloud engineers are easily few hundred dollars an hour. And the demand for these skills is just exploding.Wouldnt you want to acquire these skills and be a part of this cloud computing revolution? Be highly sought after and take your career to the next levelThat's why today, we are thrilled to be able to share with you - our new training program ""AWS MasterClass: Learn all about AWS Client Line Interface (CLI).""In this course, you will get an in-depth look at this comprehensive and essential toolset called AWS CLI.AWS CLI can be used to manage various AWS services like EC2, IAM, ELB, ECS and many others. In this course, we will dive deep into many of these services and learn how we can deploy, configure and manage some of the key cloud components available for these services.You will find real actionable information and education in exchange for your time, willingness to learn and a fraction of the cost you will be able to demand as a cloud engineer or consultants. We can guarantee that you will get your investment back manyfold in no time."
Price: 194.99

"DevOps: CI/CD with Jenkins pipelines, Maven, Gradle"
"This online DevOps course will teach you how to build sophisticated continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines using Jenkins and many of its plugins. Especially the pipeline plugins.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Jenkins and setting up DevOps pipelines, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help implement these DevOps practices which will streamline your development processes.Master Jenkins and pipeline plugins. Get familiar with advanced DevOps techniques and take your DevOps career to the next level.While there are plenty of DevOps courses that focus on generic continuous integration and continuous delivery practices - it's hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which focuses on using some of the most useful plugins in the Jenkins ecosystem.This course is designed for all levels of DevOps practitioners who want to improve their skills, implement automation in their environments, and continue to be in great demand as DevOps engineers.Just a few of the things you'll learn:Understand What Jenkins Is All AboutHow To Install, Configure And Operationalize JenkinsHow To Build Projects Automatically Using MavenHow To Build Projects Automatically Using GradleHow To Manage Your Build Artifacts Using ArtifactoryHow To Manage Your Relational Database Schema Using SqitchImprove Your DevOps Skills, Become More Marketable, And Make More MoneyRegardless of what your level of experience is; whether you work in a small startup or large corporation - this in-depth course is designed to provide you with everything you need to take your DevOps skills to the next level.Whether you are you using Java, Python, Node.JS or any other stack - a seasoned engineer photographer knows how to design, build and run advanced build and deployment systems which can perform build, test and analysis steps - all automatically. Jenkins is a tried and test automation tool written in Java - which provides all the bells and whistles necessary to implement these processes with ease. Not only that, Jenkins is very robust and scalable system which can scale to hundreds of nodes building many projects in a multi-user and multi-team environments.By honing these skills, you will be chased by recruiters and companies who are looking to hire professionals with experience on Jenkins. This course shows you how.Contents and OverviewThis course aims at teaching software, IT and DevOps engineers what it takes to improve your skills, experience, and techniques to earn more money.You will start with the basics and tackle how to install Jenkins. You will get familiar with the Jenkins plugin ecosystem and install a bunch of very useful plugins into the Jenkins instance. You'll then dive into the different hands-on exercises to implement advanced build and deployment pipelines using various build tools in conjunction with Jenkins, Artifactory, shell scripting, etc.You'll learn about various other tools which work very well with Jenkins like Maven, Gradle, Sqitch, etc. You'll use these tools to master how to properly design an end to end build and deployment pipeline, which:Builds the source codeKeeps the relational database schema in sync with the latest source codeManages the artifacts in a robust mannerHelps you visualize the entire pipeline in a graphical formatHelps you diagnose your DevOps pipelines by providing detailed diagnostic logsBy the end of this master course, your confidence as a DevOps engineer will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of Jenkins and various other DevOps tools, and you can use them to their fullest potential to take small to large, simple to complex DevOps pipelines and be a part of this DevOps revolution and take your career to the next level."
Price: 194.99

"Java for beginners: Step-by-step hands-on guide to Java"
"Whether you are looking to switch your careers and become a full-time programmer, OR you just want to try your hand at building some cool applications or are just seeking to round out your skill set learning to code in Java will be a pretty good way to go about it.Programming is one of the fastest growing and lucrative profession in today's high-tech age. No wonder, a lot of people are jumping into this profession in droves. But the amazing thing is that industry's appetite to employ more and more engineers is only growing. The demand is way too high to fill this gap. Which is why companies are ready to pay higher and higher salaries and hourly rates for these skills.Do you want to join the high-tech industry and be part of this IT revolution?Do you want to go from no previous programming experience - to be a confident programmer who can code in one of the most popular programming languages in the world Java?Do you want to earn high 5-figure or 6-figure salaries as a seasoned software engineer?If your answer is YES then you have come to the right place.This course does not assume any prior programming or coding experience. It has been designed from the ground up to take you through a spectrum of concepts, terms, and paradigms to give you a solid understanding of what Java programming is all about.Hands-On KnowledgeWe are a group of coders and programmers ourselves. So we understand the importance of learning by doing. This course is jam-packed with practical demos, homework assignments and a lot of live coding which will help you immensely in grasping these complex topics.We begin by downloading and installing a free programming editor also known as an integrated development environment (IDE). The IDE is called Eclipse and is pretty popular amongst Java programmers.Then we will go through some basic and foundational concepts of the Java programming language. Many of these concepts also apply to other programming languages.After these core concepts we will put things into high gear and talk about control flow statements which can help you write dynamic programsWe will discuss object-oriented programming and its various pillars. We will introduce you to important OOP concepts like objects, classes, inheritance, interfaces, and packages. Each discussion will focus on how these concepts relate to the real world, while simultaneously providing an introduction to the syntax of the Java programming language.The added power of OO programmingwhich Java provides gives programmers a huge edge overthe relative simplicity of procedural programming. OOP concepts make it easier for programmers to relate the code to the real world objects we see around us. Generally speaking, learning OOPcould be very simple and complex at the same time. We strive to explain these essential concepts with the help of simple real world scenarios and exercises.Why Java?Ever since Java was introduced in 1995 it has been growing in popularity especially in the enterprise software sector. Over the years, it has been proven to be a mature, robust and very versatile programming platform. The language designers have added tons of features to the language which makes it very efficient and fun to code in Java.Java has the advantage of ubiquity. If you program for a living, you're probably going to come across Java sooner or later. Java is showing up in all sorts of places: You can write Java servlets that run on Apache and many other web servers. You can write applets that run in the browsers that most of the world uses. Java programs can run seamlessly on Linux, Windows, and MacOS. In fact, Java is also supported on many embedded and mobile platforms.Java has a huge community support behind it. From fully functionality IDEs (like the one we will use in this course) to robust frameworks, the Java open source community has contributed a lot to make the Java ecosystem a very compelling platform to build applications.The demand for coders, programmers, and professionals who have experience with Java programming language has been growing steadily over the last few years. The salaries and consulting rates for these skills have also been rising and are only bound to go up as the demand for these skills remains steady or increases.About UsWe have been in the software industry for over TWO DECADES. We have been part of many prestigious projects and startups. Over the course of these years - we have gained a good insight into what makes for flexible, scalable and robust software solutions. We are passionate about sharing all our collective knowledge with you.Are You Ready?Are you ready to get started? In that case, we're guessing you'll want to know what your investment is going to be.Well, here you will find real actionable information and education in exchange for your time, willingness to learn and a fraction of the cost you will be able to demand as a cloud engineer or consultants. We can guarantee that you will get your investment back many fold in no time.So if you're ready to make a change and learn how to code in Java, just click the ""Add To Cart"" button you'll see below this video.Our GuaranteeAnd of course, when you purchase your copy of this Java programming course - you won't risk a cent. The course comes with my unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.If you find that the course doesn't meet your needs, all you have to do is just send us a message, and we will refund your money immediately.No questions asked, no hoops to jump through and no hard feelings...Get Set GoLook, if you're serious about becoming an expert cloud engineer and generating a real income for you and your family, you need to take action and get in the game.Imagine getting that promotion in your current role which you have been promised for months of years. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers which companies are desperately seeking to hire. Imagine getting a massive bump in your income as a result of your newly acquired in-demand skills.That's what we want for you, and we know it's what you want for yourself, so grab your copy this Java development course NOW and let's get you started today! Click the Add to Cart button below this video right now, and we will see you on the other side..."
Price: 94.99

"DevOps: Automate your infrastructure using Ansible and IaC"
"This online DevOps course will teach you how to build sophisticated Infrastructure as Code (IaC)playbooks and rolesusing Ansible and many of its modules andplugins.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Ansible and setting up DevOps pipelines, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help implement these DevOps practices which will streamline your development processes.Master Ansible and Ansible tasks, playbooks, modules and roles. Get familiar with advanced DevOps techniques and take your DevOps career to the next level.While there are plenty of DevOps courses that focus on generic continuous integration and continuous delivery practices - it's hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which focuses on teaching you Infrastructure-As-Code from the ground up using some of the most useful modules in the Ansibleecosystem.This course is designed for all levels of DevOps practitioners who want to improve their skills, implement automation in their environments, and continue to be in great demand as DevOps engineers.Just a few of the things you'll learn:Understand What AnsibleIs All AboutHow To Install, Configure And Operationalize AnsibleAnsible Tasks, Playbooks, Modules and RolesHow To Build Your Own Ansible Playbooks To Deploy Your InfrastructureAutomaticallyHow To Write Your Own Ansible Roles And Share Them With OthersHow To Manage Your AWSCloud Resources Using Ansible PlaybooksImprove Your DevOps Skills, Become More Marketable, And Make More MoneyRegardless of what your level of experience is; whether you work in a small startup or large corporation - this in-depth course is designed to provide you with everything you need to take your DevOps skills to the next level.Whether you are you using Java, Python, Node.JS or any other stack - a seasoned engineer knows how to design, build and run advanced build and deployment systems which can perform build, test and analysis steps - all automatically. Ansilble is a tried and test automation and DevOpstool - which provides all the bells and whistles necessary to implement these processes with ease. Not only that, Ansilble is very robust and scalable system which can scale to hundreds of nodes building many projects in a multi-user and multi-team environments.By honing these skills, you will be chased by recruiters and companies who are looking to hire professionals with experience on Ansilble. This course shows you how.Contents and OverviewThis course aims at teaching software, IT and DevOps engineers what it takes to improve your skills, experience, and techniques to earn more money.You will start with the basics and tackle how to install and configureAnsilble. You will get familiar with the Ansilble plugin and moduleecosystem. You will get familiar witha bunch of very useful modulesinthe Ansilble ecosystem. You'll then dive into the different hands-on exercises to implement advanced playbooks and roles using various Ansible modules.You'll use these tools and frameworksto master how to properly design an end to end build and deployment pipeline, which:Prepares, deploys and configures your infrastructureModularizes the process of designing and operationalizing your infrastructureEliminates configuration errors caused to human errorHelps you version your infrastructure deployment scriptsLeverage other peoples' deployment scripts by using roles available in Ansible GalaxyHelps you secure your infrastructure using Ansible VaultHelps you deploy, configure and manage your AWScloud resourcesBy the end of this master course, your confidence as a DevOps engineer will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of Ansible and various other DevOps tools, and you can use them to their fullest potential to take small to large, simple to complex DevOps pipelines and be a part of this DevOps revolution and take your career to the next level."
Price: 194.99

"Manage Windows Server Infrastructure With Active Directory"
"This Windows and administrationcourse will teach you how to deploy and managesophisticated Windows Active Directory Domain (ADDS)Infrastructure.This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs ofWindows Server and Active Directoryand setting up the necessary services for your Windows network, even if you have little to no experience with it.MasterWindows Server, Active Directory, Various Windows Administrative Tools, Services and much more. Get familiar withWindows administration techniques and take your ITadministration career to the next level.While there are plenty of networking and IT related courses that focus on generic Active Directoryconceptspractices - it's hard to find a comprehensive course like this one, which focuses on teaching you Windows Server and Active Directory Domain Servicesfrom the ground up using some of the most useful services in the Windows Serverecosystem.This course is designed for all levels of networking and IT practitioners who want to improve their skills, implement sophisticated and collaborative workingenvironment in their organizations, and continue to be in great demand as networking and ITengineers.Just a few of the things you'll learn:Understand what Windows Server and Active Directory Services are all aboutHow To Install, Configure And Operationalize Windows Server and Active DirectoryWindows Server tools, services and rolesHow to manage your ADDSobjectsHow to integrate DNSservices with ADImprove Your ITSkills, Become More Marketable, And Make More MoneyRegardless of what your level of experience is; whether you work in a small startup or large corporation - this in-depth course is designed to provide you with everything you need to take your IT skills to the next level.Windows Server is a tried enterprise operating system which powers a large portion of enterprises and small to mid-range companies.Active Directory is one of the core features which enables collaborative, secure and accessible network environment for every department of the organization.Over the years Microsoft has put in a lot of effort and investment into making Windows Server avery robust and scalable system which can scale to global scale in a multi-user and multi-team environments.By honing these skills, you will be chased by recruiters and companies who are looking to hire professionals with experience on Windows Server and Active Directory. This course shows you how.Contents and OverviewThis course aims at teaching networking, IT, software and DevOps engineers what it takes to improve your skills, experience, and techniques to earn more money.You will start with the basics and tackle how to install and configureWindows Server and AD. You will get familiar with the Windows Server ecosystem. You will get familiar witha bunch of very useful services and management toolsinthe Windows Server ecosystem. You'll then dive into the different hands-on exercises to implement a real world networked environment for a Windows domain.You'll use these tools and frameworksto master how to properly design an end to end Windows domain environment, which:Secures your infrastructureEnables single-sign on for network domain usersEnables fine grained permission control over every network resourceEnables high availability and fault tolerance of key networking servicesBy the end of this master course, your confidence as a networking and IT engineer will soar. You'll have a thorough understanding of Windows Server and Active Directory, and you can use them to their fullest potential to take small to large, simple to complex Windows domain environmentsand be a part of this ITrevolution and take your career to the next level."
Price: 99.99

"IaaS Cloud Computing With OpenStack MasterClass - Part 1"
"Enhance your career with a course in IaaS Cloud Computing With OpenStack MasterClass - Part 1OpenStack began in 2010 as a joint project of RackSpace Hostingand NASA. More than 500 companies have joined the project since.OpenStack is an open source software for building private and public clouds. This is a cloud operating system that controls a large pool of compute, storage and networking resources throughout a data center.OpenStack boosts business agility, availability, and efficiency by providing a platform with on-demand, resource pooling, self-service, highly elastic, and measured services capabilities. OpenStack has certain capabilities, like Self-service life cycle management, for example, the run, reboot, suspend, resize and terminate instances. We dont need manual introduction to perform all these tasks. It will automatically do it using the different OpenStack services.Now, why would you want to do that? Cant you just subscribe with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Salesforce, Google or some other cloud services provider? You certainly can. However, if you are not comfortable entrusting sensitive data to a third party and you have tons of it, then an on-premise or private cloud infrastructure would be the better choice. By building your own cloud in your own data center, you will have more control of your data. OpenStack enables you to do just that.Let me take you through the basics which we will be covering in the course-Firstly, you will be introduced to OpenStack Series-I and few of its components or services as we call it here.Next, you will deep-dive into each of the components. You will learn their basic architecture.You will learn how to install and configure these components with informative demonstrations. They will be explained in simple, easy language.Assessment quizzes at the end of each module will help you test your knowledge of the module.Prerequisites for the course.Before you start the course, you need to have a good understanding of the following Basic understanding of what virtualization is and how it helps a cloud owner ,to start withBasic knowledge of programming languages, such as Python, YAML, Bash etc.Working knowledge of Microsoft Visual Studio Code.Basic networking experience and full understanding of the OSI model.Who will benefit from this course?The New Stack and the Linux Foundation ranked OpenStack as the most popular open source project. This course will benefit you if you are a software engineer or system administrator interested in planning, deploying and even operating the companys production and development clouds. This course will help you gain relevance in the industry of software development and deployment. The good news is that as of October 2017, LinkedIn listed almost 6,000 jobs, Indeed 2,500 jobs and Glassdoor 2,600 jobs with OpenStack as a title or a requirement. Learning OpenStack will definitely scale up your business profitability!Grab your copy of the OpenStack Course, today!Happy Learning!"
Price: 199.99

"IaaS Cloud Computing With OpenStack MasterClass - Part 2"
"Enhance your career with a course in Masterclass OpenStack Mitaka # 2OpenStack began in 2010 as a joint project of RackSpace Hostingand NASA. More than 500 companies have joined the project since.OpenStack is an open source software for building private and public clouds. This is a cloud operating system that controls a large pool of compute, storage and networking resources throughout a data center.OpenStack boosts business agility, availability, and efficiency by providing a platform with on-demand, resource pooling, self-service, highly elastic, and measured services capabilities. OpenStack has certain capabilities, like Self-service life cycle management, for example, the run, reboot, suspend, resize and terminate instances. We dont need manual introduction to perform all these tasks. It will automatically do it using the different OpenStack services.Now, why would you want to do that? Cant you just subscribe with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Salesforce, Google or some other cloud services provider? You certainly can. However, if you are not comfortable entrusting sensitive data to a third party and you have tons of it, then an on-premise or private cloud infrastructure would be the better choice. By building your own cloud in your own data center, you will have more control of your data. OpenStack enables you to do just that.Let me take you through the basics which we will be covering in the course-Firstly, you will be introduced to OpenStack Series-I and few of its components or services as we call it here.Next, you will deep-dive into each of the components. You will learn their basic architecture.You will learn how to install and configure these components with informative demonstrations. They will be explained in simple, easy language.Assessment quizzes at the end of each module will help you test your knowledge of the module.Prerequisites for the course.Before you start the course, you need to have a good understanding of the following Basic understanding of what virtualization is and how it helps a cloud owner ,to start withBasic knowledge of programming languages, such as Python, YAML, Bash etc.Working knowledge of Microsoft Visual Studio Code.Basic networking experience and full understanding of the OSI model.Who will benefit from this course?The New Stack and the Linux Foundation ranked OpenStack as the most popular open source project. This course will benefit you if you are a software engineer or system administrator interested in planning, deploying and even operating the companys production and development clouds. This course will help you gain relevance in the industry of software development and deployment. The good news is that as of October 2017, LinkedIn listed almost 6,000 jobs, Indeed 2,500 jobs and Glassdoor 2,600 jobs with OpenStack as a title or a requirement. Learning OpenStack will definitely scale up your business profitability!Grab your copy of the OpenStack Course, today!Happy Learning!"
Price: 199.99

"Project Planning & Management For Software & IT Engineers"
"Are you a software or ITengineer who wants get move into management?Do you feel you have hit a glass ceiling in terms of your career growth?Well becoming a project manager with IT background will fast track you into the management careers.The software industry is one of the fastest growing industries across the globe. As the software industry grows into unimaginable size, one of the most critical roles in the software industry is that of a software Project Manager. A software project has many moving parts which need to to be managed as an entire stream of activities which must be completed in a nicely choreographed manner. Each of these activities has its own goals, schedules, resources, and costs associated with each of them. Without a Software Project Manager, it becomes next to impossible for the organizations to properly execute on all the aspects of the project activities and deliver the software to a client within the stipulated timeline and under the budgeted cost.Software Project Management involves many stages or phases in the entire Software Development cycle or lifetime. These may vary slightly from organization to organization. However, the fundamental principles of Software Project Management remain the same. At a high level, the Software Project Manager along with the team initiates a Project, Plans the project, Executes the Project and complete the Project. Of course, this is a very brief and high-level description of what an actual project manager does but the whole success of the software project relies on how effectively the project manager manages the project. A software or IT project can be managed using various methodologies; like the Waterfall Model and Agile model. In the project, we will go over these methodologies and all other aspects of software and IT project management.As companies struggle to find skilled project managers; experienced software and IT Engineers are in a great place to be able to learn the skills required for project management and move into these roles. As seasoned engineers you already have the technical know-how and depth about how software is built. Once you learn the management aspects of software and IT projects you will be able to manage these projects much more efficiently and effectively by applying your existing skills.In fact, this is the fastest growth path in your career which can elevate you from an engineer into the management role very quickly. Just look at some of these amazing statistics:The median salary for software project managers is $91,500 in the U.S.85% of firms have setup a formal PMO (project management office), up 5% from 2014. Almost half (45%) of PMO staffers have earned their PMP (Project Management Professional) certification.Barely over half (56%) of project managers are certified.However, Project Management is just not about these numbers. Do you know what it takes to Initiate a software or IT project?Plan the project based on estimations, schedules, and other constraints?Ensure the project is being executed as per the stakeholder's expectations?Manage the risks which may arise during the execution of the project?Ensure the product or service being produced is of high quality?Monitor the progress of your project and report it to the stakeholders?These are some of the fundamental Challenges that companies ranging from early-stage startups to Global Fortune 500 companies face on a daily basis. If you can solve these problems for these companies, they will be happy to pay you top dollar for your skills.This course teaches you how to initiate, plan, execute, monitor and close your software and IT related projects.If youre serious about moving from an engineering role into the management role - then this course is for you.Do you want the skills and be highly sought after? Do you want your career to touch cloud 9?Did you answer, Absolutely to that question? If so, then our new training program ""The Art of Software Project Management for Software and IT engineers"" is for you.With an experience of over two decades in the software industry, we have been part of many prominent projects and start-ups. This experience has given us a good insight into what makes for scalable, flexible and strong software solutions and we are passionate to share our knowledge in this field with you.In this course, The Art of Software Project Management for Software and IT engineers, you will get an in-depth look at the project management methodologies, processes, tools, and frameworks for managing your software and IT projects in a consistent and repeatable manner.If you invest your time and bring an eagerness to learn, we guarantee you real, actionable education at a fraction of the cost you can demand as a project manager or consultant. We are confident your investment will come back to you many-fold in no time.So, if you're ready to make a change and learn how to manage software and IT projects, click the ""Add to Cart"" button.Look, if you're serious about becoming an expert project manager and generating a significant income for you and your family, its time to take action. Imagine getting that promotion which youve been promised for the last two presidential terms. Imagine getting chased by recruiters looking for skilled and experienced engineers by companies that are desperately seeking help.We call those good problems to have :-)Imagine getting a massive bump in your income because of your newly-acquired, in-demand skills.Thats what we want for you. If thats what you want for yourself, click the Add to Cart button below and get started today with our The Art of Software Project Management for Software and IT engineers.Lets do this together!"
Price: 199.99