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"Questes Controvertidas Sobre a Prova Penal"
"Ttulo: Questes Controvertidas sobre a Prova Penal: Perspectiva Terica e Contexto de Aplicao. A prova dos fatos como problema fundamental do processo penal. A problematizao da prova dos fatos necessria para assegurar sentenas criminais de qualidade que reduzam de forma significativa o peso ideolgico inevitvel do julgamento criminal. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do curso promover um debate sobre questes controvertidas relativas ao tema.O curso dividido em seis pontos principais:1 A prova dos fatos;2 As teorias correntes sobre a prova dos fatos e o processo penal brasileiro;3 Questes sobre a admissibilidade da prova no mbito do processo penal;4 A preservao da cadeia de custdia da prova penal;5 O controle da atividade probatria no mbito da legalidade;6 A preservao das fontes de prova e a fiabilidade probatria.Palavras-chave (keyword): cadeia de custdia; prova penal; epistemologia jurdica; fiabilidade probatria; processo penal; direito probatrio; admissibilidade da prova; qualidade da sentena.Geraldo Prado Professor Associado da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), instituio em que atua desde 2004 na graduao da Faculdade Nacional de Direito e desde de 2015 junto ao Programa de Ps-Graduao em Direito (PPGD). Na graduao leciona Direito Processual Penal e no mbito do doutorado investiga Sistema de Controles Epistmicos. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (1983 - UERJ), tem mestrado e doutorado em Direito pela Universidade Gama Filho (1998 e 2003 - UGF). Realizou estudos de ps-doutoramento em Histria das Ideias e Cultura Jurdicas na Universidade de Coimbra (2010). Consultor externo da Agncia de Acreditao de Ensino Superior de Portugal, Geraldo Prado colabora com universidades portuguesas, espanholas e latino-americanas. Desde junho de 2013 investigador do Centro de Investigao em Direito Penal e Cincias Criminais da Universidade de Lisboa. De 2016 em diante passou a integrar o RATIO LEGIS - Centro de Investigao e Desenvolvimento em Cincias Jurdicas, da Universidade Autnoma de Lisboa, com pesquisa na Linha Mercado, Regulao e Fiscalidade: o papel das Instituies Superiores de Controlo Financeiro na promoo de uma boa governana. Professor visitante na Universidade Autnoma de Lisboa. Tem experincia na rea de estudos sobre sistema de justia criminal, com pesquisas no campo da prova penal e dos sistemas processuais. Explora, ainda, as interfaces entre direito e poltica e direito e economia. Autor de livros e artigos publicados no Brasil e no exterior, integrou Comisso instituda pelo Ministrio da Justia para Reforma do Livro de Recursos e Aes de Impugnao no mbito do Cdigo de Processo Penal. Magistrado de carreira, aposentou-se no Tribunal de Justia do Rio de Janeiro no cargo de Desembargador (2012). Consultor Jurdico.Cronograma:1 A prova dos fatos2 As teorias correntes sobre a prova dos fatos e o processo penal brasileiro3 Questes sobre a admissibilidade da prova no mbito do processo penal4 A preservao da cadeia de custdia da prova penal5 A execuo das medidas cautelares como objeto de controle no mbito da legalidade e a prova penal6 A preservao das fontes de prova e a fiabilidade probatriaBibliografia Curso Passagens Prof. Geraldo Prado:ALMEIDA JNIOR, Joo Mendes de. Direito judicirio brasileiro. 5 edio adaptada Constituio Federal de 1946 e aos Cdigos de Processo Civil e Penal por Joo Mendes Neto. Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos, 1960. Publicao original: 1918.ANDERSON, Terence; SCHUM, David; TWINING, William. Anlisis de la prueba. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2015.ANDRADE, Isabela de; CORBY, Pena Miranda. A santa inquisio nas minas: heterodoxias, blasfmias, desacatos e feitiarias. Belo Horizonte: DPlcido, 2016.BAYTELMAN A., Andrs; DUCE J., Mauricio. Litigacin penal: juicio oral y prueba. Mxico: FCE, 2005. BOGHOSSIAN, Paul. O Medo do Conhecimento: contra o relativismo e o construtivismo. Lisboa: Gradiva, 2015.BOURDIEU, Pierre. A produo da crena: contribuio para uma economia dos bens simblicos. Porto Alegre: Zouk, 2014. CALVO GONZLEZ, Jos. El escudo de perseo: la cultura literaria del derecho. Granada: Editorial Comares, 2012.CORBY, Isabela de Andrade Pena Miranda. A santa inquisio nas minas: heterodoxias, blasfmias, desacatos e feitiarias. Belo Horizonte: DPlcido, 2016.CUNHA, Joaquim Bernardes da. Primeiras linhas sobre o processo criminal de primeira instncia, 1863.DAMASKA, Mirjan R. El derecho probatorio a la deriva. [Evidence law adrift]. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2015.DONATO, Flora di; SCAMARDELLA, Francesca. Una aproximacin epistemolgica-contextual al conocimiento de los hechos en el proceso. El modelo de Michele Taruffo, entre perspectivas analticas y aperturas interdisciplinarias. In: FERRER BELTRN, Jordi; VZQUEZ, Carmen (coeditores). Debatiendo con Taruffo. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2016.DOYLE, Arthur Conan. Um estudo em vermelho. Rio de Janeiro: Zahar, 2013.ENGEL, Pascal e RORTY, Richard. Para que serve a verdade? So Paulo: UNESP, 2008.ESPINDULA, Alberi. Percia criminal e cvel: uma viso geral para peritos e usurios da percia. 3 Ed. Campinas: Millenium, 2009. FERRER BELTRN, Jordi. La valoracin racional de la prueba. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2007.FISHER, George. Plea Bargainings Triumph: a history of plea bargaining in America. California: Stanford University Press, 2003.GASCON ABELLN, Marina. Prueba cientfica. Un mapa de retos. In: VZQUEZ, Carmen. Estndares de prueba y prueba cientfica: ensayos de epistemologa jurdica. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2013.GMEZ COLOMER, Jos Luis. La evolucin de las teoras sobre la prueba prohibida aplicadas en el proceso espaol: del expansionismo sin lmites al ms puro reduccionismo. Una meditacin sobre su desarrollo futuro inmediato. In: Prueba y Proceso Penal: Anlisis especial de la prueba prohibida en el sistema espaol y en el derecho comparado. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch, 2008.GONZLEZ LAGIER, Daniel. Captulo 1: Los hechos bajo sospecha: sobre la objetividad de los hechos y el razonamiento judicial. In: Questio Facti (Ensayos sobre prueba, causalidad y accin). Lima-Bogot: Palestra Temis, 2005. GONZLEZ LAGIER, Daniel. Hechos y conceptos.HAACK, Susan. Captulo 3: El probabilismo jurdico: una disensin epistemolgica. In: VAZQUEZ, Carmen (ed.). Estndares de prueba y prueba cientfica: Ensayos de epistemologa jurdica. Madrid: Marcial Pons, Ediciones Jurdicas y sociales, S.A., 2013.Instituto Brasileiro de Cincias Criminais (IBCCRIM). Reforma do Cdigo de Processo Penal Brasileiro: Contribuies do Instituto Brasileiro de Cincias Criminais (IBCCRIM) ao Projeto de Lei 8.045/2010. Maio de 2017.LOCKE, John. Compendio del ensayo sobre el entendimiento humano. Segunda edicin. Madrid: Tecnos, 2009. LPEZ, Ricardo Molina. La conformidad en el proceso penal: anlisis comparado de las legislaciones espaola y colombiana. Bogot: Ibez, 2012.MACCORMICK, Neil. Captulo 11: Narrativas Jurdicas. In: Retrica e Estado de Direito. Traduo de Conrado Hbner Mendes. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2008.MALJAR. Daniel E. El Proceso Penal y las Garantas Constitucionales. Buenos Aires: Ad Hoc, 2006.MARQUES, Jos Frederico. Elementos de Direito Processual Penal. Vol. 2. Rio de Janeiro: Companhia Editora Forense, 1961. p. 279MARTINS, Rui Cunha. O ponto cego do Direito: The Brazilian Lessons. 3 ed. So Paulo: Atlas, 2013.MATIDA, Janana; HERDY, Rachel. As inferncias probatrias: Compromissos Epistmicos, Normativos e Interpretativos. In: CUNHA, Jos Ricardo (org.). Epistemologias Crticas do Direito. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juiris, 2016.MENDES, Paulo de Sousa. As proibies de prova no processo penal. In: PALMA, Maria Fernanda (coord.). Jornadas de Direito Processual Penal e Direitos Fundamentais. Lisboa: Almedina, 2004.MOREIRA, Jos Carlos Barbosa. A motivao da sentena como garantia inerente ao estado de direito. In: Revista da Faculdade de Direito UFPR, vol. 19, n. 0, 1979.PAEZ, Andrs (coord.). Hechos, evidencias y estndares de prueba: ensayos de epistemologia jurdica. Bogot: Universidad de Los Andes, 2015. PALMA, Maria Fernanda. O problema penal do processo penal. In: Jornadas de Direito Processual Penal e Direitos Fundamentais. Coimbra: Almedina, 2004.PEARANDA LPEZ, Antonio. El proceso penal en Espaa, Francia, Inglaterra y Estados Unidos: descripcin y terminologa. Granada: Comares, 2011.PRADO, Geraldo. A quebra da cadeia de custdia das provas no processo penal brasileiro. In: VALENTE, Manuel Monteiro Guedes; PRADO, Geraldo et. al. Prova Penal: Estado Democrtico de Direito. Florianpolis: Emprio do Direito, 2015.PRADO, Geraldo. Prova penal e sistema de controles epistmicos: a quebra da cadeia de custdia das provas obtidas por mtodos ocultos. So Paulo: Marcial Pons, 2014.QUIRS, Diego Zysman. Castigo y determinacin de la pena en los Estados Unidos: un estudio sobre las United States Sentencing Guidelines. Madrid: Marcial Pons, 2013.RODRGUEZ LAINZ, Jos Luis. La confesin del imputado derivada de prueba ilcitamente obtenida. Barcelona: Bosch S.A., 2005.ROXIN, Claus. La prohibicin de autoincriminacin y de las escuchas domiciliarias. Buenos Aires: Hammurabi, 2008.ROXIN, Claus. Pasado, presente y futuro del derecho procesal penal. Santa Fe: Rubinzal Culzoni, 2007.SAVIGNY, Friedrich Carl Von. Le questioni di principio concernenti un nuovo regolamento del processo penale. Edizione e traduzione italiana a cura di Paolo Rondini. Milano: Giuffr, 2012. p. 73. Publicao original: 1846.SEIA, Antnio Alberto Medina de. O conhecimento probatrio do co-arguido. Coimbra, 1999.SOUSA, Joaquim Jos Caetano Pereira e. Primeiras linhas sobre o procsso criminal. 3 ed. Lisboa: Tipografia Rollandiana, 1820.TARANILLA, Raquel. La Justicia Narrante: un estudio sobre el discurso de los hechos en el proceso penal. Barcelona: Aranzadi, 2012.TARUFFO, Michele. A prova. Traduo de Joo Gabriel Couto. So Paulo: Marcial Pons, 2014.THAYER, J.B. A Preliminary Treatise on Evidence at Common Law, Boston, 1898.TORNAGHI, Hlio. Instituies de Processo Penal. Vol. 4. Rio de Janeiro: Companhia Editora Forense, 1959.UBERTIS, Giulio. Elementos de epistemologa del proceso judicial. Traduo de Perfecto Andrs Ibez. Madrid: Editorial Trotta, 2017."
Price: 339.99

"HIIT and Body weight exercises with a US Marine"
"Life is fast paced, things happen minute to minute, and sometimes, we struggle to find time for ourselves. Unfortunately, this sometimes means sacrificing our health and well being for convenience, time, money, etc.I believe in taking care of yourself first. I believe that taking care of yourself causes positive results in other areas of your life, and that exercise is essential and cannot be neglected. Maybe you don't have time to leave work and head to the gym, maybe you don't want to buy a gym membership, or maybe you don't want to waste time waiting your turn using the equipment.This is where bodyweight training comes in. Simple, convenient, and effective. No gym membership, very minimal equipment, and no wasted time!My course breaks down bodyweight training in simple, easy to understand videos, featuring exercises for every part of the body.Also..Fire your metabolism back up with HIGH INTENSITY INTERVAL TRAINING (HIIT), one of the most effective fat burning and endurance workout protocols known today. HIIT is EFFICIENT and EFFECTIVE! You can get a great HIIT workout in as little as TWO MINUTES! HIIT gives you sustained calorie and FAT BURNING for HOURS after a workout!  You'll also get a three month daily bodyweight training plan designed to help you start putting these exercises into practice. Once you get into a good routine, the possibilities are endlessSo, to recap, you're gettingAn extensive library of over 100 bodyweight exercises Resources that help you understand the muscles you're usingHigh intensity interval training My 3 month daily bodyweight exercise guide"
Price: 24.99

"Get ready for Marine Corps Boot Camp"
"This course is your ultimate study guide to Marine boot camp. It won't teach you everything, that's your drill instructors job. What this course will do is get you physically and mentally prepared to show up to boot camp ready to learn. This course will coverRANK STRUCTURE- Learn to identify and describe all Marine Corps ranks, which you will constantly be tested on.MEMORIZING YOUR GENERAL ORDERS- At boot camp, you are required to memorize all 11 general orders, and recite them under pressure. Having them memorized before you get to boot camp will greatly benefit you.BASIC CUSTOMS AND COURTESIES- Knowing how to address the Marines you interact with at boot camp.MINDSET AND MENTALITY- Developing the right mindset and mentality needed to learn the most from boot campFITNESS- Show up to boot camp in shape...or suffer more. Boot camp will get you in shape, no matter what. But you risk injury if you do not prepare beforehand.NUTRITION- At boot camp, food is fuel. There is no time for luxury or comfort foods.The title Marine is not easily earned. The journey will be difficult. You will be tested in ways you never have been before. In the end, it comes down to your attitude. How bad do you want it? What are you willing to do to make it happen? To succeed, you must first prepare. That preparation starts right now."
Price: 24.99

"Product Management Fundamentals"
"Learn the relevant skills to get into the hottest role in tech today!The most comprehensive and easy-to-understand introduction to Product Management, led by a senior product practitioner. Supplemented by quizzes, resources and a course completion certificate.DescriptionA recent news article calls the Product Manager the 4th most important role in a company today, making product management one of the hottest jobs in the market. However, most people are unaware of what exactly a Product Manager does. Does the role require technical skills or business skills? And what is it about the role that demands extreme empathy with the customer?This e-learning course by the Institute of Product Leadership is a foundational course that demystifies the role. Starting from the very basics ofWhat is a product?,the course curriculum introduces students to theproductizing processand the skills and frameworks such asMarket Analysis, Strategic Planning, Product Planning, Go to Market and Sales Enablementrequired to design, launch and nurture a product. Students will also be introduced to the role and career path of a Product Manager and thebusiness, technology and customer contextsa person needs to master to become a good Product Manager.Although no prior knowledge is required, an appreciation or hands-on experience of how product and services companies operate is helpful."
Price: 19.99

"Die Energie-Formel - Hol Dir mehr Kraft & Lebensfreude!"
"""Hast Du zu wenig Energie?""Bist Du erschpft, mde, schlapp, lustlosoder energielos und willst endlich wieder voller Power Dein Leben leben?""Willst Du noch mehr Energie?""Willst Du zuknftig noch mehr Power haben, um in Deinem Leben mehr zu erreichen und Dir das Leben zu erschaffen, was Du Dir wnscht?EGAL wie viel Energie Du momentan hast, dieses einzigartige Online-Video-Seminar hat nur ein Ziel: Dich dahin zu bringen, dass Du Deine Energielevel maximal nach oben pushen kannst und dauerhaft oben hltst!Wie alle meine Kurse ist das Seminarsehr praktischaufgebaut,sodass Du alles sofort anwenden und sofort profitieren kannst.In 21Einzel-Videos analysieren wir beide gemeinsam Deine persnliche Energie-Formel und sehen, was Dir momentan in Deinem Leben Energie entzieht und was Dich Energie aufladen lsst.Basierend auf der detaillierten Analyse definieren wir gemeinsam eine konkrete Strategie, die Dir ganz genau zeigt, an welchen Rdern, in welchen Lebensbereichen Du drehen musst, um Deine Energielevel dauerhaft signifikant anzuheben!Das Besondere am Seminar ist, dass wir uns in der Analyse undden Manahmen sowohl auf krperliche, als auch aufgeistige Themen fokussieren, d.h., dass wir ganzheitlich alle Themen angehen, die Dich momentan inKrper & Geist schwchen, bzw.Dich aufladen lassen. Eine konkrete bersicht der Themen siehst Du in der Gliederung des Kurses.Und hier ein berblick mit allem, was Du bekommst:Detaillierte AnalyseDeiner individuellenEnergie-Formel:Wir gehen im Seminar ingemeinsamen bungenalle Faktoren durch, die Dich belasten und Dir Energie entziehen, sowie der Dinge, die Dir Energie geben und Dich aufladen lassen, sodass ein konkretes Bild Deiner individuellen Energie-Formel entsteht.Voller Energie & Lebensfreude-Deineindividuellen Manahmen:Basierend auf der detaillierten Analyse Deiner individuellen Energie-Formel definieren wir gemeinsam die Manahmen, um Deine Energie-Level anzuheben.Step by step Energie aufladen- Deine individuelle Strategie:AlleManahmenintegrieren wir in Deinenpersnlichen Umsetzungsplan, den Du Schritt fr Schritt in Deinem Alltagumsetzen kannst. Dieser ist so detailliert, dass Du einen idealen Beispieltag bekommst, wo alle bungen & Manahmen ber den Tag verteilt aufgefhrt sind.bungen & RoutinenmitSoforteffekt:Ich lasse Dich bei der Umsetzung nicht allein, sondern gebe Dir zustzlich zu Deinen individuellen Manahmen weitere effektive bungen & Routinen an die Hand, die Du sofort anwenden kannst und die Dirsofort positive Effekte bringen. Ich zeige Dir z. B.wie Dudie4 Haupt-Energie-Ruberaus Deinem Alltag eliminierst und mit den5 Energie-Dimension&5 Power-Routinensofort sprbar Deine Energielevel steigerst.bungs-/ Arbeits-Chartszum Ausdrucken:Es ist essentiell wichtig, dass Du die bungen im Seminar individuell machst, um zur bestmglichen Analyse zu kommen, die dann in der fr Dich bestmglichen Strategie endet. Hierzu habe ich Dir alle bungen in bersichtliche Charts gepackt, damit Du sie ausdrucken und verwenden kannst.Hier ein paar Stimmen der Seminar-Teilnehmer:""Keine Energie war gestern!"" - (Ilona 54J., Angestelle bei der Stadt):Ich bin einfach nur happy. Es ist wie immer, die einfache Dinge sind oft die besten! Ich habe im Seminar alles Schritt fr Schritt mitgemacht und dann die Dinge einfach gemacht. Das wars. Aber das hat auch den Unterschied fr mich gemacht. Jetzt fhle ich ich mich endlich wieder fit""Habe schon vieles vorher versucht..""- (Brries 34J., Freier Jounalist & Blogger):Klar ist man anfangs skeptisch, aber ich bin froh mich drauf eingelassen zu haben! Die Energie-Formel hat mir geholfen, mein Leben neu zu ordnen. Ich habe meine Energieruber kennengelernt und wei jetzt, was ich tun muss, um sie aus meinem Leben rauszuhalten. Genauso mache ich endlich wieder Dinge, die mir Spa machen, weil nur sie mein Leben bereichern und mir so Kraft geben.""""Endlich wusste ich, was ich tun musste...""- (Steffen 46J., Angestellter im Pharmakonzern):Mir fiel es wie Schuppen von den Augen. Endlich wusste ich, was ich all die Jahre falsch gemacht habe! ... Speziell die 5 Energie-Dimensionen ist ab jetzt meine tgliche bung. Sie wirkt so direkt, ich habe mehr Energie und fhle mich einfach super!""Ich habe meinen Weg gefunden und bin wieder happy!""- (Karoline 39J., Teamleiterin Marketing-Agentur):Es war ein tolles Seminar! Endlich mal ging es um mich, endlich mal konnte ich individuell meine Themen bearbeiten und dann fr mich ein Konzept entwickeln, wie es zuknftig weitergeht. Das Hauptproblem heutzutage ist doch, dass man kaum noch wei, was, bzw. wer einem wirklich helfen kann. Diese Hilfe habe ich Gott sei Dank mit Sebastian und der Energie-Formel gefunden!""Wenn Du voller Energie & Lebensfreude Dein Lebenleben willst, dann starte mit mir gemeinsamdie Energie-Formel und pusheDeine Energie-Level. Ich freue mich auf Dich im Seminar!"
Price: 94.99

"Das Gesetz der Anziehung (+/-) Das Gesetz der Resonanz"
"""Was haben Matt Damon, Will Smith, Jim Carrey & Denzel Washington gemein?""Sie alle nutzen neben vielen anderen erfolgreichen Menschen bewusst das Gesetz der Anziehung, um ihr perfektes Leben anzuziehen!""Dieses einzigartige Gesetz der AnziehungSeminar ist Dein Schlssel, Dein Leben zum Optimum zu verndern!""Du kannst all das in Dein Leben ziehen, was Du Dir fr Dein perfektes Leben vorstellst!Gleichzeitig kannst Duall das, was Dich nervt, worber Du unglcklich bist oder was bisher noch nicht so luft, wie Du es gern httest, hinter Dir lassen!Suchst Du momentan noch denidealen Partner und mchtest sie oder ihn in Dein Leben ziehen?Sagt Dir Deine innere Stimme, dass Du unzufrieden mit Deinemberuflichen Erfolg bistund mchtest Du mehr Erfolg in Dein Leben ziehen?Fhlst Du Dich aktuell nicht attraktiv oder fit genug und mchtest zuknftig Attraktivitt & Fitness in Dein Leben ziehen?Egal, was Du Dir wnscht, mit diesem Seminar werde ich Dich in die Lage versetzen, es in Dein Leben zu ziehen!Und damit Du das schaffst, nehme ich Dich mit auf eine spannende Reise zu den Resonanzgesetzen:Wir starten im 1. Abschnitt mit den Hintergrundinformationen, die essentiell wichtig fr unsere weitere Reise sind.Hier schauen wir uns gemeinsam an, wie das Gesetz der Anziehung in Deinem Leben funktioniert, wo es sich bisher positiv oder auch negativausgewirkt hat und warum dies so war / ist.Nach diesem theoretischen Teil wenden wir uns direkt der Praxis zu!Ich mchtemit Dir ...UMSETZEN, UMSETZEN, UMSETZEN:Mein Ziel ist, das Du das Gesetz der Anziehung fr Dich anwenden kannst. Top Informationen allein ntzen nichts, wenn Du sie nicht anwenden kannst!Deswegen werden wir im 2. Abschnitt viele gemeinsame bungen machen, wo wir Schritt fr Schritt das Resonanz-Gesetz anwenden!Und, wir machen dies an einem Beispiel, was Du Dir selbst aussuchst! Du kannst selbst den Lebensbereich whlen, den Du zuknftig in Dein Leben ziehen mchtest, sodass Du am Ende einen konkreten Masterplan in der Tasche hast, den Du nur noch in Deinem Alltag umsetzt.Und, um Dir alles noch anschaulicher zu machen, werden wir den Schritt fr SchrittProzess an 2 weiteren Beispielen durchspielen: an Thomas, der mehr Geld in sein Leben ziehen mchte und an Charlotte, die Attraktivitt und Fitness in ihr Leben ziehen will.So bekommst Du 3 konkrete Beispiele, wie das Gesetz der Anziehung funktioniert und kannst dann diestep by step Vorgehensweise & diebungenauf jeden Lebensbereich anwenden, den Du anziehen willst!Das Besondere am Kurs:Nicht nur Theorie, sondern Praxis: wir setzen gemeinsam um, damit Du das bekommst, was Du Dir wnscht. (Nur der, der umsetzt, hat am Ende Erfolg!)Unerlssliche 2-fach Strategie:1. Konzentrieren auf das, was Du anziehen willst2. Eliminieren von allem, was Du nicht anziehen mchtest. Denn durchnegative Glaubensstze oder destruktivesVerhalten wirst Du Deinen Erfolg immer selbst sabotieren.Die ""Gesetz der Anziehungs - Gleichung"": anhand der von mir aufgestellten Gleichung werden wir gemeinsameinfach und leichtSchritt fr Schritt Deinen Masterplan ausarbeiten, den Du dann im Alltag umsetzen kannstAlle bungen & Chartsgebe ich Dir als PDF Download, damit Du sie direkt in den bungenausfllen und bearbeitenkannst.Motivation: Dieser Kurs ist keintrockenes Seminar. Ich mchte Dich dafr begeistern, Dein Leben in Deine Hnde zu nehmen und das Beste daraus zu machen. Deswegen gebe ich in meinen Videos alles, um Dich maximal zu motivieren!One-Shoot-Video: Meine Seminare sind alle in der One-Shoot-Technik aufgenommen. Dies bedeutet, dass ich innerhalb der Videos niemals schneide. So siehst Du mich, als wenn es ein echtes Seminar ist und keinen zusammen-geschnittener Film. So kannst Du die Inhalte am besten verfolgen/ verarbeiten undden hchsten Benefit aus dem Seminar ziehen.BONUS - Material:Kurz-Kurs: Selbstvertrauen aufbauen - Selbstbewusst sein! Je mehr Selbstvertrauen und Selbstbewusstsein Du hast, desto besser wirst Du Dein perfektes Leben anziehen. Mit diesem Kurz-Kurs mchte ich Dich untersttzen, dies zu erreichen!Die 5 Energie-Dimensionen: Diese gefhrte Meditation nimmt Dich auf eine Reisemit, die Du selbst gestaltet. Die 5 Energie-Dimensionen sind ein sehr wirksames und effektives Werkzeug, die Anziehung dessen, was du Dir wnscht, nochmals zu verstrken!Das Gesetz der Anziehung kann und hat Leben zum Besserentransformiert. Ich mchte, dass dieses Seminar den Grundstein legt, dass dies auch bei Dir passiert.Stell Dir vor, wie es wre, wenn Dein perfektes Leben schon heute Wirklichkeit wre!Was wrde in Deinem Leben anders sein? Wie wrdest Du Dich fhlen?Genau dort bringen wir Dich hin! Deine Reise startet heute! Ich freue mich darauf, Dich zu begleiten!Lass uns loslegen, Dein perfektes Leben anzuziehen!"
Price: 94.99

"Librez Votre Confiance En Soi Et Devenez Inarrtable!"
"Devenez 100% confiant, boostez votre estime de soi et devenez inarrtableAvez-vous dj t dans une situation o vous vous sentiez stress ou anxieux? Avez-vous dj dout de vos capacits et vous n'avez pas pris action? Avez-vous dj ressenti ce sentiment dsagrable dans votre corps qui vous empchait d'agir pour ce qui est important pour vous?La plupart des gens manquent de confiance en eux et ils ne s'en rendent mme pas compte. Avec un cours comme celui-ci, vous allez finalementpouvoir agir pour ce qui est important pour vous, vous sentir bien dans votre peau, avoir le courage d'tre vous mme, tre confiant au travail, tre confiant lorsque vous prenez la parole, tre confiant lorsque vous interagissez avec les gens et mme lorsque vous prenez action pour atteindre vos objectifs.Comment changerait votre vie si pourriez devenir confiant et avoir ce que vous voulez? Comment vous sentiriez-vous?Dans ce cours, vous allez apprendre comment devenir confiant. Comment tre confiant dans votrevie, au travail, lorsque vous allez donner des prsentations, lorsque vous interagissez avec les gens, lorsque vous agissez pour vos objectifs et dans n'importe quelle autre situation. Vous allez aussi apprendre comment booster votre estime de soi pour que vous vous sentiez trs bien et que vous puissiez prendre action dans votre vie.Prenez action et inscrivez-vous ce cours pour faire passer votre vie au niveau suprieur. Il y a une garantie 30 jours satisfait ou rembours alors vous n'avez rien perdre."
Price: 99.99

"The Parenting Breakthrough Experience"
"How would you like to know exactly what your purpose is? How would you like to minimize or even eradicate the negative effects of stress in your life and for your family? How would you like to do what you love and love what you do, and wake up every day feeling inspired and filled with gratitude? How would you like to understand yourself, your partner, your kids and your friends so that you can have deep, meaningful and respectful relationships with everyone in your life? How would you like to be the person youre hoping to raise your child into? In this Parenting Breakthrough Experience I will help you to empower every aspect of your life and to clear out anything that is currently standing in your way. I will help you to process your emotional baggage, to get rid of all of your limiting beliefs, to understand how your mind works so that you can easily fulfill your goals and keep growing and learning. I will help you to heal your past and to envision your future so that you can live with full presence in this moment and love every minute of your life. I will show you how fulfillment is right at your fingertips and how to reach out and grasp it. And then I will link all of this learning and change and show you how you can empower every area of your life. SPIRITUAL Understand your purpose in life and how to fulfill this in every moment of every day; how to let go of the limiting beliefs that are standing in your way; how to help your kids to see the bigger picture and navigate lifes inevitable ups and downs; and how to increase your gratitude and deepen your connection with the divine.MENTAL How to learn more effectively; how to help your kids to learn more effectively; understand emotions, what to do with them and how to transform them and how to get on top of stress; how to find and appreciate your unique areas of genius. FINANCIAL How to get out of debt; how to link your finances to your highest values to ensure that you achieve financial freedom; how to raise financially savvy kids. CAREER How to do what you love and love what you do; how to let go of guilt and shame for pursuing your career and not being a full time parent or for being a full time parent and not returning to work; how to wake up every day excited to go and be of service in whatever career you are in; how to get where you want to be in your career in the future and how you and your kids can set and achieve meaningful goals. FAMILY How to clear your past of negative emotions and limiting beliefs so that you can parent in the present moment with full confidence in your own choices. Find out why out-of-book parenting approaches dont work and how you can parent your unique children effectively; find out why you and your partner always seem to have opposing ideas about parenting and how to find win-win solutions. SOCIAL How you can have a greater impact on the world and the people around you; how to manage your emotions and stress levels to ensure more meaningful relationships with friends, family and colleagues; how to deepen or save your marriage. PHYSICAL Get on top of all the basics of excellent physical health; find out why you and your kids get sick, how you can understand your bodies messages and what you can do about it; clear limiting beliefs holding you back from excellent health, losing weight, fitness or other physical goals. What you will get here are simple, effective real-life changes and non-judgemental, practical advice that removes any blame and shame. By empowering yourself you will become the ultimate role model for your kids to ensure that they, too, grow into successful, well-functioning adults in all areas of their lives. This is like having a reset button for your life a chance to reboot with new improved programming that will allow you to be the best parent that you could possibly be not because youve read all the books, but because you are living the life that you desire for them. You get to be the example of what is possible and how to achieve it; you get to be the change you want to see in your kids! Here's what some of my past clients have had to say about this experience: Mia, you have changed my view on my life. You've made me see my value, realise my worth and honestly changed my existence in ways I never thought possible. A breakthrough is too passive a word. My mind is blown! I'm forever grateful, Rob H"" Most amazing experience of my life! Lisette S Truly eye-opening and refreshing. Mia has given me the tools and insight to transform my life and handle life's obstacles. A really worthwhile process. I feel so inspired, uplifted and less burdened. Thank you, Mia!!!! Irene W"
Price: 149.99

"Guide to Real Reiki - Why Reiki online is Forbidden"
"Can you practice Reiki after graduating an online course? Absolutely NOT!.Will you trust a carpenter who never held a hammer in his life to build your house? It is the same with Reiki online. Traditional Reikiforbids distant attunementsalthough it is a widely spread technique. How can you practicehealingothers just by paying 10-50 $ sitting on a couch? Because of the superficial,manipulating and confortable world we live in todayPersonal Experiences are the most priceless. How can youpractice anancienthealing technique without even knowing the face of your master? How he is as a person? How you feel around him/her?This course will present everythingyou need to know in order for younot to be fooledand to help you practice real Reiki. There are so many questions you should ask yourselves before actually believing people behind fancy diplomas and well made videos. Reiki relies on the contact with other people. How can you touch somebody else when you don't evenknow the touch of your master feels?All the people whichhave been practicing Reiki for a long time and that actually have good result on others have personal attunements. Take this course and change your life for the better:). In this course you will learn about Reiki, an ancient healing technique that has been used successfully all over the world to heal emotional, physical and energetic imbalances. Reiki helps people,pets, plants, itcan even purify objects and rooms and can change the outcome of any situation in your life or in the life of others, practiced correctly of course.Find out how Reiki can help you, your family and your friends.Have you ever felt that there is more to life than just work andresponsibilities?Are you inclined towards energy,intuition orpasions,but you just dont know where to start?Are you searching for a Reiki course that respects the traditional teachings of the ones who discovered it, a course withwitch you can connect to?An instructorand life coachthat can open up and help you, andalso one that has aninternationally recognized certification?Do you feel the need for validation and to be recognized by those who matter to you?You will have the opportunityto connect an active online communityandpeople that share your beliefs and experiences,withpeople i have helped through out the years.What is this course about? In this course you will learnhow Energy works and how itaffects everything around us.Learn the true facts behind Reiki, its legend, its history and how it can positively change your life for the better.All the necessary teachings of Reiki Level 1 will be revealed in this course-from general notions to advance Level 1 usage and all its secrets. You will gain a deeper understanding aboutlife,be more calm, learn how to change your perspective about the things that happen in your life and how to stop letting them affect you -this course contains the explanations of all the bodies that make up a person.Additional benefitsof this course include being able togrow spiritually, improve yourself worth, be morecentred and calmin your everyday life,live atahigher level of energy,noticesynchronicitiesandattract abundanceinto your life.MY DYPLOMAS ARE ATTACHED IN THE 'ABOUT INSTRUCTOR' VIDEO AS A PICTURE:)Why take this course ?This course in accordance with the Reiki Aliance teachings.The course'scontent respects the teachings of Japanese Reiki MastersIt's comprehensive and very detailed reaching out to attuned people who want to improve their practice and unattunedpeople who want to learn the truth about this ancient healing method.It will increase the level of awareness regardingthings and peoplearound youWork through the material while having continuous access to ask your Certified Reiki Teacher questionsNo hurry! You can finish this course when ever you want, at your own paceunlike an in-person courseI will continue to add more helpful information to this course over time -and with yourlifetime accessyou can access the new information whenever you choose.You will be given additional materialsTherapeuticall breviary containing more then 50 most commondiseases and how to heal them using specific hand placements and practical advices for daily use that help attuned people andunnatunedpeople."
Price: 19.99

"Using Scrum to Complete Projects in your Client's Budget"
"This course covers a multitude of topics fromwhat scrum is from a definition standpoint to how it stacks up to Waterfall aswell as other Agile methodologies. Throughout the lectures, you will seedefinitions, key terms and gain access to downloadable resources and externallinks.The first section of this course talks aboutwhat Scrum is, who the core roles are, how the core roles differ from non-coreroles and how to resolve conflict amongst all team members.In the next area of the course, you will learnabout the six Scrum Principles and how they are helpful in managing timethroughout the lifecycle of the project. These six Principles include EmpiricalProcess Control, Self-Organization, Collaboration, Value-Based Prioritization,Time-Boxing and Iterative Development.Then, we will cover the five Aspects of Scrumprojects. These tell how the team members should respond and be structure. Thefive Aspects include Organization, Business Justification, Quality, Change andRisk.In the second half of the course, you will beintroduced to the five Phases that each project undergoes from Initiate toRelease. In these five Phases, there are a total of nineteen Processes. There are at least two Processes in each Phase. The Processes all progress from Project VisionStatement to the Retrospect Project events and activities.At the end of the course, we will take a lookat how Scrum measures up against other methodologies, including Waterfall, TDD,Crystal and more.It is our hope that you truly enjoy thiscourse and have huge success in your profession."
Price: 99.99

"Getting the Life of an Instructional Designer"
"In this course, you will learn first and foremost about how to land a job as an Instructional Designer. We will start out by talking about options in terms of Education and even Continuing Education.Then, we will continue on by helping you find a job in this field. We will tell you the keywords, how to search and how to use job boards to possibly interact with several hiring managers to give you that personal contact.Next, whether marketing YOU, YOUR skillsets or advertising your business offerings, we will talk about the different ways to use social media to your advantage. You will see job aids and some external links throughout this course.By the end of the course, you will know the qualities of GREAT training and the training deliverables that are most popular.We will finish out the course by talking about a Day in the Life of an Instructional Designer and even working for YOURSELF!Congratulations on furthering your future and I hope you enjoy this course!"
Price: 39.99

"Creating a Winning Course as an Instructional Designer"
"TESTIMONIAL:""I'm so amazed on how much Knowledge and training I have gotten from this course. I have been in business for over 11 years and I wish I could have started with this course. It would of made my life a whole lot easier. Thank you Beverly for putting this course together it will help thousands of new business owners. I give it a"
Price: 79.99

"Curso Firebase para Android: Aprende a construir tu backend"
"Eres capaz de construir una aplicacin para Android en Java? Fantstico, Aunque no te parece que tus aplicaciones son demasiado limitadas por el hecho de guardar los datos de forma local?A todos nos ha llegado el momento en el que nos toca ponernos manos a la obra, salir de nuestra zona de confort y volvernosserios a la hora de desarrollar aplicaciones mviles. Node.js, noSQL, relaciones entre entidades, APIs REST Demasiadas cosas por aprender! En 2017puedes crearaplicaciones profesionales sin necesidad de tener que aprender todas estas tecnologas desde cero. Por este motivo estamos aqu para ti. Existen varias soluciones en el mercado que te hacen la vida mucho ms fcil. Una de ellas es Firebase, un producto de Google que permite que los desarrolladores de aplicaciones se centren en el cliente y puedan despreocuparse de mantenimiento del servidor, escalabilidad, etc. Somos un pequeo equipo de desarrollo de Softonic que hatrabajado en aplicaciones de xito como Turbo Booster, Wifi Patrol, Screen Lock Guardian, etc. Conocemos muy bien cmo desarrollar rpido, de forma eficiente y profesional. De hecho, nuestras aplicaciones han sido descargadas por ms de 8 millones de usuarios en todo el mundo. En este curso te vamos a ensear todo lo que deberas saber para crear tu propio backend y permitir que tus aplicaciones cambien elmundo: Mira el video promocional para ver cmo puedes construir aplicaciones profesionales hoy mismo! Este curso est dirigido a unnivel INTERMEDIO /AVANZADO. Recibirs ms de 5 horas de contenidos de vdeo! Este curso ha sido diseado por 3 de los Desarrolladores Android de Softonic cuyas apps han sido descargadaspor ms de 8 millones de usuarios."
Price: 59.99

"JSP WEB MVC Model2 Programming( )"
"JSP Java . Spring Framework JSP . .  , PC .  MVC Model 2 . Spring Framework . . "
Price: 49.99

"HTML & HTML5 Tutorials"
"HTML HTML5 . Server Side Font Side .  UI UX HTML, CSS, JavaScript .CSS JavaScript jQuery HTML . . . . . ."
Price: 49.99

"node.js server Tutorials(Node.js )"
"node.js   . JavaScript   .   .  node.js   .  .   "
Price: 49.99

". . . . ."
Price: 49.99

"UNITY 3D( 3D) ""(Clicker) """
"Unity 3D .c#, java . . Unity3D . . > . . . C"
Price: 49.99

"Bootstrap 4 & 3 Framework Tutorial"
"BootStrap HTML5 . ,, UI css Front End . UI 100% CSS jQuery . BootStrap 4 3 . 3 . . ."
Price: 99.99

"Start Google Angular.js ()"
"Google , Angular JS . . . . . ."
Price: 44.99

"Java Android 9.0(pie) App 1"
"  Android 9.0(pie) . . . . . ."
Price: 79.99

"Java Android 9.0(pie) App 2"
"Kotlin . Kotlin . . Kotlin   . . 4 , . . ."
Price: 79.99

"Como Obtener la Licencia de Ingeniera/o En Estados Unidos"
"Descripcin detallada y sencilla de los pasos necesarios a dar para homologar ttulos extranjeros de Ingenieras o Agrimensura en los Estados Unidos y los pasos necesarios para obtener las Licencias de Ingeniero o Agrimensor Profesional.Tambin incluimos algunos datos sobre las ventajas de sacar la licencia, los diferentes tipos de exmenes disponibles tanto para los exmenes de fundamentos de Ingeniera como para los exmenes de Ingeniero profesional.Una parte del curso es la motivacin. Proveemos los contactos necesarios para asesorar directamente a quienes deseen envolverse en esta aventura y para mantenerlos motivados de ser necesario."
Price: 19.99

"How To Connect and Communicate Effectively in the Workplace"
"Welcome to this course.Do you lack confidence inmakingconnections effectively in the workplace? Do you see others successfully building a network and have support from a wide group of people? Do you wonder how to engage others more effectively and reduce frustrating interactions?You may think it is all too much effort and you'd rather just put your head down and get on with your workhoping you'll getnoticed and promoted.In reality, that won't happen. To assume progressing through your career is a single handed affair is limiting. Developing connections, giving and receiving support from your network and adapting the way you communicate with others will propel your business relationships. These keycomponentsare the foundation foryou accomplishing results.____________________________________________________________________________________________Essential components for your success at workMany people overlook these essential components in achievingsuccess in the workplace. The good news in this short programme, I will walk you through, step by step, how to master the following:Module 1:Creating a connection effectively, even ifin the past you have found this difficult. You will:Discover the impact of creating successful connections.Learn nine ways to choose from in how you master this skill yourself including finding a common ground, discovering language patterns and paying attention to your appearance in relation to the environment in which you are in.Module 2:Re-evaluating your network so that you have a broad and deep structure of support as you progress in your career.You will:Discover the impact of your attitude tonetworking.Unlock the myths and truths of networking.Deepen and broaden your network across three different typesnetworks.Module 3:Understanding yourand others' communication style so that you enjoy more engagement and better interactions with others. You will:Discover the world of mindsets; the fixed and a growth mindsetsLearn4 different types of communication style preference,How to engage others with different styles and knowthe 'watch outs' for what ticks them off.How to create greater balance and flexibility in your own style.Understand the impact of your style on the performance of others.Following through on the action steps in each modulewill enable you to develop yourself in all three components and you will see the results for yourself.____________________________________________________________________________________________What others have said""The content is terrific. Really enjoyed working through it, have taken a lot of notes and looking forward to trying the actions out.""""I thought it was simply excellent. It really sounded with me and sent a very powerful message. I think it really hits the mark.""""I loved the structure of sectionsand I found the communicationsframework really clear and easy to remember, (i.e. the four quadrants). I know I could share my learnings easily with my team - Id find it easy to explain and they would grasp the concept easily. The exercises were simple and not too complex / time consuming. They felt achievable and something that I knew I could do easily. It was useful to think about my own style, strengths, as well as the potential watch outs. I also enjoyed thinking about other peoples styles and learning about how I could flex my own approach to communicate effectively and influence them (very timely too for me personally!)""____________________________________________________________________________________________You have a choiceTake a look now at the curriculum and if you like what you see,sign up nowand get started today and let ineffective communication be a thing of the past . . ."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Java Programming"
"Java is still the most popular language and is used in a variety of applications. In this course we'll learn the java core components include exceptions, generics and multithreading. We'll also focus on OOP writing and how to implement OOP principles in java programs.This course is proposed for intermediate programmers who know the basic programming constructs (loops, conditionals, arrays etc.) and the OOP basics (classes and objects)."
Price: 49.99

"60-Minute Kotlin Quick Start for Java Developers"
"Kotlin in one hour?!Well, yes!Why an hour?Because that's all you need as an experienced developer!We'll see the basics constructs of the language - variables, conditionals, loops, strings and arrays. Being an experienced developer you probably don't need an explanation of ""what a loop is""but you want to see how loop is done in Kotlin. This is my attitude through all this course - I won't waste your time in telling you things you already know. I'll try to show you new things and give you the direction to go on.Developers: want a fast introduction to Kotlin? If you're familiar with Java, I can help you get up to speed in just a couple of of hours.Kotlin is a fascinating new language that's attracted lots of attention, including from Google. In this short course you'll get to know Kotlin and its essentials. You'll be able to start writing code in no time.If you are an experienced developer and heard the buzz about Kotlin - this course is for you.If you are a Java developer and want to dive into Kotlin, I'll help you translate your Java knowledge into Kotlin expertise in no time.If you are a Java developer and heard all those talking about Kotlin, but you don't know where to start - start here. Your java knowledge will be translated quickly into kotlin.In this course I'll show you the essentials of this young and amazing language. We'll work with the IntelliJ IDE but if you just want to taste the language without any downloads or installations - that's fine, I'll introduce the Kotlin Playground which is a great tool for writing and evaluating Kotlin on line without any configurations.We'll see how Kotlin's functions work, and how functional programming is done in Kotlin.We'll see how OOP is done in Kotlin and what are the main improvements over java.Finally, I'll give you some suggestions to what else can be done and which topics you might want to get interested in the Kotlin's ecosystem.Hope you choose to take this course and get to know Kotlin, a fascinating new language!Read what other students thought about this course in the reviews section.""As a senior Android developer, i've searched for a *brief and practical* Kotlin course that include all the information to get started with the new language. this course does exactly it - took me all the way from IDE setup to the little but crucial differences from Java. All in all - great value for money"""
Price: 59.99

"Web Development Essentials - HTML5, CSS, Javascript"
"TL;DR - Learn HTML, CSS, JS, they are the tools of the past, present and future.Web development is a big thing nowadays, and probably would be in the next coming years. Web development is the field of writing applications that would run and accessed via the web browser. The web development field had gone (and is going every day!) through tremendous changes. From the very first days of the internet and to our present days, the web technology advances in huge steps, making state of the art technologies obsolete, creating new technologies almost on monthly basis, and attracting more and more developers, companies and industries to the web development area.What is a web development really?In web development we build web applications. A web application is an application that is rendered on the browser, and accessed by the user through the browser. Simply put - when you order tickets to movie in your home town theatre, when you check your bank account balance, when you write a post on Facebook or update your resume on LinkedIn, all of these and more are examples to web applications. You open a web browser, go to a specific URL, and get a full working application. Today you can even find sophisticated applications on the web, like sound and video editing applications, drawing, recording, gaming, word processing, you name it. They're all on the web, and all are accessed via the browser.So, how do Ibuild one?Like any other field, web development has its own jargon and tools. Since the technology becomes more able and strong, new platforms, languages and tools arise every day. But over the years that passed and probably for the years to come, there are three essentials tools and skills that stand in the base of every web application - those are html, css and javascript.What is HTML?HTML (stands for HyperText Markup Language) was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in the late 1980's. It's a standard that contains data to be rendered on the browser, and directions of how to render it. The browser reads HTML document that tells it what to show and how to show it. For example, we can tell the browser to show the sentence ""Hello World"", and if we want the browser to make it bold, we'll add HTML directions (called ""markups"") that would direct the browser how to render the text. In this manner, html contains the data (What to be shown)and the meta-data (how it would be shown). What is CSS?HTML comes with very narrow set of abilities to style the page. For real styling we use CSS (stands for Cascading StyleSheet). CSS contain rules that control the page styling and actually can do anything - we can change font family, size, decoration, we can change background colours, images, shadows, gradients, every type of styling is possible with CSS, and more features are added all the time. What is Javascript? Javascript (abbreviated to JS) is a programming language that was invented in the mid 1990's and its main and primary goal was to enable simple functionality to the HTML. For example, if we built a HTML form in which the user should fill his/her name, we could use JS code to validate the input. Over the years, and really in the last decade, JS had became from a modest, inefficient and kind of ""toy"" language, to a monstrous creature that controls every last aspect of the web. Everything in the web development world is done with JS, and its popularity increases by every known matrices. But hey, people really build web apps using those three tools?The answer is yes and no. HTML is too complicated, css is a mess and JS code tends to be unmaintainable very quickly, so you can't really write a web app that is more than trivial and keep your sanity. Over the last decade tons of tools were invented to overcome those three friends' disadvantages, and modern web applications are written in variety of modern, new and shiny tools. You probably heard some buzzwords like Angular, React, Vue, Meteor, Bootstrap, Node and so on. To be a web developer you will probably have to learn one (and usually much more than one) of those tools.But here is the trick - every platform, every modern tool, with no exception at all, works on the same basic tools - HTML, CSS, JS. No Exceptions, and Imean it. That means that you just can't start learning how to develop web application without them. If you try to start learning Angular for example, without any knowledge in the three basic tools, you'll get nowhere. So the conclusion is that you have to learn the basic tools and to use them as a jumpstart to other newer tools.Another advantage for learning the basic triadEven if you somehow manage to learn reasonably enough one platform without the triad, you are not safe! As mentioned earlier - the web development world is crazy and moving fast. I mean very fast. New platforms are invented on day to day basis. New libraries, new tools. AngularJS had started in 2010, but now it is version 6 and the Angular paradigm had changed drastically during this time. Vue.js was presented in 2017, and as to the time I'm writing those lines, there is some trend to migrate to Vue.js from other platforms. And it's not the end. One just can't keep track of all the new ideas and innovations with this influx of ideas. What I'm saying is that if you don't know the basics, you'd be irrelevant the minute a new technology appears. If you knew only AngularJS, what would you do when version 3 came along, and it's different from the one you know? But since the basic triad - html, css and js - stands on the basis of every platform, when you know it you can migrate to any other new and shiny platform. In the bottom line - learn html, css and js if you want to be a web developer. They are not going anywhere anytime soon."
Price: 69.99

"Mastering the SAT Math Section"
"The SAT math sections can leave many students feeling overwhelmed; however,this portion of the exam can be mastered with the proper prep!This classis meant to assist anyone who is dedicated to achieving a higherSAT Math score.In this course students will learn not only the tested contentbut the strategiesnecessary to reachtheirgoal come test day! Each filmed lecture will take students through official SAT math questions that range indifficulty level(similar to the structure of the SAT). Students are not simply given detailed explanations of the solutions. They are taught to classify questions and utilize answer choicesin order to ensure they take the mostefficient approach.After each lecture, students are encouraged to go throughthe supplemental materials in order to make certainthey have a full understanding of the topic. There are quizzes, formula sheets, andall of the questions covered in the lecturesavailable for download!My goal is to help students learn how to approach math through a methodical mindset that will provide them with the ability to master the SAT and every other math exam they will face!"
Price: 29.99

"Como Criar Logos de Sucesso - Start Designer"
"Este curso um 2 em 1 onde falo tudo sobre como comear a carreira como designer e como criar logos que encantam!Criar Logos hoje em dia uma tarefa bem popular na concorrente rea de design. Principalmente quando trabalhamos com clientes particulares, onde a concorrncia fica ainda mais alta gerando preos baixos e material de baixa qualidade. A pergunta a ser feita : Como posso ter um diferencial competitivo para encarar essa concorrncia e valorizar meu produto para ter um valor de mercado coerente?Saber como efetivamente colocar suas ideias em prtica com fundamento e base, voc poder criar peas lindas e extraordinrias onde seus clientes iro com certeza ficar totalmente satisfeitos com o resultado. Logo abaixo voc vai ver como criar uma base estrutural de criao e potencialmente ganhar dinheiro com seu design.Crie Logos Que Impacte Seu Pblico e Portflio.Como mesclar suas referncias e montar idiasBriefing - Quais perguntas aplicar no questionrioComo criar um painis de inspirao virtuaispara poderampliar suas idiasRascunhos de desenvolvimento, fontes, elementos, formas geomtricas, grid bsicoAdobe Illustrator - Dicas e AtalhosComo defender suas idias e mostrar um trabalho primoroso para seus clientes.Como organizar seu dia-a-dia e precificar seu trabalhoComo utilizar recursos dentro do IllustratorComo criar um Manual de Marca bsicoComo vender-se melhorAinda disponibilizaremos uma srie de bnus como:Briefing para download- Defesa de Criao para download- Exerccios e um Contrato BaseE muito mais!Contedo do CursoEste curso possui 26 aulas com mais de5 horas de contedo, mostrando como possvel criar logos excepcionais.Neste curso apresentado a criao de 1 logo voltado para o ramo de luxo, agregado, processo criativo, desenvolvimento, manual de marca, apresentao para o cliente e mockups para valorizar o resultadoPara criar os contedos que mostrarei no curso necessrio de um computador com o software Adobe Illustrator em sua verso completaou de teste.Estar disponvel tambm um questionrio com o briefing necessrio para receber informaes do seu cliente, com isso voc saber os passos que dever dar para adquirir o melhor design para seu logo.Aps finalizar este curso voc ser capaz de organizar idias, saber os passos que deve tomar para criar seus logos, montar base de referncias, rabiscar idias e desenvolver,base de precificao e como calcular seu trabalho, como organizar sua rotina como designer, como editar mockups, como utilizar a pentool entre outros recursos do Illustrator.Para quem este curso?Este curso destinado a designers iniciantes que queiram comear a estruturar seus trabalhos ou pessoas que queiram aprender a construo de logotipos e como ter um trabalho mais refinado e bonito.Alm de claro, desejar aprender um pouco de Illustrator e suas funcionalidades."
Price: 219.99

"Illustrator Iniciante: Aprenda a Fazer uma Pintura Digital"
"Neste cursofalo tudo sobre comoutilizar o Illustrator para fazer suas ilustraes e deixar voc capacitado a criar lindas artes!Pintura Digital com Adobe Illustrator um curso passo-a-passo que vai desmistificar diversas ferramentas do software e vai te ajudar a criar desde pincis at lindas ilustraes coloridas e cheias de identidade.Hoje em dia uma tarefa bem rdua encontrar contedos que nos ajudem no passo-a-passo a utilizar as ferramentas necessrias para nos aperfeiarmos, e foi nesse ponto que eu toquei e criei este curso.A pergunta a ser feita : Ser que eu consigo acompanhar mesmo comeando hoje na ferramenta? A resposta sim, claro que voc deve ter um conhecimento em utilizar um computador, e claro, se voc est aqui lendo isso, acredito que tenha! Ento vamos juntos ilustrar!Saber como efetivamente colocar suas ideias em prtica com fundamento e base, voc poder criar peas lindas e extraordinrias.Logo abaixo voc vai ver como criar uma base estrutural de criao e potencialmente aperfeioar seus conhecimentos em pintura digital!Saiba como arte finalizar seus desenhos!Como utilizar as principais ferramentas de pintura digital do IllustratorComo criar pincisArte-finalize lindamente seus desenhos e os torne digitaisCrie paletas de coresAdobe Illustrator - Dicas e AtalhosE muito mais!Contedo do CursoEste curso possui 20 aulas com mais de 2horas de contedo, mostrando como possvel criar uma arte digitalexcepcional!Neste curso apresentado a criao de 1 pintura digitalonde mostrarei todo oprocesso de criao, desenvolvimento efinalizao.Alm de aulas focadas em ferramentas do Illustrator.Para criar os contedos que mostrarei no curso necessrio de um computador com o software Adobe Illustrator em sua verso completaou de teste.Deixarei disponvelpara downloadtodasas artes que criei no curso e mais alguns recursos especiais.Aps finalizar este curso voc ser capaz de organizar idias, saber os passos que deve tomar para criar suas ilustraes, montar base de cores, rabiscar idias,desenvolver ecomo utilizar outros recursos do Illustrator.Para quem este curso?Este curso destinado apessoas que queiram desenhar no computador e serve tanto para pessoas com conhecimentos intermedirios quanto parainiciantes.Alm de claro, desejar aprender um pouco de Illustrator e suas funcionalidades.Espero voc e vamos juntos aprender a criar uma ilustrao do zero com o Illustrator!Vamos juntos!"
Price: 219.99