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"Writing a Powerful Medical School Admissions Essay"
"No pressure, but this 5,300-character essay will determine the rest of your life! Writing a personal statement is among the most mystifying parts of a medical school application. We are so often told dont toot your own horn, but a personal statement is entirely about you making the case for why you are an exceptional candidate. This can feel quite unnatural, and the task is made all the harder by virtue of the fact that its importance brings immense pressure. With this in mind, this course will walk you through every part of the writing process using the 4-step FourthWrite Method: (1) Deep Brainstorming, (2) Strategic Outlining, (3) Powerful Writing, and (4) Meticulous Revision. Along the way, youll be given specific mini-assignments that will move you, step-by-step, toward the completion of your essay. You will learn how to select a personal theme, map out your narrative, deal with rough spots in your application, and present a coherent personal narrative that grabs the readers attention."
Price: 34.99

"How To Manage Your Money Without Budgeting"
"Hey guys!Thanks so much for taking a look at my course. It really means a lot me :)For those who dont know me, my name is Mourad and Im the founder of ModernMoneyNinja, an online platform where I document my journey to financial freedom and teach about how to take control of your money and start investing with little.In 2015, I decided to conduct a study during which I met 12 multi-millionaires. From having lunch with Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad, Poor Dad, to spending an hour with Kevin Green, the number one residential property owner in the U.K - I met people who were at the top of their game financially.The biggest takeaway from this study is that these people became rich as a result of very specific systems that they implemented and followed.This course is going to teach one of the most important systems to help you manage your money well without any effort.This course is my personal favorite because managing my money has always been a big source of struggle for me, The system that I share in this course will enable you to:Save money without having to budget and while still being able to have funTake control of your money fast to stop uncontrollable spendingSave money automatically every month for specific goals and dreams that you haveThank you so much for taking the time to participate in this course, I truly appreciate it. I hope it serves you well. Mourad a.k.a ModernMoneyNinja.What are the course requirements?There are no specific requirements for this course :)"
Price: 39.99

"How To Start A Digital Product Business: Earn Passive Income"
"Want To Learn How To Start A Digital Product Business?This course is designed for people who want to learn the Ins and Outs of creating and selling digital products. I will show you step-by-step how anyone can launch theironline business with less than $100 working only a few hours per week. Here are some advantages of starting your own Digital Product business:Complete Freedom: Having an online business means you get to be your own boss.Flexibility:As long as you have a stable internet connection, you can work from anywhere in the worldPassive income: It's easier than ever to create multiple passive income streams earn hundreds, thousands or even hundred thousands of dollars each monthNo Investment:All this can be done from home with a laptop and less than $100Selling digital products is by far the easiest way to earn passive income online and a great business model. And as you will see you dont need to invest 8 hours a day to get started.Here Is What You'll Learn/Get In The Program:A Step-By-Step Action Plan That You Can Follow To Set Up Your Online Business TodayHow To Create A Bestselling eBookHowTo Create SoftwareHowTo Create A Video CourseHow To Choose The Right Product Management System For Your ProductsHow To Add Your Product In JVZooHow To Launch Your Product And Make It An Instant Bestseller As A Bonus You Also Get Access To My Privat Facebook Group ""Value Academy"" Where I Give Free Advice And You Can Ask Questions And Interact With Other Students.Scroll Up And Start Your Digital Product Business Today"
Price: 99.99

"Fiver Brokering Course"
"What do you do when youre stuck at the middle of the road? You figure a way out on your own. But figuring out on your own is tiring and time consuming. What you need is an instant solution. Something that allows you to see results almost instantly.Today, all your confusion and problems will be solved. I have come out with a blueprint called Fiverr Brokering Secrets.My blueprint will give you a step-by-step guide to how you can become a Fiverr Broker to allocate more time looking for freelancers and customers instead of performing the gigs yourself. This will leverage your business and generate more profits. Simply put, youre a boss where you hire freelancers to work for you at the same time you charge from your clients."
Price: 49.99

"Grne Smoothies mit Wildkrutern"
"Der Geheimtipp fr eine gesunde Ernhrung sind Wildkruter, und diese kannst du in Form eines Grnen Smoothies am besten aufnehmen und verwerten.In diesem Kurs erfhrst du, wie du einen Grnen Smoothie zubereitest und die Wildkruter dafr selbst sammelst.GrneSmoothies mit Wildkrutern haben viele Vorteile - hier nur einige:Grne Smoothies erleichtern dir das Abnehmen.Sie verbessernerheblich das Hautbild.Bei regelmigen Grnen Smoothie-Mahlzeiten normalisiert sich die Verdauung und die Darmflora.Grne Smoothies untersttzen auch Entgiftungsprozesse im Krper.Und fr mich das Wichtigste - Du wirst mit viel mehr Energie durch den Tag gehen und dich wohlerfhlen.Wildkruter - das heimische Superfood kannst du am besten mit Grnen Smoothis in deinen Speiseplan einbringen.Probiere es und geniee es!Viel Spa dabei -Deine Anna"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Lightroom CC: Landschaftsfotografie Masterclass 2020"
"Hi, mein Name ist Fabian Rohirt. Ich bin seit ber 6 Jahren ein professioneller Landschaftsfotograf und Lightroom-Trainer. Derzeit unterrichte ich mehr als 10.000 Teilnehmer. Willkommen zu meinem Lightroom-Kurs!Hole noch mehr aus deinen Fotos heraus und bringe deine Bildbearbeitungsskills auf das nchste Level. Ich trainiere mit dir in diesem Kurs effektive und professionelle Techniken, wie du deine RAW-Datein perfekt in Adobe Lightroom Classic CC bearbeiten kannst.Als Bonus verwenden wir auch kurz Adobe Photoshop fr das finale Schrfen und einen Spezialeffekt. In der heutigen Zeit ist Bildbearbeitung ntig, um die besten Ergebnisse zu erhalten und alle technischen Mglichkeiten auszunutzen. Und das Beste ist: Es kann auch Spa machen, seine Fotos zu bearbeiten - wenn man wei wie es funktioniert. Lass es mich dir zeigen!Um einige vorher - nachher Ergebnisse zu sehen, sieh dir bitte die Kursvorschau an.Wie ist dieser Kurs gegliedert?Basics: Zu Beginn fhre ich dich in das Programm Adobe Lightroom ein. Ich zeige dir alle wichtigen Funktionen und erklre dir, wie du Bilder importierst und diese bearbeiten kannst.Teil 01: Du bekommst direkt an einem Bildbeispiel meinen Workflow vorgestellt. Hier erfhrst du wie ich meine Fotos bearbeite, mit jedem Detail und einer genauen Erklrung.Teil 02: In diesem Abschnitt zeige ich dir eine weitere Bearbeitung in Lightroom. Du wirst lernen, wie man den Blick des Betrachters gezielt lenken kann und die Dynamik und Bildwirkung zustzlich verstrkt. Hier gehen wir auch kurz in Photoshop, um einen Spezialeffekt hinzuzufgen.Teil 03: Schlechtes Wetter bedeutet nicht schlechtes Foto: Kennst du das? Manchmal hat man wirklich keine guten Voraussetzungen fr ein optimales Foto. Doch leider knnen wir das Wetter nicht beeinflussen. Ich zeige dir aber, wie du aus einem vermeintlich langweiligen Foto dennoch ein tolles Bild machst. Entdecke, welche Mglichkeiten dir Lightroom dazu bietet.Teil 04: Hier wiederholen wir vieles von dem zuvor Gelernten und wenden das Wissen auf ein Foto an. Du wirst sehen, dass du mit meinen Tricks so viel mehr aus RAW-Dateien rausholen kannst.Teil 05: Diese Lektion wird beeindruckend: Wir werden gemeinsam mein erfolgreichstes Landschaftsbild bearbeiten. Mit diesem Foto habe ich 2 Wettbewerbe gewonnen und es wurde auch in einer berhmten Zeitschrift publiziert. Ich sage dir alle meine Geheimnisse und erklre dir, wie ich dieses spektakulre Foto aus dem RAW-Bild der Kamera entwickelt habe.Teil 06: Herbstbilder brauchen aufgrund Ihrer vielen Farben eine gesonderte Behandlung, damit diese toll wirken und natrlich aussehen. Ich zeige dir, was du wissen musst, um deine Wasserfallfotos mit Lightroom zu bearbeiten.Bonus: Du bekommst zu diesem Kurs 11 Adobe Lightroom Classic CC Presets, die ich extra fr dich entwickelt habe. Mit diesen kannst du deinen Bildern direkt mit einem Klick einen ganz neuen Glanz verleihen. Auerdem stelle ich dir alle RAW-Dateien, die ich in diesem Kurs zur Erklrung verwende, kostenfrei zur Verfgung. Dadurch kannst du die Theorie direkt in die Praxis umsetzen und somit Routine in die Bildbearbeitung bringen.Weitere Details zum Aufbau findest du in den jeweiligen Lektionsbeschreibungen im Lehrplan. Ich freue mich immer, meinen Teilnehmern zu helfen und ich werde alle Fragen persnlich beantworten! Auerdem mchte ich deinen Fortschritte sehen und dir Feedback zu den Bearbeitungen mit Lightroom geben.Kurze Zusammenfassung:Alle Erklrungen - Schritt fr SchrittDurchdachte Gliederung und logischer Aufbau, um dich mit dem Workflow vertraut zu machenProfitiere von meinen Erfahrungen und Tricks als professioneller LandschaftsfotografPersnlicher Support bei FragenFunktioniert auch mit der neuesten Version von Adobe Lightroom Classic CCund vieles mehraktualisiert fr 2020!Bitte beachte: Adobe hat einige nderungen am Namen der Lightroom-Software vorgenommen. In diesem Kurs verwenden wir Adobe Lightroom Classic CC (ehemals Adobe Lightroom CC). Natrlich kannst du dieses Wissen auch fr die neue Cloud Version von Lightroom verwenden.Tauche jetzt in die spannende Welt der Bildbearbeitung ein!"
Price: 149.99

"Adobe Lightroom CC: Landscape Photography Masterclass 2020"
"Hi, my name is Fabian Rosshirt. I've been a professional landscape photographer and Lightroom instructor for over 6 years and I'm currently teaching more than 10,000 people. Welcome to my Lightroom course!Get more out of your photos and take your image processing skills to the next level. You will learn effective and professional techniques, how you can edit your RAW files in Adobe Lightroom Classic CC.We will also shortly use Adobe Photoshop for the final sharpening and a special effect. In today's world, image processing is necessary to get stunning photographs and to take advantage of the technical possibilities. And the best: It also can make a lot of fun to edit photos - if you know how to do that. Let me show this to you!To see some before - after comparisons, please watch the course preview.How is this course structured?Basics: At the beginning I introduce you to Adobe Lightroom. I will show you all the important features and explain how to import, edit and export photos. I won't bore you with unimportant theory. We will jump right into many practical exercises after the introduction.Part 01: Now I present you my workflow by showing you a complete processing of the first image. Here you will learn how to edit your photos, step-by-step and with a detailed explanation.Part 02: In this section I will show you the development of a night-photo. You will learn how to steer the viewer's eye and increase the dynamics by using visual effects. Here we will also briefly use Photoshop to add a special effect.Part 03: Bad weather does not mean bad photo: Have you ever made that experience? Sometimes you really do not have the right conditions for taking an optimal photo. But unfortunately we can not influence the weather. I show you how to make a great picture out of a supposedly boring photo. Discover the power that Adobe Lightroom Classic CC offers to you.Part 04: In this part we will repeat a lot of what you have learned so far and apply the knowledge to a fourth photo. You'll see that with my tricks you can get so much more out of your RAW files. We also talk about the importance of colors in landscape photography.Part 05: This lesson will be amazing. We will edit together my most successful landscape image. With that photo I have won 2 competitions and it also got published in a famous magazine. I tell you all my secrets and explain to you how I achieved that spectacular photo out of the RAW image captured with the camera.Part 06: Autumn pictures need a special treatment because of their colors, that they catch the viewer and still look natural. I'll show you everything you need to know to edit your waterfall photos with Lightroom.Bonus: You will receive 11 Lightroom Presets, which I have specially developed for you. With these, you can give your images a whole new look with just one click. In addition I give you all the RAW files I use in this course for explanation. This allows you to put the theory directly into practice and bring routine into your image processing.Further details about the structure can be found in the curriculum.Im very happy to help you and I will answer all your questions! Also I'd like to see your progress and give you feedback on your edits with Lightroom.Short summary:all explanations - step by steplogical structure to make you familiar with the workflowall RAW files and 11 Lightroom presetstake advantage of my experiences and tricks as a professional landscape photographerpersonal support for questions (you can ask me anything)also works with the newest version of Adobe Lightroom Classic CCand much moreupdated for 2020!Please note: Adobe has made some changes to the name of the Lightroom software. In this course we use Adobe Lightroom Classic CC (formerly Adobe Lightroom CC). Of course you can also use your knowledge to work with the new Cloud version as well!Immerse yourself in the exciting world of image processing!"
Price: 179.99

"Easy Comma Rules"
"Do you feel nervous whenever youre asked to put something in writing or proofread a document? When you write, do you write on-and-on without being sure where to break-up the sentence? If so, youre not alone. By the end of this course, you will know how to use a comma to separate a sentence into manageable segments, to prevent possible confusion or a run-on sentence. Youll also be a better proofreader and editor when reviewing other peoples writing. This is a short and EASY course, because it focuses on one area of punctuation and not several areas, which will enable you to concentrate, understand, and remember the rules better.This course also includes printable practice worksheets, along with the answer keys.FREE eBOOK - As a GIFT for students who complete the course 100%, the link to a FREE printable ebook of the course will be sent to them.This is information you dont want to pass up!I look forward to meeting you in class!"
Price: 19.99

"Ingls Bsico para Principiantes: Una slida base, hablando."
"DOMINAPLENAMENTELAESTUCTURAYELVOCABULARIO BSICODELINGLS ENCUESTINDEHORAS, NOAOS!Aprende a utilizar un ingls comunicativo bsico con este mtodo cuidadosamente escalonado para principiantes.El mtodo te permite:Hablar sin parar desde los primeros segundos.Producircientos defrases de uso diario en ingls.Absorberla gramtica y vocabulario de nivel A1, sin darte cuenta!Progresarsin esfuerzo, sin la necesidad de memorizar o""estudiar"".DEJARSELLEVARPORELMTODO Dime y lo olvido, ensame y lo recuerdo, involcrame y lo aprendo. (Benjamin Franklin)Ingls URGENTEle permitirusar y entender elinglsbsico en cuestin de horas,sin la necesidad de memorizacin o explicaciones extensas.Esto se consigue atravs de un mtodo cuidadosamente diseado que construye el idioma en tu mente,paso a paso, hastair formando frases relativamente complejas con facilidad.Desde el principio, formas tus propias oraciones, absorbiendo estructuras sin esfuerzo, sin darte cuenta. El mtodo te gua a travs del ingls bsicode una manera motivadora y estimulante, construyendo el idioma de forma sencilla,casi sin que lo notes.Ingls URGENTEno te ensea teora, te ensea a hablar ingls y te ayudaa conseguirlo en muchomenos tiempo que los mtodos tradicionalesAPRENDERDEFORMANATURALYRPIDAEn el mtodo Ingls URGENTE aprender es un procesocontinuado, y no una serie detemas separados. Cada nueva palabra va precedida de una introduccin clara y precisa. Este primer contacto da comienzo al proceso de aprendizaje de una manera sencilla; un proceso que se prolonga, conforme los alumnos van utilizando la nueva palabra en una gran variedad de contextos diferentes.Los encuentros repetidos con palabras y estructuras a lo largo del tiempo, en una amplia variedad de situaciones y asociaciones, hace que lo aprendido se quede grabado a por vida.CMOFUNCIONAELCURSO?El mtodo Ingls URGENTE, nivel 1, consiste de 10 videolecciones de ingls hablado. Despus de cada dos lecciones hay una serie de ejercicios escritos y un dictado.Las video leccionesconsisten en respondera mis preguntas. Nada de papel ni boli. Solo hablar, hablar y hablar. Te sueltes a hablar en ingls desde el primer momento y no parasdurante toda el curso. Es el sistema ideal para aprender ingls de una forma muy rpida si tu nivel es bajo o de principiante.Mi objetivo con Ingls URGENTE es que te hagas con mi idioma de forma muy rpida y quete acabes enganchado almtodo."
Price: 104.99

"Ingls bsico 2: Una slida base, hablando."
"DescriptionDOMINAPLENAMENTELAESTUCTURAYELVOCABULARIO BSICODELINGLS ENCUESTINDEHORAS, NOAOS!Aprende a utilizar un ingls comunicativo bsico con este mtodo cuidadosamente escalonado para principiantes.El mtodo te permite:Hablar sin parar desde los primeros segundos.Producircientos defrases de uso diario en ingls.Absorberla gramtica y vocabulario de nivel A1, sin darte cuenta!Progresarsin esfuerzo, sin la necesidad de memorizar o""estudiar"".DEJARSELLEVARPORELMTODO Dime y lo olvido, ensame y lo recuerdo, involcrame y lo aprendo. (Benjamin Franklin)Ingls URGENTEle permitirusar y entender elinglsbsicoen cuestin de horas,sin la necesidad de memorizacin o explicaciones extensas.Esto se consigue atravs de un mtodo cuidadosamente diseado que construye el idioma en tu mente,paso a paso, hastair formando frases relativamente complejas con facilidad.Desde el principio, formas tus propias oraciones,absorbiendo estructuras sin esfuerzo, sin darte cuenta.El mtodo te gua a travs del ingls bsicode una manera motivadora y estimulante, construyendo el idioma de forma sencilla,casi sin que lo notes.Ingls URGENTEno te ensea teora, te ensea a hablar ingls y te ayudaa conseguirlo en muchomenos tiempo que los mtodos tradicionalesAPRENDERDEFORMANATURALYRPIDAEn el mtodo Ingls URGENTE aprender es un procesocontinuado, y no una serie detemas separados. Cada nueva palabra va precedida de una introduccin clara y precisa. Este primer contacto da comienzo al proceso de aprendizaje de una manera sencilla; un proceso que se prolonga, conforme los alumnos van utilizando la nueva palabra en una gran variedad de contextos diferentes.Los encuentros repetidoscon palabras y estructuras a lo largo del tiempo, en una amplia variedad de situaciones y asociaciones,hace que lo aprendido se quede grabado a por vida.CMOFUNCIONAELCURSO?El mtodo Ingls URGENTE, nivel 2, consiste de 10 videolecciones de ingls hablado. Despus de cada dos lecciones hay una serie de ejercicios escritos y un dictado.Las video leccionesconsisten en respondera mis preguntas.Nada de papel ni boli.Solo hablar, hablar y hablar.Te sueltes a hablar en ingls desde el primer momento y no parasdurante toda el curso.Es el sistema ideal para aprender ingls de una forma muy rpida si tu nivel es bajo o de principiante.Mi objetivo con Ingls URGENTE es que te hagas con mi idioma de forma muy rpida y quete acabes enganchado almtodo.Who is the target audience?Hispanohablantes que necesitan un ingls bsico, sobre todo hablado, de forma URGENTE para viajar, estudiar o trabajar.Aquellos que encuentran que los cursos tpicos o tradicionales son poco efectivos y aburridos.Aquellos que quieren un curso que les hace hablar desde el principio, formando miles de frases con xito , sin la necesidad de la tpicas explicaciones aburridas.Aquellas personas que nunca han estudiado ingls o que tienen alguna nocin bsica pero tambin una gran inseguridad en los conocimientos adquiridos.Aquellos que buscan una forma nueva y diferente de aprender ingls, sin estrs o aburrimiento, que le motive y que le deje con ganas de ms."
Price: 24.99

"Spanish for Beginners. The Complete Method. Level 1"
"FULLY MASTER THE ESSENTIALS OF SPANISH IN A MATTER OF HOURS, NOT YEARS!NO BORING ""STUDY"", ONLY NONSTOP SPEAKING.What students are saying:  Amazing! Really love it! ...Im excited to continue.  I am totally new to Spanish and I really like your approach. It's fun and doesn't feel like studying!      I'm very excited for the rest of the lessons!  A native speaker friend is so impressed what I can say after just 2 hours of learning ;) Muchas Gracias.   Its a very natural way for beginner to learn a new language. Its amazing that you can create a  sentence in such a short time.EL MTODO allows you to: Speak, non-stop, from the very start. Produce thousands of practical phrases for daily use. Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary at  A1 level. Make rapid progress, without the need to memorise or ""study"" in the traditional sense.ALLOW YOURSELF TO BE CARRIED AWAY BY THE METHOD.""Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn ."" (Benjamin Franklin)Right from the start, EL MTODO engages you in a non-stop spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. This beautifully simple resource allows you to use and understand basic Spanish in a matter of hours, without the need for tiresome attempts at memorisation or lengthy, grammatical explanations. This is achieved through a expertly designed, world-class methodology that builds up and practices the language in your mind and mouth, step by step, until you are able to form increasingly complex sentences with ease.From the very start, you will be speaking your own sentences, effortlessly absorbing structures without even realising it. The method guides you through basic Spanish in a motivating and stimulating way.Recent students put it this way:  ""I love the easy style of learning. Like a friend or family member teaching you, but better. No stuffy grammar drills, just speaking!""                                                     ""Outstanding from the very first lesson to the end. The Spanish is challenging and fast moving, and yet  constantly revisits vocabulary and structures so that it sinks into long term memory. Explanations are short and yet accommodate for all learning styles. The whole journey has been a world-class introduction into a language Ive learned to love. Gracias por todo!""""After completing level 1 and level 2 , I am here for level 3 and have already purchased level 4. Does it not  prove how good and well organised the courses are! It's Fantastic. Beyond expectation!""LEARN SPANISH NATURALLY AND RAPIDLYIn EL MTODO as in real life, learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The process continues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposure to new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these are acquired for life.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?EL MTODO, level 1, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken Spanish. After every lesson there is a series of written exercises as well an optional musical task.We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk, talk and talk. You won't stop speaking Spanish from start to finish. This is the ideal system for beginners to learn Spanish. My goal with EL MTODO  is for you to become ""hooked"" on the program, thereby mastering basic Spanish as quickly as humanly possible.Best of luck! "
Price: 19.99

"Spanish for Beginners. The Complete Method. Level 4."
"FULLY MASTER THE ESSENTIAL STRUCTURESAND VOCABULARY IN A MATTER OF HOURS, NOT YEARS!Learnbasic communicative Spanish with the easy to follow, carefully graded method for complete beginners.The method allows you to: Talk non-stop from the very start. Produce thousands of practical frases for daily use. Painlessly absorb grammar and vocabulary at A1 level. Progress without effort, without the need to memorise or ""study"" in the traditional sense.ALLOWYOURSELFTOBECARRIEDAWAYBYTHEMETHOD.""Tell me and I willforget, teach me and I may remember, involve meand I learn.""(Benjamin Franklin)ELMTODOwill allow you to use and understand basic Spanishin a matter of hours, without the need for memorisation or lengthy explanations. This is achieved through acarefully designed methodthat builds up the language in your mind,step by step, until you are able to form relatively complex sentences with ease.From the very start, you will be forming your own sentences, effortlesslyabsorbing structures without even realizing it. The method guides you through basic Spanish in a motivating and stimulating way.ELMTODO does not teach you theory, itteaches you to speak Spanish and helps you achieve this in much less time than traditional methods.LEARN NATURALLY AND RAPIDLYIn ELMTODO as in real life,learning is a continuous process, not a series of separate topics. Each new word or structure is preceded by a clear and precise introduction. The processcontinues as the students use the new word in a variety of different contexts. Repeated exposureto new words and structures over time, in a wide variety of situations and associations, means that these areacquiredfor life.HOW DOES THE COURSE WORK?ELMTODO, level 1, consists of 20 video lessons of spoken Spanish. After everylessonthere is a series of written exercises as well an optional musical task.We will engage you in a spoken dialogue that requires no pen and paper. Just talk,talk and talk. You won't stop speaking Spanish from start to finish. This is the ideal system for beginners to learn Spanish.My goal with ELMTODOis for you to become ""hooked"" on the method therebymastering basic Spanish as quickly as humanly possible.Best of luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin sicher kaufen - So gehts!"
"Du willst eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung wie du einfach und sicherdeine ersten Bitcions kaufst? Dann bist du hier genau richtig. Herzlich Willkommen mein Name ist Thomas Gassmann und ich begleite Dichauf dem Weg deine ersten Bitcions zu kaufen, damit DuAnfnger Fehler vermeidest.2017 ist das Jahr der Kryptowhrungen. Anfang des Jahres stand der Bitcion noch bei ca. 1000 Euro und ist heute 24.8 2107 bereits ca 4000 Euro wert.Oft habe ich das Wort Bitcion gehrt aber mich nie richtig damit auseinander gesetzt. Als ich mich dann Entschlossen habe meine ersten Bitcoins zu kaufen htte ich mir gewnscht es gbe eine Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung. Aus diesem Anlass ist dieser Kurs entstanden. Er soll dir dabei helfen sicher und einfach deine Bitcoins zu kaufen ohne die Fehler die ich am Anfang gemacht habe. In der Welt der Kryptowhrung gibt es etwas was ganz wichtig ist und das ist Eigenverantortung. Wenn Das Geld Weg ist ist es Weg! Es ist wie mit deinem Bargeld, wenn du es nicht auf der Bank hast, musst du selber darauf aufpassen!Deswegen ist es Wichtig die Grundregeln der Kryptowhrungen zu kenne. All das lernst Du natrlich in diesem Kurs und wenn du die Regeln kennst und dich daran hllst ist es eine Sichere Sache. Und wie du nun deine ersten Bitcoins kaufst und sie sicher aufbewahrst zeig ich Dir jetzt.Ich freue mich dich gleich in der Ersten Lektion wider zu sehen.Viel Spass und bis Gleich ;)DeinThomas Gassmann"
Price: 19.99

"SQL Server 101 : Microsoft SQL Server for Absolute Beginners"
"In this course you will learn:Start from scratch by installing Microsoft SQL Server Express editionRequirements for installing Microsoft SQL ServerCore concepts of RDBMSComparison of MS SQL Server with Oracle, IBM etc.Getting around SQL Server Management StudioDetails of System databasesConstructing SELECT statement starting with literalsUsing FROM clauseWorking with columns specified in the SELECT LISTUsing WHERE clauseUsing ORDER BY clauseUsing BETWEEN / NOT BETWEEN operatorUsing IN / NOT IN operatorPattern matching using LIKE operator and wild card charactersWorking with NULLUsing string functions including concatenationUsing Date functionsSQL Server System functionsWorking with JOINS INNER / LEFT OUTER / RIGHT OUTER / FULL OUTER / CROSS JOINWorking with UNION / UNION ALLA look at sub queriesDuplicate rows DISTINCT / ALL predicatesAggregate functionsUsing GROUP BY clause Using HAVING clause"
Price: 49.99

"The Psychology-Based Approach To Marketing"
"If you're not taking a psychology-based approach to your marketing, it means you're relying on guesswork and intuition to predict how your customer will behave.Unfortunately, guesswork and intuition frequently turn out to be wrong - especially when it comes to understanding how the mind works.Using the principles of decision psychology, this course will take you through how your customer makes decisions and how you can harness that knowledge to produce truly effective marketing.I will show you how to use myexclusive ""Should I? Would I? Could I?"" model of decision-making to address each aspect of your customer's decision process and apply psychological insights for maximum influence.This course will provide you with a systematic approach to marketing based on scientific research. Sign up now."
Price: 19.99

"Full stack Universal React with Redux, Node js and MongoDB"
"Did you start learning React but you are strugglingto grasp the most import concepts such as: Redux, server-side rendering in React or how to build your own API?In this course you will learn:how to develop scalable web applications by managing the ""state"" in Reduxhow to implement Universal or Isomorphic React applications to maximise performance and SEO compliancyhow to build APIswith NodeExpressjs and MongoDBHow to deploy your app toAWS(Amazon Web Services) or to Heroku.Bonus material:in the course you will find an eBook with all code & changes lecture by lecture!If you want to become a professional React web developer, it is critical to master Redux and server-side rendering.Redux allows you to manage the state in React in a convenient and flexible fashion. Without Redux, you will never be able to develop scalable apps.Server-side rendering, it is critical for performances and SEO compliancy. Without understanding server-side rendering, you will never be able to develop commercially valuable web applications.Initially, I will be focusing on explaining the concepts and patters in Reactjs (MERN stack) and writing the bear minimum code to make easier for you to absorb all new notions without distraction, but later in the course you will write an entire Reactjs Shopping-cart application from scratch.It will give you the opportunity to consolidate all your learnings in a challenging project!By developing an entire shopping-cart, you will be exposed to the most critical patterns in Reactjs web development allowing you to build complex and scalable web application on your own after the course.THISCOURSEISNOTFORABSOLUTEBEGINNERS. Besidea basic knowledge of html and javascript the students must have a good understanding of state and props in React.In principle, if you are able to write a basic To-do app in React, you will not encounter any problem on understanding the lectures and benefit from the course.THECODEIS ES6 WITHOUTSYNTACTICSUGARto make the code less cryptic and more readable and transparent to those who don't have much experience in javascript.If you are an experienced javascript developer, you will have no issue to adopt any syntactic sugar you wish on the fly.You can find the entire source code in the e-book attached in the last section of the course."
Price: 194.99

"Ihre Meetings auf Erfolgskurs"
"Wie Sie es schaffen, Ihre Meetings zielorientiert in angemessener Zeit durchzufhren, alle Meinungen zu bercksichtigen, gemeinsamIdeen zu entwickeln, Entscheidungen zu treffen, das lernen Sie in diesem Kurs.Ihre Meetings mit Ordnung und Struktur werden Ergebnisse abliefern, Ihre Teilnehmer werden begeistert sein und Sie werden als Leiter des Meetings Anerkennung finden."
Price: 39.99

"Mehr erreichen in weniger Zeit"
"Du mchtestaus der tglichen Hektik herauskommen und stattdessen produktiv und entspannt arbeiten mchtest im Bro?Du mchtest Dein Chaos beherrschen statt davon beherrscht zu werden? Mit Hilfe dieses Kurses und der 3-wchigen Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitungschaffst Du das. Du weit, was Dir wichtig ist, wie Du die Arbeit dank guten Planens in den Griff und Deinen Arbeitsplatz so sortiert bekommst, dass Du alles innerhalb krzester Zeit findest. Um nicht gleich wieder in das alte Chaos und die Hektik zurckzufallen, erhltst Du eine Anregung, wie Du das neue Arbeiten zur Routine werden lassen kannst. Und als Bonus werden zum Abschluss einige Produktivitts-Apps vorgestellt."
Price: 39.99

"How to Not Hate Being on Video"
"This course gives you simple, yet expert, advice on all the tips and tricks you need to actually *like* how you look and present on camera.These quick 2-3 minute lessons are made to be easily digestible and easy to practice. All you need is a simple digital camera -- your phone is fine -- and you can watch these lessons and start practicing and improving right away.The course covers a variety of common issues that are relatively easy to resolve, such as how to start and end a video, what to do with your hands, how to best prepare for looking good on video, whether to sit or stand, how long a video should be, whether you should have a script or speak off the top of your head, and more.It also contains neat hacks that you might never have discovered, but Greg has developed to help his video clients present at their best.The whole course is designed to be very easy to understand and try out. Previous students have found a lot of value in these lessons and found more ease on camera because they now know the best little things to adjust that make a world of difference.Your instructor Greg has been behind the camera directing and producing for over 14 years, but he always avoiding being on screen. He went through his OWNjourney of hating to mildly enjoying being on camera so that he could share with you the wisdom he usually gives professional videography clients."
Price: 44.99

"""""Python""/""""Python""~~(Spyder, Jupyter notebook)Pythonnumpy, pandas, matplotlib, scipyExceltxtSIMSIM50"
Price: 10800.00

"PythonOpenCVOpenCVIntelC++PythonPythonPython(forif)(OpenCV)OSWindows(MacAnacondaOpencv)Python(""""""OpenCV"")OpenCV/ / //2SIFT/SURF"
Price: 9000.00

"Hands-on introduction to OpenStack, Docker & Cloud Computing"
"This course will introduce you to the essential concepts in Cloud Computing,Docker and theOpenStack Cloud using hands-on labs,quizzes and demos.First, thevideo lectures, quizzesand illustrations in section1,will builda solidtechnicalbackground.Next, thehands-on lab videosand demoswillhelp inabsorbingall the theoreticalconcepts learned earlier.Ihavedesigned this coursesuch thateven a beginner can understand and work withthese technologies.Make sure to watch the coursepromo video to learn more about thecurriculum.My teaching assistant and I will support your learning and strive to clarify your doubtsusing the Udemy Q&A facility.We'reglad to have assisted you in your quest forCloud Computing, Docker and OpenStack knowledge.We sincerely hope you have a fulfillinglearning experience!"
Price: 199.99

"Fundamentals of the OpenStack Cloud with Hands-on Labs"
"This course is designed toprovide a solidunderstanding of theOpenStack cloud. First, you will learn about OpenStack and its collection ofwebservices.Then you willattain OpenStack mastery by installing it on your Mac,Windows PC, aCentOS or UbuntuLinux systemand doing hands-on labs. Iwill teach you how to setup a ""multinode"" OpenStack cluster using the VirtualBox andVagrant software.After this, you canpractice hands-on,at your own pace, by building out several real-world lab scenarios.Iwill walk you through everything step-by-step using my video lecturesand helpinresolvinganyissues you may face,using the Udemy Q&A facility. So, feel free to reach out to me anytime you have questions or run intoproblems. I have used my professional experience to make iteasy for you to grasp thedifficult OpenStack subject materialby illustrating complex concepts using simple andeasy to understanddiagrams and severallab scenarios.We will get into the details of allthe core OpenStack cloud services and understand in-depth as to how things work using practice labs.Why should you take this course?You can take this course to,a) Gain a new skill set in OpenStackand start acareerin an emerging field.b) Advance your currentprofessionalcareer.c) Preparefor the Certified OpenStack Administrator (COA) exam.d) Attend technicaljob interviews on OpenStack. This course hasseveral quizzes and practice tests that mimic interview questions.e) Learn to operate and troubleshoota production OpenStack cloud.Can you tell me briefly about the course?First, you will get to knowOpenStack, its technology stack and architecture.Then, you will learn in detail about the various core services.After this, you willinstall a multinodeOpenStack cluster running thePike releaseon your computer.(Both the WindowsOSand Mac OS X are supported. You're goodif you have either of these systemswith at least 4GBfree RAM).You willlearn to troubleshoot OpenStack.Then you will do severallabs on Compute, Software Defined Networking and Storage.Through these labs,you will learn tocreateseveral OpenStack resources usingtheHorizon GUI, Bashshell scriptsand OpenStack Client."
Price: 199.99

"Getting started with javascript and its core concepts"
"With each day passed , javascript is becoming the backbone of any web development work . Now a days javascript is not only used in frontend but also it's used in the backend as server side language. If you are looking to chose web development as your career then its the right time to master javaScript and its most famous library jQuery.My application based learning process will teach you the concepts while working on creating applications, which implement the concepts covered in the lectures. This is a must learn course for any serious web developer.What are the requirements?Any PC with knowledge of creating files, folders and using browser.What you are going to get from this course?Master in Web Design Strategies: How Websites work .Learn the tools and tips for making a websiteMaster Javascript and jQueryYou will know how to use HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, javascript and jQuery together.Create applications to enhance conceptual learningWhat is the target audience?Anyone with basic knowledge of how to use a PC or Laptop. You just have to know how to use a laptop or PC , having HTML and CSS basic understanding will be a plus point."
Price: 24.99

"Learn how to Create Great Songs in GarageBand for iPad"
"This songwriting course usingGarageBand on the iPad is the ultimate musiceducation resource for students of any ageeverywhere. Its aim isto buildconfidence and creativityenabling both children and adultsto develop their own skills and ability in usingMusic Technology and express themselves creatively discovering the joy of composition and writing great songs. It's also perfect for teachers who might be struggling to embrace technology in their classroomas it's designed in such a way that allows both teacher and student to follow the course at home or in the classroom.Bringing together flexibility and fun in easyto follow, step-by-step video tutorials, backed up with soundeducational content, this course will engageand motivate students and empower teachers to use iPads in a constructive and creative way.Phil Heeley and David Ashworth are experts in their field andwith many years experience of working with teachers andstudents soyou know that youre in capablehands.As two of the UKs leading Music Technology Educators theybelieve that music is for everyone and have used thisresource with students from 7-70 years old, including thosewith special educational needs in both the UK and around the world. ""Access for All"""
Price: 44.99

"Learn Adobe Animate CC from Scratch"
"Hi !,A very warm welcome in this exciting easy to followcourse on Adobe Animate CC!If you are interested in learning a new tool that can help you animate or make vector graphics you have landed at the right course, this course takes you from the very basics of how to operate on the tools laying a very concrete foundation along with explaining the interface in depth. I believe that if my students have the core understanding of the basics of any tool, learning pro concepts becomes very easy.Most of the time students are stuck up only because they cannot execute the idea properly due to the lack of understanding of the interface of the software. Learning to use a software is just like driving the car, once you get the hang of it everything becomes smooth!The course has multiple lessons, each lesson carefully focusing on one topic at a time, so you can easily grasp the lecture experiment or practice with what is taught and move to the next lecture at your own pace!Please feel free to leave suggestions and anything you might think needs improvement, I will surely listen to your suggestions and make sure they are reflected in the upcoming lessons!Also if you feel something is not clear please feel free to ask questions, I am here to help you out.Cheers & Happy Learning!"
Price: 24.99

"Installare, Configurare e Gestire VMware vSphere"
"Questo corso stato creato da un Consulente e Trainer che lavora nel settore ICT da oltre 20 anni.Le procedure quindi che troverai sono il frutto di anni di esperienza sul campo presso clienti medio-grandi.Il corso affronta sia le tematiche di base sia temi pi avanzati come HA, DRS e FT.Il corso valido anche per le versioni 6.0 e 6.7Guarda le anteprime disponibili."
Price: 199.99

"Sandnkadar zeki biri misin?Hayatndaki zorluklar ne kadar daha devam edecek?Ona gerekten gvenmeli misin?Akln m yoksa kalbin mi nde? Hangisi ile karar veriyorsun?Yanl meslei yaptn m dnyorsun?Dorumeslei semekmi istiyorsun?Birini tanmak iin onun syledikleri ile yetinmek ne kadar doru?Zaman m kazanmak istiyorsun?Bu ve bunun gibi bir ok sorunun cevab ""insan tanmak sanatndan"" geiyor. Bu kursla bu sorulara cevap bulacaksn."
Price: 69.99

"O ZBrush o software de escultura digital que revolucionou o mercado de imagens geradas por computador. Com uma interface elegante e um conjunto de ferramentas poderoso, utilizado pelos maiores estdios de cinema, TV e games do mundo para a criao de modelos tridimensionais profissionais.No incio do curso, o aluno aprender a usar a interface e as funcionalidades bsicas do Zbrush. Em seguida, o professor Gustavo Rosa mostrar passo a passo o desenvolvimento de trs projetos: o busto de um castor cartoon, a cabea de um drago e, por fim, um personagem humano completo, com vestimentas e acessrios. Nestes projetos, o professor explicar como as ferramentas do software so utilizadas na prtica para o desenvolvimento de modelos que possam ser aplicados profissionalmente."
Price: 204.99

"Photoshop Para Todos"
"O Photoshop osoftware de criao e edio de imagens mais conhecido do mundo. Ele usado porfotgrafos, designers e artistas digitais para aperfeioar, manipular e criarimagens para os mais diversos fins. Se voc queraprender a usar o photoshop do zero e obter um conhecimento slido paradesenvolver trabalhos profissionais, este curso pra voc.Neste curso voc vaiaprender desde os princpios fundamentais da interface at os recursos maisavanados do software. Atravs deexplicaes tericas importantes e exerccios prticos desenvolvidosespecialmente para cada tpico voc ver como utilizar layers; Blend Modes; Layer Styles; Ferramentasavanadas de seleo e mscara; Ajustes de imagens; Filtros; Ferramentas decriao e edio de vetores; E muito mais.O photoshop umaferramenta fundamental pra todos que querem trabalhar imagens digitais. Se esse o seucaso, inscreva-se agora e vamos comear."
Price: 204.99