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"How to naturally make a killer first impression in business"
"Did you know that it only takes a tenth of a second to make a first impression? In a time shorter than ablink of an eye, the person in front of us has evaluated and labeled us and knows if he will cooperate with us, if we are a professional, if we are competent, if he wants to do business with us....In other words, in a time so short that we can not be aware of, our future inter-human relation is decided. Therefore, our future job, our future in the teamwork, our potential saledepends on our ability to make a good first impression.If you are convinced about the importance of this conection, I invite you to go along with a training dedicated to your personal development, so that the relationships and conections that you set up will have the result you want - a job where you are appreciated, new business partners, new friends and many other social relationships benefits that will satisfy you.This course has as main objective to form the skills necessary to support emotionally and without fear a useful and valuable communication in that professional meetings from everyday life, in which we are all confronted with the uncertainty of a first impression that does not benefit us.Each of us, in our environment, comes incontact with highly qualified people that causes us a fear to establish acloser link. This lack of connectivity often leads us to an uncertainty and the impossibility of finding the most suitable ways to relate, and through communication, verbal or non-verbal, to succeed in achieving our goals .This course aims to help you, through concrete and practical examples, to gain the confidence you need to make a good impression, to have a dominant position in a meeting, to gain sympathy and attention from the interlocutors."
Price: 34.99

"Photoshop isn't like what you imagine A to Z ."
"This course Will take you in a journey to the factory of Creativity To teach You how to design and create and edit all of things you imagine , This Course start from beginner level to be advanced like me i will give you my Ways to Be professional in this career ."
Price: 104.99

"Livre-se da Compulso Alimentar Com Reprogramao Mental"
"Pesquisas mostraram que mais de 94% das pessoas que desejam emagrecer, possuem compulso por algum tipo de alimento. Em sua maioria esto os chocolates, balas, algum prato especfico (geralmente ligado ao lao familiar) ou doces em geral.Compulses so separadas em 2 nveis mentais: as normais (resistem um pouco), as extremas (irresistveis). Quanto maior o vnculo emocional com o 'alimento' compulsivo, mais impossvel fica de no devor-lo.Compulses tambm aparecem disfaradas em: fome noturna, necessidade de sempre ter um docinho perto e outros comportamentos.O Curso ""Livre-se da Compulso Alimentar Com Reprogramao Mental"" foi criado para resolver esse problema. Somos muito seguros em dizer que compulso uma dependncia mental de comer aquilo. Muito mais emocional do que palatvel.A tcnica aplicada nesse curso reduz ou acaba 100% com a dependncia emocional, consequentemente a compulso vai embora imediatamente. Temos uma eficcia de 97% positivo ao usar essa tcnica em nossos alunos."
Price: 189.99

"Reeducao Mental Alimentar - Auto-Coaching de Emagrecimento"
"Utilizando as mais poderosas tcnicas de mudana pessoal (coaching e PNL) os 6 passos para a mudana de hbitos alimentares tem mudado a vida de pessoas de qualquer idade ou estado atual.Nosso curso de reeducao alimentar guia seus participantes atravs de um caminho incrvel, que vai muito alm de apenas comer certo.Os alunos aprendem como pensar, sentir, escolher e agir para uma relao positiva e prspera com os alimentos que ingerem.Tudo isso com extrema naturalidade. Seu professor, Gilberto Firme, tem mais de 10 anos guiando pessoas atravs de mudana de hbitos com sucesso. O PROGRAMASeu crebro precisa saber onde chegar. Por isso o primeiro passo criar sua meta. Tanto de sade quanto de emagrecimento.O natural dos seres humanos alcanar o que desejam, sempre que isso no ocorre porque a programao mental est desalinhada.Vamos mudar a programao mental limitante, e atualmente habitual em sua vida. Sabedoria Corporal a revoluo trazida pelo curso Alimentao de Excelncia. Sua novidade ensina como escolher o que comer, quando e em qual quantidade, sem seguir dietas. A tcnica utiliza a comunicao com o PRPRIO corpo do aluno de forma natural.Vamos aprender o poder dos hbitos e como juntar tudo que foi ensinado para tornar sua mudana alimentar algo que nunca mais precise pensar ou se preocupar.Agora s colher os frutos e viver sua Alimentao de Excelncia!! Vamos nessa?"
Price: 399.99

"Leitura Acelerada: Absorva um livro em 30 minutos"
"Voc tem uma pilha de livros para ler, mas seu dia s tem 24 horas? As vezes esquece do que leu e precisa voltar nas pginas? Voc passa mais tempo no celular do que lendo o que gostaria?Existem pessoas de sucesso em muitas reas diferentes, difcil dizer o que as torna to melhores que a mdia, porm uma coisa certa: todas pessoas de sucesso tem um poderoso hbito de leitura! Seja para seu estudo, auto desenvolvimento, carreira ou hobby, aprender como ler mais rpido vai revolucionar a sua vida! Eu sei que muitos j estudaram leitura dinmica e alguns poucos fotoleitura, mas sabe o que mais? Eu decidi juntar toda eficincia de uma com o que h de melhor da outra e incrementar tudo que sei sobre programao neurolingustica (PNL) para criar esse curso pra voc.Imagine essa habilidade em sua vida agora e depois de algum tempo, cada dia mais livros e mais aprendizado. Gosto de dizer que ""ou estamos evoluindo ou regredindo, na vida no h meio termo"". Eu espero ver voc cada vez mais no alto, vamos juntos!"
Price: 489.99

"Basics of Acrylic Painting for Crafty People"
"Students said:""Very good !!! It motived me to start to paint, I think I can do that now !!! Thanx teacher Alexandra !!!"" Emma Bleue (France)""Techniques and principles explained in a simple manner, that is easy to follow. The demonstration of the techniques make it thorough. A good way to learn to paint easily!"" Swapna (India)Basics of Acrylic Painting for Crafty People will show you how to create easy,awesome and quality artworks.This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of painting and gives you a chance to benefit from art therapy - the therapeutic effect of art! Release your stress, gain self confidence, build your self esteem, learn a new skill!The course is your chance to obtain painting skillslike you always knew you should have! It was never easier to finish your own projects, fill your home with beautifulpictures,tocreate unique gifts to your loved ones and to get the first kick to start your own Art Business!This course will take you from having little knowledge in painting to creating advanced art. Itis designedto quickly guide you from first brushstrokes to 6 finished paintings.Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the 7sections of the course that will teach you the basics.You will learn:The course starts with exercises, where you will learn basic painting techniques. These techniques will give you a stable base for your painting journey. You will get a deep understanding of the characteristics of acrylic paints and how they work. You will have a chance to paint on painting paper and also on canvas.The core of the course is divided into three main topics of focus: Focus on COLOR - you will learn the Basics of Landscape and Simple Color theory Focus on TECHNIQUE - you will learn how to paint a Still Life and Composition Rules Focus on the THEME - you will learn Face Proportions and Portrait Paintings.Each section will teach you basic and simple art theory connected with exercises, where theories become your practical skills, not just somethingabstract.After each section you will have a finished artwork - dependingon your courage either on painting paper or on canvas: 3 paintings of Fruits, a Landscape painting, a nice Still life with Flowers, a portrait of a Woodland animal and YOUROWN final painting!The course is designed to give you all the information,all theknowledge and practical tips you need to know, to finish the art projects.However, your individual creativity will not be limited! This means, the painting videos are NOT paint along videos - they are short, speed painting videos, which are engaging and full of tips - this way you will not get bored, you will not depend on anyone but you will be able to finish the tasks on you own. YOUwill be able to paint ALLBYYOURSELF - the SUCCESSis guaranteed!What else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how professional art is created- Quizzes- Resources to make your learning easierThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for youevery step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up nowand change your art world today!"
Price: 19.99

"A Painters Process - From Idea to Finished Artwork"
"Do you know the feeling of getting overwhelmed by all the amazing visuals you find when you are looking for inspiration online? Then you just procrastinate, because you don't really know what to paint?Then this course is perfect for you!In this course you will get aninsight of the process of creating a finished, polished piece of artworkof a professional art teacher and artist. It will get you from getting an idea, creating a concept from ittotransforming your thoughts to a visual form.We will bevisiting real places for inspiration then doing a research online.You will learn strategiesfor the pre-painting phase, when we will brainstorm visualisations, sketch, make a value study and then compose a painting. We will make a color palette and a watercolor study before we approach our canvas.You will get tips for using acrylic paints and see the whole painting process from painting the background to varnishing.Finally, you will get an insight, how to prepare your artwork for your portfolio and put your concept to a short description which you will also be able to use in your professional portfolio, website and social media.So, do you want to level up your creation process?Then don't hesitate and ENROLL!"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Organic Aquaponics From A Commercial Aquaponic Farmer"
"This course shows how to build a home aquaponics system for under $200.00usd. It also shows how to mix soil, test water and cull plants. Upon completion one will be able to make and operate a home aquaponics system successfully.There is also a closed facebook group for all course students to discuss aquaponics in as well as reach out to me with any questions. I have been doing aquaponics for 7 years and commercially for 4. I have been making training videos for 1 month. So, sorry if Im long winded at times"
Price: 24.99

"Crea tus propios videos con videoscribe sin saber editar!"
"Quieresdiferenciartede tus competidores?Necesitas crear unapresentacinounainvitacinoriginal? Crees que para hacervideo mrketinghay que ser editor grfico?Quieresganar dinerocreando vdeos?O quizs simplemente quieres aprender a crear vdeos originales por t mism@ para compartirlo con tus amig@s?Si tus respuestas han sidoS,S, S, Seste curso te vendr de perlas!Antes de nada, decirte que la herramienta que utilizaremos es GRATUITA por 7 das,por lo que si no quieres no tienes que gastarte nada ms que lo que cuesta el curso, y tranquil@ que tambinexplico cmo descargarlo ;)Aunque tambin aprenderemos a comprar una cuenta por un precio muy reducido, yo por ejemplo, en el curso, compro una cuenta para un ao!Te ensear a crear tus propios vdeos aunque no sepas NADA de edicin. Aprenders a utilizar todas y cada una de las herramientas de videoscribe, cada una con un vdeo personalizado por si en algn momento quieres recordar cmo se utilizaba una herramienta en concreto, solo tienes que ir a la clase correspondiente!Al final, cuando hayas aprendido a utilizar todas las herramientas te pedir que realices un vdeo final, el cual est explicado de principio a fin por si hay algo que no sepas cmo est editado, yo te muestro para que no te quedes con NINGUNA DUDA.Con el curso te doy todas las imgenes y archivos de sonido que utilizo en el curso para que no te pierdas en ningn momento. Y estoy encantado de resolverte las posibles dudas que te vayan surgiendo!Muchas gracias!,espero que te guste y le saques partido! :DUn saludo.DAVID"
Price: 29.99

"Curso De Programao C# Para Leigos"
"Eu lembro quando eu estava entrando neste universo, eu perdia muito tempo lendo cdigos extensos de programas prontos que eu encontrava na internet. Alm de algumas apostilas que eu tinha comigo, eu utilizava esses cdigos como referncia para aprender programao.Eu ficava assustado com a quantidade de informao e achava que eu tinha que gravar todos aqueles cdigos de cabea. Mas na verdade, no bem assim como funciona.Eu considero programao uma arte e algo que voc pode aprender por repetio e atravs dos conceitos aprendidos e uma srie de exerccios de fcil assimilao,qualquer um pode aprender como construir um programa de computador.E muito mais do que simplesmente memorizar cdigos, para saber como dominar essa arte, necessrio aprender a pensar como um desenvolvedor.E neste curso, voc vai aprender como criar a mentalidade de um desenvolvedorem pouco tempo atravs domaterial incluso no curso que aborda de forma objetiva os fundamentos da programao."
Price: 19.99

"C# Bsico Para Iniciantes: Aprenda Os Fundamentos"
"C# uma linguagem de programao muiltiplataforma, o que significa que voc pode desenvolver solues voltadas para oWindows, Linux, Android,IPhone,jogos, sites e sistemas desktops.C# uma excelente opo para iniciantespor conta da:SimplicidadeFacilidade Para AprenderDocumentaoExtensa comunidadeE por falar em comunidade, o C# uma entre as linguagens de programao mais populares entre os desenvolvedores segundo recentes pesquisas do site stackoverflow que conta uma gigante base de dados com perguntas e respostas sobre programao que so enviadas diariamente pelos desenvolvedores expalhados pelo mundo.Neste curso, o autor Leonardo Souzavai ensinar os fundamentos da programao utilizando o C# e como configurar seu ambiente de desenvolvimento utilizando o Visual Studio Community 2017.Alm disso, ele tambm vai ensinar boas prticas de desenvolvimento voltados para iniciantes e tambm como escrever e automatizartestes unitrios para seus cdigos.Cada conhecimento ser passado atravs de vdeo-aulas bem explicadas e voc poder acessar sempre que for necessrio para assimilar com mais rapidez tudo o que for ensinado para voc."
Price: 39.99

"Entity Framework Core: Guia Para Iniciantes"
"Para construir um sistema de forma profissional, voc precisa mais do que habilidades para construir telas amigveis com um visual mais atraente para o usurio.E quando focamos na aparncia visual dos nossos sistemas e esquecemos de uma das partes mais importantes que a camada de acesso aos dados, o usurio acaba sofrendo as consequncias de um sistema mau projetado e lento.E ainda tem o problema de um projeto com cdigo pouco estruturado/organizado e acaba tanto gerando impacto para os desenvolvedores quanto para seus usurios/clientes.Existem diferentes formas para voc construir todo o back-end do seu projeto com acesso ao servidor de Banco de Dados e o.. Entity Framework Core uma dessas alternativas.E aqui neste curso voc vai aprender sobre:.NET e o Entity FrameworkDiferenas entre o Entity Framework Core e o Entity Framework 6Modelagem das entidades de um pequeno projeto de rede socialOrganizar o projeto em camadas seguindo a abordagem Domain Driven DesignComo realizar toda a parte de mapeamento das classes do projeto por conveo e configuraoMigrao de dados e Engenharia ReversaConsulta com api LinqComo constuir um soluo de back-end completa com o WEB API do ASP.NET Core E muito mais....Ento se voc quer realmente aprender como construir toda a parte do seu sistema que acessa a base de dados de forma profissional...voc est no lugar certo e faa agora mesmo a sua inscrio no curso de Entity Framework Core."
Price: 99.99

"Wie finde ich den richtigen Fonds?"
"Wie finde ich den richtigen Fonds?Genau das haben wir den Fondsexperten Volker Schilling von der Greiff capital management AG gefragt und die Antworten in einem Kurs zusammengefasst. Seit ber 20 Jahren beschftigt sich Herr Schilling mit Finanzanlagen, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf Investmentfonds. In Deutschland gibt es ber 20.000 davon. Dabei die richtige Wahl zu treffen ist eine Kunst fr sich. Als gefragter Experte ist er regelmig in Fachmagazinen wie ""Capital"" oder ""Fonds professionell"" zu sehen oder wird bei n-tv zum Thema Kapitalmarkt als Finanzexperte interviewt.Die Greiff AG publiziert jedes Jahr eine Studie, bei der sie ber 5.000 Fonds davon analysiert. Die Analyse umfasst viele verschiedene Faktoren und nur die besten Fonds schaffen es in das Ranking. Hierbei spielt nicht nur die Performance eines Fonds eine Rolle, sondern auch der Fondsmanager, der hierfr verantwortlich ist. Welche Erfahrungen hat er? Ist er selbst in den Fonds investiert? Was fr Kosten hat ein Fonds?Das und vieles mehr erfhrst Du im Kurs. Das CashFlowTV Team wnscht Dir viel Spa beim Anschauen."
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft Project Fundamental Skills"
"Are you lookingto build yourskills in usingMicrosoft Project?Microsoft Project is fast becoming the must have project management tool of choice. This course is designed to teach you the necessary skills every Microsoft Project user should be familiar with.Even if you have never used MicrosoftProject before, by taking our series of Microsoft Project courses (also available on Udemy), you will be confident in using this software application throughout your day-to-day duties.In this course we will cover Task Management, Constraints, Resources, Calendar Management, Managing A Project and Print Settings.Most lectures are 7- 14minutes long, withno lecture being over 20 minutes in length. Your trainer for this course, Richard Walters, is a MicrosoftCertified Trainer who has beentraining MicrosoftProject for the past 9 years throughout the UK.Customer Testimonials""Teach one, learn one, do one method executed brilliantly throughout.""""Good paced course. Thorough. Went through all steps to make sure all understood.""Microsoft Project Fundamental Skills OutlineCreating and Controlling Automated and Manual Scheduled TasksLinking TasksModifying Links to Business RequirementsManagingConstraintsManaging Resources and Resource CostsManaging Resource CalendarsManaging and Updating the Standard CalendarDisplaying and Analyzing the Critical PathAssigning Task Percentage CompletionDisplaying and Interpreting a Project BaselineDisplaying Progress Lines Against Project Percentage CompletionPrinting Setup and Printing Notes"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Project: Tables, Reports, Fields and the Organizer"
"Are you looking to get a better understanding of how to use tables, reports, customer fields or the project organizer inMicrosoftProject?Microsoft Project is fast becoming the must have project management tool of choice. This course is designed to teach you to utilizesome of the more advanced featureswithin Microsoft Project. Even if you have never used MicrosoftProject before, by taking our series of Microsoft Project courses (also available on Udemy), you will be confident in using this software application throughout your day-to-day duties.In this course we will cover Tables, Reports, Custom Fields and the Project Organiser.Most lectures are between 4- 10minutes long, withno lecture being over 10 minutes in length. Your trainer for this course, Richard Walters, is a MicrosoftCertified Trainer who has beentraining MicrosoftProject for the past 9 years throughout the UK.Tables, Reports, Custom Fields and the Project Organiser OutlineCreating and Using TablesCreating and Modifying TablesCreating and Using ReportsFormatting and Manipulating Reports and ChartsCreating Custom Field Calculations and Using Custom Fields - Example 1Creating Custom Field Calculations and Using Custom Fields - Example 2Creating Custom Field Calculations and Using Custom Fields - Example 3Creating Text Fields and Lookup FieldsIntroduction to the Project OrganizerCopying and Deleting Tables Within the Project OrganizerCopying Fields and Custom Fields to the Project Organizer"
Price: 49.99

"Programme Management Using Microsoft Project"
"Are you managing multiple projects at onceand looking for a tool to help you?Microsoft Project is fast becoming the must have project management tool of choice. This course is designed to teach you to utilizesome of the programme management featureswithin Microsoft Project. Even if you have never used MicrosoftProject before, by taking our series of Microsoft Project courses (also available on Udemy), you will be confident in using this software application throughout your day-to-day duties.In this course we will cover the topic of programme management (i.e. managing multiple relatedprojects at once).Most lectures in this seriesare between 5- 10minutes long, withno lecture being over 15minutes in length. Your trainer for this course, Richard Walters, is a MicrosoftCertified Trainer who has beentraining MicrosoftProject for the past 9 years throughout the UK.Programme Management Course OutlineMaster and Sub ProjectsLinking Sub ProjectsControlling Sub ProjectsMaster and Sub Project RulesBaselining Master and Sub ProjectsUsing Custom Fields with Master and Sub ProjectsResource Pools for Multiple Projects"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Excel - The Beginners Introduction To Excel"
"Are you lookingto build yourskills in usingMicrosoft Excel?This course gives you a deep understanding of how to use some of the most popular functions in Excel. We will build you from a base skill level and assume you have no prior knowledge in using Microsoft Excel or its functions.In this course we will cover Excel Basics, Formatting and Manipulation, Creating Formulas and Cell Referencing, Automatic Functions, Creating and Formatting Charts, Managing and Linking Worksheets, UsingAutoFill, Freeze Panes and Printing.Most lectures are 7- 14minutes long, withno lecture being over 20 minutes in length. Your trainer for this course, Richard Walters, is a MicrosoftCertified Trainer who has beentraining MicrosoftExcel for the past 9 years throughout the UK.Microsoft Excel - The Beginners Introduction To ExcelOutlineThe Excel EnvironmentSelect and Highlighting CellsEntering InformationFormatting InformationModifying Information - Wrap Text and Merging CellsInserting/Deleting Columns and RowsSave, Save As and OpenFind Opening and Closing ExcelCreating and Copying FormulasUsing BODMAS in FormulasAbsolute Cell ReferencingUsing Functions - SUM, IF, COUNT, AVERAGEAutoSum FeaturesDifference between Excel manual and automated calculationsCreating and Formatting ChartsInserting, Moving and Deleting WorksheetsGrouping WorksheetsAutoFill FeatureLinking formulas between WorksheetsFreeze PanesPrint Area and Print Preview"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Project: Essential Skills for all User Levels"
"Welcome to a 10 step approach to using MicrosoftProject, taught by expert trainer Richard Walters. This 10 step approach, which has been developed and delivered to organisations throughout the UKover the past 10 years,teaches you the fundamental skillsof controlling and implementing a project using Microsoft Project.In this course we will start from the beginning anddiscuss the initial stage of any project, theProject Initiation Document (step 1). Once complete, we will move onto utilizing MicrosoftProject and will learn how toCustomiseMicrosoftProject, Seta Project Start or Finish Date, Enter Date into MicrosoftProject, ModifyTasks and Enter Resources, Assign Resources To Tasks, Display Project Costs and Set a Project Baseline.Most lectures are 8- 12minutes long, withno lecture being over 20 minutes in length. Your trainer for this course, Richard Walters, is a MicrosoftCertified Trainer who has beentraining MicrosoftProject for the past 9 years throughout the UK.Customer Testimonials""Teach one, learn one, do one method executed brilliantly throughout.""""Good paced course. Thorough. Went through all steps to make sure all understood.""10 Step OutlineStep 1 -Project Initiation Document (PID)Step 2 - Customising Microsoft ProjectStep 3 - Setting a Start or Finish DateStep 4 - Data EntryStep 5 - Global LinkingStep 6 - Modifying Task LinksStep 7 - Entering ResourcesStep 8 - Assigning Resources to TasksStep 9 -Displaying Project CostStep 10 - Setting a ProjectBaseline"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Project: How To Use Automation Features In Project"
"Are you looking to get a better understanding of how to use MicrosoftProject?Microsoft Project is fast becoming the must have project management tool of choice. This course is designed to help you understand and controlsome of the automated features within Microsoft Project. Even if you have never used MicrosoftProject before, by taking our series of Microsoft Project courses (also available on Udemy), you will be confident in using this software application throughout your day-to-day duties.In this course we will cover the automated management ofStandard and ResourceCalendars, Task Linking, Project Start and Finish Dates, Constraints,Lag and Lead and Resources.Most lectures are 7- 14minutes long, withno lecture being over 20 minutes in length. Your trainer for this course, Richard Walters, is a MicrosoftCertified Trainer who has beentraining MicrosoftProject for the past 9 years throughout the UK.Customer Testimonials""Teach one, learn one, do one method executed brilliantly throughout.""""Good paced course. Thorough. Went through all steps to make sure all understood.""Project Automation OutlineSetting up and Controlling the Standard/Default CalendarSetting Public Holidays and Shutdown Periods in the Standard CalendarSetting up the Working WeekResource CalendarsSetting a Project Start or FinishDateSetting and Modifying ConstraintsManaging Lag or Lead time for TasksLinking Tasks TogetherManaging Resources"
Price: 49.99

"Microsoft Excel: Skills for Intermediate and Advanced Users"
"Are you lookingto improve your Excel skills to become an advanced level user?This course gives you a deep understanding of how to use some of the the advanced level features inMicrosoftExcel. We will assume you have all the knowledge taught in ourprerequisitecourse, Microsoft Excel - The Beginners Introduction To Excel.In this course we will cover a variety of advanced level Functions, Advanced Charts, Paste Special, Scenario's Formulas Auditing and Locking and Security.Most lectures are 10- 18minutes long, withno lecture being over 20 minutes in length. Your trainer for this course, Richard Walters, is a MicrosoftCertified Trainer who has beentraining MicrosoftExcel for the past 9 years throughout the UK.Microsoft Excel - Fundamentals of Advanced Level UsersPaste SpecialConditional FormattingLocking and ProtectionAdvanced ChartsData ValidationScenariosFormula Auditing and CommentsSubtotallingSparklinesFiltering and Advanced FilteringPivot Tables and Pivot ChartsNamed Cells and Named RangesMixed Cell ReferencingMathematical & Statistical FunctionsVlookup FunctionNested FunctionsDatabase FunctionsText FunctionsDate Functions and Calculations"
Price: 49.99

"Setting up Google Tag Manager in WordPress and Unbounce"
"Google Tag Manager is a very efficient way to manage a lot of different pixel codes all in one place.Google is trying very hard and been very successful to simplify how tags work and now you can manage all of your pixels and track things that you never thought were possibleAn example of this may be tracking a button click or a thank you page. eCommerce is also another important use for Google tag manager.The top 5 benefits of implementingGoogle TagManager.A very productive and safe and secure way of working with pixel tracking.It minimizes a lot of mistakes and errors, and it also gives you great flexibility.You can implement Google Tag manager yourself in a matter of minutes.Its maintenance free, and its very simple to understand.There are very few limitations to what you can add into tag manager for trackingTag manager offers great security for your website or your landing pages. Placing the container code on landing pages or websites eliminates the need for anyone to do anything else with code. This is a big benefit because it eliminates the need to give your site or application passwords to marketers or developers when tracking code needs changing.Google Tag Manager also adds a layer of security. Google is monitoring containers for malicious code, malware and any type of injections that hackers may be trying to inject through tag manager. Tags are also reusable, thatll save you time and development costs.Testing and debuggingDebugging and testing features in Google tag manager are a great benefit as well. Testing tags before you deploy is a great feature for a live production site. You will never need to deploy to a live environment without testing first. Google Tag Manager gives you the ability to manage user permissions. An example might be the marketing department or a development team. With tag manager, you dont have to give them access to all of the code. You can even restrict access their access certain areas in tag manager.With Google tag manager you can keep your site properties safe and secure. If you are not using Tag manager I would recommend you do.In this course, you will Learn how to create and install Google Tag Manager in WordPress or Unbounce landing pagesSetting up a Google tag manager accountCreating a tag containerInstalling a tag container in WordPressAdding Tags: Facebook Pixel, Custom Facebook event, Google AnalyticsInstalling Google tag manager globally in UnbounceCreating a custom Facebook event on button pressInstalling and using testing toolBy the end of this course you will be able to setup and create a google tag, implement it onto your website or landing page confidently and quickly."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Direct by Watching Movies"
"Now there isa fun and easy way for ANYONEto learn the art and craft of directing, without spending thousands of dollars and years of your life going to film school, and without spending countless hours reading long, boring filmmaking books.Learn to Direct by Watching Moviesteaches you the art and craft of directing using a popular, modern, Hollywood film that is easy to find.You learndirecting techniques, tips and tricks, and filmmaking fundamentalsused by a working director by analyzing one of their feature films.""Learn To Direct is a fantastic tool for aspiring filmmakers. It is the ideal blend of practical and artistic knowledge that will challenge you to ask yourself the questions necessary to succeed in creating your vision. Learn To Direct is fun, easy, and informative.""- Naomi Ward, Independent FilmmakerHow it Works:Watch the Movie:Grab some popcorn, sit back in your comfy chair, and watch the feature movie. You supply the film, but Seven Pounds is amodern, popular film starring Will Smith, so it is easy to find on DVD, iTunes, Netflix, On Demand, and other services.You can choose to watch the movie before you watch the course, while you are taking the course, after you take the course, or not at all. It's completely up to you!Watch the Course:The program analyzesscenes from the film as well as the director's commentary to teach film directing fundamentals as well as the specific director's techniques, tips, and tricks.Apply the Skills:Take what you've learned and apply it immediately to your video and film productions. From short films to full length features, you'll be amazed the skills you developed just by watching a movie!The course consists of three parts:1. Director's Commentary SummaryFirst, we see what we can learn about the art and craft of directing by taking a look at the director's commentary. You don't have to spend hours listening to the commentary trying to find information on directing, that's all been done for you. The information is grouped into categories for easy learning.2. In-Depth Scene AnalysisIn this section of the course we do a deep-dive, shot-by-shotanalysis of several scenes from the movie to see directing techniques in action.Each scene analysis comes with a downloadable PDFshot list and edit list so you can see how the scene was created.3. Optional Directing ChallengesIn this completely optional section of the course you are presented with some fun directing challenges based on the scenes we discussed.You take the supplied shots lists and edit lists and re-create a few scenes from the movie.You don't need fancy film equipment of professional actors.You can use you iPhone and a fewfriends and you'll be directing scenes from a major motion picture in no time.Again, this section is completely optional."
Price: 49.99

"Getting Started with Apache Kafka"
"In this course, examine all the core concepts of Kafka. Developed at LinkedIn, Apache Kafka is a distributed streaming platform that provides scalable, high-throughput messaging systems in place of traditional messaging systems like JMS. In this coursewe're going to take a look at the essentials for Apache Kafka. We'll begin withby showing you how all the pieces fit together, then we'll take a look at the architecture, some of the common operational tasks, and what all the different components do.We'll finish by running some workflows on a local machine, including setting up a fault-tolerant cluster and doing some real-time stream processing of data. We'll be covering all these topics and more to get you up to speed with Apache Kafka."
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate Guide to Entrepreneurial Productivity"
"This course is perfect for those who feel like they aredrowning in pilesfeeling overwhelmedunder-valuedin over your headtoo busy without the results you expectfull ofideas that never get accomplishedAs your instructor, Iran both a nonprofit and a business for years. I had to figure out how to be productive and keep my sanity in the process. I wasable to create tactics and overcome the obstacles of being overwhelmed. I was able to control my inbox rather than my inbox controlling me. Productivity is so individualized. What works for 1 person won't work always for another. That's why Iteach astep-by-step process for developing your own unique productivity system.You will learn:The step-by-step process for developing your own unique productivity system.How to defeat the piles and the over abundance of too many options and too much on your to-do list.About the tools you need and how to control them (rather than let them control you).How to setting up a digital command center.Why 80/20 is a verb.How to tame your inbox instead of it eating at your time."
Price: 19.99

"Forex Trading Technical Analysis + Swing Trading Strategy"
"Forex Trading Step IThis first part of the course is created for beginners.The learning process starts with understanding of Forex Market works. After that we will continue with primary and elementary items, like trading platforms, charts, time frames, pip, spread, lot, leverage and other important things related to the Forex Trading. Besides these in the first part we will explain how and in what situation to use pending orders because it's very important for many Forex Trading Strategies.The aim of the first module is introducing into Forex trading, and it is created for beginners.Technical and Fundamental Analysis Step IIThe basic types of analysis on Forex Market are Technical analysis and Fundamental Analysis so after first step we will move on to the field of Technical Analysis. Many profesional traders see Technical Analysis as The Art of Trading.In this part will be introduced: Trends, Channels, support and resistant levels, Fibonacci resistance and extension levels, Elliot Waves Theory, Technical(Chart) Patterns,o Head &Shoulderso Double Top Double Bottomo Triangleso Rectangleso Flags Technical indicators and oscillatorso Moving Averageso Relative Strength Indexo Stochastic Indicatoro MACDThen we will explain fundamental analysis and economic calendar. Here you will find explanation of how economic factors affect movement of the currency pairs on the Forex Market. Also in this part you will learn what sentiment analysis is.This part of the course is created for traders who want to learn how to use Technical and Fundamental analysis for predicting price movement on the Forex Market.Forex Trading Strategy with Harmonic Patterns Step IIIIn the last part we will introduce Forex Trading Strategy with Harmonic Patterns.You will learn: Strategy rules with Patterns (Gartley, Bat, Shark, Cypher) How to find patterns for trade, How to setup pending orders, Where to put stop loss, What is target per trade, How much we risk per trade, How we manage open trades.After this part students will be fully prepared to trade using Harmonic trading strategy. Strategy is ideal for people who are employed or do not want to trade more than a few hours a day on Forex Market.This part of the course is created for traders who want to trade Forex or Stock but still don't have their own trading strategy."
Price: 94.99

"Fibonacci A-Z+ Forex Trading Strategy with Fibonacci Cluster"
"Fibonacci is one of the most powerful tool for predicting price movement on the Forex and Stock Market.Throughout this course you will be learning about Fibonacci numbers, Fibonacci Ratios, Fibonacci retracement and extension levels, Fibonacci as support and resistance levels, Fibonacci clusters, additional Fibonacci tools, how to combine Fibonacci with other tools, I will give you some useful tips and at the end I will show you live trading on the Forex market using Fibonacci.The course is divided into several parts. In the first part I will try to get you interested in Fibonacci. In case you thought Fibonacci was a boring tool which is used only in Forex trading or stock market, you are actually very wrong. Fibonacci numbers and ratios can be found everywhere around us: on our body, objects, in geometry, galaxies, even in our DNA. After that, comes a part of the course dedicated to beginners in Fibonacci trading. Therefore, in this part of the course you will learn how to set up Fibonacci on a platform, how to properly use Fibonacci, what are Fibonacci retracement and extension levels and how to recognize zones of support and resistance by using them. Then follows a part of the course where we will be doing some more advanced things, such as Fibonacci clusters, combining Fibonacci with other tools and additional Fibonacci tools. After that comes the part where I will give you some useful tips which will make your Forex Trading with Fibonacci easier. The last part of this course is dedicated to the Forex Trading Strategy with Fibonacci Clusters, also we are going to apply everything we have learned during the course in live trading examples. I will show you how to analyze currency pairs, how to setup the trade, how to setup stop loss and take profit, money management and results after each trade. Hope that you will find this course interesting and helpful. I wish you many success in Forex Trading!See you in lectures!"
Price: 149.99

"Google Ads para NO Expertos"
"Este es un curso que te ensea, paso a paso, como entender al nuevo consumidor digital de la era de la informacin y como crear, administrar y optimizar campaas de publicidad en Google Adwords, principalmente en su red de bsqueda, para literalmente, cualquier tipo de negocio o emprendimiento.Todo esto, de la mano de un exitoso emprendedor experto en publicidad digital y fundador de una de las agencias de medios ms importantes en Chile, PagoRanking, y que hoy se dedica exclusivamente a entrenar emprendedor y pymes a cmo utilizar el internet y las herramientas digitales para conseguir ms y mejores clientes para sus negocios y emprendimientos."
Price: 84.99

"Facebook Ads para NO Expertos"
"En este cursoaprenders cmo funciona y cmo hacer CAMPAAS EXITOSAS de publicidadla plataforma publicitaria de Facebooky cmo te conviene orientar tus campaas y anuncios para aumentar las conversiones y optimizar el presupuesto para CUALQUIERtipo de PyME en el mercadoAqu te ensear:Cual es la lgica de Facebook, para que entiendes sus interses y puedas orientar de la manera correcta tus campaas de publicidad.Cmo llevar trfico de personas que estn NECESITAN EXACTAMENTE lo que TU ofreces a tu oferta persuasiva. Los FUNDAMENTOSpara crear campaas EXITOSAS en Facebook Ads, para que partamos bien desde el principio y TUS campaas tengan xito en los PRIMEROS INTENTOS! TODOS los aspectos tcnicos que DEBES entender y para crear una campaa que realmente funciona y genera conversiones y ventas. Taller de creacin de una campaa de publicidad PASO a PASO, CLIC por CLIC, en la plataformaFacebook for Business"
Price: 84.99

"Landing Pages para NO Expertos"
"En este curso aprenderemos que es el famoso FUNNEL de marketing para una PyME y cmo disearlo, construirlo e implementarlo para prcticamente CUALQUIER tipo de negocio, donde te mostrar EXACTAMENTE:Cmo es el FUNNEL que hace la mayora de negocios y por qu NO funciona y NUNCA va a funcionar, para que puedas aprovechar tu tiempo en construir lo que SI FUNCIONACmo es el Funnel de Ventas que DEBE utilizar CUALQUIER tipo de PyME y cuales son TODOS sus componentes, para vender sus productos o servicios utilizando el internet y las herramientas digitales disponibles Una muestra REAL de un funnel que SI CONVIERTE y SI DA resultados reales y CONCRETOS, y toda la lgica detrs del mismo Cmo disear y que TEXTOS PERSUASIVOS (copywriting) debe tener la famosa Landing Page de Captura y de Cotizacin, y donde es que usa y en que momento del funnel Taller de Diseo de Landing Pages PASO a PASO, CLIC por CLIC, con una herramienta sper profesional, para la cual no necesitas ser diseador para utilizarla Y mucho ms"
Price: 84.99

"Email Marketing para NO Expertos"
"En este curso aprenders a cmo utilizar y apalancarte en el email marketing automatizado para apoyar y complementar tus campaas de publicidad digital y tu proceso comercial, de tal manera que aumentes tus ventas utilizando una herramienta 100% automatizada, que funcionan en piloto automtico.En este curso te voy a ensear:Cmo hacer email marketing automatizado que realmente SI FUNCIONA y CONVIERTE, para que dejes de hacerlo como TODO el mundo que NO genera resultadosQu son las listas y cmo cultivar una relacin con ellas para que puedas vender cada vez ms de tus productos y serviciosPor qu el mailing y las bases de datos compradas son lo PEOR que puedes hacerle a tu negocio, para que dejes de perder tiempo en estrategias fracasadas que jams han funcionado y no funcionarnCuales son los 6 GRANDES malentendidos del Email Marketing que hacen que el 95% de las personas que lo implementan, NO genere resultados, y cmo TU hacerlo de la manera CORRECTA!Cual es la SECUENCIA de CORREOS EXACTA que tienes que utilizar para generar RESULTADOS CONCRETOS y reales (es decir: ventas)Cmo escribir emails vendedores que producen CONVERSIONES on demand, para que puedas vender lo que se te ocurra, literalmenteen el momento que tu quieras!Taller de Implementacin de Email Marketing Automatizado PASO a PASO, CLIC por CLIC, con una herramienta sper profesional, que cualquier tipo de persona con conocimientos computacin nivel usuario puede realizar."
Price: 84.99