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"Dictado de intervalos meldicos - Nivel Intermedio 1"
"Ests buscando trabajar tu odo con intervalos de 2da, 3era, 4ta, 5ta y 6ta?Quieres distinguir los sonidos que tienen sostenidos de los que no los tienen?Te interesa transcribir melodas mas rapidamente?Necesitas practicar tu odo musical para mejorar en la escuela de msica?Pues entonces, este curso es para ti.Si eres profesor, te puede servir como herramienta de clase.Si eres estudiante, te ayudar a mejorar bastante.Si eres msico de cualquier nivel, reforzar tus conocimientos.Gracias a veinticinco dictados, tres tcnicas, consejos, ms de setenta clases y una estructura ordenada, podrs desarrollar tu odo musical al nivel que ests buscando."
Price: 29.99

"Linux Command Line: From novice to wizard"
"This course is aimed at people who already have access to a Linux computer of some sort, and want's to start learning Linux. It doesn't matter if you have access to a Linux laptop, a Linux server or a VPS. It doesn't even matter what Linux distribution you have.You will learn all the fundamentals of the Linux operating system, so that you'll be able to work with great confident at the Linux command line. You will learn to perform both administrative tasks such as user administrations, as well as advanced text manipulation and working with the vi and nano editors. You will also learn how to install programs using apt, yum and dnf. There is also a section to teach you how to do process management.With these skills, you'll then be able to find more information in the systems manual pages and start to learn all on your own. The entire course is built on practical approach. You'll become a Linux wizard in no time!This course contains real, human-made, closed captions in english for every lecture. The course also encourages you to study Linux, even outside of the course.Student testimonials:""Tx Jack! Your course really helped me out! I recommend your lectures to anyone willing to dig a little bit into Linux world. It was a true pleasure being your student"". Corneel Stirbu, student""Excellent presentation from ground up in a steady pace"". Review by Sanjay, student ""This is the most instructive and interactive training thus far. Super intuitive and explained in great detail. If I could give 10 stars I would"". Review by Anthony Marin, student"
Price: 129.99

". . . . . 100% . RawData . . , , ."
Price: 88000.00

"Adobe After Effects CC Masterclass Vom Anfnger zum Profi"
"Du mchtest professionell und schnell mit Adobe After Effects arbeiten? Dann bist du hier richtig!    (Der Kurs behandelt Adobe After Effects CC 2019. ltere Versionen wie Adobe After Effects CS6 sind natrlich meist kompatibel.).Ich bin Justus Zeemann, seit 5 Jahren erfolgreicher Berufsfotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung vieler Unternehmen habe ich mir ein  umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir alles, was  du brauchst, um mit Adobe After Effects durchzustarten und in der Zukunft  professionell und schnell mit dem Programm zu arbeiten.    Ich fhre dich durch die umfangreichen Funktionen von Adobe After Effects und zeige dir, wie du selber erfolgreich mit ihnen arbeiten kannst. Nach dem After Effects Download gehe ich auf die Benutzeroberflche, Keyframes und Expressions, Masken und das Tracking sowie die Effekte und den Export ein. Zwischendurch gibt es immer wieder extra praktische Beispiele, an denen du dich selber ausprobieren und mitarbeiten kannst. Nach dem Kurs hast du schon eigene Vorlagen parat und kannst diese in Zukunft fr deine Projekte nutzen.Teilnehmerstimme von Markus Pielage:Sehr guter Kurs der mich erheblich weitergebracht hat im Umgang mit AE. Alles wurde sehr gut und ausfhrlich (ohne groe ausschweife) erklrt.Entdecke die Funktionen:   des Arbeitsbereichs  des Schnittfenstersder Keyframesder Interpolationender Expressionsder Maskendes Trackingdes Keyingdes Rotobrushesder Effektedes Exports uvm.Teilnehmerstimme von Anita Klaiber:Ein sehr empfehlenswerter Kurs! Justus Zeemann gibt einen berblick darber was mit Adobe After Effects CC mglich ist. So ist der Einstieg in After Effects einfach.Zustzlich erfhrst du in den After Effects Tutorials Tastenkrzel, Tipps & Tricks, erhltst die Kursmaterialen und Projekte zum Mitarbeiten und vieles mehr.Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck erhalten, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Dies ist deine Chance!Dein Vorgehen und dein Wissen ber After Effects werden nach diesem Kurs nicht mehr wie vorher sein. Schreibe dich jetzt gleich in dem Kurs ein!"
Price: 199.99

"Adobe Illustrator CC Masterclass Vom Anfnger zum Profi"
"Mchtest du mit Adobe Illustrator in Zukunft professionell und schnell arbeiten? Dann bist du hier richtig! (Der Kurs behandelt Adobe Illustrator CC 2020. ltere Versionen wie Adobe Illustrator CS6 sind natrlich meist kompatibel).Ich bin Justus Zeemann, seit 6 Jahren erfolgreicher Berufsfotograf und Videograf. Durch die Betreuung des Marketings vieler Unternehmen habe ich mir ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir alles, was du brauchst, um mit Adobe Illustrator durchzustarten und in der Zukunft professionell und schnell mit dem Programm zu arbeiten.Ich fhre dich nach dem Adobe Illustrator Download durch die Installation und die optimale Einrichtung deines Arbeitsbereiches, vorbei an den Funktionen und der Arbeitsweise aller Werkzeuge, ber die einzelnen Fenster und die Fllmethoden zu den Effekten. Natrlich darf auch der richtige Umgang mit deinen Vektorgrafiken im Bereich Speichern, Import, Export, Druck und Weitergabe nicht fehlen. Zur erweiterten Bearbeitung erfhrst du im Praxisteil wichtige und hilfreiche Tipps  direkt am Objekt. Natrlich erhlt der Kurs regelmig die neusten Adobe Updates und bei Fragen stehe ich dir gerne zur Verfgung!Teilnehmer Stimme von Ralf Ecker (10.2018):In diesem Kurs ist alles drin, was man braucht um in Illustrator einzusteigen. Es wird wirklich jeder Punkt und jedes Thema angesprochen und erklrt. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit dem Kurs und kann ihn jedem Einsteiger und leicht Fortgeschrittenen empfehlen.Jede Funktion wird praxisnah und direkt mit einfachen Beispielen durchgesprochen und erklrt. Du erhlst das Kursmaterial direkt zum Download und kannst somit perfekt mitarbeiten. Zustzlich erfhrst du Tastenkrzel, Tipps & Tricks und vieles mehr. Dein Vorgehen und dein Wissen ber Adobe Illustrator werden nach diesem Tutorial nicht mehr wie vorher sein!Erfahre alles ber: WerkzeugeFllmethodenEffekteFensterden Im- und Export deiner DateienBibliothekenFarbfelderVektorgrafikenden ArbeitsbereichVorlagenerstellunguvm.Teilnehmer Stimme von Marius Jnemann:Jeder Klick ist erklrt - man wird prima mitgenommen! Auch als totaler AI-Anfnger kann ich prima folgen. Ich arbeite mit 2 Bildschirmen einen mit dem Video und einen an dem ich alles mitklicke - das geht sehr gut. Danke fr die sehr ausfhrlichen Erklrungen, die so schn in kleinen ""Hppchen"" serviert werden, dass ich beim nachklicken ganz nebenbei sehr viel lerne! Tolles Konzept!Du kannst das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck erhalten, wenn dir der Kurs nicht gefllt.Dies ist deine Chance!Es ist Zeit, deine Illustrator-Knste auf das nchste Level zu heben. Schaue dir jetzt die kostenlosen Beispielvideos an und schreibe dich gleich in den Kurs ein!"
Price: 199.99

"Google-Strategie-Kurs: SEO / Adwords das ist hier die Frage!"
"Automatisiert tausende Kunden online gewinnen und das jeden Monat!Das klingt verlockend und so erstrebenswert. Willst Du das nicht auch? Aber ist das fr Deine Nische berhaupt mglich? In diesem Praxiskurs analysierst Du Deine Nische, Dein Unternehmen oder Deine Dienstleistung. Ich analysiere ich das Online-Potential eines Fahrradhndlers und Du kannst es Schritt fr Schritt fr Dein Business nachmachen! Am Ende weit Du: Wie viele Menschen tglich Dein Unternehmen und Deine Dienstleitung bei Google suchen Ob Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) fr Dich Sinn macht... Ob Google-AdWords fr Dich profitabel sein kann... Welche Ressourcen (Zeit und Geld) Du investieren musst, um diese Menschen zu erreichen Das bekommst Du: ber 1,5 Stunden Videomaterial Struktursheet zur Ermittlung Deiner relevanten Keywords Berechnungstool zur Bestimmung Deiner Umsatzchancen durch Google Zugang zu einer exklusiven Facebookgruppe zum Austausch mit meinem Team und anderen Unternehmern Unbeschrnkten und sofortigen Zugriff zum Kurs von Deinem PC, Tablet oder Smartphone Udemy 30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie Spa und Erfolg beim Lernen! :-)Das sagen die Kursteilnehmer: Stefan D.: Da ich selbst bereits Anzeigen bei Google schalte, hatte ich bereits ein gutes Vorwissen. Trotzdem konnte ich durch den Google-Strategie-Kurs meine Online-Strategie weiter schrfen. Gerade die innovative, aber einfache Art und Weise wie Sebastian eine Keyword-Analyse erstellt, hat mir neue Wege aufgezeigt und werde ich auch fr meine Kunden bernehmen. Der Kurs zeigt aufs Wesentliche konzentriert und erfrischend erklrt, was man als Unternehmer zum erfolgreichen Start bei Google wissen muss.Statement von deinem Dozenten Sebastian Decker: Mein Ziel ist es Wissen weiterzugeben und Menschen voran zu bringen. Viele Unternehmer machen grandiose Arbeit, aber verlieren Kunden an die groen Internethndler. Viele holen sich daher Untersttzung durch eine Werbeagentur. Ohne Vorwissen knnen viele ber den Tisch gezogen werden und werden oft enttuscht. Ich mchte daher mit diesem Kurs sicherstellen, dass die Google-Grundlagen beherrscht werden und von Anfang an der richtige Weg gegangen wird. Sei dir sicher, solltest du Fragen haben beim Aufbau Deines Online-Vertriebes oder mchtest dich einfach nur mit mir austauschen, ich helfe dir gerne. Dein Dozent Sebastian Decker"
Price: 49.99

"Google AdWords (Google Ads) Praxiskurs fr Selbststndige"
"Automatisiert tausende Kunden online gewinnen und das jeden Monat!Das klingt verlockend und so erstrebenswert. Willst Du das nicht auch? In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie Du das mit Google AdWords erreichst ohne Anfngerfehler zu machen und Geld zu verbrennen. Und dazu bekommst Du exklusiven Einblick in mein reales AdWords-Projekt einer Ferienwohnung Du lernst also nicht nur AdWords in der Theorie, sondern auch anhand eines Projektes aus der Praxis. Das macht diesen Kurs einmalig und so wertvoll! AdWords wird dir so nicht nur Umsatz bringen, sondern auch Spa machen! Du wirst die Theorie in mundgerechten Stcken auf dem Silbertablett prsentiert bekommen und dann mir ber die Schulter schauen, wie ich es umsetze.Anschaulicher geht es nicht. Erfahre mehr in der Kursvorschau oben rechts in der Ecke. Am Ende dieses Kurses weit Du:Wie Du Schritt fr Schritt eine profitable Werbeanzeige bei Google aufsetzt Wie Du eine Keyword-Analyse fr Dein Unternehmen erstellst Wie Du Deine Klickpreise fr Deine Anzeigen minimierst Wie Du fesselnde Anzeigentexte schreibst, die eine berdurchschnittliche Klickrate erzielen Wie Du Anzeigenerweiterungen nutzt, um Dich von Deinen Konkurrenten abzuheben Wie Du Google Analytics nutzt, um Deine Webseite zu optimieren Worauf es bei guten Landingpages ankommt Wie Du Deine Google AdWords Anzeigen weiter optimieren kannst, um aus 1 Werbebudget ein vielfaches an Umsatz zu machen Das bekommst Du: 4 Stunden Videokurs Detaillierter Einblick in das Vermarktungsprojekt der Ferienwohnung Bad Liebenstein Liste mit knapp 300 ausschlieenden Keywords Zugang zu einer exklusiven Facebookgruppe zum Austausch mit anderen Unternehmern Unbeschrnkten und sofortigen Zugriff zum Kurs von Ihrem PC, Tablet oder Smartphone Inkl. 30 Tage Geld-zurck-Garantie Bonusinhalte: Google Analytics rechtsicher in 3 Schritten inkl. Gewinner-Checkliste Das Geheimnis des Qualittsfaktors Der Anzeigenrang Statement von deinem Dozenten Sebastian Decker: ""Mein Ziel ist es Wissen weiterzugeben und Menschen voran zu bringen. Viele Unternehmer machen grandiose Arbeit, aber verlieren Kunden an die groen Internethndler. AdWords bietet die Mglichkeit sofort aus 1 Werbebudget 10 Umsatz zu generieren. Aber man kann gerade am Anfang Zeit und Geld verbrennen. Damit Unternehmer gleich richtig starten und einen Gegenpol zu den groen Playern, wie Amazon darstellen knnen, habe ich diesen Kurs speziell entwickelt speziell fr Unternehmer, die am Anfang des Online-Marketings stehen und erfolgreich umsetzen wollen. Sei dir sicher, solltest du Fragen haben beim Aufbau Deines Online-Vertriebes oder mchtest dich einfach nur mit mir austauschen, ich helfe dir gerne. Dein Dozent Sebastian Decker"
Price: 149.99

"SEO: Suchmaschinenoptimierung fr Google in 8 Tagen umsetzen"
"In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie du deine Webseite in 7 Tagen fr Google und andere Suchmaschinen optimieren kannst, sodass du nachhaltig und langfristig dein Ranking verbesserst.Ab sofort wirst du dann endlich online gefunden werden, wirst mehr Webseitenbesucher erhalten und damit mehr Geld und Kunden ber deine Webseite gewinnen. Erfolg schreibt sich mit 3 Buchstaben: T, U, N. Mein Ziel ist es daher, dir nicht nur aktuellstes Wissen rund um das Thema SEO beizubringen, sondern dich vor allem ins TUN zu bringen. Ich gebe dir deshalb einen klaren 7-Schritte Trainingsplan, der dich fesseln und zur Umsetzung motivieren wird und das Wichtigste: Dich Schritt fr Schritt zum Ziel fhrt. Du bekommst mit dem Kurs ein hochwertiges Notizbuch, in dem du deinen Fortschritt aufzeichnen kannst und so immer einen berblick behltst, was als nchstes zu tun ist. Lass mich dir kurz skizzieren, welche 7 Schritte dich zum Erfolg fhren werden: Schritt 1: Verstehe die Grundlagen: Was sind die wichtigsten Faktoren fr dein Google-Ranking? Das zeige ich dir anhand von aktuellsten Studien von MOZ und SEMRush Was sind deine Ziele mit deiner Webseite? Was ist fr deine Zielgruppe relevant? Mit welcher Strategie kannst du groe Webseiten schlagen? Schritt 2: Erstelle dein SEO-Audit und analysiere die Strken und Schwchen deiner Webseite anhand klarer Kennzahlen: Schritt 3: Themen und Konkurrenz-Analyse Welche Keywords (Suchbegriffe) sind fr dich relevant? Wie oft werden diese Keywords gesucht? Wie stark ist deine Konkurrenz in diesen Nischen? Wie gut stehen die Chancen, dass du auf die 1. Seite kommst? Mit diesen ersten 3 Schritten stellst du also sicher, dass du alles richtig machst und deinen Status Quo kennst. Denn superwichtig ist, dass du nicht anfngst deine Webseite fr Begriffe zu optimieren, die gar nicht gesucht werden. Mit den nchsten 4 Schritten (4-7) gibst du dann richtig Gas Schritt 4: Pushe dein lokales Ranking Schritt 5: Content-Marketing: Schaffe relevante Inhalte Wie bringst du deine Besucher mit deinen Inhalten zu interagieren Ich gebe dir 12 Regeln fr TOP performenden Content Schritt 6: OnPage Optimierung Teil 1 Schritt 7: OnPage Optimierung Teil 2 (Fokus auf die Reduzierung der Ladezeit) Diese glasklare Struktur ist dein Navigationssystem, mit dem du SEO fr dein Unternehmen selbst erfolgreich umsetzen kannst.Wenn du dir einen Eindruck von den Lektionen machen mchtest, nutze gerne die Kursvorschau. Ich habe von jedem Schritt ein Video fr dich freigeschaltet. Aber es kommt noch besser: Ich mchte dir nmlich noch einen Teil dazugeben. Wenn du die ersten 7 Schritte umgesetzt hast und bereits deine Rankings verbessert hast, wird dir der nchste Schritt nochmal einen richtigen Traffic-Boost geben. Und dieser BONUS fr dich sind meine Backlink-Gewinner-Strategien.Ich zeige dir, was Backlinks sind, worauf es bei guten Backlinks ankommt, wie du verhinderst hier von Google abgestraft zu werden und ich gebe dir 3 Strategien an die Hand, mit denen du zahlreiche und hoch relevante Backlinks fr deine Webseite erhalten kannst. Also, wenn du in 7 + 1 Tag deine Webseite fr Google und fr deine Besucher attraktiv machen mchtest, wenn du viele kostenlose und organische Besucher fr deine Webseite erhalten mchtest und wenn du daraus viele zahlende Kunden generieren mchtest, dann sicher dir jetzt dieses8 Tage SEO-Praxisprogramm.Das Thema Suchmaschinenoptimierung kann so komplex und unbersichtlich sein. Aber dieser Kurs wird dir alle wichtigen Informationen liefern und dir eine glasklare und kinderleicht umzusetzende Schritt-fr-Schritt-Anleitung liefern. Und du hast nichts zu verlieren, da du bei jedem Kurs bei Udemy eine 30-tgige Geld-zurck-Garantie hast. Also sicher dir jetzt dieses 8-Teilige SEO-Praxisprogramm und ich freue mich sehr, dich gleich im Kurs wiederzusehen.Dein Sebastian Decker"
Price: 194.99

"Learn To Make Organic Handmade Soaps"
"How fascinating it is to make natural soaps ?Natural soap making is an amazing process and we aren't talking about the simple melt and pour ones.We are taking you to the hard core world of soap making with the Hot Process, Cold Process and Melt & Pour SoapsLearn this Art from our experts.This workshop shall help you to learn the art of making handcrafted natural Soaps, Body Bars & more.This Learning can help you to setup a small scale business with high revenue or create your own customized beauty soap, just for you and your family.What You Learn ?1) History of Soap Making2) Science of Soap Making3) Soap Making ProcessesCold Process Soaps : with Infusions- Natural Colorants, & PigmentsHot Process Soaps : Relaxing Body BarsMelt and Pour soaps: Aroma Therapy Oils and Fragrance Oils.4) Safety & Do's And Don'ts5) Oil Properties and Usage6) Soap Recipes for Vegan Soaps, Essential Oil Soaps, Organic Soaps and Fruit Soaps.7) Soaps for Different Skin Types - Oily Skin, Normal Skin, Dry SkinSkill Level:Beginners & Intermediate"
Price: 34.99

"Master English Email Writing"
"It's time for a different approach.In todays busy, business world the way we communicate globally needs to be clear, concise and fast. To achieve that speed, clarity and conciseness requires a different approach to the way you write your emails and communicate with your international colleagues.This course has been created to teach you how you can improve your skills at writing professional email and to show your professionalism and awareness of the skills involved in creating email in English. The course takes you through how to structure your emails so you get fast replies, it also shows you how to write in a friendly, warm style.ThisEmail Mastery Coursewill change the way you write email forever. We have put over ten years experience into this course so that writing email will not only be easier, but it will make you look and sound much more professional.We have spent many hours looking at the way native English speaking people write and have developed a way to teach how to write the many different types of email needed in a simple to understand package that will fill you with so much confidence you won't be able to wait to begin writing emails in English.About Your InstructorCarl Pullein in an international communications specialist with over ten years experience working with companies and organisations such as Hyundai / KIA, The OECD, TBWA, Roche, Bayer and Best Western Hotels. Carl was trained as a lawyer in the UK and brings his knowledge and know-how into a highly entertaining and educational skills course."
Price: 39.99

"Cisco CCNA: Configuring Frame-Relay"
"*** Part of the Full Course: Cisco CCNA to CCNP Transition ***Understanding andConfiguring Frame-Relay is a challenging task. For example,howand whenthe inverse-ARP protocol works, how to configure the frame-relay switch, and how to solve issues with routing protocols in a frame-relay network are things that usually confuseCCNA and otherCisco certifications students, and therefore are needed to be clarified.Although the detailed study ofFrame-relay was removed from the curriculum of theCCNA and theother Cisco Certifications, understanding how it works and how to configure it is very useful to understand the mechanizes and theissuesof NBMA or Non-Broadcast Multi-Access Networks in general.This course contains fivesections:Course Introduction and Overview.Basic Frame-Relay Configuration: in which I explained the configuration of end routers and frame-relay switch,how to configure the LMI Types,how to make the router ping itself, and how to understand the status of the PVCs.Configuring Frame-Relay Multipoint sub-interfaces:in which I also explained the Inverse-ARP protocol.Solving Issues with Routing protocols: in which I explained how tosolve issues with EIGRP and OSPF routing protocols, and how to configure the frame-relay point-to-point sub-interfaces.Practice Test: in order for the studentsto check their understanding of the concepts and configurations explained in the course.I hope that that you will find this course useful, andand that it willhelp you to understand how to configure Frame-Relay and to clarify its ambiguity."
Price: 19.99

"Cisco BGP TSHOOT Labs for CCNA, CCNP and CCIE Students"
"***Part of the full Course : Cisco Troubleshooting Labs For CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE Students(The best seller course in the IT troubleshooting Category) ***Troubleshootingis anessential and important skillfornetwork engineers. As a network engineer, you have toknow not justhow to configure network devices, but alsohow to troubleshoot them. And for troubleshooting to beefficient, it has to besystematic and logicaland not by random trial and error attempts.BGP or Border Gateway Protocol is the protocol that isused for routing between ISPs or Internet Service Providers.It can be used also internally in very large privatenetworks.In this course, I will demonstrate troubleshooting of BGP on Cisco routers.You can use this course to learn how to troubleshoot BGP on Cisco routersin real production and to help you to prepare for theCCNP TSHOOT exam and the Troubleshooting sections of the CCIE lab exams. CCNA-SP &CCNP-SP studentsin particular should find this course interesting.CCNA students also might find this course useful as astart to learn about BGP. This course uses multiple explaining ways in addition to videos.At the beginning of the coursethere is anarticle for summarized troubleshooting stepsthat is available for download as a PDF and which I recommend to be read before watching the videos.And for each lab,initial configuration will be available for downloadin order for students to practice the labs and challenge themselves if they can solve the tickets before watching the videos or even after.Let us start the course together and begin the troubleshooting journey. Happy troubleshooting !"
Price: 19.99

"Cisco CCNA: Understanding OSPF LSA Types"
"*** Part of the Full Course:Cisco CCNA to CCNP Transition ***OSPF is in some way a complex protocol that has multiple pieces, and each one of these pieces has it own difficulty. One of the OSPF complex topics or puzzles for CCNA students is the LSA (or Link State Advertisements) Types. So what are those types? And how does each one of them differ from the other ? How are they generated? Which ones are restricted into the area and which ones pass through the area order? How does the OSPF cost be calculated based on the LSA types?In this course I will answer all these questions. In addition, we will see how to set the OSPF redistribution metric & type, and how to understand the EIGRP Auto summarization. So join me in this course and be an OSPF champ!"
Price: 19.99

"Steemit Earn Online By Posting, Commenting And Upvoting"
"Want to earn from every interaction you do on the social network?Want to earn from each and every content you create on your blog?Do you feel that your activities on the social networks are not giving you any returns?Then our Steemit master course is for you!In this master course, you will learn how to earn cryptocurrency Steems and convert that into your local currency.This course is designed for all levels from beginners to professionals.BloggersStudents wanting to earn incomeSocial network enthusiastswhoever wants to earn income onlineAfter completing this course, you will learn....What is cryptocurrencyWhat is SteemDifferent types of Steem currencyHow to earn SteemsHow to increase your Steem PowerHow to setup account on SteemitUnderstand difference between Steem and SteemitHow to increase your followersHow to keep healthy reputation on Steemit networkHow to earn cryptocurrency by just reading and upvoting others contentHow to convert Steems to Bitcoin or other local currencyUnderstand Steem walletPros and Cons of Steemit networkIt's time to take action and earn cryptocurrency."
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Exams - 2018"
"AWS Certified Developer AssociateThe AWS Certified Developer Associate exam is designed to test your knowledge and technical expertise in developing and maintaining applications on the AWS platform. As a Certified Developer (Associate), you will be able to validate your skills in:Identifying the correct AWS service for your applicationsDesign, develop and deploy cloud-based solutions using AWSLeveraging AWS SDKs to interact with AWS services from your applicationCode-level application security (IAM roles, credentials, encryption, etc)Candidate ProfileMinimum of one-year hands-on experience in designing and maintaining AWS-based applicationsKnowledge of at least one programming language. This becomes very useful when you want to build and deploy scripts of various kinds. We recommend Python especially if you are a beginner. Note you dont actually need to know programming to pass this examUnderstanding of core AWS services, architecture and best practicesDesign, develop and deploy cloud-based solutions using AWSDevelop and maintain applications written for Amazon Simple Storage Service, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Simple Queue Service, Amazon Simple Notification Service, Amazon Simple Workflow Service, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and AWS CloudFormationPractice Exam BreakdownThis practice exam simulator comes with 3exams of 60 questions each. You have 80 minutes to complete each exam and you can retake these as many times as you like. The format of the questions are as follows:Multi Choice QuestionsMulti-Answer QuestionsTrue &FalseYes &No"
Price: 29.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Practice Exams - NEW 2020"
"AWS CertifiedCloud PractitionerThe AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C01) examination is for anyone looking to learn and understand core offerings of the Amazon AWS Cloud. It is intended for individuals who have no prior knowledge on Amazon AWS and who wish to progress their career by effectively demonstrate an overall understanding of the AWS Cloud, its services and how it can help deliver cost-effective IT solutions meet the demands of the business. The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner is designed for IT personnel with not cloud experience as well as personnel from other verticals such as sales, marketing, finance and law who are required to understand the core benefits offered by cloud computing and specifically by Amazon AWS.By passing the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam you will be able to demonstrate a detailed understanding of cloud concepts, AWS services, security, architecture, pricing, and support.The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam validates your ability to:Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructureDescribe basic AWS Cloud architectural principlesDescribe the AWS Cloud value propositionDescribe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute andanalytics)Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security modelDefine the billing, account management, and pricing modelsIdentify sources of documentation or technical assistance (for example, whitepapers or support tickets)Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud.Candidate ProfileMinimum six months of experience with the AWS Cloud in any role,including technical, managerial, sales, purchasing, or financialBasic understanding of IT servicesPractice Exam BreakdownThis practice exam simulator comes with 3exams of 65 questions each. You have 90 minutes to complete each exam and you can retake these as many times as you like. The format of the questions are as follows:Multi Choice QuestionsMulti-Answer QuestionsTrue &FalseYes &No"
Price: 19.99

"Cmo grabar y editar vdeos para tus cursos online"
"APRUEBA EL CONTROL DE CALIDAD DE UDEMY SATISFACTORIAMENTETienes ya la idea sobre el tema que tratar tu curso?Hiciste el guin y sabes exactamente lo que vas a decir?Pero...No tienes la ms mnima idea de como grabar tus cursos? o peor aunte detuviste porque piensas que editar es cosa de profesionales?O incluso intentaste grabar un vdeo y noestas pasando los controles de calidad de Udemy? te rechazaron el vdeo de prueba?Pues quita esas ideas de tu cabeza, no estamos haciendo pelculas de Hollywood, no necesitas un equipo entero de profesionales que editen tus vdeos, y no necesitas pagarle a nadie para que lo haga por ti.Graba y edita tus propios vdeos de calidad y aprueba las normas de UDEMY. de una manera sencillas y rpida.GRABA Y EDITA VDEOSPARA TUS CURSOS ONLINECon este sencillo curso te voy a ensear el proceso que yo he seguido para grabar y editar mis cursos en Udemy.Aprenders cosas como:El micrfono que uso.La configuracin de mis dispositivos de grabacin, niveles de audio y Db.Los programas que utilizo y cmo estn configurados.Los formatos de audio y vdeo que utilizo.El proceso exacto que sigo, desde que hago pruebas de grabacin hasta que el vdeo esta listo para ser subido a la plataforma.Como extraer y editar el audio de tus vdeos, reducir el ruido y aclarar el sonido.Como recortar las partes en las que te equivocaste, hacer efectos de transicin, desvanecer la imagen, sobreponer imgenes o vdeos.Agregar pistas de audio de fondo y dnde descargarlas.El mejor formato para renderizar un vdeo para Internet con calidad Full HD hasta 4K.PROGRAMAS QUE VAMOS A UTILIZARHaremos uso de 3 programas muy potentes para que nuestros vdeos queden magnficos:Mirillis Action! para grabar la pantalla de la computadora y la webcam (screencast).Audacity para la edicin de los audios.Sony Vegas PRO para editar el vdeo y renderizarlo."
Price: 19.99

"Food 4 Life: What & How to Eat to Look & Feel Your Best"
"Are you sick of being overweight & unhealthy?Do you want to understand exactly how the specific foods you eat impact your weight and health?Have you tried to lose weight only to fail or put it all back on after losing it?Do you want to know why counting calories is stupid and doesn't work?Do you want to know what and how to eat to lose weight and build muscle while preventing disease and sickness and optimizing your health?If so, you've come to the right place.Hi, I'm Anthony Robinson, the creator of the Food 4 Life Nutrition Program. I'm a certified nutrition consultant, personal trainer, and health coach Anthony Robinson, I also hold advanced certifications in lifestyle medicine, nutrition, exercise, and longevity from Harvard Medical School, Yale School of Medicine and the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine among others. I created this course to go beyond the talk of protein, fat and carbohydrate and show you exactly what individual foods to eat and avoid to lose fat and be your healthiest.This science-based course is a masterclass in nutrition, specifically in exactly what and how to eat to look and feel your best. This course will not only teach you how to lose body fat but even more importantly you will learn what and how to eat to be your healthiest from the inside out, on a cellular level.The first thing this course does is bust the #1 most perpetuated and insidious myth regarding nutrition and weight loss.....that it's about all about counting calories. You see, for decades so called health, nutrition, and fitness experts have told us that weight loss is about counting calories, or the calories in /calories out model. This is flat out wrong and has kept many people overweight and unhealthy. The problem with this premise is that it assumes all calories are the same, and that is simply not true. If it were true it would mean that eating 700 calories from a piece of chocolate cake would impact and affect your weight and health the same as eating 700 calories of broccoli.......Do you really think that's true?........Of course you don't, simple common sense tells us it is false.The piece of cake is loaded with sugar and devoid fiber and lacks any nutritional value. It causes your blood sugar to rise, starting a domino effect of high insulin and bad hormonal responses that kick bad biochemistry into gear. The high insulin increases the storage of belly fat, increases inflammation, raises triglycerides and lowers HDL, raises blood pressure. While the broccoli only contains minimal amounts of naturally occurring sugar while being loaded with fiber and beneficial vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that promote good health and fight disease. So, as you can see all calories are not the same and that is why counting calories is stupid and does not lead to lasting, long-term weight loss. You won't count calories on this program!This program goes beyond the basics of macronutrients and micronutrients, vitamins and minerals and looks directly at the foods you eat. We break down every type of food go over what to eat and what to stay away from and why, in each category, including meat, fish & seafood, poultry, vegetables, fruit, grains, beans, nuts, oils, butters and more. You're also provided with a complete list of acceptable foods to eat and a Food 4 Life Cookbook that contains healthy, delicious and easy to make recipes (new recipes are added weekly).Here's what's inside the course:The Problem with Nutrition TodayWhy counting calories is stupid and doesn't workHow Food Affects Your genes and healthUnderstanding MacronutrientsWhat is a Calorie?The Role of Protein in Your DietThe Role of Fat in Your DietThe Role of Carbohydrate in Your DietThe Role of Fiber in Your DietUnderstanding MicronutrientsThe Role of Micronutrients in Your DietPhytonutrients: What are They & How Do They Affect Your BodyThe 3 Things You Absolutely MUST Know About Food, But Don't. Inflammation & Food: How it Effects Your Health & Weight Blood Sugar: Why it Matters Understanding The Glycemic Index & Glycemic LoadFood: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromMeat: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromChicken & Poultry: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromFish & Seafood: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromVegetables: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromFruit: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromDairy: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromBeans: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromGrains: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromNuts: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromOils: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromSoy: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromSugar & Sweets: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromJuice: What to Drink & What to Stay Away FromSpices & Herbs: What to Eat & What to Stay Away FromGluten: Should You or Shouldn't You?The Food 4 Life Approved Foods & Cookbook The Food 4 Life Approved Master Foods List The Food 4 Life Cookbook: Healthy & Delicious Recipes This is the program you need if you want to lose body fat and be your healthiest. Everything you need to know is contained within this program and explained in a way that is easy to understand and even more important it's easy to follow. Don't put off losing weight while improving and optimizing your health any longer.If you're serious about looking and feeling your best this is the program for YOU!!! Enroll now and take control of your weight, health and future today!You have nothing to lose except fat and excuses with the 30-day 100% money-back guarantee!"
Price: 149.99

"Pfsense Firewall Fundamentals en Espaol"
"El curso de Pfsense Firewall Fundamentals est diseado con el objetivo de brindarte los conocimientos necesarios para que puedas iniciarte en el mundo de la administracin de este Firewall Open Source.Actualmente Pfsense es una herramienta ampliamente utilizada para el filtrado de pginas web y la seguridad de la red dentro de la empresa.Aprender a manejar esta herramienta te ayudara a ampliar tus posibilidades laborales, y a la vez te brindara conocimientos que podrs utilizar para el manejo de otros firewalls.Los vdeos estn elaborados de la manera ms sencilla y corta posible para que puedas captar lo ms importante en la administracin de esta herramienta.Al finalizar este curso, el estudiante estar en la capacidad de instalar y configurar de manera correcta un firewall utilizando Pfsense, logrando as poder administrar una infraestructura de red sencilla haciendo uso de esta herramienta Open Source.El estudiante aprender a:    Aprenders que es Pfsense y para que se utiliza en el da a da Aprenders a descargar e Instalar  Pfsense. Aprenders a configurar el direccionamiento IP en las diferentes interfaces de Pfsense. Crearas usuarios para la administracin de Pfsense. Aprenders a crear copias de seguridad de nuestra instalacin de Pfsense. Lograras Restaurar pfsense desde un archivo de respaldo. Aprenders a Configurar Squid Proxy, para bloquear el Acceso a Paginas Web no deseadas. Aprenders a configurar Pfbloquer para bloquear el acceso a paginas no deseadas por segn su categora. Aprenders a realizar un Port Forwarding haciendo uso de Pfsense. Aprenders a crear una entidad certificadora (Certificate Authority) Aprenders a crear Certificados para el Servidor y para nuestros clientes. Aprenders a configurar OPENVPN  para la conexin vpn a nuestra red interna. Aprenders a crear reglas en haciendo uso de Pfsense, para brindar mayor seguridad en nuestra red. Aprenders a Limitar el ancho de banda a  nuestras redes. Configurar el acceso a la consola de administracin usando SSH.   Realizar bloqueo de paginas web HTTPS con certificados Realizar bloqueo de paginas web HTTPS en modo transparente. Hacer uso de Regular Expressions en pfSense. Realizar bloqueos de pginas web por DNS. Configuracin de DNS dinmicos como OPENDNS. Aprenders a realizar bloqueo de descarga de archivos. Aprenders a configurar el SafeSearch en pfSense para los diferentes buscadores del mercado."
Price: 19.99

"Pfsense Firewall - Secure Browsing"
"El curso Pfsense Firewall - Secure Browsing es la segunda parte de nuestro cursoPfsense Fundamentals y esta diseado con el objetivo de brindarle conocimientosms profundos sobre lo que podemos hacer con esta poderosa herramienta a lahora de permitir el acceso a diferentes pginas web.En este curso aprenders a usar expresiones regulares, bloqueo de pginas por DNS, bloqueo de pginas con cifrado HTTPS con certificado y sin certificado y muchas cosas ms. Cada video est elaborado de manera rpida y puntual para acelerar la compresin de cada tema.Si tienes un pfsense instalado y quieres dotarlo con todo lo necesario para una navegacin segura, entonces este curso es para ti!"
Price: 19.99

"Flexbox: o guia completo"
"**ATENO**Esse curso constantementeatualizado.Ao se tornar aluno, voc tem acesso vitalcio a todos os contedos futuros!>>>LTIMA ATUALIZAO: abril de 2019<<<No cursoFlexbox: o guia completoo aluno conhecer CSS Flexible Box Layout Module, uma das principais tecnologiaspara o desenvolvimento delayouts modernose componentes de UIresponsivos,tornando-se capacitado a codificar layoutse componentes usandoFlexboxe aprimorando suas capacidades no front-end.O curso aborda:Explicaes tericas sobreCSS Flexible Box Layout ModuleExplicao das propriedades de FlexboxDiversos exemplos prticos usando FlexboxResoluo de problemas clssicos de web design com FlexboxComo usar Flexbox para resolver problemasde layout do dia-a-diaE, atravs destes conhecimentos, aprender a:Trabalhar com tcnicas diversas de construo de layouts com FlexboxConhecer as possibilidades queFlexbox trazConhecer dicas, tcnicas e macetes de FlexboxPara voc que j trabalha com front-enddesenvolvendo sites diversose quer conhecer e saber trabalhar com uma das principais tecnologias CSS para web design responsivo,certamente o cursoFlexbox: o guia completo para voc!**INVISTA MENOS PARA MAIS CONTEDO**Opreodo curso podeaumentar porque novos contedos so sempreinseridos. Ao adquirir agora, voc tem acesso vitalcio a tudo sem pagar mais nada!"
Price: 249.99

"NodeJS for beginners"
"This course is for absolute beginners to NodeJS.In this course you would learn:NodeJS basic conceptsNodeJS and IDEInstallation and SetUpWhat makes NodeJS so popularCore Modules in NodeJS and how you can use them to build your appsNode Package Manager and usage ofThird party modules in your NodeJSApplication.You would build a simple NodeJS application using all these conceptsAll along the courseyou would be writing NodeJS codealongside me so you would not get bored with just theory, but would get good hands on."
Price: 24.99

"DevOps CI CD with Jenkins Maven Git and Pipeline"
"This course will teach you DevOps concepts of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, with emphasis on Jenkins, Git and Maven build automation.DevOps as a software development practice has been around for quite a long time now, but the term has been coined only in the recent past and it is becoming more and more relevant, given that companies ranging from small start ups to behemoths like Amazon Netflix Google are investing billions into it.DevOps automation experts are in great demand now and is proving to be a very lucrative career move.Thecourse has been designed, keeping this demand in mind so that you get to learn both concepts andat the same time get to work on it, hands on. I am sure, that by the end ofthis course you will feel very confident in building and deploying a fully automatedand functional Continuous Integration and Continuous Deliverypipeline in Jenkins.You will learn DevOps concepts and Jenkins from scratch. You are also taught Maven, that is probably the most popular tool used for build automation.Here is a brief of what you would learn:DevOps Concepts - Continuous Integration and Continuous DeliveryDifferences between DevOps Concepts like CI and CDJenkins Terminology along with the UIAll aboutApache MavenJenkins jobs for implementing DevOps Continuous IntegrationJenkins jobs for continuous testing, static code analysisJenkins jobs for DevOps Continuous DeploymentJenkins jobs for DevOpsContinuous DeliveryBuild Pipeline in JenkinsJenkins Distributed Builds with Master Slave ArchitectureJenkins Pipeline as CodeAt appropriate stages you would be given exercises and projects to work on that would help you explore on your own and also refresh your learning.The course goes over the topics step by step - For each topic - DevOps, Jenkins, Maven,Gitand Jenkins Pipelines -in sufficient detail and adopts a code/work along method so that students can run the builds in parallel to the instructor.The theory has been kept to a minimum and crisp, just enough to get you the context before you start hands on."
Price: 94.99

"Data Science with Python for Students & Beginners"
"Data Scientists are most in demand &enjoy one of the top-payingjobs in the industry, with an average salary of $120,000 as per the data fromGlassdoor and Indeed. That's just the average! And also itsinteresting work too!So whom is thecourse for? If you are a student,an IT professional, an analyst, a scientist or an academicand you're looking to make the transition to data science, or you're a student, and you want to learn what data science is all about. If you've got some programming or scripting knowledge, this course will teach you the techniques used by real data scientists and machine learning practitionersin the tech industry - and prepare you for a move into this hot career path.The course coversNumpyMatplotLibScipySympyPandasThis course is a short course on Data science to enable you to start learning & using the fundamentals immediately."
Price: 19.99

"Scratch Programming for kids & Scratch Game Programming"
"This is a highly researched STEM (Science Technology Engineering & Math) course introducing your kids & students to the field of Programming. You will learnBasics of ProgrammingDifferent loops used in programmingConditional StatementsLogic building to write program SequentiallyDeveloping small musical applicationsDeveloping Games & playing themYou will learn to develop full fledgedgames with point systems & Win - Lose Criteria."
Price: 19.99

"3 steps to a perfect Career Change"
"#12 years of research / Counselling experience hasbeen molded into a less than an hour course.What's my nature ??We have a physical body & an intangible mind which are our hardware to create anything we need or want. However we also have a software our NATURE which has its own way of working, likes & dislikes. In this course we will deliver 3 methods to find out your nature and what you are best at How to align the Software & Hardware in line to live in harmony, peace & with happiness while being extremely successful in whatever you do. Course is designed forParents & TeachersStudentsProfessionalsEntrepreneursWork Stress ManagementIt is becoming one of the biggest problems in everybodys life now a days. Stress naturally develops if there is incompatibility in the Hardware & Software. Once we know our nature we can work inline with it and make ourselves stress free I wishSarve Bhavantu Sukhinah which means May all be Happy !!!"
Price: 19.99

"Beadwork GutsyGuide: Swarovski Crystal Christmas Ornaments"
"This course shows you,step by step, how to make Swarovski Crystal Christmas Ornaments.Absolutely no experience is necessary to succeed in this course! All you need are some supplies and a little bit of time to dedicate to the creative process!In this course, you will:Learn the basic design andtechniques to make Swarovski ornamentsDiscern between single loop and double loop patternsConstruct six types of ornaments using Swarovski crystalsCreate your own gorgeous ornament designs using the techniques and styles in this courseThis course providesmaterial that is targeted to all types of learners. Whether you learn best by seeing, hearing, reading or doing, this GutsyGuide presents concepts and examples in ways that will make sense to you.The ornaments taught in this courseinclude:SnowmanChristmas TreePresent StackAngelShort StarLong StarOnce you purchase this course, you are welcome to reproduce any of the projects to make for yourself, as gifts for family and friends, or even to sell for profit!All necessary supplies are outlined in the free previews and I have provided links to the actual items you'll see me use in this course. Alternatively, I offer kits that includeall items for one ornamentin a single purchase - I have providedlinks to thesein the Supplies and Materials sectionsas well as a discount code for15% off the purchase price.Remember, you will have lifetime access to the coursematerial, so you will be able to come back to it at your leisure to watch andreview. You will also have access to me as your instructor to ask questions, give or receivefeedback and share your designs.Enrollment in this course is 100% risk free since your purchase includesa 30-day money back guarantee!Can't wait to see you in class! We're gonna have so much fun!! :)*A portion of the proceeds from every GutsyGuide sale goes directly to nonprofits that elevate women and girls*"
Price: 29.99

"Wire Wrapping GutsyGuide: Swarovski Christmas Earrings"
"This course shows you,step by step, how to make Swarovski Crystal Christmas Earrings. Absolutely no experience is necessary to succeed in this course! All you need are some supplies and a little bit of time to dedicate to the creative process!In this course, you will:Learn the essentialtechniques neededto make Swarovski holiday earringsDemonstrate proficiency inmaking a basic loop, eyepins, headpins and earwiresDemonstrate proficiency in working with jump ringsConstruct four types of earrings using Swarovski crystalsCreate your own gorgeous earring designs using the techniques and styles in this courseThis course providesmaterial that is targeted to all types of learners. Whether you learn best by seeing, hearing, reading or doing, this GutsyGuide presents concepts and examples in ways that will make sense to you.The earrings taught in this courseinclude:SnowmanChristmas TreePresent StackAngelOnce you purchase this course, you are welcome to reproduce any of the projects to make for yourself, as gifts for family and friends, or even to sell for profit!All necessary supplies are outlined in the free previews and I have provided links to the actual items you'll see me use in this course. Alternatively, I offer kits that includeall items for one ornamentin a single purchase - I have providedlinks to thesein the Supplies and Materials sectionsas well as a discount code for15% off the purchase price.Remember, you will have lifetime access to the coursematerial, so you will be able to come back to it at your leisure to watch andreview. You will also have access to me as your instructor to ask questions, give or receivefeedback and share your designs.Enrollment in this course is 100% risk free since your purchase includesa 30-day money back guarantee!Can't wait to see you in class! We're gonna have so much fun!! :)*A portion of the proceeds from every GutsyGuide sale goes directly to nonprofits that elevate women and girls*"
Price: 29.99

"Ansible para principiantes"
"""El curso es simple e impresionante. Siempre quise aprender Ansible, he pasado por varios cursos y este es el mejor"". - Testimonio del estudianteDe que trata el curso?Este curso introduce a los principiantes a los fundamentos bsicos de Ansible, con ejercicios prcticos fciles de hacer que puedes practicar directamente en el navegador. El curso presenta casos de uso bsico de Ansible, seguidos de una introduccin al Inventario de Ansible, playbooks, mdulos, variables, condicionales, ciclosy roles. Cada claseest acompaada de un conjunto de ejercicios de codificacin que le dan al usuario una experiencia prctica en el desarrollo de playbooksAnsible.Qu tiene de especial este curso?Las clases guiadas a travs dediapositivas animadas lo hacen simple y fcil de entender. Este es el nico curso que proporciona ejercicios de codificacin donde puedes practicar playbooks de Ansible directamente en tu navegador.""Uno de los mejores cursos que he tomado. Los contenidos y la explicacin son maravillosos"" - Testimonio del alumno""Me gustaron los ejercicios basados en tareas. Lo recomendara a cualquiera que est buscando una gua de inicio con experiencia prctica"" - Testimonio del alumnoQu es Ansible?Ansible es una plataforma de automatizacin de TI radicalmente simple que hace que tus aplicaciones y sistemas sean ms fciles de implementar. Evitaescribir scripts o cdigo personalizado para implementar y actualizar tus aplicaciones: automatizaen un lenguaje parecido al ingls, utilizando SSH, sin agentes para instalar en sistemas remotos.Aviso Legal:Ansible y Ansible Tower son marcas registradas de Ansible, Inc. en los Estados Unidos y otros pases. Este curso no est certificado, acreditado, afiliado ni respaldado por Ansible, Inc."
Price: 89.99

"Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners - Hands-on"
"This is by far the best Kubernetes course on UdemyStudent Testimonial Learning Kubernetes is essential for any DevOps professional. DevOps engineers are always in demand. Currently the average Silicon Valley salary for a DevOps engineer is 20% higher than what a software engineer makes. DevOps engineers make an average of $140,000 to $200,000 annually. And One of the most in-demand skills is Kubernetes Deployment.Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally designed by Google and is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.Kubernetes is at the cutting-edge of application deployment. The best way to kick-start your DevOps career is by learning how to effectively deploy Kubernetes. This course is for absolute Kubernetes beginners. With zero knowledge about Kubernetes, once you take this course and complete all of the hands-on coding exercises, you will be ready to deploy your own applications on aKubernetes platform. ""Excellent course. If you are new to Kubernetes and have never used it before as was my case, I highly recommend this."" - Student TestimonialYou will start your journey as a beginner and gothrough 10 simple, step-by-step lectures. Each lecture and demo is designed to give you the time to fully grasp all of the concepts. The most important part of the course is the series of hands-on coding exercises that accompany each major concept. But, lectures alone wont give you the skills you need to make it as a DevOps engineer.In this course, you will learn by doing. Each exercise will help you make sure you have truly mastered the concepts and will help have the confidence to apply your Kubernetes knowledge in real-world situations.""Perfect Kubernetes 101. Enough to understand the topic and know how to proceed further."" - Student TestimonialYou will be developing your own services using Kubernetes configuration files for different use cases right in your browser. The coding exercises will validate your commands to make sure you have written them correctly. After you have completed the lectures and coding exercises you will have the opportunity to complete a series of assignments that put your new skills to the test. You will be given a challenge to solve using the Kubernetes skills you have learned. This will give you real-world experience and the chance to work with other students in the community. You will develop a Kubernetes deployment and get feedback for your work. This course is the best way to learn the Kubernetes skills you will need to succeed in your DevOps career. Dont waste any more time wondering what course is best for you. Youve already found it. Get started right now getting the Kubernetes skills you need to be successful as a DevOps engineer. ""The Best Course for the Kubernetes . For Beginners the perfect search ends here."" - Student TestimonialLegal Notice:Kubernetes and the Kubernetes logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Linux Foundation. in the United States and/or other countries. The Linux Foundationand other parties may also have trademark rights in other terms used herein.This course is not certified, accredited, affiliated with, nor endorsed by Kubernetes orThe Linux Foundation."
Price: 199.99