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"Curso de Pintura a Guache para Iniciantes"
"O Guache um dos materiais mais versteis que existe! Combina caractersticas que o deixa entre a aquarela e a tinta acrlica.Suas principais vantagens so:- Preo reduzido- Fcil de encontrar- Ampla variedade de cores- Fcil adaptao para quem est aprendendo- Permite grande variedade de tcnicas- Baixo nvel de desperdcio- AtxicaA tinta guache o veculo ideal para quem est iniciando no aprendizado de pintura, pois permite a utilizao de tcnicas semelhantes a aquarela e tinta acrlica. Custa cerca da metade do preo se comparado aquarela, alm de ser mais fcil de utilizar.Este curso ir te oferecer as bases necessrias para que voc aprenda a pintar com guache e, futuramente, desenvolva suas prprias pinturas!Voc tambm ter todo o suporte necessrio para solucionar suas dvidas! Venha conferir!!!"
Price: 279.99

"Curso de Desenho para Crianas"
"Seja bem vindo ao curso de desenho para crianas (ou para voc, adulto, que quer aprender os primeiros passos do desenho)!Este um curso introdutrio que apresentar conceitos bsicos de desenho de forma prtica e direta, atravs de exerccios simples que iro fazer com que voc perca o medo de desenhar.Foi pensado e desenvolvido tambm para voc, adulto, que nunca se deu a oportunidade de aprender ou sente-se inibido frente ao desafio de reproduzir uma imagem de forma realista.Se formos, ento, comparar o aprendizado como uma escada, este curso seria o primeiro degrau.Atravs destas bases simples, voc ganhar mais autoconfiana e poder a partir da buscar referncias cada vez mais avanadas.Todas as atividades prticas deste curso so reproduzidas passo-a-passo, respeitando seu tempo, e voc poder repeti-las quantas vezes quiser para um melhor aproveitamento.Lembramos que a presena dos pais muito importante como incentivo ao desenvolvimento das crianas.Ento pegue lpis e papel e venha descobrir que aprender a desenhar mais fcil do que voc imagina!!!"
Price: 129.99

"Curso Bsico de Aquarela: Pssaros e Aves"
"Este curso uma extenso dos CURSOS DE AQUARELA - NVEIS I e II, ministrados por mim aqui tambm na Udemy. voltado para quem j possui alguma experincia com aquarela, no entanto, alunos que nunca tiveram contato com o material tambm podem adquirir, pois todos os exerccios so passados passo-a-passo.O ritmo lento, porm, sem enrolao. Todo o processo demonstrado na prtica desde o esboo inicial at a ltima pincelada.O foco deste curso, a construo de pinturas de pssaros e aves. O contedo aborda:- Onde conseguir referncias- Como fazer o esboo- Quais os materiais que sero utilizados- Principais tipos de aquarelas e suas caractersticas- Papis para aquarela e suas caractersticas- Uso da aquarela em tubo- Uso da aquarela em pastilhas- Uso da aquarela lquida- Uso de lpis aquarelveis- Construo de pinturas passo-a-passo do absoluto zero.Alm de ser uma temtica fascinante para os amantes da aquarela!"
Price: 294.99

"This course is designed for Japanese people who want to help and communicate with foreign tourists and international visitors in Japan.  More tourists are coming to Japan every year and the Rugby World Cup and the Tokyo 2020 Olympics will bring even more!  This course will teach you the words, phrases and questions you need to show Japanese in English."
Price: 3600.00

"Desarrolla Apps Profesionales Estticas con Flutter & Dart"
"En este curso aprenders de manera prctica y bajo la metodologa ""Learning by doing"" la creacin de una aplicacin esttica con Flutter y con el lenguaje ""Dart"".A travs de este ejercicio completo podrs conocer todos los aspectos bsicos del diseo y programacin de una App profesional.- Diseo y navegacin de pantallas- Creacin de categoras, subcategoras y detalles- Insercin de textos, imgenes interactivas y bases de datos internas- Integracin de servicios como Google Maps, Whatsapp y Facebook- Generar tu archivo .apk- Crear pantallas anidadas- Insertar grficos interactivos- Trabajo con reproduccin de videos"
Price: 570.00

"Flutter Tutorial: Develop a Dessert Men Static App"
"In this practical tutorial you will use Google Flutter and the Dart language to improve your skills to learn how to nest layouts, assing different intelligent items to the categories and show pictures and play videos by making a commercial aplication for the men of desserts of a restaurant.Recomended for students who has already background with the basics of Flutter."
Price: 44.99

"Learn Animation and Motion Study in Autodesk Fusion 360"
"Fusion 360 has great tools for showcasing your products. Motion study gives an opportunity to present the functioning of assemblies. Animation module can be used to display assembling and disassembling of large assemblies thus enabling better understanding of the machines. This can be used even for preparing instruction manuals.If you are a hobbyist this course can enable you to exhibit the working of little assemblies. Rendering of motion study can show cad models as realistic objects. If you are working on large assemblies, this tutorial will teach you how to show the working of machines. Toy makers can demonstrate the operation even before the physical toys are made.Animation tools are fun to learn. If you know part modelling and want to enhance your Fusion 360 skills, then this course can help you to boost your knowledge. This might be the only course you will need to master the animation capabilities in Fusion 360. All the part models are downloadable, so you can save time in creating models and just concentrate on showing mechanisms.Enroll into the course to learn the less discussed tools of Animation in Fusion 360 through simple and complex examples.Assignments at the end of the course will enable you to test your learnings. I will be in touch with you for answering your questions and clearing your doubts."
Price: 19.99

"The Essential Course For Starting Entrepreneurs"
"""The Course I wished I did before I started my coffee shop business."" - Seth M., FL""After one failed business I thought this wasn't for me. After this course I know what I can do better and succeed this time."" - Amanda B., CA""THANKYOUfor the Facebook Video Remus. That is enlightening!!!!It saved me thousands."" - Ray B., CA""I wonder why nobody made a course like this truly is life changing for a starting entrepreneur"" - Clay D., MN""I am a seasoned entrepreneur but I can say that the Facebook Video was indeed life changing. I used to spend $5k monthly on Facebook Ads and get a 30% ROI. Now I have 300%...almost too good to be true man! Thanks from the bottom of my heart!"" - Gilmore F., NJThis is a course for starting entrepreneurs or entrepreneurs with less than 1 year of experience. We are going to explore to getter the best tactics to get it right the first time! You can learn the ""Hard Way"" or ""The Essential Course For Starting E[easy]ntrepreneurs"" WayFrom years of experience (both mine and my mentors), different field of business and amazing learning opportunities, this is the course I hoped for before starting a business. Unfortunately there was none. So I had to learn the hard way. Fortunately for you, you can now learn from our mistakes and make it happen in less than 6 months!The course is split in 3 modules: Mindset, Business and Fun.You have to go trough each in order to benefit the most from this course. I have included in the last module a Special Facebook Ads Secret. 95% of marketers do not know it!That video alone is valued at 10 times the price of this entire course. So you can say it is a steal! After you bought the course please submit your request to join our special Facebook Group (link received in the first message).Isn't it time you did it right the first time?"
Price: 19.99

"Map&Market fr Einsteiger"
"Mit diesem Map&Market Einsteiger Kurs lernst Du in kleinen Schritten, wie man:die ersten digitalen Landkarten erstelltDaten importiert und visualisiertdigitale Landkarten exportiertDer Kurs dient dir als Schnelleinstieg in die Geomarketing Software Map&Market und bietet sich an, falls Du noch keine Erfahrungen mit der Software gesammelt hast.Dabei ist es egal, ob Du die Version Map&Market basic, Map&Market planner oder Map&Market premium verwendest."
Price: 119.99

"Microsoft Planner fr Einsteiger"
"Mit diesem Kurs - Microsoft Planner fr Einsteiger - lernst Du in kurzer Zeit die Funktionen von Microsoft Planner kennen. Dazu gehren zum Beispiel die Funktionen:Anlegen eines neuen BoardsAnlegen neuer Buckets und BoardsZuweisen von Mitarbeiternund vieles mehr...Wir schauen uns darber hinaus aber auch die Verknpfung mit anderen Microsoft Applikationen an.Nach dem Kurs kannst Du direkt mit Microsoft Planner durchstarten."
Price: 29.99

"Ultimate Photography Composition Masterclass"
"This online photography course will teach you how to better compose your photos and connecting with people by telling stories through them, with a bonus section to help you land your first clients as a professional photographer.This composition photography course is designed to teach you everything you need to know to upgrade your photography game and tell amazing stories that will make people speechless.Master Composition Techniques and the Art of Storytelling to Become a Photography Expert!While there are plenty of courses talking about Photography Composition, it can be hard to find something more insightful like this ones, which is more practical and gives better extra details on how to really compose your photos.This course is designed for all levels of photographers who want to improve their composition skills, tell better stories through their photos, and even use these new skills to land first clients with techniques that no other course mentions.What you will learn:Understand the different meanings of CompositionMaster shooting by using the different composition techniquesStructure your photos to create better storiesLearn how to efficiently practice composition in real-world scenariosReach out to businesses and get your first clientsAdditional tips on the best ways for you to upgrade your skills as a photographer for lifeImprove your Photography Composition Techniques, Tell Stories, And Get New ClientsNo matter your level and camera type, composition and storytelling are what make you say ""Wow"" when looking at a beautiful picture. These are the two fundamentals skills a true and professional photographer must know and master in order to be called this way. And this is what this course is all about: Making you a professional photographer who creates stunning photographies.Regardless of what style of photos you like to take, this course will put you to the next level. By teaching you strong and insightful skills, you'll have everything needed to get the best shots out of each situation and eventually get your first client.Who is the Instructor?Charles Postiaux is a true passionate of photography and storytelling. For 9 months he has been traveling around Asia with 2 backpacks and got to know better than ever the art of taking professional photos and reaching out to businesses.Today he offers you this brand new class, combining all of his experience and knowledge in an Ultimate Photography Composition Masterclass.With this course, you'll get premium feedback and support to help you get better and answer to your questions!Value guaranteed...This course has a 30-day 100% money back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with your purchase, you'll get fully refunded - no questions asked!I can't wait to see you in the course!Enroll now, and I'll help you take photos that truly mean something.Charles"
Price: 99.99

"Cisco CCNP Route300-101GNS3 ve EVE-NG Lab Pratikleri le"
"Network eko sistemi, network sreleri artk her geen gn deiiyor/geliiyor. Kurumsal network yneticisi olarak utan uca yedekli sistemler kurarak, networkte kesintisizlii hedefleyen dizaynlar ve beraberinde konfigure edilecek protokoller popler hale geliyor.Bu nedenle;""Cisco CCNP Route300-101GNS3 Lab Pratikleri le"" enterprise networkleri yneterek tm bu sylediimiz sreler ile baa kacaksnz.Toplam 9 blmden oluan kursumuz, tantm, ccnp 300-101 exam topics balkl konular ve kapan balklar altnda siz deerli katlmclar bekliyor.Kurulumlar, TCP/IP protokol, HDLC, PPP, PPPoE, OSPF-EIGRP-RIP gibi dinamik ynlendirme protokolleri konularmzn arasnda sadece bir kadr. BGP video serisi tm katlmlarn kalbini feth edecek gzelliktedir. Konularn ardndan sizde kendinizi snava hazr hissedin diye, kursu ""Cisco 300-101"" snav sertifika program ile zde ekilde oluturuldu.Kursumuz ileri seviyeye enterprise network uzmannn bilmesi gereken tm konularn yer ald, piyasadaki en kapsaml ve en gncel kurs olduunu bilmenizi isterim.Peki neden Cisco CCNP Route 300-101 Kursuna htiya Duyalm ;Network projelerinde yer alabildiiniz gibi, bilgi seviyenizi yle bir yere getireceksiniz ki, network projelerini de siz kendiniz ynetebileceksiniz.Ciddi i potansiyeline sahip olan bu alanda kendinizi gelitirip iyi bir kariyer sahibi olabilirsiniz.Network'e dair ok farkl i tanmlar ile alabilirsiniz.Kurumsal bir firmada, bir lokasyonda, kk, orta, byk lekli networkleri ynetebilirsiniz"
Price: 409.99

"Programlama Giri Seviye Ak emas&Python le250+ rnek"
"Sade Ama Eksiksiz.  Slogan ile yola ktk. ok sade, rnekler sade, anlatm sade. Zihinlerinizi hi yormadan ilerleyeceksiniz. kurs tek atda; Algoritma & Ak emas & Python. Byle bir ierik Udemy'de TEK.Udemy' nin en gncel ve en detayl Programlama'ya lk Adm Kursuna katlarak, Batan Sona Algoritma & Ak emas & Python Programlama Dili renmenin Tadna Varn...Programlamaya Giri Algoritma & Ak emas & Python 200+ rnek, kursunda kodlamaya hazrlk, karar yaplar, dngler, fonksiyonlar, Python programlama dili ile kod yazma, nesne tabanl mimari, modler programlama, hata yakalama, dosya sistemleri gibi daha bir ok konuyu tamam uygulamal ekilde reneceksiniz. Kursumuzda nce algoritma & ak emas sonra Python programlama dili olacak. Neden mi Python? nk Python' n poplerlii tartlmaz bir gerektir. Gelin ""Python renmeye"" beraber balayalm.Kursa katlmak iin her hangi bir programlama gemiinizin olmas gerekmiyor nk kursumuz size sfrdan algoritma & ak emas ile balayacak ve yine sfrdan orta seviyeye python programlamay adm adm bol bol uygulama yaptrarak retecektir.Kurs boyunca,Her konunun kalcln salamak iin bir ok uygulama yapacaz.Blm sonlarnda konularn hepsini kapsayan devlerimizi yapacaz.Kurs boyunca en gerekli konular en gerektii kadar detaylca ve uygulayarak reneceiz.Kurs erii,TantmKurulumKodlamaya HazrlkKarar Yaplar - IfDngler - LoopFonksiyonlar - FunctionsPython GiriPythonda Koul fadeleriPythonda DnglerPythonda FonksiyonlarPythonda Nesne Tabanl ProgramlamaPythonda ModllerPythonda Hatalar & Hata YnetimiPythonda Dosya YnetimiKapan - EBook"
Price: 409.99

"After Effects CC 2019 : Motion Graphics in just 1 hour, Easy"
"Hi there, my name is Sam. Im a Adobe Certified Instructor. I am the founder of study company ""Maximum education"" in my country. We are teaching all Adobe programs. Also i am selling After effects & Premier pro temmplates online, on big marketstocks.This course is for beginners. You dont need any previous knowledge in motion graphics. Well start with the super basics of After Effects. At the end of course you will be able to do any animation with shapes. Anything that you imagine. I will show you all tecnics of animation, even keyframe speed graphs. Who this course is for:This course is for beginners, and also who using After Effects, but new on motion graphics. No previous animation or motion graphic design experienced is necessary.This course also will help the peoples, who want to make passive income using After Effects."
Price: 19.99

"Google Ads / Adwords Online Marketing PPC Course 2019 for Beginners Learn Google Ads/ Adwords with this online course, based on the very latest Google Ads Interface.Learn Google Ads / Adwords Online & Become A Pay Per Click Expert - Advertise On Google Adwords Search & Display Now! Google Adwords has changed their name from ""Google AdWords"" ""Google Ads"" & also updated the user interface in 2018 to a brand new one.Learn How To Advertise On The Latest Version Of The Google Ads Interface. You Will be guided through from start to Finnish! By the end of the course you will be able to run & optimise successful campaigns for yourself! What You Will Learn?Create, Develop and Optimise Your Own Profitable Google Ads / AdWords CampaignsHow to drive Consistent, Round-The-Clock Traffic To Your WebsiteUse Conversion Tracking To Determine The Value Of Your Ad CampaignsRe-market to Your Previous Website Visitors To Get Them Coming Back To Your SiteAdvertise Your Products And Services Online EffectivelyBoost Traffic and Increase Sales to Your WebsiteZERO Experience RequiredAll you need is a laptop, tablet or smartphone with internet Start Straight AwayLearn At Your Own Pace100% Risk FREEThank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. I know you're going to absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge & experience with you!"
Price: 199.99

"Geolocalizacin con HTML5 y Google Maps en Apps mviles"
"En este curso Descubrir cmo hacer una aplicacin mvil con Google Maps y phonegapApto para principiantes. Quieres aprender cmo desarrollar una aplicacin mvil y agregar mapas de Google maps APIs ?Google Maps es un servidor de aplicaciones de mapas en la web que pertenece a Alphabet Inc. Este servicio propicia imgenes de mapas desplazables, as como fotografas por satlite del mundo, e incluso, la ruta entre diferentes ubicaciones o imgenes a pie de calle con Google Street View.Google Maps  es uno de los APIs ms usados en el mundo, tuvo un cambio en que ya empez a cobrar por sus servicios.Pero no te preocupes por la facturacin ya que en las aplicaciones mviles es gratuita.Por qu debera tomar este curso?Podrs crear una aplicacin mvil HibridaSoporta  sistemas cliente, iOS, Android, Windows Phone.Tengo muchas preguntas.Haz preguntas en el video. Y ten respuestas en el menor tiempo posibleActualizando contenido continuamente.Lo que aprendersCrear aplicacin con phonegap, cordovaAgregar mapa a la aplicacinOcultar y mostrar controles del mapaAgregar marcadores al mapaPersonalizar marcadoresGeolocalizacinBsqueda de lugares en el mapaNavegar en el mapa con el gps del celularRegstrate en el curso  Geolocalizacin con HTML5 y Google Maps en Apps mviles , No dejes pasar el tiempo, Inscrbete ya !"
Price: 119.99

"Notificaciones push en Android, con Php y Firebase"
"Quieres aprender a enviar notificaciones push en tus aplicaciones mviles?En este curso aprenders a crear aplicaciones mviles y  enviar Notificaciones push en Android, con Php y Firebase .Ademas podrs configurar e instalar todos los archivos necesarios para generar los instaladores de las aplicaciones mviles (APK)Resumen del cursoDesarrollador principiante mvil : aprenda el mundo del desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles hibridas con cordova.Aplicacin hbrida : aprenda la tecnologa para desarrollar una aplicacin hbrida mvil y enviar notificaciones push con firebase, Php y PhonegapInterfaz de usuario mvil : aprenda a crear paginas responsive con bootstrapFuncionalidad -Guardar token en base de datos Mysql con Javascript y PhpPor qu debera tomar este curso?Podr crear una aplicacin mvil y enviar notificaciones push con PHPTengo muchas preguntas.Haz preguntas en el video. Y ten respuestas en el menor tiempo posibleActualizando contenido continuamente.Regstrate en el curso  Notificaciones push en Android, con Php y Firebase , No dejes pasar el tiempo, Inscrbete ya !"
Price: 199.99

"Projetos Eltricos Estrutura e Organizao"
"Projetos Eltricos Estrutura e OrganizaoNo decorrer de muitos anos, percebi o quanto era importante organizar meus projetos eltricos e como poderia ganhar muito tempo e economizar trabalho fazendo isso, quero te passar grande parte do conhecimento que adquiri nestes anos quebrando a cabea para ter uma estrutura padro de desenvolvimento dos meus projetos, no somente projetos eltricos mais qualquer tipo de projetos de instalaes.1 MduloMuitos dos problemas no decorrer do desenvolvimento de projetos de instalaes so as divergncias encontradas entre os projetos de estrutura e arquitetura, muitas vezes o projetista passa despercebido algumas caractersticas da edificao, resultando em trabalho tendo que ser refeito.Tambm vamos aprender a organizar as pastas dos nossos projetos tanto os de arquivos recebidos quanto os das instalaes. 2 MduloSempre que queremos encontrar algo no computador pesquisamos na barra de busca e isso se torna muito mais fcil quando o arquivo esta com o nome certo, quando organizamos nossos projetos funciona da mesma forma, se fizermos uma padronizao para os nomes dos nossos arquivos ganharemos muito tempo ao procurar o que queremos.Alem disso vamos aprender a personalizar nossa estrutura de camadas e como isso e de grande importncia para padronizar nossos projetos.3 MduloMuitos no conhecem o poder de um bloco bem elaborado, quando digo bloco elaborado quero dizer bem pensado antes de ser utilizado. Existem inmeras maneiras de ganhar muito tempo com blocos dinmicos, eu costumo dizer que eles so a chave para ter velocidade de produo, pois voc pode utilizar o mesmo bloco em muitos lugares e sem falar na questo de poder criar relatrios avanados a partir dos dados destes blocos.Alem disso vamos aprender a como as referencias de outros arquivos podem nos ajudar a no perder tempo com atualizaes de arquitetura, estrutural e outros projetos que nosso projeto depende."
Price: 99.99

"AutoCAD 2020 Quantitativo Automtico e Listas Automticas"
"Curso de AutoCAD 2020 Criando Quantitativos e Listas Automticas Uma das coisas que mais levam tempo em um projeto de engenharia ou arquitetura ou ate mesmo mecnico a contagem de todos os itens apresentados nos projetos, muitos fazem isso de maneira manual ou ate mesmo utilizando filtros. Mas este no o melhor mtodo, e se eu te disser que existe uma forma de automatizar todo este processo, e que o AutoCAD pode fazer todo o trabalho pesado para voc? Aprenda neste curso a cria blocos para gerar listas e quantitativos automticos nos seus projetos. No perca mais tempo contando manualmente os itens no seu projeto. Aprenda Agora a Criar Quantitativos e Listas Automticas no AutoCAD"
Price: 39.99

"ARKADALAR KUPON KULLANMAK NEDEN NEMLDR ?NDRM KUPONUYLA ETM SATIN ALIRSANIZ, UDEMY BENDEN %50 KOMSYON KESMEZ. Bu yzden ltfen eitime kaydolurken indirim kuponu kullanmanz rica ediyorum. ETM LE LGL NEML BLGYE VE NDRM KUPONUNA WWW.BARANBiLGEHAN.COM WEB STESNDEN ULAABLRSNZ: Bu kursta  tamamen sfrdan balayarak tm detaylaryla Sistem Yneticisi nasl olunur onu ileyeceiz.Bilgisayarlarmzda sanal irketler ve kurumlar oluturup birebir uygulamal tm her eyi sizlere rneklerle anlatacam.Bu zel eitim, kamu kurum ve kurulular ve zel sektrde Bilgi lem Departmanlarnda almak isteyen tm arkadalarn mutlaka ve kesinlikle almas gereken bir eitimdir !Ayrca hedefiniz Microsoft sertifikasyonlar yolunda ilerlemek ve  en nemli Microsoft sertifikasyonlardan MCSA ve MCSE sertifikasyonlarna hazrlanmak ise bu eitim sizin ilk admnz. MCSA ve MCSE eitimlerinde retilen tm konu ve kavramlar, bu kursun ana balklarndan ilerler. Bu kurs, bilgisayar alar konusunda ciddi bir kariyer plan dnenler Sistem yneticisi olmak isteyenler ve MCSE konusunda olduka salam bir temel oluturmak isteyenler iin zenle hazrland. almak iin gireceiniz bilgi ilem departmanlarnda tm sistemi nasl yneteceinizi bu kurs ile renecek ve herkesten bir adm nde olacaksnz. Bu zel kursta detayl olarak reneceiniz temel konu baslklar aada olmakla birlikte bu temel balklara ek olarak  ok sayda rnek ve uygulamalarla derslerimizi ileyeceiz :  Windows Server 2016 nasl kurulur ve yaplandrlr ?Bir domain nasl oluturulur ? (adm adm tm kurulum sureci)Domaine bilgisayarlar nasl katlr ?Sfrdan Windows 10 kurulumu ve domaine ye yaplmas.Kullanclar, gruplar ve OU lar nasl oluturulur ?Domaindeki kullanclar ve bilgisayarlar nereden nasl ynetilir ?IP adresleri nedir nasl yaplandrlr ?DHCP nasl kurulur ve ayarlanr ?DNS alma mantKullanclara ve makinelere yasaklar nasl atanr ?Dosya ve klasrler nasl paylatrlr ?zin ynetimleri nasl yaplr ?Ve bunlara ek olarak ok daha fazla konu ve kapsamla beraber...Sfrdan bir domain kurup sistemdeki tm makinalar bu domaine kattktan sonra bir sistem yneticisinin domain zerindeki tm haklarn kazann ve bir sistem yneticisi olarak domaini tek basnza ynetebilecek seviyeye ulan. "
Price: 409.99

"ARKADALAR KUPON KULLANMAK NEDEN NEMLDR ?NDRM KUPONUYLA ETM SATIN ALIRSANIZ, UDEMY BENDEN %50 KOMSYON KESMEZ. Bu yzden ltfen eitime kaydolurken indirim kuponu kullanmanz rica ediyorum. ETM LE LGL NEML BLGYE VE NDRM KUPONUNA WWW.BARANBiLGEHAN.COM WEB STESNDEN ULAABLRSNZ: Merhaba arkadalarUdemy zerindeki ok zel eitimlerden bir tanesi ile kar karyasnz. IT kariyerinize henz balyorsanz, network ve bilgisayar alarna ok salam bir giri yapmak istiyorsanz, bu eitim sizin iin bulunmaz bir frsat. U ANA KADAR ETMDEN MEMNUN KALMAYAN OLMADI.  erik ok gncel ve tm rnekler birebir gerek hayatlarnzdan yola karak oluturuldu. Eitimde her eyi uygulamal olarak anlatyor ve birebir gsteriyorum. Kesinlikle herhangi bir n bilgiye sahip olmanz gerekmiyor. Oturup anne babanzla bile izleyebileceiniz gncellikte bir eitim.  IP adreslerinden ie balayacaz ve renip yapabileceklerinize aracaksnz. Memnun kalmadnz taktirde cretinizi annda geri iade alabilirsiniz.  Eitimde nasl yetenekler mi kazanacaksnz eitim konu balklarna bakarak biraz fikir sahibi olabilirsiniz. Sadece bir kan sralayacak olsam unlar soyleyebilirim size.Dnyann herhangi bir yerindeki arkadanzn bilgisayarna ya da st komunuzun bilgisayarna bir rpda nasl balanabileceinizi reneceksiniz?  Kendi bilgisayar anz kurabileceksiniz, IP ler konusunda bir sistem uzman kadar bilgi sahibi olacaksnz, dosya ya da klasrlerinizi bakalar iin ulalabilir yapabileceksiniz ? A balant sorunlarn tespit edebilecek ve zm gelitirebileceksiniz.  nternette gezinirken zgr msnz ne kadar zgrsnz?  Yaplan bir eylem sonucunda adresiniz nasl tespit ediliyor ? Internette iz brakmadan nasl gezineceksiniz vs daha bir ok sayda cevaplarn merak ettiiniz sorularn karl ile eitimim uzayp gidiyor.  Sz daha fazla uzatmayarak sizi daha renebileceiniz ve kazanacanz ok sayda beceri ve bilgi iin eitimime kaydolmaya davet ediyorum. "
Price: 409.99

"Ahrefs Temel Eitim Seti"
"Genel olarak Ahrefs'in ne olduunu, Ahrefs'i nasl kullanabileceinizi ve Ahrefs'te temel olarak neler yapabileceinizi detayl olarak burada bulabilirsiniz. Ahrefs hakknda bilgi edinmek ve arama motoru optimizasyonu konusunda bir adm nde olmak istiyorsanz, bu kurs tam da size gre! Analiz yeteneinizi gstererek web sitenizi, Ahrefs ile birlikte ok ileri noktalara tayabilirsiniz. Rakiplerinizden bir adm nde olmak sizin tercihiniz!"
Price: 19.99

"Cartonner en email marketing avec MailChimp 2019"
"Bonjour et bienvenue dansce cours sur comment ""Cartonner en email marketing avec MailChimp 2019.""Je mappelle Elliot, Passionn entrepreneuriat, et notamment dans les domaines du e-commerce et du marketing. Je mefforce vous dvoiler les techniques utilises par les plus grands e-commerants du monde.Mais aussi de vous apprendre crer de la valeur rapidement et simplement.Que ce soit en automatisant votre email marketing ou en vous donnant les cls pour russir sur internet.Et jai dj plus de 10 000 lves pour une moyenne de 4.3/5 toiles sur mes diffrents cours. Alors vous tes entre de bonnes-mains !***********************************************Voici ce que mes lves disent (parmi plus de 1000 avis):""Le cours est exactement ce que je cherchais."" 5 toiles""Ce cours est vraiment enrichissant et trs clair. Parfait pour les dbutants, mais aussi les plus avancs."" 4.5 toiles""Le cours correspond parfaitement mes attentes."" 4,5 toiles""Moi qui ne savait pas par o commencer, je peux me laisser guider et me focaliser sur l'important"" 5 toiles***********************************************Rejoignez lestudiants dj convaincus parmes cours (plus de 10 000!), si vous souhaitez crer systme d'email marketing qui sera Ce cours est fait pour vous si:-tes un entrepreneur ou un marketer.-Vous avez envie augmenter votre visibilit sur internet.-Vous voulez dcouvrir comment matriser l'email marketing.-Vous voulez gagner de l'argent via internet.***********************************************Je m'appelleElliotBoucher, et aprs plusieurs expriences d'entrepreneuriat,je souhaite vous partager mon exprience et mes connaissances afin que vous aussi puissiez russirsur internet.Je peux vous garantir que si vous suivez correctementma formationvous aurez suffisamment de connaissance pour continuer vous amliorer et russir en email marketing.J'espre que vous apprcierez ce cours fait avec amour autant que j'ai apprci le faire.En vous souhaitant une bonne russite,-Elliot"
Price: 99.99

"The Sankaku Series: Apply, Defend, and Escape The Triangle"
"In this course you will learn:How To Manipulate, Control, Eliminate and Create Space when you need it and when you don'tHow To Utilize sankaku jime to completely improve, revamp, restructure and deploy a quality and robust newaza gameThe secrets to teaching sankaku and understanding what to teachHow to effortlessly move between turnovers, chokes and armbars with the correct movement patternsThe exact solo and dummy training drills and skills that will improve your sankaku gameThe ONE move when they are flat that works all the time because it brings and enormous amount of discomfort and pressure Get your hands on the ""if-then"" programming that you should have in place that takes the thinking away and allows you to submit, pin and control people seemlessly. You will be able to do this because you will understand how sankaku works from everywhereWALK AWAY FROM THIS PROGRAM WITH A GO-TO SANKAKU SYSTEM THAT YOU CAN IMPLEMENT AND USE TO WIN MORE MATCHES!!!!!Learn the KEY TO ACQUIRING THE sankaku from the turtleLearn EXACTLY why you must fall to the ""back corner"" when doing sankaku from the turtle postion and exactly what it does when you do thatExperience the ""Aha Moment"" that will come once you finally ""get it"" and see what it feels like to have a system in place that you can practice over and over again"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Javascript From Scratch: The Complete JS in 1 Hour!"
"Want To Learn Javascript JSfrom Scratch?Have you always wanted to how to code, but you just don't know where to start?Or maybe you have started, but you would like to learn more in depth!Then Our Complete JSCourse: Learn JS in Just 1 Hour! is for you!Javascript, also know as JS, us power full help us to design or make web page more interactive or adding beauty in web pages.This course course contains 1+ Hour HD engaging video contents explaining the important and most commonly used topicssuch as:Starting JSfrom Scratch and tooling etc.The core concept and usage of JS.Variables & Data typesHow to use Loops Learn how to work with ArraysFunctionsObjectswith this Project files are also included. Join this amazing journay today :)"
Price: 19.99

Price: 3600.00

"PMP Studying Questions (AWSPT-02)"
"This course includes some questions to help you memorize PMBOKconcepts by asking direct questions. It will help you to understand the project management framework from PMIpoint of view. Those questions are not of a type complex or example like questions. You can use them just to ensure that you have digested the knowledge as you go through PMBOK"
Price: 19.99

"PMP Practice Test (AWSPT-01)"
"The objective of this test is to give you a chance to review some of the key concepts in different knowledge areas through question(s) and answer(s) techniques. These questions that will help you to verify your understanding of some of the key concepts. If you have such key concepts understanding you will be able to pass this exam and also it will help you cement this knowledge for the real exam. I am an independent consultant who is providing training and preparation tests on how to pass PMP exam, however I am not a registered education provider for PMIand I don't have any commercial partnership agreement with them. PMP is a registered trademark for PMI"
Price: 19.99

"How to DJ - The Professional Guide"
"If you have ever dreamed of being a DJ with people dancing to your music and all whilst having the time of your life then this course will show you how.From the bedroom to the hottest clubs, events and mainstage festivals.Whether you're a seasoned pro looking toenhance your current skillsor a new aspiring DJ looking toget started.Whatever your level of experience, the wisdom in this course is explosive and it is an absolute must to skyrocketing yoursuccess as a DJ.This easy to understand guide will enable you tomaster the essentials of DJing.Including, gear, music, techniques, business, and the industry as a whole. You'll learn how to research and purchase the best DJ equipment, on your budget.Where to find music, how to smoothly mix music and create solid playlists to rock any dance floor.Plus you will learn how to get paid gigs at parties, clubs, events and so much more!Anybody can be a DJ and if you've ever wanted a single book that gives you all the secrets to a successful career as a DJ,then this is that course."
Price: 19.99

"Reprogrammez facilement votre cerveau pour la russite"
"Reprogrammez votre cerveau pour la russite [Le guide complet]Cette formation contient tout ce que vous devez savoir pour reprogrammer votre cerveau pour la russite, liminer vos mauvaises habitudes et atteindre vos objectifs. Ce contenu sera mis jour rgulirement pour rajouter mes dernires trouvailles dans le domaine de la psychologie du succs, la russite personnelle et les habitudes des personnes qui russissent.Voici quelques tmoignages venant de de participants mes cours: Je suis content de pouvoir couter des personnes comme Jamal. Cest concret, il va l'essentiel, il y a du vritable partage, c'est prcis et surtout on sent qu'il sait de quoi il parle avec une belle prparation en amont. Je ne peux que recommander cette formation car c'est clairement un investissement faire! Salahddine Agrablement surpris par ce cours, j'ai appris plein de choses. Du coup, grosse remise en question qui tombe au meilleur moment dans ma vie. Trs motivant ! NicolasMerci pour le concret, la clart et la synthse! Lyne_________________________________________ Pourquoi rejoindre cette formation pour reprogrammer votre cerveau pour la russite? Si vous voulez vous dbarrasser de vos penses limitantes? Ou si vous voulez reprogrammer votre cerveau pour la russite?Ou encore si vous pensez avoir un grand potentiel mais vous narrivez pas vous motiver pour passer laction?Cette formation est pour vous!La plupart des gens ont des croyances limitantes qui les empchent dexploiter pleinement leur potentiel. Ils ont subi un conditionnement depuis leur enfance mais ne sont mme pas au courant de ces programmes mentaux qui les limitent. Ils sont prisonniers de leurs propres habitudes. Ils ont de mauvaises habitudes en place mais ne savent pas comment sen dbarrasser.Plus de 40% de nos actions au quotidien sont des habitudes. Des actions que nous excutons automatiquement sans avoir y rflchir. Il est clair que si vous navez pas les bonnes habitudes en place, vous ne serez pas dans la meilleure position pour atteindre vos objectifs.Le plupart des gens sont conscients de leurs mauvaises habitudes mais narrivent pas les changer.Heureusement, il y a des techniques qui existent et qui permettent de reprogrammer votre cerveau pour la russite. Il y a aussi des stratgies scientifiquement prouves pour liminer les mauvaises habitudes et aussi pour installer dautres plus saines.Aujourdhui plus que jamais, les opportunits sont illimites. Ceux qui passent laction et saisissent ces opportunits sont ceux qui vivent leur vie pleinement. Le problme cest que beaucoup de personnes dispersent leur nergie, manquent de concentration et ne ralisent pas grand-chose durant leur journe.Si vous aussi, vous vous demandez, comment se fait-il que certaines personnes arrivent accomplir en un mois ce que dautres accomplissent en un an? Quelle est la diffrence entre les personnes qui ont ralis de grand succs dans leur vie et la majorit de gens?Cette formation vous apportera des rponses toutes ces questions.Vous navez pas besoin de deviner ou passer des mois ou des annes rinventer la roue. Cette formation vous guidera tape par tape dans laccomplissement de vos objectifs aussi ambitieux soient-ils. Avec les bonnes stratgies et rituels en place, vous atteindrez vos objectifs presque en pilote automatique. Vous naurez plus besoin de vous motiver pour passer laction. Vous naurez plus peur doser plus de choses. Les personnes qui ont ralis de grand succs dans leur vie font des choses au quotidien qui leur ont permis darriver l o elles sont. Mais la plupart des gens ignorent ces pratiques et rituels. Cette formation vous aidera mettre en place les mmes rituels pour avoir les mmes rsultats. Que ce soit pour vos finances, votre carrire, vos relations ou votre sant. Je crois profondment que le contenu de cette formation peut transformer votre vie si vous tudiez tout le contenu et que vous mettez en place toutes les stratgies.Le contenu de la formation est conu pour aller directement lessentiel. Reprogrammez votre cerveau pour la russiteDbarrassez-vous de vous mauvaises habitudesApprenez les techniques pour installer de bonnes habitudes Dcouvrez les rituels et habitudes des personnes qui russissent et que vous pouvez appliquer aussiApprenez comment votre cerveau se programme ngativement et quoi faire pour lviterEliminez les penses de doute et de ngativitDevenez plus optimiste et dcouvrez votre vrai potentielDbarrassez-vous de vos motions ngativesUtilisez le pouvoir de la visualisationEvitez de disperser votre nergie afin de raliser plus de choses dans votre journeDcouvrez comment les personnes qui russissent structurent leurs journes pour garder le focusMettez en place des rituels pour atteindre vos objectifs plus rapidementEntrainez-vous laide dexercices pratiques pour appliquer les concepts de la formationMaintenant, si vous tes prt pour faire passer votre vie au niveau suprieur, je vous dis tout de suite lintrieur."
Price: 99.99