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Price: 12000.00

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Price: 14400.00

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Price: 17400.00

"Android Kompaktkurs fr den Einstieg mit Jetpack und Kotlin"
"Wolltest du schon immer eine Android-App programmieren, wusstest aber nicht wie du beginnen sollst?Dann bietet dir dieser Kurs einen schrittweisen und logisch nachvollziehbaren Einstieg. Anstatt dich in der umfangreichen aber auch unbersichtlichen Dokumentation fr Android-Entwickler zu verlieren oder durch Internet-Suchen auf unvollstndige oder veraltete Informationen zu stoen, findest du hier alles, was du fr die Programmierung deiner ersten Android-App mit den aktuellen Anstzen und Tools brauchst. Findest du, dass es schwierig ist, bei all den neuen Android-Werkzeugen den berblick zu behalten (z.B. Jetpack, ViewModel und AndroidX)? Bist du unsicher, welche dieser Weiterentwicklungen fr dich relevant sind? Dann erhltst du durch diesen Kurs einen praktischen Einblick ber die wichtigsten und spannendsten Neuerungen im Umfeld der Android-Programmierung.Oder mchtest du wie viele andere Android-Entwickler auch fr deine nchste App Kotlin anstatt Java verwenden? Dann lernst du hier die wesentlichen Grundlagen und Sprachkonzepte kennen, um Kotlin einzusetzen. Dazu wirst du Kotlin schrittweise durch die praktische Anwendung erlernen.Die Android-Entwicklung steht nicht stillDie Werkzeuge und Anstze zur Entwicklung von Android-Apps haben sich in den letzten Jahren stark verndert und weiterentwickelt. Neben der Programmiersprache Kotlin, die zu einer vollstndigen und sehr beliebten Alternative zu Java in der Android-Entwicklung geworden ist, gibt es viele neue Bibliotheken und ntzliche Werkzeuge, die unter dem Namen Android Jetpack zusammengefasst werden. Dieser Kurs dir zeigt anhand praktischer und schrittweise aufbauender Code-Beispiele, wie der Einstieg in die moderne Android-Programmierung mit Jetpack und Kotlin in wenigen Stunden gelingt und stellt dabei verschiedene, wichtige Neuerungen der letzten Zeit vor:Constraint LayoutKotlinData BindingViewModelLiveDataViewPager2Room mit Kotlin CoroutinesArchitecture Components und noch mehr, da dieser Kurs bestndig aktualisiert und ergnzt wird.Nicht nur fr Einsteiger in die Android-ProgrammierungWenn du programmieren kannst aber noch nie eine Android-App entwickelt hast, dann wird dich dieser Kurs stufenweise in dieses Thema einfhren. Falls du bereits Android-Entwickler bist und dich fr bestimmte Themen wie z.B. Data Binding interessierst, dann kannst du direkt die entsprechenden Abschnitte dazu durcharbeiten.bungsaufgaben ermglichen dir einen praktischen Einstieg durch Anwendung und Vertiefung der vorgestellten Aspekte.Der Kurs beschrnkt sich auf die aus meiner Sicht absolut notwendigen Konzepte und verweist an vielen Stellen auf weiterfhrende Informationen.Sollten im Zuge der Weiterentwicklung von Android Jetpack weitere wichtige nderungen erscheinen, dann wird der Kurs mit diesen Themen in Zukunft erweitert."
Price: 114.99

"Psychologia inwestowania na rynkach finansowych"
"""eby panowa nad pienidzmi, wpierw musisz zapanowa nad samym sob"" Potrafisz radzi sobie ze swoimi emocjami w momencie, gdy Twoje pienidze ulatniaj si z portfela?Niestety, ale smutna prawda jest taka, e nikt, na adnym etapie naszej edukacji szkolnej nie uczy nas jak reagowa na dane emocje, jak radzi sobie ze stresem czy te strachem przed strat.W momencie, gdy inwestujesz swoje, ciko zarobionepienidze - napocztku te emocje z pewnoci bd Ci towarzyszy, co jak si pewnie domylasz,wcale nie pomaga, a wrcz przeciwnie.Stres i brak umiejtnoci podejmowania racjonalnych decyzji to Twj najwikszy wrg na rynkuinwestycji, poniewazakca Ci logiczne mylenie i twoje decyzje mog by podejmowane impulsywnie, bez przemylenia co przekada si ju bezporednio na strat pienidzy.Mam dla Ciebierozwizanie - gotowrecept na radzenie sobie z emocjami podczas inwestowania.Potrafisz radzi sobie ze swoimi emocjami wmomencie, gdyTwoje pienidze ulatniaj si z portfela?Co dokadnie przeka Ci w kursie?Konkretne schematy podejmowania odpowiednich decyzji w odpowiednim momencie - przed wejciem w inwestycj, po wejciu w inwestycj i przy wyjciu z inwestycjiZbir najwaniejszych puapek mylenia przy inwestycjach z gotowymi rozwizaniami jak ich unika bd z nich wychodziOmwienie kilku moich inwestycji ze szczegowymi informacjami - jakie myli wystpoway w ktrym momencie inwestycji, dlaczego podejmowaem takie, a nie inne decyzje i dlaczego to wanie to przeoyo si na zarobek rzdu 50-60% w 2 tygodnie.Koncepcja tanio kup drogo sprzedajNa giedzie zarobki interpretuj w kontekcie lepszego i gorszego miesicaRozwinicie umiejtnoci podejmowania decyzjiPsychika inwestora a sukces na rynkuDrogo / tanio na rynku w kontekcie aktualnej ceny.rda stresu podczas inwestowaniaJak radzi sobie ze stratJak radzi sobie z zyskown pozycjJak minimalizowa emocje podczas inwestowaniaJak przygotowa si do inwestowaniaJak bra udzia w zyskach i nie odprowadza ceny wzrokiemSkd si bierze pewno siebie na rynku i co ma na to wpywPrzecig w portfeluNagonka biur maklerskich i fora internetoweSztuka prowadzenia pozycjiJak wytworzy umiejtno zamykania pozycjiOpowie o papierowych zyskachCierpliwo w procesie inwestycyjnym"
Price: 99.99

"Kontrakty Terminowe (Fw20)"
"Idealne na pocztek przygody z Rynkami Terminowymi. Poka Ci krok po kroku jak zacz inwestowa na giedzieWiedz, e na giedzie powinny pracowa nasze pienidze a nie my - dlatego wanie pokazuje i ucz swojego unikalnego i skutecznego sposobu gry na giedzie. Uwielbiam konkrety i taki jestem. Dlatego postanowiem wycign wiedz inwestycyjn z tendencyjnych i ezoterycznych oczekiwa na rzecz konkretnego, biznesowego podejcia. To co dla Ciebie przygotowaem, to efekt poczenia mojej unikalnej wiedzy z moliwociami jakie daje nam nowoczesna technologia.Podczas szkolenia: Poznasz jeden z najpopularniejszych instrumentw inwestycyjnych, ktry bdziesz mg wykorzysta do gry na wzrosty i spadki cen!Zaoysz profesjonalne konto maklerskieKrok po kroku nauczysz si obsugi i poruszania po platformach z wykresami.Poznasz fundamentaln wiedz o inwestycjach.Zrozumiesz rodowisko i zasady panujce na rynkach finansowych do tego stopnia aby maksymalnie zminimalizowa ryzyko.Lekcja dotyczca Analizy Technicznej wykresw ceny.Poznasz metod ktr od rki bdziesz mg zastosowa na rynku niezalenie czy bd to akcje, kontrakty, gieda polska lub zagraniczna.FAQDla kogo to jest?Dla wszystkich osb, ktre zastanawiaj si nad rozpoczciem swojej przygody na rynkach finansowych.Dla kogo to nie jest?Zdecydowanie nie jest to co dla ludzi, ktrzy myl, e wystarczy zapaci, a wiedza sama zadziaa.Czy to dziaa?miao mog powiedzie, e tak - potwierdza to publikowany przeze mnie portfel akcji co miesic na moim blogu oraz wpisy moich studentw.Kiedy to otrzymam?Natychmiastowo po zoeniu i opaceniu zamwienia.Co jeli mi si nie spodoba, zepsuje etc.?Daje Ci moj osobist, 30-dniow gwarancj, e jeli cokolwiek Ci si nie spodoba - zwrc Ci wszystkie pienidze bez poznawania przyczyny.Jeli nie zrozumiem lekcji, czy otrzymuje jakie dodatkowe materiay do nauki?Wszystkie lekcje s w formacie video, z moliwoci wielokrotnego ogldania. Dodatkowo otrzymasz materiay w formacie pdf. Jednoczenie pamitaj o tym, e masz do dyspozycji konsultacje z autorem kursu (1 godzina w dowolnym momencie)"
Price: 99.99

"Inwestycje Giedowe - Zawd Inwestor"
"Naucz si inwestowa na giedzie podczas 5 lekcji online!Kompletny kurs online prowadzony przez dowiadczonego inwestora giedowego.Analiza techniczna wykresw cenowych - kurs inwestowania na rynkach finansowych. (Akcje, GPW, Forex, Kryptowaluty)Naucz Ci od zera w jaki sposb moesz zarabia na polskie i amerykaskiej  Giedzie Papierw Wartociowych.Metodologia przekazywana w kursie oparta jest o Analiz Techniczn popart wieloletnim dowiadczeniem.Co na Ciebie czeka?-  5 Lekcji Online(Szkolenie odbywa si bdzie poprzez 5 lekcji online gdzie w dowolnym momencie wykadania wiedzy bdziesz mg wej w interakcj z prowadzcym i zada nurtujce Ci pytanie)- Nauka z domu(Dziki formule  online bdziesz mg zdobywa now wiedz nie wychodzc z wasnego domu. Oszczdzisz dziki temu mnstwo czasu i pienidzy ktre musiaby wyda na dojazdy) - Godzinna konsultacja 1 na 1(Doczajc do kursu otrzymasz rwnie moliwo odbycia godzinnej konsultacji z Pawem Salamuch, ktry pomoe Ci indywidualnie z kwestiami, ktre stanowi dla Ciebie najwikszy problem)Czego dokadnie si nauczysz?#1 Wprowadzenie do inwestowania(Podczas tej Lekcji poznasz rodowisko w jakim bdziesz funkcjonowa. Wyobramy sobie sytuacj, w ktrej od jutra stajesz si wacicielem niewielkiego komisu samochodowego. Jak dugo mgby prowadzi ten biznes, nie majc pojcia o firmach ubezpieczeniowych, dilerach, aukcjach samochodowych i jeszcze wielu wielu innych sprawach? Jak moesz si domyle, przygoda szybko by si skoczya! Twoim zadaniem, jest zrozumie to, e Gieda i rynek akcyjny to nie Ezoteryka tylko Matematyka. Dlatego te poznasz instytucje i jej funkcje w yciu inwestora oraz sposb pracy, czyli to czym jest i powinna by Gieda w twoim yciu.)#2 Podstawowe zasady analizowania wykresw oraz wiedza na temat Fal.(Zaczynamy! Pierwsza praktyczna lekcja, na bazie ktrej poznasz podstawowe nazewnictwo oraz zasady pracy i przygotowywania realnych analiz rynku. Najbardziej skomplikowana i problematyczna dla inwestorw cz teorii zostanie omwiona i pokazana na praktycznych przykadach z rynku w taki sposb, by po lekcji mg sam wykorzystywa jej elementy w praktyce. Twoja wiedza zostanie sprawdzona poprzez zadanie domowe, w ktrym bdziesz musia przeanalizowa kilka wykresw, wykorzystujc materia poznany podczas lekcji.)#3 Siatki FibonacciegoTam gdzie wszyscy si boj, my szukamy kluczowych informacji na temat biecej sytuacji. Podczas tej lekcji poznasz jedno z najskuteczniejszych narzdzi, pod warunkiem e, si wie jak je wykorzysta. Jest ono czsto wykorzystywane do biecej analizy rynku. Niestety rwnie czsto inwestorom umyka jego prawidowe stosowanie, co z kolei rodzi frustracj i prowadzi do strat. Zostanie Ci omwiona jego Funkcjonalno, praktycznie wykorzystywana podczas analiz poszczeglnych instrumentw giedowych. Twoja wiedza zostanie sprawdzona poprzez kolejne zadanie domowe, w ktrym bdziesz musia przeanalizowa kilka wykresw, wykorzystujc materia poznany podczas lekcji.#4 Analiza techniczna - formacje cenowePodstawowe zasady obowizujce w analizie wykresw cenowych i profesjonalnym inwestowaniu. Zaprezentowane ci zostan podstawowe narzdzia, wskaniki i inne udogodnienia majce poprawi przewidywalno zachowania si cen na wykresie. Poznasz formacje cenowe w oparciu o ktre, gracze giedowi decyduj si na wybr akcji. Twoja wiedza zostanie sprawdzona poprzez kolejne zadanie domowe, w ktrym bdziesz musia przeanalizowa kilka wykresw, wykorzystujc materia poznany podczas lekcji.#5 Money Managment (Zarzdzanie Pienidzmi podczas inwestowania)Lekcja powicona podstawowym zasadom zarzdzania pienidzmi podczas inwestowania na rynku Akcji.Bez tej wiedzy lepiej nie wchodzi na rynek, bo nigdy to nie skoczy si dobrze!#6 Podsumowanie zasad i metod omawianych w szkoleniuPo krtkim podsumowaniu, zaczynamy rozglda si za pierwszymi moliwociami inwestycyjnymi.Zaczynamy prac na ywym rynku. Ukoczenie kursu koczy si indywidualnym zakupem Akcji.Kady z absolwentw, otrzyma indywidualne dodatkow godzin jeden na jeden z prowadzcym, w celu zapewnienia maksymalnego komfortu i bezpieczestwa podczas pierwszej inwestycji.Najczciej zadawane pytaniaDla kogo to jest?Dla wszystkich osb, ktre chc zarabia na giedzie opierajc si na konkretnej i rzetelnej wiedzy, ktra przynosi mi zyski od kilku lat.Dla kogo to nie jest?Zdecydowanie nie jest to co dla ludzi, ktrzy myl, e wystarczy zapaci, a wiedza sama zadziaa.Czy to dziaa?miao mog powiedzie, e tak - potwierdza to publikowany przeze mnie portfel akcji co miesic na moim blogu oraz rekomendacje moich studentw.Jeli nie zrozumiem lekcji, czy otrzymuje jakie dodatkowe materiay do nauki?Wszystkie spotkania s nagrywane i zaraz po lekcji, uczestnik otrzymuje do nich dostp online. Dodatkowo rwnie, otrzymujesz materia z lekcji w formacie pdf. i z kadym pytaniem lub wtpliwoci moesz zwrci si do prowadzcego.Nie mam wyksztacenia ekonomicznego, czy poradz sobie ze zrozumieniem materiau?Proces edukacyjny zosta tak przemylany i poukadany, e prowadzi on ucznia od podstaw, czyli nawet pomaga w zaoeniu swojego pierwszego rachunku maklerskiego i jego obsugi, dalej przez rne metody analizy wykresw, by na kocu przedstawi instrument inwestycyjne i podstawowe zasady zarzdzania pienidzmi. Jednoczenie, w ramach tego produktu ucze otrzymuje dwie godziny konsultacji online z autorem szkolenia, do wykorzystania w dowolnym momencie realizacji kursu. Wielu kursantw, wykorzystuje je na wsplne wejcie i inwestowanie pod okiem PawaDlaczego warto zainwestowa w ten kurs?A jakie znasz inne szkolenie, po ktrym bdziesz mg wykorzysta wiedz ze szkolenia i od razu zacz profesjonalnie inwestowa, w potwierdzony prawnie i historycznie temat z minimalnym wkadem finansowym i czasowym. Po tym szkleniu bdziesz mg to uczyni.Kiedy zaczn inwestowa?Jednym z podstawowych atutw tego szkolenia jest wykorzystanie wiedzy w praktyce. Zaczynamy po ukoczeniu ostatniej lekcji. Dodatkowo w ramach przewidzianych godzin konsultacji, moesz to robi pod okiem autora kursu."
Price: 199.99

"How to make 6 figure income selling on fiverr"
"Fiverr has become the go to freelance service destination on the internet.Given its low-cost profile compared to other free form or custom order freelance resources, Fiverr stands to continue to attract a lot of buyer attention on daily bases.Compared to traditional freelancing, Fiverr removes a lot of doubt and guesswork from the freelance process.But if you dont know what youre doing or if you dont have a strategy, you end up wasting time and money, in the form of opportunity costs.With this video course you will learn the best strategies for making your full-time income on Fiverr.."
Price: 19.99

"Six Steps To Success With Chronic Illness"
"In Today's busy atmosphere everyone is fighting for each other's attention. If you have been battling an illness for any length of time it's difficult to fit yourself into this mix on a good day. Believe me I know, I've lived in your shoes as a matter of speaking. This course is for anyone who wants to learn how I and those around me with serious chronic illness are successful at life. How? Six Targeted Sections (Steps). Join me as we reach a new level of success together!"
Price: 19.99

"Apps Android en Android Studio con Java + Proyecto final"
"Este curso es perfecto para aquellos que deseen iniciarse en el mundo de la programacin Android pero con conocimientos bsicos previos de Java o cualquier lenguaje de programacin orientado a objetos. Aqu aprenders a instalar Android Studio en su versin 3.3 y construir tu primer proyecto Android usando todo lo aprendido en el curso. Ademas conocers algunos consejos en el manejo de Android Studio. Porque estudiar es mejor cuando de verdad se aprende... Nos vemos en clase...!!"
Price: 154.99

"Learn Video Editing, Chroma, Color Grade With Filmora"
"Editing a video was never too easy with Wondershare Filmora 9, an amazing video editing software available for Windows, Mac and smartphone app. Filmora 9 empowers you to edit videos, do chroma work, title animations, subtitles, multi-screen editing, and produce videos like a PRO.If you are a beginner in video editing, I reckon Filmora is the best choice as its interface and tools makes it easy to use to get desired results. Having the presence of giants software like Premiere, Final Cut Pro and Vegas Pro, I never thought that Ill be creating a course on Filmora and will be recommending it as a serious option for video editing. The software has made editing incredibly easy, all thanks to the team behind it.The best thing about Filmora is that it doesnt require a high-end PC or a laptop. It can be run on a normal PC or a laptop that supports graphic cards. Filmora comes up with tons of features for you. Just drag and drop to get your desired results.About Me:I am Shaharyar Qureshi, your instructor in this course. I have been in the field of video editing, graphic designing and motion graphics for almost 10  years (since 2010)So unleash your creativity, attend the course and starting creating videos for good."
Price: 19.99

"AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies - Real Exam"
"This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: manage identity and access; implement platform protection; manage security operations; and secure data and applications.Skills measured:Manage identity and accessImplement platform protectionManage security operationsSecure data and applicationsManage identity and access (20-25%)Configure Microsoft Azure Active Directory for workloadscreate App registrationconfigure App registration permission scopesmanage App registration permission consentconfigure multi-factor authentication settingsmanage Microsoft Azure AD directory groupsmanage Microsoft Azure AD usersinstall and configure Microsoft Azure AD Connectconfigure authentication methodsimplement conditional access policiesconfigure Microsoft Azure AD identity protectionConfigure Microsoft Azure AD Privileged Identity Managementmonitor privileged accessconfigure access reviewsactivate Privileged Identity ManagementConfigure Microsoft Azure tenant securitytransfer Microsoft Azure subscriptions between Microsoft Azure AD tenantsmanage API access to Microsoft Azure subscriptions and resourcesImplement platform protection (35-40%)Implement network securityconfigure virtual network connectivityconfigure Network Security Groups (NSGs)create and configure Microsoft Azure firewallcreate and configure application security groupsconfigure remote access managementconfigure baselineconfigure resource firewallImplement host securityconfigure endpoint security within the VMconfigure VM securityharden VMs in Microsoft Azureconfigure system updates for VMs in Microsoft Azureconfigure baselineConfigure container securityconfigure networkconfigure authenticationconfigure container isolationconfigure AKS securityconfigure container registryconfigure container instance securityimplement vulnerability managementImplement Microsoft Azure Resource management securitycreate Microsoft Azure resource locksmanage resource group securityconfigure Microsoft Azure policiesconfigure custom RBAC rolesconfigure subscription and resource permissionsManage security operations (15-20%)Configure security servicesconfigure Microsoft Azure monitorconfigure Microsoft Azure log analyticsconfigure diagnostic logging and log retentionconfigure vulnerability scanningConfigure security policiesconfigure centralized policy management by using Microsoft Azure Security Centerconfigure Just in Time VM access by using Microsoft Azure Security CenterManage security alertscreate and customize alertsreview and respond to alerts and recommendationsconfigure a playbook for a security event by using Microsoft Azure Security Centerinvestigate escalated security incidentsSecure data and applications (30-35%)Configure security policies to manage dataconfigure data classificationconfigure data retentionconfigure data sovereigntyConfigure security for data infrastructureenable database authenticationenable database auditingconfigure Microsoft Azure SQL Database threat detectionconfigure access control for storage accountsconfigure key management for storage accountscreate and manage Shared Access Signatures (SAS)configure security for HDInsightsconfigure security for Cosmos DBconfigure security for Microsoft Azure Data LakeConfigure encryption for data at restimplement Microsoft Azure SQL Database Always Encryptedimplement database encryptionimplement Storage Service Encryptionimplement disk encryptionimplement backup encryptionImplement security for application deliveryimplement security validations for application developmentconfigure synthetic security transactionsConfigure application securityconfigure SSL/TLS certsconfigure Microsoft Azure services to protect web appscreate an application security baselineConfigure and manage Key Vaultmanage access to Key Vaultmanage permissions to secrets, certificates, and keysmanage certificatesmanage secretsconfigure key rotationCreate and deploy apps (5-10%)Create web apps by using PaaScreate an Azure App Service Web Appcreate documentation for the APIcreate an App Service Web App for containerscreate an App Service background task by using WebJobsenable diagnostics loggingDesign and develop apps that run in containersconfigure diagnostic settings on resourcescreate a container image by using a Docker filecreate an Azure Kubernetes Servicepublish an image to the Azure Container Registryimplement an application that runs on an Azure Container Instancemanage container settings by using code"
Price: 19.99

"EXAM 70-740 Installation, Storage, Compute with Server 2016"
"This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below.Install Windows Servers in Host and Compute Environments Install, upgrade, and migrate servers and workloadsThis objective may include but is not limited to: Determine Windows Server 2016 installation requirements; determine appropriate Windows Server 2016 editions per workloads; install Windows Server 2016; install Windows Server 2016 features and roles; install and configure Windows Server Core; manage Windows Server Core installations using Windows PowerShell, command line, and remote management capabilities; implement Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) to install and maintain integrity of installed environments; perform upgrades and migrations of servers and core workloads from Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2016; determine the appropriate activation model for server installation, such as Automatic Virtual Machine Activation (AVMA), Key Management Service (KMS), and Active Directory-based ActivationCreate, manage, and maintain images for deploymentThis objective may include but is not limited to: Plan for Windows Server virtualization; assess virtualization workloads using the Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) Toolkit; determine considerations for deploying workloads into virtualized environments; update images with patches, hotfixes, last cumulative updates and drivers; install roles and features in offline images; manage and maintain Windows Server Core, and VHDs using Windows PowerShellImplement Storage SolutionsConfigure disks and volumesThis objective may include but is not limited to: Configure sector sizes appropriate for various workloads; configure GUID partition table (GPT) disks; create VHD and VHDX files using Disk Management or Windows PowerShell; mount virtual hard disks; determine when to use NTFS and ReFS file systems; configure NFS and SMB shares using Server Manager; configure SMB share and session settings using Windows PowerShell; configure SMB server and SMB client configuration settings using Windows PowerShell; configure file and folder permissionsImplement server storageThis objective may include but is not limited to: Configure storage pools; implement simple, mirror, and parity storage layout options for disks or enclosures; expand storage pools; configure Tiered Storage; configure iSCSI target and initiator; configure iSNS; configure Datacenter Bridging (DCB); configure Multi-Path IO (MPIO); determine usage scenarios for Storage Replica; implement Storage Replica for server-to-server, cluster-to-cluster, and stretch cluster scenariosImplement data deduplicationThis objective may include but is not limited to: Implement and configure deduplication; determine appropriate usage scenarios for deduplication; monitor deduplication; implement a backup and restore solution with deduplicationImplement Hyper-V Install and configure Hyper-VThis objective may include but is not limited to: Determine hardware and compatibility requirements for installing Hyper-V; install Hyper-V; install management tools; upgrade from existing versions of Hyper-V; delegate virtual machine management; perform remote management of Hyper-V hosts; Using Windows PowerShell Direct; implement nested virtualizationConfigure virtual machine (VM) settingsThis objective may include but is not limited to: Add or remove memory in a running VM; configure dynamic memory; configure Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) support; configure smart paging; configure Resource Metering; manage Integration Services; create and configure Generation 1 and 2 VMs and determine appropriate usage scenarios; implement enhanced session mode; create Linux and FreeBSD VMs; install and configure Linux Integration Services (LIS); install and configure FreeBSD Integration Services (BIS); implement Secure Boot for Windows and Linux environments; move and convert VMs from previous versions of Hyper-V to Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V; export and import VMs; implement Discrete Device Assignment (DDA), Troubleshoot VM configuration versionsConfigure Hyper-V storageThis objective may include but is not limited to: Create VHDs and VHDX files using Hyper-V Manager; create shared VHDX files; configure differencing disks; modify virtual hard disks; configure pass-through disks; resize a virtual hard disk; manage checkpoints; implement production checkpoints; implement a virtual Fibre Channel adapter; configure storage Quality of Service (QoS)Configure Hyper-V networkingThis objective may include but is not limited to: Add and remove virtual network interface cards (vNICs); configure Hyper-V virtual switches; optimize network performance; configure MAC addresses; configure network isolation; configure synthetic and legacy virtual network adapters; configure NIC teaming in VMs; configure virtual machine queue (VMQ); enable Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) on network adapters bound to a Hyper-V virtual switch using Switch Embedded Teaming (SET); configure Bandwidth ManagementImplement Windows Containers Deploy Windows containersThis objective may include but is not limited to: Determine installation requirements and appropriate scenarios for Windows Containers; install and configure Windows Server container host in physical or virtualized environments; install and configure Windows Server container host to Windows Server Core in a physical or virtualized environment; install Docker Enterprise Edition on Windows Server; configure Docker start-up options; install a base container image; tag an image; remove a container; create Windows Server containers; create Hyper-V containersManage Windows containersThis objective may include but is not limited to: Manage Windows containers by using Docker CLI; manage container networking; manage container data volumes; manage Resource Control; create new container images using Dockerfile; manage container images using DockerHub repository for public and private scenarios; manage container images using Microsoft AzureImplement High Availability Implement high availability and disaster recovery options in Hyper-VThis objective may include but is not limited to: Implement Hyper-V Replica; implement Live Migration including Shared Nothing Live Migration; configure CredSSP or Kerberos authentication protocol for Live Migration; implement storage migrationImplement failover clusteringThis objective may include but is not limited to: Implement Workgroup, Single, and Multi Domain clusters; configure quorum; configure cluster networking; restore single node or cluster configuration; configure cluster storage; implement Cluster-Aware Updating; implement Cluster Operating System Rolling Upgrade; configure and optimize cluster shared volumes (CSVs); configure clusters without network names; implement Scale-Out File Server (SoFS); determine different scenarios for the use of SoFS vs. File Server for general use; determine usage scenarios for implementing guest clustering; implement a Clustered Storage Spaces solution using Shared SAS storage enclosures; implement Storage Replica; implement Cloud Witness; implement VM resiliency; implement shared VHDX as a storage solution for guest clustersImplement Storage Spaces DirectThis objective may include but is not limited to: Determine scenario requirements for implementing Storage Spaces Direct; enable Storage Spaces Direct using Windows PowerShell; implement a disaggregated Storage Spaces Direct scenario; implement a hyper-converged Storage Spaces Direct scenarioManage failover clusteringThis objective may include but is not limited to: Configure role-specific settings, including continuously available shares; configure VM monitoring; configure failover and preference settings; implement stretch and site-aware failover clusters; enable and configure node fairnessManage VM movement in clustered nodesThis objective may include but is not limited to: Perform a live migration; perform a quick migration; perform a storage migration; import, export, and copy VMs; configure VM network health protection; configure drain on shutdownImplement Network Load Balancing (NLB)This objective may include but is not limited to: Install NLB nodes; configure NLB prerequisites; configure affinity; configure port rules; configure cluster operation mode; upgrade an NLB clusterMaintain and Monitor Server EnvironmentsMaintain server installationsThis objective may include but is not limited to: Implement Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) solutions; configure WSUS groups; manage patch management in mixed environments; implement an antimalware solution with Windows Defender; integrate Windows Defender with WSUS and Windows Update; perform backup and restore operations using Windows Server Backup; determine backup strategies for different Windows Server roles and workloads, including Hyper-V Host, Hyper-V Guests, Active Directory, File Servers, and Web Servers using Windows Server 2016 native tools and solutionsMonitor server installationsThis objective may include but is not limited to: Monitor workloads using Performance Monitor, Server Manager, Event Viewer; configure Data Collector Sets; determine appropriate CPU, memory, disk, and networking counters for storage and compute workloads; configure alerts; monitor workloads using Resource Monitor, manage and monitor Windows Server by using Windows Admin Center"
Price: 19.99

"MD-100: Windows 10 - Real Exam Questions"
"This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy Windows; manage devices and data; configure connectivity; and maintain Windows.This exam is part of Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate certification.Skills measuredDeploy WindowsManage devices and dataConfigure connectivityMaintain WindowsDeploy Windows (15-20%)Deploy Windows 10configure language packsperform a clean installationmigrate user dataperform an in-place upgrade (using tools such as MDT, WDS, ADK, etc.)select the appropriate Windows editiontroubleshoot activation issuesPerform post-installation configurationconfigure Edge and Internet Explorerconfigure mobility settingsconfigure sign-in optionscustomize the Windows desktopManage devices and data (35-40%)Manage local users, local groups, and devicesmanage devices in directoriesmanage local groupsmanage local usersConfigure data access and protectionconfigure NTFS permissionsconfigure shared permissionsConfigure devices by using local policiesconfigure local registryimplement local policytroubleshoot group policies on devicesManage Windows securityconfigure user account control (UAC)configure Windows Defender Firewallimplement encryptionConfigure connectivity (15-20%)Configure networkingconfigure client IP settingsconfigure mobile networkingconfigure VPN clienttroubleshoot networkingconfigure Wi-Fi profilesConfigure remote connectivityconfigure remote managementenable PowerShell Remotingconfigure remote desktop accessMaintain Windows (25-30%)Configure system and data recoveryperform file recovery (including OneDrive)recover Windows 10troubleshoot startup/boot processManage updatescheck for updatestroubleshoot updatesvalidate and test updatesselect the appropriate servicing channelconfigure Windows update optionsMonitor and manage Windowsconfigure and analyze event logsmanage performancemanage Windows 10 environment"
Price: 19.99

"MD-101: Managing Modern Desktops - Real Exam Questions"
"Deploy and update operating systems (15-20%)Plan and implement Windows 10 by using dynamic deploymentevaluate and select an appropriate deployment optionspilot deploymentmanage and troubleshoot provisioning packagesPlan and implement Windows 10 by using Windows Autopilotevaluate and select an appropriate deployment optionspilot deploymentcreate, validate, and assign deployment profileextract device HW information to CSV fileimport device HW information to cloud servicetroubleshoot deploymentUpgrade devices to Windows 10identify upgrade and downgrade pathsmanage in-place upgradesconfigure a Windows analytics environmentperform Upgrade Readiness assessmentmigrate user profilesManage updatesconfigure Windows 10 delivery optimizationconfigure Windows Update for Businessdeploy Windows updatesimplement feature updatesmonitor Windows 10 updatesManage device authenticationmanage authentication policiesmanage sign-on optionsperform Azure AD joinManage policies and profiles (35-40%)Plan and implement co-managementimplement co-management precedencemigrate group policy to MDM policiesrecommend a co-management strategyImplement conditional access and compliance policies for devicesimplement conditional access policiesmanage conditional access policiesplan conditional access policiesimplement device compliance policiesmanage device compliance policiesplan device compliance policiesConfigure device profilesimplement device profilesmanage device profilesplan device profilesManage user profilesconfigure user profilesconfigure Enterprise State Roaming in Azure ADconfigure sync settingsimplement Folder Redirection (including OneDrive)Manage and protect devices (15-20%)Manage Windows Defenderimplement and manage Windows Defender Application Guardimplement and manage Windows Defender Credential Guardimplement and manage Windows Defender Exploit Guardimplement Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protectionintegrate Windows Defender Application Controlmanage Windows Defender AntivirusManage Intune device enrollment and inventoryconfigure enrollment settingsconfigure Intune automatic enrollmentenable device enrollmentenroll non-Windows devicesenroll Windows devicesgenerate custom device inventory reportsreview device inventoryMonitor devicesmonitor device health (e.g., log analytics, Windows Analytics, or other cloud-based tools)monitor device securityManage apps and data (25-30%)Deploy and update applicationsassign apps to groupsdeploy apps by using Intunedeploy apps by using Microsoft Store for Businessdeploy O365 ProPlus; enable sideloading of apps into imagesgather Office readiness dataconfigure IE Enterprise modeconfigure and implement assigned access or public devicesImplement Mobile Application Management (MAM)implement MAM policiesmanage MAM policiesplan MAMconfigure Windows Information Protectionimplement Azure Information Protection templatessecuring data by using Intune"
Price: 19.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation - Real Exam Questions"
"ITIL 4 Foundation enables candidates to look at IT Service Management through an end-to-end operating model for the creation, delivery and continual improvement of tech-enabled products and services.ITIL 4 Foundation equips candidates with:A holistic approach to the facilitation of co-creation of value with customers and other stakeholders in the form of products and servicesThe guiding principles of ITIL 4The four dimensions of Service ManagementKey concepts from Lean, Agile, DevOps, and why these are important to deliver business valueHow ITIL practices described in ITIL 4 will maintain the value and importance provided by the current ITIL processes, whilst at the same time expand to be integrated to different areas of service management and IT, from demand to value.Who is ITIL 4 Foundation for:ITIL 4 Foundation is suitable for individuals who require a basic understanding of the ITIL framework and how it may be used to enhance the quality of IT service management within an organization. The certification also applies to IT professionals who work within an organization that has adopted ITIL and so need to be aware of and contribute to the overall service improvement programme.ITIL 4 continues to support the ITSM community while expanding to a wider range of professionals working in the digital world, guiding how IT interfaces with, and leads the wider business strategy."
Price: 49.99

"AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies - Real Exam"
"This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: deploy and configure infrastructure; implement workloads and security; create and deploy apps; implement authentication and secure data; and develop for the cloud and Azure storage.Skills measured:Deploy and configure infrastructureImplement workloads and securityCreate and deploy appsImplement authentication and secure dataDevelop for the cloud and for Azure storageDeploy and configure infrastructure (25-30%)Analyze resource utilization and consumptionconfigure diagnostic settings on resourcescreate baseline for resourcescreate and rest alertsanalyze alerts across subscriptionanalyze metrics across subscriptioncreate action groupsmonitor for unused resourcesmonitor spendreport on spendutilize Log Search query functionsview alerts in Azure Monitor logsCreate and configure storage accountsconfigure network access to the storage accountcreate and configure storage accountgenerate shared access signatureinstall and use Azure Storage Explorermanage access keysmonitor activity log by using Azure Monitor logsimplement Azure storage replicationCreate and configure a Virtual Machine (VM) for Windows and Linuxconfigure high availabilityconfigure monitoring, networking, storage, and virtual machine sizedeploy and configure scale setsAutomate deployment of Virtual Machines (VMs)Modify Azure Resource Manager templateconfigure location of new VMsconfigure VHD templatedeploy from templatesave a deployment as an Azure Resource Manager templatedeploy Windows and Linux VMsImplement solutions that use virtual machines (VM)provision VMscreate Azure Resource Manager templatesconfigure Azure Disk Encryption for VMsCreate connectivity between virtual networkscreate and configure VNET peeringcreate and configure VNET to VNETverify virtual network connectivitycreate virtual network gatewayImplement and manage virtual networkingconfigure private and public IP addresses, network routes, network interface, subnets, and virtual networkManage Azure Active Directory (AD)add custom domainsconfigure Azure AD Identity Protection, Azure AD Join, and Enterprise State Roamingconfigure self-service password resetimplement conditional access policiesmanage multiple directoriesperform an access reviewImplement and manage hybrid identitiesinstall and configure Azure AD Connectconfigure federation and single sign-onmanage Azure AD Connectmanage password sync and writebackImplement workloads and security (20-25%)Migrate servers to Azuremigrate by using Azure Site Recoverymigrate using P2Vconfigure storagecreate a backup vaultprepare source and target environmentsbackup and restore datadeploy Azure Site Recovery agentprepare virtual networkConfigure serverless computingmanage a Logic App resourcemanage Azure Function app settingsmanage Event Gridmanage Service BusImplement application load balancingconfigure application gateway and load balancing rulesimplement front end IP configurationsmanage application load balancingIntegrate on-premises network with Azure virtual networkcreate and configure Azure VPN Gatewaycreate and configure site to site VPNconfigure Express Routeverify on-premises connectivitymanage on-premises connectivity with AzureManage role-based access control (RBAC)create a custom roleconfigure access to Azure resources by assigning rolesconfigure management access to Azuretroubleshoot RBACimplement RBAC policiesassign RBAC rolesImplement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)enable MFA for an Azure tenantconfigure user accounts for MFAconfigure fraud alertsconfigure bypass optionsconfigure trusted IPsconfigure verification methodsmanage role-based access control (RBAC)implement RBAC policiesassign RBAC Rolescreate a custom roleconfigure access to Azure resources by assigning rolesconfigure management access to AzureImplement authentication and secure data (5-10%)Implement authenticationimplement authentication by using certificates, forms-based authentication, tokens, or Windows-integrated authenticationimplement multi-factor authentication by using Azure ADimplement OAuth2 authenticationimplement Managed identities for Azure resources Service Principal authenticationImplement secure data solutionsencrypt and decrypt data at rest and in transitencrypt data with Always Encryptedimplement Azure Confidential Compute and SSL/TLS communicationscreate, read, update, and delete keys, secrets, and certificates by using the KeyVault APIDevelop for the cloud and for Azure storage (20-25%)Develop solutions that use Cosmos DB storagecreate, read, update, and delete data by using appropriate APIsimplement partitioning schemesset the appropriate consistency level for operationsDevelop solutions that use a relational databaseprovision and configure relational databasesconfigure elastic pools for Azure SQL Databasecreate, read, update, and delete data tables by using codeConfigure a message-based integration architectureconfigure an app or service to send emails, Event Grid, and the Azure Relay Servicecreate and configure Notification Hub, Event Hub, and Service Busconfigure queries across multiple productsDevelop for autoscalingimplement autoscaling rules and patterns (schedule, operational/system metrics, code that addresses singleton application instances)implement code that addresses transient state"
Price: 19.99

"AZ-103 Microsoft Azure Administrator - Real Exam Questions"
"This exam measures your ability to accomplish the following technical tasks: manage Azure subscriptions and resources; implement and manage storage; deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs); configure and manage virtual networks; and manage identities.Skills measuredThe content of this exam was updated on December 4, 2019. Please download the Skills measured document below to see what changed.Manage Azure subscriptions and resources (15-20%)Implement and manage storage (15-20%)Deploy and manage virtual machines (VMs) (15-20%)Configure and manage virtual networks (30-35%)Manage identities (15-20%)"
Price: 19.99

"All Electrical Transformers in Electrical Power Systems"
"This course deals with the analytical, designing and practical aspects of the most important components of the electrical power systems ""Electric Transformers.""I present important and unique explanation supported by practical pictures, applications and examples from reality. Trainees and students will be able to compete in the labor market in the field of distributing and tranferring electricity at many companies.You will be to gain the skills and understand all kinds of technical details in transformers and how you can do technical calculations in the field of the transformer design."
Price: 149.99

". . 22/0.4 ."
Price: 99.99

"Electrical Power Systems"
"This course is entrance to the world of Electrical Power Systems.You will learn about the work of Electrical Power Systems, Components of Electrical Power Systems, using of Electrical Energy, and analysis of loads.You be able to differentiate and discriminate electrical standards for various voltages ( high voltages, Medium Voltages and Low Voltages)"
Price: 49.99

Price: 149.99

"Electrical M.V Power Cables (Design & Specifications)"
"A course that pays attention, detail and focuses on designing components of medium voltage power cables, as it makes you fully aware of knowledge of how to choose and use power cables in installations and how to know the technical specifications used internationally.In addition to that learn using tables of manufacturers at work."
Price: 149.99

"java programming - From Beginner To Intermediate!"
"Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!"
Price: 199.99

"La stratgie d'entreprise et le management du changement."
"Bonjour vous et bienvenue dans cette nouvelle formation consacr La stratgie d'entreprise et le management du changement.Cette formation vido vous montrera tout dabord comment laborer la stratgie d'entreprise., pour ensuite vous faire voir comment vous pouvez grer lincertitude et le risque stratgique. Vous allez apprendre sur le concept de l'incertitude requise, primordiale pour comprendre la stratgie d'entreprise.Vous trouverez ici en plus de cela les moyens de mettre en place la stratgie de diversification et de spcialisation, qui sont deux piliers qui composent la stratgie dentreprise. Quelle est la diffrence entre ces deux stratgies et comment les mettre en oeuvre avec succs? Nous allons voir cela ICI.Sans oublier aussi le plus important, les deux concepts qui dcoulent de la stratgie de diversification et de spcialisation, c'est--dire la corporate stratgie et la Business Strategy, afin de vous montrer ICI comment vous pouvez manager plusieurs domaines dactivit stratgiques dans votre entreprise et comment vous pouvez obtenir un avantage comptitif sur vos concurrents.Enfin, la dernire vido sera consacre au management du changement qui a pour but de conclure cette formation en vous donnant les mthodes de transition afin de permettre aux parties prenantes de mieux grer la rsistance au changement stratgique.Vous souhaitez en savoir davantage sur la stratgie dentreprise, la prise de risque et le management du changement? Cette formation est faites pour vous."
Price: 179.99

"(Python + Tkinter)"
". Tkinter - . Tkinter . . Tkinter . Tkinter. .. ."
Price: 34.99

"Become an AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: 2020 - Updated"
"AWSCertified Cloud Practitioner certification course is geared for people who want to gain an overall understanding of the AWSCloud platform. The course will provide an overall understanding of:AWS core services, security, pricing and support services.Getting this certification will enable an IT professional to significantly boost their employability portfolio. AWS is the leading cloud services organisation in the world and they have massive expansion planned for 2019. Organisations are actively looking for professionals who have knowledge of the AWS platform in order to advise them on moving towards the cloud.Don't wait! Now is the perfect time to start your new future!"
Price: 44.99

"Become an AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate: 2019"
"AWSCertified Solutions Architect certification course is geared for people who want to enhance their skills in AWS to help organisations design and migrate their architecture to the cloud. This is the next step after obtaining your Cloud Practitioners Certification. This course will develop your skills your learned from the Cloud Practitioners Course in further detail. We cover a broad range of topics with a specific concentration on High Availability, EC2, VPC, Storage and Overall Management of the AWSConsole.Getting this certification will enable an IT professional to significantly boost their employability portfolio. AWS is the leading cloud services organisation in the world and they have massive expansion planned for 2019. Organisations are actively looking for professionals who have knowledge of the AWS platform in order to advise them on moving towards the cloud.Don't wait! Now is the perfect time to start your new future!"
Price: 39.99

"Designing Architectures in AWS"
"With more organizations moving to the cloud, designing architectures for the migration has become a very important task. If you are familiar with the AWSservices and are interested in learning more about sample architectures to host different environments, this is the perfect course for you!So, if you prefer to walk with the development of the world now is your chance to get started with 'Designing Architectures in AWS' - A one of its kind course!The flipped classroom model with hand-on learning will help you experience direct into the course as your begin your learning journey. Be sure to watch the preview lectures that set course expectations!In this course, you'll learn and practice:When organizations should migrate to the cloudMigration tool provided by AWSSee how different environments are architected in AWSUnderstand best practices, andmuch more....You will alsoget complete resources, toolkit, and code where applicablewith this course!We've built this course with our TeamClayDeskof industry recognized developers and consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:- start your freelancing career and consult companies, this course is for you- gain marketable skills as an IT expert and professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for advanced level students...thisAWSArchitecture courseis exactly what you need,and more.(Youll even get acertification of completion)See what our students say It is such a solid course that covers all important areas of machine learning, and Inow know hoe to predict future products based on their features. Simply awesome!.- Alex NeumanThis is such an awesome course. I loved every bit of it Wonderfullearning experience! Ankit Goring.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As an enterprise architect consulting with global companies, technology evangelist, and brand innovator, Ihave designed, created, and implemented enterprise level projects, I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now inDesigning Architectures in AWS today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of cloud technology and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities with learning AWSCloud.Qasim Shah"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning with Jupyter Notebooks in Amazon AWS"
"Are you a company or a IT administrator, data center architect,consultant, enterprise architect, data protection officer, programmer, data security specialist, or big data analystand want to gain fundamental and intermediate level skills andenjoy a fascinating high paying career?Or maybe you just want to learn additional tips and techniques taking to a whole new level?Welcome to Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning and AWS course For Beginners - A one of its kind course!The flipped classroom model with hand-on learning will help you experience direct into the course as your begin your learning journey. Be sure to watch the preview lectures that set course expectations!In this course, you'll learn and practice:Machine Learning topicsJupyter NotebooksReinforcement LearningMachine Learning Services in AWSAWS SagemakerDynamic ProgrammingQ-LearningUnderstand best practices, andmuch more....You will alsoget complete resources, toolkit, and code where applicablewith this course!We've built this course with our TeamClayDeskof industry recognized developers and consultants to bring you the best of everything!So, if you would like to:- start your freelancing career and consult companies, this course is for you- gain marketable skills as an IT expert and professional, this course is for you- This course is not designed for advanced level students...thisMachine Learning, Reinforcement Learning and AWS courseis exactly what you need,and more.(Youll even get acertification of completion)See what our students say It is such a solid course that covers all important areas of machine learning, and Inow know hoe to predict future products based on their features. Simply awesome!.- Alex NeumanThis is such an awesome course. I loved every bit of it Wonderfullearning experience! Ankit Goring.Join thousands of other students and share valuable experienceWhy take this course?As an enterprise architect consulting with global companies, technology evangelist, and brand innovator, Ihave designed, created, and implemented enterprise level projects, I am excited to share my knowledge and transfer skills to my students. Enroll now inMachine Learning, Reinforcement Learning and AWS today and revolutionize your learning. Stay at the cutting edge of Machine Learning and Data Science and enjoy bigger, brighter opportunities with AWS.Qasim Shah"
Price: 129.99