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"Aquarell Workshop: Schritt fr Schritt Watercolor lernen"
"Die Aquarellmalerei feiert eine Renaissance. Mit den zarten, pastelligen Farben werden keine langweiligen Aquarelllandschaften oder stillleben mehr gemalt, sondern hippe Tiere und trendige Gegenstnde. Das neue Aquarell-Zeitalter heit jetzt: Watercolor!Aquarell kann manchmal sehr bengstigend sein, da die Farben sehr flssig sind und die Farbverlufe meist unkontrollierbar erscheinen. Selbst erfahrene Mal- und Zeichenknstler kann das ganz schn einschchtern. Das muss nicht sein!Der Kurs beinhaltet ber 4Stunden Videoanleitungen, 4 Modulen, 26Lektionen und ein umfangreiches eBook fr den Start mit Links und Vorlagen.In diesem Kurs mchte ich dir zeigen, wie du mit einfachen kleinen Schritten, die Techniken lernst, um deine ersten eigenen Projekte auf die Beine zu stellen. Mit gezielten Farb- und Pinselbungen trainierst du deine Fingerfertigkeit und wirst so jeden Tag ein bisschen besser.Ich behandle viel Basic-Wissen zu Materialien und Grundbungen. Mit diesem Wissen und Fertigkeiten kannst du spter jedes gewnschte Motiv einfach selbst malen.brigens musst du nicht gut zeichnen knnen, um mit Aquarell zu arbeiten. Ich zeige dir, wir du mit minimalem Vorzeichnen tolle Motive mit Wasserfarbe malst. Dank simplen Motiven und einfachen Pinselstrichen knnen besonders kreative Anfnger ohne Vorkenntnisse frhzeitig ihre Erfolge bestaunen.Happy Watercolor!Christin"
Price: 129.99

"Aquarell Workshop #2: Meerestiere malen Schritt fr Schritt"
"Tauche ein in die wunderbare Welt der Meerestiere.Der Kurs ist ein Aufbau-Workshop meines Kurses ""Aquarell Workshop: Schritt fr Schritt Watercolor lernen"". Deswegen ist derKurs vor allem fr fortgeschrittene Aquarell-Liebhaber geeignet, die ihre Fhigkeiten anhand von bezaubernden Meerestieren weiterentwickeln wollen.Male dein Lieblings-Meerestier!Aquarell kann eine sehr eigenwillige Maltechnik sein, die ich dir in ganz einfachen Schritten nher bringen mchte. Anhand von umfangreichen maritimen Motiven lernst du:Alles ber das Material fr Aquarell lernen inkl.umfangreicher PDFAquarellfarben mischenNass-in-Nass TechnikLasieren an PraxisbeispielenWarum es wichtig ist, Trocknungszeiten einzuhaltenTiere mit dem Bleistift vorzeichnenPinselfertigkeiten zu trainierenTipps und Tricks im praktischen Umgang mit WatercolorIn dem Kurs erklre ich dir, wie du eine Krabbe, Hai, Fische, Schildkrte und noch viele weiterebekannte Meeresbewohner malst.Ich wnsche mir nicht, dass du perfekt im Malen von Watercolor wirst, sondern wirklich Spa hast eine neue Kreativ-Technik zu lernen oder deine bestehenden Fhigkeiten zu verbessern.Happy Watercolor!Christin"
Price: 129.99

"Web Hacking - Tcnicas de Invaso em Ambientes Web [Pentest]"
"Este curso aborda todas as informaes necessrias para iniciar sua jornada no campo da Segurana Ciberntica, lhe ensinando a realizar testes de penetrao em ambientes web com cenrios reais.Nosso curso ser dividido em dois momentos: uma introduo terica sobre os conceitos de Pentest, Ethical Hacking e fundamentos sobre o funcionamento de um ambiente web (conceitos imprescindveis para imerso no contedo prtico do curso) e as demais aulas sero totalmente prticas, onde voc aprender a preparar seu ambiente de laboratrio e a execuo de todas as tcnicas para coleta de informaes sobre o alvo, reconhecimento e enumerao dos servios executados no alvo, identificao das vulnerabilidades e tcnicas de explorao para invaso em ambientes web.* Este curso apenas para fins educacionais *------ no seja mau ------"
Price: 129.99

"Fanatiques de lanim, ne manquez pas cette leon !"
"travers ce cours, on peut apprendre les techniques professionnelles telles que le dessin au trait, lecroquis, la coloration, leseffets, larrire-plan. Mme les dbutants pourront fairedudesign de haut niveau avec la tablette graphique facilement grce lexplication soigne sur le processus decration.Prsentation du coursCest un cours pour apprendre le processus entier pour achever le personnage la Fille Spatiale avec Adobe Photoshop.Mme les dbutants pourrontraliserce design de haut niveau avec la tablette graphique,et cefacilement grce lexplication soigned'une professionnelle.Le cours en ligne se constitue de 17 leons divises en 5 tapes.Avec le thme de science-fictionla fille de lespace, on vous prsente comment dessiner la plante, larme, lesatelliteartificiel,les effetsetc. Le cours commence par lecroquissuivi par le dessinau trait, la coloration, leseffetset finit par lunification desombres larrire-plan.La professeur explique les points importants de chaque tape en dtail. On peut galement faire confiance sa contenue soigne la fois naturelle pour apprendre les techniques de lillustration jusqu la fin avec cette magnifique professeur.Prsentation de la professeurMadame Takako INOUEIllustratrice indpendante qui donne beaucoup de cours chez JCCD Studio.Elle travaille non seulement pour la srie Hekomashi-tai qui fait partie dune srie de poches pour enfants Aoi Tori(loiseau bleu)chez Kodansha, mais fait aussi beaucoup duvres d'illustration et de couvertures de livrespourdiverses maisons ddition comme Doshinsha, Kaiseisha, Poplar Publishing, Meijitoshoshuppan, Seitosha, Seibidoshuppan, Natsumesha, Silbird etc.Elle a galement reu le prix spcial au Grand Prix de lillustration comics KFS (Kodansha Famous Schools) en 2003, la mention de luvreprime au 21eGrand Prix de lillustration Cobalt de Shueisha en 2009 etc. Elle continue prsenter sesuvres pleines de crativit grce ses techniques toujours renouveles et expriences abondantes."
Price: 114.99

"English SubtitlesAnimation tutorial for digital painting"
"How many times did you pick up your pen only to put it down again?How many times did you want to paint the character in your mind but do not know where to start?Let's solve this dilemma and make everything possible!Now hold your pen and follow us! This course is tailored for YOU.This course is gaining popularity not only overseas, but also in Japan. It includes many basic skills for digital painting, and videos, so that you can catch the key point of each lesson easily.We teach from the know-how of the software to the deep understanding of drawing skills, which enables every single learner to start from zero.We teach not only how to use Photoshop but also Clip Studio Paint.Through this course, you can lay a solid foundation for your future learning as well.No worries about the language barrier. We have specific English subtitles for all sentences of the videos. During the course, your questions will be translated to the teacher by teaching assistants and you will get feedback immediately.These are the reasons why this course is definitely the best choice for every beginner. So why don't you join us?"
Price: 184.99

"Introduction to Database Development"
"This course shows three types of Rational Databases from inside. It starts with an overview of the history and usage of the databases; then we build the real database in MS Access and reproduce the same database in MySQL and MS SQL Server. After this course, the user will be able not only to create the database but also build the form and report in MS Access. You will see how web applications use databases, where to find the documentation, and how to use it. I will show you some development and production databases and how different systems store passwords."
Price: 34.99

"Trucking Business Success"
"Learn What It Takes To Operate a Successful Trucking BusinessWhen you see the trucks that belong to the largest and most successful trucking companies on the road today, those mega carriers didn't get where they are by accident. The same is true with the much smaller fleets that operate just a few trucks up to one hundred or more, all those who are successful and especially  the best of the best do some things in common. They effectively use management and control systems throughout all areas of their businesses.The absolute power of systems is self evident if you take the time to look behind the scenes at every major business in every single industry in the country and the world, and I don't just mean trucking either.From the world famous fast food franchises to the mighty Amazon itself, and all the transportation companies that haul in the raw materials and products and deliver the goods when needed directly to you - and every other truly successful company in between - those who are successful all do business in a certain way.Whether large or small - they all share at least one thing in common - they use highly efficient SYSTEMS to run their businesses.Likewise, when you look at  the companies that fail they also have common traits. Often they were ran by one or two people who tried to run everything by the seat of their pants - without any consistent methodology at all. That leads to all manner of inefficiencies. Such businesses are disorganized at best and experience varying levels of continuing crisis and chaos that eventually leads to business failure. Even before that, during the time the company is operating - it is an unpleasant and burdensom place for the owners and the employees alike. Learn How to avoid replicating failing methods and build your business the right way instead.Trucking is absolutely a business that can and does benefit massively when the right systems are in place. In fact, most of those companies that have already failed - and those that will fail - in large part can trace their failures back to inadequate or nonexistent management control systems. Of course they won't always admit that, if they even realize it. Instead they will blame the economy, the regulations, their competition along with anything and anyone other than the truth.The bitter truth is that the reason they failed is because they personally failed to lead and manage properly. You can learn from their mistakes and at the same time, you can learn even more by modeling the most successful companies in the world and setting up and using your own systems properly from day one. Accomplish more in weeks and months than others have in decades of struggle.This course will share with you the key systems you need, and give you a detailed overview of how to get started putting your own highly efficient Management and Control Systems in place and how to start using them immediately.Many of these things I personally learned from almost two decades of real world experience and now you can get all that information and put your own systems in  place in hours and days and begin getting serious results within weeks and months instead of having to take years or even decades of trial and error yourself to learn this stuff the hard way. If you use what you will learn in this course it will help you immediately and drastically improve your business in every area. This Course is For Anyone Who Wants to Build A Trucking Business SuccessfullyLearn what it takes to get started in this Introductory Basic Course. Then learn where and how to get all the additional resources, help and support you will need as you systematically start, build and grow your own trucking business from day one.While trucking can be a very challenging and seemingly overwhelming business to get into, having the right information, training, tools, support and other resources can make it a lot simpler and easier - and far more profitable too. Make your decision - and if you decide that you are serious about building a successful trucking business of your own - then I will see you on the inside!"
Price: 24.99

"How to Eliminate Mortgage Payments Forever"
"You may NOT want to take this course. It might not be right for you...Proceed with caution and with an open mind if you proceed at all beyond this point.What I am going to be sharing with you in this course will challenge almost everything you have ever been taught and conditioned to believe, especially about housing and housing costs. Beyond that it will challenge your whole belief system regarding work, credit, debt, money and your entire philosophy on how to live.If you are looking for the normal flavor of the month ideology on personal finance - This Is NOT That!The information and tactics you will learn in this course can enable you to change you life dramatically and faster than you can imagine - almost immediately - in some cases. Particularly true if you decide to pursue the most extreme options...The ideas and methods we will discuss are so different from all that you havebeen trained and conditioned to accept and to believe that you very well may find these ideas to be crazy, unrealistic, impossible -and you maybelieve them to be only fantasy's for insane people.The truth is more shocking.The truth is that these things are not theories, they are realities for more and more people every day who have joined a worldwide movement to simplify their lives and escape the ratrace along withits indentured servitude forever.But whether it is possible or impossible for you to do - that is up to you."
Price: 19.99

"Extreme Methods and Tactics to Build a Better Life"
"Lots of people desperately want to live better lives but can't figure out how to make it really happen.Typical programs, plans methods and tactics either flat out don't work - or if they work at all - they take years of struggling to make any meaningful progress. What happens in reality is that most people just give up and remain full fledged members of the involuntary rat race for life.What if there was another way?A way that anyone who is really and truly motivated can actually change their lives in massive ways almost immediately. Something that would enable them to completely change everything in weeks and months instead of years and decades.You just found it. Take the course and get the answers you have been searching for.But I have to warn you before you do! THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYONE!This is no typical run of the mill program. It is a different kind of animal entirely - and NOT for the feint of heart.The ideas, methods and tactics I will be sharing with you in this course are EXTREME and may be far more than you are willing to bargain for. What is doable for one person will seem like insanity and will be impossible for another - in either case it comes down to a matter of personal beliefs, self limitations and choices.Disclaimer This information is for information purposes only and to provoke creative thinking. It is an introduction to a different way of thinking. Whether you decide to develop any of your own plans and take action or not is entirely your responsibility and completely up to you. Any results you get good, bad or otherwise will be solely up to you and your own responsibility. If you can't accept that, then do not take the course.The things discussed in this course are NOT NEW. These ideas have been around for a very long time - yet they are not what is commonly done either. If you want to change your life and build a better life on a continuous basis - you need to choose and do things that work and that get results.Most people won't be able to handle these ideas, let alone do anything themselves to actually change their lives. While that may be unpopular and may not help sell more courses it remains the truth - and it is what it is.However, if you are one of the few who can handle it, are willing to accept the truth that already exists - that you are and always will be responsible for your own actions -  and actually choose to do these things, then I can guarantee you this much for certain - you will change your life forever and you will change it FAST!The question is can YOU handle it?If you think so, then stop waiting and hit the button - and I will see you inside the course!"
Price: 19.99

"Becoming an entrepreneur can be a wonderful and profitable way of life - but it can also be a difficult road to travel filled with with massive stress, pain, and disappointment  too, especially if you are not well suited to what it requires and even doubly so if you are unprepared to deal with the many challenges you will certainly face.Take the course - see whether it might be a good fit for you to become and entrepreneur or not.Then if it is -- learn how you can hit the ground running and avoid all the common problems others either learn through painful, expensive and time consuming trial and error - or fail to learn - and as result they go out of business in less than a year.There are common elements and factors for both those who succeed and those who fail. Learn the lessons from both and use all the information you get to your own advantage. Having and using the right information dramatically increases your chances of success.Choosing the right time is a factor to consider too.If you are ready and well suited to Entrepreneurship - then this may be the right time for you to launch your new business right now. But on the other hand - there may be some additional things you really need to do first, and there may be other things you need to take care of to get ready and this may NOT be the right time at all for you! Nobody on earth can make that ultimate decision for you, and it is a critical decision that you must make. Learn how to make a more informed decision for yourself, instead of just hoping things will work out for the best.If you really are cut out to be an Entrepreneur - then you will NEVER EVER be truly happy working as an employee for someone else - and if you are not well suited to becoming an entrepreneur or if you are unable or unwilling to do what must be done - then you will NEVER EVER be happy as an entrepreneur and you should seek out and obtain a job that is well suited to your own unique skills and abilities. Complete the course - then take the self assessment and see how you do. Then make your own decision. "
Price: 19.99

"Freddy King - The Classic Instrumentals - Volume I"
"West SideChicago Blues Meets The 60sSurf Guitar Instrumental Craze!In this course you will learn 11 of Freddy King's classic blues guitar instrumentals from the early sixties. I will take you through each verse of every song and teach it - as best I can - note for note from the original recordings. In the process, I will help you to mine a virtual ""King's Treasure""of licks and ideas from Freddy's seemingly inexhaustible blues guitarvocabulary. The introduction includes a brief overview of Freddy's style and includes short lessons on the chords he used, his thumb-finger right-hand technique, soloing positions,and the Freddy King sound/tone. I also have a short video listing what I think are the best Freddy KingCDs and vinyl albums for you purchase in order to hear the original recordings of the tunes I will teach I thengo through each of the 11tunes, verse-by-verse,teaching the introduction, main melody lick, solos, and end tags for each song. I break down the solo verses in each songphrase-by-phraseto help you understand andlearn each individual lick Freddy used. In places where I do not know, or am not sure, about what Freddy played, I offer my best ""educated-guess."" Complete, downloadable, TABS are available for EACH verse of EACH song along with a Freddy King Chord Chart and other resourcesto help you understand how to play what he played.Thisfirst volume of lessons focuses on Freddy's ""more approachable"" instrumental tunes - grouped by the key they are played in and generallyprogressing, in order, from easiest to more difficult. Tunes taught in this volume areKey of G:""Heads Up,"" ""Freddy's Midnight Dream,"" Sad Nite Owl,"" ""Washout,""Key of E:""Hideaway,"" ""Just Pickin',"" ""Funnybone,"" ""Out Front,""Key of A:""Sen-Sa-Shun,""Key of C:""San-Ho-Zay,"" and""Butterscotch,"" These lessons will keep you busy learning new licks and ideas for hours! You can also use most of what you learn in these lessons to figure out many of Freddy Kings' other licks and solos - on his vocal tunes and instrumentals!All students are encouraged to purchase or obtain copies of the original tunes by Freddy King (versions recorded on King Records!). All are available in both digital and CD format - or, if you really want to go old school, vinyl! The vinyl might cost you a bit more, but will be well worth it to hear Freddy's playing as it was originally intended to be heard!"
Price: 199.99

"The Guitar of Chuck Berry"
"Who out therehas NOT always wanted to learn to play the electric guitar like the late, great Chuck Berry? Now is your chance to do it at a ridiculously reasonable price. In this lesson series, I will take you through 100 separate lessonscovering the most important aspects of the Chuck Berry guitar style - both rhythm and lead. There are more than 7 hours of instruction here! That's a lot!You will learn all of Chuck Berry'ssignature licks that you can use to play his music or any form of rock and roll.You will learn his most recognizable song intros, solo licks, end tags, turnarounds, fill licks, and more!You will learn the chords and progressions and rhythm patternsused in his most famous songs. Examples and specific licksare included from more than 50 (different) ofChuck Berry's original Chess recordings.Each lesson includes TAB + charts of chords and other information to help you figure it out. All lessons include detailed explanation and instruction - NOTjust me playing things for you to figure out on your own!Lesson highlights include:- lessons on all thebasics of Chuck Berry style including chords, rhythm guitar parts,soloing, signature licks, and song structures.- lessons teaching more than 40 of Chuck song intro licks for tunes including ""Johnny B. Goode,"" ""Carol,"" ""Maybellene,"" and No Particular Place To Go.""- lessons teaching 25 specific Chuck Berry licks heard in the solos of songs like ""Dear Dad,"" ""Sweet Little Rock & Roller,"" ""Promised Land,"" and ""Down The Road a Piece.""-complete lesson teaching Chuck's instrumental classic ""Guitar Boogie.""- chart with chords for all Chuck Berry songs mentioned in this series!- detailed lessons on Chuck's sliding double stops heard in songs like ""Carol,"" ""House of Blue Lights,"" and ""Promised Land.""- Complete lesson on ""Jo Jo Gunne"" including note-or-note TAB for all guitar fills and licks!- lessons on fill licks, end tags, turnarounds, and chord licks heard on Chuck Berry records.& much, much more!!!!!To my knowledge, nobody has ever tried to present such a completecourse that covers every aspect ofChuck Berry's guitar playing. Well, here it is - and for much, much less dough than it would cost you to learn the same stuff from a professional instructor.This course is for beginners or any guitarist who wants to immerse themselves in the Chuck Berry style. The things you learn in this series can be used in all kinds of blues-based music - from classic rock to heavy metal and punk! So, if you want to learn how to play guitar like Chuck Berry did, this is a great buy for you. There are enough lessons and material here to keep you busy learning for many, many moons.As with all my lessons on Udemy, I am available for questions and help when/if you should need it!"
Price: 199.99

"Plant-Based Dishes, Mouth Watering & Delicious"
"              JOIN THE OVER 500+ OTHER STUDENTS THAT HAVE TAKING THE NEXT STEP TO A HEALTHIER, BETTER TOMORROW!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              STUDENT REVIEWS:                                                                                 Emil M. Awesome recipes, good quality videos, useful explanations. Many Thanks!Karen C. A great course giving a good range of vegan options without overly complicated ingredients or equipment. The little hints and tips are really useful and definitely gave me a few 'aha' moments which will improve my cooking in general. Manuel is a really engaging host, entertaining, concise and makes the viewing pleasure. I can't wait to do the cheese course now. Welcome To The Art Of Vegan Cooking with The Vegan Gents We believe that what you love, goes into how you cook so cook with who you love.We want you to have fun and relax with cooking and help you fall back in LOVE again.The Art Of cooking starts with a desire to feel better! WHAT TO EXPECTMain Course Juicy Holiday Flavor Seitan RoastHarissa Spicy Garlic PotatoesClassic Vegetable GravySweet and Tangy Orange Cranberry SauceCreamy Deviled ""Eggz"" From ScratchDessertGingerbread Spice Pecan BarsSweet Coconut Vanilla Ice CreamBonus Dishes:Baked Stuffed ShellsJuicy Philly Cheeze Steakand many, many more to come. Because Health means something different to everyone, well be here with you throughout the entire process all you have to do is Message us. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN?With this course, you will have gained the knowledge of how to not only cultivate the recipes to your liking but also how to make it delicious so EVERYONE enjoys it! You will master culinary dishes from scratch and walk away saying ""Yeah, I did that"" Completion Certificate:At the completion of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion through your journey into The Art Of Vegan cooking with The Vegan Gents. We have different levels of completion, so whenever your ready let's get started.As you progress through the course you'll notice a pattern of simplicity with what we attempt to achieve. For any reason you need clarification or just have a question, please feel free to reach us any time and we will get back to you as soon as possible. GUARANTEE: Our course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so for any reason, you are not satisfied UDEMY will simply refund your purchase for the amount paid no hassle!Always remember, We're the vehicle and you're the driver. So let's get started! Danny & Manny The Founders of The Art Of Delicious cooking with The Vegan Gents "
Price: 29.99

"Learn Math in High School - Like IGCSE program"
"Learning algebra math online about quadratic equation and exponential. You will learn how to use completing the square and another technique to solve completely quadratic equation, mastering of quadratic graphs and quadratic formula, and exponential exercises from basic to advanced. After all, enjoy our e-learning and I hope it is useful for your score in your school."
Price: 19.99

"Hands-On ZYNQ: Mastering AXI4 Bus Protocol"
"Note: Take this course if you want save money in training costs of similar contents. The Official Xilinx Traning Courses cost typically from 600 USD to 4000 USD. This course is not only teaches the Zynq Processing System (PS) but also the Programmable Logic (FPGA), and the interface between them.Published (20 Apr 2019): The GCD accelerator and UART sections will be added later, and the course price will be increased, when those sections are added.Update 1 (22 Apr 2019): English Subtitles/CCs are enabled for this courseUpdate 2 (02 Jan 2020): Add bonus lecture.What is AXI?Advanced eXtensible Interface (AXI) is an industry-standard, system bus for the connection between CPU and peripheral in System-on-Chip (SoC) design. Today AXI version 4 (AXI4) is used in many SoC that use ARM Cortex-A processors, such as Qualcomm Snapdragon, Samsung Exynos, Broadcom (used on Raspberry Pi), and many more.What is ZYNQ?ZYNQ is actually a SoC, not just a FPGA, because ZYNQ consists of hard processor system (ARM Cortex-A9) and programmable logic (Xilinx 7-series FPGA, equivalent to Artix-7 FPGA). The ZYNQ device enables the implementation of custom logic such as hardware accelerator in combination with software that runs on the ARM Cortex-A9. ZYNQ can also run Linux OS, which makes this device like the popular Raspberry Pi, but with FPGA inside.This course is based on hands-on laboratory with a lot of examples. Sample codes are provided for every project in this courses.You will receive a certificate of completion when finishing this course. There is also Udemy 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, if you are not satisfied with this course.So, click the course button and see you inside the course."
Price: 199.99

"Amplify the Manifestation Process by Using Crystals"
"This course is a unique process of using crystal energy formanifestation. Ihave created a step by step method to clear negative energy and bring in positive energy to allow the flow of manifestation to occur. This process has been used successfully without the use of crystals but by bringing in crystal energy it amplifies each phase of the process, so I encourage you to try the process with crystals if you are able to do so. We will be working on reducing negative energy, finding joy and gratitude, focusing clearly on what we want to manifest, stating positive intentions and being open to receiving. I have provide guided meditations, journalexercises and several other techniques to help you realign yourself to allow manifestation to occur."
Price: 54.99

"Meditation Made Easy by Using Crystals"
"This course is suitable for all levels of meditation experience. If you are a beginner, we will get into the basics of how to meditate and get you started using crystals to make it easier and clear the chatter in your head that often times becomes an issues for so many during meditation. If you are experienced at meditation, I invite you to try the techniques in this course to take your meditations to a deeper level and connect deeper spiritually.Meditation sessions can be focused on healing physical, mental or emotional difficulties you may be facing, or deepening your spiritual connection for guidance and understanding. I explain what meditation is and how to make it easier and more enjoyable. Then we incorporate crystals for healing or spiritual connection. We will even go deeper into meditation for spiritual guidance, connection to your angel and discuss lucid meditation for past life healing.I have provided a ""Releasing and Receiving"" crystal healing layout with detailed instructions on how you can do this yourself in your own home. I have also provided a guided meditation to help you get used to the relaxation techniques so you get a feel of how to meditate on your own.Meditation using crystals can open a whole new world for you, and the benefits are remarkable. Give it a try and see for yourself!"
Price: 64.99

Price: 2400.00

"Bentley Staad Pro V8i for Structural Analysis"
"Learn BanalitySoftware in Hindi Urdu at your Schedule.Perform comprehensive analysis and design for any size or type of structure faster than ever before using the STAAD.Pro V8i.Simplify your BIM workflow by using a physical model in STAAD.Pro that is automatically converted into the analytical model for your structural analysis. Share synchronized models with confidence for multi-discipline team collaboration and, most importantly, deliver safe, cost-effective designs."
Price: 1280.00

"Bentley STAAD Pro - Structural Analysis & Design Software"
"STAAD Pro stands for Structural Analysis and design. STAAD Pro v8i Software is widely used in analyzing and designing structures buildings, bridges, towers, transportation, industrial and utility structures.Perform comprehensive analysis and design for any size or type of structure faster than ever before using the new STAAD.Pro V8i. Simplify your BIM workflow by using a physical model in STAAD.Pro that is automatically converted into the analytical model for your structural analysis. Share synchronized models with confidence for multi-discipline team collaboration and, most importantly, deliver safe, cost-effective designs."
Price: 34.99

"Learn PTC Creo 5.0 (Pro-e) - Basic to Advance Guide"
"Creo (Pro-E) is a family or suite of design software supporting product design for discrete manufacturers and is developed by PTC.Creo Parametric: The flagship application in the Creo Suite, Creo Parametric is the only software you need for 3D CAD and CAM.  With Creo  Parametric, you can seamlessly combine parametric and direct modeling;  open non-native CAD data and collaborate with almost anyone thanks to  Unite technology, and relax knowing all downstream deliverables will update automatically. Combine this range of capabilities with ease-of-use, and you have a product design accelerator.2D CAD 3D CAD CAM  Simulation Visualization Analysis Why Creo?Our software doesnt produce innovation: you do. But Creo can help by giving you powerful tools all within one environment as well as choice and flexibility in how you use them.What can you design? One customer designed an artificial heart. Another created a 1.5 ton light sculpture. Maybe your next great product is that one on your desk.Creo is best designed for Mechanical Engineer, Automobile Engineer. Mechatronics EngineerSS eAcademy offers Complete training for Creo tutorials."
Price: 64.99

"Launching Your Fine Art Career Bootcamp"
"Are you a young artist uncertain how to navigate the art world? Have you just finished art school and arent sure how to build your career? Did you take a break from your art career to focus on family or other responsibilities and are ready to restart it? If you answered yes to any of these questions this course is for you.I've seen hundreds of artists follow this program and see fantasticresults!Complete with action items, a workbook and checklists, this three-part course with bonus lectures is guaranteed to get you going as long as youre willing to put in the work:Part one, Creating a Foundation for Success, covers creating effective support materials, building community and making time for career development with a bonus lecture about setting and maintaining goals.Part two outlines Getting Your Work Out in the World through galleries, curated shows, open calls and public programs along with unconventional ideas and self-initiated projects. The bonus lecture offers advice about working with galleries. (HINT: If you only need part two, consider signing up for ""Get Your Artwork Exhibited instead. It offers the basics of part two without the bonus content.)Part three, What About Money?, covers strategies for pricing your work and what to expect when selling your work through galleries and direct. It also briefly touches on, and provides some general advice about, contracts, taxes and budgeting. The bonus section suggests additional ways to make money as an artist.By the end of this intensive bootcamp you'll have the information, inspiration and instructions you need to conquer the art world with your work!"
Price: 174.99

"The 7 Simple Statements Successful Artists Live By"
"Ever wonder why some artists succeed and others dont? What they could possibly know thats giving them an edge? I have. So I asked.I polled a wide range of fineartists who are earning a living and reaching their goals, along with arts professionals who work closely with successful artists. I distilled their responses, along with twenty years of my own experience and observations, and a clear list of ""7 simple statements successful artists live by"" emerged.Each section in this course describes a statement successful artists live by, outlines why its valuable and offers suggestions for how you can begin making it work for you today and ongoing. The accompanying workbook includes questionnaires and worksheets to help you clarify, take action and keep track of your progressWhether this is all new information or a new way to look at familiar concepts, you'll complete this course armed with inspiration and tangible to do's to give your career development efforts a jolt."
Price: 49.99

"Social Media Strategy for Artists"
"Would you like to develop a stronger social media presence?Are you interested in promoting your art viasocial media?Does being a valuable memberof a productive online community appeal to you? Are you unclear about the do's and don'ts of social media for artists? This course is for you!Social media can be a particularly powerful tool for artists - but only when used properly. Through my combined experience as an arts professional and social media strategist I have developed a simple three stepsystem to help artistspromote and advance their careers through the effective, appropriate andstrategic use of social media. In this course I discuss each step in detail and provide a simple12-weekassignment that can be completed anytime day or night,in as little as 90 minutes per week.By the end of this course you will:Be thinking more strategically about social mediaKnow where and how todevelopqualityconnectionsUnderstand the dos & donts of social media for artistsBe ready to kickstart your efforts with a clearly outlined assignment"
Price: 39.99

"21 Journaling Prompts For Clarity In Life"
"Journal therapyis a type ofwriting therapythat focuses on the writer's internal experiences, thoughts and feelings.Journal therapyuses reflectivewritingso that the writer can receive mental and emotional clarity, validate experiences and come to a deeper understanding of him or herself.Journal writing supports healing emotionally, physically, and psychologically. ... Studies have also shown that the emotional release fromjournalinglowers anxiety, stress, and induces better sleepYou can be your own coach creating a therapeutic toolkit for life.A weekly practise of 10min creates neurons in the brain to be open to new experiences and supports the feeling of control life.You will need a journal to write in and pens.An open mind and heartbut not judgemental one.Embrace change and see life`s struggles as life`s lessons.At the end of this course you will be able to question your behaviours and journal situations, emotions to gain clarity."
Price: 24.99

"Grief The Loss Of Your Baby"
"Journaling for the shattered heart.My heart will never be the same without you.My arms are numb from your absence.Time will move on, but I wish for the memories to stay as near and dear as yesterday.In time I need to find peace in life and love again.Greif displays you have lost someone who you loved deeply.Life after the loss of your baby.I am a Mum who has travelled the journey of darkness of grief towards each new day.I am an extra special mum who has an angel in heaven.I dedicate this course to my baby Jasmin Kaye who guides and supports me everyday.I embrace each opportunity of life as I know you can after loss. xoxoJournal therapy is a type of writing therapy that focuses on the writer's internal experiences, thoughts and feelings.Journal therapy uses reflective writing so that the writer can receive mental and emotional clarity, validate experiences and come to a deeper understanding of him or herself and the experience of life.Journal writing supports healing emotionally, physically, and psychologically. ... Studies have also shown that the emotional release from journaling lowers anxiety, stress, and induces better sleep.Give yourself the gift of time to heal."
Price: 29.99

"Edio de videoclipes musicais ""Premiere"""
"Aqui vocvai aprender passo a passo como editar um videoclipe musical, faremos a edio de um videoclipe do incio ao fim, desde a importao dos arquivos, o desenvolvimento, ata exportao do clipe pronto. Vocvai aprender diversas tcnicas, ter vrias dicas pra editar de uma forma rpida, prtica, organizada e diferenciada.Vocvai poder desenvolver clipes pra bandas, diversos artistas ou atpra vocmesmo e vai poder usar essas mesmas tcnicas pra edio de vdeos de casamento, institucionais, promocionais, pro youtube ou pra edio do que vocquiser.O curso estdividido em trs sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Onde voc vai conhecer um pouco da interface do Premiere e configurar pra deixar mais limpa e rpida, organizar os vdeos, importar.Seo 2 ""Desenvolvimento"" -Vai aprender a sincronizar os vdeos, conhecer um pouco das ferramentas que vai usar,limpar e uniras trilhas, colocar marcadores, editar, colocar e controlar efeitos.Seo 3 ""Concluso"" - E aqui voc vai exportar o vdeo, mexer nas cores, colocar um ttulo e assistir o projeto concludo.OBS. O curso focado no desenvolvimento de um videoclipe mostrandopasso a passocomo edit-lo e conclu-lo e NO na explicao tcnica de todos os recursos, botese funes do software Premiere."
Price: 564.99

"Criao de estampas a partir de fotos ""Photoshop"""
"Aqui vocvai aprender passo a passo como fazerestampas para camisetas a partir de fotos, faremos a criaode duas estampas do incio ao fim, desde a importao da foto, ajustes,desenvolvimento, ata concluso do trabalho. Vocvai aprender tcnicas edicas pra criar suas estampas de uma forma prtica, organizada e diferenciada.Vocvai poder desenvolver estampas para empresas, grifes, ou desenvolver para asua prpria marca.O curso estdividido em quatro sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Onde voc vai conhecer um pouco da interface do Photoshop, ajustar tamanho pra criar a arte,organizar eimportar arquivos.Seo 2 ""Desenvolvimento"" -Vai aprender a recortar a imagem,ajustar a foto no estilo para usar em estampas, montar a estampa, salvar tipos dearquivos, colocar efeitos envelhecidos, efeitosgrunge, criar efeitos com pincis,mexer na cor, ajustes para a impresso.Seo 3 ""Finalizao de arquivos e separao de cores"" - Aqui voc vai aprender a separar as cores da estampa para serigrafia, o processo de quadricromia ou policromia, finalizao da estampa parasublimao e impresso digital.Seo 4 ""Concluso"" - E aqui voc vai aprender a usar um mockup de camiseta, molde onde ser colocado a estampa, salvar arquivos para publicao e portflio das camisetas.OBS. O curso focado no desenvolvimento de estampasmostrandopasso a passocomo desenvolver e concluire NO na explicao tcnica de todos os recursos, botese funes do software Photoshop."
Price: 579.99

"Aprenda personalizar produtos com sua arte e ganhe royalties"
"Aqui vocvai aprender passo a passo como personalizar produtos com a sua arte, comseus desenhos, suas fotos, em umconceituado site que vende e entrega produtos em diversas partes do mundo.Vai aprender amontar sua loja dentro do site, fazercolees com seus trabalhos, para posteriormente vender cpias desses produtos para diversas partes do mundoe ganhar uma comisso em dlar pela venda, ganhar royalties pelas vendas.No curso ser mostrado passo a passo desde o seucadastro no site, at finalizao da personalizao do produto onde ser colocado a venda, alm da criao da loja, personalizao, criao de colees, como receber o dinheiro, entre outros.Alm do site principal onde o foco do curso, tambm sermostrado e sugerido alguns outros sitesque seguem com a mesma proposta, nesses outros sites,faremos uma passagem rpida por cimamostrado um pouco de como funciona.O curso estdividido em trs sees:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Onde voc vai ver um pouco dos ganhos que se pode obter fazendo esse tipo de trabalho, lugares pra onde seus produtos podem ser vendidos, tamanhos de imagens e formatos a serem enviados para a produo dos produtos, etc.Seo 2 ""Desenvolvimento"" -Vai aprender a se cadastrar no site principal onde realizado as vendas, vai aprender como e por onde recebero dinheiro das vendas, vai aprender a criar sua loja ea personalizar passo a passo os produtos e coloca-los para venda, fazer colees de seus trabalhos, adicionar produtos a essas colees, vai aprender a criar produtos em massa, fazer uma criao rpida personalizando vrios produtos de uma s vez a partir de uma imagem, entre outros.Seo 3 ""Concluso"" - E aqui voc vai conhecer um pouco das lojas que eu criei no perfil,tipos de trabalhos ede produtos vendidos, alm de outros sites pra personalizar produtos que seguem com a mesma proposta do site focado no curso.OBS. O curso focado em te ensinar a ganhar uma grana extra personalizando produtos com seus trabalhos de arte, desenhos, fotos, em um site que te paga uma comisso pelas vendas dos produtos, ou seja, voc s ganhar essa comisso se seus produtos forem vendidos, a parte de produo, embalar e entregar produtos por conta do site no qual voc ter seu cadastro."
Price: 249.99

"Edio de fotos e imagens no Photoshop"
"Aqui vocvai aprender a trabalhar com oPhotoshop de uma maneira fcil e descomplicada, vai aprender desde o principio bsico decomoabrir uma imagem at fazer um trabalhomais complexo, vai aprender a criar novos documentos, navegar na interface do programa e fazerajustes,como usaras ferramentas e suas finalidades, como trabalhar comcamadas, ajustar e manipular cores, por efeitos, recortes, tirar fundo de fotos, selees diversas entre outros recursos que o programa oferece.O curso estdividido em:Seo 1 ''Introduo''- Onde voc vai aprender vrias maneiras de abrir uma imagem, criar novos documentos, entre outros.Seo 2 ""Interface"" - Onde voc poder ajustar a interface e explorar recursos do programa..Seo 3 ""Ferramentas"" - Aqui vamos falar sobre as mais diversasferramentas do programae suas utilidades.Seo 4 ""Camadas"" - Aqui vamos trabalhar com camadas, mostrando recursos e finalidades.Seo 5 ""Trabalhos"" - Nessa parte sero realizados diversos trabalhos, como ajustes de cores e efeitos, recortes, clarear dentes, engordar e emagrecer, caricaturar uma imagem, tirar espinhas e manchas, mudar a cor do olho e do cabelo, trabalhar com mscaras, fazer efeito de chuva, colocar fumaa, colocar nuvem, colocar luz ebrilho, colocarraios de sol, carregar pincis, mesclar imagens, remover objetos, tratar pele, manipular cores, entre outros.OBS. O curso focado em ensinar a trabalhar com o programa e arealizar diversos trabalhos com o mesmoe NO na explicao tcnica de todos osbotes dosoftware Photoshop."
Price: 579.99