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Price: 24.99

"Afiliado Rakuten Marketing Digital"
"Este curso no patrocinado por ou afiliado Udemy, Inc.Afiliado Rakuten Marketing - Venda na InternetSaiba Tudo Sobre a Rakuten Marketing Digital e Seja um Afiliado de Sucesso Venda Cursos Online e Milhares de ProdutosAprenda neste curso a se cadastrar na plataforma Rakuten Marketing e criar uma conta de sucesso sendo um afiliado promovendo tanto cursos online quanto qualquer outro produto de grandes anunciantes como ( Walmart, Americanas, Submarino,Saraiva e milhares de outros).Aprenda as politicas de uso e no se arrependa sofrendo penalidades como afiliado.Aprenda a encontrar novos anunciantes e se afiliar.Aprenda a analisar ofertas e proposta de milhares de anunciantes e escolha as melhores para promover.Aprenda a criar links e links profundos de qualquer produto dos seus anunciantes.Aprenda a criar relatrios simples e avanados Aprenda a criar conta de usurios para sua conta na Rakuten Marketing Aprenda a criar relatrios complexos e programados na sua conta da RakutenAprenda a receber e gerenciar os valores das suas vendas na internet por meio da Rakuten Marketing. Aprenda a entrar em contato em portugus com a Rakuten MarketingAprenda a criar links amigveis para promover seus produtos como afiliado.Faa esse curso e aprenda a vender na internet sendo um afiliado seja promovendo cursos online ou qualquer outro tipo de produto da rede de pesquisas."
Price: 399.99

"Mastering Telesales"
"If you are in telesales then you probably are quite tired of people how has never been on the phones tell you how to do your job, not that you don't want to learn, you just would love someone how has been on the phone and understand the difficulty you have to face day by day to be able to teach you. Look no further, I will teach you all you have to know about telesales and with my successful background off being the best of the best for years you will learn all the tricks of the trade."
Price: 124.99

"In this course you will start speaking Spanish from first day. This course is for them those who want to learn Spanish very fast.i will teach you speaking Spanish from first day. and just you have to repeat after me. because the more you will repeat the more you are able to speak Spanish. Because reputation is the key of learning any new language.If you're a beginner and you want to learn Spanish your welcome in my Spanish course This course includes:This Spanish course includes: FULL HD Video This Spanish course includes: Downloadable .pdf Files for each LessonoAt the end of every lesson you will get a test to check your knowledge of lesson.Coming Soon: Video Captions in EnglishNew lecture updated every day to make this course more perfect.This Spanish course includes: Everyday situations presented in SpanishThis Spanish course includes: Listening and speaking practiceThis Spanish course includes: An easy way to understand the Spanish grammarThis Spanish course includes: Future UpdatesThis Spanish course includes: Full Lifetime accessThis Spanish course includes: 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guarantee This Spanish course includes: Access on computer, mobile and TV"
Price: 10240.00

"Gayrimenkul'de Daire Nasl Kiralanr?"
"Kiralk Daire ararken DOLANDIRILMAK, KANDIRILMAK, EV ERKEN BOALTMANIZIN SYLENMES, YURTDIINDAN GELECE SYLENEN ocuklar, EVLENDRLEMEYEN OULLAR ve daha bir ok rnek ...Saydm her rnein kahraman KRACILAR ...Srekli madur edilen, kt huylu mal sahipleri tarafndan baka bir ev bulmaya zorlanan ve her ne olursa olsun HER TAINMA MASRAFINI MADURYETN ARDINDAN CEBNDEN DEYEN KRACILAR ...Bu kursu 8 senedir dinlediim tm kirac maduriyetlerinden sonra oluturmaya karar verdim.Her maduriyetinizi tek tek not aldm, inceledim.Ve bu eitimi parasnn arur olmasn istemediim KRACILARA ve KRACI ADAYLARINA adyorum."
Price: 79.99

"Farbtheorie fr Einsteiger"
"Kreative Kpfe gibt es genug, also lasst uns das auch nutzen!Du hast so viele Ideen im Kopf, aber weit nicht wie du sie umsetzen sollst? Dann fehlt dir vielleicht einfach das Grundwissen, denn darauf baut schlielich alles weitere auf! Jeder coole Gedanke bringt dir nmlich leider nichts, wenn dir die Grundlagen fehlen.Aber sieh dich um! Hier kannst du dir alles aneignen, um bei deinem nchsten Projekt richtig zu glnzen.Und genau das ist es was ich erreichen mchte! Dir soll es ermglicht werden, deine Geistesblitze auch in die Tat umzusetzen.Ich will, dass du Stolz auf deine Ergebnisse sein kannst und auch noch ganz genau weit WIESO !Deswegen zeige ich dir hier, vom Urschleim an, welche Grundregeln beim Gestalten einzuhalten sind, um genau DIE Wirkung zu erzielen die du auch im Kopf hattest.Wage den nchsten Schritt!Ein neues Projekt ganz easy richtig gut aussehen lassen ? Highlights durch Kontraste setzen? Oder einfach nur Farbharmonien schaffen die den WOW-Effekt hervorrufen?Das alles ist mglich, wenn du den ersten Schritt mit den Grundlagen machst. Der Urschleim hilft dir zu verstehen, wie Farbe funktioniert und ermglicht dir ein viel besseres Verstndnis fr dein Arbeitsmittel und vor allem wie es auf den Betrachter letzendlich wirkt. Mit diesem Wissen legst du also den Grundstein fr alle spezifischeren Gestaltungsmittel!Gib dir einen Ruck und mach den Sprung zum Designer!Durch Veranschaulichung, kleinen bungen und vielen praxisnahen Beispielen, bringe ich dir das Grundwissen der Farblehre nher. Damit bist du optimal vorbereitet, um deine nchste geniale Idee zur vollen Pracht zu bringen!"
Price: 99.99

"Formation Complte Dveloppeur Web 2020"
"Salut! Bienvenue dans Formation Complte Dveloppeur Web 2019, le seul cours dont vous avez besoin pour apprendre le dveloppement Web. Il existe de nombreuses options pour la formation en ligne des dveloppeurs, mais ce cours est sans aucun doute le plus complet et le plus efficace du march. Voici pourquoi:C'est le seul cours en ligne enseign par un instructeur professionnel de bootcamp.94% de mes tudiants en bootcamp en personne obtiennent des postes de dveloppeur temps plein. La plupart d'entre eux sont des dbutants complets lorsque je commence travailler avec eux. Ce cours est tout aussi complet, mais avec un contenu tout neuf pour une fraction du prix.Tout ce que je couvre est jour et pertinent pour le secteur actuel des dveloppeurs.Il sagit du seul cours complet pour dbutants destin aux dveloppeurs qui couvrent NodeJS.Aucun autre cours ne vous guide dans la cration d'une application aussi substantielle.Le cours est constamment mis jour avec de nouveaux contenus, projets et modules. Considrez-le comme un abonnement un nombre infini de formations de dveloppeurs.Lorsque vous apprenez programmer, vous devez souvent sacrifier lapprentissage des technologies actuelles et passionnantes au profit des cours pour dbutants. Avec ce cours, vous obtenez le meilleur des deux mondes. Ce cours est conu pour les dbutants, mais aborde certains des sujets les plus intressants et les plus pertinents du secteur.Tout au long du cours, nous couvrons des tonnes d'outils et de technologies, notamment:HTML5CSS3JavaScriptBootstrap 4SemanticUIDOM ManipulationPhp 7Mysql MongoDBDatabase AssociationsNodeJSNPMExpressJSRESTLaravelAngular7 React jsVue js AuthenticationPassportJSAuthorizationCe cours est galement unique dans la faon dont il est structur et prsent. De nombreux cours en ligne ne sont qu'une longue srie de vidos ""Regardez comme je code"".Ce cours est diffrent. J'ai incorpor tout ce que j'ai appris au cours de mes annes d'enseignement pour rendre ce cours non seulement plus efficace, mais galement plus attrayant. Le cours comprend:Code-AlongsProjetsMissions de rechercheLes diapositivesTlchargementsLectures"
Price: 194.99

"Apprendre php et mysql crer un site ecommerce"
"Bonjour si vous voulez tre dveloppeur php, ce cours est fait pour vous cours partir de zro vous n'avez besoin d'aucune connaissance pralable vous apprendrez tout dans ce cours avec des exemples et un projetce que vous apprendrez de ce cours:qu'est-ce qu'une variablequ'est-ce qu'une constantequ'est-ce qu'une fonctionqu'est-ce qu'un boocleet la fin, vous mettrez tout cela et construirez un site de commerce systme de connexionsystme de recherchese connecter la base de donnesinsrer des donnes dans la base de donneslire les donnes de la base de donnesstylisez votre site avec bootswatch"
Price: 49.99

"Maitrise Css Moderne : Crez 3 projets"
"Si vous voulez vous salir les mains dans trois technologies de base - HTML, CSS et JavaScript, alors c'est le bon cours pour vous. Vous pourrez construire 6 projets modernes, beaux et cratifs. Apprenez crer des animations CSS intressantes et des effets 3D impressionnants.INCLUS:Projet 1 - Carte invisibleDans ce projet, vous allez crer une belle carte de profil. Vous pourrez apprendre manipuler les arrire-plans et crer des effets sympas. Le projet sera construit sur la base de HTML et CSSProjet 2 - Formulaire d'inscriptionLe deuxime projet reprsentera une forme d'inscription moderne et belle. Le projet comprendra deux parties. La premire partie sera une belle bannire avec peu d'animation CSS et en utilisant le bouton bannire, vous serez dirig vers le formulaire d'inscription. Le projet sera cr en utilisant HTML, CSS et JavaScript"
Price: 49.99

"Stimulus Fundamentals"
"Stimulus is described as ""A modest JavaScript framework for the HTML you already have."" More specifically, its a way to add JavaScript behavior to HTML in a structured and consistent way:It doesnt seek to take over your entire front-endin fact, its not concerned with rendering HTML at all. Instead, its designed to augment your HTML with just enough behavior to make it shine.In this course, students will learn basics of Stimulus by creating web app.We'll start off by setting up a Stimulus project, use controllers in Stimulus, and set up a build process for a Stimulus app. We'll also get into how to work with state in a Stimulus app."
Price: 19.99

"Psychic: Master your Psychic Ability with Rune Reading"
"You can use runes by sending them out into the Cosmos to manifest a magical goal, or to consult with the unseen realms about a situation at hand.As youll see in this course, the runes do more than simply reflect the path of fate; they can help you develop and enhance intuition. By learning to cast and interpret the runes, you can become receptive to the energy currents in material reality and be empowered in the arts of transformation.Runes helps us discover that the real power comes from inside ourselves when we find the wisdom and power within each symbol and internalize them.In this course we will shine the light on these ancient symbols, showing you how to discover and utilize their unique magical energies. Youll learn all you need to know to start working with runes, including:The history of the runes and their role The divinatory meanings and magical uses of each rune in the Elder FutharkRune layouts and detailed rune interpretations, including reversed position meaningsMeanings and uses of the runes in magicTips for successful divinationBy the end of this guide, you will have a working knowledge of the runes that will enable you to use them with confidence in magic and divination."
Price: 169.99

"Data Science - Les Applications Dans le Domaine Financier"
"De nos jours, la science des donnes est un outil daffaires principal. Elle est utilise dans beaucoup de secteurs pour augmenter les profits, diminuer les cots, sauver des vies et pour amliorer les expriences des clients. Au cours des dernires annes, la comptence de la science des donnes de traiter un nombre des tches financires notables a atteint un degr extrmement important. De plus en plus dentreprises veulent apprendre quelles sont les amliorations apportes par la mise en uvre de la science des donnes et comment elle peut restructurer leurs stratgies daffaires.L'tendue des donnes disponibles aux compagnies et aux personnes est sans prcdent. Le secteur financier a la majorit des donnes numriques enregistres. Les organisations qui veulent exploiter ces donnes disponibles demandent limplication des professionnels qui dtiennent une connaissance approfondie des analyses de donnes et qui savent comment lappliquer pour rsoudre des dfis commerciaux srieux.Ce cours prsente la ralit du monde des analyses de donnes et prcise des tapes claires et ralisables qui vont fournir ltudiant les outils dont il a besoin pour la phase suivante de lvolution des affaires. a va vous aider comprendre les concepts de base des analyses de donnes et leurs applications. Le cours contient des tapes et des stratgies dj dmontres concernant la faon dutilisation courante des analyses de donnes pour les services financiers dans le but daugmenter la profitabilit et de rendre les clients satisfaits.Inscrivez-vous maintenant et faites le meilleur investissement possible. a va mener lpanouissement de vous-mme, de vos connaissances et de votre affaire.Ce que vous allez apprendre dans ce cours:Limportance des donnes dans le domaine des affairesApprenez comment les mgadonnes pourraient changer votre emploi, votre compagnie, votre serviceApprenez comment traiter et grer les donnesDes exemples de la vie relle concernant les bnfices gagns par les entreprises suite la mise en uvre de la science des donnesDcouvrez pourquoi les organisations axes sur les donnes utilisent la mthode scientifique afin dexplorer et de rsoudre des problmes de donnesQuestions cls qui vont vous aider crer un processus de recherche spcifique pour aborder des problmes essentielsDveloppez une approche structure sur le cycle de vie pour rsoudre les problmes de la science des donnesAppliquez des mthodes danalyse appropries au traitement des mgadonnesDcouvrez comment prsenter une histoire efficace en sappuyant sur des donnes pour diriger une action des entreprisesDcouvrez les avantages de lanalyse des donnes et les techniques particulires danalyseApprenez comment utiliser lanalyse des donnes dans le but de dpister les fraudesApprenez comment les services financiers peuvent appliquer lanalyse des donnes pour rsoudre des problmes de la vie relle"
Price: 199.99

"Learn C++ Socket Programming in few minutes"
"Did you anytime perform communication between 2 processes ? If NO then Socket Server Client Communication is good to start with.It is great Technology to Add Plus Point to Your Resume.Learning Socket Programming will pay you more in today's IT Industry both value and money wise.Why learn Socket Programming ?It is on demand Technology being continued till Now.In addition to learn CPU architecture, memory space and various algorithms, you will be able to create efficient programs and will be in competitor list of good programmer in this IT Industry.You will be able to crack any interview and will shine in this IT Industry as socket programming is on-demand technology.Why enrolling this Course will be the best decision for you?By the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge of Socket Server Client Programming from scratch.You will get rid to write Socket Server Client Programs in Codeblock with execution of it.You will be able to develop skill power logical and verbal wise too.It will lead to your growth and shine in career.You will be able to crack any interview in today's IT Industry.This Course will cover all basic concepts of Socket Programming with not only covering ""how to code"" but also putting light on details ""Why it is required and How important it is"" so that your all concepts will be cleared from scratch and you can crack any interview giving technical answers covering all the points."
Price: 1600.00

"Learn C++11 New Features in few minutes"
"Did you anytime come across New Features in C++ which is an advantage over C++ ? If NO then Learning C++11 New Features is good to start with and is highly demanded in todays huge IT World.It is great Technology to Add Plus Point to Your Resume.Learning C++11 New Features will pay you more in today's IT Industry both value and money wise.Why learn C++11 New Features ?It is on demand Technology and plus point over C++.In addition to learn CPU architecture, memory space and various algorithms, you will be able to create efficient programs and will be in competitor list of good programmer in this IT Industry.You will be able to crack any interview and will shine in this IT Industry as socket programming is on-demand technology.Why enrolling this Course will be the best decision for you?By the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge of all C++11 New Features.You will get rid to write C++11 Programs in Codeblock with execution of it.You will be able to develop skill power logical and verbal wise too.It will lead to your growth and shine in career.You will be able to crack any interview in today's IT Industry.This Course will cover all features of C++11 with not only covering ""how to code"" but also putting light on details ""Why it is required and How important it is"" so that your all concepts will be cleared from scratch and you can crack any interview giving technical answers covering all the points."
Price: 1600.00

"Bitwise Operators in C In Depth - Hands On"
"Did you got chance to play with bits i.e. perform operations on it ? If NO then Bitwise Operators is good to start with.Reason: Operations by them are faster than any arithmetic Operators and so they are highly used in multiple applications.To communicate with hardware, byte to bits conversion required and manipulation on it done by Bitwise Operators.It is great Technology to Add Plus Point to Your Resume.Learning Bitwise Operators will pay you more in today's IT Industry both value and money wise.Why learn Bitwise Operators ?It is on demand Technology being continued till Now and will lead to develop your skill logical and verbal wise as involves mathematical problem solving.In addition to learn CPU architecture, memory space and various algorithms, you will be able to create efficient programs and will be in competitor list of good programmer in this IT Industry.You will be able to crack any interview and will shine in this IT Industry as socket programming is on-demand technology.Why enrolling this Course will be the best decision for you?By the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge of Bitwise Operators from scratch.You will get rid to write Programs in Codeblock with execution of it as this covers covers many real program as well as general program execution on CodeblockYou will be able to develop skill power logical and verbal wise too.It will lead to your growth and shine in career.You will be able to crack any interview in today's IT Industry.This Course will cover all basic concepts of Bitwise Operators with not only covering ""how to code"" but also putting light on details ""Why it is required and How important it is"" so that your all concepts will be cleared from scratch and you can crack any interview giving technical answers covering all the points."
Price: 1600.00

"Essential Hypnosis Skills With Weight Loss and Regression"
"When its comes to change Hypnotherapy is the fastest and most effective way to do it with no exceptions!Hear are the statistics: Hypnotherapy: 93% recovery after 6 sessions Behaviour Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessionsAmerican Health Magazine reported study.Other researchHypnotherapy is the most effectivetreatment of IBSLancet 1984Hypnosis is the most effective way ofgiving up smoking, according to the largest ever scientific comparison of ways of breaking the habit. Willpower, it turns out, counts for very little.New Scientist Magazine.When it comes to helping peoplelose weight, removefears and phobias,stop panic attacksand countless other symptoms likedepression, OCDetc nothing comes close to the speed and effectiveness of hypnotherapy.Hypnosis Approval1956, British Medical Association (BMA) approved the use of hypnosis in the areas of psychoneuroses and hypnoanesthesia in pain management in childbirth and surgery.1958, the American Medical Association approved a report on the medical uses of hypnosis."
Price: 189.99

"Curso Arduino desde cero Modulo 2"
"En este curso es el complemento del modulo 1, te recomendamos iniciar el modulo 1 ya que abarcamos los temas bsicos para poder adentrarte y poder llegar hasta este modulo 2.En este curso Aprenders a manejar el lenguaje de programacin en Arduino con ejemplos sencillos y fciles de entender, ademas de algunos proyectos con Arduino, ademas comprenderemos algunos temas complejos que te pueda ayudar a resolver algunos factores en programas que realices."
Price: 2970.00

"Cisco Data Center,Cisco NX-OS,Storage Network,UCS"
"The amazing course that will make you a hero in Cisco Data center solutions. It discusses the different Cisco Data Center topics in a very good and simple way; it will help the students a lot to get the CCIE DC certificate easily. Although it is a CCIElevel, it still address the basic knowledge and build up a solid strong background."
Price: 199.99

"Complete Python Bootcamp: Go from zero to hero in Python 3"
"This course is gonna give you a big,solid and robust base of knowledge on Python Language. It will take you from zero to hero in coding with Python and that's in simple easy way like you are eating a piece of cake. It will really enrich the knowledge of programming where it is designed to handle most of common programming topics in any language specially Python."
Price: 19.99

"New Linux Bootcamp course"
"Linux is the number ONE operating system for the Corporate world.If you want to start your career in Linux and have little or no knowledge of Linux then I can help. In this course you will learn Linux installation, configuration, administration, troubleshooting, command line, OS tools and much more... I have also included Resume and Interview workshop that will definitely help you get your dream IT job."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Complete Microsoft Excel 2019 Course"
"This course covers training for two Microsoft apps.Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Power BI.These two apps are very useful in the  office and business world.                                                                                                       Microsoft Excel/Office 365Learn pivottables ,pivotcharts,power query,power pivot,power map,what-if-analysis tools,solver and others topics.Learn how to add charts in Microsoft Excel sheet.Learn how to use formulas and functions in Microsoft Excel.Learn how to create dashboards in Excel.To see more topics of this course,view course contents in the course landing page.                                       ______________________________________________________________________________________________________                                                                                                      Microsoft Power BI/Office 365Learn How to Analyze Data in Microsoft Business Intelligence Power BI.How to Reports and Dashboards are Created in Power BI.In this course,you will learn,how to analyze business data in Microsoft business intelligence power bi.You will learn how to extract data from the website and an other sources and how that data is transformed in power query editor and power bi.You will learn how to that data is visualized in power bi.You will learn how to create reports and dashboards in power bi and how to add buttons in report page.You will learn how to custom visuals are added and data is visualized from that visuals.And much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Microsoft Power BI 2019 Course"
"In this course,you will learn,how to analyze business data in Microsoft business intelligence power bi.You will learn how to extract data from the website and an other sources and how that data is transformed in power query editor and power bi.You will learn how to that data is visualized in power bi.You will learn how to create reports and dashboards in power bi and how to add buttons in report page.You will learn how to custom visuals are added and data is visualized from that visuals.And much more!"
Price: 19.99

"Create 4 Visually Effective Dashboards in Microsoft Excel"
"In this course,you will learn how data is extracted from data source to one page that is called dashboard.In this course,you  will learn how to create financial and sales dashboards (step by step) by using Microsoft Excel tools because Microsoft Excel has various data analysis and data visualization tools and this software is most used in the world of business.You will learn,how dashboard layout is created and how text boxes are added and formatted in the dashboard and how data is extracted in the text boxes from to the data source.You will learn how drop down list is created and it is connected to the data source and how charts are added and formatted in the dashboard.You will learn various techniques and tricks about data analysis and data visualization in Microsoft Excel."
Price: 19.99

"A Practical Guide to JavaScript From Scratch to Advanced"
"Learn world most popular programming language JavaScript in easiest possible way. Get straight into the coding sessions and work on some real-world examples. Get the code for each lesson for your reference. This course helps you to understand JavaScript in depth. What you'll learn in this course will make you a better JavaScript developer and help you to understand popular JavaScript based frameworks. Develop some interesting applications using JavaScript."
Price: 1280.00

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Price: 19.99

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Price: 89.99

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Price: 99.99

"Cooking Egyptian dessert"
"In this course, we will learn how to prepare two of the most delicious Egyptian sweets.These sweets are also very popular in Egypt and in many Arab countries.It is suitable for all times.Desserts do not take too long to prepare.We will learn how to prepare them in a very easy way and do not need any experience.In addition, their ingredients are present in every house."
Price: 29.99

"Surface Area And Volume Of Different Solids"
"Topics covered in this course are:-1. General properties 2. Guildlines of formulas3. CSA/TSA/VOLUME of cone,hemisphere,cylinder and sphere4. Surface area and volume of combination of solid 5. Properties of recasted/melted figures 6. Combined solids7. length of cloth and total cost when width of cloth and rate of cloth is givenApart from these topics we have focused on time saving calculation ."
Price: 19.99

"Master Electron Framework And Build 5 Advanced Desktop Apps"
"Build stunning and advanced desktop applications that matters - with web technologies you already know or heard of.Desktop applications is a billion dollar business and it's only going to keep on growing as companies like WhatsApp, Skype, Adobe, Microsoft, GitHub among other top companies are still pushing a lot into desktop application development. The only down side is that, there are fewer desktop developers than web developers and that is where you come. Now is the best time for you to learn desktop application development and put yourself at the forefront of this billion dollar industry. Whether you want to get a job as a desktop application developer or build the next billion dollar desktop application that matters. Whether youre an advanced web developer or youre now starting out. Now is your best time to enrolling in this electron course and learn everything you need, from setup to building traditional desktop applications, all the way to building system tray applications and even packaging and distributing your desktop app on all operating systems including windows, macOS and linux.What Do You Get For Enrolling In This Course?This course is supported on macOS, windows and linux.This is the most up-to-date Electron Course created with you in mind and for you. This course has over 80 lessons and 8+ hours of invaluable content and resources, which is everything you'll need to design, build and package your electron desktop applications for all operating systems including windows, macOS and Linux, whether youre an advanced developer or youre now starting out.I keep this course updated so you will get notifications from me whenever I add new sections.Electron is used by top multi-billion dollar companies for desktop applications like Skype, Whatsapp desktop, Wordpress for desktop, Slack, Atom editor, Visual Studio Code and other very popular desktop applications -- and yours can be next.What youll build in this courseA Fully Fledged Text Editor: We're going to cover the moving parts of an electron application by building this very first app. Well cover concepts like main and renderer process, Inter process communication (IPC), Dialogs among others, which should get you familiar with how electron apps are built.A Complex Music Player: We will take things a step further by building a complex music player which has playlist, can pause, play next, play previous etc.A System Tray Music Player: We will then convert our music player from a traditional desktop application to a system tray app. At the end, we should be able to start and stop our music player from the system tray.A Top Headlines News Reader: We will then have some fun with a news reader application which also has the complexity of multiple categories and article search. We will learn how to launch multiple pages in our app.A Radio Streaming App: I can now stream my favourite radio stations with this app almost every time I code. Well build this radio streaming app from scratch, which you can also use.------There's more------Packaging: We will package and distribute the music player app we built in this course for windows, macOS and Linux. After this section, you should know how to package and distribute your application for all operating systems.Were Going To Cover Topics Like:Setting up your PC for building electron appsPackaging and distributing your electron applications for all operating systemsDesigning stunning and native interface for your desktop appsCreating traditional desktop applicationsCreating desktop applications that run in the system trayBuilding applications with multiple pagesThe history behind electron and what it's all aboutUsing the electron documentationAfter Taking This Course You Should Be Able to:Design and Build electron applications that matters.Package and distribute your electron application for windows, linux and macOSSecure an electron desktop application developer positionUse the electron documentation for any desktop app feature that isnt covered in this courseThis is a hands-on practical electron course that get's you up to speed with building cross platform native desktop applications with web technologies you're already familiar with. Learn everything you need to become a master electron desktop application developer. Enroll now and i'll see you in the course!!"
Price: 19.99