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"Bu kursun hedef kitlesi kimlerdir?Sfrdan balayarak sizlere tek tek btn yap elemanlarn,harita-kot lm cihazlarn,zel kazlar, makine ve ekipmanlar anlatarak ileri dzeyde bilgi seviyesine ulamanz salayacam.Blm sonunda oluturulan quizler ile rendiklerinizi sca scana pekitireceksiniz.n anlatm tamamladktan sonra aama ama tm imalatlar, grsel ve video anlatmlarla srasyla sizlere sunacam.Kursumuzun son safhasnda ise daha nceden ihalesi ve yapm biten bir atk su ihalesine ait maliyet hesabn ve teklif edilecek bedeli beraber hesaplayp,ihaleye katlm kriterlerini beraber irdeleyeceiz.Bu kursu tamamladktan sonra ,Kanalizasyon inaatnda ilave herhangi bir bilgiye ihtiya duymadan antiye efi ve saha efi olarak alabilirsiniz.Kanalizasyon ihalelerine ait maliyet hesabn yapabilir ve teklif mektubunu oluturabilirsiniz.Teklif birim fiyat szlemesinin bir paras olan teklif birim fiyat listede bulunan pozlarn bedellerinin hangi usul ve esaslar erevesinde yazldn ve bu dalmdaki pf noktalarnn neler olduunu renebilirsiniz.Kanalizasyon ihaleleri iin istenen yeterlilik kriterlerini salayp salamadnz renebilirsiniz.Sizlerin de bildii gibi son zamanlarda inaat sektrnde bir daralma yaanmakta ve kan Tasfiye Yasas kapsamnda, yapm devam eden baz ihaleler yklenicinin talebi dorultusunda tasfiye edilmektedir.Altyap ilerinde de tasfiye ilemleri her ne kadar yaplm olsa da,insanln temel ihtiyac olan su getirme ve atk su uzaklatrma ilerinde yarm kalan ilerin ikmal ihaleleri yaplp bu ihtiyalar en ksa zamanda giderilecektir.Gelecekte de bu ilere ait ihalelerin azalmayacan artan nfus ile beraber ihtiyacn artaca ortada da olup, bu ilere ait ihalelerin artaca aikardr.lerleyen srete eski dnemlere gre bina inaatlarnn ihalelerinde (elzem olanlar hari) saysal olarak bir azalma olacan dnmekteyim ancak altyap grubunda ihaleye klan iler,yukarda anlattm sebeplerden dolay artacaktr.Meslektalarmzn byk bir ounluu st yap(bina) ilerine ilgi duyduklar iin,altyap ilerinde alabilecek kalifiye personel ihtiyac sektrmzde bir yavalama olmasna ramen halen devam etmektedir.lerleyen zamanlarda altyap ihaleleri ounlukta olacandan ve bu sektrdeki kalifiye personel ihtiyac da gz nnde bulundurularak;sizlerin de kendinizi bu alanda gelitirip gerekli bilgi seviyesinde olmanz gerekir, bundan dolay bu kurs tam size gre!"
Price: 69.99

"Sfrdan balayarak  aama aama bir bina inaatnn nasl olutuunu ve imalatlarn hangi srayla ve nasl yapldn grsel materyaller zerinden anlatyorum.Eitim Setinin erii;A) KABA NAAT 1.Kaz1) Blokaj2) Grobeton3) Yaltm Membran4) Geotekstil Kee2.Kalp1) Klasik Ahap Kalplar2) Panel kalplar*Malzemesine Gre Panel Kalplar- Plywood Panel Kalp- elik Panel Kalp- Polyester Panel Kalp*Uygulama ekline Gre Panel Kalplar- Kayar Kalp- Trmanr Kalp- Tnel Kalp3.Demir1) Betonarme elik ubuklar2) Hasr elikler3 ) Profil elikler4) Lamalar5) Levhalar4.Beton1) antiyede Hazrlanan Beton2) Hazr Beton- Tayc Sistem Betonu- Kendinden Yerleen Beton3) zel Betonlar- Pskrtme Beton- Polimer Beton- Ar Beton- Transparan Beton** Temel Topraklamas** Atk Su Tesisat** Yaltm malatlar**Yangn Tesisat**Kaskad Tesisat**Temiz Su Tesisat5.Duvar1) Bims Duvar2) Tula Duvar3) Gazbeton Duvar*Duvar Nasl rlr?*Havalandrma Tesisat6.at1) at Trleri2) at Kaplamalar3) Ahap Oturtma atB) NCE NAAT 1.Duvar;Kaba SvaKaba Al (Perlitli)Saten Al (Perdah)Seramik KaplamaBoya Duvar Kad*Ano tas le Sva2.Deme;Tesviye Betonu (ap)Doal Ta ve Seramik Deme KaplamalarPVC Esasl Deme KaplamalarAhap Deme KaplamalarHal Deme Kaplamalar3.Tavan;Alpan Asma Tavan Tayn Asma Tavan Alminyum Asma Tavan Petek Asma Tavan Baffle Asma Tavan 4.D CepheKaba SvaYaltm (Tayn, EPS, XPS)Yaltm zerine Fileli SvaMineral SvaD cephe BoyasGiydirme Cam CepheAlminyum Kompozit Cephe 5.Montaj leriKapDolapTezgahDoramaKorkuluk*hata Duvar*Aydnlatma Direi*Tretuvar"
Price: 79.99

"Course Creation: Create Digital Course Topics with Heart"
"Hey, did you know individuals quit during their course creation process because they can't decide on a course topic that they're confident at teaching? The first step people take while searching for their golden idea is scouting what's already out there. People look first, not with their interest in mind, but only on what topics are selling. As a result, they begin creating content for about a topic that has no true interest to them and without validating it with real potential students to make sure their course will sell. Halfway through the content creation process, they quickly become disinterested because of all the research they have to do and never finish. What's even worse, they finish their course, launch it to the world, then crickets.In this course, I want to show you how to create course topics with heart through a more repeatable systematic approach. Topics discovered with heart, create courses that sell and engaging student's that buy again and again. How do different online instructors sell the same content as every other instructor and still be successful? Their obvious passion and heart behind their teaching styles coming from a place of authenticity. YOU WILL LEARN HOW TO:Discover your next digital course topic by leveraging your unique qualities.Brainstorm and validate your ideal topics with your internal network.Find the problems and pain-points of potential students within the scope of your natural skills.Validate your topics with your prospective student's pain-points to ensure the success of your course.Creating your digital course topic is the most critical step in the course creation process, and has a direct correlation with your course's success. So if you're ready to create a successful digital course with a topic that screams passion within and help people solve their problems within the scope of your natural skills, then this course is for you. This course is backed by Udemy's 30-day money back guarantee. If you're not happy for any reason, you will be refunded in full!I'm excited to see you take your first steps into the world of digital course creation, and I hope to see you on the inside!-Shana"
Price: 49.99

"Beginners to Advanced Sales Success For Healthcare (Int)"
"""I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."" Maya AngelouHealthcare industries generally occupy an interesting yet peculiar position within the world of healthcare. It is not totally medical, clinical, holistic or therapeutic, nor is it totally retail. It is all the above! As such it straddles worlds that of healthcare management, marketing and growing a sustainable yet successful business.The industry is mired in the war between marketing and professionalism.This course is unlike any other course you will find on helping customers buy your products or services and serving them authentically in your professional capacity.It is different because it does not ask you to become something that you are not, nor does it require you to become robotic and transactional in your offering as professional healthcare.Instead, this three-part course introduces you finally at the advanced level of this course,  to a unique five secret patterns of behaviours that already exist naturally within.Sometimes it pays to look within yourself and tap into your natural resources and unlimited potential. Hidden Patterns of behaviour that once have been discovered will increase customer satisfaction, meet needsand increase business revenue. It will make you more valuable to your business, guaranteed to keep you engaged and teach you how to build balanced behaviour that will impact your work , relationships ad life.Here is what you will learn in the beginners course : Sales Success In Healthcare Healthcare is a Special Type of Business             :  What makes healthcare  sales management different from retail sales  managementFoundation of Healthcare: TRUST             : The relationship with the patient is central in building trust. Trust is a vital element of the relationship.  Bridge the Gap Between Clinical and Retail Sales Management?            :    Bridging the gap that exists between healthcare and retailHow we can transition smoothly from clinical functions into sales function in a natural way!   The person-centred approach provides the building blocks necessary to bridge the. gapHow to Use a Person-Centred Approach?       :   If care is to be centred, then what it looks like will depend on the needs, circumstances and preferences of the individual receiving the care. In the intermediate course : We look at How To Create Customer Value    We look at a tool that supports healthcare practitioners understand what patients & customers really, really, want and align products and services to meet those needs.  Understanding  The 'Business' of ValueThe stronger relationship you and your business can establish with your customer, the greater the potential for your business to increase revenue from that customer over time.Also, satisfied customer help recruits new customer through positive word of mouth communication. And Long term customer create stability in business operations Understanding Customer ValueCustomer value will mean different things to different customers.For example, a customer may value that delivery can be immediate hence delivery of an immediate solution.For another customer, it could be a long-term immediate requirement!. Others will interpret the value in their own way. An example I am going on vacation and need a pair of quality sunspex!In a sense, customer value is more important than the product mainly because value can be customised as necessary where ever there is a potential to fit.Why Is Value In Healthcare  So important?The goal of any business is to help customers to buy something that they need but dont have, or to get rid of something they have, but dont need or want, For example having a visual impairment is problematic on many levels.The decision to buy, as mentioned previously, often depends on the level of trust given to us as health care professionals. Creating a Competitive AdvantageCustomer value is fundamental to the healthcare business long term survival and growth, and is the fundamental basis for all marketing activity also process.Value add is important because it strengthens performance and creates a competitive advantage in many ways.Delivering an Integrated Customer ExperienceAnother vital component of customer focus is providing an integrated experience. As healthcare practitioners, the next step is to map the customers activities and then work backward to decide what value is needed in the customer experience, when and who should deliver it and how.Principles Of Value CreationThe following lessons will introduce you to some great tools and proven concepts that will support healthcare practitioners understand what patients and customers really, really want, and how to align their products and services to meet those needs wants and desires.Also, we consider how to implement the creation of value-added products, services using proven principles that show healthcare industries how they can position themselves for customer success!Bonus SectionIn Advanced Course we dive deep: Success Habits of An Authentic Healthcare Profession  Change How You Think:   If you are a buyer and youve got as much information as the seller, the new caveat is seller beware not buyer beware!(Daniel pink)How to Be Your Own Best Friend:Who Is The Most Important Person You Know? YOU! You are the most important person in your world! Why? Because you spend 99% of your time thinking about yourself.Use Your Head as Much as Your Heart: Empathy:Empathy is an emotional response to do with feelings, where perspective-taking is about thinking the two often work alongside each other.Meet Your Archetype Mentors    The five-step sales process used in this course is a powerful and proven sales methodology that has been uniquely adapted to equip healthcare professionals with a simple, intuitive and systematic tool.Natural Patterns of Behaviour for Sales SuccessArchetypes are the secret forces behind human behaviour, because they reside in our unconsciousthe part of our minds we arent aware ofthey influence us without us knowing it. . Discover your natural pattern of sales behaviour   . A guaranteed way to help people to buy your products and services  . How to be authentic and natural in your salesAnd much, much more "
Price: 54.99

"Stock Market Value Investing Complete Masterclass"
"How can we work in a standard 9 to 5 job with an average wages, but still able to develop a million dollar investment portfolio? Do you wish to retire with abundance of wealth and enjoy a comfortable luxurious lifestyle? Would you like to invest confidently with the lowest to no risk and gain up to 25% return on investment per annual? Do you want to know how famous investors like Warren Buffet, Benjamin Graham and Peter Lynch build their multi-million dollar investment portfolio?In this Stock Market Value Investing Complete Masterclass, I shall reveal the secrets of how i develop my first million dollars investment portfolio from all the techniques and methods learned from Warren Buffet and Benjamin Graham over past 7 years, as well as to share the success journey in a straightforward and structured sequence that any one can ""Plug and Play"". There is no need to read lengthy financial reports, or observing the graph charts every day just to keep watch of your stocks. All you need to do is just follow the simple step by step sequence with elementary high school math, and anyone can start develop an ultimate million dollar investment portfolio like Warren Buffet. *** Please go through the free course preview, as i will show you the important criteria you need to look out for as an investor, with the 3G method.After Completion of this course, you will be able to: Understand the basics of stock marketSearch for investment ideas, and evaluate the business modelEvaluate and analyze a company's business & financial healthA shortcut criteria to look at when picking a stockCalculate the intrinsic value of a companyUnderstand the basic of stock options and secrets to invest wiselyHow to detect signals of exits and when to sell your stocksBasics fundamentals on stock graph readingKnow what the world's famous stock market investors are buying right now!!"
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Ads Advance Sales Conversion Masterclass"
"No more hard sell.Lets customers approach you, eagerly.Do you ever dream of an automatic selling machine that generates sales for you 24/7 ?Flood your business with heavy loads of buyers from all over the world?Tired of all the facebook experts selling you tactics than can generates tons of traffic and engagements, but no sales?Your marketing agencies are eating up your profit shares for every single campaign run?Regardless of your industry, experience or types of business - If you ever wish to gain massive sales on facebook;then you have come to the right place. You have a good product, but there is no guarantee that you will generate enough sales to cover the cost of advertising. Running a successful facebook ads isn't just about setting up the right configurations and gaining lots of traffic. There are tons of agencies and experts out there that are able to provide such services.  Anyone can get traffic easily by paying facebook.What you really need is conversion strategy. A powerful and irresistible message that laser targets the right audience, dead accurate. Makes audience hangs onto every word you say, and felt ""Stupid"" for not buying from you.A step-by-step proven sales funnel process that converts cold traffic into starving customers.The ads strategies that help me gain 6 figure income for the past 3 years.As the only child with a sick mother after graduate, i have to make a living selling second hand items online. Facebook was my savior that helps generates additional income to support the family. After many attempts, seminars and failures, i had found the golden gem that helps me generate up to 6 figures monthly without fail. This goes beyond common traffic building and engagements, it includes conversion.I shall reveal the ultimate secrets here - after sacrificing millions of dollars spent and countless failures, to provide you the actual proven strategies that could actually converts most of the traffic audience into real paying customers.A step by step Done For You Formula, Just Copy!!You do not need to crack your head and find out what works or what doesn't.  Just copy the blueprint formula and apply them to see results. This is the best way to learn what works. Once you have massive sales, you can afford to improvise it according to you style."
Price: 199.99

"Gravar Vdeos com Celular do Jeito Certo e 3x mais FCIL"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender a fazer vdeos de forma descomplicada, com a cmera traseira do seu Smartphone.Falar que importante usar a cmera traseira para fazer vdeos de qualidade, fcil. O problema fornecer alternativas eficientes para que se consiga usar a cmera traseira, mesmo gravando sozinho. A proposta do curso te ensinar um mtodo indito que vai te possibilitar controlar os 3 parmetros essenciais para criar vdeos com qualidade profissional, usando a cmera traseira do Smartphone.Voc vai aprender a controlar remotamente a sua cmera e monitorar em tempo real: Enquadramento;Controle do Foco;Controle da Exposio."
Price: 99.99

"The Simplest Guide to Project Management & PMI-PMP Exam"
"Learn Project Management in the most effective and easy to remember way, through visually seeing every concept and understanding from picturesBroken down to the 6 visual pathways of how we see things that are intuitive and easy to understandLectures do not use tedious bullet-points to read throughProbably the most simplified course on Project Management out thereThis course is for those who wish to get introduced to Project ManagementGet introduced to the Project Management framework, processes and knowledge areas, and see how they interact with each otherDelivered in a highly visual style, you will experience a unique and immersive method of the lecturesTaught in a way that is easy to understand and to get it instantly without intimidating jargon, or long instructor monologues Ready to use project document templates that you can download and use on your projects right away (Eg. Project Charter, Project Plan, Risk Register etc) - more templates are going to be added in upcoming weeksBonus lectures on Microsoft Project as a tool to Project Management Topics covered in the course aligned to PMBOK Terminology:Project Management Framework - What is Project Management, Project, Matrix Environment, Organizational Process Assets, Enterprise Environmental Factors, Project/ Triple Constraints (iron triangle), Process GroupsIntegration Management -  Develop Project Charter, Develop Project Management Plan, Direct & Manage Project Work, Manage Project Knowledge, Monitor & Control Project Work, Perform Integrated Change Control, Close Project or PhaseStakeholder Management - Identify StakeholdersScope Management - Collect Requirements, Define Scope, Create WBSSchedule Management - Define Activities, Sequence Activities, Estimate Activity Durations, Develop ScheduleCost Management - Estimate Costs, Determine Budget, Control Costs (earned value management and budget forecasting)Resource Management - Estimate Activity ResourcesQuality Management - Plan QualityRisk Management - Identify Risks, Perform Qualitative  and Quantitative Risk Analysis, Plan Risk ResponsesCommunications Management - Plan CommunicationsProcurement Management - Plan Procurements, and much more...*****ABOUT THE COURSE STYLE******Online learning need not be like Cat vs Laser Pointer videos for students...Let me ask you a question. Why do so many instructors who teach online think their students are like their pet cats? Amazed why I think of it this way. Just go look at any course videos on Udemy or Youtube, and you will see the way most instructors teach their courses is to point a colored laser dot on their course video, and demand students to follow through the entire course material. Still worse, some instructors use their dumb mouse pointers for this purpose !Why do students who are just building excitement in learning a new topic have to put up with these uninteresting lectures. The worst way an instructor can teach a subject is to bombarded his or her students with a series of text-heavy slides with tons of bullet points. As if that was not boring enough to kill students enthusiasm, they use the mesmerizing laser pointer and move like crazy all over the screen.Welcome to the new way of teaching !We are visual creatures because most of our brain is wired for visual sensory processing. The quickest way to learn, remember and more importantly understand anything new is to not read it from a set of slides with a background narration from an instructor, but to visually see with your eyes what is being taught in the form of real-world objects, associate them to the topic being discussed, and then allow our brains to form those hard-to-forget indelible connections in our minds. If every instructor taught this way; with a little bit of practice and effort, most of you can not only comprehend the subject, but also master it in the quickest possible way. That is why you will almost never find me using bullet points in my course lectures, and never will you find me bringing up the dreadful laser pointer, EVER !By using the latest in touch-screen technology and a lot of on-screen sketches, I make the course lectures come to life ! I do this to have an impact on YOU,  by LEADING your eyes to what you should focus on a slide, and letting your MIND follow-through, and to ultimately make you UNDERSTAND the topic. See it for yourself !"
Price: 199.99

"The Simplest Guide to CLINICAL SAS Programming*SAS Clinical"
"This course gives an introduction to the Pharmaceutical/ Life Science industry in a simple and visual style that is easy to understand. It shows how SAS is used as a tool to work with the vast amount of clinical data within this industry. The course takes you through an example clinical study sample data, and generate various Clinical Study Reports that are submitted to the FDA (in the US) or other regulatory authorities in other countries. You will not only hone your SAS programming skills but will also learn essential concepts needed to work in the Pharma industry in the areas of Biostatistics and Clinical Data Management.After the introduction to the pharma industry and learning relevant concepts about Clinical Trials, the course takes you through a hands-on training exercise to build the very important and fundamental Clinical Study Report called the Demographics Table. You will begin with a sample clinical study data in an Excel sheet, then you will import it into SAS, derive all necessary variables as shown in the mock table, and finally generate a clinical study report. All this will be done using guided SAS Programming steps with detailed explanations at every step of programming. At the end of this course, you will have learnt to work with Clinical Study Data, generate a real Clinical Study Report, and extend those steps to build other reports that constitute Clinical Trial submissions to the regulatory bodies.Prerequisites: You will need basic SAS programming knowledge to work with code discussed in this course. You can take my course on SAS programming (""The Simplest Guide to SAS Programming"") available on Udemy."
Price: 199.99

"Business Intelligence IT & Analytics"
"I'm providing you Business Intelligence IT & Analytics Conceptual,fundamental,and real time functional learning,work ability, usability ,working sector of BI, Life cycle of BI,Architecture of data warehouse ,roles and responsibility in organization.I 'm not likely compare my course with other courses ,because my course teach learner some real world aspect which build up there knowledge foundation as newbies.After finished this course you are eligible for next level as Advance level, There you will learn about Practically working with tools and software of Business intelligence and also working on small project.So be a part of advance level and eligible for advance course and start soon.When learners finished this course ,they will be felt confident about there learning and Be Able to opt Business Analytical as career in future .My effort to give my knowledge to learners with the meaningful ways .All the Best LearnersBe Positive ,you can do itCome on start course and certified."
Price: 29.99

"Django Channels 2.x &Real-time WEB (RU)"
"Django Channels 2.X, Backend WebSockets. . Django. , ."
Price: 29.99

"30 Minutes Blogger Course: Learn to Create a Blog & Website"
"30 Minutes Blogger Course: Create a Blog or Website and Start EarningYou would like to start a blog and don't know how to create ? Then this course is for you.Anybody can enroll this course. Just need to have basic knowledge of internet.Learn to create a blog or website for free without coding or no coding in just 30 minutes. Learn to make money with your blog.In this course, you will learn everything about blogger. Start Learning :Learn to setup blogger accountLearn to create a post, post template and posting using emailLearn to work on layout and theme customizationLearn to install a custom themeLearn to submit website to Google SearchLearn to monetize your blog with adsenseEnroll now, see you in the blogger course."
Price: 1920.00

"SEO Training: Get Website Traffic & High Quality Backlinks"
"SEO Training 2019: Get Website Traffic & High Quality BacklinksIntroducing the new SEO course to increase website traffic and ranking. I have ranked 12+ websites using the same strategies which I am going to reveal.In this course, I am revealing pro SEO techniques used to rank a website.No paid tools. No Black Hat SEO.100% White Hat SEO Techniques.Why should you take this SEO course?You have done many courses related to SEO and have read many blogs. You have written great content, have lots of posts on your blog or website. Still, you are not getting traffic and rankings.Then this is the right SEO course is for you.SEO is not difficult. It is very easy to understand and learn. But nobody is talking about easy SEO tricks to create backlinks and get traffic. Everyone is making SEO difficult. In this SEO training course, I am sharing the best SEO hacks to get website traffic instantly and create high-quality backlinks very easily. I will show you everything practically on my website. If you are a blogger, web designer, web developer or anyone who wants to get unlimited traffic on your website and want to rank your website by creating high quality backlinks, then you are in the right place.This SEO training focuses primarily on Off-Page SEO to increase traffic and backlinks. You will also learn the basics of On Site SEO, On Page SEO and Off Page SEO, which are very useful for a website to rank.In this Search Engine Optimization (SEO) course, you will learn:How to get instant traffic to your websiteHow to rank articles without backlinksHow to create high quality backlinks from EDU and GOV websitesHow to create high quality do follow and no follow backlinksHow to remove bad backlinks from your websiteHow to increase domain authorityHow to analyze competitors websiteHow to effectively research keywordsEnroll Now. This SEO course will definitely give you amazing results."
Price: 199.99

"Formao de Adestradores"
"Ol alunos(a) esto preparados pra aprenderem a treinar ces pra obedincia bsica e se tornarem adestradores(a) profissionais eu espero que sim pois vamos entrar em um mundo cheio de assunto sobre ces mtodos tcnicas material de adestramento e muito mais sua certificao ser dada por um profissional de larga experincia e prtica em adestramento socializao e reabilitao canina.Bora aprender a treinar ces!!!"
Price: 219.99

"Headers Animados e Responsivos com HTML, CSS e Javascript"
"Este curso serve de aprimoramento para desenvolvedores quanto s tcnicas de elaborao de headers (cabealhos de sites) dinmicos e resposivos. Apesar de exigir noes bsicas das ferramentas de desenvolvimento Web, as etapas de construo dos headers so explicadas detalhadamente, em aulas de 10 minutos em mdia, para que o aluno possa fixar o contedo sem se cansar.O curso, apesar das explicaes, prtico por se tratar, desde a primeira aula, da elaborao efetiva de headers. Os projetos propostos so profissionais, da forma como se v no mercado e os alunos sairo prontos para lidar com projetos complexos de desenvolvimento front-end de headers."
Price: 99.99

"How to do Harvard referencing"
"This is an intensive course that will show you how to reference your college essays correctly, starting with the real basics, such as which name is the surname, where to find the year etc, then ending with projects to practise on. It is divided into two sections, first the reference list (bibliography), then the in-text citation, and takes you step-by-step through all the skills you need and issues you face, so that you will be completely confident when using Harvard referencing."
Price: 19.99

"Technologies et Qualit des huiles d'olive vierges"
"Ce Cours traite les diffrentes technologies de production ainsi que la qualit physicochimique et sensorielle des huiles d'olive vierges.Le cours est scind en 6 sections :Introduction : pour annoncer les objectifs du cours;Terminologie : pour expliciter certains termes techniques dont on aura besoin pour assimiler le prsent cours;Technologies et procds de production : traitant les tapes technologiques suivre pour produire des huiles d'olive vierges;Contrle Qualit : relatif aux principaux tests physicochimiques;Analyse sensorielle : relatif la qualit organoleptique des huiles d'olive;Conclusion : pour rcapituler l'ensemble des connaissances passes en revue le long du cours."
Price: 79.99

"28 days to Success"
"Are you ready to finally achieve every goal you ever set?Are you ready to attract more money to you, wake up with more confidence and go to bed feeling more successful?You want to be your own boss, bring in more money and have amazing vacations without having to sacrifice time with your family.You want to be able to treat the ones you love without the fear of where the next paycheck will come from.Most of all you want to achieve incredible things without the gut wrenching lack of confidence and debilitating self doubt.Everything you want CAN be yours.You just need to understand how to bring it to you.Having worked with lots of women like you to manifest their goals, clear their limiting beliefs and create their Dream Life, I feel like I already know a lot about you:You want more than anything to create success in your business but wonder whether youre good enough.Youve heard about the Law of Attraction but think it all sounds a bit too woo woo for you.Youve tried writing your goals down in a pretty butterfly journal but yet to see any of them come true.Youve tried to be more positive but find it hard when youre tired, stressed and broke.Youre envious of those people around you who seem to be doing amazing things, having success and achieving their goals, and you desperately want it to be your turn.You feel like youre having to sacrifice time with your family in order to pay the bills.Does any of this sound familiar? Then youve found yourself in the perfect place.This is the story I hear from most of the women Ive worked with. And I can tell you Ive been there too so I totally get it!Hi, Im Gemma James, a Law of Attraction & Success Mindset Practitioner, Trainer and Author.I help female entrepreneurs create their Dream Life using the Law of Attraction and the power of our brains (what I call 'practical woo').Im a certified Happiness Life Coach, Advanced Law of Attraction Practitioner, Wealth Practitioner and certified in Neuroplasticity (brain stuff!). I absolutely LOVE everything mindset & manifesting!But it didnt always used to be that way. Until 2016 I was working a job in Law, feeling unfulfilled, under paid and totally under valued. I had been trying to build a business for 10 years without any success at all. I was glued to my phone, sacrificing time with my new daughter, feeling broke and desperate in my search for freedom.Then I discovered the Law of Attraction and having a positive, success mindset and I started to see a few changes. It took a year of practicing, tweaking, shifting and applying my own techniques to what I was learning however before I really got it. 6 months later I had left my soul sucking Law job and taken my business full time, doing something I love that brought in more money than I ever thought possible. I now travel the world speaking and coaching at events and have generated over half a million in sales.The technique that has had the biggest impact on my success?Being mindful of the words I speak, the thoughts I think and understanding how to apply powerful language every day.I tell you this because it is totally possible for you too. You CAN be, do and have WHATEVER you want. You just need to understand why your words are way more important than you might think and how you can apply powerful language to your daily life to create more success.Yes, it's that simple.When you know exactly what to say and why it is so easy to create the success you crave. More confidence, more money, more respect and recognition. And you can begin unleashing the power of manifesting every single goal.Every. Single. Time.Introducing: Speak Yourself to Success! The 28 Day Powerful Language Challenge.For women who are ready to manifest the amazing future theyve been dreaming of.Whats Included?During this 4 Week Course youll learn how to stop letting your fears and doubts win that hold you back from achieving your goals. Youll learn how to create the exact level of success, confidence and happiness that you desire.Ill teach you how to effectively use powerful language to set goals for the things you want AND to bring them into your reality.Ill give you the exact same language processes, tools and techniques that myself and my clients have used to clear our limiting beliefs, achieve our goals and manifest amazing things over and over again.Week 1: Get ClearIn kick off week youll get clear on where your limiting beliefs, doubts and fears come from and how you can start to change them in order to move forward with your business (and life) with more confidence.Week 2: Get AbundantThis is the Week where youll learn how to set powerful goals (and the words to avoid if you want to be successful) and youll create some personal to you Affirmations to bring them into your reality (one size fits all does not work here).Week 3: Get SuccessfulIn Week 3 youll learn how to apply powerful language to a morning mindset to create success all day. Wake up feeling energised, confident and with more focus for a more productive, positive day.Week 4: Get WealthyIts time to fall in love with your money again! This is the Week where you learn how to apply powerful language to your money to attract more of it to you!"
Price: 24.99

"Postman - testowanie REST API"
"Kurs skupia si na podstawowych zagadnieniach aplikacji Postman i pokazuje jak w prosty sposb stworzy testy REST API. Postman jest aplikacj, ktra w szybki sposb pozwoli Ci stworzy i wysa  requesta korzystajc z odpowiedniej metody HTTP i w atwy sposb zweryfikowa czy otrzymana wiadomo jest poprawna. Czego nauczysz si z tego kursu :jak stworzy i wysa requestajak doda parametry jak zdefiniowa zmienne i  rodowiskajak stworzy grup powizanych zapytajak doda weryfikacj response korzystajc z testwjak stworzy monitor i mock serverPo ukoczeniu tego kursu bdziesz wiedzia jak obsugiwa aplikacj Postman i za jego pomoc tworzy testy REST API."
Price: 69.99

"Kurs Selenium Python od podstaw"
"Kurs Selenium WebDriver w jzyku polskim. Testy w kursie tworzone s przy pomocy jzyka programowania Python 3.X . Kurs nie wymaga znajomoci jzyka programowania. Wprowadzenie do programowania stanowi cz tego kursu. Z tego kursu dowiesz si jak:- zainstalowa wszystkie niezbdne narzdzia- lokalizowa elementy na stronie i wykonywa na nich akcj- sprawdza stan elementw- pisa testy automatyczne w jzyku Python- tworzy raporty z testw- czyta dane z pliku- tworzy szkielet testw automatycznych"
Price: 204.99

"Trocando Portas Comuns de Armrio por Deslizantes - Correr"
"Passo a passo por meio de vdeos aulas mostrando todos os pormenores envolvidos na mudana de portas comuns para portas de correr de armrio embutido - um verdadeiro passeio prazeroso, teraputico e encantador por um alguns dos universos da marcenaria - desde o levantamento de dados e medidas in loco (na obra e local da instalao), passeando pela elaborao do projeto (desenho), escolha e compra dos materiais, e posteriormente com a adio de contedo extra da manufatura na ocasio da montagem e instalao final na obra."
Price: 99.99

"Curso de FL Studio +Avanado - Plugins"
"ApresentaoEsta a extenso de um dos cursos mais completos e prticos de ""FL Studio para Iniciantes"", existentes na internet, que j instruiu mais de 200.000 pessoas por todo mundo. Neste curso de FL Studio +Avanado, feita uma abordagem mais extensiva aos Plugins Nativos da DAW e aos conceitos de Mixagem, Sound Design e Mastering. Contm atualizao para a verso 20 e totalmente em portugus. Para alm de uma explicao muito detalhada do funcionamento da aplicao e da didctica tecnolgica e produtiva envolvida, este curso oferece ainda aulas de introduo produo musical e beatmaking e samplepacks variados gratuitos. Ao adquirir este curso, receber formao tcnica da mais alta qualidade e estar apto a produzir e misturar msica como um profissional. Contm aula com a para a verso 20 e aulas para o FLStudio Mobile.Nmero de aulas: 15 aulasDurao total do curso: 5 horasIncluiu + de 40 samplepacks gratuitos de instrumentosTipo de Acesso: VitalcioProdutora: KV Music Beats>>>>use o cupon KVMUSICBEATS2 para descontoContedos Gerais: Mixagem, Mastering e Sound Design no geral, BooBass, Bass, EDM, House, Fruity DX10, GMS, FL Keys, Plugins de Teclas, Plugins de Drums, Layer Plugin, Plugin 3xOSC, SimSynth, Sytrus, EQ, Equalizao, Compresso, Delay, Reverb, Mobile, iOS, Android. Criao de vrios instrumentais entre outros."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Produo com FL Studio - Aprende a Fazer Msica"
"Este o curso de FL Studio para iniciantes, produzido pela KV Music Beats, que aborda o funcionamento geral da aplicao, e que j instruiu mais de 200.000 pessoas por todo mundo. Contm atualizao para a verso 20 e totalmente em portugus. Para alm de uma explicao muito detalhada do funcionamento da aplicao e da didctica tecnolgica e produtiva envolvida, este curso oferece ainda aulas de introduo produo musical e beatmaking. Poder encontrar neste curso tambm, contedos relacionados com controlo MIDI, Gravao, Mixagem, Sound Design, Mastering, Hardwar, Teoria Musical e Android (FL Studio Mobile). Ao adquirir este curso, receber formao tcnica da mais alta qualidade e estar apto a produzir e misturar msica como um profissional. Nmero de aulas: 27 (+14 promocionais)Durao aprox. do curso: 15 horas (inclui aulas extra)Oferta de 50 Samplepacks (950Mb)Oferta do Samplepack Dropvoca (65 vocals)Oferta +2000 Samples OneshotAcesso Gratuito a +90 VST(i) PluginsTipo de Acesso: VitalcioProdutora: KV Music Beats>>>> use o cupon KVMUSICBEATS2 para desconto diretoContedos GeraisAudio Settings, ASIO Drivers, Direct Drivers, BPM (Batidas por Minuto), Buffer Lenght, Channel Rack, Transporte, Auto Close, Automation Clips, Detached Plugins, MIDI Settings, Fill each X steps, Audio Clips, Make Unique, Master Bus, Pattern Clips, Mixer, Pops e Clicks / Underruns, Song Parttern Double, Playlist, Piano Roll, File Settings, Sample Packs, Browser/ Biblioteca; Importao de samples externos para o projeto; Introduo Teoria Musical; Arranjo Musical, Mixing/Mistura, Equalizao; Compresso; Reverb; Delay; Distoro; Mastering; Gravao de udio; Interface de udio (noes bsicas); Microfone Dinmico (noes bsicas); Tags Vocais; Controlo e Mapeamento MIDI; Mac Support; Time Signature; Consolidate Clips; Playlist Arrangement; Plugin Delay Compensation; Nova Toolbar; Criao e evoluo de vrios instrumentais; Plugins: BooBass, Bass, EDM, House, Fruity DX10, GMS, FL Keys, Plugins de Teclas, Plugins de Drums, Layer Plugin, Plugin 3xOSC, SimSynth, Sytrus, EQ, Equalizao, Patcher Mid Side, Compresso, Delay, Reverb, FL Studio Mobile, Android, iOS, outros."
Price: 44.99

"Marketing Digital para Msicos e Produtores"
"Este o Curso de Marketing Digital de Redes Sociais para Msicos e Produtores desenvolvido pela KVMusic Beats. Num formato informal, descontrado e sequencial, so abordadas estratgias de marketing para as redes sociais Youtube, Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud e Facebook, acompanhado de tutoriais prticos sobre como configurar e utilizar corretamente as respectivas plataformas. Tratam-se de truques e dicas, e gatilhos mentais, que corretamente aplicados, aumentaro as visitas, envolvimento do comunidade e consecutivamente as vendas dos produtos musicais. Este ""Manual do Produtor Beatmaker"", aborda tambm estratgias para aumentar o trfego da loja ou website e optimizar a distribuio de e-mails. Nmero de aulas: 26Durao aprox. do curso: 3 horasTipo de Acesso: VitalcioProdutora: KV Music BeatsContedos GeraisYoutube, Twitter, Instagram, Soundcloud, Facebook,Website Traffic, Mailing List, Marketing Digital, Branding, Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O.), Trending Topics, Imagem, Tutorias, Mindset, Dicas, Estratgias, Agenda, Advertncias"
Price: 19.99

"Bsicos de Homestudio para Produtores Iniciantes"
"Mini curso informal com os Bsicos e Fundamentais sobre Acstica e Isolamento em Homestudios. Curso gratuito disponibilizado pela KV Music Beats para quem procura construir um estdio caseiro, a um preo acessvel. Direccionado para pequenos msicos, produtores, DJ's e artistas musicais no geral. Aulas simples e objetivas com ilustraes prticas e com um toque de boa disposio. Recomendaes tcnicas e abordagem de marcas e modelos de equipamentos e software para produo e gravao. Totalmente gratuito. Curso em manuteno at ao final de 2019."
Price: 19.99

"Curso FL Studio Mobile - O Manual Essencial"
"Este o manual de FL Studio Mobile em portugus para iniciantes, produzido pela KV Music Beats, que aborda o funcionamento geral da aplicao. Para alm de uma explicao muito detalhada do funcionamento da aplicao e da didctica tecnolgica e produtiva envolvida, este curso oferece ainda aulas de introduo produo musical e beatmaking. Poder encontrar neste curso tambm, contedos relacionados com Gravao, Mixagem, Sound Design, Mastering e Troubleshooting. Ao adquirir este curso, receber formao tcnica da mais alta qualidade e estar apto a produzir e misturar msica como um profissional a partir do seu dispositivo mvel."
Price: 24.99

"CSS Transitions 101 - Everything About CSS Transitions"
"Learn how to leverage the power of CSS Transitions and make your web site17% more stunning!After taking this course, you will become fluent in writing simple and complex CSS Transitions.You will become a master of timing functions.Different ways of triggering CSS Transitions will be familiar for you.Enjoy my new course!"
Price: 99.99

"Paper airplanes - Origami for Everyone"
"Ive built this course of more than 20 models of paper airplanes. Enjoy folding and launching these paper airplanes.In each lecture, I show how to fold a single paper airplane, so you can follow me and fold your own version.There are no two exact the same paper airplanes. One may fly great while another may fall down every time.I hope you will have fun folding and launching my paper airplanes."
Price: 24.99

"Almanca Orta Dzey B1 Kursu"
"A1 ve A2 Kursumun devam olan B1 kursum ile karnzdaym. Tek isteim A1 ve A2 kurslarm tamamlayp bu kursu almanz.Bu kurs dier kurslara gre daha kapsaml olacak. lk iki kursta grdmz konular daha ayrntl bir ekilde greceiz. Devamnda daha ayrntl ve gzel konulara ayak basacaz. lginiz iin ok teekkrler.Ekstra olarak quiz tarz bir pratik test yaynladm onada bakabilirsiniz."
Price: 69.99

"Almanca Balang Kursu A1.2"
"Bu kursta nceki kursun devamdr. Daha kapsaml bilgiler reneceiz. Sizin kafanz kartrmadan kolay yoldan sizlere konular reteceim. Genel olarak konular balang seviyesinde sizi ok zorlayacan sanmyorum. Sizden sadece ilgi istiyorum. Feedbacklerinizi bekliyorum sizlerden. Kurslarma takibi srdrn arkadalar. Her kursta yava yava almanca'nn ayrntlarna gireceiz. Sizlere bu yolda yardmc olmaya alacam."
Price: 59.99