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"Copywriting Expert Torne-se um Mestre das Vendas"
"Descubra agora o nico e incrvel mtodo comprovado por cientistas americanos que tem o poder de literalmente explodir suas vendas, atrair muito mais clientes e ainda fazer voc lucrar mais, mesmo que voc no entenda absolutamente nada de influncia e persuaso. Saiba exatamente como atingir o lado emocional (responsvel pela deciso de compra) dos seus clientes;Aprenda as tcnicas e estratgias usadas pelos maiores vendedores do marketing digital na internet (Garantido!);Descubra os gatilhos que esto atrs da deciso de compra de uma pessoa e utilize hoje mesmo a seu favor (Mdulo 3);Entenda atravs de comprovaes cientificas a frase: ""O marketing a alma do negcio"" , aplique e veja suas vendas aumentarem imediatamente;As pessoas compram com a emoo e justificam com a razo, simples assim;Irei te ensinar o passo a passo simples e comprovado de como guiar o cliente pela emoo (deciso) at a justificativa (razo);""Eu no conseguia vender absolutamente nada pela internet, aps aplicar as estratgias de Copywriting tudo mudou. Foi literalmente da gua para vinho."" - Afiliado aps aplicar as CopysCientistas americanos fizeram vrios testes e ficou comprovado que pequenas e simples mudanas em uma comunicao, tem o poder de literalmente multiplicar a quantidade de clientes e vendas de uma empresa.Em outras palavras Copywriting uma estratgia de persuaso comprovada, onde atravs dela influenciamos algum a tomar uma ao. Entender Copy = Mais dinheiro, mais vendas e mais clientes.Os maiores especialistas em Marketing Digital so unnimes em concordar: Copy com certeza o aspecto mais importante para o sucesso de um negcio online (E tambm fsico). to importante que as maiores empresas do mundo utilizam, como: Coca Cola, Polishop e Empiricus.Tenho a absoluta certeza que as estratgias de Copy ensinadas nesse curso, podem ser aprendidas e aplicadas por qualquer pessoa, seguindo o meu mtodo aprovado por mais de 2.000 alunos espalhados em mais de 30 pases ao redor do mundo.As tcnicas de copy funcionam em qualquer negcio de qualquer nicho, pois um mtodo cientificamente comprovado ou seja impossvel falhar!""Esse curso ir te ensinar absolutamente do zero a como aumentar os lucros do seu negcio""Aprenda os comportamentos automticos do ser humano e saiba apresentar um produto ou servio da forma correta, focado na ao de compra;Aprenda a se comunicar de forma persuasiva para fazer seus clientes comprarem muito mais de voc;Cansado de tentar convencer os clientes a comprarem? Se sim, o que irei te ensinar iro fazer os clientes literalmente pedir para comprar de voc;Aprenda a ativar os gatilhos emocionais na cabea do prospecto e ele ir literalmente pedir para comprar;Alcance um patamar de vendas e converses altssimo em seu negcio;""Aplicando todas as estratgias ensinadas nesse curso, voc ir conquistar mais vendas, ter mais conforto e liberdade para curtir o que h de mais importante.""  1. Por que o Copywriting funciona to bem?Porque atravs de entender as dores e necessidades dos clientes, criamos uma comunicao focada nos benefcios e em resolver esses problemas, assim o cliente se sente atrado por sua comunicao e a nica opo comprar de voc.  2. Por que eu preciso aprender Copywriting?Se voc quer multiplicar suas vendas, aumentar seu faturamento e atrair mais clientes, voc precisa aprender Copywriting o quanto antes.  3. Ser que vou conseguir ter resultados?As estratgias de persuaso ensinadas no so baseadas em sorte ou loteria. So tcnicas comprovadas e utilizadas pelas maiores empresas do mundo. Ou seja, basta aplicar e ver os resultados. 4. Ser que o seu curso bom?Reuni o que h de mais moderno e avanado em Copywriting, para voc aplicar e ver as vendas explodirem imediatamente. Tudo explicado passo passo com uma didtica dinmica e simples. De qualquer forma, voc tem 30 dias de garantia INCONDICIONAL. Ou voc gosta, ou seu dinheiro de volta! 5. O que eu vou aprender?Como funciona a crebro e a tomada de deciso que ocorre dentro da cabea das pessoas;A dominar os gatilhos mentais com maestria (Mdulo 3);A utilizar o Storytelling para uma comunicao mais efetiva (Mdulo 5);Criar Headlines (Ttulos e Sub-ttulos) que despertam o interesse de qualquer um e nunca mais ser ignorado (Mdulo 7);A como criar um Pgina de Vendas de alta converso, igual (ou melhor) aos maiores vendedores do mundo (Mdulo 9);As palavras ""quentes"" capazes de fazerem at o mais desatento prestar ateno em voc (Mdulo 6);A entender as dores e necessidades dos clientes e criar benefcios em cima desses problemas (Mdulo 4);A vender transformao e gerar valor na vida do cliente; Ter acesso a modelos prontos de comunicao persuasiva (Mdulo 8);Como ganhar dinheiro como um Copywriter (Mdulo 10);Se deixar para depois, voc poder estar colocando os seus sonhos e o futuro do seu negcio em risco. Venha aprender a ferramenta que ir te levar para o prximo nvel!Inscreva-se agora no curso Copywriting Expert e literalmente alcance voos maiores!Curso de Copywriting mais completo do Brasil;Todos os materiais do curso liberados para download;Aprenda com que realmente entende (Instrutor com mais de 2.000 alunos);Suporte rpido e personalizado;Garantia incondicional de 30 dias (Ou seu dinheiro de volta);""Amanh voc vai desejar ter comeado hoje.""""Um curso de Copywriting com tanta qualidade e focado em resultados simples e fcil desse jeito indito no Brasil. To bom, quanto dos maiores experts americanos"" - Rafael Mota"
Price: 69.99

"Music Analysis 101"
"In this short course we will learn from some of the most famous songs in American popular music. We'll listen to examples of great songwriting, I'll convey what Ifind attractive about these songs, and we'll explore one specific songwriting detail per piece. The main goal is to help listeners grow their appreciation for music. An added benefit for songwriters is that you will walk away with tools that you can apply immediately to our own songs."
Price: 19.99

"1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6. 7.  8.  9. 27:12   1 / . 20  40   60 , . Beat 8th Pop Beat 8th Rock Beat 8th Status Qwo Beat 8th Europe Beat 8th Pop Rock Beat 8th Foo Fighters Beat 1-8th Foo Fighters Beat 2-8th The Killers Beat-8th Blur Beat-8th Beat 16th Pop Beat 16th Rock Beat 16th Status Qwo Beat 16th Europe Beat 16th Pop Rock Beat 16th Foo Fighters Beat 1-16th Foo Fighters Beat 2-16th The Killers Beat-16th Blur Beat-16th 40:41   .     . ()  , .  .    , .   . , . ""DDRUMS Online School"". "
Price: 19.99

"Drum Lessons Learn To Play Drums Courses Step By Step #1"
"Secrets of Professional DrummersDrum kit elementsReceptions of a game and sound extraction on a drum setPosing hands and types of gripBalance SticksSingles and twos hands in various armsLandingPlaying foot on the bass drumArrangement of elements of the drum setTuning drumsGrooves and CoordinationBeat 8thPop Beat 8thRock Beat 8thStatus Qwo Beat 8thEurope Beat 8thPop Rock Beat 8thFoo Fighters Beat 1-8thFoo Fighters Beat 2-8thThe Killers Beat-8thBlur Beat-8thBeat 16thPop Beat 16thRock Beat 16thStatus Qwo Beat 16thEurope Beat 16thPop Rock Beat 16thFoo Fighters Beat 1-16thFoo Fighters Beat 2-16thThe Killers Beat-16thBlur Beat-16th"
Price: 29.99

"curso de programacin web en html css y JavaScript"
"Hola bienvenido al mejor curso de programacin web que encontraras anmate a ver algo de el curso te prometo que te gustara lo que aprenders aprenders a codificar y aprenders nuevos lenguajes tambin aprenders a crear sitios web y juegostodo con un curso sencillo que tan solo esta a un clik de distanciaTe espero en el curso ????????"
Price: 29.99

"GROWTH MINDSET: Skills For Teaching, Parenting, and Life"
"Based on the groundbreaking research of Carol Dweck, growth mindset is the idea that we can grow our brain's capacity to learn and to solve problems. In other words, our minds, intelligence, and ability to learn are not fixed. We can always learn and improve; we just need to believe it is possible!In this course, Dr. Joshua Stern will walk you through thecore principles and fascinating subtleties of a growth mindset, so you too can embrace this expansive way of being, and achieve your full potential."
Price: 19.99

"Persuasive body language for business"
"Did you know that no matter what job you have in life, your success will be determinated 5% by your academic credentials, 15% by your professional experiences, and 80% by your communication skills? The way you communicate with others determinates your incomes, your leadership and your happines. Mastering your body language can not only upgrade your professional success, but it can also enhance your confidence, and help you succeed in your personal life.This coaching program is organized as a ""four step method"":Recognize the emotions you need to transfer during every negotiation.In this chapter you learn what emotion to connect to each moment of a selling: approach, interview, argumentation, close. Why and how to do it with your body language.Train your body to be more expressive and confident.Here, will do exercises to build muscle memory to make you be ready to act naturally. You'll learn how to walk as a leader, with a great posture, giving a great immage of your self, and feeling confident. Arms, hands, shoulders, head, face, eyes... In this chapter you'll train all your body for effectiveness.Train your mind to communicate with success, avoiding self-sabotage.If you have already studied communication, and you still don't have the results you want, you need to look inside of you. At the end of every session you learn how to train your best allie: your mind. It can boost up your results, and make you rich, or it can self-sabotage you, and make you waist time, energy and money, if you don't give it the right direction. How to connect with other persons emotions, and lead.Selling, leading, persuading is as dancing: you need to know how and when to follow, and how and when to lead. You want a win-win relationship with others, and that they want to come back and make business with you. In this chapter you learn how to mirror, and engage mind and body, in order to create a strong relation that lasts after the close of the sale, and invite to make more business in the future."
Price: 89.99

"Metodologia de Certificao Java 8 OCA: Simulados"
"Temos que ser sinceros e claros aqui, no existe mgica que faa voc aprender de um dia para o outro a ser um profissional qualificado. No se preocupe, voc no o nico que mesmo aps horas, dias ou at mesmo meses de estudo ainda se sente despreparado para o exame, voc leu aqueles livros gigantes que ofereceram como soluo de seus problemas e mesmo assim parece que falta algo, eu sei muito bem como voc se sente e digo mais, eu confesso aqui, sou um reprovado do exame, isso mesmo, EU REPROVEI NESTE EXAME.Eu me lembro muito bem na poca, eu estava finalizando minha faculdade e me sentindo pronto para dar o prximo passo em minha carreira. J trabalhava h poucos anos e gostaria de tirar a certificao, na poca, SCJP 6, mas me questionei: Como vou adquirir este conhecimento ?Amigos meus, me recomendaram os livros da Kathy Sierra para os estudos. Dito e feito, comprei o livro e estudei ele inteiro. Chegado o dia da prova, mesmo aps toda a leitura no me sentia confortvel e boom! Foi como um tijolo na minha cabea, o resultado mostrou na hora que havia reprovado e tive que me questionar, O que eu fiz de errado ?Eu j estive na sua pele e vou dizer o que solucionou meu problema, TREINO! Sem o treinamento apropriado eu no teria como realizar a prova e este foi o meu erro na poca, confiei na simples leitura e estudo sem foco nenhum em prtica. Hoje sabendo disso crio este contedo para ajudar todos os desenvolvedores a terem fcil acesso a simulados que so baseados nas documentaes oficiais e livros de referncia como os livros do Scott Selikoff e Jeanne Boyarsky e terem acesso a uma simples metodologia que adotei para facilitar no processo de evoluo e voc se sentir mais confiante.Disponibilizo simulados, tanto com contedo para a certificao OCA 8, com simulados de 70 questes de 150 minutos, quanto para OCP 8, com simulados de 85 questes de 150 minutos, similares s provas reais e pretendo ir incrementando com o tempo caso seja necessrio e os feedbacks de vocs sero muito teis. Gostaria de deixar claro tambm que apesar de meus simulados estarem em portugus para facilitar aos alunos, a prova real completamente em ingls, ento tenham muito cuidado para no se surpreender no exame.Bom, convido a voc, meu caro, a encarar este desafio para a excelncia profissional. Espero que possamos juntos enfrentar esta jornada."
Price: 39.99

"Metodologia de Certificao Java 8 OCP: Simulados"
"Temos que ser sinceros e claros aqui, no existe mgica que faa voc aprender de um dia para o outro a ser um profissional qualificado. No se preocupe, voc no o nico que mesmo aps horas, dias ou at mesmo meses de estudo ainda se sente despreparado para o exame, voc leu aqueles livros gigantes que ofereceram como soluo de seus problemas e mesmo assim parece que falta algo, eu sei muito bem como voc se sente e digo mais, eu confesso aqui, sou um reprovado do exame, isso mesmo, EU REPROVEI NESTE EXAME.Eu me lembro muito bem na poca, eu estava finalizando minha faculdade e me sentindo pronto para dar o prximo passo em minha carreira. J trabalhava h poucos anos e gostaria de tirar a certificao, na poca, SCJP 6, mas me questionei: Como vou adquirir este conhecimento ?Amigos meus, me recomendaram os livros da Kathy Sierra para os estudos. Dito e feito, comprei o livro e estudei ele inteiro. Chegado o dia da prova, mesmo aps toda a leitura no me sentia confortvel e boom! Foi como um tijolo na minha cabea, o resultado mostrou na hora que havia reprovado e tive que me questionar, O que eu fiz de errado ?Eu j estive na sua pele e vou dizer o que solucionou meu problema, TREINO! Sem o treinamento apropriado eu no teria como realizar a prova e este foi o meu erro na poca, confiei na simples leitura e estudo sem foco nenhum em prtica. Hoje sabendo disso crio este contedo para ajudar todos os desenvolvedores a terem fcil acesso a simulados que so baseados nas documentaes oficiais e livros de referncia como os livros do Scott Selikoff e Jeanne Boyarsky e terem acesso a uma simples metodologia que adotei para facilitar no processo de evoluo e voc se sentir mais confiante.Disponibilizo simulados, tanto com contedo para a certificao OCA 8, com simulados de 70 questes de 150 minutos, quanto para OCP 8, com simulados de 85 questes de 150 minutos, similares s provas reais e pretendo ir incrementando com o tempo caso seja necessrio e os feedbacks de vocs sero muito teis. Gostaria de deixar claro tambm que apesar de meus simulados estarem em portugus para facilitar aos alunos, a prova real completamente em ingls, ento tenham muito cuidado para no se surpreender no exame.Bom, convido a voc meu caro a encarar este desafio para a excelncia profissional. Espero que possamos juntos enfrentar esta jornada."
Price: 39.99

"Organic Chemistry: Spectroscopy Master Class"
"In this course, I'll walk you through the four major spectroscopic methods that are covered in Organic Chemistry courses. Each method is covered in detail with background and practice problems for each method. I'll warn you about common stumbling blocks and mental hurdles students normally face, and I'll give you practical problem solving tips and tricks!You're going to do AWESOME! :)"
Price: 199.99

"Organic Chemistry I - Complete Master Class"
"       In this course, I'll help you get comfortable with all of the major topics in the first semester of Organic Chemistry. All too often, students fear this course or they consider it too difficult for the average person to succeed.        I'm here to tell you that that's simply not true. You don't have to be a genius to succeed in OChem, and you don't have to spend hours upon hours of memorizing random details to make a good grade. You do have to understand the fundamentals, and you do have to be good at applying those fundamentals.        My goal is to help you get to those Eureka moments quicker and more often than your peers through analogy and cutting through all of the unneeded fluff that most students fixate on. If you're having trouble with OChem, if you want a course to help you prepare, or if you just want a different perspective on the topic, I hope that you'll join me! You're going to do great! :) "
Price: 199.99

"Spanish Pronunciation Course"
"Our Spanish Pronunciation Spanish course is 100% online so you can study in your own time, at your own pace, whenever, wherever you want!Study at home, work, on the train, bus, in your living room... it's entirely up to you!! The course consists of 4 main sections: introduction, main course, Hola Spanish on the go,and assessment and certificate. In the core section of the course, you will learngeneral pronunciation cues and then continue within-depth sound by sound study of the Spanish consonants and vowels. You will also learn to distinguish the pronunciation ofwords with a written accent indifferent syllables.In this course you willalso learn the different Spanish accents and regional varieties difference (Spanish from Spain vs Latin America). You will train your ear to hear different Spanish accents and improve your listening skills.Each unit has a theory part followed by practice and exercises.You can take your lessons wherever you gowith Hola Spanish on the go, where you'll have all the lessons in an audio format so you can listen and practice in the car, on the train, in your morning walk, at gym,wherever you want.The assessment section is optional if you wish to receive a certificate of completion of the course.You also get24/7 support andcommunication with your teachers outside the virtual classroom.YOU WILL IMPROVE:Speaking:you will improve your Spanish pronunciation skills and you will sound more natural in Spanish.Listening:By fully understanding Spanish sounds, you will be able to understand native speakers better.Communication skills:You will improve your overall communication skills in Spanish.Who's this course for?This course is suitable for all levels of Spanish. If you wish to improve your speaking and listening skills in Spanish, this course is perfect for you."
Price: 44.99

"Fitness Hakknda Bilinmesi Gereken Her ey A'dan Z'ye Eitim"
"Bu kurs spor hakknda bilmeniz gereken btn bilgiyi en ksa ve zet eklinde size sunacak olup sizi bir spor duayenine dntrecektir.Tek banza hi kimseden yardm almadan ne yapmanz gerektiini bilecek duruma gelmi olacaksnz.Fit salkl ve yazn karn kaslarnz sergilemek iin yapmanz gerekenleri bilerek yaza hazrlanacaksnz.Bunun yannda spor salonlar, antrenrler hakknda bilmediiniz ve kesinlikle bilmeniz gerekenler bu eitimde.Antrenman srasnda yapabileceiniz egzersiz eitleri.Asla kullanmamanz gereken ilalar, steroidler ve size sylenmeyen zararlar.Ksaca hangi sporu ne kadar nasl ne iin yapmanz gerektii hakknda dev eitim setidir."
Price: 49.99

"Indoor Cycling Level 1"
"Indoor Cycling hakknda bilmeniz gereken btn bilgiyi en ksa ve zet eklinde size sunacak olup sizi bir indoor cycling duayenine dntrecektir.Hangi kurumdan eitim alacak olursanz olun ncesinde almanz gereken size gerekleri gsteren eitimdir.Tek banza hi kimseden yardm almadan ne yapmanz gerektiini bilecek duruma gelmi olacaksnz.Fit salkl ve yazn karn kaslarnz sergilemek iin yapmanz gerekenleri bilerek yaza hazrlanacaksnz.Evde spin bike ile neler yapabileceinize aracaksnz. Evde indoor cycling ile alakal herey.Grup dersi veren bir antrenr iseniz sizi bir st seviyeye karacak eitim setidir.Antrenman srasnda yapabileceiniz egzersiz eitleri.Ksaca indoor cycling hakknda ne zaman ne iin yapmanz anlatan eitim setidir.Eitimi baar ile bitirdiiniz de Uluslararas Eitim Plaformu olan UDEMY sertifikasn alacaksnz."
Price: 409.99

"Pilates Hakknda Her ey ; Evde Pilates Egzersizleri Yapn"
"Hi spor bilgisi olmayan kiiler veya TCF sertifikal antrenrler, sfrdan ileri seviyeye kadar pilates bu kursumuzda.Joseph Pilates kimdir sorusundan balayp Level 3 Pilatese kadar detayl bir ekilde eitim setidir.Aklnza taklan btn sorular ekinmeden sorabilir ve videolu olarak cevap bulabilirsiniz.Tek banza hi kimseden yardm almadan ne yapmanz gerektiini bilecek duruma gelmi olacaksnz.Fit salkl ve yazn karn kaslarnz sergilemek iin yapmanz gerekenleri bilerek yaza hazrlanacaksnz.Ksaca hangi pilatesi ne kadar nasl ne iin yapmanz gerektii hakknda dev eitim setidir."
Price: 49.99

"Startup Launchpad Masterclass - Entrepreneurship Bootcamp"
"Every entrepreneur wants to have a successful startup but why 80% of startup fails - because the entrepreneur is not prepared. In the Startup Launchpad Masterclass program youll learn everything you must know to launch and grow your startup successfully. This course will guide you through the entire journey of entrepreneurship with proven expertise used by entrepreneurs to build $Mn startupsfinding an innovative idea--------> validating the idea--------->assessing the opportunity---------->creating business-plan--------->executing the plan------------>capturing the market------>building competitive advantage ------>managing finance------->building a successful teamsYou will also getIdea validation checklistOpportunity Assessment ChecklistStartup Business plan framework"
Price: 4800.00

"Bienvenido o bienvenida a este curso de derecho mercantil donde te explicamos toda una serie de conceptos de la manera ms rpida y sencilla posible. Si estas viendo esto, es probable que seas un estudiante hasta arriba de tareas, cansado de clases improductivas y, si te lo tomas medianamente enserio, con falta de tiempo para hacer muchas actividades: tales como deporte o salir con tus amigos. Gracias a este curso, podrs por primera vez empezar a tener tiempo para otras cosas, ya que te hemos trado TODO lo importante que debes conocer sobre el DERECHO MERCANTIL, EN SU PRIMERA PARTE, explicado de la manera ms clara y fcil posible. Es posible que aun as te falte algo de confianza, me estarn estafando esta gente? Es normal, yo tambin lo hara, sobretodo cuando es la primera vez que veo un videocurso de estas caractersticas, distinto a todos los manuales y cdigos mata-pjaros que puedas encontrar. Es por ello, que si al final de este curso, consideras que todos las explicaciones sencillas, ejemplos y aplicaciones prcticas de los conocimientos jurdicos no te han servido, puedes pedir tu reembolso!   Dicho esto, esperamos verte dentro. Un cordial saludo!"
Price: 34.99

"Cryptocurrency for Beginners in 2020: Buy & Sell Like a Pro"
"Would you like to learn the quickest and easiest way to safely invest into Cryptocurrency? If so, you may love this Udemy Course!  Cryptocurrency for Beginners in 2019: Buy & Sell Like a Pro - is one of them most complete cryptocurrency investing course for beginners. By taking this course you'll get involved with every aspect that is needed to safely invest in cryptocurrency, but also how to maximize your profits. With this course, you'll enough knowledge that is needed to start investing in cryptocurrency, which includes the basics of cryptocurrency, the difference between exchanges and wallets and how to secure your crypocurrency in the safest way possible. After you've gained enough knowledge about Cryptocurrency and want to start to invest in Cryptocurrency, YOU NEED AN INVESTING PLAN. With this investing plan you are going to minimize your losses and maximize your profits, but also you will know how to get yourself from being a non-experience to a professional trader!The trading foundation will exactly guide you through the entire process of making an investing plan from a traders perspective, which includes the basic of investing, rules you have to follow and how to be a professional trader so you don't make the same mistakes as every non-experienced trader. Now you need to know when to BUY and SELL and you do this by using technical analysis. The last part of the course will explain your the fundamentals that is needed to do proper technical analysis, which includes the basics of technical analysis, charting, time frame and strategies you can use to know when it is the best time to buy and sell so you can maximize your profits!You can be assured youll have access to both of your instructors throughout the course on-demand. Remember, youll gain lifetime access to this course which includes all future updates free of charge, and theres a 30 day money back guarantee with no questions asked.Nothing Is Holding You Back From Becoming A Pro Cryptocurrency Trader!Go ahead, and click that take this course button! Grab this totally risk free opportunity to become a cryptocurrency trader. Well see you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Cryptocurrency Trading Mastery 2020: The Complete Course!"
"""Learn The Exact Same Proven Formula I Used To Make More Money Trading Cryptocurrencies For A Week, Than I Made In A WHOLE YEAR At My 9-5 Job."" Do you realise that in 2019 everyone has the potential to achieve Financial Freedom by building extra income streams, yet most people fail to realise this or don't know how to do this? In this Cryptocurrency Trading Mastery course you will learn EXACTLY how I, and many others, have achieved this through Cryptocurrency Trading ..and how YOUcan too! They call Cryptocurrencies ""ABigger Invention Than The Internet Itself"" and many high-tech entrepreneurs believe it to still be in it's infancy stage! This means Cryptocurrencies have this HUGEPOTENTIAL to grow 10x - 100x or even 1000x times their worth at the moment. Even after the BOOMINGMARKETof 2017, when all Cryptocurrencies skyrocketed and then went straight down in 2018, the market has not stopped growing in the amount of users, developers, businesses and traders. This is because they see the huge potential of making Financial Gains in the Cryptocurrency Market ...and so should you!In this Cryptocurrency Trading Mastery course you will learn everything you need to know to Profitably Trade Cryptocurrencies! Whether you're a total beginner or an expert already, you will learn something new in this course, period.STOP TRADING YOUR TIME FOR A SALARY AND START TRADING CRYPTOCURRENCIES FOR YOUR FREEDOM.Who this course is NOTfor:YOU'RE SATISFIED WITH YOUR CURRENT 9-5 JOBYOU'RE SATISFIED WITH YOUR CURRENT FINANCIAL SITUATIONYOU DON'T WANT TO GROW AND LEARN NEW SKILLS IN LIFE"
Price: 199.99

"The Secrets of math"
"Now you can use simple math secrets to do math faster than a calculator effortlessly in your head, even if you have no aptitude for math & hate math to begin with.Mathematics is considered to be a dry and boring subject by a large number of people. Children dislike and fear mathematics for many reasons. This course is made with the sole purpose of helping school and college students, teachers, parents, common people and people from non-mathematical areas of study, to discover the joys of solving mathematical problems by a wonderful set of techniques.You dont have to buy this course - listen, just read this page (or better watch the free video) until the very end and you will learn a thing that will change the way you do math forever.And you will immediately improve your mental calculation speed from what it is now, without writing anything down, without doing anything you have been taught in school & without having sweaty palms and butterflies in your stomach.Not too long ago, I gave myself a goal: I dedicated myself to helping at least 1,000,000 men and women improve their own lives, by giving them the knowledge they need, to realize their lifes full potential. So, I came to the decision that I need to let as many men and women into this cause as possible for the benefit of everyone. Warning: I collected these secrets and tricks after hours of research from various sources and personal experiences.Content and overviewI have designed this course to be suitable for all age groups.So if you are a learner trying to overcome your math phobia or crack an aptitude test or keep those brain cells ticking, then this course is for you.If you are a math teacher looking to add a spark to your teaching and more importantly enhance your knowledge base, this course is certainly for you.Rid yourself of math phobia and learn to love and manipulate numbers with this tutorial suitable for all age groups.Walk with me for a moment as we imagine you waking up tomorrow being able to do lightning fast math in your head.School taught you the wrong way to do math.The way you have been taught math in school is what slows you down, i will show you what i mean with an example:Try to multiply the 65 ^ 2.65 x 65 =Step 1: 5x 60 =3005 x 5 =25300+25 = 325Step 2:60 x65 =60 x 5 =30060 x 60 =3600300 + 3600 =3900Step 3:3900 + 325 = 4225Answer: 4225You might even end up multiplying again because you forgot one of the numbers. So it might take quite a bit of effort to get the answer of the multiplication. Mental math will become a whole lot easier if you didnt have to use so much of your working memory.You might think you are anxious about math, because you are bad at it. But its often the other way around. You are doing poorly in math, because you are anxious about it.Math anxiety decreases your working memory. So see math as a challenge that will expand the limits of your intelligence. Do this and you will increase your mental math calculation speed even further.Can you see yourself not only doing math fast but also enjoying yourself being a mental math super hero?Do the opposite of what you have been taught in school?Ok, remember what i told you earlier about how the way we have been taught math in school requires us to remember a lot of numbers?The secret of doing mental math fast in your head is.Now, for example, with one of the methods in this lesson, we answer the above question:Try to multiply the 65 ^ 2.Step 1: youll always multiply the first digit by the next highest number. (6 x 7 = 42)Step 2: the answer will always, always, always end in 25.So answer: 4225Very simple and as fast as possible.Now try to multiply the 95 ^ 2.(9*10) (25) = 9025Great!Here is what you can expect in each lesson:Part 1:Lesson 1. Introduction.Lesson 2. The Secret and Techniques of Multiply a Big Number by 5.Lesson 3. The Secret and Techniques of Multiply a Big Number by 6.Lesson 4. How to Multiply Quickly with 9.Lesson 5. How to Multiply Quickly with 11.Lesson 6. Multiplication Secrets by 15.Lesson 7. Multiplication Secrets by 25.Lesson 8. Multiplication Secrets by 99.Lesson 9. Multiplication Secrets by 111.Lesson 10. The Secret of Numbers Below 20.Part 2:Lesson 11. Squaring Numbers.Lesson 12. The Secret of Multiplying Large Numbers in Your Head.Lesson 13. Multiplication Secrets of Numbers Whose Difference Is 4.Lesson 14. The Secret of 101.Lesson 15. The Secret of 1001.Part 3:Lesson 16. Amazing Tables of 6, 7, 8 And 9 In Your Hands.Lesson 17. The Secret of the Table of 9.Part 4:Lesson 18. Where Your Answer Is Always 2.Lesson 19. Where Your Answer Is Always 5.Lesson 20. Where Your Answer Is Always 37.Lesson 21. Where Your Answer Is Always 1089.Lesson 22. Amazing Age and Shoe Size.Part 5:Lesson 23. Interesting Series.Lesson 24. Friedman Numbers.Lesson 25. The Magic of the Number 37.Lesson 26. The Rational Series 142857.Lesson 27. How to Memorize Number Pi?Part 6:Lesson 28. Division Secrets in 2 Seconds.No pen & paper required - no complicated rules for special situations.To save your time, and mine, let me tell you what it isI uncovered these hidden patterns and unique (sometimes 'odd') tactics they use to do math with super human speed. What is remarkable about this system is it is so simple that even a child can do it. And now, starting today, their success can be your success.Click ""buy now""!"
Price: 19.99

"Site Para Fotografo 2019 - Crie Voc Mesmo o Seu Site"
"Sei que voc j est tirando belssimas fotos. T cheio de fotos no computador e celular tambm? Colocou apenas no Insta e Face? Vamos alavancar ainda mais as suas visitas com este Site Super Profissional que voc mesmo ira fazer.Isso mesmo! Voc! Olha s...Quer receber mais telefonemas de pessoas querendo fazer ensaios contigo? Pois bem... Eu me chamo Bel Brasil e neste Curso Completo de Site Para Fotgrafo eu vou te ensinar a criar seu prprio site completo em MENOS DE DUAS HORA e GASTANDO MUITO POUCO, isso mesmo!Te garanto que voc consegue fazer seu prprio site profissional muito mais rpido do que voc imagina, basta seguir as aulas do curso e pronto! Seu site estar no ar em pouco tempo."
Price: 579.99

"Como fazer unhas de gel"
"Aqui vais poder aprender passo-a-passo a fazer as tuas unhas, ou de clientes. uma base, para conseguires praticar depois. Para quem j tem as bases, uma forma de aprender mais, e para quem j manicure tambm pode aperfeioar as unhas de gel.Mostro todos os passos em detalhes e explico como se faz, incluindo como fazer o apex (curvatura da unha), como dar forma unha, limagem, e mais."
Price: 34.99

"Going The Distance Male Sexual Mastery"
"Can you last long enough to satisfy your partner without the use of performance enhancement drugs?Can you honestly say that you want to keep spending money on sexual aides to extend your sexual performance?Are you aware that at some point your body will stop reacting to performance enhancement drugs?Are you okay with the possibility that you will need penis implanted with a pump to get an erection if you stay on performance enhancement drugs?If you answered No to these questions, I may have the solution for you.Welcome to UFW Lifestyles Mens Health Series Going The Distance Mastering Your Sexual Stamina without the use of sexual aides or pharmeceuticals"
Price: 19.99

"Simulados para CERTIFICAO MICROSOFT 70-697 / 70-698"
"Seja um profissional diferenciado! As empresas esto contratando profissionais CERTIFICADOS.Prove que voc possui a especializao para configurar e manter sistemas empresariais no Windows 10. Oferecemos simulados para que voc possa estudar e passar no Exame microsoft 70-697, Configurando dispositivos do Windows e Exame Microsoft 70-698 - Instalando e configurando o Windows 10. O simulado contm as Perguntas mais recentes e atualizadas do exame que foram feitas em cima do material oficial da MICROSOFT para os candidatos obterem 100% do conhecimento e serem aprovados. Utilize os simulados apenas se j obtiver domnio do assunto ou aps estudar o material do curso. Para obter o MCSA voc necessita realizar dois exames 70-697 e 70-698. No Exame 70-697 sero cobrados os conhecimentos em:Gerenciar identidade (10 a 15%)Planejar o desenvolvimento do desktop e do dispositivo (10 a 15%)Planejar e implementar uma soluo do microsoft 365 (10 a 15%)Configurar a Rede (10 a 15%)Configurar o armazenamento (10 a 15%)Gerenciar o acesso a dados e proteo (10 a 15%)Gerenciar o acesso remoto (10 a 15%)Gerenciar aplicativos (10 a 15%)Gerenciar atualizaes e recuperaes (10 a 15%)No Exame 70-698 sero cobrados os conhecimentos em:Implementar o Windows (de 30% a 35%)Configurar e dar suporte aos principais servios (30-35%)Gerenciar e manter o Windows (30-35%)Boa Sorte nos estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Melhor Simulado ATUAL para CERTIFICAO 70 -740 / 741 / 742"
"Os exames da Microsoft ajudam voc a se destacar e validar seus conhecimentos e habilidades. Oferecemos o melhor simulado para que voc possa estudar e passar no Exame microsoft 70-740,70-741 e 70-742. Os simulados contm as perguntas mais recentes e atualizadas dos exames que foram feitas em cima dos materiais oficiais da MICROSOFT para os candidatos obterem 100% do conhecimento e serem aprovados. Utilize os simulados apenas se j obtiver domnio do assunto ou aps estudar o material do curso. Estes simulados medem a sua capacidade de realizar as tarefas tcnicas como:70-740Instalar Windows Servers em ambientes de host e de clculo (1015%)Implementar solues de armazenamento (1015%)Implementar o Hyper-V (2025%)Implementar contineres do Windows (510%)Implementar alta disponibilidade (3035%)Manter e monitorar ambientes de servidor (1015%) 70-741Implementar Sistema de Nome de Domnio (DNS) (1520%)Implementar DHCP e IPAM (25-30%)Implementar solues de conectividade de rede e de acesso remoto (20-25%)Implementar solues de rede principal e distribuda (15-20%)Implementar uma infraestrutura avanada de rede (15-20%)70-742Instalar e configurar Servios de Domnio do Active Directory (AD DS) (2025%)Gerenciar e manter AD DS (1520%)Criar e gerenciar Poltica de Grupo (25-30%)Implementar Servios de Certificados do Active Directory (AD CS) (1015%)Implementar solues de acesso e federao de identidade (1520%) Boa Sorte nos estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Simulados 2019 AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate"
"Nossos simulados contem varias perguntas para o exame de certificao AWS Solution Architect Associate. Oferecemos explicaes detalhadas para todas as perguntas que ajudaro voc a entender a pergunta.Eles podem ser acessados on-line e 100% compatvel com dispositivos mveis e todos em portugus para melhor compreenso.Entenda que , a ltima etapa antes de sentar para o exame praticar atravs de simulados. Quanto mais, melhor. Faa muitos simulados. Veja quais so as reas de estudo onde voc est acertando menos e volte a ler a documentao correspondente. Prepare-se para questes com mltiplas alternativas. O exame Oficial conta os seguintes itens abaixo : 60 Perguntas80 Minutos para realizar o exame65% a nota para aprovao (no confirmado pela Amazon, a % flutua)Preo: 150$ dollares (No existe retake e voc pode tentar mximo de 3/4x por ANO)Contm centros nas principais cidades do Brasil.Dicas de Estudo:Tenha uma conta FREE na Amazon, se familiarize com a interface antes de realizar os simulados.ESTUDE, MUITO.Faa todos e quaisquer simulados pertinentes que voc achar na internet.Deixe-nos uma pergunta que ficaremos felizes em responder durante os estudos.Boa Sorte nos estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Simulados CCNA 2019 - Exames 100-105, 200-105"
"Os exames do CCNA abrangem uma ampla variedade de tpicos de roteamento e switching, e as perguntas podem ser bastante detalhadas. A prtica leva perfeio e os testes prticos feitos sob medida para cada um dos sete domnios de exames fornecem uma oportunidade ideal para garantir seu prprio desempenho de alto nvel. Quando voc est pronto para levar a srio a certificao CCNA, os testes de prtica de switch e roteamento CCNA so sua soluo para a confiana definitiva do dia do exame.Os exames destes simulados testam seu conhecimento prtico em redes de dados, endereamento, roteamento e servios de IP; segurana de dispositivos de rede; soluo de problemas e muito mais. Eles cobrem tudo para ajud-lo a descobrir o que voc j sabe, o que ainda precisa aprender e o que esperar no dia do exame.Abrangem tudo o que voc ver no exame - os fundamentos da rede; Tecnologias de switching LAN; tecnologias de roteamento; Tecnologias de WAN; e servios de infra-estrutura, segurana e gerenciamento - para que voc possa evitar surpresas no dia do exame. Totalmente alinhado com as verses mais recentes dos exames, estes simulados ajudam voc a concentrar seu tempo de estudo e a remover incertezas para que voc possa encarar o exame com confiana."
Price: 39.99

"Simulados para EXIN Ethical Hacking Foundation"
"A certificao EXIN Ethical Hacking Foundation fornece aos profissionais de TI uma slida compreenso e conhecimento tcnico dos princpios por trs do Ethical Hacking. O exame explica os diferentes mtodos usados para testar e determinar a segurana da infraestrutura de TI dentro de uma organizao.Nosso simulado possui explicaes detalhadas para todas as perguntas que ajudaro voc a entender porque a resposta esta certa.Eles  podem ser acessados on-line e 100% compatvel com  dispositivos mveis e todos em portugus para melhor compreenso.Entenda que , a ltima etapa antes de sentar para o exame praticar atravs de simulados. Quanto mais, melhor. Faa muitos simulados. Veja quais so as reas de estudo onde voc est acertando menos e volte a ler a documentao correspondente. Prepare-se para questes com mltiplas alternativas. O exame Oficial conta os seguintes itens abaixo : 40 Perguntas60 Minutos para realizar o exame65% a nota para aprovao Lnguas : Portugus e inglsPreo: $225,00 DolaresContm centros nas principais cidades do Brasil.Dicas de Estudo:Tenha um sistema linux, se familiarize com os cdigos e a interface antes de realizar os simulados.PRATIQUE E ESTUDE MUITO.Faa todos e quaisquer simulados pertinentes que voc achar na internet.Deixe-nos uma pergunta que ficaremos felizes em responder durante os estudos.Boa Sorte nos estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Beginner Guitar: You Only Need 6 Chords"
"Have you ever seen someone play a guitar and make it look like the most easy and effortless thing in the world? It was as if they could use the strings as an extension of their native language to shape the mood of the air around them. Inspired, you probably picked up a guitar and tried to learn only to find that it was an endless maze of chords and theories stacked on top of numbing headaches and fingertip pain. You may have wrote them off as a ""natural"" and decided that the guitar just wasn't meant for some people. Like you, I felt this way for a long, long time. Ipushed myself to learn songs despite headaches, pain, and ambiguous online tutorials. Against all odds, I managed to learn some fairly impressive tunes. Despite all this, I always felt like a fake. I had no foundation and felt like a house of cards that could crumble at any minute. One day, it crumbled. I was backstage at a show where local pop singers had hired some friends and I to play behind them at a showcase. Yep, despite mostly sucking at the guitar I got hired somehow. ? Then a singer burst into the green room and exclaimed that her voice was wrecked from over-practicing and we'd have to take it down a key. I had no idea how to do this and it had taken all my effort to get these songs to the point where they sounded passable at best. She left. We were 20mins from showtime. In a panic, I asked the pianist for help. In a relaxed, unhurried manor, he pulled out a sheet of paper and wrote down some new chords and found me a capo. I was shocked. The chords were simple. I could play them in my sleep. Despite the fact that he was playing outlandish complex parts, he'd simplified my part to just a few easy chords and it sounded amazing. He saved the show. Over the next few months, I became his most loyal student and soaked in everything Icould about music. There was a ton of super dense info because he was a music student inclined to practicing 5+ hours a day. In time, I simplified the mountains of music theory I studied and started teaching students of my own. I found that students could master the guitar quickly by focusing on just a few key points. Some people call this the 80/20 rule which occurs when 20% of your effort gives you 80% of your results. In time I called this process the Six Chord Method because you literally only need to master six chords to play 95% of pop and rock music. It crystalized into a 12-week lesson schedule with six weeks of learning and six weeks of practicing each concept. Soon my schedule filled up with lessons and show dates. Saddened thatI couldn't help more people learn the guitar, I decided to make this online course to take people out of the ""void"" where they have no foundation for learning into a place where they can comfortably play their favorite songs on the shortest path possible. This course includes all the essential shortcuts:How to learn faster than everyone elseHow to play effortlessly without painHow to strum like a pro without learning difficult strumming patternsHow to play and embroider the only chords you ever need to learnHow to apply a small amount of music theory to knock years off your practice timeHow to play all your favorite songs with just a few chordsSo if you're a singer, songwriter, or musician that wants to learn the guitar in the newest, easiest way possible, then get started TODAY. The price is going up soon. One student recently said, When I started practicing the guitar, one of my long-term goals was to get good enough to consider myself a guitarist. This program made me realize that that point was much nearer on the horizon than I had imagined. Within a few hours, I was able to play along with a couple of my favorite songs, and Ryan has been able to help me shortcut what wouldve been a long, directionless path otherwise. Being able to see those tangible results has inspired me forward and made learning the guitar a heck of a lot of fun. Another student said, ""This course is a completely different way of approaching the guitar. I realize now how directionless my path was before. I'm already playing songs that would've taken years otherwise.""So if you're ready to get off the long and winding road and become the guitarist that you always knew you could be, then get started today!"
Price: 99.99

"Play Incredible Guitar Solos: Essential Exercises"
"""Ryan's course has taught me so much about guitar soloing that I couldn't have learned elsewhere. I was even able to play a solo from one of my favorite songs!"" -Michael Suprise""Ryan has been able to help me shortcut what wouldve been a long, directionless path otherwise. Being able to see thosetangible resultshas inspired me forward and made learning the guitar a heck of a lot of fun."" -Jorden BarrowWhat are your dreams?If you had the freedom to play anything you wanted on the guitar, what would you be playing right now? If youre like most people, you might hesitate to answer this question because you feel like it would be considered unrealistic or you feel like maybe youre just not the guitar soloing type. Youve got a busy schedule so maybe you dont have time or maybe you just cant afford lessons with top quality teachers. Its perfectly normal to feel this way, but Im here to tell you, if you feel the guitar calling out to you and you want to play beautiful solos, then youll be able to do it! And its not as hard as you might think. My Story:A few years ago I was just like you. I didnt see how I could possibly master the art of playing inspiring guitar solos. The dream was too big and my idols were too good. Maybe guitar gods became a phrase because the rest of us mortals simply couldnt ever learn to play like them. I slaved away for years spending most of my practice time noodling around over a few scales never really getting anywhere. It all seemed so complicated at first but gradually over time, I began to realize that there are only 3 main pillars that make up great guitar solos:1. Scales 2. Left hand techniques 3. Right hand techniques After I mastered these 3 pillars, I thrived. Ive been able to play onstage with nearly 100 different singers and groups, Ive won multiple awards and recognitions including the runner-up prize in a national guitar competition sponsored by Elton Johns guitarist and most importantly, I can plug in and play great guitar solos on-demand. Your Story:The 3 pillars are not hard to understand. The problem is that people fail to actually master them. I know its hard to build discipline to practice. Thats why I made this course. In this course Ill give you access to the exact practices that I used to master the 3 pillars of guitar plus Ill include a 4th section that shows how build on these pillars to take you from a complete beginner to a master of guitar solos. Each lesson is about 5-10mins and will feel as if I literally sat down to practice with you so you wont have any excuses to get distracted or sidetracked and Ill answer all your questions as we go through the exercises so you never get stumped. This will put you in the top 5% of guitarists who actually have a practice schedule so you can improve much quicker than everyone else. This course is great for absolute beginners as well as knowledgeable players who just want to get better at playing solos. So if youre ready to take your guitar solos to the next level, sign up for the course right now. Or check out the free video previews to learn more about how you can start to master the guitar TODAY."
Price: 49.99