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"&--1.2.3 45. 12-2 Jessie 1.TA(Target Audience)2.3.4.vs 5.vs6.,)8.9.10."
Price: 1000.00

"Machine Learning: The Art of Digging Data"
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Data Scientist!Are you Interested in the field of Machine Learning?Then this course is for you!This course has been designed by two master degree students who are specialized in Data Science and Machine Learning and having 2 years of experience in IT industry so that we can share our knowledge and experience to help you learn complex theory,algorithms and coding libraries in a layman's way.This course has been design in such a way that anyone who has basic knowledge of math can understand the concepts and implement them. We will do all the coding from scratch, so that a person with zero knowledge of programming language will also be able to mastery in this field. It is structured the following way:Course IntroductionPython Tools for Machine LearningPython for Machine LearningMachine LearningJourney to SkLearnData Preprecessing and Visualization Regression Model , Tuning and ValidationClassification Model , Tuning and ValidationIntroduction to NLPThe course will not only give you grip over the concepts but it also contains some very interesting and real-life coding excercise which gives great flavour to the course. This Course will also be helpful for those who are having machine learning in their course. What knowledge & tools are required?No prior knowledge necessary.Anaconda Python distribution for codingWho should take this course?Any beginners interested to gain knowledge in Machine LearningWhat will students achieve or be able to do after taking your course?Hands-on experience of Machine Learning using Python.Basic knowledge of Python coding needed for ML.Knowledge of Machine Learning paradigms and algorithms.Knowledge of ML model creation.Mastery in Data Visualization.Knowledge on using NLP in text classification problems.Knowledge of performance metrics to increase model.Knowledge of problem-solving based on data analysis."
Price: 7040.00

"Angular CLI 7: Quick Start"
"This course covers the basics needed to quickly get started using Angular CLI and becoming productive building, testing, and generating code using the CLI. The most commonly used commands and options will be introduced and demonstrated in a command-line environment. Each section is broken down into granular topics that can be quickly referenced in the future if a refresher on the topic is needed."
Price: 24.99

"Desarrollo de videojuegos con Phaser 3 prctico y desde cero"
"Si siempre has querido desarrollar tus propios videojuegos y nunca has tenido la oportunidad o una gua para hacerlo ahora es tu oportunidad.Este curso no es como los otros cursos en lo que copias y pegas cdigo al mismo tiempo que haces un juego y al final no te enteras de lo que estas haciendo.En este curso te guiar para que entiendas las partes del motor que usamos y luego pondremos en prctica lo aprendido.Profundizaremos en este motor, crearemos juegos y aprenderemos a publicar nuestros videojuegos con esta genial herramienta.Phaser es un gran framework que nos permite desarrollar videojuegos con HTML5. Phaser 3 es la actualizacin del ya conocido framework (Phaser 2.X o Phaser-CE), esta nueva versin nos ayuda a tener un cdigo mucho ms modular logrando as tener un cdigo final mucho ms ordenado.Si eres desarrollador web, tienes conocimientos de programacin bsica o simplemente quieres aprender a hacer tu primer juego, este curso es para ti."
Price: 199.99

"Desarrollo de videojuegos con Phaser 3 - Iniciacin"
"Phaser es un gran framework que nos permite desarrollar videojuegos con HTML5. Phaser 3 es la actualizacin del ya conocido framework (Phaser 2.X o Phaser-CE), esta nueva versin nos ayuda a tener un cdigo mucho ms modular logrando as tener un cdigo final mucho ms ordenado.En este curso aprenders a crear un videojuego el cual nos ayudar a introducirnos en el maravilloso mundo del desarrollo del desarrollo de juegos con JavaScript y Phaser 3.Si eres desarrollador web, tienes conocimientos de programacin bsica o simplemente quieres aprender a hacer tu primer juego, este curso es para ti.Aprenderemos a crear un videojuego desde cero hasta su final y el juego que haremos ser un Snake.Con el snake aprenderemos:- A crear nuestra estructura de carpetas para crear nuestros juegos- A cargar nuestros imgenes- A crear distintas escenas y mucho ms.Espero que el curso sea de tu agrado y que lo disfrutes, nos vemos en el curso."
Price: 19.99

"Iniciao Filosofia Escolstica e Moderna"
"A filosofia um conceito muito abstrato. Afinal, o que filosofia? Definies do dicionrio no conseguem abranger a dimenso do que se trata esse mbito do conhecimento. Neste curso, aprender o bsico da disciplina filosfica: a ideia dos grandes pensadores acerca do mundo e como aplicar esse saber em seu dia a dia, a fim de que seu quotidiano se torne melhor, mais socivel e mais desenvolto. Neste curso composto por uma srie de simulados, ir testar o quo bem conhece o mundo - e como proceder para o compreender melhor."
Price: 54.99

"Arduino: Grundlagenkurs fr absolute Einsteiger"
"Du hast schon mal was von Arduino gehrt, weit aber nicht, was es ist und mchtest das ndern? Du brauchst fr ein Projekt eine Lichtsteuerung, eine Bewegungsautomatisierung oder eine Klanginstallation, kennst Dich aber berhaupt nicht mit Steuerungstechnik aus? Dann bist Du bei diesem Lehrgang genau richtig. Ich mchte mit diesem Kurs ganz bewusst auch absolute Einsteiger ansprechen, die weder programmieren knnen, noch jemals einen Ltkolben in der Hand hatten.Knnt Ihr trotzdem beeindruckende und sicher funktionierende Steuerungen entwickeln. Wenn Euch jemand verspricht, das wre problemlos mglich, dann lgt er schlicht und ergreifend. Aber wenn Ihr bereit seid, neue Dinge zu lernen und jemanden an Eurer Seite habt, der alle Eure Fragen beantwortet, dann funktioniert es. Ob Ihr bereit sein, knnt nur Ihr sagen, ich bin auf jeden Fall fr Eure Fragen bereit. Und eine mchte ich Euch sofort beantworten, weil die hufiger gestellt wird:Ich mchte ein ganz bestimmtes Projekt realisieren, kann mir der Lehrgang dabei helfen? Ja, das kann er. Ich helfe Euch auch jenseits des zugnglichen Materials ganz individuell weiter. Also, worauf wartet Ihr noch. Meldet Euch an und Ihr werdet mit Sicherheit bald Projekte entwickeln, die Euch selbst und andere erstaunen."
Price: 24.99

"MicroPython: Python fr Mikrocontroller (ESP32 und STM32)"
"Dieser Lehrgang beschreibt alle Schritte fr die Installation von MicroPython auf einem Mikrocontroller-System. Als Hardware wird ein super gnstiges Wifi Kit 32 mit ESP32-Controller und integrierter OLED-Anzeige genutzt. Du findest dieses Board fr wenige Euro im Netz und kannst dann alle Schritte direkt nachvollziehen und austesten. Auerdem werde ich Schritt fr Schritt Micropython auch auf einem STM32-Nucleo-Board installieren.Anschlieend werden wir MicroPython ergrnden und in konkreten Programmen sowohl fr den ESP32 als auch fr den SMT32 ausprobieren. Dieser Lehrgang ist zwar kein Python-Kurs, aber ich werde jeden einzelnen Schritt erklren, sodass Du alles nachvollziehen kannst, auch wenn Du noch nie in Python programmiert hast. Auch die Mikrocontroller-Seite wird beleuchtet, aber nur so weit wie es fr das Verstndnis und die Umsetzung notwendig ist. Hier erleichtern Dir Basiskenntnisse das Verstndnis.Ich werde auch diesen Kurs wie alle meine Lehrgnge laufend aktualisieren, denn auch MicroPython entwickelt sich stetig weiter. So bist Du immer auf dem neuesten Stand und lernst stndig neue Dinge dazu. Auerdem hastDu natrlich die Mglichkeit, Deinen Kurs mitzugestalten, indem Du mir Deine Themenwnsche mitteilst."
Price: 64.99

"Master Alexa Skills and Lex - With/Without Programming 2019"
"This is a Fast course which helps you learn all the concepts to become a professional Alexa Skill developer. We have tried to make the videos as compact as possible and tried to make sure that you learn something new every minute of the lecture.On a very high level this course is structured as followsBasic Concepts of Alexa Programming.Setup your Development Environment.Create Hello World skill & Million Dollar Quiz Skill.Learn about AWS LambdaCreate Lambda using Node.js.Learn about Data Persistence using Sessions and DynamoDB.Alexa Flash Briefing Skill.Create Amazon Lex or Chatbot Skill.Through this development process you will learn all the concepts required to create great Alexa Skills on your own and publish it to the world. Throughout this course, i am here to support you in case of any questions or doubts. Please feel free to reach me out."
Price: 2240.00

"Fotorafa balang"
"Fotografla ilgili renmek istediiniz her eyi bulabileceiniz derslerin olduu kendinizi fotoraf konusunda hem akademik hem pratik olarak gelitirebileceiniz arada devler vereceim isteinize gre rahatlkla iletiime geebileceiniz ve her sorunuza kolaylkla cevap alabileceiniz kursuma ho geldiniz. bu kursta kendinizi gerekten rahatlkla gelitirebilir ilerletebilir bir gn gerekten gzel bir fotoraf sanats olabilirsiniz. lginiz iin ok teekkr ederim imdiden iyi dersler."
Price: 79.99

"C# From Beginner To Pro - Write A SQL App In Unity 3D SQLite"
"Learn to program in C# and SQL. Start off by writting a simple Hello World Unity App to teach you the basics, then you write a series of console type apps to get your Database Wrapper in Unity. As a problem solving exercise we find some data and create a Thesaurus database, and we finish up with a full fledged database app that has a particle system, sound effects and more. As Bonus Ishow you how to convert the app to use a different table."
Price: 19.99

"C# From Beginner To Pro - Write MS SQL WindowsUI Style App"
"Learn to program in C# and SQL. Start off by learning to use the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. After you set up a database you will learn how to use Microsoft Entity Framework, and you will also write your own SQL Classes. All of this will be done while writting useful windows apps that you can use in your portfolio."
Price: 19.99

"C# From Beginner To Pro - Mobile Apps With Xamarin.Forms #1"
"Learn to program in C# and XAML with Xamarin.Forms. After you install Visual Studio 2019 you can pair with your mac (if you plan on using a mac).  You will start off writing simple example C# Xamarian.Forms Pages to learn the basics, next you will write some Xamarian.Forms Pages in XAML,  and then you will create projects that use a mixture of C# and XAML, and finally you will write a platform specific app. "
Price: 19.99

"Xamarin.Forms - Build A Easy Cross Platform Mobile SQL App"
"Kick Start your Xamarin.Forms development learning curve by building a ToDo List in Xamarin.Forms with Visual Studio 2019, XAML,SQLite and C#.  You will start by creating a project and defining a repository to store the data.  You will render the data in list form and allow the users to edit the items."
Price: 19.99

"Tea Talks ile Sfrdan ngilizce - Pratik ngilizce Kursu"
"Kendine u soruyu sor: Akc ngilizce Konuabilsen Hayatn Nasl Deiirdi?Bu ngilizce kursu, sana sorunun cevabn salyor! Amacn bir snav gemek olabilir, yurt dna tatile gitmek veya tanmak olabilir, kariyerini bir st seviyeye tamak olabilir. Ne olursa olsun ngilizce hayatnn bir noktasn deitirecektir.Biz dil ve Orkun. Tea Talks ngilizce Kursu (topluluumuzun ad) arkasndaki iftiz ? Her ne kadar ngilizce bilsek ve retsek de, biz de sizin gibi yeni bir dil (spanyolca ve Franszca) renmek iin her zaman abalyoruz ve zorluklarn farkndayz! Ayn yollardan biz de geiyoruz ve unu syleyebiliriz; artk dil renmedeki ve retmedeki forml biliyoruz!Admzda bile ""talk"" yani ""konuma"" kelimesi var. Bu ngilizce kursunda ngilizce konuuyoruz ve konuturuyoruz. Oluturduumuz bu kursta size ngilizce'yi gnlk hayatta aktif bir ekilde konuabilmenizi salyoruz! Doruyu sylemek gerekirse ngilizce konuman iin seni zorluyoruz! Bu yzden kursta 3 adet konuma pratii devi ve saysz egzersiz bulunuyor! Ayrca biliyorsun ki; ngilizce temeli, gramer veya dilbilgisi yaps doru kurulmadan ilerlenemez. Hele ki amacnz TOEFL, IELTS gibi snavlarda baar salamaksa, her eyden nce o dili anlayabilmeli ve konuabilmelisin.Gelelim bu kursu satn aldn zaman sahip olacaklarna:Bize mesaj veya mail yoluyla annda ulaabileceksin. Soruna 24 saat iinde geri dn salyoruz! Bizlere ngilizce hakknda istediin soruyu sorabilirsin. En detayl ekilde sorularnn cevaplarn alacaksn.htiyacn olan yeni ngilizce konularn bizden isteyebilirsin . Bu ngilizce kursu senin iin hazrland.Kursumuzdaki ngilizce konular belli bir sisteme gre sral. Konular renirken sklmayacaksn ve rendiin konularn hepsini bir sonraki ders ierii olarak tekrar tekrar kullanacaksn.Dersleri istediiniz kadar izleyebilirsin. Anlayamadn ya da daha fazla aklama istediiniz noktada bize ANINDA ulaabileceksin.stediiniz zamanda ve istediiniz yerde bu ngilizce kursuna ulaabileceksiniz. Bu da sizi zamandan tasarruf ettirecek.Online ingilizce kurslarnda en byk eksiklik rendiklerinizi pratie dkmektir. Kursumuzla ve sizinle birlikte oluturduumuz zel Facebook grubumuza eriim salayabilecek, oradaki insanlarla ngilizce yazabilecek ve etkinliklerimizden her zaman haberdar olacaksn.Kursu aldn zaman 15 dakikalk CRETSZ konuma dersi hediye ediyoruz. Skype zerinden istediin bir konuda ngilizce konuma, ngilizce telaffuz pratii ya da anlamadn bir ngilizce konun anlatm ile CRETSZ BREBR ngilizce Konuma dersin hazr! Facebook grubumuza gelip, bize yazman yeterli!Her ay yaptmz Tea Talks bulumalarmzn ne zaman ve nerede olacan renecek ve CRETSZ konuma etkinliklerimize katlabileceksin. Bu kursta en nem verdiimiz ey senin derslerden, egzersizlerden ve eitmenlerden olabildiince verim almandr. Kendini gelitirmek iin ayrdnz zamana ok nem veriyoruz. Bu yzden 30 gn iinde koulsuz, artsz bir ekilde PARANIN TAMAMINI ADE EDYORUZ.imdiden ho geldin! :)"
Price: 279.99

"Hollywood nlleri ile California ngilizcesi ren ve Konu"
"ngilizce videolar izliyor fakat anlamakta glk m ekiyorsun? Altyaz okumaktan cierin mi soldu? :( Esprileri kardnda sinirlenip bilgisayar kapatyor musun? Bir ok rencimiz de, konu ngilizce olunca bu sorunlarla karlayor. Bu yzden tam olarak bu sorunlara deinen harika bir ngilizce kursu hazrladk.Hollywood nlleri ile ngilizce kursu bundan nce grdnz herhangi bir ngilizce kurs ve ders yapsndan ok farkl. Bu kurs intermediate/orta seviye ngilizce'de olan rencilerimiz iin oluturulmu olsa da balang seviye rencilerimiz de telaffuz ve cmle yaplar konusunda kendilerini rahatlkla gelitirebileceklerdir. Kursta ngilizce yaplarn gnlk hayatta nasl kullanldn greceiz ve bu yaplar analiz edeceiz.Kursta dersler ana paradan oluuyor. Dersleri izlerken aadaki sray birlikte takip edeceiz.Altyazsz bir ekilde ngilizce videolar izleyeceiz ve duyduklarmz anlamaya alacaz ve not edeceiz.Videoda geen telaffuz, dilbilgisi ve cmle yaplarn birlikte analiz edeceizVideoyu altyazl bir ekilde izleyeceiz ve rendiklerinizi pekitireceizDeinmemiz gereken nemli bir nokta ise derslerin Trke deil, ngilizce olduu. Burada ana amacmz sizi daha ok zorlamak deil. :) ngilizceyi sadece grerek deil, ayn zamanda duyarak renmenizi salamak. Bu sayede her derste, dersi dinlerken bile listening yani dinleme egzersizi yapm olacaksnz.Yani bu ders ayn anda size birden fazla yetenek kazandracak (dilbilgisi, listening, telaffuz) ve bu yetenekleri kazanrken de sklmadan kendinizi gelitireceksiniz."
Price: 279.99

"aprende HTML desde cero"
"en esta oportunidad quiero ensearles todo lo relacionado al desarrollo web enfocado a html, este curso va enfocado a todas aquellas personas que estn iniciando en este mundo del desarrollo web y no saben por donde empezar, bien , pues esta es la gran oportunidad para que aclares tus ideas y dudas al respecto te espero en el curso..."
Price: 19.99

"Mens' Health and Wellness Mastery Course"
"When it comes to losing weight and being in the best shape of your life, it takes more that just hard work. Without the right strategies backed up by science and experience, losing weight and improving health and fitness can be a near impossible task.This course covers the essential strategies and action steps required to be successful at losing weight, gaining muscle, increasing energy, and having a high quality of life through proper nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle habits.The key essential areas covered in this course:Lifestyle management- how to manage thoughts and change behavior that results in lasting change.Nutrtion management- how to fuel the body with the right nutrients and how to design personalized nutrition plans for males.Cardiovascular and flexibility training- How train the cardiovascular system for the right amount of time at the right intensity for males.Resistance (weight) training- for males, resistance training is hallmark for losing weight and increasing confidence. This module shows how to design personalized weight training programs.Chronic disease management- how prevent chronic disease such as heart attack and diabetes through lifestyle habits.Stress management- how to effectively handle stress in a more healthy way and how to relax under tense situations.16 years worth of professional and personal experiences that have changed the health and fitness of numerous lives have all been collected into this one very powerful course. This course was designed with a beginner in mind. Individuals just starting out with their health and fitness journey can quickly absorb the information and apply it to their everyday routine. This course is for those who are ready to jump start their health and fitness routines and start experiencing results faster than trying to do on athis by trail and error. All the techniques and knowledge presented in this course are backup up by scientific principles."
Price: 29.99

"Korepetycje z matematyki klasa 8"
"Kurs odbywa si online.Kurs skada si z nagranych lekcji z klasy 8Wszystkie lekcje s jak najbardziej praktyczne, zawieraj wszystkie informacje potrzebne w klasie 8 i pokazuj jak rozwiza zadania.Kurs oparty jest na nowej, aktualnej podstawie programowej.Kurs oparty jest na tematach, ktre znajduj si w podrcznikach wydawnictw: Nowa Era, Operon i WSiP."
Price: 249.99

"Korepetycje z matematyki klasa 5"
"Kurs odbywa si online.Kurs skada si z nagranych lekcji z klasy 5Wszystkie lekcje s jak najbardziej praktyczne, zawieraj wszystkie informacje potrzebne w klasie 5 i pokazuj jak rozwiza zadania.Kurs oparty jest na nowej, aktualnej podstawie programowej.Kurs oparty jest na tematach, ktre znajduj si w podrcznikach wydawnictw: Nowa Era, Operon i WSiP."
Price: 249.99

"Korepetycje z matematyki klasa 6"
"Kurs odbywa si online.Kurs skada si z nagranych lekcji z klasy 6Wszystkie lekcje s jak najbardziej praktyczne, zawieraj wszystkie informacje potrzebne w klasie 6 i pokazuj jak rozwiza zadania.Kurs oparty jest na nowej, aktualnej podstawie programowej.Kurs oparty jest na tematach, ktre znajduj si w podrcznikach wydawnictw: Nowa Era, Operon i WSiP."
Price: 249.99

"Korepetycje z matematyki klasa 7"
"Kurs odbywa si online.Kurs skada si z nagranych lekcji z klasy 7Wszystkie lekcje s jak najbardziej praktyczne, zawieraj wszystkie informacje potrzebne w klasie 7 i pokazuj jak rozwiza zadania.Kurs oparty jest na nowej, aktualnej podstawie programowej.Kurs oparty jest na tematach, ktre znajduj si w podrcznikach wydawnictw: Nowa Era, Operon i WSiP."
Price: 249.99

"Master Graphic Facilitation: Draw for Trainings & Meetings"
"Graphic facilitation is a method of using visual language to help describe and illustrate the idea that you are conveying. We are all visual thinkers and we can all draw. You can also draw! You don't have to be an artist to put several shapes together. With just a little practice, you will be able to draw memorable icons that will help you lead groups and individuals towards the goal. Graphic facilitation is a powerful tool that can be used to quickly understand the content, push new information into long-term memory and most importantly, inspire people to act.The course consists of four main sections:In the introduction section, you are going to learn how to get the most out of this course, what materials we are going to use and how the rest of the course is going to be conducted.In the second section you will learn how to draw by using 5 simple shapes only. You will learn all the necessary components to create a memorable poster. We are going to start with icons, then learn to incorporate shades and effects in your drawings. After that you will get familiar with drawing faces and facial expressions, platforms and signs to indicate the place, arrows to show the process and text and speech bubbles for bringing clarity. Finally you will learn about color theory, the meaning behind the colors and how to use them in the most correct way possible.The third section is completely dedicated to using your skills in practice. Here you will learn about the three main phases of a training session and how to use graphic facilitation for making those phases more effective. We will discuss specific examples and give you the templates that can be used in your future work.The last and the final section is about creating your own visual vocabulary. In this section you will learn how to create icons of your choice step by step. This will enable you to expand your visual library and work specifically within your context.One of the most important features of this course is that we are more than happy to have you on-board and guide you through it. This means that we are glad to answer all your questions individually and provide a helping hand if you need. We encourage you to check out the free previews to see what the course has to offer. Hope to see you in work soon!"
Price: 119.99

"Use Sketch Like a Pro in 60 Min"
"Learn how to use Sketch like a pro. Starting from the basics and moving to some more advanced features. We will be covering most of the features and tools and we will be creating a few screens along the way.In this class we're going to learn all about Sketch, what it is and what it's great at. This is going to be more of a technical class on how to use Sketch and not so much about product design thinking (although we will do a little bit of that as well).This class is for people that are just starting out with Sketchand also people that are familiar with Sketch and looking to learn a few new tips and techniques."
Price: 19.99

"UI Animations and Interactions with After Effects"
"In this class, you will learn how to import your designs into After Effects and create beautiful interactions to show off in your next product demo. The ability to show how a screen moves and interacts is a crucial part of the UI process and this class is meant to help you take that process to the next level and give you the tools to create beautiful interactions for your products."
Price: 19.99

"HTTP a HTTPS: Crear un certificado SSL gratuito 2020"
"Tu sitio web an no tiene el candado de seguridad?Tenerlo no solo garantiza la proteccin de los datos de tus usuarios, sino que adems, buscadores como Google, sabrn que pueden confiar en tu trabajo, incrementando la probabilidad de aparecer en los primeros resultados de bsqueda.Con este curso aprenders a implementar y a administrar un certificado SSL, creado desde cero, legal y gratis.Te mostrar paso a paso como crear un certificado SSL gratuito, potente y legal usando un sitio web real como ejemplo. Conocers el proceso para instalarlo en tu servidor web, renovarlo cuando sea necesario o eliminarlo sin dejar rastros que ensucien tu trabajo. Adems, comprando este curso, obtienes acceso a la clase BONUS en la cual te enseo como usar la conexin HTTPS de manera automtica, lo que significa que tus usuarios estarn protegidos sin procesos adicionales.Entonces, si lo que buscas es mejorar la calidad de tu web, su posicionamiento en Google y aumentar la confianza con tus usuarios, vas por buen camino."
Price: 94.99

"English for Travellers to Australia : intermediate level"
"If you need to meet people overseas, socialise very fast, when English is not your first language, you are going to love this course ! Watch and listen as I go step by step through the fun Adventures of Vince, so you can get ready for your journey abroad !This course requires no Academic level but basic English knowledge. All you need is a dictionary and practise screen captures as you go along the subtitled videos.Dont focus on grammar or prononciation issues that burdened you at school ! Since this course is practical, it will naturally guide you to speak correctly in an easy way !Thank you for taking the time to read this."
Price: 19.99

"What to do before coming to the US?"
"This course is designed to help any student going to the US for Fall 2019. This course will help you get a head start in the US and get ahead of everyone for opportunities. I will help you in strategically deciding which admit to accept and how to get ready for your upcoming adventure!"
Price: 2240.00

"The Correct Way to Use LinkedIn"
"Hello everyone and welcome to my LinkedIn Course. I'm a LinkedIn content creator from Dallas, TX, USA. My content gets over 50,000 views a month and my profile get over 5,000 views. Have you always wondered how to get this level of success on LinkedIn? You are at the right course.In this course I will share my tried and tested methods that have helped me launch myself on LinkedIn. I will help you with everything from setting up your profile the right way to reaching out to influential people. Iwill also highlight some of the mistakes I committed early on so that you can avoid them.]So Ihope that you are excited to up your LinkedIn profile and see you in the course."
Price: 19.99

"Il Mio Microfono per Cantare"
"Il Mio Microfono per Cantare un video corso che ti prepara nella conoscenza delluso del microfono.Liberandoti da qualsiasi incertezza o timore.Diventerai pratico ed esperto, sicuro di te su qualsiasi palco.Avrai la piena padronanza nell'usare il tuo microfono. Saprai come affrontare ogni situazione che ti si presenter. Conoscerai ogni utile informazione tecnica su come funziona il microfono e il sistema di amplificazione, seguendo le 19 video lezioni di questo Corso. Adesso sta a te decidere della tua vita professionale. Cogli l'occasione per diventare una Star."
Price: 69.99