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"Safety In The Workplace"
"Welcome to Safety In The Workplace course!Every year between 300-500 workers get killed or injured in USA workplaces. In addition to the tragic loss of life and personal suffering, employers found themselves faced with court fines and costs, increased insurance premiums, compensation claims, reduced productivity, damaged reputation and low staff morale.Workplace accidents cost corporations millions of dollars and thousands of hours lost every year. Therefore you should introduce a safety culture into your organization, where safety is valued as an integral part of the business operation, which not only saves the business time and money, it also builds a committed, loyal, healthy workforce.So, shall we get started? I wish you a happy learning!"
Price: 99.99

"Certificate in Supervision & Leadership"
"Certificate in Supervision & LeadershipThis course is designed for practising and aspiring new & middle managers, helping them to develop their skills and experience, improve performance and prepare for senior management responsibilities.If you are a professional who leads teams, departments or even entire companies, and is also responsible for managing the day-to-day activities of employees this course is for you. It is ideal for anyone who wants to develop crucial leadership skills and learn the latest management techniques.++ A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.Lao Tzu"
Price: 119.99

"Business Etiquette Masterclass"
"Business Etiquette Masterclass===========================++ Business etiquette enhances impressionPeople judge you and your business on how you carry yourself in social and professional situations. By observing proper business etiquette, you suggest to fellow professionals that youre on their level.++ Business etiquette enriches workplace relationsMany basic business etiquette rules are actually common courtesies. With its focus on respect for others, business etiquette can pave the way for a collaborative culture at workplace. Proper business etiquette is a must if you hope to advance in your chosen career field.Essentially, business etiquette enables a company to function smoothly in its interactions with other businesses, its own employees and the general public. And, if you add international relations into the mix, knowing the importance of business etiquette becomes all that much more critical.Want to know more?Let's get started!"
Price: 69.99

"First Steps in Business Writing"
"Writing skills ensure effective business communicationThe global workplace forces us to improve our communication skills. Irrespective of the field, job, and expertise, you need to be an effective communicator in order to move up the career ladder.Business correspondence helps a company connect with partners and stakeholders. Everything you write must be tailored in a proficient, comprehensive, and informative way. Thus, the receivers will clearly understand your message.If a text is poorly written and structured, the receivers will have troubles with deciphering it. The message may be misinterpreted.Writing skills make the difference between ""good"" and ""bad"" employees.If you already have a job, practice writing skills in order to stand out among your co-workers. Senior management is generally more favorably disposed towards an employee who can create excellent documentation.People with advanced writing skills are perceived as more reliable and trustworthy. The better your writing skills are, the more responsibility you will be given. Thats great for you and your future career success!Now you know why writing skills are significant to your career success. It is time to improve your business communication skills and reap the benefits it may bring.So, shall we get started? Hit the ""Enroll now"" button and I will see you inside!"
Price: 69.99

"Managing Change in the Workplace"
"++ Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Leo TolstoyThere is no one right way to manage change, especially in workplace, and there are also many perspectives on it. Some will work for some people, or some situations, and others will fit at other times and in different places. The more you can understand your change, and how you or your team perceive it, the easier it will be to find your own way of managing it.So in this course you will learn to see change not as something to be feared and resisted but as an essential element of the world to be accepted.You will learn how to see change as an opportunity for self-motivation and innovation.So, successfully implement change in your workplace, career or life.Let's get started today!"
Price: 69.99

"Communication Skills at Workplace"
"++ Communication is a skill that you can learn. It's like riding a bicycle or typing. If you're willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.Brian Tracy============Being able to communicate our thoughts, opinions, and wishes has always been important for our survival. Hence it is a crucial life skill that needs to be learned.During this course, we will be discussing the most effective communication strategies for business people and those in a leadership role.By learning how to become a more effective communicator, you should be able to run your business more smoothly, manage your team at workplace, make the most of new career opportunities, and become a leader who deserves to be respected and admired.Good and effective communication is an essential tool in achieving productivity and maintaining strong, lasting working relationships at all levelsSo, take action and ENROL NOW!"
Price: 69.99

"Dealing with Difficult People"
"Dealing with Difficult PeopleWe've all been there. Be it work, school or business lunch, we've all found ourselves in situations where we have been forced to interact with difficult people. When it comes to workplace they do exist at work and the better you become at dealing with them, the happier you'll be at work.Difficult people may find every opportunity to create problems or they may simply use passive resistance to waylay your best efforts to move your agenda forward.However, while you cannot control others, you can control and improve yourself by:Recognising your attitudes and actionsDeveloping coping strategiesManaging your anger I wish you a happy learning and let's get started!"
Price: 69.99

"Mini MBA in Emotional Intelligence & Resilience"
"Building resilience involves improving one's emotional intelligence.Emotional intelligence has the potential to positively impact the success, quality of life, and relationships of individuals as they progress through life. People who understand themselves well, and who understand how to relate to and connect with others, tend to be happier, be more self-confident, more productive, and have healthy and rich relationships throughout their lives.Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Resilience in workplace focuses on the concept of repair, and managers being accountable for their use of shame, blame and avoidance of responsibility. This course encourages mangers to use more empathy, mindfulness and positivity in communication.Course OutcomesHave a better understanding of emotional intelligenceUnderstand the importance and impact of taking responsibility for emotionsLearn to deal with conflict at workplaceLearn how emotions and empathy factor into more effective decision makingImprove critical thinking and logic"
Price: 109.99

"Professional Certificate in Corporate Skills"
"Learn leadership, delegation and negotiation skills essential for a successful career. Whether youre looking to advance your career in corporate world, drive a digital transformation project in your organization or expand your knowledge in this  field, the Professional Certificate in Corporate Skills will provide you with the necessary skills, mindset and experience to reach your goals."
Price: 119.99

"Successful Event Planning 2019"
"You want to become an event manager - plan your own events and earn money?Whether you've ever planned an event, or you want to move up to the next level of event management, the Event Manager Workshop will help you take on the dream job event manager and deepen your knowledge.After completing the workshop, you will have a clear and structured approach to how to make a successful event. With step-by-step instructions, we give you an exclusive look behind the scenes on how to turn your event idea into a professional concept."
Price: 149.99

"Event Planung 2019 - Wie du erfolgreich Events organisierst"
"Du mchtest ein Eventmanager werden - deine eigenen Events planen und damit Geld verdienen?Egal, ob du schon einmal ein Event geplant hast, oder du ins nchste Level des Eventmanagement aufsteigen willst, dieser Eventplanung-Kurs hilft dir den Traumjob Eventmanager wahrzunehmen und dein Wissen zu vertiefen.Nach Abschluss dieses Kurses hast du eine klare und strukturierte Vorgehensweise, wie du ein erfolgreiches Event auf die Beine stellst. Mit der Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitung gewhren wir die einen exklusiven Einblick hinter die Kulissen, wie du deine Eventidee in ein professionelles Konzept umsetzen kannst."
Price: 149.99

"Business Analyst - SQL Survival Guide"
"Are you a business analyst and have either avoided getting to know SQL, or haven't had the opportunity? Or, maybe you just want to a quick start to the basics of SQL without the advanced functions? If you've answered yes to any of these then this course is for you.Starting with the absolute basics, this course covers;What a database isHow applications use databasesEntity Relationship DiagramsWhat a data warehouse is and how organisations use themWhat software you'll need to connect to a databaseHow to create your own test databaseThe essential SQL commands you'll need to query datafrom one or many tables in a SQLdatabaseCommands you'll need to manipulate data (insert, update, and delete)How to export data to ExcelTo a business analyst, data is king. Accurate data is the easiest and most powerful way to prove or disprove a hypothesis or course of action, the challenge is getting your hands on it. If you don't have access or the skills to query a database you are reliant on someone else getting the data that you've asked for, which might not be what you want.I want to give you the skills to understand what a database is, how they work, and most importantly, how you access one and query the data so you can be self-sufficient getting the data you need."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a investir em Aes e Opes na Bolsa de Valores"
"Eu criei esse curso visando passar um pouco da minha experincia operando na bolsa de valores.Mas o diferencial repassar esse conhecimento de forma didtica, com vocabulrio simples, e claro, utilizando mapas mentais.Para levar adiante o desejo de repassar o conhecimento, tenho uma aliada importante nessa misso: A tecnologia da Informao, onde j estou atuando a mais de 20 anos.Quando voc utiliza mapas mentais, o contedo fixado rapidamente e com pouqussimo esforo.E se voc realmente deseja operar na bolsa de valores, extremamente importante ter os conceitos na ponta da lngua. Afinal de contas, o seu dinheiro est em jogo.Nesse curso, vamos falar sobre impostos, operaes com aes, operaes com opes, vamos escolher a corretora e realizar aulas prticas utilizando o prprio home broker da corretora.Portanto, agradeo a todos por adquirir esse curso. Solicito por gentileza deixar o seu feedback. No caso de crticas ou sugestes, no deixe de informar o motivo para que possamos melhorar cada vez mais.Agora voc ter a oportunidade de aprender a operar com Aes e Opes na bolsa de valores de forma didtica utilizando vdeos narrados em formato de mapa mental. No perca a chance de aprender atravs de uma linguagem simples  e objetiva direto ao ponto. Pois est comprovado que atravs de mapas mentais voc consegue memorizar mais rpido."
Price: 294.99

"Dinnertime Conversation on Bitcoin and Blockchain"
"Learn the basics of blockchain and bitcoin in an hour! With a simple structure from introductory theory, to practical applications and next steps, and easy to understand graphics and explanation, this short course is designed to help people who are new to blockchain technology better understand its basic concepts and one of its key applications: Bitcoin."
Price: 19.99

"Business Education: Guide to Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies"
"Course Update: November 2019The problem with learning about blockchain is that there is too much information but not enough structured knowledge. Oftentimes for the uninitiated, most of this information may be indecipherable. And it is becoming a big problem as professionals from a variety of industries are looking to understanding the technology and explore the opportunities for their sector. In, collaboration with Antony Lewis (author of The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains) we have developed the ultimate commercial education course for professionals and business students to learn all the fundamentals they need in relation to blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and ICOs in an accessible, logical and structured manner. The course contains 10+ hours of materials including explainer videos, lecture notes, articles and learning summaries and quiz assessments at the end of each of the 8 core lessons.About the AuthorThe course is based on content written by Antony Lewis, author of The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains, an essential guide for anyone who needs to learn about cryptocurrencies, ICOs, and business blockchains. Having worked in the blockchain sector since 2013, Antony is Director of Research for R3, an enterprise blockchain company. Antony also advises to the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission on FinTech.  Prior to bitcoins and blockchains, Antony was a technologist at Credit Suisse in London and Singapore having started his banking career as an FX trader at Barclays Capital."
Price: 29.99

"(2019) The Complete Blockchain Career Interview Course"
"Last Updated: February 2019Advance your career with our career management course specifically designed for aspiring blockchain talents. The course is a concise master guide to top career interview questions for blockchain related roles with regular updates to keep up to speed with the latest trends, topics and knowledge.As a subscriber to the course, you will get life access to:- Concise, direct to the point videos scripted and designed by leading industry talents- Personalised Q&A opportunities with lead instructor tailored for your interview preparation- Template and model answers for the most common interview questions with clear explanations- Latest career trends, statistics and skills demand in the blockchain career sectorGet quick answers to prepare for the most frequently asked questions such as:General- What do you know about blockchain? Explain the difference between blockchain and bitcoin.- Briefly use an example to explain how blockchain technology works.- What are the different types of blockchain? How do they differ?- What makes blockchain technology special? What are the key features and benefits?- What is the role of cryptography in cryptocurrencies and blockchain? Explain the role of hash functions and digital signatures.Investment - How would you choose a cryptocurrency exchange as an investor?- Who are the key participants in a cryptocurrency ecosystem?(Note that the course is based on information on Hashcademy's course set)"
Price: 39.99

"Mastering Interview Skills in 1 Hour with Fortune 500 Exec"
"Master the most essential career interview skills and techniques in JUST 1 HOUR. This course will provide you with a highly effective and systematic framework to get yourself prepared for any kind of interviews, and we have combined key principles together with real-life interview examples to ensure an impactful learning experience. We will cover 4 key sections:1. Pre-interview preparation: Drafting your FAQ - typical question types Rule of 3 Headline Approach STAR-L Model2. Ace the interview: Master the art of first impression Create a compelling self-introduction Build instant rapport with interviewers How to tackle tough and trick questions3. Post-interview process: Meta questions How to effectively follow-up on the interview process How to keep contacts warm and enhance conversion4. The Winning Mind-set: Overcome psychological barriers Build confidence and presence Use the power of our subconscious mindWe focus on a new approach to business and career advancement education, offering practical courses in bitesize video format that fuse animation, interviews, examples and templates, and interactive exercises to achieve better outcomes. We also provide 100% personalised learning as our group of instructors and learning support staff are always available to assist on any queries you have related to the course topic. [The course is conducted in English with Chinese Subtitles]About the InstructorGary Lo - Professional Trainer & TEDx Speaker Former Fortune 500 executive and MBA Program Admission HeadGary is a former Fortune 500 executive and Admission Head from one of the top 20 MBA programs in the world. He has worked in leading companies across industries including LVMH, Apple Inc., Unilever, GlaxoSmithKline and Nestle. He is now an appointed career coach for top Universities and also a corporate trainer for organisations like J.P. Morgan, BlackRock, UBS, Johnson & Johnson, Walmart, FedEx, LOreal, Intercontinental Hotel Group etc. Gary is also a TEDx speaker and a High Impact Presentation Winner, where he has made over 500 public speeches in 30 different cities around the world. He holds an MBA degree from HKUST and also a Design Thinking Certificate from the MIT Sloan School of Management.About HashcademyOur mission is to up-skill individuals for career advancement in fast-changing and high impact technology sectors such as blockchain. We strive to build a learning community to share and grow knowledge around technology by providing structured learning and up-to-date knowledge to our community members."
Price: 29.99

"(EQ) 3 EQNLP ?(Neuro-Linguistic Programming, NLP) Virginia Satir Parents often face issues when children  have emotional and tantrum problems. As such, ways to effectively manage our children's emotions is one of the biggest questions asked by parents. How can parents handle children's emotional problems in a simple and effective way and improve their emotional management ability (EQ)? In this course, we will learn:- Our child's emotional structure and emotional problems- 3 systematic steps to effectively deal with your child's emotions- How to improve your child's emotional state and improve their EQ in the long runWhat is NLP?""Neuro-Linguistic Programming"" (NLP) is one of the most influential sets of  applied psychology in the 20th century focused on understanding the human brain operation and our communication skills. Most of the teaching skills in the course stem from the relationship improvement method used by Virginia Satir, the world's top family therapy guru."
Price: 24.99

"Write An Effective Resume And Cover Letter In An Hour"
"This course is targeted at young professionals who are looking to write and enhance their job application in order to land a career across professional services, startups, technology companies and other job prospects.The course has a simple structure which is delivered in a direct style, which includes:- An introduction section on what makes an effective cover letter and resume- A case study section which comprises templates of effective resumes and cover letters from candidates we have provided guidance on and who have effectively secured their desired roles. The case study covers a range of candidates including students and young professionals who are looking across different sectors such as banking, legal, technology and startup"
Price: 29.99

"Business Plan Tips and Tricks"
"This course is to give an overview of various areas of a business plan as well as give you tools to assist you in developing your own. As you go through each area it will help you begin to identify and be able to articulate the business you have been given."
Price: 19.99

"iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics - Measurement & Newton Mechanics"
"For students taking the Cambridge iGCSE / GCE O Level for Physics. You will learn about Measurement (Physical Quantities, and Units) and Newtonian Mechanics (i.e. Kinematics, Dynamics, Mass, Weight and Density, Turning Effect of Forces, Pressure and Energy, Work and Power.There are 7 Sections in total. Each section has 3 parts."
Price: 39.99

"iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics - Thermal Physics"
"For students taking the Cambridge iGCSE / GCE O Level for Physics. You will learn about Thermal Physics (Kinetic Model of Matter, Transfer of Thermal Energy, Temperature, and Thermal Properties of Matter. This includes aspects such as States of Matter, Brownian Motion and Gas Pressure Laws). There are 4 Sections in total. Each section has 3 parts."
Price: 39.99

"iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics - Waves"
"For students taking the Cambridge iGCSE / GCE O Level for Physics. You will learn about Waves (Wave Properties, Light, The Electromagnetic Spectrum, and Sound. This includes aspects such as Wave Motion, Types of Waves, Reflection and Refraction of Light, Lenses, and Sound Waves). There are 4 Sections in total. Each section has 3 lectures."
Price: 39.99

"iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics - Electricity & Magnetism"
"This course covers the iGCSE / GCE O Level Physics syllabus for - (a) Electricity, and (b) Magnetism. For Electricity and Magnetism you will learn about - (1) Static Electricity, (2) Current of Electricity, (3) Direct Current Circuits, (4) Practical Electricity, (5) Magnetism, (6) Electromagnetism, and (7) Electromagnetic Induction.There are 7 sections in total. Each section has 3 lectures.The section begins with a discussion of electric charges that are static, i.e. not moving. Next, we study the phenomena associated with moving charges and the concepts of current, voltage and resistance. We also study how these concepts are applied to simple circuits and household electricity. Thereafter, we study the interaction of magnetic fields to pave the way for the study of the interrelationship between electricity and magnetism. The phenomenon in which a current interacts with a magnetic field is studied in electromagnetism, while the phenomenon in which a current or electromotive force is induced in a moving conductor within a magnetic field is studied in electromagnetic induction."
Price: 49.99

"Mimari projeler nasl tasarlanr?"
"  Mimari proje okumay, tasarm ve izim yapmay elbette bu kurs sayesinde renmeyeceksiniz. Ayrca bu kurs size mimarlk yapabilme yetenei de kazandrmayacak. nk mimarlk bir ka saatlik anlatyla renilebilecek bir alan elbette deildir.   Ancak mrn bu meslee adam ve en iyi eserini 80 yanda (Selimiye Camii) tamamlayan MMAR SNAN'n da dedii gibi; ''Yaptn ii gnlnde hissedersen, rmaklar alar iinde..''  yani severek, azimle ve isteyerek renme tutkusuyla kendini mimari alanda gelitirmek isteyenlere bu kursta ok fazla ey var.  Bu eitim zellikle henz meslee yeni adm atan yeni mezun mimarlar, i mimarlar, inaat mhendisleri ve farkl alanlarda alan dier profesyoneller iin olduka faydal olacaktr.  Mesleki geliim ve kariyer basamaklarn trmanmak belirli zorluklar atktan sonra gelir. Bu eitime sahip olarak neleri kazanacanz aadaki maddelerde sizlerle ksaca paylaabilirim;Henz meslek seiminde bulunmam paydalar iin mimarlar neler yapar? sorusuna detayl yantlar bulabileceksiniz. Eer ok taze iseniz biraz beyniniz yanabilir ama en azndan gz ainalnz olur. Bu da ileride nelerle karlaabileceiniz noktasnda size harika fikirler verecektir.Mimarln sihirli dnyasna yeni adm atanlar iin bulunmaz yllanm tecrbelerin paketlenmi haldeki bilgi kapsllerini sunar. Bylelikle hangi durumda nasl davranacanz dmeden , yanllar yapmadan renme ihtimaliniz artm olur.Projecilik yapan mimarlar iin gncel mevzuatlarn pratik ipularn hemen hemen her derste paylam olacam. Bu, pratiklik ve bilgi daarcnzn artmas anlamna gelirken, yeni & alternatif i kaynaklarn da sizlere sunmu olacaktr.Sektrde statik proje, elektrik projesi, mekanik proje gelitiricilii yapan mhendis ve teknikerler iin mimari projeleri daha iyi tanma frsat sunar.Yap, inaat ve mimarlk sektrnde olmamasna ramen bu eitimden faydalanan kimseler sektrmze ilikin faydal ve zellikli bilgilere mimari proje nasl tasarlanr? Proje iziminde nelere dikkat edilir? gibi sorulara harika yantlar alr.Sektrdeki yenilikler, daha farkl ve metodoloji bakmndan katk salayacan dndm ilave notlar ve anlatmlar olduunda bu eitim videolarna eklemeler ve gncellemeler srekli olarak yaplacaktr. Bu eitim sayesinde kendi iimizde bir topluluk oluturarak soru ve fikirlerinizi cretsiz olarak paylaabileceiniz kolaylkla ulaabileceiniz bir mimar danman da kazanm olacaksnz. Kursa indirimli olarak kayt olmak iin bana websitem zerinden ya da udemy hesabnzdan da mesaj atabilirsiniz.KURSLA LGL BAZI DEERLENDRMELER; ""Merhaba hocam sizi m**haber sitesinden beri takip etmekteydim o dnemde de sorduum tm sorular itenlikle cevaplamtnz kurs yaynladnz grdmde de direk aldm. Piyasada 3 yldr kurumsal firmalarda gerek tasarm mimar olarak gerekse proje mdrl yapm biri olarak unu syleyebilirim ki yaynladnz eitim seti yeni mezun ve zel sektrde alacak arkadalar iin Hint kuma niteliinde. Maalesef ki sektrde bu bilgileri kimse hap olarak paylamyor yada paylamak istemiyor:) Bu kadar czi bir miktara bu deerli bilgilerinizi bizlerle paylatnz iin size ahsm adna da ok teekkr ederim.Elinize emeinize yreinize salk.""  Halil A. ""Sradan bir 5 puan olarak deil de ""yldzl 5 puan"" demek daha doru olur. Sayn hocamz gerekten bilgilerini ve tecrbelerini samimi bir ekilde anlatyor. Kafama taklan soru iaretlerini tamamen giderdi diyebilirim. Sorularma ynelttii cevaplar ok acklayc ve titizdi. Hatta ihtiya halinde bizden daha fazla gayret edip yeni eitim videolar da hazrlyor. HERKESE YZDE YZ TAVSYE EDERM. altnz ofislerin birounda 2 fincan kahve fiyatna g bu kadar bilgi ve tecrbe vermezler. Tekrar tekrar teekkrler Murat hocam."" Ali Kemal K. ""ok faydal,hayat kurtarc ve pratik bilgiler edindim. anlatm teknii son derece baarl."" K.Kbra . ""Arkadalar kurs gerekten faydal onun bunun minnetini ekipte renemeyeceiniz birok bilgi burda ve sorularnz ok hzl cevaplanyor hatta soru sordum ve 1 saat ierisinde ""37. Ynetmeliklerdeki deiiklikleri okumak"" adl Videoyu resmen benim sorum iin yaynlad :) Ben ok istifade ettim, mimarlkla alakas olan herkese ok faydal bilgiler var. Murat Abiye teekkr ediyorum."" Taha Y. ""ndirilebilen ierikleri gerekten dolu dolu. Ayrca konunun zeti sade bir ekilde anlatlm. Hocamzn emeine salk."" Mehmet K. ""ok zenle hazrlanm bir kurs. Yeni balayan arkadalara adeta eskiden ben ilkokuldayken mehur ve gerekli olan bir TMDERSLER KTABI vard onun kadar deerli. Meslee ainal olanlarn bile kendine bireyler katabilecei gzel bir kurs."" Murat . ""Kesinlikle tm mimarlk rencilerinin tekrar tekrar izlemesi gereken bir video eitim. Bu videodaki bilgilere sahip olmadan piyasada izim yapma ihtimalimiz yok."" smail Cem C."
Price: 119.99

"Mimari tasarm nasl yaplr?"
"Merakls iin mimari tasarm kritikleri, mimari tasarmn temelleri , yaplar anlamak ve yorumlamak isteyenlere teknik analizlerin serpitirilerek anlatld keyifli bir eitim.. Aslnda bir eitimden ziyade bolca mimari proje zerinden binalara mimar gzyle bakmay anlatan ve bunu yormadan yapan bir monolog da diyebiliriz. Binalarn tasarm ykleri, son kullancya ve iverene yansyan izdmleri bu kursta sizlerle olacak. Mimarlk; kltr ve sanatn tam merkezinde yer alan, tarihin ekilleniine tanklk eden mekan tasarlama iidir. Mimarlarn farkl snrlayclar ile nasl altklarn, mekan tasarmna etki eden doal ve insani faktrleri rnek yaplar zerinden sizlere yorumladm. Manzara, kuzey, insan ve ara sirklasyonu, yayalarn yapy deneyimleme biimleri zerinden ktlesel form denemelerini izleyerek renebileceksiniz. Tm bunlar konsept projeler zelinde analiz edebilme yetenei kazanarak eer profesyonel olarak bu ii yapyorsanz da daha geni bir tasarm spekturumu zerinden yorumlayabileceksiniz. Bu ii prefosyonel olarak yapyor olmasanz bile binalarn ne anlattn, tasarmclarn projeyi ekillendirirken neleri dndn en iyi o binalar soluyarak, tadarak, koklayarak deneyimleyebilirsiniz. En iyi ihtimalle yaadnz mekanlara ve yaplara daha farkl bir bak asyla yaklama ekillerine tanklk etmi olacaksnz. Bu kurs, size mekan deneyimi ve binalarn ekilleniini maksimum verimle deneyimleme frsat sunacak. Gnmzn modern yapm teknikleri ve popler mimarlk kavramlar da bu eitimde sizlerle.zetle yaplarn nasl okunduunu anlatan, mimariyi ve mimarlk kavramlarn rnekler zerinden gerek hayata dayandrarak aklayan bu eitim, tersine mhendislik yntemiyle tasarm srecine katk salayabilecek verilerin nasl retildiini sizlere sunmu oluyor. Eitim ierii ve mfredat zaman ierisinde gncellenmeye devam edecektir. Bu noktada geri dnler ve talepler titizlikle deerlendirilecektir."
Price: 49.99

"Sketch Up ile Mimari 3D kat plan modelleme eitimi"
"Sketch Up ile mimari 3d kat plan modelleme ve grselletirme eitimi, sektr profesyonelleri ile bu alana ilgi duyan herkes iin en pratik yoldan etkili bir inai tasarm sunumu yntemini retmektedir.Tm bunlar yaparken Sketch Up ve CAD programlar ile sizi sonuca en hzl ekilde ulatrabilecek bir yntem / anlatm biimi zerinden yola kld.Bu kurs ayn zamanda Sketch Up iin yeni balayanlara ynelik hzl bir eitim de iermektedir. Yani klasik program anlatmlarnda olduu gibi her bir ara ubuu, arayz tantm, skc men eleri anlatm yerine direkt olarak bir rnek alma zerinden program da retmekte..Mimari modelleme ii; modern an bir gereksinimi olarak biz mimarlar ve bu alanda alan dier tm profesyoneller iin henz kat zerinde uygulanmayan bir tasarm teknik izimlerden arnk ekilde, son kullancya ya da bir iverene en iyi ekilde ulatrabilecei gzel bir seenektir.naat sektrnde sadece bu ii yaparak ok iyi paralar kazanan firma - kiiler olduu da dnldnde bu eitimi tamamladnzda edineceiniz bilgiler, size ok gzel kariyer ve i olanaklarnn kaplarn da aralam olacak.Yine Udemy'de yer alan ""Mimari projeler nasl tasarlanr?"" kursunun bir tamamlaycs olarak da dnebilirsiniz. Orada iin teknik ve mevzuat boyutu ele alnrken bu kursta ise mimari tasarm, modelleme ve grselletirme konularnda nemli bilgilere sahip olacaksnz.Ayn zamanda i mekan tasarmna dair efektif ipular da bulabileceksiniz. Anlatlanlar uygulayarak renme deneyiminizi maksimuma ulatrmak iin bahsi geen programlarn kurulu olduu bir PC'niz varsa bu harika kursa hemen kayt olun!"
Price: 49.99

"Selling on Amazon FBA- Private Label Intro Course"
"Take advantage of the free data on the internet and Amazon to figure out a successful product to launch with some easy to follow strategies such as:Analyze the BSR.Compare and contrast weak and strong listings.Research potential barriers that will prevent you from launching your product.Deciding on a brand name through proper research."
Price: 19.99

"Physical Access Hacking Windows Xp, 7, 8, 10, Linux & Typing"
"How to hack, how to touch type, using a faster method called, ""Key Rollovers"" instead of the standard method typically taught in schools. Everything is laid out very carefully to ensure that it's easy to learn from. I have been using computers since I was 13 years old, now I am 29 years old. I have learned my way around the Windows Command Prompt, and Linux Terminal and I also have experience in Data-Recovery which I plan to pass onto you during the Course."
Price: 194.99

"Touch Typing Correctly - Key Rollovers 120WPM"
"I believe that everyone has the ability to type 90+ WPM, if they are trained using the correct method of Typing. When I first started, it took me around 1 month of periodical training to reach 60 W.P.M. Back then I had no knowledge of ""Key Rollovers"" but just to understand the correct finger placement and apply it, it took that long. I expect to gradually receive positive feedback on this course after people have had time to apply the training knowledge that I teach them. This course is just a couple of weeks old right now, and not many people have had time to properly test the methods that I am teaching. Most Typing Instructors Neglect ""Key Rollovers""and don't even mention them to their students. You are probably thinking at this point, Am I qualified to teach you? I have first learned the Standard method of Touch Typing from Lessons that I purchased for $30, then I transformed my Standard Touch Typing Skills with my onscreen keyboard thatI developed using, the ""Key Rollover"" Method to help me soar above the 60 W.P.M. (Words per Minute) expectations that I was originally told was for successful Typing Students. My Onscreen Keyboard comes with a wordlist broken down in motions, which encourages Key Rollover Training for around 1,000 Common English Words, 0/9 Numerical Keys, and Syllable Training, which contain Common Syllables that are found in over 5,000 common English words. Why do we need to know Syllables in Typing?If you are familiar with the Syllable inside of a Word that is not in your Vocabulary then you can type the Syllables that make up the word instead, this will speed up your typing speed dramatically vs. writing each individual Keystroke as you see them, because it increases the speed at which you can process the word. The Real Question that you're wondering is, How Fast am I in comparison to your current WPMSpeed? There's one way to find out. Go test yourself at 10fastfingers, take a Typing test, can you defeat my score of 118/123 W.P.M.? Only 1 out of every 100+ Typists will be able to surpass my speed. Do you want to be within the top 1% of Typists in the world also? Being able to Type at a speed of 120 W.P.M. for an entire minute is something only 1% of all Typists can do. In order to do this, you must train the correct way. What is the secrets to typing fast? A few that can be named is Accuracy, using Multiple Fingers, and Key Rollovers = pressing multiple keys down together just milliseconds apart but at the same time. Reading Ahead of what you're typing. I will share my techniques, and secrets which will help you to improve your speed drastically. Do you have a busy schedule? You will also get my Onscreen Keyboard App for Windows Xp, 7, vista, 8, and 10 both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions and multiple Keyboard Skins. That I have developed to help people increase their speed at their own pace. This Onscreen Keyboard is compatible with nearly every windows program, browsers, that can be run in windowed mode along side of it. You can practice good Touch Typing form while writing your e-mails, web browsing, playing games, or writing stories. It will monitor your Keystroke Speed, and it Displays the WPM result back to you in real-time every 5 seconds so you can keep an eye on your raw ""5 Second Speed Burst"" as you press them. In addition, my Keyboard also has start/reset/stop/replay short-cut keys which can also tell you your T.W.P.M. (Total Words Per Minute Average) for any amount of Seconds that you've been typing. (Seconds or minutes.) Using a Math Formula the Program will do the calculations, and determine an estimation of your Raw Average WPM (Raw means the WPM will also include any Typos you make during the Second Duration.) When you start/stop the Internal Secs (Seconds) Counter. Replaying keystrokes to the Keyboard is optional, if you ever want to cancel the replay, it's as simple as pressing ""Ctrl+DownArrow"" during the replay. At the same time that you are typing words, you will see the appropriate fingertip light up when a key is pressed. I also have ""Color Coded""Skins which helps you to always know which fingers should press the keystroke you are wanting to press, even before you press the keystroke. Note: Since the Keyboard App monitors your Keystrokes in order to replay them back to you in real-time, Certain Virus Scanners might see it as a false positive and mistake the file for a dangerous file. So you may have to allow it through your virus scanner in order to use it. If you do not want to install the Keyboard App, you do not have to, you can always re-watch the video in slow motion, and type the words as I do. The Keyboard App has been created to help make everything easier for you while developing your typing skills and letting you type at your own pace."
Price: 24.99