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"Criando um Client REST Node JS"
"Aprenda a criar uma aplicao do zero com interface utilizando JADE no lugar do html e como consumir uma API Rest. Vamos criar as rotas e todas as funes de consumo de uma API Rest com os resultados de cada consulta exibidos na pgina web que vai ser criada. Curso objetivo e orientado a prtica."
Price: 19.99

"Introduo ao C# com WPF"
"Aprenda os comandos e estruturas fundamentais de C# assim como utilizar as ferramentas para trabalhar com esta linguagem, componentes de criao de telas e como utiliz-los. Aprenda tambm como usar o Windows Presentation Foundation (ou WPF), inicialmente chamado de Avalon, um subsistema grfico no . NET Framework. Aprenda ainda a realizar uma conexo com o banco de dados e realizar gravaes e leitura no mesmo com comandos SQL. Tudo isso em um curso objetivo e orientado a prtica."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda em apenas 12 aulas objetivas o essencial do EXCEL."
"Voc vai aprender do zero at o Nvel Intermedirio em Excel. Esse curso composto por 12 aulas em que voc vai desenvolver suas primeiras planilhas como, planilha de despesas pessoais, clculos em folha de pagamento, formatao e impresso de planilhas, frmulas e funes mais usadas em Excel, como funo condicional se, soma, media, soma-se, media, mnimo, mximo. At aqui voc j ter perdido o medo do Excel ao passo que conseguir desenvolver planilhas inteligentes e teis para o dia a dia profissional e pessoal."
Price: 39.99

"basics of R programming"
"Hi all this course is designed for elementary level students in R who want to enjoy in learning R. This course is designed with simple examples for beginners and its created with my young research team who has worked on the material.R is a programming language and free software environment for statistical computing and graphics supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing. The R language is widely used among statisticians and data miners for developing statistical software and data analysis.table of content of R programming as following:1.introduction2.Overview software3.Data types    3.1The problem between integer and numeric data type     3.2 Factors4.Data structure    4.1 vectors     4.2 list and frame    5.1 get data from data frame    5.2 create matrix out of data handling7. logical operations and conditions"
Price: 19.99

"Crea una WEB con WORDPRESS ya! Desde 0, fcil y rpido"
"Bienvenid@! En este curso aprenders a utilizar wordpress desde 0 y a crear la pgina web de tus sueos. En poco tiempo aprenders a utilizar la plataforma y sus herramientas y te convertirs en un experto! Todo desde el nivel ms bsico, un autntico chollo. Te animo a que te inscribas y aproveches la oferta!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Completar Quadrados de Uma Vez por Todas"
"Esse um assunto muito cobrado nos Cursos Superiores que envolvem Cincias Exatas, e consequentemente, Clculo Diferencial e Integral, que trata, em sua maioria, de funes polinomiais. O objetivo, facilitar o raciocnio do aluno. O aluno aprender fatorar binmios e trinmios, e aprendero desenvolver dois dos Produtos Notveis envolvidos nesse contexto de Completar Quadrados"
Price: 39.99

"Cmo escribir y publicar tu libro en tan solo 90 das"
"ATENCIN! Si siempre has querido escribir un libro, pero no sabes por donde empezar o no sabes cmo hacerlo, este curso es para ti.APRENDE CMO ESCRIBIR TU LIBRO EN TAN SOLO 90 DAS Y CMO UTILIZARLO PARA POTENCIAR TU MARCA PERSONAL.Mi nombre es Alex y me dedico a escribir libros para los famosos. Figuras pblicas de la televisin, la poltica, los negocios y los deportes. En los ltimos dos aos he publicado ms de 50 libros, y he ayudado a ms de 100 emprendedores a hacer realidad el sueo de escribir su libro. Esto no hubiese sido posible de no haber sido por MI MTODO. Un sistema nico que desarroll con los aos y que naci despus de haber escrito mi primer libro, el cual vendi ms de 5,000 copias.En este curso descubrirs El mtodo, en el cual aprenders cmo:- Vencer las barreras mentales y emocionales para escribir- Elegir un gran tema para tu libro y aclarar tu ideas - Elegir un gran ttulo que llamen inmediatamente la atencin- Estructurar y escribir tus captulos en tiempo rcord sin pasar por el bloqueo mentar de no saber qu decir o cmo empezar- Contar una gran historia que enganche, que inspire y que eduque para que tu libro sea un xito y la gente lo recomiende.- Disear tu propia portada en 15 minutos, sin necesidad de tener conocimientos de diseo. - Publicar tu libro sin necesidad de tener un contrato con una gran editorial- Hacer tu libro un AMAZON BESTSELLER- Utilizar tu libro ganar dinero, potenciar tu marca personal y vender tus servicios - Y mucho ms"
Price: 870.00

"Healthy and Successful Relationships with PDA and Autism"
"Why this course was createdThis course was created with pathological demand avoidance (PDA) in mind, with a specific focus on romantic relationships. There is currently no help for those of us living with PDAers and we are left to seek conventional counselling or relationship coaching. Unfortunately, there is very little understanding about PDA amongst professionals and some of them dont even recognize it as a real condition. Our relationships are being looked upon and treated as any other relationship where both parties are expected to contribute equally and in a rational way. What the professionals are missing is that these types of relationships are particularly challenging BECAUSE PDA is a hidden disability, and therefore cannot be approached the same way you would approach most relationships. A PDAer cannot be expected to always behave in a rational way, even if they logically understand the reasoning, or perhaps just because they logically understand the reasoning, and therefore a different approach to relationship coaching is desperately needed to find the peace and happiness these very precious and special relationships deserve. What is different about this approach compared to other relationship courses?Most relationship courses teach many good and useful skills such as understanding, listening, communication, meeting each others needs, and co-operation. This course does not cover any of the skills that involve your partners participation. It is all about you and teaching you how to be in charge of your own thinking and feelings. We often think that we cannot help how we feel, but this is something that we have learnt from a young age, and it has now become a habit. By changing how you think about things you will be able to change your feelings, actions and ultimately the results that you get in your relationship, without your partners help or concession. There are no expectations or external pressures put on your partner for you to succeed, and still you may see them blossom as a result of you being able to finally love them unconditionally and truly letting go of your expectations. How this course worksFor new habits to form, they need to be practiced as often as possible, therefore it is recommended that you set aside at least 10 min per day for 30 days straight to practice. Most lectures will have carefully planned exercises that you will need to do in order for you to maximise your results. It is important that you take your time to fill in all the work sheets carefully. The course will walk you through how to use the information that you have gathered on the work sheets to your advantage and teach you how to be in control of your own thinking. There are plenty of examples of how to do this but also the opportunity to send in your questions as you work your way through the course to get personal feedback. What to expect by the end of the course You will be confident about your ability to solve any problem in your relationship with ease. You will be willing to feel any emotion and own that emotion. You will be able to accept and unconditionally love your partner for who they are. You will be able to say no and set boundaries from a place of love and content. You will be able to make decisions based on your true needs and wants. You will have a sense of inner calm, control, and love for yourself and your partner.Who will benefit most from this course? Those with a desire and willingness to change in order to find their own peace and happiness in their love relationships and life. Those in love relationships with a partner who has a pathological demand avoidance profile, with or without an autism diagnosis. Those who are struggling to make decisions in or about their relationships and end up living in confusion and chaos.Commonly asked questions and answersQ: Im a mum to a child with PDA, will this course be suitable for me?A: The techniques in this course may help you coping with your child, but the course does not cover how to deal with having dependents. Q: My husband does not have PDA or autism; will I still benefit from this course?A: Yes, anyone will benefit greatly from this course, although there are other methods that can work for you as well.Q: Will this course help to unconsciously change my partner?A: There are no guarantees, everyone is different. We are focusing on changing what you have control over, (you), so that changing your partner becomes irrelevant. Q: I love the sound of this course, but Im really busy! Can I blast through the course on the weekends?A: The short answer is no. If you cannot find 10 min each day to practice, this course is not for you.Q: Im in an abusive relationship, will this course help me?A: Physical violence is never ok and Id want to encourage you to seek professional and legal help. Q: We have been to counselling for over a year with almost no results. None of us have PDA or autism, can we take this course together?A: This is a great idea! However, you may find that the examples aren't always applicable to your relationship as they have been selected with PDAin mind. You will however find the tools and work sheets very useful and I would recommend that you go through this course as individuals. At the end of each section you can reconvene and discuss your results."
Price: 49.99

"Life Without Cravings - Breaking up With Sugar"
"In this introductory course I will teach you why we love sugar and why its so hard to quit or cut back. We will have a look at basic brain physiology, hormonal imbalances, conditioned behaviours, and our inability to deal with emotions. Once you have the basic knowledge about how our brains function and why you feel and act the way you do when you are faced with sugar, we will have a look at how to get rid of our cravings. I will give you the tools that I have used to finally take control of my cravings and talk you through how to use them.With these tools, a little bit of patience, and a little bit of practice, you will be able to take control of your cravings and quit sugar for good. Or if you prefer, to only have sugar on special occasions without the risk of falling back into old habits."
Price: 49.99

"Yapay Zekann Temelleri: Python ile Programlama"
"YAPAY ZEKA konusunda almak istiyorsanz, nereden balayacanz bilmiyor, yol haritasna ve yardma ihtiya duyuyorsanzMAKNE RENMES (MACHINE LEARNING) ve VER BLM (DATA SCIENCE) konular iin TEMEL PROGRAMLAMA bilgisine ihtiyacnz varsaPYTHON programlama dilini sfrdan uzmanlk seviyesine renmek istiyorsanzNUMPY ile nmerik ilem yapmay renmek istiyorsanzMATPLOTLIB ile ileri seviyede grselletirme yapmak istiyorsanz PANDAS ile veri analizine giri iin gerekli tm donanm almak istiyorsanzkursumuz tam size gre!YAPAY ZEKA iin Temel Programlama bilgisine sahip olmak, 15 yln zerinde uygulamal yapay zeka ve tasarm tecrbesi olan birinden bu dersi dinlemek istiyorsanz, yapmanz gereken tek ey kursumuza katlmak. imdiden aramza HO GELDNZ!"
Price: 399.99

"Konjaruy Basic Trading Course 4.0"
"Forex Cryptocurrency Bitcoin vip 24 . 100 1,500 Facebook Fanpage 14,000 24 ."
Price: 3400.00

"SHIELDED: Guide To Conquering The Insecurities Of Young Men"
"Gentlemen. Get Rid Of Your Bothersome Insecurities Once And For All!Harness Yourself With Surefire Tools, Techniques and Products That Will Obliterate Your Most Common Insecurities.The Biggest Problem That Most 21st Century Young Men Face Today, Is That They Tend To Suffer The Most In Silence. Because It Isn't ""Macho"" To Talk About Your Insecurities, Even Though You May Have Accomplished So Much In The Material Realm.The Insecurities Still Remain.That Is Where ""SHIELDED"" Comes In, SHIELDED Is A Video Course Explaining Some Of The Most Common Insecurities Of The 21st Century Young Man And How To Conquer Them.In This Course You Will Learn The Following:A proven method for getting yourself and others to see you as a GIANT amongstmere mortals, although you may be classified as SHORT. Men will Fear you and Women will Lust for you.How to overcome that PORN addiction that is holding you back from reaching your HIGHEST potential and turning you into a DOCILE, LAZY, TESTOSTERONE less pansyTried & True products and techniques that WILL grow your PENIS in LENGTH and GIRTH, giving you the confidence that you have been deprived of for far too long.Plus much, much more..."
Price: 49.99

"Hafza Teknikleriyle ngilizce Snav Kelimelerini renin"
"YDS, YKDL, TIPDL, TOEFL, IELTS, PTE snavlarnda ska kullanlan 1200 kelimeyi hafza tekniklerine gre hazrlanm elenceli animasyonlar ve altrmalarla bir rpda reneceksin. En zor kelimeleri bile ne kadar kolay rendiini greceksin. Gnlk yaantmzda en ok kullandmz kelime bekleri ve armlar animasyonlar haline getirdik. Hem elenip hem de ngilizce kelimeleri hzla reneceksin.YDS, YKDL, TIPDL, YKS ngilizce snavlarna hazrlananlarIELTS, TOEFL, PTE gibi yabanc snavlara hazrlananlarGenel ngilizce seviyesini ykseltmek isteyenlerHer yolu deneyen ama bir trl kelimeleri kalc bir ekilde renemeyenler ite bu eitimimiz tam da size gre.Her biri hafza tekniklerine gre hazrlanm 1200 adet kelime videosuToplam 60 dersten oluan kelime animasyonlar ve her dersin sonunda kelime altrmalarBlm sonunda genel altrmalar"
Price: 399.99

"Be a Java professional. Let's implement a database server."
"Hi,welcome to my training. This training will be an interesting journey, in which we will develop a database server together, which can store data by schema, can index the data and of course we can run different searches in database. We will perform many refactoring as the we add more and more features to the server (unit tests helps in refactoring) and our architecture will be more and more mature.We will code together, we will figure out some solutions together, we will debug together to find out the problems, so I hope this will be an interesting journey for you too.Why is this training material useful? If you know the Java language basics, if you can create projects with an IDE, then as Junior java programmer it is always good to participate in a bigger project, it is good to create a complex project with help. This training will help improving your programming skill, you will learn Java language better.What we will do together?- we will start with basic file operations- we develop a server which can store only a person related data- we refactor the server to be a generic one- we will write test application for server,- we will use a web server to open the servers api via rest- and of course we will create a multithreaded client for stress testing the server- we will check the code coverage, we try to achieve better coverageAt the end the Database project will provide many possibilities to make the server even better, so after the training you can still work/exercise with the help of the project.Im going to add more and more chapters to the training, I will develop further the database, so you can continuously check the training material for new chapters.At the end of the course, students will have a great experience in handling complex projects, create and monitor applications regarding memory and CPU usage and they gain an important ability: gain routine in creation and handling complex projects."
Price: 19.99

"Java, JVM security. The Java sandbox model"
"Few years ago the computer news was full with news about Java's zero day vulnerabilities, and Oracle released hundreds of patches. Java is used on by more than 80% os Desktops, on more than 100 million of TV devices, on few billions of mobile phone, so it is a good target to attack.Java was designed right from beginning to be secure. As a Java developer it is a must to know how the JVM works, what security features it provides. The language and the JVM architecture both helps the developers to develop amazing and secure applications. Java sandbox can restrict applications to perform any vulnerable activities. This course is about to get acquainted with the Java sandbox. We will learn how to use, how to setup, how to run applications in sandbox, how to configure the sandbox to defend our machine from malicious applications.As a developer who writes applications which runs in JVM, knowing the configuration of the sandbox is a must.We will learn the JVM architecture, and we will learn how to setup the sandbox, and we do by examples. In each lesson we will write simple applications, and we check which permissions are needed to perform different operations, and we will talk about why is that operation dangerous. I believe, learning by examples is the best way to learn.The course covers the following topics with examples:o JVM architecture - with emphasis on securityo JVM default setting,, java.policy fileso Use system or custom policy file, where can it be controlledo Setup of SecurityManagero Permissionso How to create and use our own permissiono How to sing a jar fileo Use of SecureSocketso Use of http proxies, authentications, cookie handlers"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a tocar Violo do ZERO - Estude Msica por Hobby!"
"Muitos cursos on line oferecem muitas informaes de forma correta, porm a maneira como esse curso pode te ajudar diferente e interativa, pois voc vai praticar do ZERO, junto comigo em todas as aulas.O MTODONomeei como Music Fit ou academia musical (rs), pois vamos usar o mesmo conceito de sries de repetio da academia, para voc ter resultados muito interessantes num prazo muito curto.APRENDA a tocar msicas diferentes, usando s 2 dedos da sua mo esquerda!A PROPOSTA treinarmos rapidamente, mo esquerda e direita - separadamente com 4 repeties em cada uma - e depois partirmos para o teste prtico - j tocando a msica usando o acessrio que traz muita facilidade o capotraste.VANTAGENS EM TOCARImagina voc tocando em casa e j receber elogios por estar soando bem musical?Ou quando voc comear a tocar para os amigos e eles curtirem e comearem a falar de voc tocando?So resultados como esses que incentivo os estudantes a conseguirem."
Price: 39.99

"Charcoal Shading Training Drawing / Karakalem izim Eitimi"
"Trke Anlatm / English altyaz -Bu ders,izim konusunda ok az bilgiye sahip olmaktan ileri sanat yaratmaya ve izim temellerini derinlemesine kavramanza yardmc olacaktr. - Peki senin iin baka neler var ? -Kursun 16 blmnn tmne annda erieceksiniz -Kurs sizi adm adm ilerletecek bir ok farkl stilde izim ilemini gelitirecek ekilde ayarland. -16 video olarak 8 saatten olumaktadr, -Kalemlerinin deerini renme,insan yz izimi,3d dudak,burun,gz,sa,sakal,kulak,yz,ka .. boyut kazandrma 3d glge vererek boyut kazandrma tekniklerini adm adm reneceksiniz.Turkish Narration / English subtitle -This course will help you to create more advanced art and to have a deep understanding of drawing basics. - And what else is there for you?b You will have instant access to the entire section -This course has been adjusted to improve the drawing process in many different styles that will advance you step by step. -There are 16 videos total of 8 hours You will learn the value of the shades, human face drawing, 3d lips, nose, eye, hair, beard, ear, face, eyebrow .. how to give 3D effect with shading techniques step by step."
Price: 19.99

"Karakalem ve Kuru Boya / Moda Tasarm Glgelendirme Eitimi"
"Trke Anlatm        -Bu ders,izim konusunda ok az bilgiye sahip olmaktan ileri sanat yaratmaya ve izim temellerini derinlemesine kavramanza yardmc olacaktr.       - Peki senin iin baka neler var ?        -Kursun 39 blmnn tmne annda erieceksiniz        -Kurs sizi adm adm ilerletecek bir ok farkl stilde izim ilemini gelitirecek ekilde ayarland.         -Kalemlerinin deerini renme,bir ok kuma dokusu,kyafet izimleri,ayakkab,aksesuar,model,figr boyut kazandrma 3d glge vererek boyut kazandrma tekniklerini adm adm reneceksiniz.         -Karakalem ve Kuru boya kullanm         -9 Kafal model izimi / Figr glgelendirme      _"
Price: 59.99

"Portre Glgelendirme Eitimi Kuru Boya Yz izimi"
"-Bu ders,izim konusunda ok az bilgiye sahip olmaktan ileri sanat yaratmaya ve izim temellerini derinlemesine kavramanza yardmc olacaktr.       - Peki senin iin baka neler var ?          -Kurs sizi adm adm ilerletecek bir ok farkl stilde izim ilemini gelitirecek ekilde ayarland.              -Kalemlerinin deerini renme,insan yz izimi,3d dudak,burun,gz,sa,yz,ka .. boyut kazandrma 3d glge vererek boyut kazandrma tekniklerini adm adm reneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"izim Eitimi Far ve Kuru Boya Kullanarak Yz Glgelendirme"
"-Bu ders,izim konusunda ok az bilgiye sahip olmaktan ileri sanat yaratmaya ve izim temellerini derinlemesine kavramanza yardmc olacaktr.       - Peki senin iin baka neler var ?      - Elenceli Makyaj malzemesi kullanarak benimle birlikte deneyeceksiniz :)          -Kurs sizi adm adm ilerletecek bir ok farkl stilde izim ilemini gelitirecek ekilde ayarland.              -Kalemlerinin deerini renme,insan yz izimi,3d dudak,burun,gz,sa,yz,ka .. boyut kazandrma 3d glge vererek boyut kazandrma tekniklerini adm adm reneceksiniz."
Price: 19.99

"Diventare Investitore Immobiliare"
"Investire riservato ai ricchi? Oggi non pi perch grazie alla tecnologia possibile investire piccole somme e i piccoli risparmi hanno le stesse opportunit dei grandi capitali.Investire piccole somme pu sembrare unutopia. Oltre l80% dei sottoscrittori di fondi comuni ha una ricchezza finanziaria che supera i 100.000 euro. Eppure, con qualche accorgimento e sfruttando le opportunit offerte, anche chi dispone di piccole somme pu investire con successo.Prima di riuscirci, cerchiamo di capire perch fino ad oggi investire piccole somme stato inteso come un tab per moltissimi piccoli risparmiatori. Vi sono innanzitutto delle ragioni di natura tecnica che riguardano gli strumenti finanziari.Il vantaggio di investire piccole sommeSe per questazione diventasse unabitudine? 5 alla settimana sono 20 al mese e 260 allanno. Se qualcuno allindomani dellintroduzione delleuro, nel gennaio 2002, avesse iniziato a mettere da parte 5 alla settimana, dopo 13 anni avrebbe accumulato 3.865. Non male, come risultato di unabitudine che costato uno sforzo davvero minimo. Se questi stessi 5 alla settimana, anzich essere infilati nel porcellino salvadanaio, fossero stati investiti sui mercati azionari globali (qui rappresentati dallindice MSCI World), oggi il capitale a disposizione, tra somma dei risparmi accumulati e guadagni dati dallandamento dei mercati sarebbe pari a 7.493. A chi questo traguardo non sembrasse un granch basti pensare che se i 5 euro alla settimana fossero stati 10, il valore del capitale oggi sarebbe pari a 14.986."
Price: 199.99

"Russian Language - Basics"
"Learning Russian language is not such a difficult task! Like any language, Russian has some unique features. It has a very rich vocabulary, a huge variety of literature and amazing history. But the key to understanding Russian is its alphabet. It is indeed quite different from most European languages but despite having more letters (33, to be precise), it is very easy to master. Once you know the alphabet, you can read anything in Russian so that you won't have to struggle with transliteration or phonetic symbols. And this course was created to give you a great start in the Russian language. What makes our course unique?1. All the knowledge is in one place - you won't have to look for additional information elsewhere, losing your time. Save your time and make the most of it. Russian made easy.2. Personal assistance - the instructor will be monitoring the course several times a day to help you with any questions.3. Practice - this course is a perfect balance between theory and how to apply it in speech, you won't have to memorise rules and then forget them all together, you will practice everything you learn.4. Lots of free sources - each lecture has free downloadable materials for you to practise and memorize new things better.5. A conversational approach - you won't learn just the alphabet, you will also learn everyday conversational phrases to use in your speech and surprise your friends.The creation of this course took more than 6 months. A lot of books and everyday conversations have been analysed to pick up the best and most useful phrases to learn. The Russian alphabet is presented in a way as to simplify your learning process and make it more enjoyable and practical. It's an easy way to master the basics of Russian."
Price: 89.99

"Facebook? ? ? ? , , . , Facebook - , , (- ). (Yandex, Google, YouTube . .), , , , . Facebook. , Facebook Ads, , . , , , Facebook, , . 8 , 30 . , Facebook, , , , ."
Price: 79.99

"Bulut Biliim Temelleri ve AWS zm Mimarlna Giri"
"""Tek kelime ile mkemmel. Hi AWS veya cloud ile almam biri olarak ok anlalr. Emek verilerek zenle hazrlanm bir eitim. imdi biraz daha gelitirip sertifika almakta. tk"" - renci Yorumu************""erik ak, net ve her seviyeden kiilerin (benim gibi hi bilmeyenlerin bile) rahatlkla anlayabilecei bir ekilde sunulmu. Teekkrler."" - renci Yorumu************""AWS SAA sinavini bugun gecmis biri olarak belirtmek isterim ki; kursa baslar baslamaz emin ellerde hissedecek ve egitmenin donanimi sebebiyle de dogru bir karar aldiginizi dusuneceksiniz.Aktif bir ogrenmenin parcasi olacaksiniz Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim. Kendisine sukranlarimi sunarim..."" - renci Yorumu************""Ses kalitesi ok iyi eitim ok gzel hazrlanm. Tane tane anlatlyor. AWS konusunda derli toplu en iyi eitim diyebilirim."" - renci olarak hazrladmz Trkiye'nin ilk online ""Bulut Biliim Temelleri ve AWS zm Mimarlna Giri"" eitimindeki amacmz, sizler iin bulut biliim ve AWS dnyasna bir giri kaps salamak. Bunu salarken de dil bariyerine taklmamanz adna eitimlerimizi Trke hazrlyoruz. Bu eitim sonunda;Bulut biliimle ilgili temel tm konseptler hakknda bilgi sahibi olacakBulut biliim servisleri ve yaplar hakknda derinlemesine bilgi edinecekAWS yani Amazon Web Servislerini derinlemesine renebilecekVe son fakat en nemli hedef olarakAWS Solutions Architect Associate sertifikasyonuna sahip olabilecek seviyede teknik bilgi edineceksiniz.Kariyerinizde yeni bir sayfa aabilecek, gnmzn en geerli biliim sertifikasyonlarindan olan AWS Solutions Architect sertifikasyonuna sahip olabilmek adna hazrladmz eitime Udemy platformundan eriebilirsiniz."
Price: 249.99

"How to lie with statistics"
"We are all being fooled by numbers, graphs, charts and statements on daily basis. You might not know it, but it happens.Should you enroll in this 30-minutes course?You should enroll if you want to find out how the following statements are both true and misleading:- Vegetarians have a higher income than meat-eaters.- Colgate is recommended by 80% of the dentists.- There were no car accidents caused by cell phones before 1973.- eBooks are preferred over paper books by men more than by women.Note: This course is not a statistics lesson and you do not need any prior knowledge in statistics to follow it."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Tweepy (Python Twitter library)"
"In this 30-min course, you will learn the basics of the Twitter API by using Tweepy, the Python Twitter library.It is the first of the two courses on Tweepy.You should enroll if you want to learn:- How to post tweets using Python- How to get tweet's text, author, location of tweet user, bio/description of the user- How to get the latest tweets based on a certain keyword"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Tweepy (Python Twitter library) - part 2"
"This is part 2 of the Tweepy (Python Twitter library) tutorial. In this 30-minutes tutorial, you will learn how to:- Use tweepy.Cursor- Analyze the tweets of a Twitter use. Example - How many of the Elon Musk's tweets are Tesla-related?- Analyze whether a Twitter user's tweets have positive or negative sentiment. Example - Does CNN tweet negatively or positively about Trump?"
Price: 19.99

"Create payslips and invoices with Python"
"The course is intended for Python beginners who have basic knowledge of the Python syntax and are looking for a beginners project. This course takes less than an hour to complete, but provides sufficient knowledge to build something very useful.It explains how you can create payslips and invoices from an excel file and how to merge multiple PDFs into one."
Price: 24.99

"Python for complete beginners"
"Learn the basics of Python in less than 90 minutes. This course is intended for complete beginners in programming.As I am not a big fan of theory, the course covers the basics through examples.Python is an easy-to-learn language and its syntax is fairly simple to understand. It is one of the languages mostly recommended for programming beginners."
Price: 24.99

"Webshop, kszts, kdrs nlkl! Woocommerce, Dropshipping"
"Kivl tanfolyam, azok szmra, akik webshopot szeretnnek kszteni, de nincs informatikai ismeretk, vagy van, de ezt a terletet nem ismerik.tfog tanfolyam, amely sok tmakrt rint, s / vagy trgyal rszletesen, mint:- Dropshipping, mi az zleti modell?- Egy kivl hosting cg kivlasztsa, domain regisztrci- Wordpress s Woocommerce teleptse- A webshop menszerkezetnek ltrehozsa- Ingyenes SSL ltrehozsa (nem nalrt)- Honnt szerezzek termkeket a webshopomba.- Termkek manulis feltltse- Termkek automatizlt feltltse- Slider ksztse, ingyenes studi fot beszezs- Paypal integrlsa- Biztonsg, backup, rejtett belptets- Woocommerce magyarostsa, EUR rak talaktsa Forintra- Postzs, oszgokra, vagy vrosrszekre szkts, adzs, egyedi fa kulcs- Egyedi lbrsz ltrehozsa- Termkcsoport kivlasztsa, a sajt rdekldsi krnknek megfelelen- Facebook reklmok teljesen ingyen""A WooCommerce egy ingyenes eCommerce bvtmny, melynek segtsgvel eladhatunk brmit, szpen. A WordPress segtsgvel knnyen integrlhat, a WooCommerce a vilg legkedveltebb eCommerce megoldsa, amely mind a tulajdonosnak s mind pedig a fejlesztnek szabad kezet ad.""Plusz pr extra tartalom, amit a videkba csempsztem. :)Teljes tanfolyam, folyamatosan bvl tartalommal.Specilis kedvezmnyrt, keress meg! :)4 ra Ondeamand video, 30 napos pnzvisszafizetsi garancia."
Price: 39.99