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"Biodecodificacin: Taller de Autoestima"
"En este curso aprenders los motivos por los surge la baja autoestima y herramientas prcticas que te ayudaran en la vida, y podrs usarlas cuando las necesites. Adems de trabajos mensuales para completar un ao de sanacin y auto descubrimiento. Todo lo que aprendas en este curso debers aplicarlo siempre con todo el amor de tu ser sin juzgarte y as podrs lograr resultados increbles y positivos para tu vida diaria. Te esperamos para emprender juntos un camino de crecimiento emocional y una vida ms plena y feliz."
Price: 139.99

"Miedo, Culpa y Perdn: 28 das para cambiar tu vida"
"En este curso iniciars un viaje hacia tu interior para comprender y sanar tus miedos, aprenders cmo expresar y gestionar de manera positiva el sentimiento de culpabilidad, las ansias de perfeccionamiento desmedido y autocrtica, y encontrars el verdadero significado del perdn. El curso est diagramado en cuatro segmentos: El primero es el Miedo, el segundo la Culpa, el tercero el Perdn y el cuarto Afirmacin de lo aprendido. En cada uno de ellos encontrars videos explicativos, ejercicios diarios y meditaciones basadas en PNL y Un Curso de Milagros. Todo lo que aprendas en este curso te llevar a la felicidad, la paz interior y el autodescubrimiento. Te espero para emprender juntos un camino de crecimiento emocional y una vida feliz."
Price: 24.99

"Claves para lograr la abundancia"
"Tus hbitos de pensamiento son los creadores de tu realidad y ahora puedes cambiar tus mandatos de limitaciones econmicas y alcanzar la prosperidad para tu vida.Si has heredado de tus ancestros el programa que te hace creer que el dinero se consigue con sacrificio, que tu riqueza depende de un sueldo o un gobierno, que las personas que tienen dinero no son buenas o tienes la costumbre de quejarte por tu situacin econmica, tus programas mentales se basan en el miedo Y detrs de cada miedo hay una carencia. Las mentes altamente positivas atraen la abundancia y el xito."
Price: 79.99

"Neuroanatomia Simulados"
"Domine a Neuroanatomia a partir de exerccios cuidadosamente elaborados para garantir seu aprendizado. Voc ter acesso a centenas de questes, de diversos nveis de dificuldade e uma certeza: foco no seu sucesso! Neste simulado voc ir interagir com os principais conceitos abordados em Neuroanatomia, numa abordagem morfolgica e funcional. Ter excelente aplicabilidade em seu desenvolvimento profissional e um grande diferencial em conhecimentos especficos. Conhea melhor a Docente Daniele Pedrosa e descubra uma Rede de Aprendizagem em Neurocincias:Procure no Facebook por neurodani, venha fazer parte de nossa Comunidade gratuitamente! Na pgina do Facebook voc encontrar o acesso para meu site onde h um link com promoo dos Simulados por apenas R$19,99. Aproveite!"
Price: 99.99

"Psicofrmacos Simulados"
"Neste simulado vocs iro aprender e tero a oportunidade de testar seu nvel de conhecimento sobre os principais Psicofrmacos utilizados no Brasil para o tratamento da Depresso, do transtorno do Humor Bipolar, em surtos psicticos e esquizofrenia, nos transtornos ansiosos (TOC, Pnico e TAS), na insnia e em pacientes com transtornos de dficit de ateno/hiperatividade. Uma excelente oportunidade para atualizao, aprendizado e verificao de informaes! Voc ter acesso a centenas de questes, de diversos nveis de dificuldade e uma certeza: foco no seu sucesso! Excelente aplicabilidade em seu desenvolvimento profissional e um grande diferencial em conhecimentos especficos.Conhea melhor a Docente Daniele Pedrosa e descubra uma Rede de Aprendizagem em Neurocincias:Procure no Facebook por neurodani, venha fazer parte de nossa Comunidade gratuitamente! Na pgina do Facebook voc encontrar o acesso para meu site onde h um link com promoo dos Simulados por apenas R$19,99. Aproveite!"
Price: 99.99

"Adobe XD"
"A'dan Z'ye Adobe XD kursu ile kendini gelitirip bu ynde i bavurularnda bulunabilirsin. stediin zaman istediin bir web sitenin, mobil uygulamann hatta bir programn tasarmn yapabilirsin. Adobe XD'nin arayz yine Adobe XD ile yaptklarn biliyor musun?. Adobe'nin gelitirdii piyasaya sunduu hemen hemen her program bu program ile yapyor dersem ok arma bence sende hemen bu kursu satn alarak neler yapabileceine sen bile aracaksn. Bu kurs ile UI&UXtasarmcs olarak i ilanlarna bavuru yapabilirsin ama nce bir eyler tasarlaman gerekli nk i bavurusu yaptnda portfolyo'nu sunman gerekecek. Kendim bir eyler yapaym istiyorsan hemen uan bir eyler tasarlayarak Online Sat Platformlarndan para kazanmaya balayabilirsin. Bu kurs ile rakiplerinden bir adm nce geerek kendini topluluun ierisinde ayrcalkl bir noktaya taya bilirsin. Neden Ben?Trkiye'de Trke olarak Aralk 2016 ylnda bu program ilk defa ben anlattm. Deneyim olarak Adobe XD ile 3 yllk bir deneyimimi sizlerle paylayorum. Bence daha fazla bekleme sende bu kursa katlarak kendine bir iyilik yap."
Price: 34.99

"Facebook Page Como Herramienta Educativa"
"En este curso te mostramos las herramientas que utiliza facebook para que puedas ser un maestro innovador en tu comunidad para beneficio de tus estudiantes. A sabiendas que la gran mayora de tus estudiantes utiliza facebook, como docentes tienes que sacarle el mayor provecho a esta realidad, eso es lo que buscamos."
Price: 19.99

"A Sip of Java"
"A Sip of Java is for those who are interested in learning the basics of Java without all the extra details. This course aims to be the quickest way for a student to go from knowing nothing or very little about Java and programming to writing their own applications. In this course students will learn how to:Setup their computer to write and run Java applicationsWrite console apps that can respond to user inputLearn Java language basics - types, variables, conditions, loops, operators, functions, classes, etc.Read and write data to external filesCreate their own GUI (Graphical User Interface)applicationsStart their path to becoming an accomplished programmerLearning how to program with Java is a great skill to have. This course is designed to be the fastest way to understand core concepts of Java."
Price: 29.99

"Find The Hottest Shopify Dropshipping Products"
"Youtube Channel: The Internet WolfIf you have ever tried dropshippingproducts on Shopifyyou have likely ran into several issues with becoming profitable or sustaining lasting profits in your Shopify stores.The absolute #1 best way to become profitable with Shopify is to have a HOT product that makes you sales at a crazy ROI.This course shows you 6 effective ways to find viral products to sell in your Shopify store. Use any of these techniques to find the products that will provide you with sustained profits in your online e-commerce business endeavors!"
Price: 199.99

"Secret Strategy to Wholesale Real Estate for BIG Profit 2019"
"In this course you will learn how as a WHOLESALER, you can get properties ""under contract"" with MOTIVATED SELLERS or OWNERS, do a mark-up, and then wholesale the property to an investor who will eventually sell it on the retail market, making you a hefty profit. You will gain an in depth understanding of what wholesaling REAL ESTATE is. You will get STEP-by-STEP instructions on how to close a WHOLESALE deal in 30 days or less. You will learn how to market to BUYERS and you will learn my marketing techniques that brings tons of MOTIVATED SELLERS. You will learn to AUTOMATE your business so you can focus on making more money. Lastly, you will learn how to build a TEAM for your business."
Price: 199.99

"Time Management - The Complete Productivity Training Course"
"What If You Could Get Double As Much Work Done Tomorrow As You Have Any Day This Year?The truth is that we all want to use your time well. But in order to do so, you need to know certain principles you won't learn in school.I didn't want to face another year where nothing changed. That's why I went after the answers. And it's also why I made this course.Inside, I'm going to share with you 7 specific steps you can take today to become more productive. If you take these ideas and apply them, I think you'll become more productive than you ever have before.Here's a sample of what you'll learn inside:These two words from a 2,000 year old book completely changed how I look at Time Management. Here's what they are, and how to use them [Lecture 2]The ""Time Management Trap"" - If you don't know what it is, chances are you're making it [Lecture 3]What to do every morning to skyrocket your productivity [Lecture 4]How you can do 3 hours of work in 1 hour [Lecture 5]How to always know what to work on [Lecture 6]Why you need to make these 3 plans to manage your time well [Lecture 7]The 80/20 Rule no one talks about and is more important to productivity [Lecture 8]My Time Management Worksheets - I'll give them to you so you can use them now [Lectures 9 & 10]Why achieving your goals is like filling a water bucket [Lecture 11]And more...See you inside,Zack"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning y Procesamiento de Lenguaje sin cdigo"
"Te gustara aprender Machine Learning, Data Science, Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, pero te fastidia programar y no entiendes mucho sobre cdigo?, entonces este curso es para ti, logra todo esto sin cdigo!! con Rapidminer y ademas con datos reales de Tweeter!!, lo cual podrs aplicar en tu trabajo, tesis, artculo o investigacin, no tienes nada que envidiarle a cdigo hecho en R o Python."
Price: 270.00

"Metodologa de Data Science y Python Bsico."
"La Ciencia de datos esta creciendo muy rpidamente en estos ltimos aos, ya que en todas partes encontramos datos los cuales nos podran ayudar a mejorar nuestros procesos, aumentar nuestras ventas, entender que esta pasando con nuestra empresa, dar respuestas a preguntas, predecir enfermedades, detectar cncer, y muchas aplicaciones mas.Ahora el verdadero problema radica en que faltan Cientficos de datos (Data Scientist). Python es uno de los programas que mas es usado en este mundo de los datos, por lo que empezar a usarlo es necesario, pero que es todo este conocimiento sin un mapa que nos gui?, para eso esta la Metodologa de Ciencia de los datos (Data Science), la cual nos llevara de la mano desde que definimos nuestro problema, hasta la resolucin del mismo, todo esto en un solo Curso!!."
Price: 270.00

"Construye tu primer red neuronal en menos de 1 hora!!"
"Las redes neuronales han tenido un gran auge estos ltimos aos, debido a su gran potencial para resolver problemas, muchas empresas como Netflix, Youtube y Google estn haciendo uso de estas  da con da. En este curso aprenderas cmo construir una red neuronal en menos de 1 hora usando Python. Todo esto sin libreras como Keras o software como Rapidminer, esto con la intencin de que comprendas el funcionamiento interno de una red neuronal. Adems no veremos matemticas de alto nivel, todo ser con frmulas muy fciles que cualquier persona puede entender  e implementar en cdigo. Todo en menos de 1 hora!! Que estas esperando"
Price: 270.00

"De Excel a Tableau en menos de 1 hora!!"
"Un vdeo vale mas que 1000 palabras, solo mira el vdeo de presentacin y sabrs que podrs hacer, asombroso verdad!!Podrs generar reportes dinmicos sobre ventas, ganancias, envos, etc. con los que podrs tomar decisiones mas fcilmente.Si tus datos contienen distintas variables como pases por que no usar un mapa para visualizarlos mas fcilmente??"
Price: 270.00

"rbol de decisiones para machine learning en python."
"Los rboles de decisin siguen siendo uno de los algoritmos mas potentes a da de hoy, adems de sus buenos, stos  dicen el por que dan una respuesta u otra de acuerdo a una serie de reglas. Otros algoritmos como redes neuronales son muy potentes pero no se sabe porque  llegan a  respuesta, por lo que es mas difcil corregir el verdadero problema."
Price: 270.00

"Montessori Eitimi 'nin doru anlalmas, ocuklarn renme zelliklerine gre eitimlerine destek olunmasn amalar.Montessori Eitimi, endstri toplumlarnn eitim modelidir.Bilim disiplinidir.Hzl ve kolay renme disiplinidir.Modern iliki kurma modelidir.ocuklar ve yetikinleri doru ve kolay anlama modelidir.Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatrk 'n, Cumhuriyet ile lkemizde uygulamaya koyduu eitim modelidir.Endstri toplumlarnda geerli olan tek eitim modelidir. Dier modeller ya endstri ncesine aittir yada Montessori Eitim modelinden alnmtr.Montessori Eitim modelinde bilgi dntrlr. Biriktirilmez, ezberlenmez."
Price: 199.99

"Business Intelligence: Strategies, Tools & Techniques"
"Welcome to Business Intelligence: Strategies, Tools & TechniquesIn this course you will learn the basic principles and elements of Business Intelligence and how to apply it to achieve sustainable and profitable business growth. By the end of the course, you will be able to build the fundamental architecture for functioning business intelligence systems with the support of data-mining & data-warehousing applications. You will have the knowledge you need to develop and launch a BI project turning the flood of data into actionable information that helps your business succeed. Finally, you'll discover how the applications and technologies join forces to access, analyze, and offer data that you can use to make better business decisions, improve your products, satisfy customers, overcome competitors, and more. What you'll learn in this course:Understand the basic principles and elements of Business IntelligenceLearn how Business Intelligence leads to sustainable and profitable growth Learn how organizations use Business Intelligence systemsLearn what is data warehousing and how to utilize itUnderstand the Business Intelligence processLearn BI and Data Mining applicationsDiscover Data Mining tools, methods, and techniquesLearn Data AnalysisLearn Factor AnalysisLearn Cluster Analysis and Multidimensional ScalingDiscover best practices and pragmatic approaches"
Price: 104.99

"Accounting for Beginners: Learn The Basics of Accounting"
"Are you a student who wants to learn the basics of financial and managerial accounting? Are you a business owner who wants to learn how to operate a profitable and financial sound operation? Accounting is a vital topic of business. You can't be a student of business, launch your own start-up, or even have a decent conversation with somebody on the topic of business, if you don't understand the fundamentals of accounting. This course simplifies the basics of accounting, and is a helpful resource for accounting students, entrepreneurs, bookkeepers, and finance professionals. Whether you are a business owner looking to increase your business performance or an accounting student looking to increase your grade, this course will be vital on your journey.This course simplifies the basic concepts & principles of accounting, and provides students a path to quick and effective mastery of the accounting. Enroll now and learn the fundamentals of accounting in an engaging and educating way.What you'll learn in this course: Understand what is accounting Understand the meaning of accounting Understand the objectives of accounting Understand the advantages of accounting Understand who are the users of accounting information Learn the basic functions of accounting Learn what are financial statements Learn the most important accounting concepts Learn the basic accounting principles and standards"
Price: 104.99

"Marketing Guide: Learn Marketing Strategies & Techniques"
"In the world of marketing, you can use every aspect of customer interaction as an opportunity to grow. This course will show you how to harness these powerful techniques to increase your revenue, boost sales, and propel your business forward.Whether you own a local small shop, or a mid-size business, if you use the right marketing approach you can make your company stand out from the crowd. You will learn how to find, reach, and engage with your customers in a way that brings in business. It will shows you how customer value is the driving force behind every effective marketing strategy. In addition, It provides you with everything you need to know about marketing, in an effective and engaging way.Whether you're an experienced entrepreneur, or just starting out, this course is the easiest and quickest way to learn time-tested and proven marketing strategies that will propel your business growth.What you'll learn in this course: Understand what is marketing Learn the concepts of marketing Understand markets and marketers Understand the concept of marketing management Understand the marketing organizations Learn what a marketing manager is and also define its roles and responsibilities Learn market segmentation Understand the service delivery process"
Price: 104.99

"Investing for Beginners: Learn Investing Strategies & Tools"
"Welcome to Investing for Beginners.In this course i'm going to offer you time-tested advice on how to create winning investment strategies that will match your abilities with your expectations, while ensuring you're growing your wealth, slowly and steadily.We will cover everything from stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and even real estate, etc. This course lays out an arsenal of strategies for you to select the investment accounts that best match your specific style, needs, and goals. It offers a solid framework to help student make sound decisions and confidently invest in the marketplace.Whether you're a complete investing newbie or just confused about all the contradictory opinions out there, this course is an accessible guide that will help you grow your money the smart, and easy way. Enroll now and set yourself on a path towards a lifetime of financial success.What youll learn in this course: Understand the meaning of investment Understand speculation and gambling Learn the investment avenues Learn the types of investment Learn the investments objectives and investment process Understand the money market instruments Understand investment vehicles Understand the investment markets and regulation Learn the concept of risk and return Understand the diversification of risk Learn the risk and return of single assets"
Price: 104.99

"Financial Planning & Management: Finance Strategies & Tools"
"In today's world, knowing what to do with your money is more important than ever. This course provides the tools, techniques, and understanding you need to define and achieve your financial goals. It offers you a wealth of information to help you explore the keys to financial success including savings, investments, planning a budget, cash flow management, insurance, retirement planning, estate planning, financial management & risk management.The course builds on these foundational concepts, exploring their interconnectivity and professional opportunities, to offer a deeper understanding of financial planning and management. After taking this course, students will be able to apply the insights and skills gained from this course to have an long-term positive impact for their future.What you'll learn in this course: Understand the concept of financial planning Learn the financial planning process Learn the steps of the financial planning process Understand the importance of financial planning Learn long term financial planning Learn development and implementation of a financial plan Learn the concept of financial management Understand the importance of financial management Understand the inter-relation among financial decisions Learn the objectives of financial management"
Price: 104.99

"PRINCE2 Foundation Practice Tests"
"PRINCE2 is a structured project management method and practitioner certification programme. PRINCE2 emphasizes dividing projects into manageable and controllable stages. AXELOS publishedan updatededition of the PRINCE2 guidance in May 2017. This revised version of PRINCE2 affirms the methods established approach to project management, with its overall structure of seven principles, themes and processes. Subscribe now to get access to 5 sets of examination papers which will help you to clear the examination."
Price: 1280.00

"ITIL2011 Foundation Question Bank"
"Are you preparing for ITIL2011 Foundation certification? If yes, then Subscribe now to get an access to huge question bank for both the courses. The ITIL Foundation certification is aimed at those who want to have a strong understanding of the entire ITIL framework and guidelines.There are five stages in the ITIL Service Lifecycle: Service Strategy, Service Design, Service Transition, Service Operation, and Continual Service Improvement. Want more information about ITIL course? visit now on 4PA website."
Price: 1280.00

"Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Question Bank"
"Join with 4PA's Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Question Bank Practice Test in order to clear Green Belt examination. Six Sigma is a Quality Management method, Six Sigma (6) is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. It was introduced by engineer Bill Smith while working at Motorola in 1980. Jack Welch made it central to his business strategy at General Electric in 1995.We request all the participants to ensure that they have attended training before they appear for the examination. For more information about training, you can visit on 4PA website."
Price: 1280.00

"ITIL4 Foundation Question Bank with Explanation"
"Have you already taken an ITIL 4 Foundation course from a registered Accredited Training Organization (ATO)? If no, then kindly attend the training and then go for the practice examination in order to clear the ITIL4 Foundation examination.ITIL 4 - the next release of ITIL, is launched in the first quarter of 2019. It's the first major update to the ITIL framework since 2011, designed in large part to keep up with recent trends in software development and IT operations. ITIL4 provides a flexible foundation for organizations that need to integrate various frameworks and approaches into their service management operating models. ITIL 4 aims to help businesses navigate the new technological era of digital services.If you are preparing for ITIL4 Foundation examination then subscribe to this course and get a life time access to the huge question bank with explanation against each question.4P Advisory Services is an Accredited Training Organization (ATO) for ITIL 4 Foundation certification. These practice exams make an excellent supplement to your other study efforts for the ITIL 4 Foundation certification, but should not be your only resource for studying for this exam. It is mandate that you attend a full training course prior to taking the exam.The ITIL course on this page are offered by 4P Advisory Services, Navi Mumbai, an ATO of AXELOS Limited. ITIL, ITIL Foundation, and the Swirl logo are registered trademarks of AXELOS Limited. All rights reserved."
Price: 1280.00

"COBIT2019 Foundation Bridge Program"
"Certify your expertise in the new iteration of the worlds most recognized IT Governance framework.The COBIT2019 Certification confirms your proficiency in utilizing the contemporary version of ISACAs COBIT framework.The COBIT 2019 framework has been updated with modern processes and design factors resulting in a more adaptable framework regardless of an organizations industry, attributes or strategic goals.COBIT 2019 certified individuals are recognized as adaptive and adept IT governance professionals.They can apply a framework that maximizes the value an organization achieves from reaching its strategic goals.This course will help you to understand & compare between COBIT5 & COBIT2019."
Price: 2880.00

"CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-002 Examination Bank"
"Cloud+ covers the increased diversity of knowledge, skills and abilities required of system administrators to validate what is necessary to perform effectively in data center jobs.CompTIA Cloud+ views cloud-based infrastructure services as an increasingly important piece of an organizations IT systems.It is the only vendor-neutral, performance-based certification covering more than a specific vendor or a single function like security or networking to help you better realize the return on investment of cloud infrastructure services.Subscribe now and Get an access to more than 500 questions now!"
Price: 1280.00

"In this you will learn full AS LEVEL PHYSICS will detail understanding of general physics,waves, electricity and magnetism.This course will help you to score the challenging problems in physics specially at AS level students.It contain total 24 lectures with details understanding of topics and all the lectures are very short of approx 10 to max 15 minutes which make it more interesting."
Price: 49.99

"Excel definitivo - O curso para descomplicar de vez"
"Entre os programas de computador que existem, o Microsoft Excel um dos mais importantes por causa do papel fundamental que desempenha em muitos setores. o programa de planilhas mais utilizado em muitas atividades de negcios, trabalhos de classe e at organizao de dados pessoais. O Excel foi lanado pela primeira vez no ano de 1985. Desde ento, ele desempenhou um papel vital na realizao de clculos e clculos baseados em frmulas, alm de outras atividades que podem exigir clculos matemticos. Muitas empresas, empresas pessoais e institucionais adotaram o uso do Excel devido sua utilidade e capacidade de servir como base visual para diferentes aplicativos.Voc vai aprender o essencial com um professor formado em Sistemas para Internet e que leciona a mais de 6 anos."
Price: 39.99