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"Alexa Skills. Curso bsico de Amazon Alexa Skills"
"Alexa Skills. Curso bsico para aprender a crear aplicaciones de voz con AlexaAlexa es un servicio de voz ubicado en la nube de AmazonEst disponible en los dispositivos de Amazon (Echo dot, Echo plus y Echo show)Tiene funcionalidades o aplicaciones de voz que se denominan skillsEste curso sobre Alexa, te ensear a crear aplicaciones de voz para todos los dispositivos con Alexa.Aprenderemos haciendo 4 aplicaciones de voz de Alexa, para facilitar el aprendizaje. Ser muy sencillo y divertido."
Price: 199.99

"Optimize Productivity and Organize Your Life"
"A positive attitude and a willingness to learn new things are absolutely required for this course. Basic computer skills will also help you get the most out of this class when we reach the lectures pertaining to your digital life. Ill be using my Apple computer for these sections, but you should be able to pick up the basic concepts and apply this to whatever machine you use. Overwhelmed with tasks, documents, ideas, things, etc? Take this course.Need someone to come in and just save you from this mess? Take this course.Already slightly organized, but want to reach your final form? Take this course!Some of the tools Ill be using in my lectures:Calendar (any calendar app or physical calendar will suffice)Trello (free)Dropbox (free until 2GB, plans available thereafter)iCloud (free until 5GB, plans available thereafter)Airmail ($9.99 USD, Mac only, any mail client with similar features will suffice)Numbers (any spreadsheet program will suffice)External Hard DrivesThe powers youll acquire from this course: * Be able to take on every day with precision because everything is already laid out for you. * Create a system that works best for you and allows you to be productive.* Streamline the everyday organization of documents and media files.* Learn methods to be more effective with your organizing so that you never have to think about it.* Automate tasks that will free up your time to do the things that matter to you (like binge-watching the entire Star Trek franchise if thats your thing).My students are looking to increase their productivity by putting systems in place that will streamline their everyday tasks. They want to free up their schedule and eliminate the distractions of a cluttered lifestyle so they can focus on their projects and dream life."
Price: 74.99

"Swift 5 y Xcode 10 Crea una App Calculadora desde 0 en iOS"
"Quieres aprender a crear una app para iOS 12 con Swift 5 desde cero y Xcode 10? Bienvenido/a! Con este curso de Swift daremos todos los pasos necesarios para programar y crear una app ""calculadora"" como la de iOS. Y estar disponible para iPhone y iPad!En este tutorial aprenders a crear un app desde cero: Crearemos y configuraremos un proyecto en Xcode. Hablaremos de la arquitectura y estructuracin del proyecto. Construiremos su interfaz grfica con Storyboard, XIB y Constraints. Aprenderemos buenas prcticas de programacin. Aadiremos toda la lgica de aplicacin de nuestra app calculadora para que funcione de la forma ms parecida a la incluida en iOS. Ampliaremos funcionalidades realizando guardados de datos, personalizando el icono de la home... Y encima ser compatible con iPhone y iPad (2 en 1! Con una nica implementacin).[Proyecto totalmente actualizado a Swift 5 y Xcode 10.2.]"
Price: 19.99

"Medical Terminology"
"This online, self-paced course uses narrated presentations, pictures, and tables to introduce you to: 1) medical combining forms, prefixes, suffixes, and abbreviations; 2) anatomy and physiology basics of body systems; 3) pathologies and associated signs and symptoms; 4) procedures, therapeutics, and healthcare specialties; and, 5) associated pharmacology! Perfect for medical students, pre-med students, nurses, therapists, social workers, and the curious student of any age!"
Price: 49.99

"NCLEX - Pediatric Eye, Ear, & Throat Disorders"
"These videos are for nursing students who need just the essential details on popular NCLEX topics, in a fast, convenient, and straight-forward way. No fluff. No extra ""isnt this interesting"" type of material. The necessities to pass the NCLEX and nothing more!Each quick review video will have a description of the topic, how to assess the condition with common signs/symptoms, and the nursing interventions. And, pictures to help you remember! No need to go back to the textbook and read. Ive got you covered in about 5 narrated slides. And, you can rewatch the videos as many times as you want!"
Price: 19.99

"NCLEX - Pediatric Integumentary (Skin) Disorders"
"These videos are for nursing students who need just the essential details on popular NCLEX topics, in a fast, convenient, and straight-forward way. No fluff. No extra ""isnt this interesting"" type of material. The necessities to pass the NCLEX and nothing more!Each quick review video will have a description of the topic, how to assess the condition with common signs/symptoms, and the nursing interventions. And, pictures to help you remember! No need to go back to the textbook and read. Ive got you covered in about 5 narrated slides. And, you can rewatch the videos as many times as you want!"
Price: 19.99

"NCLEX - Pediatric Hematological Disorders"
"These videos are for nursing students who need just the essential details on popular NCLEX topics, in a fast, convenient, and straight-forward way. No fluff. No extra ""isnt this interesting"" type of material. The necessities to pass the NCLEX and nothing more!Each quick review video will have a description of the topic, how to assess the condition with common signs/symptoms, and the nursing interventions. And, pictures to help you remember! No need to go back to the textbook and read. Ive got you covered in about 5 narrated slides. And, you can rewatch the videos as many times as you want!"
Price: 19.99

"Direito Administrativo para Administradores Hospitalares"
"O curso tem como objetivo auxiliar os administradores hospitalares, principalmente queles que mantm relaes com o Poder Pblico, a entender e compreender o direito administrativo e seus impactos nos instrumentos jurdicos firmados entre parceiros pblicos e privados. No curso bsico o aluno ter acesso ao conceito de Direito Administrativo, seus princpios, conceitos de Administrao Pblica, um panorama geral dos principais instrumentos jurdicos (contrato administrativos, convnios, termos de parceria, contratos de gesto, entre outros) e algumas diretrizes do relacionamento com o Poder Pblico.O curso fornece uma exclusividade aos seus alunos matriculados: dois certificados de concluso do curso. Um certificado expedido pela Udemy ao final do curso e outro pela Law & Health Courses, caso tenha um aproveitamento superior a 70% no exame final e tenha completado todas as aulas. Ambos os certificados no possuem validade para fins de crditos acadmicos, porm continuam a ser uma excelente ferramenta para atestar os conhecimentos para fins profissionais."
Price: 204.99

"Get out of Student Loan Debt Faster"
"$1.5 Trillion in Student Loan Debt$38,000 Average per Person45 million individuals affectedThree out of every 4 college graduates finish school with student loan debt and are crippled with the payment for 10 to 15 years after college - well into their 30s. Most college graduates leave school with the same amount of knowledge on student loans as when they enter college.This Course will provide a framework for the following:Identify your outstanding student loan balanceEducate you on the types of loans you currently have: Private vs. Federal, Fixed vs. Variable, Interest Rates, etc.Most Importantly: Teach you how to refinance loans to save thousands of dollarsIt's time to take control of your student loans and save yourself thousands.Student Loans Hit Close to Home:I graduated college and came out of school with $30K in student loan debt. Not knowing what to do, I studied the ins and outs of student loans for 3 months and taught myself the best way to refinance student loans. Through this process I was able to refinance not only my loans, but also my 2 siblings student loans and save the 3 of us a combined$75K in future interest.After paying my $30K off in 18 months, this course will take the guess work out of refinancing and taking control of your personal finances."
Price: 199.99

"Descomplicando RESTFul API's com Laravel"
"Este curso ir te mostrar de forma clara como possvel criar uma API RESTFul em pouco tempo com Laravel. Curso sem enrolao, direto ao ponto e com bastante reaproveitamento de cdigo!Abordaremos assuntos relevantes que outros cursos no abordaram ainda. Voc entender a implementao do jwt-auth, aprender sobre CORS, Upload de arquivos, relacionamento de tabelas, traduzir a api e muitas outras coisas. O Curso tambm foca no reuso de cdigo, pois uma das grandes vantagens que temos em utilizar o Laravel nos nossos projetos. Enfim, voc se tornar um desenvolvedor backend mais completo com este curso."
Price: 39.99

"Colocando um Sistema Laravel em Produo"
"Neste Curso iremos aprender como simples colocar um sistema Laravel em Produo.Hospedaremos nosso sistema na LocaWeb, GoDaddy, tudo explicado e sem mistrios, realmente do Zero.Iremos conhecer um pouco sobre o Software WinSCP, comandos do Shell do Linux para compactar arquivos com a extenso .tar.gz , mudaremos a verso do php destas hospedagens e muito mais!"
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda Tocar Violo em Poucas Aulas"
"Curso de Violo para Iniciantes O curso de Violo Sons Mgicos partiu da inteno de compartilhar um mtodo desenvolvido por mim j h alguns anos. Esse mtodo surgiu a partir da necessidade de ensinar crianas em uma comunidade de Salvador Bahia em que os alunos no podiam levar o instrumento para casa por conta da rea de risco onde viviam. Assim, como os mtodos tradicionais exigiam praticamente um treino dirio, seria impossvel faz-los tocar por meio dessa prtica. Da percebi que o mtodo melodia poderia desenvolver a prtica no instrumento mesmo com apenas dois ou trs encontros semanais com durao de uma hora e meia. Percebi os resultados logo no segundo encontro onde alunos aprenderam a tocar sua primeira melodia Asa Banca no instrumento. Isso fortaleceu a auto-estima dos alunos e se sentir motivados e capazes de aprender. Esse mtodo j ensinou mais de 1500 alunos nos ltimos anos em projetos sociais, aulas particulares e escolas. Hoje quero compartilhar com voc esse mtodo. Antes de vender meu curso eu quero te provar que ele realmente funciona. Para tanto, voc primeiro ir aprender a melodia de Asa Branca executada no violo, para a partir da avaliar meu processo de ensino aprendizagem do instrumento e poder comprar meu curso sabendo que realmente ter condies de aprender com meu curso. Espero que goste do mtodo e possa aprender a tocar violo."
Price: 124.99

"Beginners Guide to the Chakras"
"This course is a beginners course on the chakras. You will learn what a balanced and an unbalanced chakra looks/feels like (what signs to look out for) You will also know the colors that are associated with each of the seven major chakras. If you already know these things then you may be interested in my advanced chakra course."
Price: 19.99

"Becoming a Music Teacher"
"The purpose of this course is to provide budding music teachers with the resources needed to start and grow their studios. The course includes lectures, tutorials, marketing strategies, and materials needed for musicians to succeed in their music journey as instructors. The course presents five proven steps of growth in becoming music instructors."
Price: 19.99

"Arte y Trabajo en la era Digital"
"Curso introductorio que sirve para comprender que es esta actividad humana que crea y fabrica y cmo afectan los nuevos condicionamientos econmicos y culturales de la era digital a la experiencia del trabajo y del arte. Tambin permite hacer un contraste de las diferentes experiencias de trabajo y de arte."
Price: 270.00

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Price: 19.99

"Blockchain for beginners:build certificate registration DApp"
"What wecoverWe briefly cover the philosophy of the blockchain and Ethereum.Then we will explain how blockchains work, what is Decentralized App and how smart contract communicates with DAppWe setup the easy development environment, including tools that can be used with minimum stepsAnd the biggest part of the course is dedicated to guiding you through a simple Decentralized AppSome of the keyword definition:Blockchain is a growing list of digital pieces of information which are linked using cryptography. It is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and also in a verifiable and permanent way. Decentralized applications (dApps) are applications that run on blockchain rather than a database. Smart contract is defined as pieces of computer code that self-execute when predetermined conditions are fulfilled. The results of the transaction will be written onto a distributed ledger or blockchain. We covered the following concept:EthereumAccountGasSmart ContractDecentralized AppBlockchainBitcoinSolidityWeb3.jsRopsten TestnetWhat tools and libraries are used?Ethereum The Metamask Chrome extensionThe Solidity smart contract language (0.5.0)The Web3.js(Web3 1.0.0)The Ganache Ethereum node emulatorGithubVisual Studio Code (text editor)The Ropsten test networkAll our codes are stored in Github and the solidity code will be stored as .sol file.Lesson 2 unit 1: @hashcademy-> choose certificate_dapp ->choose branch masterLesson 2 unit 2: @hashcademy-> choose certificate_dapp ->before modify javascript: choose branch 1a, after modify javascript: choose branch 2Lesson 2 unit 3: @hashcademy-> choose certificate_dapp ->choose branch 3Lesson 2 unit 4: @hashcademy-> choose certificate_dapp ->choose branch 4Lesson 2 unit 5: @hashcademy-> choose certificate_dapp ->choose branch 5"
Price: 19.99

"Build a Responsive Portfolio Website with HTML5 and CSS3"
"Here is exactly what we cover in this course: Easy-to-follow and hands-on web development with HTML5 and CSS3 Ready-to-go Bootstrap4 framework to speed up the website development Leverage Isotope Javascript library to build a fancy filter animation for your portfolios How to search and useimages, fonts and icons to make your website beautiful all for free First steps for responsive web design: learn how to create websites that work beautifully on all screen sizes How to leverage Formspree to build form without server-side development all for free How to initialize a new git and deploy to Heroku all for free Learn to build websites that can show to your friend"
Price: 29.99

"Post-TEFL, All you need to know to start teaching TEFL."
"You've completed your TEFL and are about to enter the TEFL world. Time for some essential knowledge for new teachers gathered by previous teachers who have gained collaboratively over 10 years of ESL teaching. This first course, covers the basics in Online Teaching, we prepare you for the first interview, intro video, demo class and more."
Price: 450.00

"An Intensive Beginner Korean Course : {1}"
"Hello, Students ! Welcome to the Intensive Beginner Korean Course : {1}. Throughout this course, you will learn from the very basics of Korean to making sentences ! This programme requires you to have notes and pencils to write down what you'll learn. It does not require any software and prerequisite for taking this course. ALL you need to have is enthusiasm to learn this unique and fun language. This course is designed to teach Korean students all over the world. Using my teaching experiences, I will approach step-by-step to make you understand the core concepts and be able to use it !The best way to learn Language is the Practice. With all of my contents, you can get yourself familiar to the Korean and finally find yourself speak in Korean!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Quit Your Job And Make Your Business Idea Successful"
"Introducing The Business Idea Accelerator The Business Idea Accelerator is a proven and tested training program that shows you how wildly profitable businesses are built. It doesn't matter if you don't have any sales skills or any previous business experience. Everything you need to know to start a successful business is provided step-by-step in this training program.7 years of testing and perfecting these strategies The methods taught in this training program have been personally tried and tested by myself and have helped many business owners increase their sales and grow their business. I have worked as a consultant and advertiser for multiple successful businesses that have now made over 1 million in sales and have learned from some of the best business minds in the world.This program is a shortcut for business owners and beginners to be able to learn step by step how to 10x your sales and scale your business to the point that you can start living the life of your dreams. I am so confident that your business will grow and make more sales with the30 Day BusinessAcceleratorthat I am giving you a risk free30 Day Money Back Guaranteeincase you are not happy with the program. Inside the course you will learn: The secrets to selling anythingHow to 10x your Facebook advertising profitsHow Disney became a billion pound companyWhy the Kardashians are so famous and wealthyWhy the iPhone has dominated for 10+ year'sHow to automate your social media strategyHow to quickly grow an Instagram account The most important content for your businessHow 7 figure businesses are built onlineAnd so much more! So what are you waiting for? Enroll in the 30 Day Business Accelerator today and receive the following:20+ training videos (Value 2997)A growing number of up to date and advanced sales methods and strategies businesses are using to 10x their business and their lifestyle. Private Mastermind Group (Value 497) Join our community of like minded business owners all on the same journey to grow their business and 10x their life! Anytime you need help or a partnership, someone will always be there to give you a hand. Personalised Worksheets (Value 197) Would you like access to the most advanced worksheets and systems available for you to start implementing into your business immediately? Here's a summary of what you will getThis is not your typical ""course"".I provide you with everything you need to be successful 30+ advanced training videos(Value 2997)Private Mastermind(Value 497)Personalised Worksheets(Value 197)Total Value 3591.00 Normal Price 199.00 Udemy Price 99.00 This amazing offer is only available for a few weeks so act now and start growing your business today!"
Price: 19.99

"Rig di un personaggio bipede"
"Si tratta di un tutorial dettagliato per il rig di un personaggio di fantasia , partendo da zero arrivando alla finalizzazione del rig per animazioni di camminata corsa ecc. Nel corso si affronteranno molti concetti complessi usando un linguaggio immediato comprensibile a tutti. Anche se si tratta di un rig basico si far uso anche dei nodi di maya, delle connessioni dei channel e di attributi personalizzati."
Price: 19.99

"Online Arbitrage avec Amazon FBA - Formation ProfitWolf"
"- Envie de commencer vendre sur Amazon le plus VITE possible?- Pas envie de galrer importer des produits de Chine ou crer des sites Shopify?Le ONLINE ARBITRAGE est la mthode la plus SIMPLE pour commencer la vente sur Amazon:1) Pas besoin d'investir dans de grosses quantits (= pas de prise de risque norme sur un seul produit).2) Tu sais l'avance si tes produits vont se vendre et avec quelle frquence.***************************************************************** Qu'est-ce que le Retail/Online Arbitrage? *****************************************************************Le principe de base de l'Online Arbitrage (ou Retail Arbitrage) est d'acheter des produits de marque un certain prix et de les revendre un prix plus lev (souvent 1.5x ou 2x le prix d'achat). On achte TOUS nos produits en France, chez des dtaillants tels que: fnac, rue du commerce, toysrus, cdiscount, auchan etc.90% des gens qui connaissent Amazon FBA parlent de dropshipping et de private label, mais le problme est que ces business models sont coteux et difficiles mettre en place (mme s'ils s'avrent lucratifs une fois mis en place).Ici nous n'avons pas importer nos produits depuis l'autre bout du monde, nous n'avons pas dpenser des centaines d'euros sur des pubs Facebook qui ne convertissent pas et nous n'avons mme pas crer de site internet!En effet nous allons utiliser la puissance d'Amazon pour s'occuper de toute la logistique POUR nous. Et la seule chose que tu auras faire et de trouver des produits rentables.Cette formation a pour objectif de te prendre par la main et de te montrer TAPE PAR TAPE comment partir de 0 et monter un business sur Amazon FBA."
Price: 94.99

"Impara il russo da zero"
"We will study the Cyrillic alphabet, so you will learn to write your name in Russian. All words are transcribed with Latin letters, this will help you before you become familiar with the Russian alphabet. The letters used for the transcription will be found in the lesson table ""The alphabet"". We will start with the main characteristics of the Russian language that distinguish it from Italian and other languages. You will learn Russian nouns and pronouns, to conjugate verbs in the present tense, to choose the right adjective. The study of the different parts of the speech (such as the noun, the pronoun, the verb, the adjective, the adverb, the possessive pronoun is so on), helps you to build and use the sentences in a correct way. During the course you will have to do your homework (the answers you will find in the lesson afterwards). "
Price: 19.99

"Selenium Webdriver with Cucumber BDD Automation Framework"
"Phase-1well be about Introduction to the course :Understanding about course & its needsHaving lessons walktroughlearning Selenium & Its various ConceptsInPhase-2well be learning about different tools installations :Setting-Up JAVA environmental variablesWhat is MAVEN? & Installation of MAVENCreating project in MAVENInstallation of Eclipse & MUST DO configuration of EclipseWhat is POM file? & understanding the content inside POM fileInstallation of TestNGCucumber Add-ons, which will ease our efforts in framework building processSetting up Browser DriverInPhase-3well start with basic framework :Gherkin language & Features file creationCreation of Step definition class for respective feature fileRunner class creationInPhase-4well move further into scripting :Implementing code for step classImprovising feature file with background keywordUsing tags in runner classInPhase-5well learn automating various types of elements & handling exceptions :Creation and execution of multiple feature filesVarious exceptionsBasic reportingInPhase-6, well learn about ways of test execution :Using TestNG, Batch files, MVN commandsInstallation of Maven surefire pluginInPhase-7, well start designing advance framework :Creating various packages, classes & using HooksRunning test on different browsersCentralizing selenium methodsOverview on Page Object Pattern Page Factory patternBetter ways to overcome Page Object Modeling complicationsInPhase-8, well continue designing advance framework :Updating existingpackages, classes & using tagsInstallation of Log4j & use of log generation within scriptsImage attachments in frameworkInPhase-9, well learn about CI Jenkins :Installation& setup of jenkinsIntegration of Java, Maven with jenkinsScheduling test execution from jenkinsAdvance reportingInPhase-10, well review course leanings & future actions."
Price: 1280.00

"Gestion du stress: la Mthode Amazone"
"Cette formation est destine pour toutes celles qui veulent viter lpuisement, la dsorganisation et qui veulent matriser leurs motions, qui veulent lcher prise et tre leur top en toutes circonstances. Ses bnfices:Aprs assimilation de ce que vous aurez appris, vous serez capable la fin de ce module dappliquer et dimmdiatement grer votre stress : vous aurez appris les techniques pour grer votre stress en fonction de situation donne, aurez appris mieux vous connatre pour mieux ragir et viter lpuisement voire le burn out, enfin vous aurez appris lcher-prise."
Price: 69.99

"La Mthode Amazone: la mthode des femmes dtermines"
"La Mthode Amazone est la mthode des femmes dtermines, celles qui veulent tre en quilibre et bien-tre et cela dans tous les domaines de leur vie.Ses bnfices:1.La formation est simple et facile adapte toutes, il nest pas ncessaire davoir des connaissances pr-requises.2.Vous pouvez commencer par nimporte quel module, vous faites votre meilleure convenance et votre rythme !3.A la fin de chaque module, vous aurez les outils ncessaires accessibles vie.4.Aprs assimilation de ce que vous aurez appris, vous serez capable la fin de chaque module dappliquer et dimmdiatement grer: votre temps : en allgeant votre agenda, gagner en qualit de vie en accord avec vos valeurs et vos priorits, voir le temps dune autre faon et adapter vos faons de faire, trouver la libert de choisir et avoir la qualit de vie que vous mritez.votre stress : vous aurez appris les techniques pour grer votre stress en fonction de situation donne, aurez appris mieux vous connatre pour mieux ragir et viter lpuisement voire le burn out, enfin vous aurez appris lcher-prise.les gens difficiles : vous aurez appris dtecter les gens difficiles, rsister leur contrle mental et leur emprise, vous aurez appris connatre leurs points faibles. Vous aurez une autre vue de ces personnes et vous saurez comment agir et vous exprimer face eux.votre bien-tre mental : vous aurez appris convertir vos penses et motions ngatives en positives, vous dbarrasser de vos peurs, vous aurez appris lcher-prise et figer de nouvelles habitudes pour rester positive au quotidien5.Je suis vos cts,vous pouvez me contacter via email:"
Price: 199.99

"Gestion du temps: la Mthode Amazone"
"Cette formation est destine pour toutes celles qui sont dtermines se recentrer sur lessentiel, allger leur agenda et dgager du temps pour elles, pour leur famille, leurs projets mais qui ne savent pas par o commencer ni comment sy prendre. Ses bnfices:Aprs assimilation de ce que vous aurez appris, vous serez capable la fin de ce module dappliquer et dimmdiatement grer votre temps : en allgeant votre agenda, gagner en qualit de vie en accord avec vos valeurs et vos priorits, voir le temps dune autre faon et adapter vos faons de faire, trouver la libert de choisir et avoir la qualit de vie que vous mritez."
Price: 69.99

"Grer les gens difficiles dits toxiques: la Mthode Amazone"
"Cette formation s'adresse pour toutes celles qui veulent avoir des relations harmonieuses en toutes circonstances mais qui ne savent pas comment faire, comment sy prendre. Ses bnfices:Aprs assimilation de ce que vous aurez appris, vous serez capable la fin de ce module dappliquer et dimmdiatement grer les gens difficiles : vous aurez appris dtecter les gens difficiles, rsister leur contrle mental et leur emprise, vous aurez appris connatre leurs points faibles. Vous aurez une autre vue de ces personnes et vous saurez comment agir et vous exprimer face eux."
Price: 69.99

"Gestion de son bien-tre mental: la Mthode Amazone"
"Cette formation s'adresse pour toutes celles qui en ont marre de se faire diriger et saboter par leurs penses ngatives. Pour toutes celles qui veulent atteindre leurs objectifs et qui veulent changer leurs tats desprit mais qui ne savent pas par o commencer ni comment sy prendre. Ses bnfices:Aprs assimilation de ce que vous aurez appris, vous serez capable la fin de ce module dappliquer et dimmdiatement grer votre bien-tre mental : vous aurez appris convertir vos penses et motions ngatives en positives, vous dbarrasser de vos peurs, vous aurez appris lcher-prise et figer de nouvelles habitudes pour rester positive au quotidien."
Price: 69.99