AW Software Products ExcitingAds :: Exciting Ads



":: .: . : : .: .: : : .: OHSAS 18001 and the new ISO 45001: OHSAS 18001 and the new ISO 45001 1 .2- .3- . . : : : . : . : . : . : PDCA . : ISO High Level Structure : : : : : . : . : . : . : . :Hazard Hazid Hazan Hazop : . : .: ."
Price: 149.99

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Price: 149.99

"Microsoft Office (Word-Excel-PowerPoint)"
":: Microsoft Word Tabs .: Templates: .: .: Header And Footer .: smart art .: Word .Excel: : .: . : SmartArt : . : . : action buttons : . : Zoom : PowerPoint . : . : F4: Excel. : Excel. : Pivot table Excel . : Excel . : Power Pivot Excel . : solver tool goal seek Excel . : Excel ."
Price: 199.99

":: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: .: . : . : . : . : . : ."
Price: 199.99

". . . . ."
Price: 199.99

"KOSGEB'in Giriimcilik Desteini A'dan Z'ye renin"
"Devletin KOSGEB aracl ile kendi iinin patronu olmak isteyen giriimcilere verdii hibe desteini alabilmek ile ilgili tm detaylar bu videoda renebilirsiniz. nternette dolaan bilgi plnden kafanz kartysa her eyi unutun ve en doru, en net ve en anlalr bilgi kaynana ulan. rneklerle zenginletirilmi anlatm sayesinde bu konuda bilmediiniz bir ey kalmayacak."
Price: 19.99

"The Raft Consensus Algorithm"
"This is a basic course for understanding Raft. Raft is a consensus algorithm for managing a replicated log. It produces a result equivalent to (multi-)Paxos, and it is as efficient as Paxos, but its structure is different from Paxos; this makes Raft more understandable than Paxos and also provides a better foundation for build- ing practical systems. In order to enhance understandabil- ity, Raft separates the key elements of consensus, such as leader election, log replication, and safety, and it enforces a stronger degree of coherency to reduce the number of states that must be considered. Results from a user study demonstrate that Raft is easier for students to learn than Paxos. Raft also includes a new mechanism for changing the cluster membership, which uses overlapping majori- ties to guarantee safety."
Price: 1280.00

"Art Of Reggae Roots Drumming"
"Melhore o seu ritmo no Reggae, aprenda tcnica, postura, engrenagem ... Aprenda novas vertentes do reggae variaes de chimbal e muito mais! Leve seu jogo para outro nvel! Aprenda sozinho, na sua prpria casa!Aprenda Grooves de reggae na bateria mesmo que voc nunca tenha tocado reggae antes!Neste mtodo passo a passo em video aulas online.Vamos juntos!"
Price: 19.99

"O curso Mente superdiferenciada feita para vencer leva o participante a ter uma outra tica sobre tudo o que ocorre em sua vida. Viso essa que contribuir para no desperdiar a riqueza do tempo com eventos que no agregam valor, para se preparar para o futuro, para ter o esprito de aprendiz, eliminar defeitos que travam o avanar e derrubar paredes de prises mentais."
Price: 39.99

"Core Subjects Test Review for Social Studies"
"This course is specifically designed to help people pass the social studies section of the Core Subjects exam. The course organizes the social studies TEKS for grades 1-5 into easy-to-follow sections. It presents each content section through video lectures, downloadable and printable handouts, and review quizzes. In the video lectures, Dr. Neumann explains the essential elements of each topic and adds context and connections among the sections to help students gain a fuller understanding of the material. At the end of course, students take two practice tests that will further prepare them for the Core Subjects exam."
Price: 39.99

"Ingls auditivo para iniciantes"
"Aprenda tcnicas de expanso de vocabulrio, sons bsicos do idioma ingls e como aprender ingls com filmes e sries. Muitos tentam aprender ingls com filmes e sries, mas desistem, pois no tem o vocabulrio e conhecimento de sons necessrios. Esse curso a soluo deste problema! Curso feito com muita dedicao destinado a iniciantes e entusiastas da lngua. Vdeo aulas separadas por mdulos com didtica simplificada. Sou Paulo Srgio Duff, desenvolvedor de software. Como desenvolvedor de software tive que buscar minhas prprias tcnicas para aprendizado do idioma ingls. Tcnicas que disponibilizei neste curso."
Price: 39.99

"Digital 120 Minutos"
"Sucesso de vendas! Aprenda em apenas 02 horas o que demoraria meses! Contedo:- Crie a sua estratgia Digital em 05 Passos- Aprenda a criar seu Site com custo zero- Destaque o seu site no Google com o SEO- Descubra como bombar as suas Redes Sociais- Anuncie no Google e fique na primeira posio- Aprenda a usar Landing Pages e venda mais- Economize utilizando o Google Analytics- Aprenda a calcular o seu lucro e retornoBenefcios:- Contedo 100% em vdeo- Linguagem simples para iniciantes- Professor com grande experincia- Certificado oficial"
Price: 54.99

"Meditation and Mindfulness Immersion: Overcome The Overwhelm"
"Does this sound like you:You're overwhelmed with stress at home or at work and you...Don't know how to help yourself wind down after a long dayTry to relax and unwind but don't have the proper tools or guidance for the taskAre looking for a structured yet intuitive approach to your anxietyImagine not only knowing how to calm your mind but also why these techniques work. You're not meant to be on 100% of the time, but it's difficult to relax and take time to breathe.That's why it's important to learn and maintain a meditation practice.It's not about being perfect, it's about learning how to help your mind and body cope with stress and over-stimulation.Welcome to a guided practice for focusing on how and why you feel with journal reflections, breathing exercises, mindfulness activities and meditations."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Algebra 1 Quickly"
"                    This course will provide a good foundation in algebra for students who has limited experience in algebra. There are 9 sections in the course, each one contains some solid videos that walk you though different concepts in algebra. Each video show exactly step by step how I solve the questions, how I split the major problem into smaller easier problems and solve them.                   I also provide some tips, tricks, and show you how to approach the problems properly. If you spend right amount of time to study my course, being patient a little bit, paying more attention to details, you will find algebra is actually very interesting."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Bitcoin and Crypto"
"Introduction to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This course includes:How to buy and sell BitcoinSending and receiving cryptocurrencySafely storing cryptocurrency in walletsSecurityTrading cryptocurrencies on exchangesParticipation in ICO's (Initial Coin Offerings)This course is suitable both for individuals purchasing Bitcoin for the first time, and for individuals who already have exposure to cryptocurrency, but are looking to pursue additional opportunities in crypto."
Price: 19.99

"Launching Your Podcast"
"In this course you will be learning the easy methods to podcasting so you can focus on your message and content! I will also be showing you how to grow your audience using social media strategy! With being in a time where social media brings people from around the world together. Having a social media presence or building one will be huge in growing your audience!"
Price: 199.99

"Social Media Designer Pro"
"Nesse Treinamento voc vai aprender a criar belas artes para mdia social em poucos minutos usando o Photoshop. Do bsico ao avanado. Tudo passo a passo.Voc tambm vai aprender a:Dominar o Abobe Color CCRespeitar o espao em branco (ou espao negativo).Criar Arte para impresso e ampliar sua oferta de serviosComo Fazer Combinao adequada entre as fontesE voc ainda vai ganhar como BNUS um super Pacote de Fontes e Templates Prontos pra voc editar. Seja bem vindo ao Treinamento Social Media Designer Pro. Aproveite bem o seu curso!"
Price: 39.99

"Photoshop 2020 Criando Imagens Para Mdia Social"
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender tcnicas que vo te dar a habilidade que voc precisa para criar imagens profissionais no Photoshop.Criar imagens de qualidade para mdia social importantssimo se voc desejar chamar a ateno de navega nas redes sociais.Esse o meu segundo curso na Udemy. O primeiro, o Social Media Designer Pro, j conta com mais de 1200 alunos e se mantem com uma tima avaliao.Nesse segundo curso eu trago as novidades do Photoshop 2020 e ensino novas tcnicas pra tornar sua rotina mais produtiva e suas artes com ainda mais qualidade.Alm das aulas em vdeo voc pode contar com meu suporte.  Voc ainda tem 30 dias de garantia, ento, no perca tempo. Aproveite esta oportunidade.  Vander Barboza"
Price: 39.99

"Photoshop Profissional para Mdias Sociais - Mdulo 1"
"Neste curso sero aplicadas tcnicas de criao publicitria em um mtodo direto e prtico. Todos alunos tero a oportunidade de aprender a criar anncios profissionais, se desenvolvendo para o mercado de trabalho, como integrante de uma agncia ou freelancer autnomo. Ento adquira agora mesmo o seu curso e aprenda o melhor do design grfico para mdias sociais."
Price: 84.99

"Learn How to Produce a Song for Video"
"You are wondering why are you on this page?!Well, wonder no more - because I'm about to answer your question!It's simple-You are here because you have a burning passion for making music!You listen and learn all the time about the latest audio plugins and audio production software.You are searching and learning about the very best tips and solutions for improving your audio production skills.You are composing, producing, mixing and mastering your music.You want to be the bestyou can be at what you do and, you are improving...ONE STEP AT A TIME!DAY BY DAY!SONG BY SONG!You are daydreaming about the moment you are going to live from making music because, you know it's possible!!!Indeed - it is possible to make money from making music and there are so many ways to do it!One of these ways is - to produce music for videos!If you don't believe me - just open YouTube and I bet99.99%of the videos there - are having some sort of music and, most of the times - the music is monetized.Intros, vlogs, outros, vines, pranks, product reviews, unboxing videos, documentaries, cat videos - they all have a song playing.Who produced that music?-Producers like you, who like making music and figured out a way of making money from their music!Can you do it???ABSOLUTELY!As you'll see in my course on -""Learn How to Produce Music for Video""- this is actually simple and a fun way to do it because, you don't have to search a lot for an idea for the song. It is a simple song for video. You don't have to create a hit for video, just something enjoyable that people will buy to accompany their videos.And speaking about ideas - you already have up to a hundred or more of unfinished ideas on your computer... and maybe, just maybe they are not meant to become some #1 Radio Hits... will you agree that they deserve to be finished as songs for videos, in order to make you some extra cash?I bet we agree on this one :)If not, you can always continue to make and store unfinished ideas on your computer, OR you canstart todaydoing what you were planning to do for so long -making money from your music!The""Learn How to Produce a Song for Video""course covers all steps from searching an idea for your song - up to the finished audio product ready for distribution, because the course covers topics like:How to set up a session for producing a song.How to find an idea for the song.How to produce a song faster.How to let your inspiration going free of set rules.How to mix a song.How to clean up the tracks in the mix.How to master a song.How to set the proper levels for the master.How to use simple techniques for making the best mix you can.How to enjoy your passion for sound.And I know, you may again wonder -""what if I don't want to make music for videos""?Well, you don't have to.BUT - you can still apply the techniques from this course and produce a song -from an idea to a finished audio product- no matter its destination!!!The toolsyou'll need for this course are:a DAW,some plugins(an equalizer, a compressor, a limiter and maybe a saturator and an analyzer) and (this is important) -passion for sound!!!So, I think it's enough waiting - let's do this!-Adrian"
Price: 104.99

"HTML -5(RAW) Learn from Scratch - Beginners"
"If you are new to web development and want to learn front-end development, then HTML- 5(RAW) is all you need to start with. This course teaches HTMLin a RAW style so that beginners can understand each and every elements and their effects and use clearly. Starting with 1st Lesson you will start building simple web-pages . This course is more on practical stuffs then theoretical discussions. Quizzes are Included to refresh you the topics. You will Learn while practicing and you will have complete in-dependency to build your own HTMLweb pages in your own style and format. Once you complete this course you can move to my next Course On - ""CSS"" and ""JavaScript""."
Price: 1280.00

"Create Custom 3D Designs With Tinkercad"
"If you are interested in learning how to design 3D objects and do not know where to start, this course is for you. Designed for beginners, this course breaks down each step of creating a 3D model using Tinkercad, a free online software.This course includes two projects which you will fully customize."
Price: 19.99

"Basics of Cryptocurrency"
"This course has been broken down to the simplest steps, so that you can understand everything about the Crypto market in the fastest and easiest way possible. Learn how to day trade and swing trade. Learn how to invest and do exchange hops. Learn how to setup every account you will ever need. Learn how to BUYTRADESELLINVESTHODL"
Price: 19.99

"The Meditation Experience"
"This online workshop will help you to understand what meditation is. You will experience 4 different forms of meditation to gain a better understanding of meditation as a practice and see what type of meditation resonates with you the most. We'll go through what meditation is, why we meditate and what meditation method suits you the best. You will then be guided into Visual, Sound, Chanting and Breathing Meditation which will give you practical experience and help you decide which method suits you best."
Price: 39.99

"Adobe Premiere hzl video dzenleme ve pratik uygulamalar"
"Adobe Premire Pro CC dnyann 1 numaral video dzenleme ve kurgu program ile videolarnz  hzl bir ekilde dzenleyin , kurgulayn , pratik uygulamalar ile kalc bir ekilde renin.. erik dolu dolu.. 176 ders / 11 saat video / 52 indirilebilir kaynak var.  (ndirim kodu almak istersen adresine mail gnderebilirsin)Adobe Premiere ile kolay , pratik ve hzl bir ekilde kendi banza mkemmel videolar hazrlayabilirsiniz. Bunun iin sizi hzlandracak etkili ksayollar ve aralar tanmanz, gizli kalm baz ipular ve teknikleri bilmeniz sadece program mensn renmek yerine nasl yapldn grp uygulamanz gerekir.Video ieriin nemi her geen gn artyor ve herkes bunun farknda. Aratrmalara gre bir kullanc gnde ortalama 1,5 saat video ya da film izliyor. Yine aratrmalara gre katlanlarn %15i ise gnde 3 saatten fazla video ya da film izlediklerini belirtiyorlar.nsanlarn %72si bir rn , hizmet ya da servis hakknda bilgi edinmek iin bir metini okumaktansa video izlemeyi tercih ediyor. Gnmz dijital dnyada artk yaznn yerini videolar ald ,en basit konularda internete bavurarak uzun metinler yerine birka dakikalk videolardan ihtiya duyulan bilgilere ulalabiliyor Birka dakikalk videolarla binlerce kelimelik ieriklerden daha etkili sonular alnabiliyorVideo oynatmalarnda mobilin pay %60,3e ulat.YouTube, u anda Googledan sonra en byk ikinci arama motoru konumunda.Videolarn her geen gn nemi artkca , ekim sonras videolarn nasl dzenleneceinin de nemi de ayn derecede artyorVideo ierik rettik , ok gzel videolarmz var fakat bunlar nasl dzenleyeceiz .YouTube ya da benzeri sosyal medya platformlarna video ierik retenler , film ekenler vb. videolar ektikten sonra nasl dzenliyor ya da kurguluyorlar ?Bir ok profesyonele gre ierik (senaryo) ve ekim dnda videonun / filmin asl ortaya kt yer video dzenleme /kurgu ksm..Videolarnzn / filmlerinizin etkileyici olmalar iin ok iyi bir ekilde dzenlenmeleri/kurgulanmalar gerekir.Trkiye ve Dnyada en sk kullanlan , sektr lideri 1 numaral video dzenleme program Adobe Premiere Pro CC ve bu eitim seti ile videolarnz ok hzl , kolay ve pratik bir ekilde dzenleyebilirsiniz.Kursun sonunda Adobe Premiere Pro CC video dzenleme/kurgu eitimi sayesinde video dzenleme/kurgu ile ilgili temel bir ok ilemi uygulama arlkl renerek, hzl bir ekilde videolarn dzenleyecek ve harika videolar oluturabileceksin.imdiden iyi eitimler, harika videolar... Hzl ve pratik bir ekilde videolarn dzenleyecek, kurgu yapacaksnBir ok yerde gremeyeceiniz ok kullanl ksa yollar, teknikler, aralar,ipular renecek ve uygulayacaksnNasl yapldn izleyerek kalc bir ekilde reneceksin"
Price: 89.99

"Real-time 3D graphics"
"Overview of 3DsMax fundamentals: User Interface, basic modeling tools, exporting content to Unity.Overview of Unity fundamentals: User Interface, game objects, prefabs and importing from 3DsMax.Fundamentals of textures and materials: UV Mapping in 3DsMax, Seams and creating textures.Unity basics of materials: create and assign material and importing texture images.Creating animations in 3DsMax, fundamentals of Bone system and creating animations with bones.Unity animation tools: importing animations from 3DsMax and assigning animations to game objects.Fundamentals of Unity lights and camera. Creating particle effects, for example smoke, fog and explosion FX.Unity basic of publishing content for Standalone and WebGL formats."
Price: 149.99

"Fundamentals of UI and UX design"
"Overview of Adobe XD software fundamentals: User Interface, tools, templates, elements, images, components, UI kits, text and prototype mode;UX design: basics of User experience;Fundamentals of usability for UI;Creating flowcharts and wireframes to design UI and UX;How to consider different resolutions and aspect ratios, and using Adobe XD to create content for different screens;How to design UX and UI for color blind people;Testing UX and UI design with A/B testing;How to use Adobe XD prototype mode for testing the UI and UX solutions."
Price: 49.99

"Video Bible Studies - Finding Your God-Given Purpose"
"Get access to the course itinerary including a downloadable workbook, videos and more in this video bible study! I am a California born, Jesus loving, ministry girl on a mission to fulfill Gods unique purpose for my life. My story took a radical turn when I was living in San Francisco in my early twenties. I had just landed my dream job for a global fashion brand and got completely wrecked by the love of Jesus. About that time, I began ministering to a group of homeless women in the inner city and experienced the power of God in a supernatural way. To say the least, Ive never been the same. Long story short, I ended up quitting my corporate job and have worked in homeless ministry ever since."
Price: 19.99

"Mukavemet 2 Eitimi ve SAP2000 ile Uygulama zmleri"
"Bu kursta sfrdanMukavemet 2dersini birlikte reneceiz ve devamnda rnek soru zmlerini yapacaz. rneklerimizi kat zerinde zdkten sonra iseSAP2000programn kullanarak beraber uygulamal ekilde tekrar gerekletireceiz. Eer program hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa bu kurs tam size gre!Kursun YapsKurs boyunca ;Tasarmlarmz ve hesaplarmz programlar zerindenuygulamalolarak birlikte yapacaz.Mukavemet 2 dersinin tm konularn teorik olarak birlikte reneceiz.Konularla ilgili teoriyi grdkten sonra rnek soru zmlemelerini gerekletireceiz.rnek soru zmlerini tamamladktan sonra SAP2000 programn kullanarak uygulamal ekilde yine ayn sorular zmleyeceiz.Derslerde analiz programlarn operatr gibi kullanmak yerine mhendislik bak as ile sorunlar zmeyi reneceksiniz.Bildiiniz veya gemek istediiniz dersleri veya rnekleriilgili dersin altnda bulunan dkmanlar inceleyerek atlayabilirsiniz.Ayrca her konuyla ilgiliokullarda retilmeyen uygulamal zmlerirenmi olacaksnz.Kurs eriiKurs boyunca u konular renmeye alacaz:Basit Eilme Konu Anlatm ve rnek zmler - 9 dersKesmeli Eilme Konu Anlatm ve rnek zmler - 5 dersEksantrik Normal Kuvvet Konu Anlatm ve rnek zmler - 8 dersBurkulma Konu Anlatm ve rnek zmler - 7 dersTm bu konular teorik olarak grdkten sonra ilgili rneklerin kat zmlerini yapp devamnda SAP2000 ile uygulamal olarak irdeleyeceiz.Ska Sorulan Sorular:Derslerle ilgili bir sre kstlamas var m? Aldktan sonra tekrar izleyebilir miyim?Derslerimiz video formatnda Udemy zerinde hazr ve ykldr. Kursu aldktan sonra kursa istediiniz zaman balayabilir ve istediiniz kadar tekrar tekrar izleyebilirsiniz. Tek deme ile snrsz olarak size ait olacaktr. Bir sre kstlamas yoktur! 2. Derslerde kullanacamz program nereden temin edebilirim?Hazrlk blmnde, derslerimizde kullanacamz SAP2000 programnn nereden temin edileceinden de bahsetmekteyiz. Yani kursa balamak iin bir n hazrla gerek yok! 3. Derslerde aklma taklanlar size sorabilir miyim?Derslerimiz bire bir zel ders formatnda olduundan platform zerinden srekli iletiimde olacaz, sorularnz bana anlk olarak iletip en ge 12 saat iinde yant alacaksnz. Ayrca eitim ktphanemizde dier arkadalarmzn sorduklar sorular inceleyebilecek ve sizler de soru sorabileceksiniz. 4. Ders videolarn indirebilir miyim?Eitim srecinde ilerleme durumunuzu sistem analiz etmekte ve eitim sonunda sizin adnza sertifika vermektedir. Ayrca eitim platform zerinden videolara ek zel ders formatnda gereklemektedir. Tm bunlardan dolay videolar indirilemez ancak tm dier dkmanlar snrsz olarak indirilebilir. 5. Eitimi nasl alacam ve nereden izleyeceimi anlamadm?u an bulunduunuz sayfada eitimin tantm videosu altnda yer alan ""hemen satn al"" butonuna basn ve Facebook'a kayt olur gibi kaydnz oluturun, devamnda ilgili ynergeleri izleyip kartnzla eitimi alabilirsiniz. Aldktan sonra sisteme yine Facebook'a giri yapar gibi oturum ap ""Kurslarm"" blmnden eitime tklayp izleyebilirsiniz. Eitimi Udemy web sitesi ve mobil uygulamalar zerinden, internetinizin olduu her yerden eitimi takip edebilirsiniz.Kurs boyunca tm sorularnz, grlerinizi ve eletirilerinizi hi ekinmeden bize bildirebilirsiniz. Bunlara elimizdengeldiince cevap vereceimize emin olabilirsiniz."
Price: 199.99

"PMP Exam, 6th Edition Course, 42 Hours, 1300 QA, E & ARABIC"
".. .. .... ... .. ... .."
Price: 54.99